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April 23, 2013

Listening and Speaking Course


Good morning everyone!

When I’m a little boy, I have a great dream.when I grow up, I want to be a monk in the songshan shaolin temple, and live without any female forever.But now, I grow up, and the dream is broken.Because I fall in love with a girl in the CCNU.She is so cute and beautiful that I can’t help missing her whenever and wherever!What’s more, every time I meet her, I have to keep myself from hugging her!

Well, I just mean, romantic love is necessary for us in college.You know, as a high school student, we may have no time to love someone, because our spare time is full of test book and test paper.But now, there is so many free time for us to be in companion with a girl or a boy, and enjoy the sweet, sweet, sweet love.What’s more, the romantic love can help you to keep balance on your diet or others.For example, when you fall in love with a girl, you must expect to stay with her anytime.So is the breakfast time, lunch time and super time.Besides, while your girlfriend wants to do exercise to keep nice body, you have to do the exercise, too.Last but not least, a good girlfriend can keep you far away from the DOTA, TNT and sleeping all the day.By the way, if you really love a girl, it shows that you are not a gay.That’s all.Thank you for listening.God bless you, and may God bless you all to find your true love.

第二篇:unit 8英语、

Unit 8Have you read Treasure Island yet?检测试题


()1.— Bill hasn’t finished reading Treasure Island yet.What about you?

— I’ve read it twice.A.justthenB.just nowC.yetD.already

()2.— Mum, it's so late.Why are you still here?

— Dad hasn't come back yet.Ifor him.A.waitedB.will waitC.am waitingD.was waiting

()3.I hope to go to Australia.You know I was born there.A.some dayB.some daysC.everydayD.everyday

()4.The child isn’t old enough tohimself.A.wearB.put onC.have onD.dress

()5.Digital cameras are becoming more popular, but some stilltoomuch..A.payB.costC.takeD.spend

()6.— Where is your father, Jenny? I can’t find him.—Heto Shanghai on business.He will come back in a week.A.has beenB.has goneC.went.D.will go

()7.— Could you please water the flowers in the garden?— Oh, I

A.have no timeB.haven’t watered themC.have watered themD.can do it tomorrow

()8.The librarianbooksstudents.A.borrows;fromB.lends;toC.returns;toD.sells;to

()9.Imy lost wallet everywhere but I couldn’tit.A.looked for;findB.looked for ,findingC.have found;look D.have found;looking

()10.Amy ________ the windows already, so the room looks much brighter.A.cleansB.cleanedC.is cleaningD.has cleaned

()11.You _________ buy the TV guide for next week.I have already bought a copy.A.mustn’tB.needn’t toC.don’t have toD.can’t

()12.When we got to the bus stop, the busfor about half an hour.A.has leftB.had leftC.has been awayD.had been away

()13..— How long have you been a league member? —..A long time agoB.Since two yearsC.For about a yearD.In 2006

()14.The parents encouraged their daughterher English

A.improvingB.to improveC.improvedD.improves

()15.The meeting has already on for about ten minutes, but Henryyet.He must have something important to do.A.hasn’t appearedB.has comeC.hasn’t spokenD.has lost


1、Garthis one of the_____successmusicians in Americian history because his hard workheads to his sussess

.2..Mount Huang is one of the most(beauty)mountains in the world.3..I joined the book club last month and I(read)five books already.4.There used to be(million)of birds singing in the trees in the forest.5.He saw the newspaper on the table this morning, but he(have)any time to read it yet.BeautifulsouthFrancesuccessfullisten

6.Though sheis a Chinese girl ,she speaks _______verywell.7.Taishanhasgivenus the ____ofnature.8.Failure isthemother of_____.9.Heused ____to popmusic but now he likes rock music.10.Guangdonglies inthe ____partof China.三.完成句子









请你根据下表中所提供的信息以“Learn to express thanks”为题,用英语写一篇演讲稿。

背景 1.认为上中学时吃好穿好是应该的;2.走向社会后没有感恩意识。

学会感恩 1.感谢社会提供良好的教育机会;2.感谢父母供养自己上学;


参考词汇:enter society 进入社会,sense of thanks 感恩意识,behavior 行为

Good morning, boys and girls!

The topic of my speech today is “Learn to express thanks”._ Good morning, boys and girls!

The topic of my speech today is “Learn to express thanks”.We find some students want to

eat well and wear fashionable clothes at school.When they leave school and enter society, they

don’t know how to show any sense of thanks.I think this behavior is not correct.As students, we should learn to express thanks.The

society offers us a chance to receive good education.And our parents also support us to go to

school.Our teachers teach us much knowledge, so we should thank them.We should also thank

our friends because they can always give us courage and help.In the future, we should never forget our society, parents, teachers and friends.At present, we

should study harder to make our world more beautiful.Thank you for your listening!

当前不少文学作品被改成电影,请你以Film or book,which doyou like best?为题,按照要求写作


一、学习目标: 培养阅读和写作能力。

能力目标: 1.学习一些新词汇。2.学会写有关个人学习英语的经历。

重点词语:on theonehand„ontheother hand,allyear roud,whenever...重点句子: How long have...? What kind of job do you want?

How do/did you do sth.?




1.What do es Mei Shan do?2.How long has she had the jo b?

3.Why did she want the job?4.How long did she study English?

5.What kind of job does David want?6.Has he ever been toan English speaking country?

7.How long has he been studying at the school?8.What other job is he thinking of doing?



超过四分之三的人口是华人___________________ 一方面另一方面_____________________


不管还是_______________看起来奇怪 _________________________

观看动物的好时间______________________ 温度几乎全年一样____离中国不远_________________________


1.I __________(finish)today’s homework already.What about you?

2.He ____________ just ____________(decide)tojoin t he swimming club.3._______you ____________(see)Jack recently?——No , I haven’ t.4.How long ____________ you ____________(be)in class today?

5.How many English words ____________ they ____________(learn)?

6.He ___________ ever ___________(be)to the History Museum several times.7.— _____________ you ever ___________(be)to thezoo?

—Yes.I ____(go)there last summer.I __(see)many kinds of animals there.8.—Where is Mr.Wang? —He ____(go)to the library.He wants to borrow some library books.选择题

()1.----_____ you ever _____ to an aquarium?----Yes, we had a good time there.A.Have, goneB.Had, beenC.Have, been

()2.I _____ my grandpa last Sunday.A.have visitedB.visitedC.was visiting

()3.She _____ Shanghai for a month.A.has cometoB.came toC.has been in

()4.Lu Xun_____ more than fifty years ago.A.diedB.has diedC.has been dead

()5.Fanny ____ TV at this time last Saturday.A.has watchedB.was watchinC.watched

()6.----Have you ____ been to our town before?----No, i t's the first time I ___ here.A.even, have comeB.ever, comeC.ever, have come

提高题 :运用本单元所学知识用英语为自己写一篇个人简历。不少于80字。




第三篇:九年级英语Unit 1

九年级英语综合Unit 1—10单元专项复习班级:______姓名:_______

(A.the moreB.the mostC.the lessD.the fewest

(A.fill with peopleB.full of peopleC.fill of peopleD.filled with people

()3.Father has bought some books , one is written in Chinese , are written

in English.A.the othersB.the otherC.anotherD.some other


()5.—Are you sure that you can win the game ?---Yes,A.its just a piece of cakeB.its hard to say

C.it’s not easy to do soD.I like the game very much.()6.—Hi, have you found your lost book ?—Not yet.I have looked for it ’t found it.A.over thereB.somewhereC.here and thereD.at those places

(A.give him a talkB.take him a massageC.wake him upD.ring him up

()8.The man doesn’’s right.A.wayB.ideaC.lifeD.sound

()9.To many Chinese students , English they spend a

lot of time and money on it.A.a diseaseB.difficultC.easyD.colorful

(A.forgot itB.didn’t comeC.lost his wordD.lost his way

()11.—Where do you often exercise ?—I often exercise in a park.It’house.A.underB.nearC.behindD.in front of

(A.look likeB.the same asC.as popular asD.so friendly as

()13.Mr.Green’s many students so that the classroom crowded

students.A.was famous for B.was welcomed by C.was interested in D.was different from

()14.If you read widely , you’A.make money by readingB.like studying better

C.learn a lot by readingD.spend much money on knowledge

(health.A.is good forB.is made ofC.is thankful forD.is worried about

()16.—Shall we go to watch a basketball match , Mike ?

--Wow ,A.It sounds boringB.I feel thirstyC.I like drinking tea better D.It’s my favorite

(A.hear…ofB.make …happyC.know …wellD.look…down

(A.turn upB.put upC.get upD.think up

()19.In our life , It isn’A.rise from bedB.put upC.wake upD.stand up

()20.—The work is too hard for me!—You are always great!You’if

you have a try.A.be successfulB.make it easyC.take it easyD.give it up

()21.—I’m too thirsty—Here you are.A.more than twoB.another twoC.other twoD.two others

(A.any dayB.one dayC.few daysD.several days

()23.—A.like..less thanB.like…better thanC.like..bestD.like…worst

(A..don’t agreeB.not agreeC.doesn’t agreeD.unagree

(A.a friendB.tasteC.a hopeD.a chance

(’d better not go there.A.NowB.At onceC.Right awayD.Today

(A.arrived atB.arrivedC.reached in D.went

(’s fans.A.SomeB.A fewC.MuchD.Many

()29.—Whose book is it, Jay ?—A.be CarlaB.belong to Carla’sC.be Carla’sD.belong Carla

(—Really ?Hw terrible it is!

A.ran away fromB.Played inC.took away fromD.jumped away from

(A.go to…by seaB.went to…by airC.went to…by trainD.walked to

(A.get alongB.get upC.gets alongD.gets over

()33.I don’(A.carefulB.popularC.importantD.useful

()35.I’A.very quicklyB.very wellC.at presentD.at the moment





()40.Let’ A.think about B.care about C.think of D.care for

(A.belong to Li YingB.belong to Li Ying’sC.be Li YingD.belong Li Ying

(.A.loud B.noisyC.quietD.quite



(A.on showB.sellingC.showD.to sell



(A.wantB.shouldC.feel likeD.feels like

()48.I’A.neverB.stillC.not…any moreD.not …any longer

()49.He looks very sad, let’A.help him outB.provide him with something to eatC.make him happier

(A.help…withB.offer…toC.buy…forD.suggest …at

()51.—I’m afraid of speaking in front of others.—Be brave!Don’t be a chicken.A.不要成为一只鸡 B.不要吃鸡C.不要那么胆怯D.不要那么太张狂

()52.Though it was raining cats and dogs outside, he came to tell me the exciting

good news.A.雨中游好多猫和狗B.雨下得很大C.淹死了猫和狗D.雨下得很小

()53.The boy always breaks the rules in class , and it makes his teacher see red.A.the red colorB.healthyC.shyD.unhappy

()54.It is difficult for Tina to find a good job , because she has a green hand.A.she likes greenB.her hand is green

C.She has no experienceD.She is working hard

()55.Tom takes after his father.A.looks afterB.is similar to C.looks the same

()56.Oh, my alarm clock doesn’t work.A.breaks downB.doesn’t go offC.isn’t on timeD.breaks off

()57.Can you help me give out the test paper ?

A.help outB.hand outC.set outD.work out

()58.Don’t make fun of the poor man.It’s impolite.A.make room forB.laugh atC.findD.be funny

()59.Though the homework today seemed difficult, the teacher didn’t tell us how

to deal with it.A.work atB.solveC.reviewD.make up

()60.Marry came top in the final exams , she didn’t let her parents down.A.make her parents frustratedB.let her parents be disappointed

B.get worried about her parentsD.feel terrified of her parents

()61.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to do something on their own.A.togetherB.in commonC.by themselvesD.by others

()62.You look worried.What’s wrong with you ?

My mother was ill yesterday.I had to look after her.A.anxiousB.importantC.excitedD.happy

()63.The man has run out of all his money.He is poor now.A.used upB.think upC.run offD.run away

()64.Don’t be afraid!No matter what happens, I’ll be behind you.A.meetB.missC.changeD.support

()65.I hear quite a few boys in your school like playing basketball after school.A.quite a lotB.the number ofC.too muchD.a number of

()66.There are still two hours left.Please take it easy.A.no hurryB.don’t hurryC.hurry offD.hurry up

()67.He dreams of going to the USA for his further education.A.would likeB.wants toC.feels likeD.is willing to

()68.—I’m having a cup of coffee.What would you like ?

--Same here.A.Me, too.B.Me, neitherC.EitherD.Soda

()69.We rise very early every morning to school for morning exercises.A.stand upB.get upC.wake upD.look up

()70.His uncle works in a factory that makes very good TV sets.A.storesB.doesC.producesD.invents

()71.On April Fool’s Day, I was fooled by my friends.I felt I lost my face.A.was happyB.was excitedC.lost moneyD.was embarrassed

()72.Don’.A.finishB.overC.run out ofD.sell

(A.runningB.running afterC.walkingD.shouting

(A.weren’t interested inB.didn’t agree withC.couldn’t forgetD.didn’t know

(A.wentB.came over toC.walkedD.run

(A.it is the worstB.it is the bestC.it is betterD.it is not so nice.

第四篇:大学英语unit 3-4(范文模版)

1.Correspondence一40.boom and bust经济繁荣与萧条致,相当,通信 41.Individuality个性,特性

2.Distinctive特殊的,与众不同的 42.Underestimate低估,轻视

3.Pathetic没用的,可怜的 43.Overlook忽视,远眺

4.go into the red亏欠 44.prim and proper循规蹈矩

5.Overdraft透支额 45.achieve international currency 在国

6.Lure引诱 际上盛行

7.Economical节约的8.Crunch危机(when/if it comes to the

crunch 要是到了最后关头)

9.it transpired that事情是这样的10.omit to do sth.未做。。

11.boil down to归结为,是。。的主要


12.cut back on 削减

13.weather the storm 渡过难关

14.trickle down to 逐渐影响,缓慢影

15.carve out分割,划分

16.tough competition

17.pool ideas 群策群力

18.in lieu of代替

19.at its core 根本上

20.find some middle ground相互妥协

21.scrape by 勉强过日

22.within reason 合情合理的恰当的23.credit rating信用评价

24.free-range eggs

25.a wide range of 一系列

26.range from---to范围从。到。

27.hard and fast rule 严格遵守的规矩



30.fall dramatically急剧下跌

31.a big chunk of money大量金钱


33.Luminous灿烂的,明亮的34.play into the hands of做对有利的事,正中下怀

35.Extraction高档的,专有的36.lavish sth.on/upon sb.37.lavish sb.With sth.给予。大量。

38.Exclusive专门的39.micro economics微观经济

第五篇:unit 7体验英语








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