
时间:2019-05-12 21:35:58下载本文作者:会员上传



1.He ______ you more help, even though he was very busy.A.might have givenB.might giveC.may have givenD.may give

2.Jenny______ have kept her word.I wonder why she changed her mind.A.mustB.shouldC.needD.would

3..-Could I borrow your dictionary?

-Yes, of course you_________

A.mightB.will C.canD.should

4.I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I ______ for her.A.had to write it outB.must have written it out

C.should have written it outD.ought to write it out

5.—Shall I tell John about it?

—No, you ______.I've told him already.A.needn'tB.wouldn't


6.─There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.─ It______ a comfortable journey.A.can't beB.shouldn't be

C.mustn't have beenD.couldn't have been

7.It's nearly seven o'clock.Jack______ be here at any moment.A.mustB.needC.shouldD.can

8..When he was there, he______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after workevery day.A.wouldB.shouldC.had betterD.might

9..Sir, you _____ be sitting in this waiting room.It is for women and children only.A.oughtn't toB.can't


10.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone ______ get out.A.had toB.wouldC.couldD.was able to

11.--When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.--They _____be ready by 12:00.A.canB.shouldC.mightD.need

12..--I stayed at a hotel while in New York.--Oh, did you? You_ ____with Barbara.A.could have stayedB.could stay

C.would stayD.must have stayed

13.-Will you stay for lunch?

-Sorry,_____ ,My brother is coming to see me.A.I mustn'tB.I can'tC.I needn'tD.I won't

14.Sorry I'm late.I ______ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.A.mightB.shouldC.canD.will

15.I should have been there, but I _______ not find the time.A.wouldB.couldC.mightD.should

16.My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he ___ your lecture.A.couldn't have attendedB.needn't have attended

C.mustn't have attendedD.shouldn't have attended

17.---Are you coming to Jeff's party?

---I'm not sure.I ________go to the concert instead.A.mustB.wouldC.shouldD.might

18.Mr.Bush is on time for everything.How _________ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?

A.canB.shouldC.mayD.mustHe hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ________ a goal.A.had scoredB.scored

C.would scoreD.would have scored

20.—Write to me when you get home.—_________

A.I mustB.I shouldC.I willD.I can

21.I was really anxious about you.You _____ home without a word.A.mustn't leaveB.Shouldn't have left

C.Couldn't have leftD.needn't leave

22.Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach, I______so much fried chicken just now.A.shouldn’t cutB.mustn’t have eaten

C.shouldn’t have eatenD.mustn’t eat

23.--I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.--It _____ be true because there was little snow there.A may not beB won’t beC couldn’t beD mustn’t be

24.It has been announced that candidates_____ remain in their seats until all the papers have been

collected.A canB willC mayD shall

25.A left-luggage office is a place where bags ______ be lefe for a short time, especially in a

railway station.A.shouldB.canC.mustD.will

26.---I don't mind telling you what I know.A.mustn'tB.may notC.can'tD.needn’t

27.I often see lights in that empty house.Do you think I _____ report it to the police?


28.Mr.White _____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t’ show up.A.should have arrivedB.should arrive

C.should have had arrivedD.should be arriving

29.You ______ be tired-you've only been working for an hour.A.must notB.won' tC.can' tD.may not

30.— Who is the girl standing over there ?

— Well , if youknow , her name is Mabel.A.mayB.canC.mustD.shall




并列连词(but, yet, however, nevertheless, for, so, therefore, and, or, either…or…, neither…nor…, both…and…, as well as)

连词 从属连词(when, while, as, before, after, until, till, whether, since, the moment, where, if, unless, suppose, supposing, providing, provided, as long as, in order that, so that, so, lest, because, since, so…that…, such…that, although/though, even though/if, than, than, like, as if/though)






Slow but sure.要慢而稳。(连接单词)

We may be leaving today or tomorrow.我们可能今天或明天走。(连接词与词)

Now I must go or I shall be late for the party.我现在得走,否则晚会我就要迟到了。(连接句与句)

I went and she went also.我去了,她也去了。(连接分句)

(一)连接具有并列关系的词、短语或句子的连词叫并列连词。根据其意义,并列连词又可分为表示联 合、转折、选 择和因果等四种关系的连词。

1. 表示联合关系的并列连词: 表示联合关系的并列连词有:and(和),both…and…(既……又……),neither…nor…(既不….y也不….),not only…but also….(不但…..而且…..),as well as(除….外,也…..),如: I am a teacher and he is a doctor.He has experience as well as knowledge.(He has not only knowledge but also experience.)Neither I nor he has seen the film.2. 表示转折关系的并列连词: 表示转折关系的并列连词有:but(可是,但是),while(而,然而),yet(可是),however(然 而,但是),whereas(而),nevertheless(然而,不过),如:I am willing, yet unable.我心有余而力不足。He is short, while his brother is tall.他个子矮而他兄弟个子高plain.3. 表示选择关系的并列连词: 表示选择关系的并列连词有:or(或),or else(否则),otherwise(要不然),either….or…(或….或….,不是…..就是…..),rather than(而不,也不),如:John or I am to blame.Seize the chance, otherwise(or else)you’ll regret it.(otherwise, or else 常放在祈使句后面)You can either stay at home or go fishing.He went rather than stay as an unwelcome guest.。

4. 表示因果关系的并列连词:(1)表示因果关系的并列连词有:so(所以),for(因为),如:It is morning, for the birds are singing.是早晨了,因为鸟叫了。It was late, so I went home.天已晚了,因此我就回家了。

(2)then(那么,因而),thus(因而),hence(因此),therefore(因此,所以)等副词常可放句首表示因果关系,如: He studied hard, thus he got a full mark.His car broke down, thus he was late for work.It is winter now;hence the days will be shorter.。

(二)从属连词: 用来连接主句和从句的连词叫从属连词。

1. 引导名词性从句的从属连词: 引导名词性从句的从属连词有连接词 that, whether 和 if, 这些连接词在句中不充当任何句子成分;

连接代词主要有who, whom, whose, which, what 等,它们在句中可作主语、宾语、定语等; 连接副词主要 有when, where, how, why 等,它们在句中可作状语(相见名词性从句),如:We know(that)the earth goes round the sun.(宾语从句)What we need is more time.我们需要的是时间。(主语从句)That’s what I want.(表语从句)The news that our team had won was very exciting.(同位语从句)

2. 引导状语从句的从属连词

(1)引导时间状语从句的从属连词: 引导时间状语从句的从属连词有when(当…..时),while(在…期间),as(当….时,一边…一边),after(在….之后),before(在….之前),since(自从….以来),till/until(直到,直到….才),once(一旦…..), as soon as(一….就….), the moment/instant(一…..就….), no sooner….than….(刚….就….), hardly…..when(一……..就….)等,如:Once you begin, you must go on.(2)When it rains, I go on school by bus.When: Don’t get excited when you talk.When he got up he felt dizzy.While: We must strike while the iron is hot.While she ate she grew more restless.As: As he spoke two men came up.He smiled as he passed.Before: Look before you leap.It will be five years before we meet again.After: I arrived after he had left.I’ll tell them after you have left.Until, till : I’ll take no steps until you arrive.I propose waiting till the police get here.Since: How long is it since you came to London? It was years since I had seen her.Whenever: I go and visit him whenever I’m in town.Whenever possible, they play outside.(3)引导原因状语从句的从属连词: 引导原因状语从句的从属连词有as(由于),because(因为),since(既然)等,如: He didn’t go to school because he was ill.Since everybody is here, let’s begin.Because: Because it was wet he took a taxi.As: As David had a passion for walking, we started off on foot.还有一些表示原因的状语从句由seeing(that),considering(that)或now that 等引导: Please don’t try to back out now that everything has been arranged.Now you’re here, you may make yourself useful.许多用在形容词后的that 从句也起原因状语的作用(that 有时可省略):She was glad that she had controlled herself.I’m disappointed that they cannot come.引导地点状语从句的从属连词: 引导地点状语从句的从属连词有where(在….地方),wherever(无论在…..哪里)等,如:Wherever she may be, she will be happy.Where there is a will, there is a way.(4)引导条件状语从句的从属连词

① 条件状语从句的从属连词主要由if, unless, supposing(suppose)引导:

if: I must leave if that’s the case.如果情况如此我就得走了。He will come if asked.如果邀请的话他会来的。

unless: I won’t write unless he writes first.I’ll go there tomorrow unless it rains.supposing: Supposing that he asks you, will you go? Supposing his plan goes wrong, what will you do then?

suppose: Suppose she finds out, what shall we do then? Suppose you lost your job tomorrow, what would you do?

provided: I will agree to go provided(providing)(that)my expenses are paid.She agreed to go and work there provided that her family could go with her.providing: I’ll dry the dishes, providing that you do the washing-up.② 条件状语从句还有其他形式:They’ll stand by you even if you don’t succeed.You will always have a home as long as I have anything.此外,as long as, so long as, in case, even if 都起连词作用。

(5)引导目的状语从句的从属连词:引导目的状语从句的从属连词有that(以便),so that(为了),in order that(为了)lest(以防,免得),in case(以防,免得)等,如:She took medicine on time in order that she might get well soon.I came here that I might take a good look at the new bridge.in order that: I lent him £50 in order(so)that he might go for a holiday.so that: Ask her to hurry up with the letters so that I can sign them.so: Can’t you fix it somehow so you could stay longer? that: I am anxious to get done that I may be back in Ireland.lest: He hurried on, lest she should meet him again.(6)引导结果状语从句的从属连词:引导结果状语从句的从属连词有so(结果),so that(结果),so…..that/such….that(如 此…..以致),that(以致)等,(that 有时可以省略,特别是在口语中)如: It was very cold, so that the water in the bowl froze.He is such a good student that we all like him.so…that: He was so young that you must excuse him.such…that: Jim made such a noise that his sister told him to be quiet.(7)引导让步状语从句的从属连词:引导让步状语从句的从属连词有though/although(虽然),as(虽然),even if/even though(即使),however(无论怎样),whatever(无论什么),whoever(无论谁),no matter how/what/which……(无论多么/什么/哪一 个……)等,如:Even if you were here yesterday, you couldn’t help him.(8)引导方式状语从句的从属连词:引导方式状语从句的从属连词有as(正如),as if/as though(好像,似乎)等,如: He speaks English as if he were an English-man.Use a book as a bee does a flower.(9)引导比较状语从句的从属连词: 引导比较状语从句的从属连词有 as(如……), as…….as….,(像….一样),not so …..as…..(与…不一样),than(比)等,如:He works harder than before.His elder sister is as tall as his mother.储存连词:

1.引导时间状语从句的从属连词: 引导时间状语从句的从属连词有________(当…..时),_____(在…期间),____(当….时,一边…一边),_______(在….之后),______(在….之前),______(自从….以来),_______(直到,直到….才),________(一 旦…..),___________(一….就….), __________(一…..就….), ___________(刚….就….), _________(一……..就….)等,如:Once you begin, you must go on.你一开了头,就应该继续下去

2.引导原因状语从句的从属连词:引导原因状语从句的从属连词有______(由于),________(因为),______(既然)等.3.引导地点状语从句的从属连词: 引导地点状语从句的从属连词有_______在….地方),___________(无论在…..哪里)Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。

4.引导条件状语从句的从属连词 条件状语从句的从属连词主要由________________________)引导:此外_______________________________都起连 词作用。

5.引导目的状语从句的从属连词:引导目的状语从句的从属连词有________(以便),_________(为了),______________(为 了)________(以防,免得),___________(以防,免得)等,6.引导结果状语从句的从属连词:引导结果状语从句的从属连词有______(结果),________(结果),___________--(如此…..以致),_________(以致)等,(that 有时可以省略,特别是在口语中)如: 7. 引导让步状语从句的从属连词:引导让步状语从句的从属连词有________________(虽然),________(虽然),____________________(即使),__________r(无论怎样),___________(无论什么),__________-(无论谁),__________________________(无论多么/什么/哪一个……)等。

8.引导比较状语从句的从属连词: 引导比较状语从句的从属连词有________(如……),____________,(像….一样),_________________.(与…不一样),__________(比)等。


(一)when 和while

1.两个词都可以表示“当……..时”,引导时间状语从句。When 引导时间状语从句的谓语动词既可以是延续性的,也可 以是终止性的;while 引导时间状语从句的谓语动词只能是延续性的 He was doing his homework when I came in.I came in when/while he was doing his homework.While/when I was in the town, I saw him twice.2.When 还可译作“这时”,while 可译作“而,然而” He was playing football outside when it began to rain.He is tall while his elder brother is short.(二)though 和 as:两个词都可以表示“虽然”,引导让步状语从句。Though 引导的从句可用正常语序,也可用倒装语 序。As 引导的从句要用倒装语序,即把从句中的表语、状语或动词原形放在as 之前,如:

1. 尽管天气冷,可他仍然继续工作。Cold as it was, he went on working.<-> Though it was cold, he went on working.Cold though it is, he went on working.2. 虽然他还是个孩子,可懂很多事情。Child as he is, he knows a lot.<-> Though he is a child, he knows a lot.Child though he is, he knows a lot.3. 尽管你读得快,你也不能在三天内读完这本书。Fast as you read, you can’t finish the book in three days./ Fast though you read, you can’t finish the book in three days.Though you read fast, you can’t finish the book in three days./ Try though he might, he couldn’t get rid of the difficulty.4. 不管怎样努力,他还是摆脱不了困难。Try as he might, he couldn’t get rid of the difficulty.Though he might try, he couldn’t get rid of the difficulty.(三)because, as, since 和 for for 是并列连词,语气最弱,对前面分句加以解释或表示推断的原因。引导的分句一般置于句末,从句前要用逗号。

Because 表示产生某结果的必有原因,语气最强,引导的从句可以置于句首或句末,放在句首时通常用逗号。

As 表示原因时,语气不如because 那么强,可译为“因为,由于”,引导的从句常置于句首。

Since 可译为“既然”,往往表示一些显而易见的原因,语气不如because 强,引导的从句常置于句首。It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.As she was in a bad mood, we left her alone.He is absent from school because he is ill.Because /as it was wet, we went there by bus.Since a lot of people make mistakes in life, Mr.Smith wanted to give John a chance.(四)if 和 whether

1.表示“是否”时两个词都能引导宾语从句I wonder if/whether you can examine him now.2. 如果主句的谓语是短语动词,用whether, 而不用if Everything depends on whether we have enough money.3. 某些动词(如discuss)后的宾语从句,用whether, 而不用if They discussed whether they should help her.3. 宾语从句置于句首时,用whether,不用if Whether it is true or not, I can’t say.4. 宾语从句为否定形式时,通常if,而不用whether I asked her if he would come.5. if 可译作“如果”引导条件状语从句If I were you, I would not go.6. Whether 可译作“不管,无论”,引导让步状语从句Whether he agrees or not, I shall do that.不管他同意与否我都要做这事。

7. Whether 可引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、接不定式,或接or not 等(if 则不能)

Whether he will come or not is unknown.(主语从句)

The question is whether it is worth doing.(表语从句)

I have no idea whether he is there.(同位语从句)

I don’t know whether he will do it or not.(接or not)She hasn’t decided whether to go or not.(接不定式)

★比较so 和 such 其规律由so 与such 的不同词性决定。

such 是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组,so 是副词,只能修 饰形容词或副词。so 还可与表示数量的形容词many,few,much,little 连用,形成固定搭配。

so + adj.such + a(n)+ n.so + adj.+ a(n)+ n.such + n.(pl.)so + adj.+ n.(pl.)

such +n.(pl.)so + adj.+ n.[不可数]

such +n.[不可数] so foolish

such a fool

so nice a flower

such a nice flower so many/ few flowers

such nice flowers so much/little money.such rapid progress so many people

such a lot of people

so many 已成固定搭配,a lot of 虽相当于 many,但 a lot of 为名词性的,只能用such 搭配。so…that 与such…that之间的转换既为 so 与such 之间的转换

Practice :

Part 1:

17.“You can’t have this football back ____ you promise not to kick it at my cat again,” the old man said firmly.(2006 广东)

A.because B.since C.when D.until

18.I grew up in Africa.____at least I should say that I spent much of the first ten years of my life there.(辽宁’06)

A.and B.or C.so D.but

19.Progress so far has been very good.____, we are sure that the project will be completed on time.(浙江’06)

A.However B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Besides

20.A man cannot smile like a child, ____a child smiles with his eyes , while a man smiles with his lips alone.(湖 南’06)A.so B.but C.and D.for 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.D



51、The American Indians must make use of one of such open forms of struggle ________ permitted by law.[

] A.as are B.which is

C.that are

D.as is

52、I've been waiting for nearly half an hour.I can't wait ________.[ ] A.no longer B.no more C.any longer D.not any more

53、Who do you consider ________ the next chairman?[

] A.is B.will be



54、______ the girl came and looked after the old woman till she was fully recovered.[

] A.Day after day

B.A day after a day C.Days after days

D.One day after one day

55、Learning new words and useful expressions ______ very helpful for you.[ ] A.is B.are C.to be D.being

56、His success ________ a singer made his family ________.He is famouse all over the country.[

] A.as, exciting B.as, excited C.like, excite D.like, excited

57、-Do you mind ________ the window?-Of course not.[ ] A.to open C.opening

B.my opening D.if you open

58、It's no use ________ theory without practice.[ ]

A.learn B.learned C.learning D.to be learning

59、Engels, __________ native language was German, could read and write in several other languages.[ ] A.who B.whom C.whose D.who's

60、Before he fell ill, he ________in the lake all the year.[ ] A.was used to swim B.used to swimming C.used to swim

D.get used to swimming

61、They never lost hope in their search __________ the missing child.[ ] A.for B.of C.at D.to

62、I decided to interview the actor, ___________ performance I had seen many times.[ ] A.who B.whom C.whose D.which

63、Our teacher suggested us ______ on it in a different way.[ ] A.working B.work C.to work D.works

64、The performance of “The Red Roses” was _______ received.[ ] A.good B.well C.too D.to

65、Mary has been to our China ________times.[ A.scores of B.score of C.two scores

D.three scores of

66、Liu Mei said she would study hard at English in the ______term.[ ] A.come B.coming C.next D.comes


67、Few People enjoy______advertisements in newspapers.A.reading B.read C.looking at D.look at

68、— What shall we do this weekend, Sara? — What about _______to a movie? [

] A.go B.going C.went D.to go

69、This first film of Chaplin had ________ dialogues or music.A.not B.no C.no any D.not a

70、I ate an apple just now.I want to have _______ second one.A.a B.the C.other D.another

71、Before _______, the machine must be checked.A.using it B.being used it C.being used D.using

72、After finishing their lunch, they _______ immediately.A.set off

B.set about C.set on D.set up

73、The books _______ pictures are very popular with children.A.have B.has C.with D.whose

74、My father doesn't know _________ about English.A.much B.some C.lot D.many

75、The streets are the most beautiful ones ________you can imagine.A.burnt them down

B.burnt them up

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

[ ]

C.burnt down them D.burnt up them

79、I hope that the little ________ I've been able to do has been of some use.[ ] A.that C.what

B.which D.when

80、He wrote many books during his lifetime, many of _______ had been translated into several languages.[ ] A.that B.those C.whose D.which 81、The new bus came into our schoolyard _____ its horn.[ ] A.sound B.sounds C.to sound D.sounding

82、The earliest films in the world were silent, because the equipment for _____ sound to films had not been developed.[ ] A.adding B.add C.added D.having added

83、He went to the States in 1991, ________ he stayed for nearly two years.[ ] A.when B.where C.which D.who 84、She wrote a letter to her father, _________ she made her secret known.[ ] A.which B.that C.in which D.where

85、We didn't manage to carry out the plan ______ she told me how to do it.







86、He ______ a birthday gift from Li Ming , but ______ it .




B.received;didn't accept C.accepted;didn't receive


87、Cartoon films are so ______ that children are ______ in them.[



B.interesting , interesting C.interested , interested

D.interesting , interested

88、They can hardly reduce the price,________ they?

[ ] A.are C.can

B.aren't D.can't

89、I was at last able to persuade my companion ________ my advice.[ ] A.take C.to pick up

B.to take D.to give up

90、Bill is pleased ________you have given him and ________you have told him.[ ] A.what, all what C.that, all that

B.with what, that D.with what, all that

91、At last, the student realized that he must_______some study.[ ] A.begin to B.go to C.get down to D.sit down to

92、________to know the truth of this matter.[ ] A.You said

B.It's said that you C.You have said D.You are said

93、I think you'd better stop ______ your homework, or you will not be able to finish it this evening.[ ] A.to do B.do C.doing D.does

94、It ________Jack and Mike who often came to help us.[ ] A.is B.was C.are D.were

95、Her mother was in poor health, ________made it difficult for her to go on with the work.[ ] A.she B.it C.which D.that

96、China Daily is very popular ________ the college students of English.[ ] A.for B.to C.with D.in

97、He walked as quickly as he could______there before five o'clock.[

] A.get B.get to C.to get D.getting

98、Lily doesn't feel like _______ to school today.[ ] A.go B.went C.going D.getting

99、Do remember________the door when you leave.[ ] A.closing B.to close C.closed D.having closed

100、Is there anything ________you don't understand?

[ ] A.what B.which C.why D.that


51、B52、C53、B54、A55、A56、B57、B58、C59、C60、C61、A62、C63、A64、B65、A66、B67、A68、B69、B70、A71、C72、A73、C74、A75、D76、B77、C78、B79、A 80、D81、D82、A83、B84、C 85、C86、B87、D88、C89、B90、D91、C92、D93、A94、B95、C96、C97、C98、C99、B100、D





1.句子中有be,在be后加not 1)Iamastudent.I am notastudent.2)Theyareblue.They aren’tblue.3)He is Kangkang.Heisn’tKangkang.2、谓语是动词原形,在动词前加don’t。

1)Ihaveabook.Idon’thavea book.2)TheylikeChinese.Theydon’tlikeChinese.3)Wecome from China.Wedon’tcome from China.3.谓语动词是第三人称单数,在动词前加doesn’t,动词用原形。1)Shehasasmallmouth.Shedoesn’thaveasmallmouth.2)MarialikesChina.Mariadoesn’tlikeChina.3)JanecomesfromtheU.S.A.Janedoesn’tcomefrom the U.S.A.练习:将下列句子变成否定句。

1.Iamateacher.Iateacher.2.Weare students.Westudents.3.Janeisagirl.Janeagirl.4.TheylikeEnglish.Theylike Chinese 5.I comefrom China.Icome from China.6.He likes Chinese.Helike Chinese.7.Maria comes from Cuba.MariacomefromCuba.8.WeknowMaria.Weknow Maria.二、肯定句变为一般疑问句变化规则


即:把I 变为you, 把we变为you, 把my变为your, 把our变为your;把am变为 are。

1、句子中有be/情态动词,把他们提到句首Be:am,is are

情态动词:can, may, could, would

1)Iamastudent.Areyoua student? 2)Theyareblue.Aretheyblue? 3)Hecan play the guitar.Canhe play the guitar? 2.谓语是动词原形,在句首加do。

1)Ihaveabook.Doyouhaveabook? 2)TheylikeChinese.DotheylikeChinese? 3)Wecome from China.DoyoucomefromChina?


1)Shehasasmallmouth.Does she haveasmallmouth? 2)MarialikesChina.DoesMaria likeChina? 3)JanecomesfromtheU.S.A.DoesJane comefrom the U.S.A? 4)SheknowsMaria.DoessheknowMaria?


1.Iamateacher.ateacher? 2.Theyare students.Students? 3.Janeisagirl.agirl? 4.TheylikeEnglish.theylike English? 5.I comefrom China.youcome from China? 6.He likes Chinese.he 7.Maria comes from Cuba.MariafromCuba?

8.WespeakChinese.youChinese? 三.一般疑问句做肯定,否定回答

AreyouMaria ?肯定回答:Yes , Iam.No,I’m not.其句型结构:肯定回答: Yes , 主+助/系.肯定回答:系.2.问句和答语的助动词保持一致.1)Areyoua student?

肯: Yes, I am.否: No, I’mnot.2)IsheKangkang?

肯:Yes,he is.否:No,he isn’t.3)DotheylikeChinese?

肯:Yes, theydo.否:No, they don’t.4)Does she haveasmallmouth?

肯:Yes, she does.否:No, she doesn’t.3.问句和答语中的主语保持一致。(必须用主格)

1)Is Jane from the U.S.A?

2)DoesKangkangcome from China?3)DoJaneandMarialikeChina?4)Isthisaruler?5)Is thatadesk?6)Are these books? 7)Arethosepencils? 8)Are theseerasers? 9)Is thatan orange?

否定回答:Yes , 主+助/练习:给下列句子做肯定回答或否定回答。




Yes,.No,.4.DoesMaria likeChina?


Yes ,.No ,.6.Isthata girl?

Yes ,.No ,.7.Arethosetelephones?

Yes ,.No ,.8.DoesTomknowJane?

Yes ,No ,.9.Dotheycomefromthe U.S.A?

Yes ,.No ,.10.Isthisanegg?

Yes ,.No ,.特殊疑问句(对划线部分提问)

特殊疑问句其实就是用疑问词引导的疑问句叫做特殊疑问句。它的结构就是:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句!

疑问代词:what,who,whose,疑问副词:where,how what—“什么”,对事物,人名,职业,时间,电话号码提问 注意:what class/grade 对班级提问what color 对颜色提问

what is +人 对职业提问(干什么的)what time is it ?=what is the time?(对时间)Who –-“谁”,对人名,与人的关系提问 注意:who is Lily?

She is my sister.Whose –“谁的”,对所属关系提问 The book is mine.(划线部分提问)Whose is the book.These are my books.(划线部分提问)Whose books are these? Where—“哪里”,对地点、地方提问

如:1)My sister is from China.(划线部分提问)Where is your sister from?

2)He comes from China.(划线部分提问)Where does he come from? How –“怎么样”,对身体状况,天气提问 如:My father is fine.(划线部分提问)How is your father?

注意:how old 对年龄对问how much+不可数名词how many +可数名词复数

how much +is/are „?“多少钱” 将划线部分去掉,分析句意.1.MynameisNancy.yourname? 2.Iamfrom China.are you from? 3.I amfine.areyou? 4.Miss.Wangis ourEnglish teacher.isyour English teacher?

5.Lucyisten years old.areyou? 6.Heis inClass OneGrade Two.ishein? 特殊句式:

What does he/she/其他主语 +do? 对职业提问“她/他是干什么的?” What does he /she look like?对人的外貌的提问“他/她长什么样子?” What can I do for you? 购物用语,对人的需要提问,“我能为你做什么?”Can/may I help you? “我可以帮你吗?” What do you think of…=How do you like…


7.Mytelephonenumber is 5805000.your telephonenumber? 8.Theyarecars.arethese ? 9.This ismycap.cap is this? 10.My favorite movie star is Bruce Lee.is your favorite movie star ?

11.Itisyellow.isit? 12.She istall.Whatdoesshe? 五.同义句转换.1.PleasegiveJanethe book.PleasethebookJane.2.Could you please tellmeyour name?

Could you pleaseyour name me? 3.He has short hair.isshort.4.Ihaveabignose.isbig.5.You have a wide mouth.is wide.6.My English teacher is old.My English teacher is not.7.Bettyisnotshort.Bettyis.8.Thisismy book.Thisis9.This jacket is not new.This jacket is.10.Myruler is not long.My ruler is.11.She looks like hermom.She and her mom lookTheyChina.六、单数形式句子变复数形式

1、指示代词变化:this变these ,that变those.2、人称代词变化:

I 变we;he/she/it变they;My 变our;his/her/its 变their,第二人称不变 3、有am/is的要变成为are。


规则变化的一些词:(man-men,woman-women, child-childrenJapanese, Chinese, English不变)

如:1)I think she is that woman’s child.We think they are those women’schildren.2.将下列句子变成单数

1.Theyarepencils.a pencil.2.Theseareerasers.aneraser.3.They areboys.aboy.4.They aregirls.agirl.5.Thosearebooks.abook.6.These are desks.a desk.7.These areboxes.a.8.Those arecars.a


(二)一、区别has/have与am/is/are的用法: has/have表示“有”,即“某人有某物”,am/is/are表示“是”即“„是„”


(一)动词第三人称单数形式:动词+s/es,规则: 1)一般情况以及以e结尾的动词,直接加“s”,如:make----makes;come----comes 2)动词以o,s,ch,sh, x结尾,加“es”,如:do---does;watch----watches;wish---wishes;miss----misses;guess----guesses

3)以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先把y改为i,再加es, 如:study---studies 4)特殊情况:have----has


1)主语为第三人称单数,否定句,在动词前加doesn’t, 再把动词改回原形,一般疑问句,在句首加does,再把动词改回原形,回答用:Yes,人称代词+does./ No,人称代词+doesn’t.如: She has small eyes.She doesn’t have small eyes.--Does she have small eyes?--Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.2)主语为除第三人称单数之外的人称,否定句,在动词前加don’t, 一般疑问句,在句首加do, 回答用:Yes,人称代词+do./ No, 人称代词+don’t.如: They have small eyes.They don’t have small eyes.--Do they have small eyes?--Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.练习:

()1..---______ he American?---Yes.He comes from America.A.AreB.DoesC.DoD.Is()2.---Do you have a sister?---___________.A.Yes, you doB.Yes, I doC.Yes, I am.D.Yes, you do.()3.Ellen _____ an old book and her brothers _______ many new books.A.has, hasB.have, haveC have, hasD.has, have()4.What color _________ he like?

A.isB.doC.hasD.does()5._____ he have a big nose or a small one?

A.DoesB.DoC.IsD.Are()6.I am sorry I ______ know her.A.isn’tB.doesn’tC.don’tD.haven’t 根据句子意思,用is, are, am, do ,does, have, has填空。1.I __________ a Chinese teacher.2._______ you from Canada?

3.________ they have many friends?4.________ he from Hainan?

5.---______ Jack have a good friend?---Yes, he ______.6._______ he a good teacher?---Yes, he ______.7.He and his sister _______ in different grades.8.______ your mother a doctor?9.I _____ an old friend.His name is Allan.10.Kangkang _______ a panda.It is very cute.11.You ________ a nice house.I like it every much.12.Bruce Lee _______ many books.13.Do they _______ fifteen apples?

14.Does Bruce Lee _______ many friends in China?15.Jerry ______ a big nose.16.He _______ a map of Hainan.He doesn’t ________ a map of China.17.--Does your father______ a wide mouth?--No, he ______ not.18.My friend, Li Ming ________ only one sister.三、名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的用法区别:

名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的汉语意思是一样的,名词性物主代词可独立使用,后面不要跟名词;但形容词性物主代词不可独立使用,后面要跟名词。如: It is my shirt.= It is mine.句子当中my为形容词性物主代词,mine为名词性物主代词,your, his, her, our, its, their,my等都属于形容词性物主代词,形容词性物主代词通常置于名词前,修饰限定名词,作定语;而名词性物主代词mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”, 当主语,宾语,或表语;如:Is this your coat? == Is this coat yours? 这是你的大衣吗? 练习:

()1.--Is that coat ________.?--Yes, it’s _________ coat..A.his, he’sB.yours, yourC her, hersD.mine, your()2.Our books are here.________ are over there.A.They’reB.TheirC.TheirsD.Your()3 She is a girl, ________name is Mary.A.sheB.hisC.herD.she’s()4.---______ dress is it?---It’s hers.A.Who’sB.WhoseC.WhatD.Which

()5._______ color is yellow.A.It’sB.ItsC.Is itD.Yours 根据汉语写单词:

1.Could_________(你)ask_________(他)to call_________(我)back? 2.Don’t forget_________(我们).3._________(我们)would like to buy_________(他们).4.Could_________(你们)help___________(她)out?

5.There’s one dollar on the floor.Pick___________(它)up.6._________(他们)are friendly to___________(你们).7.__________(我)like_______(她)a lot.8.__________(她)brings______(他们)to_______(我们).9.Does_________(他)give_______(它)to__________(他)? 10._________(他)does__________(他的)homework on Sunday.11.___________(它)can’t find__________(它的)way home.12.___________(她)looks after_________(她的)grandmother.13.This is__________(我的)pen.That’s__________(你的)。

14.These coats aren’t_________(我的).I think they’re__________(你们的)。15._________(他的)jacket is blue.__________(她的)is white.16.---Whose bike is this?---It’s__________(他的).17.Those are_________(我们的)desks.__________(他们的)are over there.18.--Are these TV sets _________(我们的)?--No ,they’re_________(他们的)TV.用所给的动词的适当形式填空。

1.He often__________(get)up at half past six.2.---________she ____(like)noodles?---Yes, she______.3.Jack_______________(not play)soccer.4.Jane_____________(have)a new pen.But Tom___________(not have)one.5.We__________(study)in No.1High School.Mike_______(study)inNo.2 High School.6.Maria___________(try)on the new dress.7.They often __________(fly)kites.Kate often __________(fly)a kite, too.8.Rose often___________(cry).But her brother___________(cry)a lot.9.Kangkang often__________(carry)water for the old man.10.His uncle often_______(buy)some delicious food for him and he often_______(take)it to the school to eat.11.Lucy and Lily_________(go)to school at 7o’clock.Jim________(go)at 6:45.12.I________(teach)math here.My father________(teach)English.13.--________Mary often___________(watch)TV?--Yes, she often__________(watch)it on Sunday.14._____you want________(eat)some hamburgers?

15.--Would you like__________(sing)some songs with me?--Yes, I’d love to.16.Don’t forget________(bring)your clothes.17.Could you ask her__________(have)supper with me? 18.It’s 6:20.It’s time________(get)up now.19.--Do you like___________(speak)English?--Yes, I do.20.--May I _________(take)your order?--A bottle of apple juice.21.--Can I__________(sit)down now? —Sure.22.Why not__________(come)to China? Good idea.23.Let me _________(help)you.24.--How about____________(swim)this Sunday?--No problem.25.Mr.Chen asks him ________(come)to school on time.四、重点句型和短语:

1.Who’s your favorite film star? 2.What color is his/her hair? 3.give sb.sth.= give sth.to sb.4.look the same /look at/ look like

5.The girl in green/The girl in a green skirt/ The one with black hair and black eyes.6.We are in the same school, but we are in different grades.7.--Whose dress is this?--It’s mine.8.rousers, gloves, shoes, socks常以复数的形式出现, 如: a pair of trousers,a pair of shoes,a pair of glasses

9.What+ +主语(某人)+ look like? 长得怎么样?如:

--What does your father look like?--He is not very tall but very strong.练习:按要求改写句子。(每空一词)

1.He is a good student.(否定句)He ________a good student.2.We are in the same school.(一般疑问句)_____________ in the same school? 3.Does she have a round face?(肯定回答)__________, ________________.4.She is Jones.(就划线部分提问)________________________?

5.Her hair is brown.(同义句)She _____________________________.6.Do they have a big house??.(否定回答)_________,_________________.7.My sister has long legs.(一般疑问句)______ your sister _________ long legs? 8.His brother has two big ears.(否定句)His brother_____________two big ears.9.I have a big head.(否定句)I________________ a big head.10.We have a good English teacher.(一般疑问句)________ you ________ a good English teacher?

11.His pants are black.(否定句)His pants __________black.12.He has blond hair.(一般疑问句)____________ blond hair? 13.Do you know?(肯定回答)________, ________________.14.Her skin is yellow.(就划线部分提问)_______________________ her skin? 15.The man over there is my uncle.(同义句)My uncle is __________________.16.The girl in red is my sister.(就划线部分提问)______ girl______________ sister

17.They look the same.(一般疑问句)______ they look the same? 18.I know Jack.(否定句)I_____________Jack.19.I like light yellow.(就划线部分提问)_______________________you like? 20.Those shoes are white.(就划线部分提问)_____________________ those shoes 21.He has a pair of new pants.(否定句)He _________________a pair of new pants.23.Does it look like a cat?(肯定回答)_______, ________________.24.Her coat is yellow.(就划线部分提问)_______________________her coat? 25.Whose is this jacket?(同义句)_________________ is this?

26.The girl’s shoes are over there..(就划线部分提问)______________ the girl’s shoes?

27.This is Kangkang’s bike.(就划线部分提问)________________ is this? 28.Are those men old?(变单数句子)__________________ old? 29.Does he like an orange ?(变复数句子)___________ like ______? 30.What does he look like?(同义句)What ______ he _______ like?





1.名词的单数和复数变化规则.2.时态(小学阶段有学系了四种时态:即一般现在时,现在进行时, 一般将来时,一般过去时)包含

一般现在时: 一般现在时的功能,构成,变化(包括动词的变化和句式的变化)

现在进行时: 现在进行时的概念, 构成, 变化(包括动词的变化: 动词+ing的变化规则;句式的变化)

一般将来时: 一般将来时的概念, 构成, 变化(句式的变化)

一般过去时: 一般过去时的功能, 构成, 变化(包括动词的变化: 动词的过去式的变化规则, 不规则动词的过去式列表)

上述语法内容主要的操练方式是两种: 1.动词的恰当方式填空



1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds

2.以s.x.sh.ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches

3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries

4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives


man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children


fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese


I _________him _________this ___________her ______

watch _______child _______photo ________diary ______

day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________

tooth_______ sheep ______box_______ strawberry _____

thief _______yo-yo ______ peach______ sandwich ______

man______ woman_______ paper_______juice___________

water________ milk________ rice__________ tea__________




1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。

2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。

3.表示客观现实。如:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。


I am a boy.我是一个男孩。


We study English.我们学习英语。

当主语为第三人称单数(he, she,it)时,要在动词后加“-s”或“-es”。如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。



否定句:主语+ be + not +其它。

如:He is not a worker.他不是工人。

一般疑问句:Be +主语+其它。

如:-Are you a student?

-Yes.I am./ No, I'm not.特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:Where is my bike?


否定句:主语+ don't(doesn't)+动词原形(+其它)。如:

I don't like bread.当主语为第三人称单数时,要用doesn't构成否定句。如:

He doesn't often play.一般疑问句:Do(Does)+主语+动词原形+其它。如:

-Do you often play football?

-Yes, I do./ No, I don't.当主语为第三人称单数时,要用does构成一般疑问句。如:

-Does she go to work by bike?

-Yes, she does./ No, she doesn't.特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:How does your father go to work?


1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks

2.以s.x.sh.ch.o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes

3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies



drink ________ go _______ stay ________ make ________

look _________ have_______ pass_______carry ____

come________watch______ plant_______ fly ________

study_______ brush________ do_________teach_______


1.He often ________(have)dinner at home.2.Daniel and Tommy _______(be)in Class One.3.We _______(not watch)TV on Monday.4.Nick _______(not go)to the zoo on Sunday.5.______ they ________(like)the World Cup?

6.What _______they often _______(do)on Saturdays?

7._______ your parents _______(read)newspapers every day?

8.The girl _______(teach)us English on Sundays.9.She and I ________(take)a walk together every evening.10.There ________(be)some water in the bottle.11.Mike _______(like)cooking.12.They _______(have)the same hobby.13.My aunt _______(look)after her baby carefully.14.You always _______(do)your homework well.15.I _______(be)ill.I’m staying in bed.16.She _______(go)to school from Monday to Friday.17.Liu Tao _______(do)not like PE.18.The child often _______(watch)TV in the evening.19.Su Hai and Su Yang _______(have)eight lessons this term.20.-What day _______(be)it today?

- It’s Saturday.三、按照要求改写句子

1.Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)


2.I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)


3.She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)


4.Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)


5.We go to school every morning.(改为否定句)


6.He speaks English very well.(改为否定句)


7.I like taking photos in the park.(对划线部分提问)


8.John comes from Canada.(对划线部分提问)


9.She is always a good student.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)


10.Simon and Daniel like going skating.(改为否定句)



1.Isyour brother speak English?__________________

2.Does he likes going fishing?__________________

3.He likes play games after class.__________________

4.Mr.Wu teachs us English.__________________

5.She don’t do her homework on Sundays._________________






疑问词 + be + 主语 + 动词ing?


疑问词 + be + 动词ing?



2.以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting

3.如果末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running, stop-stopping



play________ run__________ swim _________make__________

go_________ like________write________ _ski___________

read________ have_________ sing________ dance_________

put_________ see________ buy _________ love____________

live_______ take_________ come ________get_________

stop_________ sit ________ begin________ shop___________


1.The boy __________________(draw)a picture now.2.Listen.Some girls _______________(sing)in the classroom.3.My mother _________________(cook)some nice foodnow.4.What _____ you ______(do)now?

5.Look.They _______________(have)an English lesson.6.They ____________(not ,water)the flowers now.7.Look!the girls ________________(dance)in the classroom.8.What is our granddaughter doing? She _________(listen)to music.9.It’s5o’clock now.We _____________(have)supper now

10.______Helen____________(wash)clothes? Yes ,she is.三、句型转换:

1.They are doing housework.(分别改成一般疑问句和否定句)



2.The students are cleaning the classroom.(改一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)



3.I’m playing the football in the playground.(对划线部分进行提问)


4.Tom is reading books in his study.(对划线部分进行提问)


一、概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。句中一般有以下时间状语:tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…),soon, the day after tomorrow(后天)等。

二、基本结构:①be going to + do;

②will+ do.三、否定句:在be动词(am, is, are)后加not或情态动词will后加not成won’t。

例如:I’m going to have a picnic this afternoon.→ I’m not going to have a picnic this afternoon.四、一般疑问句: be或will提到句首,some改为any, and改为or,第一二人称互换。例如:We are going to go on an outing this weekend.→ Are you going to go on an outing this weekend?


1.问人。Who 例如:I’m going to New York soon.→Who’s going to New York soon.2.问干什么。What … do.例如: My father is going to watch a race with me thisafternoon.→What is your father going to do with you this afternoon.3.问什么时候。When.例如:She’s going to go to bed at nine.→When is she goingto bed?

六、同义句:be going to = will

I am going to go swimming tomorrow(明天).= I will go swimming tomorrow.练习:



I_____ _______ _________ have a picnic with my friends.I ________ have a picnic with my friends.2.下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我想去打篮球。

What ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ next Monday? I _______ ______ _____ play basketball.What _________ you do next Monday? I ________ play basketball.3.你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。

_____ your mother _______ ________ go shopping this ___________?

Yes, she _________.She ______ ________ __________ buy some fruit.4.你们打算什么时候见面。

What time _______ you _________ __________ meet?


5.Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)

Nancy ________ going to go camping.6.I’ll go and join them.(改否定)

I _______ go ______ join them.7.I’m going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑问句)

________ _______ ________ to get up at 6:30 tomorrow?

8.We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.(改一般疑问句)

_______ ________ meet at the bus stop at 10:30.9.She is going to listen to music after school.(对划线部分提问)

________ _______ she ________ ________ _________ after school?

10.My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow.(同上)

_________ _________ going to see a play the day after tomorrow



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