第44任总统奥巴马发表就职演说 My fellow citizens: 我的同胞们: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful
美国历届总统就职演说词( Calvin Coolidge)
Inaugural Address of Calvin Coolidge WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1925 My Countrymen: No one can contemplate current conditions without finding much that is satisfying a
美国历届总统就职演说词(Jimmy Carter)
Inaugural Address of Jimmy CarterTHURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1977For myself and for our Nation, I want to thank my predecessor for all he has done to heal our land.In
美国历届总统就职演说词(Zachary Taylor)
Inaugural Address of Zachary Taylor
Elected by the American people to the highest office known to our laws, I appear here to take the oath -
美国历届总统就职演说词(James Knox Polk)
Inaugural Address of James Knox Polk TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1845 Fellow-Citizens: Without solicitation on my part, I have been chosen by the free and voluntary suffr
美国历届总统就职演说词.(George W. Bush)(5篇模版)
Inaugural Address of George W. Bush January 20, 2001 President Clinton, distinguished guests and my fellow citizens: The peaceful transfer of authority is rare
My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors
1977年美国总统卡特就职演说 Inaugural Address by Jimmy Carter
(January 20, 1977)For myself and for our Nation, I want to thank my predecessor for all he has done -
“美国的每一位总统在他那段历史剧中扮演的都是明星角色。哪个演员都不敢像当过总统的人那样,说自己的报复、才能多么适合自己所扮演的那个角色。 -
林肯总统的就职演讲 First Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1861 Fellow-Citizens of the United States: In compliance with a custom as old a
1994年南非总统尼尔森曼德拉就职演讲 our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. we ask ourselves, w
美国第42任总统威廉·克林顿第一次就职演讲 My fellow citizens : Today we celebrate the mysteryof American renewal. 同胞们:今天,我们庆祝美国复兴的奇迹。 This ceremon
二战后美国历届总统对内政策 杜鲁门:公平施政 军队复员,军事订单大批缩减,实业人数增加,房荒问题严重,通货膨胀加剧,工人罢工运动高涨。为保持经济繁荣,避免大规模失业,缓和国内矛
美历届总统就职演讲多金句 肯尼迪发言最难忘
美历届总统就职演讲多金句 肯尼迪发言最难忘 据香港《大公报》援引英国《泰晤士报》网络版二十日报道:美国史上最长的总统就职演说,是哈里森一八四一年发表的,历时一小时四十五
20130105 美国电台总统演讲
Hi, everybody. Over the past year, as I traveled across the country campaigning for this office, I told you that if I was fortunate enough to be re-elected, I’
肯尼迪总统的就职演讲 英文版
1961 Inaugural Address of John F. Kennedy FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1961 Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice Presid