
时间:2020-12-28 09:33:07下载本文作者:会员上传





1What is important when dealing with competition?

Pricing policies

AdvertisingstrategiesWhat is important when setting prices for new products

Production costs

Competitors' pricing;

Keypoints: Pricing: Advertising, Production costs, Competitor’sprice;Marketing;A wide range of services and products


a.(For a consumer):all consumers would liketo go for higher quality and expensive product ,it is a common sense.b.(For a manager):correct pricing policiescan capture a large number of consumer in a short period of time.c.(For a newly built company): pricingpolicies are particularly important for newly built businesses at the earlystage is to draw the public attention and make their company and brand known tothe public.When a new product is put into market, there must be a lot of peopleknowing about it.Competitor’s price

a.Once a new product is put intomarket, it will immediately face the competition from rivals.The price war sometimescan be incredibly fierce and crude.b.Competitors’ price will mirrorthe consumer’s attitude about certain products and the satisfaction about theirprices.c.If you fixed the price higherthan your rivals without higher quality of service, you might soon findyourself in an unfavorable situation.d.Correct pricing could alsodefeat some competitors in a short period of time.For example: Safeway, Tescoprice war against all small bread manufactures.In this case, Safeway and Tescofixed their price for 7p per loaf, which is 23p cheaper than their competitors’offer.As a result of this , in 35 days time, most of their competitors wentinto liquidation.Advertising strategies

a.The fundamental task for acompany is to make its products and itself known to the public.There are manyways to achieve this, advertising is the most important one.b.Advertising through differentmedia can cover nearly every corner in the world.The major channels are :TV-Radio-Internet-Newspaper-BillBoard-Poster-Magazine

c.The advantage of advertising isnot only about propagandizing your company but also competing against/with yourrivals.A company, through proper advertisements, can manage introduce theadvantages of their products would be the right choice.For instance, car manufacturescan put in their new designs to the ads, e.g.ABS, double airbags to convincethe prospective customers that their cars are safer than others.Motivating staff

1.What is important when motivating staff?


Careerdevelopment opportunities

2.What is important when introducing rewardsystem for staff?

Purpose of thereward system

Types of rewardoffered

3.What is important when aiming to reward staffturnover


Career structure

Key points: Financialbenefits;Career development/structure;reduce staff turnover


a.Managers , company owners andsupervisors have always been frustrated and bewildered by employees with littleor no motivation.b.Staff always want reward fortheir contribution to the company and what they are worth.Such factors arejust like market forces.The fundamental reason of looking for a job is to getpay.Staff do the job what they are paid for.However, quite often, the staffwork overtime under their managers’ demand.If the company fails to give properfinancial benefits staff might subsequently feel not being fairly treated, andtherefore frustrate their enthusiasm for their work.c.Staff want some sort ofrecognition for the job they do.Correct financial benefits plan will arosetheir enthusiasm;otherwise they would feel being ignored.d.The job that the staff aredoing is not always interesting , or the working environment may not bepleasant, or their colleagues might not be very helpful and cooperative.Inthis kind of situation, the staff would become stressful and uninterested intheir job.Correct financial benefits can normally distract staff from theirdissatisfaction with…


a.Job-hunting is always a two-wayprocess.On one hand, the employees look for their ideal jobs, on the otherhand the employer, at the same time, look for competitive people.An employerhas a number of methods to attract the best people into its business.Such ashigh pay, travelling opportunities, company cars and training/careerdevelopment opportunities.b.Good educational background isnot the only element that the employers will take into account when they lookfor someone in the job market.Postgraduate qualifications and professionaltraining are equally or even more important than the higher education degrees.When the HR managers only have 30 seconds to go through each applicant’s CV,the sector that will catch their eyes are normally your qualification andprofessional training experiences, which show whether you suit their vacantpositions.c.Nowadays, very few people wouldlike to go for that kind of job-for-life posts.They all wish to have theirjobs better and better, If an employee is able to get the opportunities toobtain some sort of professional training during the course of employment, thisexperience will definitely enhance his value in the employment market andtherefore benefits his future job-hunting.d.So in the two-way job-seekingprocess, while the employer is choosing its favorite people, the wise futureemployee will consider the training and career development opportunities withhis/her future employer and try to make himself/herself more competitive in theemployment market.Business premises;

1.What is important when relocation abusiness?

Local workforceavailable

Location of site

2.What is important when choosing retailpremises to rent


Length ofcontract

Key points: location ofthe premises;local workforce;rent a premises

Local workforce

a.Might technology support andskillful workforce are the two crucial elements leading a modern enterprise tosuccess.So when locating a business , the management people in the business goto consider local workforce.b.Skillful workers are just likethe hands of a business, they are the direct creators of company’s profits.c.The diversity of the workforce’sskills will diversify the quality of the products.d.Skillful workforce isparticularly important to hi-tech oriented companies.The hi-tech productsrequire the company to maintain a strong research and development team, whichare normally the more valuable assets of the company.e.When locating a business, themanagers need to consider whether the local workforce is capable of producingsuch a strong R&D team.f.Moreover, cheap local forcewill certainly reduce the production costs.(Consider why many foreigncompanies chooseChinaas their manufacturing base)

Location ofthe business site

Consider thefollowing issues:

a.Whether it is convenient andeasy for raw material supply and transporting out the products.b.Whether it is easy to get accessto the electricity, water, gas, and other supporting energy supplies.c.Whether it is convenient formost of staff to go to work.d.The property price there

e.Environmental issues

f.Planning permission

g.Tax liabilities

The length ofthe contract

a.Longer contract would covermore details.The contract should cover certain matter which are likely toincur, such as assignment , service charges, and rent review clause.Marketing

1What isimportant when aiming to reach new market?

Market research


2.What isimportant when advertising a new product?

Target market

Choice of media


a.Marketing is the performance ofbusiness activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer toconsumer or user.b.Marketing research is always thefirst step before the company gets into the market.c.The fundamental goal ofmarketing is the satisfaction of consumer needs.No organization can survivefor long without meeting consumer needs.People will simply not purchase aproduct or service that they do not need.d.Thus, any organization, if itis to be successful , must proceed from the goal of consumer satisfaction andadjust its programs to deliver an offering meeting consumers’ needs.e.E.g.foreign medium and highrange car manufacturers did not attempt to enter into the Chinese market untilrecent years ,because following market research, they discovered that Chineseconsumers, in general, could not afford to buy and maintain expensive cars.f.E.g.Pizza ,Pizza…

g.Talking about Market Research.--The companyhas done a lot of market research for the products.--Can you tellme how a company starts selling a new product?

--Do you oftencarry out/conduct market research?

--What’s of market research/

--One of the purposeof market research is to find out whether there’s market for the product.--We did adetailed market analysis.--Marketresearch is actually an analysis of a specific market for a particular product.--We have to runthe market test for two months.--We have a wideproduct range.--The stockmarket is uncertain at the moment because interest rates are falling.Advertising:

a.Advertising is the most usefulway to propagandize a company’s products and make them known to the public.Advertising is also the way to get the products orientated.(E.g.whether theproducts are for female/male market, high earning people or low earning people.Sports shoes…perfume)

b.When advertising a new product,it is essential to consider the target markets.Consumers’ needs in the targetmarket.c.Choice of media: seeAdvertising Strategies


What is important when exhibiting at trade fair?

Quality of display

Staff selected

Key issues: Quality of display in trade fairs;Staff selected fortrade fair

Quality of display in trade fairs

a.The quality of display will affect the public image of the company.b.Trade fairs are the irreplaceable means of propagandizing products.They provide the manufacturers with the formal stages to display theirproducts.c.A trade fair is an important link and activity in commercial sale.Before a trade fair takes place there normal are a lot of propagandas about it,and the organizer always try to attract as many as customers as possible toattend the trade fair.d.Consequently, a trade fair will have massive influence on the publicand market.And most visitors to a trade fair will be the genuine buyers or atleast would like to take interests in the companies and the products on thetrade fair.And therefore a high quality of display in a trade fair would bethe best opportunity for an ambitious company to promote its newest product andbuilt up its good image.Entertaining clients

What is important when Entertaining clients?

Types activities



a.Entertaining client is done by way of series of activities.Such as asightseeing tour, a football match, a ballroom party, an orchestra performance,a ballet show, a fashion show, playing tennis and a formal meal, etc.b.The activities that you choose will constitute a part of the firstimpression that you will give your clients.So you should be careful whenchoosing the type of activities.You need consider the client’s aged,educational and cultural backgrounds and do some research about your clients’characters and hobbies.c.For well-educated clients, they may expect some highclass-associated activities, such as ballroom parties, and orchestraperformances.If you fulfill their expectation/standard., you efforts will puta lot of weight on your credibility.d.For some young clients, they may wish to take them to some more fashionableactivities , such as a music bar, a pop music show, a fashion show.e.For those sporty client-football, tennis

f.However, you should always endup all kind of activities with having a formal meal.You don’t want to talkabout business with your clients in the tennis court or theatre;they are justwarming-up activities for the key matter-business.After a whole day or a fewdays’ entertainment, you may find the distance between the two sides are muchnarrower than the beginning, and there might be a lot of things that you bothwant to talk about.The cost ofentertainment:

a.Not always the essential thing.Depending on thenature/characteristics of the transaction or the size of the deal.b.Should consider the point issue.If the company is expecting to makebig gain/profits out of a specific client, it should at least put inproportional investment to entertain/please its client.c.If the company foresees that the client is not very lucrative ,then…

d.The ideal plan would be spending as little money as possible to getthe deal done.But you must not offend your clients.You should make them feelbeing welcomed.Complaintbanding

What is important whendealing with complaints from client?

Offering an apology

Suggesting a solution to the problem

a.Offering an apology is the very basic level.b.When the clients think that they have received unfair treatment, thefirst thing that come to my mind the company should do is to calm them down andtry to keep the client.c.An apology is the first step and a useful method to maintain controlof the situation.d.Offering an apology is an important gesture to show that the hostingcompany is fully aware of the situation and would like to take the potentialresponsibility for its mistakes.e.The complaining clients would feel that their complaints are beingpaid attention and may therefore happy to proceed to the transaction with thehosting company.f.It is necessary to suggest asolution to the problem as well..g.The clients want to enter into the transaction in good mood and witha reliable and trustworthy business partner.Apart from an apology, the clientwould want to have the problems and misunderstanding solved before theircommunication moves to the next level.If the hosting company failed or refusedto suggest a solution, its sincerity of entering into the transaction would beput into doubt.关于bec中级口语自我介绍相关文章推荐:










第一阶段:考官和考生交流,时间大约3分钟Example 1.Q:What’s your name? A:My name is(Kate)(注:括号内的为参考答案).Q:Where are you from? A:I come from(JiangSu Province)3.Q:Are you a student or worker?

A:I am a(student/worker)



1、What is your major?

2、Which course do you like best?

3、Why do you study English?

4、Do you like doing business? Why?


Exercise :(以下问题三选一,每人陈述一分钟,并把你要讲的内容写在作业本上。)

1、Selecting a business magazine,which is more important?


Content 2、Choosing software, which is more important?

Potential benefit

Hard disk

3、For the manager , which experience is more important?


Education background



(以下内容为二选一,每个对话内容在2分钟以上,直接讲,不用手写作业)1.The retail company is planning to open a new branch

Discuss the situation together and decide:

Q: A)What the company should consider when choosing a site?

B)How should the company advertise the opening of the new store?

2.Your company is organizing a conference for the sales mangers working in its office around the world.Discuss the situation together and decide:

Q: A)What information will you need to send the sales manager before the conference?

B)What activities you could organize to help people to get know each other better?



Unit oneCompany Operation and Management 1.1 Teamwork 团队合作

Successful team building requires attention to each of the following Twelve Cs.成功的团队建设要遵循以下12条建议:

Clear expectations: Do team members understand why the team was created? 明确目标:团队成员是否明确团队组建的目的?

Context: Can team members define their team’s importance to the accomplishment of corporate goals? 组建背景:团队成员是否明确团队对于实现企业目标的重要性?

Commitment: Do team members perceive their service as valuable to the organization and to their own careers? 敬业精神:团队成员是否认识到团队对于企业以及对自身事业的成功都很重要?

Competence: Does the team feel that its members have the knowledge, skill, and capability to address the issues for which the team was formed? 团队能力:团队是否感知其成员拥有应对种种问题的知识、技能和实际能力?而团队组建的目的就是为了解决这些问题。

Charter: Has the team taken its assigned area of responsibility and designed its own mission, vision, and strategies to accomplish the mission? 团队规章:团队是否明确自己的职责范围并规划出自己的目标、远景和对策以完成使命? Control: Do team members hold each other accountable for project timelines, commitments, and results? 内部控制:团队成员是否对项目时间安排、应承担的义务和结果等共同负有责任? Collaboration: Do team members cooperate to accomplish the team charter? 协作精神:团队成员是否能相互协作、遵循团队章程?

Communication: Do team members communicate clearly and honestly with each other? 内部沟通:团队成员之间能否明确、诚实地进行相互沟通?

Creative Innovation: Does the team value creative thinking, unique solutions, and new ideas? 创新改革:团队是否注重鼓励创新思维、独特的解决办法和新的想法?

Consequences: Is the organization designing reward systems that recognize both team and individual performance? 结果影响:团队是否制定奖励制度来奖励团队以及个人的工作表现?

Coordination: Are teams coordinated by a central leadership that assists the groups to obtain what they need for success? 协调配合:团队是否有领导核心来协调工作、帮助各小组取得成功?

CulturalChange: Does the organization recognize that the more it can change its climate to support teams, the more it will receive in pay back from the work of the teams? 改进文化:企业是否认识到越是通过改变企业氛围来支持团队的工作,就越能够从团队的工作中得到回报?


Incremental performance need or opportunity

True interdependence Share accountability Mutual trust Full cooperation

1.2 Internal Communications 内部沟通

沟通方式:face-to-face communications, E-mail, telephone, notice-boards, Internet.必备词汇:

Overall purpose 整体目标 Feedback on performance

1.3 Reducing Production Cost 降低生产成本



Reducing Customer Service减少客户服务 Cutting Corners偷工减料(不可取)Train Workers培训员工

Get Quality from Suppliers从供应商处购买优质的产品 Total Quality Management(TQM)Tools全面质量管理工具

1.4 Reducing Overheads减少管理费用


Hire the right number of people Reduce training costs Barter services Reevaluate your facilities Rent equipment Call on friends 必备词汇:

1.5 How to Deal with a Heavy Workload 如何应对繁重的工作


coffee break rooms ,free soda,fresh fruit, M&Ms and pastries咖啡,免费提供汽水、新鲜水果、巧克力和点心

free health cliniceldercare program免费医务室和养老计划

an exercise physiologist to help employees suffering from stress运动生理学家专门为深受压力困扰的员工提供帮助

wellness and exercise programs to help employees alleviate stress and enhance their health康复和健身计划

1.6 Work Environment工作环境

重要性: Work is an important determinate of health.It can influence health positively or negatively 注意要点:

Appropriate use of space/Spatial design Ambient light Office appliances Safety inspection Individual creativity(好的环境有利于)

1.7 Logistics物流


Customer service is the most important output of an organisation’s logistics system.客户服务是企业物流体系最重要的内容。

Logistics encompasses much more than just the transport of goods.物流所涵盖的绝不仅仅是货物的运输。

timing, quantity, supporting services, location and cost时间调配、数量、辅助服务、地点和成本

改进物流服务措施: Companies can regularly conduct customer satisfaction surveys to get necessary feedback on their services, so that they know the needs and expectations of their customers.And they can also implement a system to monitor the performance of their employees and reward outstanding performers to maintain high level customer service.


7.31 & 8.4商务词汇


 Production line 生产线

Production line 生产线

Assembly line 装配线

Line director/ manager 线上负责人

Automated自动化的automatic machine

Manpower 人力,劳动力labor-intensive

Component 零件,组件

Overtime 加班



 Quality control 质量监管

Batch 一批

Random sampling 随机抽样 / sample survey 抽样调查

Basic testing 基本测试inspection检测员/ inspector 检测

Glitch 差错defect 瑕疵,错误,不足

Fix / correct the glitch 解决问题

Meet the requirement/ standard

QC history 质量控制记录

QC procedures 质量控制流程

Quality Standard 质量标准 QS

 Customer services 客户服务

Assemble / installation / put together

Assembly instruction


Defer payment / delay payment / layaway 先付定金,再分批交余款,交齐后交货 Installment plan 分期付款

Customer service hotline

Break down / fail / out of order /defective

Troubleshooter 修理工 / repairman /engineer

Apologize / refund 退款/ replacement /partial refund 折旧,部分退款

Warranty /guarantee

Warranty period 质保期限

Under warranty

Lifetimewarranty 终身质保

Manual / guidebook / handbook/ pamphlet/ brochure

Membership card 会员卡/ registered user 注册用户

Subscribe 订购 / order / renew 续订

Subscriber 用户

 Research and development 技术研发


Accounts management 账户管理

Appreciation and depreciation 货币升值/贬值Raising funds 融资活动

Stocks and securities exchange 股票及证券交易 3.Marketing(市场营销)

Marketing strategy 营销决策

Allocation of budget and resources预算及资源分配

Advertising campaign 广告宣传4.Accounting(财会)

Balance sheet 资产负债表Income statement 损益表

Cash flow statement 现金流量表Annual financial report 财务年报


packing area 包装区contract 外包 delivery yard 交货区consultant 顾问 shop floor/workshop 车间investment 投资 recruitment 招聘assembly 装配

quality control 质量管理despatch 派遣,发送 diploma 文凭purchasing 采购部 certificate 证书postpone 推迟 asset 财产,优点bulk 大量 penalty clause 违约惩罚条款8.6


Exhibitions & fairs 会展/展销会Enquiries & quotations 询盘及报价Negotiation 谈判

Contracts & renewals 合同及续约合同

Breaches & penalty clauses违约及惩罚性条款Deliveries 发货Payments 付款

Complains & compensations 索赔及理赔 •Routine business(日常工作)

Memos & message notes 备忘录及留言条E-mail 电子邮件

Correspondence 商务函电

business document 商业单据(发货单、订单等)•Business management(企业管理)M&A 并购

Project management 项目管理

Manufacture structure 公司管理构架 •Human Resources(人力资源)Recruiting 招聘Training 培训

Performance appraisal 绩效考评Motivation 员工激励 •Public Relations(公共关系管理)

PART TWO  personnel

RecruitmentRecruitment Officer/Specialist Vacant PositionPosition VacancyHR DepartmentInterviewerIntervieweeCandidate TempResume Academic/ Education BackgroundGraduation School/ YearMajorFamily BackgroundWork ExperiencePrevious JobPrevious SalaryQualificationWell-QualifiedOverqualifiedSuitableProficient/ ProficiencyBe Proficient/ Skilled InStrong PointWeak PointSalaryPay/ PaydayIncome 个人收入 revenue 国家收入 CompensationCompensation PackageAnnual leaveBonusInsuranceUnpaid/ Paid Vacation Sick LeaveMaternity LeavePersonal LeaveProbationary Period 产假 Trial Period 试用期 Evaluate/ Evaluation 评价 Work PerformanceEvaluation PeriodHiring Criteria 雇用标准 Working HoursFlexible Working HoursWorking TimeCoffee Break 茶歇时间 Overtime加班 Business Travel 出差 Business Trip出差 Training On-The-Job Training 在职培训 Hands-On Training 实践培训 Employee Training 员工培训 Promotion 升职 Demotion降职 Rise Through The RanksRelocationResignation辞职 Retirement退休 Pension养老金

Suspension停职 Turnover Rate人员流动率 Lay Off  fire  get your sack dismiss

Job-Hopping跳槽 8.9

 company profile

affiliated company附属公司 parent company母公司 subsidiary子公司 branch office分公司 branch store分店

company structure公司架构 company history公司历史 core business核心业务 main business主营业务 diversification多样化 multinational corporation 跨国公司

enterprise企业 consortium联合财团 found/ founder创立

co-found/ co-founder 联合创办 headquarters总部 base

joint venture合资企业 partnershipoperation agreement

listed company上市公司 initial public offering stock exchange

merger收购 board meeting董事会 approve


dividend分红 CEO

president总裁 general manager

managing director常务董事 chief of staff人事部主管 chief financial officer 首席财务官 chief operating officer 首席运营官chief technology office首席技术官counselor顾问 adviser顾问 division部门 department部门 entrepreneur企业家 management

account executive客户专员 human resources personnel manpower staff

jurisdiction职权范围 duty责任 responsibility责任 leadershipoversee  supervise监督 report to述职 sales representative销售代表




















































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