外研版高中英语BOOK2 MODULE 1 Reading and vocabulary 教学设计

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第一篇:外研版高中英语BOOK2 MODULE 1 Reading and vocabulary 教学设计

BOOK2 MODULE1 OUR BODY AND HEALTHY HABITS The First Period Reading and vocabulary

Teaching goals 教学目标 1.Target language目标语言 a.重点词汇和短语

anxious, captain, injure, injury, pain, painful, normal, lifestyle, head, eye, toward, a sweet tooth b.重点句式

When Zhou Kai’s mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously.P2 Zhou Kai went and did as he was told.P2 I never have to diet...P3 I was stupid enough to...P3 As you can see from what I’ve said, I’m a normal kind of person.P3 As I’ve said, this isn’t a problem.P3 2.Ability goals 能力目标

Help the students to learn Zhou Kai’s healthy lifestyle by reading the texts.3.Learning ability goals 学能目标

Enable the students to learn how to talk about personal lifestyles.Teaching important points教学重点 Why does Zhou Kai have a healthy lifestyle? Teaching difficult points教学难点 Understand what a healthy lifestyle is.Teaching methods教学方法

Skimming, scanning,asking and answering activity and discussion.Teaching aids教具准备 A recorder and multimedia.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式 Step I Warming up

T: Good morning, boys and girls!I think you must know the famous Chinese saying: People regard food as their prime want.Eating plays an important part in our daily life.Now, I have some questions for you.Please answer my questions with complete sentences.Do you often eat fish? S.No, I don’t often eat fish.T: Do you often eat fruit? S: Yes, I often eat fruit, almost every day.T: Do you often catch cold? S: No, I don’t quite often catch cold.I’m very fit.T: You eat a lot of sweet things, don’t you? S: I like eating sweet things, but I don’t often eat them.T: Do you often take exercise? S: I take a lot of exercise every week.For example, I do morning exercises every day.T: Good!That’s why you have a strong body.Now, class, please go through the words in the box of Activity 1.Then do Activity 2 and tick the sentences true for you.And then make a dialogue with your partners just as what I did with you just now.After some time, ask some pairs to do their role-play.T: OK.You did an excellent job!Now, let’s learn some English proverbs in Activity 3.Now, I want someone to read the proverbs for us.OK, Mike, please read them out.Mike reads the proverbs.T: Very good!Your pronunciation is really beautiful!Next, I’d like you to explain the meanings of these proverbs in English.Maybe it’s a little difficult for you.Just have a try.The students discuss the proverbs.T: OK.Stop here.Who volunteers to explain the first one to us? What is the meaning of “You are what you eat”?

S: It means what you like eating will have an effect on your body.T: Well done!What about the second one? S: It means that if you have a healthy body, you’ll think clearly and quickly.T: Yes, a strong body can help you make a success.Next one? S: It means that if you go to bed early and get up early, you’ll have a good rest at night, and if so, you’ll feel full of energy.T: That’s a good explanation!OK, next one? S: It means that fruit and vegetables will protect you from illnesses.T: Good!All of you did a good job!Now, let’s do some translation.Please translate these proverbs into Chinese.Have a discussion first!The students work in pairs.T: OK.The first one, who wants to have a try? S: 吃什么补什么。

T: Right!What about the second one? S: 身体健康,精神爽!T: Good!Next one? S: 睡得早,起得早,聪明,富裕,身体好!T: Excellent!The last one? S: 每日一苹果,疾病远离我!Step II Presentation of the text

T: You did a good job!Next, let’s look at the photo on the next page.What can you see in this photo? Ss: A boy.T: Yes, a boy!What’s your impression of the boy? Ss: He is very handsome.He is tall.He is smiling at us.He is wearing a white shirt.T: Can you guess his hobby? Ss: He likes playing football.T: Yes, we can see he holds a football in his hand, right? Do you know the boy’s name? Ss: Zhou Kai.T: Yes.This class we’ll learn something about Zhou Kai’s lifestyle.Step III Reading

T: Before we come to the text.We’ll deal with some words in Activity 1.Please do it quickly.A few minutes later, we’ll check the answers together.The students do the activity.T: OK.No.1, which word is connected with food? Ss: Sweets.T: Right.Which words are connected with the body? Ss: Fever, injure, injury, pain, painful, break(an arm).T: Good.Which word means usual or ordinary? Ss: Normal.T: Yes.Which word means leader? Ss: Captain.T: Right.Which word means worried about something that may happen? Ss: Anxious.T: Now, let’s come to Zhou Kai(1).I’ll play the recording for you.While listening, please catch the main idea of the passage and do the multiple choice on the screen.The students do it while listening to the tape.T: OK.Stop here, please look at the big screen and choose the correct one.Which one is the best? The passage Zhou Kai(1)mainly tells us that______.A.Zhou Kai wants to play football in the rain.B.Zhou Kai is fit enough to play football in all weathers.C.Zhou Kai’s mother cares about him very much.D.Zhou Kai dislikes his mother very much.Ss: The third one.T: Yes, good.We can see this point from the conversation between Zhou Kai and his mother.Next, let’s learn some details about this passage.You’ll be given a few minutes to read the passage again and answer the questions in Activity 2.A few minutes later.T: Now, do this activity with your partners.One asks and the other answers.OK, Question 1, who volunteers to do it? S: Why is Zhou Kai’s mother anxious?

S: Because he is going out to play football in the rain without a jacket on.T: Next question? S: What does she think will happen? S: She thinks he will catch a bad cold.T: Next one? S: What does she ask him to do? S: She asks him to at least wear a jacket.T: Good.I have some words shown on the big screen.Please organize a short paragraph with the words according to the content of Zhou Kai(1).You may add more words.anxious, fever, catch a bad cold, get one’s jacket on Give the students some minutes to prepare it.T: OK, who volunteers to do it? S: Mother eyed Zhou Kai anxiously when she saw him going out without a jacket on.She was afraid of his catching a fever and a bad cold.Finally, Zhou Kai had to obey his mother’s words and got his jacket on.T: Excellent!Now, let’s learn more details about Zhou Kai’s lifestyle.Please read Zhou Kai(2)and then summarize the main idea of each paragraph.You can discuss with your partners.The students read it silently.T: OK, class, who volunteers to tell the topic sentence of each paragraph? What’ the topic sentence of Paragraph 1? S: The topic sentence of the first paragraph is “My mother has always made sure we eat very healthily, and fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of our diet”.T: Yes, right!From the first paragraph, we can see that the family really have a good diet habit.Especially, Zhou Kai, he doesn’t have a sweet tooth.Do you know the meaning of “have a sweet tooth”? S: Sorry, we are not sure.T: Let’s analyze it together.Zhou Kai says, “A lot of my school friends eat sweets every day but...”.Pay attention to the word “but”, it tells us that Zhou Kai doesn’t have the same eating habit as his school friends.Following this, Zhou Kai also says, “I’d rather eat a nice piece of fruit.” Now can you guess if Zhou Kai like eating sweets? S: No, he doesn’t like eating sweets.T: So, “have a sweet tooth”means: like eating sweet things.OK, what’s the topic sentence of Paragraph 2? S: It is “ I’m quite healthy”.T: Yes, right.But he still tells us his two unlucky experiences.Now, what about Paragraph 3? S: The topic sentence is “I’m crazy about football”.T: Really good!What’s the meaning of the phrase “be crazy about” here? Does it mean someone has mental problems? Let’s read the context.We can see a dash “—” between the two sentences, so we know the sentence“I’m crazy about football”is used to explain the last one.The two sentences have the same meaning.The last sentence is “But there’s one thing I really love”, so the phrase “be crazy about” means “love”—love or like something very much.T: Yes, good.We can know Zhou Kai’s hobby is playing football.OK, good, now please summarize the whole passage in a sentence.What is it? S: Zhou Kai has a healthy lifestyle.T: OK, good, really good.Now read the passage again and finish Activity 4.Several minutes later, check the answers.T: I have more exercises for you in order to understand the two passages deeply.Please look at the big screen and choose the best answers.Choose the best answers:

1.Which of the following statements is RIGHT? A.Zhou Kai was strong enough to protect him from the cold weather.B.Zhou Kai was not healthy enough to play football in the rain.C.Zhou Kai’s mother advised him to play football in the rain with a jacket on.D.Zhou Kai’s mother didn’t allow him to play football in the rain.2.“And I’m not too heavy, so I never have to diet.” The word “ diet” means_____.A.eat meat

B.eat less sweets C.eat more fat D.eat less 3.According to Passage 2, which of the following is NOT healthy food? A.Fresh vegetables B.Fruit C.Fish D.Fat 4.From what Zhou Kai said in Para.2 of Zhou Kai(2)we can infer that_____.A.he often plays football while raining.B.he often gets injured while doing sports.C.he is a lot healthier than his classmates.D.he catches no cold all the time.5.From the two passages we learnt that_____play(s)an important role in Zhou Kai’s daily life.A.Zhou Kai’s classmates and teacher B.the football team members C.healthy food D.Zhou Kai’s mother 6.In Zhou Kai’s opinion, _____.A.sweets are better than fruit B.sweets are not so good as fruit C.both sweets and fruit are important to one’s health D.neither sweets nor fruit is important to one’s health T: Have you finished? Let’s check the answers together.Key: CDDCDB

T: Now, let’s come to the words of this passage.Please finish Activity 5.Let the students deal with the exercises.And talk about the answers with them.Step IV Post-reading

T: Now, please go through the two passages again and find out how are the two passages connected? You can discuss this problem in groups.Let the students do this job.T: Who can explain this question to us? S: They are connected because they both talk about the way Zhou Kai’s mother looks after him, and because they both mention the time he got ill after playing football in the rain.T: Yes, that’s right!But there is a big difference between the two passages.Do you know what it is? That is Zhou Kai(1)is in the third person while Zhou Kai(2)is in the first person.Right? Ss: Right!

T: What is the advantage of using the first person to tell a story? Ss: It’ll make the telling more vivid and shorten the mental distance between the author and the readers.T: Really good!Now we have finished the reading.Do you think Zhou Kai has a healthy lifestyle? Ss: Yes.T: Why? Can you explain this point according to the text? Now, suppose you are Zhou Kai.Please tell your healthy lifestyle according to the two passages.S: My name is Zhou Kai and I think I have a healthy lifestyle.My mother gives me lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.I eat fish, rather than fat, sugar and sweets.I also exercise regularly, and I often play football.T: Yes, that’s right.You know why Zhou Kai has a healthy body.So, if you want to have a healthy body and live a happy life, you should follow Zhou Kai’s example to build a healthy lifestyle — eat healthily and exercise a lot.StepV Homework.T: Revise the text, please pay attention to the important language points.Next class we’ll have a dictation of some key sentences first and then we’ll come to the grammar part, please preview it after class.Time is up today.Bye-bye!

第二篇:外研版高中英语book7 module2 教学设计

高中英语外研版 Module 2 Book7教学案例设计

编写人: 孙荣

高中英语外研版 Module 2 Book7教学案例设计







教学对象为高二学生,认知能力比高一阶段有了进一步的发展,渐渐形成了用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。对美国学生的学校生活情况学生已通过影视、书报等媒体有了初步了解,Highlights of my senior year 一文生词量不大,文章主旨大意易于理解,但因学生口语基础较差,用英语进行表达会有一定难度。为此,课堂上应该多鼓励表扬学生开口,莫使学生产生羞怯感和恐惧感。


通过出示Introduction 部分的几个问题和学生感兴趣的课外活动图片导入话题,同时也引起学生强烈的求知欲;接着让学生分别通过听录音,略读和查读抢答设置的相关的大意和细节问题,既调动学习的积极性,又加强对思维方向的自觉控制,提高学生对材料进行理解、分析、加工以及获取信息进而解决问题的实际能力。词汇,语言点和句型的学习难度较小,所以在该环节中我放手让学生自己处理知识点,解决教学案中的相应练习。通过对本文的学习,学生一定会产生对校园生活的美好憧憬,所以最后我设置了让学生畅谈自己心目中最理想的校园生活这一环节,虽然在口语表达上存在一定难度,但是学生感兴趣,想说,也愿意说,兴致高昂,气氛热烈,借此,我直接进行了热爱学校生活的德育渗透。


(1).Get the main idea by listening and catch more information by skimming and scanning.(2).Enable students to use the key phrases and sentence patterns freely such as “look back;highlight;have fun;It’s a pity that„;”Tell the differnces between “rent”,“hire”,and“employ”

(3).By discussing the school life , educate students to love school and their classmates.六、教学重点

(1).Catch the main idea of the passage and answer the questions in detail by skimming and scanning.(2).Inspire students to express their thoughts about school life.(3).Use the key phrases correctly : look back(at /on);have fun doing sth;It’s a pity that „


Students describe their school life in own words and give their opinions.七、教学准备

Tape recorder;Multimedia;Teaching and Learning Plan Prepare some pictures of student activities.八、教学过程

Step1 Lead-in(5 minutes)

1.Students read the information in the chart and answer the 5 questions wholly:

2. Show the pictures of students’ activities.Ask the following questions:

(1).Do you think sports are an important part of school life?

(2).Do you think prom night is before or after the final senior year exams?(3).What do students receive at the end of their senior year? Step 2 Listening with the questions(5 minutes)

(1).Joanna had a lot of successes during her senior year.What are they ?

(2).Why did Joanna enjoy the prom so much? Step 3.Skimming(3 minutes)

(1).Why has Joanna decided to write down the wonderful things that have happened?

(2).What did Joanna do during the Easter vacation?(3).Who invited Joanna to dance?

Ask individual students to give the answers.(指出略读的技巧)Step 4 Scanning(7 minutes)

(Ⅰ).Ask students to scan the passage and get the structure of the passage.Give the meaning of each part.Part 1(Para1—6)Memorable things in her senior year Part 2(Para 7—8)The highlight o fthe year.(Ⅱ).Look at the phrases from the passage and choose the correct answers.Students do it wholly.1.I find myself looking back at my senior year.(a).I am remembering my senior year(b).I have found something in myself.2.working as an arts editor(a).drawing pictures

(b).writing about films, plays and art 3.my first step towards becoming a journalist(a).I am trying to become a journalist(b).I am thinking about becoming a journalist

4.a peer mediator, someone who helps students to settle problems(a).someone who helps students find the answers to problems(b).someone who discussed problems with students 5.my school life is almost over(a).My school life has ended.(b).My school life will soon end.6.the student council

(a).an organisation of students(b).an organisation of teachers

7.It took two hours but it was worth it.(a).It took a long time to have my hair done but it’s useful.(b).It took too long and it was a bad idea.Step 5 Language Points(15 minutes)

(Ⅰ)Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.competitive dinner jacket diploma elegant enormous event forever grade suit highlight meanwhile rent smart training

1).What _____ did you get in your English Literature exam?.2).The dance hall was_________.3).Joanna will remember the prom _______.4)You look wonderful in that ______ dress.It really _____you!5).Daniel looked very ____________ in his ____________.6).He _____a big car to go to the prom.7).It’s the most important social _____ of the year.8).You need _______for most jobs.9).If you pass your exams, you receive your High School _______.10).___________people want to be the best at everything.11).Go and have your hair done.__________I’ll ring our friends.12).For Joanna , the ________of the evening was being elected prom queen Make students grasp the words.(Ⅱ)Paraphrase: Find the sentence in the passage to replace the following ones.1.I find it strange that I’ll graduate from school in a few days.2.I feel it a great pity that this will not probably happen.(Ⅲ)Let students find out the key patterns and use them freely: It is a pity that „;It is important that „;

Students can write the similar sentences on the paper as many as possible.(Ⅳ).Translation:

1.Meanwhile, I found myself looking back at my senior year, and thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened.2.One of the best things about this year has been working as an arts editor for this newspaper.3.I love writing and working on this paper is my first step towards becoming a journalist, so this has been a real success for me.4.Something else I’ve enjoyed greatly is working as a peer mediator, someone who helps students to settle problems that they have with other students.(Ⅴ)Show the phrases “look back” “have fun” “highlight” and “rent , hire, employ”.Students discuss or get help from the dictionary and sun up the uses.Then do the exercises on the paper.Step 6 Discussion(4minutes)

Work in pairs or groups.Discuss the question.“ What kind of person is Joanna? Describe her.”

First sdudents discusss and then ask their representatives to express their opinions.Step 7 Free talk(3 minutes)

Students describe their ideal school life in English.Whether they talk much or little , I’ll praise them for their courage, and meanwhile educate them to love their own school and classmates.Step 8 Singing(2 minutes)

Students sing the English song “Auld Lang Syne” together to relax and strengthen students’ love between each other.Step 9 Assignment(1 minute)Write about their school life.九、教学反思



(1)灵活多样的训练形式,使学生始终保持较高的学习兴趣,课堂气氛非常热烈;(2)小组讨论并选派代表进行发言的形式极大地调动了学生的表现欲,也增强了竞争意识;(3)课堂上较多地使用鼓励性评价语言,学生高兴,效果也很好.(4)在学生略读和查读的过程中点拨阅读和捕捉有效信息的技巧和策略,增强了学生阅读的目的性和有效性。(5)Free talk和 Discussion的练习,不仅使学生巩固了所学的基础知识,也提高了口语表达的能力。


与学生的互动还不是很够。部分环节中老师讲得太多,学生因为参与过少而显得被动,没能充分地发挥他们的主观能动性;辨析rent,hire 和employ时速度有点快,部分同学有点模糊.今后的教学设计中我将再接再励,扬长避短,争取使自己的课堂更有声色!

第三篇:外研版高中英语Book4 Module4单元教学设计

外研版高中英语Book4 Module4单元教学设计

茌平实验高中高一英语组 2011-5-19 一:单元设计的原则:



4:重难点突出,详略得当,敢于取舍。(不要低估学生的自主学习能力,把一些他们可以处理的部分交给学生处理,比如本模块中Everyday English;Pronunciation ;Function.教师可以稍做引导或大胆放给学生)。二:各板块间的分析和重新组合:

第一节课:单元词汇+Introduction +Speaking+ Cultural Corner 1: 目标:本节课重点是词汇,口语和泛读。


单元词汇是基础(原材料)+Introduction(单元导入,激发学习兴趣)+Speaking(是针对Introduction 的第三部分的口语练习,是对Introduction 的巩固和提升)+Cultural Corner(以阅读带动单词的复习并有针对性的展开泛读能力的培养)

3:巩固练习:课本86页词汇练习5-8.泛读练习:87页练习9是关于两位科学家:Yuan Rongping and Monty Jones 的泛读,很好的知识链接。4:词汇处理方法:

单词提前一周分工每天记忆下一单元的某些词汇,保证在下单元新课前掌握单词的读和写;单词的检查:每位同学课前在单独的单词检查本上写出自己认为比较重要的20个单词的汉语,课堂开始组内交换测试和修改,组长负责把握组内听写情况,教师可以及时了解和采取补救措施。第二节课:Vocabulary and reading

1: 目标:词汇和精读。(词汇的使用和阅读技巧的培养)

2:阅读问题的设计要有目的性,重点突出,多样性(选标题,划分段落;找主旨句,单选,判断正误…),循序渐进(选择最佳标题---写出最佳标题;找出主旨句------试着写出主旨句…);注重学习方法的启发。3:我们在阅读后常把突出的短语和句子单列出来,要求学生当堂背诵,如句子太长,帮学生改写为简单句,易于背诵,之后可就部分典型句子进行仿写。这样做是对词汇和句式的巩固也是下节课知识点讲解的前奏。第三节:Language points +Grammar(1)+Function +Grammar(2)1:目标:重点短语和句子的把握,可以进行适当的造句和仿写; 2:组合原因:

Language points 讲解了被动语态,数词的表达及by +doing的用法。它们分别在Grammar(1)+Function和Grammar(2)得到了进一步的学习。3:巩固练习:课本85页语法4个练习。

第四节: Everyday English(可略)+ Listening and vocabulary +Pronunciation(可略)+Reading and Writing.1: 目标:口语练习;听力;写作。2:组合原因:层层递进。

Listening and vocabulary: 文中大部分篇幅讲的Albert Einstein, 通过听力练习大家从词汇和他的个人信息等方面得到了热身。然后Writing:写一篇关于Albert Einstein的相关文章。


1:测试题出题原则:根据本模块的task 和module file 中涉及的知识点,适当的安排测试题,阅读题也要考虑涉及相关知识背景的难度适当的阅读材料,把握好大部分学生能及格或分数高一点的试题,让大部分学生可以享受成功的快乐,而不是常常出些难度不太合适的题目,打击学生的学习积极性,所以要紧跟教材且根据学情安排考试题目。



我们是不是该面面俱到的把模块的每一部分都拿到课堂上来?是不是这样来处理本模块的Grammar2, Everyday English;Function ,Task及Module File 让学生把练习答案写在黑板上或作业上,发现问题多的典型的部分老师做一下引导,共同克服困难。























设计意图:借助节日图片,讨论相关话题,引出、学习一类词,因为有图片的直观呈现,学生能很快的掌握词义。并让学生在复述图片和谈论话题的过程中巩固新词汇,帮助学生降低词汇记忆和运用的难度,有效激活学生已有的知识储备。如在猜测狂欢节的图片中,就出现了“People love to dress up in costumes and wear masks for this festival.”其中,“dress up”,“costumes”和“masks”都是新单词,图片的视觉冲击既激发了学生的兴趣,吸引了他们的注意力,又为学生呈现了直观的词义概念,强化了其对词汇的理解和记忆,从而让导入环节不再单纯地为阅读服务。


1.Read the new words.2.Practice: Put the words into the sentences in their proper forms.memory revive extend magic

pretend wander book hide

1.As time passed,however,the carnival period was _________ from one day to five days.2.Look at the little boy ______ about � perhaps he can’t find his mother.3.Dalian is a city full of _____,and attracts many tourists all over the country.设计意图:此部分只是读前的词汇处理,目的是帮助学生掌握课文大意,因此不可占用过多时间,影响阅读课其它环节的安排。


Read the passage and check the topics it mentions.1.Different carnivals

2.The origins of carnival

3.Special food

4.Carnival in Venice

设计意图: 培养学生归纳和概括的能力,为下一步确定阅读的框架作好铺垫。学生在快速读一篇文章时,要善于发现“提示词”以及与“提示词”有联系的关键词,这其实也是学习词汇的过程。因为在查找关键信息求其大意时,学生可以根据提示词猜出一些单词近似原文的词义,如“revive”一词,上一段结束时学生根据“memory”得知狂欢节停止了,可接下来一段开头作者给出了“but” 一词,学生一定可以猜出“revive”的大概含义。这一环节让学生在自觉或不自觉间又学到了一些新的词汇,为进一步仔细阅读创造了条件。步骤4:仔细阅读(10分钟)


1.When and how did people in Europe celebrate carnival?

It was celebrated between Christmas and Easter.People ate,drank and dressed up.2.What was carnival in Venice like at the beginning?

It lasted for just one day.People ate,drank and wore masks.3.What did different people do at carnival?

Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important.Famous people could have romantic adventures in secret.Crimes went unpunished.4.What changes happened to the tradition of wearing masks?

At the beginning-wearing masks was allowed.In the 14th century-wearing masks was limited.At the end of the 18th century-wearing masks was banned.In the late 1970s-wearing masks was revived.Today-wearing masks is the key.5.Who played the most important role in reviving the carnival?

The students and the town council.(They realized that carnival was good for business.)

6.What makes carnival in Venice different?

(The mystery of the masks.)

设计意图: 让学生在课堂上通读课文,并进行课堂讨论,找出文中的关键词语进行回答。这样既能把学生的思路引到文章的脉络上,使学生对整篇文章的内容有总体的了解,又能为他们学习新单词提供具体的语境,有助于学生全面领会新词的含义。




The following words may help you:

The most famous carnival…

At the beginning…last

As time passed…extend

The 14th century-the 18th century … limit/ban

In the late 1970s …revive

Today …celebrate

Sample dialogue:

Guide: Hello,everyone.Welcome to Venice!Here we see crowds of people wandering around wearing masks on their heads.Tourist A: They are also wearing costumes instead of their ordinary clothes!

Guide: Yes!They are celebrating the most famous carnival in Europe.Tourist B: How long did it last?

Guide: It lasted only one day at the beginning,but over time,it extended to weeks after Christmas.Though it was banned by the government in the 18th century,it was revived by students in the 1970s.Tourist C: Why do people wear masks?

Guide: With costumes,people can pretend to be anyone else.With costumes,they hide their faces as well as their ideas.That’s the magic of masks!Come on and join us.You can’t afford to miss it!




If you are given a chance to design a festival,what do you want it to be like?

It will be celebrated on… / It will last …

Will people dress up in costumes?

By celebrating it,people may feel…
















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第五篇:外研版高中英语必修 一Module6 Listening教学设计

外研版高中英语必修 一Module6 Listening教学设计

【摘 要】本设计针对高一英语听力教学研究,尝试采用小组合作探究的方式,锻炼学生听力技能,以及听-读-说的训练。从课堂效果来看,目标基本达成,但最后讨论没有完成,比较遗憾。教师口语表达也有些欠缺。



授课内容为高一阶段必修一第六模块的Listening and Vocabulary部分。本模块围绕the Internet and Telecommunications展开。听力话题是教师、学生以及父母对网络的看法。网络是学生较感兴趣的话题,已经有一定的词汇储备,而且在模块导入部分学习了新的有关网络的词汇,所以词汇不会造成较大的听力障碍。围绕本模块的主题以及听力材料主要内容,主要锻炼学生通过听获取观点表达信息的能力,再辅以说以及写的内容加以巩固并培养学生的情感价值观态度。



(3)解决办法:① 尽可能多听几遍加以一定提示停顿;辅以听力材料;②将任务具体化。








Step1: Fill in the blanks to review the words that we have learned to prepare for listening:

Nowadays, almost all of us can have a______ to the Internet.I like s______ the Internet after finishing the whole day’s work.I use my p__________ computer to s______ the important information.Furthermore, I often visit some English w____________ to help my English teaching.If necessary, I will d_________ some good lessons to study.Of course, I also use the computer to chat with my friends and students, listen to some excellent music and watch some good TV shows.Every time I l___ __ to my QQ number, I will be glad to find some old friends and students online.However, I never play computer games on the I_________ because I think it is a waste of time and it does harm(伤害)to my health.Keys: access;surfing;personal;store;websites;download;log on;Internet


Step2: Lead-in: After reading, ask: What do you think of my life with the Internet? …I think the Internet is useful for me.But for you, the students, different people have different opinions.According to your reading, you have known my opinions about the Internet.Next, we will listen to three interviews to know the different opinions about the Internet.(课堂:自然导入,比较流畅)

Step3: Listening and vocabulary

1.Pre-listening: Read the choices first to predict:

How many people are there in the listening? Keys: Four.Who are the three people? Keys: Ann, the teacher;Tom, the student;Pat, Tom’s mother.What are their opinions about the Internet? Students’ own opinions.(1))Ann, the teacher, thinks that _________.everything on the Internet is useful for students

the Internet is a bad thing

it’s important to help students find useful sites on the Internet

(2)Tom, the student, thinks that__________.(a)the Internet is the only place to study

(b)the Internet is a good place to study

(c)it’s important to use the Internet as much as possible

(3)Pat, Tom’s mother, thinks that _________.(a)Tom should only study from books

(b)he spends too much time reading about football on the Internet.(c)using the Internet is a bad thing


2.While-listening:Listen to the three people answering the interviewer.Choose their opinions from the list in pre-listening.Keys: c b b


3.While-listening:Listen again to fill in the blanks to get more information.Interviewer:Hello and welcome to Education Today.Today, we’re talking about the Internet.Is the Internet a good thing for education? With me in the studio are Ann Baker, who’s a teacher, Tom Grant, who’s 17 and still at school, and Tom’s mother Pat.Welcome to the show, everyone.If I can talk to you first, Ann, do you think that the Internet is a good thing or a bad thing?

Ann:Well, there are good and bad things about the Internet, but I think we should concentrate on the good things.The Internet has fantastic information about all kinds of things, and for this reason I think ①___________________________ for students to use it.Interviewer:Do you allow your students to use the Internet during school time?

Ann:Absolutely!They have Internet classes once a week.It’s a chance for them to do some independent work.I ②_______________ they have a reason to use the Internet.Interviewer:What do you think are the bad things about using the Internet?

Ann:Well, we all know that there are some terrible sites on the Internet.We must make sure that students look for information on ③ ________________________________.Interviewer:I see.Thank you.Well, I also have Pat and Tom Grant with me.Tom, how often do you use the Internet?

Tom:Every day.Interviewer:At school or at home?

Tom:At school and at home.Interviewer:How much time do you spend on the Internet at home?

Tom: ④ ___________________________.About five hours.Interviewer: Five hours a week?

Tom: No!Five hours a day!

Interviewer: And what do you do on the Internet? Do you study?

Tom: Yes, ⑤__________________________on the Internet.Interviewer: Is it better than studying at school?

Tom: Well, they''re different.I like studying at school ⑥_______________.Interviewer: Pat, what do you think about that?

Pat: Well, I''m happy when Tom is studying on the Internet, but he doesn''t always study.Interviewer: What do you mean?

Pat: Well, there are a lot of music sites that he likes.And he spends a lot of time reading about his⑦______________ football team.Interviewer: So you would prefer it if he didn’t do that.Pat: No―I want him to study and enjoy himself.But studying is important.And ⑧__________from ⑨ _________ is important.Interviewer: More important than studying on the Internet?

Pat: Studying is the important thing.Keys: ①it’s very good;②make sure;③ on interesting and useful sites;④As much time as I can;⑤it’s good to study ;⑥as well;⑦favourite ;⑧studying ;⑨books.Listening skill: Predicting(预测)the information before listening according to the questions or given information will make listening easier.So before listening, try to read the questions or given information quickly to help you get more information while listening.(课堂:大部分学生能完成任务。)

4.While-listening:Listen to the conversation between a headmaster and a parent to practice the listening skill.Before listening, read the sentences to predict: What are they talking about? What happened to Du Juan?(Students’ own answers.)


Listen to a conversation between Mrs Wu and the headmaster of her daughter’s school.Decide if the sentences are true(T)or false(F).(1)Mrs Wu is worried because Du Juan spends a lot of time chatting with strangers on ICQ.(2)Du Juan was one of the top students in her class but she isn’t any more.(3)Du Juan only uses the Internet to find information for class work.(4)Mr Han thinks that all websites are bad.(5)Mr Han doesn’t think children should use the Internet because it is too dangerous.Keys: T T T F F


5.Post-listening:Work in pairs to read the first listening material and guess the meaning of the words in BLACK and pay attention to the sentences in the box.(The sentences are expressions about opinions on the Internet.)

Keys: 演播室;集中精力于;极棒的,极好的;完全地,当然;独立地;糟糕的网站;所以你宁愿他不这样做吧。


Step4: Writing:(From the listening, you have known many opinions about the Internet, and now read the short passage on page56 to know the students’ opinions about the Internet and learn how to express your opinions.)

Keys: 1.Agree with/ disagree with 2.On the subject of learning English 3.It would be much better if we spent the time working on a computer.4.Work independently Work in a group of four and give the opposite view.(Make sure each member in your group has at least one opinion.)

Your group’s opinions:

1.___________ 2.___________3.___________ 4._____________

Step5: Great Debate:

Suppose(假设)the girls are parents and teachers, you don’t want your children or students to play the computer.First work in your group to think of as many disadvantages as you can and then try to persuade(说服)your children or students(the boys)not to play the computer.Suppose the boys are children or students, you want to be allowed to play the computer.First work in your group to think of as many advantages as you can and then try to persuade your parents or teachers(the girls)to allow you to play the computer.Disadvantages _________________________________________

Advantages: ___________________________________________.(课堂:学生对此话题比较感兴趣,但时间不够充足,讨论不充分,最后展示太短。)

Step6:Attitude to the Internet

The Internet can not be avoided, we should welcome it.Use it to help you study and

live a better life but not to waste time.Use the Internet correctly and you may find your

life with the Internet enjoyable and efficient(高效的).五、教学反思



The Internet

My opinions

Ann→the teacher Your opinions

Tom→the student

Pat →the parent

The headmaster;the mother



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