字幕名称 花木兰中英文字幕

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第一篇:字幕名称 花木兰中英文字幕

00:00:43020--gt 00:00:48360 片名:花木兰 调校人:菲尔坦奈尔 2 00:01:32150--gt 00:01:34530 匈奴入侵 快点烽火 3 00:02:01110--gt 00:02:03110 现在全中国的人都知道你来了 4 00:02:09840--gt 00:02:10770 好极了 5 00:02:18260--gt 00:02:19300 启禀皇上 6 00:02:19410--gt 00:02:21550 匈奴已越过北方边界 7 00:02:21650--gt 00:02:24640 不可能 没人能越过长城 8 00:02:25170--gt 00:02:27050 他们由单于领军 9 00:02:28820--gt 00:02:31680 我们会进京保卫皇上 10 00:02:31790--gt 00:02:35590 不 派军队保护朕的子民 11 00:02:35690--gt 00:02:36490 赐福 12 00:02:36590--gt 00:02:37610 臣在 13 00:02:37720--gt 00:02:41870 通令全国各地征召壮丁 14 00:02:41960--gt 00:02:44210 紧急召集所有军人回营服役 15 00:02:44300--gt 00:02:45960 皇上 恕臣直言 16 00:02:46070--gt 00:02:48210 京城军队就能阻挡单于 17 00:02:48300--gt 00:02:50600 朕不能冒这个险 将军 18 00:02:50700--gt 00:02:53290 小兵也会立大功 19 00:02:53400--gt 00:02:57160 有时候 一个人就是胜败关键 20 00:02:59440--gt 00:03:02030 妇德就是谦虚 21 00:03:02130--gt 00:03:04550 妇言是少说话 22 00:03:05130--gt 00:03:09870 妇容还有....23 00:03:12210--gt 00:03:13190 妇功 24 00:03:15950--gt 00:03:17230 糟了 25 00:03:17320--gt 00:03:18540 小白 26 00:03:19880--gt 00:03:21790 小白....27 00:03:23150--gt 00:03:24750 你在这儿啊 28 00:03:24850--gt 00:03:27120 你是世上最聪明的小狗 29 00:03:27210--gt 00:03:28550 来吧 小家伙 30 00:03:28660--gt 00:03:30480 你能帮我喂鸡吗 31 00:04:02130--gt 00:04:04040 列祖列宗 32 00:04:05170--gt 00:04:09000 保佑木兰今天给媒婆一个好印象 33 00:04:14830--gt 00:04:16550 求求您 34 00:04:16660--gt 00:04:18410 帮助她吧 35 00:04:25680--gt 00:04:27240 爹爹 我给您带来...36 00:04:27340--gt 00:04:28170 木兰 37 00:04:28270--gt 00:04:29170 我多准备了一个 38 00:04:29260--gt 00:04:31980要记得大夫说清早三杯茶 39 00:04:32080--gt 00:04:33770还有晚上三杯哦 40 00:04:33870--gt 00:04:36430 木兰 你早该进城了 41 00:04:36560--gt 00:04:37990 我们都指望你....42 00:04:38070--gt 00:04:40450 替花家光宗耀祖啊 43 00:04:40530--gt 00:04:42080 别担心 爹爹 44 00:04:42190--gt 00:04:43940 我不会让您失望 45 00:04:44050--gt 00:04:45070 祝我好运 46 00:04:45170--gt 00:04:46380 快去吧 47 00:04:48720--gt 00:04:50340 我要回祠堂 48 00:04:50450--gt 00:04:51910 再上几炷香 49 00:04:56400--gt 00:04:58980 夫人 你女儿来了没 50 00:04:59090--gt 00:05:01570 媒婆可没那么好耐性啊 51 00:05:02320--gt 00:05:04430 怎么偏偏今天迟到 52 00:05:04520--gt 00:05:06660 我早该求祖宗保佑的 53 00:05:06770--gt 00:05:08520 他们能保佑什么 54 00:05:08620--gt 00:05:09840 他们早就上西天了 55 00:05:09930--gt 00:05:13670 我已经有这个幸运符 56 00:05:13780--gt 00:05:16260 来证明一下你的好运 57 00:05:20300--gt 00:05:21510 奶奶 小心啊!58 00:05:33300--gt 00:05:34090 没事儿哎 59 00:05:34190--gt 00:05:36230 这只蟋蟀真是幸运 60 00:05:43790--gt 00:05:45010 我来了 61 00:05:45910--gt 00:05:47240 怎么了 62 00:05:47350--gt 00:05:49830别说了 63 00:05:49940--gt 00:05:51840 你先要打扮一下 64 00:05:55410--gt 00:05:57740 这是我要装扮的女孩吗 65 00:05:57840--gt 00:06:00710 别担心 我见过更糟的 66 00:06:00810--gt 00:06:04040 我要将这平凡女孩...67 00:06:04140--gt 00:06:05420 蜕变成窈窕淑女 68 00:06:05520--gt 00:06:06890 好冷哦 69 00:06:06990--gt 00:06:10310 你不迟到 也不会凉了 70 00:06:10410--gt 00:06:13030 得先把你洗干净 71 00:06:13130--gt 00:06:15750 容光焕发才会人人爱 72 00:06:15860--gt 00:06:18510 经我细心装扮的新娘 73 00:06:18610--gt 00:06:21030 我们都会以你为荣 74 00:06:21130--gt 00:06:23180 木兰 是什么 75 00:06:23280--gt 00:06:26000 小抄 为了以防万一 76 00:06:26090--gt 00:06:29540 拿着 比我预想的更要指望运气 77 00:06:29650--gt 00:06:32200 先别急 装扮后 78 00:06:32310--gt 00:06:35050 男孩都会很高兴地 为了你而上战场 79 00:06:35150--gt 00:06:36020 有了好运 80 00:06:36110--gt 00:06:37570 和高耸云鬓 81 00:06:37680--gt 00:06:40520 我们都会以你为荣�6�7 82 00:06:41650--gt 00:06:46880 女孩们都能以某种形式 为家族带来荣耀 83 00:06:46990--gt 00:06:49580 要赢得胜利 84 00:06:49680--gt 00:06:52620 一切就看今天了 85 00:06:52720--gt 00:06:54000 男人想要 86 00:06:54100--gt 00:06:55370 有品位的女人 87 00:06:55480--gt 00:06:56780 安静 顺从 88 00:06:56880--gt 00:06:58190 还要勤快 89 00:06:58290--gt 00:07:00880 能生孩子 还要 纤纤细腰 90 00:07:00970--gt 00:07:04110 我们都会以你为荣 91 00:07:04940--gt 00:07:07600 人们要为皇上尽忠 92 00:07:07690--gt 00:07:10250 因为他至高无上 93 00:07:10350--gt 00:07:13000 男人出征沙场 94 00:07:13100--gt 00:07:15950 孩子女人扶养 95 00:07:16050--gt 00:07:18640 要把你装扮好 96 00:07:18730--gt 00:07:21460 像那美丽莲花柔又白...97 00:07:21550--gt 00:07:24170 没有男人能够拒绝你...98 00:07:24280--gt 00:07:30630 我们都会以你为荣...99 00:07:31540--gt 00:07:33290 准备好了 100 00:07:33390--gt 00:07:34730 还没呢 101 00:07:34840--gt 00:07:36870 苹果让人心静 102 00:07:36970--gt 00:07:39400 玉坠子平衡你身段 103 00:07:39510--gt 00:07:44660 玉珠代表美丽 104 00:07:44750--gt 00:07:49770 衬托你的娇艳 105 00:07:49870--gt 00:07:55270 让蟋蟀为你带来好运 106 00:07:55530--gt 00:07:57830 就算是你也不会搞砸的 107 00:07:58670--gt 00:08:01120 老祖宗 保佑我 108 00:08:01230--gt 00:08:03880 不要让我失礼仪 109 00:08:03980--gt 00:08:06640 为我家族争取好光采 110 00:08:06730--gt 00:08:10730 家父会以我为荣 111 00:08:10830--gt 00:08:13550 每个人心里七上八下 112 00:08:13650--gt 00:08:16330 皆为了木兰终身大事 113 00:08:16430--gt 00:08:19020 老祖宗 保佑她 114 00:08:19120--gt 00:08:21770 能够找到好婆家 115 00:08:21880--gt 00:08:24550 她的心地善良又大方 116 00:08:24660--gt 00:08:28550 是个可爱的姑娘家 117 00:08:28660--gt 00:08:34290 请将荣耀归于...118 00:08:34380--gt 00:08:42900 请将荣耀归于她...119 00:08:45200--gt 00:08:46820 花木兰 120 00:08:46930--gt 00:08:50020 在 不要随便开口 121 00:08:50130--gt 00:08:51590 是 122 00:08:51690--gt 00:08:53870 她火气这么大干嘛 123 00:09:01070--gt 00:09:02830 太瘦了 124 00:09:04500--gt 00:09:07250 不容易生出儿子 125 00:09:13970--gt 00:09:16930 妇有四德指的是什么 126 00:09:18930--gt 00:09:20550 说呀 127 00:09:21710--gt 00:09:24140 妇德指的是谦虚 128 00:09:24240--gt 00:09:26860 而妇言是少说话 129 00:09:26960--gt 00:09:30120 妇容是和悦 还有妇力...130 00:09:30230--gt 00:09:31200 是妇功 131 00:09:31310--gt 00:09:33200 妇功意思是服从 132 00:09:38930--gt 00:09:39970 跟我来 133 00:09:44500--gt 00:09:45840 现在呢 134 00:09:45940--gt 00:09:47830 倒茶 135 00:09:47920--gt 00:09:51050 取悦你未来的公婆 136 00:09:51150--gt 00:09:54730 一定要谨慎 庄严 优雅 137 00:09:55090--gt 00:09:57260 还要心存恭敬 138 00:09:57650--gt 00:10:00880 注意礼仪和姿势 139 00:10:03440--gt 00:10:04300 对不起 140 00:10:04400--gt 00:10:06290 还要安静 141 00:10:09900--gt 00:10:12290 能不能先还我一下 142 00:10:12400--gt 00:10:13450 等一下 143 00:10:16170--gt 00:10:17770 你真是笨手笨脚 144 00:10:31570--gt 00:10:34250 好像进行得很顺利 对吧 145 00:10:34830--gt 00:10:38130 救火啊 快灭火...146 00:10:47530--gt 00:10:49580 你实在是太不像话 147 00:10:49680--gt 00:10:51690 你虽看起来像新娘 148 00:10:51790--gt 00:10:55620 可是永远不会为你们家争光 149 00:11:27760--gt 00:11:29770 看看我 150 00:11:29870--gt 00:11:34960 我不能成为好新娘 151 00:11:35060--gt 00:11:37540 也不是好女儿 152 00:11:37870--gt 00:11:45030 难道说我的任性伤了大家 153 00:11:45360--gt 00:11:52100 我知道 如果我再执意做我自己 154 00:11:52820--gt 00:11:57350 我会让家人伤心 155 00:12:00560--gt 00:12:05540 为什么我眼里看到的 156 00:12:05650--gt 00:12:10250 不是自己的影子 157 00:12:10350--gt 00:12:20040 为什么我在此时 觉得离自我好遥远 158 00:12:20720--gt 00:12:25630 我无法隐藏�6�7 159 00:12:25740--gt 00:12:30500 内心真正的我 虽然努力地试过 160 00:12:30600--gt 00:12:35470 何时才能够...161 00:12:35570--gt 00:12:41770 做回真正的自我 162 00:12:43570--gt 00:12:49100 何时才能够...163 00:12:49200--gt 00:12:55620 做回真正的自我 164 00:13:13140--gt 00:13:15400 天啊 165 00:13:15510--gt 00:13:18820 今年院子里花开得真好 166 00:13:20460--gt 00:13:21890 可是你看 167 00:13:22000--gt 00:13:23860 这朵迟了 168 00:13:23950--gt 00:13:27080 但等到它开花的时候 169 00:13:27190--gt 00:13:31790 一定会比其它的花更美丽 170 00:13:37770--gt 00:13:38860 什么事 171 00:13:51020--gt 00:13:52940 木兰 你别出去 172 00:13:58550--gt 00:13:59780 乡亲们 173 00:13:59890--gt 00:14:03500 我从京城带来皇上谕令 174 00:14:03600--gt 00:14:05990 匈奴已侵犯中原 175 00:14:06090--gt 00:14:08550 不会吧 皇上亲下诏书 176 00:14:08650--gt 00:14:13290 每家都要选出一名壮丁从军 177 00:14:13390--gt 00:14:15330 萧家接旨 178 00:14:17170--gt 00:14:18760 易家接旨 179 00:14:19190--gt 00:14:21740 我替我爹爹为国出征 180 00:14:22380--gt 00:14:24080 花家接旨 181 00:14:24240--gt 00:14:25220 不 182 00:14:39760--gt 00:14:41900 草民已准备为国效劳 183 00:14:43120--gt 00:14:44290 爹爹 你不能去 184 00:14:44370--gt 00:14:45830 木兰 官爷 求求你 185 00:14:45930--gt 00:14:47500 我爹年事已高 也已上过战场 186 00:14:47600--gt 00:14:48490 住嘴!187 00:14:48590--gt 00:14:50480 你该教教你女儿 188 00:14:50570--gt 00:14:54020 男人说话 哪有她插嘴的份 189 00:14:54120--gt 00:14:56810 木兰 你让爹丢尽颜面 190 00:15:00270--gt 00:15:02270 明日午时 军营报到 191 00:15:02380--gt 00:15:03810 是 192 00:15:05580--gt 00:15:07010 楚家接旨 193 00:16:17100--gt 00:16:18480 你不该去的 194 00:16:18580--gt 00:16:21360 木兰 有足够的壮丁打仗啊 195 00:16:21450--gt 00:16:25410 能够保家卫国是我的荣耀 196 00:16:25520--gt 00:16:27250 就为了荣耀 连命都不要 197 00:16:27340--gt 00:16:29610 我为国捐躯 死而无撼 198 00:16:29710--gt 00:16:31690我知道我该做什么 199 00:16:31790--gt 00:16:34090 倒是你应该学学了 200 00:18:49420--gt 00:18:50770 木兰走了 201 00:18:50860--gt 00:18:52430 什么 202 00:18:55920--gt 00:18:57030 不会吧 203 00:19:04200--gt 00:19:05520 木兰 204 00:19:09750--gt 00:19:11090 不 205 00:19:12980--gt 00:19:14500 得快追她回来 206 00:19:14610--gt 00:19:16390 这要杀头的 207 00:19:16500--gt 00:19:18880 只有我们不揭穿她 208 00:19:18960--gt 00:19:20580 她才能活命 209 00:19:30000--gt 00:19:31460 列祖列宗 210 00:19:31560--gt 00:19:35040 求求你们保佑木兰 211 00:19:55280--gt 00:19:57800 木须 醒来吧 212 00:20:03470--gt 00:20:05680 我复活了!213 00:20:07020--gt 00:20:10220 告诉我哪个凡人要我保护 214 00:20:10290--gt 00:20:11720 老祖宗 只要您开口我就去 215 00:20:11760--gt 00:20:16030要是谁敢找我们花家的麻烦 216 00:20:16180--gt 00:20:18320 看我如何收拾他 217 00:20:20270--gt 00:20:21620 木须 218 00:20:21710--gt 00:20:24360 它们才是守护神 219 00:20:24460--gt 00:20:25640 它们�6�7 220 00:20:26790--gt 00:20:27910 保护这个家 221 00:20:28010--gt 00:20:31040 而你这降了级的 222 00:20:31150--gt 00:20:32870 我�6�7 223 00:20:32970--gt 00:20:34190 是负责敲锣 224 00:20:34280--gt 00:20:35710 说对了 225 00:20:35820--gt 00:20:39400 去叫醒大家吧 226 00:20:39500--gt 00:20:42320 我这就去叫醒大家 227 00:20:42420--gt 00:20:46060 大家起来 快起来 别偷懒了 228 00:20:46160--gt 00:20:48230 要办正事罗 别睡美容觉了 229 00:20:53170--gt 00:20:55170 我早就知道�6�7 230 00:20:55280--gt 00:20:57480 木兰一定会给我们添麻烦 231 00:20:57580--gt 00:21:00360 别看我 她是从你家那边遗传的 232 00:21:00500--gt 00:21:02430 她只想帮助她父亲 233 00:21:02580--gt 00:21:04840 要是她被人发现 一辈子都会抬不起头 234 00:21:04950--gt 00:21:06370 花家祠堂会声望全无 235 00:21:06480--gt 00:21:08420 千百年传统沦丧 236 00:21:08520--gt 00:21:10060 家产也全得没收 237 00:21:10160--gt 00:21:11950 我家孩子从没惹过麻烦 238 00:21:12040--gt 00:21:14020 他们全是针灸师傅 239 00:21:14260--gt 00:21:16400 总不能全都当针灸师啊 240 00:21:16460--gt 00:21:19910 哼 你的曾孙女还女扮男装哩 241 00:21:22640--gt 00:21:24230 派守护神带她回来 242 00:21:24340--gt 00:21:26160 是啊,叫醒最精明的 243 00:21:26250--gt 00:21:27940 不 那行动最快的 244 00:21:28050--gt 00:21:29480 不 最有智慧的 245 00:21:29550--gt 00:21:30930 安静 246 00:21:31020--gt 00:21:33770 我们得派能力最强的 247 00:21:35280--gt 00:21:36210 好啦�6�7 248 00:21:36310--gt 00:21:38160 我了解 我去找 249 00:21:41610--gt 00:21:42560 你们以为我不行 250 00:21:42670--gt 00:21:43880 看我的 251 00:21:46030--gt 00:21:47460 我不错吧 252 00:21:47560--gt 00:21:49450 谁敢让我试试看啊 253 00:21:49550--gt 00:21:52100 你之前有过这个机会的 254 00:21:52210--gt 00:21:54850 结果却把花嶝害得很惨 255 00:21:54960--gt 00:21:56620 对呀 多亏你了 256 00:21:56710--gt 00:21:57660 什么意思 257 00:21:57770--gt 00:21:58920 意思是�6�7 258 00:21:59030--gt 00:22:03180 我们要派真正的龙去找木兰 259 00:22:03500--gt 00:22:05220 什么我也是真正的龙啊 260 00:22:05330--gt 00:22:07560 你根本就不够格 261 00:22:07670--gt 00:22:10250 现在快叫醒石像神龙吧 262 00:22:12170--gt 00:22:13520 那你会考虑录用我吗 263 00:22:17610--gt 00:22:20130 我只是要个机会嘛 264 00:22:20240--gt 00:22:21830 又不是要你老命 265 00:22:23210--gt 00:22:24490 石头 醒醒啊 266 00:22:24590--gt 00:22:26440 你得去追木兰 267 00:22:30060--gt 00:22:32910 快起来 去追她 去呀 268 00:22:33000--gt 00:22:34250 来呀 269 00:22:42990--gt 00:22:46290 有人在吗�6�7 270 00:22:46380--gt 00:22:47210 醒醒!271 00:22:48750--gt 00:22:50440 惨了 272 00:22:58350--gt 00:23:01290 石头�6�7 273 00:23:01390--gt 00:23:02410 他们会杀了我 274 00:23:02510--gt 00:23:04970 石像神龙 275 00:23:05070--gt 00:23:07110 你醒了吗 276 00:23:08270--gt 00:23:10950 我�6�7我刚醒 277 00:23:11050--gt 00:23:14050 我是伟大的石像神龙 278 00:23:14160--gt 00:23:17940 早安 我立刻去追回木兰 279 00:23:18030--gt 00:23:20510 我有说我是石像神龙吗 280 00:23:20620--gt 00:23:21640 去吧 281 00:23:21740--gt 00:23:23650 花家未来的命运 282 00:23:23760--gt 00:23:25990 都交在你的手中了 283 00:23:26150--gt 00:23:27400 别担心 284 00:23:27510--gt 00:23:29290 我不会丢脸的 285 00:23:33840--gt 00:23:35180 糟糕 286 00:23:35270--gt 00:23:36970 我好像扭到筋骨了 287 00:23:39120--gt 00:23:41060 这下可好 现在该怎么办 288 00:23:41160--gt 00:23:42090 我惨了 289 00:23:42190--gt 00:23:43560 都是那男人婆 290 00:23:43670--gt 00:23:46280 干嘛要女扮男装惹祸 291 00:23:49900--gt 00:23:51270 去找她 292 00:23:51380--gt 00:23:52330 你有毛病吗 293 00:23:52430--gt 00:23:56620 石像神龙已裂成两半 除非她是英雄 我才能回来 294 00:23:57900--gt 00:23:59210 等等 这就对了 295 00:23:59310--gt 00:24:02500 我让她变成英雄就能凯旋归来 296 00:24:02610--gt 00:24:04040 就这么办 297 00:24:04140--gt 00:24:05320 我真聪明 298 00:24:09000--gt 00:24:10430 谁说你能来的 299 00:24:12240--gt 00:24:13580 你运气好吗 300 00:24:14350--gt 00:24:16100 我长得像呆子吗 301 00:24:16940--gt 00:24:17740 你说我很衰 302 00:24:17840--gt 00:24:20520 我拔掉你的胡须扔到院子里 303 00:24:20620--gt 00:24:23040 再看看谁比较衰 304 00:24:54510--gt 00:24:55790 京城来的探子 305 00:25:06670--gt 00:25:07810 单于 306 00:25:12400--gt 00:25:14080 两位 干得好 307 00:25:14190--gt 00:25:16040 你们找到匈奴军队了 308 00:25:18410--gt 00:25:20680 皇上会阻止你们 309 00:25:20780--gt 00:25:22210 阻止我 310 00:25:22310--gt 00:25:23910 是他邀请我来的 311 00:25:25900--gt 00:25:29380 他不断修筑长城向我挑战 312 00:25:29490--gt 00:25:31650 我只是来陪他玩玩 313 00:25:33650--gt 00:25:34690 滚!314 00:25:34800--gt 00:25:38340 叫你们皇上派最强的军队来 315 00:25:38440--gt 00:25:39430 我等着 316 00:25:43210--gt 00:25:45730 送个信要多少人 317 00:25:47060--gt 00:25:48260 一个 318 00:25:52110--gt 00:25:54050 好嘛�6�7这样呢 319 00:25:55890--gt 00:25:58740 对不起 该在哪里报到 320 00:25:59630--gt 00:26:01320 我看见你有把剑 321 00:26:01420--gt 00:26:02850 我也有 322 00:26:02960--gt 00:26:04480 它可是很男人的 323 00:26:09040--gt 00:26:10790 我很努力在学哎 324 00:26:12490--gt 00:26:14310 我骗得了谁 325 00:26:14420--gt 00:26:17040 除非奇迹出现 我才能从军 326 00:26:17130--gt 00:26:19950 是不是有人希望奇迹出现 327 00:26:20050--gt 00:26:22380 让我听你大声喊吧 328 00:26:22470--gt 00:26:23760.


英文简称 ABA ABS AES AMMA 英文全称

Acrylonitrile-butadiene-acrylate Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene Acrylonitrile-ethylene-styrene 中文全称

丙烯腈/丁二烯/丙烯酸酯共聚物 丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯共聚物 丙烯腈/乙烯/苯乙烯共聚物 Acrylonitrile/methyl Methacrylate 丙烯腈/甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物

ARP Aromatic polyester AS Acrylonitrile-styrene resin ASA Acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylate CA Cellulose acetate CAB Cellulose acetate butyrate CAP Cellulose acetate propionate CE Cellulose plastics, general CF Cresol-formaldehyde CMC Carboxymethyl cellulose CN Cellulose nitrate CP Cellulose propionate CPE Chlorinated polyethylene CPVC Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride)CS Casein

CTA Cellulose triacetate EC Ethyl cellulose

EMA Ethylene/methacrylic acid EP Epoxy, epoxide

EPD Ethylene-propylene-diene EPM Ethylene-propylene polymer EPS Expanded polystyrene ETFE Ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene EVA EVAL

Ethylene-vinyl alcohol FEP Perfluoro(ethylene-propylene)FF Furan formaldehyde HDPE High-density polyethylene plastics HIPS High impact polystyrene IPS Impact-resistant polystyrene LCP Liquid crystal polymer

LDPE Low-density polyethylene plastics LLDPE

Linear low-density polyethylene



丙烯腈/苯乙烯/丙烯酸酯共聚物 醋酸纤维塑料 醋酸-丁酸纤维素塑料 醋酸-丙酸纤维素 通用纤维素塑料 甲酚-甲醛树脂 羧甲基纤维素 硝酸纤维素 丙酸纤维素 氯化聚乙烯 氯化聚氯乙烯 酪蛋白 三醋酸纤维素 乙烷纤维素

乙烯/甲基丙烯酸共聚物 环氧树脂

乙烯-丙烯-二烯三元共聚物 乙烯-丙烯共聚物 发泡聚苯乙烯 乙烯-四氟乙烯共聚物 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 乙烯-乙烯醇共聚物 全氟(乙烯-丙烯)塑料 呋喃甲醛 高密度聚乙烯塑料

高冲聚苯乙烯 耐冲击聚苯乙烯 液晶聚合物 低密度聚乙烯塑料








中密聚乙烯 密胺-甲醛树脂 密胺/酚醛树脂 聚酰胺(尼龙)聚丙烯酸

碳酸-二乙二醇酯· 烯丙醇酯树脂 聚芳醚 聚芳醚酮 聚酰胺-酰亚胺 聚酯树脂 聚丙烯腈 聚芳酰胺 聚芳砜 聚芳酯 聚酯型聚氨酯 聚丁烯-[1] 聚丙烯酸丁酯 聚丁二烯-丙烯腈 聚丁二烯-苯乙烯 聚对苯二酸丁二酯 聚碳酸酯 聚氯三氟乙烯 聚对苯二甲酸二烯丙酯 聚乙烯 聚醚嵌段酰胺 聚醚醚酮 聚醚酰亚胺 聚醚酮 聚环氧乙烷 聚醚砜


Methacrylate-butadiene-styrene Methyl cellulose

Medium-density polyethylene Melamine-formaldehyde resin Melamine/phenol-formaldehyde Polyamide(nylon)Poly(acrylic acid)

Poly(allyl diglycol carbonate)Polyarylether Polyaryletherketone Polyamide-imide Polyester alkyd Polyacrylonitrile Polyaryl amide Polyarylsulfone Polyarylate Poly(ester urethane)Polybutene-1 Poly(butyl acrylate)Polybutadiene-acrylonitrile Polybutadiene-styrene Poly(butylene terephthalate)Polycarbonate

Polychlorotrifluoroethylene Poly(diallyl phthalate)Polyethylene Polyether block amide Polyetheretherketone Poly(etherimide)Polyether ketone Poly(ethylene oxide)Poly(ether sulfone)Poly(ethylene terephthalate)

Thermoplastic elastomer polyether 聚酯热塑弹性体

PETG Poly(ethylene terephthalate)glycol 二醇类改性PET PEUR Poly(ether urethane)PF Phenol-formaldehyde resin PFA Perfluoro(alkoxy alkane)PFF Phenol-furfural resin PI Polyimide PIB Polyisobutylene PISU Polyimidesulfone PMCA Poly(methyl-alpha-chloroacrylate)PMMA Poly(methyl methacrylate)PMP Poly(4-methylpentene-1)PMS Poly(alpha-methylstyrene)POM Polyoxymethylene, polyacetal PP Polypropylene PPA Polyphthalamide PPE Poly(phenylene ether)PPO Poly(phenylene oxide)deprecated PPOX Poly(propylene oxide)PPS Poly(phenylene sulfide)PPSU Poly(phenylene sulfone)PS Polystyrene PSU Polysulfone

PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene PUR Polyurethane PVAC Poly(vinyl acetate)PVAL Poly(vinyl alcohol)PVB Poly(vinyl butyral)PVC Poly(vinyl chloride)PVCA Poly(vinyl chloride-acetate)PVDC Poly(vinylidene chloride)PVDF Poly(vinylidene fluoride)PVF Poly(vinyl fluoride)PVFM Poly(vinyl formal)PVK Polyvinylcarbazole PVP Polyvinylpyrrolidone

S/MA Styrene-maleic anhydride plastic SAN

Styrene-acrylonitrile plastic

聚醚型聚氨酯 酚醛树脂 全氟烷氧基树脂 酚呋喃树脂 聚酰亚胺 聚异丁烯 聚酰亚胺砜 聚α-氯代丙烯酸甲酯聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 聚4-甲基戊烯-1 聚α-甲基苯乙烯 聚甲醛 聚丙烯 聚邻苯二甲酰胺 聚苯醚 聚苯醚

聚环氧(丙)烷 聚苯硫醚 聚苯砜 聚苯乙烯 聚砜 聚四氟乙烯 聚氨酯 聚醋酸乙烯 聚乙烯醇 聚乙烯醇缩丁醛 聚氯乙烯

聚氯乙烯醋酸乙烯酯 聚(偏二氯乙烯)聚(偏二氟乙烯)聚氟乙烯 聚乙烯醇缩甲醛 聚乙烯咔唑 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮 苯乙烯-马来酐塑料 苯乙烯-丙烯腈塑料



Styrene/alpha-methylstyrene plastic

苯乙烯-α-甲基苯乙烯塑料 Saturated polyester plastic 饱和聚酯塑料 Styrene-rubber plastics 聚苯乙烯橡胶改性塑料 Thermoplastic


醚酯型热塑弹性体 Thermoplastic Elastomer, Olefinic 聚烯烃热塑弹性体 Thermoplastic Elastomer, Styrenic 苯乙烯热塑性弹性体

Thermoplastic elastomer 热塑(性)弹性体 Thermoplastic polyester 热塑性聚酯 Thermoplastic polyurethane 热塑性聚氨酯 Thermoset polyurethane 热固聚氨酯 Urea-formaldehyde resin 脲甲醛树脂 Ultra-high molecular weight PE 超高分子量聚乙烯 Unsaturated polyester 不饱和聚酯 Vinyl chloride-ethylene resin 氯乙烯/乙烯树脂

Vinyl chloride-ethylene-vinyl 氯乙烯/乙烯/醋酸乙烯共聚物 Vinyl chloride-methyl acrylate 氯乙烯/丙烯酸甲酯共聚物 Vinyl chloride-methylmethacrylate 氯乙烯/甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物Vinyl chloride-octyl acrylate resin 氯乙烯/丙烯酸辛酯树脂 Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate resin 氯乙烯/醋酸乙烯树脂 Vinyl chloride-vinylidene chloride


第三篇:精灵旅社 中英字幕 看电影 学英语

国语3D电影 精灵旅社


不玩了 不玩了

No, no, no, no, no.不是故意吓到你的 小宝贝

I didn't mean to startle you, my little baby.嘘 不哭了

Shh, shh, shh.吸血鬼宝贝不说话

Hush, little vampire, don't say a word


Papa's gonna bite the head off a bird

你这个调皮鬼!A-bitty goo-bah!


I vant to kiss your tush.让我亲下你的小虎牙!I vant to kiss your tush!

不错 要是面积再大一点就更好了

Nice, but maybe a little more square footage.我想要有很多的怪物住在这里 I want a lot of monsters here.我来抓你啦 梅维丝

I'm gonna get you, little Mavis.要抓到你啦!哎哟

I'm gonna get you!Oy.那外面是什么? What out there? 哦 我们从不到外面去的 Oh, we never go out there.永远都不 Ever.“然后怪物们都四处逃窜 不得不躲避起来” “And then the monsters ran away and were forced into hiding.”

“但人类哈利还是找到了他们 并从他们的床底下跳出来” “But Harry the Human found them and jumped out from under their bed.”

-我好害怕!“And burned their clothes

啃掉了他们的脚趾头!” and bit their toes!“

”还把他们的糖果拿走了!“ ”And took their candy!“


Don't take my candy.小宝贝 你不用这么害怕

Babyclaws, you don't need to be frightened.我答应你妈妈会永远保护你的

I promised your mommy I would protect you forever.我可爱的小梅梅

My beautiful May-vay


Let me wipe all your poop away


Those humans are nas-tay


So with Daddy you will stay


And if a human tries to harm you 我只会这样说...I'll simply say...因为你是爸爸的小宝贝

Because you're Daddy's girl

爸爸的小宝贝 Daddy's girl

我是爱你的爸爸...I'm your Vlad-y daddy...只要屈膝然后向前一跃

Just bend the legs and push off.相信我 小老鼠 Trust me, mouse.-哈哈!Ha-ha!你做到了 我的小巫师娃娃!You got it, my little voodoo doll!

不好意思 先生 Excuse me, sir.怎么了? 什么事? What? What?

嗷 我没事 Ow.I'm okay.都准备好了 It's ready.看起来不错 Looks good.只有怪物能进来吗? Only monsters can get in?

哦 绝对没错 Oh, absolutely.已经完美的隐藏好了 It's hidden real nicely.在它前面有400英亩的亡魂森林

You got 400 acres of haunted forest in front of you.周围全都是活死人墓地

You got the Land of the Undead on the perimeters.任何走近此地的人类都会吓得逃之夭夭

Any humans daring to even look over there will run away real quick.当然 放聪明点的话

But, of course, be smart.不能有篝火 不能有烟火表演 No bonfires, no firework shows.好吧 我知道了 不能有火光 我明白了

Yeah, yeah, no, no.No fire, I get it, I get it.终于等到这一天了 亲爱的玛莎 It's time, my darling Martha.这里就是我们一直想为梅维丝建造的地方 The place we always talked about for Mavis.在这里永远不会有人伤害到她 No one will ever harm her here.精灵旅馆


后车厢的行李就麻烦你了 Yeah, it's a mess back there.欢迎来到精灵旅社!Welcome to Hotel Transylvania!

1898年至今无人类出现 Human-free since 1898.这里是你最安全的港湾 Your safest destination.拿好你的旅行指南 Take an itinerary.里面有我亲自为我女儿明天的生日宴会

I have personally designed a spectacular schedule of events,设计的豪华活动安排

all leading to my daughter's birthday extravaganza tomorrow.我们每年都盼望着来这里 伯爵

We always look forward to coming every year, Count.我们非常享受这里的安全

We enjoy the safety so much.那当然了 这里就是为此而建的 Of course.That's why we built it.晚上好啊

Yes, good evening.谢谢光临 玛蒂 Thank you, Marty.你看起来还是那样苍白无力 You look pale, as well.长官 有事禀报!Sir, sir, sir!


We have an urgent plumbing issue.管道? 知道了 Plumbing? On it.乌拉干先生!Mr.Ghouligan!348号房间的厕所发生堵塞

There is a clogged toilet in room 348.没事的 每个人都会肚子疼 大脚先生

It's okay.We all get stomach aches, Mr.Bigfoot.嘿 孩子们 别到处乱跑 Hey, kids, reel it in.你们这是要爸爸妈妈难堪

You're only supposed to make Mom and Dad miserable.好了 能不能乖一点啊? Now, now, is that any way to behave?

这里可是旅馆 不是墓地哦

This is a hotel, not a cemetery.抱歉 德库拉叔叔 Sorry, Uncle Drac.德库拉!你还好吗? Drac!How are ya?

韦恩 我的老朋友!Wayne, my old friend!

我们已经等不及这个周末了 Couldn't wait for this weekend.好些日子想死了要出来透透气了

Always great to be out ofthe shadows for a couple days.这一家子看起来真漂亮 The family looks beautiful.让我来好好给他们清理一下 Let me just clean up their filth.客房服务!Housekeeping!

弗兰基 伙计!看看你自己!Frankie, my boy!Look at you!还是和以前一样打包出行 吝啬先生 哈? Still traveling by mail, Mr.Cheapo, huh?

这根本不是钱的问题 It's not a money thing.我有飞机恐惧症 你知道吗? I have a plane phobia, okay?

我的意思是 那些飞机引擎随时都可能...I mean, at any moment, those engines could catch...着火!没说错吧 Fire!Yeah, yeah.着火可不好 ”Fire bad.“

怪物都知道 We know.奥古斯塔斯 粥点部长 给我放下!Augustus, Porridge Head, come on!

那个看起来像是科学怪人的头吗? Does that look like Frankenstein's head?

嘿 德库拉 兄弟 你的披肩是怎么回事? Hey, Drac, buddy, what's going on with your cape there?

什么意思? 哦!What do you mean? Oh!

谁在捏我? Who pinched me?

抱歉 你太迷人了

Guilty.You're irresistible.是啊 你嘴巴太甜了 隐形人

Yes, very amusing, Invisible Man.你好 ”见“到你很高兴

Hello.Great to ”see“ you.还跟从前一样 Never gets old.哈哈

Ho-ho-ho.没打到哦 Missed me.打不到 打不到 打不到哦

Missed me, missed me, missed me.好吧 你赢了 拿着这条培根

Okay, you win.Hold this bacon.我为什么要拿着培根...啊!Why am I holding bacon...Ahh!

不!快下来!No!Get 'em off!

派对达人来啦!Here comes the party!

你好啊 默里!Hello, Murray!

德库拉 你还好吗? Drac, what's up, buddy?

沙子 默里 到处都是沙子!The sand, Murray, the sand!

又是风尘仆仆而来 Always with the sand.哟!Whee!


我爱死你了 I love this guy.总是和我配合完美

He always bringing it full tilt.你看起来还是那么瘦

You're looking skinny, too.现在只剩一个头了

Now that you're just a head.好吧 我会找你算账的 Okay, you'll pay for that.到底怎么回事 德库拉? So what's up, Drac?


The hotel is looking off the hook.嘿 伙计们 看看这个 Hey, guys, watch this.顺便说一下 你的这些发展方向都是可行的

By the way, you were right about those directions.哦 很好 不错 Oh, good, good.我让底格里斯河(流经土耳其和伊拉克)与尼罗河通流 Yeah, I took the Tigris


through the Nile, and there was absolutely no traffic.你这是在和我开玩笑 You're kidding me.竟然在我的大厅放屁? Right in my lobby?

德库拉 我发誓不是我 那不是我的放屁风格 Drac, I swear, man, I don't run like that.客房服务!Housekeeping!那屁不是我放的

I was not the cause of that.都准备好啦!We're ready!


If only Martha were here to see this.她从未离开过 旺达

She's always here, Wanda.好了 朋友们 Okay, friends,很高兴各位能亲临派对现场

I am so glad you are here to celebrate.我的宝贝女儿梅维丝一年一度的生日盛会 Another birthday for my sweet little Mavis,同时又是成功躲避人类的新一年!and another successful year of refuge from them!

这些都是我们监控器拍摄到的 These are recent human images


our surveillance has uncovered.他们变得越来越胖 为的是能更加压制我们

They are getting fatter so as to overpower us.他们穿的衣服也越来越少

And they are wearing less clothing,他们就更方便勒死我们

allowing more movement to strangle us


or cut open our heads and put candy in them.但是现在他们永远都不会 But they will never 在这里找到我们了 find us here.邪恶的坏人 你们不会得逞的!Evil villain, you will never win!

乡亲们 30分钟后开始狂欢

Okie doke.The fun starts in 30 minutes.现在我要去看下我的宝贝女儿了

Right now, I have to see my little girl.她不再是小姑娘啦!She's not so little anymore!

不 她就是!Yes, she is!

发生什么事了? What's going on out there?

我们已经到旅馆了吗? Are we at the hotel?

弗兰克 你给我们预定了双人按摩吗? Frank, did you book us for a tandem massage?

你为我们准备好了一张驼背桌子吗? Did you get us a table at Hunchback's?

该做的都做到了吗? Did you do anything?


You're welcome.搞什么情况? What's going on?

老爹 你说过的 Dad, you said that

当我118岁的时候 我就能像其他大人一样

when I turned 118 I could go out into the world 自由出入这间旅馆 到外面的世界看看

like every other adult that gets to come and go from this hotel.”但是 梅梅 外面不安全 叽叽哇哇 叽哇叽哇“ ”But, Mavey Wavey, it's not safe.Bleh, bleh-bleh.“

老爹 30年前你答应过我的

Dad, 30 years ago, you promised.我一直记得 当时我们在吃老鼠

I remember, we were both eating mice,你很明确的说你会兑现你的诺言的

and you specifically said that you gave me your word.请勿打扰

Do not disturb.-请勿打扰Do not disturb.请勿打扰

Do not disturb.-请勿打扰Do not disturb.-请勿打扰Good morning, Your Eminence.女佣 这间房需要打扫!Maid, clean up this room!

你来啦 很高兴你能来

It's you.Glad you could make it.-她起来了吗?Oh, she's up.她已经准备好出去了 出去看外面的世界

She's ready to go.And by ”go,“ I mean go.As in, go check the world out.你准备怎么做? 你准备怎么说? What you gonna do? What you gonna say? 我已经安排好了 别紧张 做好本分的事

I got it covered.Please, relax.Just do your job.早上好 梅梅!Good morning, Mavey Wavey!

生日快乐 我的小老鼠!Happy birthday, my little mouse!

谢谢你 老爹 Thank you, Dad.我知道今天是我的生日 I know it's my birthday.我为你安排了一大堆的娱乐活动 喔呵!I have so much fun planned.Whoo-hoo!

但是 我们先一起去抓些蝎子

But first, we go catch some scorpions together,就咱俩哦 怎么样? just the two of us, yes, dead-ums?

老爹 等一下 让我说两句 Dad, please, let me speak.有些事情我想和你谈谈

There's something we have to talk about.你想去外面的世界 你可以去了

You want to go out into the world.You can.啊!Aha!


I knew you were gonna say that.但是 老爹 你答应过我

But, Dad, you gave me your word,而且你很清楚吸血鬼的话是神圣的

and you know that I know that a Dracula's word is sacred.信任就是我们的...That our trust is the core of our...等下 你刚说什么? Wait, what?

我说你可以去了 I said you can go.你这是在耍我

You're just playing with me.不是的 你已经到了能驾驶一辆灵车的年龄了

No, no, no, no.You're old enough to drive a hearse now,你已经有能力做你自己的选择了

you're old enough to make your own choices.你可以去了 You can go.太棒了!太棒啦!Holy rabies!Holy rabies!

哇 等一下

Whoa, whoa.Stop.稍微等一下 亲爱的小尖牙 Wait a second, sweet fangs.你要去哪里? Where are you going?

哦 这个 我要去天堂

Oh, well, I'm going to paradise,我觉得这些东西应该用得上

and this is just some stuff that I thought I would need.-天堂?Yeah, you know.就是你和妈妈相遇的地方

It's that place out there where you and Mom met.旺达姨妈说

Auntie Wanda says you two

当时你俩一见钟情!were just like, Zing!

我不知道什么”一见钟情“ I don't know from ”Zing.“

你在哪儿找到那张卡片的? Where did you find that card?


In one of your drawers.你为什么从不告诉我你们是怎么相遇的呢? Why won't you ever tell me about how you met?

其实那里是夏威夷 It's actually Hawaii.夏什么夷? Ha-what-what?

听着 亲爱的 我知道你很激动

Look, honey, I know you're excited,但是现在所有人都是大老远跑来为你庆祝生日的

but everyone has gone to great lengths to come see you on your birthday.我知道 他们每次都是 I know.They always do.但我是不是已经不太适合参与这些活动了? But aren't I getting a little old for these parties?

我爱他们 但是我真的很想接触些新的事物

I love them, but I really want to see new things.或者认识一些年龄相仿的人

Maybe meet somebody my age.好吧 不 别这样

Come on.No, no, don't do that.不要可怜巴巴的样子

Don't give me the pouty bat face.好吧 离墓地不远的地方

Okay, there is a human village


just a little ways past the cemetery.你可以去那里看看 然后差不多30分钟后就回来

You could go there and be back in, like, 30 minutes or so.对于第一次出行30分钟已经足够了 It should be plenty for your first time.好吧 虽然不是去什么夏威威

Well, it's not Ha-wee-wee, but I guess


it's still technically out there.好了 好了 我知道了!Okay, okay, okay!

非常感谢您这么相信我 Thanks for trusting me.当然了 我的小乖乖

Of course, my little one.我兑现了我的承诺 I gave you my word.嘿 亲爱的!Hey, honey!

-看这里!Hey, guys.你这是为明天的生日而兴奋吗? You excited about tomorrow?


Not as excited as I am right now.你们不会相信的 但是老爹终于允许我

You're not gonna believe this, but Dad is letting me

独自去外面看看人类的村子了!go out on my own to see a human village!

-什么?What?啃脚趾!Bite toes!哦!Oh!

嗨 各位 Hi, humans.大家都好吗? 我叫梅维丝·德库拉 我是...Everything okay? My name is Mavis Dracula, and I...吸血鬼 Vampire.-烧掉衣服Burn clothes.吸血鬼!Vampire!

-我们来拿你的糖果We take your candy.糖果

-Calm down, now.你的脚趾?Your toes?

他们还把大蒜汁浇在面包上 And they had garlic on bread.什么? 看看我吧 What? Look at me.我浑身都起鸡皮疙瘩了 吓死我了

I'm getting goose bumps, I'm so scared.很抱歉 宝贝

I'm so sorry, sweetheart.我难过让你看到事实

I hate that you had to see that.很抱歉我不相信你的话

I'm so sorry I doubted you.我再也不离开这里了

I'll never leave here again.好了 没事了 Okay.Okay.听着 老爹我将要为你举办一场最好的生日宴会

Look, Daddy's going to make you the bestest birthday ever.看看我给你带什么来了 Look what I brought you.你最爱的虫虫蛋糕 Your worm cakes.不要再难过了

Don't be sad anymore.还记得吧 今年我们将要打开妈妈给你留着的礼物

Remember, this is the year we open Mommy's present for you.她给我准备什么了? What did she get me?

拭目以待哦 We'll see.她说了只有你到了118岁的时候才能打开 She said never to open until you're 118.我们为此等了很久很久哦 We've waited this long.先吃着你的虫虫蛋糕吧 You eat your worm cakes.等你准备好了就下来 亲爱的

You come down whenever you're ready, honey.哦


-How many of you are there?打扰您一下Excuse me.在你河里有条食人鲳太放肆了

One of your piranhas in the lake is very rude.把我的小姨子给吞了 He ate my sister-in-law.您稍等下

Be right with you.德库拉先生 我们要看得到游泳池的房间

Mr.Dracula, we asked for a room with a view of the pool.房间不错 我们想预约个按摩

The room's fine.We want to book a massage.-对 要瑞士式按摩Yes, Swedish.还要照顾到下背Lower back.-你们有热石按摩吗?We want a massage.-我去去就回 六头怪先生I hope so.-强烈怀疑See that you do.-是六头怪女士啦Thanks.-很高兴见到你Yes, nice to see you.我们就把它放在这

-You know, everything I own's in there.看我这里!Look at me!

这完全正常 什么事情没有 我只不过带了个怪物

This is totally normal, not a problem here.This is just a monster with me.老兄 今天大家都盛装打扮啊

Man, everybody stepped it up tonight.等下 为什么往大门走? 我们要走了吗? Wait, why are we going to the front door? Are we leaving?

你好啊 德库拉 Bonjour, Dracula!

嘿 长鼻子 什么事啊? Hey, Sniffy.What's going on?

现在没空 卡西莫多

Not right now, Quasimodo.什么? What?


No.Don't be absurd.这不是人类 是德库拉先生

It's not a human, but Mr.Dracula

真是荒谬 是我啊

How ridiculous.It's me.先生

Monsieur.-这是芥末蜥蜴指The devilled lizard fingers.但是你说...But you said...哇 看看那套打扮

Whoa.Check that costume out.我得问问你 怎么才能出这种效果? Wow.Seriously, I just have to ask you: How are you pulling this off?

我说 看起来好真啊

I mean, it looks so real.就像是 可以把手伸进去...Like, I could just put my hand right through...你在干什么呢? What do you think you're doing?

她是真的 你也是真的!She's real.You're real!

没错 我的拳头也是真真的 离我老婆远点

Yeah, and I'll give you a real beating.Keep your hands out of my wife!

哦 惨了 Oh, no.宝贝 我刚才不知道你去哪了

Honey, I just didn't know where you were.我们以为你还在外面

We thought you were still out.哦 我不知道自己为什么会想出门

Oh, no.I don't know why I eve rwanted to leave.人类好无聊

The humans are so boring.梅维丝宝贝 你没事吧? Mavis, honey, are you all right?

我想没事 那感觉真怪

Yeah, I think so.That was weird.头好疼啊

My head hurts.-嗯 那个人是谁?Um, who is that?”老爸“"Dad”?

对 我知道德库拉的闺女 大家第一次听说都会吓到

Yeah, I know, Dracula's daughter.Everyone freaks out at first.还德库拉? Dracula?

好吧 我们得走了 Okay, we got to go.不要杀我 我还年少

Please don't kill me.I'm so young.还有很多地方想见识

I have so many places I want to see.我还要去戴夫·马休斯乐队的演唱会

I've got tickets to six Dave Matthews Band concerts.我要从这里出去

I'm getting out of here.给我闭嘴

Shut up already.你吵成这样 我想不了问题

It's impossible for me to think with all your noise.对不起 格林 回去睡吧

Sorry, Glen.Go back to sleep.-等等 你不吸我的血吗?Classic human paranoia.人血脂肪太多 而且你还不知道那人都干过什么

Human blood is so fatty, and you never know where it's been.所以德库拉不吸血? So, Dracula doesn't drink blood?


No, I use a blood substitute.血浆啊还有和血差不多的东西 都喝不出什么不同

Either Near Blood or Blood Beaters.You can't tell the difference.所以 你就是 货真价实的德库拉

So, wow, you're, like, the real Count Dracula.像是“我是德库拉 吧啦吧吧啦” Like, “I'm Dracula.Bleh, bleh-bleh.”

我活到现在还没说过一次“吧啦吧吧啦” I've never said that in my life.“Bleh, bleh-bleh.”


I don't know where that comes from.我能问问这到底是哪吗? Can I just ask, what exactly is this place?

这里是哪? What is this place? 这是我为了所有怪物建造的地方

It's a place I built for all those monsters out there,他们在黑暗中游荡 躲避人类的迫害

lurking in the shadows, hiding from the persecution of humankind.在这里 他们能和自己的家人一起回归自我

A place for them and their families to come to and be themselves.这里没有火把 干草叉子 和愤怒的人群

A place void of torches, pitchforks, angry mobs.只有平合和舒适

A place of peace, relaxation


and tranquility.酷啊 所以这就是给怪物开的旅馆? Cool.So, it's like a hotel for monsters?

对 没错 “给怪物开的旅馆” 总结的好

Yes, exactly.“A hotel for monsters.” Way to sum it up.好了 跳到我背上来 得走了

Okay, hop on my back.We're leaving.哦 老兄 你变成蝙蝠了

Oh, man, you're a bat now.我真的很想飞呢 感觉怎么样? l always wanted to fly.What's it like?

这太疯狂了 等等 我不要走

This is insane.Wait.Wait, I want to stay.能让科学怪人给我的衣服签名吗? 能让我见见隐形人吗? Can Frankenstein sign my costume? Can I meet the lnvisible Man?

嘿 如果我把手伸到隐形人嘴里

Hey, if I stuck my hand in the lnvisible Man's mouth,-会怎么样?Hi.梅梅!你干什么来了 我的小血橙? Mavey!What are you doing, my sweet little blood orange?


Our friend was just leaving.对 他拉着我从窗户飞出来

Yeah, he was flying me out the window.这家伙 他真是搞笑

This guy, he's so funny.看那 你脸上沾了点东西

Look, you have something on your face.想要再见到你的宝贝背包就好好配合

Play along if you ever want to see your precious backpack.哇 等等 你在蝙蝠形态时没有衣服? Whoa.So, wait, you didn't have any clothes on when you were a bat?

还是 它们就是蝙蝠形的? Or were they bat-sized?

这到底是谁? Who exactly is that?

嗯 我的小蝙蝠 Hmm.Honeybat.你看 今天是你生日

You see, it's your birthday.你知道 我想给你办场 人生最精彩最好的派对

And you know I want you to have the bestest, specialest party of your life.嗯 所以我需要个帮手

So, well, I needed some help.你需要帮手? You needed help?

听着 我可能干了 但是我想

Well, look, I am very good, but I thought it would be 如果找个跟你差不多的人来帮我安排 那就会更特别 更好的

even more bestest, specialest if someone closer to your age helped plan the party.-你跟我差不多大?You're my age?对啊


-Sir, there's an emergency.什么?What?

我是说 他得做计划呢

I mean, because he needs time to plan.如果你陪着他 他就计划不了了

And if you're keeping him company, then he's not planning.如果有人陪着他

He is company-keeping,然后 计划 这...计划就没人去计划了

and then the plan, it's...It doesn't get planned.-嗯 编的好Mm-hmm.Good one.对你听到了吗?Yes.You hear that?

听起来不错 It sounds good.你们等下再一起玩 再见了 小心肝 小宝贝

So you will hang out.See you later, my honey.Lovely.好了 你们不能一起

Okay, you're not hanging out.因为你要走了

Because you are leaving.但是 你不是说

But the opposite, you said.先生 还有紧急情况呢 But, sir, the emergency.跟上来 Follow me.娘诶 这小子好臭 Boy, that kid smelt.我们这是去哪? Where are we going?


Just getting rid of you


through a secret tunnel so she does not see us.我可以问你个问题吗? So, can I ask you a question?

所以 你们怕洋葱是真的吗? Is that real, about the garlic thing?

对 我不能吃 喉咙会肿

Yes, I cannot have it.My throat swells.嗯 用木桩穿心你会死吗? Huh.Wooden stake to the heart?

木桩穿心谁死不了啊? Yeah, well, who wouldn't that kill?

好了 就是这里了 Ah.Here we go.哦 对不起 我有点迷路了

Oh, I'm sorry.I'm a little lost.我知道你们在度蜜月呢 对不起

Yes, I know it's your honeymoon.I apologize.你们该干什么就继续把

Go back to doing what you were doing.我不常下来这里

I'm not down here much.这本来是人类入侵时 用来撤退的

It's meant to be an exit if humans ever invade.所以 我是第一个来这里的人类? 这真酷

So, I'm, like, the first human here, huh? That's really cool.哦 总算找到了 Oh, boy.我想就是这儿了 I think this is it.-出什么事了?I'm terribly sorry.-这是我的错My mistake.才没有

-Wow.He really scared you.嘿 梅维丝Hey, Mavis.那是谁? Who is that?

这些怪物要杀我吗? Are these monsters going to kill me? 只要他们以为你是怪物 你就没事

Not as long as they think you're a monster.嗯? 这有点种族歧视啊 Huh? That's kind of racist.等下讨论

We'll talk later.-他是在拿我开涮吗?Is he making fun of me?掐死了一只猪

-Who was...哦 对不起

-Wah!What was that?说118!Say 118!118 118.耶!来个台扑!Yeah!Stage dive!好棒


I am so blown away right now.我想我的表亲 一定能把这个

I think my cuz is gonna make this

办成最好的派对!the best party ever!


Yeah!Maybe he can find a way to get me some chicks.我们该办个跳舞比赛!We should do a dance contest!


We're not doing any of that.我们得按照计划来 懂了吗? We've got to stay on schedule, all right?

好啦 爸爸 好啦

All right, Dad, all right.-约翰尼 你也要来I don't know.-德库拉觉得可以吗?Johnny, come with us.N-27号 N-27.N-27号 N-27.G-61号 G-61.G-61号 G-61.宾果!宾果!Bingo!Bingo!

你好大的胆子 How dare you.你知道我是哪个博士造出来的吗? Do you know what doctor made me?

不是我干的 I didn't do that.自行车? Circles?

苍蝇? Fly?

-手?Hands?叫呕吐的电影?The Vomit?

-还是叫 吐出来The Throw Up.眼镜?Glasses?

-眼镜?Glasses?我现在饿了I am hungry.约翰尼 你去过泰姬陵吗? Johnny, you've been to the Taj Mahal?

得了吧 没怪物去过那儿

Come on.No monster's been to the Taj.天 我多想去一次

Man, I wish I could go there.知道吗? 给我来50个蛋卷

You know what? I'll take 50 omelets.你听到他的话了!快去做!You heard the man!Make them!

遇到强盗你怎么办? How did you deal with the mobs? 是啊 夏天他们总是特别猖獗

Yeah, it does get pretty crazy in the summer.不过也就跟着混呗

But, you know, you just got to roll.就跟着混 真酷

He just rolls.That's cool that he rolls.是啊 是啊 超酷 Yes, yes, cool.看 宝贝 我带来了你最爱 会尖叫的芝士面包圈

Look, love droppings, I brought you a bagel with your favorite, scream cheese.妈妈咪呀 太感谢了 老爸 Holy rabies.Thanks, Dad.约翰尼 试试这个尖叫芝士 超级好吃

Johnny, try some scream cheese, it's awesome.哦 真有趣 Oh, cool.不过我不消化会尖叫的芝士 所以 不了谢谢

But I'm scream cheese intolerant.So, polite pass.是啊 很明显嘛

Yes, of course you are.约翰尼 和你商量一下派对的计划? Johnny, can we party-plan talk for a minute?

你搞什么? What are you doing?

让他们发现你是人类 小心把你打扁!lf they find out you are human, they'll go bat poop!

放心吧 没人怀疑我

Relax.No one suspects anything.如果他们觉得奇怪 也是因为你总偷偷摸摸的

The only thing that looks weird is how much whispering you're doing.该结束了 说你要去游泳然后装得激动点

Just wrap it up.You will say you are going in the pool and act excited.然后就说你拉伤了背要提前走

And then you will say you hurt your back and you have to leave.大家嗨起来!喔!Here come good times!Whoo!

哦 兄弟们 哦 我的背

Oh, dudes.Oh, my back.我要坐上来!I'm on your back!

不 不是 他是说 “哦 我的背” No, no.He said, “Oh, my back.”

-坐上来!Let's do it.好 现在开始 水上斗鸡!推到他们!Aw, here we go.Chicken fight!Push them off!

水上斗鸡!Chicken fight!

你不行的 约翰尼 We got you, Johnny.等着落水吧

You're going down.哦 是嘛 等着瞧吧 梅维丝

Oh, yeah, we'll see, “Mavey Wavey.”

好了 大家冷静一点!Okay, calm down with the fight chickens!

各位 别再闹了!Everyone, stop the roughhousing!喔!Whoo!弗兰克 如果你伤到了...Frank, if you hurt yourself...明白了 亲爱的 I got it, honey.科学怪人家的男人就是为这而生的

The Stein boys are bred for this kind of thing.高台跳水!Geronimo!


Eh-heh-heh.孩子们 怎么能这么做? Kids, why'd you do that?


I was just in the pool.水真凉啊

The water's cold.不许笑我!Don't judge me!

约翰尼 你的妆

Johnny.Your makeup.你的妆啊!Your makeup!

上来 快

Climb out.Now.哦 天哪 Oh, man.我猜伯爵也想游泳了

l guess the Count wanted to go for a swim.水弹!Cannonball!


CHARLIE ROSE: Jack Ma is here.He is the founder of Alibaba, China's largest e-commerce group.He's one of bis country's first and most Successful technology entrepreneurs.His company runs a host of popular Including sites Alibaba.com, a trade site for Small Business That You More Than 50 million users in More Than 240 countries.How about China's largest retail site with More Than 300 million users, and China's version of PayPal, with More Than 400 million users.The company is eying Also Markets in the United States, Japan, and India for more growth.Alibaba is China's Homegrown Among tech companies flourished That Have Booming market in STIs.Already China has the world's largest Internet Population with over 400 million people online.I'm Pleased to Have Jack Ma at this table for the first time.Welcome.今天我们请来了马云。他是中国最大的电子商务集团阿里巴巴的创始人。也是中国首批最成功的科技企业家之一。他的公司经营着好几个很受欢迎的网站,包括Alibaba。Com,一个小商务的的交易平台。有来自超过240个国家的5千多万用户。还有超过三亿用户使用的中国最大的零售网站淘宝,还有中国的paypal,支付宝有超过四亿的用户。公司还着眼开拓美国,日本和印度市场寻求更大发展。阿里巴巴是最成功的本土科技公司之一在中国这个繁荣的市场。中国拥有世界上最庞大的互联网用户群,在线人口超过四亿。我很高兴今天首次请到马云来参加我们的节目。欢迎。

MA JACK: Thank you.谢谢

CHARLIE ROSE: So tell me how you got Involved in technology.你是怎样涉足科技界的呢?

MA JACK: Actually now I'm not Involved in technology.I'm Involved in entrepreneurship, Because I Was Trained to Be a high school teacher.I know nothing about technology.The only thing I use my computer is send Receive and email and browse.That's it.其实直到现在我还没有涉足科技,我应该算是个企业家。因为我接受的教育是为了当一名中学的老师,我不懂技术,直到现在我唯一能用电脑做的就是收发邮件和浏览网页,仅此而已。

CHARLIE ROSE: You can not write code? 你不会写程序?

MA JACK: No, not at all.I'm Always wondering how the code works.But because i do not know the technology, But I respect technology, we Always hire the best people.I believe technology is one thing is for the people.We should tell the technology guy What the Consumers Want, What the people want, because i Believe 80 Percent of the people in this world are like methe best That Came Into This World Is Through the make money helping commerce.仍然以电子商务为核心,仍然以中小企业和消费者市场为核心,还有我认为我们会成为中国电子商务的基础架构。你知道,电子商务在美国是饭后甜品,但在中国就是主菜。因为在中国,商业经营的基础设施很差,而美国商业设施已经建立的非常完善。所以在美国一个单纯经营电子商务idea公司是很难发展到那么大。但在中国,好比手机的引入,10年前、15年前电信的基础设施是那么差,手机就在中国市场产生了轰动。今天的电子商务,也一样。所以我想最好的事情是通过电子商务,帮助人们赚钱。

CHARLIE ROSE: What do you think is your core competence?


MA JACK: It's culture.It's not the technology.I think technology is a tool.But the core competence of Our Companies, We Have 20,000it's the That customer pays us the money.It's the Employees That drive innovation.It's the shareholderdo you see people in the United States trying to follow your model and do what you're doing? 现在也有人在尝试创立„„在美国有没有发现有人尝试效仿你的商业模式?

MA JACK: They try but not successful.他们尝试了但是不成功。

CHARLIE ROSE: Why is that? 为什么? MA JACK: I think U.S.Still is driven company.Ten years ago the e-commerce in the western part is Focus on big company, focus on buyers, focusing on cut the cost.But in China we focus on small and medium size companies.We focus on supplies.I think you Have to teach the SME how to save the costs.We would help them to sell Things.But USA, We Have over two million registered users, small and medium size individual users in the States right now.我想美国任然是大公司驱动的,10年前电子商务在西方是专注于服务大公司,专注于服务买家,专注于降低成本。但在中国我们是专注中小企业,专注于供应商,我想你不需要教中小企业如何去省钱,因为他们在这方面比你更精通。我们帮助他们卖产品。当然在美国我们也有超过两百万注册用户,都是现在美国的中小企业商家。

CHARLIE ROSE: I do not know That this is an analogy or not, But Sam Walton at WalMart Focus on small towns.I built WalMart by serving people in small towns, Not By coming to Manhattan or Boston or Chicago or LosAngeles.我不知道这是不是可以类比就如山姆·沃尔顿做沃尔玛起家时,专注于小城镇。他首先建立了服务小城镇居民的沃尔玛超市。而不是去曼哈顿,波士顿,或者洛杉矶开店。

MA JACK: I agree with That.I thinkone of the Things we believe is if you think about making money and this is the U.S.dollar, the Japanese Yen, Hong Kong dollars, nobody Wants to make friends with These People.Think about how can you help people and create value for the Others And Then You'll get the money.This is how we Succeed in China.And this is why you call us a company core competence.I try to make people believe That.It's Become a religion of the company.People say Jack, your company is crazy.How can you do that? But this is the way we run the business.And I think this is the way the 21st century.The other thing is Also Focus on quality and your own people.嗯,MBA学院,有很多商业学院,他们教很多怎样赚钱的技能和商业经营的技能,但我想告诉人们,如果你想经商,首先要树立好价值观。服务他人,帮助他人。这是关键,因为我„„我们的理念之一是,如果你要赚钱,这只眼看美元,那只眼看日元,嘴里说的却是港币,没有人愿意和这种人打交道,你永远也赚不了钱。要想想你可以怎样帮到人们,为人们创造价值,才能赚钱。这就是我们在中国取得成功的原因。这就是为什么你问我什么是公司的核心竞争力,我希望我的两万名员工相信这个理念。他成为公司的信仰。人们说马云,你的公司疯涨的那么快,你是怎么做到的,这就是我们的经营方式。我想这也是21世纪的方式。另外就是专注于你自己的员工。

CHARLIE ROSE: Say That Again? What ? 再说一遍?什么?

MA JACK: Your own people, because i think China is the best resource Not the cost, it's the human brain, 1.3 billion people.If we Develop Their brains, that's got a lot of innovation, that's the best resources we Could ever have.I am so honored to have so many young people, the average age of the company is 26 years old.Those brains, That changed the world.And that's running that brain the computer.I hate running computer brains.We should make human brains run the computers.The Growth technology, maybe 500 and 600 Years Later, machine's going to kill people.Our job is to make sure That a human runs the machine.Machines serve the people, computers.你的员工,因为我认为中国最大的资源不是煤矿,不是石油,是人,13亿人的智慧。如果我们将他们的智慧开发出来,那就会有很多创新,那是前所未有的最大的资源。我很荣幸能有那么多年轻人在我的公司工作,公司的平均年龄在26岁。是他们的智慧改变了世界。让人去引领电脑,我讨厌电脑来引领人,我们要让电脑为人服务。当科技发展到,也许500年或600年以后,机器会毁灭人类。我们的工作是要确保是人类控制机器,让机器服务于人

CHARLIE ROSE: So Beyond the small business and obsession with entrepreneursh类ip and the human brain, what is it That我想最令我担忧的是贪婪,金融危机发生的很大原因就是贪婪。当你把钱放在第一位,股东放在第一位,这个国家只关注GDP,公司只关注收入,利润,上市,人们会忘记他们在做什么。要知道我们来这世界不是为了赚钱,我们来这不是为了挣钱,我们是为了体验人生。这真的使我担忧。而使我兴奋的是,我想是年轻人,生于80和90年代的人们,他们会重拾价值观,就因为经历了这些危机。

CHARLIE ROSE: You really believe that? You think they'll return to Because values of them young? 你真的这样认为?你认为这些年轻一代能使价值观重返?

MA JACK: Because of young people.Young peopleEducating Every year China is by a factor of 100 x number of computer scientists and engineers, people create with the Who Can right kind of Investment, innovation, philosophy, and creativity the technology solutions to the issues.因为现在你有受过更好教育的人才,中国每年毕业的电脑科学家和工程师是美国的100倍,只要有合适的投资,创新环境,理念和灵感,他们就会创造出解决技术问题的方案。

MA JACK: Yes, I think Chinanot Because China has more smart peoplethe technology Is Easy, But to catch up with the culture, the innovation, the system Takes Some Time.完全正确。所以我想美国应该乐观,对中国市场更开放,因为这13亿人并不仅仅是中国的市场,它是全球市场。中国也应该把目光放在美国。同样道理,这里是全球经济的引擎,充满激情,有健全的体制,有鼓励创新的文化,所以中国还需要很长时间才能追上美国,在技术上追上相对容易,但如果要在文化,创新,体制方面追上美国就需要些时间。

CHARLIE ROSE: And When Will That come? 什么时候会发生? JACK MA: In 20, 30 years at least.至少20、30年。

CHARLIE ROSE: Who do you most admire in Terms ofWe Have to.I mean, there's no excuse.We can not do it.We Have to Do It, Because We Have so many brains.Our forefathers Already Invested so much on education and it's our time to Prove it.是的,并且我认为我们要超越微软和沃尔玛,不是因为阿里巴巴的强大,而是因为我们这代人,这一代商务领航人,企业家,我们的使命是比上一代人做得更好,如果我们不能比沃尔玛做得更好,我会很遗憾。因为沃尔玛创造了一个出色的业务模式,他们创造了这个从企业到客户B2C的模式,他们创建了十分有效的工作流水线。但是淘宝和阿里巴巴创建了C2B顾客到企业模式,为了满足消费者,所有企业改变了其经营模式。所以我认为本世纪会为年轻人带来改变世界的机会。这是我们必须做到的,责无旁贷的,不是我们能做到,是我们必须做到。因为我们有那么多人的智慧,我们有那么多前辈的经验教训,是时候让我们来证实CHARLIE ROSE: Bill Gates and Warren Buffett went to China recently to Their talk about Giving pledge, the idea That People who, like yourself, Who Become very, very rich and will think about giving up at Some point to Than 50 percent of That money away.What do you think of That idea? How do you think the response will be in China? 不久前,盖茨和巴菲特最近来中国鼓励像你这样成功积累了很多财富的人,在某一天捐出财产的50%做慈善事业,你觉得这个想法怎么样?你觉得这在中国会有怎样的反响?

MA JACK: OK, I think it causes lot of discussion right now in China.That is my thinking But first, to me, I Never Thought I Have the money Belongs To Me.It Belongs to Society.We Have A couple of million, you're a rich guy.We Have 10 to 20 million, it's a capital.We Have over a hundred million, that's the social resources.That's the Society Give It to you, you guys run.So it's not my money.I do not think I can spend it.I can sleep in one bed, I can Have three dinners.I mean, what's What money for?(LAUGHTER)And the second is today What China Needs你不想去地中海开一辆游艇吗?

MA JACK:中国现在需要的是两亿个工作机会。我们这个国家缺少。CHARLIE ROSE: Two-hundred-million jobs? 两亿个工作机会?

MA JACK: We have 1.3 billion people, urbanization, and we need a lot of jobs.We need a lot of people to create jobs.So China today philanthropy and charity and whatever, I respect.But people like us, we should use resources that's one of the money That I think we can run the Better Than resources the government.So by Supporting the Society, I do not thinkThe Water is Polluted, the trees, the whole thing.So we think this is whatthis thing is important militia today in China Than Just Giving money to somebody and Other Things.SW than 50 percent it's not, why not 90 Percent? 环境。水质受污染,树木,所有东西,所以我们想这就是为什么它成了我的另一个信仰。如果我们只顾做生意不保护环境,我们就是在杀害很多小孩,扼杀我们自己的将来。这是今天的中国面临的,比捐钱更重要的问题。所以为什么是50%的财产,而不是90%? CHARLIE ROSE: Why did you call the company Alibaba?


MA JACK: I like the spelling.I like that vision Alibaba “Open Sesame.”I believe the Internet is“ open sesame ”and there's a password That That You Can everybody to find great people, you find great dog Improve Opportunities of business and people.That is the “open sesame” story.我喜欢它的拼写,我喜欢“阿里巴巴芝麻开门”的愿景,我相信互联网就是芝麻开门,如果人人有密码,你会找到优秀的人,你会找到好的商业机会,改善人们的生活。那就是芝麻开门的故事。我爱阿里巴巴这个名字,它为我省下不少推广费用。

第五篇:第一夫人米歇尔 奥巴马DNC2012演讲 [中英字幕]

美国第一夫人Michelle Obama在民主党全国大会DNC上的演说。米歇尔一展母仪天下风范,现场观众欢呼的欢呼,鼓掌的鼓掌,抽泣的抽泣,抹泪的抹泪,感动得一塌糊涂。

想知道女人是如何煽情的,一定要看一看美国第一夫人Michelle Obama在民主党全国大会DNC上的演说。你会学习到如何在外人面前维护丈夫的尊严,如何做一个在成功男人身后的女人,如何向众人们赞美丈夫的伟大。不想把婚姻变成坟墓的一定要学习啦。

When it comes to giving our kids the education they deserve, Barack knows that like me and like so many of you, he never could've attended college without financial aid.当谈到给予他们应得的教育我们的孩子,巴拉克知道像我,像你们许多人,他从不可能已经上大学没有金融援助。


believe it or not, when we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage.信不信由你,我们刚结婚时,我们每月的学生贷款法案合并实际上是高于我们的抵押贷款。


were so young, so in love, and so in debt.我们是如此年轻,所以在爱,所以在债务。


why Barack has fought so hard to increase student aid and keep interest rates down, because he wants every young person to fulfill their promise and be able to attend college without a mountain of debt.这就是为什么奥已经打得很努力的去提高学生援助和压低利率,因为他希望每一个年轻人去履行自己的承诺,并且能够上大学没有堆积如山的债务。


in the end, for Barack, these issues aren't political – they're personal.所以最后,奥,这些问题不是政治——他们的个人。


Barack knows what it means when a family struggles.因为奥知道它意味着当一个家庭斗争。


knows what it means to want something more for your kids and grandkids.他知道这意味着什么,想要更多的东西对你的孩子和孙子孙女。


knows the American Dream because he's lived it...and he wants everyone in this country to have that same opportunity, no matter who we are, or where we're from, or what we look like, or who we love.巴拉克知道美国梦,因为他的生活„和他希望这个国家的每个人都有同样的机会,无论我们是谁,或我们,或者我们看起来像,或者我们的爱。


he believes that when you've worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity...you do not slam it shut behind you...you reach back, and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.他认为,当你努力工作,并且做得很好,走过,门口的机会„„你不要突然就关上你后面„你回顾,你给其它人一样的机会,帮助你成功。


when people ask me whether being in the White House has changed my husband, I can honestly say that when it comes to his character, and his convictions, and his heart, Barack Obama is still the same man I fell in love with all those years ago.所以,当人们问我是否在白宫已经改变了我的丈夫,我可以诚实地说,当谈到他的性格,他的信念,他的心,巴拉克·奥巴马仍然是相同的人,我爱上了多年前。


the same man who started his career by turning down high paying jobs and instead working in struggling neighborhoods where a steel plant had shut down, fighting to rebuild those communities and get folks back to work...because for Barack, success isn't about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives.他是同样的人,开始了他的职业生涯拒绝高薪工作,而是工作在苦苦挣扎的社区,一个钢铁厂已经关闭,努力重建那些社区,让人们重返工作岗位„„因为对于奥,成功不是你有多少钱,它是关于你的区别在人的生活。


the same man who, when our girls were first born, would anxiously check their cribs every few minutes to ensure they were still breathing, proudly showing them off to everyone we knew.他是同样的人,当我们的女孩第一次出生,就焦急地检查他们的婴儿床每隔几分钟以确保他们仍呼吸,骄傲地向他们展示了每个我们认识的人。


the man who sits down with me and our girls for dinner nearly every night, patiently answering their questions about issues in the news, and strategizing about middle school friendships.这是男人和我坐下来和我们的女孩吃饭几乎每个晚上,耐心地回答他们的问题的新闻,并策划对中学的友谊。


the man I see in those quiet moments late at night, hunched over his desk, poring over the letters people have sent him.这是我看到的那个人在那些安静的时刻深夜,弯腰驼背的他的办公桌,研读字母人送给他。


letter from the father struggling to pay his bills...from the woman dying of cancer whose insurance company won't cover her care...from the young person with so much promise but so few opportunities.这封信由父竭力支付他的账单„„从这名妇女死于癌症的保险公司不会讨论她的护理„„从年轻的人有这么多的承诺,但一些机会。


see the concern in his eyes...and I hear the determination in his voice as he tells me, “You won't believe what these folks are going through, Michelle...it's not right.We've got to keep working to fix this.We've got so much more to do.”



see how those stories – our collection of struggles and hopes and dreams – I see how that's what drives Barack Obama every single day.我看看那些故事——我们收集的斗争,希望和梦想,我明白这是让奥巴马每一天。


I didn't think it was possible, but today, I love my husband even more than I did four years ago...even more than I did 23 years ago, when we first met.我不认为这是可能的,但是今天,我爱我的丈夫甚至比四年前我做„„甚至比我做了23年前,当我们第一次见面。


love that he's never forgotten how he started.我爱,他从未忘记他如何开始。


love that we can trust Barack to do what he says he's going to do, even when it's hard – especially when it's hard.我的爱,我们可以相信巴拉克去做他说他要去做,即使它是很难的,特别是当它很难。


love that for Barack, there is no such thing as “us” and “them” – he doesn't care whether you're a Democrat, a Republican, or none of the above...he knows that we all love our country...and he's always ready to listen to good ideas...he's always looking for the very best in everyone he meets.我爱,奥,没有所谓的“我们”和“他们”——他不关心你是一个民主党人,共和党人,或以上都不是„他知道我们都爱我们的国家„„他总是乐于听好想法„„他总是在寻找最好的每个见到的人。


I love that even in the toughest moments, when we're all sweating it – when we're worried that the bill won't pass, and it seems like all is lost – Barack never lets himself get distracted by the chatter and the noise.和我爱,即使在最艰难的时刻,当我们都出汗——当我们担心该法案无法通过,似乎一切都失去了——巴拉克从不让自己分心的唠叨和噪声。


like his grandmother, he just keeps getting up and moving forward...with patience and wisdom, and courage and grace.就像他的祖母,他只是不停地起床和前进„„耐心和智慧,勇气和优雅。


he reminds me that we are playing a long game here...and that change is hard, and change is slow, and it never happens all at once.他提醒我,我们正在进行一场持久战这里„„和改变是困难的,改变是缓慢的,它从不发生一次。


eventually we get there, we always do.但最终我们到达那里,我们总是做的。


get there because of folks like my Dad...folks like Barack's grandmother...men and women who said to themselves, “I may not have a chance to fulfill my dreams, but maybe my children will...maybe my grandchildren will.”



many of us stand here tonight because of their sacrifice, and longing, and steadfast love...because time and again, they swallowed their fears and doubts and did what was hard.所以我们中的许多人今晚站在这里,因为他们的牺牲,渴望和坚定的爱„„因为一次又一次,他们吞下他们的恐惧和怀疑和做了什么是困难的。


today, when the challenges we face start to seem overwhelming – or even impossible – let us never forget that doing the impossible is the history of this nation...it's who we are as Americans...it's how this country was built.所以今天,当我们所面临的挑战开始似乎势不可挡——甚至不可能——让我们永远不要忘记做不可能的事是这个国家的历史„这就是我们作为美国人„这是这个国家如何建造。


if our parents and grandparents could toil and struggle for us...if they could raise beams of steel to the sky, send a man to the moon, and connect the world with the touch of a button...then surely we can keep on sacrificing and building for our own kids and grandkids.如果我们的父母和祖父母可能辛劳和争取我们„如果他们能提高梁的钢铁天空,把一个人送上月球,并连接世界的触摸一个按钮„„然后我们当然可以继续牺牲和建筑为我们的孩子和孙子孙女。


if so many brave men and women could wear our country's uniform and sacrifice their lives for our most fundamental rights...then surely we can do our part as citizens of this great democracy to exercise those rights...surely, we can get to the polls and make our voices heard on Election Day.如果这么多勇敢的男人和女人可以穿我们国家的统一和牺牲自己的生命为我们最基本的权利„„那么当然,我们可以做我们的部分作为这个伟大的民主国家的公民行使这些权利„„当然,我们可以去投票,让我们的声音在选举日。


farmers and blacksmiths could win independence from an empire...if immigrants could leave behind everything they knew for a better life on our shores...if women could be dragged to jail for seeking the vote...if a generation could defeat a depression, and define greatness for all time...if a young preacher could lift us to the mountaintop with his righteous dream...and if proud Americans can be who they are and boldly stand at the altar with who they love...then surely, surely we can give everyone in this country a fair chance at that great American Dream.如果农民和铁匠能赢得独立于一个帝国„„如果移民可以留下一切他们知道对一个更好的生活在我们的海岸„„如果女性可能拖到监狱来寻求投票„„如果一个代能够击败一个抑郁,并定义所有时间„„伟大如果一个年轻的牧师可能把我们提升到山顶和他的公义的梦想„„如果骄傲的美国人可以自己是谁,勇敢地站在祭坛上,与他们的爱„„当然,我们一定可以给这个国家的每个人都有公平的机会在那伟大的美国梦。


in the end, more than anything else, that is the story of this country – the story of unwavering hope grounded in unyielding struggle.因为在最后,而不是别的,这是这个国家的故事,这个故事的坚定的希望建立在自强不息斗争。


is what has made my story, and Barack's story, and so many other American stories possible.这就是使我的故事,和奥的故事,和很多其他美国故事可能的。


I say all of this tonight not just as First Lady...and not just as a wife.和我说所有这些今晚不仅仅是第一夫人„„而不仅仅是作为一个妻子。


see, at the end of the day, my most important title is still “mom-in-chief.”



daughters are still the heart of my heart and the center of my world.我的女儿还心脏的我的心和我世界的中心。


today, I have none of those worries from four years ago about whether Barack and I were doing what's best for our girls.但今天,我没有从四年前这些担心是否奥和我做的最适合我们的女孩。


today, I know from experience that if I truly want to leave a better world for my daughters, and all our sons and daughters...if we want to give all our children a foundation for their dreams and opportunities worthy of their promise...if we want to give them that sense of limitless possibility – that belief that here in America, there is always something better out there if you're willing to work for it...then we must work like never before...and we must once again come together and stand together for the man we can trust to keep moving this great country forward...my husband, our President, President Barack Obama.因为今天的经验告诉我,如果我真的想离开一个更好的世界,我的女儿,和所有我们的儿子和女儿„„如果我们想给所有我们的孩子一个基金会为了他们的梦想和机遇值得他们的承诺„如果我们想给他们拥有无限可能性的感觉,相信在美国,总会有更好的东西,如果你愿意为它工作„„然后我们必须工作从未像„„而且我们必须再次团结起来,站在一起的人,我们可以信任继续向前移动这个伟大的国家„„我的丈夫,我们的总统,巴拉克·奥巴马总统。


you, God bless you, and God bless America.谢谢,上帝保佑你们,上帝保佑美国。

When it comes to giving our kids the education they deserve, Barack knows that like me and like so many of you, he never could've attended college without financial aid.And believe it or not, when we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage.We were so young, so in love, and so in debt.That's why Barack has fought so hard to increase student aid and keep interest rates down, because he wants every young person to fulfill their promise and be able to attend college without a mountain of debt.So in the end, for Barack, these issues aren't political – they're personal.Because Barack knows what it means when a family struggles.He knows what it means to want something more for your kids and grandkids.Barack knows the American Dream because he's lived it...and he wants everyone in this country to have that same opportunity, no matter who we are, or where we're from, or what we look like, or who we love.And he believes that when you've worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity...you do not slam it shut behind you...you reach back, and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.So when people ask me whether being in the White House has changed my husband, I can honestly say that when it comes to his character, and his convictions, and his heart, Barack Obama is still the same man I fell in love with all those years ago.He's the same man who started his career by turning down high paying jobs and instead working in struggling neighborhoods where a steel plant had shut down, fighting to rebuild those communities and get folks back to work...because for Barack, success isn't about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives.He's the same man who, when our girls were first born, would anxiously check their cribs every few minutes to ensure they were still breathing, proudly showing them off to everyone we knew.That's the man who sits down with me and our girls for dinner nearly every night, patiently answering their questions about issues in the news, and strategizing about middle school friendships.That's the man I see in those quiet moments late at night, hunched over his desk, poring over the letters people have sent him.The letter from the father struggling to pay his bills...from the woman dying of cancer whose insurance company won't cover her care...from the young person with so much promise but so few opportunities.I see the concern in his eyes...and I hear the determination in his voice as he tells me, “You won't believe what these folks are going through, Michelle...it's not right.We've got to keep working to fix this.We've got so much more to do.”

I see how those stories – our collection of struggles and hopes and dreams – I see how that's what drives Barack Obama every single day.And I didn't think it was possible, but today, I love my husband even more than I did four years ago...even more than I did 23 years ago, when we first met.I love that he's never forgotten how he started.I love that we can trust Barack to do what he says he's going to do, even when it's hard – especially when it's hard.I love that for Barack, there is no such thing as “us” and “them” – he doesn't care whether you're a Democrat, a Republican, or none of the above...he knows that we all love our country...and he's always ready to listen to good ideas...he's always looking for the very best in everyone he meets.And I love that even in the toughest moments, when we're all sweating it – when we're worried that the bill won't pass, and it seems like all is lost – Barack never lets himself get distracted by the chatter and the noise.Just like his grandmother, he just keeps getting up and moving forward...with patience and wisdom, and courage and grace.And he reminds me that we are playing a long game here...and that change is hard, and change is slow, and it never happens all at once.But eventually we get there, we always do.We get there because of folks like my Dad...folks like Barack's grandmother...men and women who said to themselves, “I may not have a chance to fulfill my dreams, but maybe my children will...maybe my grandchildren will.”

So many of us stand here tonight because of their sacrifice, and longing, and steadfast love...because time and again, they swallowed their fears and doubts and did what was hard.So today, when the challenges we face start to seem overwhelming – or even impossible – let us never forget that doing the impossible is the history of this nation...it's who we are as Americans...it's how this country was built.And if our parents and grandparents could toil and struggle for us...if they could raise beams of steel to the sky, send a man to the moon, and connect the world with the touch of a button...then surely we can keep on sacrificing and building for our own kids and grandkids.And if so many brave men and women could wear our country's uniform and sacrifice their lives for our most fundamental rights...then surely we can do our part as citizens of this great democracy to exercise those rights...surely, we can get to the polls and make our voices heard on Election Day.If farmers and blacksmiths could win independence from an empire...if immigrants could leave behind everything they knew for a better life on our shores...if women could be dragged to jail for seeking the vote...if a generation could defeat a depression, and define greatness for all time...if a young preacher could lift us to the mountaintop with his righteous dream...and if proud Americans can be who they are and boldly stand at the altar with who they love...then surely, surely we can give everyone in this country a fair chance at that great American Dream.Because in the end, more than anything else, that is the story of this country – the story of unwavering hope grounded in unyielding struggle.That is what has made my story, and Barack's story, and so many other American stories possible.And I say all of this tonight not just as First Lady...and not just as a wife.You see, at the end of the day, my most important title is still “mom-in-chief.”

My daughters are still the heart of my heart and the center of my world.But today, I have none of those worries from four years ago about whether Barack and I were doing what's best for our girls.Because today, I know from experience that if I truly want to leave a better world for my daughters, and all our sons and daughters...if we want to give all our children a foundation for their dreams and opportunities worthy of their promise...if we want to give them that sense of limitless possibility – that belief that here in America, there is always something better out there if you're willing to work for it...then we must work like never before...and we must once again come together and stand together for the man we can trust to keep moving this great country forward...my husband, our President, President Barack Obama.Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.

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