第一课※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 1.It is one of the paradoxes of social intercourse that a compliment is much harder to respond to than an insult.在社会交往中,应对恭维比对付辱骂要艰难得多,这话听起来有点矛盾,却有一定的道理。2.Here is an area of small talk where most of us act awkwardly.闲聊时来句恭维话,往往让我们大多数人不知所措。
3.Someone utters a pleasing, praiseful remark in our direction and we grow inarticulate and our kneecaps begin to vibrate.有人对我们说上一句动听、赞美的话,我们就慌得说不出话来,膝盖开始瑟瑟发抖。
4.I can’t even accept with grace a compliment bestowed upon me for a thing that isn’t really mine.如果别人称赞不是真正属于我自己的东西时,我根本无法欣然接受。
5.The nearest I ever came to downright acceptance of this particular compliment was the time I said, “Well, we like it.” 我在接受这种特定的恭维时,表示最能完全接受的说法就是“嗯,我们喜欢。”
6.carried away by the vastness of his complimentary remark, a woman said, “Well, we like it.” 一位被他的这种极度夸张的恭维话所吸引的妇女,禁不住说道,“嗯,我们喜欢这个地球。” 7.I think we make a mistake when we react to a compliment with denial and derogation.我认为,对待恭维采取否定和贬低的态度是错误的。
8.The situation here is much the same as the one regarding my view.这种情景,与我上述提出的观点非常相似。
9.I know a man who has put his mind to this problem and come up with a technique for brushing off praise.He employs a sort of unreasonable realism.我认识一个潜心研究这种问题的人,他想出了一个办法来避开别人的表扬。他采取了一种不近情理的现实态度。10.I don’t think this fellow is on the right track.我想这个家伙回答的方式有问题。
11.This sort of thing, the witty reply, ought to be placed under government regulation.这种俏皮机智的应答,应该置于政府的规定之中。
12.That one, I thought, was more than passable.But for every genuinely clever retort there are a thousand that fall flat.It takes a Dorothy Parker or a George S.Kaufman to handle the quip comeback with skill.我想,这个回答相当不错。但是,在千百次的应对中才会有一句真正巧妙的应答。只有像多萝西·帕克或乔治·考夫曼这样的人才能应对自如。
13.The unwritten code of authorhood compels me to say, in effect, “You must be a person of execrable literary judgement.”
实际上,著书人的一条不成文的规定使我不得不这样说:“你这个人,文学鉴赏水平一定很差劲。” 14.You are left standing there with immeasurably lovely egg on your face.让你站在那儿,一脸尴尬。
15.There is no point in trying to play the game back at them — they’ll top you in the end, no matter what.要想回敬他们是没有用的——不管说什么,最后他们总会占上风。
16.One thing is clear:
at the bottom of all graceful social intercourse lies poise.有一点很清楚:在所有得体的社交场合,最根本的就是保持镇定。
17.Given the same circumstances I would have quietly asked for a coil of rope.要是我遇到这种情况,我会感到极为窘迫,恨不得悄悄地找根绳子去上吊。
18.He said, with superb calmness and gravity, “Madam, I will thank you for that goose.” 他极为平静而庄重地说,“夫人,您把那鹅给我,我将感激不尽。”
第五课※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 1.The serious part of my life ever since boyhood has been devoted to two different objects which for a long time remained separate and have only in recent years united into a single whole.自少年时代起,我一生的重要时光都致力于实现两个不同的目标。长期以来,这两个目标始终是分离的,直到近几年才合二为一。
2.I was troubled by scepticism and unwillingly forced to the conclusion that most of what passes for knowledge is open to reasonable doubt.我被怀疑主义所困扰,极不情愿地得出这样的结论:我们所传授的大部分知识都可以合理地质疑。3.But I discovered that many mathematical demonstrations, which my teachers expected me to accept, were full of fallacies, and that, if certainty were indeed discoverable in mathematics, it would be in a new kind of mathematics, with more solid foundations than those that had hitherto been thought secure.然而我却发现:老师期望我接受的许多数学演算却充满了谬误;假如确定性果真能从数学中发现的话,那么它也一定是隐藏在一种新型的数学中,其基本原理比迄今为止人们认为无懈可击的数学原理更为可靠。4.there was nothing more that I could do in the way of making mathematical knowledge indubitable.在使数学知识不容不容置疑这个方面,我已尽了全力。
5.And I am convinced that intelligence, patience, and eloquence can, sooner or later, lead the human race out of its self-imposed tortures provided it does not exterminate itself meanwhile.我相信:只要人类不自我毁灭,智慧、忍耐和雄辩终究会指引人类走出自己强加于自己的苦难。
6.But I remain completely incapable of agreeing with those who accept fatalistically the view that man is born to trouble.但我始终不能完全苟同宿命论者认为人类生来注定要受难的观点。
7.And there have been morbid miseries fostered by gloomy creeds, which have led men into profound inner discords that made all outward prosperity of no avail.悲观的信念滋生了病态的痛苦,致使人类内部极不和谐,从而造成外部的繁荣毫无成果。
8.To preserve hope in our world makes calls upon our intelligence and our energy.In those who despair it is frequently the energy that is lacking.对我们的世界一直抱有希望,要求我们付出智慧和精力。
9.The last half of my life has been lived in one of those painful epochs of human history during which the world is getting worse, and past victories which had seemed to be definitive have turned out to be only temporary.我的后半生一直在人类历史的痛苦时代中度过,在此期间,世界形势日益恶化,过去似乎已成定局的胜利结果只是短暂的。
10.Hardly anyone was haunted by the fear of great wars.Hardly anyone thought of the nineteenth century as a brief interlude between past and future barbarism.几乎无人因害怕大规模的战争而提心吊胆,几乎没有人把十九世纪看作是野蛮过去和野蛮未来之间的小小插曲。16.Diversity is essential in spite of the fact that it precludes universal acceptance of a single gospel.多样性尽管妨碍了对单一信条的普遍接受,但它却是必不可少的。
17.Nearly three quarters of acentury ago, walking alone in the Tiergarten through melting snow under the coldly glittering March sun, I determined to write two series of books;one abstract, growing gradually more concrete;the other concrete, growing gradually more abstract.大约75年前,在三月寒冷的阳光下,我独自走在冰雪消融的蒂尔加滕公园,并决定写两套丛书:抽象的那套逐渐变得更为具体;具体的那套逐渐变得更为抽象。
18.They were to be crowned by a synthesis, combining pure theory with a practical social philosophy.二者将用一种综合法来完成-即把纯理论与实用的社会哲学结合起来。
19.Freedom has come to be thought weakness, and tolerance has been compelled to wear the garb of treachery.自由已被视为软弱,宽容已被迫穿上背叛的外衣。
22.I set out with a more or less religious belief in a Platonic eternal world, in which mathematics shone with a beauty like that of the last Cantos of the Paradiso.我开始近乎虔诚地相信柏拉图的永恒世界,在这个永恒的世界里,数学就像《理想国》的最后诗篇一样灿烂美丽。23.I may have conceived theoretical truth wrongly, but I was not wrong in thinking that there is such a thing, and that it deserves our allegiance.我或许曾错误地领悟了真理,但我坚信真理是存在的,而且值得我们去效忠。
24.Personal: to care for what is noble, for what is beautiful, for what is gentle;to allow moments of insight to give wisdom at more mundane times.我个人的希望是:去关注崇高之事,关注美好之事,关注高雅之事;让片刻的顿悟在平凡的岁月中生智慧。
第六课※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 1.Money being tight, with other college-bound children in the family queue, the man had persuaded his daughter to accept the second university’s offer.由于家里经济并不宽裕,还有几个弟弟妹妹要上大学,这位陌生人说服了他的大女儿选择后者。
2.Her degree would put her within striking distance of the yellow brick road, but not physically on the road itself.Did this make her father the spawn of Satan?
4.I told him that I myself had graduated from a second-echelon Philadelphia university not unlike the one his daughter was entering, and had managed to carve out a nice little niche for myself.我告诉他我本人就是从二流的费城大学毕业的,和他女儿要就读的那所差不多,凭借自己的努力我如今也算事业有成。
5.On this subject, I am completely tapped out.这个话题我是完全不想谈了。6.I’d rather talk about cribbage.我宁可谈谈纸牌游戏。
7.Parents such as these upwardly mobile chuckleheads exude an almost Prussian belligerence when announcing their children’s destinations, congratulating themselves on a job well done, while issuing a sotto voce taunt to parents of the less gifted.这些只知道往上爬的愚蠢父母得意地宣称自己的子女要去哪里念书,陶醉在自己的成功之中,殊不知这种近乎普鲁士式的挑衅做法,却是对那些儿女并不出色的父母们的侮辱和嘲讽。8.Now we can get the heck out of here and move to Tuscany.我们就可以拍拍屁股走人,搬到意大利托斯卡纳去享受人生了。
9.In real life, some children get the finest educations but still become first-class screw-ups.在现实生活中,有些孩子接受的是最好的教育,可还是成了一流垃圾。
10.A second, far more numerous class of obsessives consists of people who suddenly realize that their Brand X children aren’t going to make the cut.另一种偏执狂父母数量更多,他们突然意识到孩子们不可能走那条他们规定好的路。
11.Seventeen years of unread textbooks, unvisited museums and untaken A.P.Courses are now finally taking their toll, and those grandiose delivery-room dreams of Amherst, Bard, and Duke are suddenly going up in smoke.十七年来没有好好念课本,没有参观过博物馆,没有选修过跳级班的课程,现在报应来了。想当年孩子出生的时候,梦想着他们有朝一日进入名牌大学(阿姆赫斯特、巴德、杜克)的希望如今已灰飞烟灭。
12.Invariably, they are colleges you never heard of in towns no one wants to visit in states whose capitals only repeat winners on Jeopardy!can name.这些名字总是你闻所未闻的,所在的小镇也是谁都不想去的,所处的州首府只有记忆力大赛的优胜者才说得出。13.But once again, reality has a way of upsetting the worst laid plans of mice and Mensa.可是,现实总是一次又一次地证明了“人算不如天算”。
14.Now, whenever I am dragooned into the 30,000th interminable conversation about the collegeselection process I indicate that sedulous monitoring ofon-campus restaurant prices should be a vital component of the winnowing procedure.如今不论何时有人第三万次强拉我没完没了地讨论给孩子选哪所大学,我都会告诉他们一定要不辞辛劳地查清学校餐厅的价格,这个应该是遴选学校的决定性因素。
para.1 sen.1)Every four years, when the Olympics roll around again, journalists seem automatically to recycle those misty-eyed notions about “Good Old Days”.每逢四年一度的奥运盛会,记者们似乎总会自然而然地把“过去的好时光”那些模糊的概念重新炒作一番。
(para.2 lines8-11)In fact, the mythology of a perfect Olympic is the modern invention of snobs and self-styled purists, perpetuated by sports writers---and television commentators at a loss to fill air time.事实上,曾有过完美的奥运会的神话只是现代的势利小人和一群自封为纯粹主义者的杜撰,通过体育文章撰稿人和转播期间设法填补空白时间的电视评论员流传下来。
(para.5 lines27-29)But these arbiters were often susceptible to financial enticements---and treats.这些比赛的主宰者往往经不起金钱以及盛宴的诱惑。
(Para.7 lines 52-54)Promoters of minor track meets---which were often held to advertise local products(!)---would fork over plenty to have the hottest runners of the day merely show up.当时,一些小型比赛---通常是为了给当地的产品做广告(!)---的发起者,确实会向当红短跑明星支付大笔的酬金,请他们到场露露脸。
(P231, Para 11)Let us conclude this iconoclastic survey of ancient misbehavior with two rather bizarre anecdotes.上文概述了古代体育比赛中的种种舞弊行为,这些记载有悖于传统观点。我想用两件异乎寻常的轶事对此做一小结。(para.13 lines 95-98)When he crossed the finish line, he was a little “high” on more than joy---having fortified himself along the road with swigs of sugared wine.尽管在冲过终点线时,他显得与其说是兴奋还不如说有点“醉醺醺”的——因为他在途中大量饮用掺了糖的葡萄酒以保持体力。
(para.14 lines 101-103)Just before President Teddy Roosevelt’s daughter was to give him his medal, it was discovered that Lorz had not, after all, gone the entire distance under his own steam.正当特迪·罗斯福总统的女儿给他颁奖之际,洛兹被发现没有独立跑完全程。
(para.14 lines 104-105)Having cramped up at about nine miles, he accepted a ride from a passing car.他在 9 英里处腿部抽筋,便搭乘了辆路过的汽车。
(para.19 lines 151-153)There is no need to conjecture about Dora Ratjen, the German athlete who just missed a gold medal in the women’s high jump in the notorious Olympics of 1936.然而,德国运动员朵拉·拉特金的性别是不容置疑的。在臭名昭著的 1936年奥运会上错失了女子跳高金牌后,“她”随后在这个项目中屡屡改写世界纪录。(P234, Para 20)I still do not share the pessimism of the writer whose most famous work has given him a near-franchise on the digit “1984”.我从内心深处不赞同那位因一部名著而对“1984”这几个数字几乎享有特权的作家所持有的悲观态度。
汉译英: 第一课
要善于恭维他人,重要的一步就是要懂得为什么恭维会有助于你建立更好的人际关系。An important step in becoming an effective flatterer is to understand why flattery helps you establish better relationships with others.恭维之所以奏效,最根本的原因是恭维符合了人类行为的一个基本原则:人们渴望得到赏识。The root cause of the power of flattery gets at a basic principle of human behavior: people crave being appreciated.尽管文化背景各不相同,但绝大多数人都有类似的想法。The vast majority of people are of the similar idea despite different cultures.在亚洲文化中,人们对群体赏识的渴求一般要强于对个体赏识的渴求。In Asian cultures the desire for group recognition is generally stronger than the desire for individual recognition.但不管怎样,人们渴望赏识是普遍存在的。Nevertheless, the need for recognition is present.很多人认为工作本身带来的乐趣要比外界赏识包括恭维更为重要。Many people hold that the joy of work itself is more important than external recognition, including flattery.工作的乐趣也许是一种巨大的动力,但是即使是那些从工作中得到极大乐趣的人如科学家、艺术家、摄影师也渴望得到恭维和认可。The joy of work may be a powerful motivator, but even those who get the biggest joy from their work — such as scientists, artists, and photographers — crave flattery and recognition.否则他们就不会去竞争诺贝尔奖或在重要的展览会上展示他们的作品了。Otherwise they wouldn’t compete for Nobel Prizes or enter their work in important exhibitions.恭维之所以奏效,还因为它与人们对认可的正常需要有关。Another reason flattery is so effective relates to the normal need to be recognized.尽管有一些关于恭维的书和文章问世,并对恭维极力进行宣扬,但是大多数人还是没有得到应有的赏识。Although some articles and books have been written and preached zealously about flattery, most people receive less recognition than they deserve.很多人无论在工作上或在家里都很少受到赞美,所以对认可的渴求就更加强烈了。Many people hardly ever receive compliments either on the job or at home, thus intensifying their demand for recognition.第五课
就心理学方面而言,在老年阶段有两种危险要加以警惕,其一是过度沉湎于往事。Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age.One of these is undue absorption in the past.人活在回忆之中,活在对过去美好时光的惋惜之中,活在对已故友人的悲伤之中,都是不行的。It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead.一个人的思想必须面向未来,面向那些值得做的事情。One’s thoughts must be directed to the future, and to things about which there is something to be done.这一点并不总是很容易做到;一个人的过去会逐步对他产生越来越大的影响。This is not always easy;one's own past is a gradually increasing weight.他很容易自己想到,过去的情感比现在要强烈得多,过去的思维比现在要敏锐得多。It is easy to think to oneself that one’s emotions used to be more vivid than they are, and one’s mind more keen.如果确实如此,那么就应该将它忘却,如果它被忘却了,就可能不是真的。If this is true it should be forgotten, and if it is forgotten it will probably not be true.另一件应该避免的事情是依恋年轻人,希望从他们身上汲取活力。The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigor from its vitality.当你的孩子长大成人时,他们希望过自己的生活。When your children grow up they want to live their own lives.如果你继续对他们关心备至,就像你对他们幼年时那样,你可能会成为他们的负担,除非他们对此无动于衷。If you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young, you are likely to become a burden to them, unless they are unusually callous.这并不是说你不应该关心他们,但你对他们的关爱应该是思想上的,如果可能的话,给他 们一点仁爱,但不要过分感情用事。This does not mean that one should be without interest in them, but one’s interest should be contemplative /(in mind)and, if possible, philanthropic, but not unduly emotional.动物在幼仔一有能力照顾自己时就不再关心它们了。Animals become indifferent to their young as soon as their young can look after themselves.但人类由于婴儿期较长的缘故,就难以做到这一点。But human beings, owing to the length of infancy, find this difficult.第六课
在中国,很多父母都会为孩子能够进入好学校而不遗余力地奔波,甚至花上大笔“择校费”为孩子进入重点学校铺路。In China, a large number of parents spare no efforts to work for selecting a better school for their children, and even spend a large sum of money as long as their children can go to the key schools.英国虽然国立中小学没有重点与非重点之分,但各校教育质量差异很大,In Britain,although there is no distinction between key public schools and non-key public schools, yet the quality of education in each school is of great difference.英国父母为了让子女进入教育质量好的学校,也在绞尽脑汁想办法,其操心劳力、焦虑的程度绝不亚于中国的父母。Therefore, the parents also leave no stones unturned in order to find a better school for their children.The degree of their concern and anxieties is not less than that of Chinese parents.入学申请表是家长向学校提交的重要材料。The application forms are very important materials to get access to a school.在填写入学申请表时,某些家长为了让孩子能够在好学校就读,没有如实交代家庭住址。In order to make their children have access to a better school, some parents don’t write their true home address when filling in application forms.英国每年都有数百起,甚至数千起这样的入学申请舞弊事件,且家长们的手段越来越“高明”。Every year in Britain there are hundreds of or thousands of such cheating events and the ways of cheating are increasingly “wiser”.一些人用亲戚的地址,一些人用办公室的地址,有人正确填写了家庭地址,但故意填错了邮政编码,因为他们知道这所学校是通过邮政编码来计算家庭住址与学校之间的距离的。For example, some fill in the relatives’address or the office’s address instead, others write down the correct home address but with a wrong post code, because they know the school will calculate the distance between the school and home according to the post code.有些家长为了向学校出示家庭税收凭证以证明其家庭地址,甚至真的到税务所去为一个并非他们居住地的地址缴税。Moreover, some parents even go to Tax Bureau to pay tax for a place where they don’t stay at all, so that they could get the tax payment receipt and present it to the school as a proof of valid home address.第七课
吸引大量观众的体育运动为人们观赏青春的活力、速度和力量提供了一个窗口。Spectator sports provide an outlet/ a window for viewing the vitality of youth, speed, and strength.它所展示的技能水平强烈地吸引着人们。
The levels of skill displayed fascinate/attract people.男性之所以比女性更直接地认同这种运动,是因为他们的童年经历和比赛所展示的阳刚之气。Men identify more directly than women with spectator sports because of their childhood experience and the macho nature of games.这种运动对男性来说,在心理上还有另外一种吸引力:因为他们是男人,有可能被召唤到赛场上,被要求打比赛或当教练,去贡献自己的一技之长。For men there is an additional attraction in their minds because since they are male they could be called on to the field, asked to contribute their playing or coaching skills.因此观看这类比赛给他们的遐想提供了素材。Viewing sports thus provides the raw materials for their dreams.而女性在观看比赛中也从他人身上间接地获得了渴望取胜的满足感,而且有更多的女性正积极地投身到竞技体育中去。Nevertheless, women get indirectly from others the satisfaction from a desire to win than ever and more women are becoming active in competitive sports.到 20世纪70 年代初,体育爱好者们对比赛不断增长的兴趣,在电视联播中得到了进一步加强,并把职业运动转变成了利润丰厚地商业活动。By the early 1970s, growing interest of fans in the games, heightened by network of television, had transformed /changed professional sports into lucrative business enterprises.结果,一些全新的俱乐部联合会雨后春笋般地涌现出来,与现有的体育组织展开竞争,并以诱人的工资来吸引运动员加盟。As a result, entirely new leagues sprang up to compete with established organizations and lure away players with attractive salaries.随着体育变得更像传统的商业活动,越来越多地运动员寻找他们的经纪人,代表他们参加工资谈判。现在,职业体育运动已经进入一个新时代。As sports became more like traditional businesses, more and more players turned to agents to represent them in salary negotiations.Now professional sports have entered a new era.
第二篇:新世纪研究生英语答案 词汇
1.Slowly the flood……(sank);
2.Desert nights are……(clear);
3.This is half……(rainfall);
4.……(drought);12.He felt he did….(commitment to);2.The mystery ….(unsolved);3.There were over…(watchers);1.The company….(downsized);2.Churchill provided…(dynamic);is our….(self-image);5.Unless specfic…(counter-measures);3.We have calculated…(yield): 4.We were travel...(had guaranteed)6.The board….(unconscious);
5.shrubs,trees……(Flowering);5o.They won’t…(inflict);.6.There were some……(loose);6.The Finance…(budget);
7.The small holes……(pores);7.They insist….(priosrity);
8.We used to graze);8.Ian drove up..(accelerating);
9.Your ……(spine);9.It is dishonorable..(shirk);
10.Fire officers had……(crapped);10.These small…(vitally);
11.I might actually……(venture);11.Would such…(jeopardize);
12.The valleys are……(fertile);12.When you go…(criterion):
1.fatigue is ……(Physical);1.Lemon juice….(acid);
….(accumulace);2.I my eyes..(shaded);
3.There is a great……(diversity);3.If one or …(knock-on);
4.Psychological tiredness…..(precipitated);5.These flowers…(banks);
5.His body is ……(muscular);6.We’out our(spacing);
6.Some fatigue has…(pathological);of…(band);
7.Prolonged fatigue …..(symptomatic);8.We want …(needles);
.(vigorous);9.Devices in the..(filter);
….(psychologically);10.Mountain climbers..(altitudes);
….(Anxiety);11.The data was…(variables):
11.He feels completely….(restored);12.Reproduction is…(organism);
12.Having had a good…..(refreshed);1.The results of…(applied):
1.Rural communities…..(uniform);2.He had hurt…(repentance);
2.On a clear…(recognize/distinguish);3.The heavy….(penetrate);
4.The comedian…(monkey-like);
4.The tune was…..(recognized);5.She had almost..(contrast);
5.This stamp is ….(unique);6.We are really…(impressed):
6.Jack enjoys playing….(outlet);7.We are really…(passionate);
7.A child must….(tactile);8.The English…(awakened);
8.Both drvers and ….(rigid);9.The silence..(succeeded);
9.My son used….(secure);10.The roses…(blossoms);
10.Some language …(acquisition);11.On Christmas..(expectant);
11.Learning together…(fruitful);12.His friends…(opportunity);
12.The on which…(foundation): 1.Britain’s head….(monarch);,I did not….(as a matter of fact);2.Elizabeth II…(throne);
2.At this time…(are plagued): 3.She was …(ambassador):
3.The poem handles….(versus);4.George Bush….(preceded);
the likely….(have been refiecting 5.Crude oil is….(refined): on);6.Fighting broke….(rival):
5.It’s no use….(positive);7.As a mayor,…(functions);
.(is implementing);8.What is so …(efficiency);
7.Most universities….(will enroll);9.The quality of…(inspiration):
8.American culture..(has been enriched)10.They bought…(spitting);
9.His father ….(aspiration);11.The skaters…(grace);
10.A good historian….(academic);12.Storing berbs in….(preserre);
11.The news came…..(well-informed);1.He has a….(circle)7.He had….(rapport);…(flashed);9.Agriculture,the…(dominance);10.The slogans…(disinterest);11.Someone who….(undemonstrative);12.He ….(positioned);1.Professor Jones….(recognized);2.He’s always….(credited);3.The film….(features);4.we admired the…(expertise);5.The fire cause….(considerable);6.Students are not…(supervision);7.The toy was….(flaw);8.Charities such …..(recruit);9.It’s really ….(twist);10.Migration into…(strain);11.The closure of …..(devastate);12.Libraries are…..(budget);
I.Comprehension check
i.1.T 2.F3.T4.F5.T 6.T 7.F 8.T9.T10.T
ii.1-5 BAAACD6-10 DCBAB
1-5 ADBAA6-10 DDCBA11-15 CCADB16-20 DCABA
1.It is generally accepted that upbringing of the child within the home is closely related to theeducation of the child in school
2.Jennifer is the chief of personnel for the New York Herald Tribune, where she is also responsible for special editorial work in the field of the public relations.3.Jeff met Rose at his sister’s birthday’s party two years ago.They have been
communicating each other by e-mail since then.The more Jeff knows Rose, the more helikes her
4.This new measure is effective not only in providing job opportunities for the
laid-off workers, but in limiting price increases
5.Similarly /likewise, they insufficiently treated /they did not sufficiently treat the political and economic background of the conspiracy.6.Tremendous capital input has met the needs of rapid economic growth on the one
hand, and has caused the inflation on the other.