珍惜机遇 努力实践

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第一篇:珍惜机遇 努力实践

珍惜机遇 努力实践---赴基层挂职锻炼的心得体会

发布日期:2010-10-14 转瞬间来基层一个月了,虽时间不长,但感触颇多。这段时间的工作和生活,让我更深地体会到自治区分行党委和组织部安排年轻干部到基层挂职锻炼的良苦用心。深入基层接受教育、挂职锻炼是丰富阅历、增长才干、提高素质最切实有效的方式。我愿把这一个月来初到基层行工作的一点体会与大家分享。













在挂职期间,我们应更加严格要求自己,多学习、多实践、多总结,立足岗位,脚踏实地,进一步增强大局意识、服务意识,努力使自己在政治思想素质、组织协调能力、宏观思维能力等方面都有一定的提高,圆满完成挂职任务。(自治区分行客户一处曾曾, 现在库车县支行挂职)

第二篇:努力和机遇 英语辩论

Hard Work(Pros)


Opportunity(Cons)正方一辩:Hello, everyone!We are here to debate the topic that which is more important to one’s success, hard work or opportunity.Honestly, hard work and opportunity are two necessary factors to one’s success.But we claim that hard work enjoys much more importance.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.Hard work is the premise of success.Only when you obtain special abilities and skills through hard work can you expect to catch the opportunity precisely.Furthermore, we’d like to say that opportunity makes the minority successful, but hard work allows the majority to achieve their goals.Instead of waiting for unrealistic opportunity, a wise man would rather use hard work to open a door for himself.We believe that gold will shine anywhere.After all, Newton wasn’t the first person who had been hit by the apple.反方一辩:Hello, everyone!Our opinion is that opportunity is more important than hard work to one’s success.There is no denying that hard work contributes a lot to one’s success.However, without a good opportunity, will hard work make any sense? In the battle of Red Cliffs, how can the victory be achieved without the east wind? A good opportunity can help us to win a battle and reduce the death toll at the same time.Similarly, a good opportunity can help us to achieve success with much less effort.If the way to success is a ladder, then hard work will be the footsteps while opportunity is the vertical bar which connects the footsteps together.Without the vertical bar, the footsteps are just some scattered crabsticks of no use.Those who are simply working hard while paying less attention to all kinds of opportunities will not necessarily achieve success.So we hold the view that opportunities are more important than hard work to one’s success.That’s all, thank you!正方二辩:I want to give an example to defend our side.I think the most successful thing the apple has done is that it fell and beat the Newton’s head.By so Newton achieved great breakthrough in his career and contributed a lot to physics.His success depends mainly on his hard work.Average people don’t work hard like him, even if the apple beats an average people a thousand times, could he succeed? 反方二辩:Well, I’m afraid that I hold exactly the opposite view on the example that you mentioned.I think it is fortunate for Newton that the apple had fallen on his head.Imagine, if Newton hadn’t had such an opportunity, could he have found the law of universal gravitation just with plenty of experiments, plenty of hard work in his laboratory? So in my opinion, opportunity gives one’s hard work a show stage.Without this stage, no amount of hard work can fully achieve its value.正方二辩:Many successful persons demonstrate to us that hard work creates good opportunities.What’s more, most of us don’t have a wealthy father who can create opportunities, if we don’t work hard, who are glad to offer opportunities? 反方三辩:Sometimes hard work may bring us opportunities.However, it doesn’t mean opportunity is less important.If you don’t seize the opportunity, you would fail as well.反方二辩:We all know that there is a famous battle in history that is called The Battle of Red Cliffs or you may call it The Battle of Chibi.In the battle, Wu prepared everything well, and the only thing they still needed is the east wind.Now we know that the wind finally came and helped Wu win the battle.But I wonder what would have happened if the wind hadn’t come? Will their full preparations, their hard work make any sense? In other words, what’s the use of one’s hard work when there isn’t an opportunity?

正方二辩:There is no denying that the opportunity plays a critical role in this case.But the success depends mainly on the fact that they are good at observing the weather and they prepare for it at any time.反方二辩:We know that there are lots of people in the world fighting for success.They work hard day and night, pouring much energy and capital to their cause.But the fact is that only a few of them can succeed in the end.And according to a survey, 84 percent of those successful people admit that opportunity plays a fairly important role in their success.I think this is a good illustration for our opinion that opportunity is more important to one’s success than hard work.So, what’s your opinion on this? 正方三辩:In the fierce social competition, many people face up to the same opportunity to some degree, but only the people who work the hardest and make the best preparations can find and seize the opportunity and succeed at last.This can mainly explain why only a few people get success while most people don’t.正方三辩(继续提问)And as we can see, many college students don’t work hard at school and when they graduate, they can’t find a good road while there are so many opportunities.How do you look at this problem? 反方二辩:What you said is indeed a fact of life, but it is just one-sided I think.You have overlooked those students who study very hard throughout college but find an ordinary job after graduating.And also you have ignored that some students don’t necessarily study harder than others but they may find a good job just due to an accidental opportunity.I don’t mean that hard work isn’t important.I just think that opportunity is more important to one’s success when compared to hard work.No matter how hard one works, he always needs an opportunity.正方三辩:The people without abilities even have the best opportunity, they still can’t succeed.Looking at the students who failed in the college entrance examination, don’t they have the opportunity?

反方三辩:We don’t say that having the opportunity can guarantee your success.Only when you make good use of the opportunity can you succeed.Besides, hard work is only one of the factors that contribute to passing the college entrance examination, you can’t ignore other factors.反方三辩(继续提问):We all know the story about Bo Le and the swift horse.The purpose I take this for example is that without the opportunity of meeting Bo Le, the swift horse would not get known to the world, even though the horse practices hard.The principle suits humans, too.One works very hard but has no chance to show himself, how can he succeed? 正方二辩:The opportunity isn’t accident;it always falls to diligent person.If you don’t work hard, let alone you have the chance to find the opportunity.反方三辩:Many famous artists such as Van Gogh, lived a poor life all the year round.They couldn’t make a living on their works that became priceless after their deaths.It’s clear that what they lack isn’t abilities or hard work but the opportunity of presenting themselves.Can you deny that they would have been more successful if they had been given an opportunity? 正方三辩:I think the opponent debater’s definition of success is superficial.The success of an artist is based on his extraordinary works.With these perfect works, he will win people’s appreciation and praise sooner or later.Giving him the opportunity can make him famous earlier, but hard work still is the key factor that helps him succeed.正方四辩(总结):There are always different opinions on the question: which is more important to one’s success, opportunity or hard work? And according to our debate, we still hold the view that hard work plays a more important role.And I have two points to say.First, as the examples we have shown, hard work is our own thing but opportunity depends on many unsure factors.That’s to say, you can choose to be diligent but you can’t rely on the unsure opportunity to reach your goal.Secondly, there goes the saying:” opportunity is for the well-prepared people.” In other words, if you don’t have the ability to hold the opportunity, then it just means nothing to you.And ability is improved by hard work.So to some degree, opportunity is created by hard work.That’s why nothing can be reached without hard work and why we think hard work is more important.That’s all, thank you!反方四辩(总结):Again greetings to all.Thanks for the well debating of the defenders.Trying to win this debate, the pros are looking for chances to seize the vulnerability of our arguments, because they know that only when they catch the opportunity can they win this debate.Thank the defenders for proving the importance of opportunity for us with their practical action!We insist on our view that opportunity is more important than hard work.To begin with, young people lack experience and financial base;they need other people’s recommend to exercise more.Besides, it is said that when an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you again.So, it is the instantaneity of opportunity that makes it more important than hard work.And many examples have been taken by my partners showing that the reason why hard-working people fail is that they don’t seize the opportunities.So just as the saying goes, the successful people are not those who are hard-working, but good at grasping the opportunity.Last but not the least, we don’t deny the worth of hard work.And I’m glad that the opponent third debater admits that hard work can help us make advantages of catch the opportunities.However, I have to claim that our topic today is which one is more important.So, in other words, we come to a conclusion that hard work is just a necessary part but not the promise.Opportunity is the real key to the door of success.So our side insists that opportunity is more important than hard work to one’s success!







我们需要学习他的精神,如果不是坚持不懈的努力,就不可能发明出耐用的灯泡,我们可以看到所需条件的成功,只要成功所需 条件,成功很容易。









评语: 全文结构完整,条理清楚,作者思考问题比较周到.但内容还欠深入.语句还需锤炼.

第五篇:珍惜稳定 珍惜机遇 珍惜未来

珍惜稳定 珍惜机遇 珍惜未来






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