
时间:2019-05-14 01:02:29下载本文作者:会员上传


第八模块单词、短语和重点句子1.获得50多分 2.打比赛 3.和......比赛


5.为…训练 6.赢得比赛/奖品 7.记忆力好/差 8.做决定

9.那不是借口。10.决不;不可能 11.上次,这一回 12.面对事实 13.说实在的 14.没机会做某事 15.记得做某事 16.下周六中午 17.生某人的气

18.对某事生气 19.做得好


21.让某人开心/振作起来 22.投球给他们 23.获得一枚金牌 24.跳高比赛


25.跳远比赛 26.被鼓励去做某事 27.有做某事的能力





32.打破纪录 33.调整...的训练方法 34.在110米跨栏比赛中 35.把某物挂在脖子上 36.从现在/那时起 37.患(病),受(某病)折磨 38.放弃做某事 39.阻止某人做某事





44.一些重要的比赛 45.继续做某事 46.还有一个问题1.我正在训练,为下周的那场重要比赛做准备。2.你们和哪个队比赛?

3.上次比赛中他们不是把你们打败了吗? 4.大明上次没有被选上参加比赛。5.这个赛季两只球队没有多大差异。







25.the long jump跳远比赛

26.be encouraged to do sth.被鼓励去做

1.score over 50 points获得50多分 27.have the ability to do sth.有做某事2.play in the competition打比赛 的能力

3.play against 和......比赛 28.have the ability in doing sth.有能力4.stand for是.......的缩写;代表

做某事 5.train for 为……训练 29.set up 建立,成立

6.win the match /prize 赢得比赛/奖品 30.among us在我们中间(>3)7.have a goodmemory 记忆力好 31.at the same time 同时

8.make a decision 做决定

32.break the record 打破纪录 9.That’s no excuse.那不是借口。33.change the training methods for调10.no way决不;不可能 整...的训练方法 11.last/ this time上次,这一回 34.in the 110m hurdles race在110米跨12.face the truth 面对事实 栏比赛中 13.to tell the truth说实在的 35.hang sth around the neck把某物挂在14.have no chance to do / of doing sth.脖子上 没机会做某事 36.from now/then on 从现在/那时起 15.remember to do sth记得做某事 37.suffer from… 患(病),受(某病)折磨 16.at noon next Saturday下周六中午 38.give up doing sth放弃做某事 17.be mad at/ with sb.= be angry with 39.stop sb.(from)doing sth.sb.生某人的气

18.be mad about sth.对某事生气 19.nice work= good job = well done做得好

20.cheer for sb.为某人加油

21.cheer sb.up 让某人开心/振作起来 22.throw balls to them投球给他们 23.win a gold medal获得一枚金牌 24.the high jump跳高比赛 jump high 跳得高

1.记忆;回忆n.______ 2.比分n.______ 3.决定n._____ 4.理由;借口n.________ 5.中午;正午n.________ 6.座位;座椅n.________ 7.公平的;合理的adj._____ 8.踢v._______

9.生气的;恼火的adj._____ 10.运动员n.______ 11.能力n.________ 12.跨栏赛跑n._______ 13.女运动员n._______ 14.比赛;赛跑n.________ 15.记录v.最佳记录n.____ 16.办法;方法n._____

17.日本n.____________ 18.打破(记录);打碎v.____ 过去式,过去分词________ 19.运动员n._______ 20.亚洲的;亚洲人的adj.__ 21.患有(疾病等);经受v.__ 22.勇气;胆量n.________ 23.自豪感;骄傲n.________


40.a symbol of courage 勇气的象征

41.take pride in...以.......为骄傲

42.first of all 首先,起初(强调次序)

43.above all 首要的是,最重要的是(强调要引起特别注意)

44.a number of races一些比赛 45.continue to do sth.继续做某事 46.one more question还有一个问题24.决不;不可能_________ 25.跳高_________ 26.受折磨;因…而受苦____ 27.第一名;冠军_________ 28.阻止某人做某事_______ 29.感到自豪____________





Module 9 Great inventions

Unit1 Will computers be used more than books in the future?

Ⅰ.Teaching model Listening and speaking Ⅱ.Teaching aims

1.To know something about the important inventions in our life 2.To get information about some inventions from the conversation 3.To talk about the advantages of some inventions Ⅲ.Teaching aids

Tape recorder,OHP,video Ⅳ.Teaching Steps

第一课时(Activity 1-Activity 3)Step 1:Warming up and leadin

1.Talk about some great inventions;recall the words of inventions:TV,computer,watch,radios,camera,digital camera,photo,mobile phone,internet,etc.2.Recall what we have learned in the last module.Step 2:Ask and answer

1.Show some pictures in Activity 1(a computer,a camera,a cellphone). 2.Work in pairs.Look at the pictures and answer the questions.(1)How have these inventions changed people's lives?(2)Which one do you think is the most important?(3)What other important inventions can you think of? Step 3:Listening

1.Let the students look through the sentences in Activity 2 carefully.2.Play the tape.Listen and complete the sentences.(1)Lingling loves her mobile phone because she can________.(2)All of Daming's friends' numbers are ________in his phone.(3)Today's cameras are better than old cameras because they do not ________and the photos can________.(4)Lingling thinks everything ________by computers to some degree,so the computer

外研版九年级英语上册Module 9 Unit1-3 制作人:范玲存



is ________invention.3.Let students read the sentences aloud.4.Then play the tape again,and check the answers.Step 4:Listening and reading

1.Play the tape.Let the students listen to the conversation in Activity 3 and answer the following questions:

(1)What does Tony want to borrow from his father?(2)How do people get information now according to the conversation?(3)How many inventions are mentioned in the conversation? 2.Read it and underline all the points which are important to the class.3.Show the points to the class,and explain some difficulties to them.4.Read the summary of the conversation.Underline the wrong information and correct it.Then share it with the class.5.Ask the students to work in pairs,and act out the conversation.Step 5:Everyday English I wonder… Perhaps.Here it is.Promise!Step 6:Homework

1.Learn the new words by heart.2.Act out the conversation in groups.Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future?

1.invent/invention/inventor4.can be seen on the Internet 2.borrow/lend5.hear from 3.will be used6.take good care of it

外研版九年级英语上册Module 9 Unit1-3 制作人:范玲存

审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


Unit 1第二课时(Activity 4-Activity 7)Step 1:Have a dictation

Get the students to write the words and phrases in Unit 1.Check their work to see if they have grasped the usages of the points.Step 2:Practice

1.Read the conversation in Activity 3 again.2.Find the sentences in the conversation which mean:(1)Changing the subject,can I get the camera?(2)It is not a problem.I will use another memory card.(3)I will do what you tell me to do.3.Let some students read out the sentences,then check the answers.Step 3:Answer the questions

1.Read the words in the yellow box aloud.2.Look through the questions in Activity 5.(1)How do you fix a camera if the memory card is full?(2)When do you need to read the instructions?(3)How often do you send messages by mail?(4)How many pages does this book have?(5)Which website do you often go to when you get online?(6)What is an example of electronic technology?(7)When you lend something to someone,what do they have to do later?(8)What do you think is the most important invention in human history? 3.Ask some students answer the questions and check the answers.Step 4:Pronunciation

1.Play the tape.Let the students listen and mark the pauses.2.Listen again and check.3.Repeat after the tape.Step 5:Speaking

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


1.Work in pairs.Talk about the advantages of these inventions.email mobile phone TV washing machine They can talk like this:

—We can use email to send messages.—Yes,we can use email to send messages quickly and cheaply.2.Describe how these inventions have influenced our life.Email has great influence on my life…

3.Let the students share their descriptions with the class.Step 6:Homework

1.Revise all the check points in this unit.2.Finish off the workbook exercises.Blackboard Design

Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future? be full oflend…to… put uphave great influence on 【教学反思】:

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet?

Ⅰ.Teaching model Reading and writing Ⅱ.Teaching aims

1.To learn and understand the key words through talking and listening 2.To understand passages involving future simple passive 3.To research science and love science Ⅲ.Teaching aids Tape recorder,video Ⅳ.Teaching steps

第一课时(Activity 1-Activity 2)Step 1:Warming up and leadin

Books are the best friends to our humans.We can get lots of knowledge from books.Then ask and answer: 1.Do you like reading? 2.Which kind of books do you like best? 3.Do you like reading in books or on the Internet? Step 2:Pre-reading

1.Work in pairs.Read the title of the passage in Activity 2.Discuss and make a list of the advantages of books and the Internet.2.Ask students to share their opinions.Write some on the blackboard.3.Teach them the new words in the passage.Step 3:Reading

1.Read the passage for the first time and match the main ideas with the paragraphs.a)The world before printed books b)The world after the invention of printing c)Life with paper and printing d)Technology and books

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


e)The future of books 2.Learning to learn To find information in a passage quickly,you can read the heading and the first sentence in each paragraph.This will often tell you what the passage is about.3.Play the tape and ask the students to listen and repeat,paying attention to the pauses and intonations.4.Students read the passage,and work in pairs to find out the difficulties in the passage,then ask the teacher for help.5.Explain the difficulties to the students.Step 4:Homework

1.Learn the new words by heart.2.Read the passage in groups.3.Finish off the workbook exercises.Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet?

1.be replaced by

4.in the twentieth century 2.on one's way to

5.a much larger amount of 3.at a time

6.wait and see 【教学反思】:

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清



Unit 2第二课时(Activity 3-Activity 7)Step 1:Review

Ask and answer about the passage in Activity 2: 1.When was paper first created? 2.When was printing invented? 3.Do you think books will be replaced by the Internet? Step 2:Have a dictation

Get the students to write the words and phrases in Unit 2.Check their work to see if they have grasped the usages of the points.Step 3:Practice

1.Have a reading competition.Let five students read the passage in Activity 2 and see who reads best.2.Complete the table in Activity 3 according to the passage.3.Then check the answers.4.Read the words in the yellow box in Activity 4.5.Complete the passage with the words in the box.6.Read the passage and check the answers.Step 4:Writing

1.Read the sentences and notice how we give reasons and results.(1)Books were only produced one at a time by hand.As a result,there were not many books.(2)Because there were not many books,few people learnt to read.(3)These machines are smaller and lighter than books,so they are easy to carry.2.Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.Write full sentences with as a result,because or so.(1)Why is it hard to imagine a world without printing?(2)What was the result of few books being produced?(3)What happened after the printing technology developed? 外研版九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清



(4)What will happen to the books in the future?Why? For instance:

—Why is it hard to imagine a world without printing? —It's hard to imagine a world without printing because we have so many printed things now.3.Write full sentences with the notes in Activity 3.About 2,000 years ago,paper was first created…

4.Write a passage about traditional printing and its future.Use the sentences written in Activities 5 and 6.Step 5:Homework

1.Finish the writing task.2.Finish the workbook.Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet? 1.Because

2.be made by/in/of/fro

3.as a result 4 make it +adj.+to do sth.3.So6.imagine doing sth.【教学反思】:

.外研版九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清



Unit 3 Language in use

Ⅰ.Teaching model Revision and application Ⅱ.Teaching aims

1.To revise all the key points in this module 2.To know something about great inventions in the world 3.To develop the interest in science and technology Ⅲ.Teaching aids Tape recorder,video Ⅳ.Teaching steps

第一课时(Activity 1-Activity 6)Step 1:Warming up

Ask and answer the questions about the invention: 1.Do you want to be an inventor? 2.Which invention do you like best? 3.When was paper first created? Step 2:Language practice

1.Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the proper words.(1)They'll ________ ________ ________ on the school website.(2)________ computers ________ ________ more than books in the future?(3)________ books ________ ________by the Internet? 2.Then check the answers.Step 3:Practice 1

1.Revise the usage of future simple passive.will be+过去分词

2.Complete the sentences and conversations in Activity 1 with the correct form of the words and expression in brackets.3.Check the answers and read the sentences and conversation aloud.‘’For example:

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清



A new classroom will be built.…

5.Let the students make sentences as many as possible and share them with the class.Step 4:Practice 2

1.Revise the usage of past simple passive.was/were +过去分词

2.Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions the three great inventions in Activity 3.For example:

A:When was the telephone invented? B:It was invented in 1875.…

A:What kind of telephone do you think will be made in the future? B:…

3.Let some students act out their dialogues.4.Complete the sentences in Activity 4 with the words in the box.5.Then check the answers.Step 5:Listening

1.Read the sentences in Activity 5.2.Play the tape,and ask the students to listen and find out where the speaker is.3.Read the questions in Activity 6.4.Play the tape again.Let the students answer the questions.Step 6:Homework

1.Revise all the key points in this module.2.Finish the workbook.Unit 3 Language in use 1.will be +过去分词 2.was/were+过去分词

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


Unit 3第二课时(Activity 7- Activity 10)Step 1:Pre-reading

1.Do you know anything about the Internet? 2.Is the Internet widely used around the world? 3.How often do you use the Internet? Step 2:Reading

1.Read the passage and choose the best title.a)This history of the Internet b)The World Wide Web c)The Internet and the Web d)The future of the Internet 2.Read the passage carefully and complete the chart in Activity 7.3.Ask one student to show the answers and check them.4.Play the tape.Let students read after it.5.Let the students work in pairs,and find the difficulties in the passage.If necessary,they can ask the teacher for help.6.Explain the difficulties to the students.Step 3:Around the world

1.Get the students to read this passage,and before reading,teach them the key words and phrases.2.Then ask a few students to read it,and translate it into Chinese.3.Solve the problems which the students meet in reading.Step 4:Writing Discuss inventions.1.Work in groups.Prepare for your discussion.· Think of an invention that has changed our life.· Make notes about the invention:(1)What is it?(2)Why is it useful? 外研版九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


· Research how the invention has been developed and make notes about what you find out.2.Discuss with your group.· Tell about the invention.Ask other students for ideas.· Make notes about the discussion.3.Present the findings to the class.Step 5:Homework

1.Finish the writing.2.Revise the whole module.Unit 3 Language in use

1.be invented by5.hundreds of millions of 2.send and receive messages6.across the world 3.allow sb.to do sth.7.in the near future 4.by the Internet 【教学反思】:

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 9 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


Module 10 Australia

Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.Ⅰ.Teaching model Listening and speaking Ⅱ.Teaching aims

1.To master the key vocabulary and key structure in this unit 2.To understand conversations involving the attributive clause in listening.Improve the students' listening ability 3.To learn about the western culture Ⅲ.Teaching aids Tape recorder,video Ⅳ.Teaching steps

第一课时(Activity 1-Activity 3)Step 1:Warming up and leadin

Divide the class into several groups and each group has two,three or more students.One student acts as a travel agent,the other students want to travel.The agent will recommend some cities or countries to the others.Step 2:Ask and answer

Show students a picture of Sydney Opera House and tell them “Tony's father has been to Australia.He visited Sydney Opera House.” Then ask two questions:

1.Where else did he visit? 2.What animals did he see? Step 3:Listening

1.Look at the three pictures in Activity 1,look through the questions.(1)Where were the Olympic Games held in 2000?(2)What is the largest Englishspeaking country in the southern part of the world?(3)What famous things can you see there? 2.Let students answer the questions above.3.Listen and check.外研版九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


4.Listen again and complete the sentences in Activity 2.(1)The country that Tony would like to visit is ________.(2)In Tony's opinion,Australia is famous for ________.(3)Ayers Rock is a huge rock in the ________of Australia.(4)Australia is ________ Englishspeaking country in the southern part of the world.5.Check the answers.6.Students listen and repeat after the tape.Step 4:Listening and reading

1.Get the class to read the dialogue.Then ask them to read in pairs.2.After the students are familiar to the dialogue,ask them to complete the table in Activity 3.3.Check the answers to the table.4.Let the students read it again and underline all the points which are important with their partners.5.Show the points to the class,and explain some difficulties to them.Step 5:Everyday English 1.Here we go.2.According to… 3.Yes,of course!Step 6:Homework

1.Learn the new words by heart.2.Act out the conversation in groups.Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.1.in one's opinion5.Yes,of course!2.be famous for…6.keep…away 3.Here we go.7.cut…off 4.According to…8.brush…off

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅 使用人:初三英语教师

Unit 1第二课时(Activity 4-Activity 7)Step 1:Have a dictation

Get the students to write the words and phrases in Unit 1.Check their work to see if they have grasped the usages of the points.Step 2:Practice

1.Read the conversation in Activity 3 again.2.Answer the questions in Activity 4.(1)What is Tony going to write about?(2)Why does Tony's dad show his photos of Australia to Tony?(3)Who are the people in some of the photos?(4)Why do many Australians speak English?(5)What did Tony's dad not like about Australia? 3.Read the words and expression in the box in Activity 5.4.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expression in the box.5.Check the answers.Step 3:Pronunciation 1.Say the sentences aloud.(1)Here we go.(2)Yes,of course!(3)That's really funny!2.Listen and repeat.3.Ask some students to read the sentences out.Step 4:Speaking

1.Let students think of a place they have visited.Make notes about the best things they have seen there.2.Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions about the place.Say:(1)what it is called(2)where it is(3)what is special about it 外研版九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅 使用人:初三英语教师

For example:

—What's the name of the place that you have visited? —It's called Mount Tai.3.Let students share their conversations with others.Step 5:Homework

1.Revise all the check points in this unit.2.Finish off the workbook exercises.Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.1.Here we go.2.Yes,of course!3.That's really funny!4.—What's the name of the place that you have visited? —It's called Mount Tai.【教学反思】:

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football.Ⅰ.Teaching model Reading and writing Ⅱ.Teaching aims

1.To learn and understand the key vocabulary and the key structure 2.To read the long passage and write some notes about it 3.To improve the students' reading ability Ⅲ.Teaching aids Tape recorder,video Ⅳ.Teaching steps

第一课时(Activity 1-Activity 2)Step 1:Warming up and leadin Travelling can make you relaxed and pleased.·Have you been to a foreign country? ·Do you know anything about Australia? Step 2:Prereading

1.Look at the pictures in Activity 1 and describe them.2.Teach the students the new words in the following passage.3.Guess what Tony is going to say in his letter.Step 3:Reading

1.Get the students to read the passage once or twice quickly,and after that ask them to find the information about some discriptions.Then check the true sentences.2.Get the students to read the passage again,but this time read it more slowly.Then ask them to take some notes for Tony.The students can finish this job individually or they can discuss with their partners.3.After the students are familiar with the passage,ask them to read the passage after the tape.Then they can read by themselves.Step 4:Explain

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


After reading,the teacher explains some useful expressions and grammar points.Step 5:Homework

1.Read the words and the passage frequently.2.Copy the words and expressions.3.Finish some exercises in workbook.Blackboard Design

Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football.1.at the moment4.in many ways2.be surprised at 2.5.in the middle of3.a center of6.be left far behind【教学反思】:

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


Unit 2第二课时(Activity 3-Activity 6)Step 1:Review

Ask and answer about the passage in Activity 2: 1.Where is Tony writing the letter from? 2.What kind of food do Australians like best? 3.What does “G'day” mean in Australia? 4.What does Tony think of the trip to Australia? Step 2:Have a dictation

Get the students to write the words and phrases in Unit 2.Check their work to see if they have grasped the usages of the points.Step 3:Practice

1.Have a reading competition.Let several students read the letter in Activity 2 and see who reads best.2.After reading the letter in Activity 2 again,find:(1)five colours:purple,red…(2)three animals:…(3)four kinds of food:…(4)four sports:…

3.Let the students share their findings.4.Complete the table in Activity 4 according to the letter.5.Then check the answers.6.Read the words in the yellow box in Activity 5.7.Complete the sentences with the words in the box.8.Read the sentences and check the answers.Step 4:Writing

1.Write a letter about a visit to a place in China. Choose a place you have visited in China. Make a list of things you are going to write about:

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


people;food;ways of life;events during the trip 2.Write a letter to a relative or a friend and tell them about your visit.Begin and end your letter like Tony's.Step 5:Homework

1.Revise all the key points in this unit.2.Finish the writing.3.Finish the workbook.Blackboard Design

Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football.1.five colours:purple,red…2.three animals:… 3.four kinds of food:…4.four sports:…【教学反思】:

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit1-3


审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


Unit 3 Language in use

Ⅰ.Teaching model Revision and application Ⅱ.Teaching aims

1.Revise all the key points in this unit 2.To say sentences involving attributive clauses 3.To write sentences involving attributive clauses Ⅲ.Teaching aids

Multimedia(or tape recorder,OHP)Ⅳ.Teaching steps

第一课时(Activity 1-Activity 6)Step 1:Warming up

Ask and answer the questions about Australia: 1.Have you been to Australia? 2.Can you tell me something about Australia? For example:

Australia is a country which/that… Step 2:Language practice

1.Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the proper words.(1)I have some photos ________ ________ ________ in Australia last year.外研版九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit1-3



审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


(2)They wear special hats ________ ________ the flies away.(3)The horse ________ ________ ________ was lazy.(4)The game ________ ________ ________ most is Australian football.2.Then check the answers.Step 3:Practice 1

1.Revise the usage of the attributive clause.2.Read the passage and underline all the sentences with that.(1)Bondi Beach is the most beautiful beach that I have ever seen.(2)It is a huge,wide beach that is very popular for swimming and other water sports.(3)The hotel that we stayed in was right on the beach.3.Work in pairs.Discuss the meaning of the sentences with that.4.Use that to complete the conversations in Activity 2.5.Work in pairs,and read the conversations aloud.6.Think of an animal and write some sentences about it,starting with This is an animal that…

For example:

This is an animal that is slow.This is an animal that comes from China.Step 4:Practice 2

1.Read the words in the box in Activity 4.2.Put the words into the correct column.Animal:________People:________ Food:________Things:________ 3.Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box.4.Let some students act out their dialogues.Step 5:Listening

1.Look at the pictures in Activity 6 carefully.2.Play the tape.Let the students number the pictures.3.Play the tape again.Read the listening material after the tape.外研版九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit1-3



审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


Step 6:Homework

1.Revise all the key points in this module.2.Finish the workbook.Unit 3 Language in use

1.Review of the attributive clause.2.Some phrases:at the timeall overbrush…off

Unit 3第二课时(Activity 7-Activity 10)Step 1:Prereading

1.Have you had a picnic with your family? 2.Do you like ants?Why or why not? Step 2:Reading

1.Read the passage for the first time.Check the true sentences.(1)The writer's family had picnics in their garden.(2)The writer's family had hot food to eat at their picnics.(3)The ants were a problem in central Australia.(4)The weather was very hot in central Australia.(5)The writer's mother thinks the sun is bad for the children.(6)The writer likes flies better than ants.2.Read the passage again.Answer the following questions:(1)When did the writer come to live in Australia?(2)What was the big problem with their picnic?(3)When did the writer move back to Sydney?(4)What does the writer think of ants and flies? 3.Ask some students to show the answers and check them.4.Play the tape to let students read after it.5.Let the students work in pairs,and find the difficulties in the passage.If necessary,they can ask the teacher for help.6.Explain the difficulties to the students.Step 3:Around the world

外研版九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit1-3



审核人 :王瑞清、赵明梅


Cathy Freeman,Aboriginal hero of Australia 1.Get the students to read this passage.Before reading,teach them the key words and phrases.2.Then ask a few students to read it,and translate it into Chinese.3.Solve the problems which the students meet in reading.Step 4:Writing:Making a poster about a country

1.Work in groups.Talk about what they would like to include in the poster and how to present it. Choose a country to make the poster about. Think about the kinds of things to be included:location,capital,famous places,famous people,customs and traditions,etc. Think about how to present the information:photos,leaflets,descriptions,maps,etc.2.Collect and present some information. Look up information on the Internet or ask people who have visited the country if they have any material for you to use. Present the information in an interesting way.3.Present their posters to the class.Step 5:Homework

1.Finish the workbook in this module.2.Revise the whole module.Unit 3 Language in use

1.live in

4.move back to 2.as soon as

5.fly—flies 外研版九年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit1-3



1.too---to---太-----而不能 2.take part in 参加

3.table tennis乒乓球运动 4.be born出生于 hiccupping开始打嗝 a movie star电影明星

learn to ride a bicycle学骑自行车

begin playing sports开始进行体育运动

16.because of 因为

17.major in主修,专研

18.ping-pong player 兵乓球运动员 19.write music 谱写曲子

20.a great Chinese ping-pong player 中国杰出的乒乓球运动员 21.start learning English开始学英语 22.a loving grandfather 慈爱的祖父 23.a famous violinist 著名的小提琴手 24.at the age of….在---岁时

25.begin to learn the accordion 开始学习手风琴 26.the 70-year history 70年的历史 27.play for national team 效力于国家队 28.for example 例如

29.speech competition 演讲比赛

9.spend all one’sfree time with sb 与某人一起

度过了所有的业余时间 10.a skating champion 滑冰冠军

11.the famous Chinese pianist 中国著名的钢琴演

奏家 12.win the first prize 赢得第一名 13.Tsinghua University 清华大学 14.a comedy called---一部叫做---的喜剧 15.ice skating 滑冰

1.When was be born? 他什么时候出生的?

2.She is a grent Chinese ping-pong player.她是一位伟大的中国乒乓球运动员。3.How long did he hiccup? 他打嗝多长时间了?

4.You are never too young to start doing things.你不能因为年龄太小而不吃东西。

5.When he was a small boy,he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music.当他是个小孩的时候,就能

哼唱出歌曲和很难的曲子。6.How old were you when you started learning English? 你几岁开始学英语? 7.What can I do to become famous?我该怎样做才会出名? 8.短语辨析

1.be born in和 be born onbe born in和 be born on都可意为“出生于”,但be born in表示出生在某

地、几月份、哪一年等;而be born on表示具体到某一天。2.start to do和 start doingstart 后面既可以接动词不定式又可以接动名词,二者能互换使用,但如

果是以下情况必须用动词不定式,即to do结构:(1)start 是进行时,要用动词不定式。The sun is starting to rise.太阳开始升起了。(2)句子的主语是物时。It starts to be windy.开始刮风了。

3.take part in, join这两个词都可意为“参加”,但它们的用法不同:(1)take part in 指参加活动。I’

m going to take part in the sports meeting in our school next month.我打算参加下个月我校举行的运动会。(2)join 是指参加一个组织或团体。My brother joined the Army last year.我哥哥去年参军了。

4.because of, because这两个词都可意为“因为”,但 because of 后面接名词。He can’t go to school

because of his headache.因为头疼,他不能去上学了。而because 是连词,后面接句子。The

teacher got very angry because he didn’t finith his homework.因为他没有做完作业,所以老师很生气。



Unit1 1.work with friends/ a group 和朋友一起学习,小组学习

2.make word cards 制作单词卡片 3.read the textbook 读教材 4.listen to tapes 听录音 5.ask the teacher for help 向老师求助

6.watch videos 看录相 7.与….交谈

have conversations with 8.read aloud to practice pronunciation 大声朗读训练发音

9.口语技巧speaking kills 10.take notes 作笔记

11.write e-mails to pen pals 给笔友写电子邮件

12.repeat out loud 大声重复出来

13.keep a diary in English 写英语日记 14.learn from mistakes 从错误中学习15.draw mind maps绘制思维导图 16.(in)that way 用那种方法 17.(in)this way 用这种方法 18.speaking skills 说的技巧 19.spoken English 英语口语

20.increase reading speed 提高阅读速度 21.make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误 22.be born with…与生俱来的…

23.connect … with… 把…和…联系起来 24.pay attention to … 注意… 25.give a report 作报告

26.get the main ideas获得/理解主要意思 27.read word by word 一个单词一个单词地读

28.remember information bit by bit一点一点地记住信息

29.word groups词群 30.a bad dream一个恶梦

31.so… that… 如此…以至于… 32.so that… 为了…

33.be afraid to do… 害怕做… 34.be afraid of…害怕…

35.an English movie called Toy Story 一部名叫Toy Story的英语电影

36.fall in love with… 爱上… 37.begin to do… 开始做… 38.body language 身体语言

39.the secret to language learning 语言学习的秘诀

40.look … up in a dictionary 有词典里查(单词)

41.have a better understanding of… 对…有更好的理解

42.a lifelong journey 终身旅程

43.develop smart study skills 养成聪明的学习技能

44.on one’s own= by oneself 独自地 45.over and over again 反反复复 Unit2 泼水节the Water Festival 1.龙舟节the Dragon Boat Festival 2.中国春节the Chinese Spring Festival 3.元宵节the Lantern Festival 4.明年next year 5.最喜欢like best

6.增加体重,发胖put on

7.去…度假go to …for a vacation 8.听起来像sound like 9.与…相似be similar to 10.互相,彼此each other 11.冲走,洗掉wash away 12.以…的形状in the shape of 13.中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival

14.在中秋之夜on Mid-Autumn night 15.射下shoot down 16.飞向…fly up to 17.大声呼喊call out 18.摆开,布置lay out

19.…的传统the tradition of..20.回来come back

21.在夜里,在晚上at night 22.结果,因此as a result

23.一个….另一个one..the other… 24.母亲节Mother’s Day 25.父亲节Father’s Day

26.越来越受欢迎more and more popular 27.必须,不得不have to

28.想起,认为,思考think of 29.捉弄某人play a trick on sb.30.装扮,穿上盛装dress up 31.….的精神the spirit of…

32.…的重要性the importance of… 33.关心,在乎care about 34.挣钱make money 35.结束,告终end up 36.是某人想起remind sb.of 37.醒来wake up 38.需要帮助,处于困境中in need 39.…的开始the beginning of 40.不但…而且…not only…but also….41.在…和….之间between..and… 42.分发,发放give out 用法:



3.将要,打算be going to 4.在…后in +时间段

5.给某人某物,把某物给某人give上班give sb.Sth.6.计划做某事plan to do sth.7.拒绝做某事refuse to do sth.8.…之一one of +名词复数

9.It is+名词+动词不定式 做某事是…的。10.…认为…怎么样?What..think of 11.让某人做某事 make sb.Do sth.12.过去是…used to be 13.告诫某人做某事warn sb.To sth 14.告诉某人做某事tell sb.To do sth.15.决定做某事decide to do sth.16.承诺做某事promise to do sth.Unit3 1.劳驾,请原谅excuse me 2.到达get to 3.得到一些杂志get some magazines 4.吃晚餐

5.获取有关….的一些信息get some information about..6.一对,一双a pair of 7.在右边on one’s/the right 8.向左/右拐turn left/right 9.在..和..之间between..and… 10.经过,路过go past

11.快点儿,请过来come on

12.在某人去…的路上on one’s way to… 13.早一点儿a little earlier

14.购物中心the shopping center

15.一个吃饭的好地方a good place to eat 16.…的角落/拐角处the corner of..17.在不同的情况下in different situations 18.导入,引入lead in to 19.准时,按时on time 用法:

1.直到…才….not..until..2.咱们做某事吧。Let’s do sth.3.开始做某事start doing sth.4.花费时间做某事spend time doing sth.5.为某事感谢某人thank sb.For(doing)

sth.6.想要做某事would like to do sth.7.盼望做某事look forward to doing sth.Unit4

1.过去常常used to 2.害怕be afraid of

3.时常,有时from time to time 4.变红turn red 5.开始做take up

6.对付,应对deal with 7.不再not…anymore

8.很多关注tons of attention 9.为..担忧worry about 10.当心be careful 11.闲逛hang out 12.放弃give up 13.考虑think about

14.极少数的….a very small number of..15.独处be alone

16.做演讲give a speech 17.当众in public

18.一直,总是all the time 19.在足球队on the soccer team 20.为….骄傲be proud of… 21.不再no longer

22.对…感兴趣be interested in 23.做决定make a decision 24.亲自in person 25.令某人吃惊的是to one’s surprise 26.改变某人的生活chang one’s life 27.尽管even though 28.照顾take care of 29.关心,想着think of 30.为…感到自豪take pride in 31.对…注意,留心pay attention to 32.…之一one of…

33.在过去的几年里in the past few years 用法:

1.过去常常做某事used to do sth.2.害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth.3.必须做某事have to do sth.4.让某人做某事make sb.do sth.5.放弃做某事give up doing sth.6.尽力做某事try to do sth.7.足够..而能够做某事adj+enough to do sth.8.准备做某事be prepared to do sth.9.看见某人在做某事see sb.Doing sth.10.开始做某事take up doing sth.11.开始做某事begin to do sth.12.要求某人做某事require sb.To do sth.13.决定做某事decide to do sth.14.决定做某事make a decision to do sth.15.很难相信….It’s hard to believe that… 16.自从…已经有很长时间了It has been+一段时间+since+从句

17.敢于做某事dare to do sth.18.对某人来说做某事是….的。It’s+adj+for sb.+to do sth.Unit5 短语1.由…制成的be made of 2.在…制造的be made in 3.由…制成的be made from 4.以…著名be famous for 5.例如for example 6.以…闻名be known for 7.据我所知as far as 8.在山腰上on the sides of Mountains 9.用手by hand 10.全世界all over the world 11.对….有益be good for 12.不论,无论no matter

13.在每个月的最后一个星期五 on the last Friday of each month 14.擅长be good at 15.制造高科技产品

make high-technology products 16.地球表面the earth’s surface 17.交通事故traffic accident 18.许多不同种类的 many different kinds of 19.风筝节a kite festival 20.放风筝fly a kite 21.来自be from 22.例如such as

23.把…变成turn…into..24.根据,按照according to 25.放出send out

26.请求帮助ask for help 27.处于困境中in trouble 28.用…覆盖be covered with 29.上升,上涨rise into 30.…的象征a symble of 31.剪纸paper cutting 32.把…放在..上put..on… 33.被…使用be used by 34.被用于做….be used for

35.在春节期间during the Spring Festival 36.好运good luck

37.孔明灯sky lanterns 38.在高温下

at a very high heat 用法:

1.”be+及物动词的过去分词”构成被动语态 2.好像It seems that+从句 3.无论…no matter+从句

4.find it +形容词+that从句


buy sb.Sth.=buy sth for sb.6.避免做某事avoid doing sth 7.允许某人做某事 allow sb.to do sth.8.想做某事want to do sth.9.学会做某事learn to do sth.10.尽力做某事try to do sth.11.做某事花费多长时间

It takes +一段时间+to do sth.12.过去常常做某事used to do sth.Unit6短语: 1....的样式 the style of…

2.如此伟大的一项发明such a great invention 3.被用于...be used for 4.偶然,意外地by accident 5.想,考虑think of/about 6.落入,陷入fall into 7.在我们的日常生活中in our daily life 8.一段时间some time 9.茶圣the saint of tea 10.少于,不到less than 11.发生,出现take place 12.在19世纪in the 19th century 13….的普及the popularity of… 14.毫无疑问without doubt 15.以低价at a low price 16.把…翻译成..translate….into… 17.突然,猛的all of a sudden 18.错误的,无意中by mistake 19.最后in the end 20.一个名叫乔治.克拉姆的厨师a cook called George Crum 21.多于,超过more than 22.奥林匹克运动会the Olympics 23.把…分成…divide…into… 24.同时at the same time 25.阻止…做…stop..from doing… 26.梦想,向往dream of 27.不但…而且..not only…but also 28…的数量the number of 29.越来越…….more and more…..30.钦佩,仰慕look up to 31.实现某人的梦想achieve one’s dream 32.记笔记take notes 33.被用于做某事be used to do sth.34.导致,导向be used to do sth.用法:

1.据说….It is said that….2.人们认为….It is believed that….3.要求某人不要做某事ask sb.Not to do

sth.4.教某人做某事teach sb.To do sth.5.需要做某事need to do sth.6.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb.to do sth.Unit7

1.去购物中心 go to the shopping center 2.为…担心 be worried about 3.做兼职工作have part-time jobs 4.打耳洞get one’s ears pierced 5.对…感到兴奋be excited about 6.拍许多照片take lots of photos 7.在我身边by my side

8.穿过田间through the field 9.确信make sure

10.使…避开…keep…from….11.给某人一个拥抱give sb.A hug 12.顶嘴talk back

13.听某人说listen to sb.14.赞同某人agree with sb.15.向…学习learn…from….16.使…避免接近….,使….远离….keep…..away from

17.自己做决定make one’s own decisions 18.应付自己的生活manage one’s own life 19.在大多数亚洲社会in most Asian


20.对某人要求严格be strict with sb.21.挡…的路,妨碍get in the way of 22.实现某人的梦想achieve one’s dreams 23.多么how much

24.进入大学enter university 25.结束end up

26.认真对待be serious about 27.关心care about

28.做出这个选择make this choice 29.最后in the end 30.关闭 keep off 31.用法:

1.被允许做某事 be allowed to do sth.2.停止做某事stop doing sth.3.使某事被做get sth.done 4.应该做某事should do sth.5.做什么what to do 6.需要做某事need to do sth.7.与某人共度时光spend time with sb.8.对做某事感到兴奋be excited about doing sth.9.伤到自己hurt oneself 10.把某物给某人give sth.To sb.11.懊悔做某事regret doing sth.12.允许某人做某事allow sb.To do sth.13.练习做某事practice doing sth.14.照顾自己take care of oneself 15.开始做某事start doing sth.16.继续做某事continue to do sth.17.看见某人做过某事see sb.Do sth.18.喜欢做某事love doing sth.19.不反对多某事have noting against doing sth.20.有机会做某事have a chance to do sth.Unit8 1.在某事上花费属于belong to 2.在野餐中at the picnic 3.参加音乐会attened a concert 4.捡起pick up 5.没什么事nothing much 6.报警call the policeman 7.起初at first 8.在社区里in the neighborhood 9.离开go away 10.在实验室里in the laboratory 11.感觉困倦的feel sleepy 12.追赶run after 13.表达差异express a difference 14.添加信息add information 15.不但…而且…not only…but also… 16.超出,多于more than 17.和某人交流communicate with sb.18.到达某地arrive in+地点 19.一种 a kind of 20.有一个医疗目的have a medical purpose 21.预防疾病prevent illness 22.保持健康keep healthy 23.指出point out 24.战胜敌人a victory over an enemy 25.等待wait for

26.迟到be late for

27.通过电话on the phone 28.用法

1.…怎么了?what’s wrong with….2.过去常常做某事used to do sth.3.看见某人正在做某事see sb.Doing sth.4.做某事有乐趣have fun doing sth.5.可能正在做某事could/might doing sth.6.尽力做某事try to do sth.7.阻止某人做某事stop sb.From doing sth.8.一定已经做了….must have done

9.最…的…之一one of+the+ 形容词的最


21.更多时间spend more time on sth.




1.a new book一本新书2.have got(第三人称单数形式has got)拥有3.about animals关于动物的4.a good book一本好书5.about sports关于运动的6.a nice book一本不错的书

7.a new dress一条女连衣裙8.a new coat一件新上衣9.a new sweater一件新毛衣

10.a blue T-shirt一件T恤衫11.go to school上学12.by bike骑自行车

13.by bus乘公共汽车14.go to work 上班15.by car开车

16.walk to work步行去上班17.each day每天=every day18.walk to school步行去上学


1.I`ve got a new book.It`s about animales.我有一本新书。它是关于动物的。【I`ve got=I have got;have got=have拥有、所有,常译为“有”,其第三人称单数形式是“has got”。这个句型结构是“某人+have got/has got+某物”某人有某物。“about animals”关于动物的。about….是”关于….”】再如:I`ve got a new bike.我有一辆新自行车。练习:我有一支钢笔。

它是关于运动的。es, I have.大明,你也有一本书吗?是的,我有。【have的一般疑问句是只把“have”提在句首。got在原来位置不动。肯定回答是“Yes,…have.”,否定回答是“No,...haven`t.”.】再如:Have you got a pen?Yes,I have./No, I haven`t.你有一支钢笔吗?是,我有。/不,没有。


3.Has Sam got a sweater?Yes,he has.萨姆有一件毛线衫吗?是的,他有。【这是have got第三人称单数句子的一般疑问句,它用“has got”,把“has”提在句首,“got”也是放在原位不动。一般疑问句第一个词是什么,回答就用那个词回答。】再如:Has Tom got a new sweater,too?No,he hasn`t.汤姆也有一件毛衣吗?不,他没有。练习:艾米有一个洋娃娃吗?是的,她有。汤姆有一件蓝T恤衫吗?不,他没有。

4.She goes to school by bike.她骑自行车上学。【“by bike”是“by+交通工具”在这儿译为“骑自行车”。它不是动词短语,是表示她是以什么样的方式上学的,所以把它放在句末。再如:by car开小车;by bus乘公共汽车;by ship乘龙船 等等。】再如:He goes to school by bus.他乘公共汽车上学。


5.Sam hasn`t got a bike.萨姆没有自行车。【hasn`t got 是“has got”的否定形式,在has后面加not,has not got=hasn`t got(缩写形式)。那么“have got”的否定形式是缩写为】再如:Ms Smart hasn`t got a car.斯玛特女士没有汽车。练习:我父亲没有汽车。我没有自行车。【walk to work步行去上班=go to work on foot.】再如:Lingling waiks to school.玲玲步行去上学。练习:我妈妈步行去上班。

7.How do you go to school each day?I go to school by bike.你每天怎么去上学?我骑自行车上学。【“how”怎么样?是询问采取什么样的方式上学,是对后面句中的“by bike”的提问。“each day”每天=every day】再如:How does Mum go to work each day?She goes to work by bus.妈妈每天怎样去上班?她乘公共汽车上班。练习:爸爸每天怎么样去上班?他步行去上班。对划线提问 对划线提问

Keys:1.I`ve got a pen.It`s about sports.2.Have you got a bike?Yes,I have./No,I haven`t.3.Has Amy got a doll?Yes,she has.Has Tom got a blue T-shirt?No,he hasn`t.4.Mr Smart has got a car.He goes to work by car.5.My father hasn`t got a car.I haven`t got a bike.6.My mother walks to work.=My mother goes to work on foot.7.How does Dad go to work each day?He walks to work.How do you go to school ?How does she go to shool?



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