I.语言学理论专题研究 **1.胡壮麟,《语言学教程》,北京大学出版社,1999。
**2.Robins, R.H, General Linguistics.4th ed.Harlow: Longman.1989。3.杨忠,《语言学概论》,高等教育出版社,2004。4.乐眉云《应用语言学》(第二版),南京师范大学出版社,2004
** 1.Ellis, R.The Study of Second Language Acquisition.Oxford: Oxford University Press.1994 2.Larsen-Freeman, D.and M.H.Long.An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research.3.London: Longman.1991 3.丁言仁,《第二语言习得研究与外语学习》,上海外语教育出版社,2004。
** 1.McKay, Sandra & Nancy H.Hornberger, Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1996 2.Jack C.Richards,《论语言教学环境》外语教学与研究出版社,2001 3.Larry A.Samovar, et al.Communication Between Cultures 外语教学与研究出版社,2000 4.孙勉志,《汉语环境与英语学习》,上海外语教育出版社,2001.5.Byram, Michael From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship—Essays and Reflections, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters 2008
** 1.Brown, H.D.Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy.Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.1994 2.张正东,《中国外语教学法理论与流派》,科学出版社,2000。3.束定芳,《现代外语教学----理论实践与方法》,上海外语教育出版社,2006。
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** 1.Jack C.Richards.Theodore S.Rodgers , Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching,Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2000.2.C.J.Brimfit and K.Johnson, The Communicative Approach to Language Teaching, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.2005.3.Michael P.Breen and Andrew Little John, Classroom Decision-making, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press ,2005.4.Cook.V , Second Language Learning and Language Teaching(Second edition).Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2000.** 5.Ur, P..A Course in Language Teaching :Practice and Theory.Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2000 6.Harmer, J, How to Teach English.Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2000.VI.英语课程论
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**16本 共计:40本
当代教育科学 **中小学教学研究 课程·教材·教法 中国教育学刊 教育研究
TESOL Quarterly **Teaching English In China
推荐版本2:(美)Ralph W.Tyler著,罗康、张阅译:《课程与教学的基本原理》,北京:中国轻工业出版社,2008版。
泰勒在书中提出的四个基本问题,构成了考察课程与教学问题的基本原理,既为课程开发提供了坚实的理论基础,又为现代课程研究开创了范式!本书是被誉为‚现代课程理论之父‛的教育家泰勒的经典著作,是迄今为止课程领域最有影响的著作之一,被奉为‚现代课程理论的‘圣经’‛!它与杜威的《民主主义与教育》一起,在1981年被美国的《卡潘》(Phi Delta Kappan)杂志评为1906年以来对学校课程领域影响最大的两本著作之一。
本书从教学设计的一般原理入手,对教学过程中的学习者、教学目标与教学内容设计、教学的过程设计、教学方法与教学组织形式设计、教学情境与活动设计、教学设计中媒体与信息技术的运用、教学评价设计等进行了详细介绍,反映了现代教学设计领域的新思想、新要求、新经 验,以培养教师运用教学设计系统理论和方法解决教学问题的能力。该书配有案例,应用性强,有助于教师提高自己的教学水平。
本书的内容是探讨教师如何才能成功地处理孩子们的课堂和管理好他们的学习环境。它的重点是思考如何良好地控制课堂秩序及有关的心理学知识,透过这种知识,我们才能认清为何学生往往做出挑战教师威信的行为。它也强调校方和教师的无心之失,也会激发或延续这种有害行为。另外,它还重 点介绍一些方法,引导学生的行为走向更为有益及有成果的方向,对我们的教学操作起到抛砖引玉的作用。
1.阮 真:《中学国文教学法》,正中书局,1936年版
2.黎锦熙:《新国文教学法》,北京师范大学出版社,1951年版 3.张志公:《传统语文教育初探》,上海教育出版社,1979年版 4.《叶圣陶语文教育论集》,教育科学出版社,1980年版
6.尤.克.巴班斯基(苏):《论教学过程最优化》,教育科学出版社,1982年版 7.沈衡仲:《语文教学散论》,上海教育出版社,1983年版 8.叶仓岑:《中学语文教学通论》,北京教育出版社,1984年版
9.苏霍姆林斯基(苏):《给教师的建议》,教育科学出版社,1984年版 10.《朱自清论语文教育》,教育科学出版社,1985年版 11.万恒德:《中学语文教学概论》,江苏古籍出版社,1986年版 12.黄振中、王世堪:《中学语文教学法》,广西民族出版社,1986年版 13.谭惟翰:《语文教学心理学》,安徽教育出版社,1986年版 14.曾祥芹:《语文教学能力论》,河南大学出版社,1987年版
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19.于满川、杨履武、顾黄初:《语文教学论》,南京大学出版社,1989年版 20.杨德如、沈长春:《实用语文教育学》,安徽教育出版社,1989年版 21.约翰.杜威(美):《民主主义与教育》,王承绪译,人民教育出版社,1990年版
22.黄麟生、倪文锦:《先进教育思想 高超教育艺术》,广西师范大学出版社,1991年版
24.杨德如:《语文教育学概论》,中国科学技术大学出版社,1993年版 25.王光龙:《语文学习方法论》,山西高校联合出版社,1993年版 26.张鸿苓:《语文教育学》,北京师范大学出版社,1993年版
28.杨成章:《语文教育心理学》,四川教育出版社,1994年版 29.《张志公论语文教育》,河南教育出版社,1994年版 30.刘国正:《叶圣陶教育文集》,人民教育出版社,1994年版 31.陶行知:《中国教育改造》,东方出版社,1996年版 32.王力:《论语文教育》,河南教育出版社,1996年版 33.佟士凡:《语文学习论》,广西教育出版社,1996年版 34.张鸿苓:《语文教育学》,北京师范大学出版社,1997年版 35.谢象贤:《语文教育学》,浙江教育出版社,1997年版 36.程达:《语文学科论》,湖南教育出版社,1998年版 37.庄静肃:《语文教育学》,教育科学出版社,1998年版 38.韦志诚:《作文教学论》,广西教育出版社,1998年版 39.曹明海:《语文学习心理论》,海洋大学出版社,1998年版 40.曹明海:《语文审美教育论》,海洋大学出版社,1998年版 41.《张志公自选集》,北京大学出版社,1998年版
44.钱威、徐越化:《中学语文教学法》,华东师范大学出版社,2000年版 45.王显槐:《现代语文教学论》,江西高校出版社,2000年版 46.池方浩:《中学语文教学艺术》,江西教育出版社,2000年版 47.钱威:《语文教学艺术导论》,新疆大学出版社,2000年版 48.陈黎明:《高师语文教学论》,海洋大学出版社,2000年版
49.唐作藩:《语文修养与中学语文教学》,北京大学出版社,2000年版 50.区培民:《语文教师技术行为概论》,贵州人民出版社,2000年版 51.王松泉:《阅读教育学》,辽宁大学出版社,2000年版 52.曾祥芹:《阅读学新论》,语文出版社,2000年版
53.黄岳州:《语言文学与教学新论》,山西人民教育出版社,2000年版 54.于亚中:《中学语文教育学》,高等教育出版社,2000年版 55.于年河:《中学语文教材教法》,河北大学出版社,2000年版 56.董菊初:《叶圣陶语文教育思想概论》,开明出版社,2000年版 57.黎泽渝:《黎锦熙语文教育论著选》,人民教育出版社,2000年版 58.复旦大学语言室编:《陈望道语文论集》,上海教育出版社,2000年版 59.陈光磊:《陈望道论语文教育》,河南教育出版社,2000年版 60.唐作藩:《王力论语文教育》,河南教育出版社,2000年版 61.张志公:《张志公自选集》,北京师范大学出版社,2000年版
62.张志公:《张志公汉语语法教学论著选》,山西教育出版社,2000年版 63.靳健:《现代语文教育学》,甘肃教育出版社,2000年版
64.王文彦、蔡明:《语文课程与教学论》,高等教育出版社,2002年版 65.王尚文、吴克强:《中学语文教学研究》,高等教育出版社,2002年版 66.石中英《知识转型与教育改革》教科社2001年 67.王丽《中学语文教育忧思录》华东师大1998 68.刘永康《语文教育学》高教社2005年 69.朱绍禹《中学语文课程与教学论》高教版社 70.倪文锦《语文教育学引论》高教社1996年 71.《初中、高中语文新课程教学法》同上03、04 72.马云鹏《课程与教学论》中央电大出版社05 73.教育部《语文新课程标准
74.《教育心理学》(皮连生、莫雷、吴庆龄等)75.张中原《语文课程与教学论新编》苏教社07 76.《教育学》(《教育学原理》)(王道俊、南师大等)77.张华 《课程与教学论》上海教育00年 《语文教学论》参考书目
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57.宁鸿彬:《语文教学的思考与实践》,教育科学出版社,1998年版 58.赖志奎:《现代教学论》,杭州大学出版社,1998年版 59.李秉德:《教育科学研究方法》,人民教育出版社,1998年版
63.霍华德.加德纳(美):《多元智能》,沈致隆译,新华出版社,1999年版 64.张文泰:《中学作文教学研究》,东北师范大学出版,2000年版 65.黄文硕:《语文教材论》,人民教育出版社,2000年版
66.刘国正:《实和活:刘国正语文教育文选》,人民教育出版社,2000年版 67.张隆华:《中国古代语文教育史》,四川教育出版社,2000年版 68.李杏保:《中国现代语文教育史》,四川教育出版社,2000年版 69.李田若:《中国当代汉字认读与书写》,四川教育出版社,2000年版 70.韩雪屏:《中国当代阅读理论与阅读教学》,四川教育出版社,2000年版 71.张鸿苓:《中国当代听说理论与听说教学》,四川教育出版社,2000年版 72.刘国正:《中国当代写作与阅读测试》,四川教育出版社,2000年版 73.倪宝元:《语言学与语文教育》,上海教育出版社,2000年版 74.曾祥芹:《文章学与语文教育》,上海教育出版社,2000年版 75.王纪人:《文艺学与语文教育》,上海教育出版社,2000年版
76.曹明海:《理解与建构:语文阅读活动论》,青岛大学出版社,2000年版 77.曹明海:《营构与创造:语文教学策略论》,青岛大学出版社,2000年版 78.曹明海:《感应与塑造:语文审美教育论》,青岛大学出版社,2000年版 79.曹明海:《追问与发展:语文学习心理论》,青岛大学出版社,2000年版 80.曹明海:《整体与圆识:语文教学系统论》,青岛大学出版社,2000年版 81.曹明海:《存在与发展:语文教学生态论》,青岛大学出版社,2000年版 82.李海林:《言语教学论》,上海教育出版社,2000年版 83.王尚文:《语感论》,上海教育出版社,2000年版 84.李维鼎:《语文言意论》,上海教育出版社,2000年版
85.吴发衍:《当代语文教法学法辞典》,广西教育出版社,2000年版 86.许其举:《中语指要》,中国矿业出版社,2000年版 87.李廷扬:《语文新论:美辞论》,贵州教育出版社,2000年版
88.全国中学语文会编:《新世纪中学语文教育》,人民教育出版社,2000年版 89.孔庆东:《审视中学语文教育》,汕头大学出版社,2000年版 90.白金声:《语文德育渗透术》,中国林业出版社,2000年版 91.张定元:《中学著名特级教师思想精粹》,语文出版社,2000年版 92.顾黄初:《语文教育论稿》,人民教育出版社,2000年版 93.顾之川:《语文论稿》,湖南教育出版社,2000年版 94.张隆华:《语文素质教育研究》,湖南教育出版社,2000年版
96.李行建:《语文学习新论》,山西人民教育出版社,2000年版 97.毛雨先:《语文学习面面观》,江西高校出版社,2000年版 98.张建华:《中学语文教学法辅导》,高等教育出版社,2000年版 99.王松泉:《语文教学概论》,高等教育出版社,2000年版 100.韩雪屏:《语文教学技术训练》,高等教育出版社,2000年版 101.程翔:《语文课堂教学的研究与实践》,语文出版社,2000年版 102.孙春成:《语文课堂教学艺术漫谈》,语文出版社,2000年版
104.左兵著:《语文考试艺术》,社会科学文献出版社,2000年版 105.吴桐祯:《语文自学能力培养法》,教育科学出版社,2000年版 106.周德藩:《中学语文教学优秀个案》,苏州大学出版社,2000年版 107.彭观仞:《中学语文教学板书设计》,湖南人民出版社,2000年版 108.李庆平:《中学语文板书设计精编》,北京师范大学出版社,2000年版 109.赵贤州:《对外汉语教学通论》,上海外语教育出版社,2000年版 110.程棠:《对外汉语教学目的、原则、方法》,华语教学出版社,2000年版 112.王相文:《语文教材研究》,高等教育出版社,2000年版 113.朱绍禹:《中学语文教材概观》,人民教育出版社,2000年版
114.王相文:《中学语文教材研究导论》,东北师范大学出版社,2000年版 115.顾黄初:《语文教材的编制与使用》,江苏教育出版社,2000年版 116.王柏勋:《中学语文教材分类研究》,海南出版社,2000年版 117.费锦昌:《中国语文现代化百年记事》,语文出版社,2000年版
118.顾黄初:《20世纪后期中国语文教育论集》,四川教育出版社,2000年版 119.郑国民:《从文言教学到白话文教学:我国近现代语文教育的变革历程》,北师大出版,2000 120.张志公:《张志公语文集外集》,语文出版社,2000年版
121.本书编委:《张志公先生纪念文集》,北京师范大学出版社,2000年版 122.傅永安:《中学语文比较教学》,教育科学出版社,2000年版 123.庄文中:《中学教学语法和语法教学》,语文出版社,2000年版 124.陈帼雄:《中学语文实用语法》,开明出版社,2000年版
125.吕必松:《语言教育问题研究论文集》,华语教学出版社,2000年版 126.许嘉璐:《中学语言教学研究》,广东教育出版社,2000年版 127.钱梦龙:《导读的艺术(修订本)》,人民教育出版社,2000年版 128.李家树:《香港语文教学策略》,南京师范大学出版社,2000年版 129.田小琳:《香港中文教学和普通话教学论集》,人民教育出版社,2000年版
130.王继坤:《现代阅读学教程》,海洋大学出版社,2000年版 131.王松泉:《阅读教材》,辽宁大学出版社,2000年版
133.张华:《课程与教学论》。上海教育出版社,2000年版 135.李秉德:《教育论》,人民教育出版社,2000年版
136.柳士镇、洪宗礼《中外母语教材比较丛书》,江苏教育出版社,2000年版 137.应峻峰:《研究型课程》,天津教育出版社,2001年版
141.顾明远、梦繁华:《国际教育新理念》,海南出版社,2001年版 142.张华:《经验课程论》,上海教育出版社,2001年版
145.顾黄初:《中国现代语文教育百年事典》,上海教育出版社,2001年版 146.河明:《中学作文教育实践问题研究》,东北师范大学出版,2001年版 147.倪文锦、欧阳汝颖:《语文教育展望》,华东师范大学出版社,2002年版 148.杨再随:《<全日制义务教育语文课程标准>学习与辅导》,语文出版社,2002年版
《当代教育》北京.中小学教育改革研究中心 《教育科学》大连.辽宁师范大学 《教育研究》北京.中央教科所 《教育评论》福州.福建省教育厅 《人民教育》北京.教育部 《中小学教育》北京.人大复印资料 《中国教育学刊》北京.教育部 《课程.教材.教法》北京.人民教育出版社 《比较教育研究》北京.北京师范大学 《教师教育研究》北京师范大学 《语文建设》北京.教育部语言文字报刊社 《中国语文》北京.商务印书馆 《中学语文教与学》北京.(人大复印资料)《中学语文教学》北京.首都师范大学
《语文学习》上海 《语文教学与研究》武汉.华中师范大学 《语文教学通讯》山西(初中、高中)《中学语文教学参考》西安.陕西师范大学 《语文月刊》广州 《语文教学之友》河北.石家庄 《学语文》芜湖.安徽师范大学 《现代语文》山东.曲阜师范大学 《新课程研究》武汉.长江教育研究院 《语文世界》北京.中国语文报刊协会
语文教育网http://www.xiexiebang.com 中学语文教学资源网http://www.xiexiebang.com 现代语文教育网http://www.xiexiebang.com/subject/chinese
I. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true or false.()1.In communicative language teaching, the purpose of reading is to learn language, namely vocabulary, grammar, etc.()2.Classroom management is the way teachers organize what goes on in the classroom.()3.If students get enough chance to practise using a foreign language, they do not need to learn grammar.()4.It is necessary to establish a classroom routine from the very beginning.()5.A good primar school English teacher need to develop competence in at least three areas: the English language, the understanding of children and the good teaching material for teaching English to children.II.Answer the following questions.1.Why do teachers ask questions in class?
2.What basic components should a lesson plan have?
3.What are the overall objectives for Level 2?
4.What makes a good primary English teacher?
Read the following situations and the teacher’s behaviour.Are the teachers motivating learners or demotivating them? What are the reasons hehind these behaviours? If you do not like any of these, can can you improve them? Situation 1: The teacher is showing a very exciting cartoon and the purpose is to ask children to pick up what is being said in the cartoon.The children get so excited that they stand up and move with the music.The teacher gets very angry and she says:------再有一个人起来我就关掉了,不看了。
Situation 2: The teacher is going to start a game.Pupils get very excited and they put up their hands high and start shouting “me, me”.The teacher stops this by saying:-------谁叫呢?再叫,5轮不叫你。OK,开始,大家不许说话,只许做动作。
Situation 3: Some pupils are making a lot of noise and some are playing with each other.The teacher suddenly stops talking and the games she is organizing.She waits silently and says: III.------我还在等一个人。
Case analysis.A teacher plans to teach the name of six animals today.When she walked into her classroom, she put six animal cards upside down on the board.She told the children that there was one animal on each card and she asked the children to guess what they are.Why does the teacher use teh cards to start her class and is there a better way to do so?
I.Multiple choices.()1.What type of learners can benefit most from listening and drawing activies? A.Kinesthetic learners B.Spatial learners C.Individual learners D.Visual learners()2.Which of the following doesn’t belong to affect objective? A.Confidence B.Motivation C.Patriotism D.Communicative()3.Which of the following grammar items do the overall objectives for Levels 1 and 2 involve? A.the present participle, the simple past, the present continuous, the past perfect B.the imperative mood, the simple present, the simple past, the present continuous C.the simple past, the present continuous, the simple future, the passive voice D.the simple present, the simple past, the present continuous, the simple future()4.What’s the requirement for vocabulary learning at the primary level? A.600-700
D.700-800()5.Which of the following statements is not true? A.Children are not good at analyzing language rules.B.The sooner the children begin to learn English, the better they will learn it.C.Children know what they want.D.Children shouldn’t be given too many restrictions.III.Answer the following questions.1.What are the principles for good lesson planning?
2.Explain Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence.3.What should be the overall aim for English language teaching in China?
II.Below are some ways of teaching English to children.Which is the way you favor ? And which is the way you dislike most? And why? A: I ask my child to translate 5 sentences every day.B: I often point to something and tell my child what it is in English and ask him to name it whenever he sees it.C: I play English songs every day at home and let my child watch English cartoons and listen to English stories.I never force her to speak.D: I hope my child can learn English as early as possible so I teach him one hour every day.Usually I ask him to read after me again and again until he can say it correctly.E: I often organise games for my students to do role play in the class.They learn to use the language to do shopping, order food, ask for direction, etc.III.Case analysis.Read the following classroom instructions from a novice English teacher to Grade I pupils.What problems are there and what suggestions can you give? T:同学们,我们刚刚讲完句型,现在我们来做一项课堂活动,每组的第一个同学到我这里来,我告诉你们一句话,然后你们回去传给下个同学,第二个同学再往下传,咱们看看哪个组传的速度最快,准确率最高......
Unit 1 Language and Language Learning 语言和语言学习1.Views on language 有关语言的观点
Different views on language generate different teaching methodologies.(P2)不同的语言观产生不同的教学方法。
Three different views of language: 三种不同观点的语言:
(1).Structural view: language as a system made up of various subsystems: the sound system(phonology);the discrete units of meaning(morphology);the system of combining units of meaning for communication(syntax)(p3)a finite number of such structural items 有限数量的这种结构性产品
结构语言理论:语言作为一个系统由各种子系统:音响系统(语音);离散单元的意义(形态);对通信相结合的系统单位的意义(语法)(2).Functional view: Language is not only a linguistic system but also a means for doing things.功能观:语言不仅是一种语言系统,但也做事情的一种方式。(3).Interactional view: language as a communicative tool to build up and maintain social relations between people.(p3)交互语言理论:语言作为一种交际工具来建立和维护人们之间的社会关系。2.Views on language learning and learning in general 语言学习观和学习两类理论:Process-oriented theories and Condition-oriented theories
(1).Behaviourist theory:(p5)行为主义学习理论
面向流程理论和条件理论 behavioural psychologist Skinner;行为心理学家斯金纳
Watson and Raynor’s theory of conditioning;stimulus, response, and reinforcement;the audio-lingual method;the language is learned by constant repetition and reinforcement of the teacher 沃森和雷诺的调节理论,刺激响应,和强化;听说教学法;语言是不断的重复和强化学习的老师
(2).Cognitive theory: students are asked to think rather than simply repeat;(p5)Noam Chomsky;乔姆斯基
认知学习理论:要求学生想而不是简单的重复;language is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system;there are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system and with a knowledge of these an infinite number of sentences can be produced.有数量有限的语法规则系统和知识的这些可以生成无限的句子
语言是一个复杂的基于规则的系统语言习得和一个大的部分是这个系统的学习;乔姆斯基认知语言学 Transformational-Generative(T-G)Grammer 转换生成语法(3).Constructivist theory:(P6)Learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he/she already know;建构主义学习理论:学习是一个过程,学习者建构意义基于自己的经历和已经知道什么;applicable to learning in general;适用于一般学习John Dewey 杜威
teaching should be built based on what learners already knew and engage learners in learning activities;
教学应构建基于学习者已经知道和学习者参与学习活动 to foster inventive, creative, critical learner;培养创造力,创造力,关键的学习者(4).Social-constructivist theory:(P6)社会-建构主义理论
Vygotsky;维果斯基 emphasizes interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context;the concept of ‘Zone of Proximal Development’(ZPD)可能发展区/临近发展区and scaffolding 鹰架理论;概念和鹰架理论
强调互动和社会背景与目标语言接触 learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the teacher and the learner and between learners.学习是最好的通过教师和学习者之间的动态交互和学习者之间
3.qualities of(What makes)a good language teacher(P7)品质好的语言老师 ethic devotion;professional qualities;personal style;professional competence 道德奉献 职业素质 个人风格 专业能力
4.Development of teacher’s professional competence
Figure 1.1(P9): Stage 1, Stage 2 and Goal 图1.1(9页):第一阶段、第二阶段和目标 Stage 1: language development 阶段1:语言发展
Stage 2: three sub-stages: learning, practice, reflection方案变动包括:学习实践反思 The learning stage: 1.learning from others’ experiences;2.learning the received knowledge;3.learning from one’s own experiences
5.The most influential language teaching approaches in the past two decades Communicative Language Teaching(CTL)交际语言教学 最具影响力的语言Task-basked Language Teaching(TBLT)任务型语言教学
Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Task-based Language Teaching 交际原则 任务型语言教学
1.Language use in real life vs.traditional pedagogy 在现实生活中与传统的教育学 The language used in real life
在现实生活中,语言是用来执行特定的交际功能(in real life, language is used to perform certain communicative functions)The language learned in classroom 在教室里学到的语言 A big gap between the two 一个很大的差距
Main differences:(P15)1.traditional pedagogy tends to focus on forms rather than functions;2.traditional pedagogy tends to focus on one or two language skills and ignore the others;3.traditional pedagogy tends to isolate language from its context.主要差异:
To bridge the gap between the two
目标是发展学生的交际能力 The goal of CLT is to develop students’ communicative competence.Five main components of communicative competence(p17-18)交际能力的五个方面(1).Linguistic competence 语言能力
It’s concerned with knowledge of the language, it involves spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary, word formation, grammatical structure, sentence structure, and semantics.语言的知识,它包括拼写,发音,词汇,构词、语法结构、句子结构和语义。(2).Pragmatic competence 语用能力 适当的使用语言的社会环境 It’s concerned with the appropriate use of the language in social context;
To know when to speak, when not, what to talk about with whom, when, where and in what manner.知道何时说话,何时不说,谈论与谁,何时、何地、以何种方式。(3).Discourse competence 语篇能力
It refers to one's ability to create coherent written text or conversation and the ability to understand them.一个人的能力来创建一致的书面文本或对话和理解的能力。The cohesive markers used in the discourse.有凝聚力的话语中使用的标记。The reference words in the context.参考词汇在上下文。有凝聚力的词汇意义 Cohesive words hold meaning together in a sensible way.在一个合理的方式。One’s ability to initiate, develop, enter, interrupt, check or confirm in a conversation.一个启动的能力,开发、进入中断,请检查或确认的谈话。(4).Strategic competence 策略能力
It is similar to communication strategies.它类似于沟通策略。
It refers to strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources.它指的是战略雇佣通信故障时由于缺乏资源。
By searching for other means of expression, such as using a similar phrase, using gestures, or using a longer explanation.寻找其他的方式表达,如使用类似的短语, Keep the conversation going.保持谈话。使用手势,或使用一个更详细的解释。Get input from the other end.从另一端获取输入。(5).Fluency 流利程度
It means one’s ability to link units of speech together with fluency and without nervousness or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitation.这意味着一个人的能力联系单位一起演讲流利和没有紧张或不恰当的缓慢或不适当的犹豫。chunks of language大块的语言 Lexical phrases词汇短语 Prefabricated language 预制语言
Linguistic competence(Chomsky): rules of grammar/ grammatical rules/grammar knowledge;the knowledge of language structure and the ability to use this knowledge to understand and produce language.(P19)语言能力(乔姆斯基):语法规则/语法规则/语法知识;语言的知识结构和使用这些知识的能力去理解和生成语言。Communicative competence(Hymes): besides grammatical rules language use is governed by rules of use /knowledge of what to say, when, how, where and to whom.交际能力(海姆斯):除了语法规则的语言的使用是由规则的使用/知识该说什么,何时、何地、如何和人。
3.Principles of CLT 交际语言教学的原则 Communicative Language Teaching communication principle, task principle, meaningfulness principle
The weak version of CLT: learners first learn the language as a structural system and then learn how to use it in communication.强大版本:语言是通过沟通。The strong version of CLT: language is acquired through communication.薄弱版本:学习者首先学习语言作为一种结构体系,然后学习如何使用它在沟通。4.CLT and the teaching of language skills 语言技能的教学 交际能力 Communicative competence is to develop learners’ language skills, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing.是培养学习者的语言能力,即听、说、阅读和写作。5.Main features of communicative activities 交际活动的主要特征
The Key assumption in CLT is that students learn the language through engaging in a variety of communicative activities.关键假设是学生学习语言通过从事各种各样Functional communicative activities 功能性交际活动 的交际活动。Social interaction activities(P22-23)社会互动活动
6.Six criteria for evaluating communicative classroom activities
Ellis(1990)(1).Communicative purpose 交际目的 六个标准评价课堂交际活动 埃利斯(2).Communicative desire 交际需要(3).Content, not form 注重内容,不是形式(4).Variety of language 语言的多样性
(5).No teacher intervention 没有老师的干涉(6).No materials control 没有语言材料控制
7.Task-based Language Teaching(TBLT)任务型语言教学
Task-based language teaching is a further development of Communicative Language Teaching.是交际语言教学的进一步发展 结合形式,集中教学与沟通 combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching Definitions of a task on(P27)任务的定义
(Willis, 1996)Tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose(goal)in order to achieve an outcome.(威利斯,1996)任务活动,使用目标语言学习者交际目的(目标)为了实现一个结果。Four components of a task(P28)任务的四个组成部分
a purpose, a context, a process, a product
一个目的、内容、过程、结果 8.Exercises;exercise-tasks;tasks 练习与任务
Exercises: focus on individual aspects of language, such as vocabulary, grammar or individual skills 关注个人方面的语言,如词汇、语法和个人技能
Exercise-tasks: contextualized practice of language items(often a particular grammar point)符合实际的语言实践项目(通常是一个特定的语法点)
Task: the complete act of communication(purposeful & contextualized communication)完整的沟通行为(有目的的和符合实际的沟通)9.PPP(P31-32)属于传统教学模式 traditional teaching mode Presentation(of single new item)呈现(单新项目)
Practice(of new item: drills, exercises, dialogue)练习(新项目:演习,演习、对话)Production(Activity, role play or task to encourage free use of language)产出(活动,角色扮演或任务鼓励免费使用语言)The five-step teaching method 五步教学法
revision, presentation, practice, production , consolidation 10.TBLT/TBL(P31)Task-based Language Teaching(TBLT)任务型语言教学 Task-based Learning(TBL)任务型学习
Pre-task: introduction to topic and task 介绍主题和任务
Task cycle: task/planning/report;students hear task recording or read text.任务周期:任务/计划/报告;学生听到任务记录或阅读文本
Language focus: analysis and practice: Review and repeat task.语言重点:分析和实践:审查和重复的任务
Five steps of designing tasks(P34)五个步骤的设计任务
(1).Think about students’ needs, interests, and abilities 考虑学生的需要兴趣和能力(2).Brainstorm possible tasks 头脑风暴可能的任务
(3).Evaluate the list 评估列表 使用以下标准:①.教育价值
using the following criteria: ①.educational value;②.appropriateness to the students’ needs, interest and abilities;③.availability of suitable resources;④.time available(4).Choose the language items 选择的语言项目 ②.适合学生的需要兴趣能力(5).Preparing materials 准备材料 ③.合适的资源的可用性,④.可用时间 11.Appropriateness of CLT and TBLT in the Chinese context(p35)适当的交际语言教学和任务型语言教学在中国语境
It is very difficult to design a syllabus with a one to one correspondence between a function and a form.很难设计教学大纲与之间的一一对应一个功能和一个表单 One function of the language can be fulfilled by several language forms.One language form may also have several functions.(CLT)
一个功能可以实现语言的一些语言形式。一种语言形式也可能有几个功能。12.Potential constraints of TBLT 任务型语言教学的潜在限制
(1).It may not be effective for presenting new language items.(Swan, 2005)(2).Time 时间
它可能不是有效的呈现新语言项目 学习的文化:
(3).The culture of learning: some students may find it difficult to adapt to TBLT.Lack of appropriate skills such as problem-solving, discussing, inquiring and reasoning.一些学生可能难以适应。缺乏适当的技能,如解决问题、讨论、(4).Level of difficulty.水平的困难 查询和推理。
Unit 3 The National English Curriculum 国家英语课程标准
1.A brief history of foreign language teaching in China 在中国外语教学简史 Main events before 1978 主要事件在1978年之前
Four major phases of the development of ELT in China since 1978.(Restoration, Rapid Development, Reform, and Innovation)发展的四个主要阶段,英语教学在中国自1978年以来(修复、快速发展、改革和创新)(1).Restoration(1978-1985):
a national syllabus in 1978;一个国家1978年教学大纲 一套新的教科书 a new set of textbooks by the People’s Education Press(PEP);由人民教育出版社 grammar-based audio-lingual teaching method.基本语法和听说教学方法(2).Rapid development(1986-1992): 快速发展
the 1986 English Syllabus(a revised one);1986年英语教学大纲(修订)the rewriting of the textbooks by PEP.重写教科书
English is not only instrumental but also communicative and educational.Teaching should focus more on the use of the language.英语不仅是工具也是交际和教育。教学应更注重语言的使用。(3).Reform(1993-2000): 改革
The policy of nine-year compulsory education.九年义务教育的政策。
The communicative approach.交际的方法 在1993年发布的一份新的教学大纲 A new syllabus issued in 1993.很多教科书区域机构除了鼓舞士气的新系列 A number of textbooks by regional agencies besides a new series by PEP.A synthesis of the new and the old approaches.新和旧的合成方法
A more communication-oriented language teaching.面向更多的交流,语言教学(4).Innovation(from 2000): 创新
A call for quality-oriented education.呼吁素质教育
A review of the curriculum prior 2000.(overemphasis on the delivery of language knowledge;ignoring Ss’ language ability and individual learner differences;paper-and-pencil tests)
回顾2000年之前的课程。(过分强调语言知识的传递,忽略了学生的语言能力和学习者个别差异;纸笔测试)A transition to the New National English Curriculum.过渡到新的国家英语课程。2.the six designing principles for the National English Curriculum 6种设计原则(1).Aim for educating all students, and emphasise quality-oriented education.(2).Promote learner-centeredness, and respect individual differences.(p42)/(p310)(3).Develop competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability.(4).Pay close attention to the learning process, and advocate experiential learning and participation.(1)面向全体学生,注重素质教育。(2)突出学生主体,尊重个体差异。(5).Attach particular importance to formative assessment, and give special attention to the development of competence.(3)整体设计目标,体现灵活开放。
(6).Optimize learning resources, and maximize opportunities for learning and using the language.(4)强调学习过程,倡导体验参与。
(6)开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道。The overall aim of the curriculum for nine-year compulsory education is to develop students’ comprehensive abilities in language use.Language skills;language knowledge;affects;culture awareness and learning strategies.九年义务教育课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。语言技能,语言知识、影响、文化意识、学习策略。九年义务教育的英语课程 The English curriculum for nine-year compulsory education.The related senior high school English curriculum.有关高中英语课程。Nine competence-based objectives.9个能力本位的目标。
Each level is described in terms of what students can do with the language.The integrity, flexibility and openness of the curriculum.每个级别的描述语言的学生能做什么。完整性、灵活性和开放性的课程。The principle of learner-centered approach.原则为中心的方法
Education for all students and quality-oriented education.所有学生教育和素质教育 Develop effective learning strategies and autonomous learning abilities by means of experiencing, practicing, participating, exploring and cooperating under the teacher’s guidence.发展有效的学习策略和自主学习能力通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作老师的引导。形成性评价中扮演主要角色。
Formative assessment playing a primary role.总结性评估应关注 Summative assessment should focus on assessing students’ overall language ability and the ability to use the language.评估学生的综合语言能力和运用语言的能力。3.The changes of goals and objectives of English language teaching(p45)目的目标 Compare the teaching objectives in the syllabi which have appeared since 1978, and pay attention to the changes.比较教学大纲中的教学目标,出现了自1978年以来,并注意更改。该框架的目标在新的国家英语课程。整体目标的5个方面 the framework of objectives in the new National English Curriculum.Overall Language ability: 整体语言能力: 语言知识:语音,语法,词汇;功能;(1).Language knowledge: Phonetics;Grammar;Vocabulary;Functions;Topics 话题(2).Language skills: listening;Speaking;Reading;Writing 语言技能:听,说,读,写(3).Learning strategies: Cognitive;Self-management;Communication;Resourcing 学习策略:认知策略;自我调控策略;交际策略;资源策略
(4).Affection and attitude: Motivation;Confidence;Patriotism;International perspectives 感情和态度:动机兴趣;自信意志;合作精神;国际视野(5).Cultural awareness: Knowledge;Understanding;Awareness of cross-culture communication
4.Design of the National English Curriculum 国家英语课程的设计
Before 2001, the English syllabus did not include the primary phase.教学大纲主要阶 Nine-competence based levels
The primary phase: Level 1, Level 2 初级阶段:1级、2级
The junior high school phase: Level 3 to Level 5 初中阶段:39级的水平
Level 7 is the requirement for every senior high school leavers.是高中毕业生要求 Required courses(English 1-5)必修课程(英语1-5)Two tracks of elective courses
Elective Track 1(English 6-11)选修课跟踪1 选修课跟踪2(三大系列课程)Elective Track 2(three series of courses): Specialized skills courses;ESP courses;Culture and literary studies courses.专业技能课程;ESP课程;文化和文学研究课程 5.Performance standards for different levels of competence
Refer to the Chinese version 指中国版本
不同级别的能力的性能标准 6.Challenges facing English language teachers 英语教师面临的挑战
Faced with the new curriculum, English teachers are expected to change in many ways.面对新课程,英语教师将在很多方面发生变化。
What should English teachers do? 英语教师应该做什么?
使用更多的 to change their views about language.改变他们对语言的看法
to become a multi-role educator.成为一个多功能教育家
to use more task-based activities and put the students in the centre of learning.to use more formative-assessment in addtion to using tests.造型评估使用的测试
to use modern technology in teaching, creating more effective resources for learning and for using the language.教学技术,创造更有效的资源来学习使用语言
Unit 4 Lesson Planning 课程计划 1.Teaching Contents 教学内容
(1).Importance of lesson planning 课程计划的重要性
(2).Principles for good lesson planning 好的课程规划的原则(3).Macro planning & micro planning 宏观规划和微观规划(4).Components of a lesson plan 教案的组成
(5).Suitable form of a lesson plan 合适的教学计划(1).Importance of lesson planning 课程计划的重要性
A Lesson plan is a framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decisions about what they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve it.(P51)教案是一个框架的一课教师预先决定他们希望获得什么以及他们如何想实现它。Benefits from lesson planning(P52)课程计划的好处
Be aware of the aims and language contents of a lesson;注意目标和语言课内容
Distinguish the various stages of a lesson and see the relationship between them;
Anticipate potential problems;预测潜在的问题 区分不同阶段的一个教训
Give teachers confidence;给教师的信心 看到它们之间的关系
Be aware of the teaching aids;注意教学用具(2).Principles for good lesson planning(P53)好的课程规划的原则
They are described in terms of aim, variety, flexibility, learnability, and linkage.Aim: the things that students are able to do by the end of the lesson.Variety: a number of different types of activity;a wide selection of materials Flexibility: some extra and alternative tasks and activities灵活性:额外和替代的任务 Learnability: the contents and tasks should be within the learning capability of the students 可学习性原则:内容和任务应该在学生的学习能力
Linkage: the stages and the steps within each stage are someway linked with one another.关联性原则:阶段,在每个阶段的步骤以某种方式相关。目标:学生能做的事情的教训。多样性:许多不同类型活动,参加多种多样的材料(3).Macro planning & micro planning(P54)宏观规划和微观规划
Macro planning: Planning over a long period of time 规划在很长一段时间
Micro planning: Planning for a specific unit or a lesson 一个特定的单元或课程Micro planning should be based on macro planning, and macro planning is apt to be modified as lessons go on.微观规划应该基于,宏观规划课上容易被修改。(4).Components of a lesson plan(P55)教案的组成
Different teachers have different teaching styles and may use different teaching procedures, so ‘every lesson is unique’(Robertson and Acklam, 2000:6), and so is every lesson plan.不同的老师有不同的教学风格,可以使用不同的教学程序,所以“每课是独一无二的”,也是每一个教案。①.What should a lesson plan include?(P56-P60)
Background information, Teaching aims, Language contents and skills, Stages and procedures, Teaching aids, End of lesson summary, Optional activities and assignments, After lesson reflection
背景信息,教学目标,语言内容和技能,阶段和过程,教学用具,总结教训,教训后可选的活动和任务,反思 ②.Teaching aims:(P56-P57)教学目标
language skills;knowledge;affection & attitude;Learning strategies;culture awareness 语言技能;知识;情感与态度;学习策略;文化意识
Language contents: structure(grammar), vocabulary, functions, topics etc.(P58)Language skills: communicative skills(listening, speaking, reading and writing)语言内容:结构(语法)、词汇、功能、话题等。语言技能:交际技能(听说读写)Stages and procedures(P58)阶段和过程
Teaching stages refer to the major activities that teachers go through in a lesson.Procedures are the detailed steps in each teaching stage.指教学阶段的主要活动,教师经过一个教训 程序在每个教学阶段的详细步骤 A warm-up or a starter(P58)热身或起动器
A starter is an activity or a series of activities that a teacher does at the beginning of the lesson.起动器是一种活动或一系列活动,教师在课的开始。③.A new structure-based lesson(P59)一种新的基于结构课
The PPP model 适合此种课程
Presentation: introduce new vocabulary and grammatical structures
Practice: controlled practice, guided practice
Production: communicative tasks
生产:交际任务 ④.A skill-oriented lesson 一个技巧性的课 The PWP model 适合此种课程
任务前:准备工作,例如设置场景, Pre-task: preparation work, such as setting the scene, warming up, or providing the key information(such as key words).热身,或者提供的关键信息(如关键字)
While-task: activities or tasks the students must perform while they are reading or listening.任务中:学生活动或任务必须执行在他们阅读或倾听
Post-task: students obtain feedback on their performance at the while-stage;some follow-up activities.任务后:学生获得反馈性能的同时,舞台上,一些后续行动(5).Suitable form of a lesson plan(P55)合适的教学计划
Teaching plan for lesson ~ Teaching Contents:……
教学内容 Teaching aims:
1.Students are able to … by the end of the lesson.2.……
Teaching key points:
教学重点 Teaching difficulties:
Teaching methods:
教学工具:卡片、图片、录音机、多媒体 Teaching aids: cards, pictures, tape-recorder, multi-media, etc.Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Revision/Introduction 复习/介绍
描述,介绍/任务前/快速阅读/略读/浏览Step 2 Presentation/pre-task/fast-reading/skimming/scanning Step 3 Drill/while-task/detailed-reading 训练/任务中/精读 …………
Step 6 Oral practice/interview/Discussion 口头练习/面谈/讨论 Step 7 Consolidation 巩固 Step 8 Summary
总结 Homework/Assignments:
Layout of Blackboard: 板书设计
Reflection: ……
2.Group Activity: Teaching aims designing 小组活动:教学目标设计
Students can introduce themselves in English——telling other people about their names, telephone numbers, addresses, and where they are from, etc.介绍自己
Students are able to find out information about other people in English.发现信息
Students are able to ask other people to clarify if they do not understand.清晰
Students can talk confidently and politely with strangers.自信礼貌地与人交谈
Students can make an ID card for themselves in English, 用英语自己的身份证 Homework:Choose a lesson from the books of primary school and write a lesson plan.Unit 5 Classroom Management 课堂管理
1.Classroom management is the way teachers organize what goes on in the classroom.contribute directly to the efficiency of teaching and learning.The goal of classroom management is to create an atmosphere conductive to interacting in English in meaningful ways.目标是创建一种氛围有利于英语交流 课堂管理是教师组织在教室里发生了什么。直接导致了教学和学习的效率。2.Six aspects of classroom management 课堂管理的六个方面(1).Appropriate roles of the teacher 适当的教师角色(2).Classroom instructions 教师课堂教学用语(3).Student grouping 学生分组(4).Classroom discipline 课堂纪律
(5).Questioning in the classroom 不同类型的问题(6).Dealing with errors 课堂纠错
3.Multi-roles of the teacher(P68)多元化教师角色
Different approaches stipulate different roles for the teacher.为老师规定不同角色 What are the most common roles that teachers play in present-day second/foreign language teaching? 什么是最常见的角色,教师在今天的二/外语教学吗? Planner, evaluator, controller: appropriate degree of control 规划师 评估者 控制器 assessor: correcting mistakes;organising feedback 评估员:纠正错误;组织反馈 organiser: to design and organise task-based activities 组织者:设计组织任务型活动 prompter: give appropriate prompts 提词员:给予适当提示
participant: participate in students’ activities 参与者:参与学生的活动
resource-provider, facilitator, guides, researcher资源-提供者 主持人 指南 研究员 4.Classroom instructions 教师课堂教学用语
Classroom instructions refer to the type of language teachers use to organise or guide learning.(P73)课堂指令引用类型的语言教师使用组织或指导学习
①.Use of classroom instruction 利用课堂教学 指路,提供解释;设置要求;
giving directions;providing explanation;setting requirements;checking comprehension;drawing attention;motivating learners;giving feedback;assigning homework, etc.检查理解;注意;激励学习者;给予反馈;分配作业等。②.Function: useful model;meaningful input;tools for organizing learning
有经验的教师 ③.Experienced teachers: use simple and clear instructions to organize learning activities and form a routine of using it.简单明确指示组织学习活动,形成常规使用 Novice teachers: not able to target their instructions to the level of the learners;long and complicated instructions.新手教师:指导学习者,长期和复杂的指令。④.Rules to follow: 规则: 1)使用简单的指令,让他们适合学生的理解水平, 1)to use simple instructions and make them suit the comprehension level of the students;try to establish a limited but realistic range of instructions and build upon them gradually.试图建立一个有限但现实的一系列指令和逐步建立在他们身上。2)to use mother-tongue only when it is necessary: explain grammar rules or rules for a game or task.使用母语,只有当它是必要的:解释语法规则或规则游戏或任务。3)to use body language.使用肢体语言 4)to model a task/ activitiy.模型任务/活动
5)not to do all the talking in class;maximum student participation;avoid lengthy explanations.不要在课堂上说话,最大的学生参与,避免冗长的解释。5.Student grouping 学生分组 Whole class work: all the students are under the control of the teacher.全班的活动 Pair work: students work in pairs.双人活动:学生成对工作
Group work: students work in small groups.小组作业:学生在小组工作 Individual study: students work on their own at their own speed.个人学习individual study 自习
individualised study 个性化学习6.Discipline in the language classroom 课堂纪律
①.Discipline refers to a code of conduct which binds a teacher and a group of students together so that learning can be more effective.(p78)
②.Maitaining discipline: 先进性原则: 措施,目无法纪和行为严重的学生: Harmer(1983)’s measures for indisciplined acts and badly behaving students:
Act immediately, Stop the class, Rearrange the seats, Change the activity, Talk to students after class, Create a code of behaviour
③.Ur(1996), advice about problems in class 建议在课堂上的问题
Deal with it quietly, Don’t take things personally, Don’t use threats
静静地处理它,不要感情用事,不要用威胁 ④.Problems of teachers 老师的问题
Inadequate preparation, Unclear instruction, Lack of teacher attention, Lengthy explanations to one individual, Level of difficulty 不充分的准备,不清楚的指令,老师缺乏关注,冗长的解释一个人,水平的困难 7.Questioning in the classroom 不同类型的问题
The most common form of interaction between the teacher and the students in the classroom.(P83)最常见的在教室里老师和学生之间的互动。①.Functions: 作用
to focus students’ attention
to invite thinking and imaginations 邀请的思维和想象力
to check understanding 检查了解
to stimulate recall of information 刺激召回的信息
to challenge students 挑战的学生
to assess learning 评估学习
②.Questions should be wise and purposeful.问题应该是明智和有目的的 contribute to the overall objectives of the lesson 对课程的总体目标作出贡献 stimulate the development of knowledge and thinking 促进知识和思维的发展 Help to maintain effective interaction.帮助维持有效的互动 ③.Classification of question types: 问题类型的分类:
(1).Closed questions and open questions 封闭性问题和开放性问题(2).Display questions and genuine questions 展示性问题和演示性问题
(3).Lower-order questions and higher-order questions 低层次问题和高层次问题(4).A taxonomy proposed by Bloom(different question types): 布鲁姆提出的分类: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation 知识性问题,理解性问题,应用性问题,分析性,综合性,评价性问题 8.Dealing with errors 课堂纠错
①.distinction between an error and a mistake
A mistake is refers to a performance error that is either a random guess or a ‘slip of tongue’, and it is a failure performance to a known system.…has nothing to do with the language competence.…can be self-corrected.是指性能错误随机猜测或“口误”,并且它是一个失败的一个已知系统性能。与语言能力无关。可以自我纠正
An error has direct relation with the learners’ language competence.It results from lack of knowledge in the target language.… can not be self-corrected.一个错误与学习者的语言能力有直接关系。它的结果缺乏知识在目标语言。不能自我纠正。②.Dealing with spoken errors 处理口语错误
Whether the task or activity is focusing on accuracy or fluency.A balance between accuracy-based activities and fluency-based activities 任务或活动是否专注于精确和流畅 基于平衡精度的基于活动和流畅性的活动 ③.When to correct 何时纠错
Not to interrupt students during fluency-based activities 不要打断学生
trivial mistakes / common mistakes 微不足道的错误/常见错误 不管/纠正 do the correction after students’ performance
④.How to correct: 如何纠错
Direct teacher correction;indirect teacher correction;self-correction;peer correction;whole class correction
Self-correction is encouraged before teacher correction or peer correction.鼓励自我修正之前老师修正或同学互相纠错。
Unit 6 Teaching Pronunciation 语音教学
1.the goal of teaching pronunciation 发音教学的目标
①.Why most learners can not acquire native-like pronunciation? the Critical Period Hypothesis 关键时期假说 学习者不能获得本土一样的发音呢 the amount of exposure to English 接触英语 different phonetic ability 不同的语音能力
②.What should be our realistic goal? 语音教学的现实目标 ·Consistency: smooth and natural 一致性:流畅自然 ·Intelligibility: understandable to the listeners 可理解性:可以理解的听众 交际性 ·Communicative efficiency: intended meaning by the speaker
演讲者的目的意义 2.aspects of pronunciation 发音的方面
Sounds, Stress, Intonation, Phonetic symbols, Rhythm 声音,重音,语调,音标,节奏 Types of practice: mechanical practice, meaningful practice类型:机械和有意义练习3.practising sounds
结合钻探和更有意义的练习发音练习Combine drilling pronunciation exercises with more meaningful exercises.①.Perception practice: 感知练习
It is aimed at developing the students’ ability to identify and distinguish between different sounds.它旨在发展学生的能力识别和区分不同的声音。包括: Using minimal pairs.Which order.Same or different? Odd one out.Completion.使用最少的一对,哪个命令,相同或不同,特别跳出,实现
②.Production practice: 运用练习
它旨在发展学生的能力来产生声音。It is aimed at developing Students’ ability to produce sounds.包括: Listen and repeat, Fill in the blanks, Make up sentences, Use meaningful context, Use pictures, Use tongue twisters 听并重复,填空,句子,有意义的内容,图片,绕口令 4.Practising stress and intonation 练习重音和语调
①.Learn the stress as part of learning a word.学习重音是学习一个单词的一部分 The stress of a phrase or sentence depends a lot on the meaning one wants to express.一个短语或句子的重音很大程度上取决于人想表达的含义。
②.Three ways to show the stress pattern of words, phrases and sentences:
Use gestures.Clapping hands or using arm movements.Use the voice.To raise the voice with exaggeration.Use the blackboard.Underlining, colored chalks or different size.三种方式显示重音模式的单词,短语和句子:使用手势。鼓掌的手或手臂的运动 使用的声音。提高夸张地发出声音 使用黑板。强调,彩色粉笔或不同的大小 ③.Practising intonation: 练习语调: 可以极大地影响说话者的意图的消息 Intonation can greatly affect the intention of the speaker’s message.Intonation is as important as grammar or lexis.(P100)语调和语法或词汇一样重要 Method:Use hand or arm movement.Use rising or falling arrows.Draw lines.方法:使用手或手臂运动。使用上升或下降的箭。画线。
In most English sentences, the pitch movement at the end is important for meaning.Break the long sentences down to bits and build up towards the complete sentence.音高运动结束时重要的是意义。把长句分解成碎片并建立完整的句子。
Unit 7 Teaching grammar 语法教学 1.The role of grammar 语法的作用
Grammatical competence is essential for communication.能力是必不可少的沟通。Grammar teaching can enhance learner proficiency and accuracy and facilitate the internalization of syntactic system.(p103)语法教学可以提高学习者熟练程度和准确性,促进内化语法系统。2.Ways of grammar presentation(P104)语法表达方式
The deductive method 演绎法
The inductive method 归纳法
The guided discovery method 指导发现式教学 ①.The deductive method 演绎法
(1).write an example on the board 在黑板上写一个例子
(2).Teacher explains the underlying rules 老师解释了潜在的规则
(3).make comparisons 进行比较 实践应用的规则产生的句子给出提示(4).practice applying the rule to produce sentences with given prompts ②.The inductive method 归纳法
教师提供足够的适当的真实例子(1).Teacher provide enough appropriate authentic examples(2).Students understand the rule by themselves 学生理解规则 学生提出的(3).Students apply the newly presented structure to produce sentences with given visual aids or verbal prompts 新结构适用于用直观教具或口头提示生成句子(4).(optional)Teacher elicit the grammar rule from the students(可选)老师引出学生的语法规则
③.The guided discovery method: 指导发现式教学
(1).Teacher provide contextualised examples(on board)教师提供裨益的例子(上)(2).Teacher guide students to discover the rules of the key structure as well as its meaning 教师引导学生发现规则的关键结构以及它的意义
(3).Teacher highlights the structure with colored chalks 老师强调了结构彩色粉笔(4).Students practice the structure with prompts provided 练习提供的结构与提示 3.explicit knowledge(conscious knowledge)(P105)显性知识(有意识的知识)
implicit knowledge(unconscious knowledge)
隐性知识(无意识的知识)Implicit knowledge refers to knowledge that unconsciously exists in our mind, which we can make use of automatically without making any effort.隐性知识是指知识无意识存在于我们的思想,我们可以利用自动没有做出任何努力。
Explicit knowledge refers to our conscious knowledge about the language.We can talk about it, analyse it and apply it in conscious ways.显性知识是指我们有意识的语言知识。我们可以谈论它,分析它,应用它在意识方面。4.A synthesis approach to grammar pedagogy by Pennington(107): Grammar teaching should be collocational, constructive, contextual, and contrastive.合成方法语法教学法,彭宁顿: 语法教学应该搭配,建设性的、上下文和对比。5.ways of grammar practice 语法练习的方法
The teacher’s job is to help Ss make the ‘leap’ from ‘form-focused accuracy to meaning-focused fluency after explicit instructions by providing a variety of practice activities.老师的工作是帮助学生“飞跃”从“重形式精度到意义流利后明确的指令通过提供各种各样的实践活动。
Grammar practice is divided into two categories: Mechanical practice and Meaningful practice/ Communicative practice.分为两类:机械练习和意义练习/交际练习(1).Mechanical practice: 机械练习
重复练习,替换练习,重复转换练习Method: repetition, substitution drills, transformation drills(2).Meaningful practice / Communicative practice 意义练习/交际练习Using prompts for practice: 使用提示:
Using pictures prompts 使用图片提示
Using mimes or gestures as prompts 使用模拟或手势提示
Using information sheet(table)as prompts 使用信息表(表)作为提示
Using key phrases or key words as prompts 使用关键词或关键字提示
Using chained phrases for story telling 使用链接短语讲故事
Using created situations 使用创建的情况
Unit 8 Teaching vocabulary 词汇教学
1.What does it mean to know a word?
什么意思知道一个单词吗?(1).Pronunciation and stress;发音和重音;
(2).Spelling and grammar properties;拼写和语法属性;
(3).Meaning;意义;如何以及何时使用它来表达本来的意思。(上下文)(4).How and when to use it to express the intended meaning.(context)2.Vocabulary learning involves at least two aspects of meaning.The first aspect involves the understanding of its denotative and connotative meaning.The second aspect involves the understanding the sense relations among words.词汇学习至少涉及两个方面的含义。第一个方面是其外延和内涵意义的理解。第二个方面涉及到理解词之间的语义关系。(1).denotative meaning 指示意义、外延意义
the primary meaning of a word 一个词主要的意义(2).Connotative meaning: 内涵意义
It refers to the attitudes or emotions of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or reader’s interpretation of the word.它指语言的态度或情感的影响用户在选择一个词和这些听众或读者一词的解释。Connotative meaning derives from a mix of cultural, political, social, and historical sources.In different cultures the same word may have different connotative meanings.内涵意义来源于混合的文化、政治、社会和历史来源。在不同的文化中相同的词可能有不同的内涵意义。
(3).sense relations(语义关系)among words 词之间的语义关系 高的词共现 Collocations(搭配): It refers to words that co-occur with high frequency and have been accepted as ways for the use of words.频率和被接受的方式使用的单词。Synonyms(同义词)refer to items that mean the same or nearly the same.意思相同 Antonyms(反义词)refer to items that mean the opposite of a word 意思相反
Hyponyms(下义词/下位词)refer to words which can be grouped together under the same superordinate(上义词)concept.引用的话可以组合成相同的地位高的概念(4).Receptive/passive vocabulary refers to words that one is able to recognise and comprehend in reading or listening but unable to use automatically in speaking or writing.理解型/被动词汇指的是词,一个是能够识别和理解在阅读或听力,但无法使用自动在说话或写作。
Productive words/active vocabulary refers to words that one is not only able to recognise but also able to use in speech and writing.应用型/积极词汇是指生产力说的话,一个是不仅能够识别,也可以使用在演讲和写作。3.Ways of presenting vocabulary 呈现词汇的方式
Choose a technique according to the type of vocabulary and different age level of the learners.根据词汇的类型和选择技术不同年龄学习者的水平。
(1).a visual or physical demonstration: pictures, photos, video clips, mime, or gestures(2).a verbal context 语言环境 视觉或身体演示:图片、照片、视频剪辑、(3).synonyms or antonyms 同义词或反义词 模拟表演或手势(4).lexical sets or hyponyms 词汇放置或下位词(5).translate and exemplify 翻译和例证
(6).word formation rules and common affixes 构词规则和常见的词缀
(7).vocabulary in chunks 语块的词汇 将新学到的语言与学生现实生活相联系(8).relate newly learned language to students’ real life
(9).provide different context 提供不同的语境 准备可能的误解或混淆(比较)(10).prepare for possible misunderstanding or confusion(comparison)4.Ways of consolidating vocabulary 巩固词汇的方法
Some vocabulary consolidation activities: 一些词汇整合活动:
(1).Labelling 标签(2).Spot the difference 点的区别(3).Describe and draw 描述和绘制(4).Play a game 玩一个游戏(5).Use word series 使用单词系列(6).Word bingo 单词游戏
(7).Word association 单词联想(8).Find synonyms and antonyms同义和反义词(9).Categories 类别(10).Using word net-work 使用单词网络(11).Using the Internet resources for more ideas 利用互联网资源为更多的想法 5.developing vocabulary learning strategies 发展中词汇学习策略
(1).Review regularly: regular review helps maintain the largest amount of recall.(2).Guess meaning from context 通过上下文猜词义 定期检查:定期复习有助(3).Organise vocabulary effectively: organise the words according to different categories or topics.有效组织词汇:组织根据不同类别或主题 于维持最多(4).Use a dictionary: bilingual dictionaries 使用字典:双语 的回忆(5).Keep a vocabulary notebook
Manage strategy use: 管理策略使用 自我评估;分享学习经验;介绍策略给学生 self-evaluate;share learning experiences;introduce strategies to the Students
Unit 9 Teaching Listening 听力教学
1.Listening is one of the receptive skills in the four skills(listening, speaking, reading and writing)in English learning.听力是一个接受能力的四项技能的英语学习One major reason for students’ poor listening skill is that listening is often neglected in language teaching.学生听力技能差的一个主要原因是听力是语言教学常被忽视 Our goal is to better prepare Students for listening in the real world outside the classroom.我们的目标是更好的学生准备听力课堂外的真实世界。2.characteristics of the listening process 听力过程的特点
(1).Spontaneity: we listen to people speaking spontaneously and informally without rehearsing.即时性:我们听人说自发和非正式没有排练
(2).Context: relationship between speakers;situation.语境:说话者之间的关系;情况(3).Visual clues: facial expressions, gestures, other body language as well as the surrounding environment.视觉线索:面部表情,手势,其他身体语言及周围环境(4).Listener’s response: interrupt, ask for repetition or clarification.听众的反应:(5).Speaker’s adjustment: adjust the way of speaking, rephrase or elaborate.中断,要求重复或澄清 说话者的调整:调整说话的方式,改述或详细说明
2.purposes for listening.Two major purposes in listening: 听力两个主要目的:
to maintain or build social relationships;维持或建立社会关系
to obtain and exchange information.获得和交换信息 3.Principles for teaching listening.(P141)听力教学的原则
Focus on process: process of comprehending 专注于过程:理解的过程
Combine listening with other skills 把听力和其它技能相结合 Focus on comprehension of meaning 专注于理解的意思
Grade difficulty level appropriately 级难度适当
4.Two models of listening process:(p143)听力教学的两种模式
(1).Bottom-up model: listening comprehension is believed to start with sound and meaning recognitions.自下而上式:听力理解被认为从声音和意义认识开始。Speakers have to make sense of every sound in order to figure out the meaning of words, phrases, and structures.需要理解每一个声音为了找出单词的意义短语结构(2).Top-down model: listening for gist and making use of the context clues and background knowledge to construct meaning are emphasized.Knowledge about the topic/ prior knowledge/ schematic knowledge——mental frameworks for various things and experiences we hold in our long-term memory.自上而下式:听力的要点和利用上下文线索和强调背景知识来构建意义。知识主题/先验知识原理知识,心理框架为各种事情和经验我们认为在我们的长期记忆。5.the three teaching stages(p144)Teaching of listening followers three stages.·Pre-listening, ·While-listening, ·Post-listening 任务型教学,听力教学的三个阶段 6.Pre-listening activities: 预听活动
(1).Predicting: use visual aids;
ask leading questions;诱导性的问题;阅读听力前的听力问题
Let student read the listening comprehension questions before listening(2).Setting the scene: provide the background information to activate Ss’ schema.介绍背景:提供背景信息来激活学生的模式。
(3).Listening for the gist: ask students one or two questions that focus on the main idea or the tone or mood of the whole passage.听要点:要求学生一个或两个问题关注的主要思想或整个通道的音调或情绪。(4).Listening for specific information: listening only for some specific information and ignore the rest of the entire message.听特定信息:只听特定信息忽略整个消息 7.While-listening activities: 听力中
老师提供一个理由,对学习者的目标或任务 The teacher provides a reason, goal or task for learner.No specific responses, Listen and tick, Listen and sequence, Listen and act, Listen and draw, Listen and fill, Listen and take notes, Listen and guess 没有具体的回复,倾听和蜱虫,听和序列,倾听和行动,听和画,倾听和填充,听和做笔记,倾听和猜 8.Post-listening activities: 听力后
(1).Multiple-choice questions 多项选择题(2).Answering questions 回答问题
(3).Note-taking and gap-filling 笔记和填空 准备;听写;重建;分析与修正(4).Dictogloss: preparation;dictation;reconstruction;analysis and correction
Unit 10 Teaching speaking 口语教学
1.Characteristics of speech in everyday life: 演讲在日常生活的特点:
Spontaneous: full of false starts, repetitions, incomplete sentences, and short phrases;time-constraint: unplanned utterances.时间约束:计划外的话语 自发性:满是错误的开始,重复、不完整的句子,短语;2.Four common features of spoken language: 口语的四个共同的特征:
Using less complex syntax;用更少的复杂的语法;
Taking short cuts, e.g.incomplete sentences;采取捷径,如不完整的句子;
Using fixed conventional phrases/chunks;
Using devices such as fillers, hesitation device to give time to think before speaking 使用设备如填料、犹豫设备给时间思考说话前。
3.Differences between spoken and written language: 口语和书面语言间的差异:
Spoken language: spontaneous;incomplete, ungrammatical sentences, etc.Written language: well-planned;well-organised sentences, etc.自发的;不完整,不符合语法的句子,等等。精心策划、组织严密的句子等。4.principles for teaching speaking 口语教学的原则
(1).Balancing accuracy-based with fluency-based practices;平衡准确性流畅性练习(2).Contextualising practice;语境练习
(3).Personalising practice;个人练习(4).Building up confidence;建立信心;(7).充分利用课堂学习环境,(5).Maximising meaningful interactions;有意义的相互作用最大化;
(6).Helping students develop speaking strategies;帮助学生发展口语策略;
(7).Making the best use of classroom learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students.为学生提供足够的语言输入和实践。5.characteristics of successful speaking task 成功的演讲任务的特点
Maximum foreign talk 最大程度同外国人交谈
Even participation 甚至参与
High motivation 高的动机
Right language level 正确的语言水平6.types of speaking tasks 口语活动的类型
(1).Pre-communicative activities: 前交际性活动
Structural activities(controlled activities);结构性练习(控制活动)
Quasi-communicative activities(semi-controlled)准交际性活动(2).Communicative activities: 交际性活动
Functional communication activities 功能性交际活动
Social interaction activities 社会交往活动 7.Controlled activities 控制活动
Controlled activities mainly focus on form and accuracy.主要集中在形式和精度(1).Semi-controlled activities 半控制状态的活动
(2).Communicative activities 交际活动 它包括信息差活动,解决问题的活动, It include information gap activities, problem-solving activities, discussions, debates, interviews, fluency-focused game, etc.讨论,辩论,采访,流利准确性游戏,等等。
Unit 11 Teaching reading 阅读教学
1.What do effective readers do?(p178)如何进行有效阅读?
Have a clear purpose in reading.有一个明确的阅读目的。
Read silently.默读。专注于重要的位,脱脂,并跳过无关紧要的部分。
Read phrase by phrase, rather than word by word.读短语,而不是逐字逐句地。
Concentrate on the important bits, skim the rest, and skip the insignificant parts.Use different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks.Perceive the information in the target language rather than mentally translate.Guess the meaning of new words from the context, or ignore them.Have and use background information to help understand the text.使用不同速度和不同阅读策略的任务。感知信息在目标语言,而不是精神上的翻译。从上下文猜测新单词的意思,或忽略它们。使用背景信息来帮助理解课文。2.What do we read? 我们读什么?
ESL: English as a Second Language EFL: English as a Foreign Language 3.Reading strategies(p181)阅读策略
Predicting the contents of the text.预测文本的内容
Skimming the text for the main idea.略读课文的主要思想
Scanning the text for specific information.扫描文本为特定的信息
Posing questions about the text.提出关于文本的问题
Connecting text to background knowledge.连接文本的背景知识
Making inferences.做出推论
Paying attention to text structure.关注文本结构
Guessing the meaning of a new word from context.通过上下文猜测新单词意思
Using discourse markers to see relationship.使用话语标记的关系
4.Sight vocabulary: words that one is able to recognize immediately.忽视词汇 The best and easiest way to develop vocabulary is to read a great deal.Fluent reading depends on…
an adequate sight vocabulary 足够的词汇
a general knowledge about the target language 对目标语言的一般知识
some knowledge about the topic 一些关于主题的知识
wide knowledge about the world 广博的知识关于这个世界
enough knowledge about text types 足够的知识文本类型 5.Models for teaching reading(p184)阅读教学的模型 Bottom-up model, Top-down model, Interactive model 自下而上的模式、自上而下模型、交互模型 6.Three stages:(P185)三个阶段
pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading 阅读前,阅读中,阅读后(1).Pre-reading activities(p186)阅读前的活动
Predicting, Setting the scene, Skimming, Scanning 预测,制定现场,略读,扫描(2).While-reading activities(p194)阅读中的活动
Information transfer activities 信息转换活动
Reading comprehension questions 阅读理解问题
Understanding references 理解指称关系
Making inferences 推理
(3).Post-reading activities(p202)阅读后的活动
Reproducing the text(retelling)复述文章(复述)
Role play 角色扮演
Gap-filling 填空
Writing 写作