浪漫主义时期的诗歌和散文Poetry and Essays in the Romantic Age The literary movement called Romanticism represented a renewal of progressive thought and emotion(liberal, free and open-handed), which had existed before the 1700s and which had never totally died out.While Romanticism in the1800s signaled a new mood(a feeling or emotion held by a large number of people at a time当时许多人的一种共同的情绪), the world had witnessed earlier cultural movements that also merit the name Romanticism.Specifically, the ancient Greek epics(古代希腊史诗)can be called Romantic, as can much literature of the Medieval Period and of the Renaissance, or Elizabethan Age.All these writings---and the writings of
the English Romantic Age under study here---emphasize human adventure, passion, delight, love of splendor, of extravagance, and of the supernatural.The Romantic tradition in all these periods can be viewed in contrast to another main literary tradition---Classicism or neoclassicism.The pendulum of literary taste seems to swing between the two traditions.Now let’s have a look and examine the following lists, which contrast elements, outlooks, and concerns associated with the neoclassicism of the 1700s and the Romanticism of the early 1800s.Keep in mind also that although earlier literary periods can indeed be seen as typically Romantic, the period discussed here(1798-1837)is considered the Romantic Age.Neoclassical Romantic
Tradition society Urban Artificial
Intellect, reason Public Logical, solid aristocratic
Formal diction
Three notable poets of the 1700s---Thomas Gray, William Blake, and Robert Burns---were in many respects as “romantic” as any poets of the Romantic Age, but the work of these three was isolated.Why did
experiment Individual
rural Nature loving
Imagination, emotion Private, subjective Mysterious, supernatural common primitive independent spontaneity Natural diction
English literature change its views and philosophies, its aims and subject matter, so decisively at just the turn of the century? Certainly, the historical issues and developments of the time played a major role in provoking and shaping the new literary movement of Romanticism(诱发并造就): One critic has said, “The French Revolution and Napoleon made a clean sweep(大获全胜);after them it was no longer possible to think, act, or write as if the old forms still had life.” Also, the Industrial Revolution, its urbanization of English life, and its abuses against the working class called for a change in literary concerns and style.The Romantic poets in England also owed much to the Swiss-born French
philosopher, Jean Jacques Rousseau(1712-1778).In his philosophies Rousseau rebelled against the cold logic of the 1700s and championed freedom and experimentation.He believed that man was most perfect in a state of nature, free from artificial societal restrains.The romantic Age in English literature begins in 1798 with the publication of Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth enunciated his aims, among which was his belief that poetry should reflect spontaneity and emotion rather than the more sedate ordered tones of the previous generation(稳重严肃的,四平八稳的).Wordsworth also stressed a desire to depict commonplace situations involving common people living in natural settings.Coleridge chose to concentrate
his efforts on the supernatural.But both poets intended that their work---whether a treatment of the ordinary or of the mysterious---would stimulate an awareness of the workings of the human mind and personality(激发对于人的大脑的工作机制和个性的自觉).With respect to poetic form, they advocated using natural, ordinary speech over the formal, stylized diction of the 1700s.So we may summarize that it is in their view of nature and natural phenomena and in their treatment of the supernatural and mysterious that the Romantics differed most profoundly from the neoclassicists.Partly as a reaction against the urbanizing, dehumanizing effects of the Industrial Revolution, the Romantic
poets regarded nature in a fresh light and abandoned the well-tended gardens of the 1700s for the wilderness.Though Romanticism shared with neoclassicism an interest in the past, Romanticism emphasized Ancient Greece over ancient Rome.Furthermore, the Romantic concern with the past encompassed a renewed interest in the Middle Ages.Finally, the Romantics paid greater attention to the works of Shakespeare, Spenser, and Milton than had literary critics of the neoclassical era.The essence of the English Romantic Ages contained in the works of five poets---Wordsworth and Coleridge constituting the so-called first generation of Romantic poets, and Percy Bysshe Shelly, Lord Byron, and John Keats composing the second generation.These poets also wrote
essays and letters explaining their ideas about poetry.In addition, Charles Lamb, William Hazlitt, and Thomas de Quincey wrote personal and subjective essays on a wide range of subjects.
Choose one romantic poet and make your comment on one of his/her poem.Song of Myself
Walt Whitman
Whitman is among the most influential poets in the American canon, often called the father of free verse.He spoke highly of individualism and self-affirmation.“Song of Myself” is one of the most popular of all Walt Whitman’s poems and is included in Whitman’s spectacular poetry collection Leaves of Grass.Throughout his poetry, Whitman praised the individual.He imagined a democratic nation as a unified whole composed of unique but equal individuals.“Song of Myself” opens in a triumphant paean to the individual: “I celebrate myself, and sing myself”.But strictly speaking, in “Song of Myself”, Whitman is not writing about himself.Many of the experiences recorded in the poem are purely imaginary.His aim is to embrace the whole human experience by means of imaginative sympathy, which Whitman possessed to an extraordinary degree, and enables him to identify himself with all sorts and conditions of men.He fraternizes with all;their interests are his.All men and women, moreover, are potentially equal in the sight of Whitman.“Song of Myself” is perhaps the most thoroughly democratic poem in American literature.His style is simple and natural, without such nonterminating as conventional rime or meter, hence it must have an organic growth like a perfect animal or tree, in which each part is propositional and harmonious with the whole.To sum it up, by reading this long poem I have a overall understanding about Song of Myself.In this poem, he taught us how to treat people equally, how to respect nature and ourselves, and that we should always be optimistic about life, both current and future, no matter what the outside world is, just believe in ourselves.专业:英语专业
19世纪早期浪漫主义风格的意大利歌剧代表作曲家:罗西尼(1792-1868),意大利歌剧最多产的作曲家,他生活在浪漫主义早期,是古典主义歌剧与浪漫主义歌剧过渡时期的重要作曲家。他创作的近四十部歌剧为意大利歌剧注入了新的活力和色彩,他的《塞维利亚的理发师》集意大利喜剧的精华,语言生动,形式自由,是意大利喜歌剧的代表作;《威廉·退尔》则是大歌剧的经典作品,为19世纪的歌剧创作提供了新的经验。他在遵循意大利传统歌剧创作原则的基础上进行歌剧改革,缩小了宣叙调和咏叹调的区别,把歌剧中独立的分曲形式发展成“场”的结构,并在音乐高潮时创用了“罗西尼渐强” 的表现方式。他复兴了意大利歌剧艺术,使它与德国歌剧、法国歌剧形成抗衡。如果把1820——1850年称为美声时期,那么罗西尼就是这个美声时期的缔造者。他为歌剧带来了神奇和欢笑,使人们重新回忆起意大利歌剧一枝独秀的魅力。
唐尼采蒂(Gactano Donizetti,1797-1848)和贝里尼(V.Bellini,1801-1835)延续和发展了罗西尼的歌剧风格,前者旋律丰富多彩,炫耀声乐技巧,由于过多强调感官上的愉悦而缺乏内涵,但对意大利“美声”学派的产生有着直接的影响,《拉美摩尔的露西亚》和《爱的甘醇》是他的倾情之作;后者重视音乐与语言的关系,强调音乐的表情作用,旋律纯朴自然而富有感染力,《诺尔玛》、《清教徒》,特别是《梦游女》,以其抒情和细腻令人陶醉。他们使意大利浪漫主义歌剧逐渐成熟,通过努力确立了意大利歌剧的地位。意大利歌剧在唐尼采蒂、贝里尼之后的很长一段时间都没有超越这两位大师的作曲家出现,直到威尔第的出现才真正使意大利浪漫主义歌剧有了起色,并将它发展到极致。威尔第(Giusppe Verdi,1813-1901)是一位革新者,他受民族独立运动思潮的影响,作品内容涉及社会各阶层的人物,使意大利歌剧摆脱了思想和创作方面的危机;他把意大利的文学艺术和现实主义结合在一起,使作品既具有崇高思想,又被人们广泛接受。音乐上,他在大多数歌剧作品中依旧遵循分曲结构的写法,同时又着重研究瓦格纳歌剧的特点,并对它分场而不分曲的结构和主导动机的手法加以创造性的运用,在保持民族风格与传统习惯的同时,创作出富于戏剧力量、光彩动人的旋律。他一生共创作了26部歌剧,较著名的有:《弄臣》、《游吟诗人》、《茶花女》、《唐·卡洛斯》、《阿伊达》、《奥赛罗》。威尔第创造出真正意义的现实主义歌剧,他使意大利歌剧传统在欧洲浪漫主义时代,不仅保持着民族本色,而且焕发出勃勃生机。
到19世纪晚期,欧洲文学界掀起了以法国左拉(1840-1902)为代表的真实主义运动,同时意大利也兴起了真实主义文艺思潮。真实主义作家们力求真实地描写和表现社会生活的现实状况,并客观地再现生活。第一部真实主义歌剧是马斯卡尼(Pietro Mascagni,1863—1945)创作的《乡村骑士》(Cavalleria Rusticana),这部歌剧吸引了众多观众,开真实主义歌剧的先河,并确立了真实主义歌剧作为一种风格流派在音乐史上的地位。紧随其后的另一部作品《丑角》(Paliacci英文译为“Punchinello”或“Clown”)是同一时期作曲家列昂卡瓦洛(Ruggiero Leoncavallo,1857—1919)的杰作,虽然《丑角》的音乐不如《乡村骑士》那么优美,但它却更获得群众的理解,更真实地再现现实生活的情景。在同一时期最卓越的作曲家当属普契尼(Giacomo Puccini,1858-1924),他创作了一批具有真实主义歌剧特征的经典作品,如《绣花女》、《托斯卡》、《蝴蝶夫人》、《图兰多》等。他的歌剧结构简练,力求直接地表达剧本所提示的戏剧感染力,注重旋律与戏剧的贯穿发展,抛开咏叹调与宣叙调截然分开的传统,善于用音乐渲染气氛;擅长塑造各种柔弱的、生活苦难的妇女形象,如绣花女咪咪、歌伎巧巧桑、歌女托斯卡、女仆柳儿等;另外他还喜欢把东方异国情调的音乐作为创作素材。普契尼歌剧改变了意大利歌剧只重人声不重器乐的状况,他在继承威尔第等大师传统的基础上,揭开了20世纪意大利歌剧的新篇章。
1、拯救歌剧(rescue opera)及其代表人物和作品
格雷特里(André Ernest Modeste Grétry,1741-1813)的《狮心王理查》一般被认为是第一部拯救歌剧;德国音乐家贝多芬的歌剧《菲岱里奥》在题材选择上也受到法国拯救歌剧的影响,同样成为拯救歌剧的代表作品。
2、大歌剧(grand opera)及其代表人物和作品
3、轻歌剧(opera buffa)及其代表人物和作品
该体裁的奠基人是德裔法国作曲家奧芬巴赫(Jacques Offenbach,1819-1880),代表作品有《地狱中的奥菲欧》、《美丽的海伦》、《霍夫曼的故事》。
4、抒情歌剧(lyric opera)及其代表人物和作品
抒情歌剧形成于19世纪后半叶的法国,是一种规模介于大歌剧与轻歌剧之间的歌剧形式,它的篇幅比一般喜歌剧长,但没有大歌剧的浮华。风格与喜歌剧一样,轻松愉悦,重视对人物心理及情感的细致刻画。它没有大歌剧的沉重与夸张,却经常安排大歌剧形式所必备的舞蹈场面,内容多采用文学名著中有关爱情的情节,音乐为一些常见的歌曲、舞曲和进行曲,注重抒情旋律的感染力,以说白代替宣叙调。代表作品有古诺(Francois Gounod,1818-1893)的《浮士德》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》;马斯涅(F.Massenet,1842-1912)的《曼侬》、《泰伊斯》;托玛斯(A.Thomas,1811-1896)的《迷娘》;圣-桑斯(C.Saint-Sa?ns,1835-1921)的《参孙与达里拉》等。
19世纪上半叶,法国巴黎成为欧洲重要的歌剧艺术中心。格鲁克的歌剧改革,法国大革命的动荡,中产阶级的解放,和拿破仑帝国的城市文化生活发展都为歌剧发展提供了条件。大革命时期,巴黎的中产阶级经历了压迫与解放,所以他们特别偏爱“拯救歌剧”(rescue operas),其情节常是忠诚的爱人甘愿冒一切危险去拯救身陷囹圄的英雄。如凯鲁比尼(Luigi Cherubini,1760—1842,意大利作曲家)的《两天》和在歌剧创作方面钦佩凯鲁比尼的贝多芬创作的唯一一部歌剧《菲岱里奥》。
19世纪20年代出现了大歌剧(grand opera)。这是一种四或五幕的大型歌剧,史诗或历史性内容,带有芭蕾舞,注重大场面,运用大合唱和大的管弦乐队。作者有时为了追求轰动的舞台效果和跌荡的情节不惜牺牲戏剧展开的逻辑。奥柏(Daniel Auber,1782—1871,法国作曲家,凯鲁比尼的学生)的《波蒂契的哑女》可称为第一部大歌剧。
同时吸取了大歌剧和喜歌剧的因素,法国作曲家在19世纪下半叶又创造出一种新的歌剧体裁——抒情歌剧(opera-lyrique)。抒情歌剧多有牵动人心弦的故事情节,感染人的旋律。作曲家们重又选择了那些著名的爱情故事作为歌剧题材:托马(Ambroise Thomas 1811—1896)的《迷娘》、古诺(charlesGounod,1818—1893)的《浮士德》和《罗米欧与朱丽叶》、马斯内(Jwles massenet,1842—1921)的《曼侬》、圣桑(CainilleSaint—Saens,1835—1921)的《参孙与达里拉》。
比才(Georges Bizet,1838—1875)的《卡门》也是创作于这一时期。尽管它初演并不成功,但现在是最流行的一部法国歌剧。比才反对当时歌剧的伤感或神话的故事情节,他选材方面的现实主义倾向预示了19世纪末的歌剧新潮流。《卡门》戏剧场景和音乐表现出异国情调(比才早期歌剧已有此特点),富有表现力的色彩性旋律,强烈的西班牙节奏,清晰的配器,形成一种清新的音乐风格,音乐在表现人性的本质和激情方面的成功,使其成为一部完美的抒情悲剧。
(1)生平简介:威伯(Carl Maria von Weber,1786-1826),德国作曲家,浪漫主义歌剧的先行者。和许多浪漫主义艺术家一样,威伯是一个多才多艺的音乐家,在德国浪漫主义歌剧舞台上发挥了他的天赋之才,同时又是一位评论家、作家。威伯的音乐创作领域很广,其最著名的代表作体现在歌剧和钢琴作品两方面。
① 《魔弹射手》的诞生(1821年首演于柏林)标志着欧洲歌剧发展史上一个新时期的开始,成为欧洲浪漫主义歌剧的奠基之作,威伯也被誉为西欧浪漫主义歌剧的创始人。
② 威伯的《魔弹射手》使德国歌剧摆脱了意大利歌剧的影响,它的特点在于:吸收了德国歌唱剧的特征,用说话代替宣叙调,咏叹调中常渗透着民谣素材,音乐描写着重于渲染气氛,富有浪漫的幻想性。歌剧序曲与剧情联系紧密,而且运用了“主导动机”的手法,这些特征为瓦格纳的歌剧开辟了新的道路,并直接导致了俄罗斯、捷克、波兰等民族歌剧的兴起。
(1)生平简述:瓦格纳(Wagner,Wilhelm Richard,1813-1883),德国作曲家、剧作家、指挥家、哲学家。在德国音乐界,自贝多芬后,没有一个作曲家像瓦格纳那样具有宏伟的气魄和巨大的改革精神,他顽强地制定并实施自己的目标与计划,改革歌剧、倡导乐剧,从而奠定了在音乐史上的地位。同时,在世界音乐史上也几乎找不到像瓦格纳那样,在世界观、创作之间存在明显矛盾的音乐家。
① 对传统歌剧进行了彻底的改革。他在改革中实施了“整体艺术观”、“无终旋律”以及“主导动机”的手法,并强调戏剧第一,音乐第二,坚持音乐必须服从戏剧内容需要进行创作的原则,改革后的歌剧被称为乐剧(Das Musikdrama)。
② 创作了《尼伯龙根的指环》和《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》等划时代的经典乐剧,使浪漫主义歌剧发展到顶峰。
③ 扩大了歌剧中管弦乐队的编制(三管制或四管制),加强了乐队的表现力,改变了传统歌剧将乐队当作“巨型吉它”,使其处于人声伴奏状态的做法。他抓住了乐队的表现特点,通过“主导动机”的运用来阐述戏剧内容,使乐队成为表达剧情内容的有效工具。
④ 建立半音化和声,淡化调式调性,创建了“特里斯坦”和弦,对20世纪音乐观念产生了重要影响。附相关概念注解:
(1)整体艺术(Das Gesamtkunstwerk):“整体艺术”是瓦格纳在《未来艺术作品》中,针对戏剧作品提出的概念,认为音乐戏剧应该仿照古希腊艺术,成为一种诗歌、音乐、舞蹈、绘画、建筑等的综合体。(2)乐剧(Das Musikdrama):1848年瓦格纳在他的《罗恩格林》问世之后,用乐剧指代他的歌剧。乐剧将文学与诗歌、历史与神话、舞台与建筑、音乐与戏剧创作融为一体,是一种整体性的戏剧艺术。
(3)无终旋律(unendlich Melodie):是瓦格纳在他的乐剧中采用的音乐手法。在戏剧中,音乐自始至终不停顿地向前发展,取消了传统歌剧中割裂戏剧的分曲结构(咏叹调、宣叙调、重唱、合唱),没有咏叹调、宣叙调之分,声乐富于朗诵性,在叙述的同时也带有抒情性,这种不间断连贯发展的乐剧音乐形式被称为“无终旋律”。
(4)主导动机(Das Leitmotiv):也称主导主题。在大型音乐作品如歌剧、舞剧及标题作品中,用以象征某一特定人物、事件、情景或情感,并始终与所象征的人物或剧情密切联系在一起的音乐片断,被称为主导动机。主导动机具有标签和符号的意义,1877年沃尔错根从主导动机的角度研究瓦格纳《尼伯龙根的指环》中的《众神的黄昏》后,人们才开始用Leitmotiv这个词。㈡德奥艺术歌曲 教材第43页、45页
艺术歌曲区别于其他歌曲形式的一个重要方面就是它非常强调歌曲伴奏的表现力。艺术歌曲的伴奏多数用钢琴来伴奏。伴奏部分在作曲家的手下和歌曲旋律相得益彰,互相呼应,形成一个整体。旋律音乐和伴奏音乐的交融,构成了艺术歌曲完美的意境 4.艺术歌曲的演唱细腻准确和精美。
Test to Romantic Age Fill in the blanks.(30’)
The Romantic Age began in 1798 when __________________ and ___________________ published _______________________ and ended in 1832 when _________________ died.Romanticism was in effect a revolt of the English ____________________ against the neoclassical ___________________, which prevailed from the days of Pope to those of Johnson.In the preface of the 2nd and 3rd editions of ___________________, Wordsworth laid down the principles of poetry composition.__________________, __________________, and ____________________ are referred as the “Lake Poets” because they lived in the Lake District in the northwestern part of England.The plot of Shelley’s lyrical drama _____________________ is borrowed from _________________________, a play of the Greek tragedian Aeschylus.Many critics regard Shelley as one of the greatest of all English poets.They point especially to his ______________________._________________________ was memorized and honored as “the heart of all hearts” after his death.Byron employed ________________________ from Italian mock-heroic poetry.His first experiment was made in________________.Child Harold’s Pilgrimage is a long poem created by _____________________.It contains four cantos in the ____________________ stanza, namely a 9-line stanza rhymed ababbcbcc, in which the first eight lines are in iambic pentameter while the ninth in iambic hexameter.Shelley mourned for __________________’s premature death in an elegy “Adonais”, writing “He is made one with Nature”.In “To Autumn”, Keats writes, “Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,/ Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,/ Conspiring with him how to load and bless/ With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;/…” The figure of speech used in the lines is ________________________.______________________ are generally regarded as Keats’s most important and mature works._______________________ is considered “the father of the historical novel” which opens up to fiction the rich and lively realm of history._______________________ is a great critic of the Romantic Age on Shakespeare, Elizabethan Drama, and English poetry.He is also a master of the familiar essays.With _______________________, the essay is no longer chiefly a mode of intellectual inquiry and moral address.Rather, the essay becomes a medium for a delightful literary treatment of life’s small pleasures and reassurances.Pride and Prejudice is generally accepted as ____________________’s masterpiece, while Ivanhoe is the masterpiece of ______________________.___________________________ and _________________________ gave great impetus to the rise of the Romantic Movement.Thomas Gray’s poem _________________________________ is taken as a model of sentimentalist poetry, esp.the Graveyard school._______________________ wrote some patriotic poems, in which he expressed his deep love for his motherland, such as My Heart’s in the Highlands.Identify the author with his or her work.(6’)________(20)Shelley
(A)Emma ________(21)Byron
(B)To a Nightingale ________(22)Keats
(C)Essays of Elia ________(23)Lamb
(D)Characters of Shakespeare’s Play ________(24)Austen
(E)Oriental Tales ________(25)Hazlitt
(F)To a Skylark Choose the best answer.(15’)
26.Which of the following works are not written by Thomas De Quincey?
A.The Confession of an English Opium-Eater
B.On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth
C.The Spanish Military Nun
D.Wit and Humor 27.As a poet, Leigh Hunt is chiefly remembered for ______________.A.About Ben Adhem
B.Jenny Kissed Me
C.The liberal
D.The Story of Rimini 28.“Beauty is truth, truth is beauty” is an epigrammatic line by _______________.A.John Keats
B.William Blake
C.William Wordsworth
C.Percy Bysshe Shelley 29.The first poem in The Lyrical Ballads is Coleridge’s masterpiece ______________.A.The Prelude
B.Kubla Khan
C.The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
D.Tintern Abbey 30.Which of the following is Shelley’s love lyric?
A.One Word is Too Often Profaned
B.When We Two Parted
C.A Red, Red Rose
D.Song to Celia 31.Jane Austen’s view of life is generally a _______________ one.A.romantic
D.pessimistic 32.The Romantic period is a great age of all literary genres EXCEPT ______________.A.poetry
D.novel 33.Which are Shelley’s lyrics on nature?
A.The Cloud
B.Ode to the Nightingale
C.Prometheus Bound
D.Song to the Men of England 34.Which poem shows Shelley’s attitude towards the position of women in society, besides the theme of revolutionary?
A.The Revolt of Islam
B.Prometheus Unbound
C.Song to the Men of England
D.Ode to the West Wind 35.Choose the poetic play written by Byron.A.Ode to the Framers of the Frame-bill
C.Hours of Idleness
D.Oriental Tales 36.___________________ was made poet laureate in 1813.But most of his works, according to modern critics, are “the product of literary industry, not of literary creation.”
A.William Wordsworth
B.Samuel Taylor Coleridge
C.Robert Southey
D.George Gordon Byron 37.Which of the following statements is not true about Don Juan?
A.It was written in Italy during the years 1818-1823.B.The story describes Don Juan’s, an English youth of noble birth, life and adventures in many countries.C.In a Greek island, Don Juan met his sweetheart, Haidee, and fell in love with her.D.The last cantos are taken up with a satirical description of the English ruling classes, whose reactionary policy has aroused the hatred from the other nations.38.As contrasted with the classicists who made reason, order and the old, classical traditions the criteria in their poetical creations, _________________ based his own poetical principle on the premise that “all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling.”
A.Samuel Taylor Coleridge
B.George Gordon Byron
C.Percy Bysshe Shelley
D.William Wordsworth 39.Which of the following statement is true about Charles Lamb?
A.He described his meeting with Coleridge and Wordsworth in his famous essay My First Acquaintance with Poets.B.His essays have had noticeable influence on the prose-writing of modern Chinese literature after the May 4th Movement in 1919.C.His work marked a great turn in English prose style from plain to ornate prose-writing.D.His essays, like The Plain Speaker and Winter-slow are popular with readers.40.Which sonnet is NOT written by John Keats?
A.London, 1802
B.When I Have Fears
C.Bright Star
D.On the Grasshopper and Cricket Define the literary terms.(4’)41.lyric 42.ode Give brief answers to the questions.(10’)
43.Living in England was impossible for him.“I felt,” he wrote, “that, if what was whispered, and muttered, and murmured, was true, I was unfit for England;if false, England was unfit for me.” On April 25th , 1816, he set sail for Europe, never to return.He fist went to Switzerland.In 1823 he went to Greece and plunged into the struggle for the national independence of that country.In 1824 he died there.His death was mourned by the Greek people and by all progressive people throughout the world.A.Who is mentioned in the above words?(1’)
B.What is his masterpiece?(1’)In his works appear a kind of heroes, how much do you know about them?(3’)
44.He appealed directly to individual sensations, i.e., pleasure, excitement and enjoyment, as the foundation in the creation and appreciation of poetry.Poetry “takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.” A poet’s emotion extends from human affairs to nature, but emotion immediately expressed is as raw as wine newly bottled.Tranquil contemplation of an emotional experience matures the feeling and sensation, and makes possible the creation of good poetry like the refining of old wine.A.Who does “he” refer to in the above description?(2’)
B.From which work are these quotations taken?(1’)What function does this work serve for the English Romantic Movement?(2’)
Read the quotations carefully and then answer the questions.(35’)45.The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,The lowing herd wind slowly o’er the lea,The plowman home ward plods his weary way,And leaves the world to darkness and to me.Questions: Find out the meter and rhyme scheme of the poem.(2’)Find the irregular foot in the second line.(1’)
Briefly explain the significance of this irregularity.(2’)46.O, my Luve's like a red, red rose
That‘s newly sprung in June.O, my Luve's like a melody.That‘s sweetly played in tune.As fair as you, my bonnie lass,So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve you still, my dear,Till all the seas gone dry.Till all the seas gone dry, my dear,And the rocks melt with the sun;
I will luve you till, my dear,While the sands of life shall run.And fare you well, my only luve
And fare you well, a while!
And I will come again, my luve,Though it were ten thousand mile.Questions: The poem is written by ___________________.(1’)The title of this poem is ___________________.(1’)The theme of the poem is about __________________.(1’)The poem is written in ____________________.(1’)a.ballad meter
c.blank verse The odd-numbered lines are iambic tetrameters while the even-numbered lines are iambic _________________.(1’)
The rhyme scheme is __________________.(1’)What do you know about the poem?(4’)
47.O WILD West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being—
Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes!—O thou Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each like a corpse within its grave, until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)With living hues and odours plain and hill— Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere— Destroyer and Preserver—hear O hear!Questions: What is the title of the poem? Who is the poet?(2’)B.Can you find the rhyme scheme of the poem?(2’)
C.What is the symbolic meaning of “the west wind”?(3’)Explain the theme of the poem.(3’)48.It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.“My dear Mr.Bennet,” said his lady to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?”
Mr.Bennet replied that he had not.“But it is,” returned she;“for Mrs.Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.”
Mr.Bennet made no answer.“Do you not want to know who has taken it?” cried his wife impatiently.“You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it.” This was invitation enough.“Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs.Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England;that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it, that he agreed with Mr.Morris immediately;that he is to take possession before Michaelmas, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.” “What is his name?” “Bingley.” “Is he married or single?” “Oh!Single, my dear, to be sure!A single man of large fortune;four or five thousand a year.What a fine thing for our girls!” “How so? How can it affect them?” “My dear Mr.Bennet,” replied his wife, “how can you be so tiresome!You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them.”
“Is that his design in settling here?” “Design!Nonsense, how can you talk so!But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes.” “I see no occasion for that.You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better, for as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr.Bingley may like you the best of the party.” “My dear, you flatter me.I certainly have had my share of beauty, but I do not pretend to be anything extraordinary now.When a woman has five grown-up daughters, she ought to give over thinking of her own beauty.” Questions: This excerpt is taken from the novel entitled _________________ by _______________________.(2’)
Comment on the characters of Mr.and Mrs.Bennet.(3’)
C.Analyze the first sentence in the excerpt, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”
(5’)Expanded Exercises: 1.Which novel do you think is the most famous masterpiece written by Jane Austen? Make a comment on it.