二:名词解释: 20% 1.能力倾向测试
水平测试的目的在于检查应试者的英语熟练程度是否达到进行某种活动应有的要求,如出国留学、专业培训等。美国的TOEFL考试就属于这一类型。5. 整体教学:
整体教学就是把一篇课文作为整体来教。它注重理解课文的思想内容。它把传授语言知识和利用课文进行技能训练这两方面放在同等重要的地位,即它利用技能训练的各种方式增加语言知识的复现率,同时,在逐步掌握语言知识的过程中,提高技能训练的熟练程度和水平,从而做到教词不离句,教句不离篇,保证课文的连贯性、趣味性和逻辑性。整体教学的方法容易引起学生的兴趣,便于教师采用从视听说入手的教学方法和情景教学法,有利于提高课文教学的质量.三:简答题 30%
四:根据以下课文,结合所学的教学理论,写一篇教案。要求步骤清晰,每一步骤先简述理论,然后写出具体操作内容。至少写出5个步骤。(30%)每一步骤6分,其中理论 3分,实际操作内容 3分。(教师阅卷视具体情况评定分数)
The Way Americans Greet
Americans often greet each other simply with “Hello” or “Hi”.They believe such an informal greeting often implies a close and friendly relationship.Similarly, Americans do not have a formal “farewell”.They will just wave “good-bye” to the whole group.Or perhaps, they will simply say “Bye”, “So long” or “Speaking of time, I’ve got to run” and then leave.To Americans, a friendly and informal relationship is the most important thing.Yes, a proper introduction will leave a good first impression upon others.However, American introductions are usually rather simple.In the United States, most people don’t like using Mr., Mrs.or Miss in introductions.They find these terms too formal.They prefer first names to formal titles in most cases.For example, a gentleman may say, “Glad to meet you.I’m Miller.But call me Paul.”
Sometimes a woman you meet for the first time may say, “Don’t call me Mrs.Smith.Just call me Sally.” So when your American friends do not use your last name or titles, don’t feel that they have been impolite.They only want to show friendliness.When you first get to know an American, he may ask you, “where do you work?”
“Are you married?” or “Do you have children?”
Such questions may be too personal to Europeans.But Americans do sometimes ask such questions.They would like to get answers to these questions.In this way they can get better acquainted with you and have a topic for beginning conversation with you.2
(教材: 《中学英语教学法》主编杭宝桐)
一:是非判断题:(正确的用“T”表示,错误的用 “F”表示”。(20%)
二:名词解释: 20%
5. 整体教学:
三:简答题 30%
每一步骤6分,其中理论 3分,实际操作内容 3分。(教
The Way Americans Greet
Americans often greet each other simply with “Hello” or “Hi”.They believe such an informal greeting often implies a close and friendly relationship.Similarly, Americans do not have a formal “farewell”.They will just wave “good-bye” to the whole group.Or perhaps, they will simply say “Bye”, “So long” or “Speaking of time, I’ve got to run” and then leave.To Americans, a friendly and informal relationship is the most important thing.Yes, a proper introduction will leave a good first impression upon
others.However, American introductions are usually rather simple.In the United States, most people don’t like using Mr., Mrs.or Miss in introductions.They find these terms too formal.They prefer first names to formal titles in most cases.For example, a gentleman may say, “Glad to meet you.I’m Miller.But call me Paul.”Sometimes a woman you meet for the first time may say, “Don’t call me Mrs.Smith.Just call me Sally.” So when your American friends do not use your last name or titles, don’t feel that they have been impolite.They only want to show friendliness.When you first get to know an American, he may ask you, “where do you work?”“Are you married?” or “Do you have children?”Such questions may be too personal to Europeans.But Americans do sometimes ask such questions.They would like to get answers to these questions.In this way they can get better acquainted with you and have a topic for beginning conversation with you.
According to littlewood(1981), identifying pictures, discovering sequences or locations, discovering differences and reconstructing story-sequences are examples of ___.A.mechanical practice B.drilling language C.functional communicative activities D.social interaction activities 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
As far as language learning is concerned, the ___ concerns how the mind organizes new information such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization.A.process-oriented theories B.condition-oriented theories C.structural theories D.behaviorist theories 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Methods of teaching grammar include the ___ method, the inductive method and the guided discovery method.A.traditional B.modern C.deductive D.productive 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
The deductive method of teaching grammar relies on ___.A.ethic devotion, professional qualities, and personal style B.explaining, imitating and practising C.reasoning, analysing and comparing D.listening, reading and writing 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
The ____ theory believes that teachers must balance an understanding of the habits, characteristics as well as personalities of individual learners with an understanding of the means of arousing learner's interests and curiosity for learning.A.Behanourist B.Cognitive C.Constructivist D.Structuralist 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
There is ___ between mechanical practice and meaningful practice.an example given by Wang Qiang is the “chain of events” activity.A.no distinction B.a clear-cut distinction C.no clear-cut distinction D.(None of the above)您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:0.0
The guided discovery method is different from the inductive method because the process of the discovery ___ and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly.A.is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher B.is made by the students themselves C.takes place automatically D.never takes place 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
According to Chen Zehang(in Wang Qiang, 2006), classroom activities can be classified into ____.A.exercises, exercise-tasks and tasks B.new language items, time and learning culture C.a purpose, a context, a process and a product/outcome D.pre-task, task cycle and language focus 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Apart from the learner factors, the ____ is another factor that determines if the students can acquire native-like english pronunciation.A.amount of exposure to English B.amount of production of English C.learner‟s knowledge of English grammar D.learner‟s vocabulary size
您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Unintelligible speech is ___ for both the speaker and the audience.A.useful and pleasant B.useless and may cause unpleasant feeling C.understandable D.inconvenient 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Examples of pronunciation perception practice include ___.A.using pictures and tongue twisters B.using minimal pairs, and “odd one out” C.brainstorming and discussion D.all of the above 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Actually pronunciation is an umbrella term covering many aspects besides sounds and phonetic symbols, such as ___.A.consistency, intelligibility, and communicative efficiency B.accuracy, fluency and complexity C.stress, intonation, and rhythm D.spelling, pronunciation and lexical meaning 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
13.第13题 PPP and TBL are two approaches to language teaching.PPP stands for presentation, practice and production, and TBL stands for___.A.Task Book Language stands B.Text Book Learning C.Teacher-Based Learning D.Task-Based Learning 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Communicative competence consists of knowledge and ability for___.A.rules of rules of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar B.rules of grammar/form and rules of language use C.pronunciation, words, and grammar D.speaking and writing 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
When we are teaching pronunciation, we should not lead students to focus on reading and writing phonetic transcripts of words, especially young students, because phonetic transcripts are ___.A.too easy to learn B.too hard to remember for young learners C.too hard to write for young learners D.more abstract and less meaningful than sounds 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
16.第16题 According to Ur(1996), with more advanced learners and relatively older learners, introducing ___ terminology can help learning.A.complex B.commonly used C.rarely used D.no 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
When teaching pronunciation, we should ___.A.build-up students‟ confidence B.destroy students‟ confidence C.make students feel anxious D.make students distracted 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Grammar presentation is concerned with how to make the students understand or discover grammar rules.it is ___ that helps students develop grammatical capability.A.practice B.theory C.translation D.imitation 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Pronunciation is difficult to teach without drills on sounds.However, drilling individual sounds for more than a few minutes a time may be ___.A.interesting and fun B.attractive and motivating C.boring and demotivating D.of no use
您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:0.0
When we are teaching pronunciation, stress and intonation should ___.A.be taught from the very beginning B.be taught at the end of the learning stage C.be taught in the middle of the learning stage D.never be taught 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
According to Ur(1996), with regards to the three ways of teaching grammar, inductive and discovery method should be used for those structures that ___.A.are difficult for the learners B.are complicated for the learners C.can be easily perceived by the learners D.cannot be perceived by the learners 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
According to Wallace, the development of a teacher consists of three stages.a teacher begins his language training in Stage 1, and acquires his ____ at Stage 3.A.linguistic competence B.professional competence C.own experience D.received knowledge 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Richards(1994, 1998)believes that it is the teacher‟s involvement and his or her ability to ___ teaching and make activities engaging that often promotes successful learning.A.generalize B.personalize C.simplify D.complicate 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Pronunciation covers more than just phonetic symbols and rules.it also includes ___, and all these are not isolated from each other.A.letters, phonetic transcripts, and sounds B.sounds, letters, and words C.sounds, words, and grammar D.stress, intonation, and rhythm 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
25.第25题 The term communicative competence ___ chomsky’s term linguistic competence, the latter meaning knowledge of the language system, or grammatical knowledge in other words.A.is smaller in scope than B.is larger in scope than C.has nothing to do with D.is exactly the same as 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:0.0
When practising individual sounds, it is important to remember that such ear training activities are actually ___ for helping learners improve their communicative listening or speaking.A.sufficient B.not sufficient C.not necessary D.not helpful 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:0.0
Those words that one is not only able to recognize but also able to use in speech and writing are considered as one‟s ___.A.receptive or active B.productive or passive C.receptive or passive D.productive or active 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
According to Nation(2001)productive knowledge of vocabulary involves the following except ___.(1)being able to say it with correct pronunciation and stress(2)being able to produce words that commonly occur with it(3)being able to recognize the typical collocations(4)being able to produce synonyms and opposites for it
A.(1)B.(2)C.(3)D.(4)您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:0.0
As far as pronunciation is concerned, students benefit from both ___.A.spelling and meaning B.vocabulary and grammar C.reading and writing D.mechanical practice and meaningful practice 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Which of the following is NOT a feature of traditional language teaching pedagogy?
A.Too often it focuses on forms rather than functions.B.it tends to focus on only one or two language skills.C.it tends to isolate language from its context.D.It uses authentic language.您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:0.0
One common problem in English learning is that many students take great pain to improve the English sounds they produce while neglecting ___, which may matter more than the individual sounds do.A.consistency and intelligibility B.intelligibility and communicative efficiency C.accuracy and fluency D.stress and intonation 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
One of the problems in vocabulary learning is that students often ___.A.use context for their vocabulary learning B.try hard to understand the words C.learn new words in isolation of context D.use a variety of vocabulary building strategies 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
According to Nation(2001)receptive knowledge of vocabulary involves the following EXCEPT ___.(1)knowing that the word signals a particular meaning;(2)being able to produce the word to express the meaning;(3)knowing what the word means in the particular context in which it has just occurred;(4)knowing the concept behind the word which will allow understanding in a variety of contexts;
A.(1)B.(2)C.(3)D.(4)您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
According to Nation(2001)receptive knowledge of vocabulary involves the following EXCEPT ___.(1)being able to construct it using the right word parts in their appropriate forms(2)knowing that there are some related words(3)being able to recognize that the word has been used correctly in the sentence in which it occurs(4)being able to recognize the typical collocations
A.(1)B.(2)C.(3)D.(4)您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
When teaching new words that are difficult for the students to understand, for example, some technical words or words with abstract meanings, the teacher can ___.A.teach them in chunks B.use synonyms or antonyms C.translate and exemplify D.use a verbal context 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
According to J.Willis(1996), tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose(goal)in order to achieve ___.A.linguistic competence B.communicative competence C.an outcome D.knowledge 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Which of the following are not one of the principles of communicative language teaching proposed by Richards and Rodgers(1986)?
A.Communication principle B.Task principle C.Meaningfulness principle D.Correctness principle 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
The ___ view says that knowing how to do what you want to do also involves knowing whether it is appropriate to do, and where, when and how it is appropriate to do it.in order to know this, you have to study the patterns and rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech contexts.A.structural B.functional C.interactional D.behaviorist 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
According to Ellis, procedures for teaching grammar using listening as input are “Listening to comprehend”, “Listening to notice”, “Understanding the grammar point”, ___.A.“listen and repeat” and “listen and tick” B.“checking” and “trying it out”
C.“listen and circle” and “listen and write” D.“listen and correct” and “listen and fill”
您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:0.0
According to Ur(1996), a good presentation should include both oral and written, and both ___.A.reading and writing B.listening and reading C.vocabulary and grammar D.form and meaning 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
When teaching grammar, if the teacher follows the sequence of teaching activities of “teacher‟s presentation of an example → explanation of the rule → students‟ practice with given prompts”, Professor Wang Qiang would believe that the teacher is using the ___ method.A.inductive B.deductive C.guided discovery D.task-based 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
The Critical Period Hypothesis is still controversial/debated, because ___.A.both positive and negative answers have been given by researchers B.no researches have been done C.the hypothesis does not exit at all D.researchers are not interested in it at all 您的答案:A 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
One influential idea about language teaching based on Chomsky‟s theory is that students should be allowed to ___ sentences based on their understanding of certain rules, which idea is clearly in opposition to the audio-lingual method.A.imitate other people‟s
B.explain the grammar rules of C.create their own D.ignore the existence of 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
When teaching grammar, “You are a stranger in this town …” and “A policeman was asking some questions…” are two examples of using ___.A.mimes B.gestures C.chain of events D.created situations 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
According to Parrot(1993), there are a variety of elements that contributes to the qualities of a good language teacher.These elements can be categorized into three groups: ___.A.the structural view, the functional view and the interactional view B.imitation, drills and practice C.stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 D.ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal styles 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
The goal of Communicative Efficiency means that the pronunciation should ___.A.be accurate B.be smooth and natural C.be native-like D.help convey the meaning intended by the speaker 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
According to Jane Willis, the components of the framework of Task-Based Learning(TBL)include ____.A.exercises, exercise-tasks and tasks B.new language items, time and learning culture C.a purpose, a context, a process and a product/outcome D.pre-task, task cycle and language focus 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
In the example below, different intonations for „sorry‟ indicate ___.A: Would you please turn down the radio a little bit? B: Sorry.↑(with a rising tone)or: B: Sorry.↓(with a sharp falling tone)
A.the same mood B.the same meaning C.different moods D.different meanings 您的答案:C 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:0.0
Communicative language teaching(clt)requires a higher level of communicative competence on the part of the teacher.it also requires that the teacher develops a wider range of skills beyond the presentation and explanation of grammatical structures(hedge, 2000).in a communicative classroom, a great deal of time is spent on managing learning, setting up activities, organizing resources, and guiding students in ___.A.language structure analysis B.pair work or group work C.imitation and recitation D.writing exercises 您的答案:B 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
Two theories concerning language learning are the ____.A.functional theories and the notional theories B.structural theories and the behavioural theories C.communicative theories and the interactional theories D.process-oriented theories and the condition-oriented theories 您的答案:D 题目分数:2.0 此题得分:2.0
1.language 2.reality 3.avoided 4.practice 5.how
6.listening 7.use 8.skills 9.students 10.reading
A 组: 11-C,12-E.13-A, 14-D, 15-B
B 组: 16-E.17-A.18-D.19-C.20-B
As a Modernist poet, Pound is noted for his active involvement in the ______
A.cubist school of modern painting B.Imagist Movement C.stream-of-consciousness technique D.German Expressionism 答案:B
________ was the first writer of local color to achieve wide popularity.A.Mark Twain B.Harriet Stowe C.Bret Harte D.Henry James 答案:C
In 1881, Henry James published his novel____, which is generally considered as his masterpiece.A.Daisy Miller B.watch and ward C.The Wings of the Dove D.The Portrait of a Lady 答案:D
_______, the ruthless, amoral protagonist of the The Sea Wolf, best realizes the ideal of the “Superman.”
A.Hurstwood B.Wolf Larsen C.Prufrock D.Santiago 答案:B
“Two roads diverged in a yellow woods” is the first line in a poem written by Robert Frost entitled __________.A.The Road Not Taken B.Mending Wall C.Two Yellow Roads D.After Apple Picking 答案:A
The leader of the American Transcendentalism is _________.A.Henry David Thoreau B.Ralph Waldo Emerson C.Henry James 答案:B
The novel Sister Carrie opens with a description of Carrie on a train trip to the city of _______ looking for a factory job.A.New York B.Beijing C.Boston D.Chicago 答案:D
“Lost Generation” is a term first coined by---.A.Ernest Hemingway B.Fitzgerald C.Gertrude Stein 答案:C
“I become a transparent eye-ball.i am nothing.i see all.the currents of the universal being circulate through me;i am part or particle of god.” the passage above is quoted from emerson’s essay __________.A.The American Scholar B.Nature C.Self-Reliance 答案:B
Among the following philosophers, only one did not have an influence over the writings of Jack London.He is________.A.Karl Marx B.Nietzsche C.Spencer D.Foucault 答案:D
The most famous sea story written by Jack London is _______.A.Martin Eden B.The Iron Heel C.The Sea Wolf D.The Call of the Wild 答案:C
“Two roads diverged in a yellow woods” is a line in a poem written by---.A.T.S.Eliot B.Wallace Stevens C.Robert Frost 答案:C
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque is a collection of stories written by---.A.Washington Irving B.Edgar Allen Poe C.Nathaniel Hawthorne 答案:B
Among the following sentences, only one is uttered by Henry David Thoreau.It is __________.A.I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately B.I went to the city because I wished to live deliberately C.I went to the woods because I wanted to escape D.I went to the woods because I wished to shoot some birds 答案:A
The central character’s name in James Fenimore Cooper’s novel series The Leatherstocking Tales is ______________.A.Isabelle Archer B.Natty Bumpo C.Ishmael 答案:B
“ we hold these truths to be elf-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” this sentence is taken from ___.A.Common Sense B.The Declaration of Independence C.The Autobiography D.The American Crisis 答案:B
_______ does not belong to the school of naturalism in history.A.Stephen Crane B.Frank Norris C.Jack London D.Walt Whitman 答案:D
Emily Grierson, the protagonist in Faulkner’s story A Rose for Emily, can be regarded as a symbol for all the following qualities except______.A.old values B.rigid ideas of social status C.bigotry and eccentricity D.harmony and integrity 答案:D 19.第33题
“ I heard the merry grasshopper then sing,/The black-clad cricket bear a second part” These lines written by ____________.A.Roger Williams B.John Eliot C.Anne Bradstreet D.Washington Irving 答案:C 20.第34题
The sentence “whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist” is quoted from Emerson’s essay _________.A.Nature B.The Over-Soul C.Self-Reliance 答案:C 21.第35题
“Civil Disobedience” is a famous essay written by ___________.A.Ralph Waldo Emerson B.Henry David Thoreau C.E.B.White 答案:B
“The Apparition of these faces in the crowd” is a line in a famous short poem written by---.A.Ezra Pound B.Carl Sandburg C.Walt Whitman 答案:A
Tales of a Traveller was written by the American author__________.A.James Fenimore Cooper B.Washington Irving C.Nathaniel Hawthorne 答案:B
The first American writer to win an international fame is ___.A.Henry James B.James Fenimore Cooper C.Washington Irving 答案:C
The American writer whose one essay greatly influenced later civil right leader Martin Luther King is ___.A.Ralph Waldo Emerson B.Philip Freneau C.Henry David Thoreau 答案:C 26.第41题
Among the following novels, only one was not written by Herman Melville.It is _____________.A.The Confidence-Man B.The PIlot C.Moby Dick 答案:B
The Waste Land was dedicated to another poet who was __________.A.Ernest Hemingway B.Ezra Pound C.T.S.Eliot D.William Carlos Williams 答案:B
The Author of the short story “A Gift for Maggie” is---.A.O.Henry B.Mark Twain C.Jack London 答案:A 29.第44题
Among the following 3 poets the one who was once imprisoned for political reasons is---.A.Carl Sandburg B.Edwin Arlington Robinson C.Ezra Pound 答案:C
In Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, the central character Hester Prynne had a secret affair with _____________.A.Chillingworth B.Pearl C.Dimmesdale D.Hester Prynne 答案:C
___ is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.A.Self-reliance B.Nature C.The American Scholar D.The Bells 答案:D
William Sidney Porter was the real name of ________.A.Mark Twain B.O’ Henry C.Jack London D.William Dean Howells 答案:B
.the jazz age, characterized by frivolity and carelessness, refers to ________.A.1910s B.1920s C.1930s D.1960s 答案:B 34.第58题
Twice-told Tales is a collection of stories written by ___.A.Nathaniel Howthorne B.Edgar Ellan Poe C.Washington Irving 答案:A 0
Among the following stories written by Poe, only one belongs to the category of the detective story.It is ___.A.The Purloined Letter B.Ligeia C.The Tell-tale Heart 答案:A
In terms of subject matter, “The Turn of the Screw” is a ___.A.ghost story B.science fiction C.romantic tale 答案:A
The Wasteland is a long modern poem written by---.A.Ezra Pound B.Sylvia Plath C.T.S.Eliot 答案:C 38.第62题
“all sappy as maples and flat as the prairie” is a comment made by james russell lowell on the female characters in novels written by______.A.Washington Irving B.James Fenimore Cooper C.Philip Freneau D.George Washington 答案:B
The poem “Thanatopsis” was written by __________.A.Emily Dickinson B.William Cullen Bryant C.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 答案:B 40.第64题
The most popular novel to do with the abolition movement written by Harriet Beecher Stowe is ________.A.Martin Eden B.Uncle Tom’s Cabin C.White Fang D.The Call of the Wild 答案:B
Sister Carrie is a noel written by ___.A.Theodore Dreiser B.Stephen Crance C.Frank Norris 答案:A
Billy Budd was a short novel written by the American novelist---.A.Nathaniel Hawthorne B.Herman Melville C.Walt Whitman 答案:B 43.第67题
The central character Huckleberry Finn in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn also appears in Twain’s novel ________.A.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer B.A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court C.An American Tragedy D.Life On Mississippi 答案:A
___ wrote Rights of Man in 1792 to suggest the overthrow of the British monarchy.A.Thomas Paine B.Benjamin Franklin C.George Washington D.Jefferson 答案:A
“The American Scholar” is an essay written by the famous philosopher---.A.Thomas Carlyle B.William James C.Ralph Waldo Emerson 答案:C
Jack London was usually considered as a romanticist for his portrayal of superman heroes.答案:错误 47.第22题
The foundation of American national literature was laid by the early American romanticists.答案:正确 48.第23题
The detective created by Poe was named Dubin.答案:正确
Henry James’s greatest influence was exerted not on his own age but on the one that followed.答案:正确
The 19th century female poet Emily Dickinson was a forerunner of the modern Imagist poetry.答案:正确
life and death is a major theme in emily dickinson’s poems.答案:正确
The Second World War led the American intellectuals to a bitter disillusionment, breeding what is called modernism.答案:错误
“The Purloined Letter” is a detective story.答案:正确
The first permanent English settlement in North was established at ____ , Virginia.答案:Jamestown
Sister Carrie traces the material rise of carrie meeber and the tragic decline of _____.答案: G.W.Hurstwood
标准答案: G.W.Hurstwood
“Fair flower that dost so comely grow” is the opening line in the poem ____________.案: The Wild Honey Suckle 57.第4题
The poem “The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock” was written by ___________.答案: T.S.Eliot 58.第5题 The novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne that bears a direct allusion to the notorious Salem witchcraft trials is ________________.答案: The House of the Seven Gables 59.第25题
______ exemplified the secular ideals of the American Enlightenment.答案:Benjamin Franklin
___ described himself as “a royalist in politics, a classicist in literature, and an anglo-catholic” in religion.” 答案: T.S.Eliot
“The rhythmical creation of beauty” is definition of poetry made by Edgar Allen Poe in his essay ______________.答案: Poetic Principle 62.第28题
The narrator’s name in The Great Gatsby is ________.答案: Nick Carraway 63.第29题
The second line in Pound’s poem “In a Station of the Metro” is _____________.答案: Petals on a wet, black bough.64.第50题
The short story “The Open Boat” was written by _________.答案: Stephen Crane 65.第51题
In his novels, Hawthorne had scientists and doctors pictured unfavorably, among whom, ___, the antagonist in the scarlet letter, seemed to be a nasty villain.答案: Roger Chillingworth 66.第52题
“it took dominion everywhere./ the jar was gray and bare” are lines quoted from wallace stevens’s poem __________.答案: Anecdote of A Jar
Thoreau’s essay which later strongly influenced the leader of India’s independence movement gandhi and the leader of american civil rights movement Martin Luther King, Jr.was entitled ____________.答案: