Learning to be Grateful
Nowadays, the education of the youth to be grateful is taken more and more seriously not only at school, but also in the whole society.Then
what is the importance of learning to be grateful?
Firstly, learning to be grateful makes one see the bright side of life that turns him into a positive person, and can also perfect his personalities, which plays a vital role in his future development.Secondly, learning to be grateful can make one become a responsible citizen in the society.If one’s heart is full of gratefulness, he can offer as much as he can to others, and make a great contribution to the society.Still more importantly, since no individual live completely independent of others, being grateful, a person will not do things at the price of sacrificing the interest of others.Briefly, if everyone is grateful, our society will be more harmonious, our family will have more happiness, and we, as individuals, will have a more bright future for self-development.So let us learn to appreciate what we get, and we will realize what a blessed life we have.预测主题:蜗居、蚁族现象
College Students’ Living Condition
Recently, the living condition of some college students is frequently referred to as “dwelling-narrowness”.In fact, this embarrassing situation is very serious that few of us can fail to meditate on the causes of it.In the first place, it’s difficult for graduates to bear the high cost of life in big cities.Poor payment thus gives rise to bad living conditions.Next, college students are more ambitious.Many of them are eager to compete in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing, where talents are abundant and positions are limited.Refusing to go back hometown let them suffer in big cities, which indirectly make their situation worse.Generally speaking, college students should be more qualified to better themselves and adjust their goals according to the reality.预测主题:心理
As is apparently betrayed in the bar chart above, at present
university students suffer from psychological problems of various kinds, among which spiritual depression, miscellaneous problems, and suicide-committing top the list.What the chart reveals is indeed thought-provoking.The implied meaning of the chart above can be briefly stated as follows.On the one hand, university students are encountering more psychological problems than ever before.The fact can be attributed to many factors.Most university students are overloaded with study and haunted by employment pressure.As young and inexperienced people, they are also facing emotional dilemma and trial of human
interrelationship.Besides, some students are in a financial predicament.On the other hand, necessary psychological work for university student is a must for the time being.It is quite shocking that at least forty percent of university students suffer from spiritual depression.The very fact should not be neglected.Effective countermeasures must be taken to reverse the current grim situation.In sum, the psychological problems should be put on our agenda.In my view, great efforts must be made so as to ensure the healthy growth of university students.To begin with, we must have a good understanding the necessity of psychological instruction and guidance among university students.What’s more, government departments at different levels and related organizations should make joint efforts to create a more relaxing environment for university students.Only in this way can university students develop well both physically and
psychologically.Medical researchers have proved that what people eat affects their health.They advise people to eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork because meat contains more fat than poultry and fish.Fat can build up in the arteries, block the flow of blood, and cause a heart attack or stroke.预测主题:竞争
Competition is a common phenomenon in our social life.We
compete when we play games and when we try to do better than others in
our study.There is constant competition for academic degrees, jobs, customers, money and so forth.In a sense, competition is one of the motive force to the development of society.In fact, the only way our world reward people is to give laurels to the winners, not to the losers.What is more, by attempting to compete at different activities, we learn to win and lose, gain experience and know our strengths and weaknesses.Competition prepares us for the tough things in life.To go ahead, to acquire possession, we should be competitive.To us, industriousness and ambition are positive values.Whether in games, in study or in business alike, the aim is to win the game, the degree, the trophy(战利品), and the contract.Learning to be competitive is clearly the best preparation for life.
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二。考试时间分布:9:15—9:35 :听力;9:35—10:10 :阅读;
10:10—10:25 :词汇;10:25—10:40 :改错/简
10:40—10:50 :涂卡;10:50—11:20 :作文。
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 2。短语搭配。
soph(wise智慧):sophism 诡辩,sophomore 大二学生,philosophy 哲学,zoophilis t 动物保护者
con—com(together一起):coincidence con(together/ fully):contact;
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ tact(touch):contact lens隐形眼镜;intact 未开化;
clude(close关上):exclude 排除,除去;include 包括;exclusive 独占的,排他的,仅仅的;preclude 阻止,排除;
sub(under在下面):subscribe 同意/付款,捐助/订阅;subway 地铁;submit 提交;
scribe(write写):subscribe;describe 描述;ascribe;prescribe 开处方;
cur(to run):excursion 远足,游览;recur 重现,再发生;precursor 前驱,前辈;
cide(cut):decide;pesticide;suicide 自杀;
nov(new):lenovo 联想;novel 新意的/小说;innovation 革新,创新;
volv():revolve 围绕;evolve 演化;
seque(to follow):subsequent;consequence;
pel(drive赶):repel 抗御,击退,驱除;compel 迫使,强迫;expel 逐出去,开除;
impel 推进;propel 驱动;
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ verse(turn):reverse 颠倒,反转;adverse 不利的,有害的;inverse相反的,对立 的;subvert颠覆,破坏;introvert 内向的;extrovert 外向的;anniversary 周年;
trans(across跨越):transmit(病)传播,传送,发送(信号);transaction 交易,业务;transition 过渡,转变;transform 改革,改造;transfer 调动,移动,转会
;transient 短暂的,瞬间的;
fect(do):defect 缺陷;affect ;infect ;perfect ;
press(压):impress 留有印象;express 表达;depress 沮丧;compress 压缩,受压
ject(jet喷射):projector 投影仪;eject 弹射;inject 注射;objection 反对;
lect(chose):collect 收集;elect 选择;select 选项;recollect 回忆;
fess(说):confess 坦言,倾诉;professor 教授;convince(vin:win)使信服;
pose(put):compose 合成;expose 姿势;impose 施加;dispose 处理;
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ rupt(break):interrupt 中断;abrupt 突然的;erupt 喷发;corrupt 腐败;(cor:
1,adhere to [坚持(观点,信仰);粘住stick sth.by glue ;遵守(法律,法规);
],conform to(遵守;适应适合),comply with(遵守);
appropriately(适当,恰当),toss(抛,扔:toss a coin),2,glance(扫一眼,看一眼)/glimpse(扫一眼)/peer(由于近视,看不清而凝视)/g
obscure(晦涩的,模糊的),reproduction,decline[(国力)的衰落;(数字,指标,比率)下降,下跌;婉拒;],deprive(deprive sb.of sth.),exclusive,shrink(缩水,比原来少),More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 3,介词+名词+介词(词组意义在于名词):with the exception of(除了)/with the
purpose of(目的是)/with reference to(谈及,提及,关于)/with a view to(为了,以„为目的);
hamper =hinder(妨碍,阻碍),propel(驱动),4,以trans为词根的词,总会放在一起考形近易混词,不会单个考。
5,resort(依靠,依赖,求助于;+to:resort to arms/force使用武力)/grant(同意,给予;grant sth)/afford(买得起;afford to经受得住,承担得起)/entitle [(法
律方面)赋予„权利资格;be entitled to/intodoing sth.];
conspicuous(杰出的,明显的),gloomy(阴暗的,忧郁的;take a gloomy view of s
th.),authentic(真的,可靠的,真迹的),in terms of(从„方面来说,根据„,在
某方面),contaminate(污染,毒害),trivial(不重要的;琐屑的),compliant =
obedient(顺从的),vulnerable(脆弱的,易受攻击的),indignation(愤怒,愤慨),in case(万一),at a loss(不知所措的),scratch(抓;擦;乱写乱画),ascri
be = attribute to(归因于),dilemma(困境;prisoner dilemma囚徒困境),profou
nd(深奥的,深远的;profound effect),formidable(难以对付的,可怕的),More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ incre
asingly(逐渐地,与日俱增地),deteriorate(变质,恶化),fluctuate(价格等波动),coincide(时间,空间上巧合),6,advocate(提倡;鼓吹)/ allege(声称;硬说)/ address(演说;向„致辞)/ an
3,听写。分为两种:A spot题型,考的机率很小;B compond题型,常考。
1,人物态度意图题。其中“中but”题型尤为重要。例如:一般会提问:What „„mean?
How does sb.feel?对话中:“A:„„。B:„„,but„X„。”则在but
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 之后的X部分大
2,异义解释题。联系在第六部分的词组,记住其实际代表的意义。例如:burn the midn
ight oil不能理解为“烧午夜的油”,而是“熬夜”的意思;geta smell of midnight
oil不是“闻到午夜的油的味道”而是形容文章等写的不好;chase rainbows表面上看是
8,数字价格运算题。一般是在shopping场景中出现。涉及加减运算,extra,plus,save,spare;又如discount 30%意为“打七折”。
9,时间加减运算。例如,开车时,计算频率,首发车时间,特殊日期发车时间;有关手表 的问题,手表永远不会准。
10,人物动作题。如问What happened to sb.?则涉及动作的执行者及其结果;还会有新
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ why,how等。
2,考试。期末考(总决赛):finals期中:mid-terms小考,随堂测验:quiz 及格
aceit = get a full score(满分)
3,论文。论文(总):paper 包括:A小论文:essay B 中型论文(研究生毕业):th
esis C 大论文(博士):dissertation最后期限:deadline拖延:putoff
4,学生。大学生:undergraduate 大一:freshmen 大二:sophomore 大三:juni
or 大四:senior
研究生学位:Masterdegree 博士:Doctor 文凭:diploma
5,学费。学费:tuition 奖学金:scholarship 全额奖学金:fullscholarship 失去资格:disquality 助教:teachingassistant 贷款:loan 6,打工。part-timejob 刷盘人:dishwasher busboy人手: hands 7,住宿。宿舍:dorm 存在问题:neighbor,noisy 公寓(贵,要合租):
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ment 问题: roommate,smoker,non-smoker房子(带有花园和泳池的,很贵)
:house 健身房:gym,workout inthegym 自助食堂:cafeteria 二。WORKPLACE工作。
1,找工作。jobapplicant 拒绝:turn„down 理由:lackofexperience 面
试:jobinterview 旅行社:
2,开除。sached /You're sacked/fired/dismissed。下岗:You'relaidoff。辞职
:resignone'spost(大词)撤职:removesb.from „position / replacesb.3,提升。promotion 顶头上司:immediateboss 加薪:raise / get araise 三。餐馆。
1,点单,投诉。点单:order — menu甜品,甜点:dessert特价菜,特色菜:s
pecial甜圈:doughnut凉菜:salad 调味汁:dressing投诉:makeacom plaint
2,付帐。当桌分帐:goDutch(荷兰)分帐单:let'ssplitit/thecheck/bil l.请客:onone'streat小费:tip(补充:tips:建议;贴士,士多)
3,人物。新郎,贴身男仆,车夫:groom 伴郎:bestman 伴娘:bride'smaid 新
婚夫妇:newly-weds 四。图书馆。
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 去):let„out
2,杂志:magzine 过期杂志:backnumber 最新一期:latestnumber 3,还书。过期:overdue 到期:due 罚款:fine :chargesb.afine 五。医院。
骨折的病人:fracturedankle 急诊室:emergency 集中特护病房:ICU:intensiv
ecareunit 感冒:flu发烧:fever 咳嗽:cough 心脏病:heartattack
治疗手段:treatment 六。BANK银行。
银行:bank— 旅行支票:traveller'scheck —护照:passport对帐单:statemen t 赤字,透支:inthered开户:opena „account存款:deposit存折:
bankbook 七。电话场景。
1,电话。phonebox 投币: coin,slotmachine
2,服务。在服务区:inservice占线:busy/engaged别挂断:holdthel ine挂断某人的电话:hang uponsb.切断(线路):cutoff 3,打进来:in-coming打出去电话:out-going 八。机场场景。
晚点了:behindtheschedule 准时:onschedule取消掉了:flightis canceled 推迟:delay订光了:bebooked 坠机:aircrash失物招领
处:lost-and-found行李寄存处:left-luggage 九。租房。
租约:lease 漏水:leak建筑公司:roofingcompany寒流:coldspell
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 电暖气:heater电工:electracian停电:blackout 盗窃:theft闯
入:breakinto搬家公司:movingcompany 十。POSTOFFICE邮局。
发电报:sendacable超重:overweight ——extrapostage
B.compound(常考):7个单词空+3个长句,0.5*7+2*2+2.5*1=1 0。
1,介词。连读对象 in:comein / getin;on:workon / geton;at:goodat / endat;of:kindof。
3,代词。连读对象,失去爆破:it:get it back—get i(t)back;them:beat
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 同化:couldyou,getyou,略读:Goodday!—G'day!
1,主旨题。一般占30% A。在短文开头:例如在第一句出现topicidea/ theme等;
a result„/On the whole„/In conclusion„/All in all„/Last but not least„等短
人 事
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而其中仍包括:A偏于主旨细节题:例如出现according to„X/due to„X/result in„X/
„X„result from/等一般问原因细节题,则答案关键在于文章中的X部分。
B目的细节题:有如:to X/in order to X/the perpo se is X„等
C 异义解释题:有些词组出现时,并不代表其表面意义,短文中一般会接着给出解释。
1,negative thinking
2,含有change的一般为正确答案:(一般只有一个选项含有该词义):/ alter/ postpo
ne/ put off/ turn…into / convert/ transform/ modifye
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 的人物主旨态度题,但是切记慎用!
A。accompany(隐含乐器 piano)appeal to(与a pill的读音类似,而意为“吸引”)a
far cry from(与„相差甚远)a must(必需的事物)all ears(形容听的很仔细)
as„as„:as fit as a fiddle(像小提琴一样健康)and how!(表示同意)at a loss
(不知所措)aroundthecorner(某事情要来了)a phone call away(随叫随到,表
B。beside oneself(几乎疯狂,表狂喜或大悲)break out in a rash(出麻疹)by and
large=in general(总体来说)be done/through with=finish(完成)be in the dark(在黑暗中,蒙在鼓里,完全不知情)behind the schedule()bent on sth.=be suppo
sed to do sth.(下决心做某事)believe it or not(信不信由你,一般否定)book up(订光了)
C。call it a day()cut down on sth.(削减,例如面包/开支)come down with(病倒
了)come over(过来,到某人家里)cost sb.an arm and a leg(形容某事物特别的昂
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 贵)cut it out(闭嘴)
D。die out(灭绝)drop sb.off(踩一脚)drop in on sb.(顺路拜访某人)drop at
some place(顺路去某地)do with(用„凑合)do without(没有„也能凑合)dont lo
ok at me!(别指望我!)dont tell me!(你还说呢!形容情况更糟)drop sb up the
E。every so often(偶尔,偶然)=every once in a while
F。fall back on sb.(转而求助某人)fall flat(泡汤,告吹)be fed up with(对某
事极度厌倦)finish up(吃光,完成,以„结束)for nothing(免费的)
G。get away with sth.(做某事(坏事)不受惩罚)get back to sb.(在和某人联系)
get nowhere with(一筹莫展,毫无进展)get out of the wrong side of one's bed(形容心情糟糕,不顺利)go about sth.(开始做某事)go ahead with(继续)
H。have a way with(擅长某事)have the finally say(有最终决定权)have had it
with sth.(处境好/糟)have one's hands full(某人总是很忙)head and shoulders(比别人高一筹)hold out for sth.(坚持要某物)hold up(耽搁了某事物)
I。I have seen worse.(表示同情)in shape(有型)out of shape(没型)in good/b lack/blue/nomood(有好/不好/忧郁/没心情)„in commen(共同的)in
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ themiddle
of sth.(正在做某事)in vain(徒劳,白白)
K。keep an eye on sb.(监视,留意某人)see eye to eye with sb.on sth(在某问题
上完全同意某人)keep to oneself(闷在心里)kill time=fool around=trainspotting(消磨时间)
L。lay off(裁员,解雇)light schedule(日程安排宽松)look sharp!(赶快!)lo
ok up to sb.(尊敬。尊重某人)
M。make ends meet(收支相抵)make it to(完成某事)make difference(有影响,有
关系)make up one's mind(下决心)meet each other half way(妥协,互让一步)mi
ght as well do sth(倒不如做某事好了)move on to(进一步讨论某事)
N。now that=since
O。on earth(究竟)on edge(紧张)on short notice(一经通知就„)on top of(一
P。place the call(打电话)play it by ear(见机行事,随机应变)put up with sb.(忍受某人)
R。reguardless of(不管,不顾)raise the roof(吵翻天)hit the ceiling(非常生
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 气,暴跳如雷)rule out(排除)resign one's post(辞职)run out of(用完了,用光
S。see to(关照某事)slip one's mind(忘的一干二净)should know better than to
do sth.(应该知道不去做某事)stick to(忠于„;坚持„)
T。take a rain check(改期进行)take one's time(慢慢来)take one's place(替代
某人)the reverse is also true=vice versa(反之亦然)take sth.up(从事某事)
U。under the weather(身体不舒服,生病了)up in the air(悬而未决)up to sb.(由某人决定)
W。without fail(无一例外)
Y。You're telling me?(还用你说吗?)
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 一。与四级阅读的区别:
2,浏览文章,5分钟;浏览文章时应注意:A 段落主旨,全文主旨
B 细节要标号,人物,年代要标注;在some,several,a number of出现后的句子多为并列句
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ C 关注文章中的转折连词,代词。把握文章的逻辑结构,转折处易出题。
对应题目:89年6 月40题;90年1月21题;91.6.,36题;95.1.,27题;96.6.,32题;
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 对应题目:A,文章中有主旨句的:89.6.21题;91.6.,40题;94.1.,40题;95.1.,30题
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/
2,91.6.第3篇末段第2句There are„,35题;
3,93.6.第3篇首段第2句I can't think of„,32题;
4,96.1.第2篇末段末句it cannot be said„,29题;
5,96.6.第1篇第3段中间because the latter does not „,22题;
3,90.1.第2篇末句,29题; 4,93.6.第1篇末句,25题;
5,97.1.第2篇末句,30题;6,More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 94.1.第1篇末句,25题。
3,有言外之意的句子。对应:1,91.6.第3篇第2段It would have„the way ahead.,32 题;
3,97.1.第1篇第3段But it's disturbin g „procedures.,22题;
4,96.6.第2篇第5段Having made „evid ence.,28题;
5,年月第4篇第2段第3句From costing „
6,93.6.第2篇末段倒数第2句We need to know„the earth.,30题。
对应:1,95.6.第1篇第2段前5行We have only„drama tic changes.,23题;
2,96.6.第3篇第3段中间Yet when we as k„至段末+末段首句,33题;
4,95.1.第1篇第2段首We try to „self-disclosures,and so on.(中间),23题;
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 5,93.6.第2篇末段整段,28题。
5,有矛盾关系的句子。对应: 1,91.6.第2篇首段Yet, instead of joy,„more food a bout?,26题;
2,98.6.第4篇倒数第2段末句But„and s tarvation.,37,38题;
3,97.1.第1篇首段末句Even worse,„wi thout punishment.,24题;
4,98.1.第1篇第3段第2句Once again„j ust the contrary.,23题。
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 误选项。
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 得分。
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 可以用VIP来概括要求: P:practice,平时练习很重要,至少要包括10篇比较典型的作
pic Sentence+Supportina Ideas。而且要注意使用连接词,加强上下文的联系。
平时注意收集好的词组类型:1)动词+名词:acquire knowledge,commit a crim;
2)形容词+名词: a sharp increase;dramatic increase;
3)动词+大副词:shake violently;
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 4)动词+ 介词 /小副词:break through。
1,正反阐释题。对应题目:95年6月Should Firecrackers Be Bann ed?,96.1.Why I Take College English Test Band 6?,97.6.My View on job-hoppi
ng,98.6.Do “Lucky Numbers”Really Bring Good Luck?,99.6.Reading Selectivel
y or Extensively?,00.6.Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?;
2,阐释原因,方法,描述危害题。对应:98.1.My View on Fake Commodities,99.1.Dont Hesitate to say “No”,00.1.How I Finance My College E
ducation,03.1.It Pays to Be Honest;
3,永恒话题。对应:97.1.Haste Makes Waste;
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 应当博览群书;
原因则属于偏 题,分数自然降低。如果没有明确要求也可补充,增加内容。
常用句型:起:When asked about / it comes to„,many people claim/ believe/ ar
gue/ say that…
There is a general/ public/ heated/ muchdiscussion / debate taday about…
Thereis much disagreement / are some controversiesover„
转:Others,however,think differently.As opposed to these widely-held views,someone argues that„
Despite the popular belief that„,a current survey indicate
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ s that„
常用句型:起:Recently,there has been a widespreadconcern / feeling / belie f / attitude that…
Now it is widely / commonly/ generallythought/ believed/ holdthat„
Now people in increasing number are beginning / comingto realize/ accept/ understandthat„
承:The opinion may be supported by the following facts.More: http://dream520.ys168.com/
合:It ishoped / suggested / recommendedthat„
It is high time that weput and end to the„/ take measur es to …
3)永恒话题。97.1.题目出了一句谚语Haste Makes Waste,类似的还可以有Practice Ma
kes Perfect,Where There's a Will There's a Way,Unity Means Strength,God Hel
ps Those Who Help Themselves等。对于这一类的题目也要把握三点:1,解释含义;2,举例说明;3,总结发挥。前两点可以作为前两段,最后可以根据自己的心得体会总结,比
常用句型:举例:History abounds with the example of„
I can think of no better illuestration of thepoint / view than thefact that„/example of„
总结发挥:Both history and common sense suggest that„
All these examplesgoes to show / point to the fact / pile s up to showthat„
Judging from all evidence offered,we maysafely say / com e to the conclusionthat„
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 注意:图表题一定不要大量机械地罗列数据,而要挖掘图表的内涵,如写出上升或下降的趋势或比率。
常用句型:描述变化:It can be seen / we can see from the gragh that„/ Accordi
ng to the gragh,„
The number has nearly doubled that of last year.The number was„,less / morethanhalf / a third / a qu arterof the 2000 total.指出原因:The change in„mainlyresults / arisesfrom„
One may attribute thistrend / change/problemto„,but it doesn't answer the question.A number of factors couldaccount for / lead tothe chan ge in…
6)关联词。举例exemplification:for example,for instance,as an example,as a
n illustration,such as;
比较comparision:similarly,likewise,in the same way,equally important,in c
ommon;对照contrast:on the contrary,on the other hand,otherwise,unlike,in
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ contrast,whereas,conversely,by contrast;让步coocession:although,neverth eless,however,but,admittedly,even though,in spite of;原因cause:because,because of,as,since,for,owing to,due to,on account of,as a result of„结
果result:thus,so,consequently,hence,therefore,accordingly,as a result,as a consequence,on that account;强调emphasis:chiefly,especially,indeed,in fact,certainly,particularly,actually;列举enumeration:first,second,in
the first place,first of all,to befin with,in the second place,furthermor e,moreover,for one thing,for another,what's more,what's worse;总结summar
y:in conclusion,in short,in brief,in summary,on the whole,to sum up,to conclude。
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 现成的格式,套用即可,颇省去不少麻烦。
3)不知该写什么。对策:练习Topic Sentence + Supportin
g Ideas即中心句加扩充观点的写法可以协助你解决这一问题,使你轻松面对。
用whom),用于介词后,如:in which,with which,with whom,而不用that,但是有一
例外就是介词in后面如in that意为“因为,原因在于”。
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 对应:00.1.第9小题,00.6.第4小题,02.6.第4,8小题。
China,India;B,非典型专有名词:含有普通名词的专有名词,前面要加the,如the P
eoples Republic of China含有普通名词people;也有例外:大学,公园,广场,道路前
面不加the:Beijing University of Chemical Technology。
More: http://dream520.ys168.com/ 2)代词一致。包括名词,代词的人称和数。00.6.第7小题。
Part I Writing 写作范文
A saying goes that “Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom”.Simple as it sounds, it has an instructive meaning to us all.Without doubt, forgiveness is of much value to both the person who gives it and the person who receives it.As a matter of fact, we human beings are doomed to commit mistakes big or small, now and then.We may be offended by others, and vice versa.The key or the first step you should take is to forgive others.There’re numerous examples to illustrate the significance of forgiveness at work or in study.For example, if one of your friends did something wrongly and offended you, you’d better forgive him or her.Only after forgiving him can you be relieved of the bad feelings between you two and feel free to taste the sweetness of friendship.Based on what’s been analyzed above, forgive others in due time and you’ll have the freedom to go forward and take action to create a more beautiful life for yourself and the people around you.Therefore, every one of us should keep this in mind: forgiveness is the first step for us to get over something unpleasant happening to us and move on in our life.Part II Listening Comprehension 听力原文
Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Conversation One
M: It was my birthday yesterday, and it caused me to reflect on what I’ve learned about life.W: What’s the result?
M: Nothing of much significance.But I asked people on my Facebook page what they’ve thought about life on their birthdays.I got a wonderfully long list of wise and inspiring responses.W: I want to know what they told you.M: Their responses are very helpful if you long to create a happier and healthier life.W: I think a happy life is what every one of us long for.1 / 8
M: Sure.I myself find they’re very useful.The first tip is about stress management.W: Living in a fast-paced society, like everyone else, I constantly feel under stress.I want to know how to handle it.M: Ok, stress may cause a shocking number of health problems.It causes us to age faster, and makes us feel anxious, fearful and irritable.First, you’re supposed to recognize the signs of stress in your own body and mind.W: I’m afraid it’s hard for me to do that.And then?
M: Then, you can take actions to fight against stress.Such as, you can do physical exercise, play whatever ball games you like, or just go out for a long walk.W: Very good.I decided to pick up jogging first thing tomorrow.M: The next tip is “Don’t try to be someone else”.W: That sounds philosophical!M: Many of us grew up focusing on what other people thought we should do.So, in some sense, we live on others’ will.W: I myself am such a person, always trying to live up to my parents’ expectations.M: Many people just feel desperate about their present careers.But, they have to stick to the job in order to put food on the table.It’s high time that they think about their own wishes and take steps to change it.W: Yes, only after we know what we really want in life, may we feel better.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.How did the man get a list of tips on living a happier life? 2.What might stress lead up to? 3.What will the woman most probably do to relieve her stress? 4.Why do some people feel hopeless about their present careers?
Conversation Two
W: Finding employment is crucial in this highly competitive society.So, as we can see, our high school students choose their ideal university with an eye on getting employment after graduation from college.It sounds a pragmatic strategy in my eyes.M: I think it’s beyond criticism.After all, after high school students enter college and finish college in four years, almost all of them will have to enter the real world, work, establish a family, support the family, and live in the real world.W: Yeah, no doubt about that.But, good news is that, more often than not, people who have graduated from college are more likely to be employed than those who have not.It’s the same result reached by many researches and many surveys.M: Yes, I read a report stating that the unemployment rate for those with a four-year bachelor’s degree is just 2.7%, much lower than the national unemployment rate of 4.9% for all workers.2 / 8
W: Yes, that’s true.In contrast to college graduates, the unemployment rate for people with a regular high school diploma is a great deal higher, reaching 5.2%.M: I believe there’re some college graduates who can’t find employment.It’s common sense that not all college students can get well equipped with necessary skills when in college.How about the unemployment rate of college graduates? W: Among college graduates, the unemployment rate varies greatly depending on major.The unemployment rate for those who majored in certain subjects such as public policy and social psychology is higher than the national jobless rate.However, the rate is 1% less than the figure for others who majored in nuclear technology.M: So, it’ll be better for college students to major in fields which have a broader prospect for employment.Even before entering college, choosing a major is of much significance.They should pay special attention to that.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.What do high school students have in mind when choosing an ideal university? 6.What’s mentioned of people with a bachelor’s degree? 7.What’s said of people with a high school diploma? 8.Which major sees its graduates facing the highest unemployment rate?
Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage One
Parents are often just as guilty of spending too much time checking smartphones and e-mail—and the consequences for their children can be troubling.Face-to-face interactions are the primary way children learn.And if that’s not happening, children are missing out on important development milestones.When parents focus on their digital world first, ahead of their children, there can be deep emotional consequences for the child, psychologist Catherine Steiner says.“We are behaving in ways that certainly tell children they don’t matter, they’re not interesting to us, they’re not as compelling as anybody, anything that may interrupt our time with them,” she says.In her research, she interviewed 1,000 children between the ages of 4 and 18, asking them about their parents’ use of mobile devices.The language that came up over and over and over again, she says, was “sad, mad, angry and lonely.” One 4-year-old boy called his dad’s smartphone a “stupid phone.” Others recalled joyfully throwing their parent’s phone into the
/ 8
toilet, putting it in the oven or hiding it.There was one girl who said, “I feel like I’m just boring.I’m boring my dad because he will take any text, any call, anytime!”
Steiner says we don’t know exactly how much these mini moments of disconnect between a parent and child affect the child in the long term.But based on the stories she hears, she suggests that parents think twice before picking up a mobile device when they’re with their kids.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.According to Catherine Steiner, what’s the consequence of parents’ overusing smartphones? 10.Why did the 4-year-old boy call his dad’s smartphone a “stupid phone”? 11.What’s Steiner’s suggestion for parents?
Passage Two
Even though a huge amount of research was carried out on brain activity during sleep, researchers say much less is known about the moments just before we enter sleep.“Some people fall asleep very quickly, others take a long, long time,” says Charles Burgerman, one of Cambridge’s Gates Scholars, funded by a foundation set up by Bill Gates.He has the unusual task of watching people fall asleep for a living.This “transition” usually lasts between five and 20 minutes, he says.But the behaviour within this time can be very different.For some, going into sleep is a smooth, uninterrupted descent.But others have more turbulence in the journey.“Others begin to get sleepy and then come back to alertness,” he says.They seem to “go back and forth” between the urges to sleep and stay awake, in a much more fitful, stop-start entry into sleep.His research focuses how this pre-sleep phase might be linked to accidents and people making dangerous mistakes.This could happen during the day while someone is working.They might appear to be awake and functioning, but if they begin to cross the threshold of sleep there are going to be significant risks.“If you’re doing some boring tasks, you might not really go into deep sleep.But you’d be in this sleepy period.You would know you’re not alert, that you’re drifting off,” says Mr Burgerman, “It’s not only a safety concern for tasks such as driving, but for anything where concentration and decision-making are important.”
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.What is mentioned of the time just before people enter sleep? 13.If people have problems with sleep, what will they probably do? 14.What’s the goal of Burgerman’s research?
15.If people are in the sleepy period, what should they avoid doing?
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Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear recordings of lectures or talks followed by some questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19.I recently took my daughter to see the recently released Disney film The Good Dinosaur, a computer-animated adventure, which used to be known as a cartoon.It is rated as a parent-guided film, but my daughter loves that movie.At first glance, I thought the film was beautifully animated with a likable main character, the young dinosaur Arlo, and his human, but lively Spot, a child who has lost his family.Settling in for a 3-D experience of a coming of age story, I was most shocked to see these awful scenes: death of a beloved parent, fierce and wild creatures, and the violence of nature in the form of landslides, hurricanes, and lightning, all of which gave me pause that I’d made the right decision to take my child.I was further shocked to find my six-year-old daughter in tears halfway through the movie, the liquid drops of her sorrow sliding down underneath her thick-rimmed viewing glasses.What were the filmmakers thinking in making this emotional violence of a movie and promoting it to young kids? I love most Disney films, but why do they feel the need to start each of their recent films with death scenes that create tears of the young moviegoers.A small child secure in her parent or guardian’s love, should never see a prolonged, intense scene of a man, mouse, girl, or dinosaur losing a parent—and in this case, being responsible for a parent’s death—without a warning and notes for discussion.Watching my daughter repeatedly sob, “Daddy, he lost his daddy,” while I stroked her shoulders and said, “I know sweetie.I know,” broke my heart.The father doesn’t even die for a good reason.He perishes pushing his son to be brave by going out into the wilderness in the midst of a storm.The filmmakers then cruelly bring him back in a dream sequence only to have him disappear.If the idea is meant to intentionally tell our kids, “Buck up, it’s a tough world out there,” I think that’s the wrong message.Our kids will learn that all too soon.In the meantime, any movie that has a high level of intensity when it comes to death scenes, bullying, loneliness, and violence, should be considered very unsuitable for young ones.I hate the feeling of being manipulated to tears and fight it at every turn, but children are the most susceptible.So, here’s my plea to filmmakers: Please don’t make our children cry with your filmmaking tricks.16.Who is the main character of the film concerned in the recording? 17.What was the speaker most shocked to see in the film? 18.What does the speaker think Disney fails to do?
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19.Why does the speaker think it’s wrong for a film to tell kids the cruelty of the real world?
Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 20 to 22.Scientists say there needs to be more research into the impact of plastic pollution on whale sharks, and whales.A study, in the journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution, says the creatures may be swallowing hundreds of tiny bits of plastic a day.Microplastic pollution has the potential to further reduce the population sizes of the large sea creatures, they say.Yet, there is very little research being carried out into the risks.Researchers from the US, Australia and Italy looked at data on threats to large sea creatures from microplastics.These small plastic pieces less than five millimetres long can be harmful to the ocean and aquatic life.“The full magnitude of risks of ingesting microplastics are yet to be fully investigated,” said Elitza Germanov, one of the researchers.Possible risks include reduced nutritional uptake and damage to the digestive system when microplastics are taken in, she said.In addition, toxin exposure through plastic intake could affect many biological processes, such as growth and reproduction, putting sea creature populations “under even more strain”, she added.The study argues that large whale sharks or whales, many of which are “beautiful and economically important species”, should be given the priority for further research into risks from microplastics.Sharks or whales swallow hundreds of cubic metres of water a day to capture their food from water, and may take in microplastics during the process.Studies have shown chemicals associated with plastics in the bodies of whale sharks and fin whales.“Our studies on whales confirmed exposure to toxic chemicals, indicating that these big sea creatures are taking up microplastics in their feeding grounds,” said co-researcher Professor Maria Fossi.“Exposure to these plastic-associated toxins poses a major threat to the health of these animals since it can alter the hormones, which regulate the body’s growth and development, metabolism, and reproductive functions, among other things.”
Whale sharks feeding in the Sea of Cortez are estimated to ingest under 200 pieces of plastic per day.Fin whales in the Mediterranean Sea are thought to be swallowing closer to 2,000 microplastic particles per day.The researchers say there have been reports of 800kg of plastic found in the dead body of a stranded whale in France and another in Australia contained six square metres of plastic sheeting as well as 30 whole plastic carrier bags.“It is worth highlighting that utilising these magnificent species, such as whale sharks, and whales to gain the attention of and engage with communities, policy makers and managers will go far to enhance management of entire marine ecosystems,” said Ms Germanov.20.According to Elitza Germanov, what’s the purpose of her research?
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21.According to Maria Fossi, how does microplastic pollution affect the health of large sea animals? 22.How much plastic was found in the dead body of a whale in France?
Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 23 to 25.Enrolling in online college does offer a variety of significant advantages over attending traditional campuses.The convenience of learning at home has been a major selling point for studying online.You can roll out of bed and go to class in your pajamas without any funny looks to others’ eyes.You can attend class anywhere a computer can go—at home, a library, internet cafe or while traveling internationally.Online college classes are designed to fit your needs, while allowing you to continue working and keeping an eye on your other obligations.The idea is to easily blend education into your routine life, no matter what circumstances you are in.In fact, the majority of students at online colleges are working professionals, young and old, looking for a way to switch fields, advance their careers or broaden their education.Online schools also give you the option of part-time or full-time learning, as well as a flexible schedule and reasonable demands.Although there are still deadlines and you must submit work online, you can attend class and do your schoolwork anytime, anywhere.The quality of education at online colleges has continued to improve, and they have become an increasingly popular option.In the current economic recession, an increasing number of students are turning to online education.Higher fuel costs and rising unemployment have pushed more people to go after online education.Stronger demand for online education has resulted in better quality offerings.In a 2008 study by the National Survey of Student Engagement, freshmen and senior online students were more likely than classroom-based students to take part in course activities that challenged them intellectually.They have more chances to participate in discussions about different cultures.They also have deeper approaches to learning in their course work.On top of what’s been discussed above, another benefit of online education is affordability.In some cases, you can get the same quality education for a lot less money than from traditional colleges.Online students save thousands of dollars every semester in housing fees, commuting costs and other campus expenses that people who are enrolled in traditional colleges have to pay.Besides that, online courses have competitive tuition rates, and numerous scholarships, grants and student loans are available to help meet the cost for college education.According to an article in U.S.News & World Report, increased competition among online colleges has prompted a rise in the quality of programs offered and a significant drop in tuition prices.23.What’s the selling point for studying online?
24.What’s mentioned of the majority of students at online colleges? 25.What has pushed more people to choose online education?
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4.B 11.B
Part III Reading Comprehension
Section A 26.I 27.M 28.H 29.B 30.C
31.N 32.E 33.F 34.D 35.L Section B 36.F 37.E 38.N 39.G 40.L 41.H 42.J 43.K 44.I 45.B
Section C 46.A 47.C 48.B 49.B 50.D 51.C 52.C 53.A 54.B 55.D
Part IV Translation
China’s craze for personal live-streaming runs far deeper, into third-tier cities and remote rural areas where the internet is the one and only fun and cheap place to hang out.These personal broadcasts are not simply videos that fans watch, but more interactive experiences.The fans make requests, chat with their idols and give them virtual gifts.Many of those watching are small-time live-streamers themselves.They are turning each other into mass entertainment.It is a big and growing business.China’s live-streaming industry more than doubled in size last year, with revenues of around $3 billion.More than 100 companies now offer the service and provide the platform for performers in exchange for a handsome share of their earnings.5.D
8.C 9.B
20.D 12.C
15.C 16.B
19.B 21.A
22.B 23.D
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Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove;Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep
热点作文21 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Online Romance.You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below: 1)随着互联网的普及,出现了很多网络恋情 2)人们对此褒贬不一 3)你的看法 【思路点拨】
【参考范文】 Online Romance With the widespread of the Internet, there have appeared many online romances.The lovers meet over the Internet, date on the net and finally fall in love with each other.People’s opinions on it vary greatly.Some people think online love is very romantic and exciting.It is an amazing thing that the Internet brings together two strange persons far away from each other.Moreover, they think that online romance, compared with realistic love, attaches more emphasis on the appeal to each other in spirit and involves less material conditions.However, many others think differently.In their eyes, the Internet is a virtual world, on which there impossibly exist real, enduring love since it is very difficult to tell the real from the fake by the Internet.Besides, they argue that pursuing online romance is sometimes very dangerous because there are many cheaters on the net.As far as I am concerned, it is an easy and fast way for people to make new people by the Internet.However, people should have more protection and safety consciousness when making friends by the Internet.Don’t give out rashly your personal information to strangers on the net.And keep it in your mind that you should have more realistic knowledge of each other before starting a romance.热点作文20
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Popularity of Adventure Activities.You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below: 1)蹦极、攀岩等冒险活动受到很多人的欢迎,尤其是年轻人群
The Popularity of Adventure Activities
Nowadays, there are more and more adventure activities, like bungee jumping and rocking, which enjoy great popularity, especially among the youth.Some people think these activities are of high risk and should be constrained or even be forbidden, while others insist these activities bring people fresh experience and should be encouraged.As for me, I agree with the latter opinion.The following reasons can support my view.Firstly, attending adventure activities is a fashionable and efficient means to temper people’s courage and willpower, which is scarcely seen among modern young people.Secondly, people in modern society are facing great pressure.Taking adventure activities has been proved to be an very effective channel to alleviate the pressure of working and life.Finally, from the economic point of view, it’s a new economic growth point which will surely attract a lot of people to take part in.From the foregoing, we can safely draw a conclusion that adventure activities bring us many rewarding enjoyments and we should try to ensure its sound development.But it is worth noting that adventure activities are not suitable to everyone.These activities require good health condition.Therefore, people should take full account before taking any adventure activity.热点作文19
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My choice for job.You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below: 1)有些人会选择收入高但工作时间长的工作;有些人则宁愿选择收入低但工作时间却相对较短的工作
My Choice for Job
A recent survey shows that people who get higher salaries generally work longer hours than those who get lower salaries.Some people favor higher-paying jobs, even though such jobs always result in longer work time.They believe that money is so indispensable in people’s lives that without it no material comforts or well-being can be guaranteed.However, others have different preferences.They would rather take up lower-paying jobs with shorter hours.In their eyes, money doesn’t necessarily ensure happiness and well-being.They want to spend more time in doing their likes and getting together with their family and friends.As for me, I prefer to take up a job with shorter hours even if it pays less.In my opinion, work is not our whole life.We should allocate enough time to our family and friends and have more time to enjoy our life.Besides, we are not machines.We need time to relax and rest so that we could be energetic enough to do our job better.热点作文18
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Attending TV PK shows does(or does not)good to young people.You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below: 1)现在各种各样的电视选秀节目吸引了许多年轻人
Attending TV PK Shows Does No Good to Young People
Nowadays TV PK shows are great hits in China and have attracted many young people.Some youngsters even give up their studies to attend these shows in the hope of becoming famous overnight.Some people think these shows provide young people more chance to show talents, while others believe that attending these shows does no good to the young people.As for me, I prefer to the latter opinion.It should be admitted that some young people like Li yuchun has stood out from the numerous attendants in the PK show, but that doesn’t mean attending the PK shows is a good way to become successful for young people.The following reasons can support my view.Firstly, TV PK shows breed restlessness and induce young people to hunt after fame at whatever cost.Secondly, TV PK shows can subvert the youngsters’ values.They think attending the PK shows is a shortcut to the success, so they may despise the way of achieving success by hard work.Finally, if the young people fail in these shows, they will suffer a psychological unbalance.In a word, entering for TV PK shows is not a good way for young people to make a success.I suggest young people should think twice before deciding to attend PK shows.热点作文17
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on College Student’s cohabitation.You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:
My View on College Students’ Cohabitation
Nowadays, premarital cohabitation is common and popular and this phenomenon has extended to the campus.More and more college student lovers choose to live together off campus.This phenomenon has aroused great public concern and there are much discussion on its advantages and disadvantages.Admittedly, college students’ cohabitation has its advantages.One of them is that the lovers can know each other better by living together.They can decide whether their romantic relationship should go on.Secondly, cohabitation matures college students and improves their sense of responsibility.However, there are also many problems resulting from the cohabitation on campus.A good example to illustrate this point is that some girls might be hurt by their irresponsible boyfriends.Besides, living together will involve many trivial things, which of course will influence their study.From my point of view, it is unwise for college student lovers to live together during their education.After all, premarital cohabitation is not an easy thing, which is too early for college students who are not mature enough.Therefore, I suggest that the college students should take love seriously and do not choose to live together before graduation.备注: 文章版权归原作者所有,此篇文章仅以学习交流为目的!
1、方便:convenient/convenience2、效率:efficient/efficiently/efficiency3、节省和浪费:save time/money/space;economical, thrift
waste time/money/space;costly, lavish
4:人的心理健康:independent, cooperative, competitive,considerate, confident, creative, sociable,perseverance;selfish, isolated, conservative5、人的身体健康:health, disease, strong, strength, energetic6、娱乐:colorful, pleasure, joy, recreation, entertainment, relax
tired, boring, lonely7、环境:environment, pollute, poisonous, dirty8、安全和危险:safe, danger, risk
9:经验:experience, social experience, enter the society10、人际:humane, fair, unfair, help, assist, freedom, freely
基本表达(Basic Elements of English Writing):
越来越:be increasingly + adj.,be on the rise,the growing number of
人们认为:it isgenerally/widelybelieved/held/agreedthat
许多问题:a host of/a number ofproblems
引起人们注意:claim call/attract general/public/world attention to sth.意识到:there is a growing awareness/realization of/that,awaken sb.to the fact/danger 适应新的形势/变化:adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to new environment/change 接触各种思想/经历:be exposed to new ideas/experiences/problems
接触社会:come into frequent/close contact with the world/society
获得成功:achieve/accomplish success
提出观点/建议:advance / put forward / come up withthe arguments/ideas/suggestions 作出努力:make tremendous/persistent/sustained effort to do sth., take great pains to
do(with work/study)
影响学习/工作:interfere with studies/work
产生影响:have/exert a profound influence on life/personality, have a dramatic/undesirable
effect on
较好地驾驭生活:be a better pilot of one's life
剥夺机会/权力:deprive oneself of the chance/right/opportunity
取代就的方式:substitute for/take the place of the old way
采取措施:take effective steps/measures to
控制我们的环境:take/gain increasing control over our own environment
躲避危险/挑战:shy/run away from the dangers/challenge
满足要求:meet/satisfy/accommodate the demand of
补偿损失:compensate for/make up for the loss/damage
解释某现象:account for/explain the phenomenon
对……很好的了解:have a better understanding/appreciation of, have a new perspective
on.provide/gain an insight into
把某因素考虑进去:take sth.Into account(consideration), give much thought to 品位人生/自由/青春:savor the life/freedom/youth
培养对……的信心:develop/foster one's interest/confidence in
经历变化/困难/艰险:undergo/experience great changes/hardships/experience 表现出自信心等:project one's confidence/feeling/image
生活充满不公正的地方:life is full of minor irritation/injustice
追求学习/职业:pursue one's academic interest/professional career
学习知识/技术:pursue/acquire knowledge/technology/skill
被看作学习的……榜样:be held up as a good example
交流经验/知识:share experience/ideas/problems/knowledge
发挥/起到重要作用:play an(important/active/great)role/part
逃学/缺课:skip school/a class/a meeting/a lecture
知识/经验丰富:rich in knowledge/experience
确立/追求目标:set/pursue a goal/higher standard
到达目标:achieve/accomplish/stain the goal/aim/objective
克服困难:overcome obstacles/difficulty
面临危险/困难:be confronted/facedwith/in the face of danger/difficulty
阻碍了成功:stand in the way of success, be an obstacle/barrier to success/growth 阻碍了发展:hamper/impede/stunt the development of
持传统的看法:hold conventional wisdom
发表看法:voice/express one's opinion
持相反/合理的观点:take the opposite/fresh view
揭穿某种一贯的说法:shatter the myth of
求得帮助:enlist one's support/help
缩小差别:bridge/narrow/fill the gap/gulf(between city and country)
把成功/错误归咎于:attribute/own the success/failure to
对……重要:be indispensable/important/vital to
施加压力:put/exert a academic pressure on
重视:assign/attach much importance/significance to
强调:place/put much emphasis/stress/value on
把注意力集中在:focus/concentrate one's attention/efforts/thoughts upon
提供机会/信息:provide/offer/furnish an opportunity/information for sb.抓住机会:grab/seize/take the opportunity
得到机会:enjoy/gain access to a opportunity/information
有可能:there is(little/much)possibility/likelihood that, chances/the odds are that 展开竞争:compete against/with sb.for the prize/position/control/the mastery of
对我很有/没有什么意义:make much/little sense to me
带来无穷的幸福/满足:be a source of happiness satisfaction/contentment/pride/complaint 献身于:devote/dedicate/commit oneself to a cause/career
大不(没什么)两样:make much(little/no)difference
真正重要的是:what really matters/accounts is …
改变生活旅程:change/alter the course of life
建立在大量的学习/实践上:built on tremendous amount of study/practice
进行调查/执行任务:conduct/carry out an study/task/experiment
辞去工作/学习:leave/quit one's job/work/school
参加考试/竞赛等:enter(for)the examination/contest, race
参加活动/讨论:take part/participate/be engaged in sports/activities/discussion 影响思想/态度/事件的形成:shape one's thinking/attitude
进入大学/社会/家庭/劳力市场/职业:enter a school/college/society/the work
实现自己的理想/愿望:realize/fulfill/achieve one's dream(hops/wish/desire)
减轻压力/紧张:reduce/alleviate/relieve the stress/pressure/tension
提高社会地位:enhance/improve/upgrade social status/position/standing rise to the
position of leadership
提高技术/能力:sharpen(increase/improve/enhance/boost)one's skill/ability
加快/促进发展:accelerate/facilitate/advance/enhance/boostthe development of 随着生活节奏的加快:with the quickening pace/rhythm/tempo of modern life/society
开阔眼界/兴趣:broaden one's interest/outlook, expand(broaden/enlarge)one's mental
有助于了解/发展/宣传/解决:contribute much/little/greatly/to a better understanding of/the
popularity of/the growth of/the solution of
有助于解决问题:go a long way to(towards)solving the problem
迷恋名利/分数:be obsessed/preoccupied with grades/fame/fortune
把时间花/浪费在:spend/waste time doing sth., put in hours doing sth.利用机会/技术:make(full/better)use of/take advantage of opportunity/time, tap/harness
technology potential/skills/talent
把知识/经验运用到…:apply/put the theory/knowledge/experience… to practice/daily
life/good use
取得进步:make much progress/strides/gains in
充分发挥潜力/能力:develop one's ability/potential to the full, give full play to one's ability 充满激情/渴望:have a burning desire/a great passion for
(启)Paragraph I:(1)引出将要评论的事物或者是观点;
(转)Paragraph III:(1)承上启下的过渡句;
(合)Paragraph IV:(1)平衡两种看法;
Reading Selectively Or Extensively?
Outline: 1.有人认为读书要有选择
How should we read? Should we read selectively or extensively? Everyone has his own view.(启)
Some people think we should read selectively., more and more books are published.It is impossible for us to read all the books.What's moreare poisonous to our mind, and we shouldn't read them.Since we can't read all the books and we shouldn't read bad books, we must read selectively.(承)
2.they argue that = they think that
3.with the development of...4.what's more 递进关系,moreover
But others may not agree, they emphasize that today's society is not what it was.If knows much in one field but knows must have many kinds of knowledge, we must read extensively.(转)
注:1.But 转折词
2.they emphasize that = they think that
3.today's society is not what it was 现代社会今昔非比
4.许多知识 a wide range of/a large scope of/much;获取知识 acquire/get knowledge
5.knows nothing→little;he may be useless→he may not be of great use to the society 后者比前者更委婉
Who's right? I think both of them have something right.But I think we should read extensively first.And then will be selectively in one field.(合)
题型分类(Classification of every essay):
一、第一种题型(对比观点选择题;Essay I):
二、第二种题型(社会热点话题;Essay II):
三、第三种题型(图标题;Report;Essay III):
四、第四种题型(书信题; Essay IV):
五、第五种题型(谚语格言题; Essay V):