小学英语Unit3 Lesson1 When is your birthday教案

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第一篇:小学英语Unit3 Lesson1 When is your birthday教案

Unit 3

Lesson1 When is your birthday? Step1 Warm-up T: Hello, everyone!S: Hello, teacher!T: Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too.Step2

Presentation T: Now please look at the pictures.The girl is He Wenwen, they are her friends.What’s this? S: A cake or 蛋糕


T:What are they doing? You can speak Chinese.S:生日聚会或庆祝生日。

T:Yes, they are having a birthday party.(板书: party)T: Now use your head and guess its meaning.S: 聚会。

T: When we eat cakes at the birthday party, we paint the cake on our mouse nose face here and there.Look!How happy they are!

T: A boy is happy, too.Why? Let’s have a look.Open your books and turn to Page28, look at the first picture.He is happy.Yes? S: Yes.T: What are they doing? S: 过生日或生日聚会。

T: Try to speak English.(引导学生说:They are having a birthday party.)T: Look, our friends are here, too.They are talking about sth.Do you want to know what they are talking about? S: Yes.T: OK!Let’s listen to the tapes.Try to circle six new words.(圈party示范,并标出序号1、2、3、4、5、6)T: Tell me the new words.S: party when March May April October T: What are they talking about? S: Birthday.Or 生日。T: Whose birthday? S: Li Ming’s birthday, Peter’s and Wang Hong’s birthday.T: Let’s listen again and answer the questions.(板书:When is Li Ming’s birthday, Peter’s and Wang Hong’s birthday.)

T: Please listen carefully.(在第二幅图暂停,解决一、二个问题,并用图片引出新单词March May)T: Now please answer me: When is Li Ming’s birthday? S: It’s in March.T: When is Peter’s birthday? S:It’s in May.T: 用汉语解释上两个句子,引出单词when的意思。

T:Now please read after me “ When is your birthday?”

It’s in March.Or My birthday is in March.”(引领学生熟悉本课句型,并板书 It’s in …/ My birthday is in …)T: OK.When is Wang Hong’s birthday? Let’s go on.(接着播放录音)T: Is Wang Hong’s birthday in April? S: No.T: Is it in October? S: Yes.T: April is a month.Fool’s Day is in this month.Which month?

S: 四月。(出示愚人节图片,让学生说出四月。以同样的方式解决十月)。Step3 Practice T: Let’s read the new words together.Please read after me.T: How many months are there in a year? S: Twelve.T: Yes.There are four.Let’s read the others.Please read after me.(出示卡片分类读)T: Now please read the words one by one.Please read quickly.(混在一起读,可找学生拿卡片,老师给予奖励)T:So much for this.T: Now we have known Li Ming’s/Peter’s/Wang Hong’s birthday.Now please tell me one by one When is your birthday?(随便找一位同学回答)You can speak Chinese.Like this:

It’s in March.Or 二月。(找几位同学回答,并及时纠正月份读音)T: You two stand up please.You want to know his/her birthday, How to ask? S1: When is your birthday?(如果不会给予提示,并提示两人互问)S2:My birthday is in …/It’s in …

T: Great!Now let’s talk in pairs just like this.Then ask some pairs to come here to show for us.Understand? S: Yes.T: Do it, please.(学生进行两两对话练习句型)T: Now stop here.Which pair? Hands up, please.T: Come here, please.(教师及时给予奖励)Step4 Production

T: His/her birthday is in…, When is his/her birthday? Do you know?(留最后一组同学问,以引出小组活动)S: No.T: OK.Let’s make a survey about birthdays in groups.And fill your classmates’ names in March/May/February...,And choose a student to come here to tell us your birthdays.Understand? S: Yes.T: Do it please.(期间在教室走动帮组学生解决问题)T: OK.Now stop here.Which pair? T: Please listen carefully.When your friends’ birthdays come, you can say: Happy birthday to you!Or Give her/his a birthday gift.Yes? S: Yes.(找几组汇报)T: Whose birthday is in September? Come here, please.T: Let’s sing “Birthday song” for them.(师生一起唱生日歌)T: Let’s say together: Happy birthday!T: This is a gift for you, a smile face and give you my best wishes.Go back to your seat, please.Step 5 Summary Ask all the students to read the sentences together.Step5 After-school activities Look at today’s homework: Activity1 and 2




Teaching plan

Topic:My family

Teaching Aids :photos,cards

Teaching Aims:

A,Let the pupils master the new words.B,make the pupils can describe their family members with the new sentence pattern:This is my…,she/he is …

C,Make the pupils become more interested in learning English.Teaching Contents:

words:grandma ,grandpa ,father ,mother,brother,sister,husband,wife,family

Sentence :This is my … ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely…)Teaching Important:

new words: grandma ,grandpa, husband,wife,family

Sentence :This is my … ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely…)

Teaching Difficult:

Pupils can describe their family with the sentence partten: This is my … ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely…)


1,Greeting.2,Warming up:Review the words :father,mother,sister ,brother

3,Presantation:A,Show and look the family photos,the learn the new

words.grandma ,grandpa, husband,wife,family

B,Describe the photos and learn the sentence, This is

my … ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely)…

4,Practice: A,Describe the photos

B,Do the matching5,Homework

Class Record

T:Hello,boys and girls,how are you going today?

S:Fine,thanks,Miss Huang.How are you going?

T:Very well.Thank you so much.Today is the first day of a week,so today we will have something new to learn.(Write down the topic:My family)Ok,do you bring the family photos with you?(A task have assigned last week.)

Ss:Yes!(Shoe the photos)

T:Great!Look,here is my family photo.(Show the photo to the students.)Please tell me where I am?

Ss:That little girl in red.T:Yeah,it’s me.(point to the little girl)And the young man is my….?

Ss:Father.T:Right,”father”,We have learned last week.So the young woman beside my father is my …?

S:Mother.T:How about the little boy?(brother!),and the young girl?(sister!)

Great!(write down the words on the Bb)Read them together!(Students begin to read.)

Ok,pay attention!Who is that old man behind my father?


T:Yes,he is my grandpa, my grandpa,(Write down the new words.)Read and spell it.(Students read and pell the word.)

T:Look at this old woman,she is my father’s mather,and she is my grandma, grandma—奶奶。Read it three times!(Ss read and spell it.)

So my grandma is my grandpa’s wife, wife---妻子。Read after me,”wife” Ss:Wife,W-I-F-E,T:Good!My father is my mother’s husband, husband,what’s meaning?Just guess, Ss:丈夫。

T:Clever!Read it!(Ss read and spell it.)

T:So my grandpa is my grandma’s…?

Ss:Husband.T:Right!Ok,listen to me carefully!There are six people in my family,the old man is my grandpa ,the old woman is my grandma.The wowan behind me is my mother and the man beside my mother is my father.They are very young.The young girl is my sister and the boy is my brother,where Iam?I am in front of my sister.Now please show me your family photos.Who can introduce your family to me?Do you know “introduce”?It means “介绍”.(Some students hand up.)


S1:(Show his family photo)There are four people in my family.The little boy is my brother,the woman is my mother,and this man is my father.They are very young.This girl is me.T:Good job,sit down ,please!Now introduce your family to your deskmate ,please!(Ss begain to introduce)

T:Finished?(Yes!)Good,next,we are going to do the practice.Here are three picyures.(Put the pictures on the Bb.)Look at the pictures and listen to me carefully.“I live with my wife,Eva,and our baby daughter,near the centre of the city.The flat is very expensive,so we live with my parents,and my brother.Ok,now please tell me how many people in this family?

Ss:Six people.T:Right.Which picture is this man’s family photo?

Ss:Picture Two.T:Very good!Here are the introduction of the another two pictures.Who can match them with the pictures well?I need two students ,who can have a try?(Ss hand up.)Ok ,you two ,please.(S2 and S2 go to the Bb to do the matching.)

T:Are they right?


T:Well down!Congratulations!(Clab hands.)

(Ssclab their hands.)

T: Your homework,drow a picture of your family and write down your introduction about your family.That’s all for today,Goodbye,class!

Ss:Goodbye ,Miss Huang!



一、教学课题:Unit two:Touch your ear/mouth...二、教学目的与要求:

1、能听懂、会说:用“I have a big nose.She/He has an small eyes.”的句型在实际情景中用英语来描述自己的亲人或朋友。


3、能用四会词组:“Open your mouth,close you eyes,touch your ear/nose.”这一指令做出相应动作等。三.教学重、难点分析:

1、让学生理解“Open your mouth,touch your nose”是“张开你的嘴巴,触摸你的鼻子”的意思。



4、提醒学生“I have a mouch.He has two big ears。”句型中“有”的用法。不必将第一、三人称告诉学生。







T: Good morning,everyone.Ss:Good morning,Mrs zhu.T: Nice to meet you,again.Ss:Nice to meet you.T: How are you today? Ss:Fine, thanks.And you? T: Very well.Thank you.It’s a fine day, isn’t it? Ss:Yes.2、Preview(7分钟)

(教师先在黑板上画两个“apple”一个大一个小作对比。可适当彩上颜色,以吸引学生的注意力)T: What's this? Ss:It;s apple.T: Great, this one is big, another one is small.(教师指出相应的哪个apple.)Do you like them? SA:Yes, very much.T: And you? SB:Me too.T: That's good.Now, Let's sing“Apple song”together, ok? Ss:OK.(教师带头,Apple red, one together two begin)(歌词)Apple red, apple round.Apple juice,apple sweet.Apple apple apple I love you.Apple apple apple I love to eat.3.Lead-in.(3分钟)

T: Well done.Boys and girls.Look at blackboard.(指向黑板)我们知道苹果是红的还是绿的,是用眼睛看的。你们知道用英语怎么说吗? Ss:不知道。

T: 眼睛就是(eye)。苹果有酸有甜,是用嘴巴吃出来的。嘴巴就是(mouth)

T: 把两个苹果撞在一起,会有声音,那用什么来听呢? Ss:耳朵。

T: 耳朵就是(ear)那当同学们拿到一个又大又红的苹果不忍心吃它时,就会用鼻子问它的香味,是不是呀? Ss:是.T: 那鼻子就是(nose)4.Presentatian(20分钟)(1)新课呈现

a.教师拿出自己准备的挂图.问学生“图片的人在做什么? 引出句型”Touch your ears/nose.Open your eyes/mouth.”(版书如下)

eye 眼睛 Close your eyes 闭上你的眼睛 mouth 嘴巴 Open your mouth 张开你的嘴巴 ear 耳朵 Touch your ear 触摸你的耳朵 nose 鼻子 Touch your nose 触摸你的鼻子 b.教师呈现卡片“eye, ear...”依次教给学生,直到学生能够认出“eye, ear...”的位置在那?

在此基础上:“close your eyes...”的意思还有做相应的动作做进一步的解释。(2)听音、跟读 听“Let's talk”部分录音带,让学生听懂、理解对话内容,接着让学生边看课文听录音带,全班学生读课文。(3)练习、教师指着自己或学生说:“I have two big eyes 或 She/He has a small nose。”然后教师提问某学生。让学生说出“I have a big nose.She/He has two small ears。”的句型。(4)听力游戏

听指令做动作。教师将全班分成若干小组。每组抽出一名学生,一起到前面做游戏。教师快速说出“Touch your ears(eyes, mouth)” “Open your mouth...”学生听到后便做这一动作。最快最准获胜做错了淘汰。最后剩下一名同学获胜,鼓励小鸟或小红旗。

六、故事(Story time)5分钟 故事的题目是《拔萝卜》


(注意:“rabbit”是兔子。“turnip”是萝卜。“hooray”为喝彩声“I can't pull up”是我拔不动)

七、总结(conclusion)(2分钟)本堂课主要学的单词是:“nose, eye, mouth, ear.”句子是“Open your mouth, touch your nose...”。8(Homework)(1分钟)


(2)作课本“A.Read and write”部分的练习。


Happy Women’s Day 教学内容:

英语PEP教材三年级上册第11页Culture Women’s Day 教学目标:


2、理解,会说Happy Women’s Day。



会说Happy Women’s Day。教学准备:


1、创设谈话情境,引出谈话话题。(1)复习单词woman, mother, teacher.问今天是什么节日?(三八妇女节)。三八妇女节是谁的节日?(妈妈、老师 等等)。你会对她们说什么?

(2)学生自由谈论,老师的节日,你会怎么做?会为老师做些什么?说些什么?(3)教师采用语言创设情境的方式,向学生提出话题:“孩子们,在学校里,是 谁照顾你的,教你们学本领的?老师是怎样照顾你们的?教你们学了哪些本领?”

2、引导学生围绕 话题自由交谈。

学生根据教师提出的话题,与旁边同伴自由交谈,亦可让学生自由结伴进行交谈。教师轮流参与学生的谈话,提醒他们轻声讲话,不影响别人,要求学生认真听别人 说话,不随便插嘴,能从别人的谈话中,学到好的谈话经验。提示学生围绕“教师 的工作”这一话题交谈,不扯别的话题。了解学生的谈话内容,为组织学生集体谈 话做准备。


(1)在学生自由交谈的基础上,组织学生集体谈话,重点围绕“你喜欢老师嘛? 你最喜欢老师什么?”这两个话题讨论。请几名学生在集体面前表达自己的见解,鼓励学生尽量用英语谈话,如:I like my teacher.She is„讲话声音响亮。(2)接着,教师可用提问的方式,进一步拓展谈话话题,建议提这样的问题: 老师和妈妈什么地方是一样的?什么地方不一样?小朋友可以怎样帮助老师?可先 让学生与同伴自由交谈,充分发表自己的见解,教师注意倾听,发现某些讲的好的 语句。可在学生面前重复一遍。帮助学生加深印象,以利于他们学习。

(3)教师小结谈话内容,引导学生体会老师对学生的爱,教育学生要听妈妈的话,要尊敬老师,最后,集体祝老师Happy Women's Day!结束活动。


Background information Students:32 primary school students of the fouth grade Lesson duration:10 mins

Teacher objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: pronounce correctly

Teacher contents 1.[æ] 和 [e] 2.Vocabulary of examples: and, land ,bag, man, had, sad和 end, lend, beg, men, head, said

Teaching procedures: Step 1.Warming up a)Greating each other:--Hello, eyeryone!How are you today? – I’m fine, thank you.And you? –I am fine.b)--Through the last lesson, who can tell me, we know how many consonants and how many vowels in the phonetics? –28 consonants and 20 vowels.Step 2.Presentation a)—Look at this letter vowel [æ], open your mouth, follow me [æ] [æ] [æ].–Look at you deskmate’s mouth, does he/she open his/her mouth.—One time again [æ] [æ] [æ].--Now follow me read these words: and, land, bag, man, had, sad.b)—Look at this letter vowel [e], this is small [e], follow me [e] [e] [e].--Now follow me read these words: end, lend, beg, men, head, said.Step 3.Practice--Let’s play a game.This game named Fly Swatter.I need two volunteers select which one is I read, and use a fly swatter hit it immediately.Other people can show me your answer by your finger one or two.(1)

(2)a)apple desk b)bed

cat c)bag

egg d)pen

hat Step 4.Production--Now, read this short paragraph , I will give you a few minutes to practice before I ask someone to perform.You have reached Ellen Edwards.i am sorry I can’t answer right now.I am away from my desk.Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.Homework--Learn to sing this English’s song.Apple round, apple red Apple juicy, apple sweet Apple, apple, I love you Apple sweet I love to eat

Reflection:(to be written immediately after the lesson).

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