
时间:2019-05-12 06:06:49下载本文作者:会员上传


1.Cancun Conference 2010 2.G20

3.Confucius 4.Gaza Strip 5.3R economy 6.Bogor Goals

7.the UN Security 8.quantitative easing 9.WTO

10.Reforestation 汉译英 1.循环经济 2.雷曼兄弟 3.天人合一 4.《国富论》 5.千禧年发展计划 6.货币战争 7.上海合作组织 8.国家十二五计划 9.朝核危机 pos machine APEC

charted airplane makeshift hospital quantitative easing downpayment requirement

deposit reserve requirement ratio PPI

product placement ads


经济刺激方案 留守儿童 黑帮


厨房重地闲人免进 紧俏型轿车 无党派人士 包容经济 AMIS BHD CBRC DPOB FEM MTN MSP NNW PAO SAC Debenture Balance sheet Tax agent

International arbitration Gross weight

Generalized system of preference Fixed cost;

Stock listing ; Random access ; Profit before tax 按揭 薄利多销 补贴

动产抵押 进口报关表 房地产 分包合同 股息 国民待遇 市场调查

AMIS 声讯交互规范(Audio Message Interactive Specification)

BHD 黑鹰坠落(Black Hawk Down)CBRC中国银监会

DPOB(date and place of birth)出生时间和地点 FEM有限元法(The Finite Element Method)MTN多边贸易谈判

MSP(Managing Successful Programme)成功的项目群管理

NNW国民福利指标(Net National Welfare

PAO Periodicals Archive Online(典藏学术期刊全文数据库)


debenture 债券

balance sheet 资产负债表 tax agent 税务代理人

international arbitration 国际仲裁 gross weight 毛重或总重

generalized system of preference 普惠制 fixed cost固定成本

stock listings股票上市 random access随机存取 profit before tax 税前利润 按揭 Mortgage

薄利多销SPQR small profits, quick returns 补贴 subsidy

动产抵押(Chattel Mortgage)

进口报关单declaration for importation 房地产(Real Estate)分包合同subcontract 股息dividend 国民待遇national treatment 市场调查market research 1.Academy award 2.animated movie 3.avant-garde 4.Byzantium 5.Civilian 6.Cubism 7.Catholicism 8.Expo 9.Bermuda Triangle 10.Consumerism 11.East End 12.Beatles 13.Contributor 14.Broadway 15.autograph 1.未来主义 2.头版新闻 3.蜜月 5.人力资源 6.碳酸饮料 7.学士学位 8.特洛伊木马 9.垃圾文化 10.中古英语

11.《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》 12.荒诞派戏剧 13.迷惘的一代 14.手稿

1.红楼梦 2.寿桃 3.春卷 4.国有企业 5.国库券

6.国家外汇储蓄 7.综合国力 8.义务教育

9.温带大陆性气候 10.短篇小说 11.科幻片 12.污水处理 13.海峡两岸关系 14.新闻发布会 15.扩大内需


2.Gaza strip

3.anti-dunming measures 4.Hubble Space Telescope 5.activiated carbon 6.Blu-ray disc 7.HIV carrier

8.government procurement 9.deposit reserve ratio company TPP

magnetic resonance imaging carbon credit lending rate

total fertility rate 辛亥革命 蚁族 限购令

京海高速铁路 经济适用房 挖墙脚 贪多嚼不烂

Patriotic missile hegemonism

the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere the Falungong cult legal code Hypertext mortgage/secured loan historical materialism Buddhist scriptures 澳门特别行政区基本法 2 八国联军 3 半封建社会 4 春运 核反应堆事故 6 思想道德修养 7 大病统筹 8 大办酒席 9 豆腐渣工程 10暴力犯罪 11文化产业 12产业结构失调 13文化主旋律 14繁文缛节 15继往开来 16 历史文物

extensive development get the upper hand sleeping late nanotechnology copyright theft;lose one's shirt pull one's leg international trade dispute all-in-one ticket Group 20;win-win cooperation paternity test junk email opinion poll 粮食安全; 产业结构调整; 学分制; 金砖5国; 政治体制改革; 节能减排; 换届选举; 自主研发; 循环经济; 高素质人才; 到期的房租; 洗钱; 媒体炒作; 各界人士

Applied translation studies Back translation Bilateral interpreting Communicative translation Stylistic translation Contextual consistency Corpora 8.Covert translation Domesticating translation Dynamic TOEFL NATO smog intellectual property first-aid treatment the voice of people is the voice of god diplomatic ettiquet IT(information technology), House of Representatives , public relations department, financial management , job fair ,summer resort , web browser ,software developer

public relationship management web browser,可持续发展,民意调查,开幕词, 拜年 同学会 民意调查 自助者天助 经济一体化 小康社会 可持续发展 旅游景点 文化冲突 开幕词 带薪假期 项目经理 跨国公司 团队精神 企业文化

1.Abstract translation 2.Adequacy 3.Agent

4.Appeal-focused texts 5.Multi-media texts 6.Naturalness

7.Loan translation 8.Coherence 9.Commission

10.Consecutive interpreting 11.Domesticating translation 12.Pre-editing 13.Explicitation

14.Poly-system theory 15.Under-translation 16.借用

17.可比语料库 18.文化置换 19.自然语言 20.语法分析 21.中间语言 22.隐形 23.显型翻译 24.术语库 25.视译 26.配字幕 27.文本类型学 28.可接受性 29.冗余 30.赞助


national city bank of new york ;force majeure ; taewondo ;

state-of-the-art; cathay pacific ; Mahatma Gandhi ;

Bretton Woods System ; plurality rule 先发制人战略; 民进党 ;

“一站式”办公 ; 公益文化事业 ; 生态足迹 ; 贴现率 ; 海水淡化; 安居工程 ; 西电东送 ;

大病医疗费用社会统筹 ; 古兰经;习惯法 ; 皮影戏;

鱼和熊掌不可兼得 ; 官场现形记

Human Genome Project Cloud Computing party animal crowdsourcing catch-22 应用翻译 收视率 载人空间站 大学城 试婚

ah hoc NASA


worst-case scenario Midas,Ponzi scheme a.d.a,lion's share,consumer defection, prenupial agreement 拳头产品 不良资产,国家发改委,可持续发展,和谐社会,追尾,美国证券交易委员会,大规模停电,经济适用房

1.Austerity measures 2.UNESC

3.The US Senate 4.APEC

5.Washington Post 6.NATO

7.Arab Spring 8.Gary Locke 9.Reuters

10.Wall Street Journal II.中文词汇翻译成英文 1.十二五规划

2.十七届六中全会 3.全国人大 4.新华社 5.软实力

6.中美战略经济对话 7.上海合作组织 8.珠江三角州 9.西气东输 10.北京共识


DOF house bill;

customhouse broker; date of expirating 单价; 船上交货; 承运人; 花旗银行; 输出港; 发展中国家; 出口价格指数

bill of exchange CCPII OPEC CBD knockout product 经适房 人文交流 廉租房

大型实景歌舞演出 载人航天 法人


P&G,NBA Libiya Dinar hologram,Budweiser,Al Jazeera Network,中央党校,九三学社,中组部,Honda,国家体育运动委员会,卫生部,最高人民法院,中国工商银行,体委,翻译标准,体裁,回教,祠堂,端午节,第三产业,Arab spring。IDD; CCP; CAAC; NIC; UNESCO; ILO; IMF; GSM; UPU; CTO

Risk Profile; Notary office;

Receprocal Tariff; Venture Capitalist; Revolving Fund 备用资金; 本土化; 蹦极; 保证金; 被动吸烟; 比基尼; 闭路电视; 边缘科学; 贬值;

便携式电脑; 便衣警察; 包装业; 兵马俑; 保监会; 步行天桥 小康社会

Benchmark interest rate基准利率主权债务危机 全球定位系统 NASA Bricks

EU IMF APEC YOG FIFA ISBN sovereign credit rating/ webcasting/

no smoke without fire/

look for a needle in a haystack 不可再生资源 泡沫经济 通货紧缩 财政赤字 参政议政 人才流失 扶贫 春蕾计划 按揭贷款 网民

IMF ASEAN NMD COO GNP DNS BBS OTC IOC video on demand telegraphic transfer marginal revenue corporate image customs declaration Organization of American States 局域网 和谐共赢 三下乡

“五个一”工程 到„挂职 主任科员 解决民生问题 自主创新 基层民主 全方位外交 沿江沿边 生态文明 主要功能区 现场服务 依法行政 澳大利亚 新兴经济体 经济刺激计划 通胀压力 国际贸易平衡 联大

世界多极化 国际金融危机 气候变化 可持续发展

国际货币基金组织 主权债 银行资产 经济衰退 一级资本 气候变暖 主权国家 跨国公司 地缘政治 海上航运归属 plain prose seckill 秒杀

chinadonisia 中国、印度、印度尼西亚 broken society 道德沦丧的社会 PIIGS 欧猪五国 game theory 博弈论 ghost estate defriend

cultural pluralism Obama-mess localization 敲门砖 蜗居 富二代 房奴 汉化英语 典故 典籍英译

模拟国际会议口译 陪同口译


建设中国特色社会主义 偏方 翻译标准 隐婚族 翻译标准

增强政治和文化建设 农家乐

escorticism orientalism copycatting 功能对等 学术翻译


customs declaration,settlement currency,smart power。

1.中小企业 small-and medium-sized enterprises 2.洗钱 money laundering

3.人民币升值 appreciation of the RMB 4.次贷危机 sub-prime crisis

5.水土流失 water loss and soil erosion 6.贸易顺差 trade surplus 7.企业社会责任 Corporate Social Responsibility 8.主权信用评级 sovereign credit rating 9.贩卖人口 traffic in persons 10.美国驻华大使 American Ambassador to China 11.温室效应 greenhouse effect 12.投资回报率 ROI(=return on investment)13.供应链 supply chain 14.劳动密集型产业 labour-intensive industry 15.防止核扩散条约 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons 英译汉

1.Capital chain 资金链

2.Humanitarian intervention 人道主义干涉 3.Credit facilities 信用便利 4.Exclusive interview 独家采访 5.Clean governance 洁治 6.Poll 民意测验 选举投票

7.Double-dip recession 连续两次下降的经济衰退 8.The State Council 国务院 9.Debt limit 债务限额 A Palestinian 巴勒斯坦的 proposal to apply for statehood 国家地位 Social security 社会保障 An earthquake of 9.0 magnitude in the Richter Scale 里氏震级 A cease-fire agreement 停火协定 14 Oil leak/spill 漏油 Organizing committee 组织委员会 subprime mortage crisis;Christian Science Monitor;SWOT analysis;appeal court;The Tale of Two Cities;the China-US business council; liaison interpretation, World Heritage Organization; Christian Science Monitor; Closed-circuit News Network; Kyodo News Servic Savings portfolio; appeal court;

Summer Davos World Economic Forum; cost-consciousness; strategic alignment 广交会

上海合作组织 司法部 国家发改委 中国译协 中国银监会 亚运会 创业板 通胀压力 市场定位 三农问题 零关税待遇 民事诉讼 孙子兵法 史记 wipo,academic award,carve her name with pride,holiday inn,environmentally-friendly product,west point,中国人民政治协商会议,司法公正,黄金储备,抗洪救灾,论语,道德经,科教兴国,外向型经济 Queensland 昆士兰 2 Quebec 魁北克 Santa Claus 圣诞老人 4 Sir Walter Scott 瓦尔特 5 Stamp Tax 印花税 Standard & Poor's 标准普尔 7 Suez Canal 苏伊士运河 8 Sydney 悉尼 9 Vancou 温哥华 West Indies 西印度群岛 11 phonetics 语音学 translation after sense 翻译后的意义 13 Eurasia Land Bridge 欧亚大陆桥 14 monetary integration 货币一体化 Europ’s sovereign-debt crisis 欧洲主权债务危机 载人航天 17 行政问责 18 公务接待费 19 法人代表 20 蜗居 21 富二代 22 工业三废 23 潜规则 24 发动机排量 25 公民健康档案 26 全球化 27 增值税 住房信贷政策 29 颐和园 法律硕士 Master of Law eye-service,SPCA,a potluck supper,speak in tongues, the clockwork orange,AU,sleep debt,yogi,Kuala Lumpur 裸捐 畅通重庆 物流 辛亥革命 中国农村扶贫 保障性安居工程 家电下乡 叙利亚危机,占领华尔街,醉驾 双赢 医患纠纷 人民币汇率 面子工程 1.CPI 2.SME 3.CIF 4.Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)5.WWF 6.TPP 7.the “100,000” Strong Initiative by President Obama 8.MOFCOM 9.foxconn 10.Chemical Oxygen Demand photovoltaics 12.Standard &Poor's 13.debt ceiling 14.carbon footprint 15.ISO 16.地沟油 17.剩男剩女 18.海选

19.海峡两岸经济合作框架协议 20.经济二次触底

21.中国载人航天计划 22.廉租房

23.紧缩性货币政策 24.智能城市 25.《中庸》 26.非关税壁垒 27.海选 28.民心工程 29.平板电视 30.云计算

Anti-Federalists,affirmative action, Bermuda Triangle,lord chancellor, Renaissance, clinical psycology,common-law marriage, Black Death, comfort station, lynching, gold rush,“A”level, IQ,MPA,AIDS.社会主义市场经济,航空航天医学,文人画,负翁,主页,临时工,集中营,隐私权,储蓄银行,水利枢纽工程,“一国两制”基本国策,文化产业,高峰会议,中国社会科学院,外汇

ACN, BHC, ETDZ, SUICIDE BOMBER, WATER SCARCITY, CPI, CBD,pacific fleet,经济适用房,月光族,钉子户,按揭贷款,体育彩票、国家公务员,自助游,印花税,网络犯罪,假文凭。


Central Ballet Troupe, blue and white porcelain,FIFA,ASEAN,currency

manipulator,buggee jumping,illegal pyramid selling,surrealism,sample survey,multi-polar world,myth of China's peaceful rise,anti-dumping investigation,costume drama,core competiveness, intellectual property infringement

ICBC COSCO BRIC(COSCO是中远集运 是船公司 搞集装箱运输的可能会懂)BRIC是金砖国家


君主立宪,商主综合楼,三国演义,论语,UNSCO,APEC 1.Random House

2.Unabridged dictionary 3.EGFA

4.BA(旅游)5.Housekeeping Department(旅游)6.The lake poets(文学)7.Redwood tree 8.Chic lit(文学)9.Peking moment 10 chopsui(杂碎的意思 中翻英15个(15分)

1.联合航空公司(缩写)2.欧陆式早餐 3.哈尔滨 4.小篆 5.穆斯林

6.《浮生六记》 7.《狂人日记》 8.捐款国家 9.银河系 10.景泰蓝

11.联合国教科文组织(缩写)12.南北朝 13.保税区 aircraft carrier defense lawyer SC APEC 惠民政策 扶贫计划 剪纸 唐三彩 非物质文化遗产

localization , ATA, APEC ,MT, budget deficit, translation transference,microblog,price ceilings,performance appraisal, Money laundering ,full refund 住房公积金,房奴,国际评级机构,实体经济,债权人 ,不可抗力,政府采购

IMF,NGD,NASA,UNEP,hedge fund, stem cell, cyber cafe, 高清电视,来电显示,裸婚,渣打银行,全球500强企业,首期按揭,德班会议,交易数量,贸易壁垒 APEC IDD NPC IMF protagonist Wall Street Journal US dollar appreciation transliteration UN security council

审美功能 人际功能 下拉菜单 软驱 下拉菜单 气虚 语言互译(好像是这个)编码 语用学 国际文献


政治汉英:十一五规划,社会治安,科学发展观,载人航天,全球货币紧缩 奶嘴男,来电欺诈,僵尸粉 framily transumer

UNESCO ASEAN APEC UNCF WIPO GNP UPU OPEC disaster preparedness, security margin trading, haphazard investment,quantitive easing monetary policy,credit risk,structual and imported inflation


wikipedia european sovereign debt crisis

e-commerce,paralympic games,MIT,IMF,wall street journal,International Atomic Energy Agency,european union,the caribbean,air quality monitoring,trade deficit,supreme court,unconventional weapons

tertiary industry, Gaddafi,Steave Jobs,trade defici


中国特色社会主义 基础设施建设 节能市场机制 醉驾 新兴经济

经济增长模式 国际惯例

clean energy rule of law

capacity building hit-and-run

global climate change green house emission peaceful coexistence media publicity

improve people's livelihood incentive policy WTO(旅游类)FIT(旅游类)punch(新闻类)

[size=-1]The New York Review of Books(新闻类)spinster(法律类)defendant(法律类)lump-sum contract economic giant sex worker 港龙航空

中国国际航空公司 中国人民广播电台 保税工厂 进口税 美食家 《石头记》 《阿Q正传》 东汉 吐鲁番市 道家 GNP,UNCF,CPI,UNESCO,ASEAN,OPEC,lingua franka,foreignizing method,polysysterm thory,intersemiotic translation,转变政府职能,民族先知,全面战略伙伴关系,第三产业,生态补偿机制,虚拟经济

Diesel oil、border defence、odd number、lyrical poem、congnitive psychology、UNESCO、WTO、A Midsummer Night‘s dream、Trade show、environmental Justice、inverse translation、CIF、Black Europe、Symphony orchestra、Armistice Day


UNEP,cockney,Beetles, CD-ROM



Air France IT industry

America Stock Exchange

United Nation Peacekeeping Forces 恐怖主义 世界博览会 自治区 宏观调控

公共卫生体系 综合国力 科学发展观 商业贿赂平等互利 出口退税 自主创新

生态环境保护 西部大开发 自然资源 私营经济 低保

国家主权和领土完整 农副产品加工 中东和平进程 科教兴国 节能减排 低碳经济 法治社会

migrant rural labors

weapons of massive destruction international practice global warming brain drain GDP ASEAN


Malthusian theory DPRK FIFA

Goldman Sachs 南水北调 拳头产品

经济适用房 红色旅游区 孟子 穆斯林 入乡随俗 破釜沉舟 水浒



考过四次的 2.obscure[træn'siʒən,-'ziʃən, trɑ:n-] n.过渡;转变;

3.Compatible [kəm'pætəbl] adj.兼容的;能共处的;可并立的 compatible with adj.与……和谐相处;与……相配的11 4.cherish['tʃeriʃ] vt.珍爱 考过三次的

1.dominate['dɔmineit] vt.控制;支配;占优势;在…中占主要地位 2.ascribe[ə'skraib] vt.归因于;归咎于 3.mingle['miŋɡl] vt.使混合;使相混

4.dilemma[di'lemə, ,dai-] n.困境;进退两难 5.allege[ə'ledʒ] vt.宣称,断言;提出…作为理由

6.conform[kən'fɔ:m] adj.一致的;顺从的 vt.使遵守;使一致;使顺从 7.hamper['hæmpə] vt.妨碍;束缚 8.Assurance[ə'ʃuərəns] n.保证;保险;确信;断言 9.ambiguous[æm'biɡjuəs] adj.模糊不清的;引起歧义的 10.explicit[ik'splisit] adj.明确的;清楚的 11.acknowledge[ək'nɔlidʒ] vt.承认;答谢 12.absurd[əb'sə:d] adj.荒谬的;可笑的 13.impose[im'pəuz] vt.强加;征税

14.coincide[,kəuin'said] vi.一致,符合;同时发生 考过两次的

1.anticipate[æn'tisipeit] vt.预期,期望

2.feasible['fi:zəbl] adj.可行的;可能的;可实行的

3.respectable[ri'spektəbl] adj.值得尊敬的;人格高尚的 4.revenge[ri'vendʒ] n.报复;复仇 5.haul[hɔ:l] vt.拖运;拖拉

6.negligible['neɡlidʒəbl] adj.微不足道的,可以忽略的 7.ambitious[æm'biʃəs] adj.野心勃勃的;有雄心的 8.trivial['triviəl] adj.不重要的,琐碎的;琐细的 9.intuition[,intju:'iʃən] n.直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识 10.facet['fæsit] n.面;方面;小平面 12.threshold['θreʃhəuld] n.入口;门槛;开始;极限;临界值 13.decent['di:sənt] adj.正派的;得体的;相当好的 14.extinct[ik'stiŋkt] adj.灭绝的,绝种的;熄灭的 15.indignant[in'diɡnənt] adj.愤愤不平的;义愤的 16.eternal[i'tə:nəl] adj.永恒的;不朽的

17.simultaneously[saiməl'teiniəsli] adv.同时地 18.expenditure[iks'penditʃə] n.支出,花费;经费,消费额

19.deprive[di'praiv] vt.使丧失,剥夺deprive of vt.剥夺;失去 20.provoke[prəu'vəuk] vt.驱使;激怒;煽动;惹起

21.jeopardize['dʒepədaiz] vt.危害;使陷危地;使受危困 22.compensate['kɔmpenseit] vt.补偿,赔偿;付报酬

23.illusion[i'lju:ʒən] n.幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰 24.obedient[əu'bi:diənt] adj.顺从的,服从的;孝顺的 25.increasingly[in'kri:siŋli] adv.越来越多地;渐增地 26.gloomy['ɡlu:mi] adj.黑暗的;沮丧的;阴郁的 27.enhance[in'hɑ:ns,-hæns] vt.提高;加强;增加 28.defy[di'fai, 'di:-] vt.藐视;公然反抗;挑衅 29.collide[kə'laid] vt.使碰撞;使相撞 30.recession[ri'seʃən] n.衰退;不景气; 31.analogy[ə'nælədʒi] n.类比;类推;类似 32.enrol[in'rəul] vt.登记;卷起;入学 33.immerse[i'mə:s] vt.沉浸;使陷入 34.confidential[,kɔnfi'denʃəl] adj.机密的;表示信任的 35.dwell[dwel] vi.居住;存在于

36.criteria[krai'tiəriə] n.标准,条件(criterion的复数)37.irritate['iriteit] vt.刺激,使兴奋;激怒

38.assurance[ə'ʃuərəns] n.保证;保险;确信;断言 39.scrutiny['skru:tini] n.详细审查;监视 40.rectify['rektifai] vt.改正纠正 41.testify['testifai] vt.证明,证实 42.ascertain[,æsə'tein] vt.确定;查明;探知 43.elapse[i'læps] vi.消逝;时间过去

44.installment[in'stɔ:lmənt] n.安装;分期付款

45.draw[drɔ:] n.平局;抽签 vi.拉;拖 vt.画;拉;吸引

这个单词是以词组形式出现的,draw up 草拟,起草and draw upon利用;开出;总结


47.luminous['lju:minəs] adj.发光的;明亮的;清楚的 48.fluctuate['flʌktjueit] vt.使波动;使动摇 49.originate[ə'ridʒəneit] vt.引起;创作

50.reconcile['rekənsail] vt.使一致;使和解;调停 51.integrity[in'teɡrəti] n.完整;正直;诚实;廉正 52.paradox['pærədɔks] n.悖论,反论

53.compulsory[kəm'pʌlsəri] adj.义务的;必修的;被强制的 54.authorize['ɔ:θəraiz] vt.批准,认可;授权给 55.flushed[flʌʃt] adj.激动的;心情愉快的

56.highlight['hailait] vt.突出;强调;使显著;加亮

57.extract[ik'strækt, 'ekstrækt] vt.提取;取出;摘录;榨取 58.impulse['impʌls] n.冲动;[电子] 脉冲;刺激 vt.推动 59.endeavour[in'devə] vt.竭力做到,试图或力图 60.erase[i'reiz, i'reis] vt.抹去;擦除 61.certify['sə:tifai] v.证明;保证 62.comply[kəm'plai] vi.遵守;顺从


1.stimulus ['stimjuləs] n.刺激;激励;刺激物

2.propel [prəu'pel] vt.推进;驱使;激励;驱策vt.1.推进,推动 2.激励,驱使 3.facilitate [fə'siliteit] 1.使便利 2.促进,助长 4.ascend [ə'send]上升,升高,攀登

5.soar [sɔ:]1.高飞,翱翔 2.猛增,剧增 3.高耸,耸立 6.accelerate [ək'seləreit]加速,促进

7.reinforce [,ri:in'fɔ:s]增强,加强,增援

8.consolidate [kən'sɔlideit]1.巩固,加强 2.合并,组成一体 9.motivate['məutiveit] 激发,刺激,为...的动机 10.induce [in'dju:s, in'du:s]劝诱,促使,导致 11.amplify ['æmplifai]1.增强,放大 2.详尽说明 12.magnify ['mæɡnifai]1.放大,扩大 2.夸张,夸大

13.elaborate [i'læbərət, i'læbəreit] adj.精心制作的;详尽的详尽的 14.tempted ['temptid] 1.引诱,诱导 2.吸引 15.boom [bu:m]激增,繁荣

16.consensus [kən'sensəs]意见一致

17.overlap [,əuvə'læp, 'əuvəlæp]与...重叠,交叠 18.collaboration [kə,læbə'reiʃən] n.1.合作,协作 2.勾结,通敌

19.accommodate [ə'kɔmədeit]1.容纳,接纳 2.向...提供住处 3.使适应,符合一致 20.gear [ɡiə] n.齿轮;装置vt.使……适合;使……准备好调整,适应 21.cumulative ['kju:mju,leitiv]渐增的,累积的

22.identical [ai'dentikəl]同一的,恒等的,完全相同的 23.immovable [i'mu:vəbl]固定的,不动的

24.homogenous [hɔ'mɔdʒənəs]同种,同质的,均匀的 25.mediate ['mi:dieit] 1.调停,调解 2.传达,转交 26.transaction [træn'zækʃən,-'sæk-, trɑ:n-]交易,办理,执行,和解

27.contribute vt.1.捐献,捐助,贡献 2.投稿 vi.1.贡献,捐献 2.促成,有利于 28.subscribe [səb'skraib]1.签署 2.认捐,捐助 29.dedicate 以...奉献;把,把献给

30.endow [in'dau] 1.捐助,捐赠 2.给予,赋予 第二组:

1.stretch [[stretʃ]]vt.伸长;拉长;使倾注全力,使紧张 vi.伸展,延绵,伸懒腰 2.jerked [dʒə:k]猛拉

3.unfold vi.伸展,呈现 vt.打开,显露,开展

4.radicate ['rædikeit] adj.生根的vt.确立;使生根1.发射,放射,辐射 2.流露,显示 5.manifest ['mænifest] n.载货单,货单vt.表明,证明 vi.显示,出现 a.显然的,明白的 6.conspicuous [kən'spikjuəs]明显的,显眼的 7.bald [bɔ:ld]光秃的,明显的 8.elicit [i'lisit]探出,引出

9.distinction 差别,区别,级别,特性,显赫,优秀,杰出

10.ingenious [in'dʒi:njəs]1.设计独特的,别致的 2.灵巧的,机敏的,善于发明创造的 11.exceptionally [ik'sepʃənəli]例外的,异常的,罕见的,特殊的,突出的 12.glitter ['ɡlitə]闪闪发光的,灿烂,闪烁 第三组:

1.perpetual [pə'petʃuəl,-tju-]1.持久的,永久的 2.没完没了的 2.invariably[in'vɛəriəbli] 恒定的,不变的,始终如一的,总是 3.ingredient[in'ɡri:diənt] 1.成分,原料 2.要素,因素 4.essence ['esəns]1.本质。实质,要素 2.精髓,精华 5.authentic [ɔ:'θentik]1.真的 2.可靠的,可信的 6.crucial ['kru:ʃəl]决定性的,重要的

7.imperative [im'perətiv]非常必要的,必须服从的 8.staple 1.主要产品 2.主食 a.主要的,经常用的 9.credible ['kredəbl]可信的,可靠的

10.intrinsic [in'trinsik,-kəl]固有的,本质的,内在的 [ri'laiəns]信任,信心,依赖的人或事 12.consistent[kən'sistənt] 持续不断的

13.adhere [əd'hiə]1.黏附,胶着 2.追随,拥护 3.坚持,固执 第四组:

1.haunt [hɔ:nt]vi.常出没于,萦绕在心头,使苦恼 n.常去的地方,动物栖息地,植物生长地 2.oppress [ə'pres]1.压迫,压制 2.使烦恼或不幸

3.frustrate [frʌs'treit]1.使沮丧,使灰心 2.挫败,挫折 4.bewilder[bi'wildə] 迷惑,难住,使糊涂

5.intricate ['intrikət]错综复杂的,复杂精细的,难懂的

6.turbulent ['tə:bjulənt]1.骚乱的,动荡的,混乱的 2.汹涌的,狂暴的 7.grieved [gri:vd]vt.使忧伤,使悲痛 vi.悲伤,伤心

8.regret 对...感到惋惜,懊悔,遗憾,对...感到悲伤,抱歉 9.insanity [in'sænəti]精神错乱,荒谬 10.abnormal [æb'nɔ:məl]不正常的,反常的 11.baffled 使受挫折,使困惑 12.disturbance[di'stə:bəns]扰乱

13.mourn [mɔ:n, məun] vi.表示哀悼,悲痛 vt.哀悼,悼念 14.suppress 1.镇压,压制 2.抑制,忍住

15.sustain [sə'stein] vt.维持;支撑,承担;忍受;供养;证实 16.pension ['penʃən]养老金,抚恤金,退休金 17.tolerant ['tɔlərənt]宽容的

18.overwhelm [,əuvə'hwelm]1.完全盖过,漫过并淹没,席卷 2.压倒,战胜 3.控制住 19.drowned ['draund]vi.溺死,淹死 vt.使淹死,淹没 20.triumphantly [trai'ʌmfəntli]得胜的,洋洋得意的 21.tucked [tʌkt]有褶的

22.distract[dis'trækt] 使...分心 第五组:

1.conceive [kən'si:v]想象,构思;怀孕 2.pondering ['pɔndəriŋ]思索,考虑,沉思 3.grope [ɡrəup]摸索,探索

4.comtemplate 1.注视,凝视,沉思 2.认为...可能的,预料 3.打算,计划 5.speculate ['spekjuleit]1.思索,推测 2.投机 6.foresee [fɔ:'si:]预见,预知 ['viʒən]vt.梦见,想象,显示 n.视力,视觉,幻想 8.signify ['signifai]表示...意思,意味,预示 第六组:

1.drained [drein]vt.耗尽 vi.流干

2.refusal [ri'fju:zəl, ri:-]拒绝,推却,优先取舍权

3.terminate ['tə:mineit]结束,终止,停止 n.有结尾的,有限的 4.alleviate [ə'li:vieit]缓和,减轻 5.deficit ['defisit]赤字,逆差,亏损 6.deteriorate [di'tiəriəreit]下降,衰退 7.relieve 解除,减轻,调剂,衬托,救济 8.restrict [ri'strikt]限制,约束,限制 9.eject [i'dʒekt, 'i:dʒekt]放逐,喷射

10.expel [ik'spel]1.把...除名,开除 2.驱逐,赶走,放逐 3.排出,喷出 11.dispose [dis'pəuz] vt.处理;处置n.处置;性情 12.decline [di'klain]下降,拒绝,衰落

13.discard [dis'kɑ:d, 'diskɑ:d]vt.丢弃,抛弃,解雇 vi.垫牌 14.descent [di'sent] 1.下降,下倾 2.斜坡 3.血统,血系 15.degrade ['di'ɡreid]降低,堕落,分解,退化 16.abolished 废止,取消,废除

17.finite ['fainait]有限的,有限制的

18.handicap ['hændikæp]1.障碍,不利条件 2.缺陷 19.drawbacks 缺点,弊端,障碍

20.transmission 1.发射,播送 2.传播

21.subordinate sə'bɔ:dinət vt.使……服从adj.下级的,次要的 n.部下,下级职员 22.attendant [ə'tendənt]侍者,服务员,随从 23.quota ['kwəutə]定额,配额,限额 第七组:

1.scrape [skreip]刮,擦 2.scratch [skrætʃ]刮,擦

3.scar [skɑ:]1.疤,伤疤 2.伤疤 第八组:

1.commend [kə'mend] 1.称赞,表扬 2.衬托,委托 3.推荐 2.designate 'deziɡneit1.指派,委任 2.标出,把...定名为 3.appropriate 1.欣赏,赏识 2.感激,感谢 3.领会,意识到 4.perception [pə'sepʃən]理解,感知,感觉 第九组:

1.defending 保卫,辩护

2.controversy ['kɔntrə,və:si]争论,论战,争吵 3.refute [ri'fju:t, ri:-]驳倒,反驳 4.appeal [ə'pi:l]呼吁,恳求

5.plead [pli:d]vi.1.恳求,请求 2.申诉,答辩,辩护 vt.为...辩护 第十组:

1.disguise [dis'ɡaiz]1.假扮,化装 2.伪装 3.掩盖,掩饰 2.veil [veil]1.面纱,面罩 2.遮盖物,掩饰物

3.ornament['ɔ:nəmənt, 'ɔ:nəment] 装饰品,点缀,装饰 4.simulate['simjuleit] 1.模仿,模拟 2.假装,冒充 5.assume [ə'sju:m, ə'su:m]假定,承担,采取,呈现 6.charge 控诉,使充满,承担,收费

7.premise[pri'maiz, 'premis] 1.假定,前提 2.财产,房地产 8.pose vi.摆姿势,佯装,矫柔造作,引起,造成 9.asset ['æset]1.宝贵的人或事 2.资产,财产 第十一组:

1.crisp [krisp]易碎的,脆的 2.brittle ['britl]硬而易碎的

3.fragile ['frædʒail]1.易碎的,脆的 2.虚弱的,脆弱的

4.vulnerable ['vʌlnərəbl]1.易受伤害的,脆弱的 2.易受攻击的,无防御的 第十二组:

1.greasy ['ɡri:zi]油污的,含脂肪多的 2.contamination [kən,tæmi'neiʃən]污染物 第十三组:

1.massive['mæsiv] 1.大而重的,厚实的 2.可观的,大量的 3.结实的,魁伟的 2.superiority [sju:,piəri'ɔriti, sə-]优越,高傲 3.surpass [sə'pɑ:s1.超过,优于 2.非...所能办到

4.extravagant [ik'strævəɡənt] 1.奢侈的,铺张的 2.过度的,过分的 5.compacted ['kɔmpæktid]压紧,压实

6.array [ə'rei] n.数组,阵列;大批,一系列vt.排列,部署;打扮整齐的一批,大量 7.transcend [træn'send, trɑ:n-] 1.超出,超越 2.优于,胜过

8.surplus ['sə:plʌs,-pləs]n.剩余,过剩,盈余 a.过剩的,剩余的 9.multitude ['mʌlti,tju:d,-,tu:d]多数,大群,大批 第十四组: 1.dazzle ['dæzl]使眩目,使倾倒 2.fascinate ['fæsineit]强烈的吸引,迷住 3.affection [ə'fekʃən] n.喜爱,感情;影响;感染

4.spontaneous [spɔn'teiniəs] adj.自发的;自然的;无意识的自发的

5.intense [in'tens]1.强烈的,激烈的,紧张的 2.热心的 3.认真的,专注的 6.breakthrough 突破

7.acute [ə'kju:t] adj.严重的,[医] 急性的;敏锐的;激烈的;尖声的尖锐的 8.climax ['klaimæks]顶点,高潮

9.hospitality [,hɔspi'tæləti]友好款待,好客 10.feast [fi:st]1.盛宴,宴会 2.节目 第十五组:

1.destructive [di'strʌktiv]毁灭性的,破坏性的,有害的 2.aggravate ['æɡrəveit]1.加剧,使恶化 2.激怒 3.disaster 灾难

4.symptom ['simptəm]症状,征候,征兆




鼠标轻轻一点,购物者几乎就能在网上买到任何东西,从食品百货到汽车,从保险单(insurance policies)到理财产品。电子商务(electronic commerce)的世界使得消费者无需离开舒适的家就能够在数以千计的网店购物,并完成付款。消费者不但期望能从网上买到划算的商品,而且还希望支付过程简单、安全。当然,网络购物者也需要谨慎小心以保证愉快、安全的网购经历。

With just a soft click of the mouse, shoppers can buy nearly any product online, from groceries to cars, from insurance policies to financial products.The world of electronic commerce enables consumers to shop at thousands of online stores and pay for their purchase without leaving the comfortable home.Consumers not only expect to pick up a good bargain on the Web, but also a payment with simple and secure process.Of course, online consumers need to be cautious to make their online shopping experiences enjoyable and safe.二、2012年12月(2)


Daoism is the native religion of China, its name stems from “Dao” being its highest object of faith.For thousands of years, Daoism have great influence over the philosophy, world view, ways of thinking and lifestyle of the Chinese.Daoism is one of the three dominant religions philosophies in China for more than two thousand years.Daoism has the culture inheritance of the Chinese people and made significant contributions to the process of people civilization.“你要茶还是要咖啡?”是用餐人常被问到的问题。许多西方人会选咖啡,而中国人则会选茶。相传,中国的一位帝王于五千多年前发现了茶,并用来治病。在明清(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)期间,茶馆遍布全国。饮茶在6世纪传到日本,但直到17、18世纪才传到欧美。如今,茶是世界上最流行的饮料(beverage)之一。茶是中国的民族饮品,也是中国传统和文化的重要组成部分。

This is what diners often have been asked “Would like tea or coffee?” Many Westerns favor coffee while the Chinese tend to choose tea.Tradition has it that an ancient Chinese emperor discovered the tea five thousand years ago and used it to treat illness.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, teahouse spread all over China.Tea drinking was introduced to Japan in the 6th century while it was not introduced into Europe or America until the 17th and 18th centuries.Nowdays, tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world.Tea, it is not only a kind of Chinese national drink, but also an important part of Chinese tradition and culture.四、2012年12月(1)

在中国,小孩的满月酒(One-Month-Old Feast)和抓周(One-Year-Old Catch)仪式独具特色。小孩出生满一个月那天,孩子的加人一般要招呼亲朋挚友,邀请他们一起来庆祝孩子满月。小孩满周岁的那天,有抓周的仪式。按照中国的传统,父母及他人不给予任何引导或暗示,任孩子随意挑选,看小孩抓喜欢的东西,并以此为依据来预测孩子可能存在的志趣和将来从事的职业以及前途。

In China, One-Month-Old Feast and One-Year-Old Catch of a baby are of unique Chinese characteristics.On the day when a baby is a month old, the family of the baby will invite their friends and relatives to a ceremony to celebrate the occasion.According to traditional Chinese custom, nobody will give any instruction or cue to the baby so that it is left free to choose by itself.Watching the baby catch the articles it likes, the family can then make predictions about its potential interest, future and development.农历正月十五是中国传统的元宵节(the Lantern Festival)。正月是农历的第一个月,又称“元月”,古代人称夜为“宵”,所以正月十五又被称为元宵节。赏灯是元宵节的传统习俗,这一习俗是从汉朝开始的,距今已有两千多年的历史。元宵节晚上,到处张灯结彩,热闹非凡。吃汤圆是元宵节的另一个传统习俗。在一年开始的第一个月圆之夜吃元宵,就是希望家人团圆、幸福。

The 15th day of the first lunar month is the traditional Chinese Lantern Festival.It is so called first lunar month is call “Yuan month” and in the ancient time people called night “Xiao”.The custom started from the Han dynasty, and has a history of more than two thousand years.In the night, every place is decorated with lanterns and colorful streamers and there is a bustling atmosphere.It is also a traditional custom for Chinese to eat“Tangyuan”at this time.Eating “Tangyuan” on the first night with a full moon in a year is to wish that family members will remain united and happy.六、2013年6月(2)

“春联(The Spring Couplet)”也被称为“对联(couplet)”,在中国是一种特殊的文学形式。春联由贴在门口两侧两组对立的句子(antithetical sentences)组成。在门上面的横批(horizontal scroll bearing an inscription)通常是一个吉祥的短语。贴在门右侧的句子被称作对联的上联(the first line of the couplet),左侧的为下联。除夕那天,每家都会在门上贴上红纸写的春联,传递出节日喜庆和热闹的气氛。在过去,中国人通常用毛笔自己写春联或者请别人写春联,而现在,人们普遍在市场上买印刷好的春联。

“The Spring Couplet” also called “couplet”, is a special form of literature in China.The spring couplet is composed of two antithetical sentences on both sides of the door.Above the gate horizontal scroll bearing an inscription usually an auspicious phrase.The sentence pasting on the right side of the door is called the first line of the couplet, the left one is the second line.On the eve of the Spring Festival, every household well paste on the doors a spring couplet written on red paper to give a happy and bustling atmosphere of the Festival.In the past, the Chinese usually wrote their own spring couplet with a brush or asked others to do it for them, while nowdays, it is common for people to buy the printed spring couplet in the market.七、2013年12月(2)

中国结(the Chinese knot)最初是由手工艺人发明的,经过数百年不断的改进,已经成为优雅多彩的艺术和工艺。在古代,人们用它来记录事件,但现在主要用于装饰目的。“结”在中文里意味着爱情婚姻和团聚。中国结常常作为礼物交换或用作饰品祈求好运和避邪。这种形式的手工艺(handicraft)代代相传,现在已经在中国和世界各地越来越受欢迎。

The Chinese knot, originally invented by the craftsmen, has become an elegant and colorful art and craft over hundreds of years’ improvement.In ancient times, it used to record events, but nowdays it is mainly functioning as decoration.“Knot” signifies love, marriage and reunion in Chinese.Often used as gift exchange and decoration, Chinese knot is believed to brbing good luck as well as ward off evil spirits.The handicraft have been passed down from one generation to another and now enjoys more and more popularity both at home and abroad.八、2012年6月

中西方饮食习惯(eating habits)存在极大的差异。在不同于西方那种没人一盘食物的饮食习惯,在中国,菜肴是被放在桌上让大家共同分享的。如果你在中国主人家做客,就要做好有一大桌食物的心理准备。中国人对于自己的烹饪文化(culture of cuisine)感到非常自豪,而且会尽全力去展示自己的好客(hospitality)。而且有时候,中国主人会用他们的筷子把食物夹到你的碗里或者盘子中。这是礼貌的体现。

There are great differences between Chinese and Western eating habits.Unlike the west, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares.If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a table full of food.Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality.And sometimes the Chinese hosts use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate.This is a sign of politeness.i


I.Phrase Translation

1.多边合作:multilateral cooperation

2.可持续发展:sustainable development

3.试行阶段:pilot phase

4.应急计划: contingency plan

5.污水处理: sewage treatment

6.全球变暖: global warming

7.新闻发布会: press conference;news briefing

8.市场占有率: share of market;market share

9.研发中心: RD center(research and development center)

10.跨国犯罪: transnational crime

11.企业文化: enterprise culture;corporate culture

12.八国峰会: G8 summit;Group 8 Summit

13.数字鸿沟: digital divide

14.危害品贩运: drug trafficking

15.国有企业: state-owned enterprise

16.brand loyalty: 品牌忠诚度

17.corporate governance: 公司治理;企业管治

18.corporate social responsibility: 企业社会责任

19.proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: 大规模杀伤性武器扩散 sourcing: 全球采购

21.HSBC: 汇丰银行(Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)

22.carbon trading: 碳交易;碳贸易

23.deforestation: 滥伐森林;森林砍伐;滥砍滥伐

24.due diligence: 尽职调查

25.code of conduct: 行为准则;行为规范

26, market positioning: 市场定位

27.cradle of human civilization: 人类文明发源地

28.anti-dumping measures: 反倾销措施

29.time to market: 上市时间;上市时机(一个新产品从构思到实际推入市场所用的时间)

30.alternative energy: 替代能源;可替代能源

II.Passage translation

Section A Chinese to English

广交会品牌展区是鼓励和引导企业转变外贸发展方式的重要示范平台。为进一步优化出口产 品结构,推动外贸企业转型,本届广交会重新开展了品牌展区企业评审和品牌展位安排工作,并对品牌展区作适度扩容,设展位数10447个,占总展位的18.63。共有1442家企业进入品牌展 区,比上一届增加77家。此外,本届还在细化优化展览现场服务、完善参展商和釆购商个性化服 务、提升餐饮服务水平、强化对特装布展施工单位的资质认证及现场管理等方面作了改进和完善。来自法国、美国、丹麦、芬兰、日本、新西兰等6个国家的11.絮跨国企业将进驻广交会跨国采购 服务区。


Brand Gallery of the Canton Fair serves as an important platform to encourage and lead the enterprises to change the mode of foreign trade development.To further optimize the structure of export products and promote the transformation of foreign trade enterprises, we will re-launch the assessment of exhibitors and the arrangement of the Brand Gallery at this session.We make moderate expansion of the Brand Gallery.It accomodates 10,447 stands totally, taking up 18.6% of the total stands.There are 1,442 enterprises in the Gallery, 77 more than that of the last session.In addition, the Canton Fair has seen adjustments and improvements in terms of exhibition on-site services, tailored services for exhibitors and buyers, catering services, qulification authentication and on-site exhibition management of contractors of costume-built stands and etc.11 multinationals from France, America, Denmark, Finland, Japan and New Zealand participate in the Multinational Sourcing Service of the Canton Fair.Section B English to Chinese

On Not Winning the Nobel Prize(Excerpt)

By Doris Lessing

We have a treasure-house of literature, going back to the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans.It is all there, this wealth of literature, to be discovered again and again by whoever is lucky enough to come upon it.A treasure.Suppose it did not exist.How impoverished, how empty we would be.We own a legacy of languages, poems, histories, and it is not one that will ever be exhausted.It is there, always.We have a bequest of stories, tales from the old storytellers, some of whose names we know, but some not.The storytellers go back and back, to a clearing in the forest where a great fire burns, and the old shamans dance and sing, for our heritage of stories began in fire, magic, the spirit world.And that is where it is held, today.The storyteller is deep inside every one of us.The stoiy-maker always with us.Let us suppose our world is ravaged by war, by the horrors that we all of us easily imagine.Let us suppose floods wash through our cities, the seas rise.But the storyteller will be there, for it is our imaginations which shapes us, keep us,create us一for good and for ill.It is our stories that will recreate us, when we are tom, hurt, even destroyed.It is the storyteller, the dream-maker, the myth-maker, that is our phoenix, which represents us at our best, and at our most creative.参考译文:




讲故事的人,深藏在我们每个人的内心。编故事的人,始终伴随着我们。让我们展开想象吧,我们的世界正在受到战争的蹂躏,处在我们不难想象的恐怖的威胁之下。让我们展开想象吧,洪水淹没城镇,海水呼啸上涨 但是,讲故事的人会出现在那里,因为塑造了保存了创造了我们的,正是我们的想象 ──不管是好是怀,都是我们的想象。在我们被撕裂、被伤害甚至被摧毁的时候,将重塑我们的,是我们的故事,是讲故事的人。讲故事的人,是编造梦幻的人,编造神话的人。他们就像是浴火重生的不死鸟,代表着我们最优秀和最具创造力的那一部分。




Inaccessible 难以接近的:unreachable Extracting 提取,提炼:removing Strength 基础:basis Surging 激增,迅速上升:accelerating Trend 倾向,趋势:tendency Peak 最高点,最高峰:maximum Prior to 在前,局先:preceding Advocates 提倡者,赞成者:proponents Unsubstantiated 无确实根据的,未经证实的:unverified Maintain 维持:preserve Considerable 极其,相当,大量:substantial Enactment 制定,执行:performance Staggering 令人惊愕的:overwhelming Devastated 毁坏:ruined Demonstrate 证明,示威:showed Extend 延伸,扩展:stretch Vast 巨大的,辽阔的:large Sparked 发动,鼓舞:brought about Potential 潜在的,可能的:possible Outstanding 突出的,显著的:excellent Account for 解释,说明:explain Picking up 沿着:following A supremacy至高,霸权:a dominance Supplanted代替:replaced Myriad无数:many Supreme最高的:most outstanding Settle解决,决定:decide Ascending 上升,攀登:climbing Solemn 严肃的:serious Composed创作,作曲:created Scores 乐谱:music composition Comprises 包含,由,构成:consists of Intense 剧烈的:extreme Margins 空白:edges Support 支撑:hold Appreciation 感激,评价,欣赏:recognition Bias 偏见:prejudice Prevailing 流行的:most frequent Accumulated 积聚,堆积:collected Related 有关系得:connected Supported 支撑:upheld Forward-looking 向前看的:progressive 进步的 Rudimentary 不发达的,未发展的:undeveloped Sole 唯一的:only Subsidizes 资助:finance Rotates 旋转:alternates Implements 玩具:tools Clues 线索:information Hemispheres 半球:sides Subject to 遭受:susceptible to Puncture 刺穿:pierce Dramatic 戏剧性的,显著的:striking Characterized 不同,区别于其他:distinguished Bizarre 古怪的:odd Casts off 抛弃:gets rid of Homogeneous 一致的,同一的:uniform Largely renounces 基本上拒绝:generally rejects Prevail 流行,支配控制:dominates Subtle 轻微的,精细的:slight Compile 收集,积累:put together Raw 未加工的,为处理的:unprocessed Prospect 前景,可能性:possibility Roughly 大约地:approximately Magnify 增加,扩大:increase Distinction 不同,区别:differences Fused 结合:combined Lure 吸引:attract Placed 放置:deposited Discrete 分泌:separate Overtaxed 负担沉重的:heavily burdened Inadequate 不充足的:deficient Inevitable 不可避免地:unavoidably Lamented 不满,抱怨:complaint about First rank 最高水平:highest quality Faded from 消失于:disappeared from Novel 创新的,新颖的:innovative Stationary 固定的:fixed Vessel 船只:craft Smothering 窒息的:eliminated Coined 组成,创造:created Intervention 干预:influence Emerged 出现:appeared Outlining 概括,总结:summarizing Deliberate 仔细地:careful Demanded 需要:required Imitate 模仿:copy Comparably 相似地:similarly Inclinations 偏好,喜好 : preferences Varied 不同:differed Cumbersome 笨重地:burdensome Confined 局限:limited Framed 构造,制定:posed Supposedly 可能地,推测地:seemingly Sanitation 卫生:health Conflicting 对立的:apposing Give way to 让位于:turns into Speculate 假设:hypothesize Alternative 选择:option Imposing 要求高的,费力的:demanding Penetrate 穿过:go through Extended 增加,延长:increase Preferred 喜欢;favored Barren 贫瘠的:infertile Hard 坚硬的:firm Divergence 不同,区别:difference Durable 耐久地:long-lasting Dwelling 住所:houses Elaborately 精心地:done in a great detail Bounds 限制:limits Chance 偶然的:unplanned Integral 必要的,基本的:an essential Carry 承担:support Concentrated 集中:clustered Effect 影响:influence Distinct 区别,不同:separate Setting 建立:establishing Ends 目标:goals Drastic 激进的:radical Extracted 提取:removed Instances 例子:cases Entombed 陷入:trapped Marked 明显的:pronounced Ushering 开始,引入:beginning Execute 执行,创造:create Domains 领域:fields Fundamental 基本的:basic Skilled 专业的:expert Presided over 管理控制:managed Celestial 天文学的:astronomical Entities 物体:objects Motifs 母题,图案:designs Rare 罕见的:infrequent Maintaining 维持:preserving Tolerate 忍耐:endure Obtain 获得 get Roll back 减少 reduce Stimulating 刺激 encouraging Depressed 降低,使沮丧 lowered Stringent 严厉的 strict Dictates 决定 determines Witnessed 看到 observed A break with 分开 a departure from Conserve 维持,保留 retain Magnified 加强,加剧 intensified Forage 觅食 feed Counteracted 否定,抵消 negated In season 应季 a particular time of year Fixture 寻常物品 commonplace object Nevertheless 但是 however Rotates 转动,改变 turns Readily 容易地,欣然地 easily Constituting 组成 making up Pits 洞,坑 holes Disputes 争论 arguments Unrestricted 不受限制的 unlimited Snap 折断 break Fed 吃/放入 put Exposed to 易受影响的,受支配 subjected to Exert 引起,导致 cause Diffuses 穿过,扩散 travels Rapture 破裂 burst Miniscule 微小的 tiny Enables 使能够 allows Aesthetically 美学的,艺术的 artistically Refreshing 非同寻常的,耳目一新的 unusual Devote 奉献 dedicate Bound 系,绑 tied Assembling 聚集 gathering Adorned 装修 decorated Attire 服装 clothing Unravel 揭露 discover Mundane平凡的 ordinary Gap 空隙 opening Discards 抛弃 gets rid of Deft 灵巧的 skilled Robust 强壮的 strong Heralded 宣布 announced Position 职位 job Major 主要的 principal Symmetrical 比例平衡的,对称的 proportionally balanced Obvious 明显的 apparent Dominated 占支配地位的 were prevalent in Supplements 补充 extensions Crisscross 交叉 move back and forth Skepticism 怀疑主义 doubt Subsidy 资助 financing Conjectural 猜测的 based on guessing Employing 采用 using Assortment 种类 variety Exalted 高级的 superior Ingots 银锭/块 blocks of silver mixed with copper Came of age 出现了,成名了 established itself Trace 痕迹 imprints Exposed 暴露 uncovered Adversely 逆向/反的 negatively Altered 改变 changed Noxious 有毒的,有害的 harmful Detectable 可以探测的 measurable Acute 敏锐的,剧烈的 intense Exceeded 超越 surpassed Astounding 惊讶的 surprising Durable 耐久的 lasting Customarily 通常 usually Induced 导致 caused Remarkable 异常的 extraordinary Exerted 运用 applied Restricted 限制 limited Intricate 错综复杂的 complex Vary 区别,不同 differ Initially 首先 at first Cohesion 凝聚力 unity Consciously 有意识地,故意地 purposely Unadorned 未装饰的,平凡的 plain Consumption 消费,吃 eating Constituents 组成部分 components Calculated 计算,决定 determined Ceased 停止 stop Prominent 著名的 distinguished Apply to 应用于 used for Coarser 粗糙的 rougher Dense 浓密的 thick Thanks to 由于 because of Eagerly anticipated 渴望,期待 looked forward to Properties 特征,特点 characteristics Ascribed to 归功于,认为 assumed to be true of Revolutionized 巨变,革命 dramatically changed Appeal 吸引attraction Spawned 产生,产卵 created Core 核心 center Embedded 镶嵌 encased Spotting 识别 identifying Dogma 信仰,教条 belief Detect 发现 discovered the presence of Shied away from 避免 avoided Milestone 里程碑 significant development Critical 关键的 essential Jolting 震动 shocking Magnitude 成都/大小 extent Attachment to 倾向于 preference for Protruding 凸出的 projecting Shield 保护 protect Daring 大胆bold Boosted 鼓舞 raised Inhibited 阻碍hindered Counterpart 版本,对应物 version Detectable 明显的,可探测的 apparent Sumptuous 奢侈的 luxurious Yield 供应provide Adhere 坚持 stick Initiate 启动,开始 begin Modifying 改变,限制 changing Rapidity 迅速 swiftness Efficiency 效率 effectiveness Rear 抚养 raise Scale 攀登 climb Immunity 免疫,保护 protection Conspicuous 明显的 noticeable Bias 偏见 prejudice Exorbitant 丰富的 expensive Undergone 经历 experienced Consorted 交往 associated Sufficient 充足 adequate Annihilate 消灭,征服 conquer Aptly 恰当的 appropriately Fashion 制造 create Article 物品 object Staples 基本产品 basic elements Invade 侵入 move into Contemporary 当代的 existing Finely 微小的 minutely Attendant 伴随的 accompanying Exponential leaps 迅速上升 rapid increases Virtually 几乎完全,实际上 almost completely Pertinent 相关的 relevant Succinct 简明 concise Revise 改变 change Monopolized 垄断 dominated Factions 部分 sides Flattering 赞美 complimentary Disseminated 分散 spread Accelerated 加速 increased Given way to 替代 been replaced by Reliance 依赖 dependence Picture 想象 imagine Emit 发出 give off Glowing 发光的 shining Influx 流入,到达 arrival Extraordinary 异常的 exceptional Era 时代 period of time Intriguing 吸引人的 attractive Conclusive 总结性的 definitive Preoccupation 卷入involvement Primary 基本的fundamental Entire 整个whole Bring about 引起 cause Temping 吸引人的 attractive Reckless 不负责任的 irresponsible Concomitant with 同时发生的,与之伴随的 in conjunction with Skyrocketing 迅速上升 increasing rapidly Extolling 高度赞扬praising Roughly 大约harshly Reaped 获得gained Interchangeable 互换的,等同于 equivalent Classified 分类 categorized Incinerated itself 燃烧 burn up Securing 获得 acquiring Implications 意义 significant Hinterland 腹地,内地贸易区 region Persisted 坚持,持续 continued Undergoing 经历,遭受 experiencing Suspend 悬挂,延迟 hang Fatal 致命的 deadly Secure 安全的 safe Sorted out 分类,挑练 separated Dampened 使潮湿 moistened Fine 细微的 tiny Derived 起源,得自 obtained Drastically 激烈的,彻底的severely Coincided with 一致,符合 happened at the same time Supplement 补充 add to Contemporary 当代的,同时代的 written at the same time Prized 珍视 valued Overtaken 超越,胜出surpassed Intervals 间隔 periods Freeing 解除 releasing Plunge 投入,跳进 drop Tangled缠结的,紊乱的 twisted together Concealed 隐藏 covered Avail themselves 利用 make use Accordingly 因此for that reason Crucial至关重要的 important Ponderous 笨重的heavy Attained 达到,获得achieved Abundant 丰富的,充裕的plentiful Peculiar 独特的,奇异的strange Meticulously小心翼翼的 carefully Durability 经久,耐久力endurance Incised雕刻的carved Consumed消耗,吃eaten Innovative 创新的 new Extract 提取,提炼remove Scorched烧焦burned Consequence 结果result Exceed超越,胜出go beyond Generated 产生 cause Norm 标准 standard Henceforth 今后 from that time on Mandated委托统治的recommended Immutable 不可变的unchangeable Revered 尊敬 respected Consist 一致的,协调的constant Intent 目的,意向 goal Administered 管理 managed Periphery 外围 outer edge Inception 起初beginning Fabricating 构成,虚构constructing Resort to 采取using Ingenuity 机灵,灵巧resourcefulness Functional 有功能的,有用的usable Significant 有意义的meaningful Attained 获得reached Flamed 燃烧burned Encompass包围,环绕 include Came to the forefront 来到最前线/变得很重要 became important Hinged on 依赖 depended on Lured 引诱attracted Expendable消费品,可以牺牲的 nonessential Notwithstanding 尽管despite Intricate 错综复杂的complex Random 任意的unpredictable Optimal 最佳的,最理想的best Urged 催促encouraged Carried on 继续 continued Diverse 不同的varied Ensures确保 guarantees Suitable 合适的,适宜的appropriately Scares 稀有rare Resemble 类似look like Coarse 粗糙的crude Brittle易碎的,脆弱的 easily broken Appreciated赏识,意识到 recognized Merely 仅仅only Emitting 发出producing Spanning 跨越 cover Pursue 追赶catch Altogether 完全的completely Intensive 集中的,透彻的concentrated Prevailed 流行,盛行dominated Depicted 描述described Foremost 首要的 leading Meteoric流星的,迅速的 rapid Apace with 快速的,急速的as fast as Wider 宽广的more extensive Thereby 因此,在那方面by that means Unique 唯一的,独特的singular Rotting 腐烂的decaying Key 关键的important Converted修改 changed Antecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessor Appealing吸引人的 attractive Local 场所place Boosted推进 raised Scope 范围extent Prolific多产的,丰富的 productive Eager 热心的,渴望的enthusiastic Engaged使用,雇佣 hire Subsequent后来的 later Sums 总数amounts Identical同样的 exactly alike Graphic生动的,鲜明的 vivid Undoubtedly 毫无疑问的certainly Components 组成部分parts Besides 除此之外in addition to Flourished繁荣,昌盛 thrived Grumbled 抱怨,牢骚complained Serve服务,适合 function Sole 唯一的only Detecting 发现finding Sedentary久坐的,不活动的 inactive Subjected 受影响的exposed Essence 本质,精华basic nature Diverse 不同的different Noted 注意到 observed Emphasize 强调stress Accessible易接近的,可靠近的available Account for 解释,说明explain Smooth operation 顺利进行 effective functioning Cluster 成群 group Alert 警惕 ware Scurrying 急跑,匆忙走rushing Formidable 艰难地,令人敬畏的difficult Intent 目的,意向 purpose Regardless of 不管,不顾no matter what Marked 显著地noticeable Confine 限制 restrict Presumably 推测,大概 probably Sustain 支撑,持续 support Insignificant 无关紧要的unimportant Ultimately 最后,最终 eventually Demise 死亡 death Convert 转变 change Primarily 主要地,根本上 chiefly Prevailing 流行的dominant Undergone 经历 experienced Vast 巨大的 great Precarious 不稳定的 uncertain Settled 固定的 stable Chronicle 记载,记录,编年史 describe Ornate 装饰的,华丽的 elaborate Derived from 起源 based on Various 不同的,多样的different Account for 解释 explain Subjugated 征服 conquered Synonymous with 同义的 equivalent to Excavating 挖掘 digging Agents 动因,代理人 causes Aided 帮助的 helped Estimated 评估 judged Pry off 翘起 remove Littered 杂乱堆满,乱丢 covered Preserved 保持,保存 protected from destruction Constant 持续的,一致的 consistent Attained 达到,获得 achieved Resumed 再继续,重新开始 began again Attests to 证明 give evidence of Drab 单调的 dull Prominent 显著的,突出的 noticeable Yet 仍,至今 so far Rudimentary 根本的,未发展的 basic Biting 尖锐的 sharp Heightened 提高,提升 increased Meticulous 小心翼翼的 careful Accumulated 积聚,积累 built up Tantamount to 与……相等的 practically the same as Remarkable 非凡的,显著的 extraordinary Link 连结,联合 connection Surge 汹涌,激增 sharp increase Unprecedented 空前的,前所未闻的 not seen before Obscure 模糊的,朦胧的 unclear Display 陈列展示 exhibit Load 负荷,重担 weight Precise 精确的 accurate Exercise 训练,使用 utilize Elicit 得出,引出 bring out Probe 探查 explore Prolific 多产的,丰富的 fruitful Ideal 理想的perfect Standard 标准 customary Strain 疲劳,紧张 stress Accordingly 因此,从而 consequently Teeming with 充满了,丰富的 full of Resemble 类似,模仿 appear similar to Postulated 假定,假设 suggested Depended 依靠 relied Subscribed 订阅,赞成 agreed with Stunning 极好的 impressive 感人的,印象深刻的 Spawn 产生,制造 create Partitioning 分割,划分 division Enhances 增强,提高 increased Transition 转换,过渡 change Ignited 点燃 set on fire Evolution 发展,演化 development Momentarily 即刻 briefly Depict 描述 represent Advent 出现,到来 arrival Affront 侮辱,冒犯 insult Intriguing 迷人的 fascinating Endless 无止境的 continuous连续的 Adequate 充分的,足够的 sufficient Rather than 胜于 instead of 而不是 Forage 觅食 search for food Intermittently 间歇地periodically周期性的 Furnish 供应,提供 provide Oscillating 震荡,摇摆 swinging Ultimately 最终 in the end Compelling 强迫地,又说服力的 forceful Exceptional 异常地,意外地 remarkable 不平常地,显著地 Enhancement 增加/进 improvement Revitalize 新生 bring new life to Executing 执行,制造 producing Allay 减轻,减少 reduce Permeated 弥漫,渗透 spread through Testimony to 证词/明evidence of Hardiest 坚硬 most vigorous Framework 框架,结构 structure Prolonged 延长的extended Encounter 遭遇 meet Fortuitous 偶然的,幸运的lucky Thwarted 阻挠,挫败 frustrated失败的,落空的 Scattered 分散的irregularly distributed By virtue of 由于 because of Circumscribed 限制 restricted Indeterminate 不确定的uncertain Enveloped 包围着 surrounded 环绕地 Gradually 逐渐地 by degrees At any rate 无论如何 regardless 不管



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