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牛津初中英语单元测试(9A Unit 2)

第I 卷(共50分)


()1.―Do you want an apple, a banana or a pear?‖―_____.They all look bad.‖ A.BothB.NoneC.AllD.No one()2.Colours can make us _____ or sad.A.to feel happilyB.feel happilyC.to feel happyD.feel happy()3.If_____ calls, tell_____ I’ll come back soon.A.everyone;himB.someone;themC.anyone;himD.anybody, them()4.Put it down, Tom.You mustn’t read_____ letter.A.else anyone’sB.anyone’s elseC.anyone else’sD.anyone else()5.He told me he would tell us _____.A.surprising somethingB.surprising anything C.something surprisedD.something surprising()6._____ the sitting room looks!A.How beautifulB.How beautifully C.What beautifullyD.What beautiful()7.I prefer _____ shopping to _____ at home.A.to go;stayingB.going;stayC.going;stayingD.go;to stay()8.Most boys_____ guns to dolls while most girls _____ have dolls than guns.A.would rather;preferB.prefer;would rather C.would rather;would ratherD.prefer;prefer()9.This pair of jeans looks nice___ Sandy because she looks very nice___ blue.A.on;inB.in;onC.for;onD.to;in()10.Would you please ________ late next time?A.notB.don’t beC.not to beD.not be()11.I’m very sorry to keep you _____ for a long timeA.waitB.waitsC.waitingD.to wait()12.I_____ to attend a meeting yesterday.A.toldB.am toldC.was toldD.tell()13.Could you tell me what _____ like?A.is itB.does itC.it doesD.it is()14.A woman with her two children _____ in the shopping center now.A.shopsB.shopC.are shopping D.is shopping()15.Nothing is wrong with the new DVD, _________ ?A.isn’t itB.is itC.is thereD.isn’tthere()16.When ____your father ____back? When he ___ back, pleasgive me a ring.A.does;come;will comeB.will;come;comesC.will;come;will comeD.does;come;comes()17.My parents are satisfied _____ me because I work hard _____ my lessons.A.of, atB.at, inC.with, atD.to, with

()18.–to eat? I’m hungry.A.anything;nothing;somethingB.something;none;anything


()19.Which th’s pronunciation is different from the others?

A.whetherB.mouthsC.monthsD.ratherA.that;keep readingB.it’s;keep readingC.that;to keep readD.it;to keep reading


What is the best way to study? This is a very important question.Some Chinese students习惯), but it is not a better way to study.A-1-

than before and you’ll learn more.效果and effects will come just like Chinese medicine.()1.A.playB.study C.sleepD.think()2.A.atB.inC.forD.with()3.A.bestB.better C.goodD.bad()4.A.haveB.doC.wantD.make()5.A.monthB.week C.hourD.day()6.A.wantB.hopeC.needD.wish()7.A.beginB.return C.goD.are()8.A.strongerB.weakerC.strongD.week()9.A.sayB.guessC.talkD.know()10.A.returnB.come C.giveD.get



Don was travelling around the country, and one day he was in a hotel(旅馆)in a small

town.Lunch was served(服务)from twelve thirty to one thirty.Don went out for a walk in the morning but he forgot to put on his watch.He walked for a long time, and then he saw a young man in the street, so he said to him, ―Excuse me, can you please tell me the time?‖

The young man looked at his watch and then answered, ―It’s twelve o’clock.‖

Don wasn’t happy when he heard this, and said, ―Isn’t it later than that?‖ He was hungry,and he wanted his lunch.―No,‖ the young man answered.―It never gets later than twelve

o’clock in our town.‖

Don was surprised and said, ―That’s interesting.What do you mean?‖

―Well,‖ the young man answered, ―whenever(无论何时)it becomes twelve o’clock, we

always start from the beginning again—— one o’clock, two o’clock.‖()1.―Lunch was served‖ means lunch was ______________.A.put on the tableB.take away from the tableC.finishedD.sold out()2.How long was lunch served for?A.Half an hourB.One hour.C.One hour and a half.D.A quarter.()3.When did Don ask the young man to tell him the time?A.About in the afternoon.B.About at noon.C.At twelve thirty.D.At one thirty.()4.Don said, ―Isn’t it later than that?‖ This meant ___.A.he didn’t hear the man earlier than twelveB.he wished it had been later than twelveC.he wished it had been earlier than twelveD.he had already had his lunch()5.When the man said, ― It never gets later than twelve o’clock in our town.‖ Don ____.A.understood him at onceB.didn’t show any interested in itC.was disappointed(失望)at itD.wondered about his wordsB

Tadatoyo Yamamoto is a Japanese businessman.He visits the US from time to time.While he was telephoning at a hotel(旅馆)on a visit to Chicago, he put his bag on the floor.A few minutes later, Mr.Tadatoyo Yamamoto reached down for it, but it was gone.Inside it

were about $900, his passport(护照), photos of his family, and his return ticket to Japan.Envelope(信封), there was nothing inside but his passport, his airline ticket and money

order(汇票)for more than $900 and a letter from Mr.Joseph Loveras.It said, ―I hope this

money order and the things will make you believe in the people of Chicago.‖

The next time he travelled to the US, Mr.Tadatoyo Yamamoto called on Mr.Joseph

Loveras.He was 67 years old and in bad health.He got only $ 493 a month.He said that he saw the bag on a street corner and found the money and the ticket in the

top part of the bag.He changed the money into money order and spent his own money to send it to Japan.Mr.Tadatoyo Yamamoto was very moved by what Mr.Loveras had done.―I asked him why he

would go to all the trouble to return everything to me.He told me that if he had not done it, it would have made him feel bad for the rest of his life.‖

Now they have become friends.Mr.Tadatoyo Yamamoto visits Mr.Loveras every time he

is in the US.()6.While he was visiting Chicago, Mr.Tadatoyo Yamamoto ___________.A.lost his bagB.lost his wayC.changed his money into money orderD.made friends with an old American()7.When Mr.Tadatoyo Yamamoto couldn’t find his lost things __________.A.he felt sorry for the people of ChicagoB.he thought the people of Chicago were very friendlyC.he thought they would never be foundD.he thought they would be soon returned to him()8.Mr.Loveras sent back the things to Mr.Tadatoyo Yamamoto because he wanted _____.A.to get some money from him in returnB.to help him to do more business in USC.him to come to visit America more oftenD.him to know most people in Chicago are nice()9.From the passage we know that Mr.Loveras was _____________.A.very richB.not richC.a businessmanD.very healthy()10.Which of the following is true?A.Mr.Loveras took the bag away from the hotel and then returned it to Mr.Tadatoyo Yamamoto.B.A thief(小偷)took the bag away and threw it on a street corner.C.If Mr.Loveras didn’t return everything to Mr.Tadatoyo Yamamoto, he would die.D.Mr.Loveras knew Mr.Tada toyo Yamamoto very well before.C

There are many clours in nature.But do you know that a colour has weight? I think you’ll

say ―no‖.But I am afraid you are wrong.If you don’t believe, you may do a small experiment.First, put two objects with the same weight into two boxes.Then cover the boxes.Wrap(包裹)one box with a red piece of paper, the other with a white piece of paper.Now hold the boxes

with your hand one by one.It is certain that you will think the red one is a little heavier.Why does it happen? A scientist found that different colours have different weights in a

man’s mind.So he did many tests and at last he got the result.That is to say, every colour has its own weight in our mind.The heaviest colour is red, then blue, green, orange, yellow and

white.The scientists told us that colours also have smell.Can you smell the colours? Of course not.Then why did the scientists say so? That is because every colour represents a kind of light with a certain wavelength(波长).It reaches our brain(大脑)through sense organs(感觉器官).According to this discovery, scientists say that people accept the colour they like, and refuse

the colour they hate.So your body and mind will be healthy by using the colours you like.Or you’ll be nervous or even get ill.If you stay in a room with red windows, wallpapers and

furniture(家具)for two hours, you’ll feel you have been there for four hours.But if the room is blue, you’ll feel you have been there for only one hour.Another example, if a person walks out of a red room and into a blue room, his temperature will fall.That means our body

temperature will change when we see different colours.()11.Which is the lightest colour in a man’s mind?


()12.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Different colours have different weights in a man’s mind.B.The colour ―blue‖ is the second heaviest colour in a man’s mind.C.People can’t smell the colours.D.The colour you don’t like will keep you healthy.()13.The underlined word ―refuse‖ means __________.A.dislikeB.not acceptC.paintD.affect

()14.What will happen when you get into a cool coloured room from a warm coloured room?

A.You will feel excited.B.You will be happy and contented.C.Your temperature will fall.D.You will be nervous.()15.According to the passage, how long will you feel if you stay in a red room for an hour?

A.two hoursB.Four hoursC.Six hoursD.Eight hours


The Internet can show you lots of jobs all over the world.If you want to find a job on the

Internet, use the words ―job search‖ or ―employment(职业)‖ to find the websites you need.Type in what you want and where you want to work.In a few seconds, a list of jobs will appear on the screen.You can also type in the name of a company to learn about jobs there.Many

websites list full-time and summer jobs.Job search websites can help you in other ways, too.They show you how to write a good

resume(履历)and how to get ready for an interview(面试).They also tell you what to say to an interviewer on the telephone.Some websites give you interview conversations to practise.One website even has a dictionary of interview words.A good employment website can be a big help in your job search.Good luck with your job-hunting.()16.What should you do first if you want to find a job on the Internet?

A.To type in ―job search‖ or ―employment‖ to find the websites.B.To write a good resume.C.To get ready for an interview.D.To get an English dictionary.A.face to faceB.in an e-mailC.in a letterD.on the telephone A.you can’t look for a summer job on the Internet

B.Some websites show you how to write a resume

C.if you type in the name of a company, you will get a job there easily.D.the Internet can only show you a list of jobs of your own country.()19.The underlined word ―job-hunting‖ means A.searching a jobB.giving a jobC.doing a jobD.changing a job

()20.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.The Internet lists a large number of companies.B.You can find many websites on the Internet.C.It’s about how you can use the Internet to find a job.D.There are different ways for you to look for jobs.第II卷(共50分)

一、根据所给的汉语提示,填入正确的单词完成下列句子(共5分,每小题1分)心情)? 放松).困难)with your studies these days?

4.I can’t put on this dress.It’s too 紧).热).二、用所给动词的适当形式填空(共5分,每小题1分)

1.I would rather walk to school than _________(take)the bus.2.Do you know who _________________(discover)America?

3.---Where were you when I called you?---I ___________(play)the piano in the hall.4.---__________ you __________(listen)to the radio?---No, you can turn it off.5.Have you read the book _______________(write)by Lu Xun?


1.I’d rather do my homework by myself than copy others’ when I was a student.my homework by myself to copying others’ when I was a student.2.There isn’t anybody in the dining room now.3.Mrs.Brown is so old that she could do nothing.4.The comic books have been sold out in the shop.There are no comic books in the shop.5.How many kilometres are there from Shenzhen to Guangzhou? Please tell me.四、下列各句均有一处错误,划出错误并在题后横线上改正(共5分;每小题1分)2.He often feels sad because he can’t think of anyone to talk.4.Yellow can remind people for a warm day.___________

5.Blue represents sad.___________



Could you give me _________________________________________ English well?


There is _____________________________________ my Walkman.3.当你犹豫不决时,红色可以帮助你。

Red can help you when you _________________________________________________.4.这张照片使你想起了什么?

_____________ does this photo __________________________ ?

5.橙色能带来成功并且当你感到伤心时,安慰你.Orange can ____________________ and _________________when you are feeling sad.六、阅读短文根据短文内容,按要求答题(共5小题,每小题1分)

Jeff Keith has only one leg.When he was 12 years old, Jeff had cancer.The doctors had to

cut off most of his right leg to save his life.Every day Jeff puts on an artificial(man-made leg).The leg is plastic.With the plastic leg, Jeff can ski, ride a bicycle, swim and play soccer.He

also can run.When he was 22 years old, Jeff ran across the United States, from the East to the West.He

ran 5,150 kilometers, that’s about 26 kilometers each day.Jeff wore out 36 pairs of running

shoes and five plastic legs.On his way, in every city people gave Jeff money.The money which Jeff received was not

for Jeff himself.It was for the American Cancer Society(协会).The Society used the money to learn more about cancer.At the same time, Jeff talked to people about cancer.He also talked about being disabled(伤残).Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things: skiing, swimming, playing soccer and running.He finished college and now he is studying to be a lawyer(律师).Jeff says, ―People can do

anything they want to do.I want people to know that.I ran not only for disabled people but also for everybody.‖

1.What was wrong with Jeff Keith at the age of twelve?


2.What did Jeff talk to the people on his way from the East to the West?


3.How many plastic legs did Jeff wear out when he ran across the United States?


4.Translate the sentence ―I ran not only for disabled people but also for everybody.‖ into


5.What can we learn from this story?



How can you study well? I think you should have good study habits.Then you can spend less study.Remember: study comes first.’t work out a problem.You can ask for help.But you can’tFourth, take a notebook with you, sometimes you may have some ideas or questions.Please habits.1.___________2.____________3.___________4.______________ 5.___________

6.____________ 7.____________8.___________9.______________ 10.__________


迈克是一名部门经理(manager),他常穿一身黑色西服(suit),里面配一件白色衬衫和灰色领带,根据他的服饰描述他的心理。(Tips: grey makes you look thoughtful; black represents power and protection)







第二篇:牛津初中英语7A Unit 1 单词表

牛津初中英语7A Unit 1 单词表






6.兴趣小组,俱乐部 7.每个人

8.出生,出世 9.在……之后,在……

10.苗条的 11.长的 12.音乐 13.努力地

14.短的 15.游泳
















49.运动的;有关运动的 51 得分










73.光盘(compact disk的缩写)






20.乐于助人的;有帮助的22.羽毛球 24.球场 26.游泳池 28.吃 30.数学 32.飞

34.每一,每个的 36.散步;步行 38.总是

40.通常,经常 42.小时 44.有时




52.运动员;选手 54.成员

56.下一个的;紧接着的 58.年龄

60.比赛,竞赛 62.赢得;赢,获胜 64.真的;真正地 66.橡皮 68.说,讲 70.开始


76.体育;体育运动 78.听起来

牛津初中英语7A Unit 2 单词表


2..睡觉 确实,完全(用于加强

4.享乐,乐趣;逗乐 5.锻炼

6.课外的 7活动

8.家庭作业 9.晚餐



12.聊天;闲谈 13.彼此,互相


16.图书馆 17.星期二





27.星期,周 29.报纸






41.忙的,忙碌的 43.将,将





53.关闭的;封闭的 55.在外面






18.星期五 20.游泳者

22.电子邮件;邮件 24.使用

26.两次;两倍 28.模型;模特儿 30.信

32.许多的,大量的 34.两者; 36.连环漫画 38.星期一 40.讲话,谈话 42.信息

44.旅行,旅程 46.地点,位置 48.价格


54.期待;盼望 56.大概;或许 58.不喜爱;厌恶 60.准备好的 62.难的,困难的 64.答案

66.聪明的,伶俐的 牛津初中英语7A Unit 3 单词表





6.作为,当作;像…… 7.美猴王(孙悟空)

8.圣诞节 9.节日

10.端午节 11.中秋节

12.感恩节 13.月饼


15.特别的;特殊的 16.把……叫做;给……命名 17.不招待就使坏





27.出色的;极好的 29.南瓜



35.热的 37.食物,食品












36.饮料 38.元旦

40.六一儿童节 42.卡,卡片

44.米饭;稻;大米 46.电影;胶卷

牛津初中英语7A Unit 4 单词表

1.拔尖的;头等的 2.生活方式 3 篮球

4.快 5.汉堡包

6.饥饿的 7 能量

8.从不;决不 9.碗

10..蔬菜 11.讨厌;恨


13.健康的,有益健康的14.跳舞者;舞蹈演员 15.日常饮食



19.疲劳的,累的 21健康的,结实的23.甜的 25像,像…一样








41.小心的,仔细的 43.圆的 45.芒果






















18.容易的,简单的 20.保持

22.很少,不常 24.零食

26.可口可乐 查看详细

28.一餐饭 30.水果 32.面包

34.学习36.计划,打 38.健康 40.能量 42.水 44.柠檬 46.西红柿 48.猪肉

50.自由的,空闲的 52.溜旱冰

54.土豆,马铃薯 56.([复数]knives)58.小包;(一)包


62.纸盒;牛奶盒;糖果盒64.祖父;外祖父 66.瓶子 68.问卷 70.饼干 72.祝贺


76.长沙发 78.运气




牛津初中英语7A Unit 5 单词表 钱包,皮夹子



4.(不干胶)贴纸 5.悠悠,溜溜球

6.主意;想法 7.已经

8.店主;售货 9.分钟

10.稍等片刻 11.值(多少钱);花费

12.相当,非常 13.昂贵的 14.折扣;打折 15.与……相配

16.漂亮的,美丽的 17.也

















53.大的 55.购物中心






18.足够的 20.高的22.家电商场





34.贫穷的;可怜的 36.文具





48..(衣服)合身;适合 50.牛仔裤




58.出租车停靠站 60.但是 62在…之前

64.小的,少的,年幼的 66.哭;喊

牛津初中英语7A Unit 6 单词表




4.表演;节目;演出 5.粉红色的 6.流行的,受欢迎的 7.希望


9.酷的10.棉花;棉花;棉布 11 年轻的12羊毛




16.聪明的;(人、服装等)时 17.现代的;时髦的19.舒适的;舒服的 21.短裤

23.重的;厚的;超出一般的 25.乏味的;无聊的27.最后





22.套装;一套衣服 24.轻的

26.后来;以后 28选择 30.由…制成 32.设计

34.海报;招贴画 36.当然;行

第三篇:牛津初中英语7Aunit6教案Welcome to the unit

牛津初中英语7Aunit6教案 Welcome to the unit 社渚初级中学 殷建平

一.教学目标: 1.知识目标: ① 重点单词: fashion, lazy, tie, dress, blouse, shirt, trousers, shoes ② 重点短语: in bed 10 more minutes ③ 重点句子: I don’t know what to wear today.That’s right.You’re so lazy.2.技能目标:①掌握与服装、穿着有关的词汇.





2、听Comic strip录音,回答问题:

1)Does Eddie need to wear clothes ? 2)What will Eddie do then ? 3)What does Hobo think of Eddie ? Do you think so ?


5、完成Welcome 的A部分





牛津初中英语7Aunit6学案 Welcome to the unit 社渚初级中学 殷建平



1.I am b_______.I have lots of work to do.2.Peter is cleaning the room at the m________.3.The students want to r_______ some money for the poor children.4.China is a great c________ with a long history.5.His family was very p________ when he was young.6.I think that pair of jeans is too expensive.I’d like a c______ one.7.Mary can’t find w________.She has on money to buy anything.8.He often b________ books from the library.二、用所给词的适当形式填空.1.______(he)is sleeping.Don’t wake ______(he)up.2.Ask Jack _______(open)the door.3.Mike and John _________(not play)basketball now.4.Look!Some boys _______(sit)under the tree.5.What size are your ______(foot)? 6.Mr and Mrs Zhang have two __________(child).课前导学:


1、单词及短语:fashion , lazy , tie , show , pink what to wear , be lazy , give a fashion show

2、服饰类名词:blouse, shirt , tie , skirt , trousers , shoes , boots


1、我不知道今天穿什么。______________________________________ 句中的what to wear意思是“穿什么”,是“疑问词﹢to﹢动词原形”的结构.作know 的宾语.例:他不知道买哪一本书.He doesn’t know ______ _______ ______ _______.2、那么我就可以再花10分钟睡觉了。___________________________ 10 more minutes 表示 “ 再多10分钟”More , 表示 “再,又” , 位于数词之后 例:再要三本书________________ 再来两杯茶________________ 再来一些蛋糕____________________ 你还想再要一根香蕉吗? Would you like _____ ______ banana?





(一).阅读90页的课文,将下列词组译成汉语.1.what to wear__________________2.in bed____________________ 3.give a fashion show______________4.Project Hope_____________ 5.raise lots of money____________________(二).根据括号中所给中文、完成单词。1.It’s cold today.Please put on your 2.Sandy’s father is wearing a new 3.Mum wants to buy me a as a birthday party.4.Both the(裤子)and the

(鞋子)are old.5.My blouse is made of ________(丝绸)..(夹克衫)。


(衬衫)with a

(裙子)and also a pair of

课堂检测.一、用单词的适当形式填空: 1.I don’t know what 2.I can spend ten more 3.Millie

4.I have two

(wear).(minute)in bed.(give)an interesting talk on “The life of a Trainer”.(pair)of new boots.(colour)sweater.5.Daniel is wearing a

6.Would you like ______(go)to visit the museum with us? 7.How much _______ the trousers _______(cost)? 8.Where is Eddie? Oh ,he _______(lie)under the table.二、根据汉语提示完成句子.1.我想知道下一步干什么,该怎么干.I want to know ______ ______ ______ next and how______ _______.2.他知道什么时候出发.He knows _______ _______ start.3.别这么懒.你必须努力工作.Don’t be ________ ________.You must work hard.4.迈克今天戴着一条红领带.Mike is _________________ today.5.在床上看书对你的眼睛不好.It’s bad for your eyes to___________.反馈练习:


1、Don’t be _____________(懒惰).You should work hard.2、She wants to spend ten m__________ minutes in bed.3、What does Sandy w__________ today ?Red T-shirt and blue jeans.4、Everybody have fun at the ______________(时装)show.5、Dogs don’t wear _____________(衣服).6、She wants to buy a beautiful _______________(女式衬衫).7、What do you think of this pair of ______________(裤子).8、Do you often wear a _______________(领带).9、Her new hat is _____________(粉红色).10、Can you ______________(展示)me your new dress ?


1.Simon doesn’t know what _________________(wear).2.We want ______________(have)a party.3.______________(dog)don’t wear clothes.4.The students _____________(give)a fashion show now.5.He has a pair of nice ____________(boot).6.How much ______________(be)this pair of trousers ? 7.I need twenty more ______________(minute)to do my job.8._____________(not be)lazy , Jack!


()1.They are giving a fashion show to raise money _ Project Hope.A.on



D.with()2.He doesn’t know ____________ today.A.what to wear

B.how to wear D.how wear



D./ C.what to wear it

()3.The dog _____ very lazy.A.is B.are



C.are()4.The black trousers _____________ Jim’s father’s.()5.We will spend ___________ finishing the work.A.two more hours C.two hour

B.more two hours D.two more hour



The Class 1 , Grade 7 students __________ ___________ a fashion show to raise ____________ for Project Hope.2、我不知道今天穿什么。

I don’t know _____________ ____________ ___________ today.She________ _________ the housework , she is very _________.I can ________ ten ___________ _____________ _____________ ________ are you _________ to _______ in the _________ show ? 七.阅读理解.Peter’s uncle lives in the country.He is a man full of humor.One day.Peter goes to see his uncle.His uncle drives his car to the bus stop to meet him.On their way home, they see many people.His uncle waves to everybody.Peter is surprised and says, “Uncle , you wave to everybody.Do you know all of them?”

“No, Peter,”answered his uncle,“When I wave to someone and he doesn’t know me, he will feel surprised and then he will have something to think about,3、她从不做家务,她非常懒惰。


5、时装秀你打算穿什么? It will make his road seem shorter.So I can make everybody happy.”()1.Peter’s uncle lives_________.A.in the city B.at the bus stop B.in a town D.in the country()2.Peter’s uncle is _________.A.a strange man B.a kind man C.a humorous man D.a happy man()3.Peter and his uncle go home________.A.by car B.on foot C.by bike D.by train()4.Peter’s uncle _______ there.A.doesn’t know anybody B.knows some of those people C.knows everybody D.doesn’t know those people()5.Peter’s uncle wants to _________.A.make everybody happy B.make everybody unhappy C.make someone happy D.make someone unhappy

第四篇:牛津初中英语8A Unit 5 Reading 教学反思

牛津初中英语8A Unit 5 Reading 教学反思

每一次开课都是反思自我的机会,每一次开课都是提升自我的契机,每一次开课都是经验的积累,每一次开课都必有收获的。【教学反思】 第一次试上 1.Pre-task


2.While-task 设计课堂环节的时候,基于考虑到学生学习的循序渐进性,所以设计的活动尽量由浅入深,由问问题→True or false→找每段大意→完成图表,完成整个信息输入到输出的过程。但在问题的环节,一开始设计的三个问题(1.Can birds live comfortably in Zhalong Nature Reserve? Why or Why not? 2.Who built Zhalong Nature Reserve?Why? 3.What are members of our Birdwatching Club going to do?)过于复杂,学生难于一下找到答案。尤其是第一问和第二问中的Why? 对于第一遍阅读来说太难。3.Post-task 阅读文章学完之后,对于本课题的谈论既能练习学生的表达能力,又能从不同的角度看待人与动物的关系,从而达到思想境界的提升。但由于话题的局限,一些话题要讲的内容并不多,如设计标语,只要简单一句话就可以了。总的说来,学生表达非常不错,延伸出的内容很广泛,有很多超越了教师事先的考虑,但缺乏画龙点睛式的总结。

4.The whole class 整堂课教学设计充分体现了任务型活动的特征,学生通过不同的活动形式共享资源,互助合作,从做中学,在学中用。它不同于一般的课堂练习,而是侧重于对学生自我完成任务的能力和策略的培养,重视学习者在完成任务过程中的参与和在交流活动中所获得的经验,学生在宽松的环境中实现自主学习和自我评价。但教师在上课的时候准备不充分,对学生估计不足,在中间课文处理上草草过场,急于完成任务,以至于最后反而多出时间。遗憾是没有把思想教育贯穿于教学环节中,以后要牢记无论有怎样繁重的学习任务,时刻不要忘了对孩子思想的净化,对美的爱护与追求。第二次试上

经过第一次尝试,我更明白了布置的语言任务要贴近生活,设计学生感兴趣的话题,开发符合学生实际的教学资源,让学生在近乎真实的交际活动中,通过完成生活中具体任务来练习目标语,这样就能引起学生的共鸣,学习的效果就能提高。之前的课堂设计说教的味道太浓,而离学生的实际趣味相去远了些,并发现课堂时间分配的不合理,因此作了以下改动。1.Pre-task 在复习单词的时候,采用根据图片猜动物名称,并把图片遮掉,每次出现一小块,让学生竞猜,并且同时问学生为什么这么猜,依据是什么,由此达到让学生描述的目的。学生一开始就达到一个小高潮,很快把自己融入到课堂氛围中,保证了之后的教学任务顺利完成。

在教授新单词的时候,更多地用操练来代替讲解,为下面的课文阅读作好了充分的铺垫。2.While-task 在听读的第一遍,改用比较简单的问题,让学生一下子就能找到答案,从而真正做到由浅入深,让学生在学习的过程中享受到成功的乐趣。但发现原有的为每段找标题的环节过于拖沓,并且没有太多意思,取不到应有的效果,经过考虑把文章分成三大部分,改为段落大意排序。3.Post-task

在学生交流讨论结果的基础上,加入总结 “What can we do for birds?”并就标语达成全班共识。第三次正式上


1. 借助于多媒体信息资源,加大了信息输入量,各个任务显得更有趣味性,从而增强了学生的学习兴趣和主体意识,有比较明显的教学效果。

2. 教师设计的教学任务在体现真实性的同时,更具有趣味性,可操作性,交际性,科学性和可拓展性。学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能都得到了训练。任务的排列前后相连,层层深入,形成由初级任务到高级任务和由高级任务涵盖初级任务的循环。

3. 在课堂教学同时,不忘思想教育,建议学生从自身做起爱护动物,保护湿地,达到思想境界的升华。

4. 注重学生情感,创造民主、和谐的教学气氛。学生只有对自己、对英语及其文化有积极的情感态度,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩。

5. 因为本课是阅读课,在信息输入的同时,也对学生进行阅读技能的指点,如能长期坚持,学生的阅读能力会不断得到提高。教学过程中的不足之处:

1. 教师对学生的回答进行评价的时候,语言过于贫乏,缺乏感染力,应该考虑有针对性,体现个性的评语。

2. 完成各个任务的同时也受到任务的限制,学生的自主性没有得到最大程度的体现,显得课堂热闹但没有深度,回答踊跃但思维缺乏创造性。

经过三次上课的磨练,我对基于任务驱动的课堂教学探索有了更大的兴趣。今后,我会继续努力,设计语言任务将坚持贯彻“真实性”和“交际性”原则,激发学生从内心深处真正行动起来,实现 “Learning by doing”,让学生真正成为课堂的主宰者。


牛津初中英语词组something to drink / eat 一些喝/吃的东西 2 have some more food 再来点食物 3 in your bowl 在你的碗里 a bowl of rice 一碗米饭 4 share sth with sb 与某人分享某物 5 nothing else 没什么别的东西 6 an honest boy 一位诚实的男孩 7 keep secrets / keep a secret 保守秘密 8 make me happy 使我快乐 9 share my joy 分享我快乐 10 hold(join)a writing competition 举行(参加)写作比赛 11 have problems(with sth / in doing sth)某方面有问题/做某事有问题 12 qualities of a good friend 一位好朋友的品质 13 as slim as 与……一样苗条 not as/so difficult as… 不如……难 14 have been best friends for a long time 成为好朋友有好长一段时间了 15 be generous to sb 对某人大方 16 be willing to do sth 愿意做某事 17 be ready to do sth 准备做某事 /愿意做某事 18 help people any time 在任何时候帮助人们 19 give seats to people in need 给需要的人们让座 20 travel around the world 周游世界 21 grow up 长大 grow well 长势好 grow fast 增长快 22 have poor eyesight 视力差 have good eyesight 有好视力 23 because of(sth / doing sth)因为(某事/做某事)because +从句 24 wear small, round glasses 戴着小而圆的眼镜 25 make him look smart 使得他看起来聪明/ make sb do sth 让某人做某事 26 a good sense of humour 好的幽默感 / a good sense of 有……的感觉 27 feel bored / unhappy 感到(厌烦/不快乐)28 tell funny jokes 讲笑话 29 walk fast 走得快 walk past(the desks)走过(课桌)30work on the computer too much = do a lot of computer work 过多地使用电脑 31 knock over sth 撞翻某物 knock sth.off some place 把某物从某地撞落 32 be so funny 如此滑稽 have fun doing sth.做某事有乐趣 33 think of 想起 think about 思考 think over仔细考虑 34 read your advertisement 看你的广告 35 straight , shoulder-length hair 长长的披肩发 36 worry me 使我烦恼 worry about sb./ sth.担心某人/某事 37 say a bad word about sb = speak ill of sb 说某人的坏话 38 say a good word about sb = speak highly /well of sb 赞扬某人 39 vote for sb / sth 投票赞成某人/某物vote against sb /sth 投票反对某人/某物 40 more interesting 更加有趣 / more and more interesting 越来越有趣 41 longer and longer 越来越长 much longer 长得多 42 the tallest student of the six students 六位学生中最高的学生 43 the most expensive printer 最贵的打印机 44 not as /so ……as 与……不一样 45 both…and 两者都…… neither …nor… 既不……也不…… 46 outdoor activities 户外活动 47 sing for people 为人们唱歌 48.listen to people’s problems 听取民声/听取人们的问题 try to sovle the problems尽力解决问题 49 help people solve problems 帮助人们解决问题 50 make friends(with sb)(与某人)交朋友 51 be a social worker 成为社会工作者 52 be happy to do sth 很高兴做某事 53 my future plans 我的未来计划 54 become a famous singer 成为出名的歌唱家 55 be famous for 因……而著名 be famous as 以……(身份)出名 56 in the future 未来,将来 in the past 过去 at present 现在 57 the boy on the left 坐边的男孩 58 agree with sb 同意某人的意见 agree to sth.同意某事 59 one of the nicest boys 最英俊的男孩之一 60 have no friends = don’t have any friends 没有朋友 61 give me some advice 给我一些建议/ a piece of advice 一条意见 62 feel(really)uncomfortable 感觉(真的)不舒适 63 her bright , smiling eyes 她的明亮的笑眼 64 wear a smile on her face 她面带微笑 65 answer questions correctly 正确回答问题 66 the most difficult activity of all 所有活动中最难的活动 67 ‘Teenagers’ magazine 《青少年》杂志 68 a Grade Eight student 一位八年级学生 69 believe one’s words = what sb.says 相信某人的话 70 describe one’s appearance = describe the appearance of sb.描述某人的外貌 71 any of three after-school activities 这些课外活动中的任何一种 any shop in the street 街上的任何一家店 72 look like / be like 长得像 73 much healthier food 健康得多的食物 eat healthily吃得更健康 74 feel nervous 感

到不安 Don’t be nervous 别紧张 75 get to know each other 逐渐互相认识 76 write to the editor about his best friend 写信给编辑(谈)他最好的朋友的事情 77 a wonderful friend named Max 一个名叫Max的很好的朋友 78 a square face and a long nose 方脸、长鼻子 a round face and small eyes圆脸Chapter2 Expressions: 1.be made into 被制作成 2.be made of 由……制成(看得见原材料)3.be made from由……制成(看不见原材料)4.be made in 在……制造 5.make an appeal 呼吁 6.add……to 把……添加到 7.come to life 显得生动 8.in trouble 处于困境中 9.come across 给人以……印象 10.the first thing to do is to do 第一件要做的事是做…… 11.an exciting finish 一个激动人心的结局 12.be full of 充满 13.search for 搜寻 14.shut up 闭嘴 15.fool sb 愚弄某人 paraphrase 1.I don’t feel like getting up.= I wouldn’t like to get up.2.Will you please make breakfast for me? = Would you mind making breakfast for me? 3.What do you think about comics? = How do you like comics? 4.We think the bag belongs to the professor’s son.= In our opinion, the owner of the bag is the professor’s son..5.The first thing to do when creating a comic strip is to think of a plot.= When creating a comic strip, we should think of a plot first.Chapter 3 Expressions: 1.quarrel with sb 与某人争吵 2.feel sorry for sb 同情某人 3.be worried about 担心…… 4.be different from 与……不同 5.go to university 上大学 6.a part-time job 一份兼职工作 7.believe in 信任 8.an only child 独生子 9.help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人 10.help sb(to)do sth 帮助某人做某事 11.in the future 在将来 12.get on well with sb 与某人相处融洽 13.at the moment 目前 14.the older generation 老一辈 15.a speaking competiton 演讲比赛 paraphrase 1.They don’t have as much fun as I do.= I have more fun than them.2.Will you please tell us sth sbout your family? = Would you mind telling us sth sbout your family? 3.I am very confident.= I am full of confidence.Chapter 4 Expressions: 1.in the wild 在野生环境中 2.on one’s own—by oneself/ alone 独自地,独立地 3.drinking water 饮用水 4.except for 除……以外

5.give birth to 产生 6.take care of / look after照顾 7.at birth 出生 8.endangered species 濒于灭绝的物种 9.so that 以便; 结果 10.in order that以便 11.so as to do…/in order to do…为了;以便 12.so…that… 如此……以致 13.such…that…如此……以致 14.in case 以防;万一; 15.in the mountains 在山林中;in thick forests 在茂盛的森林里 16.so many/few + C that…如此……以致 17.so much /little +U that… 如此 以致 18.as much as 多达…… 19.less than 少于…… 20.more than 多于……/ 不仅仅 21.feel like + n/doing 感觉象…… ; 喜欢做/想做…… 22.be away from…远离…… / be far away from..离…… 很远 23.used to do… 过去常常做…… 24.spend(time, money, spirit…)on sth /(in)doing sth 25.in the south-west of… 在…西南 26.help sb(to)do … 帮助…… 做…..paraphrase 1.Get up early, or you’ll miss the early train.---If you don’t get early, you will miss the early train.If you get up late, you will miss the early train.You will miss the early train unless you get up early.2.We should try to protect the panda’s habitat so that we can save the panda.---We should try to protect the panda’s habitat in order that we can save the panda.3.He is old enough to join the army.---He is so old that he can join the army.4.There are not many pandas left in the world.---There are only a few pandas left in the world.5.Let’s support the campaign, shall we?---Why not support the campaign?、小眼睛1 外出一天 a day out 2 爬山 climb the hill / mountain 3 需要锻炼 need to exercise 4 保持健康 keep fit / healthy 5 乘船进行一次旅行 take a boat trip = have a trip by boat 6 在河边 by the river 7 美国总统 the President of the USA 8 白宫 the White House 9 一次去……(地方)的旅行 a trip to …..10 世界公园 the World Park 11 参加……活动 join in ……(主要用于小型活动)= take part in……(主要用于大型活动)起初;在开始 in the beginning = at first 最后 in the end = at last = finally 13 在……的开始 at the beginning of… 在……的末尾 at the end of… 14 在学校大门口 at the school gate 15 感到恶心 feel sick 16 交通拥挤 a lot of / much / lots of traffic 17 上….车(公共汽车,火车等)get on …..下….车 get off …..18 到达 arrive at / in = get to = reach 19 不再 not…any more = no more 不再 not…any longer = no longer 20 名胜古迹 places of(great)interest a place of(great)interest 21 遍及全世界 all over the world 22 歌舞游行 a song and dance parade 23 自学某事 teach oneself sth.= learn sth.by oneself(我)自学英语teach myself English = learn English by myself 24 制作主页 make a home page 25 制定……的清单 make a list of…..26 由……制成(看出材料)be made of 由….制成(看不出材料)be made from 27 亲自 for oneself = oneself 28 看一看……take a look at = have a look at = look at… 29 回来 return = come/go back 归还 return = give… back 30 欣赏精彩的北京京剧 enjoy wonderful Beijing opera 31 红色枫叶 the red maple leaves 32 沿着湖慢慢的散步 walk slowly around the lake 33 感受老公园的美 feel the beauty of the old park 34 呆在家 stay at home = stay home 35 了解更多关于…….learn /know more about…….36 在下半场 in the second half 37 去骑马 go horse riding 38 拍…….的照片 take photos of …… 39 有了你的支持/在你的支持下 with your support 40 每人10元 10 yuan per person 41 写下,记下….write …..down(代词放中间)42 为我们的队喝彩 cheer for our team 43 举行;发生 take place = happen 44 打进决赛 go to the final = be in the final 45 暗自保守秘密 keep one’s secrets to oneself 46 奋力向岩石上爬 pull oneself up on the rocks 47 玩捉迷藏 play hide-and-seek 48 伤了自己 hurt oneself 49 给某人看某物 show sth.to sb.= show sb.sth.50 来吧,快点, 加油 come on 51 在….前面(外部)in front of 在…..前部(内部)in/at the front of 52 人民英雄纪念碑 the Monument to the People’s Heroes 53 一个接一个地方旅行 travel from one place to another 54 常见的一些动词后跟动词不定式 plan to do sth./decide to do sth./agree to do sth.choose to do sth./prepare to do sth.want to do sth./hope to do sth./learn to do sth.55 收拾我的行李 pack my bags



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