
时间:2019-05-12 21:13:24下载本文作者:会员上传


UNIT 1 Section One Tactics For


Part 1 Phonetics Exercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape.Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions.Woman 1: I've got good news(1)for you!Woman 2: Oh, yes? Woman 1: I'm getting married.Man: Well, well!(2)Who's the lucky man? Do we know him? Woman 1: Of course you(3)know him!It's David!Woman 2:(4)That's wonderful news!Man: I'm sure(5)you'll be very happy.Woman 2:(6)When's the wedding? Woman 1: Next June.(7)we're going to have a big June wedding!Woman 2: Are we invited? Woman 1: Of course!I hope you(8)can all come.Part 2 Listening and Note-taking Telephone rings for a long time.Operator: Redman Electronics.Can I help you? Voice: At last!Why don't you answer the phone? Operator: l'm sorry.I was downstairs.Voice: Well, can I speak to Mr Redman please? Operator: I'm afraid he isn't here at the moment.He's on holiday.He's in the South of France.Voice: What about Mr Gray--extension 322.Operator: Mr Gray's at home.Voice: Well, may I speak to Mr Redman's secretary? Operator: She isn't in today.She's at her sister's.Voice: I see.Then I'd like to speak to Mr Gray's secretary.Operator: Miss Jones? Voice: That's right.Operator: Sorry.She isn't in.She's gone to the hairdresser's.Voice: Who is in today? Operator: Well, I am.But I'm going home soon.Who is it please? Exercise A: Listen to the conversation and take notes.Exercise B: Complete the following sentences.Where are they? Mr Redman is on holiday in the South of France.Mr Gray is at home.Mr Redman's secretary is at her sister's.Mr C-ray's secretary, Miss Jones, is at the hairdresser's.Section




Part 1


Dialogue 1


Woman 1 : Professor Andrews,this is Dr Baxter.Woman 2: How do you do? Man: How do you do? Man 1: Hello, Al.How are you? Man 2: Fine, thanks, Eric.Nice to see you again.Woman I: Sally, do you know Steve? Woman 2: No, how do you do? Man: Hello, Sally.I'm glad to meet you.Manl: Tony, I'd like to introduce lny friend Mary Parker.Man 2: Oh, hello.I've heard so much about you.Woman: Hello.Woman: May I introduce myself? My name is Susan Roper.Man: Oh, hello.I'm John Lee.l'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.Exercise: Listen to some people talking at a party.Who is talking to whom? Who has known whom before? Complete the following sentences.Names in the box are for your reference.1.Professor Andrews is talking to Dr Baxter.2.Al is talking to Eric.3.Sally is talking to Steve.4.Tony is talking to Maw Parker.5.Susan Rotter is talking to John Lee.6.A/and EL have known each other before.7.Tony has known Mary Parker before.Dialogue 2 welcome to Bristol

Etienne has just arrived in England, Etienne: Hello, Are you Mrs.Baker? I'm Etienne Bertrand, from Switzerland.Mrs.Baker: Hello, Etienne.Come om.Welcome to Bristol.Etienne: Hello.Pleased to meet you, Mrs.Baker.Mrs.Baker: Oh, call me Nicola.And this is my husband, Nigel.Mr.Baker: How was your trip? No hijacks? Etienne: No, it was all right, thank you.But the plane was late and the airport was crowded.Mr.Baker: Well, it's the holiday season.You expect it at this time of the year.Here, let me take your bags upstairs.Etienne: Oh, that's all right.I'll take this one.it’s heavy.Mr.Baker: Well.Here's your room.I hope it's big enough for you and not too cold.We do have central heating but it doesn't work very well There are extra blankets in the cupboard, I think.Oh, well …

Nicola, where are the blankets? Let's go down and meet the rest of the family.Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T or F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.T 1.Etienne Bertrand is from Switzerland.(I'm Etienne Bertrand, from Switzerland.)

T 2.The Bakers are expecting Mr.Bertrand.(Mrs.Baker says “Hello, Etienne.Come in.Welcome to Bristol.”)

T 3.There have probably been hijacks in recent days.(Mr.Baker says “How was your trip? No hijacks?” and Etienne answers “No, it was all fight, thank you/” We may draw a conclusion that they were serious.)

F 4.the plane was late because there had been a hijack attempt.(The plane was late probably because it was the holiday season.)

T 5.The airport is usually crowded at this time of the year.(It is the holiday season.)

T 6.It is probably still cold.(Mr.Baker mentions central heating and tells Etienne to use extra blankets if he feels too cold.)

F 7.The central heating doesn't work.(It doesn't work very well.)

T 8.Mr.Baker can't find the blankets.(Mr.Baker asks Mrs.Baker where the blankets are.)

Part 2 Passages

Passage 1 a young waiter

The most interesting part of the little town was the market square, which was surrounded by cafes, restaurants and small shops full of all kinds of cheap goods likely to attract tourists.At this time of the year it was not very crowded.It was a lovely day with only a few little white clouds, like puffs* of smoke, in the sky.It was not too hot, as it sometimes was during the summer, but pleasantly warm.Edward and Ann sat down at a table outside one of the cafes.After they had been sitting there enjoying the sunshine for a few minutes, a young waiter, not much more than a boy, came to take their order.He spoke no English, but after a lot of laughter and pointing at the menu, they thought they had managed to make him understand that all they wanted was ice cream.There were several flavors*, lemon, chocolate, coffee, orange and vanilla* and they both chose coffee, “I love coffee ice cream,” said Ana.After a little while the waiter returned.He was carrying a big tray, which he set down very carefully on the table in front of Edward and Ann.There were two cups of coffee and two plain ice creams on the tray.“We didn't order coffee,” said Edward crossly*, “we ordered coffee ice cream.He ought to be able to understand simple English.” The waiter smiled and looked pleased.“No,” said Ann laughing, “it's his country.We ought to be able to speak his language.”

Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1.B 2.C 3, D 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.A

Passage 2 greeting and introductions

Greetings and introductions are an essential aspect of US culture.The importance of which can never be overemphasized.In social situations, a man is traditionally introduced to a woman.However, in the business world introductions are based on a person's rank* or position in a company.Whoever is the highest-ranking person is introduced to everyone else in order of their position.If you introduce two people of equal rank to each other, introduce the one you know less well lo the one you know better.There might be occasions wherein you will have to introduce yourself.For example, if you are meeting a new colleague or an associate*, you might start off by extending your hand and saying “Hello!I am...' If you have been introduced earlier to someone, do not assume* that the person would remember you and be prepared to reintroduce yourself should it be necessary.Americans shake their hands when first introduced to a new people.Rarely they shake hands while parting, As a part of greeting, sometimes, social kissing is acceptable between men and women and also between women who know each other very well.If you are with a group of English-speaking people and the conversation is going on in English, do not use your native or any foreign language for more than a few sentences, as it is not considered to be polite.Try to avoid using any filthy*, sexually explicit* stories or jokes.When you are in a theatre, it's not polite to talk or whisper during the performance.Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.I.B








Part 3 News

News Item 1 In Houston Texas.a federal investigating jury* has charged the Arthur Andersen Company with blocking efforts to seek justice in the Enron case.Arthur Andersen employees kept financial records and provided advice to the failed energy company Enron.The charges say Arthur Andersen destroyed tons of documents while an investigation was taking place after Enron's failure.The Arthur Andersen* Company condemned* the charges as a serious misuse of government power.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.Arthur Andersen Company is charged with blocking investigation in the Enron case.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T or F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.F

1.Arthur Andersen Company was the energy company Enron's business partner.(Arthur

Andersen Company just kept financial records and provided advice to the energy company Enron.)T

2.Arthur Andersen destroyed important documents.(Arthur Andersen destroyed tons of

documents while an investigation was taking place after Enron’s failure.)T

3.The Arthur Andersen Company did not agree with the charges.(The Arthur Andersen

Company condemned the charges as a serious misuse of government power.)

News Item 2 Russian engineers and an American company have presented a model of the first space vehicle designed for pleasure tips.They presented the full size model in Zhukovskiy*, Russia.They say the space plane should be ready in three years.Travelers would experience three minutes of zero gravity during a one-hour flight.The vehicle would hold a pilot and two passengers.A flight would cost about $100,000.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.This item is about a model of the first space vehicle designed for pleasure trips.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and complete the following blanks.Possible time:

in three years Vehicle size:

can hold a pilot and two passengers Special experience: three minutes of zero gravity Length of the trip: _one hour Cost:


News Item 3 World leaders at a United Nations' conference in Monterrey, Mexico, have urged wealthy nations to increase their foreign aid.Peruvian president spoke Thursday at the UN conference on financing for development.Mr Toledo* said terrorism could grow if poor countries do not receive help.He returned home earlier because of the bombing in Lima.Economic leaders and political activists told the conference that poverty is a major throat to world peace.The United Nations wants 22 industrial nations to increase their foreign aid by 100,000 million dollars.The goal is to reduce by half the number of the poor by the year 2015.President Bush says a bombing near the United States Embassy in Lima will not stop him from going to Peru on Saturday.The attack Wednesday night killed at least nine people mid wounded many others.Mr Bush says he is sure Peru's president will do everything possible to make Lima safe for his trip.No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.This news item is about a [IN conference on financing for development.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1.B





Section 3 Oral Work

Part 1 Questions and Answers Peter and William have just arrived at the door of Peter's house.Peter is looking in all his pockets.Peter: Oh dear.I can't find my door key.Williams: If your sister Ann's at home, she'll let us in, won't she? Peter: She's out.The door wouldn't be locked if she was at home.William: Let's hope it doesn't rain again then.If it does we'll get soaked.Peter:I tell you what.If you let me climb on your shoulders, I'1t get in through the pantry*window.William: Right.Up you go.(sound effects)What's the matter? Peter: It's no good.If it were two inches wider, I could do it.William: And all the other windows are shut, otherwise it would be easy.Peter: 1 suppose we could break one.William: I don't think your father would be very pleased if we did.Peter: No, I don't suppose he would.Well, what shall we do? William: I don't know.If only you weren't so careless, you wouldn't get into such trouble.Peter: Walt!What's this in the grass? William: Your key!You must have dropped it when you came out.You really are careless.Peter: It's lucky I am, really, otherwise we'd have to wait till Ann comes home.Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and then answer some questions about it, You will hear the dialogue and the questions only once.Answer each question with a complete sentence after you have heard it.Questions: 1.What is Peter looking for?

(He is looking for his door key.)2.Is Ann at home?

(No, she is not at home.)3.What is William worrying about?

(He is worrying about the weather.)4.What does Peter want to do?

(He wants to get into the house through the pantry window.)5.Why can't he get in through the window?

(Because the window is not wide enough.)6.Peter's father won't mind if Peter breaks one of the windows, will he'?

(Yes, he will.)7.Where is the door key'?

(It's in the grass.)g.What does William think of Peter?

(He thinks he is really careless.)

Par2 Retelling

The children had desperately wanted to go to the circus.Every day after school they had gone down to the field behind the pub to see what was happening.First the men had put up tile big tent, and then moved in all the seats, and finally they had fixed the coloured lights round the outside of the tent.In another part of the field, the children watched as the animals were fed and exercised.Sometimes, to their delight, two young women stood on the horses' backs and galloped round and round.But the most exciting moment of all was when the trainer allowed them to watch him go into them lions' cage.The children were sure he would be attacked, but he came out again unhurt and smiling.At last the opening night came round.Then the most terrible thing happened;their mother forbade them to go because she said it was unkind to put animals in a circus.The children were unable to make her change her mind, and they had to sit at home while the music and lights in the field reminded them of what they were missing.Exercise: Listen to the passage and then retell it in your own words.You will hear the passage only once.Section Four Supplementary Exercises

Part 1 Listening Comprehension The native people of North and South America were given the name ”Indians“ by the explorer Christopher Columbus*.He thought he had reached a place called the Indies.In time, the terms American Indian and Indian became widely used.About 2,000,000 native Americans live in the United States today.Some Indians live on government lands called reservations*, or on tribal* lands.Others live in cities.Traditional culture remains strong in areas where large numbers of Indians live.But many native Americans worry that their cultural traditions will be lost as young people leave these areas for economic reasons.The economic situation of American Indians as a group is not good.About 50% of those who live on reservations have no jobs.Those who do have jobs earn less than other Americans.Most Indians hold low-paying unskilled jobs.Indians have many health problems and do not live as long as other Americans.But the situation is improving as more Indians are becoming educated.Today, most native Americans graduate from high school.At least 9% of all Indians 25 years old or older have finished college.The economic situation also has improved as native American tribes* create businesses on their lands.One example is the Pequot tribe of the northeast.The tribe owns and operates a hotel, gambling casino*, and a museum of its culture and history.Today, American Indians are trying to control their land without interference from the government.This includes control over hunting and fishing rights, and mining* operations.They are trying to protect their land from pollution.And they are taking legal action to regain lost lands or to receive payment for them.American Indians are trying to change their economic situation, improve their lives and honor* their culture.Exercise: Listen to the passage about the American Indians and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1.C






Part 2 Oral Work I work in a small office from 9 till 5 Monday to Friday.Occasionally my boss asks me to come in on a Saturday morning as well.I don't earn a large salary and my job is rather dull, really.But I have a secret dream.My dream is to make a return flight to New York on Concorde.1 know people say rude things about it.They say that it's noisy and expensive and that it uses too much fuel, and...My problem is that I can only afford to put aside ~5 a week and a return ticket to New York costs over ~1,000.Then of course New York is quite an expensive city, they say.Never mind.One day, perhaps...Exercise: Listen to the passage and then give your opinion on the following topics.I.Do you think the speaker's secret dream could be realized? If so, how? 2.What is your dream? What will you do to realize your own dream?

Unit Two

Section 1 Tactics for Listening Part 1


Exercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape~ Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions.Woman: Good evening.Man: Good evening.Can you(1)make up this prescription, please? Woman: Certainly.(2)Would you like to wait? Man: How long(3)will it take? Woman:(4)It'll be ready in twenty minutes.Man: Oh,(5)I'll come back later.Woman: All right, sir, Man:(6)Shall I pay now or later? Woman:(7)Later'll be all right.Part 2 Listening and Note-taking Man:

Excuse me.How can I get to the station please? Woman: The station, the station, the station...let me see.Ah, yes.You can go down...no.Go

straight on until you come to a cinema.Let's see now--that's the second turn on your right.The cinema's on the corner.Turn right at the cinema and you'll be in Bridge Street.I think it's Bridge Street.Go along Bridge Street for a few minutes and then take the second--no, not the second, the first, that's fight, the first turning.On your left.The station is straight ahead, right in front of you.Man:

So that's second right and first left.Thank you very much.That's very kind of you.Woman: Don't mention it.Exercise A: Listen to the conversation and take notes.Exercise B: Use the information from your notes to mark the places and streets mentioned in the conversation on the sketch map.Section 2 Listening Comprehension Part 1 Dialogue Dialogue 1 where did you living now ?

Interviewer: You say you moved out of London five years ago? Alistair: Yes, I did.] lived in Hampstead*.Interviewer: That's very close to the centre, isn't it? Alistair: Yes, quite close.1 went to work by bicycle--I worked in Oxford Street.It took about half an hour.Interviewer: And why did you move? Did you change jobs? Alistair: Well, yes, I did.I worked for an advertising agency then.Now I work for a newspaper.But that isn't the reason.I moved because London is so dirty and there's so much stress…

Interviewer: And now you live in-.Alistair: Oh, right in the country.The nearest station is rather far, about 15 miles away, but the village is fairly close to London, about 40 miles.I still work in London.Interviewer: So how long does it take you to get to work? Alistair: Oh, less than an hour and a half, door to door.Exercise A: Listen o the interview and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T or F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.F

1.The man lives in Hampstead now.(The man used to live in Hampstead.)


2.The man has changed his job.(He worked for an advertising agency five years ago but now he works for a newspaper.)


3.The place where the man lives now is about 15 miles away from London.(The nearest station is rather far about 15 miles away, but the village is fairly close to London, about 40 miles.)

Exercise B: Listen to the interview again and answer the following questions.1.Why did the man move out of London?

(Because he finds that London is so dirty and there's so much stress.)2.Where does he live now?

(He lives in a village in the country, about 40 miles away from London.)

3.How did he use to go to work?

(He used to go to work by bicycle.)

4.How does he go to work now?

(Most likely he goes to work by car now because he said that it takes him less than an hour and

a half, door to door, to get to work.)5.Where does he work now?

(He works for a newspaper now.)

Dialogue 2 Have you ever lived abroad Interviewer: Have you ever lived abroad, Phyllis? Phyllis: Yes, I have actually.What about you? Interviewer: No, unfortunately I haven't.Phyllis: Oh, what a shame!Interviewer.Where did you live when you were abroad? Phyllis: I lived in Australia.Interviewer: Really? That's a long way away.Phyllis: Uhm, uhm, yes!Interviewer: How long were you there for? Phyllis: I was there for twelve years Interviewer: Oh!What a long time!Phyllis: Yes.Rather, Interviewer: Erin.So how long have you been back in the UK? Phyllis: I've been back about, erm.ten years now, Interviewer: Uhm, uhm, When you were in Australia, did you think of it as your home? Phyllis: Well, it depends on what, you mean by home.When 1 was...home to me is being near the people you're fond of.Interviewer: Uhm.uhm.yeah.So does that mean that your family were with you in Australia? Phyllis: Yes, they were there with me.Interviewer: And presumably they've...they came back to the UK? Phyllis: Yes, they did.They came back with me, Interviewer: Uhm, uhm.Erin, if you had a choice, where do you think you'd be living now? Phyllis: Oh.I would really like to go back to Australia Interviewer: Oh, yeah? Why's that? Phyllis: Well.for one thing, it's the climate.Interviewer: Uhm Phyllis: And.er.secondly, it's...very relaxed.Interviewer: Oh? In what way? Phyllis: Well, you know.the wave of life, nobody hurries.Interviewer: Uhm.Is that at work as well as socially? Phyllis: That's right, everything

Exercise: Listen to the interview and complete the following questionnaire.Part 2

Passages Passage one welcome to London

Welcome to London!You and seven million other tourists will fill Britain's capital city this season, jostling* each other along Oxford Street, getting lost on the Underground, staring at Buckingham Palace, and complaining about the food and the weather.What can you do when you're here? There are the obvious tourist attractions of royal London, the London of pageantry* and soldiers in fancy uniforms.There is historical London, with the ancient buildings and magnificent churches.A good introduction to all this can be found in the London Museum in the Barbican*.You can spend a lot of money, in shops from aristocratic* Knightsbridge* to democratic Marks and Spencer*, all of them anxious to receive travellers' cheques in almost any currency.There are many hotels at your service, and your chambermaid may Well be able to talk to you in your own language--though probably not in English, Restaurants are here by the hundred.You can eat your way round the world in London, from China to Argentina*, though you may have a bit of a job finding good English food.Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.I.A








Passage 2

entertainments in London

You come, of course, from all over the world, attracted by the comparative cheapness of London and its relatively new reputation as a good place to have fun--a reputation which really only dates from the mid 1960's, that era* of' Swinging London,”* of pop stars and fashion photographers and dress designers.There's certainly no lack of entertainment.The British Theatre is world famous, and offers everything from Shakespeare to West End comedy*.There's a large number of cinemas presenting films from all over the world.Every night of the week there are concerts.Classical or pop, take your choice.And of course night clubs will be happy to take large quantifies of cash from you in return for the illusion* of being sophisticated* and perhaps slightly wicked*.When it rains(and it will rain)there are museums and art galleries to give you shelter--and they're free!When it's fine, take a boat trip along the River Thames, downstream to Greenwich* or upstream to Hampton Court*.You may be exhausted by London;you may be cheated in London;you may not be able to get a drink when you want one, thanks to the ridiculous licensing laws;you may get wet and catch a cold;but you're not likely to be bored.Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.I.C








Part 3 News

News Item 1

Russian Foreign Minister Igor lvanov* says he and American Secretary of State Colin Powell* will meet February 24th in Cairo.The meeting will be the first face-to-face talks between the two officials.Mr Ivanov says Russian opposition to President Bush's plan to build a missile defense system will be discussed during the meeting.The announcement of the meeting followed the talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin* and German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer*.Mr Fischer was in Moscow to discuss arms issues.In Washington State Department officials confirm the meeting.Secretary Powell will visit the Middle East and Belgium* from February 23rd through the 27th.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.This news item is about the meeting between Russian Foreign Minister and American Secretary of State on February 24th in Cairo.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T or F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.F

1.Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov will meet American Secretary of State Colin Powell on February 21st in Cairo.(Russian Foreign Minister Igor lvanov will meet American

Secretary of State Colin Powell on February 24th in Cairo.)F

2.The meeting will be the fourth face-to-face talks between the two officials.(The meeting

will be the first face-to-face talks between the two officials.)T

3.Mr lvanov says they will discuss Russian opposition to President Bush's plan to build a

missile defense system during the meeting.(Mr Ivanov says Russian opposition to Presi-

dent Bush's plan to build a missile defense system will be discussed during the meeting.)T

4.Russia announced the meeting followed the talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer.(The announcement of the meeting fol-

lowed the talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer.)F

5.Mr Fischer was in Washington to discuss arms issues,(Mr Fischer was in Moscow to

discuss arms issues.)

News item 2 Russian Foreign Minister Igor lvanov has called for(1)more talks about missile defense policy.Mr lnvamo is to meet with(2)American Secretary of State Colin Powell in Cairo Saturday.He told(3)reporters in Moscow that the time has come for(4)serious talks on the several issues affecting(5)relations between Russia end the United States.He said China and Europe should be included(6)in the talks.President Bush says that Mr Ivanov's(7)comments show that Russia understands(8)new threats to world security require(9)new defences.Russia is opposed to Mr Bush's proposal to build(l0))a missile defense system.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.This news item is about Russia's calling for more talks about United State's missile defense policy.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and complete the following passage.NEWS ITEM 3 Russia has given NATO* a proposal for a European Missile Defense System.Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev presented the plan to visiting NATO Secretary General George Rolbertson*.Mr Robertson says the Russian plan is evident* that Russia and NATO recognize the possible threat of missile attacks from some countries.Russia opposes a missile defense system planned for the United States.Russia says the American plan would threaten world security.Russia President Vledimir Pufin urged* the western security alliance* to seriously consider Russia's proposal Ne questioned why NATO continues to expand to the East if the military organization does not see Russia as a threat.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.This news item is about Russian proposal for a European Missile Defense System.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences, I.C






Section Three

Oral Work Man: Al-e you ready to order? Woman: Er, yes, please.I'll have the roast beef Man: Uhm, Would you like a starter? Woman: No thanks, oh, why not? I'll have the garlic mushrooms please.Man: And would you like salad or vegetables with your roast beef Woman: Er, what vegetables have you got? M011: Cauliflower and carrots, Woman: Er, have you got any cabbage? Man: No, I'm afraid not, Woman: Oh, well, never mind, ]'Il have the carrots.Man: Carrots.Can I get you anything to drink? Woman: Er, just a glass of water.Man: And would you like anything for dessert? Woman: No thanks.woman: Excuse me? Man: Yes? Woman: I'm afraid this bread is stale, Man: Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I'll get you some fresh, madam.Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and then answer some questions about it.You will hear the dialogue and the questions only once.Answer each question with a complete sentence after you have heard it.Questions: 1.What did the woman order?(She ordered the roast beef.)2.What would the woman like to have as a starter'~(She would like to have the garlic mushrooms.)3.What vegetables does the restaurant offer?(It offers cauliflower and carrots.)4.What vegetable did the woman order?(She ordered carrots.)5.What sort of drink did she order? '(She ordered a glass of water.)6.She ordered a dessert, didn't she?(No, she did not order any dessert.)7.Did the woman like the bread served?(No, she didn't like it.)8.Why didn't she like the bread?(Because it was stale / not fresh~)

PART 2 Retelling It was Monday morning.Betty left home early that day because she was going to start work at an office.She was only sixteen and this was her first job.Unfortunately, the traffic was so dense that she was a few minutes late When she arrived at the office.When she entered the office, she saw Mr Cramp, her boss, speaking to the people in an angry voice.She was very afraid and didn't dare to say anything.Later that day, she found out what had happened, As a rule, Mr Crump came to the office at about 9:30, because he lived a long way out in the country and came up by train every day.That morning, however, he happened to catch an earlier train, and when he arrived at the office, he was greatly annoyed to see that no one was working.All the clerks were standing around, smoking, laughing and telling jokes.Exercise: Listen to the passage and then retell it in your own words.You will hear the passage only once.Section 4 Supplementary Exercises PART 1 Listening


Most full-time students at American universities must have health insurance, 12qis is because health costs in the United States are high.Colleges are not able to pay the costs if students suffer serious accidents or sickness, Many American colleges have health centers where doctors and nurses treat students' medical problems.This service may be included in the cost of attending college.Health insurance is usually needed for extra services.Students may already be protected under their parents' health insurance policies*.If not, many colleges offer their own insurance plans.For example, students at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor are treated without charge the minor medical problems at the university health center.But the university suggests that students buy its health insurance plan.It costs about 800 dollars a year.The insurance pays [or hospital services, emergency room care and visits to doctors.It also pays for laboratory tests and x rays.And it pays ninety percent of the cost of drugs prescribed by a doctor.The plan does not pay for birth control, care of the teeth or eyeglasses.And it does not pay for preventive care such as injections* that prevent disease.Students at Boston College in Massachusetts are required to have their own health insurance plan or lo buy the college accident and sickness insurance.The college plan costs about 500 dollars a year.It pays for any medical care needed within a/line period.It does not pay for eye glasses, hearing aids*, or dental* treatment.Students can also buy independent insurance policies from insurance companies.The details of such policies are different, depending on where the student lives.Usually, these policies pay for doctor visits, treatment of injuries and hospital costs.Sometimes foreign students do not understand the need for health insurance, especially if they do net need such insurance in their own countries.However, people in the United States are responsible for their own medical costs.These can be extremely high in cases of serious illness or accidents.The purpose of health insurance is to make sure that these costs will be paid for.Exercise A: Listen to the report and complete the following sentences.1.Students at American universities must have health insurance, because health costs in the United

States are high.2.Many American colleges have health centers where minor medical problems can be treated.3.The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor offers its health insurance plan that costs about $800 a year.4.Boston College in Massachusetts suggests the students buy the college accident and sickness

insurance that costs about $500 a year.Exercise B: Listen to the report again and put a tick beside the item that the insurance pays for and put a cross beside the one that the insurance doesn't pay for.hospital services

birth control


laboratory tests


drugs prescribed by a doctor

hearing aids

X eyeglasses


emergency room care

dental treatment


doctor visits

PART 2 Oral Work Frances Whithread lived in children's homes until she was 13 because her mother was unable to look after her.When Frances was 12 she took part in a game of netball.The referee, whose name was Margaret Whitbread, noticed the young girl because she argued with so many of her decisions.A few weeks later they met again at a local sports ground.Frances asked Margaret to show her how to throw the javelin and Margaret soon discovered that although Frances was a difficult child, she was a very promising young athlete.When Frances was 13, the Whitbreads adopted her.Family life suited Frances and as she became bigger and stronger, her javelin throwing improved until she became one of Britain's top athletes.Exercise: Listen to the passage and then give your opinion on the following topics.1.What difference would it have made if Frances had not met the Whitbreads? 2.Do you agree that sometimes it pays to argue?


Section 1 Tactics For Listening

Part 1 Phonetics

Exercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape.Pay special attention to the weak forms, fink-ups and contractions.Friend: Hi, Linda.I hear you and John got married(1)last month.Linda: Yeah, we did,(smiling)Three weeks(2)ago.Friend: Well.congratulations!Linda: Thank you.Friend: Did you(3)have a big wedding? Linda: No, we got(4)married at City Hall.We didn't want to spend very much because(5)we're saving to buy a house.Friend: Where did you(6)have the reception? Linda: Oh~ we(7)didn’t have a reception.We just(8)invited a few, friends over for drinks afterwards.Friend: What(9)did you wear'? Linda: Just a skirt and blouse Friend: Oh!Linda: And John wore a(l O)jacket and jeans.Friend: Where did you(l 1)go for your honeymoon? Linda: We(12)didn't have a honeymoon.We went back to work the next day Ah, here comes(13)my bus.Friend: Listen.(14)I'd love to help celebrate.Why don't you two(15)come over for a drink next week'? Linda: Sure.We'd love to.(16)I’ll talk to John and(17)call you Monday.Friend: Great.See you(18)next week.Linda: Bye.PART 2 Listening and Note-taking

Bob: Look at that Angela.True-Value are going to sell hi-fi's for 72.64 pounds, I’m going to buy one.We can save at least 20 pounds.Angela: Yes, and look at the washing machines.They're going to sell some washing machines for 98 95 pounds, go we can save 22 pounds.A washing machine is more important than a hi:fi.Bob: By the way.Angela.Do you know how much money we've got? About 200 pounds, I hope.Angela: Here's the bank statement.I didn't want to open it.Oh, dear.Bob: What's the matter? Angela: We haven't got 200 pounds, I'm afraid.Bob: We!l, come on.How much have we got? Angela: Only 150 pounds 16.Exercise A: Bob and Angela are window-shopping.The shop is closed, but they are talking about the sales next week.They are planning to buy a lot of things.Listen to the conversation and take notes on the following items: the things they want to buy

the price

money they can save 1 a hi-fi

72~64 pounds

at least 20 pounds.2.a washing machine

98.95 pounds


Exercise B: Complete the following Sentences.The amount of money they should pay for the things they want to buy: 171 pounds 59.The amount of money they think they can save: 42 pounds.The amount of money they think they can have: 21}0 pounds, The amount of money they actually have: 150 pounds 16.Section 2 Listening Comprehension PART 1 Dialogues Dialogues 1 what’s he like ?

A: Tell me about your new manager.What's he like? B: Oh, terrific.He's tall, good looking.., well, I think he's good looking, anyway...and he's about 35 or 36.He's very interested iii all kinds of sports--football, basketball...oh, and tennis.My friend told me he's very good at tennis.He plays at the same tennis club...the club where she plays...you know.A: Oh, is he friendly? I mean, in the office...B: Well, I don't know him very well.He's a bit...shy I think.He isn't married, he lives in a flat on his own...well, just him and his dog.Exercise A: Listen to the conversation and complete the following blanks.Age:

or 36 Appearance:

good-looking Hobbies:


football basketball and tennis Marriage status:

single / not married Exercise R: Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions.1.What is he good at'? How does his friend know that?(He is good at tennis.His friend knows that because he plays at the same tennis club where she plays.)2.Does he live alone? Has he got a companion?(Yes, he lives alone.But he has a companion, his dog.)

Dialogue 2 how old are you

Man: All right.Keith.How old me you? Woman: Thirty-seven.Man: Thirty-seven, yeah'? And, erm you married? Woman: Yes.Man: Yeah.Have you got children'? Woman: Two.Man: Yeah.What are their names? Woman: Toby and Lucy.Man: Toby and Lucy How old arc they? Woman: One's 11, that's Lucy;and Toby's 13.Man: Yeah.Tell me about your job, Keith.Woman: Well, I work at the Oxford University Press.I'm a printer's reader and copy editor.Man: Erin, what sort of hours of work do you have'? Woman: Erm, 7.30 in the morning.Man: You start work at 7.30? Woman: Yes.I start at 7.30 in the morning and finish at 4.15.That's with a 45-minute lunch break.Man: Yeah.Do you like it that way? Do you like starting very early? Woman: No, I don't.No.Man: How do you go to work? Woman: Er, well, I cycle from here to Didcot station, and then catch the train and return journey.Man: Tell me one or two things you like doing, and one or two things you don't like doing.What do you like doing? What do you do for enjoyment? Woman: Weil, I'm quite interested in antiques*.Man: Yes.Woman: Things I don't like

I don't like decorating.I'm not awfully keen on gardening.Man: OK.Woman: What reading--what sort of--what newspaper do you read? Man.' The Times.Woman: The Times, yeah.Man: And The Sunday Times.Woman: Yeah.And what kind of bonks do you read? Man: Erm--tends to be more along history lines.Not novels, generally, more general history.Local history especially.Woman: Yeah, OK.Do you smoke, Keith? Man: No.Woman: You drink? Man: Occasionally.Woman: Yeah.Do you go to church? Man: Not very often, no.Woman: Right.Thank you very much indeed.Exercise: Listen to the interview and complete the following report.Name of the interviewee: Keith.Keith is(1)37 years old.She's got(2)two children.One is(3)11 and the other is(4)13.She is a(5)printer’s reader and copy editor at the(6)Oxford University Press.She starts work at(7)7:30~and finishes at(8)4.15 with a(9)45-minute lunch break.She goes to work by(10)bicycle and train.She is interested in(11)antiques.She dislikes(E2)decorating and is not awfully(13)keen on gardening.She reads quite a lot,(14)newspapers, books, especially(15)books of history.She doesn't(16)smoke and drinks(17)only occasionally.She doesn't(18)go to the church often..Part 2 Passages Passage 1 Informational interviewing Informational interviews are one of the most beneficial ways through which to learn about a career field;they can also serve as a place to begin networking.Their purpose is to explore a particular field or organization and learn the “ins and outs*” of that field from a practitioner*.Rather than being asked questions, you are the questioner, gathering information that will help you evaluate* your interest in and suitability for a particular opportunity.An informational interview is a fine place to raise doubts you might have.explore me compatibility* of your work values with those expressed in the field and ask lot advice.An individual whom you interview for information can also critique your resume.Although you may not specifically find out about a job opening, informational interviewing will often provide leads* as to where to begin a successful job search and will help you choose between fields you are considering.If you are unable to find your former students or parents to meet for an informational interview, try contacting employers or organizations found in one of the closed stack*directories in the CRC* library.Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1.D








Passage 2 British postmen and milkmen

British postmen and milkmen have a reputation for being cheerful.As they both arrive very early in the morning, when you are perhaps not feeling very good-tempered, their brisk* knocking and bright whistling may get on your nerves.Of course, there are some gloomy postmen, who make you think that every letter contains tragic news, but the majority are jolly and good-humoured.This is quite surprising, because delivering the mail each morning is a job which is not very well paid and there are a great many problems.The city postman has to go on foot, not only along streets but also up and down stairs, as many blocks of flats still have no lifts and no downstairs letterbox.If he has a registered letter to deliver, he has to wait for someone to come to the door to sign for it.That person may greet him in a most unfriendly way if he has just been woken from a deep sleep very early in the morning.In the country, a postman may have a bicycle or a small van, so he does not have to walk so far, but nevertheless he has his problems too.It is very annoying to be compelled* to go all the way Io an isolated house simply to deliver a postcard or a circular, when this makes the journey half an hour longer.In winter, weather conditions are bad, but the postman must carry on in the rain or the snow.Sometimes it is impossible to use a van or a bicycle in these conditions, and he has to do his round*on foot, like his city colleague.Most country people keep a dog.Although there may be a notice on the gate, “BEWARE OF THE DOG,” this is of little help to the postman~ He is forced to go in, whether the dog is dangerous or not.So every day the country postman knows that, if the dog is not safely tied up, it may bite him on the leg or tear* the seat* out of his trousers.Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences, I.B








Part 3 News

News item 1

NATO Secretary General George Robertson has arrived in Moscow for talks aimed at calming Russian fears about NATO's future plans.He is expected to meet with President Vladimir Putin and other officials.Mr Robertson says NATO's expansion to the east will not harm the balance in Europe.Russia strongly opposes NATO membership for Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.A Defense Ministry spokesman reportedly said the entry of these countries would threaten Russian's security interests.He says Russia will take extra security measures if they join the alliance.NATO will consider their membership next year~ Exercise A: Listen to the news item again and complete the following summery.This news item is about NATO.secretary General's visit to Moscow for talks aimed at calming Russian fears about NATO's future plans.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and complete the following blanks.Talks between NATO Secretary General and Russian officials:

Participants: NATO Secretary General George Robertson, President Vladimir Putin and other officials.Place of talks:

Moscow Purpose of talks: to calm Russian fears about NATO's future plans Situation:

NATO continues to expand to the East Russia's opinion: 1 Russia strongly opposes NATO

membership for Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia;

Russia will take extra security measures if

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia join the alliance.News item 2

An official of the Federal Security Service has linked(1)an.American student arrested this month to 2)American Intelligence.The Federal Security Service says John Edward Tarbin(3)wax arrested Feb.1st for possessing the drug marijuana.The Russian official says(4)Mr Tarbin has not been charged with(5)spying.However, he told the Interfax News Agency that(6)the American may have been preparing(7)to spy for the United States.The spokesman for the American State Department dismissed(8)the Russian accusation.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary,This news item is about the arrest of an American student.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and complete the following passage.News item 3

The European Unions is admitting a split among its 15 members over policy toward Iraq.An EU spokesman said member nations me divided between those who want an immediate end to the United Nations' restrictions against Iraq and those who approve slower action.Some EU nations believe the UN oil for food programme is a failure and does nothing to ease the suffering of the Iraqi people.The programme permits Iraq to sell a limited amount of oil to pay for humanitarian supplies.Many governments axe still condemning the American and British air attacks against Iraqi military targets near Baghdad.Iraq is threatening to answer the air strikes and says it has the right to attack Kuwait and Saudi Arabia if they continue to provide bases for Western planes.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.This news item is about a split among the European Unions members over policy toward Iraq.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1.B







UNIT 13 Section One Tactics For Listening Part 1 phonetics TAPESCRIPT Exercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape.Pay special attention to the weak forms ,link-ups and contractions.David: What's the matter ? Sue: Oh ,1 know.David: Oh , rie o — something.What is it ? Sue: It's just fe ,—it's so boring.David: Oh ,it's not so bad—/c got Daniel!Sue: But le only a baby ¡It's all right for you.leave the house in five minutes.I'll be here all day.hei you come home ? You come till seven!David: must go to work ,dear.Sue: Yes ,but your day'll be interesting.My be the same as every day.David: My vork is always interesting.Sue: I know ,but you ,you meet different people and do different things.Who'll I meet today ? hat' do ? Eh? I'll wash up ,feed the baby ,do the washing ,clean the house ,bath the baby ,take the dog a walk •••

David: But ••• but---dear.Part 2 Listening and Note-Taking TAPESCRIPT Stone: Good afternoon.My name's Frank Stone.1 want to make an appointment to see Dr Milton ,please.Female: Yes ,of course ,Mr Stone.What's your address,please? Stone: 118 Hill Road ,London ,S.E.18.Female: Thank you.What about this afternoon at 5.30? Stone: I'm afraid I can't come this afternoon.1 can come tomorrow.Female: Dr Milton isn't in tomorrow.He's here the day after tomorrow ,Thursday ,March 27th.Stone: Fine.Female: Is 5.30 all right? Stone: Mm,yes.But I want to come after work.Female: Then what about 6.15? Stone: Fine.Thank you.Female: Goodbye.Stone: Goodbye.Exercise A: Listen to the conversation and take notes.Exercise B: Complete the following chart An appointment with Dr Milton Name: Mr Stone Address: 118Hill road ,London ,S.E.18 Date: Thursday ,March 27th Time: 6.15 Section Two Listening Comprehension Parti Dialogues Dialogue 1 I'd Like to Make a Collect Call to England Operator: Operator.May I help you ? Joan : Yes, I'd like to make a collect call to England.Operator:To England.What number ,please ? Joan: The STD code*is 0223.Operator: 0223.Joan: And the number is 103.Operator: 103.Joan: 493.Operator: 493.That's 0223-103-493.Joan: That's right.Operator: And what number are you calling from ? Joan: Er,area code 512.Operator: 512.Joan: 442-9006.Operator: 442-9006.And your name ,please ? Joan: Joan Perry.Operator: Is that Perry ,with a P? Joan: Yes,that's right.Operator: Thank you ,Ms perry ,f 11 try to connect you.Joan: Thank you.Operator dials number and it rings.Helen: 103-493.Operator: Hello ,1 have a reverse-charge call from Joan Perry in the United States.Will you pay for the call? Helen: Yes.Operator: Thank you.Go ahead please.Joan: Hello,Mum.Helen: Hello,darling ,how are you ? Joan: Fine,been having a wonderful time ,and you ? Helen: Fine.Joan: I'm just phoning to see if you can pick us up at the airport tomorrow.Do you think you can ? Helen: Well,it depends on the time.Joan: Our plane lands at 19.46-that's 7.46 in the evening.Helen: Oh,yes ,that should be fine.7.46? Joan: That's right.Pan Am flight 52.Helen: OK,darling ,I'U be there.Joan: Thanks, Mum.See you then.Bye-bye.Helen:Bye ,darling.Exercise A: Listen to the first part of conversation and complete the operator's Memo.Memo Receiver Name: Helen Country: England Telephone number: 0223-103-493 Caller Name: Joan Perry Country: United States Telephone number: 512-442-9006 Phone type: collect Exercise B: Listen to the second part of the conversation and answer the questions.1.What is another name for collect call? 2.Who will pay the phone call if one makes it collect? 3.Why does the girl make this phone call? 4.When will her plane arrive?

Dialogue2 Harry's Weekends Harry is American.He works as a sound engineer in a recording studio in San Francisco.Interviewer: Harry, could you tell me something about your weekends? Harry: Sure.Interviewer: Are they busy, or —don't you do much? Harry: No, they tend to be very busy.Er,you know I like to—er—have a good time.I mean ,having a good time and enjoying yourself,looking for happiness in life is very important to American people.Uhm so I'm very busy during the week and I—I don't have any spare time ,so when the weekend comes we like to really let loose and we try very hard to have a good time.Interviewer: So what sort of things do you do? Harry: Well, let's see.lt begins on Friday night, of course er—we maybe go to a bar for the happy hour ,you know ,that's when the drinks are half price.Er—usually we go to the theatre.Er—we go to bed early these days.You know ,it's not “in”*to go to all-night parties any more ,and we want to get up early on Saturday morning anyway.Saturday morning that's the time for cleaning the house,washing the car,doing the laundry,and then it's usually time to go out for lunch.Or maybe brunch,it deoends on the time ,but it's becoming more popular now to have brunch on Sunday.Interviewer: Yes.Harry: I'll tell you about that in a minute ,but—after lunch ,maybe we'll go for a walk on the beach ,or play tennis, or go for a run ,you know ,er—getting physical and getting er—fresh air you know somehow,somewhere.Sun—Saturday





to play ,really.And then in the evering we sometimes go to a movie ,but usually we go to watch a bard.Interviewer: Oh.Harry: Yes.Not ,not in a concert ,in a bar-you know bars in America are more like clubs.Interviewer: Oh,yes.Harry: You know ,the music is free,and everything's very relaxed,er—and it's nice to just take in some jazz.Interviewer: Mmm.So plenty to do on a Saturday.Harry: Mmm.Interviewer: Uhm--What about Sunday? Harry: Well, on Sunday we get an enormous pile of newspapers delivered, and we just—er—sit in the garden over a cup of coffee,with maybe a continental breakfast and read the newspaper.Interviewer: Relax.Harry: Yea we have a nice quiet morning'cause er—you know you're working up to the most popular meal for the weekend which is brunch.Interviewer: That's—er—breakfast and lunch combined,right ? Harry: That's it.Brunch.It's a good time--It's time for all the family ,grandprents,and children ,and we--we usually go out to some restaurant that overlooks the ocean ,and you know ,you can spend two hours or more over brunch.It's a —it's a huge meal.You have all the breakfast things,of course ,and then you can also have all sorts of salads,“n”chicken ,“n”pies,fruit lots of fruit,it just goes on and on and on.Interviewer: Uhm--Are they expensive these places? Harry: No,no you pay a fixed prece maybe ,say ,seven dollars per person.and for that you get free champagne and you can eat as much as you like.Interviewer: Champagne!Harry: Yea ,it's wonderful.Interviewer: Oh,yes ,1 see ,uhm—what about Sunday evening then ? Harry: Well,Sunday evening we quiet down a bit.It's time to get ready for Monday.Another week.So we usually have an early night.Maybe watch a little television.We have 88week.So you can usually find something you like.Interviewer: 88?I'm sure you can.Oh,that's very interesting.Harry,thank you very much.Exercise :Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write Tor F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.F 1.Harry usually has busy weekends,(Harry usually has busy weekdays.So when the weekend comes they like to really let loose and have a good time.)T 2.Some people go to the bar on Friday nights partly because they can get cheap drinks.(They maybe go to a bar for the happy hour,that's when the drinks are half price.)T 3.Going to all-night parties used to be very popular in America.(---we go to bed early these days.You know ,it's not “in” to go to all-night parties any more---)T 4.More and more people don't have breakfast on Sundays now.(It's becoming more popular now to have brunch on Sundays.)T 5.Listening to some jazz will help one relax.(Bars in America are more like clubs.The music is free,and everything's very relaxed,and it's nice to just take in some jazz.)F 6.Harry usually goes to a theatre to watch a band.(Harry usually goes to watch a band not in a concert but in a bar.)T 7.They read more newspapers on Sunday than any other days of the week.(They get an enormous pile of newspapers delivered on Sundays.)T 8.Sometimes they just have a light breakfast on Sunday.(Sometimes they just sit in the garden over a cup of coffee,with maybe a continental breakfast.)

T 9.They usually spend long hours on brunch because they consider it a good time for family gathering.(Brunch is a good time for all the family ,grandparents,and children ,and they usually go out to some restaurant that overlooks the ocean ,and spend two hours or more over brunch.)T 10.There usually aren't many activities on Sunday evening.(Sunday evening they quiet down a bit.It's time to get ready for Monday.)Part2 Passages Passage 1 Football Pools(1)Football pools are a popular modern form of gambling on the results of football matches played in Great Britain.Usually the games are played every Saturday during the football season.They are organized by several large firms throughout the country.Each firm sends a e;coupon*to its clients.This coupon has a list of most of the important matches that are to be played on the following Saturday.Usually all the matches are likely to be drawn*,or four games likely to be won by the team playing away form its own ground.Each forecast costs from 6 pence to 1 pound.The penny pools ,of which most coupons usually have one ,are for from 6 pence to 1 pound.The penny pools ,of which most coupons usually have one,are for from 8 to 16 matches, the results of which all have to be forecast correctly.A chepue or a postal order must be sent with the forecast,or it will not win anything ,even if it is correct.Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.l.B 2.A.3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D Passage 2 Football Pools(2)The firms take a percentage ,probably varying from 10 to 20 per cent of the total money received ,before the winners are paid.As in all pool gambling, the fewer that are successful,the larger will be the sums they.For some years ,up to 1956 ,the pools firms agreed that should be the largest prize.But this agreement was broken ,and some people have won over 300000.The money won is lot taxed ,as it is a prize ,not earning.Instead,the government takes 30 per cent of the money which accompanies the forecasts.Other countries have football pools organized those in Britain.In Sweden the government organizes pools on the result of matches in Britain.Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.l.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B Prat3 News News Item 1 A judge in the territory of Puerto Rico * has dropped charges against Domingo Otario,one of 7 Cuban exiles*accused of plotting to kill Cuban President Fidel Castro.However ,federal judge Acto Lafato refused to dismiss charges against the other six men.They are accused of plotting to kill Mr Castro when he attended a conference in Venezuela*two years ago.Exercise A : Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.The news item is about the decision on 7 Cuban exiles from a judge in the territory of Puerto Rico.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and complete the following passage with the information you get from the tape.A judge in the territory of Puerto Rico has dropped charges against Domingo Otario,one of 7Cuban exiles accused of plotting to kill Cuban President Fidel Castro.However, federal judge Acto Lafato refused to dismiss charges against the other six men.News Item 2 Prisoners are rioting* in more than 12 prisons in the state of Sao Paulo*.Police in Sao Paulo City have gathered outside the nation's largest prison where the worst rioting is taking place.Thousands of prisoners at Carandiru prison ized guards and civilia say the prisoners have 1000 hostages.News report says that number may be more than 5000.Prisoners in at least 14 other Sao Paulo's state prisons began to riot and take hostages as the revolt*started in Carandiru.It is not known if anyone at those prisons has been hurt.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.The news item tells us that prisoners are rioting in more than 12 prisons in the state of Sao Paulo.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T or F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.F 1.The rioting takes place in the state of Rio de Janeiro.(The rioting takes place in the state of Sao Paulo.)F 2.The prisoners seized guards at the start of family visiting hours.(The prisoners seized guards and civilians at the start of family visiting hours.)F 3.It is estimated that the prisoners have 5000 hostages.(Security offcials say the prisoners prisoners have 1000 hostages.News report says that number may be more than 5000)T 4.Prisoners in other prisons took action at the same time when rioting began in Carandiru.T 5.No one knows whether anyone has been injured in the incident.News Item 3 Kidnappers have released 7 foreign oil workers in exchange for 13 million dollars.The hostages were freed Thursday near the border with Colombia

about 300 kilometres from the Capital Quito*.They had been held for 4months.The hostages included one Argentinean ,one Chilean ,one New Zealander and 4 Americans.The 7 were among 10 hostages kidnapped from an oil camp by members of an armed group in October.Two French oil workers escaped a few days later.Another hostage was found shot to death in January after his employer to pay the kidnappers money.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.Kidnappers have released 7 foreign oil workers in exchange for 13 million dollars.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.l.D 2.D 3.B 4.A Section Three Oral Work Part 1 Questions and Answers A: What's your car like ? B: Very nice ¡It's not new of course.A: Where did you buy it ? B: Grey stone Garages.A: Really!When? B: Yesterday.A: Yesterday!Really?How much did you pay ? B: Don't ask-850.A: Mm.Not very cheap.What's it like ? B: Well.it's rather small.A: Yes.B: And it's red.A: Yes.B: And a radio.A: Yes.And how old is it ? B: Five years old.A: And what make is it ? B: An Austin.A: Really!Can I see it? B: Of course.Here,it's in my garage.A: Hey!That's my old car!I sold it to Greystone Garages the day before yesterday for 600.My cheap old car is your expensive new one.Don't ask me what it's like-I can't tell you!Exercise A: Listen to the dialogue and then answer some questions about it.You will hear the dialogue and the question only once.Answer each question with a complete sentence after you have heard it.Questions: 1.What's the car like ?(It's a small red car.It's has got blue seats and a radio.)2.Is it new ?(No ,it's not a new car.)3.How old is it?(It's five years old.)4.Where did the man buy it?(Greystone Garages.)5.When did he buy it ?(He bought it yesterday.)6.How much did he pay?(He paid 850.)7.What make is it ?(It is an Austin.)8.How much did the woman sold it for ?(She sold it for 600.)Part 2 Retelling One day Mr and Mrs Brown went up to London to do some shopping.Mr Brown bought an old book written by an author who was famous in the last century.He liked it very much ,but Mrs Brown was unhappy as she thought the old books he had bought made her house look dirty.After they finished shopping ,they caught the train back to the seaside town where they lived.Much to their surprise ,on the train they met an old neighbor whom they had not seen for years.Their neighbor was a great talker.He would talk for hours if he got the opportunity.However, he happened to notice the book which Mr Brown had bought.He asked Mr Brown how much he had paid for it.Mr Brown told him it cost only a few shillings.The man said he was lucky : the book was a rare edition and was worth several pounds.Exercise A: Listen to the passage and then retell it in your own words.You will hear the passage only once.Section Four Supplementary Exercises Part 1 Listening Comprehension Many crops are used far from where they are grown.Commodity markets guarantee the successful movement of crops and other products from seller to buyer.The Kansas City Board of Trade is one of the oldest and largest commodity markets in the United States.It first opened in Kansas City, Many are wearing bright-colored clothing.The colors represent trading companies.The trading area has eight sides and a series of steps.Traders stand on the steps so they can be seen.All trades must be completed in the trading area.Kansas City is in the center of where America's wheat is grown.The area's main crop is a kind of wheat called hard red winter wheat.Sheila Summers is an official with the Board of Trade.She says the Board sets the price for hard red winter wheat throughout the United States.She says that price affects wheat markets around the world.Natural gas ,soy bean oil and other agricultural products also are traded on the Kansas City Board of Trade.Anyone can buy or sell agreements, or contracts, on the exchange.They do this by placing orders with commodity brokers.These agents then give the orders to the traders.Commodity trades often traders contracts for crops that will be ready at a future date.These are called commodity futures.Futures trading helps to reduce the risk of sharp price increases or decreases.lt also helps to guarantee at least some profit for the trader.Traders say the Board of Trade provides a secure market for American wheat growers and traders.They say that having a lot of trades helps to guarantee fail prices.However ,they add that trading is never completely without risk.Wheat production worldwide affects wheat prices and the number of trades completed at the Kansas City Board of Trade.Last month ,the exchange set a January record when almost 17000 contracts for hard red winter wheat were traded in one day.Traders say the record was a result of lower wheat production in the United States and other areas »including Argentina ,Australia , China ,and India.Exercise : Listen to the following passage carefully and answer the questions.1.What is the Kansas City Board of Trade?(It is one of the oldest and largest commodity markets in the United States.)2.How long is its history?(It has a history for about one hundred and twenty years.)3.What are the men on the Kansas City Board of Trade doing ?(They are shouting and waving at each other.)4.What kind of clothing are they wearing ?(They are wearing bright-colored clothing.)5.What do the colors represent?(The colors represent trading companies.)6.What's the trading area like ?(It has eight sides and a series of steps.)7.What products are traded on the Kansas City Board of Trade?(Wheat,natural gas ,soy bean oil and other agricultural products.)8.How do people make a deal ?(They place orders with commodity brokers who give the orders to the trades.)Part 2 Oral Work Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning ?Do you sometimes oversleep? Are you often late for work or school ?Yes ? Then Hiroyuki Sugiyama of Japan has a special bed for you.Hiroyuki's bed will get you up in the morning!Here is how it works: The bed is connected to an alarm clock.First ,the alarm clock rings.You have a few minutes to wake up.Next ,a tape recorder in the bed plays soft music or other pleasant sounds.The tape recorder in Hiroyuki's bed plays a recording of his girlfriend.She whispers in a sweet voice,“Wake up ,darling ,please.”A few minutes later ,a second recording plays ,The second recording can be loud music or unpleasant sounds.Hiroyuki hears a recording of his boss.His boss shouts,“Wake up immediately ,or you'll be late!” If you don't get up after the second recording ,you '11 be sorry.A mechanical“foot”is in the bed.The mechanical foot kicks you in the head.Then the bed waits a few more minutes.What!You're still in bed!Slowly ,the top of the bed rises higher and higher.The foot of the bed goes lower and lower.Finally ,the bed is vertical.You slide off the bed and onto the floor.You are awake and out of bed.Exercise: Listen to the passage and then give your opinion on the following topics.1.Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning ? 2.What do you think of the idea of Hiroyuki's bed? Do you think there are other better ways to wake you up in the morning ?

Unit 15 Section 1 Tactics for listening Part 1 Phonetics Exercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape.Pay special attention to the weak forms , link-ups and contractions.Susan: Oh ,no!That was the last bus homelAnd we've missed it!Michael: Well,let's walk ••• It's a nice , warm evening.Susan:lt's four miles!It's too far for me to walk.Call a taxi!Michael: A taxi!My name isn'tRockefeller!We aren't rich enough to travel everywhere by taxi.Susan: Michael!You've forgotten something!Michael: What? Susan: We've got three suitcases.Do you really want to walk? Michael: OK—OK—Taxi!Part 2 Listening and Note-taking On Mondays we have English ,Religion, Art and Music.On Tuesdays we have English,Maths,and double Geography.On Wednesday we have Maths, Art, Religion and Sport.On Thursdays we have History , Maths, Geography, and Sport.On Fridays we have English, Maths, Music and History.Exercise A:Listen to the passage and take notes.Exercise B:Complete the following chart.Monday Tuesday Wednesday English English

Thursday Friday English

Maths History Religion Maths Art Maths Maths Art Geography Religion Geography Music Music Geography Sport Sport History

Section 2 Listening Comprehension Part 2 Dialogues

Dialogue 1 looking for a house Paul Mark is at work.TAPESCRIPT Paul Mack is at work.He is talking to a colleague who also lives on the Linden estate.Brian: what are you going to do , Paul ? Paul: I'm not true.Susan likes it here and doesn't want to moves, but I think we'll have to.What about you? Brain: Oh yes, we're leaving.We're putting the house up for sale tomorrow.Paul: But will anyone want to buy it now? Brain: I don't know, but I'm going to ask for a reasonable price.I'd rather lose a litter now than a fortune later.Paul: I think you're right.I'm going to have another chat with Susan Are you and Viv doing anything this evening? Brian: We're looking at a house in Aston Road at half past six.Paul: What about later? Brian: I don't think we're doing anything.why? Paul: Why don't you come round for supper and we can all talk about it ? It might make Susan change her mind.Brian: Thanks very much.I'll do my best.What time shall we come ? Paul: Is eight o'clock right? Brian: Fine.Paul: I won't be long.I'm just going to phone Susan to let her know.Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T or F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.T 1.Both of them want to leave the Linden estate.T 2.Brian is going to see his house.(Brian :-we re putting the house up for sale tomorrow.)F 3.If nobody offers a reasonable price now, Brian would rather wait till a later time.(Brian still would rather sell it now.Brian: ••• I'm going to ask for a reasonable price.I'd rather lose a little now than a fortune later.)T 4.Brian has already found a house that they would like to have a look at it.(Brian: we're looking at a house in Aston Road at half past six.)T 5.Paul is determined to leave.C Paul: Why don't you come round for supper and we can all talk about it ? It might make Susan change her mind.)T 6.There are some attractions living there.likes it here and doesn't want to move.)Dialogue 2 The Ghost TAPESCRIPT Heather: Oh, I do feel tired.Let's just sit down for a few minutes before we go on..Jenny: No, come on.Let's go home.I get the creeps*-what was that noise? Heather: I don't know.Probably an old torn cat on the prowl*.Jenny: I'm not so sure.I thought I saw a big shadow moving over there.Heather: Then I expect it was either a very big pussycat* or a tiny white tiger.Jenny: Look!Over there •••by the tree-•-a white shape!Heather: Oh, come on-you'll be telling me that it's a ghost next!You must be seeing the moon-light reflected through the tree brances.Jenny: What about Victoria and Tom Howard? ley both saw the ghost of a Roman soldier in a cellar in York last year.Heather: Yes-through the bottom of a bottleL.er— wait a minute!What was that noise? Jenny: Over there!Look--it's an old woman gathering sticks.Heather: Yes.but we can see right through her---let's get out of here.Jenny: Heather, wait for me!Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T or F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.T 1.Jenny didn't want to stop because she was scared.(Jenny:--let's go home.I get the creeps in this place at night, and anything can happen here.)T 2.Heather believed probably there was a cat nearby.(Heather: — Probably an old torn cat on the prowl--Then I expect it was either a very big pussycat or a tiny white tiger.)T 3.The surroundings reminded Jenny of those frightening stories.C Jenny:--Let's go home--.You hear so many creepy stories.)F 4.Jenny got to know the ghost story of a Roman soldier from a book.(Jenny got to know the ghost story of a Roman soldier probably from her friends.Jenny: What about Victoria and Tom Howard? They both saw the ghost of a Rome soldier in a cellar in York last year.)F 5.Heather thought the ghost of a Roman soldier might be true.(When Jenny told him the ghost story of a Roman soldier ,what he said sounds ironical.Heather : Yes-through the bottle of a bottle!)F 6.Heather wanted to get out of there because he didn't want to disturb the old woman.(Heather wanted to get out of there because he believed the old woman he saw must be a ghost!Jenny: Over there!Look--it's an old woman gathering sticks.Heather: Yes---but we can see right through her--let's get out of here!)Part 2 Passages Passage 1 Culture shock TARSCRIPT

Each year, several thousands of people visit the United States for work, studies, business, pleasure and a myriad other reasons.If you have come to the United States or are coming to the United States to stay for an extended period of time , you are probably hoping to making new friends and learn about the culture-every thing from attitudes and beliefs to social customs.However, constantly having to deal with new situations can be , even stressful.The term “culture shock” is used to describe the anxiety produced when a person moves to a new environment.It can be compared to home sickness.When you visit a new place, you are forced to meet your everyday needs, like food and language, in a totally new and different way.Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.l.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B passage2 Part 3 News News stem 1 TAPESCRIPT In economic news, Turkish officials have begun talks with the International Monetary Fund in an effort to deal with a financial crisis..The Turkish lira has lost about 40% of its value in the past two days after the government ended exchange rate controls.A government spokesman says Turkey will have to increase its expected inflation rate for the year.The crisis began Monday when Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer accused Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit of failing to deal with official wrongdoing.Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.A financial crisis happens in Turkey.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and complete the following blanks with the information you get the tape.Currency deterioration: The Turkish lira has lost about 40% of its value.Measures to take : Turkey will have to increase its expected information rate for the year.The beginning of the crisis: Turkey President accuses Prime Minister of falling to deal with official wrongdoing.News Stem2 TAPESCRPT President Bush will soon present his plan to cut federal taxes.He will make his tax cut and budget proposals in a speech to Congress at two hours universal time.Mr Bush will propose to reduce taxes by 1,600,000 million dollars.He says financial aid for his tax cut plan would come partly from expected budget surplusea over the next 10 years.Mr Bush will also propose to increase spending on health care and education.The President also wants to increase military pay.Opposition Democrats have criticized Mr bush's tax reduction plan.They say it is too big and helps wealthy Americans most.Exercise A: Listen to the item and complete the following summary.President Bush will soon present his plan to cut federal taxes.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T or F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.F 1.President Bush will only make his tax cut proposals in a speech to Congress at two hours universal time.(He will also propose to increase spending on health care and education.)F 2.Mr Bush will propose to reduce taxes by 1,600 million dollars.(Bush will propose to reduce taxes by 1,600,000 million dollars.)T 3.Spending on health care, education and national defense will be increased.F 4.Democrats support Mr Bush's tax reduction plan.(Opposition Democrats have criticized Mr Bush' tax reduction plan.)News Stem 3 TAPESCRIPT The administration of President Clinton says it would need more information before it would support new loans to Russia from the

International Monetary Fund.Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers said the Clinton administration policy an new loans would depend on the results of investigation.He spoke to the newspaper USA Today.His comment follows reports of wrongful use of loan money involving top government and business leader in Russia.R us tan Foreign Minister Ignor Ivanov says western news stories have been damaging his country by reporting accusations that are not proven.Exercise A;Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.The news item tells us Clinton administration delays its its decision on new loans to Russia from the International Monetary Fund.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and complete the following blanks the information Monetary Fund.1.The Clinton administration policy on new loans would depend on the results of investigations.2.Mr Clinton's comment follows reports of wrongful use of loan money involving top government and business leader in Russia.3.Russian Foreign Minister argues that the accusations from the Western World are not proven.Section Three Oral Work Part 1 Questions and Answers TAPESCRIPT Connie and Ann are having tea together.Connie: Guess who I met yesterday.Ann: Thomas.Connie: Oh.Did somebody tell you ? Ann: No.Connie;I can't imagine how you guessed, then.Ann: Well, you told me he was back from Canada, you know.Connie: Oh, did I? yes, he got back three days ago.Ann: And have you found out what he's been doing over there? Connie: He's told me all about it.Ann: Come on , then , you tell me.Connie: Well, you know he wanted to try an open-air life, but he couldn't decide whether he should be a cowboy or a lumberjack.Ann: So what did he do? Connie;First of all, he got a job as a cowboy , but he wasn't very good at Ann: Oh, why not? Connie: Well, for one thing, he could never remember which horse was his.Ann: That certainly sounds like Thomas.Once he forgot which girl he'd taken to a dance.Connie: I know, I was the girl.Anyhow, he wasn't a very good rider, either.The horse could never understand where he wanted to go.Ann: Oh yes,.That must have been awkward.Connie: Yes, he often got completely lost.Ann: So I suppose he began to wonder if he'd better be a lumberjack instead? Connie: yes, that's right.Ann: And that's what he said , Was he any more successful? Connie: Well, not really.You see he kept forgetting how dangerous the work was.Ann: So what happened? Connie: He cut down a large tree and didn't realise which way it would fall.Ann: Oh dear.Was he badly hurt? Connie: Only a broken leg.But while he was in hospital, he made up his mind what he really wanted to do.Ann: Oh good.What is it? Connie: He decided to come back to England and look after me , so we're getting married next month.Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and then answer some question about it.You will hear the dialogue and the questions only once.Answer each question with a complete sentence after you have heard it.1.What has Connie found out?(She's found out what Tomas has been doing over there.)2.What couldn't Thomas decide?(He couldn't decide whether he should be a cowboy or a lumberjack.)3.What could Thomas never remember when he was a cowboy?(He could never remember which horse was his.)4.What did Thomas once forget?(He once forget which girl he'd taken to a dance.)5.What couldn't the horse understand?(It couldn't understand where he wanted to go.)6.What did Thomas begin to wonder then?(He began to wonder if he'd better be a lumberjack instead.)7.What didn't Thomas realize when he cut down a large tree?(He didn't realize which way the tree would fall.)8.What did Thomas do while be was in hospital?(He made up his mind what he really wanted to do.)Part 2 Retelling TAPESCRIPT In the United States, gifts by a company or person to a charity which is approved by the government can be used to reduce the company's or the person's tax.This is, of course, to encourage people to give money to charities.One day the secretary of a world-famous charity received a telephone call from a tax officer.The officer said, “ A certain gentleman who says that his name is Howard Vine claims to have given your society $ 15,000 in gifts last year.I am telephoning to find out whether he did in fact do so.” “ Did you say that his name was Howard Vine?” answered the secretary of the charity carefully.“Wait a moment , please.I'll have a look in our records.” After half a minute, the tax officer heard the secretary's voice again.Mr Howard Vine hasn't given us $ 15,000 yet ,“ the secretary said delightedly, ” but he's going to now!“ Exercise: Listen to the passage and then retell it in your own words.You will hear the passage only once.Section Four Supplementary Exercises Part 1 Listening Comprehension TAPESCRIPT Americans celebrate Valentine's Day each year on February fourteenth.It is named for Samint Valentine, an early Christian churchman who reportedly helped young lovers.Valentine was executed for his Christian beliefs on February fourteenth, more than 1,700 years ago.The idea of a day for lovers is even older than that.The ancient Romans celebrated such a holiday more than 2,000 years ago.So Valentine's Day has been special day for people in love for a very long time.What do Americans do on Valentine's Day? They send cards and gifts such as flowers and candy.They may go out to an eating place for a special meal.Sometimes a man will propose marriage to the woman he loves on Valentine's Day.The music of love is also important on that day.One song attempts to describe love.It was written for a movie of the same name more than forty years ago.It is called ” Love Is A Many Splendored Thing." Sung here by Andy Williams.Exercise: Listen to the passage and complete the following outlines with the information you get from the tape.The Background Information about Valentine's Day: Valentine's Day is a special day for people in love.The holiday is on February fourteenth.It is named for Saint Valentine who was an early Christian churchman.He was executed more than 1,700 years ago for his Christian beliefs on February fourteenth.How Do Americans Celebrate Valentine's Day: They send cards and gifts such as flowers and candy.They may go out to an eating place for a special meal.Sometimes a man will ask a woman he loves to marry him.Part 2 Oral Work TAPESCRIPT A description of the piano was in the letter.Mr Brody read the description very carefully and decided to mail the company $10 for the piano.Two months later Mr Brody received a box in the mail.It was his piano!He opened the box and found pieces of newspaper.He reached through the newspapers,...and reached---and reached.Finally, he felt something small and hard.He pulled out his piano.The piano was made of plastic and it was only five inches by two inches.It had 13 tiny buttons.When Mr Brody pushed the buttons, the piano made a beeping sound.The piano costs $ 1.99 in most stores.Exercise: Listen to the passage and then give your opinion on the following topics.1.Could you resist a temptation like this? 2.What advice will you give to people like Mr Brody?



:初级汉语综合课 使用教材:《汉语教程》(杨寄洲主编,北京语言大学出版社,2009年)第一册(上)教师


教学对象:3班,零起点马来人与原住民大专生23人 课时 :共2课时(110分钟)

时间 :2010年8月10日上午8:00-9:50 课题 :第二课 汉语不太难



(一)教学内容 1.语音:



3.汉字11个:太、汉、语、吗、妈、爸、很、忙、他、她、难 4.表达2种功能的句子:(1)问候:你忙吗?(2)询问:汉语难吗? 5.课文















 教师读出拼音,要求学生辨别声调。教师念出“妈、大、口、好、白、不”等字,学生必须回答是“第一声”或“第二声”或“第三声”或“第四声”(可用母语回答)。教师纠错时,以手势来加强学生对声调的认知。2.复习前课的生词:

 教师出示生词卡片,学生认读。3.复习第一课的课文内容:

 教师走近学生,向几位学生个别说出“你好”,学生则须回应“你好”。


1.学习韵母an、en、ang、eng、ong  教师板书以上韵母,教师领读→学生跟读→学生齐读→学生个别读→教师正音。教师向学生指出发音后三个韵母时,会感觉气流从鼻腔过。

 教师把拼音卡的一些声母置于板书的韵母旁,让学生读出音节。操作如下:

b + an = ban en = ben ang = bang p + an = pan m + ang = mang f + ang = fang ong = fong d + ong = dong n + eng = neng g + en = gen an = gan















(四)小结并布置作业(10 分钟)








第四篇:中级汉语听力教程 教案:第六课




中级汉语听力教材 二.使用教材




2.课文:约270字的一篇关于女性称呼内容的文章。3.习题:课后练习一、二、三。五.教学目标 1.认知领域:








帮助学生继续自觉运用学习策略,通过个别化学习引导和培养学生的自主学习意识,通过小组学习体会合作学习的长处。六.教学重点和难点 1.词汇



1.课堂按照“生词—看题— 听题—做题—核对”顺序,循序渐进。2.运用直观手段,使用多媒体辅助教学。3.讲练结合,精讲多练,听说领先。八.教学时间 全课共一课,约两节课时,约90分钟完成 九.教具

媒体类:图片、动画、视频 十.教学步骤





(5)听第三遍,复述课文,浏览ppt文本(6)总结本课内容 6.布置作业(2分钟)(1)完成补充练习(2)预习第七课 7.板书设计

第五篇:中级汉语听力教程 教案:第一课




中级汉语听力教材 二.使用教材



1.生词:5个,包括名词2个,动词1个,形容词2个,副词1个。2.课文:约280字的一篇关于夫妻两谁的耳朵有问题的内容的文章。3.习题:课后练习一、二、三。五.教学目标 1.认知领域:








帮助学生继续自觉运用学习策略,通过个别化学习引导和培养学生的自主学习意识,通过小组学习体会合作学习的长处。六.教学重点和难点 1.词汇



1.课堂按照“生词—看题— 听题—做题—核对”顺序,循序渐进。2.运用直观手段,使用多媒体辅助教学。3.讲练结合,精讲多练,听说领先。八.教学时间

全课共一课,约两节课时,约90分钟完成 九.教具

媒体类:图片、动画、视频 十.教学步骤





(5)听第三遍,复述课文,浏览ppt文本(6)总结本课内容 6.布置作业(2分钟)(1)完成补充练习(2)预习第二课 7.板书设计



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