英语口译基础教程 Unit 7-10
Unit 7 P1 Dialogue and cooperation among cultures and civilizations are some of the best ways to further understanding and tolerance among peoples. They help to
英语口译基础Unit Five(最终定稿)
Unit Five 一、口译技巧 二、单句口译 三、口译实践 1、体育比赛赛前新闻发布会 主题导入:体育局官员在国际马拉松比赛赛前新闻发布会上介绍赛事准备情况。 大家好!欢迎大家参
口译unit two
Unit Two 招待口译Interpreting for Reception Service 2-1 机场迎宾Greeting at the Airport A:先生,请问您是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吗?Excuse me, sir; is this Prof. Tallack
口译材料unit 10
Part II 实践与实战 10.1 Extreme Sports 极限运动 口译教程P76 音频位置:实践与实战10.1 In the past, young sportspeople would play hockey or baseball. Today, they wa
口译材料unit 13
Part II实践与实战 13.1 Shopping in Hong Kong口译基础P85 音频位置:实践与实战13.1 Hong Kong is a shopper’s paradise! You can find the latest fashions, cutting-ed
Unit 2 接待口译
Unit 2 接待口译 Interpreting for Reception Service 2—1 Greetings at the Airport 词汇预习Vocabulary Work Work on the following words and Phrases and write the
Unit 3 会谈口译
Unit 3 Interpreting Conversations 会谈口译 3—1 Welcome 欢迎光临 Vocabulary 1、邮电 Post and Telecommunications communication ① 传达,传播,传递 Among the deaf a
口译unit five分析
Unit Five 礼仪性口译(英译汉)Interpreting ceremonial speeches English-Chinese Interpretation 5-1故地重游Revisiting the Old Haunt Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们、先生
Unit 8 介绍性口译
Unit 8 Interpreting Informative Speech 介绍性口译 8--1 丝绸之路 The Silk Road Vocabulary 1、 追溯date back 2、 朝廷使者official & envoy of the royal court 3、
口译材料unit 11[五篇]
Part II 实践与实战 11.1.中医的魅力 口译基础P198 音频位置:实践与实战11.1 如今,隔三差五坐飞机来北京看中医的外国人屡见不鲜。日前,一位患病的美国医生给北京中医医院打来
Unit 2 接待口译
Unit 2Interpreting for Reception Service接待口译
2—1Greetings at the Airport机场迎宾
1. 人力资源部经理Manager of Human Resources Division
2. top-not -
第四十篇 数字中的中国国民经济 中国经济发展出现了高增长、低通胀的新局面。国民经济继续快速增长,市场物价基本稳定。据统计,去年我国国内生产总值完成74,772亿元(9008.7亿美
待岗 await job assignment, post-waiting 待业 job-waiting 单刀赴会 start a solo run 单循环制 single round-robin system 弹性工资 flexible pay 弹性外交 elastic dip
口译 汉译英1 史密斯先生,我叫Linda ,是华为公司的。您的飞机旅行一路还好吗?我现在带你去酒店。您是第一次来苏州吧。苏州以园林为名世界,城市很漂亮。希望你在苏州过得愉快。
Unit one Paragraph one China will earn 42.6 billion dollars in foreign exchange revenue with the annual average growth of nearly 8% and it is expected to be r
规律1:对话部分考社会热点内容,多与中西方文化交流有关。近几年真题出现过的内容:外国人看中国文化;伦敦文化和中国春节;姚明在美国NBA;中国人和 -
Unit 5 礼仪性口译[最终定稿]
Unit 5 Interpreting Ceremonial Speech 礼仪性口译5--1 Revisiting the Old Haunt 故地重游haunt ①以鬼神的形式出现 to inhabit, visit, or appear to in a form of
口译unit eight[精选多篇]
Unit eight介绍性口译Interpreting Informative Speeches Chinese - English Interpretation(汉译英) 8-1丝绸之路The Silk Road 欢迎各位参加“丝绸之路游”。我相信为期两周