Molly: OK.Do you know how to play charades?
Molly: Frank, you've never played charades?
Frank: Nope.Molly: Carl, you're sure you're never played? [Carl shakes his head.]
Molly: Ok, Betty, Tim, and Frank.We're going to play charades.Frank, you can learn as we go.And, Carl, you join in at any time.OK, let me think.OK, I've got one.All right.[She pretended to hold an old-fashioned camera in her left hand and turning the handle with her right hand.]
Betty: A movie!A movie!
Molly: Right.A movie.OK.[She counts to six on her fingers.]
Tim: Six words.It has six words.Frank: That's easy.I can play.Molly: Good.OK.We've got a movie.The title...Betty: Six words.Molly: Right.First word...[She pulls her ear.]
Betty: Sounds like.Tim: Sounds like...Molly: You got that part right.Yes.[pulling her ear] Sounds like...[She shakes her head no.] Sounds like what?
Frank: Sounds like no.Molly: Absolutely right, Frank.Sounds like no.OK.We've got a movie.Six words.The first word sounds like no.Frank: Row.Row.Tim: Go.Molly: Nope.Tim: Show.That's it-show.Molly: NO...OK...[She acts out the word snow with her fingers.]
Betty: Snow.Molly: Absolutely right,Betty.Sounds like no-snow.OK, a movie.Six words.The first word is snow.Frank: This is fun.Molly: Oh, OK.[She holds up five fingers.]
Betty: The fifth word.Molly: Right, fifth word.[She holds up seven fingers.]
Tim: Seven?
Molly: Absolutely right.Very good.The fifth word is seven.OK, we've got a movie.The first word is snow.Fifth word, seven.Betty: I got it!I got it!
Frank: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.Betty: I got it.Frank: I got it.Molly: Frank, you got it.Betty, you had it, but you didn't say it.Tim: I knew it.【语言点精讲】
1.Do you know how to play charades?
“how to play charades”为疑问词带动词不定式构成的短语,不是完整句,不能单独作为问句。但这样的短语可以放在某些动词之后。如直接说“How to go to the park? ”是错误的,但是可以说“I wonder how to go to the park.” “Can you tell me how to go to the park? ”
2.You're sure you've never played?
你肯定你从来没玩过吗? 这是一种核对事实的说法。
3.You join in at any time.你随便什么时候都可以参加进来。
join in: 参加,加入。
4.OK, I've got one.好,有了。这里是指“我想出来了。我想到了一个。”
We've got a movie.(我们已经猜到是部电影。)
I got it!(我猜到了!我明白了!)
5.Sounds like no.sound like: 听起来像…
6.That's it-show.就是show这个词。That's it.: 就这样,对啦,就是这个。
Molly: Carl, now you know charades.Why don't you join us?
Carl: I don't like charades.It's for babies.Molly: Oh, I like it.Carl: Well, they're babies.Betty: You're a sore loser.Tim: Yeah.Molly: No arguing.Save you voices.Between now and tomorrow you're all going to have your tonsils out.And you won't be able to speak for a while.So save your voices till then.Philip: Hi, gang.Hi, everybody.Well, what's going on?
Molly: I sure am glad to see you, Dr.Stewart.This is a rough group.Carl: I didn't want to play charades, so they're angry at me.Philip: Why don't you want to play?
Carl: Because I don't want to be here.I don't want my tonsils out.Philip: Why not?
Carl: Because my birthday is tomorrow.My mother promised me a birthday party with a clown.Molly: But you can have one when you go home, Carl.Carl: But my birthday is tomorrow.Philip: I'm sorry, Carl.Molly: Carl, you'll have your party when you go home.Carl: But it won't be on my birthday!And you promised me a surprise.【语言点精讲】
1.You're a sore loser.你是个输不起的人。
a sore loser: 输不起的人。用来形容一些玩游戏输了,就表现得有失风度的人。a sore loser 也可以叫 a bad loser。输得有风度的人叫 a good loser。
2.No arguing.别吵。No+动名词,构成一个命令句,表示禁止做某事,用于阻止别人做某事,也常出现在告示上。又如:
No littering.(禁止乱扔果皮纸屑。)
No smoking.(禁止吸烟。)
3.Hi, gang.Hi, everybody.嗨,各位。两句都是用很轻松随便的口吻来向一群人打招呼的非正式短语。
gang: 一帮人,一群人。
4.Well, what's going on?
再干什么呢?怎么这么热闹啊?也可以说成 What's happening?
going on: 进行,发生。
5.This is a rough group.这帮(孩子)可真不好对付。Molly在说这这句话时带有一种开玩笑的口气。
6.I didn't want to play charades, so they're angry at me.我不想玩猜哑谜,所以他们都生我的气了。
be angry at someone: 生某人的气,对某人发怒。
7.My mother promised me a birthday party with a clown.我妈妈答应给我举办生日庆祝会,并请小丑来助兴。
promise someone something: 答应给某人以某物,承诺给某人某物。
第二篇:走遍美国 04-1[推荐]
04-1.txt10唐죄獵廖,츱쩠넋돨셔캄옵鹿팟냥寧튬융莖;唐죄獵廖,뮤데옵鹿蘿紐냥寧탤븃洛;唐죄獵廖,뻑있옵鹿藍렴냥찮途돨銶빻。뒤愷왁:A Piece of CakeACT I
I am exhausted.My new exercise class is so hard.乖格작죄。乖컴학 돨숯겯格켜죄。Your new exercise class? 돨劤숯겯
Yeah.My new advanced exercise class.뚤 劤돨멕섬슬 겯。
Why advanced? 槨痂投角멕섬
My instructor thought that 일可훰槨
the beginner's class was too easy for me.놓섬왁넋뚤乖응늪 格휭弄죄。
Too easy for you? 뚤 格휭弄죄
Don't laugh.In the beginner's class, 깎揆。瞳놓섬옜款擎
they give you a chance to rest between exercises.콱唐샙삔金口
So? 컸棠等投湳
The advanced class is nonstop.멕섬왁넋 角쳉뿐契 口돨。
I lift weights every morning for sixty minutes 첼莖豆냄乖앨蘆 짇枷롸爐without stopping.櫓쇌뻘꼇角청幢契 口。
No problem.鬼慤寧褸。
Listen, Richard, 桂廖 Richard
doing aerobics for an hour is a lot different than lifting weights.寧鬼珂돨唐南 頓땡옵宅앨路댕꼇宮谿。
Yeah.Quite a bit different.角가 宮뎠꼇菉 湳。
I think aerobics is easy.乖얾돤唐南頓떰 붤휭弄。
I could work out in your class with no problem.흔벎乖혼 돨같 隣頓땡 寧땍꼇삔얾돤唐狂痙。
You think so? 콱侶湳훰槨
Oh, without a doubt.가 봐轟狂痙
When's the next class? 苟寧늴왁痂判 珂빅
Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock.Try it.츠豆敎枷듐 @ 桿寧桿걸。
Tomorrow morning after lifting weights, 츠豆앨供路
I'll try aerobics.乖혼桿桿唐南 頓땡。
It's a nap.Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock.숌데돤붤。츠東 枷듐。
Aren't you going to the aerobics class this morning? 쏟莖敎콱꼇刊 혼唐南頓땡왁찐Of Course.Easy.No sweat.뎠횔 鬼慤헙없轟狂痙。
You are not going to be able to move 콱삔땡떼땡꼇좋綱
after this and the aerobics class.瞳콱隣供侶몸 棠혼唐南頓땡왁裂遜。
Are you kidding me? 瞳혤揆乖
It's going to be a piece of cake.侶蘆慤꼇롤뉘 뿍裂제。
You want to bet? 拳댔뗑찐
Yeah.What's the bet? 봤가 뗑痂投
I bet I can go one hour in your class this morning 乖댔뗑乖쏟莖鷗永 돨숯겯頓땡寧鬼珂裂遜
and not feel a thing!介봐꼇작。
and not feel a thing!介봐꼇작。
The bet is--I win, and you cook dinner for the entire family.侶湳뗑봤죄
Or you win, and I cook dinner for the entire family.狼角콱端죄 鑛 競홍소隣功꽜。It's a bet.寧喇槨땍。
Ok.Call my instructor, Jack Davis, right now.봤 못乖돨일刊쪱ack Davis댔몸든뺐 君瞳앎댔。
His number is 555-8842.儉돨든뺐角5555-8842
The advanced class starts at ten o'clock.멕섬숯왁枷도 爐역迦。
Well, it's eight twenty now.君瞳角검듐랗刊 죄。
It only takes eight minutes by bicycle to the aerobics class.폄菱契났혼幢 南頓땡왁怜矜狼검롸爐。
Give him a call.댔몸든뺐못儉
Davis Aerobics Center for Good Health.Davis唐南頓땡땡숯櫓懃
Jack Davis, please.헝冷Jack Daviis。
This is Jack Davis.乖앎角Jack Daavis。
Hello.This is Richard Stewart.콱봤 乖角Ricchard Stewart。
My wife, Marilyn Stewart, is a member of your program.乖格格
I'd like to come to 乖拳
the ten o'clock advanced class this morning.쏟豆枷듐윱컴匙 멕섬숯겯。Oh, fine, fine.Be here a few minutes early.가 봤 봤。피 豆섯롸爐돕侶。You need to complete some forms before the class.왁裂품콱돤儆 寧硅깊목。Thanks.I'm on my way over.剋剋 乖쯩씨 윱。
Bye-bye.It's all set.I'm going.疼숨。떼갛탤볶 죄。乖君瞳앎혼。
See you later.덤삔숨。Marily
Good luck.龍콱봤頓。
Don't forget about the bet.깎戈죄댔뗑돨刊징Dinner for the entire family.못홍소隣功꽜And that includes Susan.관윅Susan돨。Don't you forget.콱菱성깎戈죄
第 1 课:林登大街 46 号 ACT 1 – 2
ACT 1-1 “我可以给您和您的小男孩拍张照吗?” 我可以给您和您的小男孩拍张照吗? 我可以给您和您的小男孩拍张照吗 【故事梗概】 故事梗概】 自由摄影艺术家 Richard Stewart,正在为编出自己的影集《走遍美国》到处拍照。今天他在由纽约市曼哈顿区到斯塔滕岛的渡船上工作,回程中遇到了来自加州的一 位黑人妇女 Martha Vann 和她的小儿子 Gerald。Richard 想要给他们拍照。Richard: Excuse me.My name is Richard Stewart.I'm a photographer.May I take a picture of you and your little boy? Mrs.Vann: What's it for? Richard: It's for a book.Mrs.Vann: You're writing a book? Richard: It's a book of pictures.I call it Family Album, U.S.A.Mrs.Vann: Oh, that's a nice idea.Well, it's fine if you take our picture.I'm Martha Vann.Richard: Thank you.I appreciate your help.I'm Richard.What's your name? Gerald: Gerald.Richard: How old are you, Gerald? Gerald: Five.Richard: And where do you live? Mrs.Vann: We live in California.Richard: Well, welcome to New York.OK, just a second.I'm almost ready here.【语言点精讲】 语言点精讲】 1.Excuse me.My name is Richard Stewart.I'm a photographer.这是 Richard 在与陌生人搭讪并介绍自己。Excuse me 这个短语用来引起对方的注意。相当于汉语的“对不起,劳驾”。
自我介绍时可以先介绍自己的名字,再说明自己的职业。介绍自己的名字时,可以像 Richard 一样,说 My name is Richard Stewart.也可以像 Mrs.Vann 那样,说 I'm Martha Vann.2.May I take a picture of you and your little boy? May I...是一种很礼貌的征求别人的同意的说法,相当于“我可以...吗?”。Richard 想要为 Mrs.Vann 母子拍照片,他首先要征得当事人的同意,否则闹出 肖像权的问题可不是好玩滴~~ 3.I appreciate your help.这是在受别人帮助或听了别人的忠告之后的感谢语。在 Richard 向 Mrs.Vann 说 明了照片的用途后,Mrs.Vann 欣然接受拍照的请求,之后 Richard 立即向对方表 达了感谢。这里也可以说 I really appreciate it.4.Welcome to New York.Welcome to… 是迎接客人的客套语。Richard 与 Mrs.Vann 母子攀谈几句后得 知母子二人来自于 California,于是 Richard 对他们说,欢迎到纽约来。又例如:Welcome to HJ English.ACT 1-2 “我可以帮忙吗?” 我可以帮忙吗? 我可以帮忙吗 【故事梗概】 故事梗概】 Richard 准备为 Mrs.Vann 母子拍照,他需要使用反光板。这时,一位来自希腊的 交换生 Alexandra 主动提出要帮助他。照片顺利的拍完了。Richard 感谢了 Alexandra 并开始与她交谈。
Richard: OK, Just a second.I'm almost ready here.Alexadra: Can I help you? Richard: Oh, please.Hold Gerald's hand, please.Great!Now point to the buildings.Terrific!Give Mommy a kiss, Geral
d.Nice!Thank you, Gerald.And thank you, Mrs Vann.Mrs.Vann: Oh, my pleasure.We'll be looking for your book.
Richard: Thank you.Good-bye.Bye, Gerald.Thanks again.Alexandra: Oh, you're welcome.Richard: Hey, let me take your picture!Alexandra: Wonderful.Please.Richard: Are you from New York? Alexandra: No, I'm from Greece.I'm an exchange student.Richard: When did you come here? Alexandra: Three months ago.Richard: Your English is very good.Alexandra: Thanks.I studied English in school.【语言点精讲】 语言点精讲】 1.Can I help you? 在为别人提供帮助前,我们可以说 Can I help you? 也可以说 Let me...(让我,允许我),如本文中,Richard 对 Alexandra 说“Hey, let me take your picture!” 但是这种说法没有 Can I...的礼貌程度高。如果我们愿意接受帮助,则可以回答“Oh, please.” 或者“Yes, please.”。也可以 像 Alexandra 那样很可爱的讲“Wonderful.Please.” 2.Great!/ Terrific!/ Nice!在拍照的过程中,Mrs.Vann 母子每在他的要求下摆一个新的姿势,Richard 都会 对他们的配合给予肯定。他用到的“Great!Terrific!Nice!” 都是用来表示“太好了,好极了,很好”的意思。3.We'll be looking for your book.这里的 look for 是寻找的意思。4.My pleasure./ You're welcome.当别人对你表示感谢时,可以用“My pleasure.”或者“You're welcome.”来进行回 应。
ACT 1-3 “ 你想来点咖啡吗?” 你想来点咖啡吗? 【故事梗概】 故事梗概】 在交谈中,Alexandra 表示希望了解一下 Richard 的书。于是 Richard 向她展示 了自己为这本书拍的一些照片。同时,Richard 也向她展示了自己家人的照片。下面,上音频~~
Richard: Your English is very good.Alexandra: Thanks.I studied English in school.Richard: Would you like some coffee? Alexandra: No, thank you.Tell me about your book.Richard: Oh, it's not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures.Would you like to see them? Alexandra: Yes, I'd like that.Richard: Here they are.Family Album, U.S.A..It's an album of pictures of the United States: the cities, the special places, and the people.And these are pictures of people working: steel workers, bankers, police, street vendors, ambulance drivers, doctors...Oh, this is my father.He's a doctor.This is my mother.Alexandra: What's her name? Richard: Ellen.My younger brother, Robbie.He goes to high school.This is my sister Susan.She works for a toy company.Here's my grandfather.He lives in Florida.And this is my wife Marilyn.Alexandra: Oh, she's very pretty.Richard: Thanks.【语言点精讲】 语言点精讲】 1.Would you like some coffee?
Would you like...相当于“你想要...吗?”,在客气地请对方做某事或请客时用。如本文中,Richard 问 Alexandra“想来一点咖啡吗”,他说 “Would you like some coffee?” 在谈到自己的书 Family Album, U.S.A.时,他问对方“想要看
看一看吗”,“Would you like to see them?” 如果我们不想接受,就说“No, thank you.” 如果愿意接受,则说“Yes.I'd like that.” 或者“Yes.Please.” 2.Here they are.把东西给别人看时用。单数时用 Here it is.3.Thanks.在本情境中出现的两次“Thanks”都是对于别人赞美的回应。称赞对方,或对方的家人,是美国人很重要的一种社交习惯,被人称赞时,要表示 乐于接受并愉快地感谢,不要急于否认或自贬,也不要表现得扭捏不安。所以无论 是人家说你的英语好--“Your English is very good.”,还是称赞你的夫人很漂亮--“Oh, she's very pretty.”,都不必不好意思,只要说声 “Thank you” 就可以 了。ACT 1-4 “ 很高兴认识你。” 很高兴认识你。【故事梗概】 故事梗概】 Richard 问到了 Alexandra 的家庭及个人情况。在交谈中,Richard 突然想起了与 自己的妻子还有约定,于是与 Alexandra 匆匆告辞,下船离开。这时 Alexandra 发现他忘了拿一个挎包。她拿起它,赶紧追他……
Richard: And what about your family? Alexandra: They're in Thessaloniki.That's a large city in northern Greece.But now I'm living in the Bronx.Richard: With a Greek-American family?
Alexandra: No.Hispanic.Richard: Oh no!It's five thirty.Will you excuse me? I have to meet my wife.Alexandra: It was nice meeting you.Richard: It was a pleasure meeting you, too.Thanks for your help.And good luck!I've got to go.By the way.I'm Richard.What's your name? Alexandra: Alexandra.Richard: Bye-bye, Alexandra.Thanks.Alexandra: Bye-bye.Richard!Richard!You left your bag.【语言点精讲】 语言点精讲】 1.And what about your family? What about…在这里用以询问别人的情况,相当于 Tell me about… 2.the Bronx 是纽约市的五个行政区之一。另外的四个如下: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island 3.Hispanic 意思是西班牙语系的,西班牙的。Alexandra 和一个讲西班牙语的家庭一起生活。4.It was nice meeting you./ It was a pleasure meeting you.很高兴认识你。与新朋友第一次见面时可用此用语告别。5.I've got to go.这句表达的意思是“我必须得走了”,与 I must go, I must be off 之类的告别语 同义。6.By the way… 此短语在转换话题或者作补充说明时用,相当于汉语中的“顺便说一下……”。
Richard: Excuse me.My name is Richard Stewart.I'm a photographer.May I take a picture of you and your little boy?
Mrs.Vann: What's it for?
Richard: It's for a book.Mrs.Vann: You're writing a book?
Richard: It's a book of pictures.I call it Family Album, U.S.A.Mrs.Vann: Oh, that's a nice idea.Well, it's fine if you take our picture.I'm Martha Vann.Richard: Thank you.I appreciate your help.I'm Richard.What's your name? Gerald: Gerald.Richard: How old are you, Gerald?
Gerald: Five.Richard: And where do you live?
Mrs.Vann: We live in California.Richard: Well, welcome to New York.OK, just a second.I'm almost ready here.【语言点精讲】
1.Excuse me.My name is Richard Stewart.I'm a photographer.这是Richard在与陌生人搭讪并介绍自己。
Excuse me 这个短语用来引起对方的注意。相当于汉语的“对不起,劳驾”。
介绍自己的名字时,可以像Richard一样,说My name is Richard Stewart.也可以像Mrs.Vann那样,说I'm Martha Vann.2.May I take a picture of you and your little boy?
May I...是一种很礼貌的征求别人的同意的说法,相当于“我可以...吗?”。
Richard 想要为Mrs.Vann 母子拍照片,他首先要征得当事人的同意,否则闹出肖像权的问题可不是好玩滴~~
3.I appreciate your help.这是在受别人帮助或听了别人的忠告之后的感谢语。在Richard向Mrs.Vann说明了照片的用途后,Mrs.Vann欣然接受拍照的请求,之后Richard立即向对方表达了感谢。这里也可以说I really appreciate it.4.Welcome to New York.Welcome to… 是迎接客人的客套语。Richard与Mrs.Vann母子攀谈几句后得知母子二人来自于California,于是Richard对他们说,欢迎到纽约来。
又例如:Welcome to HJ English
Richard: OK, Just a second.I'm almost ready here.Alexadra: Can I help you?
Richard: Oh, please.Hold Gerald's hand, please.Great!Now point to the buildings.Terrific!Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald.Nice!Thank you, Gerald.And thank you, Mrs Vann.Mrs.Vann: Oh, my pleasure.We'll be looking for your book.Richard: Thank you.Good-bye.Bye, Gerald.Thanks again.Alexandra: Oh, you're welcome.Richard: Hey, let me take your picture!
Alexandra: Wonderful.Please.Richard: Are you from New York?
Alexandra: No, I'm from Greece.I'm an exchange student.Richard: When did you come here?
Alexandra: Three months ago.Richard: Your English is very good.Alexandra: Thanks.I studied English in school.【语言点精讲】
1.Can I help you?
在为别人提供帮助前,我们可以说Can I help you?
也可以说Let me...(让我,允许我),如本文中,Richard对Alexandra说“Hey, let me take your picture!” 但是这种说法没有Can I...的礼貌程度高。
如果我们愿意接受帮助,则可以回答“Oh, please.” 或者“Yes, please.”。也可以像Alexandra那样很可爱的讲“Wonderful.Please.”
2.Great!/ Terrific!/ Nice!
在拍照的过程中,Mrs.Vann母子每在他的要求下摆一个新的姿势,Richard都会对他们的配合给予肯定。他用到的“Great!Terrific!Nice!” 都是用来表示“太好了,好极了,很好”的意思。
3.We'll be looking for your book.这里的look for是寻找的意思。
4.My pleasure./ You're welcome.当别人对你表示感谢时,可以用“My pleasure.”或者“You're welcome.”来进行回应。Richard: Your English is very good.Alexandra: Thanks.I studied English in school.Richard: Would you like some coffee?
Alexandra: No, thank you.Tell me about your book.Richard: Oh, it's not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures.Would you like to see them?
Alexandra: Yes, I'd like that.Richard: Here they are.Family Album, U.S.A..It's an album of pictures of the United States: the cities, the special places, and the people.And these are pictures of people working: steel workers, bankers, police, street vendors, ambulance drivers, doctors...Oh, this is my father.He's a doctor.This is my mother.Alexandra: What's her name?
Richard: Ellen.My younger brother, Robbie.He goes to high school.This is my
sister Susan.She works for a toy company.Here's my grandfather.He lives in Florida.And this is my wife Marilyn.Alexandra: Oh, she's very pretty.Richard: Thanks.【语言点精讲】
1.Would you like some coffee?
Would you like...相当于“你想要...吗?”,在客气地请对方做某事或请客时用。
如本文中,Richard问Alexandra“想来一点咖啡吗”,他说 “Would you like some coffee?”
在谈到自己的书Family Album, U.S.A.时,他问对方“想要看一看吗”,“Would you like to see them?”
如果我们不想接受,就说“No, thank you.”
如果愿意接受,则说“Yes.I'd like that.” 或者“Yes.Please.”
2.Here they are.把东西给别人看时用。单数时用 Here it is.3.Thanks.在本情境中出现的两次“Thanks”都是对于别人赞美的回应。
称赞对方,或对方的家人,是美国人很重要的一种社交习惯,被人称赞时,要表示乐于接受并愉快地感谢,不要急于否认或自贬,也不要表现得扭捏不安。所以无论是人家说你的英语好--“Your English is very good.”,还是称赞你的夫人很漂亮--“Oh, she's very pretty.”,都不必不好意思,只要说声 “Thank you” 就可以了。
ACT 1-4 “ 很高兴认识你。”
Richard: And what about your family?
Alexandra: They're in Thessaloniki.That's a large city in northern Greece.But now I'm living in the Bronx.Richard: With a Greek-American family?
Alexandra: No.Hispanic.Richard: Oh no!It's five thirty.Will you excuse me? I have to meet my wife.Alexandra: It was nice meeting you.Richard: It was a pleasure meeting you, too.Thanks for your help.And good luck!I've got to go.By the way.I'm Richard.What's your name?
Alexandra: Alexandra.Richard: Bye-bye, Alexandra.Thanks.Alexandra: Bye-bye.Richard!Richard!You left your bag.【语言点精讲】
1.And what about your family?
What about…在这里用以询问别人的情况,相当于Tell me about…
2.the Bronx
Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island
4.It was nice meeting you./ It was a pleasure meeting you.很高兴认识你。与新朋友第一次见面时可用此用语告别。
5.I've got to go.这句表达的意思是“我必须得走了”,与 I must go, I must be off之类的告别语同义。
6.By the way…
ACT 2-1 “这世界真小。” 这世界真小。这世界真小
【故事梗概】 故事梗概】 在 Stewart 一家为祖父 Malcolm Stewart 的到来而兴奋的同时,Malcolm 正在 一列由佛罗里达州开往纽约市的火车上。Malcolm 坐在车厢里,一位女士 Elsa 坐 到了他的旁边。他们攀谈了起来。原来 Elsa 也是来自于佛罗里达州的,并且他们的 家离得不远。
Elsa: Excuse me.Is this seat taken? Grandpa: No, it's not taken.Elsa: Oh, thank you.Grandpa: Oh, let me help you with this.Elsa: Oh, thank you.Grandpa: Do you want to sit by the window? Elsa: No, no, no.I like the aisle seat better.Please, you sit by the window.Grandpa: My name is Stewart…Malcolm Stewart.Pleased to meet you.Elsa: I'm Elsa Tobin.How do you do? Grandpa: Do you live in New York? Elsa: No, no.I'm from Florida.Grandpa: I am, too.But didn't you just get on? Elsa: No, no.I just changed my seat.A man next to me was smoking, and smoke really bothers me.Where are you from in Florida? Grandpa: Titusville.It's near Orlando.Elsa: Small world.I'm from Titusville, too.Grandpa: Really? What part? Elsa: My husband and I live near Spaceport.Grandpa: I know that area.My house is only a few miles from Spaceport.Do you still live there? Elsa: Oh yes, yes.My husband's there now.He couldn't take time off to come to New York with me.Do you still live there?
Grandpa: No.I sold the house and the furniture, put a few personal things in an old trunk, and shipped it to my children in New York.That's my destination.
【语言点精讲】 语言点精讲】 1.Excuse me.Is this seat taken? 对不起,这座位有人吗?在美国,如果别人身边有空位置,应征得那人的同意方能 落坐。也可这样说-“Excuse me, may I take the seat?”或“Excuse me, anyone sitting here?” 2.Oh,let me help you with this.让我来帮你吧。这是主动向别人提供帮助时的说法。本情境中,祖父 Malcolm 主动 帮助 Elsa 把手提箱放到了行李架上。在美国,公共场合主动帮助女士,是男士有教 养的表示。3.I like the aisle seat better.Please, you sit by the window.我喜欢靠走道的座位。请你坐在窗边吧。the aisle seat 靠走道的位置。by 在这里相当于“next to”。4.But didn't you just get on? 反问句“Didn't you...?”的意思是“难道你不是…?”,表示问者很有理由相信是这么 一回事,相当于 “I think you..., am I right?” get on-上车,上。get on 可用于火车、公共汽车、飞机等。5.Small world.这世界真小。感叹语,熟人邂逅或在外乡遇见同乡人时用。也可以说“It's a small world.” 6.He couldn't take time off to come to New York with me.他脱不开身,不能和我一起上纽约来。take time off 的意思是“不上班,不去工作,抽出时间,挤出时间”。ACT 2-2 “说确切点,是 47 年。” 说确切点,说确切点
故事梗概】 在火车上,祖父 Malcolm 与 Elsa 的谈话在继续。一位乘务员走过来到他们身旁,他要看看 Elsa 的车票。
Elsa: Are you married? Grandpa: My wife died four years ago.She was a wonderful woman.A real friend.Elsa: I'm sorry.Really, I'm sorry.Grandpa: Lots of wonderful memories.We were married almost fifty years.Well, forty-seven, to be exact.Elsa: John and I celebrate our fortieth anniversary next month.Grandpa: Oh, congratulations!That's nice.What does John do? Elsa: He's an aerospace engineer and works for Orlando Aircraft Corporation.He started with them almost forty years ago.What do you do? Grandpa: I just retired.Had my own company.A construction company.Roads, bridges, big stuff.But I just sold it and retired.Conductor: Excuse me, ma'am.Ticket, please.Elsa: Would you kindly hold these keys, please? I have a ticket, I know, I was in the smoking section.Conductor: It's OK, lady.Take your time.Grandpa: I'm sure it's in your purse, Mrs.Tobin.Elsa: Oh, here it is.Grandpa: And here are your keys.Elsa: Thank you.
【语言点精讲】 语言点精讲】 1.Are you married? 你结婚了吗? 动词的过去分词形态常用作形容词,放在 be 动词后面,作表语来修 饰主词。如本句中的 married
2.I'm sorry.Really, I'm sorry.在谈话的过程中,我们可能会谈到一些不愉快的话题,这种情况下,我们应该表示 遗憾或者惋惜。如本情景中,祖父 Malcolm 谈到自己的妻子 4 年前去世了,Elsa 女士对此的回应是-“I'm sorry.Really, I'm sorry.”(我听了很难过,真的很难 过。)3.We were married almost fifty years.Well, forty-seven, to be exact.我们结婚有差不多 50 了,呃,说确切点,是 47 年。to be exact 确切点说,用于对刚说的话进行解释或修正。美国人比较重视结婚纪念日,在祖父和 Elsa 的话中都谈到了自己结婚的时间。4.Congratulations!太好了,恭喜你,祝贺你。当别人告诉你他的喜讯时,就可以向他表示祝贺,对他 说“Congratulations!” 5.Would you kindly hold these keys, please? 请你代我拿着这些钥匙,可以吗? “Would you kindly…?”的意思是“能麻烦您...吗?请您…好吗?”用于正式的、客 气的请求别人做某事。6.Take your time.慢慢来,别着急。ACT 2-3 “我迫不及待想见到他们。” 我迫不及待想见到他们。我迫不及待想见到他们
【故事梗概】 故事梗概】 在火车上,祖父 Malcolm 同 Elsa 女士谈到了各自去纽约市的原因。Elsa 是要去拜 访朋友,而 Malcolm 则要是搬去和自己的儿孙同住。Malcolm 还没有决定是不是 要永久住下来,他既不喜欢独自一人生活,又不想失去独立性。
Grandpa: Do you have family in New York? Elsa: No, no.But I do have very close friends in New York City.We like to go to the theater together.You said you have family in Ne
New York.Grandpa: Yes, indeed.A son and his wife and their three children-my grandchildren.Elsa: You must be excited.Grandpa: I can't wait to see them!Elsa: Are you going to live with them? Grandpa: Yes.Elsa: Permanently? Grandpa: Well…they want me to, but it's too early to know for sure.I'm pretty independent.I tried to teach my kids the importance of independence, but I'm not sure I want to be alone.Some people don't mind being alone.I do.Elsa: I understand.But tell me.Why did you stop working? Grandpa: I retired because …I wanted to be with my family.I didn't want to be alone anymore!
【语言点精讲】 语言点精讲】 1.But I do have very close friends in New York City.可我确实有很亲密的朋友在纽约市。句中的 do 表示强调,说话时要重读。2.Yes,indeed.对,没错。indeed 用来强调肯定的语气。3.You must be excited.你现在一定很激动。这里情态动词 must 加上 be,用来表示一种比较肯定的推测,“想必,一定”,而 不作“必须”讲。4.I can't wait to see them!我迫不及待想见到他们。
“can't wait to do sth.” 表示“急于做某事,迫不及待要做某事”,也可以说“can hardly wait to do sth.” 5.Well…they want me to, but it's too early to know for sure.嗯…他们要我这样,但是现在还太早,难以肯定知道。“too...to...”的意思是“太...以至于不能...” 6.Some people don't mind being alone.I do.有些人不在乎一个人过。我不行。这里的“mind” 表示“介意,不喜欢,讨厌,反对”等意思,后面如接动词,要用动 名词形式。这里的“I do”是“I do mind being alone”的缩略,表示“我介意,我讨 厌(一个人生活)” 7.Why did you stop working? 你为什么停止工作了? “stop doing” 表示停止做某事,即不再做下去。