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1.Please describe the benefits of keeping pets.Give details and examples to support your response.Begin your response after the beep.I think having a pet is goodbecause it can keep us company and reduce our stress and loneliness.Pets are good companionsand help put people in better moods.Hospitals even allow specially trained pets, like dogs and cats, to come and visit recovering patients.I once saw on TVa dog visiting a children’s cancer ward.When the dog entered the room, smiles immediately lit up all of their faces.The dog let the children pet is soft furand even did tricks for them.Seeing him stand there calmly wagging his tailseemed to give the children a message that everything was going to be all right.Pets seem to know when you’re upset too.Whenever I feel sad my dog comes up and sits next to me.2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement.Students should have work experience before they go to college.Please use the specific details and examples to support your response.Begin your response after the beep.Yeah I think that students should definitely have work experiencebefore they go to college.First of all, I think that when you work you develop a sense of responsibility and it’s a good way to learn how to manage your time, because you have to work around a work schedule.And also learn how to be

responsible for things.When you go collegeyour parents aren’t there to tell you what to do, so having work experience gives you independenceand when you get to collegeyou can be more responsible.Also you can maybe find out what you want to do.For example when I was in high schoolI worked at a summer campand I realized that I really wanted to be a teacher.And now I’m majoring in education, and working before helped me make that decision.Task 3:







阅读文章一个主题两个理由,听力材料中,主角支持,两个理由与阅读文章中的两个理由一一对应。并逐一支持。第三题叫:fit/explain.Task 4:

阅读:Creeping Normalcy(专有名词)是说,事情的发展有两种

一种一下都发展,突然性的,一种渐渐的发展,就叫creeping normalcy.往往人们更愿意接受这种渐渐发展的模式。


教授举例子,自己曾经在大学打工,给历史教师做助理。工作任务帮他检索书籍,往返于图书馆帮忙取书送书。第一周的时候,2个小时完成任务。可是之后事情开始变化,每周的书单越来越长,每个星期要多出一个小时工作。到期末的时候要工作10-12个小时。但是教授本人那个时候还是接受了。但是如果一开始就说是10-12个小时,当时是不会接受的第四题解析:常规的第四题思路,注意第四题的general/specific, 例子对阅读材料中的内容进行应证。一定要突出人们愿意接受这种渐渐发展的模式。Task 5:





第五题解析:常规,一个困难两个解决方案。我们在回答题目的时候要注意:在在回答的时候,注意要对困难及解决方案进行改口,然后作出选择,选择之后解释为什么选择这个解决方案。理由合理即可。第五题叫:problem/solutionsTask 6:


一种是:有一个特殊的通道,这个通道或者管道一端连着昆虫的身体,另一端连着空气。water scropin是个例子,靠这种通道来链接空气,进行水下呼吸。一种是:利用身体的某个部分把空气带到水下。beetle是个例子,它有很强壮的翅膀,要下水之前,翅膀聚集了空气,进水以后,空气变成了气泡,以此来呼吸。第六题解析:常规思路,一带二,昆虫在水下的呼吸方式有两种。记住这题我们要概括。第六题叫:Summary。




托福口语第三题形式:阅读+听力+应答托福口语第三题阅读:时间: 40秒至45秒 阅读内容:校园生活话题(75至100words)(大学的政策,规定或者办事程序,大学的计划,校园设施或校园内生活质量)




时间: 准备时间:30s;陈述时间:60s

TIPS: 注意逻辑组织:开始可以表明说话者的观点 agree or disagree,然后陈述理由。回答尽可能完整。





1、“The school has implemented a new policy that...due to....And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement.The first reason s/he gives is that....And the second one is based on the fact that....”

2、From the reading material, we know that(the college)is going to...Obviously, the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea, due to the following reasons..One reason is that…….Another is…

(万一有时间)So that's all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion.(尽量记,听为主)

3、The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that…….(选择方案型:听选择的原因。1.Firstly, the man/woman states that…….2.And then he/she states that…….)

(提出建议型:听建议的利弊。1.Firstly, the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue.He/she states that…….2.On the other hand, the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question.He/she points out that…….)(编辑:陈佳)


(1)In the reading material,(2)There is a/an announcement/message/notice/proposal about ****(填入记下的关键词)

(3)The university/college is going to****(稍稍展开下)

(4)In the listening material, two students discuss about the***(填入关键词)


(1)The man/woman is against/supporting the***

(2)He or she feels unhappy/less satisfied about***

(3)He or She thinks the*** is unfair/inconvenient/unaffordable for the following reasons:

(4)The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that…….理由展开部分的模版:

(1)First, he thinks/says****;Also, he points out that****

(2)Firstly, the man/woman states that…….;And then he/she states that…….(3)支持+反对

Firstly, the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue.He/she states that…….On the other hand, the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question.He/she points out that…….5、范例: Bus Service Elimination Planned

Important Points(字数102)

The university plans to eliminate the bus service because it is too expensive to run and too few students use it.(一句话概括阅读材料的内容)The man disagrees with the university plan.(谈话人态度)He believes the reason few students take the bus is that the route goes to

neighborhoods where students do not live.If the routes were changed, many more students would ride the bus.(两句话讲谈话人的第一个观点:校车路线。注意改路线的建议是采用虚拟语气来表述的)The man disagrees with the way the university plans to use the money it saves on the bus service.Building more parking lots on campus will encourage more students to drive on

campus.This would increase noise and traffic on campus.(谈话人第二个观点:增加停车场。首先讲谈话人观点:Disagree with the way…然后将后果讲后果)"


The man in the scene said he wanted to keep the bus service for the better being of students on campus, because there is some students who can not afford the car, therefore they use the free bus service even though it isn’t that much.The problem with bus service right now is going through wrong neighbour where it is too expensive for students to live, so what they should do is just change the course of bus.And that will take of the problem.Also, they should encourage more students to use the bus service instead of discourage them.Or()if they us the money that they use for bus service to increase the space of the parking lot for the students, which will add to the noise of the campus and will be more congested for all the people who already parking over there.自我测评标准:Self-Assessment Checklist:

1.I noted the main points of the reading passage.2.I noted the main points of the listening

passage.3.I read the question carefully.4.I used careful planning to outline my response.5.I began with an overall topic statement.6.I used b supporting ideas.7.I used transitions to connect the supporting ideas.第三题:In this set of materials, the reading passage describes a notice(the title of the reading passage)and the listening passage is a discussion by two students on_________(summarize each passage with one sentence)

According to the reading passage, the notice explains(discusses)__________

In the listening passage, the students discuss the notice__________

第四题:In this set of materials, the reading passage describes________and the listening passage is a lecture by a professor on________

According to the reading passage ________

In the listening passage, the professor discusses____________

第五题:In this listening material, the woman(man)has a problem________(main points from the listening material).The man(woman)gives him or her two suggestion.One is __________As far as I am concerned, I think __________is better.First, because__________Also, ____________.第六题

In this listening material, the professor describes(explains)______________________(main points from the listening material)

task3 校园事物议论题


The announcement from the university newspaper says the school is going to add computer classes in the evening.There are two reasons.Firstly, the students numbers are increasing rapidly, Secondly there are limited seats in the computer lab.The man disagrees with this new policy.He has two reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that the students have full classes in the daytime, and they want to live personal life in the evening.The second reason is the school must pay the professors extra money for working beyond the regular hours, with that money the school can afford additional computers to meet all the students’ requirement.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.1.2

The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to close the art gallery and redecorate it into office building.There are two reasons.Firstly, art majors take advantage of the art gallery only occasionally.Secondly, less than half of the students visit the exhibition.The man disagrees with this new policy.He has two reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is art majors take the chance of exhibiting in the art gallery seriously, they won’t send works to the exhibition until everything is perfect.The second reason is the school publicity of the exhibition is late and inaccurate.There were quite a few time when the school newspaper would introduce the information of new exhibition.1.3

The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to build off campus apartment.There are two benefits.Firstly, it can save limited campus areas and leave more space for students’ activities.Secondly, it increases students’ daily communications with local community.The woman disagrees with this new policy.She has two reasons for holding her opinion.The first reason is that if the students don’t live on campus, they will drive to campus, thus they need more parking spaces.The second reason is by doing this, the students will lose the chance to participate in the school activities, after all, school activities are more important than social contact.So that’s why the woman disagrees with the new policy.1.4

The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to postpone the school union election.There are two reasons.Firstly, many students are involved with finals and graduations in May.Secondly, new students are coming in September, they can vote for their favorite candidates.The man disagrees with this new policy.He has two reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that in September, they are equally busy, they have to select new courses, talk to professors and find new apartment.The second reason is the first year students’ No 1 issue is becoming familiar with the new environment, they are not familiar with the election candidates.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.1.5

The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to renovate the

students’ dormitory.Because the lodging rate of students’ dormitory has dropped 20 percent since last year, and many students keep moving out of the dormitory.The woman disagrees with this new policy.She has two reasons for holding her opinion.The first reason is that the whole

renovations will last 2 years, and during this time, it will make a lot of noise, thus the students will be driven to move out.The second reason is the dormitory fee will increase soon after the

dormitory is built because of the worker salary, new materials and new furniture.So that’s why the woman disagrees with the new policy.1.6

The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to implement online library service.There are several purposes.By doing this, registered students can log into their personal accounts and view digital versions of book online.The man agrees with this new policy.He has three reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that by doing this, the school doesn’t need to spend millions of money rebuilding the library.The second reason is it is cheaper and faster than the traditional one.The third reason is there are new desk tops in the living room of dormitories , thus the students can access to the reference without any procedure and trouble.So that’s why the man agrees with the new policy.1.7

The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to expand its

broadcasting.There are two benefits.Firstly, by doing this, more students would enjoy listening to the school radio.Secondly, the school can make more money by casting commercial

advertisement.The woman agrees with this new policy.She has two reasons for holding her

opinion.The first reason is that by doing this, it can not only broadcast the academic news but also diversify the channel of information, which can help us find job.The second reason is once the school makes money from the commercial, this money will be used to do research and set up the scholarship.So that’s why the woman disagrees with the new policy.1.9

The announcement from university newspaper says that the university has decided best

undergraduate students can attend the course of graduate school and their credits can be taken into grad study in order to encourage more students to learn the grad course in this college.The man disagrees with this new policy.He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that if the undergraduate students take part in the seminar class, the class will be so large and harmful to everyone.The second reason is the students should change a university to study further, thus they can know new teachers and classmates and have a new experience.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.2.0

The announcement from university newspaper says that the university is going to improve the cafeteria.There are two policys.Firstly, the old cafeteria will improve their quality through bringing in another cafeteria.Secondly, the university will force the cafeteria to improve the quality in limited days.The man disagrees with this new policy.He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that there is no room for another cafeteria.The second reason is the time is so short for the cafeteria to improve the quality.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.2.1

The announcement from university newspaper says that the university is going to set up computer classes in the evening.There are several reasons.Firstly, there are two many students who choose the computer classes in the morning.Secondly, the computers are not enough.The man disagrees with this new policy.He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that many students may not choose the evening class, because they are busy in the

activities, such as going to club and social activities.The second reason is it must pay the teacher

extra wage, and it is better to buy more computers.The third reason is the computer room is large enough to place more computers.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.2.2 activity of protecting environment

The letter from professor says that the university should terminate recycle program, because the students do not pay attention to it and it’s a waste of money.The man disagrees with this new policy.He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that the university did not emphasize this program and the students didn’t know where the recycle sites were.The second reason is this program is supported by the city government, not the school, so this policy won’t save money for the university.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.2.3 computer class

The letter from professor says that the university should set up the computer classes and teach more computer knowledge, because he didn’t master the computer skills when he graduated from the university 25 yeas ago.The man disagrees with this new policy.He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion.The first reason is that it is common to use computer, even in English class, so it is possible that almost everyone has master the computer skills and it’s a waste of money for the university to set up the class.The second reason is students who don’t master computer skills can learn them in the computer training organization after graduation.So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.



综合写作模板 综合写作模板: The reading and listening passages debate(have a conflict of opinion about)the practice(plan, proposal, policy)of_________.The reading material points out three major benefits(negative effects), which are contradicted(refuted, undermined, weakened)by the following lecture.PS: 黄



The theory/hypothesis that _____.To(dis)prove it, the reading material provides three facts.以上为第一段,以上为第一段,接下来的蓝色字体要重复写三遍,接下来的蓝色字体要重

复写三遍,因为阅读中有三个 观点,听力一般分别都有三个观点与之对应,可能同意,可



Logical word(例如:firstly, secondly, thirdly….)+ the reading 例如: 例如 material claims(argues, believes, holds)that Topic Sentence(ps:这个题句必须写,但需要改写,最好不要照抄 原阅读中的句子).It is because(the reason is that/ the reasons are twofold.For one thing … For another thing…).However, the listening material(speaker, lecturer)believe that…(This is not the case/ holds the

opposite opinion).It is because(tow opposing arguments are raised.First… Second…).By this way, the speaker contradicts(undermines 破坏)the opinion(argument, evidence, fact)of the reading.PS: 蓝色阴影部分,只在最后一次重复蓝色字体部分才加上。蓝色阴影部分,只在最后一


1: A or B 1。The main reason for my propensity for A is that___________________________。

就理由进行解释_____________________。For instance,____________________ Another reason can be seen by every one is that____________________________。就理由进行解释

___________________For example,____________________ The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because_____________________________ Although I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B,I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious。Such as________________。In a word,________________________________________________。So,it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A。将原题复述 ___________________________________________When faced with the decision of A of B,quite a few would deem that______________________,but others,in contrast,believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point。Among countless factors which influence-A/-B,there are three conspicuous aspects as follows。The main reason for my propensity for _________is that___________________The second reason can be seen by every person that________。In addition,these reasons are also usable when we consider that_________。There are some disadvantages in____________________另一种观点的缺点

__________。In a word,_____________重复观点句并缩写理由__________________。

Taking into account of all these factors,we may reach the conclusion that___________。Some people prefer to A。others believe B。When faced with the decision of A or B,quite a few would claim that______________,but others,in contrast,deem A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point。There are numerous reasons why___________,and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here。The main reason why I agree with the above statement,however,is that_____________________。Take___________as an example,______________。There is another factor that deserves some words here。Such as ________________________。Similarly,these reasons are also usable when we consider that______________。(examples:___________)。

From the above you might got idea that I agree______________。(repeat the above three reason____________)。So,it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to _______________。In my point of view,A is as important as,if not more important than B。So it is sagacious to choose A。Among count less factors which influence A。there are three conspicuous aspects as follows。The above point is certainly true if A is considered。For example,___________________Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that A is better than B。For instance,_______________ It would probably not be too kindly disposed to the idea that B is not important。B________也好_________。In a word,to choose A or B is something of a dilemma to the public because they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of B,and neglect hte genuinely good aspects of A。For the reasons presented above,I strongly commit to the notion that A,but not B。When faced with the decision of A or B,quite a few would claim that A,but others,in contrast,deems B as the premier choice and that is also my point。This quite different view is based on the propensity of following points。We may look into every possible reason;however,fore most reason for B is ____________________。For example,______________。Also,________________________。This is arbitrary to judge B according only to the excuse I mentioned in the above paragraph。Similarly,these reasons are also usable when we consider that________________。Admittedly,__________________A 也有好的地方

______________。By he same token,however,______________B 更好____________。Taking into account of all these factors,we may reach the conclusion that_____________。When it comes to______________,Nevertheless,in my part,I prefer A rather than B as my inclination。My arguments for this point are listed as follows。I agree with the statement that _________without reservation since___________。Naturally___________。It can be given a concrete example__________。A more essential factor why I advocate the argument of __________is that。Obviously ________________。Take the case of a thing that____________。

Furthermore,what is worth noticing fact is that ________________。This demonstrates the undeniable fact that__________________。

Of course,choosing B also has advantages to some extent,_______________ 此处论述 B 的

1-2 优点___________。But if all these factors are contemplated,the advantages of A carry more weight than those of B。From what has been discussed above,we may finally draw the conclusion that_____________。____________改写并复述题目____________。The advantages of B carry more weight than those of A。There are numerous reasons why __________,and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here。One of the primary cause is that_______________________。

What is also worth noticing fact is that_____________________。Furthermore,________________________。Although I agree that there may be couple of disadvantages to_________________。I fell that the advantages are more obvious_____________。

_______________,Given the factors I have just outlined,I can only say that___________________。

第四篇:托福口语task2真题 希望学习的课程选择


托福口语task2真题 希望学习的课程选择

托福口语备考的最好资源就是真题,我们可以利用托福真题进行思路拓展和练习录音并分析反思自己的录音,也可以剖析研究高分口语回答看看有哪些值得借鉴的表达和思路,托福口语task2属于独立任务,也被称为“判断/选择题”,要求考生从给定的话题选项中做出判断或选择,下面我们来看一篇托福口语task2真题:Of the following courses, which would you like to be added to your schedule most: music history, economics, or science?以下哪一项你最希望加入到你的课程表中:音乐史,经济,还是科学?


I would choose music history for a number of reasons.First, taking music courses has a ripple effect of helping students become better at other courses.When a team of researchers explored the connection between intelligence and music, they found that music instruction is far more effective than computer-based instruction when developing abstract critical thinking skills.Secondly, regardless of what we do for a living, all of us can learn from the past.Music is an integral part of our culture, a part that has ebbed and flowed in various directions over time.Learning about its history, and the ways in which it has changed over time, will make our appreciation for it much greater.我会选择音乐史的原因有很多。


其次,无论我们以什么为生,我们都可以从过去中吸取教训。音乐是我们文化的一个组成部分,随着时间的推移,音乐衰落并到流逝各个方向。了解它的历史,以及它随时间变化的方式,将使我们对它的欣赏更大。【亮点剖析】 Outline 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

choose music history 选择音乐史

R1: music courses help students become better at other courses 音乐课程有助于学生更好地学习其他课程

R2: music history help people learn from the past to better appreciate things 音乐史帮助人们学习过去从而更好地欣赏事物 Vocabulary ripple effect 连锁反应 涟漪作用 explore 探索 abstract 摘要

critical thinking skills 批判性思维技巧 regardless 不管的 ebb 衰退



2014 年托福口语考试趋势分析 王 笑

随着年尾的到来2013 年的托福考试也悉数收场,在即将到来的2014 年,ETS 官方针对托福考试从整体规则到细节趋势均会有相应的调整,在下面的文章中笔者将从托福口语考试的全局、独立任务、综合任务三个部分,针对2014 年托福考试口语部分趋势进行分析,为学员们提供复习建议。



2013 年的托福考试规则上不存在重大改变,无论是考场规则还是评分规则都将延续学员们已经熟悉的流程。2014 年在考试规则上不会有重大改革。需要学员们特别注意的是,2014 年托福口语考试后的有效复议申请时间由2013 年试后的3 个月调整为考试结束后的30 天有效申请复议,时间缩短到了以前的三分之一,并且如果考生已经选择向学校或机构寄送成绩单(包括免费和付费),则不能对此次考试提出复议申请。




从口语考试题目内容上来看,2013 年基本融合了具体场景及选择项的描述类和选择类话题,例如2013 年5 月18 日中国大陆地区的独立任务第一题“Talk about a recent celebration or event, explain why people had a good time.”,以及相对抽象开放的说理类和建议类话题,例如2013 年3 月30 日大陆地区的独立任务第一题“What are the suggestions to improve your country’s education system.”。

展望2014 年,抽象场景的判断类及建议类话题的比例很有可能大大增加,要求考生在想法和论点上更具独立性。学员们见到这类题目往往会觉得无从下手,没有思路。抛开语言表达,单纯从可以入手的论点上就已经一筹莫展,更不用说加以实际的举例了。这类题目相比含有具体场景的传统描述类话题,对于考生的要求除语言表达本身,更多在思维上有广阔的脉络和清晰的逻辑。题目缺乏具体场景设置的情况不仅是对考生表达实力本身的考察,更要求考生在临场能够构思简单明了、适应考试时间的逻辑结构论点丰富的答案,同事配以实操性强、针对性强的具体举例加以说明。综上,在2014 年口语考试的准备当中,单纯从语言角度纠正语音、提高语速已不能满足ETS 对考生们的新要求,在答案内容、思维模式、逻辑结构上更需要学员们在日常练习中逐渐提升质量,只有这样才能在考场中将内容和语言均发挥到极致。


除此之外,2013 年开始陆续出现了5 次中国大陆地区同一考试日出现两套不同考题的现象,其实这种考试形式在今年北美地区的考试中并不罕见。中国大陆的托福考试基本紧随北美考试的步伐,这种一日两题的考试形式在2014 年也会有所延续。这一举措增加了机经预测的难度,压中题目的几率被降低,从一个侧面提升了整体考试的公平性和权威性,而这无疑对于考生的实力本身是严峻的考验。




2014 年的独立任务部分将会在题目形式上延续2013 年百花齐放的特点,除了直接描述外,如2013 年5 月18 日的独立任务第一题“Talk about a school event you participated in recently.”。还有给建议类型的试题,如2013 年4 月20 日中国大陆地区的独立任务第一题“What suggestions would you give to a friend who is starting a new job.”,以及判断类型的试题。此类话题除了传统的二选一形式,还出现了辩证分析以及三选一的形式,如2013 年4 月14 日中国大陆地区的独立任务第一题“The university received a barrel of money, what do you think the university should build? A library, a gym or entertainment facilities.”。另外,2014 年的口语独立任务相比2013 年很有可能在开放类型的试题上加大比例,难度会稍有提升。学员们通常已经熟悉了固定场景的描述类题目,这一类题目相对论点比较集中并且重复性强,举例难度不大并且与题目场景连接紧密,题目本身就具有一定的导向性。而新的一年里,独立任务考试题目很有可能削弱题目本身给予考生答案的提示和导向,进而加大考生在答案部分的主导性,需要学员们独立思考的比例有所提高。建议类和判断类题目的频率很可能被提高,要求考生在抽象的题目环境下结合举例完成答案。从能力考察的角度来说,思维重要性被提高,仅靠语言表达取胜不再能够符合独立任务的要求。



口语本身是输出类语言能力,备考中要始终贯穿这一点。“说” 是基础,结合TPO 中的题目答题并录音,为下一步复习参考用。刷题的过程中应当注意积累语料,把同类题目整合,尽量做到答案能够举一反三,注意总结不同题目间的关系。


纯正的语音和自然的语调来自长时间的正确输入和大量模仿,在做题过程中我们更多关注答案内容,跟读弥补了备考过程中对于学员语言输出能力的欠缺,跟读的过程不仅是调整语音语调的最好机会,更是更新语言和积累语料的绝佳时机。例如在跟读综合任务的过程中我们不难发现很多Task 4 和Task 6 的内容完全可以用来做独立任务的语料。



综合任务在新的一年中不会出现趋势上的大变化,Task 3 和Task 5 仍然延续校园背景中有关学生生活的话题类型,例如宿舍安排、时间冲突、学生建议和学校政策调整等相对集中的话题类型,而且题目之间结构性差距小,只是在细节内容的填充上有所不同。相信2014 年校园类话题仍然会从校园生活涉及到的场景出发,但在场景设置和人物关系上有可能更加多样化,例如除了常见的学生与学生对话,也有可能加大学生和教授、学校工作人员等人物关系间对话的比例,而话题的场景范围可能会延伸到校园的每一个角落。

Task 4 和Task 6 两道学术课堂类型的题目在2013 年以生物学课堂、商科课堂和心理学课堂三类话题占据主导,在2014 年这一趋势将会延续。同时学员应当做好其他科目出现的准备,例如虽非主导但曾重复出现过的艺术课堂以及考古课堂等。在听力材料的长度和难度上,2014 年很可能比2013 年在长度和难度上有所加强,整体风格更偏学术,更加高度还原美国大学课堂的授课内容及节奏。


1.多练习,抓规律综合任务相比独立任务的优势在于综合任务的4 道题都有几乎一成不变的结构和规律。题目见多了,练多了规律性的内容就很容易找出来,例如Task 4 一定是阅

读部分抓定义,听力部分抓举例,而Task 5 一定是1 问题+2 建议+ 优缺点。掌握了规律,在做题的过程中就有助于加强在考场上相对紧张的环境下对于综合任务的把握能力,也可以将更多注意力转移到语言表达能力的提升上。




最后,对于托福考试,学员们要更加敏感,随时关注考试动向和趋势。首先从心态上要活跃,把2014 年的每场考试和自己做紧密的联系,定期查看相关信息,之后在备考上做到沉稳,口语关键在于说什么和怎么说,答案内容和语言表达两手抓,相信考生们一定会在2014 年的考试中取得自己满意的成绩!

2014 年托福口语考试后的有效复议申请时间由2013 年试后的3 个月调整为考试结束后的30 天有效申请复议,时间缩短到了以前的三分之一,并且如果考生已经选择向学校或机构寄送成绩单(包括免费和付费),则不能对此次考试提出复议申请。





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