M&E(meeting&exposition),也就是会议和展览,即会展;第二个是美派,在北美地区中,美国是会展的理论主要集中地,而他们将会展总结为MICE,其中M是公司会议(meeting)的意思,I是奖励旅游(incentive tourism)的意思,C是协会和社团组织所组织的会议(convention),而E则表示的是展览会(exhibition or exposition)的意思;第三个是综合派,随着近年来全球经济的不断发展以及贸易越来越自由化,因此这个派别对于会展美派的概念进行了一定的补充,将MICE转变成为了MICEE,其中多出来的一个E表示的是节事活动(e―vent)的意思,因为随着节事活动在会展中的作用越来越大,因此在会展英语中的地位也逐渐提高。
随着会展业的不断发展和壮大,目前急需一批会展专业的人才,然而因为我国的会展业起步较晚,发展较为薄弱,会展专业人才较为匮乏,人才的素质也普遍偏低,尤其是英语人才在会展业的发展中起到了重要的作用,因此使得整个会展业的发展受到了严重的阻碍。会展英语的应用不仅涉及到了阅读、口头和笔试等表达能力方面,有着大量的专业术语和词汇,如Booth有着展台、售货棚、展览摊位的意思,Booth contractor则有着展台搭建公司的意思;又如Convention site inspection有着会议场地考察的意思,而Con―vention registration则有着会议代表签到的意思;还如Exhibi―tion planning有着展前联络的意思,而Exhibition manual则是参展商手册的意思。会展英语往往会因为功能和表达习惯的不同,需要使用不同的英语词汇才能表发出来,如会议,就会因为会议的类型差异,而有着convention(年会)、conference(专业会)、seminar(研讨会)和forum(论坛)等不同的形式。
目前,会展业的发展前景越来越广阔,不仅成为了第二产业的重要组成部分和经济增长点,还涉及到了纺织、建材、食品和科技等多样化的行业,而会展英语是商家们得以沟通的重要途径。如“I would suggest you make a reservationwith your credit card now otherwise we can’t guarantee yourbooth.”这一句可以翻译为为了确保您的展位使用,我建议您使用信用卡进行预定;又如“The contract contains basicallyall we have agreed upon during our negotiation.We agree to in―sert a clause giving you a ten day grace period.But when thegrace period expires,the contract is annulled.”?@一句可以翻译为我们谈判中达成的协议这个合同上基本都有了。我们可以加上你的10天宽限期条款。但是当期限到时还未执行合同,这个合约就终止。这两个例子是有关展位预订和合同签订的内容,从中就能够清楚地看出,会展英语中所涉及到的范围极为广阔。
与其他的英语领域相比,会展英语更加注重语言的实际应用,会展中的工作人员常常会为了和客商进行交流而使用英语对话,对话内容往往都是一些有关产品、技术和服务类的话题。如“Canton Fair is actually described as the oneof the biggest event±0r Foreign buyers and Chinese suppliers oftextiles&garment.”中国供货商和国外买家进行纺织服装贸易的最大会展之一就是广交会;又如“We can’t agree withthe adjustment or amendations to the contract as your side al―Yeady signed the letter of intent at your booth.”因为你的展位已经签订了合作意向书,因此我们不同意对合同进行变更。在会展英语中,语言必须婉转而得体,才能够为双方的交流和沟通提供良好额社会基础,从而扮演协调双方的角色,创造出良好的会展交流环境,进而达成自身的交易目标。
会展宣传时的翻译问题主要有三点,其一是城市名称的排列问题,在汉语中地名的排列通常都是有大到小,而且其中包含了许多地名,其中第一的通常都是国家。而在会展名的翻译中,常常会出现不同的地名和国民,这就造成了位置的混乱问题。例如中国?加拿大合作研讨洽谈会往往会翻译为Canada China&Cooperation Symposium,将加拿大放在了中国的前面,不符合展名的翻译原则。其二是对于会展的定文问题,会展中活动横标的语言是其中最具特色的标签,一般横标中的词汇都使用conference会议、exhibition展会和show展示会等名词,然而应为并没有进行性质的定位,因此在翻译的过程中常常会出现展名前后不一致等现象,不仅会让客户产生疑惑,还不利于企业的对外发展。其三是展会的信息不明显问题,在很多展会翻译中,对于参展企业的产品和商标等内容并没有正确的翻译,使得产品的信息展现得并不完整,甚至客户根本无法了解商标和名称中所包含的深刻意义,影响了产品信息的出口。
而在会展中的企业宣传问题可以分为两方面来谈,一方面是企业简介的翻译问题,企业简介是企业对外宣传的核心,然而因为中西方的文化和语言表达方式存在的差异性,企业简介的翻译也会产生较大的误差,如在涉及到“龙”的翻译中,龙在我国的精神十分美好,是宣传的重点,然而在西方文化中,龙通常是dragon恶龙和怪兽的意思,常常会让顾客望而却步。另一方面是企业标语的翻译问题,企业标语是企业的口号,翻译的好坏将直接决定着企业的销售,在翻译的过程中最为明显的一个问题就是常常会出现汉氏英语,即翻译常常只是生硬的套译了汉语的意思,让客户产生较大的疑惑,从而影响企业的销售。如“小中见大,博览天下”,翻译为“Feel the heavy weight of the small;understandthe essence of SME”,完全是生搬硬套,让人摸不着头脑,而且标语非常的长,人们根本记不住,因此起不到标语的口号宣传作用。
忠实即指不仅仅需要遵循句子结构的一致性,译文的意思也不能够脱离原文,尤其是近视性的现象绝对不能够在会展英语中出现。因为会展英语所要求的是意思和信息要对等,如广告的翻译,在广告中,最为重要的就是卖点,它能够让消费者产生购买的欲望,然而要是译文无法提供充足的信息量,消费者的购买欲望就会消逝。在国内的会展英语广告中,采用的通常是“四字”结构,即形式新颖:Up todate style以及造型美观:Beautiful/Handsome appearance等;还有运用心理联想等方式采用的使用意翻译方式,如轻松柔软:Soft and Light和交货及时:Timely delivery guaranteed,适当的增加一些词汇;还可以利用修辞等手段,如利用比喻手法:柔软迷人,色泽悦目Soft enchanting,smiling color以及利用拟人手法:美人鲜花,倾诉衷肠Flowers By Beauty speakfrom the heart(拟人)等。
准确即指翻译出的文本应当清楚的表达出要表达的意思,并能够出现语法和逻辑等方面的错误,在结构方面则不强求一致性。因为会展英语和贸易、合同及投资等方面有着密切的关系,因此不能够随意地进行翻译,而准确性是翻译中的最为重要的核心原则,无论是信函还是合同等方面的翻译都应当充分遵循准确的原则。其中信函是参展企业相互交流的重要媒介之一,不仅仅能够建立和维持双方的友谊,还有利于公司美好形象的塑造,而信函的翻译不仅要求格式的规范,在内容和语言方面也需要做到简练而准确。在翻译信函的过程中,一定要注重礼貌语的运用,如Dearsir/Dear madam以及Sincerely yours/Yours truly等,而且需要注意的是,在翻译信函时,语言的运用必须简洁明了,让对方能够迅速的了解信函的?热荨?
统一即指在翻译的过程中,针对概念、定义和专业术语应当做到上下统一,不能够出现任何的改变。然而随着新词汇的不断增加,翻译也出现了巨大的麻烦,如WW―WorldWide Web有着万维网、国际网、环球网以及世界咨询网等意思,而Volve也有着沃尔沃、伏尔沃以及伏尔伏等不同的翻译版本,而这些不同意的翻译方式,就使得在翻译的过程中,需要花费较大的精力去了解和掌握各个版本问的关系,才能够保证译文的统一性。因此可以从两方面入手来保持统一性,其一可以借鉴有关权威报纸的翻译方式;其二可以对一些商标、商业习语以及商品名称进行标准的统一化,不同的商标有着不同的翻译方式,而使用最为广泛的方法就是音译法,在使用商业习语的时候如果无法找到合适的词语,则可以利用相关词语进行翻译,而商品名称则可以利用专业的词典工具,寻找词典中被认可的商品名称。
Any interesting idea you can bring forward for discussion? 2.能就这一话题更深入的说一下吗?
Can you go a bit further into your topic 3.说的再具体一点!
Please be more specific 4.你了解这个市场前景吗?
Do you have any idea about the market product? 5.国内香水市场刚刚在起步阶段,国外品牌必将不失时机地进入这一新兴市场。
Our domestic perfume market is just in its take-off stage, so the foreign brand-names will surely lose no chance to get into this virgin market 6.他们会通过参加国际展会来营销自己的产品。
They are active in marketing their products by means of participating in international shows 7.很明显,广告和零售渠道是大多数化妆品企业发掘新市场的主要手段,运用这些渠道,许多国内外品牌已经在上海获得了巨大的市场份额。参展对他们并不意味着必不可少的营销途径。
It’s clear to all that the advertising and retailing channels are the main means for most cosmetic enterprises to tap into a new market , with those channels quite a number of international and domestic brands have got a remarkable market share already in Shanghai.An exhibition for them means no longer an essential marketing way.8.如果本次香水展采用商对商的模式,那么,参展商和专业观众的数量都会很有限,达不到理想的展出规模。如果设计成商对客的模式,那又与百货商场、销品茂没有任何区别,因为在这些场所,你可以找到几乎所有在中国受欢迎的著名香水品牌。
If the show, which only covers perfume products, is on a B to B basis, then the number of exhibitors and trade visitors would be too limited to achieve a satisfactory exhibition scale.If it is meant to be a B to C show, it makes no difference from those department stores and shopping malls, where you can find almost every famous brand of perfumes already popular in China.9.这一点你说的有道理。
You made a point on it 10.本次展会旨在为参展商提供机遇,一边拓展市场、强化品牌形象、寻找新客户、展示新
This show is aimed to provide an opportunity for the exhibitors to expand their market, enhance company image, seek new customers, display new technology and so on.11.为达到有效的宣传,需要联络大众媒体、行业杂志、行业网站、行业协会及在上海设有总部的海外企业。
For an effective publicity, it’s necessary to approach mass media, professional journals, industrial websites, trade associations and societies and shanghai based foreign businesses as well 12.这促使我想到了高科技展览。
It prompts me to think of a hi-tech exhibition 13.这跟我们的项目有什么关系?
Anything to do with our project 14.这一主题恰恰契合当前形势。
The theme keeps abreast with the present situation 15.这次讨论很有成效。希望每个人都能为这个新议题献策献力。
A very fruitful discussion, I hope everyone can contribute your efforts to this new proposal 16.上海在环保业和水处理技术方面占据领先地位。
Shanghai holds a leading position in the environmental protection industry and water treatment technology.17.我们的展览定位不同。其他展览关注的是工业领域,我们可将展览定位于日常用水的净化。
18.参展商包括设备生产商、零部件供应商、设备批发商、研发机构等。目标观众群包括代理商、进出口公司、风投公司、水务公司、污水处理厂、环境监测站、环境工程公司、环保专家及政府相关部门。As professional visitors, those water works, sewage treatment plants, 19.我是新手,需要你的指导。
I’m a green hand and need your directions to me
Here are some of the basic materials and data for your reference.You may first of all set up a main structure of the report.21.我认为这次展会应定位为商业展,但也要有公众的参与。
I think the show should be positioned as a trade show, but with involvement of the general public.22.至于展会组织框架,你可以列入一些行业协会作为主办单位、协办单位、支持单位、代理人之类。
As for the show organization structure, you may list several industrial associations as preliminary organizers, co-organizers, supporters, agents and something like that.23.关于会场,你可以列一些会展中心作选项。我们还需要核查他们能提供的展期。
As for venue, you can list some possible exhibition centers as options.We still have to look over available time slots they can offer 24.参展费的最终敲定要等到市场调研之后。
The participation fee will come out after a market survey 25.为了准备早期的招展工作,需要拟定并设计一份招展书。
I want you to work out a project prospectus so as to get the ball rolling as soon as possible.26.你可以先搭一个框架,涵盖招展书通常所应有的全部条目,然后再把我随后给你的材料填进去
I think you may first work out a framework, which includes all necessary items a brochure should have, and fill in the stuff we give you later 27.关于参展费,跟以前一样,将会有两种选择。一种是标准摊位,9平米起租。另一种是光地展位,18平米起租。
As usual, there will be two options, one for standard booth, 9 sqm and up, the other for raw space, 18 sqm as minimum for exhibitor’s application.28.那我们就先留空以后再填写定价。
Then we’ll give some room to fill out the set price afterward.29.有了这些资料,我们就可以推动一场有效的营销战略以备你们的招展工作。
With this information we would launch an effective marketing campaign for your sales work 30.能耽搁你几分钟吗?
Could you spare me a few minutes? 31.真不知道如何是好。
I’m at a loss what I should do 32.你要清楚打电话的目的,并知道如何使电话那一端的客户心情舒畅,愿意听你说。
You must realize what purpose you make a call for, and how to make the other end feel comfortable to listen to you 33.难怪我每次都被这种问题给问住了。你开门见山地说吧。
No wonder I always got stuck when asked those kinds of questions, I see.34.由于贵公司是本行业的领军企业,如果租用较大的场地,我们可提供优惠套餐。
As you are the leading player in this sector, we can offer a preferential package to you if you take a large space.35.我们的生意已经走上正轨,正忙于大把的订单。
Our business is on the track and we are busy with piles of orders.36.就这样吧。
That’s it 37.反正,多了解一下情况也没什么坏处。也许,我们(提供)的展会最新动态能让你及时了解最新进展。
Anyway it’s no harm to know more about what’s happening around you, right? Maybe some show updates would be good for you to keep pace with the latest progress.38.这个会场到CBD有便捷的交通,对观众来说更便利。
It’s more accessible for trade visitors with convenient traffic means to this CBD 39.SNIEC适合大型商贸展会,而我们的展会是针对细分市场的专业化展会, 集中在一个专门的领域。因此,我们把它设置在高科技、贸易公司聚集的地区。SNIEC is suitable to stage large-scale tradeshows there.As ours is very professional for a niche market, it's only focus on specialized sectors.That’s why we place it in the district concentrated with high-tech and trading companies.40.这与我们原先的计划有冲突。
There is a conflict with our previous plan of another show.41.每个展会有它自己的目标群体。我相信我们的访问者数据库能让你遇到新的客户。
Every show has its own fixed target groups, and I think you can meet up with a great many new customers from our visitor databanks.42.如果你在本月的最后一周前发来申请函,可享有提前预定折扣,即摊位费八五折。
You’ll enjoy an early-bird discount by sending us your application form the last week of this month, 15% off the stand price.43.如果参加这次展会毫无效益,那即使花最 小的预算也没有意义。
It makes no sense if we get no benefits to take part in this show even with minimal budget.44.我们可以保证为你们提供全方位的宣传。只要你确定了预定展位,我们可以将你们的公司介绍放入展会最新动态中,并在下个月发给潜在客户。另外,我们还在网站上设置了一个展商精选板块,可以上传你们的产品简介。这些资料越早放上网,人们就能越多的了解你们的技术。
I can assure you we’ll provide an all-round publicity for your participation.If you confirm your booth space now, we will put your company introduction in our show updates, which will be delivered to potential visitors next month.Moreover, we have a selected exhibitor section on our website to upload your product briefings.The earlier it’s online, the more people know your latest technology.45.提醒一下,你得要先签一份参展合同以便确定展位。我会用特快专递发给你合同一式两份。
I’d like to remind you have to first sign a participation contract so as to confirm the booth.I will you send you the contract in duplicate by express courier today.46.一收到你的正式会签合同,我就发送你们的公司简介以备编辑展会最新动态。
Once I receive your contract duly countersigned, I’ll pass on your company briefings for the show updates editing.47.根据合同条款,你必须在合同签订的两周后预付50%的参展费。
According to the contract terms, you have to make a deposit of 50% participation fee within two weeks of the contract signing.48.我会开预付款支付通知书(发票)给你,而你在发票指定日期之前支付。
I’ll have an invoice issued for the deposit, and you make the payment by the date as instructed
The same as the show updates, you send us your product pictures with captions in electronic file after your deposit payment.We’ll upload your materials online as quickly as possbile 50.由于缺少人手,我们想要租20平米的展位而不是100平米的。
Instead of 100sqm stand, we’d rather take 20sqm space because of short of hands.51.我相信这会在媒体引起巨大轰动。你是否愿意与你的老板一起在现场安排一个媒体见面会?
I believe it will create a great buzz over the media.Do you like the idea having a media interview with your boss on the site? 52.既然我们并不需要那么大的展位空间,你的报价能不能再降一点?
Can you cut down quotation a bit further as we don't need that much exhibiting space? 53.对优惠套餐来说,报价单所给的展位是免费赠送的。
The space offered in the proposal is on the complimentary base for the preferential package 54.这笔预算是我们额外投入的,所以很有限。如果不能降价,我们就没法进行下去。
This is an extra part of the budget we have to put in, so the amount is very limited, if no more cut-down, we won’t be able to go on with it.55.鉴于你们的预算很紧,这也可以理解。为了表示合作的诚意,我会咨询我的上司,看能不能再让一点。
It’s understandable considering your tight budget.To show our sincerity of cooperation, I will consult with my upper level for a further concession.56.为了保障进展顺利,我希望协议一经签订你们就支付套餐价格的50%作预付金。
To guarantee a smooth running, I’d like to ask you to pay a 50% deposit of the package price once the agreement is signed.57.请记住我们收的必须是未扣银行手续费的实际款项。
Please keep in mind that we must receive the exact payment without deduction of the bank charges.58.我们会在展会后补齐你们发票中的其余未付款。
We’ll make balance payment against your outstanding invoice after the event.59.就这么定了。
That’s settled
I noticed Form1”Alphabetical Listing of Exhibitor ”in the show catalogue must be sent back by the deadline January 30.61.你需要提供楣板上的文字文本,也就是你们参展时正式使用的中英文公司名称。
You need to provide the text for lettering on the fascia board, that is , your company name in Chinese and English officially used in the show.62.这是为了便于将插座和射灯安装在你们理想的位置。为此,请在打印的布局图上标明这些位置。
This is for the convenience of having the socket and spotlights fixed on your preferred positions in your booths.So please mark them on the printed layout.63.这些宣传资料将广为散发,你何不做一个特别赞助商呢?
Why not be a special sponsor for this widely-spread promotional material ?
For VIP visitors, we shall deliver you the show-updates, pre-show guide, the schedule of concurrent events and so on, to keep you better informed about the show.65.如果想要查找其他展商,你可以使用现场的触屏查询系统来了解更多信息。
If you want to look for some other exhibitors, you may use the touch-screen enquiry system on the spot for more information 66.有英文版的吗?
Is an English version available 67.我刚刚得知我们对面的展台仅仅花了10,000元人民币,而同样的面积你们却收了我们3,000美元,这是毫无道理的。
I just understood the booth opposite to us cost only 1000RMB, but you charged us $3000 for the same space.This is outrageous!68.他们跟我们的一样也是9平方,但为什么我们要多付几乎三分之二的钱。
They are 9sqm as big as ours, but why our payment I almost two thirds higher?
69.您有没有注意到带A字的展台都做了明显的形象提升,使用了灯箱楣板,配了更多的家具和射灯?对A区 参展商我们提供了更多的增值服务。
Have you noticed the booths with A are remarkably upgraded with light-box fascia board and more furniture and spotlights in your stand? We provide more value-added services for Zone A exhibitors.70.你也许可以尝试赞助观众胸卡吊带,上面可印上贵公司的名称和logo。这和胸卡一起将会有成千上万观众使用。Perhaps you can try sponsorship for this visitors’ lanyard, are which your companies name and logo can be printed.There will be used together with the visitor badges by thousands of attendees.71.技术研讨会旨在与潜在客户讨论你们展出的产品,在大约2个小时的时间里,你可以跟有意向的用户面对面地进行广泛深入的意见交流。我们负责观众的邀请以及设施的租赁。
You can have intensive exchange of ideas face to face with interested end-users in about two hours’ time.We’ll take charge of invitation to audience and facility rental.72.我应该跟谁联系并询问关于参展手续的问题?
To whom shall I contact and ask some questions about participation procedures.73.你们订的是一个位于最佳地段,靠过道的三面开口展位。
You’ve got a prime location a head stand with three sides open to aisles.74.我可以让我们的指定承包商或者是一家著名的德国公司,Expo technic Shanghai,跟你们联系。选哪一家你们自己定。
I could have our official contractors, or expo technic shanghai, a famous German companies get in touch with you.Which to choose is up to you.75.在你方确认报价后,承包商会做现场视察,看看你们的设计是否符合现场平面图。
After your confirmation of the quotation, the contractor will make a site inspection to see if you design is compatible with the site plan.76.按要求,要在进馆日前4周向主办单位提交展台技术图纸一式两份,申请批准。
77.It is required to submit the stand technical drawings to the organizer in duplicate for approval four weeks prior to the moving date.78.如果要另外租赁家具电器,需在截止期前向我方提前预定。否则,场地租赁另收30% 的附加费。
If you’d like to rent additional furniture or electrical appliances , please make advanced order to us by the deadline.Otherwise, a surcharge of 15% will be incurred on the floor order.填好租赁表格,直接寄回到展商手册上的联系地址,并按时付款给我们。所租的物品将会在进馆期内送达你们的展位。此外,展馆方会收取场馆管理费,每平米5美元。
Please return the filled forms directly to the contact address in the Exhibitor Manual, and make payment to us duly.They will be delivered to your stand during the move in period.One more point, there will be hall management fees to be charged by the hall owner,$5 /sqm.79.你也可以将所有相关手续委托给当地承包商。他们会为你们处理好一切。
You can entrust all the concerned procedures to the local contractor.They will handle everything for you.80.我们公司另外还有两个从泰国来的亚洲代表来参加展会。我可以多领两个吊牌吗? We’ve got two Asian representative from Thailand for the fair.May have two more badges? 81.请联络我们的指定搭建商来接通你们展台的电源。这是现场服务供应商的联络表。
Please contact our official contractor for connection to your stand.And here is the contact least you can reach the service-providers on the site.82.(日期)请参阅同期活动日程表。大会将在开幕当天13:00举行。至于(会议)设备调试,可联系我们公司的活动组织部。
Please refer to these concurrent events schedules.The conference will be held at 13:00 on the opening day of the exhibition.You may contact our event section concerning the facility adjustment.83.(你们货物的下落)你可以去找我们的指定展运商,他们的服务台就在展馆东面的装卸区旁边。请带上胸卡。您进闸口时,需要对它扫描。
You may turn to our official freight forwarder.Their service desk is near the loading dock to the east site of the hall.84.我真不知道还有服务项目上的区别。I really don’t know it differs in service items.85.我们废除了原来的价格体系,实行优质优价的政策,公平对待所有参展商。
We’ve scrapped the old price system, and carried out “the higher prices, the better services ”policy in order to be fair to our exhibitors.86.事实上,我们本应该向你们参展商解释得更清楚一点。也很感谢您提醒了我们便于改进今后的工作。
Actually, we should have made it made it clearer to you exhibitors.Thanks a lot for reminding us to improve our work in the future.
back alley newsn.小道消息
Bad news travels quickly.坏事传千里
continued story连载故事;连载小说
contributing editor特约编辑
copy deskn.新闻编辑部
copy editorn.文字编辑
correspondence column读者来信专栏
cover girln.封面女郎
covert coverage隐性采访;秘密采访
cutn.插图 vt.删减(字数)
cut linen.插图说明
editorial office编辑部
editor's notes编者按
faxed photo传真照片
Deepening reform and opening up 深化改革扩大开放
The theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics建设有中国特色的社会主义理论
The theory on the initial stage of socialism 社会主义初级阶段的理论
One focus, two basic points 一个中心,两个基本点
Focus on economic construction 以经济建设为中心
Adhere to the four cardinal principles 坚持四项基本原则
Adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world 坚持改革开放
Seizing the opportunity, deepening the reform, opening 抓住机遇,深化改革,wider to the rest of the world, promoting development, maintaining stability扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定
Whether it would be beneficial to developing socialist productive forces是否有利于发展社会主义生产力
Whether it would be beneficial to enhancing the overall strength of the country是否有利于增强综合国力
Whether it would be beneficial to raising people’s living standard是否有利于提高人民生活水平
Taking the socialist public ownership as the mainstay 以社会主义公有制为主体Common development of multi-economic sectors 多种经济成分共同发展
Establishment of socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济的建立Deepening economic reform 深化经济改革
Relationships among reform, development and stability 改革发展和稳定的关系Deepening of reform and promotion of development 深化改革与促进发展Economic growth and social progress 经济增长与社会进步
Strengthen the position of agriculture 加强农业的基础地位
Science and technology are the primary productive forces 科学技术是第一生产力Strengthen the socialist legal system 加强社会主义法制
A series of policies and measures 一系列政策措施
Reform and opening up policy 改革开放政策
Reform measures 改革措施
Speed up reform 加快改革
Reform of economic system 经济体制改革
Reform of state-owned enterprises 国有企业改革
Strengthen the management of state-owned property 加强国有资产管理Reform of management of state-owned property 国有资产管理体制改革Reform of property rights system 产权制度改革
Reform of commodity circulation 商品流通体制改革
Reform of foreign trade system 外贸体制改革
Reform of personnel system 人事制度改革
Reform of social security system 社会保险制度改革
Reform of housing system 住房制度改革
Planning system 计划管理体制
Transferring the function of government 转换政府职能
Open door policy 开放政策
Open economy 开放经济
Open-door to the outside world 对外开放
Opening up 扩大开放
Open domestic market 开放国内市场
Introduce foreign capital, advanced technology and 引进外国的资金,先进技术和managerial experiences 管理经验
Economic and technical development zone 经济技术开发区
Special economic zones in coastal areas 沿海经济特区
One country, two systems 一国两制
Special administrative region 特别行政区
Contract responsibility system with remuneration linked 家庭联产承包责任制to the household
Narrowing the gap between the rich and poor 缩小贫富差距
Eliminate poverty 消除贫困
Common prosperity 共同富裕
Socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济
Socialist sector of economy 社会主义经济成分
State-owned economy 国有经济
Non-state economy 非国有经济
Collective economy 集体经济
Individual economy 个体经济
Coexistence of various economic composition 多种经济成分共存
Sustained, rapid and sound economic development 持续,快速和健康的经济发展National economic budget 国民经济预算
Comprehensive development of economy 经济综合发展
Strategy for economic development 经济发展战略
Theory of macroeconomic policy 宏观经济政策理论
Macroeconomic decision 宏观经济决策
Microeconomic phenomenon 微观经济现象
Traditional planned economy 传统的计划经济
Stimulate economic development 刺激经济发展
Commodity economy 商品经济
Market economy 市场经济
Free market economy 自由市场经济
Developed market economy 发达的市场经济
Developing market economy 发展中的市场经济Emerging market economy 新兴市场经济Mature market economy 成熟市场经济
Market economy country 市场经济国家
Extensive economy 粗放型经济
Intensive economy 集约型经济
Transform the extensive economic 粗放型经济转变为mode into intensive one 集约型经济
Mixed economy 混合经济
Regional economy 地区经济
Internal-oriented economy 内向型经济
Closed economy 闭关自守经济
Economic growth point 经济增长点
Economic growth mode 经济增长方式
Economic growth rate 经济增长率
Economy measure 经济手段
Diversified economy 多种经济,多样化经济Economic situation 经济形势
Economic cycle 经济周期
Economic fluctuation 经济波动
Economic miracle 经济奇迹
Economic take-off 经济起飞
Economic recovery 经济复苏
Economic potential 经济潜力
Economic sanction 经济制裁
Global economy 全球经济
real growth rate 实际增长率
real property 不动产,房地产
real value of money 货币实际购买力
Real estate 不动产,房地产
real estate account 房地产帐户,不动产帐户real estate and property 不动产和其它财产real estate investment 不动产投资
real estate mortgage bond 不动产抵押债券real estate pool 不动产投资共同基金
real estate tax 房地产税,不动产税
Realizable 可变现的realizable value 可变现价值
Realization 变现
realization and liquidation 变产清盘
Reallocation 再分配
Reappraisal 重新评估
reappraisal surplus 重估价盈余
Reasonable 合理的reasonable price 合理价格
Rebate 回扣,退税
Recapitalization(企业重组)调整资本结构Receipt 收据
Receivable 应收的receivable account 应收帐款
receivables turnover 应收帐款周转率
Recession 经济衰退
Reciprocal 互惠的,相互的reciprocal agreement 互惠协定
reciprocal contract 互惠合同
reciprocal duties 互惠关税
reciprocal holdings 互相控股
reciprocal trade 互惠贸易
Recomputation 重新计算
Record 记录
Recourse 追索权
Recover 索回,弥补
Recoverable 可收回的recoverable cost 可收回成本
recoverable debt 可收回债务
recoverable loss 可收回损失
Recovery 收回,恢复
Recruitment 招聘
Red balance 赤字结余
Redemption 偿还,赎回
Rediscount 再贴现
rediscount rate 再贴现率
Redistribution 再分配
Reduce 减少
Reduction 减少
reduction of interest 降低利率
Reference 参考,推荐信,介绍书
reference number 参考数字
reference price 参考价格
Reform 改革
reform measures 改革措施
reform of state-owned enterprises 国有企业改革reform of the economic system 经济体制改革
reform of the property rights system 产权制度改革speed up reform 加快改革
Refund 退货,退款
Region 地区
central and western regions 中西部地区Regional 地区的,局部的regional economy 地区经济
regional government 地方政府
Register 登记,注册
Registered 注册的,登记的registered bond 记名债券
registered capital 注册资本
registered share 记名股票
Registration 登记,注册
registration form 登记表
registration of establishment 开办登记registration of property right 产权登记
registration statement 股票注册上市申请书Regression analysis 回归分析
Regessive tax 递减税
Regular 定期的,有规则的regular expenses 经常费用
regular-way delivery 例行交割
Regulated 控制的,规定的regulated company 受控制公司
regulated industry 受(政府)管辖行业Regulation 条例,规章
Regulatory framework 规章制度Reinsurance 再保险
reinvestment 再投资
Relation 关系
relation of production 生产关系Relationship 关系
relationships among reform,developmentand stability 改革,发展和稳定的关系Relative 相对的,相关的relative balance 相对平衡
Reliability 可靠性
reliabilty of data 数据的可靠性
Relief 救济
relief fund 救济金
Renewal 更新,续约
renewal and reconstruction funds 更新改造基金
1.名词:noun 2.不可数名词:uncountable noun 3.可数名词:countable noun 4.抽象名词:abstract noun 5.具体名词:concrete noun
6.集体名词:collective noun 7.个体名词: individual noun 8.普通名词:common noun
9.专有名词:proper noun
10.动词:verb 11.不及物动词:intransitive verb 12.及物动词:transitive verb 13.情态动词:modal verb 14.不规则动词:irregular verb 15.规则动词:regular verb
17.疑问代词:interrogative pronoun 18.指示代词:demonstrative pronoun 19.不定代词:indefinite pronoun 20.人称代词:personal pronoun 21.物主代词:possessive pronoun 22.反身代词:Reflexive pronoun
23.副词:adverb 24.程度副词:adverb of degree 25.频率副词:adverb of frequency 26.方式副词:adverb of manner
27.地点副词:adverb of place
28.时间副词:adverb of time 29.疑问副词:Interrogative adverb
30.形容词:adjective 31.冠词:article 32.连词:conjunction 33.数词:numeral 34.介词:Preposition
35.时态:tense 36.一般现在时:simple present tense 37.一般过去时:simple past tense 38.一般将来时:future tense
39.现在进行时:present continuous tense
40.过去进行时:past continuous tense 41.现在完成时:present perfect tense
42.过去完成时:past perfect tense
43.现在完成进行时:present perfect continuous tense
45.状语从句:adverbial clause 46.定语从句:attributive clause 47.表语从句:predicative clause 48.主语从句:Subject clause
The Terms of English Language Teaching Methodology A achievement test 成绩测试 acquisition习得,语言习得 acquisition 语言习得顺序 active mastery 积极掌握
active vocabulary 积极词汇,主动词汇 affective filtering 情感筛选 aim objective 目的,目标 analysis of errors 错误分析
analytic approach 分析教学法,分析法 analytical reading 分析性阅读 application to practice 运用于实践 applied linguistics 应用语言学 approach 教学路子 aptitude test 能力倾向测验 Army method 陆军法
associative learning 联想性学习auditory discrimination 辨音能力 auditory feedback 听觉反馈 auditory memory 听觉记忆
auditory perception 听觉 audio-lingual method 听说法 audio-visual method 视听法
aural-oral approach 听说教学法,听说法 aural-oral method 听说法 B
basic knowledge 基本知识 basic principle 基本原则 basic theory 基本理论 basic training 基本训练 basic vocabulary 基本词汇 behaviorism 行为主义 bilingual 双语的
bilingual education 双语教育 blank filling 填空 C
chain drill 链式操练,连锁操练 choral repetition 齐声照读,齐声仿读 class management 课堂管理 classroom interaction 课堂应对 cloze 完形填空 coach 辅导
cognitive approach 认知法
common core 语言的共同核心,语言共核 communicative drill 交际性操练 communicative exercise 交际练习
communicative language teaching 交际语言教学法,交际教学法
community language learning 集体语言学习法
comparative method 比较法
communicative approach 交际法
comprehensible input 不难理解的输入
comprehensive method 综合法
computer-managed instruction 计算机管理教学
concord and coordination 默契与配合
console 控制台
consonant cluster 辅音连缀
context 上下文
controlled composition 控制性作文
course density 课堂密度
course design 课程设计
cramming method 灌输式
cue word 提示词
curriculum 课程,教学大纲
curriculum development 课程编制,课程设计 cultural objective, aim 教养目的
cyclical approach 循环教学法,循环法 D
deductive learning 演绎性学习deductive method 演绎法
delayed auditory feedback 延缓听觉反馈 demonstration 演示
demonstration lesson 示范教学
describe a picture in writing 看图说话
describe a picture orally 描写语言学
diagram 图解
diagnostic test 诊断性测验
dicto-comp 听写作文
direct application 直接应用
direct comprehension 直接理解
direct learning 直接学习
direct method 直接教学法
educational objective, aim 教育目的
EFL 英语作为外语
EGP 通用英语
ELT 英语教学
English as a Foreign Language 英语作为外语 English as an International Language 英语作为国际语言
extra-curriculum activity 课外活动 extra-curriculum club, group 课外小组
English environment 英语环境
English for Academic Purposes 学术英语
F English for general purpose 普通英语
facial expression 面部表情
English for General Purposes 通用英语
feedback 反馈
English for specific purposes 专用英语
film projector 电影放映机
ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages 供非英语民族使用的英语
English medium school 英语授课学校 English teaching;teaching English 英语教学 WSD(English as a Second Dialect)英语作为第二方言
WSL(English as a Second Language)英语作为第二语言
ESL Programme(English as a Second Language Programme)
word 功能词
ESP(English for Special Purposes)专用英语 EST(English for Science and Technology)科技英语 evaluation 评语,评价 examination 考试 examination question 考题 experimental method 实验法 extensive reading 泛读 external speech 外语言语
general linguistics 普通语言学
gestalt style 格式塔式(学习),整体式(学习)gesture 手势
getting students ready for class 组织教学 global learning 整体式学习,囫囵吞枣式学习global question 综合性问题 gradation 级进法,分级递升法
filmstrip 电影胶片 final stage 高级阶段
first language 第一语言,母语 formative evaluation 自由作文 free practice 自由练习frequency of word 词的频率 al approach 功能法 al syllabus 功能派教学大纲
graded direct method 循序直接法 grading 级进法,分级递升法;评分 grammar lesson 语法课 grammar method 语法法
grammar translation method 语法翻译法 grammatical analysis 语法分析 group reading 集体朗读 group training 集体练习H guided composition 引导性作文
heuristic method of teaching 启发式教学法 heuristics 启发法;探索法
humanistic approach 人本主义教学法 I idealism 唯心主义 imitation 模仿
immersion programme 沉浸式教学 imparting knowledge 传授知识 incomplete plosive 不完全爆破 independent composition 独立作文 individualized instruction 个别教学 individual training 个别练习
inductive learning 归纳性学习
inductive method 归纳法
inflection, inflexion 词形变化 information, processing 信息处理 initial beginning stage 初级阶段 inner speech 内语言语 in-service training 在职培训 instructional objective 语言教学目标 integrative teaching 综合教学
integrated approach 综合教学法,综合法 intelligent memory 理解性记忆 language training 强化教学 intensive training 精读 intermediate stage 中级阶段 interpretation 口头翻译
International Phonetic Alphabet 国际音标 J
juncture 连读,音渡 junior high school 初级中学 junior school 初级学校
junior secondary school 初级中等学校 junior-senior high school 初高中
junior technical college(or school)初级职业学院(或学校)
junior year 大学三年级
K key words 基本词,关键字 kinesics 身势语,身势学 kinesthetic memory 动觉记忆 knowledge 知识
knowledge structure 知识结构 L language acquisition 语言习得
language acquisition device 语言习得机制 language arts 语言技能
language competence, or knowledge 语言知识language learning capability 语言学习能力 language laboratory;lab 语言实验室 language leaning capacity 语言学习能力 language pedagogy 语言教育 language performance 语言行为 language program design 语言课程设计 language test 语言测试
learning by deduction 演绎性学习learning by induction 归纳性学习learning process 学习过程 learning style 学习方式 lesson conducting 教课 lesson plan 课时计划,教案 lesson preparation 备课
lesson type 课型 linguistics 语言学
linguistic competence 语言能力 linguistic method 口语领先教学法 living language 活的语言 long-term memory 长期记忆 look-and-say method 看图说话法 M
meaningful drill 有意义的操练 meaningful exercise 有意义的练习meaningful learning 理解性学习means of teaching 教学手段 mechanical drill 机械操练 mechanical exercise 机械练习mechanical memory 机械记忆 mechanical translation 机器翻译
medium of instruction 教学媒介语,教学语言memory 记忆,记忆力 memory span 记忆幅度 memorizing 用记记住 method 方法
methodology of teaching 教学法
methodology of teaching English 英语教学法 microteaching 微型教学
mim-mem method 模仿—记忆法
minimal pair 最小对立体(一种辨音练习)model 模型 modeling 示范教学
modern equipment 现代化设备 modern language 现代语言 monitor hypothesis 语言监控说 mother tongue 母语 motivation 引起动机 N native language 本族语
natural approach 自然教学法,自然法 natural method 自然法 needs analysis 需要分析 new lesson 新课 nine-pile grading 九堆法 notional approach 意念法
notional-al syllabus 意念-功能派教学大纲 notional syllabus 意念大纲、意念派教学大纲 O observation lesson 观摩教学 objective 教学目标
optimum age hypothesis 学习最佳年龄说 operating principle 操作原则
oral approach 口语教学法,口语法 oral exercise 口语练习oral method 口授法 oral reading 朗读
order of acquisition 语言习得顺序 organization of teaching materials 教材组织 organs of speech 发音器官 outside reading 课外阅读 overlearning 过量学习P
paired-associate learning 配对联想学习法 pair work 双人作业,双人练习passive vocabulary 消极词汇 pattern drill 句型操练 pattern practice 句型练习pdeagogical grammar 教学语法 pedagogy 教育法 peer teaching 同学互教 penmanship handwriting 书法 perception 知觉
performance objective 语言实践目标 personality 个性 philosophy 哲学 phoneme 音素 phonetics 语音法
phonetic method 按字母音值拼读法 phonology 音位学 picture 图画
placement test 分班测验 plateau of learning 学习高原 practical objective 实用目的 practice effect 练习效应 practice of teaching 教学实践
presentation of new materials 提出新材料 pre-teaching 预教
primary of speech 口语领先
principle of communication 交际性原则 principle of teaching 教学原则 problem solving习题解答
production stage 活用阶段,产出阶段 productive exercise 活用练习productive mastery 活用掌握 productive vocabulary 活用词汇 proficiency 熟练
program designing 课程设计 psycho-linguistics 心理语言学 psychological method 心理法 Q
qualified teacher 合格教师 question band 试题库 questionnaire 调查问卷 questions 提问 R
rapid reading 快速阅读,快读 rate of reading 阅读速度 readability 易读性 read by turns 轮读 reading 阅读 reading lesson 阅读课 reading method 阅读法 reading speed 阅读速度
reading vocabulary 阅读词汇,阅读词汇量 receptive language knowledge 接受性语言知识 receptive vocabulary 领会词汇 reformed method 改良法 regression 回看,重读 reinforcement 巩固 reinforcement lesson 巩固课 repetition drill 复述操练 repetition-stage 仿照阶段 response 反应 retelling 复述 retention 记忆 review;revision 复习
review(revise)and check up 复习检查 review(revision)lesson 复习课
rewriting 改写
rhythm 节奏
role-play 扮演角色
rote learning 强记学习法,死记硬背
S scanning 查阅,扫瞄
school practice 教学实习
scientific way of thinking 科学的思想方法second language 第二语言
segment 音段,切分成分
semantics 语义学
seminar 课堂讨论
sentence completion 完成句子
short-term memory 短期记忆
sight vocabulary 一见即懂的词汇
silent reading 默读
silent way 沉默法,静授法
simplification 简写
simplified reader 简写读本
simulation 模拟,模拟性课堂活动
simultaneous interpretation 同声翻译 situational method 情景法
situational language teaching 情景派语言教学法,情景教学法
situational method 情景教学法
situational syllabus 情景派教学大纲
situation reinforcement 情景强化法
skimming 略读,济览
slide 幻灯片
slide projector 幻灯片
socialized speech 社会化言语
socio-linguistics 社会语言学
soft ware 软件
speech disorder 言语缺陷
speech pathology 言语病理学
speech perception 言语知觉
speech reading 唇读法
speed reading 快速阅读,快读
speelling 正字法
spiral approach 螺旋式教学法,螺旋法
spoken language 口语
stage of teaching 教学阶段
stick drawing;mathch drawing 简笔画
stimulus and response 刺激与反应
stress accent 重音,重读
structuralism 结构主义(语言学)structural method 结构法 student-centered 学生中心
student-centered learning 学生为主学习法 student teacher 实习教师 student teaching 教育实习
submersion programme 沉浸式教程 substitution 替换 substitution table 替换表 subvocal reading 默读 suggestopaedia 暗示教学法 syllabus 教学大纲
syllabus design 教学大纲设计
syllabus for middle school English 中学英语教学大纲 synthetic approach 综合性教学法,综合法 synthetical reading 综合性阅读 T target language 目的语,译文语言 teacher’s book 教师用书 teacher’s manual 教师手册 teaching experience 教学经验 teaching objective, aim 教学目的 teaching procedure 教学过程
teaching tools;property 教具
teaching words in isolation 孤立教单词 theory of teaching 教学理论 TEFL 英语(外语)教学 TESL 英语(第二语言)教学 TESOL 对非英语民族教英语 time allotment 时间分配
total physical response method 整体动作反应法 transformation drill 转换操练 translation method 翻译法
transformational generative grammar 转化生成语法 U
unconscious 潜意识 underclassman 低年级学生 undergraduate 大学本科生 undergraduate course 大学本科课程 undergraduate school 大学本科学院 undergraduate special 大学特殊课程 unified studied 统一课程
university high school 大学附属中学 university of the air 广播电视大学 updating courses/training 现代化课程/训练 upgrading courses/training 进修课程/训练 upperclassman 高年级学生 use and usage 使用和用法 utterance 语段 V verbal association 词语联想 verbal learning 语言学习,单词学习video 电视,影像 videotape 录像磁带 visual perception 视觉 visual aid 直观手段 visit a class 听课 visual memory 视觉记忆
A.Brief introduction to the teaching material 教材分析
Task and content B.Instructional objectives 教学目标 1.Cognition objectives 知识目标 2.Skill objectives 能力目标
3.Sensibility objectives 情感目标
C.Emphases and consolidation 重点与巩固
D.Difficulties and breakthrough 难点与突破 E.Ideas of language teaching 教学思想
G.Teaching methods and teaching aids 教法教具 H.Teaching process and distribution of time 教学过程与时间分配(Warm up)1.Presentation 2.Sample drills 3.Explanation to the linguistic points 4.Consolidation practice 5.Summary 6.Test 7.Homework 8.Distribution of time
vocabulary control 词汇控制 W
word association 词际联想 word list 词表 word study 词的研究 word frequency 词汇重复率 written language 书面语
I.Layout of blackboard writing 板书
29、非概率抽样 30、二手资料
33、刺激-反应理论 34、4P 35、4C 36、5M
9、产品周期10、11、12、工业革命 广告业 包装技术
17、注定18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、竞争性产品 将…转变成… 牢记在心 营销变量 销售渠道 公关 优势与劣势 促销 原材料
情感诉求 新闻发布 新闻发布会 专题文章 社论
整合营销传播 根本原因 非常高效的 侧重广告的43、44、45、46、47、48、49、大众传媒 数据库营销 购物模式 互动式媒体 最后决定权 媒介机构
50、辅助服务参与者 50、与…一致51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59、60、61、62、63、64、65、66、67、68、69、70、71、72、73、74、75、76、77、78、79、80、81、82、广告运动 有经验的广告人 定性研究 定量研究
一手的调查资料 自发的评论 消费者行为 外部环境 对…有影响 无形资产 折射在, 反映在 在许多方面 一大群/堆 筛选出
采用正确的媒介 指…/意味着 隐晦的含义 市场营销计划 广告计划 广告策略
企业广告计划 创意平台 一次性地 大创意 创意纲要
创意总监 创意策划
理性诉求 评价其效果
1.Marketing department, which often take responsibility for a company’s advertising budget, can try to measure the success of their company’s advertising through market research.经常负责公司预算的市场部,他们能通过市场调查来尝试去衡量公司广告的成功与否。
2.Please explain the highlights and shortcomings of the advertisement in the perspective of advertising through the strategy of marketing mix.请用广告的角度和战略的广告营销组合的方式来解释广告的突出点和缺点。
3.Effective advertising strategies can only come from effective marketing strategies.有效的广告策略是来自有效的营销策略。
4.Good marketing is always the base for good advertising.良好的市场总是好的广告的基础
5.Marketing communication comprises(is composed of)personal communication and nonpersonal communication.营销传播包括是由个人沟通技巧和称作主语的交流组成的。
6.Integrated Marketing Communication approach is becoming so popular among marketers.整合营销传播的方法是变成了如此深受营销人员的喜欢。
7.The movement toward IMC is also being driven by changes in ways companies market their product and services.朝向整合营销的趋势导致改变他们公司市场的产品和服务。
8.Research is the backbone of advertising and marketing。
9.Four areas are commonly addressed in strategic research: marketplace, consumer, corporate, and product research.9。通常需要解决的四个方面的战略研究:市场、消费者、公司企业和产品的研究
10.Motives always affect behavior while needs do not necessarily have to.不一定需要时,动机总是影响着行为。
11.Marketing resembles a war, and the marketplace a battleground.营销像一个战争、市场像个战场。
12.An advertising plan matches the right audience to the right message.一个好的广告计划是要把正确的受众和信息搭配起来。13.Creativity in advertising is a process of several stages, including preparation, incubation, illumination, verification, and revision.广告创意是一个过程分几个阶段,包括初期准备、孵化、光照、验证和修改。
14.An important part of creative strategy is determining the major selling idea that will become the central theme of the campaign.创新战略的一个重要组成部分主要是确定将成为竞选的中心主题的营销观念。