特别说明:大英中心提供的普通班段落翻译材料减到14篇,另外的6篇(大英中心不再提供)----出自2013/12—2014/6两次次四级考试(共6套)的段落翻译题,共20篇。段落翻译不用每周都做,要求老师们一个学期布置10篇并在课堂上讲解就够了,其他的让学生自己做,对答案,有问题可以问老师,但此20篇翻译材料都纳入期末考试。练习1 一年一度的潍坊国际风筝节于1984年首次举办,每年吸引着来自世界各地的风筝爱好者前来观赏和竞技。本届风筝节持续5天,设置10项精心设计的主题活动,涉及风筝放飞、旅游推广和商务讲座。在这些活动中,最令人兴奋的当属国际风筝冠军赛。来自67个国家和地区的代表队受邀参加本次比赛。(131字)练习2 人们在农历八月十五庆祝中国的传统节日—中秋节。数千年来,中国人喜欢将人的悲欢离合与月亮的阴晴圆缺(the waxes and wanes)联系起来。因为满月是圆的,象征着团圆,中秋节也被称为团圆节。所有家庭成员会尽力团聚在这特殊的日子里,而那些不能回家的人则观望明月,以寄托对亲人的思念之情。(129字)练习3 赵薇的导演处女作《至我们即将逝去的青春》(So Young)讲述了一个青春与情感的故事,引起不少人的共鸣(resonance)。影片前半段拥有一切青春题材流行电影应该具备的元素:养眼的演员、丰富的校园生活、复杂的感情、强烈的怀旧(nostalgia)色彩。影片的后半段则把观众带到了数年之后。此时片中人物都已步入社会各方。影片描述了生活如何改变了他们的性格,引发人们对于生活意义与爱情真谛的思考。(166字)练习4 据一项最新研究,在未来10年尽管粮食产量会下降,但中国将会保持充足的食物供给。在2013年至2022年期间,因为消费会超过生产,中国将会进口更多的肉类和牛奶。中国的肉类进口在下一个十年预计会增长40%。该研究预测,因较低的产量增长和较强的需求,粮食和肉类的价格将会持续上涨。因此,中国政府未来最大的挑战将会是食品供给和食品安全而非经济飞速发展。(163字)练习5 都说当今人们的健康意识越来越强了。每天清晨,在公园里、广场上,男男女女、老老少少,都在那儿或慢跑,或疾走,或打太极拳。而日落后,广场上成群结队男女翩跹起舞的场面,真可谓组成了一道亮丽的风景线。现在,无论是在大都市还是在小县城,健身房、俱乐部、健身中心以及健康食品商店到处可见。至于有关强身、保健类书籍和电视节目,更是备受欢迎。(163字)练习6 中国人也有一天是奉献给“爱情”的,那就是农历七月初七的七夕节,常被人们称为“中国情人节”。这一传统浪漫的节日起源于一个古老的传说:年轻的牛郎和织女分居银河(the Milky Way)的两岸,终年隔岸苦苦相望而无法相会。玉皇大帝(the Jade Emperor)可怜这对恋人,便传令天下喜鹊(magpie)在七月初七这天夜晚都飞到银河上来,架起鹊桥,好让牛郎织女在桥上相会。(147字)练习7 自1995年发行第一张唱片以来,王力宏在中国乐坛(music circle)一直是炙手可热的明星。今年4月,他成为第一个在牛津大学发表演讲的中国歌手。主办方认为他在亚洲乐坛有如此巨大的影响力,非常有资格谈论中国文化的传播。王力宏也表示非常荣幸把东方流行音乐带到全世界。谈到文化交流时,他觉得东方和西方就像大学一年级室友,必须逐渐了解、理解对方。(155字)练习8 数千年来,自谦(Self-belittling)一直是中国人礼貌观念的核心内容。当受到赞美(compliment)的时候,美国人往往会很高兴地接受,并说诸如“谢谢”之类的话表示感谢,而中国人却往往对对方的赞美表示否认和拒绝。对于美国人来说,接受别人的赞美并表示感谢是礼貌的,因为这样不至于伤害到赞美者的感情。中国人则是通 过贬低(belittle)自己来显示谦虚。为了显得谦虚,中国人会贬低(underrate)自己的成就,并否认别人给与的溢美之词。(174字)练习9 中华饮食习俗源远流长,其礼节礼仪(etiquette)具有千年的历史,至今仍被尊崇。宴会是社交的重要场合。它比一般的家宴和朋友聚餐更正式、更隆重一些。宴请者一般会提前一到两个星期通知应邀人。不管自己是否出席,应邀人都应尽早回复。赴宴要注意准时,迟到是非常没有礼貌的。所有宾客依次落座后,通常主人开始给主要客人夹菜,或简短地宣布可以开始,大家才开始进餐。(162字)练习10
中国书法(calligraphy)历史悠久。①这种艺术形式由来已久,直到今天仍在中国广泛运用。虽然书法以汉字为表达工具,但人们要欣赏书法并不需要懂得中文。因为从本质来讲,书法是一种抽象 的艺术。书法被认为是一种保持健康的有效方法,因为它可以让人放松,也可以让人自娱自乐。今天,中国书法作为一种高雅的艺术形式在周边国家也得到了关注。随着中国文化传播到韩国、日本、越南(Vietnam)和新加波(Singapore),书法已成为东方艺术中独有的特点。(202字)练习12
中国是大陆国家,中华民族历来依靠农业来维持生存。在一个农业国家里,财富的首要基础是土地。因此,在中国历史上,一切社会、经济思想以及政策措施都以土地的分配和利用为中心。无论是和平时期或战争时期,农业都同样重要。读书人通常不亲自耕地,但他们一般出身于地主家庭,家庭的兴衰和农业生产好坏直接联系在一起。因此,他们的宇宙观和人生观都主要反映了农民的思想。(173字)练习13 无垠的太空是人类的共同财富,探索太空是人类的共同追求。中国载人航天工程于1992年正式启动实施。这是一项完全出于和平目的的伟大工程,中国人致力于通过发展空间科学实验和技术研究,对人类科学事业与和平事业作出贡献。神舟五号成功实现了中华民族千年的飞天梦想,并使中国成为继前苏联(former Soviet Union)、美国之后世界上第三个能够独立自主开展载人航天的国家。载人航天飞行的成功,对于进一步提升中国的国际地位具有重 大而深远的意义。(195字)练习14 中美两国自从1979年建交以来,发展了符合两国人民利益的关系。我们一贯希望把这种关系发展下去,认为这对两国人民和世界和平都是有益的。然而,美国虽然承认中华人民共和国政府是中国唯一的合法政府,却继续向台湾出售武器,把台湾作为一个独立的政治实体(entity)对待。中国政府多次声明,这是侵犯(infringement)中国主权(sovereignty)、干涉中国内政的行为。中美两国关系只有真正遵守互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不干涉内政的原则,才能继续取得健康的发展。(191字)
The earthworm is a useful animal.On the ground it is food for other animals.Under the ground, it makes rich soil for fields and gardens.Earthworms dig tunnels that loosen the soil and make it for air and water to reach the roots of plants.These tunnels help keep the soil well drained.Earthworms drag withered leaves, grass and flowers into their burrows.When this plant litter decays, it makes the soil more fertile.No other animal is so useful in building up good topsoil.It is estimated that in one year fifty thousand earthworms carry about eighteen tons of the fine soil to the surface of an acre of land.我深深爱着的祖国――古老而又年轻。说她古老,她是一个有着数千年文明史的东方大国。中华民族以自己的勤劳和智慧,创造了灿烂的古代文明,对人类发展作出过重大贡献。说她年轻,新中国成立才60年,改革开放才30年。中国人民经过长期不懈的斗争建立了新中国,又经过艰苦的探索,终于找到了适合国情的发展道路――中国特色社会主义道路,文明古国焕发了青春活力。
My beloved motherland is a country both old and young.She is old, because she is a big Oriental country with a civilization stretching back several thousand years.With diligence and wisdom, the Chinese nation created a splendid civilization and made significant contributions to the progress of humanity.She is young, because the People's Republic is just 60 years old, and the country began reform and opening-up only 30 years ago.The Chinese people established the New China after unremitting struggles and ultimately found a development path suited to China's national conditions through painstaking efforts.This is the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Following this path, our ancient civilization has been rejuvenated.中华传统文化底蕴深厚、博大精深。“和”在中国古代历史上被奉为最高价值,是中华文化的精髓。中国古老的经典――《尚书》就提出“百姓昭明,协和万邦”的理想,主张人民和睦相处,国家友好往来。“和为贵”的文化传统,哺育了中华民族宽广博大的胸怀。我们的民族,既能像大地承载万物一样,宽厚包容;又能像苍天刚健运行一样,彰显正义。
The traditional Chinese culture is rich, extensive and profound.Harmony, the supreme value cherished in ancient China, lies at the heart of the Chinese culture.The Book of History, an ancient classic in China for example, advocates amity among people and friendly exchanges among nations.The Chinese cultural tradition values peace as the most precious.This has nurtured the broad mind of the Chinese nation.The Chinese nation is generous and tolerant, just as Mother Earth cares for all living things.She is in constant pursuit of justice, just as the eternal movement of the Universe.很高兴出席世界经济论坛2009年年会,并发表特别致辞。首先,我要感谢施瓦布主席的盛情邀请和周到安排。本届年会意义特殊,在历史罕见的国际金融危机之中,各国政要、企业家和专家学者聚集在这里,围绕“重塑危机后的世界”这一主题,共同探讨维护国际金融稳定、促进世界经济增长的举措,探索全球综合治理之道,既有重要的现实意义,也体现了会议举办者的远见卓识。各方面热切期盼从这里听到富有智慧的声音,凝聚战胜危机的力量。我们有责任向世界传递信心、勇气和希望。我预祝本届年会取得成功!
I am delighted to be here and address the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2009.Let me begin by thanking Chairman Schwab for his kind invitation and thoughtful arrangements.This annual meeting has a special significance.Amidst a global financial crisis rarely seen in history, it brings together government leaders, business people, experts and scholars of different countries to jointly explore ways to maintain international financial stability, promote world economic growth and better address global issues.Its theme � “Shaping the Post-Crisis World” is highly relevant.It reflects the vision of its organizers.People from across the world are eager to hear words of wisdom from here that will give them strength to tide over the crisis.It is thus our responsibility to send to the world a message of confidence, courage and hope.I look forward to a successful meeting.青岛坐落在山东半岛南部,依山临海,天姿秀美,气候凉爽,人称“东方瑞士”。白天青岛宛如镶嵌在黄海边的绿宝石。夜里则像一只在大海中摆动的摇篮。难怪许多人乐意来这里疗养。
Qingdao, known as the “Switzerland of the Orient”, is situated on the southern tip of Shandong Peninsula.Wedged between hills and waters, the city is endowed with a beautiful scenery and a delightful climate.By day, she looks like a green gem inlaid in the coastline of the Yellow Sea and, at night, a cradle rocking upon the sea waves.No wonder so many people come to seek rest and relaxation.作为中国最早的教育中心和科学研究中心,北京大学聚集了中国优秀的专家学者,不断开拓创新,改造发展,以培养出的高质量人才和做出的高水平科学成果深刻影响和推动着中国高等教育的航程。一百年来,北京大学为代表的中国现代大学群,在中国走向现代化的历史进程中起到了重要的先锋作用,形成了光荣的革命传统和优良的学术传统。
As China’s earliest center of education and scientific research, Beijing University has gathered China’s most brilliant specialists and scholars, continuously opened up, blazed new trails, engaged itself in reform and development for training high-quality talent and achieving high-level scientific fruits that deeply influenced and advanced the range of China’s higher education.Over the past hundred years, this group of China’s contemporary universities, with Beijing University as its stellar representative, has played a pioneering role in China’s historical course towards modernization, forming a glorious revolutionary as well as an exemplary academic tradition.周恩来的品德、人格、风范、情怀为中华民族树立了一座精神丰碑。他那种勤勤恳恳、任劳任怨、全心全意为人民服务的奉献精神;那种艰苦朴素、严于律己、心底无私、一心为公的清廉精神;那种顾全大局,不计个人荣辱得失的牺牲精神;那种实事求是的求实精神;那种言行一致的磊落精神,新手卡;那种对党对国家和人民的高度责任感,工作一丝不苟,周密细致的精神,正是我们今天建设社会主义精神文明所迫切需要发扬光大的。
Zhou Enlai’s moral character, personality, style and noble sentiments constituted a paragon for the Chinese nation.His dedication as shown in his diligent, conscientious and hard working and whole-hearted service to the people, without any complaint;his incorruptibility as shown in his plain living, being strict with himself, selflessness and engrossment by public interest;his spirit of sacrifice as shown in his never being concerned about personal honor or disgrace, gain or loss in deference to the interests of the overall situation;his realistic approach of seeking truth from facts;his open and upright spirit of being as good as his words;his high sense of responsibility to the Party, the state and the people;his strict and careful spirit of working conscientiously and meticulously are all that we need urgently to carry forward in fostering our socialist spiritual civilization.A Paradise of the Birds Ba Jin
After we finished dinner at Chen’s little school, the heat of the day had already diminished.The sun retreated behind the hills, leaving brightly colored clouds hanging in the sky, over the hills and trees.“Let’s go boating!” Chen proposed, as we watched the mountain view by the pond in front of the school gate.“Great,” the rest of the group answered enthusiastically.We walked through a gravel path, and before long we reached the bank, where a pavilion stood made of straw.Filing through the pavilion, we found several small boats anchored under two big trees along the bank.One after another, we hopped into one of the boats.One friend loosened the rope, pushed the bamboo pole against the bank, which moved the boat to the center of the river.Three friends were rowing;Ye and I were sitting in the middle, enjoying ourselves in the scenery surrounding us.In the distance a pagoda was erected on the top of a hill, surrounded by many green trees.It was rare to see such a pagoda, and over there it was the hometown of my friend Ye.The river was wide, the water glistening without a ripple.The boat was steadily floating on the water, the three oars pulling in rhythm.Then the river narrowed at a certain point.Clusters of leaves stretched out touching the water’s surface.The leaves were in a lovely green color.There seemed to be many lush banyan trees, but I couldn’t make out where the main trunks of the trees were.My friends immediately corrected me as I referred to them as being many banyan trees.One of them said it was only one banyan, and another said there were two.I had seen many enormous banyans before, but it was the first time I saw such a gigantic one.As the boat drew nearer to the banyan, I finally got a good look at it.This was a huge tree, with countless branches, on which grew aerial prop roots.Many of the roots were dangling to the ground, some all the way into the soil.There were branches hanging above the water.Seen from a distance, the tree seemed to be reposed on the water.It was in the lush season(the tree bearing little fruits, many of which had fallen.)The banyan seemed to showcase its vibrant life energy to us.There were many leaves, clusters over clusters, with not even a tiny hole existing.The emerald green shining brightly in front of our eyes, it was like on each leaf there was a new life dancing.What a tree it is growing in the beautiful southern part of China!
The boat was moored under the tree for a moment, but we didn’t get onto the bank because it was so wet.A friend said it was known as the ‘paradise of the birds’ here.The local peasants forbade anyone to catch these birds.I thought I had heard some sounds of flapping wings, but by the time I shifted my eyes to that direction, I didn’t see any birds.There were many roots sticking out on the ground, looking like stakes.The soil was wet, perhaps for the tides frequently washed onto the shore.There were no birds in the “paradise of the birds,” I thought.The boat moved again, as a friend pushed the boat, and it drifted to the center of the river.Along the path in the crop fields on the shore there were some litchi trees, with clusters of the red weighty fruits hiding among the leaves.Our boat was heading towards there.A friend pulled the boat into a ditch with an oar.We moored the boat at the path, and jumped onto the bank.Two friends swiftly climbed up the trees, throwing down several clusters of litchis with leaves.Chen, Ye and I were down below catching them.After they came down, we ate the litchis as we headed back to the boat.On the following day, we boated to Ye’s hometown, the place we had seen the hills and the pagoda.Setting off from Chen’s little school, we passed the ‘paradise of the birds’ again.This time it was morning, and the sun was pouring over the water, as well as the branches.Everything was extremely bright.We stopped under the tree for a moment.It was very quiet at first, but then a burst of chirps broke the silence.Chen clapped his hands, and we saw a big bird flying over, then a second, and a third.We continued to clap, and soon the woods became very boisterous.Bird chirps were all over the place, and so were the birds, the big ones, small ones, variegated ones and black ones.Some perched on the branches, chirping;some were flying up;some were flapping their wings.I busied myself by watching them.Just as I saw this one clearly, I already missed the other one, and when I turned my eyes to the second one, the third one had flown off.A thrush flew out, but was startled by our clapping and then turned back into the woods.It stopped at a thin branch, and started to sing enthusiastically.The sounds were so beautiful.“Let’s go.” Ye rushed me to leave.As the boat was floating to the village under the pagoda, I kept turning back to look at the lush banyan left behind.I felt a little melancholy to leave this place.Yesterday, I was cheated by my eyes.The “paradise of the birds” is a real paradise for the birds!
June, 1933 in Guangzhou.Guo Yue of China returns the ball in the women's single finals against her teammate Li Xiaoxia at the world table tennis championships in Zagreb May 25, 2007.Guo beat Li 8-11, 11-7, 4-11, 2-11, 11-5, 11-2, 11-8 to win the women's singles title.北京时间5月25日,在萨格勒布世界乒乓球锦标赛女子单打决赛上,郭跃以大比分4-3逆转队友李晓霞,夺得了本届世乒赛女单冠军。
Zhang Yining and Guo Yan, both of China, picked bronze medals.张怡宁和郭燕获得了此次比赛的铜牌。
The 18-year-old Guo was jolted awake in the fifth set, sweeping three sets in a row to triumph 8-11, 11-7, 4-11, 2-11, 11-5, 11-2, 11-8.18岁的郭跃在第五局中调整了心态,连胜三局。
Fourth-seeded Guo, who stunned defending Olympic and world champion Zhang Yining in the semifinals, didn't find her touch until the end of the fourth set, in which she had once trailed 0-9.四号种子郭跃在半决赛的第四局中曾以0比9落后于未免世界冠军张怡宁,直到这一局快要结束才表现出自己的特长。
Guo used her forehand topspin and lightning backhand flicks to win the fifth set 11-5 and then the sixth 11-2.在第五局和第六局,郭跃使用正手击球和反手击球的战术分别以11-5和11-2轻松获胜。
Both players were technically correct in the final set but the championship game was usually a battle of minds.At the end of the fourth set the momentum was with Li, now it was with Guo.最后一局两位队员在技术上不分伯仲(均没有出现失误),但比赛往往也是一场心理素质的较量。
Li looked disconsolate as she made errors with Guo moving into a 4-0 lead.When the
players changed ends Guo was 5-0 ahead, prompting Li to call “Time Out”.She returned to serve a clean ace.由于自已的失误而导致郭跃以4-0领先,李晓霞有些郁郁寡欢。换场时,郭跃以5-0领先,李晓霞喊了暂停。回来后,凭发球获得一分。
Guo called “Time Out” with a 7-3 lead and then went ahead 10-4。
Weekly Weather Forecast(May 21 to 27)
Northwest China May 21, western and northern Xinjiang to see overcast skies with light to moderate rain or snow, potentially spreading to eastern sections of the region.May 22 to 24, wet weather will continue in the same areas, turning heavy and accompanied by strong winds.Mountain passes will be battered by gale-force winds as sand storms will affects areas of Xinjiang, Gansu and Ningxia, bringing a drop in temperature.May 25 to 27, the sun will break through the clouds while a meek cold air front brings winds to Xinjiang and western Gansu.西北部地区:5月21日,新疆的西部和背部地区多云间晴转中雨或雪,雨雪还将会波及到这个地区的西部。5月22至24日将会持续雨雪天气,将有可能转为大雨或大雪并会伴有大风的出现。山口地区将会遭受大风的袭击,新疆、甘肃和宁夏地区将会有沙城天气出现并伴有气温的下降。25日至27日,将会云开日出,同时,一股弱冷空气的前锋将会给新疆和甘肃西部带来大风天气。
North China: May 21 to 22, most parts to be cloudy to overcast with light to moderate rain turning heavy in some areas.May 23 to 25, rain clouds will dominate the skies across central and southern parts, with occasional thunder storms, gusting winds and a mercury drop.May 26 to 27, the rain will abate, continuing scattered in some places, letting sunny patches prevail.北部地区:5月21日至22日,大部分地区将会经历由多云到晴间多云到中雨再到大雨的天气过程。23日25日,中部和南部地区将会出现雷阵雨,并伴有狂风和气温的下降。26日至27日,雨势将会减弱,但仍零星地分布在一些地区,其他地区将会转为晴天。
Northeast China: May 21 to 22, cloudy skies will bring occasional downpours on eastern regions.May 23 to 27, rain will be seen across the region with strong winds blowing in from the north.The weather may turn vicious as temperatures drop, shadowing the arrival of thunderstorms and hail.冰雹
Central China: May 21 to 22, rainfalls will affect most parts, occasionally turning heavy.May 23 to 25, cold and warm air fronts will collide, causing moderate rain to stormy weather across the region.Central and northern parts can expect strong northerly winds as storm fronts roll in.May 26 to 27, clouds will persist throughout, with mild rain showers.中部地区:5月21日至22日,大部分地区都会出现降雨过程,局部地区将会有大雨。5月23至25日,由于热冷空气的将会整个地区将会出现中到大雨。大雨前锋过处,中部和北部地区将会刮起大风。
East China: May 21 to 23, most parts to see cloudy and rainy climes although Fujian, northern Anhui and some of western Shanxi Province will be lashed with heavy rain.May 24 to 25, northern banks of the Huaihe River to see strong winds while southern reaches will see persistent rainfall.May 26 to 27, sunny weather will dominate throughout although scattered showers may occur in the late afternoon or evening.东部地区:5月21日至23日,大部分地区将会出现阴雨天气,福建、安徽北部和山西西部地区将会遭遇大雨天气。5月24日至25日,淮河北部地区将会有大风出现,南部地区将会持续降雨过程。5月26至27日,整个地区将会转为晴好天气,傍晚和夜间人会有零星阵雨。
South China: May 21 to 23, most parts to be overcast, while northern parts will see heavy rain and thunderstorms.May 24 to 27, thunderstorms will continue although rain will abate in western and northern parts.南部地区:5月21日至23日,大部分地区将会是多云天气,北部地区将会有大雨或暴雨。5月24日至27日,将会持续暴雨天气,西部和北部地区的雨势将会减弱。
Southwest China: May 21 to 23, as in much of the country, most parts will see overcast conditions but strong winds and hail will arrive later on, affecting much of southeastern Tibet, the western Sichuan Plateau, Chongqing, Guizhou and western and southern Yunnan.May 23 to 24, the Sichuan Basin, Chongqing and Guizhou will confront strong northerly winds, with possible snow coming in on May 25 to 27.China National Meteorological Center
段落翻译 1 当今世界的竞争是人才的竞争。因此,党中央决定从海外我们的留学生中,从香港、澳门、台湾吸收和利用人才来加强我们在世界上的竞争能力。引进这些人才的重点是那些开放程度越来越大、竞争越来越激烈的部门,比如说银行、保险等行业,以及国有大型企业的管理层。In today’s world competition among states is mainly a competition amongtalented professionals.Therefore it is a decision adopted by the CPC CentralCommittee to fully absorb and make use of the talented people among ouroverseas students and among the professionals in Hong Kong Macao and Taiwan.This will help us strengthen our competitive edge.The departments that wouldintroduce talented people from outside are those that are exposed toincreasingly fierce competition and that are open wider to the outsider worldsuch as banking insurance industry large state-owned enterprises etc.段落翻译 2 莫高窟有 1000 多个洞窟,又叫千佛洞,现有几百个洞窟,其中十分之六七的洞窟是隋唐时期开凿的。洞窟的四壁和顶上画满了彩色壁画。现存壁画总面积有 45000 多平方米,内容表现了佛教故事,不少画面反映出隋唐时期社会的繁荣。莫高窟的塑像共有 2400 多尊,隋唐时期占了近一半。The Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang used to have over 1000 caves but nowadaysthere remain only a few hundred of which 60-70 were made in the Sui and Tangdynasties.The walls and ceilings of the grottoes are covered with coloredfrescos totaling more than 45000 m2.The frescos depict Buddhist stories.Many of them reflect the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.The Mogao Grottoesboast over 2400 statues almost half of which date from the Sui and Tangdynasties.段落翻译 3 中国人使用筷子就餐的方式在世界上独树一帜。有史记载用筷的历史已有三千多年。筷子古时称为箸,它看似简单,但却同时具有夹、拨、挑、扒、拌、撮、戳、撕等多种功能。中国民间视筷子为吉祥之物,如婚俗中将筷子隐喻为快生贵子的祝福等。与使用刀叉以及手抓的方式不同,成双结对的筷子含有“和为贵“的意蕴。西方人赞誉筷子是古老的东方文明。The Chinese way of eating with chopsticks is unique in the world.Therecorded history of chopsticks started more than three thousand years ago.Chopsticks were named Zhu in ancient Chinese.They look deceptively simple touse but possess multi-various functions such as clamping turning overlifting up raking stirring scooping poking tearing and so on.Chopstickswere taken as an auspicious mascot by ordinary people in ancient China.Forexample the partial tone of chopsticks is often used by people as a metaphorat weddings to indicate a blessing or benediction for the couple to have ababy soon.Unlike using a knife and fork or one’s own hands a pair ofchopsticks also implies the meaning of “harmony is what matters”.Chopsticksare highly praised by Westerners as a hallmark of ancient orientalcivilization.段落翻译 4 作为中国最早的教育中心和科学研究中心,北京大学聚集了中国优秀的专家学者,不断开拓创新,改造发展,以培养出的高质量人才和做出的高水平科学成果深刻影响着中国高等教育的航程。一百年来,北京大学为代表的中国现代大学群,在中国走向现代化的历史进程中起到了重要的先锋作用,形成了光荣的革命传统和优良的学术传统。As China’s earliest center of education and scientific research BeijingUniversity has gathered China’s most brilliant specialists and scholarscontinuously opened up blazed new trails engaged itself in reform anddevelopment for training high-quality talent and achieving high-levelscientific fruits that deeply influenced and advanced the range of China’shigher education.Over the past hundred years this group of China’scontemporary universities with Beijing University as its stellarrepresentative has played a pioneering role in China’s historical coursetowards modernization forming a glorious revolutionary as well as anexemplary academic tradition.段落翻译 5 在中国,龙是一种吉祥的生物。在中国古代,龙被视为皇权的象征。直到现在,龙仍然是备受尊崇的神物,代表着财富、智慧、成功、权力以及幸运。中国人自豪地宣称他们是龙的子孙。西方媒体也经常把龙用作中国的标志。如今,大多数欧洲人都知道龙在中国是一种吉祥的生物,也知道龙是中国的十二生肖之一。The Chinese dragon is anauspicious creature.In the ancient times the dragon was the symbol ofimperial power.Even today as a magical creature beloved by the people itstill represents wealth wisdom success power and good fortune.Chinesepeople proudly claim that they are the descendants of the dragon.The dragonalso often appears in the publications of Western media as the symbol of China.Nowadays most Europeans understand that dragon is a lucky creature in Chinaand it is one of the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs.段落翻译 6 经济危机已给英国的年轻人带来深重的影响。现在有一百多万人失业。这些人中超过22的人年龄集中于十六至二十四岁。要不是因为即将来临的夏季奥运会,这 种情况在伦敦可能会更为严重。奥运会一部分收入已经用来帮助伦敦的弱势青年进行职业培训。即将来临的盛事刚好提供了一些机会。随着奥运会的临近,整个伦敦 都正在改变着。新机遇应运而生。但到了秋季,运动会将会结束。届时许多临时性的工作将不复存在。因此我们担忧的是奥运会结束之后我们该怎么办。Britain’s younger workers have been hit especially hard by the financialcrisis.The economy crisis has taken its toe on Britain’s youth.One millionplus are now unemployed.More than 22 are those aged 16 to 24.It might beworse in London if it is not for the upcoming Summer Olympics.Some of theOlympic money has gone to help London disadvantage youth to get job training.The majoring upcoming event is offering some opportunities.With the OlympicGames approaching the whole London is changing.A newopportunity isdeveloping.But by the autumn the Olympics will be over.And many ofthetemporary jobs will go.So the worry is what we could do after the Olympics.段落翻译 7 元宵节是中国的传统佳节,在每年的农历正月十五这一天庆祝。元宵节的到来也标志着春节的结束。元宵节的传统可以追溯到西汉时期,像其他的传统节日一样,关于元宵节也有一个美丽的传说。据说,与道家的传统有关。按中国民间的传统,在这天上皓月高悬的夜晚,人们要点起彩灯万盏,以示庆贺。出门赏月、燃灯放焰、喜猜灯谜、共吃元宵,其乐融融。The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival which is on the 15thof the first month of the Chinese New Year.The festival marks the end of thecelebrations of the Chinese New Year.Chinese started to celebrate the LanternFestival from the Han Dynasty 206 BC-221 AD.Like most other Chinese festivals there is also a story behind the Festival.It is also believed that the festival has Taoist origins.This is a festival for people having fun.Onthe night of the festival people go on streets with a variety of lantern sunder the full moon guessing Chinese riddles and lighting up firecrackers,eating Yuanxiao glutinous rice ball.There is really a lot of fun for the young and the old.段落翻译 8 中国的手工艺品、丝绸、瓷器、地毯、棉纺织品在世界上享有盛名,而且比在世界其他地方购买价格更合理,挑选余地更大。中国各地都有自己独特的产品可买,比如说北京的景泰蓝、地毯;上海的中国服装、棉纺织品;杭州的丝绸;苏州的古玩;到西安您可以买兵马俑、唐三彩。如果您嫌麻烦,也可以在北京、上海的友谊商店里将东西一次买齐,大城市的友谊商店一般货源都比较充足,而且可以代您托运。China has won a worldwide reputation for handicrafts silk porcelaincarpets and textiles all more reasonably priced and of greater variety thanelsewhere in the world.Unique local creations are available in their owncities such as Beijing’s cloisonné and carpets Shanghai’s Chinese clothingand cotton textiles Hangzhou’s silk Suzhou’s antiques and Xi’an’sthree-coloured glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty and terra cotta figures.Iftourists are not able to reach these cities most of these products can bepurchased in the Friendship Stores in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai.These stores also help you transport what you have bought
1.There is no alternative but to blend together different kinds of information.First, take whatever evidence econometrics can yield about the way the forces driving FDI——size of host-country market, expected growth, input costs, geography and natural resources, and the policy framework——have worked in the past.别无他法,我们只能将各种不同种类的信息联系起来进行分析。首先,采取任何经济计量学中产生的可以驱动FDI的要素,包括东道国市场规模、预期增长、投入成本、地理优势和自然资源、政策构架已经在过去起作用了
2.Look at Beyond Petroleum.It says it is an energy problem solver.Yet not much green has come out of its entrails.Each country has abiding cultural icons, its sacred cows that make global corporate communications quite challenge.What is culturally and politically correct in one country may not be so in another.看BP公司。它宣称自己是能源问题解决者。尽管其并没有太多绿色环保的产品从其中流露出来。每个国家都有其长久的文化图腾,它们的文化图腾物使得全球化的企业的交流遇到了挑战。在一个国家文化或政治领域现在通行的现象或做法并不一定在另一个国家也可行。
3.a striking number of business schools have changed their courses in the past few years.although HBS, which invented the MBA, is continuing its familiar case-study method of teaching, it has introduced a popular new course in “leadership and accountability”.Post-Enron, most business schools have introduced or have beefed up their teaching of ethics, often under the banner of leadership.在过去几年大量商学院改变了他们的课程。尽管HBS(创造了MBA),继续着他熟知的案例教育方式,他也引入了关于领导能力以及责任感的新课程。后安然时代,大多数商学院引入或是加强他们的教育理念,打着领导能力的旗号
4.the company,which is shortly to join the s&p 100 index of leading companies,is not without its critics.The not-always-loveable Mr Jobs is still stuck in a greedy-looking share-option “backdating” scandal.苹果公司,这家即将就要进入标准普尔100指数的公司,也并不是完美的,没有批评。并不怎么讨人喜欢的的乔布斯至今还深陷在一个指责他过于贪婪,将期权回溯的有效期提前的丑闻之中。
5.Listening to customers is generally a good idea,but it is not the whole story.For all the talk of “user-centric innovation”and allowing feedback from customers to dictate new product designs,a third lesson from APPLE is that smart companies should sometimes ingore what the market says it wants today.倾听客户的意见通常是一个好主意,但这不是所有。虽然“创新要以用户为中心”,让用户的反馈主导新产品的设计,但苹果的第三项经验昭示我们,聪明的公司有时应该忽略市场在当下显示的需求。
第一篇翻译:样卷 剪纸
剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。
Paper cutting is one of China’s most popular traditional folk arts.Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years.It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings.During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors, windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere.The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity.Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.第二篇翻译:中秋节 12人们在农历八月十五日庆祝中国的传统节日——中秋节。几千年来,中国人喜欢将人的悲欢离合与月亮的阴晴圆缺联系起来。3因为满月是圆的,象征着团圆,中秋节也被称为团圆节。4所有家庭成员会尽力团聚在这特殊的日子里,而那些不能回家的人则观望明月,以寄思念。5此外,月宫里美丽的仙女嫦娥的神话故事也赋予了这一丰收节日的神话色彩(mythological flavor)。
参考译文: 1Mid-Autumn Festival, one of Chinese traditional festivals, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar.2For thousands of years, Chinese people like to relate joy and sorrow, parting and reunion to changes of the moon(as it waxes and wanes).3Since the full moon is round, which symbolizes reunion, the Mid-Autumn Festival is also known as the festival of reunion.4All family members try to get together on this special day, while those who can not return home try to watch the bright moonlight to send/express their longing for their loved ones.5In addition, this harvest festival is also given a mythological flavor with legends of Chang-E, the beautiful fairy in the moon.该篇材料涉及中国的传统文化——中秋节庆祝的内容,主要考察对于文化词汇的理解与灵活翻译运用能力,诸如“农历”、“悲欢离合”、“阴晴圆缺”、“团圆”、“仙女嫦娥”等。
第一句应译为含有被动语态的简单句,同时,注意“农历八月十五日”的灵活表达。当主句的主语是泛指人称代词,且语境并不强调动作的发出者时,宜采用被动语态进行翻译,语体更加正式,其更符合英文的表达习惯。“农历八月十五日”可以表达为“the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar/ 15th, August of the lunar calendar ”;“中秋节”可译为“Mid-Autumn Festival”,该词已广为理解和接受,亦可音译为“Zhong Qiu Jie”,以保留中国文化特色词语。
第二句的翻译主要考查“悲欢离合”、“阴晴圆缺”、“联系”这三个词的语义选择。“悲欢离合”即为“悲伤,欢乐,离别,重逢”,应采用名词形式,其中,“离别”可译为“parting/departure/farewell”等。“阴晴圆缺”应译为习语“the moon waxes and wanes”,亦可简单译为“the changes of the moon”,就能较准确地表达句意。“联系”可译为“relate A to B/ connect A to/with B/ associate A with B”等。
第三句应译为带有原因状语从句的复合句,主要考查非限定性定语从句的运用以及“团圆”的语义选择。“象征着团圆”这个分句可译成非限定性定语从句,对“满月”的信息进行补充说明;亦可译为原因状语从句的谓语部分,如“Since the full moon is round and symbolizes reunion”。“团圆”这个词具有一定的文化色彩,译文中较难既保留“圆”的形象又表达“圆满/团聚”的意义,这里换一种说法,译成“reunion/being together”即可。主句中的“也被称为”可译为“…is also known as…”。
第四句的翻译主要考查连接词“while”以及不定式作目的状语的用法。根据语境,前后句意表明的是不同情况下的对比,没有强烈的转折关系,所以应用“while”,而不用“but/ however/whereas”等连接词。“以寄思念”为目的状语,宜用动词的不定式进行翻译,可译为“to send/express their longing for their loved ones”,或“to comfort their homesickness”,或简单地译为“to miss their home”。
第五句可译为简单句,主要考察被动语态的灵活运用以及“赋予”、“月宫”、“仙女”的语义选择。根据语境,该段主要描述中秋节的风俗习惯,前面已有两句采用“中秋节”为主语,为了使上下文更好地衔接或更连贯,此句仍以“中秋节”为主语,并采用被动语态进行翻译;当然,采用主动语态翻译也是可以接受的。“赋予”可译成“A be given sth.by/with B/ A be endowed with sth.by B”;“月宫”即为“the moon”;“仙女”译为“fairy”。
第三篇翻译: 舞龙舞狮
舞龙:the Dragon Dance 舞狮:Lion Dance 春节:Spring Festival 庙会:Spring Festival fairs
China is the original place of the Dragon Dance and Lion Dance.Since the birth of them, they've always been favored by every ethnic group, which was passed on from generation to generation, long lasting without stops, and thus a prosperous culture of Dragon Dance and Lion Dance was gradually formed.Lots of people reckoned that such shows are certain shows at happy occasions such as Spring Festival and Spring Festival fairs and celebrations.However, they failed to realize that the Dances had passed through thousands of years, which contributed greatly to its profound history and culture, and they're precious cultural heritage left by our ancestors.第四篇翻译:旗袍
旗袍,是中国女性的传统服装,源于中国满族女性的传统服装。因为满族人被称为“旗人”,所以满族人的长袍被称为“旗袍”。到了20世纪20年代,受西方服饰的影响,经过改进之后的旗袍逐渐在广大妇女中流行起来。在中国,很多女性都喜欢穿旗袍。结婚的时候,新娘不仅要订做一件中式旗袍作为结婚礼服,还 要穿着漂亮的旗袍照一套婚纱照,作为永久的纪念。对于中国的女明星们而言,旗袍也成为她们参加各种重要活动的首选礼服。
旗袍:Cheongsam [ˈtʃɔ:ŋˈsæm] 满族:Manchu 旗人:banner man
Chinese New Year is the most important traditional Chinese holiday.In China, it is also known as the Spring Festival.New Year celebrations run from Chinese New Year’s Eve, the last day of the last month of the lunar calendar, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month.Customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese New Year vary widely from place to place.However, New Year’s Eve is usually an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.It is also traditional for every family to thoroughly clean the house in order to sweep away ill fortune and to bring in good luck.And doors will be decorated with red couplets with themes of health, wealth and good luck.Other activities include lighting firecrackers, giving money in red envelopes, and visiting relatives and friends.第五篇翻译:新年
中国新年是中国最重要的传统节日,在中国也被称为春节。新年的庆祝活动从除夕开始一直延续到元宵节(the Lantern Festival),即从农历(lunar calendar)最后一个月的最后一天至新年第一个月的第十五天。各地欢度春节的习俗和传统有很大差异,但通常每个家庭都会在除夕夜团聚,一起吃年夜饭。为驱厄运、迎好运,家家户户都会进行大扫除。人们还会在门上粘贴红色的对联(couplets),对联的主题为健康、发财和好运。其他的活动还有放鞭炮、发红包和探亲访友等。
Chinese New Year is the most important traditional Chinese holiday.In China, itis also known as the Spring Festival.New Year celebrations run from Chinese NewYear’s Eve, the last day of the last month of the lunar calendar, to the Lantern Festivalon the 15th day of the first month.Customs and traditions concerning the celebrationof the Chinese New Year vary widely from place to place.However, New Year’s Eveis usually an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.Itis also traditional for every family to thoroughly clean the house in order to sweepaway ill fortune and to bring in good luck.And doors will be decorated with redcouplets with themes of health, wealth and good luck.Other activities include lightingfirecrackers, giving money in red envelopes, and visiting relatives and friends.
The camshaft is a rotating shaft that has lobes , celled cams , opening and closing the intake and exhaust valves in time with the motion of the piston.When the cam pushes against the lifter , the lifter in tern pushes the valve open.When the cam rotates away from the lifter , the valve is closed by a spring that is attached to the valve.the camshaft must be
synchronized with the crankshaft so that it makes one revolution for every two revolution of the crankshaft.this is a critical job, and canhave a great impact on an engine’s performance at different speeds.在活塞运动的同时,凸轮的旋转可以及时控制进气出气阀门的开启与关闭。当凸轮运动推动挺柱时,挺柱会有次序的推动阀门的开启。当凸轮旋转远离挺柱时,阀门上的弹簧会关闭阀门。凸轮轴必须与曲轴同步运转以保证曲轴每旋转两个周期凸轮轴旋转一个周期。这是一个关键性动作,并且对发动机性能在不同转速都会有很大影响。Driving a car with a manual transmission, you depress the clutch, select a gear, and release the cultch while applying power to get the car to move.The clutch allows engine power to be applied gradually when a vehicle is starting out, and interrupts power to avoid gear crunching when shifting.Engaging the clutch allows power to transfer from the engine to the transmission and drive wheels.Disengaging the clutch stops the power transfer and allows the engine to continue turning without force to the drive wheels.驾驶一辆带有手动变速器的汽车时,踩下离合器时,选择一个档位,当有能量输入时松开离合器使汽车运动。当发动汽车时发动机的功率会逐渐被传送到离合器,换挡时中断功率可以避免齿轮之间的摩擦声音。接合离合器,发动机的动率就会传送到变速器和驱动轮。松开离合器阻止能量的传送,并且发动机在没有能量输送到驱动轮的情况下还可以正常运转。
The rack-and-pinion gear-set does two things:It converts the rotational motion of the steering wheel into the linear motion needed to turn the wheels.It provides a gear reduction, making it easier to turn the wheels.On most cars, it takes three to four complete revolutions of the steering wheel to make the wheels turn from lock to lock(from far left to far right).齿轮齿条齿轮组有两大功能:
Oil is circulated through the engine by an oil pump.Most oil pumps have two small gears that mesh with each other.A pressure-regulator valve in the pump is used to prevent the lubrication system from reaching too high a pressure.The oil pump pulls oil up from the oil pan through the pick-up screen.The screen collects any large particles of dirt so that the oil entering the pump is fairly clean.The pump then directs the oil through an oil filter, which strains any remaining dirt out of the oil;the oil entering the engine lubrication passages should be clean.机油在机油泵的作用下在发动机内循环流动。大多数机油泵有两个小齿轮来相互啮合。在泵里的调压阀阀门被用来阻止润滑系统达到高温。机油泵将机油通过机滤器吸上来。滤网可以过滤脏的小颗粒以保证进入到泵里的机油是完全清洁的。机油泵将剩下的比较脏的机油直接送到具有过滤功能的的机油滤清器内。机油进入发动机润滑系统就会是干净的了。
The following four steps show how the SRS airbag works:
1.In an impact, sensors in the car detect the sudden deceleration.If the crash is severe enough ,electricity flows to the inflator and causes ignition of the gas generator.2.The gas generator then rapidly burns in the metal chamber.The rapid burning produces inert gases and amount of dust.The inert gases and dust are cooled and filtered during inflations of the airbag.3.The inflating airbag splits open the trim cover.The airbag then rapidly unfolds and inflates in front of the occupant.4.After inflation ,the gas is vented through opening or open weave areas in the airbag.These steps take place in a fraction of a second.Airbag deflate in under a second and may be pushed aside for occupants to exit.以下四步是安全气囊的工作过程: