Preface to the First German Edition ofSocialism: Utopian and Scientific
Source: MECW Volume 24, pp.457-9;
First published: in F.Engels, Die Entwicklung des Sozialismus von der Utopie zur Wissenschaft, Hottingen-Zurich, 1882;
The following work is derived from three chapters of my book: Herrn E.Dürings Umwalzung der Wissenschaft, Leipzig, 1878.Iput them together for my friend Paul Lafargue for translation into French and added a few extra remarks.The French translation revised by me appeared first in the Revue socialiste and then independently under the title: Socialisme utopique et socialisme scientifique, Paris, 1880.A rendering into Polish made from the French translation has just appeared in Geneva and bears the title: Socyjalizm utopijny a naukowy, Imprimerie de l‟Aurore, Genève, 1882.The surprising success of the Lafargue translation in the French-speaking countries and especially in France itself forced me to consider the question whether a separate German edition of these three chapters would not
likewise be of value.Then the editors of the Zurich Sozialdemokrat informed me that a demand was generally being raised within the German
Social-Democratic Party for the publication of new propaganda pamphlets, and they asked me whether I would not apply those three chapters to this purpose.I was naturally in agreement with that and put my work at their disposal.It was, however, not originally written for immediate popular propaganda.How could what was in the first place a purely scientific work be suitable for that, What changes in form and content were required?
So far as form is concerned, only the numerous foreign words could arouse doubts.But even Lassalle in his speeches and propaganda writings was not at all sparing with foreign words, and to my knowledge there has been no complaint about it.Since that time our workers have read newspapers to a far
greater extent and far more regularly and to the same extent they have
become thereby more familiar with foreign words.I have restricted myself to removing all unnecessary foreign words.Where they were unavoidable, I have refrained from adding so-called explanatory translations.The
unavoidable foreign words, usually generally accepted scientific-technical expressions, would not have been unavoidable if they had been translatable.Translation, therefore, distorts the sense;it confuses instead of explaining.Oral information is of much greater assistance.The content on the other hand, I think I can assert, will cause German workers few difficulties.In general, only the third section is difficult, but far less so for workers, whose general conditions of life it concerns, than for the “educated” bourgeois.In the many explanatory additions that I have made here, I have had in mind not so much the workers as “educated” readers;persons of the type of the Deputy von Eynern, the Privy Councillor Heinrich von Sybel and other Treitschkes, who are governed by the irresistible impulse to demonstrate again and again in black and white their frightful
ignorance and, following from this, their colossal misconception of socialism.If Don Quixote tilts his lance at windmills, that is in accordance with his office and his role;but it would be impossible for us to permit Sancho Panza anything of the sort.Such readers will also be surprised that in a sketch of the history of the development of socialism they should encounter the Kant-Laplace cosmogony, modern natural science and Darwin, classical German philosophy and Hegel.But scientific socialism is after all an essentially German product and could arise only in that nation whose classical
philosophy had kept alive the tradition of conscious dialectics: in Germany.[“In Germany” is a slip of the pen.It should read “among Germans.” For as indispensable, on the one hand, as German dialectics were for the genesis of scientific socialism, as equally indispensable for it were the developed
economic and political conditions of England and France.The economic and political stage of development of Germany, which at the beginning of the forties was still more backward than today, could produce at the most caricatures of socialism(c.f.Communist Manifesto, III, 1.c., “German, or „True‟, Socialism”).Only by the subjection of the economic and political conditions produced in England and France to German dialectical criticism could a real result be achieved.From this angle, therefore, scientific
socialism is not an exclusively German, but just as much as international product.– footnote was added by Engels to the third German edition of 1883.]
The materialist conception of history and its specific application to the modern class struggle between proletariat and bourgeoisie was only possible by means of dialectics.And if the schoolmasters of the German bourgeoisie have drowned the memory of the great German philosophers and of the dialectics produced by them in a swamp of empty eclecticism-so much so that we are compelled to appeal to modern natural science as a witness to the preservation of dialectics in reality-we German Socialists are proud of the fact that we are descended not only from Saint-Simon, Fourier and Owen, but also from Kant, Fichte and Hegel.Frederick Engels
London, September 21, 1882
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Sehr geehrte Leiter der Fremdspracheabteilung,Halo!Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass Sie meinen Bewerbungsbrief durchblättern kann.Es gibt ein aufrichtiges Herz, dein Verständnis und Wertschätzung zu bekommen.Aus der Internetseite ihrer Universität weiß ich von der offenen Stelle in der Deutschabteilung.Bitte erlauben Sie mir, dass ich mich um diese Stelle bewerbe.Mein Name ist Zhangying.Ich werde im Juni 2012 meine Ausbildung von Technische Universität Nanjing abgeschlossen und Bachelor-Urkunde bekommen werden.Mein Traumberuf ist Lehrer.Weil meine Eltern Lehrer und Lehrerin sind, beneide ich den Beruf von Kindheit an.Ich träume, dass ich eine Lehrerin in der Zukunft sein kann.Ich glaube, dass ich die Bedingungen in verschiedenen Bereichen habe.In der Universität sind meine Noten der Facher sehr gut.Ich habe kräftiges Sprachebasis und breite Aspekte von Wissen.Ich bin gut mit anderen zu kommunizieren.Während der Schulzeit habe ich einen Nebenberuf in der Ausbildungsinstitution und ich habe Erfahrungen im Unterricht.Wenn ich von Sie angestellt werden könne, werde ich im Unterricht meines Niveau erhöht, Wissen erweitert und Erfahrungen angesammelt werden.Ich glaube, dass ich gute Leherin werden kann, die beliebt bei den Studenten ist.Anlagen sind mein Lebenslauf und Diplom.Wenn ich eine Chance für Interview bekommen kann, würde ich sehr dankbar.Mit freundlichen Grüßen
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周 德 文 院 长 简 介
周德文 高级经济师、高级经营师、大学教授(兼),男,汉族,1961年7月出生。浙江江山人。民进会员。毕业于嘉兴学院,曾在复旦大学管理学院、杭州大学法学院深造,并被中共温州市委统战部选派,参加省社会主义学院浙江省民主党派中青年骨干培训班学习。曾任职于温州大学国际贸易系专业教研室主任、讲师。现任职于温州管理科学研究院院长,高级经济师。兼任:民进中央经济委员会副主任、民进中央参政议政特邀研究员、全球中小企业联盟副主席、中国中小企业协会副会长、世界经济贸易联合促进会副会长、APEC中小企业联盟中国委员会副主任、中国中小企业国际合作协会副会长、中国国际环境保护联合会副会长、中国管理科学研究院民营经济研究与指导中心常务副主任、教授;民进温州市委第三、四、五届副主委、温州市工商联·总商会副会长、温州市八届政协常委、温州市十届人大代表、财经委员会委员,浙江省第十一届人大代表。