第一篇:小学英语第四册第二单元lesson13 How
小学英语第四册第二单元lesson13 How’s the weather today? 说课
Lesson13: 《How’s The Weather Today ?》是冀教版小学英语第四册unit2 Days and Months中的一课。在本课中,Li Ming已回到中国学校,他和英语老师谈论了有关天气的情况,由此引出了本课的教学snowy,windy,sunny,cloudy,rainy等描述天气状况的形容词及How’s the weather today ? It’s ______.这个描述天气的句式。教学内容形象、直观、贴近生活,易于学生理解和接受。
在“知识目标”中,通过教学让学生可以读、写、说出并听懂snowy,windy,sunny,cloudy,rainy等词汇运用; “能力目标”方面:
指导学生在任务型教英语How’s the
听懂snowy,windy,sunny,cloudy,rainy等词语及How’s the weather today ? It’s ______ 这一标准用语。难点在于把所学知识运用到实际谈话中去。
在第三册中,学生已对snowy,windy,suny,cloudy,rainy天气形容词进行了学习,从而为本课 的学习打好了基础,减小了难度。由于教学内容形象直观,贴近生活,学生乐学,兴趣浓厚。
边活动中主动性和创造习兴趣,体验英语语言的用、相互依存、联系,让学模式中,让学生学会用weather today ? It’s 字让现象和形容词的比高听力能力和英语语言
根据英语愉快教学模式,使学生在教学活动开始便处于认知的活跃状态,为以后的教学过程创设最佳的开端,我和同学们一起演唱英语歌曲<< Where is Jenny>>,调动起学生的学目标,更好地突出重认识规律,我采用讲读、相结合的方法;“兴趣是语法相对较少,而更注适当地结合愉快教学,趣。教学不是简单的知枯燥无味,我采用多种学,比较形象、直观,性、主动性和创造性,兴趣,让学生在实际交发展能力,从而提高学自主学习意识,培养不积极性。
然后,在学会单词的基础上,我点击单词图片引领学生复习What is
It’s----的 句式。并且采用了“猜一猜”的游戏方式,让学生自己来问答复习该句式。对于一猜即中的同学,我既引导大家对其进行鼓励,又以小星星的形式进行奖励。
第三环节、教授“How’s the weather today ? It’s ______”句式
我利用 “天气预报”对其中一个日历进行了day
is tomorrow?句式练weather today?并点击日历答It’s _____.我又问:由于学生已懂得答语的意此理解上没有难度。之后,来学生进行小组练习,要It’s----。能力强的学生还How’s the weather today?习,练习之后,小组展示第四环节、整体感知,MONTH SONG>>这首歌,欣赏之后,师生同唱。
版块出示了天气状况。在针What day is today? What习后,我引出了How’s the 出示了当天的天气图片,回Why? 学生用B uesea-----思,并有图片辅助理解,因我引导学生进行朗读。接下求用上What is
可用What day is today? Why? B uesea-----等练对话。
第五环节、这节课我们学习了五个描述天气的名词,那么你喜欢唱英文歌曲吗?放< A我们需要的感激A ?J ?克罗宁一个晴朗的下午,我在纽约上了一辆出租车。从司机的表情和他猛拉排挡的样子中,我可以看出他很不高兴。我问他是怎么回事。“我完全有理由生气,”他怒气冲冲地说。“今天上午我的一个乘客把钱包忘在我车里了。里面有近300块钱。我花了一个多小时想方设法找那个家伙。最后我在他的宾馆里找到了他。他拿了钱包,一声不吭地瞪着眼看着我,好像我本来打算要偷他的钱包似的。”“他没有给你酬金?”我大声问。“一个子儿也没有。但我要的不是钱„„”他咕哝着,然后突然大声说,“只要那个家伙说句什么„„”因为他诚实的助人行为没有得到感激,那位出租车司机一整天都闷闷不乐,而且我知道以后他在做类似的好事之前会仔细考虑一下了。这种对感激的需要是我们都能感受到的,而拒绝表示感谢则会大大扼杀善良与合作的精神。第二次世界大战期间,辛辛那提的一位母亲收到他参军的儿子一封来信,信中提到诺曼底一个村庄中的一位妇女在他受伤饥饿时将他带到家中,帮他躲过了德国人的搜捕。不幸的是,后来那男孩在阿登高地的进攻战中阵亡了。然而,这位母亲却受到一种不可抗拒的愿望的驱使。她积蓄了两年,穿过大西洋,找到了她儿子提到的那个村庄。经过多次打听之后,她找到了那位曾经保护过她儿子的妇女——一位贫穷农夫的妻子——将一个包裹硬塞进她手里。那是她儿子在毕业典礼上获得的一块金表,是那个男孩曾经拥有过的唯一真正有价值的东西。这位母亲表示感激的举动深深触动了人们的心灵,在那个村庄内外成为传奇般的故事。它比出色的演讲更能让人培养起对美国人的好感。感激是对每一个无论大小的善行 优雅地接受并表示欣赏的艺术。我们大多数人受到款待,接受礼物和明显的好处时都不会忘记表示我们的愉悦之情,但即使在这种情况下我们也还能够完善我们表示感激的方式,让它尽可能的个人化和真诚。最近,我和妻子在意大利南部旅游时,我给康涅狄格州的一位朋友寄去了几瓶令我们喜欢的当地佳酿。那是件小小的礼物,然而令我们惊讶的是,我们收到的不是一封传统的感谢信而是一张电唱机唱片。我们播放它时,听到了我们的朋友在饭后的一段话,描述他和他的客人们如何喜欢那酒,并感谢我们考虑得周到。有这件不同寻常的东西来证明别人欣赏我们的礼物真令人愉快。有时感激不仅仅是一件个人的事。我在麦吉尔大学学医的儿子告诉我,有一位被送到蒙特利尔医院的病人经过输血而获救。康复以后他问:“我是否能找到那位献血者的名字,向他表示感谢?”他被告知献血者的名字是从来不公开的。出院几个星期后他回来献了一品脱血。从那以后他一次又一次地为了同一目的回来。当一名外科医生称赞这种不留姓名的高尚行为时,他只是回答说:“有个我永远也不知道是谁的人为我这样做了。我只是在说‘谢谢’。”感激不仅可以是一种转瞬即逝的情绪,在有些情况下还可以是一种能持续终生的更新,想到这一点真令人感到欣慰。丈夫充满感激地回想起妻子慷慨无私的行为,妻子从不忘记丈夫送给她的礼物,这些都大大有助于使家庭生活保持和谐。英国作家和博物学家W?H?赫德森曾经写道:“一天晚上,我带一个朋友回家同我们一起吃了顿家常便饭。后来他对我说:‘你真幸运,你的妻子虽然身体不好还要照顾孩子,但菜烧得那么好吃。’那句赞美的话打开 了我的眼睛,它教会我要感谢妻子日复一日的、而一直被我习以为常的英雄行为。”感激的礼仪首先应该在小事情上用得最多。送报的男孩、送牛奶的人、邮递员、理发师、饭店里的女招待、开电梯的人——所有这些人都在以某种方式为我们服务。通过表示感谢我们可以使日常平淡的关系具有人情味,使单调的任务变得令人愉快。我的一位在伦敦当公共汽车售票员的病人有一次对我吐露说,“有时我真厌倦了我的工作。人们抱怨,麻烦你,说车钱找得不对。但是有一位早晚乘我车的女士总是在我收她的车票时用一种特别友好的方式感谢我。我真希望她是代表所有的乘客在说话。这使我一直保持微笑。”阿诺德?本涅特的一个出版商夸奖自己的秘书效率特高。一天,本涅特对她说:“你的老板说你效率极高。你的秘诀是什么?”“那不是我的秘诀,”秘书回答。“那是他的。”每次她为他做一件事,无论多小的事,他从未忘记表示感谢。因此,她工作一直非常努力。有些人不愿表达感激之情,因为他们觉得这不会受欢迎。我的一个病人在出院几个星期后回到医院来感谢他的护士。“我没有更早地回来,”他解释说,“是因为我猜想你们对于人们的感激一定厌烦得要命。”“正好相反,”她回答说,“我很高兴你来。很少有人意识到我们多么需要鼓励,我们从那些鼓励我们的人身上获得了多大的帮助。”我们所给予的感激永远不会过多。因为我们身边的人在构筑他们的人生哲学时所依据的正是这些微笑、我们所表示的感谢和我们表示欣赏的各种小小的示意动作。 B礼仪为什么是重要的朱迪思?马丁 朱迪思?马丁(生于1938年)是 《华盛顿邮报》的戏剧和电影评论家,她撰写的联合特写专栏“礼仪小姐”通过稿件辛迪加在国际上多家报纸同时发表。她在哈佛大学的一次演讲中阐述了她在《普通礼节》一书中的观点,现转载如下。如今的美国人错误地认为只要具有个人美德就会毫不费力地、自然地产生可接受的社会行为。道德和礼节之间的区别已变得模糊了。大多数人以为,你只需要有一副好心肠,其余的事情便不用你费心了。你不必写感谢信。这种对于人际关系的“自然的”态度认定:熟知任何一个人就是爱他,人类唯一的问题只是沟通问题。这既否认了人们可能被基本的、的确不可调和的差异——哲学的、政治的或者宗教的差异——所分隔,也假定了所有这样的差异仅是误解而已。许多形式的礼节恰恰是用来掩盖那些由不可调和的分歧所造成的厌恶之情的。只要礼仪应当完全符合道德的想法存在,用来润滑普通生活的应酬话或惯例就会产生道德问题。过去人们讲究义务性的正式拜访,那个时候,“夫人不在家”的意思显然就是“夫人不想见你,就像你并不想见她一样,不过她注意到你已经尽职了。”如今,我们从来不给自己暂时被别人联系不上的便利,甚至对陌生人也不例外。有了电话和BP机,人们使得自己能随时被任何人所立即接通,而被认为无礼的并不是打电话干扰别人的人,而是不肯听电话的人。我收到许多记者的来信,他们认为只有直言不讳才是诚实。他们感到气愤,因为问他们“你好吗?”的人们并不真正想听他们说肚子不舒服。在写信给那些他们并不想结交的人时,他们要求不以“你的忠实的”来签署信件。让人有点讨厌的是,在说“早上好”之前得看一下天气预报。那 些提倡实话实说的人在回答“我看上去好吗?”之类漫不经心的问题时会说实话,这也等于要求给粗野无礼以特别许可。礼仪标准化的缺乏导致了一个经常是愤怒与混乱的社会,在那儿每个人都赤裸着他的道德观,每一个细小的行为都被视作是一种道德观的显露。今天,每个人都声称不仅有权设计自己的礼节,而且有权在别人不遵守这些礼节时发火,即使他并没有费心让别人了解过他的喜好。事实上,现在比任何时候更容易在无意中伤人。一位绅士为一位女士开门,因为他的母亲告诉他女士们喜欢这样的礼节,但是这位女士却转过身来,对他现出一面蔑视的样子,因为他侮辱了她作为女性的人格。一个年轻女子在一辆拥挤的公共汽车上给一位身体虚弱的年长男士让座,而他厌恶地瞪了她一眼,因为她损伤了他作为男子的尊严。注意,这些人只是想表示友好;唯一的问题是他们在遵循不同的礼节体系而已。奇怪的是,现在比任何时候更难故意伤人。如果你说,“你面目可憎,我恨你,”那人可能会回答,“你正在气头上 ;我会等你感觉好一些。”解释自己的动机能够为所有的过失开脱,这种观念也许在一个凌辱肆虐的世界里十分重要,在那儿,万能的理由,“我心情不好”,赦免了一个人所有的义务或责任。有人认为,人们无需借助全社会默认的一种人为规范就可以“自然地”为人处事。这种想法就像认为人们可以用一种没有被普遍认可的语法规则的语言来交际的想法一样愚蠢。如同语言一样,礼仪的准则可以被运用得或娴熟或拙劣,其目的可以是崇高的或邪恶的,其表达的观念和感情可以多种多样。如同语言一样,礼仪不停地经历着缓慢的变化和适应过程,但这些变化必须是全 球性的,而不是细微局部的。因为如果人人都即兴创造自己的礼仪,那谁也不会理解另一个人行为的含义,结果就会造成社会的混乱和文明的终结。 Unit 2 Section A Charlie Chaplin 1.Pre-reading 1.1 Background information Charles Spencer Chaplin Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on 16th April 1889 in Walworth, London, and lived a Dickensian childhood, shared with his brother, Sydney, that included extreme poverty, workhouses and seeing his mother’s mental decline put her into an institution.Both his parents, though separated when he was very young, were music hall artists, his father quite famously so.But it was his mother that Charlie idolised and was inspired by during his visit of the backstage while she performed, to take up such a career for himself.Charles Dickens Charles Dickens, 1812―1870, an English novelist, considered by many to be the greatest one of all.His many famous books describe life in Victorian England and show how hard it was, especially for the poor and for the children.They include The Pickwick Papers, Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield, Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities.Hollywood Hollywood is an area of Los Angeles which is known as the center of the American film industry.In terms of geography, Hollywood refers to an area consisting of the City of West Hollywood and its vicinity that form part of the Greater Los Angeles metropolitan area.It is generally thought that everyone living in Hollywood is extremely rich, famous, and concerned with appearances but in fact many parts of Hollywood today are poor, dirty and badly cared for.Mack Sennett Mack Sennett:(1880―1960)U.S.film producer, born in Richmond, Quebec.He worked in the theatre as a comic in burlesque companies, and from 1908 in silent films.He later formed his own company and hundreds of shorts, establishing a whole generation of players and a tradition of knockabout slapstick under the name of Keystone Komics(1912), and later the Sennett Bathing Beauties(1920).He received a Special Academy Award in 1937.1.2 Topic-related video 1.3 Topic-related discussion 2.While-reading 2.1 Global reading 2.1.1 Understand the major details of the text 1)What do you learn about Charlie Chaplin from the first paragraph of the passage? He lived a poor and miserable life during his childhood.2)What do you know about the film Modern Times from the fourth paragraph of the passage? It was the first movie in which Charlie Chaplin used his voice for the characters.3)What happened to Charlie Chaplin after his death? His body was stolen by thieves and held for money.2.1.2 Understand organization of the text 1)Main idea of the text The world’s most famous comic, Charlie Chaplin, had a miserable childhood.However, after he moved to America, he gradually became famous.His excellent performance has brought laughter to people all over the world.2)Text structure analysis Part One(Para.1-2): Introduction of Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin was born into a poor family but created comic characters of lasting fame.He won more reputation in many other countries than in the land of his birth.Part Two(Para.3-6): Charlie Chaplin’s professional success This part is about Charlie Chaplin’s success with his Tramp, sound movies and his secrets of great comedy.Part Three(Para.7-8): Charlie Chaplin’s emotional life This part is about Charlie Chaplin’s emotional collision and his stable happiness in his later years.Part Four(Para.9): Charlie Chaplin’s death A strange incident after his death is taken as a fitting memorial to the world’s most famous comic.2.2 Detail reading 2.2.1 Words and phrases 1)for good(L.8) forever;permanently 这一次她将是永远地离开她的国家了。 This time she’s leaving her country for good.The little boy had been abused by his stepfather until one day he ________.(永远离家出走了) (ran away from home for good) 2)crude(L.12) a.rude and offensive 由于他粗俗的行为,他不大受到同班同学们的欢迎。 He was not very popular with his classmates because of his crude manner.At times his language _________ and made him look foolish.(变得粗鲁) (turned crude) 3)behave(L.21) v.act in a particular way 人们常常强烈反对那些行为举止不大寻常的人。 People often strongly disapprove of others who behave in unusual ways.We should not allow violent behavior on school grounds;people should ____________.(以礼相待) (behave politely to each other) 4)make up(L.27) invent 我正试图为迟到这么长时间编个好借口。 I was trying to make up a good excuse for being so late.Sometimes I'll read her a story from a book and sometimes ___________.(我自己编故事) (I'll make one up) 5)come down in the world(L.29) be reduced to a humbler standard of living or social level 你是否看过一片关于一个穷困潦倒的百万富翁电影? Have you seen the movie about a millionaire who has come down in the world? When they ______________, they moved to a flat in London.(开始落魄) (started to come down in the world) 6)rouse(L.39) v.cause a particular feeling or attitude to exist 汤姆决定不去激怒她。 Tom was determined not to rouse her to anger.The speaker attempted to ____________ with a cry for action.(激励人群)(rouse the crowd) 7)execute(L.46) v.do or practice, esp.in a planned way 这个计划是不错的但是却实施得很差。 The plan was good but was poorly executed.Now that we have approval we may _________ as previously agreed.(实施这项计划) (execute the plan) 8)find one’s way into(L.49) arrive or get somewhere after some time 电脑已经进入许多普通家庭。 Computers have found their way into many ordinary families.Some of the rivers in the country ______________________.(流入太平洋) (find their way into the Pacific Ocean) 9)relief(L.53) n.the feeling that results from the easing or removing of pain, distress or anxiety 当得知汽车没有受损,真令人感到欣慰。 It is a relief to learn that the car was not damaged._____________, all the children arrived home, safe and sound.(让我们感到欣慰的是) (Much to our relief) 10)spark(L.61) v.be the cause of;lead to 组织者希望能激起年轻人的兴趣。 The organizers are hoping to spark some interest in young people.Winds brought down power lines, ___________.(引起了火灾) (sparking a fire) 2.2.2 Sentence patterns 1)Typical patterns for emphasis: 原句: Dickens might have created Charlie Chaplin’s childhood.But only Charlie Chaplin could have created the great comic character of “the Tramp”, the little man in rags who gave his creator permanent fame.(L.2-4) 狄更斯或许会创作出查理?卓别林的童年故事,但只有查理?卓别林才能塑造出了不起的喜剧角色“流浪者”,这个使其创作者声名永驻的衣衫褴褛的小人物。 句型提炼: 1.Sb.else might do/have done sth.But only sb.can do/could have done sth.else.别人或许会做某事,但只有某人才会做别的事。 应用: 其他作家或许会创作出关于伦敦的故事,但只有他才能塑造出“大卫”这样一个使其创作者声名永驻的人物。 Other writers might have written stories about London.But only he could have created the character David, who gave his creator permanent fame.2)Typical patterns for addition of sth.: 原句:His huge fame gave him the freedom ― and, more importantly, the money ― to be his own master.(L.35) 他的巨大名声为他带来了自由,更重要的是带来了财富,他因此得以成为自己的主人。 句型提炼: Sth/Sb.… More importantly, sth./Sb.else… 某事??,更重要的是?? 应用: 工作不仅是维持生计的方式,更重要的是人们可以通过工作展现自己的才能,实现自己的抱负,建立人际关系和奠定社会地位的途径。 Work is not only a means of sustaining life.More importantly, it is the way through which people display their talent, realize their ambitions, build relationships and establish social status.2.2.3 Difficult sentences 1)Certainly middle-class audiences did;the working-class audiences were more likely to clap for a character who revolted against authority, using his wicked little cane to trip it up, or aiming the heel of his boot for a well-placed kick at its broad rear.(L.11-14) 中产阶级当然这样认为;劳动阶级倒更有可能为这样一个反抗权势的角色拍手喝彩:他以顽皮的小拐杖使绊子,或把皮靴后跟对准权势者宽大的臀部一踢。 Meaning: There is no doubt that middle-class audiences thought so(Charlie Chaplin’s Tramp a little crude);this character was more popular among working-class audiences because he showed his discontent with people of authority by using his little cane to make them fall or by directing a kick at their rears.2)As Oona herself was the child of a large family with its own problems, she was well-prepared for the battle that Chaplin’s life became as unfounded rumors of Marxist sympathies surrounded them both―and, later on, she was the center of rest in the quarrels that Chaplin sometimes sparked in their own large family of talented children.(L.58-61) 由于沃娜本人出生在一个被各种麻烦困扰的大家庭,她对卓别林生活中将面临的挑战也做好了充分准备,因为当时有毫无根据的流言说他俩是马克思主义的同情者。后来在他们自己的有那么多天才孩子的大家庭中,卓别林有时会引发争吵,而她则成了安宁的中心。 Meaning: Oona had met with many problems in her own family before marrying, so she was able to deal with the problems in Chaplin’s life.For example, at that time, there were unfounded rumors that they sympathized with Marxism;when Chaplin caused quarrels in their large family with many talented children, it was Oona who solved such problems and brought peace back into the family.3.Post-reading 3.1 Useful expressions 1.使某人声名永驻 2.给予某人掌声和利益 concerned(L.6) 3.永久地离开了某地 4.不幸的是 5.为„„拍手喝彩 6.反抗 7.绊倒某人 8.把„„对准„„ 9.仍然;仍旧 10.尽量推迟„„ 11.落魄,潦倒 12.闻名世界 13.有意做某事 14.有一种„„的冲动 15.激起某人的想像 to give sb.permanent fame(L.4)to provide applause and profit where sb.is to quit a place for good(L.7) sad to say(L.11) to clap for sth./sb.(L.13) to revolt against sb.(L.13) to trip sb.up(L.14) to aim„ at„(L.14) all the same(L.14) to postpone„as long as possible(L.26) to come down in the world(L.29) to achieve world fame(L.31) to do sth.on purpose(L.32)to have the urge to do sth.(L.36) to rouse one’s imagination(L.39) 16.强烈需要„.to have a deep need to do sth.(L.47) 17.进入,来到(某处)„„ to find one’s way into„(L.49) 18.失去了对„„的信心 to lose one’s faith in sb./sth.(L.50) 19.与某人白头偕老 to walk into the sunset with sb.(L.51) 20.跨越年龄的差异 to span the age difference between„(L.55) 3.2 Summary of the text Charlie Chaplin was born in London.However, he was much more popular in other countries than the land of his birth.Many English people considered Chaplin’s Tramp a little crude.However, in Modern Times in 1936, he made up a nonsense language with no known nationality and this helped to bring about his huge success.Chaplin was the kind of comic who used his physical senses to invent his art as he went along.The physical transformation of lifeless objects, plus his skill in acting became the secrets of Chaplin’s great comedy.Chaplin had a deep need to be loved and fortunately life eventually gave him stable happiness when he married Oona in 1942.3.3 Writing 3.4 Assignments 1)Finish all the exercises of Section A.2)Preview Section B, including reading skills.3)Writing: Section B The Political Career of a Female Politician 1.Reading skill 1.1 Mixture of Fact and Opinion As we learned in Unit 2, Book 1, Unit 3 and Unit 8, Book 2, and Unit 2, Book 3, developing the ability to read in a critical way involves the ability to distinguish between facts on the one hand and the writer’s opinion or interpretations on the other.It is always appreciated that we can keep facts and opinions apart, but writers often mix facts and opinions even within the same sentence, with some words representing facts and others representing opinions.1.2 Examples Example 1: But only Charlie Chaplin could have created the great comic character of “The Tramp”, the little man in rags who gave his creator permanent fame.(Para.1, Reading Passage A, Unit 2) Even though the words only, great, permanent state opinions, the sentence states many facts―Charlie Chaplin, created, comic character, the Tramp, the little man in rags.Even more important, the main point of the sentence is to state the fact that Charlie Chaplin created “The Tramp”, which brought him fame.Thus the sentence is basically factual.Example 2: This physical transformation, plus the skill with which he executed it again and again, are surely the secrets of Chaplin’s great comedy.(Para.6, Reading Passage A, Unit 2) Even though the words surely, secrets, great state opinions, the sentence states many facts―physical transformation, the skill he executed with, again and again.The sentence is basically factual as it deals with Charlie Chaplin’s skills in performance.1.3 Text reading 1)vote(L.4) v.express one’s choice or opinion, esp.by officially marking a paper or by raising one’s hand or speking in a meeting 这位总统已经是第三次当选了。 The President has been voted in for the third time running.Have you decided ________________?(支持哪个党派) (which party you will vote for) 2)spy…on(L.32) watch secretly 你付了这个人多少钱来暗中监视你丈夫? How much did you pay the man to spy on your husband? He ____________ through this window without being seen.(监视他的邻居) (spied on his neighbors) 3)shut …out of(L.33) not include in an activity 她决定永远都不会让约翰进入她的生活。 She decided to shut John out of her life forever.Some leaders in that country were afraid of losing their power, so they tried everything to ____.(杜绝妇女进入政界) (shut women out of politics) 4)have the upper hand(L.35) have or get the advantage or control over sb.上半场结束时似乎意大利队占上风。 At half time, the Italian team seemed to have the upper hand.After hours of fierce negotiations, _____________.(总统占了上风) (the president had the upper hand) 5)fierce(L.47) a.strong and powerful 在上周激烈的战斗中有两百个士兵阵亡了。 Two hundred soldiers were killed during the fierce fighting last week.__________________________ as they fought their way into the mountain village.(他们遭遇猛烈的抵抗) (They encountered fierce resistance) 6)break up(L.52) (cause to)come to an end 警察到达时聚会已经结束了。 The party had already broken up when the police arrived.___________ because there was no love between them.(他们的婚姻结束了) (Their marriage broke up) 7)witness(L.55) vt.see sth.happen because one is there when it happens 二十世纪目睹了全世界的政治经济和文化的巨大变革。 The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural transformation.He _____________ and observed its growth and development at a crucial period in its history.(亲眼目睹了祖国的诞生) (witnessed the birth of his country) 8)in earnest(L.58) seriously and sincerely 她认真地承诺不会干涉我们的事。 He was in earnest in promising not to interfere in our business.Now I shall have to ______________________, keeping one chapter ahead of the students each week.(认真学英语) (study English in earnest) 9)refresh(L.67) vt.give new energy and strength to sb.在炎热的夏天喝一杯冰果汁会让人精神为之一振。 A glass of iced juice can be very refreshing on a hot summer day.Having had a good sleep, ______________.(他感到精神抖擞) (he felt thoroughly refreshed) 10)deliver the goods(L.69) fulfill a promise 他满口诺言,事实上却难得兑现。 He's full of promises but in fact he rarely delivers the goods.____________, they could well be looking for a new prime minister by next summer.(如果他不兑现诺言) (If he fails to deliver the goods) 2.Revision 2.1 Multiple choice 1)If a ________ were to reach the gas it would go off at once.A)spot B)spill C)spark D)spray 2)After about an hour and a half the party ______ because there was not enough wine that evening.A)broke off B)broke away C)broke up D)broke through 3)House purchase is the biggest decision that most people make and the easiest one to _______ for various reasons.A)postpone B)conduct C)replace D)last 4)Somewhat to my _______, the police will soon eliminate her from their inquiries.A)entertainment B)judgment C)relief D)relaxation 5)The political weakness of these countries _________their economic weakness.A)compromised with B)competed with C)communicated to D)corresponded to 6)A series of tragic _______ made Mr.Terres feel he has to face up to his life.A)accidents B)incidents C)events D)occurrences 7)The foreign-born Chinese are thought of as yellow on the outside and white on the inside because they only look like Chinese but never think or ______ like Chinese.A)direct B)accustom C)adjust D)behave 8)For many young people, the late 1960s was a period of _______ against the moral values that had been the pride of the past generations.A)revolt B)rebel C)chaos D)challenge 9)I promised to_________ the others at 5 a.m.A)rouse B)stimulate C)motivate D)prompt 10)Prisoners are reported to have been deliberately _______ without trial.A)murdered B)convicted C)executed D)punished 11)This swimming costume is made of ______ material.A)elastic B)clumsy C)coarse D)delicious 12)Two drivers were killed in a head-on ________ down a car and a taxi last night.A)collapse B)conflict C)collision D)crush 13)A few shots of this drug cleared up the disease ______ A)for long B)before long C)ever since D)for good 14)The citizens in the neighborhood all______for the local government's decision to close the small paint factory.A)claimed B)cracked C)clapped D)crashed 15)The government attempts to put down the______ of the president's sex scandal.A)news B)rumor C)saying D)proverb 16)The fact that we underestimated our ______ led to our bitter defeat.A)opponent B)candidate C)colleague D)advocate 17)The girls were all _____ of Grace because she was so pretty, with beautiful hands and a face like a film-star's.A)greedy B)controversial C)competitive D)jealous 18)The Watergate ______ was exposed by two investigative journalists working for the Washington Post.A)shame B)conviction C)rumor D)scandal 19)Japanese banks, once _____ competitors in the British banking market, have all but disappeared.A)bold B)fierce C)wild D)harmful 20)5000 people held a protest march and_____ against sexual discrimination.A)rally B)conjunction C)episode D)riot 21)A _____ broke out at the stadium when the home team lost 5-0.A)rebel B)strike C)violation D)riot 22)It was the third time in three weeks that such ugly scenes had been _______ in London.A)endeavored B)demonstrated C)witnessed D)judged 23)You may laugh at my idea but I'm in deadly _____.A)intensive B)generous C)earnest D)voluntary 24)When I come back, I feel _____and many new ideas occur to me.A)renewed B)recreated C)reshaped D)refreshed 25)According to the Centers for Disease Control, women will soon _____ 80 percent of those diagnosed with HIV.A)make up B)build up C)stand for D)conform to 26)She ______the knives and forks at the lunch table.A)laid up B)laid off C)laid down D)laid out 27)________some other low-income countries in Africa, most children here do eventually get to primary school and stay there for a few years.A)Contrary to B)In regard to C)In contrast to D)With respect to 28)Seven hundred thousand tons of ______ oil has poured out of the damaged tanker into the sea.A)raw B)rough C)crude D)tough 29)Fertile soil helps Canada________ among the world's leading wheat producers.A)rank B)occupy C)arrange D)classify 30)The film producer sent him the ______ and assured him there was no question of him appearing on stage in the role.A)scrape B)catalog C)category D)script 2.2 Error correction 1)If I knew that you were coming, I would have met you at the airport.A B C D (A.had known) 2)Whenever I see someone having a drink in a TV programme, I feel like to have a drink myself and A B C it's the same with cigarettes and food.D (C.having) 3)Before the 1950s, ships sinking in the Triangle were in some degree common occurrences.A B C D (C.to) 4)Awaiting her husband at the airport, she couldn't help but to smile to herself.A B C D (D.smile) 5)Despite of the high divorce rate in the United States, young men and women continue to marry on A B C the basis of romantic love.D (A.Despite) 2.3 Text extension Discussion: Is it possible for a woman to become a successful politician? 3.Assignments 1)Finish all the exercises of Section B 2)Read the article of Section C and finish the related exercises. 小学英语第四册第一二单元英语说课 第一部分说教材本单元是《学英语》教材第四册的一、二单元。第一单元珍妮和丹妮回到了加拿大的学校。这一单元将复习打招呼的用语及教室里的物品名词。学生应掌握这些用语和名词。第二单元李明回到了中国的学校。他和他的老师,张老师谈论了天气和时间。 第二部分说学生四年级的学生已经掌握了一定的英语单词及词汇。在此基础上,让学生理解英语中描述常见的学习用具的词汇及常见的问候方式用语和时间问候用语。 第三部分说教法、学法为了更好地实现教学目标,有效地突出重点、突破难点,依据现代认知理论及发现法的教学模式,我在教学中采取了创设情境、引导探究式的教学方法。利用现代电教设备,电脑、电视、录音机、投影仪等,以新授课的形式,用一节课的课时,通过对话,借助各种教学手段及现代化教育技术,充分调动学生学习的积极性、主动性和创造性,极大地激发他们学习英语的兴趣和乐于用英语进行交流的习惯,让学生在模仿和实际交际运用中,主动地获取知识、发展能力,从而提高学生的听、说、读、写水平和自主学习意识。 第四部分说教学过程为了系统、合理、高效地实现教学过程,本着以学生为主体,教师启发为主导,因材施教、精讲多练的原则,我把教学过程分为四个环节来进行。第一环节复习引入,激趣揭题该环节主要是复习与新知识有密切联系的旧知识,为新知识的引入做铺垫,使他们立刻参与到英语会话课堂这个情境中来,为进一步探究新知凝聚了动力。首先,根据英语愉快教学模式,使学生在教学活动开始便处于认知的活跃状态,为以后的`教学过程创设最佳的开端,我和同学们一起演唱一首简单、欢快的儿童英语歌曲,调动起学生的积极性,并与学生打招呼、问候。接着,遵循学生模仿能力强、表现欲旺的特点,让同学之间通过对话问答方式复习旧知识,从而使学生自然而然地做好认知准备。第二环节借助各种教学手段,创设情境,学习新知在这一环节里,我主要是按照开篇点题,突出重点;循序渐进,突破难点;探究实例,学习新知三个方面来进行的。具体作法如下: 对话教学: 1.由于本学期的教学重点是句子和对话,所以教师在教学过程中可以让学生自己发挥创造力来编对话,再模拟场景,将对话表演出来。 2.教师还应多鼓励平时不太爱讲话的学生,要他们也展示自己,增强他们的自信心。 3.教师也可以将学生分为几个小组来个小竞赛,既能让学生巩固知识,又可以培养学生的竞争意识。 4.教师还应特别注意的是,当学生正在编排或表演自己的对话时,不要急于纠正他们的错误,这样可能会挫伤他们的自信心和下一次的创造力,最好在结束后或是复习中再纠正。 5.教师可以安排一次简单的随堂测验,检查一下学生的掌握程度。 单词教学: 一、音形义教学法。 这种方法适用于单词的入门教学。首先,教师通过展示实物、单词卡、简笔画等“形”,然后自读单词数遍,让学生认真听单词的“音”,接着跟读,最后出示单词构成也就是“义”,最终达到音形义有机结合。如教学:名词(教室用语):blackboard,chalk,eraser,paper,pencil指着单个字母一个音接一个音读。这样使单词的音、形、义相结合,强化了学生的记忆,既排除了母语翻译的干扰又遵循视、听、说领先的语言教学原则,注重培养学生模仿、朗读的语言实践能力,培养了学生良好的学习习惯。另外,这种教学法要求我们在教学中尽可能多运用图片、实物、简笔画、肢体语言等直观手段,做到音画交融、直观形象、生动活泼,有利于激发学生的好奇心,使得学生学习兴趣浓厚、积极性高、注意力集中,达到教学的最高境界。 二、造句教学法。 当学生初步认识单词后,这种方法就派上用场了。当教学完几个单词后,我就叫学生起来造句:学生用汉语说一个句子或一段话,里面必须夹带刚学的英语单词,看谁说的单词多,谁说的更有趣。如学完cat,cake,dog,desk,学生造出:Dad说我过生日时给我买acake,我说如果我这次考试好就再送我一只cat. 爸爸答应了,我真高兴;在我家,dog会抓老鼠,cat却不会等等句子。这种方法让学生用“半中半洋”说话,学生都很感兴趣,对“说”单词效果很好。 三、游戏教学法。 爱玩是儿童的天性,游戏教学法倡导学生在“玩中学,学中玩”,把“学”和“玩”最大限度地结合在一起。对于单词教学,可用的游戏非常多,我最常用的是“抢凳子”游戏:一组六个学生,准备五把椅子,五把椅子围成一个圆圈,全班同学一起从one数到ten,当数到ten时,五人各坐一张,未抢到者在中间回答同学的问题:”What’shis/hername?”在反复游戏的过程中,同学可以高频率的复习所学的人称代词和物主代词。 四、作业巩固法。 目前,对于作业这一块一直存在着这样的误区:小学英语不能布置作业,否则会加重学生的负担。我认为,适当的作业不但不会加重学生负担,还能使学生从中领会学习的乐趣。小学英语作业不能只局限于抄写字母、单词等机械性的作业,教师应拓展思维,给学生布置一些趣味性强的作业,拓宽英语课堂。如:把你家的家具贴上英语标签,每天念一遍;回家问爸爸妈妈的手机号码,用英语说给爸爸妈妈听,并在下一节课告诉老师同学;到市场看看你能叫出哪些水果的名字;在不同的时间向爸爸妈妈问好;回家把老师今天教的单词教给爸爸妈妈等等。这些作业会让学生感到新奇、有趣还有成就感。从而在不知不觉中巩固了课堂所学。 在教单词的时候,教师可以使用图片或实物进行辅助教学,这样就可以很容易地使学生理解记忆。如:blackboard,eraser 在讲解介词时,可以采用如下表格: 另外,教师可以在课堂上组织一些小竞赛或小活动,这样既可以让学生运用所学的知识,又可以活跃课堂气氛。第三环节巩固提高,加深印象在这个环节里,组织学生对重点单词、句型进行练习,并在听说的基础上,让学生书写四会单词及句子,提高学生的读写水平。第四环节寓教于乐,全课总结儿童的注意力可持续时间是有限的,除了可以用游戏调动他们的积极性以外,还应适当地增强他们的成就感和自信心,因此我设计了一个看谁能快速说出那是谁的游戏,并对表现好的学生及时给予奖励,从而激励他们大胆实践、体验成功。 最后,利用录音机,完成课堂练习中的听力部分,作为对全课的检验和总结,布置作业。 第二单元: 单词: A violin(一架小提琴)a flute(一支长笛)a drum(一面鼓)an erhu(一个二胡)sing a song(唱歌)read a poem(读诗)make a speech(做演讲)watch the show(看表演)write a speech(写演讲稿)play the violin(拉小提琴)play the flute(吹长笛)play the drum(敲鼓)play the erhu(拉二胡)a guitar(一把吉他)a piano(一架钢琴)play the guitar(弹吉他)play the piano(弹钢琴)excited(激动的)blue(蓝色)plant(种植)class(教室)glad(高兴的)flower(花)keys(键盘)strings(琴弦)quiz(测验)句型: What are you doing? I’m writing a speech.(你正在做什么?我正在写演讲稿)What’s it for ?(为了什么?)What’s this? It’s an erhu.It’s a Chinese instrument.(这是什么?它是二胡。它是一个中国乐器)Can I try it?(我能试一下吗?)Go ahead(你先).Do you play an instrument?Yes, I play the erhu.(你玩乐器吗?是的,我拉二胡)Put on your glasses.(带上你的眼镜)It’s time to practice.(到时间做练习了。)Now I know the answers.(现在我知道答案了)It’s hurt her chin.(它伤了她的下巴) 重点句型: What are you going to do for the school show? I ‘m going to ______.(你打算做什么?我打算)What is he/she going to do ? He/She is going to________.(他/她打算做什么?他/她打算)What are they going to do? They are going to __________.(他们打算做什么?他们打算)重点语法: 本单元主要涉及的语法是一般将来时,所谓一般将来时就是将来发生现在和过去没有发生的事情。它的基本句型结构是: 1,在一般将来时中陈述句变一般疑问句,我们可以看到它有Be动词,于是它的变法就是 将Be动词(am,is,are)调到句子开头并大写首字母,句末打问号就可以了。 Eg: I am going to play the flute.-----Are you going to play the flute? He/She is going to play the erhu.------Is he /she going to play the erhu? They are going to sing a song.-----Are they going to sing a song? 2,在一般将来时中陈述句变否定句,我们同样在Be动词(am,is,are的后面加上not就可以 了 Eg: I am going to play the flute.----I am not going to play the flute.He/She is going to play the erhu.-----He/She is not going to play the erhu.They are going to sing a song.-----They are not going to sing a song.3,在一般将来时中,如过涉及到对划线提问,我们则要考虑到主语,一般的句型结构为:What +Be动词+主语+going to do?第二篇:21世纪大学英语第四册第二单元课文翻译