Unit 8 Section B 1a-1d 同步练习

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Unit 8 Section B1 1a-1d


1.—When is the school [trɪp]?

—On September 11th.2.My ninth birthday p is next week.3.Kate′s mother buys her a new dress.She is very h.4.He gets a good grade(成绩)in the English t.5.I know the [əʊld] man in blue.He is Lily′s grandfather.6.There are twelve in a year.December is the last.Ⅱ.用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子(每空仅限一个单词)

7.Jack′s friends have three this week.(party)

8.Do you know your birthdays?(parent)

9.Autumn(秋天)is the season in a year.(three)

10.Does your class go on school ?(trip)

11.My sister is nineteen now.Next May 1st will be her birthday.(twenty)

12.How old your grandmother?(be)

13.Cindy is five old and she is very cute.(year)

14.My best friend Jane is unhappy today, but I really want her to be.(happy)

15.The math and English are not difficult for you.You can do them well.(test)

16.He is always the one to come, but the last one to go.(one)


()17.comes before December, but after October.A.November B.September C.August D.January

()18.We have school trip this week.A.a;/ B.an;at C.a;at D.an;/

()20.Seven people are in front of(在……前面)Jim, so Jim is the one.A.first B.second C.third D.eighth

()21.Look at the picture!You can find the same boy in Picture.A.fifth;Five B.five;Fifth C.fifth;five D.five;fifth

()22.They have an art festival April 5th each year.A.on B.in C.to D.at

()23.— is the English test?

—It′s next week.A.Who B.Where C.What D.When

()24.—We′ll have a school trip this Sunday.—

A.See you!

B.You′re welcome.C.Have a good time!

D.Thank you!

()25.—Let′s play basketball.—That sounds.I like sports.A.boring B.difficult C.busy D.interesting



When is the ?


When is your ?


My father′s is next Tuesday.30.学校旅行在5月4日。

The is May 4th.31.网球赛在3月8日。

The is 8th.32.我们今天下午有一场英语测试。

We have this afternoon.Unit 8 Section B1 1a-1d

Ⅰ.1.trip 2.party 3.happy 4.test 5.old 6.months;month

Ⅱ.7.parties 8.parents′ 9.third 10.trips 11.twentieth 12.is 13.years

14.happy 15.tests 16.first

Ⅲ.17.A 18.A 19.D 20.D 21.A


23.D 答语中next week意为“下周”, 表时间;询问时间用when进行提问。故选D。

24.C 25.D

26.B 具体日期前要用介词on,故选B。

Ⅳ.27.basketball game

28.sister′s birthday party

29.fortieth birthday

30.school trip;on

31.tennis game;on March

32.an English test

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