E-Run_高一英语(必修一)第一单元第一课时_Unit_1_Friendship_教学设计学案 - 副本

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第一篇:E-Run_高一英语(必修一)第一单元第一课时_Unit_1_Friendship_教学设计学案 - 副本

高一英语(必修一)第一单元第一课时 Unit 1 Friendship 教学设计

Unit 1 Friendship Teaching goals:


1.to talk about friends and friendship, and interpersonal relationship

2.to practise expressing attitudes, agreement and disagreement, and certainty 3.to master some sentences about giving advice

4.to learn to use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1): statements and questions 5.to learn about communication skills


1.to develop listening skills by doing exercises in listening task

2.to develop speaking skills by finishing the speaking task and other activities like discussion and oral practice

3.to develop reading skills through the reading materials in this unit 4.to learn to write a letter of advice


1.to know about friend and the real meaning of friend 2.to learn how to get along with others

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818


1.to arouse the interest in learning English

2.to learn to express their feeling of friends and friendship

Teaching key points:

1.how to improve students’ speaking and cooperating abilities

2.learn to use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1):statements and questions 3.master some words and expressions

Teaching difficult points:

1.train the students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities 2.how to improve students’ cooperating abilities

Teaching methods:

Student-focus approach and task-based approach Learning methods: Cooperative study Teaching aids: Computer

The First Period(Warming up &Speaking)

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

Teaching aims:

1.to know about different kinds of friendship

2.to learn some words of describing friend and friendship 3.to master some useful words and expressions

Teaching methods:


2.cooperative learning

Teaching materials: Warming up Teaching procedures:

Step One: Leading-in 1.Free talk: Something about friend and friendship

Ask the Ss to describe one of their friends----their appearance, personality, hobbies, etc.Qs: What’s your friend like?

What does he/she like to do in his/her spare time?

What personality does he/she have? Step Two: Discussion 1.Writing the following statement on the blackboard

We all agree that to have a good friend , you need to be a good friend.1.Ask the Ss:

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

What do you think of this statement and how can you be a good friend?

Let the Ss express their views 3.Have the Ss get into groups of four to list some qualities of a person they would like as a friend.Ss may list: honest, friendly, open-minded, generous, helpful, patient, good-tempered, trustworthy, careful, full of love, caring, responsible, interesting, brave, easygoing, outgoing, warm-hearted, kind, selfness, tolerant, intelligent…

4.Have a member of each group report on what their lists have and list them on the blackboard 5.Ask the class whether or not they agree with all the qualities listed Step Three: Doing the survey and explanation 1.Have the Ss do the survey in the textbook and let them work out their score.2.Teacher explain each item

Question 1 deal with how thoughtful you are towards others.The scoring reflects your concern for others.So one point for A gets the lowest score because it is the most selfish response.B get the highest score because it show a concern for your friend as well as your wish to go to see a film.C gets a slightly lower score because although it shows you want to go with your friend(because you change the plan), you do not help your friend.Question 2 is concerned with fairness.A gets the lowest score because you are not giving your friend another chance to behave better this time.B gets a higher score because you let your friend borrow the camera again.This shows kindness and forgiveness or the trouble you had when it was returned broken.But you are not balancing his heeds against your own.That is why C gets the highest score.You are showing your friend that you will trust him/her with the camera again but this time you are giving him / her rules in case it gets broken.英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

Question 3 deals with your concern for others.A get the lowest score because you would put anything else that needed to be done aside and concentrate only on your friend.This is not responsible.You have things that you need to do.Of course your friend is important but not more important than you responsibilities.B gets a higher score because it shows some concern for your friend and some understanding that you have important things to do too.But it does not show any real interest in his / her problem.C get the highest score because it not only shows concern for your friend but a recognition that you have responsibilities too.Question 4 is concerned with responsibilities to a friend.A provides the correct amount of responsibility to your friend.You recognize that it was your fault and will put it right and pay for the damage.So it gets the highest score.B provides some understanding that you are responsible.You put the situation right but you do not pay for the damage yourself.So it does not get the highest score.C gets the lowest score because you expect your friend to pay for your mistakes even though you were doing your friend a favour.Question 5 is concerned with honesty.If you let your friend look at your paper or somebody else’s paper, you are helping them to cheat.That is not honest, so answers A and C get no marks.But it takes courage to tell your friend that they should have studied and that they cannot look at your paper.That is also the honest answer.So you get 6 points for B, which is more than any other in the quiz.Step Four: Language points Teacher explain language points with some slides 1.add v.1)to put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc.增加,添加

eg.Please add something to what I’ve said, John.英澜 —— 离世界更近一步

One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

2)to join numbers, amount, etc so as to find the total eg.Add up these figure for me, please.常用结构:

add up / together sth.把…加起来,合计 add sth.to sth.把…加到/进 add to(=increase)增加了… add up to 合计,共计 add in 包括…,算进

1.pay to get it repaired 花钱让人去修理

2.upset adj.worried;annoyed 不安的;使心烦意乱的

v.cause to worry, to be sad, to be angry, not to be calm, etc.使不安;使心烦意乱 eg.He was upset when he heard the news.His cheating in the exam upset his teacher.4.ignore vt.to pay no attention to sth.忽视;对…不予理睬 eg.Ignore the child if he misbehaves and he’ll stop soon.ignorant adj.无知的;不知的 ignorance n.无知;愚昧 5.calm vt.to make sth./ sb.become quiet 使镇静;使平静

adj.not excited, nervous or upset 镇静的;沉着的

calm down 镇静;平静

calm down sb.=calm sb.Down 使某人镇静 sb.calm down(vi.)某人平静下来

eg.The excited girl quickly calmed down.He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

1.have got to do sth.(口语)=have to do sth.不得不做某事;必须做某事

eg.Since you’re no longer a child now, you have got to make money to support the family.*have got to在变疑问句或否定句时,不再另加助动词,而have to则须加助动词do.have got to前不用情态动词,而have to前则可以。如: eg.Have you got to writ an assignment for your teacher?

1.7.be concerned about / for : be worried about

eg.We’re all concerned about her safety.1.cheat vt.1)to act in a dishonest way in order to win 欺骗;作弊 eg.Any student caught cheating will have to leave the classroom.2)to take from(someone)in a dishonest way 骗;骗取

eg.They cheated the old woman(out)of her money by making her sign a document she didn’t understand.1.1)an act of cheating 作弊行为

2)one who cheats 骗子

Step Five: Speaking 1.Get the Ss to work in groups of 4.2.Ask the Ss to use the questionnaire in Warming up as an example and discuss about designing questions.3.Follow the steps in this part and start the discussion like this:

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

A: Now let us design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friend one is.B: OK.First we must think of four questions and three possible answers to each question.C: What about the first question? Have you got one in mind?

D: Suppose your friend has taken away your book by mistake.What will you do or say to him / her?

4.Teacher go around in the classroom and check their discussion.Step Six: Assignments 1.Ask Ss to consider the following question;What is / are the most important quality / qualities that a friend needs to have?

2.Prepare for Reading

The Second and Third Period(reading and language points)Teaching aims:

1.to know about the story of Anne’s Diary

2.to promote the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension 3.to learn about the following words and expressions:

radon;list;go through;hide away;set down;a series of;outdoors;crazy;spellbound;on purpose;dare;happen to do sth.;It’s the first time that…

Teaching methods:

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

1.reading and discussion

2.cooperative learning and speaking

Teaching materials: Reading, Comprehending Teaching procedures:

Step One: Leading-in Ask their opinions on the question mentioned in the assignment of last period.Step Two: Pre-reading Let the Ss think about the questions in Pre-reading, and express their own views to the whole class.Step Three: Reading 1.Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and the heading, guess what the text might be about.2.Get the Ss to skim the passage and answer the following questions:

What’s Anne’s best friend?

What does her diary mainly talk about?(1.Anne’s best friend is her diary.2.It’s about Anne’s feeling of hiding away.She especially missed going outside and enjoying nature.1.Let the Ss read the passage and discuss the following questions:

1)Imagine what it might be like if they had to stay in their bedroom for a whole year.You could not leave it even to go to the WC or get a cup of tea.How would they feel? 2)If you are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is very little room, what would you choose?

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

3)Try to guess why the windows had to stay closed.4)Guess the meanings of the word “crazy” and “spellbound” according to the context.Step Four: Discussing the style Ask the Ss: 1.What do you think is the purpose of this passage? Why did Anne write it? 2.Do you think it is successful? Do you understand Anne’s feelings?

3.What is Anne’s tone? In other words, is the author angry, sad, happy or thrilled? 4.What is Anne’s point of view? Do you agree with it? If so, why? If not, why not?

Step Five: Listen to the text and comprehend it

Step Six: Language points 1.go through

1)to examine carefully 仔细阅读或研究 eg.I went through the students’ papers last night.2)to experience 经历;遭受或忍受

eg.You really don’t know what we went through while working on this project.2.hide away

3)vi.to go somewhere where you hope you will not be seen or found 躲避;隐匿

hide away +地点

eg.The thief hid away in a friends’ house for several weeks after the robbery.4)to put or keep sth./sb.in a place where they / it can’t be seen or found 藏;隐蔽

hide away sth./ hide sth.away

eg.Why do you hide your thoughts away from me?

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

3.set down

5)write down 写下;记下

eg.I’ll set down the story as it was told to me.6)put down 放下;搁下

set down sth./set sth.down

eg.He set down a basket on the ground.4.series n.(单复数同形)

a series of 一连串的;一系列的.crazy adj.7)mad, foolish 疯狂的;愚蠢的

It is crazy of sb.to do sth.= sb be crazy to do sth.eg.It’s crazy to go out in such hot weather.8)wildly excited;very interested 狂热的;着迷的

grow / be crazy about sb./ sth.eg.The boys are crazy about the girl singer.9)like crazy 发疯似的;拼命地

eg.He talked like crazy;I couldn’t understand what he said.6.I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that ….*I wonder if / whether…

eg.I wonder if you can help me? *It’s because …

it is 后的表原因的从句中,只能用because来引导,不能用since或as.eg.Why did you go to school on foot? It is because my bike had broken.英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

7.spellbind v.to hold the complete attention of 吸引人,迷人;使入迷

eg.The children watched spellbound as the magician took rabbits from his hat.1.stay v.to continue to be in a particular state or situation

系动词,表是状态。后跟名词或形容词,不能用于被动语态和进行时态。eg.He stayed single all his life.10.on purpose

1)故意地(反义:by chance / accident)

eg.I think she lost the key on purpose.2)on purpose to do sth.为了要…而特地

eg.He went to town on purpose to sell one of his paintings.1.far adv.“过于;…得多” ,表示程度,经常与too或形容词、副词的比较级连用。

eg.She speaks English far better than I.This room is far too warm.cf.very, much, far 1.dare 1)modal.v.多用于否定句、疑问句、条件状语从句、whether(if)等名词性从句或有否定意义的句中,后接动词原形。没有人称和数的变化,其时态只有现在时和过去时。否定式在其后加not.eg.How dare he say such a word!If you dare do that again, you’ll be punished.2)vt.敢,胆敢。有人称、数和时态的变化。在否定句和疑问句中,dare后的to可保留也可省略。eg.I wonder how he dare to day such words.英澜 —— 离世界更近一步

One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

12.happen to do sth.It so(just)happened that…


eg.I happened to be out when he came.= It so happened that I was out when he came.13.It’s the first time that…

eg.It is the first time that I have seen the sea.Step Seven: Comprehending Get the Ss to do the exercises in this part.Step Eight: Consolidation Listen to the text again to appreciate it.Step Nine: Assignments 1.Read the key sentences in the text 2.do the exercises on WB(Page 41-42)

The Fourth Period(Listening)

Teaching aims:

to train and develop listening skills by listening to the listening exercises in this unit Teaching methods: Listening and speaking Teaching materials: listening parts on Page 6 and Page 41 and Page 43

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

Teaching procedures:

Step One: Revision Check the answers to the homework Step Two: Listening 1.Listen to the exercises on Page 6

2.Guess the words by listening to the tape and write them down

Step Three: Listening to the passage Fill in the blanks on Page 41 Step Four: Speaking Listen to the tape and discuss questions in groups of four, express your own views.Step Five: Listening task 1.Discuss with the Ss whether they always do what their parents tell them.2.Have the Ss listen to the passage.3.Fill in the table

4.Work in pairs to give some advice to Anne 5.Do the exercises on Page 42(Ex 1,2)6.Revise the Object Clause

Step Six: Assignments

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

The Fifth Period(Discovering Useful Structures)

Teaching aims:

Let the Ss use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech Teaching methods:

1.discovery learning 2.cooperative learning

Teaching materials: Page 5 Teaching procedures:

Step One: Revision 1.Check the homework with the Ss 2.Revise the Object clause Exercise: Rewrite the following sentences.1.I go to school by bike.(He said…)

2.Will you forget to do your homework?(Mary asked him…)3.When did you come here?(They asked me…)4.What has he said?(Do you know…)

5.Anne is watching TV now.(Mother told me …)

Step Two: discovering useful structures 1.Present some sentences for Ss

1)My friend says, “ I will come here tomorrow?”

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818


My friend says she / he will come here tomorrow? 如果时间变了,地点不变,你来转述,应该说: My friend said she / he would come here the next day.如果地点变了,时间还是今天,你来转述,应该说: My friend sayd she / he will go there tomorrow.如果时间地点都变了,你来转述,应该说:

My friend said She / he would go there the next day.如果由别人转述,时间地点都变了,应该说: He/ She said he /she would go there the next day.*使用直接引语和间接引语要注意具体语境。

2)“Do you go to the park yesterday?” He asked me.He asked me if / whether I went to the park the day before.3)Kate said to John, “What’s your favourite food?” Kate asked John what his favourite food was.1.Get the Ss to have a look at Part1 in“Discovering useful structures” and sum up this grammar point.人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等的变化。

Step Three: Practice 1.Do the first tow sentences in Part 2 as examples.2.Check the answers together.3.Wb, Page 42, 43(Individual, Groups)

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

4.2.Prepare for Reading on Page 44

Step Four: Assignments

The Sixth Period(Reading)

Teaching aims:

1.to learn about friendship in Hawaii

2.to promote the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension 3.to learn about the following words and expressions:

way;the second important;It’s believed that…;in peace;those who …;etc.Teaching methods:

1.reading and discussion

2.cooperative learning and speaking

Teaching methods: Reading(Page 44)Teaching procedures:

Step One: Leading-in 1.Ask the Ss if they can think of any place in the world where Chinese and Western cultures live side by side.(Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, the Philippines, San Francisco, etc.)Step Two: Reading 1.Get the Ss to read the passage and try to finish the table in Ex1.英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

2.Read the passage carefully again and discuss the questions in Ex2.3.Report their discussion

4.the way to do sth./ the way of doing sth.5.the second most important

Step Three: Listening to the text and comprehend it Step Four: Language points the second + adj.(最高级)the third + adj.(最高级)

eg.The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.China is the third largest country in the world.1.to enjoy the land = in order to enjoy the land

eg.To make the w8th Olympic Games the game ever, Beijing will make several changes.* to do和 in order to do可以置于句首、句末,而 so as to do只能置于句末。

1.Indeed, Hawaii is a place where ….small communities.2.It’s believed that the islands can be a paradise ….It’s believed that …= People believe that …

eg.It’s believed that they arrived more than 30,000 years ago.1.in peace

2.… they are really talking about all those who live on the islands.those who…=people who … “凡…的人”

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

eg.The teacher praised those who had done good deeds.We find it our duty to help those who are in trouble.1.Living in peace, Hawaiians has developed …

现在分词短语作原因状语,相当于 As they are living in peace.1.Perhaps this is how most visitors will remember their new friendship.Step Five: Listening to the text and enjoy it

The Seventh Period(Speaking Task and Writing)

Teaching aims:

1.to develop Ss’ speaking ability and learn to express their own views 2.enable Ss to write a letter of advice

Teaching methods:

1.tasked-based learning 2.speaking

Teaching procedures:

Step One: Speaking task Task One: Ex1(Page 45)1.Get the Ss to work in pairs, have them read the situations and choose one to discuss.英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

2.Ask the Ss to present their dialogue.Task Two: Ex2(Page 45-46)

1.Ask the Ss to look at the pictures.2.Work in groups of four and talk about whether they are doing is cool or not.3.Try to express their own views to the whole class.4.Get the S to read the letter on Page 7 and understand it.5.Ask the Ss to work in pairs and talk about how to answer the letter.6.Write the letter in reply down.7.Read the proverbs carefully.8.Write a passage to express their own opinions.9.Fill in the form in Sum up(Page 8)

10.Fill in the form in Checking yourself(Page 47)

Step Two: Writing Task One: Ask the Ss to write a letter of advice Task Two: Ask the Ss to write a passage about their opinions on friend and friendship Step Three: Assignments

英澜 —— 离世界更近一步 One Step Closer to the World.地址: 厦门市思明区云顶中路嘉盛豪园E组团455#—465#

全国服务热线: 4008-592-818

第二篇:高一英语(必修一)第一单元第一课时 Unit 1 Friendship 教学设计

高一英语(必修一)第一单元第一课时 Unit 1 Friendship 教学设计

Unit 1 Friendship Teaching goals:


1.to talk about friends and friendship, and interpersonal relationship

2.to practise expressing attitudes, agreement and disagreement, and certainty 3.to master some sentences about giving advice

4.to learn to use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1): statements and questions

5.to learn about communication skills


1.to develop listening skills by doing exercises in listening task

2.to develop speaking skills by finishing the speaking task and other activities like discussion and oral practice

3.to develop reading skills through the reading materials in this unit 4.to learn to write a letter of advice


1.to know about friend and the real meaning of friend 2.to learn how to get along with others


1.to arouse the interest in learning English

2.to learn to express their feeling of friends and friendship

Teaching key points:

1.how to improve students’ speaking and cooperating abilities

2.learn to use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1):statements and questions 3.master some words and expressions

Teaching difficult points:

1.train the students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities 2.how to improve students’ cooperating abilities

Teaching methods:

Student-focus approach and task-based approach Learning methods: Cooperative study Teaching aids: Computer

The First Period(Warming up &Speaking)

Teaching aims:

1.to know about different kinds of friendship

2.to learn some words of describing friend and friendship 3.to master some useful words and expressions

Teaching methods:


2.cooperative learning

Teaching materials: Warming up Teaching procedures:

Step One: Leading-in 1.Free talk: Something about friend and friendship

Ask the Ss to describe one of their friends----their appearance, personality, hobbies, etc.Qs: What’s your friend like?

What does he/she like to do in his/her spare time?

What personality does he/she have? Step Two: Discussion 1.Writing the following statement on the blackboard

We all agree that to have a good friend , you need to be a good friend.1.Ask the Ss:

What do you think of this statement and how can you be a good friend?

Let the Ss express their views 3.Have the Ss get into groups of four to list some qualities of a person they would like as a friend.Ss may list: honest, friendly, open-minded, generous, helpful, patient, good-tempered, trustworthy, careful, full of love, caring, responsible, interesting, brave, easygoing, outgoing, warm-hearted, kind, selfness, tolerant, intelligent…

4.Have a member of each group report on what their lists have and list them on the blackboard 5.Ask the class whether or not they agree with all the qualities listed Step Three: Doing the survey and explanation 1.Have the Ss do the survey in the textbook and let them work out their score.2.Teacher explain each item

Question 1 deal with how thoughtful you are towards others.The scoring reflects your concern for others.So one point for A gets the lowest score because it is the most selfish response.B get the highest score because it show a concern for your friend as well as your wish to go to see a film.C gets a slightly lower score because although it shows you want to go with your friend(because you change the plan), you do not help your friend.Question 2 is concerned with fairness.A gets the lowest score because you are not giving your friend another chance to behave better this time.B gets a higher score because you let your friend borrow the camera again.This shows kindness and forgiveness or the trouble you had when it was returned broken.But you are not balancing his heeds against your own.That is why C gets the highest score.You are showing your friend that

you will trust him/her with the camera again but this time you are giving him / her rules in case it gets broken.Question 3 deals with your concern for others.A get the lowest score because you would put anything else that needed to be done aside and concentrate only on your friend.This is not responsible.You have things that you need to do.Of course your friend is important but not more important than you responsibilities.B gets a higher score because it shows some concern for your friend and some understanding that you have important things to do too.But it does not show any real interest in his / her problem.C get the highest score because it not only shows concern for your friend but a recognition that you have responsibilities too.Question 4 is concerned with responsibilities to a friend.A provides the correct amount of responsibility to your friend.You recognize that it was your fault and will put it right and pay for the damage.So it gets the highest score.B provides some understanding that you are responsible.You put the situation right but you do not pay for the damage yourself.So it does not get the highest score.C gets the lowest score because you expect your friend to pay for your mistakes even though you were doing your friend a favour.Question 5 is concerned with honesty.If you let your friend look at your paper or somebody else’s paper, you are helping them to cheat.That is not honest, so answers A and C get no marks.But it takes courage to tell your friend that they should have studied and that they cannot look at your paper.That is also the honest answer.So you get 6 points for B, which is more than any other in the quiz.Step Four: Language points Teacher explain language points with some slides 1.add v.1)to put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc.增加,添加

eg.Please add something to what I’ve said, John.2)to join numbers, amount, etc so as to find the total eg.Add up these figure for me, please.常用结构:

add up / together sth.把…加起来,合计 add sth.to sth.把…加到/进 add to(=increase)增加了… add up to 合计,共计 add in 包括…,算进

1.pay to get it repaired 花钱让人去修理

2.upset adj.worried;annoyed 不安的;使心烦意乱的

v.cause to worry, to be sad, to be angry, not to be calm, etc.烦意乱

eg.He was upset when he heard the news.His cheating in the exam upset his teacher.4.ignore vt.to pay no attention to sth.忽视;对…不予理睬 eg.Ignore the child if he misbehaves and he’ll stop soon.ignorant adj.无知的;不知的 ignorance n.无知;愚昧 5.calm vt.to make sth./ sb.become quiet 使镇静;使平静

adj.not excited, nervous or upset 镇静的;沉着的

calm down 镇静;平静


calm down sb.=calm sb.Down 使某人镇静 sb.calm down(vi.)某人平静下来

eg.The excited girl quickly calmed down.He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.1.have got to do sth.(口语)=have to do sth.不得不做某事;必须做某事

eg.Since you’re no longer a child now, you have got to make money to support the family.*have got to在变疑问句或否定句时,不再另加助动词,而have to则须加助动词do.have got to前不用情态动词,而have to前则可以。如: eg.Have you got to writ an assignment for your teacher?

1.7.be concerned about / for : be worried about

eg.We’re all concerned about her safety.1.cheat vt.1)to act in a dishonest way in order to win 欺骗;作弊 eg.Any student caught cheating will have to leave the classroom.2)to take from(someone)in a dishonest way 骗;骗取

eg.They cheated the old woman(out)of her money by making her sign a document she didn’t understand.1.1)an act of cheating 作弊行为

2)one who cheats 骗子

Step Five: Speaking 1.Get the Ss to work in groups of 4.2.Ask the Ss to use the questionnaire in Warming up as an example and discuss about designing questions.3.Follow the steps in this part and start the discussion like this:

A: Now let us design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friend one is.B: OK.First we must think of four questions and three possible answers to each question.C: What about the first question? Have you got one in mind?

D: Suppose your friend has taken away your book by mistake.What will you do or say to him / her?

4.Teacher go around in the classroom and check their discussion.Step Six: Assignments 1.Ask Ss to consider the following question;What is / are the most important quality / qualities that a friend needs to have?

2.Prepare for Reading

The Second and Third Period(reading and language points)Teaching aims:

1.to know about the story of Anne’s Diary

2.to promote the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension 3.to learn about the following words and expressions:

radon;list;go through;hide away;set down;a series of;outdoors;crazy;spellbound;on purpose;dare;happen to do sth.;It’s the first time that…

Teaching methods:

1.reading and discussion

2.cooperative learning and speaking

Teaching materials: Reading, Comprehending Teaching procedures:

Step One: Leading-in Ask their opinions on the question mentioned in the assignment of last period.Step Two: Pre-reading Let the Ss think about the questions in Pre-reading, and express their own views to the whole class.Step Three: Reading 1.Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and the heading, guess what the text might be about.2.Get the Ss to skim the passage and answer the following questions:

What’s Anne’s best friend?

What does her diary mainly talk about?

(1.Anne’s best friend is her diary.2.It’s about Anne’s feeling of hiding away.She especially missed going outside and enjoying nature.1.Let the Ss read the passage and discuss the following questions:

1)Imagine what it might be like if they had to stay in their bedroom for a whole year.You could not leave it even to go to the WC or get a cup of tea.How would they feel? 2)If you are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is very little room, what would you choose? 3)Try to guess why the windows had to stay closed.4)Guess the meanings of the word “crazy” and “spellbound” according to the context.Step Four: Discussing the style Ask the Ss: 1.What do you think is the purpose of this passage? Why did Anne write it? 2.Do you think it is successful? Do you understand Anne’s feelings?

3.What is Anne’s tone? In other words, is the author angry, sad, happy or thrilled? 4.What is Anne’s point of view? Do you agree with it? If so, why? If not, why not?

Step Five: Listen to the text and comprehend it

Step Six: Language points 1.go through

1)to examine carefully 仔细阅读或研究 eg.I went through the students’ papers last night.2)to experience 经历;遭受或忍受

eg.You really don’t know what we went through while working on this project.2.hide away

3)vi.to go somewhere where you hope you will not be seen or found 躲避;隐匿

hide away +地点

eg.The thief hid away in a friends’ house for several weeks after the robbery.4)to put or keep sth./sb.in a place where they / it can’t be seen or found 藏;隐蔽

hide away sth./ hide sth.away

eg.Why do you hide your thoughts away from me? 3.set down

5)write down 写下;记下

eg.I’ll set down the story as it was told to me.6)put down 放下;搁下

set down sth./set sth.down

eg.He set down a basket on the ground.4.series n.(单复数同形)

a series of 一连串的;一系列的.crazy adj.7)mad, foolish 疯狂的;愚蠢的

It is crazy of sb.to do sth.= sb be crazy to do sth.eg.It’s crazy to go out in such hot weather.8)wildly excited;very interested 狂热的;着迷的

grow / be crazy about sb./ sth.eg.The boys are crazy about the girl singer.9)like crazy 发疯似的;拼命地

eg.He talked like crazy;I couldn’t understand what he said.6.I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that ….*I wonder if / whether…

eg.I wonder if you can help me? *It’s because …

it is 后的表原因的从句中,只能用because来引导,不能用since或as.eg.Why did you go to school on foot? It is because my bike had broken.7.spellbind v.to hold the complete attention of 吸引人,迷人;使入迷

eg.The children watched spellbound as the magician took rabbits from his hat.1.stay v.to continue to be in a particular state or situation

系动词,表是状态。后跟名词或形容词,不能用于被动语态和进行时态。eg.He stayed single all his life.10.on purpose

1)故意地(反义:by chance / accident)

eg.I think she lost the key on purpose.2)on purpose to do sth.为了要…而特地

eg.He went to town on purpose to sell one of his paintings.1.far adv.“过于;…得多” ,表示程度,经常与too或形容词、副词的比较级连用。

eg.She speaks English far better than I.This room is far too warm.cf.very, much, far 1.dare 1)modal.v.多用于否定句、疑问句、条件状语从句、whether(if)等名词性从句或有否定意义的句中,后接动词原形。没有人称和数的变化,其时态只有现在时和过去时。否定式在其后加not.eg.How dare he say such a word!If you dare do that again, you’ll be punished.2)vt.敢,胆敢。有人称、数和时态的变化。在否定句和疑问句中,dare后的to可保留也可省略。

eg.I wonder how he dare to day such words.12.happen to do sth.It so(just)happened that…


eg.I happened to be out when he came.= It so happened that I was out when he came.13.It’s the first time that…

eg.It is the first time that I have seen the sea.Step Seven: Comprehending Get the Ss to do the exercises in this part.Step Eight: Consolidation Listen to the text again to appreciate it.Step Nine: Assignments

1.Read the key sentences in the text 2.do the exercises on WB(Page 41-42)

The Fourth Period(Listening)

Teaching aims:

to train and develop listening skills by listening to the listening exercises in this unit Teaching methods: Listening and speaking Teaching materials: listening parts on Page 6 and Page 41 and Page 43 Teaching procedures:

Step One: Revision Check the answers to the homework Step Two: Listening 1.Listen to the exercises on Page 6

2.Guess the words by listening to the tape and write them down

Step Three: Listening to the passage Fill in the blanks on Page 41 Step Four: Speaking Listen to the tape and discuss questions in groups of four, express your own views.Step Five: Listening task

1.Discuss with the Ss whether they always do what their parents tell them.2.Have the Ss listen to the passage.3.Fill in the table

4.Work in pairs to give some advice to Anne 5.Do the exercises on Page 42(Ex 1,2)6.Revise the Object Clause

Step Six: Assignments

The Fifth Period(Discovering Useful Structures)

Teaching aims:

Let the Ss use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech Teaching methods:

1.discovery learning 2.cooperative learning

Teaching materials: Page 5 Teaching procedures:

Step One: Revision 1.Check the homework with the Ss 2.Revise the Object clause Exercise: Rewrite the following sentences.1.I go to school by bike.(He said…)

2.Will you forget to do your homework?(Mary asked him…)3.When did you come here?(They asked me…)4.What has he said?(Do you know…)

5.Anne is watching TV now.(Mother told me …)

Step Two: discovering useful structures 1.Present some sentences for Ss

1)My friend says, “ I will come here tomorrow?”


My friend says she / he will come here tomorrow? 如果时间变了,地点不变,你来转述,应该说: My friend said she / he would come here the next day.如果地点变了,时间还是今天,你来转述,应该说: My friend sayd she / he will go there tomorrow.如果时间地点都变了,你来转述,应该说:

My friend said She / he would go there the next day.如果由别人转述,时间地点都变了,应该说: He/ She said he /she would go there the next day.*使用直接引语和间接引语要注意具体语境。

2)“Do you go to the park yesterday?” He asked me.He asked me if / whether I went to the park the day before.3)Kate said to John, “What’s your favourite food?” Kate asked John what his favourite food was.1.Get the Ss to have a look at Part1 in“Discovering useful structures” and sum up this grammar point.人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等的变化。

Step Three: Practice 1.Do the first tow sentences in Part 2 as examples.2.Check the answers together.3.Wb, Page 42, 43(Individual, Groups)4.2.Prepare for Reading on Page 44

Step Four: Assignments

The Sixth Period(Reading)

Teaching aims:

1.to learn about friendship in Hawaii

2.to promote the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension 3.to learn about the following words and expressions:

way;the second important;It’s believed that…;in peace;those who …;etc.Teaching methods:

1.reading and discussion

2.cooperative learning and speaking

Teaching methods: Reading(Page 44)Teaching procedures:

Step One: Leading-in 1.Ask the Ss if they can think of any place in the world where Chinese and Western cultures live side by side.(Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, the Philippines, San Francisco, etc.)Step Two: Reading 1.Get the Ss to read the passage and try to finish the table in Ex1.2.Read the passage carefully again and discuss the questions in Ex2.3.Report their discussion

4.the way to do sth./ the way of doing sth.5.the second most important

Step Three: Listening to the text and comprehend it Step Four: Language points the second + adj.(最高级)the third + adj.(最高级)

eg.The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.China is the third largest country in the world.1.to enjoy the land = in order to enjoy the land

eg.To make the w8th Olympic Games the game ever, Beijing will make several changes.* to do和 in order to do可以置于句首、句末,而 so as to do只能置于句末。

1.Indeed, Hawaii is a place where ….small communities.2.It’s believed that the islands can be a paradise ….It’s believed that …= People believe that …

eg.It’s believed that they arrived more than 30,000 years ago.1.in peace

2.… they are really talking about all those who live on the islands.those who…=people who … “凡…的人”

eg.The teacher praised those who had done good deeds.We find it our duty to help those who are in trouble.1.Living in peace, Hawaiians has developed …

现在分词短语作原因状语,相当于 As they are living in peace.1.Perhaps this is how most visitors will remember their new friendship.Step Five: Listening to the text and enjoy it

The Seventh Period(Speaking Task and Writing)

Teaching aims:

1.to develop Ss’ speaking ability and learn to express their own views 2.enable Ss to write a letter of advice

Teaching methods:

1.tasked-based learning 2.speaking

Teaching procedures:

Step One: Speaking task Task One: Ex1(Page 45)1.Get the Ss to work in pairs, have them read the situations and choose one to discuss.2.Ask the Ss to present their dialogue.Task Two: Ex2(Page 45-46)

1.Ask the Ss to look at the pictures.2.Work in groups of four and talk about whether they are doing is cool or not.3.Try to express their own views to the whole class.4.Get the S to read the letter on Page 7 and understand it.5.Ask the Ss to work in pairs and talk about how to answer the letter.6.Write the letter in reply down.7.Read the proverbs carefully.8.Write a passage to express their own opinions.9.Fill in the form in Sum up(Page 8)

10.Fill in the form in Checking yourself(Page 47)

Step Two: Writing Task One: Ask the Ss to write a letter of advice

Task Two: Ask the Ss to write a passage about their opinions on friend and friendship Step Three: Assignments



解析:第1题,①②③围绕太阳转,为行星,④围绕③转,所以为卫星。第2题,天体②的地表温度高可能是由于距离太阳近,或者自转周期长,白昼时间长。答案:1.D 2.B 解析:第3题,目前人类已经实地考察的宇宙天体有月球和火星,在图中分别是d和e。第4题,图中的天体系统有太阳系及地月系两级。答案:3.B 4.B 解析:第5题,图中1表示水星,2表示金星,3表示地球,4表示火星,5表示木星,6表示土星,7表示天王星,8表示海王星,9表示彗星。小行星带位于火星和木星之间,即位于4和5之间。第6题,距离地球最近的恒星是太阳。答案:5.B 6.A 解析:第7题,宇宙中最基本的天体是恒星和星云,太阳系中的重要成员是太阳及木星等行星,而月球是卫星,是地月系重要成员。地月系中心天体是地球。第8题,银河系、地月系都包括月球;恒星世界并不是天体系统。答案:7.D 8.D 解析:第9题,M位于地球与太阳之间,为地内行星,即水星或金星。第10题,图示箭头反映出行星绕日公转方向相同,即同向性。第11题,M距太阳较近,表面温度较高,没有液态水存在,也没有适合生物呼吸的大气,故没有生命存在。答案:9.D 10.B 11.C

12B 13A 14.15解析:由表可知,火星与地球最接近的是自转周期,自转周期的长短决定着昼夜交替周期的长短。科学考察火星上没有发现生命;距地球最近的行星是金星;太阳系的八颗行星都有昼夜交替现象。答案:14.D 15.D 16.D 17.C [第16题,月壤是由岩石破碎后形成的,月球表面昼夜温差大,风化作用强,对岩石破坏作用强烈,形成月壤。17题,注意关键词“人类难以预估”,说明这种威胁具有偶然性,而空气太稀薄、宇宙辐射太强、引力太小,都是月球较稳定的、确定性的因素,但陨石具有偶然性。] 18.B 19.B [第18题,年太阳总辐射量与纬度、海拔、云量等相关,该岛上年太阳总辐射量的分布是东北部低,西南部较高,是受纬度和地形影响。19解析:太阳打这个大“喷嚏”,是太阳活动产生的高速带电粒子流。当它闯入地球圈层时,不会直接引起岩石的剧烈活动,A、D两项错;也不会直接引发水圈的异常,使气候异常,C项错;③圈层高空有一个电离层,太阳活动产生的高速带电粒子,使电离层发生扰动,影响地面的无线电短波通信。

20.A [第20题,某一地点日照时数的时间变化主要与昼夜长短、天气状况有关。该地7~8月受锋面雨带影响阴雨天较多,云量多,因此日照时数少,故A项正确。海拔、下垫面均不会有季节变化,故B、C项错误;正午太阳高度能够影响太阳辐射量的大小,但不会影响日照时数,故D项错误。

21.D 22.B [第21题,从图中可知太阳黑子数与梅雨强度在湖北省东南部呈负相关,在安徽省大部分地区呈正相关,在图中中部地区相关性最小,正相关最大值出现在图中东北部,即安徽省北部。第22题,太阳黑子数达最大值时,太阳活动最强,耀斑爆发强度增加,易影响无线电短波通信,即通信卫星信号易受干扰。极昼与地球公转和自转运动相关;不同地区梅雨强度与黑子相关度不同。] 23.D [在上地幔上部存在一个软流层,此处是岩浆的发源地。] 24.A 25.A [第24题,读图根据等值线的数值分布可知,b地太阳辐射量多于a地。两地纬度相当,故非纬度影响;两地均位于沿海地区,地形相同;a地位于长江中下游地区,降水多,阴天多,获得的太阳辐射较少。b地位于地中海气候区,降水相对较少,晴天多,获得的太阳辐射较多。所以主要因素是天气状况。第25题,根据图中等值线分析,太阳辐射能存在由低纬向两极递减的规律。大陆较同纬度近海的数值高。主要热带雨林气候区降水 多,阴天多,太阳辐射能较少。南北纬30°大陆东岸均较大陆西岸少。] 【解析】26选B 27选B。第26题,图示天体系统为太阳系。第27题,图示天体系统的中心天体为太阳,为地球提供光和热。【解析】28选C,29选A。第28题,图中太阳表面异常增亮的部分为耀斑,太阳表面催生的气体为太阳风。第29题,太阳剧烈活动时,其抛出的高能带电粒子会影响电离层,从而影响无线电短波通信,故应适当调整人造卫星的运行;此外,为了减小影响,应适当减少室外活动;关闭所有的通信设施和所有大型发电设施显然是不现实的。


【解析】32选A,33选D。第32题,地壳的厚度平均是17千米,“松科1井”深度只有5 000米,所以其还在地壳。第33题,通过研究地球的内部圈层来研究温室气候变化,说明地球圈层间是相互联系的。







44答案:(1)C B D(2)E F 巨

(3)两 太阳系 太阳 质量巨大,引力大,太阳系天体都绕着太阳转(4)大、小行星各行其道,互不干扰,使地球处于比较安全的宇宙环境之中 45.答案:(1)色球 太阳大气高度集中的能量释放(2)黑子 黑子的多少和大小



(2)3 600小时<甲<3 800小时。甲位于我国柴达木盆地中,该地海拔较高,空气稀薄,且深居内陆,周围被山地环绕,降水极少,晴天多,日照时间长。400小时<乙<2 600小时。乙位于祁连山东南段,受到来自太平洋的东南季风影响,降水较多,晴天偏少,日照时间较短。




4-1We went through hardships while working on this project.4-2I ‘ve gone through my ink.4-3.I called him several times, but I couldn’t get through.7-1 she had her book published last year.7-2.our teacher got us to finish our homework.7-3Don’t get Tony waiting for you outside all the time.7-4.he got his clothes dirty.8-1it will be three days before he comes back home.8-2it was not long before he told me about it.8-3The house fell down bebore I had tme to run out.8-4i must write it down before I forget it.Make当使役动词时用法

1.the workers were make to work for 14hours a day by the boss.2.would you please make yourself known to us?

3.We make him our monitor.4.That will only make matters worse.l.be fond ____ 喜欢,爱好 2.hunt ____搜索。追寻,寻找

3.in to ____ 为了 4.care ____担心,关心

5.such ____例如,诸如 6.drop sb a ____ 给某人写信(通常指写短信)

7.make oneself at ____别客气 8.____ total总共

9.except ____除了……之外 10.stay ____不睡,熬夜

11.____ about发生12.end ____ with以……告终

13.bring ____ 引进,引来 14.a great ____许许多多,极多

15.be ____对……深感兴趣,深深迷上…… 16.____ the Internet上网

17.____ classes逃学,逃课 18.get ____聚会,相聚,聚集

19.be proud ____为……感到骄傲20.keep an ____ on照看,注意

21.be curious ____对……感到好奇 22.shut ____(使)住口

23.joke ____开玩笑 24.____ the name of以……名义 25.____ the time 是,一直

第五篇:人教版高一英语必修一Unit1 单元学案

必修一 unit one 必背学案

1.go through 经历,遭受;检查

They _____ _____ _______ too many wars.The customs men _____ ________ his suitcases.go ahead前进,去吧

go by(时间)过去

go against违反,违背

go on继续 1.set down写下,记下

Every day the man ____ _____ the amount of the money he cost.set up建立,树立

set out/off出发,动身

set about开始,着手 2.a series of


这个学生总是问他老师一连串的问题。The student always asks his teacher ___________________.series 单复同形,作主语时谓语动词根据 series 单复数概念决定,不根据 of 后的名词决定。1.A series of lectures ___ scheduled.2.Two series of new stamps _____ come out.4.outdoors


虽然天气冷, 但孩子们仍在户外玩。Though it is cold, the children are ___________________.5.on purpose 故意地

The dog peed(撒尿)over the woman’s face ___ ________.6.so as to 只能用于句中in order to 可以用于句首或句中 He runs every day _____ _____ _____ _____ weight.7.at dusk 在黄昏时刻

8.face to face back to back His boss is having a face-to-face talk with him.His boss is talking to him face to face.9.He is no longer a child.=He is not a child any longer.10.settle

vt.解决(问题);结束(争端)Both wanted to _____ problems.使(自己)安下心来;使宁静

After the excitement, I tried to ______myself.vi.安顿下来;平静下来

She can’t _______ to work.定居下来

The family has _______ in Canada.11.suffer from 常加具体的不幸或痛苦的名词(战争、灾害、疾病)


suffer sth 遭受痛苦, 遭受损失。

The company ________a great loss because of the earthquake.He is ______________ cold and hunger.12.recover1).三天后,他找回了书。He _____________________ after three days.2).recover from 他重感冒好了,明天可以外出了。He has ____________________________ and can go out tomorrow.13.get/be tired of… 对...厌烦

get/be tired from…因...疲倦

14.pack(sth)up 他把东西装箱打包就动身了。He ______________________________ and left.15.get on / along with sb.与某人相处 She’s never really got on with her sister.你和父母合得来吗?

Do you ____________________________? get on with sth.进展

安静,干工作去。Be quiet and ____________________________.16.fall in love with sb They have ______ with each other for 30 years.A.fallen in love

B.fell in love

C.been in love

D.been fallen in love 17.– so she wants to sell the house and move to London.--Exactly./Not exactly.18.agree with sb.I agree with the climate/food here.agree to sth 同意(计划,提议,方案)agree on sth 在...上达成一致 I couldn’t agree more.19.I would be grateful if you could…

如果你能给我一些建议,我将不胜感激。______________________________________________________ 19.join in 加入到正在进行的活动

join +the army/team/club/Party 加入并成为其中一员 take part in参与并发挥一定的作用

attend 出席,参加 Would you like to _________ her birthday? I’m going to _______________ sports meeting.20.swap…for…

我能把小包换成大包吗?Can I ____ this small bag ____ that big one?

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下载E-Run_高一英语(必修一)第一单元第一课时_Unit_1_Friendship_教学设计学案 - 副本.doc


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