十一五上外版英语专业综合教程 1 unit 16 教案

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第一篇:十一五上外版英语专业综合教程 1 unit 16 教案

Unit 6 1.Teaching Aims:

1)adverbial clauses introduced by “when, before, since, until, etc.” 2)verb tense: present perfect progressive.3)how to do an interview.4)asking for and giving information.5).taking about hobbies 2.Teaching Contents& Time Allocation: 1)Language structures & Practice(1 hour)2)Dialogue I & Dialogue II(2 hours)3)Text I &Text II(2 hours)4)Exercises(1 hour)3.Teaching Procedures:

1st session Language Structure Practice 1.Read the sentences on the top, and try to find out the similarity among them: They are adverbial clauses introduced by “when, before, since, until, etc.Examples: I’ll wait until you give us the answer.They have accepted the offer before we sent them the second letter.I’ve been studying English since I entered this university.My sister called when I was reading the novel.II.Teaching Procedures 1.Warm-up activities---asking about the autumn/ spring sports meeting.Ask the students to answer the following questions.Try to encourage them to answer in

complete sentences.After that, summarize the answers and point out that most of them can be made by adverbial clauses.1)Do you know when we’ll have our autumn/spring sports meeting? 2)Do you mean that we won’t have our autumn/spring sports meeting until we’ve had our midterm exams? 3)What events will you sign up for when we have the sports meeting? 4)When did you begin to get interested in the high jump/ the long jump, etc? 5)You have been an athlete since you were a middle school student, haven’t you? 6)Have you been playing football/ volleyball since you were at middle school?(For more words on sports, please refer to attachment: vocabulary 1—Individual sports)2.Listen to the tape and fill in the gaps of the given examples.3.Substitutive practice Use the cues on the textbook and make up dialogue in pairs.4.Language points: 1)You’ll see John when you go to Beijing next week.“When” is used to introduce time adverbial, and a simple present is used to show future action.It’s true in time adverbial clauses which introduced by “as, after, before, as soon as, until:”

Note: the differences of time adverbial introduced by “ when, while, as” “When” indicates a time pot or a period of time.When he entered the living room, I was watching TV.“As” indicates the process.As he grew older, he became more intelligent.“While” indicates a period of time.While I was in New York, I studied music.2)Will you go to see him before you leave? 3)I’ve been playing the piano since I was a child.have been doing sth.---the present prefect progressive.This tense emphasizes the continuousness of the action.Tom has been missing from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety.For sometime now, world leaders have been pointing out the necessity to fight against terrorism.4)present prefect progressive Example: John looks sun-burnt.You ask:(you/ sit in the sun?)Have you been sitting in the sun? a.You have just arrived to meet a friend who is waiting for you.You ask:(you/ wait/ long?)b.You meet a friend in the street.His face and hands are very dirty.You ask:(what/ you/ do?)c.A friend of yours is now living in Wuhan.You want to know “how long…” You ask:(how long/ you/ live/ in Wuhan?)d.A friend tells you about his job---he sells computers.You want to know “how long…?” You ask:(how long/ you / sell/ computers?)5)He won’t arrive till four, and I’ll wait until he arrives.The first “until” is a preposition, and the second one is conjunction used to introduce time adverbial clause.5.Background knowledge----Moliere 莫里哀(1622---1673)Penname of Jean Baptiste Poquelin, French satirical playwright from whom modern French comedy developed.One of the founders of the Illustre Theatre, he was later its leading actor.In 1665 he wrote his first play L’Etourdi(The Saucebox), followed by Les Precieuses Ridicules(The Precious Young Maidens, 1659).His satires include L’Ecole des Femmes(The Schools for Wives, 1662), Le Misanthrope(The Misanthrope, 1666), Le Bourgeois Gentihomme(The Bourgeois Gentleman, 1670), and Le Malade Imaginaire(The Imaginary Invalid, 1673).莫里哀为笔名,他是法国的讽刺戏剧大师,现代戏剧的创始人。1643年他与人合作创立了“荣耀剧团”,后成为该团的主要演员。1665年创作了第一部剧作《冒失鬼》,后有《可笑的女才子》(1659)。他的主要讽刺剧有《太太学堂》(1662),《愤世嫉俗》(1666),《贵人迷》(1670)和《没病装病》(1673)。

2nd session Dialogue 1 I.Led-in questions: 1.What is an interview? 2.What questions are usually asked in an interview? 3.Is Lu Ying an experienced amateur actress? Why do you think so? 4.Why is an experienced actor/ actress sometimes overcome by stage fright? 5.When a reporter is interviewing someone, how does he/she begin and end? 2.Brief introduction to dialogue 1 A reporter from Pujiang Weekly came to interview Miss Liu for her wonderful performance at the English evening.The questions first focus on the acting experiences of Liu: when she started to develop an interest in acting, when she first stood on the stage, and when she first acted full-length plays.The reporter then expresses the positive reaction and praise made by the audience and asks about her plan for the future in acting.3.Listen to the tape.And answer the following questions: 1)What is the interview about?(The interview is about the performance of the girl in the English evening.)2)Who are the two speakers?(They are interviewer and interviewee.)3)Can you repeat some of the questions being asked?(Refer to the text.)4)How to ask and answer questions in interview?(Ask the students what might be asked in the interview and how to answer them.Use their imagination as much as possible.)4.Conversational strategies

a.Congratulations---Congratulations, Miss Liu.Congratulations on winning the football game.Many, many congratulations on your graduation.(Informal)It was great to hear about your recent promotion.Well done, Philips!(Formal)Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.I’d like to be the first to congratulate you.b.self-introduction---I’m a reporter from Pujiang Weekly of the university.Excuse me.I don’t believe we’ve met.I’m Alice of Class 3.(Informal): Hello.John Smith of ABC Company.Hello.I’m Morris Keats from XX news agency.(Formal): How do you do? My name’s Steven Smith.Allow me to introduce myself: Jenny Heywood, an engineer from X-rox.First let me introduce myself: David Emory, director of the English Department.c.compliments---You really made a hit at the English Evening yesterday.The whole college of foreign languages was impressed and everyone was talking about your acting.How lucky you are.I must say the soup is really very good.(Informal)I love your coat.I’ve got to hand it to you: you really did a good job.(Formal)I really must express my admiration for your competence.I think you deserve the highest praise.d.asking for permission in a polite way---I hope you won’t mind me asking you a few questions about you stage life.I hope you don’t mind, but wouldn’t it be possible for me to type a letter here? Is there any objection if we go back to the previous subject? e.asking if somebody is interested in something---When did you start to develop an interest in acting.Are you interested in detective stories? Is music your chief interest?(Informal)Are you a film fan?

Are you keen on photography at all? f.asking about feelings---When you stood on the stage for the first time in your life, how do you feel?(Adjectives expressing feelings: nervous, frightful, alarmed, annoyed, calm, puzzled, confused, sad, etc.)How do you feel when you came to Wuhan for the first time? g.taking up a point---But there’s no reason to believe that you suffered from any degree of stage fright yesterday.It’s interesting you should say so, because I’m looking forward to the summer holiday there.To go back to what you were saying about inflation, I’m not surprised at the way prices has risen.h.asking for ideas about future---How do you view the prospects of your amateur acting career when you graduate from the university? Do you plan to apply for the position? Do you mean to postpone the appointment?(Informal)Are you thinking of meeting friends?(Formal)Do you have any intention of learning German language? 5.Language Points 1)You really made a hit at the English Evening yesterday.make a hit---(performance)achieve success;become popular;(inform)make a favorable impression on sb.2)The Editorial Board of the Pujiang Weekly is interested in how you manage to do so well both as a performing artist and as a foreign language student.“how” is used to introduce an objective clause of “in”

Is there anything wrong in how she behaviors? 3).I hope you won’t mind me asking you a few questions about mind doing sth.: It is often used in interrogative, negative and conditional sentence.The answer for this is “No, not at all.” or “Yes, I do mind.”

Would you mind changing seat with me? 4).I don’t think I did as well as I had expected.as well as : in the same manner that… It is used to introduce an adverbial clause of function She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.5).As soon as I entered primary school, I volunteered on every occasion to play a role in children’s play.volunteer v.give or offer(help, suggestion, etc.)willingly or without being paid She volunteered(her services)for relief work.n.person who offers to do sth.without being compelled or paid volunteers to run the Christmas show occasion n.opportunity on one occasion;take occasion to

play a role: play the role of;play an important role in

6).But as far as I can remember, I didn’t seem to experience what is called “stage fright”.as far as: ①to the extent that

As far as I can see, that’s highly impossible.②the same distance as

We didn’t go as far as the others.What is called “stage fright”.This is a objective clause introduced by “what”, and “stage fright” is the subjective complement.Dialogue II---Asking for and Giving Information 1.In this part, students should:

---get familiar with the expressions in the box(page 65), and then make up dialogues according to the information given.---read the dialogue and practice in pairs.---make up dialogues according to the situations on page 66.2.Tips for practice: You are in Shanghai People’s Park and you meet a foreign teacher from Great Britain there at the English Speaking Corner.You are eager to practice your English and you ask him some questions about himself.Example: A: Lovely weather, isn’t it? B: Yes, it is.A: Excuse me.Where are you from? B: I’m from London, England.A: I see from your badge that you are a teacher here.B: Yes, that’s right.A: That’s very interesting.How long have you been here? B: Almost one year.A: Oh, quite a long time.And how long will you stay? B: About two years.Probably a little longer.A: Do you like Shanghai? B: Yes, of course.But the Shanghai accent is difficult to understand.A: Oh, you speak Chinese!How long have you been learning it? B: I started learning it in the university six years ago.3.Conversational strategies: Information---Asking for information Can you tell me something about it? Could anyone tell me who was here a moment ago? Excuse me, do you know how to play bridge?(Informal)Any clue?

Get any idea?

Happen to know his name?(Formal)Could I ask who is in charge of the matter?

Do you work in a bank, if you don’t mind my asking?

I should be interested to know the fact.Information---how to reply: expressing knowledge of something Have you heard that Mr.Hilton is to give a lecture next Wednesday? Yes.I’ve heard that he’s coming.I’m afraid I don’t know.When did you start this program? Since I entered this school.4.More practice: Ask the students to do role-play in pairs.One of them is the interviewer, and the other is the interviewee.They choose the topic freely.3rd session Reading 1 1.Analyze the text:

This text is a piece of expository writing.It gives an introduction of stamps and postage stamps.First it tells us the two kinds of stamps.Then it tells the history of revenue and tax stamps in different countries.The last part deals with the history of postage stamps.Definition, classification, clarification and illustration are used in it.Para 1: 1st sentence gives definition of stamp.2nd&3rd sentence give classification of stamps(postage stamps and other kind of stamps)4th &5th sentence illustrate the third sentence with two examples(revenue stamps and tax stamps)Para 2&3: further illustrate “stamps used for a variety of official purposes)with more examples: government stamps, internal revenue stamps, war savings stamps and ration stamps Para 4&5: the history of postage stamp is clarified by a lot of facts and details.On the whole, we can see that all the examples, details and facts are in the logical order.The accuracy of the text can be shown by the specific time of each fact and the clarity of the words and sentences.2.Questions on the text a.Led-in questions:

1)What is a stamp? Can you give a definition to it? 2)How many types of stamps do you know? 3)What is the main function of the stamps?(In this part, the students are encouraged to answer the question out of their own knowledge on stamps.The teacher don’t have to correct them for their mistakes.After that, the students are given three minutes to read the text.)b.questions on the text(All the answers can be found from the text.)1)What is a stamp? What is it used for? Can you name some kinds of stamps in the world? 2)Do you know which country was the first to use stamps? 3)Have you heard the story about the stamp was invented? 4)Do you collect stamps? If yes, how did you develop an interest in it? 5)What can you lean from stamps? 6)Which kind of stamps is the most familiar to people everywhere? What is it function? 7)Who were called the father of the postage stamp? Why were they so called? 8)When and where did the first postage stamps appear? 3.Language points 1).A stamp is a small piece of paper, printed with an official emblem, design, or monarch’s head relating to the country of issue.i.relating to: to connect with sb./sth.Here it is a present participle phrase used as attributive to modify the noun “head”.Wealth is seldom related to happiness.ii.issue n.the act of circulating, distributing, or publishing by an office or official group government issue of new banknotes 2)Revenue stamps are affixed to deeds and other documents as proof that the government tax or fee has been paid.revenue stamp: a stamp affixed to an item as proof that a government tax has been paid.revenue officer;revenue tax;annual revenue;internal revenue.deed n.a document sealed as an instrument oh bond, contract, or conveyance, especially relating to property

mortgage deed抵押契据;title deed(法律用于)地契、土地证;to transfer by means of deed立契转让

3)Some states raise money by imposing taxes on liquor, cigarettes, and other luxuries and require that tax stamps be placed on the packages.raise: to gather together;collect

raise money to help poor neighbor impose on/upon: ①to establish or apply as compulsory;levy

New duties were imposed on import goods.②place(sth.unwelcome or unpleasant)on sb/sth

She imposed her idea on the group.③ win a favor from sb, esp by using undue pressure

I hope it’s not imposing on your hospitality, but could I stay to dinner? require that tax stamps be placed on the packages.=require the tax should be placed… It’s a way of using subjunctive mood.The verbs can be used in this structure are: command, demand, insist, propose, prefer, urge, suggest, advise, decide, ask, etc.which have the meaning of asking or suggesting.e.g.I suggest we open a company.4)Adhesive postage stamps afford such a simple and effective means of collecting fees for the transmission of postal matter that it is hard to believe that they are of relatively recent invention.such… that… c.f.so… that

such + noun + that: You are such a smart boy that nobody will cheat you.So + adjective + that: It’s so cold that I put on my coat.5)Issued by Great Britain, these first stamps were the penny black and the two pence blue stamp, each bearing the likeness of the young Queen Victoria.“each bearing the likeness of the young Queen Victoria” is the absolute structure 6)He inaugurated the penny post, which included a uniform domestic postal rate based on weight rather than distance covered and on payment of postage by the sender instead of by the receiver.uniform a.conforming to one principle, standard, or rule base on/upon: use sth.as evidence, grounds, etc.fro sth.else I based my hopes on the good news we had yesterday.Direct taxation is usually based on income.rather than: in preference to;instead of It’s management that’s at fault rather than the work-force.I think I’ll have a cold drink rather than coffee.4.Background Knowledge 1)The British Act of 1765

Passed by English Parliament in 1765.It was the first direct tax ever levied by English Parliament upon America.The act placed a tax upon newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets and broadsides, legal documents of all types, insurance policies, ship’s papers, licenses, and even dice and playing cards.The receipts were to be paid into the royal exchequer for the defense of colonies.The opposition to the Stamp Act grew immediately, leading to rioting, destruction of property, and the calling of the Stamp Act Congress.2)American Revolution(1775---1783)

Also called American Independence War.It was the revolt of the British North American colonies that resulted in the establishment of the US.It was caused by colonial resentment at the contemporary attitude that commercial or industrial interests of any colony should be subordinate to those of the mother country, and the unwillingness of the colonists to pay for a permanent army.3)The American Civil War(1864—1865)

A war between the Southern or Confederate States of America and the Northern or Union States.The former wished to maintain their “states’ rights”, in particular the institution of slavery, and claimed the right to secede from the Union;the latter fought initially to maintain the Union, and later(1863)to emancipate the slaves.4)Queen Victoria(1819---1901)

Queen of Great Britain(1837—1901)and Empress of India(1876---1901).Victoria took an active interest in the policy of her ministers, and was soundly advised and supported by her husband, Albert.Her golden jubilee in 1887 and diamond jubilee in 1897 marked a waning of republican sentiment, which developed from the death of Albert.Her long reign saw the rapid industrialization of Britain, a vast growth of the national wealth, and the height of British Empire.5)King Henry VIII(1491---1547)

King of England(1509---1547), son of Henry VII.Henry was a powerful and talented man.His religious opinion remained conservative.He was notorious for having six wives, two of whom he executed and two divorced.During his reign Wales and the marches were brought into a legal union with England.6)Roland Hill(1795—1879)罗兰希尔爵士

British post office official who invented adhesive stamps and prompted the introduction of the penny prepaid post in 1840(previously the addressee paid on receipt).7)Zurich

Financial center and industrial city(machinery, electrical goods, textiles)on Lake Zurich, capital of Zurich canton, the Largest city in Switzerland.8)Benjamin Franklin(1706---1790)US scientist and politician.He proved that lightning is a form of electricity, and invented lightning conductor.He helped to draft the Declaration of Independence and the US constitution, and was ambassador to France(1776---1785).9)George Washington(1732---1799)US general and the first US president(1789---1797)and regarded as “the father of his country”.As a strong opponent of the British government’s policy, he sat in the Continental Congresses of 1774 and 1775, and on the outbreak of the War of American Independence was chosen commander in chief.Having served as president of the Constitutional Convention, he was unanimously elected President in 1789.Although he attempted to draw his ministers from all fractions, his aristocratic outlook alienated his secretary of state, Tomas Jefferson, with whose resignation in 1793 the two-party system originated.Reading II 1.Analysis of the text This passage is very clear-cut in structure.The first sentence of the first paragraph is the topic sentence of the text.Each paragraph deals with a subtopic of stamp collecting and almost all the paragraphs start with a topic sentence.Paras 1—2 the origin and popularity of stamp collecting Paras 3—4 the function of stamp collection a.an ideal family hobby b.reflecting the nation’s history and customs Paras 5—6 variety in stamp collecting 2.Questions for the text 1)How and when did stamp collecting begin as a hobby? 2)Is stamp collecting an expensive hobby? 3)How do stamps reflect a country’s history and customers? 4)What do you know about commemorative stamps? 5)What are the topic sentences of the first four paragraphs? 6)What is the thesis statement of the text? 3.Brief Introduction to Reading II The article first traces the origin of stamp collecting and points out it has been more and more popular in the society.One does not have to pay much to collect stamps, so it is an ideal family hobby, and stamps reflect a nation’s history and customs.Due to the widespread issue of commemorative stamps and the increase in the independent nations, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of stamps, thus adding to the variety of stamp collection.4.Language points 1)c.f.gather, assemble, collect, accumulate gather: ①If you gather a number of things, e.g.after you have spread them out or distribute them, you bring them together again.He gathered his papers that had been scattered.②If you gather something, you collect a number of things from different places that are far apart, esp.so that you can use them.They gathered berries, nuts and fruits for food.③If you gather information or evidence, you collect it, esp.over a period of time and after hard work.The team worked for about a year and a half to gather data.④If something gathers speed, momentum, force, etc.it gradually becomes faster or more powerful.The train gathered speed as it left the town.⑤When you gather your strength, courage, thoughts, etc, you make an effort to prepare yourself to do or deal with something.I’ve been trying to gather courage all week to ring you.⑥If you gather something, you obtain knowledge or ideas by noticing things about the situation you are in.I gathered that they were not expected to eat with us.collect: ①If you collect things, you bring together from several places a group of things or an amount of something.She used to go for long walks collecting birds’ eggs.②If you collect stamps, coins, or something else, you spend time getting a large number of different kinds, because you are interested in them.I’ve been collecting stamps for ten years.③If you collect something or someone from somewhere, you get them from the place where they have been left or where they have spent some time.I went to the jeweler’s to collect my wrist watch.④If something collects energy, heat or light, it attracts it.The plant has large leaves with which to collect as much light as possible.⑤If you collect money from someone who owes it, you get it from them.The main part of his work was collecting debts.⑥If you collect yourself or collect your thoughts, wits, strength, etc.you make an effort to calm or prepare yourself in order to do or deal with something He collected himself enough to tell his friends about the accident.accumulate: When you accumulate or they accumulate, you collect or gather them, or they increase in number of amount, over a period of time.We have packed up the things I had accumulated over the last four years.assemble: fit the parts of it together When the rest of the rifle was assembled, he laid it on the ground.2).English newspaper of the early 1840s carried dvertisements for canceled postage stamps, and one referred to a “new mania for collecting old penny stamps that has bitten the idle ladies of England”.carry(of newspaper, broadcast or magazine)include sth in its content;contain Today’s papers carry full reports of the President’s visit.refer to: mention, talk to When I said somebody was stupid, I wasn’t referring to you.I refer to may watch for exact time.mania for: an excessively intense enthusiasm, interest, or desire She has a mania for sweets.bitten, bite: to grip, grab, or seize She was bitten by a sudden desire to escape the party.3)Although some collectors, spend thousands of dollars buying rare and valuable stamps, the beginner need not spend many money at all on his collection.spend time/ money(in)doing/ on sth/ for sth.need as modal verb and verb: You needn’t talk so loud.(modal verb)You needn’t buy that dictionary.I have spare one.(= but you have already bought it)4)Due to the widespread issue of commemoratives and the increase in the number of independent nation.due to: because of

This accident took place due to driving at fast speed.5)One such collection fills forty albums with nothing but violet stamps, of every shade and from many different countries.fill with: be full of These stories filled the children’s mind with strange ideas.nothing but: nothing else but Nothing but a miracle can save her now.5.Background Knowledge---

1)Franklin Delano Roosevelt(1882—1945)

The 32nd US president(1933—1945), a Democrat.Although he was crippled by polio in Aug, 1921, he remained active in politics and was elected Governor of New York in 1928 and again in 1930.Becoming president amid the Depression, he launched the New Deal economic and social reform programme, which made him popular with the people.After the outbreak of World War II, he introduced the lend-lease for the supply of war materials to the Allies and drew up the Atlantic Charter of solidarity.Once the US entered the war in 1941 he spent much time in meetings with the Allied leaders.He was the only president to have served more than two terms in American history.2)King George V of England(1865---1936)

He was the son of Edward VII.During World War I, he made several visits to the front.In 1917,he abandoned all German titles for himself and his family.4th session I.Guided Writing Students do the exercise on the Students’ book.II.Workbook: Students do the exercise on the Workbook.

第二篇:十一五上外版英语专业综合教程1 unit 17 教案

Unit 17 1.Teaching Aims:

1).The relative clause introduced by whose 2).The relative clause introduced by who(m)(as the object of a preposition)3).The cleft sentence with attention focused on various sentence elements 4).The relative clause preceded by a noun which is modified by a superlative 5).To know some knowledge of the pyramids in Egypt and the Derby Day in England.6).To identify the writing style of Reading I & II, and learn to write an expository writing logically.7).To be able to retell the information of pyramids in Egypt and the Derby to others clearly.2.Teaching Contents and Time Allocation: 1).Language structures&practice

(1 hours)2).Dialogue I, Dialogue II

(2 hours)3).Reading I, Reading II

(2 hours)4).Exercises

(1 hour)3.Teaching procedures: 1st session Language Structures Ⅰ.Ask several questions about the structures we will mention later.1.Do you know that Khufu was the ancient Egyptian King whose tomb was the biggest and best that had ever been built? 2.Do you know the name of the painter whose “Mona Lisa” is famous? 3.Who is your good friend whom you always played with in your childhood? 4.Is there any roommate whom you find it difficult to live with? 5.Is it the marks that you pay special attention to in the university? 6.Is it the summer vacation that you are looking forward to? 7.What is the best film you have ever seen? 8.What is the most beautiful song you have ever heard? Ⅱ.The relative clause introduced by “whose”.e.g.1.Is he the boy whose sister is a university student? 2.William Shakespeare was the famous English writer whose plays have been translated into many languages.3.The river whose banks are covered with trees.Ⅲ.The relative clause introduced by who(m)(as the object of a preposition)whom always omitted.e.g.1.I know the person whom you spoke to just now.2.They are your parents whom you should be devoted to.3.He is a naughty boy whom I will have to look after during this holiday.Ⅳ.The question form of “cleft sentence”

1.Was it last summer that he graduated from the university? 2.Was it at an evening party that you first saw her? 3.Was it Susan that the teacher asked to see? Ⅴ.The relative clause preceded by a noun which is modified by a superlative.And “that” can refer to person or thing.e.g.1.He is the most excellent student I have ever met.2.This is the most delicious food I have ever tasted.3.Gone with the wind is the most interesting book I have ever read.Language structure practice Tips for LSPⅠ

LSPⅠis about identifying two people doing the same thing.Ⅰ.Listening to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.Ⅱ.Language points.1.CAAC---Civil Aviation Administration of China 2.Cassette recorder: ph.3.It’s me.—Grammatically, this sentence ought to be “It’s I”, since I is the subject complement.But in colloquial English, people always say “It’s me” Ⅲ.Variations based on the given cues Sample:

A: I find there’s a member of our class whose father teaches English in the middle school.Do you know who it is? B: It’s me.My father teaches English in the middle school.A: Really? But there is someone else whose father teaches English in the middle school, too.Do you know? B: Oh, it must be Qin.Tips for LSPⅡ

Tips for LSPⅡ is about identifying people who are related to somebody in one way or another.Ⅰ.Listening to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.Ⅱ.Language points.1.editor-in-chief:

2.the other day: e.g.I saw David at the bank the other day.3.share: vt.--+with/among/between e.g.Sam and I share a room.He shared his book with me yesterday.Ⅲ.Variations based on the given cues Sample: A: You received a letter yesterday, isn’t it? B: Yes, I did.A: Was it from Mary Brown? B: No, it is from Sue Green.A: Isn’t she one of the reporters whom Sid’s father works with? B: No, she is a teacher whom Jane lives next door to.Tips for LSP Ⅲ

Tips for LSP Ⅲ is about correcting what somebody has said about a thing or a person.Ⅰ.Listening to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.Ⅱ.Language points 1.nuclear physics 2.cassette n.3.no longer(=not „any longer):

e.g.He will no longer come back here.(He will not come back here any longer.)Ⅲ.Variations based on the given cues Sample: 1.A: Is it a book on general physics that Dick borrowed? B: No, it isn’t.A: Then what has he borrowed? B: He borrowed a book on nuclear physics.2.A: Was it last Thursday that Keith came to see me? B: No, I don’t think so.A: Then when did she come to see me? B: She came to see you last Friday.Tips for LSP Ⅳ

Tips for LSP Ⅳ is about making comments on a thing or a person.Ⅰ.Listening to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.Ⅱ.Language points 1.enlighten: vt.e.g.Can you enlighten me on this issue?

I like those TV programs which enlighten the viewer as well as entertain him.Enlightening: a.2.cope with(= deal with): ph.Ⅲ.Variations based on the given cues Sample: A: What are you doing now? B: I’m reading an article? A: Whose article? B: It is written by Joe.A: What do you think of Joe’s article? B: It’s one of the most enlightening articles that I have ever read.2nd session

Dialogues Dialogue Ⅰ Ⅰ.Introduction 1.What will come into your mind when speaking of Egypt? 2.How much do you know about pyramids in Egypt? 3.Which is the biggest pyramid?

4.Do you want to pay a visit to the pyramids? Ⅱ.Listening to the dialogue Ⅲ.Comprehension questions 1.What are pyramids? 2.Why were the pyramids built? 3.What is still a mystery to people? IV.Language appreciation 1.come across: meet by chance e.g.We came across an old man lying in the road.I came across an old friend yesterday.2.go ahead:

3.for what purpose: =why 4.far off : very different(from the fact)

e.g.“I wasn’t too far off”: What I said is not very different from the facts

5.have something to do with: something can be taken place by much, a lot.The opposite form is “ have nothing/ little to do with”.6.journal article:

7.Are you kidding? : Are you telling the truth? 8.enable: v, make sb.able to do sth.ph.to enable sb.to do sth.e.g.Training will enable you to find work.The salary he got every month enabled him to support his family.9.convince: vt.convince sb.of sth.(doing sth.)e.g.He convinced me of his innocence.I was convinced that he knew the truth.convincing: a convincing argument

10.in person: e.g.He will be present at the meeting in person.11.with one’s own eyes : V.Conversational strategies 1.Initiating a topic by using a tag question to check whether the other one knows the topic or not.A: You know what pyramids are, don't you? Practice with the following cues: 1)We are going to have an English test.Maybe Jim didn’t know it.2)It is heard that we will have a picnic in Forest Park next Sunday.3)We will have to attend a class meeting on how to spend the summer holiday meaningfully.2.Giving and presenting more information by “ask and answer”.A: Now let me ask you a few questions about Egyptian pyramids and see if you know the answers.B: Go ahead.A: Who was it that ordered them to be built? B: The ancient Egyptian kings.A: For what purpose did they have the pyramids built? B: In order to keep their bodies and the treasures that were buried with them safe after death.They believed in life after death.A: Are all the pyramids of one shape and size? B: Well, they are of the same sharp, but differ in size.„

Practice with the following cues: The Great Wall of China: 1)What is it like?(Winding dragon)2)Who was it that ordered it to be built? And when was the Great Wall built?(The head of various ducal states;in the sixth century B.C.)3)For what purpose did they have the Great Wall built?(To protect the states from foreign invasion)4)How long is the Great Wall?(6350 kilometers long)

3.Asking and getting more information B: Is the Great Pyramid located in Cairo? A: It’s somewhere near Cairo, in a place called Giza.B: „ You’d better tell me more about it.A: According to a journal article I read recently, the Great Pyramid „

B: How could the ancient Egyptians have moved those heavy blocks of stones?

Practice with the following cues: 1)Know more about the Great Wall, where? How was it built? 2)Know something about the Summer Palace.3)Try to get something about the Yellow Crane Tower.4.Response to other’s answers by showing agreement or surprise and expressing different opinions 1)A: Right.They were called Pharaohs actually.A: You’re right, but only partly.A: You got it.2)A: Do you mean pyramids are tombs? A: I’m afraid you’re wrong here.Pyramids are not tombs.B: Are you kidding? How could the ancient Egyptians have moved those heavy blocks of stones?

Practice with the following cues 1)English is more and more important with the development of the economics.2)Knowledge accumulation is more important than ability.3)The English class should be student-oriented or teacher-oriented? 5.Closing a conversation

B: Although it’s not that convincing, I’m certain I will visit Egypt in person and see the Great Pyramid with my own eyes.Practice with the following cues 1)Visiting the Great Wall some day.2)Seeing the sunrise in Mount Tai 3)Climbing the Mu lanshan

VI.Retelling(Put the dialogue into a short passage)Sample outline: A and B talk about the pyramids: 1)Who had them built and who built them? 2)Why were they built? 3)What do they look like and how big are they? 4)How were the pyramids built? Ⅶ.Oral practice The Great Wall of China


Ⅰ.Certainty and Uncertainty.1.How to express certainty, when you are sure that something will(or will not)happen in the future.A: Do you think you will pass your final English exam? B: Yes, I’m absolutely sure/ positive/ certain I will.(No, definitely /certainly not)2.How to express uncertainty, when you are not sure or doubtful whether something will happen in the future A: Do you think you will be accepted to join the army? B: Well, it’s impossible, I suppose, but I’m not really sure.(I might be, I suppose, but it’s doubtful.)3.How to express probability A: Do you think every home will have its own computer in the future? B: I’m pretty certain/ almost sure.(Probably/ I think so.)Ⅱ.Language points 1.I haven’t got a hope of passing.2.to come top: ranking in the forehead

3.There’s very little chance of you failing.: It is hardly possible for you to fail.4.to do well in(=be good at)5.in time: 6.to wait and see Ⅲ.Practice 1.A cure will be found for cancer? A: Do you think a cure will be found for cancer? B: Yes, I’m quite sure that scientists will find a cure some day.A: I’m not really sure.It’s is possible I suppose, but scientists have been trying for a long time without success.B: Yes, that’s right, and we aren’t sure what causes cancer.2.People in the future will live to be 150 years old? A: Do you think that in the future, people will live to be 150 years old? B: Well, it’s impossible.I suppose, but I have many doubts.A: I think people will probably live longer, but not to 150.B: Yes, better care for the old, better food and better housing mean that people will live longer.A: There’s always a chance, I suppose, that I will live to be 150, but I doubt it!

3rd session

Readings Reading Ⅰ Derby Day Ⅰ.Lead-in questions 1.What is Britain’s national sport?(cricket, football, boxing„)2.Do you like to watch a horse racing on TV?

3.According to your analysis, why do many people go to the horse race-course? Ⅱ.Go over the text in 5 minutes and answer the questions on specific details of this text: 1.Can you tell me what Britain’s national sports are?(The national sports were those in which horses took part—hunting, riding and racing)2.What is the annual horse race called?(Derby)3.What do people go to Epson for on Derby Day?(watch the horses, win money by betting, enjoy themselves)4.Is Derby Day only a racing meeting?(No, it is not only a racing meeting : it is one of the great days in the year, an outing for the whole family)5.Who are bookmakers?(In this text, a bookmaker is a person who takes money risked on the result of competitions, especially horse-races.)

Ⅲ.Language Points for Reading I: 1.derby day: day of the annual horse race at Epsom, England 2.“Who can say?”: No one can say for sure.3.„and everyone wants to get there to fast for safety: Everyone wants to get there very fast and perhaps safety is overlooked.4.set up: e.g.A new government was set up after the war.Ⅳ.Comments on the text This is a piece of expository writing to describe a kind of sports.Para 1: The first question sentence initiates the topic(horse racing)as well as arouses the readers’

interest and thinking.Para 2: The first sentence introduces the most famous British horse race—the Derby, and the place(Epsom)and the time.The second sentence gives more details about Epsom and the reason why people go there.The third and fourth sentences describe people’s craze for Derby.Para 3: It further illustrates the importance of the Derby Day for thousands of Londoners---the outing of the whole family.Para 4: It introduces what people(children, old people, men and bookmakers)can do besides watching the racing.Para 5: Scene description.It describes different people’s immediate reactions to the start of the big race.(Rush to the rail, the noise stop, stop shouting, all eyes watch the line „)Para 6: It describes the scene when the race is over.(Lead in the winner, shout again, back to London)

To sum up, from the description, we can get a clear impression of the Derby Day.Reading Ⅱ

Entertainment at No Cost Ⅰ.Read the text first and answer the following comprehensive questions.1.What do many people think about entertainment?(They think that entertainment means money)2.What can people see when they stroll through busy streets?(They can see an interesting show of different people from all over the world and a free fashion show, too)3.Under what condition is window shopping a harmless amusement?(When the stores are closed)4.What other free entertainment can people get?(to hear an interesting debate in a local college or university, see a film or attend a concert at the local public library, or visit a flea market)5.What do street musicians provide people with?(not only enjoy themselves, but also get a lot of warm sunshine and fresh air)6.What can people do from time to time?(to pretend to be a tourist and get to know the city all over again)7.How can people easily find good entertainment at no cost at all?(With imagination and a spirit of adventure you can quite easily find good entertainment at no cost at all)Ⅱ.Language points for reading Ⅱ

1.to equate with : consider something as equal or equivalent(to something else)2.newspaper scanning: reading newspapers quickly to look for something 3.window-shopping: 4.a flea market:

5.how about+-ing/-n-This ph.is used to give suggestions.e.g.How about coming to stay with us for a few days when you are in the district on business? 6.classical music: 古典音乐 rock music:摇滚音乐 blues: 布鲁斯 folk music: 民族音乐

bluegrass 兰草音乐

7.magician: 魔术师 mine: 哑剧演员

juggler: 耍把戏者

clown: 小丑

acrobat: 杂技演员

8.set aside: e.g.He set aside a little money each week.9.at slow time: e.g.a slow season(antonym: prosperous)10.feel like(would like to/ want)11.You will see your city in a new perspective once you know more about its history or its architectural treasures.12.see something in a „(adj)perspective: see something in „point of view e.g.see something in the proper/ right/ wrong perspective Ⅲ.Comments on the text In this passage, the author introduces a little resourcefulness to have a good time without spending a lot of money in an optimistic mood.It can be divided into three parts.Para 1: It gives a quite new opinion that we can have entertainment at no cost, which is different from general people’s concept.Para 2—4: several ways to enjoy oneself without a lot of money.(Go to the street to watch different people or do window-shopping, check the neighborhood paper to get information, listen to the street musicians, etc)Para 5: Plan ahead for some activities in order to find good entertainment at no cost.On a whole, we can see that the passage is very clear-cut in structure, and we are convinced that with imagination and a spirit of adventure we can get entertainment at no cost at all.4th session Ⅰ.Guided Writing Students do the exercise on the Students’ book.Ⅱ.Workbook: Students do the exercise on the Workbook.



Unit 1 Fresh start Vocabulary.1.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1)I had just the feeling of a newcomer to college without the strength only an experienced student might possess.(2)My apparent confidence.(3)Some food to appease my hunger.(4)Going with the tide of the majority was no longer crucial to your success.(5)Foolish and glaring mistakes.2.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1)distress;(2)clutched;(3)pose;(4)sneaked;(5)preoccupation;(6)shackles;(7)curse;(8)deliberation.3.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1)assure;(2)discretion;(3)relaxation;(4)humiliation;(5)strategy;(6)embarrassment;(7)maneuverable;(8)immaturity.4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1)lived up to;(2)headed for;(3)seek out;(4)has broken out;(5)grope for;(6)trying …on;(7)go out to;(8)tipped off.5.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1)vague(indistinct);(2)inconspicuously(unobtrusively);(3)self-restraint(self-control);(4)clever(intelligent,sensible);(5)manner(behavior);(6)excited(agitated);(7)sneak;(8)mature(sophisticated).6.Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1)became popular;(2)respect;(3)keep up;(4)lead to;(5)understand;(6)found;(7)use;(8)start Grammer.1.combine each nominal clause in Column A with … 1~ 4 CDBF 5~8 AEHG 2.Rewrite the following sentences…(1)My decision to resign was wise.(2)Their readiness to accept the peace agreement really surprised the diplomatic world.(3)My determination to pass the test helped me.(4)Her failure to get into college disappointed her parents.(5)My willingness to cooperate was appreciated.(6)His refusal to help surprised me.(7)The proposal that we should import more equipment is to be discussed at the meeting.(8)Who can have told you that puzzles me.3.Complete each sentence with what you think … 1~ 4 DBCC 5~8 ABDB 4.Combine the two sentences in each group…

(1)I spent the afternoon seeking out each of my classroom so that I could make a perfectly timed entrance before each lecture.(2)He wrote glasses and a false beard so that nobody would recognize him.(3)The stranger spoke very slowly so that I could understand what he said.(4)She locked the door so that she wouldn’t be disturbed.(5)John whispered so that others couldn’t hear him.(6)Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time.(7)John has brought a bicycle so that he may save money on bus travel.(8)The lecturer showed some slides so that he might illustrate his point.5.Complete the following sentences using the words in the box.(1)Although/Though;(2)yet;(3)however/though;(4)however/nevertheless/though;(5)Although/Though;

(6)Despite/In spite of;(7)although/though;(8)however;(9)However;(10)Despite/In spite of.Translation.(1).It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures.(2)He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.(3)Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people.(4)He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.(5)We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner.(6)After cheers and applause died down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech.(7)He is gifted with a sort of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowd.(8)I feel realities are all very harsh, so one can hardly live up to his ideals.Exercises for integrated skills.2.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)comes(2)others(3)what(4)going(5)not(6)offer

(7)relate(8)college(9)not(10)learn Unit 2 the company man Vocabulary 1.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1)died from self-motivated overwork;

(2)most likely;the presidency of the company;the highest position in the company;

(3)with no specific skills wanted by employers;(4)trying to discover facts about his father;collecting memories of his father.(5)a person vulnerable to heart attacks.2.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1)survived;(2)grabs;(3)discreetly;(4)deceased, obituary;(5)conceivably;(6)board;(7)classics;(8)executives;3.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1)widowed;(2)nerves;(3)precisionist;(4)competitiveness(5)execution;(6)presided;(7)marital;(8)accompanied

4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1)died of;(2)stay up;(3)cares for;(4)straightened out;(5)picked out;(6)given up;(7)grabbed at;(8)considered for 5.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1)exactly;(2)immediately;(3)slacker(idler, loafer);(4)outlive;(5)disconcerted(abashed);(6)departed;(7)underweight(slim);(8)successor 6.Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1)disappointed;(2)wait;(3)required;(4)read;(5)meant;(6)entered cheerfully;(7)intensifies gradually;(8)became extinct;Grammar.1.Put the verbs in brackets…

(1)have been playing/have played(2)has been putting/has put(3)have pulled;haven’t touched(4)have been waiting;have waited(5)have picked;have grown/have been growing;have never had

(6)has been getting/has got;has been rising/has risen;has come(7)has been;has been looking;hasn’t found;(8)has failed;has got 2.Choose “a” or “b” to end each sentence.(1)a;(2)b;(3)b;(4)b;(5)a;(6)a;(7)b;(8)a.3.Complete the following dialogue with the proper forms… A: ’ve been waqiting for;have you been doing B: ’ve been shopping;’ve bought A: met;was waiting;B: ’s;speaks;A: has he been learning;A: did you say B: ’s been studying;was B: Have you gone A: ’re saying B: isn’t;’ve been walking Translation.1.My immediate boss is a typical workaholic, for he works for over ten hours each day all the year round.2.The principal attaches much importance to extracurricular activities and he believes that they will help to cultivate students’ tremendous interest in the external world.3.He always grabs a shower, a sandwich and then a taxi to go to work every Monday morning.4.Since you are leaving the company, you should straighten out the accounts within the week.5.he often stays up late night in order to finish his Ph.D.dissertation on time.6.Nothing can replace the profoundest love lodged in one’s heart of hearts.7.He is considered a natural for the post of the president, for he has been an excellent vice-president for almost ten years.8.He is just too common to be picked out from the crowed.Exercises for integrated skills.2.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)hours(2)while(3)less(4)from(5)explain(6)by(7)late(8)differences(9)influence(10)taking Unit 3 Out of step Vocabulary.1.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1)pleasant/comfortable;practically(2)very long;physical exercises(3)was made to realize this(4)decided not to have coffee and instead to go(5)held in mind 2.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1)negotiated;(2)debonair;(3)dodging;(4)notion;(5)compact;(6)contortion;(7)thrive;(8)undertaking 3.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1)disagreeable;(2)eccentricity;(3)acquainted;(4)ridicule;(5)triumphant;(6)deficiencies;(7)woefully;(8)contorted.4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1)going about;(2)going through;(3)pops out;(4)pace off;(5)pulled up;(6)dug out;(7)stroll up to;(8)habituated to.5.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1)bustling(exciting);(2)old(time-honored);

(3)depressed(downhearted, low-spirited);(4)absurd(ridiculous);(5)indifferent(unconcerned);(6)infuriating(irrigating);(7)failure(defeat);(8)again.6.Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words(1)encountered(2)cause;(3)agreed to;(4)limited to;

(5)idling about;(6)relied on;(7)tolerate;(8)deserted/abandoned.Grammar.1.Complete the sentences with the past perfect or past perfect progressive of the verbs in the brackets.(1)had been talking;(2)had been working;(3)had worked;(4)had been applying;(5)had broken;(6)had been standing;(7)had swallowed;(8)had been 2.complete the following sentences according to the given situation.(1)had been empty;(2)had been working for the company;(3)had been waiting for me for half an hour;(4)had had lunch(5)had left;(6)has been living;(7)had repaired the engine;(8)had told 3.put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.had seen;returned;didn’t have;didn’t have;had;done;was;didn’t have;did;left;had;was;decided;picked;went;slammed;felt;had reminded;has searched;found;remembered;were.4.Complete the following sentences with shall, should, will or would.(1)will;(2)shall;(3)Should;(4)would;(5)will;(6)shall;(7)should;(8)should;(9)would;(10)would.5.Fill in the blank with one of the words and phrases in the box.(1)nowadays;(2)ages ago;(3)lately, just;(4)soon, after a long time;(5)immediately, Eventually;(6)once;(7)recently;(8)for weeks.Translation.1.The university is one of the most venerable institutions of higher learning in the world.2.If one is deficient in practical experience, he can hadly make himself a success with only what he has acquired in class.3.I felt exasperated by constant interruptions, for I had to finish writing the monograph by the end of this week.4.He feels that it is ludicrous to write on a contemporary theme in an ancient style.5.The Bund in Shanghai was a place where young couples liked to come to coo in the 70s and the 80s of the last century.6.His daughter is very sedate for a girl about ten, for she likes reading more than playing.7.The couple strolled hand-in-hand along the country road when the sun in its first splendor steeped the earth.8.The poet was commonly considered as an eccentric romantic genius when alive.Exercises for integrated skills.2.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)more(2)around(3)free(4)leave(5)programs(6)ease(7)it(8)signed(9)environmental(10)handing(11)only(12)With Unit 4 Fun, oh, boy, fun, you could die from it.Vocabulary.1.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1)we would be morally too strict with ourselves to enjoy life;(2)that made all other questions less significant;(3)counting fun as the most important quality of life;(4)the best example of having fun.(5)by nothing more than simple exposure.2.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1)overshadows;(2)traipse;(3)fetish;(4)flunked:(5)swilling;(6)flicked;(7)epitome;(8)licentiousness: 3.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1)insured;(2)undeserved;(3)generosity;(4)benefits:(5)regrettable;(6)mirthful;(7)blasphemy;(8)reverence 4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1)turn into;(2)occurred to;(3)end up;(4)step up;

(5)pay …back;(6)look forward to;(7)look for;(8)managed to 5.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1)excursion(jaunt);(2)failing;

(3)irreverently(disrespectfully, contemptuously);(4)advertisements;(5)quintessence(embodiment);(6)grief(sadness, melancholy);(7)profane(revile);(8)examine(scrutinize)6.Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1)drew attention to;(2)represents;(3)fully explain;(4)challenged by;(5)support;(6)bored;(7)be welled understood;(8)visited Grammar.4.Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases in the box.(1)such …that;(2)thus;(3)in that;(4)With;(5)so …that;(6)Owing to;(7)for;(8)Seeing that 5.Complete the following letter with the appropriate forms of the verbs given.Should/would like;have, heard;would, suit;doesn’t apply;won’t get;saw;had/was, left/leaving;said;was going;promised;(had)found;have heard;don’t know;went;know;should/would be;would phone;have tried;doesn’t seem.Translation.1.It goes without saying that Shakespeare overshadows all the other playwrights throughout the ages.2.The Great Gatsby is commonly deemed as the epitome of the Jazz Age of the last century in America.3.It is advisable for you not to put a damper on his enthusiasm to further his studies at Harvard.4.Young people tend to make a fetish of glamorous stars in sports and entertainment circles.5.They traipsed all the way to downtown area to watch the National Day fireworks display.6.He does not deserve such a severe punishment as he committed neither serious errors nor gave crimes.7.Every time I met him, he would talk a whole of nonsense.8.Reputation is a trap into which many people are ready to fall.Exercises for integrated skills.2.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)as(2)hands(3)go(4)up(5)industries(6)or(7)include(8)on(9)provided(10)aim Unit 5 The real truth about lies.Vocabulary.1.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1)very important/shocking/traumatic;(2)avoid hurting the others’ feelings;(3)modifying the truth;

(4)a course of action which can easily lead to something unacceptable, wrong or disastrous;(5)under any circumstances;2.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1)supportive;(2)perceived;(3)prevarication;(4)astounded;(5)undermine;(6)faltered;(7)fibs;(8)volunteered

3.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1)unethical;(2)feigned;(3)unsparing;(4)cynical;(5)confoundedly;(6)lubricated;(7)entangled;(8)Willful 4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1)cover up;(2)blurted out;(3)set up;(4)find out;

(5)wear down;(6)specialize in;(7)professes to;(8)complimented, on;5.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1)evasion(equivocation);(2)chronic(repeated);(3)common(prevalent, omnipresent);(4)slightly;(5)insult(reproach, criticize);(6)distort;

(7)growth(multiplication);(8)strengthened(consolidated)6.Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1)cancelled;(2)overcome;(3)follow;(4)fell into;(5)make it more acceptable;(6)feel unhappy about;(7)removed from consideration;(8)reserve for future use.Grammar.2.Complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate…


6~10 BBBAA 3.rewrite the sentences below using the words and phrases from the box.(1)He can’t have told us everything.(2)Something must have gone wrong.(3)She can’t be only thirty years old.(4)They may not know yet.(5)The road could/may have been closed.(6)The police must know that.(7)There may/could have been a traffic jam.(8)The letter could/may arrive today.(9)That will/must be my mother.(10)There should be time to do some shopping.Translation.1.Hamlet feigned madness when he was hesitating what to do.2.Prevarication is one of the techniques this businessman likes to employ.3.Sometimes the light of the truth is just too dazzling, so white lies are ubiquitous.4.Many women in America profess that they are unhappy with their status of second-class citizens.5.On the impulse of the moment, he blurted out the secret.6.You should get rid of any prejudice, resist temptations and let nothing warp your judgment.7.Being over-sensitive and imaginative, he often weaves a tangled web in mind.8.He is very popular among his peers as he always tries to spare others any trouble.Exercises for integrated skills.2.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)service(2)rather(3)off(4)are(5)advantage(6)much(7)relations(8)if(9)as(10)moral(11)either(12)truth Unit 6 How to write a rotten poem with almost no effort.Vocabulary.1.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1)extremely intense;(2)the practical principal;

(3)just like, following the example of;(4)Probably, Quite likely;(5)made a start despite the difficulty.2.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1)epic;(2)squalid;(3)veritable;(4)pounded;(5)aroma;(6)evolved;(7)lyrics;(8)claimed 3.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1)imponderables;(2)poetic/poetical;(3)accidentally;(4)unsought;(5)cuddliest;(6)juicy;(7)disoriented;(8)versed 4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1)conjures up;(20 dealt with;(3)seek out;(4)think of(5)ended/stared with;(6)break…up;(7)relates to;(8)came up with 5.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1)unfamiliar(strange);(2)fellowship(brotherhood);(3)lower(degrade);(4)exceptional(excellent)(5)caress(hug,embrace);(6)unrealistic(impractical)(7)skilled(expert,proficient,successful);(8)product(compositio 6.Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1)affects;(2)catching up with;(3)been involved with;(4)tell exactly(5)rejected;(6)make understood;(7)tried to get;(8)thought seriously about Grammar.1.Complete the following sentences with the appropriate verb forms.(1)shake;(2)to do, wait, to let;(3)standing;(4)finding;(5)take, make, drink;(6)leave;(7)being spoken;(8)be, look 4.Complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given.1~4 CDBD

5~8 CAAC Translation.1.Sometimes, we have to make a choice because there is no middle ground.2.He often conjured up visions of the past when he was free from the pressures of life.3.He often refreshed himself with a cup of strong black coffee when he felt fatigued.4.He thrust past a throng of drunken men and bargaining women and walked on through flaring streets.5.Experienced translators, though lacking in theory, can render one language into another by rule of thumb.6.It was generally believed that the major purpose of the foreign minister’s trip was to break the ice with regards to the relations between the two countries.7.Reading good books and making friends with good people can elevate the mind.8.The flowers and the colorful lights lent a festival atmosphere to this ancient small town.Exercises for integrated skills.2.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)questions(2)will(3)ones(4)accounts(5)apply(6)as(7)need(8)at(9)wish(10)feel(11)music(12)case Unit 7 The chaser.Vocabulary 1.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words(1)feeling very much worried and afraid;

(2)everything I sell could be well deemed as extraordinary;(3)difficult to notice;which is more than enough;

(4)have much more everlasting effects than only the momentary impulse;(5)with extreme happiness and enthusiasm 2.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1)creaky;(2)peered;(3)acquaintance;(4)detachment;(5)raptures;(6)giddy;(7)overwhelmed;(8)obliged 3.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1)obscurity;(2)acquainted;(3)perceptible;(4)apprehension;(5)indifferent;(6)rapt;(7)overwhelmingly;(8)disobliging 4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1)save up;(2)care about;(3)indulges in;(4)reached for;(5)peered about;(6)deals in;(7)was substituted;(8)better off.5.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1)perceptible(perceivable, noticeable);(2)postmortem;(3)anxiously(fearfully);(4)temporary(transient);(5)grave(cheerless);(6)profoundly(rigorously, strongly);(7)apathetically(indifferently);(8)reason;6.Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1)expect;(2)have;(3)accept;(4)imagine;(5)was;(6)work out;(7)became popular;(8)demanded Grammar.1.complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given.1~4 CDAB 5~8 BCDC Translation.1.To me, you are definitely more than an acquaintance.2.Many artisans deal in a variety of handicrafts in the region.3.They went into raptures over the unexpected success.4.Much to my surprise, he analyzed with detachment the dangerous situation that threatened all of them.5.She peered at the strange from behind the curtain.6.During the holidays, he indulged in the luxury of a bath of sunshine on the beach.7.When she learnt the news of his death, she was overwhelmed with grief.8.I’m not in favor of buying a house on the installment plan;instead, I maintain that everyone of us should save up for a rainy day.Exercises for integrated skills.2.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)if(2)no(3)through(4)with(5)does(6)that(7)want(8)Here(9)sung(10)and(11)but(12)upon(13)precious(14)nor Unit 8 Knowledge and wisdom Vocabulary.1.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1)consider, give proper value to each;(2)certainly, brought a good and helpful effect to mankind, in reality;(3)talk about some thing less important, destroy or ruin each other;(4)connect with;(5)accordingly 2.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1)pursue;(2)ceased;(3)attainable;(4)enmity;(5)populous;(6)surpassed;(7)impartial;(8)appallingly 3.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1)beneficiaries;(2)undesirable;(3)horizontally;(4)descendants;(5)increasingly;(6)philosophical;(7)unduly;(8)standardization 4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1)required of;(2)sought to;(3)descended to;(4)put first;(5)contributed to;(6)engage in;(7)conferred, upon;(8)bound up with 5.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1)following(subsequent, succeeding);(2)enhance(advance);(3)impressive(sensational);(4)unawareness(ignorance, unconsiousness)(5)instill(indoctrinate);(6)confinement(restriction, restrain)(7)virtue;(8)fairness(indifference, neutrality)6.Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1)contracted;(2)keep quiet;(3)investigate;(4)treat;(5)go;(6)lost consciousness;(7)tolerate;(8)get rid of Grammar.4.Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions.(1)When,(2)lest,(3)Although,(4)not only …but also,(5)because,(6)Although,(7)While,(8)since 5.complete each sentence with what you think the most appropriate of the four choices given.1~4 BACD

5~8 BABD Translation.(1)The result of the experiment far surpassed their expectations.(2)We should take full account of the cost of the project and the difficulties we might encounter.(3)The fair weather contributed to the success of the scientific expedition.(4)Ronaldo, one of the football stars from Brazil, scored several spectacular goals in the 2002 FIFA World Cup.(5)Many honorary degrees from different colleges and universities in America were conferred upon Robert Frost for his remarkable contributions to poetry.(6)Patience and perseverance are required in emancipation from bad habits.(7)They tried to instill such new ideas into students’ minds.(8)You should demonstrate impartiality in your assessment of the employees.Exercises for integrated skills.2.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)of(2)others(3)create(4)from(5)wisdom(6)benefit(7)without(8)All(9)made(10)avoid(11)one(12)turn Unit 11 On becoming a better student.Vocabulary.1.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.(1)view again at another time from a different perspective;(2)with immense pleasant surprise;

(3)be provided with ready answers and ideas;(4)do pioneering work;

(5)Don’t let the knowledge you have acquired be a hindrance to your learning of something new.2.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in the proper form.(1)precedence;(2)stigma;(3)proportional;(4)strain;(5)pertinent;(6)injurious;(7)relevance;(8)therapy 3.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.(1)substantial;(2)motivation;(3)committed;(4)restrictions;(5)subtle;(6)thrilling;(7)complacently;(8)unprecedented;4.Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text.(1)goes out of the way;(2)breaking through;(3)consists of;(4)hold on to;(5)object to;(6)live up to;(7)gave up;(8)based on 5.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.(1)demonstrated(reveal, manifest);(2)flexible;

(3)interesting(extraordinary, outstanding)(4)abandon(yield, renounce)(5)lead;(6)dissatisfaction(discontentment);(7)mild(gentle);(8)harry(pester, harass)6.Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words.(1)submitted;(2)take care of;(3)attentive in;(4)written in honor of;(5)accept;(6)so involved;(7)enthralled;(8)began considering;Grammar.1.Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the verbs given.(1)Being;(2)to spend, to make;(3)Hearing/To hear(4)To complete(5)to be;(6)to be;(7)to sit, to hear, howling(8)Teasing;(9)Playing;(10)Learning 3.Rewrite the underlined parts of the following sentences with….(1)sitting at the back;(2)for you to do as you are told;(3)to have swum across the Channel;

(4)to hear that he had already left the company;(5)to open the window;(6)to trifle with;

(7)Being a qualified plumber, Paul had no difficulty in finding the leak.;(8)ever written;(9)Left to himself, he usually gets the job done quickly.(10)Hoping to find the will, she searched everywhere.4.Complete the following sentences with the –ing participle of verbs.(1)to his working, living.(2)having;(3)to stealing;(4)from stealing;(5)for playing;(6)for doing;(7)being talked;(8)on becoming, from putting, for making.5.Put in the correct prepositions or adverbs.(1)up, for;(2)out;(3)to;(4)out , of;(5)up, against(6)round to;(7)in, with;(8)on;Translation.1.He felt heavily weighted with such high expectations from his parents.2.He interpreted the incident in a favorable light.3.I detest him, for he often goes out of his way to backbite others.4.Many religious teachings urge people to transcend the mundane success.5.Personal initiative is one of the essential elements in promoting your career.6.I don’t think it is a good method of teaching to spoon-feed students.7.I will spare no efforts to accomplish the task by the end of the next month, for I don’t want to suffer from the stigma of having broken my promise.8.I’ve got much information pertinent to the new policies in education.Exercises for integrated skills.2.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate.(1)used(2)first(3)have(4)going(5)with(6)offended(7)Rather(8)sign(9)being(10)address(11)rule(12)would 27




brigade n.旅;大部队;队列 vt.把…编成旅;把…编成队

clasp n.扣子,钩子;握手 vt.紧抱;扣紧;紧紧缠绕vi.扣住

crunchy adj.易碎的;发嘎吱嘎吱声的 discreetly adv.谨慎地;小心地

flail n.连枷(打谷物用的工具)vt.打;用连枷打vi.打;用连枷打

goody n.糖果;身份低微之老妇;吸引人的东西;伪君子adj.感伤的;伪善的;假正经的


funk food


malicious adj.恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的

maneuver vt.[军] 机动;演习;用计;调遣 vi.[军] 机动;演习;调遣;用计谋 n.[军] 机动;演习;策略;调遣

puddle n.水坑,泥潭;胶土vt.使泥泞,搅浑;把…捣制成胶土;搅炼;用胶土填塞vi.搅泥浆;在水坑中嬉戏

reserve n.储备,储存;自然保护区;预备队;储备金vt.储备;保留;预约vi.预订

sandal n.凉鞋;檀香;檀香木;便鞋

shackle n.束缚;桎梏;脚镣 vt.束缚;加枷锁

slink n.早产的动物;鬼鬼祟祟的人 vt.早产;潜逃vi.潜逃;溜走adj.早产的 sneak n.鬼鬼祟祟的人;偷偷摸摸的行为;告密者adj.暗中进行的vi.溜;鬼鬼祟祟做事;向老师打小报告vt.偷偷地做;偷偷取得

spaghetti n.意大利式细面条

square adj.平方的;正方形的;直角的;正直的vt.使成方形;与…一致vi.一致;成方形


whereabouts n.下落;行踪;去向;所在之处adv.在何处;靠近什么地方

tip off 向…透露消息,泄密;暗中通知某人

go out to sb


board n.董事会;木板;甲板;膳食 vt.上(飞机、车、船等);用板盖上;给提供膳宿vi.寄宿

conceivably adv.令人信服地;可相信地;想得到地

coronary thrombosis [内科] 冠状动脉血栓形成

deceased adj.已故的n.死者;[法]被继承人 vi.死亡(decease的过去式)

executive adj.行政的;经营的;执行的,经营管理的n.经理;执行委员会;执行者;经理主管人员

lineup n.阵容;一组人;电视节目时间表

obituary n.讣告adj.讣告的;死亡的

survive vt.幸存;生还;幸免于;比...活得长vi.幸存;活下来

widow vt.使成寡妇n.寡妇;孀妇



anew adv.重新;再

calorie n.卡路里(热量单位

cappuccino n.热牛奶咖啡;卡普齐诺咖啡

contortion n.扭弯;扭歪

coo n.咕咕声;鸽子的叫声

debonair adj.高兴的,快活的;温文尔雅的;殷勤的

dodge n.躲闪;托词vt.躲避,避开 vi.躲避,避开

eccentric n.古怪的人 adj.古怪的,反常的

esthetical adj.美的,富美感的;美术的 exasperating adj.激怒人的;气死人的

extravagant adj.奢侈的;浪费的;过度的;放纵的 geranium n.天竺葵

habituate vt.使习惯于,使熟习于vi.上瘾

ludicrous adj.滑稽的;荒唐的 motel n.汽车旅馆

negotiate vi.谈判,交涉vt.谈判,商议;转让;越过

pedestrian n.行人adj.徒步的;缺想像力的 sedate adj.安静的沉着的vt.给…服镇静剂

squash vt.镇压;把…压扁;[口]使沉默 vi.受挤压;发出挤压声;挤入 n.壁球;挤压;咯吱声;南瓜属植物;(英)果汁饮料

treadmill n.踏车,跑步机;单调的工作

triumph n.胜利,凯旋;欢欣vi.获得胜利,成功

unfurl vt.展开;使…临风招展vi.展开公开

venerable adj.庄严的,值得尊敬的珍贵的 pull up


blaspheme vt.亵渎;咒骂,辱骂 vi.说亵渎的话;口出恶言

bumper n.缓冲器adj.丰盛的,丰富的 vt.装满;为…祝酒vi.干杯

damper n.[航][电子][机] 阻尼器;[车辆] 减震器;气闸

epitome n.缩影;摘要;象征

fetish n.恋物(等于fetich);迷信;偶像

flunk n.不及格;失败vt.使…不及格 vi.失败;放弃;考试不及格

licentiousness n.放荡;放肆

mirth n.欢笑;欢乐;高兴

overshadow vt.使失色;使阴暗;遮阴;夺去…的光彩

puritan n.清教徒adj.清教徒的

reverently adv.虔诚地,恭敬地

scan n.扫描;浏览;审视;细看vt.扫描;浏览;细看;详细调查;标出格律vi.扫描;扫掠

swill n.泔水;冲洗;痛饮;涮vt.冲洗;痛饮;涮;倒出vi.大口地喝;发激荡声

traipse n.闲荡;漫步;无精打采者 vt.在…游荡;走过vi.疲惫地走;闲荡;拖曳


associate n.同事,伙伴;关联的事物


astound vt.使惊骇;使震惊

compliment n.恭维;称赞;问候;致意;道贺vt.恭维;称赞

confound vt.使混淆;挫败;讨厌;使混乱

consultant n.顾问;咨询者;会诊医生

cynicism n.玩世不恭,愤世嫉俗;犬儒主义;冷嘲热讽

deceit n.欺骗;谎言;欺诈手段

distinction n.区别;差别;特性;荣誉

falter n.踌躇;支吾;颤抖vi.支吾;蹒跚地走vt.支吾地说;结巴地讲出

feign vt.假装;装作;捏造;想象 vi.假装;装作;作假;佯作

fib n.无伤大雅的谎言,;一击 vi.撒小谎

invariably adv.总是;不变地;一定地

lubricant n.润滑剂;润滑油adj.润滑的

perception n.知觉;[生理] 感觉;看法;洞察力;获取

preoccupation n.全神贯注,入神;当务之急;关注的事物;抢先占据;成见

pundit n.博学者;梵文学者

serial n.电视连续剧;[图情] 期刊;连载小说adj.连续的;连载的;分期偿还的 tangle n.纠纷;混乱状态 vt.使纠缠;处于混乱状态 vi.缠结;乱作一团

undermine vt.破坏,渐渐破坏;挖掘地基

volunteer n.志愿者;志愿兵 adj.志愿的vt.自愿vi.自愿

warp n.弯曲,歪曲;偏见;乖戾 vt.使变形;使有偏见;曲解 vi.变歪,变弯;曲解

第五篇:英语综合教程3 背诵部分填空 上外 大二

Unit 10

Some people write by day, others by _______.Some people need _______, others turn on the _______.Some write by _______, some by _______ or _______ _______, some by _______ into a _______ _______.Some people write their first _______ in one _______ _______ and then _______;others can’t write the second _______ until they have _______ _______ with the first.But all of them are _______ and all of them are _______.They are _______ by a _______ to put some _______ of _______ on paper, and yet they don’t just write what _______ _______.They sit down to _______ an _______ of _______, and the _______ who _______ on paper is a far _______ _______ than the one who sat down.The _______ is to find the _______ man or woman _______ all the _______.Unit 11

Any discipline — but _______ those with great _______ and _______, like yoga or t’ai chi — can be a _______ _______._______, _______, and _______ are _______.Without these, our learning is but _______ without _______.There are no _______.The _______ of these seemingly _______ _______(which we prefer to _______ in others)is the _______ of having _______ the _______ of _______ or the _______ of meeting a difficult _______ with _______.Perhaps, though, our _______ is in need of _______ what it means to _______.If we can look at our _______ discipline or _______ as an _______ _______ rather than as a _______ ____________, the _______ for _______ can be _______.With this _______ we may find ourselves _______ even the most _______ _______ with _______ _______ and _______.Unit 13

In our _______, _______ society, we too often _______ time as just another _______ _______ to be _______.But time _______ its own _______ _______ and _______, and _______ our best _______ to _______ it within the _______ _______ of our _______ _______ or _______.Stephan Rechtschaffen, author of Time Shifting, suggests you think back on a _______ auto _______(or near _______), or _______ night of lovemaking.Time seemed almost to _______ _______.You can remember everything in _______ _______.Compare that to an _______ week that you _______ now only as a _______ _______.Keeping in mind that our days _______ and _______ according to their own _______ is perhaps the best way to help keep time on your _______.Unit 14

Home is where the _______ is.There’s no place like it.I love my home with a _______ totally out of _______ to its _______ or _______.I love dumb things about: the _______ _______, the _______ _______ you _______ dishes in, the _______ over my head, which __________ _______.And yet it is _______ those dumb things that make it what it is-a place of _______, _______, ___________, _______, for me and for my _______.It is where I _______.What more can you say about a place than that? That is _______.

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