人教版高一英语必修1 Unit1 Friendship教学设计

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第一篇:人教版高一英语必修1 Unit1 Friendship教学设计

高一英语人教版必修1 Unit 1 Friendship 教学设计

人教版必修一 Unit 1 Friendship教学设计



1.本节课的Warming up 我采用情景描述法,让学生自己用几个单词描述自己心目中的朋友或写下朋友的三个特征,让其他学生猜猜他描述的是班上哪个人。并把相关的词汇、句型写在黑板上,有利于词汇的积累。第一种方法适合基础差的学生,第二种方法适合成绩好的学生。


(1)Which kind of friend do you think is the best friend?(2)What else can be our friends besides human beings? 对于第一个问题每个学生的答案不同,但有一个共识:患难见真情,他们需要的是永久的友谊而不是由于利益关系等短暂的友谊。第二个问题,一般很少有学生把人类以外的事物当成最好的朋友,有个别的把宠物当成好朋友。





(1).What's the advantages and disadvantages of the diary as a friend?(2).Why did Anne say that she had seen the night face to face on the dark, rainy evening?

7.讨论如下问题: Ask students if they are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is very little room, what would they choose?


Can you give us some background knowledge of World War and some historical material of Jews? You may use the library or the Internet.二、学生分析


三、教学目标 1.语言知识目标

通过对朋友的讨论,帮助学生发散式记忆积累相关描述人的性格、特征的词汇、习惯用语,并运用于听说读写当中。适当运用I thank so.I agree.I don' think so.I don't agree exactly.I am afraid not.Of course not.表明自己的态度和肯定程度。2.语言技能目标

培养和提高阅读(浏览、寻读主要事实)的能力,形成用英语获取信息、处理信息分析问题、解决问题的能力,以及用英语思维和表达相关话题,复述课文及运用所学知识描述朋友的能力。3.文化意识目标 通过与话题相关的图片、课文的学习,逐渐形成跨文化交际意识和培养基本的跨文化的交际能力,拓宽国际视野,理解各国的文化,进行反法西斯教育,为以后深入学习中外文化奠定基础。4.情感态度目标


注重引导学生借助上下文联想及猜测生词,如set down a series of facts记流水账的意思,引导学生自学、自做、自悟,即指导学生形成自主学习的意识,掌握合适的学习策略。启发学生通过发散式思维积累词汇;指导学生发现规律,对所学内容进行整理和归纳;引导学生抓住信息词或关键词来理清段落大意。另外,引导学有余力的学生通过网络、图书馆来拓宽学习中外文化的渠道,并在学习活动中强化互助与共享的必要性。



让学生想象自己待在一个隐蔽的地方,允许只能做的五件事,他们如何选择将学生直接带入课文的语境中。2. 任务驱动的原则

让学生带着问题去阅读,找出相关答案,并分析整理形成自己的观点。3. 交际法教学

在Warming up,让学生自己用几个单词描述自己心目中的朋友或写下朋友的三个特征,让其他学生猜猜他描述的是班上哪个人,体现了交际的功能。




1.the multimedia teaching system 2.the blackboard


Unit 1 Friendship Teaching approaches: situational approaches, communicative approaches and task-based approaches Learning objectives and demands: 1.The activity is designed to encourage students to think about friends and friendship and to activate relevant vocabulary.2.Ask the students to describe a good friend and give examples of situations where friends have helped them.Use the activity as a brainstorming session done either in groups or with the whole class.3.Language use: speaking practice: reading Teaching procedures: Step 1.Warming up Students are asked to describe themselves and a friend.You can use these questions in at least two different ways.One alternative is to ask the students to think about three words to describe themselves and then let each student tell the class the three characteristics they have chosen.A second alternative would be to ask the students to write down the three characteristics and let other students guess who is being described.Which words can be used to describe the characteristic? Brave: courage fearless heroic Scared : astonish fearful frightened horrified shocked terrified timid Loyal: devoted faithful Wise: bright clever cute gifted intelligent smart well-learned witty Beautiful: attractive breath-taking charming cool cute elegant eye-catching good-looking graceful inviting lovely neat pretty splendid stunning Step2.Leading in Ask Students questions: 1.Which kind of friend do you think is the best friend? Any answer is possible.Everyone may have his own reasons.But when you answer the question, you should remember the old saying“ A friend in need is a friend indeed”, The best friend should be a man whom you can depend on forever, not in a certain period of time.2.What else can be our friends besides human beings? There are many answers to this question.e.g.a dog, a cat, a dictionary, a computer, a toy car, a mobile phone, a TV set...Step 3.While-reading(1)Fast-reading :Got main ideal and finished comprehending exercise 1 and exercise 2(2)Intensive reading : 1.What's the advantages(优点)and disadvantages of the diary as a friend?

Possible answers:

Advantages: a.He accepts all that you said to him.b.He is never angry with you.etc.Disadvantages: a.He has no feelings and thoughts.b.He can not speak to you.etc.2.Why did Anne say that she had seen the night face to face on the dark, rainy evening?

There may be several reasons.Use your imagination to find out the possible reasons according to what you think of.e.g.a.It is dark and safe on such a night.b.Anne hasn't experienced the nature so closely for a long time.c.On such a night she can throw away all her worry and other unhappy feelings.etc.Step 4.Explain the new words and phrases in the content短语 1.set down 放下,记下,登记;set up 建立,搭起;set about doing sth.着手(开始)做某事;set out 出发,动身,开始 2.join in 加入,参加 join sb.in sth./ doing sth.;join 加入(某一伙人或某个组织)

take part in 参加(有组织有纪律的活动)

3.put away 把......收拾起来,放好;put back 放回原处;put down 记下,写下,放下 put off 推迟,拖延

4.be prepared for = be ready for 为......作好准备;prepare for 为......作准备;prepare sb.for 使某人为......作准备;get sth.ready / prepared 把......准备好句式1.I haven't been outdoors for so long that I've grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(1)so...that...如此...以至...,引导结果状语从句;so放在句首时,句子要倒装。

(2)so that既可引导结果状语从句也可引导目的状语从句。引导目的状语从句时,常和can, could, may, might, would等情态动词连用。2.I'm having some trouble with my classmates at the moment.have(some, no, much, great, little)trouble/difficulty with sth./(in)doing something 做某事有(一些,没有,很多,很少)因难。

3.It is believed that the islands can be a paradise(天堂)when people live in peace.It is believed that...人们相信......;It is said that...据说......;It is reported that...据报道......;It is supposed that...人们认为......Step 5 Post-reading: Discussing Ask students if they are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is very little room, what would they choose? Step 6.Homework Can you give us some background knowledge of World War and some historical material of Jews? You may use the library or the Internet.It is up to the students themselves to complete the task.八、评价与反思 教师反思

1.Have all the teaching aims been reached? _________________ 1. Have all the students learnt something in the lesson? ________________ 2. What can be improved? _______________________ 学生反思

1.What impressed me most in the class? ________________ 2.What haven't I understood yet? ________________ 3.In what aspect do I need improvement? ________________ 学生课堂活动评价Class:Name:Score:

Items Understandable 5 4 3 2 1Logical5 4 3 2 1Creative5 4 3 2 1Active5 4 3 2 1 Cooperative 5 4 3 2 1Others5 4 3 2 1













Unit 2 Healthy eating


The weakness of this diet is that it has too much fat and sugar;its strength is that it has plenty of energy-giving food.2.那个商店老板试图通过打折来赢回顾客。(win back;discount)

The shopkeeper is trying to win his customers back with a discount.3.如果你不为自己的错误道歉的话,他们是不会放过你的。(get away with)

If you don’t say sorry for your mistake, they won’t let you get away with it.4.他已经负债很久了。对于他来说,如何谋生成了个大问题。(in debt;earn one’s living)He has been in debt for a long time.How to earn his living is a big problem.5.就在我等朋友时,突然发现有个男人在离我不远处正瞪眼看着我。(spy;glare at)

When I was waiting for my friend, I suddenly spied a man not far away glaring at me.6.我不想对你说谎,但是我不得不告诉你他的智力有限。(lie;limited)

I don’t want to lie to you, but I have to say that his intelligence is limited.7.专家说吃胡萝卜对眼睛很有好处。(benefit;carrot)

Experts say eating carrots benefits your eyes.8.我吃饺子时通常都会加点醋,因为醋有助于消化食物。(vinegar;digest)

I usually eat dumplings with a little vinegar, which I believe helps me digest the food.


高一英语人教版必修1 Unit 1 Friendship 教学设计

人教版必修一 Unit 1 Friendship教学设计



1.本节课的Warming up 我采用情景描述法,让学生自己用几个单词描述自己心目中的朋友或写下朋友的三个特征,让其他学生猜猜他描述的是班上哪个人。并把相关的词汇、句型写在黑板上,有利于词汇的积累。第一种方法适合基础差的学生,第二种方法适合成绩好的学生。


(1)Which kind of friend do you think is the best friend?(2)What else can be our friends besides human beings? 对于第一个问题每个学生的答案不同,但有一个共识:患难见真情,他们需要的是永久的友谊而不是由于利益关系等短暂的友谊。第二个问题,一般很少有学生把人类以外的事物当成最好的朋友,有个别的把宠物当成好朋友。





(1).What's the advantages and disadvantages of the diary as a friend?(2).Why did Anne say that she had seen the night face to face on the dark, rainy evening?

7.讨论如下问题: Ask students if they are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is very little room, what would they choose?


Can you give us some background knowledge of World War and some historical material of Jews? You may use the library or the Internet.二、学生分析


三、教学目标 1.语言知识目标

通过对朋友的讨论,帮助学生发散式记忆积累相关描述人的性格、特征的词汇、习惯用语,并运用于听说读写当中。适当运用I think so.I agree.I don' think so.I don't agree exactly.I am afraid not.Of course not.表明自己的态度和肯定程度。2.语言技能目标

培养和提高阅读(浏览、寻读主要事实)的能力,形成用英语获取信息、处理信息分析问题、解决问题的能力,以及用英语思维和表达相关话题,复述课文及运用所学知识描述朋友的能力。3.文化意识目标 通过与话题相关的图片、课文的学习,逐渐形成跨文化交际意识和培养基本的跨文化的交际能力,拓宽国际视野,理解各国的文化,进行反法西斯教育,为以后深入学习中外文化奠定基础。4.情感态度目标


注重引导学生借助上下文联想及猜测生词,如set down a series of facts记流水账的意思,引导学生自学、自做、自悟,即指导学生形成自主学习的意识,掌握合适的学习策略。启发学生通过发散式思维积累词汇;指导学生发现规律,对所学内容进行整理和归纳;引导学生抓住信息词或关键词来理清段落大意。另外,引导学有余力的学生通过网络、图书馆来拓宽学习中外文化的渠道,并在学习活动中强化互助与共享的必要性。



让学生想象自己待在一个隐蔽的地方,允许只能做的五件事,他们如何选择将学生直接带入课文的语境中。2. 任务驱动的原则

让学生带着问题去阅读,找出相关答案,并分析整理形成自己的观点。3. 交际法教学

在Warming up,让学生自己用几个单词描述自己心目中的朋友或写下朋友的三个特征,让其他学生猜猜他描述的是班上哪个人,体现了交际的功能。




1.the multimedia teaching system 2.the blackboard

七、教学过程 Unit 1 Friendship Teaching approaches: situational approaches, communicative approaches and task-based approaches Learning objectives and demands: 1.The activity is designed to encourage students to think about friends and friendship and to activate relevant vocabulary.2.Ask the students to describe a good friend and give examples of situations where friends have helped them.Use the activity as a brainstorming session done either in groups or with the whole class.3.Language use: speaking practice: reading Teaching procedures: Step 1.Warming up Students are asked to describe themselves and a friend.You can use these questions in at least two different ways.One alternative is to ask the students to think about three words to describe themselves and then let each student tell the class the three characteristics they have chosen.A second alternative would be to ask the students to write down the three characteristics and let other students guess who is being described.Which words can be used to describe the characteristic? Brave: courage fearless heroic Scared : astonish fearful frightened horrified shocked terrified timid Loyal: devoted faithful Wise: bright clever cute gifted intelligent smart


witty Beautiful: attractive breath-taking charming cool cute elegant eye-catching good-looking graceful

inviting lovely

neat pretty

splendid stunning Step2.Leading in Ask Students questions: 1.Which kind of friend do you think is the best friend? Any answer is possible.Everyone may have his own reasons.But when you answer the question, you should remember the old saying“ A friend in need is a friend indeed”, The best friend should be a man whom you can depend on forever, not in a certain period of time.2.What else can be our friends besides human beings? There are many answers to this question.e.g.a dog, a cat, a dictionary, a computer, a toy car, a mobile phone, a TV set...Step 3.While-reading(1)Fast-reading :Got main ideal and finished comprehending exercise 1 and exercise 2(2)Intensive reading : 1.What's the advantages(优点)and disadvantages of the diary as a friend?

Possible answers:

Advantages: a.He accepts all that you said to him.b.He is never angry with you.etc.Disadvantages: a.He has no feelings and thoughts.b.He can not speak to you.etc.2.Why did Anne say that she had seen the night face to face on the dark, rainy evening?

There may be several reasons.Use your imagination to find out the possible reasons according to what you think of.e.g.a.It is dark and safe on such a night.b.Anne hasn't experienced the nature so closely for a long time.c.On such a night she can throw away all her worry and other unhappy feelings.etc.Step 4.Explain the new words and phrases in the content短语 1.set down 放下,记下,登记;set up 建立,搭起;set about doing sth.着手(开始)做某事;set out 出发,动身,开始

2.join in 加入,参加 join sb.in sth./ doing sth.;join 加入(某一伙人或某个组织)

take part in 参加(有组织有纪律的活动)

3.put away 把......收拾起来,放好;put back 放回原处;put down 记下,写下,放下

put off 推迟,拖延

4.be prepared for = be ready for 为......作好准备;prepare for 为......作准备;prepare sb.for 使某人为......作准备;get sth.ready / prepared 把......准备好句式1.I haven't been outdoors for so long that I've grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(1)so...that...如此...以至...,引导结果状语从句;so放在句首时,句子要倒装。

(2)so that既可引导结果状语从句也可引导目的状语从句。引导目的状语从句时,常和can, could, may, might, would等情态动词连用。2.I'm having some trouble with my classmates at the moment.have(some, no, much, great, little)trouble/difficulty with sth./(in)doing something 做某事有(一些,没有,很多,很少)因难。

3.It is believed that the islands can be a paradise(天堂)when people live in peace.It is believed that...人们相信......;It is said that...据说......;It is reported that...据报道......;It is supposed that...人们认为......Step 5 Post-reading: Discussing Ask students if they are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is very little room, what would they choose? Step 6.Homework Can you give us some background knowledge of World War and some historical material of Jews? You may use the library or the Internet.It is up to the students themselves to complete the task.八、评价与反思 教师反思

1.Have all the teaching aims been reached? _________________ 1. Have all the students learnt something in the lesson? ________________ 2. What can be improved?












第四篇:高一英语必修2 教案教学设计

高一英语必修2 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一)

Unit 1 Cultural relics 单元整体设计思路

第一课时:阅读课 Warming up;Pre-reading;Reading;Comprehending(pp.1-2)第二课时: 语法课 Discovering useful structures(p.4);Using structures(p.43)第三课时:阅读与听说课 Reading and listening;Speaking(pp.5-6)第四课时: 词汇课 Discovering useful words and expressions(p.3);Using words and expressions(p.42)第五课时: 听说课 Listening;Talking(p.41)第六课时: 读写课 Reading and writing(p.7)第七课时: 单元评价课 Self-test and self-evaluation;Summary 第一课时 阅读课

一、教学内容 Warming up;Pre-reading;Reading;Comprehending(pp.1-2)



 了解文化遗产的基本概念、本质特点以及基本类型。

 通过找读(scanning)关键词、略读(skimming)和精读(careful reading),了解有关琥珀屋的故事。 用归类法学习词汇。

 用自己的话复述琥珀屋的故事。

 运用本课时学习的内容和自己已有的知识讨论相关话题。

三、教学步骤 步骤一 热身

1. 请学生看学生用书p.1或者PPT中的图片,两人一组讨论三个问题。教师请几组学生回答问题,然后综合化遗产的定义。

2.请学生说出一些中外文化遗产的名称,教师写在黑板上。可以采取小组竞赛的形式,比一比看哪组说得多、说注:问题中出现了五个生词。rare, valuable和survive很难根据上下文猜出词义,教师可以布置学生课前查字典以留到词汇课处理。vase一词通过图片可以猜出,dynasty可以通过语境猜出。

设计意图:通过呈现图片和小组竞赛引起学生对本单元话题的兴趣,使学生了解文化遗产的概念,为过渡到下一步骤二 读前



设计意图:通过观察实物、回答问题,使学生把琥珀和文化遗产联系起来,从而引入阅读主题,并让学生预测阅让学生根据要求找出相应词汇教给学生用归类法学习词汇,同时为之后的阅读扫清词汇障碍。步骤三 读中


2.请学生在再次阅读课文前先看一下学生用书p.2练习二中的五个问题,然后在限定时间内快速浏览阅读课文二的阅读任务,确定每段的段意。最后两人一组回答五个问题。教师请几个学生分别说出答案,其他学生和教师3. 请学生再读一遍课文,根据时间顺序在限定时间内找出琥珀屋的历代主人及当时发生的和琥珀屋相关的事件4.请学生两人一组,仔细阅读第一段和第三段,归纳琥珀屋能够成为世界奇观的原因。


步骤四 读后


设计意图:通过复述检查学生对文章大意的了解程度,并检测学生归纳总结和口语表达能力。步骤五 讨论


设计意图:通过讨论培养学生勤于思考的习惯,锻炼口语表达的能力;同时也增强学生保护文化遗产的意识。步骤六 作业



高一英语必修②Unit 1期末复习题


1.These small animals must store plenty of food if they are to s_________ the winter.2.There is a beautiful garden over there.Do you know whom it b__________ to.3.She took a ________ candle into the room, and the dark room lit up at once.4.This coat is of the latest s________.5.In my o_________, he is not the right person for the job.6.Do you have enough e_________ to prove that you are right?

7.Don’t _________ not to know me, actually you know me very well.8.We couldn’t go for a walk because I have no time, b_________, it rains heavily.9.He s___________ all the street, but could not find his dear parents.10.As is known, the Great wall is one of the w___________ of the world.11.In the accident, only two people s__________ at last.12.The building is specially d__________ for the homeless people.13.Tom has bought a new house, he needs to buy some f___________ before he moves into it.14.His father works on a ship, he is a s________.15.This is a r_______ coin, so it’s very valuable.二.翻译下列单词或短语

1.作为对……的报答 2.处理



7.调查,朝……里面看 8.而不是,而非

9.迷路,丢失 10.同意(某人的看法)

11.高度评价 12.拆开

13.毫无疑问 问题的答案

三.定语从句专练习: 用恰当的关系词填空。

1.Do you know the place __________ he borrowed the book?

2.He talked about the teachers and schools ________ he had visited.3.Some of the roads were flooded, ________ made our journey more difficult.4.The novel ________ you’re interested was written by Mark Twain.5._________ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.6.Hangzhou is a beautiful city, ________is often called the Heaven of the Earth.7.Yesterday I met an old friend, ___________had a gift of music when he was young.8.I will never forget those three years, during____________ time I learned a lot about life.9.____ is reported, Chinese team won the final.10.I bought all the food in the shop, much of_______________ was given out to the poor.11.I never forget this summer vacation, ___________I spent the happy days with my friends.12.He is talking about the great woman, _________films have been on in

many cities.四.单项选择.1.As a result of the report many villagers rushed to the mountain ________ gold.A.in search ofB.in the search ofC.to searchD.searching

2.-----What has Tom been doing recently?------I didn’t know, ________ care.A.nor do IB.nor I doC.neither am ID.neither I am

3.This book will _______ to the students of English.A.be of great valueB.be of great valuableC.be great valueD.be of

very value

4.In the paper factory, trees are cut into pieces and pulped, then the pulp is

_______ paper.A.made ofB.made fromC.made intoD.made

up of

5.I don’t like the way ______ you speak to her.A./B.in thatC.whichD.of which

6.What he did ______ what he said moved us.A.more thanB.rather thanC.less thanD.no

more than

7._______ is known to us all is that America is a developed country_______ the

First World.A.Which;belonging toB.As;belongingC.What;belonging toD.It;


8.We don’t doubt______ he can do a good job of it.A.whetherB.thatC.whatD.why

9.The woman, when _______ how her husband was injured, began to cry.A.askedB.to askC.askingD.ask

10.------Tom is never late for work.Why is he absent today?

------Something _________ to him.A.must happenB.should have happened

C.could have happenedD.must have happened

11.Never in my life ______ the lesson he gave me.A.I will forgetB.will I forgetC.had I forgetD.did I


12.I’m afraid that I don’twhat you said.A.agree toB.agree onC.agree withD.agree about

13.He was by his colleagues though he himself didn’t think he had done

anything special.A.thought little ofB.thought poorly

C.thought highly ofD.thought highly


Long long ago, people had gather leaves and1.fruit of plants to eat with.They didn’t know how2.to plant crops or how to keep animals for their3.food.We call them Stone Age people.Thing for4.them were terrible and hard.Now there have still5.some people living liked those Stone Age people.6.They live in places that are hard reach.They do not7.know of our invention, for they keep themselves8.away our civilized world.For many years a group of9.people call Aruntas have lived alone in the center10.参考答案:






1.in return for2.do with/deal with3.serve as4.be at war with

5.In search of6.belong to7.look into8.rather than

9.get lost10.agree with11.think/speak highly of12.take


13.(there is)no doubt that14.the answer to the question

三.定语从句专练习: 用恰当的关系词填空。

1.where2.that3.which4.in which5.As6.which


四.单项选择.1-5 AAACA6-10 BBBAD11-13 BCC


1.had改为had to 2.去掉with


6.liked改为like 7.reach改为to reach 8.invention改为inventions

10.call 改为called3.√4.Thing改为things 5.have 改9.away 后加from

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