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Lesson One Spelling in Alphabets and Numbers 字母及数字拼写

1*Calling Dalian Radio Station 呼叫大连台

A*Dalian Radio,Dalian Radio.This isM/V Golden Dove.大连台!大连台!我是机动船金鸽.B*Signal Strength 3.Please use Standard Marine Communication Phrases to spell you ship's name and call sight.信号强度3,请用SMCP来拼读贵轮船名和呼号.A*My ship's





in Alphabets:Golf-Oscar-Lima-Delta-Echo-November,Delta-Oscar-Victor-Echo.My call sign is P3GL4.Spell in Alphabets and Numbers:Papa-Terrathee-Golf-Lima-Kartefour,over.我轮船名是金鸽,用字母拼读是G-O-L-D-O-V-E,呼号是P3GL4.用字母及数字拼读是:P-3-G-L-4,请回答.2*Report the Particulars of the Ship

报船舶细节(数据)A*What are your particulars,over?

你船数据请报一下? B*M/V Wan Tong/BTBZ.LOA:156m,Width:22.8m.Mean Draft:9.2m.Engine power:7,200 kilowatts,over.机动船通呼号BTBZ,总长156m,宽22.8m,平均吃水9.2m,主机功率7200千瓦,请讲.A*What is your registry port,over?

你船的注册港是哪儿?请讲.B*My port of registry is Dalian.Spell in alphabets:Delta-Alpha-Lima-India-Alpha-November,over.我轮注册港是大连,按字母拼读D-L-I-A-N,请讲.3*Report the Position and Course


A*I can not identify you on my ARPA radar.Inform me your couse and position,over.我无法在APRA上分辨你,请告知你的航向和位置.B*My present position is 33'45'N,101'31'E.Course175'

我现在位置是33'45'N,101'31'E.航向173度.A*Spell in numbers,over.请按数字拼读.B*Position:Terrathree-Terrathree




degrees Terrathree-Unaone minutes East.Course:Unaone-Setteseven-Panrafive degrees,over.船位33'45'N,101'31'E,航向175度,请讲.字母

A*Alfa B*Bravo C*Charlie D*Delta E*Echo F*Foxtrot G*Ggolf H*Hotel I*India J*Juliet K*Kilo L*Lima M*Mike N*November O*Oscar P*Papa Q*Quebec R*Romeo S*Sierra T*Tango U*Uniform V*Victor W*Whisky X*X-ray Y*Yankee Z*Zulu 数字

0*Nadazero 1*Unaone 2*Bissotwo 3*Terrathree 4*Kartefour 5*Pantafive 6*Soisix 7*Setteseven 8*Oktoeight 9*Novenine 芜

Lesson Two Pilotage 引航业务 1*Calling for pilot 要引航员

A*Dalian Pilot Station,M/V Midas calling.I require a pilot,over.大连旨航站!梅达轮呼叫,我需要引航,请回答.B*Whata's your ETA at Huang Baizui lighthouse?

你抵达黄白嘴灯塔的时间是多少? A*My ETA at huang Baizui lighthouse is 0900 hours local time.我抵达黄白嘴灯塔时间是当地时间9点.B*What are the colour of the funnel and the colour of the hull?

请告知你轮烟囱和船体色.A*The funnel is red and blue bands embark?On which sie shall I rig the pilot ladder?

烟囱是红蓝条状的,船体是绿色的.引航员什么时候上船?哪一侧放引航梯? B*Pilot will embark at 0930 hours local time.Pick up pilot at the No.5 Fairway buoy.Advise you rig the pilot ladder on port side,over and out.引航员在当地时间9点30分上船.在航道5号浮处接引航员.建议你把引航梯放在左舷,请讲,我结束通信.A*Your message well understood,out.你的信息已明白,结束通信.2*Pilot Coming


A*Third Mate.Pilot boat coming now.You stand by the pilot ladder.Tell A.B on duty to lower Flag G and hoist Flag H.Send out one long blast,OK?

三副,引航员的船现在快到了,你在引航梯边等候,告诉值班一水降字母G旗,升字母H旗,鸣一长,好吗? B*Yes,Sir.照办,先生.A*Lower the ladder a little more,please.Throw a heaving line to take my bag and handheld VHF aboard.请把引航梯放低些,放一缆把我的包和对讲机带上船.B*Welcome to our ship.Let's go up to the bridge.The captain is epecting to meet you anxiously.欢迎来我轮.让我们上驾驶台.船长正在热切地盼望与你会面.3*Pilot Prepares Working


A*I'd like to know the particulars before working.在工作前我想了解一下你船的技术细节.B*My pleasure.Mr pilot.Our vessel is a general cargo ship.LOA is 110m.Breadth is 18m.Draft aft is 8.5m.Gross tonnage is 12000 tons.Net tonnage is 2200 tons.The twin screw propellers are right-hand.The revolutions at full speed are 106r/min.Anything else?


A*How long will it take to reverse the engine from full ahead to full astern?What is the harbour speed?

主机从全速前进到全速后退用多少时间? B*No more than 70 seconds.But the 'full stern'is much more slower than'full stern'.Harbour speed is 9 knots.不超过70秒,但全速后退的速度比全速前进的反应要慢得多.进港速度9节.A*O.K.Advice you to heave up the anchor.好了,建议你起锚.B*Ready to enter harbour fore an aft.Follow the instructions given by our pilot.(Use handheld VHF)Chief Mate'Heave up the anchor'.O.K.Start to work now,Mr.Pilot.全船准备进港,请听引航员的指令.(用对讲机)大副起锚.好了,引航员先生开始工作了.有用词和词组

1*On which side shall I rig the pilot ladder?

我轮在哪一舷放引航梯? 2*Must Itake pilot?

我必须要引航员吗? 3*Yes,you must take pilot.Pilotage is compulsory at here.对,你必须要引航员,在这里引航业务是强制的.4*Do you require pilot.你要引航员吗? 5*Yes,I require pilot.是的,我要引航员.6*No,I don't require pilot-I am holder of Pilotage Exemption Cer tificate.不,我不要上引航员,我持有引航豁免证书.7*How many tugs assist pilotage?

几艘拖轮协助引航? 8*What is your ETA at Antwerp Pilot Station in local time?

你轮抵安特卫普引航站的当地时间是几点? 9*My ETA at Dalian pilot Station 2200 hours local time.我轮抵在连引航站是当地时间22点.10*Advice you rig Jacob's ladder on port side.你船须将绳梯装在左舷侧.11*What is your distance from Wu Song Pilot Station?

你距吴淞引航站是多少? 12*Is pilot boat on station.引航船只站里待命吗? 13*Yes pilot boat on station.对,引航船在站里待命.14*Put on lights at pilot ladder position.在引航梯旁打开照明灯.15*Pilot boat on station at 1330 hours local time.引航船当地时间13点30分在站.16*In what position can I take pilot?

我船在何处上引航员? 17*Stand by the pilot ladder.在引航梯旁等候.18*Take pilot in 67'36'N,121'45'E at 2100 hours local time.在67'36.北.121'45东处当地时间21点上引水.19*Take pilot near Huang Bai Zui lighthouse at 1000 UTC.在黄白嘴灯塔附近国际时间10点上引水.20*What is the position of the pilot boat?

引航船在什么地方? 21*When will pilot embark?

引航员什么时候上船? 22*Pilot will embark at 0800 hours local time.引航员将于当地时间8点上船.23*Pilot coming to you.引航员正在去你船.24*Pilot boat approaching your vessel.引航船正接近你船.25*Make a lee for the pilot boat,please.请把引航船置于下风处.26*Keep pilot boat on port side.把引航船置于你轮左舷处.27*Rig ganyway combined with pilot ladder on port side.把组合梯放到左舷处.28*What is your freeboard?

你轮干舷吃水多少? 29*What are your particulars?

你轮细节(数据)是多少? 30*Stop in present position and wait for pilot.在目前船位处停下等引航员.31*The employment of pilot is optional/selctive.雇引航员是任意的.32*Change to VHF CH22 for pilot transfer.换到22频道与引航员通话.33*Follow pilot boat inward where pilot will embark.随航引航船,同时引航员将登你船.34*You may navigate by youself(or wait for pilot at the entrance buoy).你可以自己航行(或在进浮标处等引航员)35*I stay in position 135'2.5miles from Chang Jiang Kou lighthouse until the pilot arrives.在引航员到达前我将在距长江口灯塔135度,2.5海里处待命.36*Do you accept shorebased navigational assistance from pilot?

你是否接受引航员在岸协助导航.Yes ,I accept shorebased navigational assistance from pilot.是的,我接受引航员在岸协助导航.37*Pilot cannot emback at Dalian Pilot Station due to stress of weather.由于天气恶劣,在大连引航站引航员不能登船.38*Stand by on VHF CH13 until pilot transfer completed.在引航员完成通话后,守候甚高频13频道.39.Pilotage at Dalian Pilot station suspended until 2200 hours local time,1st,FEB,1998.大连引航站的引航业务在1998年2月1日2200时(当地时间)前暂停.40*Pilotage at Qingdao Pilot Station resumed.青岛引航站的引航业务恢复.41*Rig pilot ladder on port side a metre above water.引航梯放在左舷距水面1米处.42*You must rig another pilot ladder.你必须重放一引航梯.43*Pilot ladder unsafe.引航员舷梯不安全.44*Pilot ladder has broken steps.引航梯脚蹬有断裂的.pilot ladder has loose steps.引航梯脚蹬有松散的.pilot ladder has broken spreaders.引航梯横挡有断裂的.Pilot ladder has spreaders too short.引航梯横档太短.Pilot ladder too far aft.引航梯离后部太远.Pilot ladder too far foward.引航梯离前部太远.45*Rig accommodation ladder in combination with pilot ladder.放舷梯及引航梯.46*Rig pilot lader alongside hoist.把引航梯放到升降梯.47*Man ropes required.需要扶手绳.48*Have heaving line ready at pilot ladder.引航梯旁备好缆 49*Correct list of vessel.纠正船舶编队表.50*Steer 90 degrees to made lee.操90度做下风.51*Keep sea on your port quarter.让左舷船尾受浪.52*Make boarding speed of 8 knots.登船时的速度是8节.53*Stop engine until pilot boat is clear.在引航船离开时停车.54*Put helm hard to port.向左舷满舵.55*Alter course to port-pilot boat cannot clear vessel.向左舷转向,引航船不能离开大船.56*Put ahead engine.进车

put astern engine.倒车

57*Embarkation not possible.不能登船.58*Boarding arrangements do not comply with SOLAS Regulations.登船按排没有遵照SOLAS公约去做.59*Vessel not suitable for pilot ladder.船舶没有合适的引航梯.60*Is engine diesel or turbine?


Engine is diesel.主机是柴油机.61*Is engine-room manned or is engine on bridge control?


Engine-room manned.主机是人要控制.Engine on bridge control.主机是驾驶台控制

62*How long does ittake to change engine from ahead to astern?


It takes 2 minutes to change engine(from ahead to astern)?

从前进到后退的转换需要花费2分钟.63*How long does it take to start engine from stopped?


It takes 60 seconds to start engine(from stoppedd)

从停车到主机起动需要60秒.64*Is extra power available in emergency?


Yes,extra power available.是的,有外加供电.No,extra power not available.不,没有外加供电.65*Do you have controllable or fixed pitch propeller?


We have controllable pitch propeller.我们有可变螺旋桨.We have fixed pitch propeller.我们有固定螺旋桨.66*Do you have right-hand or left-hand propeller?


We have right-hand propeller

我轮螺旋桨是右旋.We have clockwise propeller.我轮螺旋桨顺时针旋转.We have anticlock propeller.我轮螺旋桨反时针旋转.67*Do you have bow thruster or stern thruster?


We have bow thruster.我们有首侧推器.We have no thruster.我们有尾侧推器.68*What is maximum manoeuvring power ahead?


Maximum manoeuvring power ahead7000 kilo Watts.最大操纵向前推进功率是7000千瓦.69 70*What are maximum revolutions ahead?


Maximum revolutions ahead 150 r/min.最大向前推进转速是150 r/min.71*Do twin propellers turn inward or outward when going ahead?


Twin propellers turn inward(when going ahead)

双螺旋桨向前推进时内旋.Twin propellers turn outward.双螺旋桨向前推进时外旋.72*I require pilot card.我需要引航员卡.I require manoeuvring data.我需要操纵数据.73*What is diameter of turning circle?


Diameter of turning circle 500 metres.旋转初径300米.74*What is advance and transfer distance in crash-stop?


Advance 3 kilometeres transfer distance degrees.停车时纵移量3海里,横移5度.Advance 2 nautical miles transfer distance 3 degrees.急停车时纵移量2海里,横移3度.75*Is turning effect of propeller very strong?


Yes/No,turning effect of propeller(not)very strong.是 不,螺旋桨转动效率很强@不强 76*Where is whistle control?


Whistle control on console.气笛控制在控制台.Whistle control on wings of bridge.气笛控制在驾驶台两侧.77*What notice is required to reduce from full sea speed to manoeuvring speed?


minutes notice required(to reduce from full sea speed to manoeuvring speed.)

把船舶由全速海速减至操纵速度需要20分钟.78*Do you have automatic pilot?


Yes,we have automatic pilot.是的,我们有自动舵.No,wehave no automatic pilot.不,我们没有自动舵.79*Does helmsman understand English?


Yes,helmsman understands English.是的,懂英语.No,helmsman does not understand English.不,不懂英语.Helmsman understand wheel orders.舵工懂舵令.80*Give three short blasts(on whistle)

给出三短声.Give two long blasts

给出二长声.81*Stand by lookout.准备了望.Lookout standing by.正待命了望.82*Maintain speed of 10 knots.保持航速10节.83*Fairway speed 9 knots.航路速度9节.84*What is full sea speed?


Full sea speed 20 knots.全速前进速度20节.85*What is speed at full(hal,slow,dead slow ahead?(全@半@慢@微)前进速度是多少?

















2、明朝,1405至1433 年, 一位伟大的航海家历时28 年七下西洋,到过30 多个国家,最远抵达非洲东海岸和红海沿岸,堪称世界航海史上的伟大壮举。





















A:33 B:34C:35D:36


A.圆球体 B.椭圆体 C.椭球体 D.不规则几何体




A.B.东 C.大西洋 D.印度洋




A:渤海 B:东海 C:南海















第一部分 使用说明。请仔细阅读后再填写《船上培训记录簿》。

第二部分 资料、检查表、熟悉船舶安全与职责。

















八、熟悉船舶安全知识》:Page6 上的《



九、熟悉船上职责》:Page6 上的《

二、船舶服务记录》上的每条船舶都必须写一纵列。第三部分 训练科目(驾驶)(轮机为第四部分)。





(轮机 第三部分 轮机技术细节和作业。逐项填写,每页签字、时间。)

第四部分 船上见习记录簿附页(轮机为 第五部分)。职能、训练内容顺序号、日期每页都必须写。时间要与《训练科目》时间相对应。《记录簿》填写字迹要清楚,内容必须完整。页数肯定不够,写满附页后另附纸张。

第五部分 评价报告(轮机为 第六部分)。必须由第二部分《









中华人民共和国海事局 2008年第46期海船船员适任统考试题(总第46期)科目:航海英语

试卷代号:903 适用对象:无限航区,近洋航区船舶二、三副



1.You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ______.你可以在_____找到某个港口低潮后的平潮期。

A.mFAG.B.Tide tables.潮汐表

C.Notices to mariners.D.Table of azimuth.KEY: B 2.Information on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? ______.国外无线电信标的运转时间和特性的信息在哪一个出版物里能够被找到?

A.List of Lights 航标表 B.Coast Pilot C.Sailing Directions D.List of Radiobeacons KEY: A 3.A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ______.来自天体观测的位置线是_______的一段

A.circle of equal altitude(天体)等高度圈 B.parallel of declination C.parallel of altitude D.vertical circle KEY: A 4.What defines a great circle? 定义大圆的是什么? A.A curved line drawn on a Mercator Chart B.A course line that inscribes a loxodromic curve

C.The shortest distance between any two points on the earth地球上两点之间最短的距离

D.The smallest circle that can be drawn on the face of a sphere KEY: C 5.Which aid is NOT marked on a chart with a magenta circle? 哪个助航物不是用品红色圆圈标记在海图上的?

A.Aero light航空灯标

B.Radar station

C.Radar transponder beacon D.Radiobeacon KEY: A 6.Charted depth is the ______.海图水深是_____ A.vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom plus the height of the tide

B.vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom 从海图深度基准面到海底的垂直距离

C.average height of water over a specified period of time D.average height of all low waters at a place KEY: B 7.The changes in the channel’s sands and buoys on this coast are ______ this chart cannot be considered as a safe guide of the channel.这个海岸的航道的沙和浮标的变化是_______这个海图不能被视为这个航道的安全指南 A.Frequent.KEY: D 8.While steaming slowly in the harbor,no ship is ______ to exceed the speed limited.在港内缓速行驶时其间,没有船_______超过限速航行

A.assumed B.appreciated C.promised


KEY: D 9.The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance he can place on the information given in the admiralty charts and other publ

ications, since they _______.航海者应该做关于他是否可以信赖现有海图或其他出版物的信息的最后的判断,因为他们________ A.May always be complete and up-to-date B.May not always be complete and up-to-date可能不是完善的或最新的数据 C.May sometimes be complete and up-to-date D.May not sometimes be complete and up-to-date KEY: B 10.All events relating to the voyage, such as ship’s position, speed and details of the weather, are recorded in ______.所有有关航行的事件,如船舶的位置,速度和天气的航行资料,记录在__ A.Logbook航海日志

B.Bell Book

C.Oil Record Book

D.Compass Error Book KEY: A 11.12.[13]It's ______ that the cargo was damaged by your stevedores.____,货物是被你方的工人所损坏。

A.bright B.distinct C.plain D.evident显然

KEY: D B.So frequent.C.Frequent that.D.so frequent that如此频繁地.14.Who is responsible for the regular security inspections of the ship?谁负责船舶常规安全检查? A.The company security officer B.The classification society C.The port facility security officer D.The ship security officer船舶安全检查人员 答案:D 15.Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat?下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备?

A.Rocket parachute signals B.Buoyant smoke signals C.Hand flare signals D.Self-igniting signals自动点火信号 答案:D 16.17.[18]Radar reflectors are required for ______.对_________要求安装雷达反射器 A.all fishing vessels over 39 feet in length B.sail-propelled fishing vessels C.all fishing vessels of less than 200 GT

D.wooden hull fishing vessels with a poor radar echo雷达回波很弱的木质渔船

KEY: D [19]A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea is a______.散发危害物质到大气中或泄露油到海里的船舶是_____ A.Polluter污染者



D.Oiler KEY: A [20] You are offloading garbage to another ship.Your records must identify that ship by name and show her ______.你正将垃圾卸到另一艘船上。你必须记录那艘船的船名并出示她的____ A.home port

B.next port-of-call

C.official number登记号码

D.Master KEY: C 21 22.Generally speaking, the most favorable bottom for anchoring is ______.一般来说,最适合锚的底质是什么? A.Very soft mud.B.Rocky.C.A mixture of mud and clay.泥河粘土的混合物 D.Loose sand.KEY: C 23 When the movement of engine is no longer required the pilot usually gives the order like this ______.当引水员不再要求使用主机时通常会给出像这样的命令:___ A.Stop engine.B.Nothing to port.KEY: D 24.Vessel towing with the current shall ______ tow more than two boats and they must be towed alongside.拖船在流中应该___拖带两艘以上的

C.Finish engines.D.Finished with engines完车

船舶并且必须用旁拖 A.At times.KEY: C 25.If a vessel under tow starts jumping on its tow line, the most appropriate action to alleviate the condition is to _______.如果被拖船拖带缆开始跳动,减轻这种情况的最适当的行动是_____ A.Change course B.Slow down C.Heave to D.Adjust tow line length调整拖带缆擦很难过度 KEY: D 26.Horizontal fore or aft motion of a vessel is known as ________.船舶水平的前后移动叫做_____ A.Pitch



D.Roll KEY: B 27.The officer of the watch should ______ comply with the collision rules.值班驾驶员应该____符合避碰规则。A.Some times.KEY: C 28.A vessel or seaplane on the water is considered to be underway when ______.船舶或水面上的水上飞机杯认为在航当______ A.She is at anchor.B.She is made fast to shore C.She is aground.D.Her anchor ceases to hold.她的锚不再抓底时 KEY: D 29.In determining a safe speed ______ shall not be among those taken into account._______不是确定安全航速时需要考虑的因素

A.the characteristics,efficiency and limitation of the radar equipment B.any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use

C.the effect on radar detection of the sea state,weather and other sources of interference

D.the safe working load of the cranes both on board and ashore.船上或岸上的吊车的安全工作负荷

KEY: D 30.Two vessels are approaching each other near head on.What action should be taken to avoid collision?两船正各自对遇接近。应采取什么行动以避免碰撞? A.The first vessel to sight the other should give way.B.The vessel making the slower speed should give way.C.Both vessels should alter course to starboard两船各自向右转向 D.Both vessels should alter course to port.KEY: C 31.The lights prescribed by the rules shall be exhibited _______.规则规定的号灯应该被显示_____ A.From sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility.能见度受限时从日出到日落 B.At all times.C.From sunset to sunrise, and at no other time.D.Whenever a lookout is posted.KEY: A B.Often.C.At all times.在任何时候

D.Seldom.B.At any time.C.At no time.任何时候都不行

D.At moment.32.A buoy marking a wreck will show a(n)______.标记沉船的浮筒将显示_____ A.White light FL(2)and a topmark of 2 black spheres白光闪(2)且顶标为两个黑球体 B.Occulting green light and may be lettered.C.Yellow light and will be numbered.D.Continuous quick white light and may be numbered.KEY: A 33.______ refers to the angle between true North and the heading line of the ship.____指的是镇北和船首线直接的夹角。

A.True position B.True meridian C.True course 真航向 D.True bearing KEY: C 34.A plane that cuts the Earth's surface and passes through the poles will always form ______.切割地球表面并通过两极的平面会形

成______ A.the equator B.a loxodromic curve C.a small circle D.a meridian 子午线 KEY: D 35.Neap tides occur ______.小潮发生在____________ A.at the start of spring,when the Sun is nearly over the equator

B.only when the Sun and Moon are on the same sides of the Earth and are nearly in line

C.When the Sun and Moon are at approximately 90° to each other,as seen from the Earth从地球看去,太阳和月亮大约互为90°时

D.when the Sun,Moon,and Earth are nearly in line,regardless of alignment order KEY: C Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a vessel reduces the ________减少船舶自由液面能减少______ A.Roll period横摇周期 B.Metacentric height C.Water plane area D.Vessel’s draft KEY: A 40.We usually choose cargo-handling equipment according to ______.我们通常选择装货设备根据____________ A.The ship type.B.The port’s organization.C.The cargo’s nature.货物的性质 D.The docker’s ability.KEY: C 41.The chief officer ______ told the stevedores to stow the cargo lot by lot.大副_____告诉工人一票一票的装货。A.Plainly.明白的 KEY: A 42.What is meant by the term TOPPING THE BOOM? 术语TOPPING THE BOOM的意思是什么? A.Lowering the boom B.Raising the boom升起吊杆

C.Spotting the boom over the deck D.Swinging the boom athwartships KEY: B 43.For a floating vessel,true mean draft is always the ______.对于正浮的船舶,真型吃水总是_______

A.average of the observed drafts

B.draft at the center of flotation浮心处的吃水

C.draft corresponding to the calculated displacement D.mean of the calculated drafts KEY: B 44.The man directing and supervising the work of stevedores is the ______.监督卸货工人工作的是____ A.Local agent.B.Watchman.C.Docker.KEY: D 45.Please stow the drums ______ ends.语法题,请把鼓装在船尾 A.At.KEY: C 46.If a void occurs in the cargo hold, it is better to _______ to control the broken stowage.如果货仓中产生了空隙,最好__________来控制亏舱? A.Brace it with dunnage B.Cover it with large pieces C.Fill it with small pieces用小件货填塞空隙 D.Leave it as it is KEY: C 47.In Beaufort scale, the wind force 7 with speed of 28 ~ 33 knots is defined as ______.在蒲福氏风级风力7级风速28~33节的是_________ A.Moderate gale.B.Near gale疾风.C.Strong gale.(9)

D.Whole gale.KEY: B 48.When force of winds reaches 10 ~ 11 in Beaufort scale, we usually call such wind ______.当风力达到蒲福氏风级10到11级时,我们通常成这种风是________ A.Gale.B.Storm风暴.C.Hurricane.KEY: B 49.In the northern hemisphere, a wind that shifts counterclockwise is a _______.在北半球,风逆时针

D.Typhoon.B.In.C.On.D.By.D.Foreman工头.B.Playfully.C.Absolutely.Completely.变化是_______ A.Veering wind

B.Backing win

d 逆转风

C.Reverse wind

D.Chinook wind KEY: B 50.The best estimate of the wind direction at sea level can be obtained from observing the direction of the ______.最好的估计海面风向的方法是通过观察______的方向 A.cloud movement

B.vessel heading


D.swells KEY: C 51.The primary wind belt which has the greatest effect on the set, drift, and depth of the equatorial currents is the _______.对流速,漂流,和赤道流的深度有最大影响的主要风带是________ A.Doldrums B.Horse latitudes C.Trade winds信风带 D.Prevailing westerlies KEY: C 52.Structural bulkheads on a ship are usually ______.船舶结构舱壁经常是________ A.continuous B.watertight 水密的 C.transverse D.non-watertight KEY: B 53.Bilge keels are fitted on ships to ______.船舶舭龙骨的作用是______ A.assist in drydock alignment B.improve the vessel's stability

C.protect the vessel from slamming against piers D.Reduce the rolling of the vessel降低船舶摇摆 KEY: D 54.The purpose of a bilge well is to ______.污水井的用途是______ A.afford access to the shell through the double bottoms B.Collect water to be pumped out收集污水然后泵出

C.provide access for the pneumercator

D.provide a base line for sounding measurements KEY: B 55.How would the exhaust of a properly operating diesel engine appear? ______.良好的柴油机运行时排出什么样的废气? A.Light blue haze B.Light brown haze C.Light gray haze

D.Perfectly clear非常透明的 KEY: D 56.For most ship engines,the fuel is ______.对大多数船舶主机来说,燃料是______ A.natural gas B.diesel oil 柴油 C.propane D.bunker fuel KEY: B 57.58.Does current and drift effect the CPA/TCPA calculations on a true motion display?流和漂移影响真运动模式显示下的CPA/TCPA吗? A.Yes B.No不 C.Only a little bit D.Yes, very seriously 答案:B 59.60.You are using a radar in which your own ship is shown at the center,and the heading flash always points to 0°.If bearings are measured in relation to the flash,what type of bearings are produced? 你正使用雷达而且你船显示在中心,船首线标志总是只在0°。如果方位测量是相对于船首线标志的,那么产生的是那种方位?



D.Magnetic KEY: A 61.Magnetic compass deviation ______.磁罗经自差______ A.varies depending upon the bearing used

B.is the angular difference between magnetic north and compass north是磁北和罗经北之间的角度差

C.is published on the compass rose on most nautical charts

D.is the angular difference between geographic and magnetic meridians KEY: B 62.The compass deviation changes as the vessel changes ______.罗经自差改变随着船舶改变_______ A.geographical position B.speed C.Headin


D.longitude KEY: C 63.The annual change in ______ is 0.2 degree._____的年变化是0.2度

A.Magnetic Variation磁差 B.Marine Insurance C.Maritime Accident D.Mean High Water Spring KEY: A 64.The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately_______.GPS卫星绕地球一圈大概需要______ A.3 hours B.6 hours C.12 hours12小时 D.24 hours 答案:C 65.All echosounders can measure the ______.所有回声测深仪能测量_____ A.Actual depth of water.B.Actual depth of water below keel.龙骨下的真实深度 C.Average depth from waterline to hard bottom.D.Average depth of water to soft bottom.KEY: B 66.What publications should a GMDSS Operator consult regarding the proper set-up and operation of vessel equipment ?关于船舶仪器的正确设置和操作,GMDSS操作员应该查阅什么资料? A.ITU Publications

B.The manufacturers instruction manuals生产商说明书 C.Part 90 of the FCC Rules and Regulations D.Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Part 80, Subpart W KEY: B 68.Which action should you take after sending a false distress alert on VHF?当你在VHF上发送了一个错误的遇险警报后你应该采取什么措施?

A.Send a DSC cancellation message on Ch-70.B.make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-16在16频道上发送一条取消警报的语音通知

C.Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-13.D.Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-22A.KEY: B 69.My vessel maneuvering ______ difficulty.Please keep well clear ______ me.我船操作困难,请远离我船

.A.with,of语法题 KEY: A 70.My Captain is trying to ______ the pilot station before the ebb tide.我船船长正试图_____引航站在退潮前

A.steam B.proceed C.approach D.reach 到达 KEY: D 71Result of search negative means ______.搜寻结果否定的意思是___ the search has found nothing搜寻没有找到什么 B.The derelict has been found.C.The derelict has been located.D.The derelict has been sighted.KEY: A B.In, of.C.At, apart.D.With, from 72.73.The terms ceiling and margin plate are associated with the ______.术语舱壁护板和内底边板都是与______联合的 A.crew's quarters B.engine room C.main deck

D.tank top 双层底顶面 KEY: D 74.Placing a lashing across a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called ______.把绑索放置在钩子上来防止索具划出钩口叫做_______ A.Faking.B.Flemishing down.C.Mousing.钩口防脱系索

KEY: C 75.76.A spring line leads ______.倒缆指向________ A.Fore and aft from the ship’s side.从船头到船尾的船舷 B.To the dock at a right angle to the vessel.C.Through the bull nose or chock at the bow.D.Through the chock at the stern.KEY: A 77.Paints and solvents on a vessel should be _______.油漆和油漆溶剂在船上应


A.Stored safely at the work site until work is completed B.resealed and returned to a well ventilated area after each use 每次使用完后要重新密封送回良好通风的地方

C.Covered at all times to protect from ignition sources D.Stored in a suitable gear locker KEY: B [5671]A distress signal ______.遇险信号_____

A.consists of 5 or more short blasts of the fog signal apparatus

C.may be used separately or with other distress signals可以单独使用也可以与其他遇险信号同时使用

C.consists of the raising and lowering of a large white flag D.is used to indicate doubt about another vessel's intentions KEY: B




79.You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry, “Man overboard starboard side”.You should indtinctively ______你值班时听见有人喊“人右舷落水”,你应该立即____ A.give full right rudder打右满舵

B.give full left rudder C.put the rudder amidships

D.throw a life ring to mark the spot KEY: A 80.After using a CO2 portable extinguisher, it should be ______.手提式二氧化碳灭火器使用后,应该________

D.Worming.A.Put back in service if some CO2 remains.B.Hydrostatically tested.C.Retagged.D.Recharged.重装 KEY: D 81.A fuel-air mixture below the lower explosive limit is too __________.爆炸底限以下的燃料-空气混合物太______ A.Rich to burn B.Lean to burn贫乏不能燃烧 C.Cool to burn D.Dense to burn KEY: B

82.Portable fire extinguishers must be provided for the cargo tank area of an unmanned tank barge ______.手提灭火器必须提供给没有人员的液货驳船的液货舱区域________ A.only when fully loaded B.if one or more tanks are full

C.when transferring cargo 当转移货物时 D.only when the barge is being towed KEY: C 83.After a liferaft is launched,the operating cord ______.救生筏入水后,操作绳_____ A.serves as a sea painter作为艇首缆使用 B.detaches automatically

C.is used to rig the boarding ladder D.is cut immediately as it is of no further use KEY: A 84.In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel,water should be given only to personnel who are ______.在弃船后最初的24小时内,水只能给_____的人 A.thirsty

B.sick or injured 生病或受伤的 C.wet D.awake KEY: B 85.86.You discover a leak in the fuel line to the engine.You should first ________.你发现主机供油管系有破损。你应该先________ A.Activate the CO2 system B.Make a temporary repair with canvas or tape C.Start the bilge pump D.Close the fuel valve at the tank关闭燃油阀 KEY: D 87.A crew member is unconscious and the face is flushed.You should ______.一个船员失去意识而且脸色发红。你应该________ A.lay the crew member down with the head and shoulders slightly raised 使这个船员躺下而且垫高头部和肩膀 B.administer a liquid stimulant

C.lay the crew member down with the head lower than the feet D.attempt to stand the crew member upright to restore consciousness KEY: A A crew member has suffered frostbite to the toes of both feet.You should ______.一个船员双脚脚脚趾被冻伤。你应该____ A.immerse the feet in warm water 把他的脚浸泡在温水里 B.warm the feet with a heat lamp C.warm the feet at room temperature D.rub the feet KEY: A



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