
时间:2019-05-12 20:07:58下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 5 What can we learn from others? 1教学目标

By the end of the lesson, students are expected to Pronounce and understand new words and phrases, such as greedy, hut, although, with the help of the pictures and the context.Get the general idea of the story and the specific information of three wishes and the replies.Form a new view on happiness.2学情分析



Main points: To understand the specific information of three wishes and the replies(---,although-----)Difficult points:

To form a view on happiness 4教学过程 第一学时


活动1【导入】Pre-task procedures:

Brainstorm to learn some new words and cultivate their background knowledge.活动2【讲授】While-task procedure While-task procedure Read the title to predict the text.1 Questions:Who were they? How was their life? Skim the text and answer the questions.: Questions:How was their life? Did they want to get wishes from the Luck Fairy? Scan the text and complete the table A: Name: _________________ Job: _______________ Place to work in: ____________ Place to live in: ________________ The events(what happened on a winter night): __________________________ B:How many wishes did Luck fairy give Fred and his wife? Fairy Farmer and his wife I am going to give you_wishes.Although we are old,we work in the fields every day.C.Change although into but in pairs.4.Make a dialogue in pairs.5.Skim paragraph 10 and answer the questions What wishes did the Luck Fairy give them at last? How was their life after the fairy disappeared? Inferring 活动3【活动】Post-task procedure 1.Read and act out the text in roles.2.Retell the story according to the table.3.Have a discussion: What can we learn from Fred and Doris? How is your life?How can we have a happy life? 活动4【作业】homework Read and report the story.(oral)Write down your impressions(读后感)of this fairy tale(the fairy tale and your feelings)Which is the most important , happiness, health or money? Why? 活动5【练习】Unit 5 What can we learn from others 基础练习

Unit 5 What can we learn from others? 学习要点:

学会用所学的形容词来描写人 eg: Long ago, there was a poor farmer called Fred.学会用一般过去时谈论过去发生的事。eg:One winter night, the Luck Fairy visited them.理解though/although句型的用法。

eg: Although we’re old, we work in the fields every day.中文:__________________ 课前预习:

New words.(单词)根据课文36页的词汇表,写出下列单词的中文,词性和音标。中文 词性 音标

wife __________ __________ __________ 3 hut __________ __________ __________ fairy __________ __________ __________ hard-working __________ __________ __________ although __________ __________ __________ earn __________ __________ __________ gold __________ __________ __________ coin __________ __________ __________ comfortable __________ __________ __________ reply _________ __________ __________ greedy __________ __________ __________ happiness __________ __________ __________ forever __________ __________ __________ disappear __________ __________ __________ 2.phrase(词组)请从课文第32页和第33页找出下列词组。

1.向别人学习_______________________ 2.很久以前_______________________ 3.住在一个陈旧的小屋____________________4。一个冬天的晚上_________________ 5.幸运女神____________________ 6。辛勤的农民____________________ 7.对彼此微笑____________________ 8。给某人一些金币____________________ 9.过得幸福 ____________________ 10保暖____________________ 11表演____________________ 12。满足某人的三个愿望____________________ 13在田里劳动____________________ 14。祝某人永远快乐健康___________________ 活动6【测试】阅读测试 词汇: Fred is a good f_____.He and his wife Doris lived h____together in a tiny h____One day,Luck Fairy v_____ them and wanted to give them three w____.But they didn’t want anything.At last,Luck fairy wished them happiness and health f______and then d____.A:Report:One winter night, I visited Fred and Doris.I’d like to give them „.But they said “No”.Although „, they„.They were not greedy.I wished them„ at last.I hope other people will learn from them Names: ____________ Job: ____________ Three wishes for them at first: ______________ They said “No” because:

Although they were poor, they lived happily.Although they were old, they __________________________________________.Although their hut_______, they thought _________________________________.Although their clothes_____, they thought ________________________________.My wish for them at last: _____________________________________________ B: Look and match()1.Peter is busy a.he always helps his classmates.()2.Maths is difficult for Kitty, b.she never gives it up.Although()3.Jill lives far away from school c.she is never late for class.()4.she is busy, d.she always helps his classmates.()5.Alice is not strong e.she always helps her teacher.()6.Sam has a lot of pocket money f.she never wastes it.5 C: There was a king in Greece.He loved gold more than anything else in the world.One day, when the king was counting his gold coins, an angel appeared and said,“You are very rich.” He replied,“I am not rich.I have very little gold.”The angel said,“You are not satisfied with(对—满意)that much gold.How much more do you want?” The king said,“I want whatever(无论什么)I touch to become gold.” The angel said,“Okay, from tomorrow morning, whatever you touch will become gold.” Then the angle disappeared.The next morning, when the king touched a table and a chair, they became gold.He was very happy.When he was very hungry and thirsty, the servant brought food and water for him, but as soon as the king touched the food and the water, they became gold.Although everything he touched became gold, the king was sad and cried sadly.The angel appeared again.The king begged the angel to take back his word.He said,“I don’t want gold.Man can live without gold but he cannot live without a piece of bread and a glass of water.” 1.What did the king love most? He loved__________most.2.What happened when the king was counting gold coins? ________ appeared.3.Did the king first touch food and water the next morning? ____________________________________________.4.How did the king feel when everything he touched became gold? He______when everything he touched became gold.5.What lesson(教训)did the king learn? He understood that_________________________________.6.What do you think of the king? _________________________________________________.6

第二篇:七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Let’s go shopping教学设计 (新版)牛津上海版

Unit 4 Let’s go shopping


Unit 7 Rainbow eating from New Treasure Plus 1B Reading: Eat a rainbow and stay healthy 2教学目标

1.Learn the meaning and effects of rainbow eating.2.Learn how to get general and specific information in a feature article.3.Learn to give suggestions to other people about rainbow eating.Be able to make a healthy food list.3学情分析

Students have learned some words about food items.4重点难点

1.Learn the meaning and effects of rainbow eating.2.Give suggestions to other people about rainbow eating.5教学过程 第一学时


1.Learn the meaning and effects of rainbow eating.2.Learn how to get general and specific information in a feature article.3.Learn to give suggestions to other people about rainbow eating.4.Be able to make a healthy food list.学时重点

1.Learn the meaning and effects of rainbow eating.1 2.Give suggestions to other people about rainbow eating.学时难点

1.Learn the meaning and effects of rainbow eating.2.Give suggestions to other people about rainbow eating.教学活动

活动1【导入】Lead in Answer questions.Task 1: Write down as many food items as possible in 1 minute.活动2【讲授】Pre-reading Task 2: Classify the food into healthy and unhealthy groups.Task 3: Have a guess: what is rainbow eating? 活动3【讲授】While-reading Task 4: Find out the main idea of the article as quickly as possible.Task 5: Skim the article and find out the main idea of each paragraph.Task 6: Scan the article and fill in the blanks of Chart 1.Task 7: Read paragraph 3 carefully and fill in the blanks of Chart 2.Task 8: Read the article carefully and discuss with group members to raise several questions based on the details.Ask others or answer others’ questions.活动4【讲授】Post-reading Task 9: Make a healthy food list for Sonia in groups, give reasons and share with the whole class.活动5【讲授】Summary Give grade A, B or C to each task to evaluate your learning activity.活动6【作业】Homework Write a letter to introduce your healthy food list in 80 words.


Unit 11 Electricity 1教学目标

Knowledge Aims 1 Master the important words and expressions: cable, wire, power station, bubble, flow, metre, bury, connect 2 Know how to use electricity correctly and safely.3 Make good preparations for the rest sections in this chapter.Ability Aims 1.Enable the students to talk about the differences between winter and summer.2.Improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.3.Improve their ability in cooperation in team work.4.Improve their ability in thinking and solving problems.Emotion Aims 1.Arouse the students’ stronger awareness of participation and passion for using their learned English language knowledge and skills.2.Be more cooperative in team work and respect others’ ideas.3.Get them to know that a language is a key to open a door to a wider world.2学情分析

The students in Grade Seven are in a kind of transformative period.Considering in the intelligent aspect, though their abstract thinking starts to develop, yet imaginal thinking still plays a leading role in their thinking process.Additionally, their cognitive capability is incomplete.After half a school year learning and practising, they are now used to the English study in junior middle school but their childish curiosity which can be transformed into intellectual 1 curiosity with the teacher’s direction and edification and be used to fulfill their learning task well still exists.3重点难点 Practise different reading skills.2 Grasp the use of the key language items.3.Discussion about the danger in using electricity thoughtlessly.4教学过程 教学活动

活动1【活动】 Warming Up l Greeting.a.A song with the picture of a recorder which stops all in a sudden.b.Show them the picture of a plug off the power site.2 Leading in a.Why did the music stop? b.What makes the recorder work,fire,water or electricity? l Check the answer.活动2【导入】Presentation A Brain storm.a.Do you want to go on listening to the music? OK, let’s make electricity by ourselves.Do you know how? b.Ask the students to choose the materials in forms of pictures for making electricity.B Learn the new words.cable, wire, power station, bubble, flow, metre, bury, connect 2 C To celebrate, we listen to the rest of the song.D Ask three students what other things uses electricity to work in our homes.Then show them my answers in pictures.Match the pictures with different kinds of energy.E Ask the students: We can buy different kinds of electrical appliance in the shops, but can we also buy electricity there? 活动3【讲授】Listening a.Get the students to listen to the tape with the following questions.Did thegirl buy electricity? b.Check the answer.活动4【讲授】Reading A Skip-reading Read the whole article and fill in the form.l Check the answers.B Scan-reading Answer the questions which need more understanding of the whole article.a)What did Daisy buy? b)Who is looking foolish? c)Who or what is the servant in the title? 活动5【练习】Discussion

The danger of using electricity carelessly at home.活动6【讲授】Summary A.Summary.B.Exercises.C.Encourage any possible questions 活动7【作业】Homework Finish some exercises.Write a composition about electricity.4

第四篇:牛津小学英语3A Unit 8教学设计

牛津小学英语3A Unit 8教学设计




1、能听懂、会说单词:a park, a zoo, a cinema, a bus, a car, a bike, a plane.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语 Let’s go to„ All right.OK.Let’s go.GoodGreat.But how? By „


1、a cinema, a bike, plane 的读音。



Step1 Free talk 教师与学生打招呼:Good morning, boys and girls, nice to meet you.学生回答:Nice to meet you too.T: What’s your name? How are you? Ss: „

T: Now, let’s sing a song ,OK?(师播放歌曲《Hello!How are you?》)Step2 Presentation 1.T : Today I’ll invite some new friends here.Look!What’s this?(呈现a panda, an elephant 和a tiger 的图片,)Where are they? Let’s ask.“Where are you?” “We are in the zoo.”教授单词a zoo.T: Let’s go to the zoo.引导学生说出“OK.Let’s go.” “All right.” 2.(出示公园的图画)T:Is this a zoo? No, it isn’t.It’s a park.教授单词a park 3.Look!There is a cinema near the park.教授单词a cinema.由Let’s go to the cinema.引出句型GoodGreat!But how? 4.听声音呈现三种交通工具的声音,让学生边猜边学单词。A car, a bus, a bike Step3 Practice 1.读儿歌

Zoo, zoo, zoo, let’s go to the zoo.But how, but how.Let’s go by car.Park, park, park.Let’s go to the park.But how, but how.Let’s go by bus.Cinema, cinema, Let’s go to the cinema.But how, but how.Let’s go by bike.2.Now you can invite your friends to go to the cinema.Use the sentences.S1: Let’s go to the cinema.S2: OK.All right.Good.Great.But how? By„(让学生边表演对话边做动作)3 Watch the cartoon 1. T: Let’s go to the cinema together.S: OK„ T: Look.What’s on? There’s a cartoon.Let’s watch it.(观看课文动画)

T :(屏幕定格在西安的图片)T:Where is it? S: It’s Xi’an.T: Let’s go to Xi’an.S: Good.But how? T: By plane.教授单词plane Step4 Consolidation 1.Read the text after the teacher.2.Read the text together.3.Look, there are many beautiful places here.You can choose one place to prepare a dialogue with your partner.4.Acting

(学生选择屏幕上的一幅图用所学的句型编对话)Step 5.Homework

(1).Read the words and the dialogues.(2).Make dialogues.(3)Say goodbye.跟着音乐同唱歌曲《Goodbye!》


Unit 8 Let’s go to the park Let’s go to the zoo.All right.OK.Good.Great.But how? By car/ bus/ bike.

第五篇:牛津小学英语3A Unit 8教学设计

牛津小学英语3A Unit 8教案

南京市高淳淳溪中心小学 徐春花




1、能听懂、会说单词:a park, a zoo, a cinema, a bus, a car, a bike, a plane.2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语 Let’s go to… All right.OK.Let’s go.GoodGreat.But how? By …


1、a cinema, a bike, plane 的读音。



(一)Warming up.教师与学生打招呼:Good morning, boys and girls, nice to meet you.学生回答:Nice to meet you.T: What’s your name? How are you? Ss: … T: Do you like animals? What do you like? Ss: I like ….(二)Presentation.1.T : Today I’ll invite some new friends here.Look!What’s this?(电脑屏幕依次出现a panda, an elephant 和a tiger 的图片,)Where are they? 教授单词a zoo.T: Let’s go to the zoo.引导学生说出“OK.Let’s go.” “All right.” 2.Practice: A: Let’s go to the zoo.B:OK./ All right.(五大组连锁操练)3.Ss:(invite Liu Tao)Hello, Liu Tao.Let’s go to the zoo.(电脑):Good.But how?(电脑出现飞机和自行车的声音)教授短语:by plane, by bike T:(表扬评价: Great!)Ss: By bike.4.Ss:(invite Mike)Hello, Mike.Let’s go to the zoo.(电脑):Sorry.I want to go to the park.Let’s go to the park.(出示公园图片)


(三)Learning text

1.a.Watch the cartoon and think: Mike goes to the park.Where do others go?

b.Watch again: How to go?

c.Talk and match.Learn: Xi’an(观看视频)Great!

2.Read the text after the tape.3.Act the dialogues.In groups, in class.(四)consolidation.1.Have two chants:

A.Cinema, cinema, let’s go to the cinema.Good, good, but how? Bike, bike, by bike.B.Beijing, Beijing, let’s go to Beijing.Great, great, but how? Plane, plane, by plane.引导学生比较,发现:特指的地名前要加定冠词‘the’,但在城市名前一般不用加‘the’。

Ss: 模仿自编儿歌。

2.T:你知道哪些好玩的地方? 用英语说说。



(五)Homework.Read the words and the dialogues.2.Make dialogues.八、板书设计

Unit 8 Let’s go to the park A: Let’s go to…? B: OK./ All right./ Good./ Great.But how? A: By ….



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