
时间:2019-05-13 16:17:38下载本文作者:会员上传



1.agree agree to do sth.同意做某事

agree to sth.同意 2.ask

ask for sth.请求

ask sb.for help

向某人求助 ask sb.for a day’s leave

向某人请一天假 ask sb.to do 要求某人做某事 3.break

break down

出毛病,不运转 break in

插嘴,打断说话 break away from 脱离,打破 break up


break through 突破,冲跨


bring about 导致

bring down

降低,减少,使倒下bring on 使前进 bring to 使苏醒 bring up 养育,培养 bring sth.into being 使产生

bring around

说服,使…改变主意bring together 使团结,使和解 5.call

call for 请求,要求,为…而喊出,接,叫某人 call out 召集,大声叫 call sb in叫…进来 6.carry

carry out 进行,开展,执行 carry back 运回,拿回 carry off 夺走,获得 carry sth in one’s arms 抱着 carry all/ everything before one 势如破竹7.catch

catch up 很快拾起,跟上,赶上 catch at 试图抓住 catch up with 赶上,超过 8.come

come about 发生,实现,产生 come down 落下来 come in 进入,进来 come out 出来,出版 come to 来到,达到,结果是 come across 走过,偶然遇到 come over 过来,胜过 come forth 出现,显现 come through 安然度过

agree with sb.同意某人的意见 agree on sth.就…达成一致 ask sb.for sth.向某人请求得到… ask leave

请假 ask for trouble 自找麻烦 ask to do 请求做某事 break out

爆发,突然发生 break into 闯入 break off 打断

break with 与…断绝关系 break the law 犯法

bring back 带回,想起 bring forward 提出 bring in 引来,引进 bring out 取出,显示 bring through 使度过困难,救活,穿越 bring sth to an end 使…结束 bring sth under 制服,镇压call on/ upon 号召,拜访 call up 召唤,召集,想起,打电话 call by 顺道访问 carry on 继续,开展 carry away 运走,冲走 carry forward 推进,发扬 carry sth about 随身携带 carry sth too far 把某事做得过分 catch the cold 着凉,伤风 catch on 抓住,理解come back 回来,想起来 come from 出生于,来自 come on 跟我来,加油 come along 快点,来吧

come up 走过来,走近,发芽,从土中长出come after

跟着,跟随 come by 走过,经过 come round 苏醒

come up to



drive off drive back drive down drive in a taxi drive sb home 赶走

赶回,开回 压低 搭出租车 把…送回家 drive sb mad 使某人发狂 drive out 开出,消除,驱逐 drive in 开进,努力地灌输 drive at 猛击,朝…努力 drive away 驱车离开,赶走,驱散 10.do





drive on do well in

do some cooking do some washing do a good deed do wrong

do experiments do sb wrong do up

do the room do one’s hair what to do find out find support

find the answer to find sb in/ out fight against fight for fight back fight it out

get on/along with get back get in get off get up

get together get about get around get close to

get in touch with go away go by

go on doing go on with sth go in for


在…方面做得好 做饭 洗衣服 做好事

做坏事,犯罪 做实验

使某人受委屈 梳理 收拾房间 做头发 怎么办

查明,发现,了解 得到支持 找到…的答案 发现某人(不)在家 为反对…而战斗 为…而战 回击 决一雌雄 与…相处 返回

进入,收割 下车,脱下 起床

聚集,联欢会 走动,传播 消息传开 接近




继续做(相同的)事 继续做某事 参加,从事

do some cleaning do some shopping do one’s best do right do business do sb a favour do with do the bed do the dishes have sth to do with How do you do? find oneself find a mistake find one’s wayfight with fight up fight onget away get down get in one’s way

get on get into get to know get over get married get down to doing get home/here/there go back go on go on to dogo out go over搞卫生,大扫除 买东西 尽力 做得对 做买卖 帮助某一个忙 处理 铺床 洗碗碟 与…有关 你好!自我感觉 发现错误 找到路径同…战斗 勇敢战斗 继续战斗逃离 降下,下车

妨碍某人,挡住去路 上车 进入,陷入 认识 爬过,克服 结婚 开始做某事 到家/这里/那里 回去 继续,发生 继续做(不同的)事 熄灭,出去 检查,复习


go down 下去,下沉 go to bed 上床,睡觉 go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming go bad 变坏,坏掉 go head 用吧,向前(表鼓励)go against 反对,不利于 go home 回家 go for a walk 去散步 去钓鱼/买东西/溜冰/游泳 go off 走开 go into 进入,参加 go all out 拼命干,尽最大努力 15.give





20.knock 21.lead

give back 归还,送还 give out 分发,用完,耗尽 give in 屈服,让步,投降 give away 赠送 give a talk 演讲,做报告 give sb advice 给某人一些建议 give sb a hand 帮助 give orders 发出命令 hand in 交上,交进 hand on 传下去 hand back 交还,归还 Hands off!不许碰!have to 不得不,必须 have sth done 让人做某事 have a talk with sb 与某人谈话

have a few words with 与某人谈几句话 have a high fever 发高烧 have a test 参加考试 have a good time 玩得愉快 have sth in mind 牢记 hear from 收到…的来信 hear sb say 听人说起 won’t hear of 不允许 keep back 保留,阻止 keep up with 跟上,不落在后面 keep…out of 不让…进入 keep order 维持秩序 keep a record 作记录

keep the secret 保守秘密

Keep of the grass!

勿踏草地 knock at

敲门、窗等 knock down


lead to

导致,导向,影响 lead into


give up give off give a concert give a lesson give one’s life give an example give a loud laughhand out hand over Hands up!have sth on have a headache have a word with sb have words with sb have a seat have a day off have sth for supperhear about/ of hear a casekeep up keep on doing keep in touch with keep off keep from keep fit keep out knock into knock off lead a … life

放弃 发出 举行音乐会 上课 献身 举例 大笑一声分发,施舍 移交,让与 举起手来!穿着,带着 头痛

与某人谈话 与某吵架 坐下 休一天假 晚饭吃…听说 审理案件坚持,维持 继续做某事 与…保持联系 让开 忍住,阻止 保持身体健康 不让…进入 撞在某人身上 打掉,磕去 过…生活


learn from 向…学习,从中吸取教训 learn sth well 学好… learn how to do sth 学习做某事

23.leave leave for 到…去

learn of 听到 learn sth by heart 背下…leave off 中断,不再做,脱掉 24.let 25.look 26.lose 27.make

leave out 遗漏,排除,忽视 leave about 乱扔,乱放 leave a message 留话 be left with 被留下,被剩下

let in 让进来

let off 让某人上岸或下车 Let me see 让我想想

look at 看

look for 寻找 look round 四处看看 look on 看待,旁观 look through 仔细查看 look about 环顾,察看 look like 看起来像 look down 俯视 look sb up and down 上下打量

lose one’s life 丧生

lose heart 灰心,失去信心 lose face 丢脸 lose a game 输一局 lose one’s heart 失魂落魄

make up 构成,配置,化装,打扮

be made from 由…制造 be made up of 由…组成,构成 make up for 弥补 make money 赚钱 make fun of 取笑 make coffee 煮咖啡 make use of 利用 make a joke 开玩笑 make a living 谋生 make a study of 研究 make a drive for 冲向

make an apology to 向某人道歉 make good marks 取得好分数 make up one’s mind 下定决心

make some difference 有些关系,有些影响leave alone 不理会,不管,更不用说 leave sb with 使某人留下 leave sth behind 留下,忘带,放弃let out 发出,放出,泄漏 let alone 不干涉,不管look after 照料,照顾 look out 当心 look up 查阅,仰视 look forward to 盼望

look into

观察,调查,向里看 look over 仔细察看 look ahead 向前看,考虑未来 look back 回顾 look down upon 轻视,看不起 lose one’s way 迷路 lose weight 减肥 lose sight of 看不见 lose touch with sb 与…失去联系be made of 用…制造 be made in 在…地方制造 make out 假装,辨认出 make peace 讲和 make friends with 和…交朋友 make tea 沏茶 make sentences 造句 make faces 扮鬼脸 make a fire 生火 make a mistake 犯错误 make a round trip 乘往返车 make a search for 寻找

make yourself at home 请不要客气 make a promise 许诺 make one’s way 排除困难前进 make no difference 没有关系,没有影响

28.meet 29.move meet with 偶然遇到,符合 move in 迁入

move on 继续向前移动

30.open 31.pass



34.place 35.play







move off 离开,出发 open to 有出口通向,承认 pass by 经过 pass down 往下传递 pay for sth 付钱,支付,付出代价 pay back 向…报复,偿付,报答 pay a visit to 参观,访问 pick out 选出,捡出 pick oneself up 从地下站起来 place an order 订购 play with 同…一起玩 play cards 玩牌 play football 踢足球 play a joke on sb 对某人开玩笑 put on 穿,带上,上演 put off 延期,推迟,拖延 put away 放好,收起来 put one’s heart into 全神贯注于…之中 put forward 提出 put together 形成,组成,聚集 ring back 回电话 ring off 挂断电话,停止讲话 run away 逃走,逃脱 run about 游荡 run at 突然袭击 run over 撞倒,看一遍 run out 用完 run a school 开办学校 say yes to 同意某人 say hello to 与某打招呼 say out 坦率地说,直说 I mean to say… 我的意思是… It is said that… 据说… see sb off 送别 see into 调查,看到…内容 see through 看穿,看透 send for 派人去叫/请 send away 发送,派遣,邮购 move about

走来走去,搬来搬去 open up 解开,开辟 pass away 消失,去世,过去 pass through 通过,穿过 pay off 还请 pay attention to 注意pick up 拾起,中途接人/带货 pick cotton/apples 摘棉花/苹果play with fire 玩火 play the piano 演奏钢琴 play chess 下棋put up 挂起,举起,张贴,建立 put into 输入,使进入 put sth down 放下来,写下,记下 put out 生产,扑灭,拿出 put up with忍受ring up 打电话run across 跑过,不期而遇 run after 追赶,伺候 run down 撞倒,耗尽 run off 跑掉 run out of 缺乏,从…里跑出say no to 拒绝某人 say good-bye to 与某人送别 say for oneself为自己辩解 That is to say 那就是说,换句话说see about 查看,料理,考虑 see to 注意,办理 see(to it)that 注意务必做到…,保证 send up 把…往上送,发射 send back 退还,送还


43.stand send out 发送,派遣 send a telegram 发电报 set off 出发,动身 set up 建立,创立,竖立

放下,记下,写下,让…下车 set down

set free 释放

站在…旁边,和…站在一起 stand by

send a message 捎信

send sb to do派人去做某事 set out to do sth 开始,着手

set about doing sth 开始,着手,试图 set fire to 点火

set an example to sb 为某人树立榜样 stand up 起立






49.wait 50.write

stand at attention 立正

stand against

使靠着…站立,反对 stay away 不在家,外出 stay behind 留在后面

stay with

与…呆在一起,继续使用 take away 拿走,移去 take off 脱掉,起飞 take for 认为,误以为 take up 举起,从事,占用 take along 带着 take an exam 参加考试 take medicine 吃药 tape apart 拆开,严惩 take place 发生 take time to do 抽出时间做某事 take it easy 别着急 think about 考虑 think over 仔细考虑 I think so 我是这么想的 I think not 我以为不

turn in 交出,上交,拐弯,进入…往里走 turn off 关 turn against 背叛 turn aside 闪开 turn down 翻下,关小 turn over 把…翻过来 used to 过去常常 use out 用完,用坏

be used for doing被用作=be used to do wait for 等候 write down 写下,记下 write back 回信stand for 代表,象征,主张 stand doing 忍受做某事 stay out 呆在户外 stay up 不睡觉,开夜车,挺得住take back 拿回,回去,撤销 take out 取出,扣除 take in 接纳,欺骗,占有 take down 拿下 take a taxi 坐出租车 take a picnic 去野餐 take part in参加 take measure 采取措施 take the place of 代替 take a picture 拍照think of 想起,关心 think out 想出,设计出 I don’t think so 我想不是这样的turn into 变成 turn on 开 turn up 向上翻,拧亮,开大,出现 turn away 转过脸去不准入内,回绝,解雇

turn out

生产,变成,走掉,集合,参加 turn to

转到,翻到,着手,向某人求助 be used to doing sth习惯于做某事 use up 用完,用尽wait on 服侍,伺候 write to 写信给… write out 写出




班级: 1.am/is/are +adj+ to do 做。。怎么样。eg: I’m happy to see you.2.It’s +adj.+for sb to do 做。。对。来说怎么样。eg: It’s easy for us to learn learn English.3.Can+do(情态动词+do)4.have g good time =have fun =enjoy oneself +doing做。。开心

have English上英语课

have a school trip进行学校郊游

have breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早餐/午餐/晚餐

5.excuse me原谅我

6.thanks for n./doing = thank you for n./doing 因。。谢谢你 7.help sb with sth/help sb(to)do sth在。。帮助。。8.ask sb to do sth /ask sb not to do sth 要求。(不)做

ask sb about +n./pron./doing询问。。关于。。

ask sb for +n./pron./doing 向。。寻求。。

9.Lost and Found 失物招领处(箱)=lost and found case 10.e-mail/call sb.(指宾格)at+号码/邮箱

11.come on,快点,表催促。come to my school来我的学校

go to your school去你的学校

12.think about思考,考虑+n./pron./doing think of:认为,想+n./pron./doing 13.do one’s homework做某人的家庭作业 14.let: Let sb.(宾)do sth.让。。做。。let’s go让我们出发吧

15.play basketball/chess打篮球/下象棋(零冠词)play the +乐器

play the violin拉小提琴 play sth.with sb.与。。一起玩

16.sound/look/taste/smell/feel(感官动词)+adj.That sounds good.=Sounds good.=It sounds good.听起来不错 17.watch games on TV在电视上看比赛 18.love/like+doing/to do 喜欢做。。

19.want/need(sb.)to do想要,需要(某人)做。。20.eat well吃得好

eating habits饮食习惯 21.be:be busy with sth./be busy doing sth.忙于。。22.be on sale=be at great sale=have a great sale大甩卖 23.be OK with sb.对某人来说合适 24.be good at擅长be good for对。。有好处 be good/kind/friendly to sb.=be good with sb.对。。友好 25.buy sth.For sb.=buy sb.sth.为。。买。。26.buy...from从。。买。。

I’ll take it/them.我会买它/它们。27.sell sth to sb.=sell sb.sth.把。。卖给。。28.finish doing sth 29.be at good prices=be at a good price合理的价格 30.have to do不得不做 总结: 1.+to do: like to do/ask sb.to do/have time/have not time to do/need/want to do/help sb(to)do/have to do/It’s adj.for sb.to do/be adj.to do 2.+doing(1)finish+doing/like+doing/be busy doing/have a good time=have fun =enjoy oneself ding(2)what/how about doing/thanks for doing/think about/of doing/ask...for doing/ be good at doing/ after doing 3.+do let sb.do/情态动词 do /help...do/will do


动词+do: 1.let sb.do sth.2.make sb.do sth.3.help sb do sth.4.can do sth.5.have sb.do sth.6.see/hear sb.do sth.动词+to do: 1.want to do sth./want sb.to do sth.2.like to do sth.3.help sb.to do sth.4.be going to do sth.5.have to do sth 6.ask sb.to do sth.7.try to do sth.8.decide to do sth 9.begin to do sth.10.refuse to do sth.10.plan to do sth.动词+doing: 1.like doing sth.2.be good at doing sth.3.be busy in doing sth.4.spend…(in)doing sth.5.what/how about doing sth.6.go doing 7.enjoy doing sth.8.keep doing sth.


1.My cousin would like __________(risk)_____________(take)the weight-loss pills rather than ____(work)out in a gym

2.After the six-party talk in Beijing, an agreement was reached _________(state)that North Korea would abandon _________(develop)nuclear weapons.3.The customers objected _________(treat)unfairly in the course of shopping

4.A fire broke out in a commercial mall _____ unexpectedly the customers and the person working there fleeing for safety.5.The key _________(solve)the problem is to meet the demand _________(make)by the customers.6.This is the only way we can imagine ________(reduce)the overuse of water in studentss’ bathroom.7.In April, thousands of holiday makers remained __________(stick)abroad due to the valcanic ash cloud..8.The lawyer listened carefully,_____________(try not)to miss any point.9.I hear they’ve promoted Tom, but he didn’t mention ____________(promote)when we talked on the phone.10.At the beginning of class, the noise of desks ________(pat)could be heard outside the classroom.11.They are accustomed _____________(talk not)at meals.12._____(Concerne)with the accident, he was forced to resign.13.I am looking forward ____________(not see)him again.14.______(compare)its size with that of the whole earth, we find the highest mountain does not seem high at all.15.______(compare)its size with that of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.16.______(compare)its size with that of the whole earth, we find the highest mountain does not seem high at all.17.______(compare)its size with that of the whole earth, and you can find the highest mountain does not seem high at all.18.


Break off:(使)分离;(使)脱离; 停止; 断交

break off relations with that country.我们有可能和那个国家断绝关系。

Romola's heart swelled again, so that she was forced to break off.罗摩拉的心又强烈激动起来,以致不得不突然停住不说了。

Break out:(战争、打斗等不愉快事件)爆发,突然发生

Armed conflict may break out at any moment.武装冲突有一触即发之势。

Disagreement reached such a pitch that we thought a fight would break out.意见分歧达到我们以为会争吵起来的程度。

Break through: 突围,突破; 猛涨; 攻破

It was quite some time before they break through the enemy's blockade.他们花了好长时间才冲破敌人的封锁线。

This very successful effort did not result from break through of technology.这种具大的成果并不来源于工艺上的突破。

break up: 结束;(使)破碎; 放假;(使)散开

the break-up of their marriage 他们婚姻的破裂

The workers will break up the old cars for their parts.工人要把那些旧车拆掉取零件。

bring about: 使(船)掉转船头; 造成,引起[导致](某事); 创造; 实现

Several circumstances concurred to bring about the result.几种情况合在一起导致了这个结局。

They conspired to bring about the meeting of the two people.他们共同促成了两人的会面。

Bring down: 降(价); 把(某物,某人)抬下(楼、山); 使(某物或某人)掉下[倒下]; 击败…

At the next vote, we must try to bring down the government.下次选举时,我们一定设法击败政府。

First bring down his temperature.先给他退热再说。

Bring forward: v.提出,提前,显示; 套圈; 转账

We'll bring forward the matter at the next conference.我们将在下次会议上把这事提出来。And we bring forward some about several other questions.并对一些问题提出了一些看法

Bring out: 出版; 取出(某物); 呈出(某物); 说出…

It's warm enough to bring out the garden chairs.天气很暖和,可以把花园用的椅子搬出来了。It did not take the police, long time to bring out the truth.警察没用多长时间就获悉了事情的真相。

Bring over: 把(某人)带回…; 说服(某人)改变主意

I told him to bring her over here today.我让他今天就把她带到这儿来。

When are you going to bring the rest of your family over? 你准备在什么时候把你家里其余的人接过来?

Bring into effect: v.实行; 实施; 使生效; 实现

They have already begun to bring their plans into effect.他们已经开始实施计划。

Bring into play: 发挥

We must bring all positive factors into play.我们必须调动一切积极因素。

Arouse baby's imagination so bring into play creativity during actual operation.激发宝宝想象力,从而让宝宝实际操作过程中发挥创造力。

Carry out: 执行; 进行; 完成; 抬出去

Make sure the firm is competent to carry out the work.要确保这家公司有能力完成这项工作。to carry out random spot checks on vehicles 对车辆进行抽检

carry over: 使持续下去; 推迟,延期

The group agreed to carry over their discussion on the topic to the next meeting.小组同意把该问题的讨论推迟到下次会议继续进行。

Carry on: 经营; <非正>继续进行; 争吵; 吵闹

Only one carry-on is allowed.随身只能携带一个小包。

Please carry on as usual while I am away.我不在时,请照常干活。

We must try to carry on as if nothing had happened.我们必须继续下去,只当作什么都没有发生过。

Come about: 发生; 改变方向 In a few minutes he had come about into her seat.几分钟后,他已经过来,坐在她的身边。What has come about? 发生了什么事?

Come around: 苏醒; 周而复始; 造访; 开始接受

Why don't you come around and see us one evening? 你何不找个晚上过来看看我们? I think he'll come around eventually.我认为他最终会回心转意的。

Don't expect too much of me.I need time to come around to this new idea.不要对我期望太高。我需要时间接受这一新思想。Come into force: 开始生效

The regulations come into force as of today.本条例自即日起施行。

Come into play: 积极活动,起作用

All your faculties have come into play in your work.在你的工作中,你的全部才能已起到了作用。

The new rules have already come into play.新规则已经开始生效。

Come on: 开始; 快点; 前进; 开始工作

Come on, lazybones, get up!赶快,你这懒骨头,起床了!Come on, it's time we left.快点,我们该走了。

Come out: 出来; 出现; 出版; 出狱

The boss alerted him that thief might come out at night.老板要他提防夜里可能有贼。4.It's been a long year, but he will come out next Friday.这一年真长啊,但他下周五要出狱了。

Come to: 苏醒; 到达; 共计; 突然想起

When he came to and raised his head he saw Barney.他苏醒过来,抬起头,看见了巴尼。I've come to the conclusion that he's not the right person for the job.我断定他不适合做这项工作。

His ancestors had come to America from Ireland.他的祖先从爱尔兰来到美国。

Come up: 开庭

to come up before the magistrates 在地方法院出庭 come up to: 达到; 将近; 来到近旁; 比得上

Your behavior does not come up to the expected standard.你的举止达不到要求。The book doesn't come up to the mark.这本书没达到标准。

Veronica had come up to him with her usual cheery smile.维罗妮卡带着她一贯的愉快笑容来到他跟前。

Come up with: 追赶上; 比得上; 想出; 准备好(钱等)

What's our fallback if they don't come up with the money? 要是他们拿不出钱,我们如何应变?

I hope you can come up with a better plan than this.我希望你们能提出一个比这个更好的计划。

Cut down: 裁短; 减少; 把…砍倒

We're trying to cut down on the amount of paperwork involved.我们正在努力降低有关此事的文书工作量。

The axe is too blunt to cut down the tree.斧头太钝,砍不倒树。

Cut in: 插嘴; 干预; 突然插到…前面; 允许加入

I think I ought to cut in on what they are doing.我想我应该对他们所做的事情进行干预。I would like to be cut in on this project.我愿意加入这个项目。

I was enjoying the dance until that rude man cut in.我正跳得高兴,却被那鲁莽的男人打断了。

Cut off: 切除; 切[隔]断; 剪[切,砍]下;

The government announced a cut-off in overseas aid.政府宣布停止对外援助。The executioner cut off his head at one blow.刽子手一刀就把他的头砍了。I was cut off in the middle of the telephone call.我的话讲了一半,电话中断了。

Cut out: 停止; 裁剪; 剪下; 取代

We soon realized that she was cut out to be a teacher.我们不久就了解到她适合当教师。He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking.他已决心戒烟、戒酒。

Dig into: 挖掘; 把…戳进…; 调查; 刻苦钻研 Our shop, in fact, was just beginning to dig into the problem.事实上,我们的工厂刚刚开始研究这个问题。

Dig out :挖掘; 挖走; 找出来;

Why did you dig out all these old magazines? 你把这些旧杂志翻出来做什么? We are expecting to dig out some important facts.我们希望能找出一些重要的事实。

Dig up: 发现; 掘起; 翻土准备种东西

The children helped their parents to dig up potatoes.孩子们帮他们的父母挖马铃薯。When you're weeding, you must dig up the roots.斩草必须除根。Where did you dig up the fresh evidence? 你从哪儿弄到那些新证据的?

Get down to: 开始认真处理,对待

Time ran out before we could get down to the real nitty-gritty.我们还没来得及探讨真正的细节,时间就过去了。

Okay, that's the broad plan—let's get down to the specifics.好,这是总的计划—下面来谈谈具体细节。

Get hold of: 抓住,得到

Mr.Tom spent several hours trying to get hold of his lawyer.汤姆先生花了几个小时找到了他的律师。

I'd like to get hold of two tickets for the concert.我想搞到两张音乐会的票。

Get in: 到达,进入

What time does the train from London get in? 从伦敦来的火车何时进站? He gestured abruptly for Virginia to get in the car.他粗鲁地示意弗吉尼亚上车。

Get into: 进入; 陷入;养成

We had to use force to get into the house.我们不得不强行进屋。

I don't want to get into a wrangle with the committee.我不想同委员会发生争执。It's much easier to get into a habit than quit it.养成一种习惯比改掉一种习惯容易得多。

Get off: 下(车、马等); 离开;起飞

I get off at the next station.我在下一站下车。How does such a heavy plane get off the ground? 这样一架重型飞机怎样起飞?

Get on: 上车; 对付

Get on with the work—this is no time to sit back.好好干活,现在可不是坐着休息的时候。The people shoved to get on the bus.人们你推我挤争着上公共汽车。

Get out: 出来; 出版;(使)出现; 作出

He's quite capable of lying to get out of trouble.靠撒谎渡过难关他挺有一套 I saw a couple of men get out.我看见有两个男人出去了。

Get over: 克服;(使)渡过; 走完; 传送

We are certain that he will get over his illness.我们相信他一定会战胜病魔的 I hope you'll get over being angry.我希望你克制住不要生气。They only managed to get over ten kilometers.他们只走完十公里路。

Get rid of: 除掉,去掉; 涤荡; 革除; 摈除

He latched onto us and we couldn't get rid of him.他缠着我们,甩也甩不掉。How to get rid of these things is a big problem.如何清除这些东西是个大问题。

Get the better of: 占上风,胜过…

If you work hard, you will get the better of your classmates.如果你努力学习,你将胜过同班同学。

Get through: 完成; 读完; 穿过; 用完

The passage is too narrow for cars to get through.通道太窄,汽车过不去。

I've pile of papers to get through before the meeting.开会前我有一大堆文件要处理。I rang you several times but wasn't able to get through.我几次打电话给你,都没有打通。

Get up: 起床; 安排; 举起; 站起来

Come on, lazybones, get up!赶快,你这懒骨头,起床了!

Give full play to: 充分发挥

We should give full play to the spirit of self-reliance.我们应充分发扬自力更生的精神。

Give in: 屈服; 投降; 让步;

give in to her pleadings.他拒不接受她的请求。Under no conditions we should not give in.无论如何我们不应屈服。

Give off: 发出; 放出; 散发出; 放射出

The flowers give off a heady scent at night.这些花晚上散发出醉人的芳香。Fireflies give off flashes of light when they fly at night.萤火虫夜间飞行时发出闪光。Rotten eggs give off a bad smell.臭蛋散发出难闻的气味。

Give out: 分发; 公布;(机器或身体部位)停止运行; 停止起作用

There were people at the entrance giving out leaflets.有人在入口处散发传单。He wouldn't give out any information...他不愿透露任何消息。All machines give out eventually...最终,所有的机器都停止了运转。One of his lungs gave out entirely.他的其中一片肺叶完全不起作用了。

Give rise to: 引起,导致; 造成

So many things concurred to give rise to the problem.许多事情同时发生而导致了这一问题。

Give up: 放弃; 投降; 把…让给;

She was not going to give up her hard-won freedom so easily.她不会这么轻易地放弃得来不易的自由。

We had to give up the castle to the enemy.我们只得把城堡拱手让给了敌人。

Give way: v.撤退; 让路; 退让;

You must give way when you come to this junction.你到了这个路口必须让路。

He should give way to a younger, more decisive leader.他应该让位于更年轻、更有决断力的领导者。

Go after: 追逐,追求; 跟随;

I don't go after fame or money.我不追求名利。Don't just go after quantity.不要单纯追求数字。

Go along with: 赞同,附和

I can't go along with you in this matter.在这件事情上我不能同意你的意见。

Go in for: 从事; 参加; 喜欢;

They wanted me to go in for film work.他们要我从事电影工作。What kind of recreation do you go in for? 你在文娱方面有什么爱好?

go off: 离开; 消失;开火

The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn.路灯在黄昏时开,拂晓时关。The firecracker didn't go off.爆竹没响。

Go on: 发生; 进行; 过去; 向前走

to go on a binge 饮酒作乐

I'd love to go on a round-the-world cruise.我很想乘船周游世界。

Go over: vt.重温; 翻; 转为; 搁置起来

This matter will go over until the next session.这件事将留待下次会议讨论。I'll go over and take a look.我过去看一看。

Go through:(法律、合同等正式)通过; 用完; 检查; 完成

to go through all the formalities necessary in order to get a gun license 办理取得持枪执照的全部必要手续

How long will it take to go through the book? 读完这本书要多少时间?

Go without: 没有; 缺乏; 不言而喻; 理所当然

Since there is no butter left, we had to go without.既然奶油没了,我们只得将就一下。

In those days we often had to go without supper.那时候我们常常没饭吃。We can't go without you for this outing.这次郊游少不了你。

Go wrong: 走错路,误入岐途,(机器等)发生故障; 出岔子; 出乱子

Naturally, I get upset when things go wrong.事情出了错,我当然就会很烦。

Hand in: 交上; 递交; 呈送;

I'm supposed to have handed in a first draft of my dissertation...我本该把论文的初稿交上去了。

Hand on: 转交; 转送; 传下来; 传给下一代

Will you hand on this telegram to your friend? 你把这份电报转交给你的朋友好吗?

Hand out: 分发; 拿出;

hand out the materials for the lecture? 你可以帮我分发演讲材料吗? Hand over: 交出; 交付; 交给; 让与

You must hand over your passport before you leave.离境前必须交回护照。

He has resigned and will hand over charge of his office today.他已辞职,将在今日办移交手续。

Hold back: 隐瞒; 控制; 阻碍;

She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears.她紧闭双眼,却无法忍住眼泪。

Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight.吉姆总算抑制住了愤怒,从而避免了一场殴斗。

You seem to be holding something back.你好像隐瞒了点什么。

Hold on: 坚持; <口>别挂电话; 抓紧不放

They determined to hold on to the last.他们决定坚持到最后。

Despite her aching shoulders, Nancy held on.南希紧抓不放,不顾双肩疼痛。

The manager asked him to hold on while he investigated.经理让他稍等一会儿,他去调查一下。

Hold on a minute.稍等片刻。

Hold on to: 坚持; 扒

They determined to hold on to the last.他们决定坚持到最后。

Hold out: 维持,坚持

I hope this good weather will hold out for another week.我希望这好天气能再持续一个星期。We must hold out.We mustn't be frightened by the difficulties.我们必须顶住,不能被困难吓倒。

Keep off:(使)不接近; 禁食;(雨、雪等)没有下; 避开某一话题

He told the boys playing football to keep off the grass.他告诉那些踢足球的孩子们不要践踏草坪。

Will the rain keep off until after the game? 比赛结束后才会下雨吧?

Keep on: 继续雇用; 继续前进; 继续穿着[戴着];(使)继续服药[接受训练] It's time you went.Why do you keep on chattering away? 你不快走,还罗嗦个啥? Will you keep on the course of exercises until you are thinner? 你要继续这项训练直到身体瘦下来为止吗?

Keep to: 待在;(使)遵守[坚持]; 保密;(使)谈话不离题

keep to the speed limit.什么时候你都不得超过最高速度限制。He didn't keep to the letter of the contract.他没有严格按照合同的条文办事。I must keep to what I've seen with my own eyes.我只谈一下我自己亲眼所见的。

Keep up(with): vi.不减弱,(天气)持续不变; 保持; 保养;(使)不倒下; 保持不衰退

A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change.一家成功的公司必须得跟上技术变革的步伐。

It must be very costly to keep up a house like this.维修这么一幢房子一定很昂贵。

Lay aside: 放弃(某种习惯); 积蓄(金钱); 把…放在一边; 暂时搁置一边

It is the time we lay aside old prejudices.是撇开旧偏见的时候了。Lay aside your book and go to bed.放下你的书本去睡吧。

Lay down: 放下; 规定; 放弃; 建造

She laid down her knife and fork and pushed her plate away.她放下刀叉,推开盘子。The Companies Act lays down a set of minimum requirements...《公司法》规定了一系列最低标准。

Lay off: v.暂时解雇,裁员; 停止工作[活动]; 停止做某种不快的事; 暂时解雇

The doctor advised me to lay off cigarettes.医生建议我戒烟。Lay off that girl!别缠着那个女孩子了。

They did not sell a single car for a month and had to lay off workers.一个月来一辆汽车都卖不出去,他们只好裁员。

Lay out: 设计; 展示; 安排; 陈设

My job is to lay out the text and graphics on the page.我的工作是设计页面上的正文和图表。When we laid out the car parks, we reckoned on one car per four families...规划停车场时,我们预计的是每4个家庭有一辆车。Leave alone: 不理,不管[惹],不烦扰,不干涉

Leave the child alone;you're always picking at her.不要管那孩子,你总是找她的茬儿。When the boss gets mad, leave him alone.当老板生气时,不要理他。

She wants to think things out quietly, so we had better leave her alone.她要安静地考虑一下, 最好别打扰她。

Leave behind: 忘带; 留下; 丢弃; 使落后

Please call for me when you go;don't leave me behind.你去的时候叫我一声,可别把我留下。

We're going to be left behind by the rest of the world...我们将被全世界甩在后面。They wore gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints behind(them).他们戴着手套,以免留下指纹。

Leave off: 停止(做)某事,戒掉; 戒除

Do not leave off your overcoat;it is cold.不要把你的大衣脱下,天气很冷。Let's leave off here for lunch.吃饭了,就到此为止吧。

Leave out: 遗漏; 省略; 未顾及; 忽略

Say that again, but this time leave out the swear-words.再说一遍,但这次省去那些诅咒语。

Live on: 继续活着; 继续存在; 住在…上; 以…为食

It was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary.他越来越难以靠他的工资维持生计了。

Live up to: 达到高标准; 不辜负;

I try to live up to the high standard of the school.我力求达到这所学校的高标准要求。One ought to live up to what he knows to be right.自己认为是对的,就应该在生活中去实践。

Look after: 注视; 照顾,照看(某人或某物); 陪; 看管

She is too busy to look after her child.她太忙,没有时间照料孩子。We'll help you look after your finances.我们将会帮您理财。

Look down onupon: 俯瞰(某处); 看不起(某人); 轻视

I wish you wouldn't look down on this kind of work.我希望你不要看不起这种工作。Don't look down on the role women can play.不要瞧不起妇女的作用。

Look for: 寻找(某人或某物);

People were leaving the countryside in droves to look for work in the cities.一批一批的人离开农村到城里找工作。

Jane craned her neck to look for her mother in the crowd.简伸长脖子张望,在人群里找她的母亲。

Look forward to: 期望,盼望; 瞩望;

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.我盼望着不久收到你的信。They look forward to their rebirth as a nation.他们期待着全民族的新生。

Look into: 在…里查资料; 深入地检查; 调查; 观察

We'll look into the matter first before coming to a decision.我们先研究一下,然后再作决定。We'll look into that right away.这事我们马上就去调查。

Look on: 在一旁观看,袖手旁观

A lot of people look on it like that...这事情很多人都这样看。

Look out: 向外看; 面向; 朝外; 当心

She swivelled round to look out of the window.她转过身去望窗外。I shall look out that I don't trust him again.我要留神不再信任他了。

Look up: 向上看;查找

She just grunted, not deigning to look up from the page.她只咕哝了一声,继续看书,不屑抬起头来看一眼。

to look up a number in the telephone directory 在电话簿里查电话号码

make certain: 弄清楚,确信

Make certain what time the train goes.务必弄清火车发车时间。

He got up at six so as to make certain of being in time.他六时起床以确保准时。

Make for: 走向; 前往; 冲向; 有利于

He rose from his seat and made for the door.他从椅子上起身向门口走去。A happy parent makes for a happy child.有快乐的父母,才会有快乐的孩子。Make out: 辨认出;理解;

The poem is so complicated that I cannot make out its meaning.这首诗太复杂,我理解不了它的意思。

Distantly, to her right, she could make out the city of Shanghai.在她的右侧,她能远远地分辨出上海这座城市。

Through the mist I could just make out a vague figure.透过雾霭,我只能看见一个模糊的人影。

No one can make out how the fire started.没人能找出起火的原因。

Make over: 转让; 移交; 修改; 改造

Do you think you can make over this old overcoat? 你是不是认为你能修改这件旧大衣呢?

Make sense: 讲得通; 有意义; 是明智的; 理解

It would make sense to leave early.还是早点走好。

We couldn't make any sense of his sudden outburst.我们被他这没头没脑的话给弄愣了。

Make sure: 查明;确信

Make sure the firm is competent to carry out the work.要确保这家公司有能力完成这项工作。Make sure you defrost the chicken completely before cooking.一定让冻鸡化透后再烹调。

Make the best of: 充分利用;

We must make the best of the few natural resources we have.我们一定要尽可能地利用我们所拥有的一点自然资源。

Make the most of: 最大限度地利用

The dining-room has a southern aspect which allows us to make the most of the sun.这间餐厅方向朝南,使我们享有充分的阳光。

We've only got one day in London, so let's make the most of it and see everything.我们在伦敦只停留一天,所以我们要尽量加以利用,多看点东西。

Make up: 组成;化妆

Can you make up a foursome for tennis tomorrow? 你们明天能凑足四人打网球吗? I can't be bothered to make up my face.我懒得化妆。Make up for: 补偿,弥补;

He leans over backwards to make up for what he has lost.他尽力弥补他的损失。Hard work can often make up for a lack of ability.努力工作经常可以弥补能力的不足。

Make use of: 使用,利用;

They make use of advertisements to plug the new product.他们利用广告广为宣传这种新产品。

Make way(for): 让开,让路,让位; 腾出

Make way, there!I need to get through.让一让,我需要走过去

Your project will have to make way, for the main project.你们的工程得给重点工程让路。

Pull down: 毁坏; 拆毁;

It is easier to pull down than to build up.拆房容易盖房难。

Pull up:(使)停下(住);从土里拔出来;名次提前

If you study hard, you'll soon pull up your French.只要你用功,你的法语水平就会很快提高的。

Please pull up a chair and join the conversation.请拿过把椅子来一起聊天。“And they are going to pull up the weeds.”所以她们准备把杂草清除干净。

Put an end to: 结束,终止;

They were obliged to put an end to such an expectation.她们不得不打消这种希望。

Put aside: 撇开,储备;储蓄

put aside 5 minutes to talk to you.我抽出五分钟来与你交谈。Put aside this question for a moment.这个问题先撇开不谈。

She was a thrifty woman and managed to put aside some money every month.她是个很会持家的妇女,每月都设法存些钱。

Put down: 放下; 记下;平定

She put down the phone, sighed, and shook her head sadly.她放下电话,叹着气,惋惜地摇了摇头。

The uprising was put down with the utmost ferocity.起义被极端残酷地镇压下去了。I had prepared for the meeting by putting down what I wanted from them.已为会议做了准备,写下了我想从他们那里得到的东西。

Put forward: 提出;

The teacher responded affirmatively to the question that student put forward.老师对那个学生的问题作了肯定的回答。

Put into effect: 实行; 实施; 使生效; 实现

The bill was put into effect last month.那法规于上个月生效。

He will see to it was that your plans quickly put into effect.他将留意你的计划是否很快付诸实行。

Put into operation: 使处于实施状态

The plan began to be put into operation.这计划已经开始实施。

Put into practice: 实施,实行

The regulations have been put into practice on a trial basis.这些规定已开始试行。It's easy to talk, but difficult to put into practice.说起来轻巧,做起来难。

Put off: 延期; 敷衍; 使分心; 延期; 脱去(衣、帽等)

put off your shoes before entering this holy building.在进入这所神圣的殿堂之前,请把鞋脱掉。

The appointment was put off because of his illness.由于他生病而推迟了约会。

Put on: 穿上; 上演

She put on her coat and went out...她穿上大衣出去了。

The band are hoping to put on a UK show before the end of the year...那个乐队希望年底之前在英国举办一场演出。

Put out: 扑灭

She was rushing around madly trying to put out the fire.她疯了似地跑来跑去,试图把火扑灭。

Put to use: 使用,利用; 采用; Instead of wrecking the valley, the waters are put to use making electricity.现在河水不但不在流域内肆疟,反而被人们用来生产电力。

Put up: 举起; 张贴; 建造;

Put up your hands before you answer the questions.回答问题之前请举手。He was putting up a new fence at his home.他正在为自己家搭建新的篱笆墙。

The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college's founder.那所教师培训学院为该学院的创立者立了一块纪念牌匾。

Result from: 产生于…,由…引起

Many hair problems result from what you eat.很多头发问题都是由饮食引起的。

Result in: 引起,导致,The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production.这次水灾造成相当大的减产。

Run into: 偶然碰上;遇到(困难);撞上;共计

He has run into trouble in his job.他的工作遇到了麻烦。

He ran into Krettner in the corridor a few minutes later.几分钟之后他在走廊里意外碰到了克雷特纳。

The driver failed to negotiate a bend and ran into a tree.司机没能顺利拐弯,撞到了树上 He said companies should face punitive civil penalties running into millions of pounds.他说公司应该面临高达几百万英镑的惩罚性民事罚款。

Run out(of): 用完; 耗尽; 从…跑出

He has run out of food;his children are hungry.他家揭不开锅了,孩子们都等着吃饭。

Run over: 压过

A dodge behind a tree kept her from being run over.她向树后一闪,才没被车从身上辗过。

Run through: 贯穿;

(使)在…流过; 匆匆查阅

run through these names again from the top of the list.请将这些名字从头至尾再看一遍。

Father told me to unblock the pipe to let the water run through.父亲叫我把管子打通,让水流过去。See about: 查看; 处理; 考虑

He promised to see about the matter.他答应处理此事。

I'll see about your plan when I've time.我有空时,我会考虑你的计划。

See off: 送行,送别;

Please don't trouble to see me off at the station.请不用麻烦到车站送我了

See through: 看穿; 拆穿

He's a poor liar;anyone can see through him.他说谎不高明,任何人都能识破。

See to: 照料,料理

Leave it up to me.I'll see to it.交给我吧,我会负责的。

See to it that you are here punctually tomorrow.明天你务必要准时到这里。

Send for: 派人去请;召唤

Leave this house now, or I will send for the police.你现在就离开这房子,否则我叫警察了。Please send for a doctor.麻烦请位医生来。

Send in: 提交,派遣

send in reinforcements 派出增援部队

Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter...申请人需要提交一份简历和附函。

Send on: 邮寄; 转寄;

Would you be kind enough to send on any mail to my new address? 请你把寄给我的信转寄到我的新地址好吗?

Send out: 发送; 发出; 长出;

All the stars send out light and heat.所有的恒星都会发出光和热。

If you cut your rubber plant back, it should send out new side shoots.橡胶树修剪完后,应会长出新枝。

Set about: 开始做(某事);

After the earthquake, the people set about rebuilding their homes.地震过后,人们开始重建家园。Set back: 拨慢;阻碍

All their efforts at reform have been set back.他们所有的改革努力都遭受到挫折。

Set back the clock for one hour.把钟拨慢一小时。

The bad weather will set back our building plans.恶劣的天气将使我们的施工计划延后。

Set down: 记下

She listened attentively and set down every word he said.她专心听着,把他说的话一字不漏地记下来

Set in: 开始; 到来;

Winter is setting in and the population is facing food and fuel shortages.冬天即将到来,人们将面临食物和燃料的短缺。

Set off: 出发;

The President's envoy set off on another diplomatic trip...总统的使节开始了又一次外交之旅。

I set off, full of optimism.我无比乐观地出发了。

Set out: 动身; 出发; 着手; 安排

We put there for the night and set out on the tomorrow.我们在那里住了一晚,并于翌日动身。The government has set out to make many needed reforms.政府开始进行许多必要的改革。

Set up: 建立;

An inquiry was set up to determine the cause of the accident.已展开调查以确定事故原因。They drew their wagons into a laager and set up camp.他们把马车围成一圈扎起营地。

Stand by: 信守诺言; 站在旁边;支持;

You cannot stand by and allow such a thing.你不能袖手旁观,听任发生这样的事。We should always stand by the side of justice.我们应该永远站在正义一边。We'll stand by you through hardships.不管多么艰难困苦,我们都要支持你们

Stand for: 代表;容忍

I will not stand for behavior of that kind in my house.在我的家里我不会容许那种行为。What do the letters U.N.stand for?这两个字母代表什么?

Stand out: 突出; 坚持; Red flags stand out brightly, set against the blue sky.红旗在蓝天的映衬下显得分外鲜艳。The union decided to stand out for its original claim.工会决定坚持原来的要求。

Stand up: 起立; 竖立; 经受住

He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing.他突然心血来潮,想站起来歌唱。He made wild accusations that did not stand up...他的指控毫无根据,根本站不住脚。

Stand up for: 支持,坚持(与stand by可互换,但这个短语更正式些)Always stand up for your principles.要一贯坚持你的原则。Will you stand up for me? 你愿意支持我吗?

Stand up to: 对抗,勇敢地面对; 抵抗; 顶住

My mother was very weak;she could not stand up to this cold weather.我母亲身体很弱,经受不住这种寒冷的天气。

He hit me, so I hit him back — the first time in my life I'd stood up to him...他打了我,所以我就还手了——有生以来我第一次反抗他。

Take advantage of: 利用;占…的便宜

Take advantage of low-season airfares.利用淡季飞机票价。

If you're too trusting, other people will take advantage of you.如果你过于轻信,其他人就会打你的主意。

Take care of: 照顾;

Her work is to take care of the children.她的工作是照料好孩子。

Take charge of: 控制,掌管,John will take charge of the next meeting.约翰将主持下一次会议。

The department was badly organized until she took charge of it.这个部门在她负责以前组织工作做得很差。

Take down: 记录,记下;取下

I'll take down the heads if you please, sir.我要把大纲记下,请你原谅,阁下

Do you think we should take down the decorations? 你觉得我们应当取掉这些装饰品吗?

Take effect: 生效,奏效 The prescribed medicine failed to take effect.医生开的药没有见效。

The traffic laws don't take effect until the end of the year.交通法要到年底才生效。

Take for granted: 认为…理所当然,想当然; 轻信

I take it for granted that they have arrived there already.我还以为他们已经到那儿了。Don't take his help for granted.不要认为他的帮助是应该的。

Take in: 欺骗;

The salesman finds it easy to take in old ladies.这个推销员发现老太太们容易上当受骗。

Take into account: 重视,考虑; 顾及

She did not take into account how much liberty she was securing.她并不考虑自己已获得了多少自由。

We had to take into account the strategic implications of these events.我们必须考虑这些事变的战略含义。

Take off: 起飞;(使)离开;take-off(名词);脱掉衣帽等

Three planes were standing on the tarmac, waiting to take off.三架飞机停在跑道上,等候起飞。

The plane is ready for take-off.飞机准备随时起飞。She took off her spectacles.她摘下了眼镜。

Take on: 承担;

He is always ready to take on heavy responsibilities.他一向乐于挑重担。

Take out: 取出,除去; 拔掉; 把…带出去; 邀请(某人)外出

Don't forget to take out the garbage.别忘了把垃圾拿出去。Reichel took me out to lunch.雷赫尔请我出去吃的午饭。

Take over: 接管

He's had a good innings but now it's time for him to retire and let someone younger take over as director.他成功地当了多年主任,不过现在该退休了,让更年轻的人来接替。Have a rest.I'll take over.你歇会儿,我来替你

Take part in: 参加…,参与…活动; They all dressed up to take part in the New Year's party.他们都穿上盛装,去参加除夕晚会。

Take place: 发生,The evening party will take place on New Year's Eve.晚会将在除夕那天举行。

Take the place of: 代替

By and by electricity will take the place of coal.不久以后,电将取代煤。

Take to: 喜欢;习惯于…; 开始从事;

Did the children take to him?...孩子们喜欢上他了么?

They had taken to wandering through the streets arm-in-arm.他们养成了挽着胳膊逛街的习惯。

Think about: 考虑…;回想起

You can think about it and let me know your decision later.你可以把这事考虑一下,以后再把你的决定告诉我。

It gave me goose pimples just to think about it.只是想到它我就起鸡皮疙瘩。

Think of: 考虑; 想起; 有…想法;

Think of a number and multiply it by two.想出一个数,然后乘以二。

Ask yourself what the folks in Peoria will think of it.想一想皮奥里亚的人会如何看待这件事。

Think of…as:.把…看作

I don't really think of myself as a businesswoman.我并没有真的认为自己是商界女性。

Think over: 仔细考虑; 重新考虑;

I must think over this, I have known for years that it was in the cards.我得仔细考虑考虑,许多年来,我就知道这是可能的。

Throw doubt onupon: 对…产生怀疑,使人对…产生怀疑

They may be used to throw doubt on an adverse decision.他们可能以前经常质疑一个不利的决定。

Throw light onupon: 提供线索;阐明

Your statement does not throw light on the subject.你的发言并没有说明问题。

Turn in: 上交; 归还; You must turn in your uniform when you leave the army.你离开部队时,必须把军服上缴。

Turn out(to be): 结果是,原来是,证明是

The result will definitely turn out to be just the opposite of their wish.其结果必然不会像他们所一厢情愿的那样,而只能适得其反。

Turn over: 仔细考虑;(使)翻转;(使)颠倒;(使)倾覆

Even when she didn't say anything you could see her turning things over in her mind.即便她什么都没说,你也能看出她心里在盘算着。

Liz picked up the blue envelope and turned it over curiously...莉兹拿起蓝色信封,好奇地翻过来看。

Turn to: 求助于;(使)转向;

Turn to page 64.请翻到第64页。

You can always turn to him for help because he is a kind person.他是个好心的人,你可以随时向他寻求帮助。

Turn up:(音量)调大;出现;

to turn up the treble on the stereo 把立体声唱机的高音音量调大 He didn't turn up until half an hour later.半小时后他才出现。

Work at: 从事于…,致力于…

Is Tom still working at the new book that he promised?汤姆仍在埋头撰写他曾允诺的那本新书吗?

Work on: 从事于…;致力于

They'll work on till sunset.他们将继续工作, 直到日落。

Work out: 解决;

Can you work out on the map where we are now? 你能在地图上找到我们现在所在的位置吗?

We're trying to work out a way to make the system foolproof.我们正努力想办法使这个系统简单易操作。

Work up: 发展; They will work up all these stones in building the bridge.他们将把这些石子全部用来造桥。This medicine will work up an appetite.这种药有开胃作用。

Work with: 与…在一起干; 从事…工作

I find it so refreshing to work with young people in this department.我发现和这一部门的青年一起工作令人精神振奋。

He has always liked working with machinery.他总是喜欢搞机械。



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    一. 只接不定式(不能接动名词)作宾语的25个常用动词 1. want to do sth. 想要做某事 I want to buy a new computer this afternoon. 我想今天下午买台新电脑。 2. would like......


    1、(be) about to 刚要,即将 2、(be) absorbed to 专心于 3、account for 说明(原因等) 4、(be) accused of 控告,谴责 5、acquaint with 熟悉,熟知 6、adapt to (使)适应,适合;......


    常用动词固定搭配 1、(be) about to 刚要,即将 2、add to 增添,增加;补充说 8、add up to 合计达,总计 9、agree to (+物)同意,赞成 12、agree with (+人)同意,赞成 13、answer f......


    初中英语5类动词搭配 一. 只接不定式(不能接动名词)作宾语的25个常用动词 1. want to do sth. 想要做某事 I want to buy a new computer this afternoon. 我想今天下午买......


    第十二讲 英语动词 [1] [新E英语 沈章柱2007-10-18] 一、动词的概念 顾名思义,动词就是表示动作的词。所谓动作,绝大多数是可以感知到的,比如汽车在开,人在看电视,太阳升起降......


    英语搭配 预约券 reservation ticket 下午茶 high tea 微博 Microblog/ Tweets 裸婚 naked wedding 亚健康 sub-health平角裤 boxers 愤青 young cynic 灵魂伴侣 soul mate......


    1. 越来越:be increasingly +adj.,be on the rise,a growing number of 2. 人们认为:it is generally / widely believed / held / agreed that 3. 许多问题:a host / number of......


    一致和动词搭配总结-----2016年11月29日 一、一致:一致指的是人称、数、时态的一致。 1. These books are Bob’s. And I put her books in the drawer. 2. My desk-mates a......