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2013年12月英语六级翻译答案及点评 【翻译原文】



After 3,000 years of evolvement, Chinese gardens have become a unique landscape.This includes both large gardens built as entertainment venues for royal family, and private gardens built as secluded retreats for scholars,merchants and retired government officials.These gardens have constituted a miniature that is designed in praise of the harmony between man and nature.A typical Chinese garden is surrounded by walls and consists of various buildings linked by winding trails and corridors, with ponds, rockeries, trees, and flowers scattered in it.Wandering in such a well-designed garden, people may feel that they are walking in a landscape painting.【翻译点评】





The world-renowned Silk Road is a series of routes connecting the East and the

West.It extended more than 6,000 kilometers.The Silk Road was named after ancient China’s silk trade which played an important role in the civilization

development of China, South Asia, Europe and the Middle East.It was through the Silk Road that papermaking, gunpowder, compass and printing of the four great inventions of ancient China were introduced around the world.Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain spread all over the world.Europe also exported various goods and plants through the Silk Road to meet the needs of the Chinese market.【点评】

“丝绸之路”这一话题属于中国历史文化。因此备考汉译英,多关注具有中国特色文化的话题,例如中国传统节日,中国园林园艺,中国戏曲艺术等。词汇方面该篇注意专有名词国家名,四大发明固定表达。句型方面注意强调句”It is(was)… that… “的结构。


【参考译文】Since ancient times, the Chinese people usually celebrate harvest in the Mid-Autumn, which is similar to the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving in the North America.The tradition of celebrating Mid-Autumn festival became popular throughout China in the early Tang dynasty.The lunar August 15 is a day for people worshiping the moon.On this day, under the dazzling bright moon, families reunite and enjoy the moon’s beauty.In 2006, Mid-Autumn festival was listed as one of China's cultural heritage, and in 2008, it was

classified as a public holiday.Moon cakes, as indispensable delicious food of the festival, were gifts people sent to families and friends during the festival and usually eaten on family gatherings.There are characters of “longevity”,“good fortune”and “harmony” on the Traditional moon cakes.翻译主题:四大发明

China is well known for its introduction of ways and means to help ease the life of mankind.Among the inventions of Ancient China, four emerged as great contributions to the developments and changes not only to the country, but also to the world’s economy and culture.The Great Four Inventions of ancient China were papermaking, commercial printing, gunpowder, and the compass.China’s four great ancient inventions made tremendous contributions to the world’s economy and the culture of mankind.They were also important symbols of China’s role as a great world civilization.






After 3,000 years of evolvement, Chinese gardens have become a unique landscape.This includes both large gardens built as entertainment venues for royal family, and private gardens built as secluded retreats for scholars, merchants and retired government officials.These gardens have constituted a miniature that is designed in praise of the harmony between man and nature.A typical Chinese garden is surrounded by walls and consists of various buildings linked by winding trails and corridors, with ponds, rockeries, trees, and flowers scattered in it.Wandering in such a well-designed garden, people may feel that they are walking in a landscape painting.【翻译点评】





最近国科学院(Chinese Academy of Science)出版了关于其最新科学发现与未来一年展望的系列报告。系列报告包括三部分:科学发展报告,高技术发展报告,中国可持续战略报告。第一份报告包含中国科学家的最新发现,诸如新粒子研究与H7N9病毒研究的突破。该报告还突出强调了未来几年需要关注的问题。第二份报告公布了一些应用科学研究的热门领域,如3D打印和人造器官研究。第三份报告呼吁加强顶层设计,以消除工业升级中的结构性障碍,并促进节能减排。

Chinese Academy of Science recently published an annualreport about its latest scientific findings and the prospect of thenextyear.The report consists of three parts:science development, more advanced

technology development and thesustainable strategy of China.The first one includes the latestfindings of Chinese scientists, such as the research of newparticle and the breakthrough in the study of H7N9

virus.Furthermore, it highlights some problems we need to focus in nextfew years.The second one announces some heated fields in appliedscience.For example, the 3-dimension print and the study of human organs.The thirdone suggests people enhance the top design in order to get rid ofthe structural obstacles in industrial upgrading and to promote

theenergy-saving and emission-reduction。




The Chinese heated words usually reflect social changes and culture, some of which are increasingly popular with foreign media.Tuhao and dama, for example, are both old words, but they get different meanings now.The word tuhao used to mean rural landlords who oppress their tenants and servants, while now it refers to people spending money without limits or those showing off all around.That is to say, tuhao owns money rather than taste.The word dama is used to describe middle-aged women.However, it is regarded as a special word to call those Chinese women who rushed to purchase gold when the gold price decreased sharply not long ago.Tuhao and dama may be included in the new Oxford dictionary.Up to now, about 120 Chinese words have been added to it, becoming a part of English language.卷3翻译

北京计划未来投资7600亿元治理污染, 从减少PM2.5排放入手。这一新公布的计划旨在减少四种主要的污染源,包括500万辆机动车的尾汽排放、周边地区的燃煤、来自北方的沙尘暴和本地的建筑灰尘,另外850亿元用于新建或升级城市垃圾处理和污水处理设施,加上300亿元未来三年的植树造林。


In next three years, Beijing plans to invest 760 billion yuan to deal with the pollution, starting with cutting down the emission of pm 2.5.This newly announced project aims at reducing four main pollutants, including exhaust from 5 million vehicles, coal burning in surrounding areas, sandstorms from the north, and local construction dust.In addition, another 85 billion yuan will be used to establish or upgrade the facilities used to process garbage and sewage

of the city.Moreover, 30 billion yuan will be invested in the afforestation program in the next three years.To improve the environment, the municipal government also plans to construct some plants of water recycling, and ban the illegal constructions.Besides, Beijing will propose tougher punishments for those who violate the emission reduction rules.


From Nov.3 to 12, Beijing will restrict the use of private vehicles based on even-and odd-numbered license plates, and 70 percent of cars belonging to local governments, public institutions, social groups and state-owned enterprises will not be allowed to be used during the period.11月3日至11月12日,北京市将按照机动车车牌单双号对私家车实行限制措施,同时,政府机构、事业单位、社会组织以及国有企业70%的车辆都不允许在此期间上路行驶。

”拼车“ 用英语怎么说

Carpooling has become a popular choice for Beijing's white-collar workers as the limit on the number of cars on roads during the APEC meeting took effect on Monday.北京在APEC期间的车辆限行措施周一开始实施,拼车成为北京白领们的热门选择。”


The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is considering reducing by nine the number of crimes subject to the death penalty through revising the Criminal Law.全国人大常委会拟通过《刑法》修正案减少九个适用死刑的罪名。”邪教“用英语怎么说

Liu Jinguo, vice-minister of public security, has been appointed deputy head of the 610 Office, the central government agency responsible for combating cults and handling cult-related issues.公安部副部长刘金国被任命为中央防范和处理邪教问题领导小组610办副组长。



Apple Inc CEO Tim Cook on Thursday became the most prominent American corporate leader to come out as gay, saying he was trading his closely guarded privacy for the chance to help move civil rights forward.“低碳出行”英语怎么说?

Shanghai marked World Car-Free Day on September 22nd with a series of publicity campaigns to promote low-carbon transportation, but didn't prevent cars from entering certain downtown areas as it had in the past.It was the seventh year Shanghai participated in World Car-Free Day along with 150 other cities around the country.Officials used the theme “Greener Traffic, Cleaner Air” to encourage car owners to take public transportation more often and help ease road congestion and contribute to better air quality.9月22日是“世界无车日”,沪上并未像过去一样在市区某些区域设置“车辆禁行区”,而是通过一系列丰富多彩的宣传活动,倡导市民低碳出行。



A recent survey found that Shanghai residents have more tolerance for public square dancing, or guangchangwu, which has become a national controversy in recent years.最近的一项调查发现,上海居民对广场舞的容忍度有所提高。近年来广场舞一直是饱受民众争议的一个话题。


Traveling is a priority for many people during the National Day holiday, and college students are no exception.But with landmarks swamped with tourists, and transportation and accommodation costs even higher during Golden Week, how to travel on a budget is a tricky question.对于许多人而言,在过去的国庆假期里,旅行可是头等大事。大学生们自然也不例外,但是,鉴于黄金周各大景点人山人海,交通、住宿费用水涨船高,如何“穷游”成为了一个棘手的问题。



The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committeewill deliberate on a draft decision of the CPC Central Committee on “major issues concerning comprehensively advancing rule of law”.”封杀劣迹艺人“用英语怎么说?

Watchdog bans broadcasts of works by tainted stars 广电总局下令封杀“劣迹艺人”

The country's top press and media watchdog has ordered TV stations and other outlets to stop broadcasting material featuring stars who use drugs or visit prostitutes.广电总局日前下令,各大卫视和其他媒体机构停止播出“有吸毒、嫖娼等违法犯罪行为者”参与制作的节目。

全面禁烟(可能性大)China is mulling







tobacco advertising,sponsorship and promotion of tobacco products, according to adraft regulation on Monday.据周一发布的一份条例草案规定,中国拟全面禁止任何形式的烟草广告、赞助活动以及烟草产品促销。

此次公开征求意见的控烟条例明确,所有室内公共场所一律禁止吸烟(smokingis banned in all kinds of indoor public places);体育、健身场馆的室外观众座席、赛场区域(outdoor seating areas and venues of stadiums and fitness centers)、公共交通工具的室外等候区域(outdoor waiting areas of public transportation)等也全面禁止吸烟。

送审稿还规定,新闻出版广电总局负责对电影、电视剧及其他节目中的吸烟镜头(smokingscenes in films and TV shows)进行监督管理,违者最高罚款3万元。

这样的禁烟令堪称carpet(地毯式,全面)smoking ban。驾照自学自考

Under the reform, if someone wants toobtain a driver's license, they can learn the necessary skills on their own andregister online for an examination, said Huang Ming, vice-minister of publicsecurity.公安部副部长黄明表示,按照改革,人们可以自行学习驾车技能然后上网登记报考驾照。

此次reform on the issuing of driver's licenses(驾照改革)的目的是curb corruption in vehicle management departments(杜绝车管部门的腐败)。改革有望实现众人期盼已久的“驾照自学自考”。根据现行规定,想考取驾照的人必须上至少64小时的driving classes held by training schools(驾校课程),包括两门driving theory(驾照理论)课和两门driving practice(驾照实践)课。驾校学费从5000元到1万元不等,而且逐年上升。考生不能register for tests themselves(自行报考),而是由trainingagency registers on behalf of applicants(培训机构代为报考)。


“The development prospect of ourregion hinges on the decisions and actions we take today,” he said.“We are duty-bound to create and fulfill an Asia-Pacific dream for ourpeople.”习近平指出,亚太发展前景取决于今天的决断和行动。我们有责任为本地区人民创造和实现亚太梦想。文中的Asia-Pacific dream就是指“亚太梦”。习近平指出,今天的亚太,在世界格局中的地位不断上升。也面临方方面面的挑战。亚太的未来,正处在关键的路口。

习近平在演讲中还指出,中国经济呈现出“new normal”(新常态)。我们正在推行的comprehensivelydeepening reform(全面深化改革),既是liberate theproductive force(对社会生产力的解放),也是对unleash the vitality ofthe society(社会活力的解放),必将成为推动中国经济社会发展的强大动力。


The National Development and Reform Commission andMinistry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly released the 32-pageset of guidelines outlining the construction standards for Party and governmentbuildings and offices on Monday.国家发展改革委、住房建设部周一发布了长达32页的党政机关办公用房建设标准。

“党政机关办公用房建设标准”即guidelines outlining the constructionstandards for Party and government buildings and offices,标准规定minister's office(部级正职的办公室)不超过54平方米。外面不搞luxurious decorations(豪华装修),不定位为landmarkbuilding(城市标志性建筑)。

自2012年12月4日中国中央政治局通过的eight-point code to cutbureaucracy and maintain close ties with the people(关于改进工作作风、密切联系群众的八项规定),就要求官员消除hedonism(享乐主义)。


Prices of more than 2,700 drugs willsoon be determined by the market, rather than the government, as China getsready to roll out its ambitious drug pricing reform plan, industry sources said on Thursday.据业界消息周四透露,中国已准备好施行大规模的药价改革计划,今后超过2700种药品价格将由市场而不是政府来决定。“药价改革”英文就是drugpricing reform,根据改革方案,国家拟取消药品最高零售限价或出厂价格,从完善药品采购机制、强化医保控费作用、强化医疗行为监管、强化价格行为监管等四方面加强监管,发挥医保支付基准价的引导作用,使药品市场价格保持在合理的水平。

现阶段government-priced drugs(由政府定价的药品)占据了整个药品市场的23%。从明年一月份开始,政府不再设定药品的maximumretail price(最高零售限价)或factory price(出厂价)。



《孙子兵法》(The Art of War)是中国古代最重要的一部军事著作之一,是我国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分。孙子(Sun Tzu),即该书的作者,在书中揭示的一系列具有普遍意义的军事规律,不仅受到军事家门的推崇,还在经济领域、领导艺术、人生追求甚至家庭关系等诸多方面,具有广泛的指导作用。《孙子兵法》中的许多名言警句(epigram),富有哲理,意义深远,在国内外广为流传。如今,《孙子兵法》已被翻译成多种语言,在世界军事史上也具有重要的地位。

The Art of War is one of the most important ancient Chinese military literary works, and serves as an important part of outstanding traditional culture in China.Sun Tzu, the author of the book, revealed a series of universal military laws which are not only valued by militarists but also play an extensive guiding role in several fields such as economy, art of leadership, the pursuit of life and even family relationship.There are a lot of famous saying and epigrams in The Art of War that are rich in wisdom and have profound meanings and are thus widely circulated both at home and abroad.Nowadays The Art of War has been translated into many languages and it also plays an important role in the military history of the world.2012年12月


京剧(Peking Opera)已有200多年的历史,是中国的国剧。与其他地方戏相比,京剧享有更高的荣誉,但其实京剧融合了多种地方戏的元素。京剧演员的脸谱(facial make-up)和戏服都很精美,相比之下舞台布景则十分简单。表演者主要应用四种技能:唱、念、做、打。京剧较擅长于表现历史题材的政治、军事斗争,故事大多取自于历史演义和小说话本(historic and fictional stories)。在古代,京剧大多是在户外演出的,因此演员们形成了一种有穿透力的唱腔,以便每个人都能听到。

Peking Opera, as the national opera of China, has a history of more than 200 years.Compared with other Chinese local operas,Peking Opera enjoys a higher reputation;but actually it absorbed many elements of other local operas.The facial make-up and costumers of the performs are very delicate;by contrast, the backdrops are quiet plain.During performance, the performers mainly utilize four skills: song, speech, dance, and combat.Peking Opera is better at performing political and military struggle with historic and the performed stories are mainly from historic and fictional stories.In ancient times, Peking Opera, was mostly performed in the open air, so the performers developed a piercing style of song that could be heard by everyone.2013年6月

中国卫生监督部门决定在未来三到五年之内建立一个全国性的网络,用以监测空气污染对人类健康的影响。这一目标于国家卫生和计划生育委员会(National Health and Family Planning Commission)针对空气污染的一份工作文件中披露,根据这份文件,该网络将搜集不同地区空气中的PM2.5数据和主要空气污染物浓度变化的数据。这将为分析和评估空气污染对健康的影响提供数据支持。这一文件提到,缺乏长期而系统的监测使国家无法揭示空气污染和人类健康之间的联系。

China’s health watchdog has decided to set up a national network to monitor the impact air pollution on human’s health within the coming three to five years.The goal was revealed in a work document on air pollution released by National Health and Family Planning Commission.According to the document, the network will gather data on PM2.5 in the air in different regions and the density changes of main air pollutants.That will provide data support for the analysis and evaluation of the impact of air pollution on health.The document noted that lack of long-term and systematic monitoring prevented the country from uncovering the link between air pollution and human’s health.2013年12月第一套


Since ancient times, Chinese people have celebrated their harvest during mid-autumn, which is quite similar to the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving Day in North America.The custom of celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival started gaining its popularity in the early Tang Dynasty around China.The Mid-Autumn Festival ,celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, is a festival for Chinese people to worship the moon.During the night of the day when the bright moon is shining in the sky, there will be family reunions and family members will enjoy the bight moon together.In 2006, the Mid-Autumn Festival was listed as a Chinese cultural heritage, and in 2008, it was designated as a public holiday.The moon cake is seen as the indispensable fine food for the Mid-Autumn Festival.People send moon cakes as gifts to their relatives and friends or they eat moon cakes at family gatherings.Traditional moon cakes are imprinted with Chinese characters conveying such meanings as “longevity”, “blessing”or “harmony”.2013年12月第三套


The word-famous Silk Road refers to a series of routes that connect the East and the West.The Silk Road extends for over 6,000 kilometers and derived its name from ancient China’s silk trade.The trades that occurred on the Silk Road played an important role in the development process of the civilization of China, South Asia, Europe and the Middle East.It is by way of the Silk Road that China’s four great inventions, namely paper-making, powder, compass and printing technology, were introduced to all over the word.Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain also spread to the whole word.Material and cultural exchanges are two-ways, for Europe also satisfied the demands of Chinese market by exporting various commodities and plants to China through the Silk Road.2013年12月第二套

中国园林(the Chinese garden)是经过三千多年演变而成的独具一格的园林景观(landscape)。它既包括为皇室成员享乐而建造的大型花园,也包括学者、商人和卸任的政府官员为摆脱嘈杂的外部世界而建造的私家花园。这些花园构成了一种意在表达人与自然之间应有的和谐关系的微缩景观。典型的中国园林四周有围墙,园内有池塘、假山(rock-work)、树木、花草以及各种各样由蜿蜒的小路和走廊连接的建筑。漫步在花园中,人们可以看到一系列精心设计的景观犹如山水画卷(scroll)一般展现在面前。

The Chinese garden is a unique landscape in virtue of evolution of more than three thousand years.It includes not only the large gardens built by the royal family for enjoyment, but also the private ones built by scholars, businessmen and former government officials for getting rid of the hustle and bustle of the outside world.These gardens constitute a kind of miniaturized landscape which aims at displaying the due harmonious relationship between human and nature.Typical Chinese gardens are surrounded by walls.In the gardens there are ponds, rock-works, trees, flowers and plants, and various architectures that are connected by winding paths or corridors.When rambling in the gardens, people can enjoy a series of elaborately designed landscapes which are presented in front of them like a landscape painting scroll.2014年6月



Beijing has planned to invest 760 billion yuan to tackle pollution in coming three years, starting from reducing the PM2.5 emissions.The newly released plan is aimed at reducing four major pollution sources, including the exhaust emissions from more than 5 million motor vehicles, the burning of coals in the surrounding areas, the sandstorms from the North and the local construction dusts.Another 85 billion yuan will be used to build or upgrade the facilities for treatment of urban garbage and sewage and additional 30 billion yuan will be invested in forestation in the next three years.The municipal government also plans to set up a group of water recycling factories and curb peccancy buildings in order to improve the environment.In addition, Beijing will punish more severely the behaviors that violate the regulations of emission limitation.4



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