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1.be/come from来自

2.a little / a bit of一点(修饰不可数名词)

3.like doing sth/like to do sth 喜欢做某事(前者强调习惯,后者强调一次性)

4.write to sb给某人写信

5.tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事

6.on weekends在周末

7.go to the movies去看电影

8.live in居住在9.speak English说英语

10.in October在十月(在日期和表示星期几的词前用on, 在日期或



11.post office邮局

12.pay phone投币式公用电话

13.on Center Street在中心街

14.near here=in the neighborhood 在附近

15.across from在……对面

16.next to在旁边

17.in front of在……前面


19.turn left/right向左(右)转

20.on the left/right在左(右)边

21.take a walk散步

= have a walk

= go for a walk

22.have fun = have a good time 玩得高兴

23.take a taxi乘出租车

24.have a good trip旅途愉快

25.go down/along沿着……向前走

26.go through穿过

27.the way to去……的路

28.next Sunday下个星期天

29.on your left/right在你的左(右)边

30.welcome to欢迎来到

31.the beginning of在……的开始

31.pen pal笔友

32.the United States美国

32.the United Kingdom英国


1.let sb do sth让某人做某事

2.kind of有几分

3.at night在晚上

4.South Africa南非

5.play with和……玩

6.shop assistant店员

7.bank clerk银行职员

8.TV/ police station电视台/警察局

9.work with和……工作

10.work for为……工作

11.work hard努力工作(学习)


13.give sb sth=give sth to sb把某物给某人

14.in the day在白天

15.talk to/with和……谈话

16.ask sb questions问某人问题

17.go out to dinners出去吃晚饭

18.in a hospital在医院里

19.write stories写故事


1.talk on the phone打电话

2.wait for等待

3.talk about谈论关于……的事情

4.read the newspaper看报

5.TV show电视节目

6.on vacation在度假

7.take a photo=take photos 照相

8.look at看

9.have a good time玩得高兴

10.pretty good相当不错

11.a little bit一点儿

12.look like看起来像

13.medium height中等个子

14.medium build中等身材(体格)

15.stop doing sth停止做某事

(注: stop to do sth停下来做另一件事)

16.pop singer流行歌手

17.house of dumplings饺子店

18.would like to do sth = want to do sth想要做某事

19.green tea绿茶

20.remember doing sth记得做过某事注: remember to do sth记得要做某事


1.last weekend上个周末

2.go to the beach去海滩

3.study for为……而学习

4.stay at home呆在家里

5.have a party举行晚会

6.do some reading读书

7.on Sunday morning在星期天上午

8.go to the mountains去山区;去爬山

9.sit down坐下

10.watch sb do sth看见某人做某事

11.look for寻找

12.It’s time to…该是……的时候了

12.what about ……怎么样

13.middle school中学

14.go shopping去购物

15.talk show脱口秀

16.practice doing sth练习做某事

17.go on vacation去度假

18.summer camp夏令营

19.think of=think about考虑;认为

20.be lost迷路;丢失

21.have fun doing sth做某事有乐趣

22.in the corner在角落

23.find sb doing sth发现某人在做某事

24.help sb(to)do sth帮助某人做某事

25.all day整天

26.make sb do sth使某人做某事

(类似结构: have/let sb do sth)

27.decide to do sth决定做某事

24.the Great Wall长城

25.the Palace Museum故宫

26.Tian’an Men Square天安门广场


1.soap opera肥皂剧

2.situation comedy情景喜剧

3.agree with赞同

4.key ring钥匙链

5.sports show体育节目

6.ask sb about sth问某人某事

7.show sb sth给某人看某物

8.enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事

9.How about ……怎么样

11.mind doing sth介意做某事

12.school rules学校规则

13.in class在课堂上

14.talk loudly大声谈话

15.listen to music听音乐

16.have to不得不

17.in fact实际上

18.sports shoes运动鞋

19.the Children’s Palace少年宫

20.no talking禁止谈话

21.dining hall食堂

22.on school nights在上学的晚上

23.in bed睡觉,在床上

24.make dinner

=cook dinner做晚饭

25.after school放学后

26.too many可数名词太多

too much 不可数名词太多

27.arrive late for class

= be late for class上课迟到



1.all right 好;行;不错2.at home 在家3.at school 在学校

4.come in 进来;进入5.come on 来吧;跟着来;赶快

6.family tree 家谱(图)7.get up起床8.go home 回家

9.have a look 看一看10.have a seat 坐下;就座11.have supper 吃晚餐

12.how many 多少13.in English 用英语(表达)14.look after 照顾;照看

15.look at 看;观看 16.look like 看起来像……17.look the same 看起来很像

18.middle school 中学 19.on duty 值日20.over there 在那边21.put on 穿上;戴上

22.sit down 坐下 23.very much 很;非常24.watch TV 看电视

25.Young Pioneer 少先队员 26.a bottle of 一瓶… 27.a glass of 一(玻璃)杯…

28.a little 一点;少量 29.a lot 很;非常 30.a lot of 许多;大量

31.a piece of 一片(一张,一块…)32.a shop assistant 售货员;店员

33.after class 课后34.all day 一整天;一天到晚35.and so on 等等

36.at night 在晚上;在夜里37.be full of 充满…的38.be good at 在…方面

39.bus station 公共汽车站40.by air 乘飞机41.by plane 乘飞机

42.by sea 乘船43.by ship 乘船44.come out 出来45.dinning room 餐厅

46.do homework 做作业47.do morning exercises 做早操

48.do some reading 朗读;阅读49.each other 互相

50.for example 例如

51.family name 姓52.from …to…从…到…53.get down 下来;落下

54.get on 上车55.give … a hand 给予…帮助56.go shopping去买东西

57.go to bed 睡觉58.have a rest 休息59.have sports 进行体育活动

60.help…with 帮助(某人)做(某事)61.high school 中学62.hot dog 热狗

63.how long 多久64.how much 多少65.ice cream 冰淇淋 66.in the day 在白天

67.a kind of 一种;一类68.learn…from 向…学习69.listen to 听

70.look for 寻找 71.make friends 交朋友72.make phone calls 打电话

73.make money 赚钱74.make the bed 整理床铺75.not…at all 一点也不

76.of course当然77.on foot 走路;步行78.one day 有一天;某一天

79.put away 把…收起来80.right how 立刻;马上81.shopping list 购物单

82.table tennis 兵兵球 83.take off 脱掉衣服84.take photos 照像

85.take time 花费(时间)86.talk about 谈话;交谈 87.talk with 和…交谈

88.the Great Wall 长城




full name:全名family name:姓given name:名be from:来自come from:来自

telephone number:电话号码very much:很/非常like……very much:非常喜欢

my name is: 我的名字是her name:她的名字his name:他的名字how old:多少岁

what class:几年级Class 4,Grade 7:7年级4班(班级在前,年级在后)

in English:用英语表达in Chinese:用汉语表达an English book:一本英语书

an English teacher:一个英语老师an egg:一个鸡蛋an apple:一个苹果

an actor:一个演员an office worker:一个办公室职员an orange:一个桔子

three buses:三辆公交车four books:四本书seven boxes:7个盒子

a small nose:一个小鼻子a wide mouth:一个大嘴巴big eyes:大眼睛

my favorite…:我最喜欢的……her favorite:她最喜欢的your favorite:你最喜欢的favorite actor:最喜欢的演员favorite food:最喜欢的食物favorite color:最喜欢的颜色

a round face:一张圆脸…years old:岁in the same… :在同一个…

in different grades:在不同的年级in different clothes:穿不同的衣服

a long ruler:一把尺子I see:我明白了look the same:看起来一样look different:看起来不同look like:看起来像look at:看某物give sth(物)to sb(人)=give sb something:把某物给某人 what color:什么颜色want to do sth:想做某事<例如:I want to buy a book(我想要买一本书)>

want sth:想要某物<例如:I want a book.>a pair of shoes:一双鞋子a pair of gloves:一副手套 The girl in a yellow dress:穿一件黄裙子的那个女孩(in放在被修饰词之后)

The man in black:传黑衣服的那个男人the boy in a red T-shirt:穿红体裇的那个男孩

Whose jacket:谁的夹克衫whose pants:谁的裤子blue eyes:蓝眼睛

Help sb with sth:帮助某人做某事例如:help me with my English.Speak Chinese:讲中文speak English:讲英文a lot=very much:很not…at all:根本不,一点也不 a little:一点儿help each other:互相帮助in a hospital: 在医院on a farm:在农场in a school:在学校 in restaurant:在餐馆in an office:在办公室on the sofa:在沙发上family tree:家谱play with sb:和某人玩耍live in:住在live with sb:和某人住would like:想要=want

would like sth:想要某物would like to do sth:想要做某事some bread:一些面包some fish:一些鱼肉 some vegetables:一些蔬菜what about=how about:怎么样(用来提建议)

good idea:好主意a glass of water:一杯水a glass of apple juice:一杯苹果汁Chinese food:中国食物 have sth for+三餐:每餐吃什么 < have bread and milk for breakfast.have rice and vegetable for lunch.>

have lunch:吃午饭have breakfast:吃早餐have dinner:吃晚饭something to drink:喝的东西 help yourself:你请自便with sb:和某人

why not do ?为什么不?(例如:why not have some fish? ;why not eat out?<为什么不出去吃?>)buy sth for sb=buy sb sth :为某人买某物(例如:I buy a pen for my son=I buy son a pen.)

think of :认为think about :考虑All right :好的/行try on :试穿how much:多少钱(对价钱提问)how much:多少(对数量提问)

big sale :大减价do some shopping:购物do some cooking :做饭do some reading: 读书 tow kilos of apple:两斤苹果one bag of rice :一袋大米how heavy:多重six bottles of milk:6瓶牛奶 how many+可数名词复数:多少(对可数名词的数量提问)be free:有空go to+地点:去某地 I’ll call her:我将打电话给她sing a song:唱一支歌I’d love to:我很乐意go fishing:去钓鱼

go for a picnic:打野餐on Sunday: 在星期天what’s up:什么事?at home:在家let’s go:我们走吧!go to the zoo:去动物园what time?:几点have to:不得不go home:回家read English:读英语 let me help you:让我帮你a quarter:一刻钟a quarter to three:3点差一刻(2点45分)


It’s time to do sth=It’s time for sth做某事的时间到了

例如:It’s time to have dinner.=It’s time for dinner该吃饭了




1.have a great time

2.on the Great Wall

3.talk to sb

4.on a school trip

5.take photos

6.in th sun

7.at this moment

8.different places

9.leave work

10.wait for

11.afternoon tea

12.have a drink

13.get dressed

14.greetings from...15.see you soon

16.on the phone



1.get ready for...2.a dragon dance

3.make lanterns

4.cook the meal

5.at work

6.sweep away

7.paper cuts

8.decorate...with...9.have a haircut

10.put on

11.at midnight

12.all the year

13.be interested in

14.at Spring Festival
















第五篇:初一英语短语汇总 背诵版


Starter Unit 1 1 write down2 talk about3 say hello to4 thank youan English name Starter Unit 2 1 look for2 spell words3 listen toin English/ Chinese Starter Unit 3 1 look at 2 next to 3 talk about4 from…to 5 what color Unit 1family/ last name2 first nametelephone number 4 an ID card5 Teachers’ Day 6 No.1 Middle School 7 watch football games 8 see a movie/ film 9 look at this picture 10read books 11 ask… for..12 in order tointroduce yourself 14 practice doing sth15 take out16 a piece oftwo pieces of paper 18 a pair offive pairs of shoes 20 three pieces of bread 21 in China Unit 2family treea family photo3 in the middle 4 in front of

Name: ___________ 5 in the picture 6 under the bed/tree 7 make friends8 talk abouton the left/ right 10 Thanks for your help.11 on the floor 12 have a good day 13 the name of

Unit 3excuse methe lost and Found 3 call sb at… 4 e-mail sb5 an e-mail 6 take outwhat/ how about doing sth 8 thank sb for sth 9 ask the question 10 answer the questionthe answer to the question 12 computer games 13 an ID carda school ID card 15 a set of keys 16 ask sb for sth 17 the school library Unit 4need to do sth2 look for3 look at4 look afterask sb to do sth 6 take…to 7 bring …to 8 write downhave a good time 10 I don’t know.11 I don’t think so.12 Come on.13 model plane 14 tape playerUnit 5tennis racket 2 baseball bat 3 ping-pong bat4 do/play sports 5 swimming club 6 play the violin 7 play the piano 8 join us 9 be late for 10 let sb do sthafter class/ school 12 watch…on TV 13 play basketball 14 play tennis 15 play ping-pong 16 play chessplay the guitar/piano 18 改成:before class 19 doing sports 20 the same school

Unit 6think aboutwhat/ how about… 3 find out 4 three meals 5 eating habits 6 want to do sth 7 eat wellhealthy foodeat… for breakfast/ lunch/dinner 10 how many+可数名词复数 11 how much +不可数名词 12 too much meata lot of fruit and vegetables = lots of fruit and vegetables 14 too many people 15 sounds goodafter dinner/ supper

Unit 7How much…?

= What is the price of…? 2 a pair of trousers/ pants 3 what color 4 fourteen dollarsa pair of purple socks 6 twenty boys 7You are welcome.=That’s all right.8 a clothes store/ shop 9 Here you are.thirty women teachers

Unit 81 how old 2 See you!happy birthdayhave a good time = have fun5 birthday party/ gifton one’s ninth birthdaywrite to sb.= write a letter to sb 8 soccer/ basketball game 9 Children’s Day 10 Women’s Day 11 New Year’s Day 12 Spring Festival 13 Teachers’Day 14 on the ninth dayon Thursday afternoon 16 an English testEnglish speech contest 18 school trip 19 art festivalyour favorite show 21 in Novemberhave an English party

Unit 9have sciencea useful dictionary 3 on a cold evening 4 on August 15th 5 the next day 6 for an/ one hour 7 play games 8 on Wednesday 9 the next dayfinish doing sth 11 from… to…five classes/ lessons



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