
时间:2019-05-14 03:48:19下载本文作者:会员上传





Dear,I should like this message to be taken as an expression of heartfelt gratitude to you for.If it had not been for your help in giving me aid and , I fear that.During the , you have given me generous help and continuous guidance by.Thus, I really appreciate , and I hope that I may repay your kindness by.Finally, I feel most obliged to thank you once more.(二)询问信

Dear,My name is , and I am.I have made up my mind to write to you in the hope that you can provide me with the information of.The reasons for my urgent need of are as follows: 1);2);3).Therefore, I will be much obliged if you can help me.Please feel free to call me at for further questions.Thank you for your time and patience, and I look forward to your prompt reply.实战:假设你是李华,作为选派的交流学生在美国某大学学习了一年,寄住在Mr.Brown家里,刚回到国内。回国后,你发现自己的一本英语词典遗忘在他家,因此给他写了一封信,请他帮助寄回词典。信的主要内容如下: 感谢在美国期间他所提供的帮助;一本英语词典忘记带回 ;词典是美国老师送的,非常珍贵.词典很可能丢在卧室的书架上 ;邮资自己付 postage

Dear Mr.Brown, I'm now safely back home.Thank you very much for all the kindness I got from you during my stay.Hope everything is fine with you there.Now I wonder whether I could ask you a favor.When I came back, I suddenly realize that I had left my English dictionary behind at your place.It is a precious gift from my American teacher.Would you please be so kind as to send it back to me? I'll pay for the

postage.The dictionary must be on the bookshelf in my bedroom.It is the one with a red cover.Thanks and all the best.(三)建议信

Dear,I am very glad to hear that you want to seek some suggestions about in order to.From my point of view,.Also, to you, I highly recommend that.On the one hand,.On the other hand,.Besides, it is unnecessary for you to.Consequently, I believe that.I hope that my opinions are of help to you, and please feel free to contact me for more questions.(四)投诉信

Dear Manager,I am writing to complain about the poor service of your.Last week I bought at your store and when I got it home it did not work at all.When I tried to return it to the store, I was told that I could not change for another one.The sign in your store says that money is returned within 7 days of purchase if any problem exists, and I did that within the said time.Thus I insist that I should have my money back.If I do not receive any satisfying response, I will further complain to the Consumer Protection Association.(五)邀请信

模板:邀请校友参加100周年校庆(100th anniversary)并做演讲。住宿、吃饭免费。Dear ,On behalf of , I would like to invite you to visit our university / my hometown for.It would give us great pleasure if you could deliver a speech on the topic of during the visit, because.I am sure that it would be immensely beneficial to______ if.During your stay in , we would like to offer you with , , which is

free of charge.We would appreciate it very much if you could accept our invitation.(六)祝贺信

Dear,Good news travels fast!It was delightful for me to hear that.Congratulations!I know more than anyone else how much effort you have put in and I am very proud of you for your achievement.I understand for sure that it is your hard work / your excellent ability that leads you to the current success.I am confident that in the future.May all goes beautifully in your new____________!


Dear,,I have learnt from yesterday’s newspaper that you are employing.I wish to be considered as an applicant for the position, and beg to state my qualifications as follows:

I am years old, a major student of University / College.During my academic years, I have shown excellent performance and have been awarded first-class scholarship each year.In addition to my educational background, I have a special interest in.Moreover, I have rich work experience in this field due to my work at.Therefore, I believe I can be of value to your company.Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.二、大作文模板





One object or phenomenon(positive significance inclination.)

A has attracted extensive attention of the society.Nowadays, increasingly more argumentations about A can be found in TV programs, newspapers, university classes and many aspects of our everday life.As shown/described/can be seen in the picture/cartoon/graph,…(一两句描述漫画)The purpose of the picture/cartoon/graph is to tell us that…(一句话说明漫画的目的,注意必须是个完整的句子)./It is most likely that the drawer of the picture/cartoon/graph intends not only to tell us the fact itself but also to set us thinking more about A.Since its concept covers vast fields, such as science, humanity, thinking, economy, society and nature(根据具体漫画主题稍作取舍),A is difficult to be defined, precisely and fixedly.For example/First of all,…In addition,…Last but not the least,…(省略处各加一两句分析)

Taking into account of the factors/reasons above, we can safely draw a conclusion that where there is better A, there are more hope, vitality and development.Each of us should attach high emphasis on A.When we are benefiting from A, we shall also do our utmost to maintain its vitality to ensure ourselves a brighter future.2、一种事物或现象(负面现象)





One object or phenomenon(negative significance inclination).A has attracted extensive attention of the society.Nowadays, increasingly more argumentations about A can be found in TV programs, newspapers, university classes and many aspects of our everyday life(根据具体漫画主题稍作取舍).As shown/described/can be seen in


The purpose of the picture/cartoon/graph is to tell that…/It is most likely that the drawer of the picture /cartoon/graph intends not only to tell us fact itself but also to set us thinking more about A.Since its concept covers vast fields, such as science humanity, ideology, economy, society and nature(根据具体漫画主题稍作取舍), A is difficult to be defined, precisely and fixedly.The focus of public concern mainly results from its negligible but harmful influence on individuals and even the whole society.For example/First of all,…In addition…Last but not the least,…We must keep highly alert of the problems evoked by A, because once the harmful influence accumulates to a certain degree and then spreads, it will surely threaten the development of the whole society.Though with various reasons and forms, from the perspective of essence, the problems brought by originates from the fundamental principle of human ideology and material production.Thus, we should seek the solutions through setting foot on this principle.Due to the depth and width of A’s harmful influence, we should draft our solution scientifically and systematically on the basis of

deep analysis of A problem.(on the one hand…on the other hand…)We must acquire our power from technology, management, law and culture to tackle the problem, effectively eliminate the shadow of A, and ensures ourselves a bright future.


2013 年考研英语大小作文万能模板



一、.咨询信 ★★★★★


Dear Sir or Madam,As a „„, I am writing to ask if „„.„„.I appreciate it if you could „„/I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon.两句皆可)

Truly yours,Xiao xiang

二、投诉信 ★★★★★


Dear Sir or Madam,I write this to place a complaint against „„/ I venture to write to complain about „„(两句皆可)the quality of „„I bought „„.During „„ has been in my possession, problems have emerged one after another.For one thing,„„, For another,„„.Therefore,wish you would look into occurrence immediately and send me a replacement as soon as I possible.or I will demand a refund.Yours,Xiao xiang

三、邀请信 ★★★★★

写作模式:发出邀请+说明事由+说明活动地点、时间+表示期待、感谢 邀请信分为发出的邀请信和回复别人的邀请信。一发出的邀请信 分为邀请名人和邀请参加聚会.⑴ 请名人

Dear „„,We should be very grateful if you could „„/May I take the opportunity to you to „„.(两句皆 可).Please let me know as soon as possible if you come and when you will be able to make it.Sincerely,Xiao xiang ⑵ 请参加聚会 Dear „„,I wonder if there is any chance for you to come to …….It would be my pleasure to share the important moments with you.……I am glad to tell you that …….There are also arrangements for ……, which I am sure you will thoroughly enjoy.The dinner starts at …… so that we can have a nice and long evening.I would love for you to attend, so pleasure let me know your decision.Love,Xiao xiang

(3)回复别人的邀请信 :一般情况下为拒绝别人的邀请信

Dear „„,It,s an honor for me to be invited, but I deeply regret being unable to „„.„„.I do hope I can have a chance to visit „„.Regretfully,Xiao xiang

(此种写信格式为顶格式写作 在考研英语作文中比较少见 但不失为一种新颖的写作方法 可借鉴)另:附邀请信参考句式: ①It would give me/us great pleasure to have your presence at the Reception /Dinner/Ceremony to be held on „„(date)at „„(place)at „„(time).②It is my pleasure, on behalf of „„, to invite you to visit our university for a week/to present a key-note speech on „„.③We are having /planning a „„ on „„(date)and we think it would be a good idea if you can join us.2 ★★★

四、致歉信 ★★★

写作模式: 表示歉意+说明理由+提出弥补措施+请求原谅

Dear Sir or Madam,I regret to tell you that I won t be able to „„.Consequently, I wish to know if it would be possible for you to „„.I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused, and thank you for your understanding.You can contact me at „„, or call me at „„.Yours Sincerely,五、感谢信 ★★★

写作模式: 表示感谢+说明事由+再次表示感谢

Dear „„,Please accept my thanks for the very pleasant time I spent together with you for „„, I very much appreciated your hospitality.„„.I know the beautiful day will keep me happy for a long time.Thanks again for your warm hospitality and goodbye!I hope I can return your favors at „„very soon.Cordially,Sincerely,Xiao xiang

Xiao xiang

六、推荐信 ★★★★★


To whom It May Concern,(解释为相关负责人)In reply to „„(人名)request for a letter of recommendation, I have great pleasure to write this letter in his favor.„„(人名)was working with me for „„(three、four)years in the capacity of confidential clerk.We are once very good working terms.„„(人名)left me just because „„.During the years he was in my service, his work was highly appreciated bye everyone in my firm.He was conscientious to his work and responsible for his clients.I am sure you will find him strictly honest hardworking and intelligent in the best sense of the word, as I found his here.Yours Sincerely,Xiao xiang

七、辞职信 ★★★

写作模式: 提出辞职+说明原因、表示遗憾或感谢+期盼回复

Dear „„,I am writing to inform you of my intention of withdrawing form my current position in „„.Thank you very much for having given me this opportunity to take such a promising position in …….Though having …….I, unfortunately, find that…….First of all, ……, moreover, …….Therefore, I decided to quit this position after careful consideration.I wish you will considek my request.I apologize in advance for any inconvenience it might bring to you.Yours Sincerely,Xiao xiang

另:附辞职信参考句式: ①Looking back upon „„.②my present job doesn,t fall in with my previous training and strength.③However, As a young man whose primary interest is „„ rather than „„.④I have had a very happy and enjoyable time working with you and other colleagues, from whom I have received lots of help and have learnt much.⑤Please accept my sincere gratitude, as much as my regret for not being able to serve here any longer.⑥I am sorry to inform you by this letter that I plan to „„.八、求职信 ★★★ ★★★

写作模式: 自我介绍、说明求职原因+表示个人能力、经历及求职动机+希望取得面试机会、表示感谢

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to apply for the position of „„ you advertised in yesterday,s „„.To briefly introduce myself, I am a graduate student of „„university majoring in ……, and 4 expect graduation this June, not only have I excellent academic performance in all courses, I also posses the rich experience of …… My interactive personal skill and teamwork spirit are also appropriate for this post.My complete resume is attached.I would be grateful if you could arranger an interview at your earlist convenience.Yours Sincerely,Xiao xiang

九、请求信 ★★★

写作模式: 介绍自己、提出请求+说明原因及其它事项+表达协议、期盼回复

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing in the hope of your assistance to/ I would like to apply for „„/ I wonder if and you could spare some time to „„.(三句皆可)„„.Thank you for your time and patience./ Thank you for your consideration.I am looking forward to your reply./Looking forward to a prompt reply form you.(三句皆可)

Sincerely Yours,Xiao xiang

十、建议信 ★★★

写作模式: 自我介绍、说明目的+委婉提出建议及改进措施或提出忠告+礼貌地总结或期盼回复

To whom It May Concern,(解释为相关负责人)

As a „„, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for your kind assistance as always.Meanwhile, I feel that it would be benifical to express my views concerning „„.In the first place, „„.I would also recommend „„.Last but not least, „„.I hope that you take my suggestions into serious consideration.Yours Sincerely,Xiao xiang

十一、贺信 ★★★★★

写作模式: 说明事由并表达自己衷心的祝贺+展开评论事件、赞扬收信人+再次表达良好祝愿

Dear „„,I am much delighted to learn that „„.This is a special and happy moment for you and proud of your achievement.„„.not only „„, but also „„.I believe this position will be a new beginning, a chance for you to embrace a fuller life and pave the way for a brilliant future career.Please accept my most sincere congratulations!Best wishes,Yours Sincerely,Xiao xiang



下面是一封订购飞机票的信函: Dear Sir or Madam:

I am on an urgent mission and want to get to Hong Kong as soon as possible.Please reserve for me a seat in the plane leaving Guangzhou for Hong Kong at 8 a.m.tomorrow.A seat by the window in the economic section is preferred.I shall be very grateful if you would deliver the ticket to Room 418 of the Baiyun Hotel where I am staying.If there is no seat available at 8 a.m.tomorrow, please inform me as soon as possible, so that I can change a flight.Thank you very much!

Yours faithfully,Steve Brown






Dear Sir,Enclosed is one sample of the envelopes which your delivery truck left in our office yesterday.We wish, however, to exchange them for the correct size, or obtain a refund.When our supply secretary selected and purchased official envelopes in your store last week on December 12, she asked that size L be sent to our office.The size we received is small, and of course it does not serve our needs.The sales receipt is #3968, dated December 12, written by salesclerk #189.Please send us the correct size L envelopes in exactly the same style and color, or if this is not available now, cash refund of $ 50.50.Thank you very much..Sincerely yours,Li Ming



To whom it may concern,I am writing to offer aid to …….How can I aid ……..? When I saw …….on television , it seemed

as through I also heard the voices of their hearts asking for help.I want to do whatever I can do to help ……..I would particularly like to donate ……..Thank you for taking my contribution into consideration.Please notify me when you find a suitable recipient , and send me his/her detailed information.Sincerely yours,Li Ming 其他应用文:

便笺类 告示类


启事(招聘、寻物、招领、征稿、更正)演讲稿 备忘录 便条




分类一:不利于社会的现象 92-沟通 97-吸烟

98-虚假承诺 99-人口增长与环境 00-过度捕捞 06-偶像崇拜 05-孝顺 11-环保

分类二:自身发展所需的品质 94-交友 96-健康

03-独立能力 04-发展

07-自信与挑战 08-互助合作 12-乐观态度

分类三:好坏分论 91-城乡居住 93-电视广告 09-网络

分类三:好现象 95-希望工程 01-爱心



As is vividly/symbolically depicted in the picture/cartoon,we can notice that____ Through the thought-provoking illustration, the drawer aims to point out that attention has to be paid to ___.(解释现象,一两句话足矣).There is no telling how our future will precisely be if we allow this phenomenon continue as it is, however, absolutely will it be a prospect horrifies everyone.By that time, social stability will on the edge of precipice.So to sum up, it is imperative for us to envisage realities and take effective measures before the situation turns from bad to worse.For one thing, our authorities should exercise strict control over___.(___).For another, we should cultivate the awareness of people that ___ is very vital to us.(___).As is often the case, it is our unconscious behavior that aggravate the problem.Only in this way can we curb the current evil phenomenon revealed in the picture and develop a harmonious social atmosphere.附上一些句子可以用在模板中:

1: To serve as responsible stewards of the planet,we should reject the false behaviour and comply with the code of conduct consciously.2: behaviors which harm public order or violate social ethics 3: we should respect the surrounding w living in and behavior as a literate person.4: Nowadays, the absence of fundamental social ethic of many, if not the most, people may lead to a serious consequence.5: 道德方面 ___has always been the traditional virtue of Chinese culture for thousands of years.模板二(分类二)

As is vividly/symbolically depicted in the picture/cartoon,we can notice that____.[The caption in the drawing reads:"".] [Which may open the door to success.] Undoubtedly, through the thought-provoking illustration, the drawer aims at reminding us the significance of ___.Owing to te quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, and this makes it easier for us to encounter difficulties on our way to success.Then we need ___ to surmount the challenge.Once a person lose___,he can hardly attain success.(例子,实例或虚例).When all factors are considered, we may safely come to the conclusion that ___ really count in this competitive society.It deserves more attention and praising from the public.For one thing, our authorities should publicize the noble story of eminent people who attain outstanding achievement in their career, and set good examples for the children.For another, parents and teachers should cultivate children 's concept of the significance of ___ since childhood.例子:For instance, when we come to a difficulty in our study, work and life.[We should strengthen our mind, which will lead to a powerful impetus, to solve the problem.] Thus we will take a solid step towards success.Also, when we look back to history, we can find that the elitists____.模板三(分类三)

As is vividly/symbolically depicted in the picture/cartoon,we can notice that____.Through the thought-provoking illustration, the drawer aims to point out the advantages and disadvantages of ___.As ___ is playing an increasing important role in our daily life nowadays.Just like a coin has two sides, ___ is a two-edged weapon.On one hand, ___.On the other hand, ___.So to sum up, it is imperative for us to take effective measures aims at the disadvantages ___ bring to us.For one thing, our authorities should exercise strict control over ___.Person who attempt to destroy the normal order of ___ should be punished seriously, thus to establish a healthy ___ culture.For another, we should cultivate ourselves the capability of distinguishing right from wrong and utilize ___ moderately.Thus, we will enjoy a better life and develop a harmonious society.出题基本上在前三种类型,但分类四也不能丢。另外模板并不是作文,需要灵活运用才能拿更高分。


附加篇: 从类型上: 1.图画作文

It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______(图画主题),which is ______________(进一步的说明)。He seems to be saying that_______________(给出细节)。In my opinion,___________(个人阐述)。

This simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉群体,如the whole of the human race)。Therefore,it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to _____________(问题所在)。One the one hand,we must _________________(建议一)。It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________(进一步说明)。On the other hand,________________(建议二)Only in this way can we___________(展望前景)。2.图表作文

The chart gives us an overall picture of the ____________(图表主题)。The first thing we notice is that_______________(图表最大特点)。This means that as __________,_________________(进一步说明)。

We can see from the statistics given that _______________(图表细节一)。After ving_________(细节一中的第一个变化),the _____Ved+幅度+时间(紧跟着的变化)。The figures also tells us that_________________________(图表细节二)。(数据位置,如In the second column),we can see that ____________accounts for _______(进一步描述)。

Judging from these figures,we can draw the conclusion that___________(结论)。The reason for this,as far as I am concerned is that_____________(给出原因)。/ It is high time that we Ved(发出倡议)3.利弊型作文

Recently the issue of whether or not______(讨论话题)has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public.There are two major arguments that can be made for_________.For one thing,__________can bring ____ to_____________(优点一)。For another,it is widely hold that people usually ____when ________________________________(优点二)。But we must not lose sight of the fact that there are also drawbacks to__________,among which are ____________(列举缺点)。For instance,it can be __________to _____________(举例说明)。In addition,many people find it ________(形容词)to _______________(第二个缺点)When asked to __________,I tend to ____________.This is because I _______________(原因一)。Furthermore,_______________________(原因二)。Finally,______________(原因三)。4.展望未来型

The effects ___________ has produced on____________ can be boiled down to two major ones.First,__________________(影响一)。More importantly,________________(影响二)。Hence,I believe that we will see a ____________(提出展望)/ Nevertheless,I do not think we will see a ______(或反面展望)There are numerous reasons why ____,and I would like to explore a few of the most important ones here.The first is that the more(比较级)_____,the more(比较级)。In addition,we all aGREe that________________________(第二个原因)*提纲式命题作文

提纲式作文既有论说文,也有议论文。它主要考查的内容为:说明主题,分析原因或解释做法。例如:1995年的试题“希望工程”中提纲的要求是:(1)Present situation.(2)Necessity of the project.(3)My suggestion.它要求考生解释说明“希望工程”,分析开展希望工程的意义和原因,联系考生自己提出一些建议或具体的做法。从提纲的要求上看,提纲式命题作文对联系社会的要求不是很多,写作难度也相对较小。它要求考生在正确理解题意的基础上,根据提纲去选择素材。提纲提供了每段的段落大意,在开展论述时不能偏离提纲或改变内容。提纲一般为三部分,考生应针对提纲采用三段的结构来开展文章。如:

Nowadays,China’s economy is fast developing.People’s living standard has improved a lot.In some areas,however,there are still many people living below the poverty line.They have difficulties for the very basics like food and clothes,let alone getting good education.What can we do to help these less developed areas in our country? I think we can do the following things.First of all,the government and our society must pay more attention to these less developed areas.The government should spend more money on the basic construction projects in these areas instead of spending it on cultural and artistic projects in cities.It should also encourage some private enterprises and companies to donate to these poor areas.Secondly,transportation is very important in less developed areas.We should help them build more railways and more roads so that the local people can benefit from the convenient transportation.It can also promote their communication with developed areas.Finally,technology is necessary in developing economy in these areas.Poor farmers should be taught technology and new skills and should have easier access to money in the bank,such as getting loans to start businesses.All in all,so long as we continue our efforts to help these less developed areas,these areas will shake off poverty sooner or later.再如:


Write an article to an English newspaper discussing laid-off workers and re-employment in China.In your article you should(1)describe briefly the present situation of unemployment,(2)analyze the causes of it,(3)give advice for re-employment.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.范文:

There is an increasing number of workers,not only the middle-aged but also the young who are laid off from their jobs.Some laid-offs thus become poverty-stricken and can hardly support their children to continue their studies.And those employed are also worried a great deal that someday they may lose their jobs.This phenomenon has caught great attention in society.In order to maintain social stability,many re-employment service centers are being set up to give the laid-offs a helping hand.The increasing number of laid-off workers is caused mainly by the industrial restructuring and economic development across the country.In market economy,the enterprises have to reduce workforce or the redundant.Another reason is that some enterprises claim bankruptcy owing to their poor management and backward product structure,which made millions of workers jobless.Laborers from the countryside are also contributing to the increasing numbers of the laid-offs.Off-job doesn’t mean no job.There are plenty of opportunities for the laid-off workers to be re-employed.Take Shanghai for example,the city is developing into an international economic center,shifting its old labor intensive industries out of the city and replacing them with new enterprises.But there is a fundamental requirement for the laid-offs if they want to be enrolled in these new posts.They must have certain skills.To many laid-off workers,they have to get job training to make themselves qualified and competitive in the human resources market.从主题上: 5.网络问题

In recent years,people are developing an inseparable relationship with Internet.As is vividly depicted in the picture,it is convenient for us to click the mouse when surfing on line,either to entertain ourselves or to meet the work‘s needs.Actually on-line visiting has become a routine activity in our everyday life.However,it seems rather ironic to use a chain instead of normal wire to connect with the mouse in this picture.The exaggerative and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of the relationship between man and Internet.Discussion on the duality has become very popular in newspapers or in people‘s chats.On the one hand,no one denies that Internet is currently one of the most useful media in our daily life.People from all walks of life are benefiting considerably from its powerful function of information communication.But on the other hand,a GREat many people admit that they are too much addicted to Internet to maintain a regular and wholesome lifestyle.Cyber-living resembles the experience of looking constantly into a kaleidoscope which displays both colored patterns and illusions.Such a waste of time inevitably leads to their failure in their life and work.Accordingly,it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence.For one thing,college students in expanding numbers get on line every day to learn the news,to study English by registering for web courses,to exchange information through e-mails with their net friends and to download their favorite music,FLASH,film and pictures.Being veteran on-line shoppers,they frequently purchase books,CDs at much lower prices.For another,once indulged in the fictitious world,people can barely concentrate on real life.Consequently,many students just chat on line or play computer games immoderately everyday,skipping many essential classes.After all,Internet is invented to enrich our life,to connect you and me,and to improve the efficiency of our work rather than shackle us with a chain.6.环境问题

the pictures symbolically illustrate pollution is becoming increasingly serious around the globe.In the first cartoon,a man is scorching the earth on a chimney.In the second one,a famous ancient Chinese poet,Wang Bo is astonished by the heavy smoke poured by chimneys into the air and dirty river polluted by a factory.We are informed that “the autumn river is the same color with the sky”。the drawer is sending a message about the significance of the need for everyone to fight against the danger of environmental pollution.There is no denying that the industry is indications of civilization,proGREss and development.Unfortunately,as industry develops,so will the number of factories,and the amount of industry pollutants.We are so development-oriented that we almost can sacrifice our blue sky and pure water in order to obtain a little material gain.As a consequence,it is imperative for us to take drastic actions.On the one hand,the factories should be equipped with devices which can dispose of waste gas and water so as to prevent them from polluting our planet.On the other hand,there should be an increasingly loud voice from the public for firm actions against poisonous gas sent off and unhealthy water polluted by factories.7.环境保护类


This is a very interesting piece of cartoon, in thanks to.Hence,.Though being a little exaggerating, the cartoon illuminates a serious fact that , and for that matter,.A recent report also supported this view by.On the contrary, we are sad to perceive that.Therefore, in my opinion, it is already high time for the whole world to form a solid cooperation fighting against , because not a single government or person can be exempt from its harm.A series of down-to-earth measures need to be urgently implemented to control.(参见范文2)


Nowadays, lots of people have the illusion that.Just as what is shown in the picture,.This is a very serious social problem.Compared with other countries, China.If everybody behaves in this way, it would be far beyond the country’s capacity to.Moreover, it was reported that.Meanwhile,.Also,.Though , it is never the only way.What’s important, to solve these problems depends largely on our responsibility for society and environment.If the sense of responsibility is greatly aroused, the achievement of harmony between man and the environment will not be far away.(参见范文7)

Ø 功能II:论证观点


the cartoons vividly depict people in expanding numbers are engaged in open and rampant cheating in business.In the first drawing,a boy has no courage to have dinner in front of delicious foods in that there may exist pesticide pollution or poisonous elements in the foods.In the second picture,the administrative office,salesmen,breeding families and forage shops are laughing at the hanging of a poisonous duck.Professional dishonesty has a very damaging effect.In the first place,since cheating in business reveals the moral deficiencies as well as the humanity weakness of those businessmen who engage in it,the dishonest practice will ultimately exerts a perverse influence on the whole society.In the second place,it not only puts honest businessmen at a competitive disadvantage,encouraging those who did not cheat to adopt similar practices later,but undermines the very foundation of professional ethics in business.模板1:

We can see from the picture that , but.If , he would surely express.There are three reasons to explain why it happens to.Firstly, , which resulted from.Secondly, though ,.Consequently,.Thirdly,.I maintain that effective measures should be taken to put an end to this phenomenon.Firstly, we need to endeavor to advocate.Secondly, strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to create a harmonious and orderly society.Only through the combined efforts can we eliminate this “tumor” forcefully and completely.(参见范文6)


As is shown in the cartoon,.Take in the cartoon for example.This phenomenon appears commonly in our daily life.Nowadays,.Instead, they only try their best to Such deeds not only , but also.Therefore, it is of great significance to take actions to change this phenomenon.First and foremost,.In addition,.All these steps can help guarantee a solid economic order and a harmonious society.(参见范文8)

It is often painful to impose sanctions in a specific case.But it is worthwhile.For one thing,to eliminate professional dishonesty thoroughly,serious forms of punishment for a willful offense—a suspension of the offender from business—should be applied.For another,since the incentives to engage in cheating in business are mainly due to a lack of adequate precautions,drastic actions should be taken to prevent one form of cheating or another.9、身体健康类


The picture.What is strikingly noticeable is , but it can be easily explained by shown in the picture.The discernable unhealthiness discloses a prevalent phenomenon that has long existed in the China’s.One the one hand,.On the other hand,.As a result, the integration of poor living conditions and work pressure leads naturally to their poor health and short life-span, just as the picture tells us.The situation is rather depressing because , and it is largely owing to.To solve the problem, I think there should be a thriving social trend , and those who should be rewarded with good living and working conditions.(参见范文2)


In the picture, we are amazed to find that.It clearly tells us that in the domain of , there are.has long been a problem since , and are turning to be an increasingly severe problem because of.Besides, there are more reasons responsible for this issue.Firstly,.Secondly,.Thirdly,.Judging from the analysis above, we may safely come to the conclusion that the daunting problem demands effective counter-measures.Most importantly, the government needs to implement sufficiently relevant laws and regulations in order to enhance the strength of.In addition, all residents should be aware of.(参见范文8)



The picture depicts a scene in which.The scene is presented in an artistic and ironic manner.Crowds of people are crammed in.Further examination reveals that.Apparently, the picture symbolizes that humans, with such a huge population, may one day suffer from the exhaustion of earth resources.Take for example.Given the fact that , we find that.To make it worse,.If the conflict between population boom and shortage of resources is not properly controlled, we have every reason to hold a pessimistic perspective towards human’s future on Earth.Perhaps eventually we would face the situation suggested by the picture, that is,.Accordingly, I strongly recommend that the whole globe launch aggressive programs to address this fatal contradiction.(参见范文3)


Basically, what we see in this cartoon is.The interestingly echos the.while we can imagine.We can deduce from this picture that the artist is trying to attract our attention to the present exploding world population.The striking point is that.As a result,.On the contrary,.The simple picture is a wake-up call for the whole of human race..Hence, mankind should cooperate worldwide to control population by effective measures, in order to secure the prosperity of our future on this planet.(参见范文2)



As is shown in the picture above,.Obviously from we can surmise that.It goes without saying that the primary purpose of the picture lies in eulogizing the practice of.As a matter of fact, it is not rare to find in our everyday life deeds of similar nature.For instance,.Additionally, we can also hear many stories about.Not to mention those moving cases of.All in all, I firmly believe that a harmonious society is based on a.By , people not only harvest , but also gain that can never be purchased via money.(参见范文7)

模板2: , just as is depicted in the picture.It is not difficult to find that in today’s society, more and more people begin to.It is rather good news to.The picture reminds us that in China, due to ,.Moreover, there are.In addition, we should not forget.is a good way to express human love.To some extent, it also reflects individuals’ sense of social responsibility.It is also a feeling from deep heart that is beyond words and is difficult to obtain no matter how rich one is.Therefore, I strongly advocate that.I am sure our society will hence be more beautiful because of.这种类型的文章主要描述一些现象并具体分析解释现象的原因等。一般情况下三段的分布为:第一段描述图画内容,第二段分析该现象的原因、意义等,第三段总结观点、或提出建议。



It is a very eye-catching photo in which.What makes this picture extraordinary is , which clearly indicates.The sense of that permeates this picture is representative of , that is, , and therefore,.China, in particular,.The effect of such communication can be best exemplified by.While people belong to nations, cultures know no boundary.is not only featured by , but more importantly, by.I firmly believe that is contributing, and will contribute more to the world’s peace, development, and prosperity.(参见范文1)


What is presented here is a very interesting scenario..From the subtitle we can infer that.Conspicuously,.We can deduce from the picture that.It partly owes to , and partly to.Except the case reflected in the picture, there are numerous evidence demonstrating.For example,.From a personal point of view, I am delighted to witness.To sum up,.As for China,.Therefore, I can firmly conclude that in the long run, cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing Chinese and global economy, as well as diversified cultures.13、教育类


As the title indicates, “ ”, the set of pictures apparently reminds us that.It is discernable that.The drawing virtually reminds its audience a widespread phenomenon existing negatively in the area of basic education in China, that is,.That is to say,.Such a practice is very harmful in terms of the following aspects.Firstly,.Secondly,.Last but not the least,.In my point of view, , but it is only part of the picture.On the other hand,.Therefore, it is an urgent task to.As children are the future of our nation, creating a good environment for their upbringing means creating a bright and promising future for our nation.模板2:

The picture shows.symbolizes.As is quoted in the picture,.It apparently mirrors an increasingly common social phenomenon in China— in contrast with.One the one hand, the problem partially attributes to.Sometimes.On the other hand,.For example, , while.In my opinion, the government needs to launch a reform in the education system with measures that can show immediate effect.proves to be most beneficial to students.Further, a large-scale reform in the macroeconomic level to is the basic solution of this issue.14、人生价值类


As the old Chinese saying goes,.It echoes with this picture in which.The title of the picture further points out that.The picture is meant to.As far as I am concerned, I think.This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of , where.A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of., for example,.The same principle applies to common people as well, and I am sure everybody can benefit from.模板2:

From the picture we can perceive that.What astonishes the drawing and the readers is that.It is known to all that , but it seems.The artist utilizes this artistic presentation to imply a spreading vogue that.Ultimately, the trend boils down to.Accordingly,.To worsen the problem, this behavior is evoking.In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating.First and foremost, the whole society should arrive at the consensus that.Besides, an awareness of should be infused into everybody’s mind.15、家庭关系类


The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene.The artist purposefully exaggerates.This picture reveals the in-depth problem of.In fact,.There are two reasons for this.The first and perhaps most important is that.The other reason is more serious from a practical point of view..It owes to.In my point of view, the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of our.What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is that,.Therefore, I strongly contend that.模板2:

There is a popular Chinese song, named “ ”, which encourages.However, the in the picture does but for a very different reason—.From the facial expression of we can read.Sadly as it is, this phenomenon does not occur rarely in today’s society, for which are responsible.For one thing,.For another,.As a matter of fact, the boosting economic development in China sadly and ironically witnesses a deterioration of.The above analysis is best exemplified by.In my opinion, the awareness of is elementary for paving the way towards success.16、社会热点类


The two pictures illustrate vividly.In the left picture , while in the right.From the two pictures we can sense a crazy tendency of.Aside from , another telling example is , which was so successful in that.The pictures also make it obvious that we should.Admittedly, it is natural that.Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of our government and society to.In my opinion, what’s the more important is to.In short,.(参见范文1)


It goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current problem:.In this drawing,.Even.It seems to me that the artist is sending a message about the importance of.Though the drawing is a little exaggerating, it is not rare for us to find in.If we let this situation of continues, it not only harms , but also prevents.Accordingly, we urgently call for.Though the government has already taken pains to implement regulations, it still failz to.In my opinion, this problem should be urgently solved so as to protect benefits.I expect the government will put forward more effective propositions as soon as possible.比较不同事物或者同一事物的不同方面的文章模板:



According to the two pictures presented, it can be observed that.In the left picture,.A the same time, as the right one shows.Different people have different views on.Some people support by claiming that.In their opinion,.In addition,.Meanwhile, there are some people, especially young men, who.Their reasons are quite different, sometimes for , sometimes for , sometimes simply for.In my point of view, both sides are partly right.To thoroughly analyze this problem, we should take into consideration of all relevant aspects, so as to make the right decision.Therefore, my conclusion would be that.模板2:

From the drawing, we can learn that.It can be seen easily that..We can deduce from that people’s opinion on vary from person to person.Some people take it for granted that.For example, they firmly believe that.But they often neglect that fact that.Yet there are also another group of people who hold a different point of view.They think that.Beside,.Personally, my attitude for this matter is positive, with reasons as follows.Firstly,.Moreover,.Lastly,.Therefore,.



Recruitment announcement

Do you want to be part of(组织/单位名称)do you want to(工作带啦的诱人待遇?)here comes your opportunity becoming(职位名称).In order to assure its success, we will recruit …from….if you possess(应聘者需要具备的素质),you will be the ideal candidate we are looking for.To seize such wonderful opportunity, you just need to send your resume to….Tf needing more details ,please contact us at our telephone number 123456789.询问信

Dear Sir:

I would like to inquire about some information on(主旨),I would be very grateful if you could reply as soon as possible.I shall be grateful if you could have details concerning(主旨)available.we would be grateful for many further information you may be able to give us about the(主旨).Would you please tell me ….I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.邀请信

Dear ….:

I am pleased to invite you to participate in(活动名称)to be held from 时间to 时间 in 地点.You are welcome to the party.The party will hold a lot of wonderful surprise for you ,so make sure you join us then.It will also be an opportunity for all of us to step out of our professional roles and really connect as people.活动名称 is served st 6pm,and there are games afterwards.We hope you can conce, and look forward to seeing you by then.I am looking forward to your reply.祝贺

Dear …:

I am extremely glad to hear that you 成就in your ….I congratulate you on this achievement.It is excellment of you to 成就.as we all know, you are always intelligence, which is essential to 成就.Moreover, your diligence enable you to 成就.I think that is 主题句.There is no doubt that 成就.Having you as a friend , I really feel both proud and lucky because I can often learn so much from you.I am sure, you will continue to challenge your self to ever greater success in your future career.求职信

Dear …:

I have read your advertisement in 地点of 时间for 职位, and should be grateful if you consider me as a candidate for the position.Keenly interested I am in the post of 职位 you have advertised on the job market because I think my major ,right personality and my practical experience particularly matches your requirements of the post.For one thing, ….For another, …

I shall be pleased to furnish you with any further information concerning my education and work experience.If my application were taken into favorable consideration, I would be most grateful.I am looking forward to your early reply.求学信


I wish to apply to admission to your department as a postgraduate student.As your require, I have written a personal statement to give a detailed description of my academic and work experience in 现读 university.I also wrote my reasons for my pursuit of the 出国读的专业 program.I will graduate from 现读 university.I have always abtained straight a grades on all subjects.Besides, I have much practical experience.In a word , I am confident that I qualify for the past.It would be appreciative of you if you could send me relevant information at your earliest convenience.推荐信


It has always been a great pleasure to write to you since I can never fail to get help, inspiration or enlightenment from you.Now I am writing to recommend to you 推荐人 who wants to pursue 推荐人去干什么.推荐人was one of students in ….University.She was one of the most excellent students in our university as can be seen from her straight a grades on all subjects.After graduation she worked in 工作单位 for three years, which considerably added to her practical experience.It is my belief that with her intelligence, diligence and rich experience, miss… has great potential for further development in 学校/单位.Therefore ,I recommend her to you with no reservations.If any further information about her is required, please let me know.Yours sincerely,Li ming



I am writing to apply for 干什么.My teacher prof, 人 strongly recommended that 去干什么,telling me that it would benefit me in many years to come.I have been….Ever since I was in elementary school.I hope I can grow up into a good … in your team, I will surely become more creative and enthusiastic.If my application could be taken into favorable consideration, I would be most grateful, I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …:

I am sorry that I have to ask a favour of you, with the hope that you will be kind to help me.I have been longing to … for a long time because I want to ….Unfortunately I find myself far from the required standard.At this moment, the personal friendship leads me to approach you with the request, whether you can manage to give me some constructive guidance.I promise to be a diligent student, If you agree, I will come to your house once a week at a time most convenient to you.Thank you very much for your kind help on many occasions in the past.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …,It is a great pleasure to extend my sincere gratitude to you for your considerate and warm treatment when I was in ….What a good time I had in ….My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond my words, I wish I could repay it someday.Yours sincerely,Li ming


Dear …,I must apologize to you for 主旨.It was very kind of you to give me such a good change.But now, much to my regret that I may not be able to continue to do it, because ….If you should find our activities bothersome, please do not hesitate to let us know.It is due to my negligence, for which I can exceedingly sorry.The reason for my decision is that ….Please accept my sincere apology for 主旨once more.I can very sorry for that and really regret that I would miss such an excellent chance of ….Besides, please give my regards to eberyone.Sincerely yours,Li ming


Dear …,Please allow me to take this opportunity to introduce 人, from university of 学校.I would be grateful for anything you could do for him to 干什么.人is an extremely enthusiastic and enterprising person.He has various practical experience for more than three years.I am sure that his participation will do a lot of help to your team.人 will be arriving here on … and he will soon go to visit you after arrival.You can introduce the overall development of 单位/组织 to him, and then explore the details of cooperation.My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond my words.Yours sincerely, Li ming


Dear…,I am afraid that I won’t be … tonight because … and I plan to ….I had wanted to tell you that in person but you are not back yet.So I have to leave this note for you.Besides I have ….So I won’t be ….Would you do me a favor by …in my … to the teacher? Thanks.Take care of yourself.Yours sincerely,Li ming

1、cartoon Nowadays,主旨has become a hot topic of the general public in our society especially for those who are faced with this situation.As is vividly illustrated in the pictures, SCO.The caption reads ,图下的标题翻译.On the contrary, SVO, we are informed that SVO.(this is …)

The cartoon descrikes a very common phenomenon in our society that SVO.The set of drawings above vividly depicts …

Having scrutinized the details of the pictures, we can discuss the implications.Subtly conveyed from it.This simple picture is wake-up call for the whole of then 发表评论:

Taking into account the factors above, we can safely draw a conclusion that SVO.On one hand, SVO.On the other hand, SVO.I believe then the relationship between people will be harmonious and our society will be a better place for us to live in.举例:

After careful thinking and reflection, we come to understand the enlightening picture step by step.It can be given a concrete example, SVO.Another good case in point is that SVO.In my belief, 主旨 is extremely significant to all of us in our society.措施:

Then, how should we solve this problem? There may be of some measures which can be taken immediately.For one thing, we should appeal to the government to make relevant laws and regulations to 限主旨想相关.For another, we should enhance the awareness of people that 主题 is vital to us.Also I believe that we humans can overcome this difficulty, and we will have a brighter future.英2 It is generally believed that 词 is a hot topic which is most talked about.As we can see from the table,第一图主旨 increased decreased sharply from 数字in 时间 to 数字 in 时间(第二图)steeply(slowly/slightly)while

This is something we should give more thought to.趋势:(正负面皆可)

Undoubtedly, the tendency reflected from the table / chart will undergo a continuous increase /decrease in the near future.The time is right for us to take full advantage for ample existing opportunities.We do, in fact, have a long way to go to reach our final goal, but achievring some remains well within the realm of possibility.健康问题(good health)

In order to possess a healthy body, not only need we keep a nutritious diet and adequate sleep, it is crucial for individuals to form the habit of exercising regularly.(如何做)

On the individual level, his exercise improve his health and mood as well.On the social level, the improvement in quality of life contributes vastly to a harmonious society.(意义)产品对消费者的伤害


On the micro level, consumers are vastly hurt by these products, which might even be life-threatening.On the macro level, if low-quality products continue to spread, they will damage the normal function of healthy market economy.虚假宣传

Their emergence dues to the negative effect of a growing market economy.False advertisement seems to be most convenient to attract clients and increase profit.Private cars(私家车)The majority of people indulge in the convenience brought by cars while forgetting their harmful impact on the atmosphere.To improve and beautify the environment / human exploitation of natural resources has caused destruction that is for beyond our imagination.教育

In my opinions, there needs to be a comprehensive renovation in the educational system in which new educational concepts are introduced.Only by new teaching methods can we cultivate children into talents and elites who will meet the requirements of our society.正直诚实:


1、enable honest person to succeed in work and life.获得成功

2、to work honestly to attain one’s life goal.实现人生目标

3、to enhance reputation of a country.坚持:(成功)

1、no accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success needs efferts.2、Success is founded on the basis of patient pursuit +定语从句 Olympic game 好处:

1、it can be a tremendous momentum pushing the country’s development

2、when equipped with willingness, spurring people to overcome any difficulty and conquer any challenge.献爱心(灾区、世博)好处、意义:

1、contributing money and other necessities to people in need is a goal way to express human love.It reflects the sense of social responsibility.2、It also express a feeling from deep with one’s heart.3、A harmonious society is based on a sound relationship, 文化交流


1、cultural exchanges can enhance international friendship.2、people can acquire better understanding of each other.3、can also greatly benefit the countries and stimulate their own social development and culture prosperity.繁荣:thrive/boom/flourish/blossom 人口问题 解决问题:

1、the awareness of struggling for one’s life is essential to the young man

2、parents indulge children in consumption with an objective outlook on money 交通事故

Traffic accidents have long been a problem and are becoming a severe problem 原因:

1、many drivers are forced to drive days and nights

2、a lot of people drive after drinking alcohol 城市发展与历史传承

A balanced economic development is not accompanied by sacrifice of history.1、historical sites are the treasure of our country’s glorious past.We must figure out a win-win method to promote sustainable development while retaining our cultural heritage.一、身体健康 锻炼 心理问题 减肥 知识分子 to develop good health 2 to keep regular exercise 3 to make more contributions to the society 4 to make do with bad diet 5 to neglect sports and exercise

二、职业道德及素质类 虚假宣传 假冒伪劣产品 排队 鼓掌 文明言行 文明交通 谦虚 宽容 医患矛盾 药品回扣诚信 豆腐渣 家庭作坊卫生 跳槽与商业机密 the sanitation problem of family workshops 2 the promise of one’s own responsibility is like a method of cheating, and is quit against professional morals(职业道德)3 low-quality products 4 the ignorance of sanitation 5 short of occupational disciplines 6 the false commercial advertising and promotion

三、工作就业前途 高薪

加班 技能 学历 自立自强 创业

To find(searchhunt)the right career;to display talent and capability;to be of real service to fellowmen and the country;to feel guilty in front of parents and family supporters;to encounter discrimination on the basis of sex or height or even birthplace;to despise jobs of lower social status and less income;to avoid the possibility of working in the rural areas

四、环境保护 动植物保护 保护森林 水污染 汽车尾气 沙尘暴 温室效应 节约资源 垃圾污染

The exhaustion of resources;pollutions from industrial production transform many clean rivers into undrinkable water.The convenience brought by cars, their harmful impact on the atmosphere.garbage output, such as plastics and glass.deforestation global warming, current greenhouse effect remains out of control human exploitation of natural resources

五、教育 上网成瘾 上网交友 青少年犯罪 个人隐私 出国留学 知识学术欺诈 望子成龙 拔苗助长 应试教育素质教育 考试作弊 相互攀比 名牌 浪费 课业负担 恋爱 兼职 占座 8090后 富二代 校园旅游 教育平等 独生子女 农民工子女 创新 迷信 溺爱 spoiled To concentrate limited resources on creative talents, or elite;

Enable students to possess better job skill;1 prepare students for future employment;2 to enhance the quality of population;to promote scientific and technological level;3 to prepare one for a better and more meaningful life rather than a job;one-child policy

migrant workers(农民工);impartial education opportunities overwhelming homework;quality education(素质教育)a comprehensive renovation

六、人生价值 创新 勇气 奋斗 勤俭 高瞻远瞩 奉献 浪费 社会公德 幸福观 勇敢 得与失 正直诚实 持之以恒 拼搏的奥运精神 读书 To be fair and upright;honest person;economical and simple life;to learn to be frugal;success derives from persistence Olympic motto read more books

七、情感 友谊 团队合作 teamwork and cooperation 帮助 selflessly offering help 让座 邻里关系 捐款献爱心

show love;provide assistance to others.Contributing money and other necessities to people who are in great need Eager to donate money to charity

八、交流文化 中西方文化 民族文化 老外过春节 老外学书法 学英语 城市发展与历史传承

a balanced economic development is not necessarily accompanied by the sacrifice of history.Participating in the annual celebration of the Chinese spring festival Practicing Chinese calligraphy(书法)Cultural exchanges;acquire better understanding of each other.The traditional Chinese culture.Pass down culture habit and treasure;absorb and assimilate traditional culture;reserve and spread brilliant diverse culture;be under the threat of extinction;be in great danger

九、人口增长 人口质量 小学生肥胖 养老与老龄化 性别比例

population aging;outdated and abandoned;to improve the living condition of the aging population;to respect and appreciate the aged;to provide safety and happiness the number of males outweighs that of females the population growth is almost out of control, the humans to live is increasingly circumscribed.十、家庭关系 养老 啃老

Young people are used to relying financially on their families

十一、社会热点 黄天和谐社会 学术腐败 可持续发展 抗争救灾众志成城 交通旅游 国际化 堵车 宠物 农业 酒后/疲劳驾车 黄金周旅游 traffic jams(堵车)the successful launch of the shenzhou-6 spaceship, our national strength and scientific competency.Traffic accidents;drive days and night with little rest;drive after drinking alcohol To keep domestic animals;to make family life more colorful and rich;to develop sense of responsibility and caring;to make people feel closer to the natural world;to spread disease and pollute living environment;to waste time and money;to scare and hurt people, kid and the aged alike

十二、法律 合法致富 经济发展 科技发展 网络 电子交通 传媒 动车

Get rich by legal means;be entitled to wealth and prosperity;stimulate people into hard working;reduce the gap;help the poor with better opportunities;make big money illegally;make this society insecure

网络好处:share individual viewpoints and insights;enable better and more efficient interpersonal communication;enjoy equal right t personal opinion;坏处:reveal and spread rumors;occupy and waste net space;follow trend and fashion;(help distinguish between right and wrong;offer proper guidance;check and restrict unhealthy content;create a clean and safe environment;mislead children by indecent content;indulge n violent act and aggressive behavior)

第四篇:2012 年考研英语大小作文预测

2012 年考研英语大小作文预测

新东方考研英语名师 朱伟

2012 年考研英语入学考试迫在眉睫,很多同学虽也投入在如火如荼的复习进程中,但总有些许瞎 忙摸不着头脑的感觉!尤其对于占总分值 30%的作文来说,很多同学更是无从下手,而只能拙劣的选择 背诵一些模板,最后到考试时也只能东拉西扯,草草了事,那么最终的得分惨不忍睹也就可想而知了。究其原因,实质还是对于历年考研英语写作真题规律研究不透彻所致。本文力图帮助 2012 年即将考研 的学员在最短的时间内找到方向,拟从以下两方面入手拨开笼罩考研作文之层层迷雾。

一、12 年小作文写作前瞻

纵观往年考研小作文(应用文)命题,个人认为规律性非常明显。大纲规定的应用文类型,也就 那么几种,几乎是一年考一种。我们来看看真题:2004 年大纲第一次增加小作文,所考的第一篇作文 来自于 2005 年 1 月的辞职信。当年这篇作文令很多业界所谓的预测大师们感到非常意外,因为按照常 理,大学生写的第一封职业类邮件应该是求职信,考研学子大多数都是应届生,还没学会写求职信就 先写辞职信,总感觉不大厚道。结果,不厚道的事情就是发生了,随之而来的就是网上所罗列的大量 预测模板彻底失效,甚至当年有人叫嚣绝对不可能考辞职信;紧接着 2006 年,考了咨询信,如何向希 望工程捐款,此封信考的很常规,只需在考前做过适当准备即可;2007 年,考查的是主动建议信,再 次把考生放在了非常主动的地位上,没人问你意见,你自己跳出来对母校的大学图书馆管理提建议。这封邮件再次使网络上以及很多培训机构的预测失效,因为他们为同学们准备的范文多半是类似于你 有一个同学,要去美国读书,写信问你到底是读历史还是计算机。实质上,这属于回复建议信,它的 文章开头多半是 In respond to your question about whether to “ , I would like to present the following recommendations.而主动建议信的开头却截然不同,因为是主动,所以收信人多半会感觉 比较突然,因此需要写信人在开头稍作自我介绍,并不是介绍自己的姓名,而是稍微说明下自己主动 提建议的初衷是为对方好,首先取得对方的理解,这才是一封主动建议信所必须具备的,基于此,开 头往往会设计为,As a warm-hearted and attentiveness-full的人,I have spent a lot of time caring aboutthedevelopmentof so that I write thisletter to displaysome ofmy recommendations with regard to as follows.因此,如果不能准确使用,则后果会很严重,从第一 句话就会暴露你根本没有审题,得分也就可想而知;2008 年考察的非常巧妙,杂交了两种类型的邮件: 道歉加失物归还。出国旅行,把国外朋友借给你听的 CD 机一不小心带回国了。这封邮件再次使很多死 板的失物招领信或寻物启事信模板无用武之地;2009 年,倡议信,倡议大家不要再使用一次性塑料袋,这封信比较常规;到了 2010 年,很多同学都在惊讶于怎么考了一篇招聘通知,难道邮件时代就此终结? 我认为,实则不然。首先,通知和邮件的格式并无实质差别,考研小作文的注意力从来就不应该是放 在格式上;其次,2009 年上课我反复给大家讲过求职信怎么写,尤其是得分的关键---第二段,你必须 说明自己适合这份工作,因此我给大家设计了三大自证理由,英文(证书)水准,著名企业实习经验,适合团队协作的性格等,而学习主动性稍微强一些的同学只要动点脑筋,就会发现其实只要把这三点反过来,变成招聘要求,这篇通知就会迎刃而解。这就是为什么当年考完试当天就有很多同学自信的 跟我说考得不错的原因,因为他们愿意思考,临门一脚还得靠大家自己!

好了,分析了这么多,也就是为了预测未来。综上所述,小作文考察的特点主要有:第一,希望 把学生放在一个主动的地位上,比如辞职,主动建议等,都把大家放在了主动方,而这恰恰与很多同 学平时训练应用文时喜欢把自己放在被动方的思维相悖,也是大家为什么感觉总押不到题的根源。第 二,考研的考察方向依旧是以邮件为主,换句话说,只要把邮件写好了,即使考别的应用文类型,那 也不怕!因此,经过对 2012 年考研新大纲的考量,今年考研很有可能会考订购信(或出售信,一正一 反,都要会写)、投诉信(或回复投诉信)、邀请信(邀请某学者参加学术会议)以及证明信(比如 你是车祸现场目击证人,请写一封证明信)。

二、12 年考研英语大作文命题方向前瞻

考研英语大作文的命题范围虽每年千奇百变,但基于中国国情的基本事实和命题规律却从来没有 改变过,因此命题的方向把握相对就不是太难的事,具体来说,从宏观角度符合以下两点:

(1)高举和谐社会大旗(Harmonious Society)

从 1998 年考研英语大作文命题至今,考题基本锁定和谐社会的大旗,反复变换切入点,而命题 方式,除了 1999 年的图表题之外,已经基本锁定在图画题,这个规律已经延续 11 年未变,具体来看,1998 年的诚信(credit)话题,1999 年以及 2000 年连续两年的环境话题(nature),2001 年爱心话 题(love),2002 年的世界 文化融合话 题(culture),2003 年的个 人、企 业独立成长 话题

(self-independence),2004 年的人生奋斗无止境话题(it ends today but starts tomorrow),2005 年的抚养老人话题(to respect elders),2006 年的偶像崇拜话题(idol worship),2007 年的自信 话题(confidence),2008 年的残疾人合作奋斗自强不息话题(never give up),2009 年的网络对于 人类交流亲疏远近之影响

(interpersonal relationship immersed in Internet era)以及 2010 年 再次重现的中西文化大融合话题和 2011 年重现的环境污染与公民道德素质话题。从这些历年真题中无 不察觉出命题者的良苦用心,即完善人格,关注生活,关心他人,最终实现人与人的和谐,个人自身 的和谐以及人与自然的和谐。一旦把握此命题思路,在平时的训练时就能真正做到有的放矢,例如,一些阴暗的,过于政治化的话题,就不会成为应试范围,而尚未考察过的一些和谐话题,例如社会责

任(responsibility),乐观心态(optimism)亦或平心做人、脚踏实地(to try to grasp your aspiration step by step)等,就应该在平时适当进行练习,这样在走进考场那一刻才能真正实现胸有成足,写 作时的素材才会有信手拈来的感觉。

(2)影射当年热点话题(hot spot)

2008 年 1 月 19 日下午,正值 08 年考研第一天,我的手机从当天的研究生入学英语考试结束之时 起就一直响到当天晚上 21 时许,大多数是来自学员和同事的祝贺以及感谢,说我押中了 08 年的考研 大作文题。其实,对于押题这个字眼,我内心从来都是不太感冒的,因为一个好的考研者,英文复习的重心绝对不应该放在押题中,一个好的师者,也不应给学员传达押题这样的信息,而是应该帮助学 员实实在在找到方向,真正提高写作水平。但终归押到了,虽有些许惊诧,但也很欣慰的发现,自己 一直以来对于考研命题的思路探析没有出错,起码与命题组的专家们算是有些契合了!其实用心观察 的人都会发现,近些年尤其是近5 年来考研的命题,除了把握和谐社会这个大方向不变之外,影射当 年热点就是另一个最直接有效切中命题的捷径。让我们来看看吧,2003 年 1 月考研,正值中国加入 WTO 第一年,实为 2002 年经济界的一个热点话题,因此图画选择了”温室里的花朵经不起风雨“,影射 中国企业成长继而引申到个人成长都需要自主独立;2005 年 1 月考研,”养老足球赛“,大家查阅 2004 年全年 BBC 评选的中国大事记,把当年命名为中国的”司法聚焦年“,因此赡养父母这个小的切入点影射的实为中国当年的人际全局面貌;2006 年 1 月考研,”偶像崇拜话题“,更是明显不过,2005 年全 年的超级女声几乎撼动了整个中国娱乐界;2007 年 1 月的”自信话题“,漫画中一个守门员,一个射 手,正在面临点球大战前的心理波动,回应的的正是 2006 年沸腾全球的德国世界杯;再到 2008 年 1 月,充分显示了命题者的智慧,中国正式进入奥运年,奥运所体现的一切精神就是永不放弃,自强不 息,但如果直接选择一幅漫画就是关于奥运,又太过明显,因此,我当时在 2007 年 5 月 17 号的一次 考研讲座现场就第一次提出了了 08 年考研的展望,即奥运这个热点过于强大,所以不可能避开,那怎 么隐藏??所以只能选择打”擦边球“,通过残奥,影射残疾人不屈不挠奋斗之话题,因为每一个观看 过哪怕任何一场残疾人运动会的人都会为这个特殊群体的精神所震撼,果不其然,最终的结果如我所 料!因此,我们可以大胆的推测,即将到来的 12 年考研,这个大规律依旧有很大的可能得到延续。

三、12 年考研英语预测

以下六大话题搜集,是在充分研究 2011 年全年大事记的前提下,严格遵守以上两大命题思路所 作出的预测,具体的范文会陆续在我的元旦押题班中发布,请大家引起足够重视!




4.漫画”地震中用自己身躯保护学生的好老师“---影射灾难事件中人性的光辉。关于灾 难,此命题切入点还有可能为保持乐观心态。


6.漫画”最大的成功是给别人带来幸福"---可以考慈善,也可以考成功的标准是什么,还可以考 什么是幸福感。最后,衷心祝愿所有参加 2012 年的考研的学子都能经过自己的努力获得成功,其实,准备考研 的过程所懂得的诸多宝贵品质,本身就是一笔巨大的财富。








You are supposed to write for the Postgraduates’ Association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization, you should conclude the basic qualification of applicant and the other information you think relative。You should write about 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “ Postgraduates’ Association ” instead.参考范文

Volunteers Wanted/Needed

An international conference on globalization will be held in the coming winter vacation.This conference will be organized by the Postgraduates’ Association.At present we will recruit 10 volunteers to work as assistants for this

conference.The applicants are required to speak English fluently.Those who can speak another foreign language such as French or Japanese are preferable.In addition to the language skills, those volunteers are expected to be patient, helpful, open-minded with a loving heart.The volunteers will be provided free three meals a day as well as transportation from and back to the conference site.Those who are interested in working as volunteers, please send your resume and application letter to the e-mail address postgraduateassociation@163.com.The Postgraduates’ Association will contact those chosen candidates for an interview before Febulary, 1.We are sincerely waiting for you to join us!

Postgraduates’ Association



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should

1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended meaning, and,3)give your comments.正如我们所料,2010年的大作文还是考了我们所预测的图画作文,这是考研历史上第11次考图画作文了。字数要求在160--200词。图画作文往往是一张抽象而意味深长的图片或漫画,有时让人很难理解。今年的图画只有一张图,但主题明显直接。图画中间是一个火锅,火锅里面写满了很多汉字,比如佛,功夫,解构,礼,后现代,老舍,莎士比亚,爱因斯坦,道,仁,京剧等许多代表中国和外国文化的东西。把这些东西放在一起,就意味着中西文化融合在一起,特别是下面的文字提示:文化“火锅”,既美味又营养。能更好地帮助我们理th

解图画的主题:即文化融合Cultural integration的问题。可以说这也是一个考研永恒的话题,这个话题在2002考研作文里面出现过,可以说是同一个主题。


在写大作文时,第一段需要简短描述图画的内容。今年的图画中的火锅hot pot,以及代表中国文化的许多东西,考生没必要一一翻译出来,自己量力而行,选择几个有代表性的东西翻译出来就行。第二段需要阐释图画寓意,其实就是让我们分析文化的融合和交流问题这一现象。可以分析其中的原因,但是只能涉及文化融合带来的好处,不能谈到它所带来的坏处。最后一段应该表明作者本人对文化融合和交流这种现象的态度或看法。


按照我们课堂上的写作方法,可以这样来展开描述和议论。第一段为传统的图画描述段,根据图画中的具体信息,尤其是下面的文字说明,进行直接描述。比如可以运用我们冲刺课堂上传授的精彩句型 “Whoever in front of this cartoon/drawing/picture will be greatly impressed.How amusing and interesting it is!What is vividly illustrated in the painting above is that currently cultural integration is highly pervasive in China.(对漫画笼统地描述)。然后再补上后面的文字解释说明:The caption(图画中的文字)indicates that Chinese culture is like a hot pot, which is both tasty and nutritious.”属经典的开头套话。在描述中,不可缺少的主题相关词包括“ cultural integration(文化融合)”, 及许多代表中国文化特色的东西,“ Beijing opera, Daoism, Gongfu, Shakespeare, Einstain, 等与“文化”有关的词汇。

第二段要求阐释漫画背后所隐藏的深刻社会意义并加以分析理由。在这一段首句可以直接采用” Simply designed as the picture is, the symbolic meaning it conveys is deep and profound.It is, most likely, that the drawer intends not only to present the fact to us but also to set us thinking about its social significance。在句型运用方面,可以考虑使用启航课堂上反复提到的必杀词组“The foremost and the most striking

influence of it,As is universally acknowledged,和What makes things even better等。第三段阐述自己的一些看法或想法,发挥它的长处,来使我们的生活更快乐和有意义。参考范文

As is vividly depicted in the drawing, in the middle of the cartoon stands a hot pot, containing many Chinese cultural symbols, such as Beijing operas, Daoism, and some foreigh cultural symbols, etc.How impressive the drawing is in describing the common phenomenon that Chinese culture is becoming increasingly integrated into the world.The drawer’s intention seems to be highly self-evident and the meaning causes us to be thought-provoking.It holds to be apparent that the cartoon is indicative of a pervasive phenomenon with regard to culture.When it comes to(一谈到)culture,its great impacts and benefits can’t be too estimated.As China opens to the outside world, our traditional culture is embracing the foreign culture, thus making our Chinese culture more diversified, colorful and internationalized just like a melting pot.What the picture conveys goes far beyond this.The fact that people from different countries are attracted to each other, indicating that to some extent different cultures can be accepted,respected,appreciated and shared internationally.Or put it in another way, Chinese unique culture can become international through worldwide cultural exchanges.Since the trend of globalization become irresistible, cultural integration can effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship among different countries.In my personal sense, Chinese national culture as priceless spiritual treasure should be preserved and cherished.Meanwhile,there are good reasons to embrace foreign cultures on the ground that those ideas from other cultures can provide different perspectives for us to observe the world in the long run.However,confronted with a different culture,we should be sensible enough to absorb its essence and to resist its dark side.Only in this way can we promote cultural integration positively, thus making our motherland dimensional, colorful and vigorous.(298 words)



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