The united kingdom of great Britain and north Ireland is made up of great Britain ,north Ireland and a number of smaller islands around them.The total area of the country is some 24000 square kilometers with a population of about 59.6 million.great Britain is traditionally divided into three countries ,or political regions.England in the south,Scotland in the north,and wales in the southwest.England is the largest and most developed of all the three.the same is true of the custom of speaking of the British people as the English.Parliament The British system of parliamentary government was often referred to as the Westminster model.most legislatures around the world follow the so-called Westminster model.parliament ,meaning a place for argument and debate,is the nation’s supreme legislative organ.the British parliament consists of three branches :the monarch(queen or king),the house of lords ,and the house of commons.parliament has the power to make ,unmake ,or change any laws.members of the house of lords were mostly descendent of these feudal lords.the full membership of the lords id only about 660 at present.all the members of the house of commons are directly elected by British people over the age of 18 through general elections.the house of commons now consists of 659 seats.Primogeniture Primogeniture thus promoted social mobility and limited the growth of the English noble class.this helped to mitigate contradictions between the broad masses and the noble class because the latter was not too large for society to sustain.Compulsory education Britain's first act providing for state-financed primary education was pass in 1870.ministry of education established free compulsory education for all children up to age 16.parents are required by the law to ensure that their children receive full-time education between the ages of 5 and 16.going or not going to school has become a matter of the law.local education authorities are mainly responsible for providing primary and secondary education for school-ages.they employ the teaching staff,provide and maintain school buildings,supply equipment ,and give financial assistance to students.Individualism Individualism believe that society is an artificial organization ,existing only for the sake of its members as individuals.individualism claims that the goal of social,political and economic organization should be the greatest good for the greatest member of the society.Individualism is in opposition to autocratic.Individualism is not selfishness.It is a kind of value that attaches great importance to the interests of individuals.If one goes not pay ,other people must pay for it.The Middle class The Middle class, which originally referred to the gentry only, expanded rapidly with the development of economy members of the middle class, who relied on their knowledge and skills to make money,placed freedom and the education of their children.Today the middle class is the largest and most important class in Britain.The middle class plays the major role because its members are the best educated and most skilled.Independent Schools These school are neither controlled nor financed by local or central government.Many of these schools are not private,they are not allowed to run for profit and surplus income must be put back into the school.Compared with state schools.independent schools achieve higher academic standards.About two--thirds of independent schools admit both boys and girls,with the remainder still practicing separate education, with some only admitting boys and others for girls,Influence of the Norman conquest The Norman conquest sped up the development of feudalism in England.William built the tower of London as a military fortress.he put the administration of justice under the control of the king.William sent his clerks to make investigations.these clerks finally compiled a property record known as Domesday Book in 1805.the general relation between the Normans and the Anglo-Saxons was that of master and servant.the Norman culture flowered on the English soil.the conquest start a bi-linguistic period in English history.the Normans and the Anglo-Saxons,however became intermingled.the Norman conquest was last invasion of England by foreigners.The black death During the hundred year’s war.England was struck by another disaster ,the black death,between 1348-1349.in started in Italy and soon spread to other country.those who were stricken with it usually died in two or three days.a careful estimate shows that in England about one half of the population died of this disease.the death of so many people resulted in the shortage of labor and much land was left untended.the surviving peasants had better bargaining power and they began to demand better working conditions and high wages.the government intervened because it wanted to keep down wages by preserving serfdom.these statutes combined with poll taxes levied to fund the hundred year’s war,caused widespread discontent among the peasants.James I have the word 'no bishop,no king'.The reign of James I was full of religious controversy and other troubles.The Catholics engineered a number of plots to get rid of him.One of the major Catholic conspiracies against James I was Gunpowder Plot of 1605.James I continued to cling to the outdated doctrine of the 'Divine Right of Kings'.He would have preferred no Parliament at all and actually did without one for seven years.The result was that he could get no pounds from Parliament.He was called the wisest fool in Europe because he was foolish in terms of politics.James I continued to cling to the outdated doctrine of the 'Divine Right of Kings'.He would have preferred no Parliament at all and actually did without one for seven years.The result was that he could get no pounds from Parliament.He was called the wisest fool in Europe because he was foolish in terms of politics.Henry VIII Henry, the second son of King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, was born on 28 June 1491 at Greenwich Palace.After the death of his elder brother Arthur in 1502, Henry became heir to the English throne.When Henry VII died in 1509, this popular eighteen-year-old prince, known for his love of hunting and dancing, became King Henry VIII.Henry VIII's early military campaigns began when he joined Pope Julius II's Holy League against France in 1511.However war with France ultimately proved expensive and unsuccessful.Henry VIII is known as the 'father of the Royal Navy.' When he became king there were five royal warships.By his death he had built up a navy of around 50 ships.Henry also built the first naval dock in Britain at Portsmouth and in 1546 he established the Navy Board.This set up the administrative machinery for the control of the fleet.Henry was acutely aware of the importance of securing a male heir during his reign.He was worried that he had only one surviving child, Mary, to show for his marriage to Catherine, who was now in her 40s.So the king asked Cardinal Wolsey to appeal to Pope Clement VII for an annulment and it soon became clear he wanted to marry Anne Boleyn, who had been a lady-in-waiting to his first wife.Henry's third marriage, this time to lady-in-waiting, Jane Seymour, finally produced the son he so desperately desired with the birth of Edward in 1537.Jane Seymour died after childbirth and Henry ordered that she be granted a queen's funeral.In an attempt to establish ties with the German Protestant alliance, Thomas Cromwell arranged a marriage between the king and German princess Anne of Cleves.The marriage was a disaster and Henry divorced Anne a few months later.Henry blamed Cromwell for this mismatch and soon afterwards had him executed for treason.I have done the PPT is about the background of the British bourgeois revolution.Many factors contributed the outbreak of the English Civil War in the 17th century.For example,the wars of the roses, the enclosure movement, and the extension of foreign trade and capital.With the development of the British capitalist economy, the bourgeoisie and new nobility is growing stronger, they seek not only the political rights, but also for economic development of capitalism.Because of the stuarts dictatorship prevented the development of the society, harm the interests of the bourgeoisie, the new aristocracy, and intensified some new social contradictions.With the development of capitalism and the bourgeoisie strength enhancement, the contradiction between the monarchy and the bourgeoisie will become more and more serious.For the above reason eventually led to the British bourgeois revolution
教师:张梅毕业院校:学位:硕士专业:外国语言学及应用语言学参加工作时间:2007年7月 教师教学能力:
英语精读课是大学英语专业教学的重点,也是大学英语教学比较难以处理与把握的一个重要环节。本人能够独立承担本课程的教学任务, 在备课的过程中能够做到认真、仔细,在充分理解教材的基础上认真备好每一堂课。能够熟练驾驭课堂,清楚讲解每堂课的内容,做到有条理、层次清楚,便于学生对单词、重点短语以及课文的理解的掌握。针对一年级学生应首先以打基础为最终教学目的,在阅读的基础上以语音、语调、词汇、语法结构为讲解的出发点,对主要的语法结构有规律地循环练习。精读的阅读材料一般都具有大量启发式口、笔头练习;在每个单元中通过练习题的讲解也使得学生对英语的语音语调、语言结构、情节和语言功能有一定的认识。
级商务专业的大部分的学生学习热情高,课堂上能够做到全神贯注,积极思考 问题。
在《C语言大学教程》第一章里面,初步认识到了什么是C语言、C语言和其它程序设计语言有什么不同以及它的发展史。程序:实际上是用计算机语言描述的某一问题的解决,是符合一定语法规则的符号序列。二三两章都是自己看书进行学习,学习到了C最基本的东西,运算符、数据类型、变量的使用等,同时也学会了C程序的基本结构,能够参照书上的简单例子写一些简单程序。不过到此刻仍然对C有点糊涂,不懂C语言具体有什么用,不懂简单的几个语句能干什么,还不明白它在我们生活中又有什么用,和我们的专业有什么用„„第四章,我们学习了程序的控制结构,掌握了while、do while、for、go to循环语句同时也能够用这些结构写一些简单的程序,如素数的判断、数字的排序、阶乘运算等,认识到C语言的简单用途,开始对C产生兴趣。第五章学习了子函数,虽然学习时间不长,但通过后来的学习知道
所谓完整的linux系统包括哪些部分呢?三部分:bootloader、linux kernel(linux内核)、rootfile(根文件系统)。
CPU的接脚和插孔的位置是对应的,这就标明了CPU的安装方向。安装CPU时先拉起插座的手柄,把 CPU按正确方向放进插座,使每个接脚插到相应的孔里,注意要放到底,但不必用力给CPU施压,然后把手柄按下,这样,CPU就被牢牢地固定在主板上了,然后安装上CPU风扇,风扇是用一个弹性铁架固定在插座上的。当取下CPU时,先取下风扇;然后要先把手柄拉起来,再取下CPU。
新型的ATX主板上有一个软驱接口、两个IDE口。IDE口是用来连接IDE设备的,一般是硬盘和光驱。主板上的两个IDE口,一个是主接口,一个是副接口。每个IDE口可以连接两个IDE设备,所以,一台电脑最多可连接四个IDE设备。连接的时候要注意,不仅两个IDE口之间有主次关系,接在同一个IDE口上的两个IDE设备之间也有主次关系;主硬盘,也就是启动硬盘必须作为主设备接到主IDE口上。比较新的主板没有这样严格的要求。在主板上,主IDE口一般用”Primary IDE“或”IDE 1“来表示。另一个用”Secondary IDE“或”IDE 2“表示。在主板的各个接口附近都标明了第一根针的位置,在接线之前先要弄清楚。我们用到的连接线有软驱线、硬盘线、鼠标连接口和打印机连接口。硬盘数据线是40芯的,有3个接头,它们不分顺序。其中两个接头连接硬盘和光驱,第三个接头接到主板的主IDE接口上,不要接到副IDE口上。数据线上都有一根色线,一般为红线,接线原则是色线对应接口上第一根针,主板上的接口和设备接口都是这样。先接好主板这头,再接光驱,再接硬盘。现在的主板上都给这些接口加了一个带有缺口的插座,正好和数据线接头
课程性质:大学英语写作是国际商务 / 商贸英语双专业的一门专业实践课。
第一章、cet-4 作文简介
重点:列举法、举例法、比较法、对比法、程序法、因果法、分类法、定义法、时空法 难点:举例法、对比法、因果法、分类法
难点:段落的起承转合 第七章、cet-4 常用文体解析
第九章、cet-4 写作惯用表达及实践
重点:cet-4 写作惯用表达及实践
难点:cet-4 真题命题归类
3四、课程教学的基本要求 教学环节包括:课堂讲授及习题课、课外作业、考试考查等。、课堂讲授:采用启发式教学,培养学生思考问题、分析问题和解决生通过实践和自学获得知识,同时增加讨论课、现场课及质疑答疑等、教学辅助资料:cet-4全真/模拟卷(作文部分)。、实践课安排:本课程教学中安排有8课时作为实践课。
1、本教学大纲适用于四年制的国际商务 / 商贸英语双专业。
陆 霞编
Essay of English Language Teaching
Abstract Much of human behaviours is influences by their experiences.The way language teachers teach in the classroom is to some extent influences by the way they learned language.This is especially true in foreign language teaching.Before we discuss language learning theories,let us first reflect on our own language learning experiences.Key Words Curriculum,management,pronunciation,grammar,vocabulary
Introduction One of the largest inhibitors for students is often mental block.While listening, a student suddenly decides that he or she doesn't understand what is being said.At this point, many students just tune out or get caught up in an internal dialogue trying translate a specific word.Some students convince themselves that they are not able to understand spoken English well and create problems for themselves.Body
1、Language and language learning The question that all approaches to language teaching should answer is,“What is language?” The answer to this question is the basis for syllabus design,teaching methodology,teaching and assessment procedures in the classroom.Different views on language generate different teaching methodologies.2、Communicative principles and task-based language teaching The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to enable is to enable students to use the foreign language in work or life when necessary.Thus we should teach that part of the language that will be used(rather than all parts of the language);and we should teach language in the way it is used in the real world.However this is not always the case in foreign language teaching.Very often there is a big gap between the language used in real life and the language learned in classroom.3、The national English curriculum Foreign language teaching in schools has enjoyed a long history in China.Since the early 1900s,the study of a foreign language has been regarded as one of the fundamental subjects in the curriculum of middle schools.However,due to political and social unrest,and the low living standards of the majority of the working people during the first half of the century,foreign language teaching had not achieved very much.4、Lesson planning Proper lesson planing is essential for both novice and experienced teachers.Although preparation does not guarantee successful lessons,walking into a classroom unprepared is more often than not the beginning of a disastrous lesson,Besides,students can immediately notice if their teacher is prepared or not.Unprepared teachers receive much less trust and cooperation from the students.A lesson plan is a framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decisions about what they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve it.In other words,teachers need to think about the aims to be achieved,materials to be covered,activities to be organised,and techniques and resources to be used in order to achieve the aims of the lesson.5、Classroom management Classroom management is the way teachers organised what goes in the classroom.It contributes directly to the efficiency of teaching and learning as the most effective activities can be made almost useless if the teacher does not organise them efficiently(Harmer,1983:200).Good managerial skills on the teacher are a very essential component of good teaching(Richard,1900),as the goal of classroom management is to create an atmosphere conductive to interacting in English in meaningful ways(Gebhard,1996).Efficient classroom management can be achieved.6、Teaching grammar In the teaching of English as a foreign language,discussions on pronunciation are not so much around the value of teaching pronunciation because pronunciation will take care of itself as the students develop overall language ability.However,there are people who assert that failure in pronunciation is a great hindrance to language learning.7、Teaching Vocabulary The value of grammar in foreign language teaching has been a focus of debate for decades and the focus of the debate has been on(1)the role of grammar in language teaching(2)the method in which grammar should be presented and practised grammar before we discuss methods for teaching grammar.8、Teaching listening Teaching listening skills is one of the most difficult tasks for any ESL teacher.This is because successful listening skills are acquired over time and with lots of practice.It's frustrating for students because there are no rules as in grammar teaching.Speaking and writing also have very specific exercises that can lead to improved skills.This is not to say that there are not ways of improving listening skills, however they are difficult to quantify.The key to helping students improve their listening skills is to convince them that not understanding is OK.This is more of an attitude adjustment than anything else, and it is easier for some students to accept than others.Another important point that I try to teach my students(with differing amounts of success)is that they need to listen to English as often as possible, but for short periods of time.9、Teaching speaking When we talk about speaking in class it is important to differentiate between the kind of speaking which occurs in mechanical drills and repetition, on the one hand, and situations where students use as much language as they can and where getting their message across is just as important as grammatical accuracy, on the other.In this article it is the latter kind of speaking that we are going to look at.There are three main reasons why it is important to encourage students to speak as fluently as possible.In the first place, speaking activities give them a chance for rehearsal-practising the real skill of speaking as a preparation for using it outside the classroom.Secondly, when students speak using all and any language they know, it provides valuable feedback about their language knowledge, for both them and their teachers.How well can they perform in spontaneous conversational situations? What do they seem to know? What are they finding difficult to achieve? Lastly, good speaking activities provoke genuine student engagement where they really get involved with the process of language learning in class.10、Teaching reading To accomplish this goal, instructors focus on the process of reading rather than on its product.They develop students' awareness of the reading process and reading strategies by asking students to think and talk about how they read in their native language.They allow students to practice the full repertoire of reading strategies by using authentic reading tasks.They encourage students to read to learn(and have an authentic purpose for reading)by giving students some choice of reading material.When working with reading tasks in class, they show students the strategies that will work best for the reading purpose and the type of text.They explain how and why students should use the strategies.They have students practice reading strategies in class and ask them to practice outside of class in their reading assignments.They encourage students to be conscious of what they're doing while they complete reading assignments.They encourage students to evaluate their comprehension and self-report their use of strategies.They build comprehension checks into in-class and out-of-class reading assignments, and periodically review how and when to use particular strategies.They encourage the development of reading skills and the use of reading strategies by using the target language to convey instructions and course-related information in written form: office hours, homework assignments, test content.They do not assume that students will transfer strategy use from one task to another.They explicitly mention how a particular strategy can be used in a different type of reading task or with another skill.By raising students' awareness of reading as a skill that requires active engagement, and by explicitly teaching reading strategies, instructors help their students develop both the ability and the ?confidence to handle communication situations they may encounter beyond the classroom.In this way they give their students the foundation for communicative competence in the new language.11、Teaching writing The most important factor in writing exercises is that students need to be personally involved in order to make the learning experience of lasting value.Encouraging student participation in the exercise, while at the same time refining and expanding writing skills, requires a certain pragmatic approach.The teacher should be clear on what skills he/she is trying to develop.Next, the teacher needs to decide on which means(or type of exercise)can facilitate learning of the target area.Once the target skill areas and means of implmentation are defined, the teacher can then proceed to focus on what topic can be employed to ensure student participation.By pragmatically combing these objectives, the teacher can expect both enthusiasm and effective learning.Choosing the target area depends on many factors;What level are the students?, What is the average age of the students, Why are the students learning English, Are there any specific future intentions for the writing(i.e school tests or job application letters etc.).Other important questions to ask oneself are: What should the students be able to produce at the end of this exercise?(a well written letter, basic communication of ideas, etc.)What is the focus of the exercise?(structure, tense usage, creative writing).Once these factors are clear in the mind of the teacher, the teacher can begin to focus on how to involve the students in the activity thus promoting a positive, long-term learning experience.12、Integrated skills One image for teaching English as a second or foreign language(ESL/EFL)is that of a tapestry.The tapestry is woven from many strands, such as the characteristics of the teacher, the learner, the setting, and the relevant languages(i.e., English and the native languages of the learners and the teacher).For the instructional loom to produce a large, strong, beautiful, colorful tapestry, all of these strands must be interwoven in positive ways.For example, the instructor's teaching style must address the learning style of the learner, the learner must be motivated, and the setting must provide resources and values that strongly support the teaching of the language.However, if the strands are not woven together effectively, the instructional loom is likely to produce something small, weak, ragged, and pale梟ot recognizable as a tapestry at all.13、Moral learning the coursework and the extended assignment, presentation and use of English are important.Care should be taken with punctuation, spelling and layout.Emphasizes principles and procedures of assessment that are of primary importance to educational practitioners.Includes construction of classroom tests, observation techniques, and performance measures;integration of assessment and instruction;norm-and criterion-referenced assessment;uses of standardized tests, current issues and controversies
14、Assessment in language teaching Teaching materials are any resources(traditional, electronic or digital)used for language learning and teaching purposes, including coursebooks, newspapers, recordings and videos.The following principles underlie the selection of materials.15、Learner differences and learner training
16、Using and creating resources To speak of the audio-visual method would be incorrect.Also in this case ,we are again dealing with a conglomeration of approaches which differ on from the other, and which have as their most important commons element that they all attend a great deal of important to the use of visual elements.As for as the objectives of FLT are concerned, these approaches also have a common interest.namely the fact that they reserve first place for oral skill.17、Evaluating and adapting textbooks
Conclusion As teachers, many of us have had the responsibility of evaluating textbooks.Often, we have not been confident about what to base our judgements on, how to qualify our decisions, and how to report the results of our assessment.It seems to us that to date textbook selection has been made in haste and with a lack of systematically applied criteria.Teachers, students, and administers are all consumers of textbooks.All these groups, of course, may have conflicting views about what a good/standard textbook is.However, the question is where they can turn to for reliable advice on how to make an informed decision and select a suitable textbook.The literature on textbook selection and/or textbook evaluation procedure is vast.Various scholars have suggested different ways to help teachers become more systematic and objective in their approach They have often offered checklists based on supposedly generalizable criteria.These sometimes detailed check-sheets use a variety of methods to assess how well a particular textbook under scrutiny measures up.Reference material