
时间:2019-05-15 14:24:17下载本文作者:会员上传


n..act, action anger attention back beauty business care change cheer cleaning clearness collection correction completeness danger death difference excitement

extent, extension fall fear full fool fight fright gladness goodness greed happiness harm heat help height hesitation honesty hope hunger hurry interest invitation joy



attendcare change cheer clean clear collect correct complete endanger die differ excite extend fall fear full fool fight frighten

harm heat help


hurry interest invite enjoy

adj.active angry attentive back beautiful busy careful changeable cheerful clean clear collective correct complete dangerous

dead,dying,deadly different

exciting, excited extensive falling, fallen fearful full foolish fighting

frightful,frightened glad good greedy happy harmful hot helpful high hesitant honest hopeful hungry hurried

interesting,interested inviting joyful

kind, kindly

adv.Active Angrily attentively back

beautifully busily carefully


clearly collectively correctly completely dangerously deadly differently excitedly extensively

fearfully fully foolishly

frightfully gladly well greedily happily harmfully hotly helpfully high

hesitantly honestly hopefully hungrily hurriedly interestedly invitingly joyfully kind

v.add advise answer apologize arrive award begin breathe brush build call carry choose cook copy cost cough cove cry dance decide discover discuss draw dream dress drink drop end enter excuse explain fail feel fish fly inform invent land laugh mail matter

n.addition anvice answer apology arrival award beginning breath brush building call carriage choice cooking copy cost cough cover cry

dance, dancing decision discovery discussion drawing dream

dress, dressing drink drop end entrance excuse

explaination failurefeelings fish, fishing flight

information invention land laugh mail matter

last life loss love luck need opening past person pleasure pollution possibility post,postage pride rain reality relaxation round sadness safety silence situation sleep smile snow success surprise talk taste thanks tradition truth union use

welcome width wonder work worry wound

last live lost lovelyneed open pass

please pollutepostrain realize relax roundsave

situate sleep smile snow succeed surprise talk taste thanktrust unite use

welcome widen wonder work worry wound


living, lively

lucky necessary open, opening past personal

pleasant, pleased polluted possible postal proud rainy real

relaxing, relaxant round sad safe silent situational

asleep, sleepy, sleeping

smiling snowy successful

talkative tasteful thankful traditional true united useful welcome wide

wonderful working worried wounded

last lively

luckily necessarily openly past

personally pleasantly





safely silently

asleep smilingly


tastefully thankfully traditionally truly




worriedlymean meet notice operate organize paint pay perform plan point practise pronounce read recite record report return ring rob run say see sell serve step shop show sing smell smoke sound speak stay stop store study swim telephone typemeaning

meet, meeting notice operation organization paint, painting pay

performce plan point practice

pronunciation reading recitation record report return ring robbery run, running saying

seeing,sight sale service step

shop, shopping show

singing,song smell

smoke, smoking sound speech stay store store study

swim, swimming telephone type



Ⅳ.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)

54.Nowadays more ___________ realize they are responsible for reducing industry pollution.(factory)

55.Sophia is good at language.Besides English, she speaks German, Italian and ________.(France)

56.Could you tell me whether the _________ Olympic Games were held in 1972 in Germany?(twenty)

57.It is generally thought that traveling abroad can ___________ a person’s knowledge.(rich)58.When the headmaster was passing by the library, she found one of the windows _________.(break)

59.It is known that“Often praising a child is a good method to make the child ______”.(success)60.When you eat in a western restaurant, you’d better use knife and fork _________.(proper)61.Experts think that some animals will soon _________ because of the serious pollution.(appear)Keys: 2018年宝山(嘉定区)初三二模:54.factories 55.French 56.twentieth 57.enrich 58.broken 59.successful 60.properly 61.disappear


IV.Complete the sentences with, the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)54.More and more ___________die because of the serious polution.(bird)55.It's the ____________ time he has been late for school in a week.(three)56.I started to design dresses___________ after learning designing for a year.(me)57.It was ____________ of the little girl to follow the man to an unfamiliar place.(fool)58.Helen was responsible to search for the ___________ of the missing plane.(locate)59.Robots will be _____________ used in packing and delivering parcels in the near future.(wide)60.People in many parts of China had to ____________ dirty air last winter.(breath)61.The doctor suggested that I do some exercise and stop eating __________ food.(healthy)Keys: 2018年崇明区初三二模:



Ⅳ.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)54.It is said the more_______ ill be set up in this state in a couple of years.(church)

55.It was a big event.Most of the visitors were writers and some were____.(art)56.Aunt Liu says these books aren't ______.They belong to the gentleman over there.(she)57.Many interesting activities are held to welcome the_______ of spring.(arrive)58.He was so disappointed to find out that his secretary was a________ person.(honest)59.Road_________ has been paid much attention to since last year.(safe)60.My brother's ambition is to fly a plane.He will____ be a pilot in the future.(possible)61.They are planning to study overseas after they_____ _from high school(graduation)Keys: 2018年奉贤区初三二模:54.churches, 55.artists 56.hers, 57.arrival, 58.dishonest, 59.safety, 60.possibly, 61.graduate,2018年黄埔区初三二模

IV Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的 适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)54.A lot of young men volunteered to fight _______the when the war started.(German)55.While travelling in Europe this summer, I ran into an old friend of_______(I)56.Roger Federer, a tennis player in his_______, won the Australia Open on January 28.(thirty)57.I don't agree with the old Chinese _______ “Men die for wealth, birds die for food.“(say)58.Sometimes a small act of_______ makes all the difference in our lives.(kind)59.High-speed trains passengers_______ to cover the distance in no more than four hours.(able)60.More than five children were_______ injured in the traffic accident yesterday(terrible)61.The government is taking action to protect _______information on the Internet.(person)Keys: 2018年黄埔区初三二模:54.Germans;55.mine;56.thirties;57.saying;58.kindness;59.enable;60.terribly;61.personal


IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,没空格限填一词)54 People are the creators of history and they are the real___________.(hero)55 We showed___________guests around the Oriental Pearl TV Tower last weekend.(we)56 There were ten students in the room, then___________more came in silently(third)57 ”___________is achieved through hard work," is on everyone's lips these days.(happy)58 Cao Chong was so clever that he found a good way to___________the elephant.(weight)59 His wife prefers this restaurant because of its___________environment.(please)60 You'd better refuse the invitation___________and give your reasons.(polite)61 Cheating in the exam is considered as a(n)___________ act and it's not allowed.(honest)Keys: 2018年金山区初三二模:54.heroes 55.our 56.three 57.Happiness 58.weigh 59.pleasant 60.politely 61.dishonest


Ⅳ.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)

54.People are the creators of history.They are the real ___________.(hero)

55.The May ___________ Movement is also called the New Culture Movement.(four)56.The host added,“Well, I hope you will both enjoy __________.”(you)57.We’re expecting a new ___________ in the family soon.(arrive)

58._________ thinking has become an objective of our education system.(create)59.It was _________ that he should suffer so much.(fair)

60.Young people must have real opportunities to _________ their experience and skills.(wide)61.I’m sorry to hear that Jimmy has __________ broken down in health.(complete)Keys: 2018年静安区初三二模:54.heroes 55.Fourth 56.yourselves 57.arrival 58.Creative

59.unfair 60.widen 61.completely


IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms 54.Chinese people started to open to the western world _______ ago.(century)55.The recording will be played _______ to make sure you can understand each word.(two)56.A friend of _______ got the first prize for the high jump in the sports meeting.(me)57.Mr.Zhang has a large ______ of stamps since he is a big fan of them.(collect)58.The firemen decided to cut the iron fence ______ so as to save the girl.(immediate)59.In the old mountain village, people learned a ______ way to make paper.(tradition)60.The well-known restaurant will ______ 10 new dishes next month.(service)61.It is _______ of my mother to lose her purse on the way to the market.(happy)Keys: 2018年闵行区初三二模:54.centuries 55.twice 56.mine 57.collection 58.immediately

59.traditional 60.serve 61.unhappy


Ⅳ.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)

54.Many people buy nice ______as presents for their friends.(watch)55.Jessie is learning to cook for____ though she is only seven years old.(her)56.The government should be___ for the food safety to protect citizens.(responsibility)57.My cousin’s flat is on the ___floor with a good view of the neighbourhood.(ten)58.High-speed train is a great ___to help people travel easily between big cities.(invent)59.This new test will ____doctors to find the disease as early as possible.(able)60.This is a place to see various birds,but it’s still ___to see such a huge one here.(usual)61.Robots will ___do some jobs in place of workers in the coming years.(possible)Keys: 2018年普陀区初三二模:54.watches 55.herself 56.responsible 57.tenth

58.invention 59.enable 60.unusual 61.possibly


III.Complete the sentence with the given words in their proper form(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格一词)

54.Aunt Petty could hardly believe her good _______ when the lost necklace was found.(lucky)55.If you are interested in _______history, you may read these books.(France)56.My brother and I decided to buy a special gift for grandma's _________ birthday.(seventy)57.Mr.Tailor and his assistants decided to give up the test because of the _________ weather.(change)58.The ___________ of the football team made the fans become even more excited.(arrive)59.Nowadays more and more young people are eager to go aboard to ________ their studies.(far)60.It is _______for a little boy to finish such a difficult task without any help.(possible)61.They worked in the lab for a whole week and __________solved the technical problem.(final)Keys: 2018年青浦区初三二模:54.luck 55.French 56.seventieth 57.changeable






IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。没空格限填一词)54.Sam saw two _____ break into the house and called the police.(thief)55.When our washing machine broke down, our neighbors let us use _____.(they)56.Children go to _____ school after they leave elementary school.(second)57.If you are _____ of confidence, you will be happy all the time.(fill)58.Because of the traffic jam, I missed the _____ of the film.(begin)59.The tallest building in the city centre was _____ destroyed by the big fire.(complete)60.More and more foreigners are learning to _____ Chinese nowadays.(speech)61.The Red Cross is a big international _____ and many volunteers work for it.(organize)Keys: 2018年松江区初三二模54.thieves;55.theirs;56.secondary;57.full;58.beginning;59.completely;60.speak;61.organization


IV.Compete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)54.The lift was stuck on the________

floor,(five)55.________ have been cancelled after heavy snowfall in Northwest Wales,(ferry)56.He had an awful feeling that everyone was laughing at________.(he)57.The students will learn from experience about the.________of planning,(important)58.Several long-awaited movies will finally________ in the theatres this month,(arrival)59.Pushing kids so hard from such an early age is likely to have some________ results(harm)60.The flowers are________ arranged in a classic basket(beautiful)61.You must keep to the rules even if you think they’re________.(fair)Keys: 2018年杨浦区初三二模:54.fifth 55.Ferries 56.him 57.importance 5 8.arrive 59.harmful 60.beautifully 61.unfair


IV Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式.完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)54.Mr Black is one of the most famous________in that five-star restaurant.(cook)55.He first learnt to express_________ through movement at Tim's dance class.(he)56.The actor who acted in the TV series last night became famous in his________(forty)57.The________ to Hainan Island has been canceled because of the heavy snow.(fly)58.It's cold today.Please________ the milk in the microwave oven before you drink(hot)59.O.Henry's stories often have unexpected endings.They are________ welcomed.(wide)60.The farmer was very________ to the doctor because he saved his wife's life(thank)61.A good teacher can help you________ your talents and develop them as well.(cover)Keys: 2018年长宁区初三二模:54.cooks 55.himself 56.forties 57.flight 58.heat 59.widely




IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)54.We wish every one of _________ a bright future after graduation.(we)55.Playing seek and hide is part of my _________ memory.(child)56.Many terrible traffic accidents happen because of _________ driving.(care)57.The volunteers give food and clothes to the homeless in _________ weather.(freeze)58.More and more _________ will see the royal wedding ceremony in the town.(visit)59.We know that it is _________ of students to cheat in exams.(honest)60.It’s better to _________ fresh air outdoors after staying indoors for a long time.(breath)61.Ann spoke the most _________ of all the students in the school speech contest.(accurate)Keys: 2018年徐汇区初三二模:54.us, 55.childhood, 56.careless, 57.freezing, 58.visitors, 59.dishonest, 60.reathe, 61.accurately


IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):(共8分)54.Steven wants to become a/an ______ when he leaves college.(art)55.I happened to meet a friend of ________ when I was shopping in the mall.(me)56.Mary was the ______ to give a speech at the meeting last week.(five)57 People think organic tea tastes better.but non-organic tea costs ______ than it.(little)58.Don,t get close to the wire, or you' ll easily get an ______ shock.(electricity)59.Look at the instructions carefully, then you can operate the machine _______.(proper)60.The goal of the course is to _______ our understanding of other cultures.(rich)61.It was _______ for anyone to get in because no one knew the password.(possible)Keys: 2018年浦东新区初三二模:54.artist 55.mine 56.fifth 57.less 58.electric 59.properly

60.enrich 61.impossible


Ⅳ.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共8分)54.Parents are watching several __________ about the school festival in the classroom.(video)55.We took the lift to the __________ floor to enjoy the night view of the city.(forty)56.Jack’s job is to help me __________ a speech contest next month.(organization)57.My parents were satisfied with their trip to __________ last month.(German)58.We are trying to find the right _________ for our graduation party.(locate)59.My aunts ________ rock music because they think it’s too noisy.(like)60.Natural gas is now _________ used for cooking and heating in Shanghai.(wide)61.John and his friends had the most ___________ holiday travelling around China.(forget)Keys: 2018年虹口区初三二模:54.videos

55.fortieth 56.organize 57.Germany 58.location





Unit 1 1.lovely可爱的lively活泼的有些以-ly结尾的词是形容词,通常不是副词,常见的例子有:brotherly, sisterly, fatherly, motherly, manly, womanly, costly, deadly, friendly, unfriendly , lively, lovely, lonely, silly, ugly, likely, unlikely, 等。

It would be too _____________ to repair the car.修理这辆汽车要花很多钱。

He’s caring for his __________ parents.他正照顾着年迈的父母。

She’s twice as ______________ as her sister.她比她姐姐活跃一倍。

Spring is a ____________ season.春天是怡人的季节。



(悲观的): _______________ 4.careful小心的;

n.______________;(粗心的)____________ 5.active积极的;


n.______________ 6.patient耐心的;病人;n.___________;(带有耐心)________________________ 7.honest诚实的;

n.______________;(诚实为上策)____________________________ 8.responsible负责的;




(对某事负责任)_____________________ popular流行的;n._______________;(受......欢迎)_______________________________ 10.gentle温柔的,温和的;adv.__________;(绅士,有教养的人)________________ 11.courageous勇敢的,无畏的;n.___________;v.___________

12.educated受过教育的 ; n.____________;(教育者)_______________ 13.curious好奇的;

n.______________;(出于好奇)__________________________ 14.independent独立的;n._______________;(依赖的)_____________ 15.energetic精力充沛的;n._______________;


n.________________ 17.explanation解释,说明;


Unit 2 1.harmonious adj和谐的;


2.healthy adj健康的;



adj,不健康的________________ 翻译:健康就是财富。________________________________ 3.beneficial adj有利的n.利益,好处 _________ v.有益于__________ 短语:有益于_____________________________________________ 4.difficult

adj困难的 n.困难_____________ 5.poor

adj,贫穷的 n.贫穷,缺乏_____________

Unit 3 1.n.专业major v.主修___________ n.多数(人,物)________________


___________ n.论证.argument


n.说服力 ___________

adj.有说服力的 ___________




5.v.不同,区别differ n.差异,区别


adj.不同的 ________________




________________ n到达.________________



________________ adj.忽略的 ________________







10.v.指引 direct

n.方向,指引 ________________ adj.直接的 ________________ adv.直接地


Unit 4 1.n.放松relaxation


________________,adj放松的 ________________



3.n力量.Strength v.加强






adj.不正常的 ________________ adv.不正常地 ________________



7.v.忘记 forget

adj.难以忘记的 ________________

8.adj相似的 similar.n.相似性





adj.有效的的 ________________

10.n.记忆力 memory v.记



adj.以下的,即将到来的 ________________


adj困难的,硬的 ________________


adj.剩下的 ________________

Unit 5 1.校园生活 _____________________ 2.application n.____________ v.(运用;申请)___________ n.(申请人,求职者)3.complaint n.____________ v

抱怨伙食 ______________________ 4.absent adj._______________ n

反义词 _________ adj.(现在的;出席的)_________ n.5 expectation n.___________ v.___________ adv.反义词 adv._____________(未料到地)6.unfavorable adj.反义词___________adj._____________ v/n.________________(赞成)7.addtional adj._______________ n._________________ v.__________ ______(增添)8.unhealthy adj.反义词 _____________ adj.____________ adv(健康地)____________n.9.obvious adj.____________ adv.比较级 _______________ 最高级__________________ 10.realize v._______________ adj._____________________ adv.______________ n.(现实)

Unit 6 1.personality



n.个人,个性______________ 2.entertainment n.娱乐


v.娱乐______________ 3.attaction







adv.耐心地__________ 反义词:不耐心的____________ n.病人___________ 5.companion


v.陪伴___________ 6.amused

adj.感到好笑的 adj.令人发笑的_________

n.娱乐品,消遣____________ 7.energetic

adj.充满活力的n.能量____________ 8.intelligent

adj.聪明的 n.聪明的____________ 9.develop


adj.发达的_________ adj.发展中的__________ n.发展_________ 10.strenghten


n.力量,长处_____________ adj.强的,强壮的__________ 11.affect




Unit 8 1.treat v.________ n.2.fight v.___________(过去式)___________(过去分词).3.understand v.________ n.反义词 _________ v.___________ n.4.harmony n.________ adj.________ adv.5.happiness n.___________ adj.__________ adv.反义词 __________adj.6.satisfaction n._________ adj.令人满意的_________ adj.感到满意的 ________ v.使….满意

7.consideration n.________ v.________ adj.体贴的_________ adj.相当大(多)的 8.real adj.________ adv.__________ n.9.merry adj.欢乐的_____________adv.10.valuable adj.有价值的____________n.____________v.______________adj.无价的,非常贵重_____________adj.没有价值的(反义词)

Unit 9 1 opportunity n._____________ 近义词 __________ challenge n.adj.____________ 富有挑战性的 3 freedom n.adj.____________ 自由的 self-control 自制 类似构词法单词 _____________, ____________ 5 ensure v.adj.________确保 complete v.adv._________完全地 7 require v.n.__________要求 8 fulfill v.n.___________成就 9 balance v.adj.__________平衡的 effective adj.n._________ 影响 adv__________有效地

Unit 10 1.celebrate vt._________ n.2.observe vt.__________ n.3.honor n.________ adj.4.attract vt.__________ n.________ adj._________ vt.(反义词)5.religion n.__________ adj.6.enthusiastic adj._____________ n.7.tradition n.___________ adj.8.culture n._________ adj.9.year n._______ adj.10.day n.________ adj.11.week n._________ adj.12.month n.________ adj.13.greet vt._________ n.14.enthusiasm n.____________ adj.15.cheer vt.________ adj.Unit 11 1.advertisement n.广告;———_________________v.做广告 2.effect n.影响;———_______________v.影响

3.complaint n埋怨.;———

________________ v.埋怨 4.energy n.能量;———_________________ adj.精力充沛的 5.advantage n.优点———__________________ n.缺点

6.spend v.花时间———___________(过去式)_________(过去分词)请填写介词spend time_______sth 花时间在某事上

spend time_______ doing sth 花时间做某事 7.avoid_________(do)sth 避免做某事

8.fool n.愚蠢———____________adj.愚蠢的 9.choose v.选择———___________(过去式)_________(过去分词)10.cheap adj.便宜的———______________ adj.昂贵的11.popular adj.受欢迎的——_________________ n.欢迎

12.successfully adv.成功地———_______________ adj.成功的 ——__________ n.成功———________________ v.成功

Unit 12

1、appearance n.外貌 vi.出现_________

2、flavor n.味.vt.给…调味; adj.可口的_________

3、smell n.嗅觉 /臭味;vt..嗅 adj.臭的_______adj.无气味的_______n.闻的人; 触须_________

4、convenient adj.方便的 反义词_________ adv.方便地_________ n.方便_________

5、hungry adj.饥饿的;渴望的 adv.饥饿地;渴望地_________ n.饿vi.渴望________

短语:渴望得到 _____________ n.饥饿,荒漠_________

Unit 13 affect影响(v.);n.effect短语(影响):have an effect/ influence/impact on regularly有规律地;adj.regular;n.regulation;反义形容词:irregular normal正常的;adv.normally;反义形容词:abnormal deadly致命的;非常的;adj.dead;n.death;vi.die injury受伤(n.);v.injure;get injured 受伤 bleed流血;n.blood;adj.bloody disease疾病;同义词(疾病)illness;sickness

Unit 14 heavy adj.____________adv.2.helpful adj.__________(反义)_________________n.beneficial adj.______________n.____________v.短语:_______________________;_______________________________ various adj._____________v.___________________n.短语:许多_____________________ possible adj.______________(反义)_____________adv._________________n.warm adj.________________n.7.drown v._________________adj.environment n.______________adj.________________adv.环保的________________________ inconvenience n._________________(反义)___________________adj.短语:在某人方便的时候____________________________________________ 句型:做某事对于某人来说是方便的_______________________________________________ relief n.__________v.短语:让某人欣慰的是

Unit 15 1.popular adj.流行的,受欢迎的 _________n.流行,名气,受欢迎 2.energy n.能量

__________ adj 精力充沛的

3.attractive adj.吸引人的,_________ v.吸引

___________ n.吸引人的事物(地方)

4.devotion n.奉献,献身

__________ v.致力于,奉献 __________ adj.献身的,忠诚的

5.skillful adj.熟练的__________ adj.有技能的__________ n.技能,技巧 6.achieve v.实现,获得

____________ n.成就,完成

7.competition n.竞赛,比赛

____________ adj.竞争的 __________ v.竞争,比赛

Unit 16 1.tiredness(n.)疲劳 adj.疲劳的_________

2.culture(n.)文化 adj.文化的___________ 3.expense(n.)花费 adj.昂贵的______________


n._________________ visit(v.)拜访

n.参观者 __________


n.团体______________ enjoy(v.)享受 n.__________ adj.令人愉快的__________ 8.long(adj)长的 n.长度__________ 9.attraction(n.)吸引;吸引游客的事物(或地方)v.吸引____________adj.吸引的_________


fly飞行__________ ________ drive驾驶__________ _________ ride骑________ _________

Unit 17 1.ability能力


反义词__________ 2.failure失败

v_____________ 反义词___________ 3.fear害怕;恐惧

近义词_______ _______ _______ ________ 4.effective有效的n._______ v.________ 短语____________ 5.simple简单的;简朴的adv._________ v.______________ 6.think思考;认为

过去式&过去分词_______________ n._____ 7.polite 反义词__________

Unit 18(1)donate v.捐赠—(n.)________

(2)endanger v.使遭受危险—(adj.)_______

(3)exist v.存在—(n.)________

(4)hunt v.捕猎—(n.)_______猎人(5)disappear v.消失—(n.)________(6)legal adj.合法的—(反义)_______(7)terrible adj.可怕的;糟糕的—(adv.)________(8)organize v.组织—(n.)________(9)memory n.记忆(力)—(v.)_______


1.limit 限制 v.____________限制的adj.____________限制 n.2.organize 组织v.____________组织 n.3.environment 环境 n.____________ 环境的 adj.____________ 环保地.adv.4.energy 能量 n.____________ 充满能量的 adj.5.consumption 消耗 n.____________消耗 v.6.pollution 污染 n.____________ 污染 v.____________污染的 adj.7.balance平衡n.v.____________平衡的 adj.____________平衡的饮食 8.advice 建议 n.____________ 建议 v.Unit 20 1.change 可变的adj.________

2.build 过去式 ________ 过去分词


3.power 有力量的adj ________ 无能的adj.________ 4.imagine 想象力n.________ develop 发展n.________ 发展中的adj.________ 发达的adj.________

6.satisfy 满意n.________


7.reason 有道理的n.________

Unit 21 1.nature n.自然 __________ adj._________ adv.2.2.fright n.害怕,恐惧

__________adj._________ adj.___________ vt.3.serious adj.严肃的,严重的__________ adv.4.terrible adj.糟糕的_________ adv.5.rescue n./vt.救援;援救 _________ n.6.threat n.威胁 __________ vt.7.bad adj.坏的 _________(比较级)_________(最高级)__________ v.(恶化)8.shock n./vt.(使)震惊

___________ adj.(令人震惊的)___________ adj.(感到震惊的)9.rebuild vt._________(过去式)_________(过去分词)10.condition n.条件____________ adj.Unit 22 2.represent

vt.代表,再赠送_______________ n.代表

3.mysterious adj.典型的,有代表性的adj.神秘的;



adj.有历史意义的__________________ n.历史,历史学 5.symbol

n.象征;符号;标志 _______________vt.象征;用符号表现 6.ignorance n.无知,愚昧

_________________adj.无知的;愚昧的; 7.wisdom

n.智慧,才智;明智 ________________ adj.明智的;聪明的; 8.forbid


过去式 ____________ 过去分词______________现在分词__________

Unit 23 1.improve v.(改善)________________ n.2.honesty n.(诚实), ___________________ adj.________________________ adv.3.harmonious adj.(和谐的)___________________adv.___________________________ n.4.unforgettable adj.(难以忘怀的)反义词___________________adj.______________________ v(动词的过去式和过去分词)____________________

___________________________ 5.peaceful adj.(和平的)

_________________ adv._______________________n.6.operation n.(手术;操作)_________________ n.(接线员),______________ v.7.ring v.(打电话)



Unit 24 attract 吸引(v.)

吸引人的(adj.)____________ 吸引的人或事物(n.)____________ interview 面试(v.)接受面试的人____________

面试官____________ build 过去式/过去分词____________ 重建____________ invent 发明(v.)发明家(n.)____________ 教育家____________ 导演____________ actress 女演员

男演员___________ 男侍应____________ 女侍应____________ create 创造(v.)有创造力的(adj.)____________ 创造者____________ beauty 漂亮(n.)漂亮的(adj.)____________ 使…变美(v.)____________ memory 记忆(n.)记住(v.)____________



一、英汉互译 1.单词



boring_________ Comedy_________


subtle_________ Obvious_________


joke_________ Consider_________


option_________ Similarly_________


strength_________ Effort_________

precious_________ assistance_________ 2.短语


被看做_________ Be related to_________

tend to_________ Over and over again_________

have a good command of_________ 3.句子




_________________________________________________________________________ 她上了几年的课而且努力练习,但是尽管她做了很多努力,她的声音也没有提升。_______________________________________________________________________________




1.His ___________ sister is only one year older than he.(old)

2.The Smiths live on the __________ floor of the building.(nine)

3.All the great __________ are respected by the world.(invent)4.I’ll do my homework more __________ next time.(care)

5.When you study a foreign language, it’s important to make a good ______.(begin)6.I helped the old man to show my ______.(kind)

7.In the past punishment was decided by the university.The student had no _________ but to accept it.(choose)

8.Our teacher told us the _____ story I had ever heard.(sad)

9.What nice __________!Let’s put them on the walls of the meeting room.(paint)10.The old lady was too _______ to say a word.(frighten)

11.A ___________ sight stopped them from going forward.(frighten)12.Mary ________ playing the piano for two hours every day.(practice)13.The wind is blowing _______.It’s the right time to fly kites.(gentle)

14.The visitors are ________ students.(main)15,If you want to __________ in the future, you must work hard from now on.(success)16.Which one would you like to ____________ for your friend as the birthday gift, a CD or a pen?(choice)17.Our class teacher often __________ how we should fill in the form.(explanation)18.Joyce_______that we should think about the name of the newspaper a bit longer.(suggestion)19.It was amazing that the performance given by the children________(attraction)so many adults.



1.calculate(v.)计算 ___________(n.)计算器


2.important(adj.)重要的 ____________(n.)重要性

_______________(adv.)重要地 3.mean(v.)意思是


___________(adj.)有意义的 __________(adj.)无意义的4.electric(adj.)通电的 _____________(adj.)电子的





6.rare(adj.)罕见的 ______________(adv.)罕有地=seldom 7.enjoy _________(they)反身代词 8.speak(v.)讲 __________(n.)讲座

9.operate(v.)操作;动手术 ______________(n.)手术 10.mouse(n.)老鼠


_________(比较级)_________(最高级)12.little _________(比较级)_________(最高级)13.good / well _________(比较级)_________(最高级)14.much / many _________(比较级)_________(最高级)15.forty






20.please(v.)使...高兴 __________(n.)快乐



at the _________(n.)of.....在。。的开端


________(adj.)依赖的 ________(n.)依赖

_________(adj.)独立的 ________(n.)独立

23.aware(adj.)有意识的__________(adj.)没有意识的 __________(n.)有意识

____________(n.)没有意识 24.write(v.)写作




__________(n.)作者 25.distance(n.)距离




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