
时间:2019-05-15 15:23:00下载本文作者:会员上传



 sight(n.)视力(觉)→ see(v.)看见

 personally(adv.)亲自→ personal(adj.)个人的;私人的→ person(n.)

 sensible(adj.)明智的→ sense(n.)感觉官能

 dead(adj.)不运作的;死的→die(v.)去世→ dying(adj.)垂死的→ death


 France(n.)法国→ French(adj.)法国的 attraction(n.)有吸引力的事或物→ attract(v.)吸引

 enable(v.)使能够→ able(adj.)有能力的 leader(n.)领导者→ lead(v.)领导

 agricultural(adj.)农业的→agriculture(n.)农业

 further(v.)使...进一步→ further(adj.)更进一步的;更远

 scared(adj.)害怕→scare(v.)使恐惧(害怕)

 pleased(adj.)高兴;满意→ please(v.)使满意→ pleasant(adj.)令人愉


 honest(adj.)诚实的→ honesty(n.)诚实→ dishonest(adj.)不诚实的  patient(adj.)有耐心的→ patient(n.)病人→ patiently(adv.)耐心地→

patience(n.)耐心 → impatient(adj.)没耐心的 amaze----amazing

 pollute----pollution

 locate----location

 scenery----scenic

 life----(pl.)lives

 one----first----once

 gentle----gently

 five----fifth

 manage----manager

 design----designer

 tour----tourist

 similarly----similar

 fight----fighter

 servant(n.)仆人—serve(v.)服务—service(n.)服务,协助

 electricity(n.)电(能)—electric(adj.)用电力工作的,电动的—electrical(adj.)

电的 foolish(adj.)愚蠢的—fool(n.)傻瓜;(v.)愚弄


Group 1

57.Last week I went on a trip to Sichuan and I took many 58.Ben thinks thelesson of this book is very interesting.(twelve)

59.The boy seemed to be enjoying(he)

60.If your child shows any signs of , take him to the doctor immediately.(ill)

61.Newspapers provide readers with(nation)

62.The doctors tried their best to the patient’s life, but failed.(safe)

63.“Please listen to me,” said the teacher to the students.(care)

64.The gueststhe room because it is too small and it has a terrible smell.(like)

Group 2

The world now has a big economic problem.Some people even lost their_______.(job)

31.There are already eleven in the list.You are the _______.(twelve)

32.China hosted _______ first Olympic Games from August 8 to 24.(it)

33.There are a lot of British words not _______used in the United States.(wide)

34.The _______of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.(invent)

35.I _______ this is their house but I'm not sure.(thought)

36.Obama's honesty and _______ have made him president of the United States.(wise)

37.You shouldn’t depend on your parents any more.You must be _______.(depend)Group 3

57.My brother is good at ___________.(draw)

58.I like to look at the colours of __________ in autumn.(leaf)

59.She doesn’t like __________ food in the market because it’s not fresh.(freeze)

60.He fell ___________ during the lecture yesterday afternoon.(sleep)

61.Don’t forget to ___________ your email addresses at the end of the party.(change)

62.We are looking for students who can sing ___________.(beautiful)

63.There are many ___________ children in some African(非洲的)countries.(home)

64.___________ the butter into the flour, please.(mixture)

Group 4

57.We call people from Germany ______________.(German)

58.Please help _____________ to the apples on the table, Mary.(you)

59.When John was in his ______________, he became a very popular writer.(forty)

60.______________, we were not caught in the heavy rain last night.(lucky)

61.I hear that Mr Brown is too _____________ to remember his own age.(forget)

62.The scientists have just discovered a new kind of ______________.(ill)

63.Miss Black hopes that she will _____________ in finding a good job soon.(success)

64.We all know that it is _____________ for an ordinary plane to reach the moon.(possible)

Group 5

57.Mary bought three ___________ in the supermarket.(brush)

58.The old couple had an _______ weekend when their four children came to see them.(enjoy).59.This is the ___________ time for him to go there alone.(three)

60.A car accident happened this morning.___________, none was hurt.(fortunate)

61.Edison was a great ___________ though he stayed at school for only a little time.(invent)

62.The policemen ___________ in saving the boy within two hours.(success)

63.The twin can do a lot of housework by ___________(they)

64.The boy’s face turned still ___________ after the headmaster praised him.(red)Group 6

57.Our beautiful roses won ________ prize at the flower show.We are very proud of


58.Snow is a/an__________ sight in this warm place.(usual)

59.To save money, using coupons(优惠券)becomes one of the most popular


___________ in America.(act)

60.The manager tried to deal ___________ with angry workers.(polite)

61.Some teenagers are used to reading ___________ magazines on line.(electricity)

62.Too much work, worry, and __________ have made him look older.(ill)

63.I was late, so I missed the _________ of the movie.(begin)

64.China will produce the world’s _______ train for the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed


Group 7

57.Mum sometimes _______ me how to do the housework on Sundays.(teacher)

58.We also call the people from England ________.(Britain)

59.Jack slammed(砰地关上)the door ________ after he was laughed at.(angry)

60.It’s really ________ for a child of five to take care of himself.(possible)

61.Children are educated to be_______ when they are very young.(honesty)

62.Sichuan Earthquake is China’s biggest ________ disaster since 1949.(nature)

63.WHO is the short form of the World Health _________.(organize)

64._________ up at night is harmful to our health.(stay)

Group 8

57.Spring is here.We can see many ___________ flying in the garden.(butterfly)

58.I met an old friend of ___________ when I was doing shopping in the market.(I)

59.This is the ___________ time for me to give a speech before so many people.(two)

60.What nice weather!The sun is shining and the wind blows ___________.(gentle)

61.Sports can help us to keep ___________ and live longer.(health)

62.My uncle works on a modern farm.He’s thin and of average ___________.(high)

63.Study hard and try your best to __________ a key school, Tim.(entrance)

64.It is ___________ to understand every single word when reading an article.(necessary)

Group 9

57.Our classroom is not as big as __________, but it’s very clean.(they)

58.Many young people want to become cartoon __________ in the future.(artist)

59.The Smiths moved into their new house which is on thefloor.(twelve)

60.It is really __________ to raise the dogs because they can help humans to hunt.(wonder)

61.Body language is the __________ and most powerful language of all!(quiet)

62.Listen to the teachers ______ in class and many of your problems will go away.(careful)

63.Work today is very ________ from the way it was fifty or even twenty years ago.(difference)

64.The electric light is one of the greatest __________ in the world.(invent—monthly(adv.)每月一次

 explanation(n.)解释—explain(v.)解释

 careful(adj.)小心的,谨慎的—careless(adj.)粗心的— care(v.&n.)关心—


 invisible(adj.)看不见的—visible(adj.)看得见的 polite(adj.)有礼貌的—politely(adv.)有礼貌地

 clear(adj.)明白清楚的 —clearly(adv.)明朗地,明显地

 suggest(v.)建议----suggestion(n.)建议

 brief(adj.)短暂地----briefly(adv.)简短的 decide(v.)决定----decision(n.)决定

 choose(v.)选择----choice(n.)选择

 product(n.)产品----produce(v.)产生;生产 fighter(n.)斗士;战士----fight(v.)战斗(fought, fought)scientist(n.)科学家----science(n.)科学----scientific(adj.)(关于)科学的 interested(adj.)感兴趣的----interesting(adj.)有趣的----interest(n.)兴趣,爱好----uninterested(adj.)不感兴趣的 breathe(v.)呼吸----breath(n.)呼吸 natural(adj.)自然的;天然的----nature(n.)自然 warn(v.)使警惕;警告---warning(n.)提醒或警告的事物;警示 protect(v.)保护----protection(n.)保护 chemical(n.)化学物质;化学品----chemical(adj.)化学的----chemistry(n.)化

 学----chemist(n.)化学家;药剂师 communicate(v.)交流信息;沟通----communication(n.)传达;通讯 day(n.)天 → daily(adv.)每天*daily 日报 comfortably(adv.)舒服地 → comfortable(adj.)舒服的 relax(v.)放松 → *relaxed(adj.)放松的 *treatment(n.)处理加工→ treat(v.)对待;治疗 cleaning(n.)打扫;清洁→ clean(v.)清洁;弄干净 → clean(adj.)干净的;清



*alone & lonely

*lead 带路;引领→ led → led----didn’t lead



1.calculate(v.)计算 ___________(n.)计算器


2.important(adj.)重要的 ____________(n.)重要性

_______________(adv.)重要地 3.mean(v.)意思是


___________(adj.)有意义的 __________(adj.)无意义的4.electric(adj.)通电的 _____________(adj.)电子的





6.rare(adj.)罕见的 ______________(adv.)罕有地=seldom 7.enjoy _________(they)反身代词 8.speak(v.)讲 __________(n.)讲座

9.operate(v.)操作;动手术 ______________(n.)手术 10.mouse(n.)老鼠


_________(比较级)_________(最高级)12.little _________(比较级)_________(最高级)13.good / well _________(比较级)_________(最高级)14.much / many _________(比较级)_________(最高级)15.forty






20.please(v.)使...高兴 __________(n.)快乐



at the _________(n.)of.....在。。的开端


________(adj.)依赖的 ________(n.)依赖

_________(adj.)独立的 ________(n.)独立

23.aware(adj.)有意识的__________(adj.)没有意识的 __________(n.)有意识

____________(n.)没有意识 24.write(v.)写作




__________(n.)作者 25.distance(n.)距离




1.The golden fish said to the fisherman, “All your ______ will come true.”(wish)长宁)

2.Thousands of________ were lost in the terrible earthquake happened in Japan.(life)(奉贤)

3.Nowadays many people share_________ with their friends on the Internet.(photo)(黄浦)

4.The children learned to put their ________ and forks down on the plates after eating.(knife)(杨浦)

5.You can see lots of _______ flying inside the dirty restaurant.(fly)(虹口)

6.The book Harry Potter and the Philosopher‟s Stone sold millions of ________.(copy).(闵行)

7.Jenney‟s father has a collection of beautiful __________.(butterfly)普陀)

8.After ten ________, he found his lost boy with the help of the police.(month)(青浦)

9.Ivy missed her parents after she had spent a few ___________ abroad.(month)(闸北)

10.He had to wait for a few __________for the visa(签证)to come through.(month)(金山)

11.Real _____________ is more valuable(有价值的)than money.(friend)(宝山)

12.John told us that he had made friends with a few ________ on the Facebook.(Germany)(徐汇)

13.The students are doing experiments in the lab with some new ________.(chemistry)(长宁)

14.Your smile is the best way to show people your ___________.(kind)(奉贤)

15.Premier(总理)Wen Jiabao asked the government to improve school bus__________.(safe)(金山)

16.Though he is of average _________, he plays much better than the others in the team.(high)(静安)

17.Although Michael is only six, he has already shown his _______ to draw pictures.(able)(徐汇)

18.More and more people have realized the __________ of saving water.(important)(浦东)

19.Nobody at the lunch table believed the___________ of his story.(true)(普陀)

20.Nobody can really tell the _________ of the accident that happened a week ago.(true)(静安)

21.It‟s hard training not _______ that has helped Liu Xiang break the records again.(lucky)(徐汇)

22.Wu Liangyong is one of the __________to get China‟s Top Science Award this year.(win)(奉贤)

23.In some cases, you can hardly tell who is the final _______.(win)(虹口)

24.I‟d like to buy that jacket, but the colour is not my first ___________.(choose)(金山)

25.Last month we received Peter‟s __________ and went to his birthday party happily.(invite)闵行)

26.Lots of students went to the school hall to enjoy the wonderful ________ by Mr Hu.(paint)(静安)

27.To be or not to be, it‟s a very difficult _______ to many people as well as Hamlet.(choose)(虹口)

28.Tim wants to be a great __________ like Zhang Yimou when he grows up.(direct)(浦东)

29.Tom Sawyer gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but ___________ in his heart.(enjoy)(浦东)

30.Danny has worked as a newspaper___________ for a couple of years.(report)(普陀)

31.The students played a game at the ___________ of the lesson.(begin)(普陀)

32.At the __________ of last century, people in China lived in darkness.(begin)(黄浦)

33.With the _____________ of the industry, the environment is getting worse and worse.(develop)(青浦)

34.To my surprise, the ________ of the machine is a middle school student.(invent)(青浦)

35.There were many _________ in the Science Museum last Sunday.(visit)(松江)

36.All the guests are pleased with the restaurant for its excellent _________.(serve)(松江)

37.We are surprised to learn the death of the famous American _______ Whitney Huston.(sing)(徐汇)

38.For many students, choosing a job is the most important life ___________ they must make at school.(decide)(闸北)

39.I wonder if the floor can support such a ________ of furniture.(weigh)(杨浦)

40.Thanksgiving Day falls on the ____Thursday in November in the USA.(four)(宝山)

41.Lucy and Linda are twins.They were born on the ________ of November.(four)(长宁)

42.Thanks-giving Day falls on the ________ Thursday in November.(four)(黄浦)

43.Leung Chun-ying became the ________ chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on March 25th.(four)(杨浦)

44.The accident took place on the ________ day of their journey.(five)(普陀)

45.There are seven days in a week, and the ________ day is Thursday.(five)(青浦)

46.My uncle lives on the __________ floor.The flat has a nice view of the Huangpu River.(twenty)(徐汇)

47.After his _________ birthday, Tom will go abroad to further his study.(twenty)(浦东)

48.On the Double ___________ Festival, people usually climb mountains.(nine)(闸北)49.2012 is a leap year.That‟s why there are ___________days in February.(twenty-ninth)(奉贤)

50.The actor who acted in the TV series last night became famous in his ________.(thirty)(闵行)

51.We should drive ________ on the road.(safe)(宝山)

52.The Magic Hotel is amazing because it‟s __________ underwater.(complete)(长宁)

53.With the development of China, Chinese has become an international language and is ______ used all over the world.(wide)(奉贤)

54.This kind of grass is ________ used to deal with toothache in that area.(wide)(黄浦)

55.Let Tom tell you the truth ___________.(straight)(宝山)

56.Could you___________ open that window for me?(possible)(金山)

57.We all think James will ___________ be an artist when he grows up.(possible)(普陀)

58.________, all the lights went out and people had to wait in the darkness.(sudden)(徐汇)

59.The gentleman lost temper for the first time and shut the door _______ when he left.(heavy)(虹口)

60.In spring the wind blows _______.It makes us feel so comfortable.(gentle)(浦东)

61.All the mistakes should be corrected ________ if you want to get a good mark.(careful)(青浦)

62.I don‟t go out much, ________ because I have to look after the kids.(main)(闵行)

63.He did the work as _________ as he could so as to go back home early.(quick)(松江)

64.Jane gets angry ________.She‟d better get rid of it.(easy)(闸北)

65.John is _________ ill, so you ought to spend more time caring for him these days.(serious)(杨浦)

66.Nancy‟s grandma was _________ ill and he had an operation last month.(serious)(静安)

67.Shanghai ____a lot of visitors from all over the world every year.(attractive)(宝山)

68.Sandy likes drawing very much and she believes it can ________ her whole life.(rich)(长宁)

69.Most people think that traveling abroad can ________ one‟s knowledge.(rich)(闵行)

70.If you want to _________ your dream, study hard from now on.(real)(闸北)

71.It is very difficult to _______ the problem of air pollution.(solution)(宝山)

72.He needs a secretary who can also __________ his life for him.(organization)(奉贤)

73.Every day, we _____________ the visitors‟passports carefully before they check in.(exam)(静安)

74.I hope our company will _________ something like iPhone4S in the nearest future.(product)(虹口)

75.Don‟t always ask for advice from others.You should learn to ________ everything by yourself.(decision)(浦东)

76.Can you tell me who will _______ at the class meeting next Monday?(speech)(松江)

77.The doctors in that hospital always ________ patients with great care.(exam)(杨浦)

78.It‟s great fun to watch the beautiful stars in the sky on ______ nights in autumn.(clearly)(黄浦)

79.I feel ___________ that our school football team will win the match.(confidence)(宝山)

80.Students in Shanghai don‟t have to take_________buses any more, they can take special school buses.(crowd)(金山)

81.On hot summer nights, the swimming pool near my home is _________ with people.(crowd)(徐汇)

82.They were ________ with the recent case the young detective had dealt with.(pleasure)(闵行)

83.Do you agree “Beating a child is a good way to make the child ___________” said by Wolf Dad?(success)(闸北)

84.Could you introduce us three __________ events in the Tang Dynasty(唐朝)?(history)(静安)

85.Most Chinese people think that 8 is a ________ number.(luck)(黄浦)

86.Because of the warm and ________ weather, oranges grow very well here.(sun)(长宁)

87.Don„t touch anything here because it is ________.(danger)(青浦)

88.“Turn down the radio, Jim.It‟s too _________.”said his grandfather.(noise)(松江)

89.As soon as the boss appeared, the_________ office became quiet.(noise)(普陀)

90.I love the programme “Schools in students‟ eyes” made by Shanghai ___________ TV


91.We shouldn‟t make friends with any __________ persons.(honesty)(宝山)

92.It‟s known to all that ________ drivers are a danger to both themselves and others.(care)(静安)

93.Helen‟s teacher was so ________ with the great progress she made this term.(please)(长宁)

94.We are very ________ to our teachesr for their great help.(thank)(奉贤)

95.My mother is nearly 80 and she‟s starting to get a bit________.(forget)(金山)

96.As time passed by, the smart teacher was very old and sometimes rather ________.(forget).(虹口)

97.The Bund is famous for its ___________ night views.(attract)(浦东)

98.All of us should obey traffic rules in order to keep ourselves _________.(save)(松江)

99.This truck is used to deliver _______ food from the factory to the supermarket.(freeze)(徐汇)

100.On leaving school, all the students felt ________ to the teachers for giving them a good education.(thank)(杨浦)

101.Although Peter is five years old, he is learning to make the bed by ________.(he)(长宁)102.The old lady gave half of her money to the homeless, although she is not rich ________.(she)(黄浦)

103.Be careful, Richard, or you‟ll hurt ___________.(your)(金山)

104.The clever dog can open the gate of the garden by ________.(it)(普陀)

105.The music he was playing was so beautiful.We all lost ___________ in it.(we)(闸北)106.When the horse finished the race, ________ sides were wet all over with sweat.(it)(闵行)107.Aunt Liu says these books aren‟t _________.They belong to the gentleman over there.(she)(静安)

108.It is clear that your schoolbag is much heavier than_______.(I)(奉贤)

109.My brother‟s hobby is collecting stamps, but ________ is playing badminton.(I)(青浦)110.A friend of _________ is waiting for the manager at the gate of the company.(they)(松江)

111.I will try _____ best to get a bright future.(I)(浦东)

112.To make lessons lively, our teacher taught ________ English in a special way.(we)(杨浦)113.To keep fit, we should get ride of _________ eating habits and do more exercise.(healthy)(黄浦)

114.Nobody likes to make friends with _________ people.(honest)(金山)

115.Nowadays blogs are much more ________ than traditional diaries and especially welcomed by young people.(useless)(闵行)

116.David‟s low mark on the last English exam made his parents _______.(happy)(虹口)117.It was ________ for the little girl to memorize so many telephone numbers.(usual)(青浦)118.Nobody would like to make friends with those _________ persons.(honest)(松江)119. It‟s too bad that Tim‟s uncle has formed an ________ habit of drinking and smoking.(healthy)(杨浦)


Unit 1 1.lovely可爱的lively活泼的有些以-ly结尾的词是形容词,通常不是副词,常见的例子有:brotherly, sisterly, fatherly, motherly, manly, womanly, costly, deadly, friendly, unfriendly , lively, lovely, lonely, silly, ugly, likely, unlikely, 等。

It would be too _____________ to repair the car.修理这辆汽车要花很多钱。

He’s caring for his __________ parents.他正照顾着年迈的父母。

She’s twice as ______________ as her sister.她比她姐姐活跃一倍。

Spring is a ____________ season.春天是怡人的季节。



(悲观的): _______________ 4.careful小心的;

n.______________;(粗心的)____________ 5.active积极的;


n.______________ 6.patient耐心的;病人;n.___________;(带有耐心)________________________ 7.honest诚实的;

n.______________;(诚实为上策)____________________________ 8.responsible负责的;




(对某事负责任)_____________________ popular流行的;n._______________;(受......欢迎)_______________________________ 10.gentle温柔的,温和的;adv.__________;(绅士,有教养的人)________________ 11.courageous勇敢的,无畏的;n.___________;v.___________

12.educated受过教育的 ; n.____________;(教育者)_______________ 13.curious好奇的;

n.______________;(出于好奇)__________________________ 14.independent独立的;n._______________;(依赖的)_____________ 15.energetic精力充沛的;n._______________;


n.________________ 17.explanation解释,说明;


Unit 2 1.harmonious adj和谐的;


2.healthy adj健康的;



adj,不健康的________________ 翻译:健康就是财富。________________________________ 3.beneficial adj有利的n.利益,好处 _________ v.有益于__________ 短语:有益于_____________________________________________ 4.difficult

adj困难的 n.困难_____________ 5.poor

adj,贫穷的 n.贫穷,缺乏_____________

Unit 3 1.n.专业major v.主修___________ n.多数(人,物)________________


___________ n.论证.argument


n.说服力 ___________

adj.有说服力的 ___________




5.v.不同,区别differ n.差异,区别


adj.不同的 ________________




________________ n到达.________________



________________ adj.忽略的 ________________







10.v.指引 direct

n.方向,指引 ________________ adj.直接的 ________________ adv.直接地


Unit 4 1.n.放松relaxation


________________,adj放松的 ________________



3.n力量.Strength v.加强






adj.不正常的 ________________ adv.不正常地 ________________



7.v.忘记 forget

adj.难以忘记的 ________________

8.adj相似的 similar.n.相似性





adj.有效的的 ________________

10.n.记忆力 memory v.记



adj.以下的,即将到来的 ________________


adj困难的,硬的 ________________


adj.剩下的 ________________

Unit 5 1.校园生活 _____________________ 2.application n.____________ v.(运用;申请)___________ n.(申请人,求职者)3.complaint n.____________ v

抱怨伙食 ______________________ 4.absent adj._______________ n

反义词 _________ adj.(现在的;出席的)_________ n.5 expectation n.___________ v.___________ adv.反义词 adv._____________(未料到地)6.unfavorable adj.反义词___________adj._____________ v/n.________________(赞成)7.addtional adj._______________ n._________________ v.__________ ______(增添)8.unhealthy adj.反义词 _____________ adj.____________ adv(健康地)____________n.9.obvious adj.____________ adv.比较级 _______________ 最高级__________________ 10.realize v._______________ adj._____________________ adv.______________ n.(现实)

Unit 6 1.personality



n.个人,个性______________ 2.entertainment n.娱乐


v.娱乐______________ 3.attaction







adv.耐心地__________ 反义词:不耐心的____________ n.病人___________ 5.companion


v.陪伴___________ 6.amused

adj.感到好笑的 adj.令人发笑的_________

n.娱乐品,消遣____________ 7.energetic

adj.充满活力的n.能量____________ 8.intelligent

adj.聪明的 n.聪明的____________ 9.develop


adj.发达的_________ adj.发展中的__________ n.发展_________ 10.strenghten


n.力量,长处_____________ adj.强的,强壮的__________ 11.affect




Unit 8 1.treat v.________ n.2.fight v.___________(过去式)___________(过去分词).3.understand v.________ n.反义词 _________ v.___________ n.4.harmony n.________ adj.________ adv.5.happiness n.___________ adj.__________ adv.反义词 __________adj.6.satisfaction n._________ adj.令人满意的_________ adj.感到满意的 ________ v.使….满意

7.consideration n.________ v.________ adj.体贴的_________ adj.相当大(多)的 8.real adj.________ adv.__________ n.9.merry adj.欢乐的_____________adv.10.valuable adj.有价值的____________n.____________v.______________adj.无价的,非常贵重_____________adj.没有价值的(反义词)

Unit 9 1 opportunity n._____________ 近义词 __________ challenge n.adj.____________ 富有挑战性的 3 freedom n.adj.____________ 自由的 self-control 自制 类似构词法单词 _____________, ____________ 5 ensure v.adj.________确保 complete v.adv._________完全地 7 require v.n.__________要求 8 fulfill v.n.___________成就 9 balance v.adj.__________平衡的 effective adj.n._________ 影响 adv__________有效地

Unit 10 1.celebrate vt._________ n.2.observe vt.__________ n.3.honor n.________ adj.4.attract vt.__________ n.________ adj._________ vt.(反义词)5.religion n.__________ adj.6.enthusiastic adj._____________ n.7.tradition n.___________ adj.8.culture n._________ adj.9.year n._______ adj.10.day n.________ adj.11.week n._________ adj.12.month n.________ adj.13.greet vt._________ n.14.enthusiasm n.____________ adj.15.cheer vt.________ adj.Unit 11 1.advertisement n.广告;———_________________v.做广告 2.effect n.影响;———_______________v.影响

3.complaint n埋怨.;———

________________ v.埋怨 4.energy n.能量;———_________________ adj.精力充沛的 5.advantage n.优点———__________________ n.缺点

6.spend v.花时间———___________(过去式)_________(过去分词)请填写介词spend time_______sth 花时间在某事上

spend time_______ doing sth 花时间做某事 7.avoid_________(do)sth 避免做某事

8.fool n.愚蠢———____________adj.愚蠢的 9.choose v.选择———___________(过去式)_________(过去分词)10.cheap adj.便宜的———______________ adj.昂贵的11.popular adj.受欢迎的——_________________ n.欢迎

12.successfully adv.成功地———_______________ adj.成功的 ——__________ n.成功———________________ v.成功

Unit 12

1、appearance n.外貌 vi.出现_________

2、flavor n.味.vt.给…调味; adj.可口的_________

3、smell n.嗅觉 /臭味;vt..嗅 adj.臭的_______adj.无气味的_______n.闻的人; 触须_________

4、convenient adj.方便的 反义词_________ adv.方便地_________ n.方便_________

5、hungry adj.饥饿的;渴望的 adv.饥饿地;渴望地_________ n.饿vi.渴望________

短语:渴望得到 _____________ n.饥饿,荒漠_________

Unit 13 affect影响(v.);n.effect短语(影响):have an effect/ influence/impact on regularly有规律地;adj.regular;n.regulation;反义形容词:irregular normal正常的;adv.normally;反义形容词:abnormal deadly致命的;非常的;adj.dead;n.death;vi.die injury受伤(n.);v.injure;get injured 受伤 bleed流血;n.blood;adj.bloody disease疾病;同义词(疾病)illness;sickness

Unit 14 heavy adj.____________adv.2.helpful adj.__________(反义)_________________n.beneficial adj.______________n.____________v.短语:_______________________;_______________________________ various adj._____________v.___________________n.短语:许多_____________________ possible adj.______________(反义)_____________adv._________________n.warm adj.________________n.7.drown v._________________adj.environment n.______________adj.________________adv.环保的________________________ inconvenience n._________________(反义)___________________adj.短语:在某人方便的时候____________________________________________ 句型:做某事对于某人来说是方便的_______________________________________________ relief n.__________v.短语:让某人欣慰的是

Unit 15 1.popular adj.流行的,受欢迎的 _________n.流行,名气,受欢迎 2.energy n.能量

__________ adj 精力充沛的

3.attractive adj.吸引人的,_________ v.吸引

___________ n.吸引人的事物(地方)

4.devotion n.奉献,献身

__________ v.致力于,奉献 __________ adj.献身的,忠诚的

5.skillful adj.熟练的__________ adj.有技能的__________ n.技能,技巧 6.achieve v.实现,获得

____________ n.成就,完成

7.competition n.竞赛,比赛

____________ adj.竞争的 __________ v.竞争,比赛

Unit 16 1.tiredness(n.)疲劳 adj.疲劳的_________

2.culture(n.)文化 adj.文化的___________ 3.expense(n.)花费 adj.昂贵的______________


n._________________ visit(v.)拜访

n.参观者 __________


n.团体______________ enjoy(v.)享受 n.__________ adj.令人愉快的__________ 8.long(adj)长的 n.长度__________ 9.attraction(n.)吸引;吸引游客的事物(或地方)v.吸引____________adj.吸引的_________


fly飞行__________ ________ drive驾驶__________ _________ ride骑________ _________

Unit 17 1.ability能力


反义词__________ 2.failure失败

v_____________ 反义词___________ 3.fear害怕;恐惧

近义词_______ _______ _______ ________ 4.effective有效的n._______ v.________ 短语____________ 5.simple简单的;简朴的adv._________ v.______________ 6.think思考;认为

过去式&过去分词_______________ n._____ 7.polite 反义词__________

Unit 18(1)donate v.捐赠—(n.)________

(2)endanger v.使遭受危险—(adj.)_______

(3)exist v.存在—(n.)________

(4)hunt v.捕猎—(n.)_______猎人(5)disappear v.消失—(n.)________(6)legal adj.合法的—(反义)_______(7)terrible adj.可怕的;糟糕的—(adv.)________(8)organize v.组织—(n.)________(9)memory n.记忆(力)—(v.)_______


1.limit 限制 v.____________限制的adj.____________限制 n.2.organize 组织v.____________组织 n.3.environment 环境 n.____________ 环境的 adj.____________ 环保地.adv.4.energy 能量 n.____________ 充满能量的 adj.5.consumption 消耗 n.____________消耗 v.6.pollution 污染 n.____________ 污染 v.____________污染的 adj.7.balance平衡n.v.____________平衡的 adj.____________平衡的饮食 8.advice 建议 n.____________ 建议 v.Unit 20 1.change 可变的adj.________

2.build 过去式 ________ 过去分词


3.power 有力量的adj ________ 无能的adj.________ 4.imagine 想象力n.________ develop 发展n.________ 发展中的adj.________ 发达的adj.________

6.satisfy 满意n.________


7.reason 有道理的n.________

Unit 21 1.nature n.自然 __________ adj._________ adv.2.2.fright n.害怕,恐惧

__________adj._________ adj.___________ vt.3.serious adj.严肃的,严重的__________ adv.4.terrible adj.糟糕的_________ adv.5.rescue n./vt.救援;援救 _________ n.6.threat n.威胁 __________ vt.7.bad adj.坏的 _________(比较级)_________(最高级)__________ v.(恶化)8.shock n./vt.(使)震惊

___________ adj.(令人震惊的)___________ adj.(感到震惊的)9.rebuild vt._________(过去式)_________(过去分词)10.condition n.条件____________ adj.Unit 22 2.represent

vt.代表,再赠送_______________ n.代表

3.mysterious adj.典型的,有代表性的adj.神秘的;



adj.有历史意义的__________________ n.历史,历史学 5.symbol

n.象征;符号;标志 _______________vt.象征;用符号表现 6.ignorance n.无知,愚昧

_________________adj.无知的;愚昧的; 7.wisdom

n.智慧,才智;明智 ________________ adj.明智的;聪明的; 8.forbid


过去式 ____________ 过去分词______________现在分词__________

Unit 23 1.improve v.(改善)________________ n.2.honesty n.(诚实), ___________________ adj.________________________ adv.3.harmonious adj.(和谐的)___________________adv.___________________________ n.4.unforgettable adj.(难以忘怀的)反义词___________________adj.______________________ v(动词的过去式和过去分词)____________________

___________________________ 5.peaceful adj.(和平的)

_________________ adv._______________________n.6.operation n.(手术;操作)_________________ n.(接线员),______________ v.7.ring v.(打电话)



Unit 24 attract 吸引(v.)

吸引人的(adj.)____________ 吸引的人或事物(n.)____________ interview 面试(v.)接受面试的人____________

面试官____________ build 过去式/过去分词____________ 重建____________ invent 发明(v.)发明家(n.)____________ 教育家____________ 导演____________ actress 女演员

男演员___________ 男侍应____________ 女侍应____________ create 创造(v.)有创造力的(adj.)____________ 创造者____________ beauty 漂亮(n.)漂亮的(adj.)____________ 使…变美(v.)____________ memory 记忆(n.)记住(v.)____________




1.v+ ment 结尾

develop---development achieve---achievement 成就

advertise---advertisement// advertising disgree—disagreement agree—(in)agreement department 局,部 apartment 公寓 experiment 实验,试验 amusement 娱乐 equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材argue---argument争吵 govern 统治—government 政府 commit奉献—commitment manage---management 经营 管理 compliment 称赞,恭维 2.V+ tion 结尾

attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方 conclude—conclusion 结论 invent—inventor / invention compete—competition 竞争,比赛


discuss—discussion 讨论

inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的---educate-----education

pollute----pollution 污染 decide----decision

predict---prediction 预言describe—description描写,描绘

pronounce---pronunciationexpress 表达----expression 词语;表达方式

resolve 决心-----resolution 决心 graduate 毕业—graduation

permit 允许-----permissionoperate 操作,动手术—operation


solve解决-----solution 解决方法 instruct—instruction指导,介绍 3.V+ ance 结尾

appear—appearance 外貌,出现 perform----performance 演出 4.V+ ing 结尾

bathe 洗澡---bathing

end 结束----ending 结尾,结局 train 训练---training5.V+ 其他

Beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐 know---knowledge fly—flight 飞行

heat 加热---heat 热量

hit 撞击------hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞 mix 混合-----mixture 混合物 名词变形容词


Anger 生气-----angry hunger---hungry fog—foggy有雾的 fur----furry 毛皮的guilt 罪恶---guilty 内疚的mean----meaning 意义 say-----saying 谚语

behave 行为,举止----behavior

press 按,压—pressure 压力 sit-----seat 座位 succeed--success

tour 在-----旅游,在-----作巡回演出 直接+地点 tour China---tour 旅游/ tourist 游客

health---healthy luck---lucky cloud---cloudy wind—windy rain---rainy


snow---snowy sun—sunny

tourist------touristy 游客多的 business---busy

salt 盐---salty 咸的 2.名词+ ed

balance –balanced平衡的spot 斑点,地点----spotted 有斑点的 talent-----talented 有天赋的 organized 有组织的 distusted 厌恶的 3.名词+ ful/less

meaning—meaningful 有意义的care—careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的 help---helpful / helpless

home—homeless 无家可归的 colour---colourful 4.名词+ able

adjustable 可调整的 comfort---comfortable 5.名词+ ous

enormous 巨大的 danger—dangerous

mystery 神秘-----mysterious 神秘的 7.al 结尾

medicine 药----medical 医学的 music---musical

nature---natural 自然的 person---personal(私人的)8.名词+ ly friend—friendly

live---lively 活跃的,有生气的 love—lovely 可爱的 10.其他

energy精力---energetic fool 傻子—foolish 愚蠢的freedom 自由—free 空的,免费的 height 高度—high illness 疾病---ill love—loving 慈爱的方位的词表达名词—形容词 East—eastern West—western

shine---shiny 发亮的silk 丝绸—silky 丝绸般的 sleep---sleepy 昏昏欲睡的taste 口味,品味------tasty 甜的offended 生气的 crowded 拥挤的 polluted 被污染的 pleased 高兴的pain 疼痛---painful 痛苦的 use---useless/ useful

thank—thankful 充满感激的peace 和平----peaceful平静的,宁静的 playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的 knowledge---knowledgeable suit 一套-----suitable 合适的 6.ce 变 t

confidence----confident difference---different

nation—national 国家的education---educational有教育意义的 tradition----traditional 传统的origin起源---original 新颖的;独创的 9.+ en 结尾

wood—wooden 木制的 wool—woolen 羊毛的 death---dead

pleasure---pleasant / pleased popularity 流行性—popular pride---proud

scientist----scientific 科学的South—southern North---northern

In the west of China In the western part of China

四大洲名词-----形容词 Asia 亚洲–----AsianAfrica 非洲-----African

Europe欧洲-----EuropeanAmerica 美洲-----American 形容词变副词 1. 形容词+ ly


normal---normally 正常地 bright—brightly明亮地 quick—quickly

casual—casually 随意地 quiet—quietly 轻轻地,安静地 clear—clearly清楚地 real—really

complete—completely 完全 recent 最近的----recently最近;近来 correct---correctly 正确地 hard 难的;努力地---hardly 几乎不 final--finally

late 迟的—lately最近;近来 fortunate—fortunately幸运地 sad--sadly general—generally 一般来讲 slow---slowly


special—specially 专门,特殊地

particular 特殊的,独特的—particularly specific---specifically 特定地,明确地 polite—politely

strong—strongly 坚决地,强烈地 proper 合适的-,恰当的---properly sudden—suddenly突然 main------mainly主要地


most 多数-----mostly 多半,大多数 2.以le 结尾的 去e + y comfortable---comfortably simple----simply 仅仅;只;简单地 gentle—gently terrible---terribly


3.辅音字母+ y 变 ily easy—easily heavy—heavily happy--happily 4.特殊

good—well好地well 身体健康的,井 true—truly


beauty 美,美人—beautiful—beautifully health—healthy—healthily care—careful—carefully luck—lucky—luckily care—careless—carelessly


difference---different---differently pride—proud—proudly骄傲地 happiness—happy—happily sadness—sad—sadly


safety 安全;安全的地方—safe—safely

silence—silent---silently 默默地 unluck—unlucky—unluckily

success—successful—successfully wonder 奇迹—wonderful—wonderfully

truth—true—truly 既是形容词又是副词

earlyget up early ;

an early train latebe late for class

come late for school

deepdive deep into the sea

a hole deep large

highjump high;

a high mountain

harda hard question;a hard stone

work hard / study hard rain hard

longIt takes too long

It takes a long time

farjump far

My home is far from schoolstraighta straight line

go straight along here



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