第一篇:1. 2014年王毅外长在第69届联合国大会的发言
共谋和平发展 共守法治正义
中华人民共和国外交部长 王毅 2014年9月27日,美国纽约
Jointly Pursue Peace and Development and Uphold Rule of Law and Justice--Statement at the General Debate of the 69th Session of the United Nations General
Assembly by H.E.Wang Yi Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
New York, 27 September 2014 主席先生,各位同事: Mr.President, Dear Colleagues, 今年是第一次世界大战爆发100周年。中国近代著名思想家严复曾写下―可怜横草尽飞腾‖的诗句,形容这场大战的惨烈。
This year marks the centenary of the outbreak of World War I.Yan Fu, a distinguished thinker in modern China, wrote the following line to describe the devastation caused by the war: “Alas, even grass is blown away all over the place.” 明年是第二次世界大战结束70周年。全球逾20亿人口卷入了这场浩劫。仅日本军国主义的对华侵略,就造成3500多万中国军民的伤亡。
Next year will be the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.Over two billion people across the world fell victim to this calamity.In China alone, the aggression committed by Japanese militarists left more than 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians dead or injured.联合国建立在两次世界大战的惨痛经历之上,她寄托着全世界对共建和平、共守安宁的殷切期盼。为此,联合国宪章描绘了一幅共建美好世界的宏伟画卷。在这个世界中: The United Nations was established to keep the scourge of the two world wars from occurring again and it embodies the fervent hope of all countries for peace and stability.To achieve this goal, the Charter of the United Nations presented a grand vision of joint efforts to build a better world.In this world: 我们应该平等相待。主权和领土完整原则,必须恪守。各国推动经济社会发展的实践,必须尊重。自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利,必须维护。
We should treat each other as equals.The principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity must be upheld.The pursuit by different countries of economic and social development must be respected.Their right to independently choose their own social systems and development paths must be safeguarded.我们应该开放包容。敞开海纳百川的胸怀,才能打开对话交流的大门,才能实现不同社会制度、不同宗教信仰、不同文化传统国家的和谐相处。
We should be open and inclusive.Only by being open and inclusive can we open the door of dialogue and exchange and achieve harmony among countries with different social systems, religions and cultural traditions.我们应该合作共赢。要把本国利益同他国利益结合起来,努力扩大共同利益汇合点。只有相互补台,才能好戏连台。各国应该共同倡导双赢、多赢、共赢的新理念,一起反对你输我赢、赢者通吃的旧思维。
We should pursue mutually beneficial cooperation.A country should align its own interests with those of others and work to expand areas where their interests converge.Only by helping each other can countries prosper.We should jointly initiate a new thinking for win-win and all-win progress and reject the old notion of zero-sum game or “the winner takes all”.我们应该讲求公道。要推动国际关系民主化、法治化,用公正合理的规则来明是非、化争端;在国际法框架内促和平、谋发展。各方应该共同维护联合国的权威性和有效性,改革和完善全球治理体系。
We should uphold justice.It is imperative to promote greater democracy and rule of law in international relations, apply fair and just rules to tell right from wrong and settle disputes, and pursue peace and development within the framework of international law.All parties should jointly uphold the authority and effectiveness of the United Nations and reform and improve the global governance structure.主席先生,Mr.President, 从加沙到伊拉克,从中非到南苏丹,我们这个世界很不安宁。面对战火吞噬的生命,我们必须自问:怎样才能避免悲剧重演?面对颠沛流离的妇孺,我们必须自问:何时才能让他们踏上回家的道路?面对冲突不断的厮杀,我们必须自问:如何才能打开一扇持久和平的大门? As we have seen in Gaza, Iraq, the Central African Republic and South Sudan, our world is far from peaceful.In the face of all those who are killed in war, we must ask ourselves, “How can we keep the tragedies from recurring?” In the face of women and children displaced by fighting, we must ask ourselves, “When can they return home?” In the face of incessant conflicts, we must ask ourselves, “How can we open the door to lasting peace?” 中国的回答是:
To address these problems, China believes that we should do the following: 第一,坚持政治解决。铸剑为犁固然费时费力,但历史和现实都反复证明,以暴制暴,不会换来持久和平;使用武力,产生的问题将多于答案。采取强制行动应由安理会授权。如果把 本国国内法凌驾于国际法之上,随意干涉别国内政,甚至搞政权更迭,将被国际公理拷问其正当性何在?
First, we should seek political solutions.To beat swords into ploughshares may take time and effort;but history and reality have repeatedly demonstrated that to meet violence with violence will not lead to enduring peace, and the use of force will create more problems than solutions.Coercive action should have the authorization of the Security Council.If a country places its domestic law above international law and interferes in other countries' internal affairs at will or even seeks regime change, the legitimacy of its action cannot but be questioned by the international community.第二,兼顾各方利益。冲突各方要摒弃―零和思维‖,在谈判中沟通彼此关切,努力相向而行;在协商中实现合理诉求,争取互谅互让。国际社会在斡旋调解时,要主持公道正义,保持客观平衡,不能拉一派打一派,更不能借机谋取私利。
Second, we should accommodate the interests of all parties.Parties to a conflict should reject the zero-sum approach, address each other's concerns in negotiations and endeavor to meet each other half way.They should seek to meet their legitimate concerns through consultations in a mutually accommodating way.When conducting mediation, the international community should uphold justice and take an objective and balanced position.Countries should not be partial to any party in the conflict.Still less should they pursue their own agenda through their involvement.第三,推进民族和解。当前,武装冲突大多与民族宗教矛盾相互交织。民族和解进程应该同政治解决进程双轨并行。各方各派要践行联合国宪章的精神,培育力行容恕的文化,铲除仇恨报复的种子,让冲突后的土壤生长出包容和亲善的果实。
Third, we should promote national reconciliation.The ongoing armed conflicts are largely caused by ethnic and sectarian tensions.The process of national reconciliation and the process of political settlement should be advanced in tandem with each other.All parties should uphold the UN Charter, develop and practice a culture of inclusion and tolerance, and uproot the seeds of hatred and retaliation, so that the fruit of inclusion and amity will grow on post-conflict land.第四,践行多边主义。应该全面、充分发挥联合国的作用,恪守国际法和国际关系基本准则。联合国宪章第七章不是安理会维持国际和平与安全的唯一手段,第六章赋予的预防、斡旋和调解工具更要用好用足。要发挥区域组织和地区国家熟悉本地区事务的优势,支持他们通过地区方式解决地区问题。
Fourth, we should uphold multilateralism.We should give full play to the role of the United Nations and observe international law and the basic norms governing international relations.Chapter Seven of the UN Charter is not the only means for the Security Council to maintain international peace and security.We should make better and full use of the means of prevention, mediation and conciliation stipulated in Chapter Six.Given their familiarity with local developments, we should leverage the strengths of regional organizations and countries and support them in addressing regional issues in ways suited to their region.主席先生,Mr.President, ——乌克兰内乱令人担忧。我们欢迎和支持明斯克停火协议,敦促乌克兰各方切实执行,并通过政治对话和谈判寻求全面、持久、平衡的政治解决方案。中国希望看到一个各民族和谐相处,与各国和平共处的乌克兰。这也是乌克兰实现国家长治久安的根本之计。中国主张联合国为妥善解决乌克兰危机发挥应有的作用,支持国际社会为缓解乌克兰东部人道局势所做的建设性努力。
– The conflicts in Ukraine remain a cause of concern.We welcome and support the Minsk ceasefire agreement and urge all parties in Ukraine to strictly implement it and seek a comprehensive, sustained and balanced political solution through political dialogue and negotiation.China hopes that various ethnic groups in Ukraine will live in harmony and that Ukraine will live in peace with other countries.This is the fundamental way for Ukraine to achieve long-term stability and security.China hopes that the United Nations will play its due role in finding a proper solution to the Ukrainian crisis, and supports the constructive efforts made by the international community to ease the humanitarian situation in East Ukraine.——中国支持伊拉克维护国家主权、独立和领土完整的努力。伊拉克成立新政府是一个重要契机。希望伊拉克政府带领人民本着包容与和解精神,共同致力于国家的建设与发展。中国呼吁加大对伊拉克的人道援助力度。帮助伊拉克人民渡过难关,实现国家和平稳定,这是国际社会的共同责任。中方将向伊拉克包括库尔德地区在内提供6000万元人民币人道主义援助。
– China supports Iraq in upholding its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.The formation of the new Iraqi government has provided an important opportunity.We hope that the Iraqi government will lead its people in a joint endeavor to develop their country in the spirit of inclusion and reconciliation.China calls for providing more humanitarian assistance to support Iraq.To help the Iraqi people overcome difficulties, and achieve peace and stability in their country is the shared responsibility of the international community.——中国坚决反对一切恐怖主义行径,支持国际社会根据安理会有关决议,协调一致应对恐怖势力的威胁。中国认为,国际反恐合作应该多措并举、标本兼治,充分发挥联合国及其安理会的主导作用。反恐不能搞双重标准,更不能把恐怖主义与特定民族、宗教挂钩。面对全球反恐形势出现的新变化,国际社会应该采取新举措。特别是重点打击宗教极端主义和网络恐怖主义,着力铲除、封堵恐怖极端思想的根源和传播渠道,坚决打击恐怖分子利用互联网等新的通讯手段,煽动、招募、资助或策划恐怖袭击。
– China firmly opposes all terrorist acts and supports the international community in responding to the threat posed by terrorist forces in a coordinated and concerted way in accordance with relevant Security Council resolutions.China believes that in conducting international counter-terrorism cooperation, we should take a multi-pronged approach and address both the symptoms and root causes of terrorism and that the United Nations and its Security Council should fully play their leading role.There should be no double standard when it comes to fighting terrorism, still less should terrorism be identified with any particular ethnic group or religion.As new developments emerge in the global fight against terrorism, the international community should take new measures to address them.In particular, it should focus on combating religious extremism and cyber terrorism, resolutely eliminate the root causes of terrorism and extremism and block channels of spreading them, and crack down hard and effectively on the use of the Internet and other new means of communication by terrorists to instigate, recruit, finance or plot terrorist attacks.——叙利亚危机已延宕近四年。打不是办法,谈才有出路。中国敦促叙利亚各方各派立即停火止暴,全面配合联合国的人道主义援助行动,尽快终结无辜民众遭受的苦难。我们敦促叙利亚各方各派从本国前途命运和人民整体利益出发,拿出政治意愿,积极支持联合国秘书长及其特使的斡旋努力,下决心走一条借鉴国际和地区有益经验、符合自身国情、兼顾各方利益的中间道路,给和平以机会。
– The Syrian crisis has continued for nearly four years.It is negotiation, not fighting, that offers solution.China urges all parties in Syria to immediately stop fighting and violence, cooperate fully with the humanitarian assistance operations of the United Nations, and promptly put an end to the sufferings of innocent civilians.We urge all parties in Syria to act in the overall interests of the future and destiny of their country and of their people, demonstrate political will, actively support the mediation efforts of the Secretary-General and his special envoy, and follow a middle way that draws on workable practices of other countries and regions, suits Syria's national conditions and accommodates the interests of various parties, so as to give peace a chance.——巴勒斯坦问题是人类良知的伤口。中国呼吁以色列和巴勒斯坦实现持久停火,敦促以色列解除对加沙地区的封锁,停止修建定居点。同时,以色列的合理安全关切也应得到尊重。我们希望以巴双方坚持和谈这一战略选择,尽早恢复并推进和谈。巴勒斯坦人民期盼独立建国的民族夙愿和正当要求不能再无限期拖延下去。推动中东和平靠一个或几个国家不行,要群策群力,并且发挥安理会应有的作用。我们支持安理会采取行动,响应巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯国家联盟的要求。
– The Palestinian issue is a wound on human conscience.China calls on Israel and Palestine to secure durable ceasefire, and urges Israel to lift its blockade on the Gaza Strip and stop building settlements.At the same time, the legitimate security concerns of Israel should be respected.We hope that Israel and Palestine will adhere to the strategic choice of peace talks and promptly resume and advance peace talks.The aspirations and legitimate demand of the Palestinian people for establishing an independent nation should not remain unmet indefinitely.Advancing peace in the Middle East calls for concerted efforts, not efforts of just one or a few countries.The Security Council should play its due role.We support the Security Council in taking actions in response to the demand of Palestine and the Arab League.——伊朗核问题谈判进入了关键阶段。各方都应拿出诚意,本着互相尊重、平等协商、互谅互让的精神,再努一把力,啃掉―硬骨头‖,尽早达成一项公正、平衡、共赢的全面协议。– The negotiations on the Iranian nuclear issue have entered a crucial stage.All parties should show sincerity, make further efforts in the spirit of mutual respect, equality, coordination and mutual accommodation, and work hard to tackle the most difficult issue, so as to reach an early and win-win agreement that is comprehensive, fair and balanced.——南苏丹冲突双方应该立即停火,从南苏丹人民的整体利益出发积极开展政治对话,在伊加特的斡旋下,与国内各族各派一道,尽快达成公平合理的解决方案,实现全国和解与民族团结。南苏丹是联合国最年轻的成员。南苏丹人民的生活应该充满希望和活力,而不是饱受冲突和战火。
– The two sides of the conflict in South Sudan should immediately effect a ceasefire, actively conduct political dialogue in the overall interests of the people in South Sudan, and, through the mediation of IGAD, work with all ethnic groups and parties in the country to speedily reach a fair and balanced solution and achieve national reconciliation and ethnic unity.South Sudan is the youngest member of the United Nations.The South Sudanese people deserve a life of hope and vitality instead of the devastation of conflicts and wars.——中国欢迎加尼先生和阿卜杜拉先生分别出任阿富汗新总统和首席执行官,将继续支持阿富汗人民平稳实现政治、安全和经济过渡,共建一个团结、稳定、发展、友善的阿富汗。中国支持―阿人主导、阿人所有‖的和平进程。国际社会应履行对阿富汗国家和人民的承诺与责任。中国将承办阿富汗问题伊斯坦布尔进程第四次外长会,为站在新起点的阿富汗提供新助力。
– China welcomes Mr.Ashraf Ghani as Afghanistan's new president and Mr.Abdullah Abdullah as its chief executive, and will continue to support the Afghan people in pursuing smooth political, security and economic transition and in jointly building an Afghanistan that enjoys unity, stability, development and amity.China supports an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace process.The international community should fulfill its commitment and responsibility to Afghanistan and its people.China will host the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan to give fresh support to Afghanistan that has reached a new starting point.——在朝鲜半岛问题上,中国呼吁各方秉持客观公正立场,坚定致力于实现半岛无核化目标,坚定致力于维护半岛和平稳定,坚定致力于通过对话协商解决问题。六方会谈仍是解决朝鲜半岛核问题的唯一现实有效途径。尽快推动重启六方会谈是当务之急。应通过全面平衡解决各方关切,把朝核问题纳入可持续、不可逆、有实效的对话进程。当前半岛形势仍存在许多不确定性,有关各方应共同保持克制,避免相互刺激,多做有利于局势缓和的事,共同维护半岛和平稳定大局。
– Regarding the Korean Peninsula, China calls on all parties to act in an objective and impartial way, remain committed to the goal of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, firmly uphold peace and stability on the peninsula, and endeavor to resolve the issues through dialogue and consultation.The Six Party Talks remain the only viable and effective way to resolve the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula.The pressing task now is to restart the talks as soon as possible.The Korean nuclear issue should be dealt with by a sustainable, irreversible and effective dialogue process which addresses the concerns of all parties in a comprehensive and balanced way.There are still many uncertainties on the Korean Peninsula today.The parties concerned should all exercise restraint, refrain from making provocations, do more things that will help ease tension, and jointly uphold peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.主席先生,Mr.President, 2000年以来,联合国确立的千年发展目标为实现人类生存和发展作出了重要贡献,然而全球发展道路依然漫长。国际社会在减贫、消除饥饿、妇幼健康与教育等领域仍然任务艰巨,在环境、气候变化、能源资源安全等领域面临新的挑战。
The Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)set by the United Nations in 2000 have contributed greatly to human survival and development, yet global development remains a protracted task.The international community faces not only formidable challenges in poverty reduction, hunger elimination, the health of women and children, and education, but also new challenges in the environment, climate change, and energy and resources security.千年发展目标将在一年后到期,2015年后发展议程将接过历史的接力棒。国际社会应本着继承和创新精神,拿出更有效方案,采取更积极行动,推动人类社会的共同发展。Next year is the deadline set for meeting the MDGs, and the post-2015 development agenda will take over the historical mission.The international community should, building on past progress and breaking new ground, adopt more effective plans and take more robust actions to advance the common development of mankind.中国认为,发展议程应达成三个目标:一是惠民生,以消除贫困和促进发展为核心。二是促包容,维护社会公平正义。三是重落实,以发展模式多样化、共同但有区别的责任等为指导原则,加强全球发展伙伴关系,完善执行手段和机制。
As China sees it, the development agenda should have three goals: First, it should advance people's wellbeing, with focus on poverty eradication and development promotion.Second, it should promote inclusiveness so as to uphold social equity and justice.Third, it should ensure implementation.The agenda, guided by the principles of diversity in development models and common but differentiated responsibilities, should aim to enhance global partnerships on development and improve implementation tools and mechanisms.气候变化是人类面临的共同挑战。中国国家主席特使、国务院副总理张高丽率团出席了联合国气候峰会。我们祝贺峰会取得成功,希望将峰会凝聚的政治动力转变为加强气候变化国际合作的务实行动。各方应以共同但有区别的责任原则、公平原则、各自能力原则为基础,推动2015年年底如期完成2020年后应对气候变化新制度的谈判,为气候变化国际合作构建更加公平、合理、有效的安排。Climate change is a common challenge facing mankind.Mr.Zhang Gaoli, Vice Premier of the State Council, led the Chinese delegation to the UN Climate Summit 2014 as a special envoy of the Chinese president.We congratulate the UN on the success of the summit and hope that the political momentum it generated will be translated into effective actions to step up international cooperation on climate change.All the parties should work for the conclusion of negotiations by the end of 2015 as scheduled for a new climate change regime post 2020 in accordance with the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities, equity and respective capabilities so as to create a fairer and more equitable and effective arrangement for international cooperation on climate change.主席先生,Mr.President, 埃博拉疫情正在一些非洲国家肆虐,再次敲响了国际卫生安全的警钟。作为非洲患难与共的好兄弟、好伙伴,中国将坚定同非洲人民站在一起,继续给予一切力所能及的支持和帮助。我们也将积极参与国际社会的有关援助行动。中国呼吁世界卫生组织、联合国等国际机构同各国密切配合,提出加强国际卫生安全的新倡议,并向发展中国家特别是非洲国家提供更多帮助。
The Ebola epidemic, which is raging in some African countries, has once again sounded the alarm bell for global health security.As a good brother and good partner of Africa sharing weal and woe with it, China will continue to stand firmly with the African people, and support and assist them to the best of its ability.We will also take an active part in the relevant international assistance efforts.China calls on the World Health Organization, the United Nations and other international agencies to work closely with the international community, put forward new initiatives to strengthen global health security and provide more assistance to developing countries, particularly African countries.主席先生,Mr.President, 明年是世界反法西斯战争胜利和联合国成立70周年,也是中国人民抗日战争胜利70周年。这是一个具有特殊历史意义的年份。缅怀过去,是为了珍视今天的和平。铭记历史,才能开辟美好的未来。中国欢迎将―纪念二战胜利70周年‖列入本届联大议程。这为我们提供了重要契机。
Next year will be a year of special historic significance as it marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-Fascist war, the founding of the United Nations, and the victory of the Chinese People's War Against Japanese Aggression.Remembering the past makes people cherish peace, and recalling history will guide us in embracing the future.China welcomes the inclusion of “the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War” on the agenda of the current session of the UN General Assembly.This presents an important opportunity for us.70年过去了。回首当年,历史事实一清二楚,功过是非业已定论。历史无法篡改,是非不容歪曲。70年后的今天,让我们携手捍卫人类正义与良知,让任何企图否认侵略、歪曲历史的言行在阳光下无处藏身;让我们共同维护联合国宪章和二战成果,让永不再战、持久和平的信念深入人心,代代相传。
Looking back on what happened 70 years ago, the historical facts are perfectly clear, and a final verdict has already been pronounced on what was right and what was wrong.History is not to be falsified, and truth is not to be distorted.Today, 70 years later, let us jointly uphold human justice and conscience so that those who attempt to deny aggression and distort history will have nowhere to hide.Let us jointly defend the UN Charter and the outcomes of the Second World War so that the vision for a world free of war and with lasting peace will strike deep roots in our hearts and pass from one generation to another.谢谢!Thank you!
Distinguished Guests,Friends, The past 70 years has seen a much changed world and rapidly shifting international landscape and balance of power.No doubt, a fast-growing China committed to socialism with Chinese characteristics is becoming an important factor for world development.Not surprisingly, China's foreign policy has attracted much international attention, and has given rise to various interpretation, speculation, and sometimes even misunderstanding.Here I wish to say to you on record that China will always be a participant in the international order, not challenger;a facilitator, not trouble-maker;and a contributor, not a “free-rider”.This was, is and will be the case in the future.We will continue to safeguard contemporary international order and system.Seventy years ago, China was directly involved in designing and building the international order and system with the United Nations as the centerpiece.Naturally we wouldn't overturn what we had helped to build, nor would we want to start everything anew.We will join other countries in safeguarding and further developing the existing order and system.In fact, it is the failure to effectively honor the purposes and principles of the UN Charter that is very much behind the confrontation and injustice we see in our world today.Meanwhile, the trend of multi-polarization and globalization means that we need to work together for the reform and improvement of the international order and system to make it more fair and equitable, and better serve the aspirations of the international community, especially the large group of developing countries which have grown stronger since the second World War.We should embrace three basic principles in the evolution of international relations, namely, more multilateralism and less unilateralism;stronger rule of law, not the law of the jungle;and greater democracy, not power politics.We will continue to promote peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific.China is committed to the path of peaceful development, a commitment that is of immediate relevance for the Asia-Pacific.We do not seek dominance or sphere of influence in the region, nor do we intend to form military alliances or drive any country out of the Asia-Pacific.Instead, we are committed to solidarity and cooperation with other countries in pursuit of a new path of security for the region, which is built by all, shared by all, win-win for all and safeguarded by all.China will seek to resolve disputes with its neighbors over territory and maritime rights and interests peacefully through dialogue and negotiation and on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law.Disputes that cannot be solved for now are to be managed properly.We will work with the international community to uphold freedom of navigation and commerce that countries enjoy at sea, including the South China Sea, based on international law, and fulfill all international responsibilities and obligations as a main littoral state.We will continue to expand the good momentum of economic development in the Asia-Pacific.Most of us in this region are developing countries.We all need development.We cannot allow disruption of our hard-won development opportunities.Nor can we allow exaggerated or even fabricated tensions to disturb our development.The implementation of the land and maritime Silk Road initiatives have provided fresh opportunity for comprehensively deepening mutually beneficial cooperation among Asia-Pacific countries in business, investment, industrial, infrastructure and other fields.Strengthening international cooperation in production capacity and making good use of financial institutions like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB)and the Silk Road Fund will be a big part of this process.Let me say a few more words about the Silk Road initiatives.The aim of these initiatives is to promote common development and shared prosperity along the routes, with a view to building a community of common destiny.And their implementation will follow a win-win approach featuring wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits.Countries in the Asia-Pacific are both natural partners in these initiatives and their direct beneficiaries.The Eurasian landmass we are living in bears witness to much bloodshed in history.Today, we should work together to make the renewal of the ancient Silk Roads a pathway towards lasting peace and cooperation that had eluded our forefathers.We will continue to advance regional cooperation and integration in the Asia-Pacific.Regional cooperation is a trend of the times.And our aim should be to achieve trade and investment liberalization on a global scale.We will promote coordinated progress in cooperation mechanisms, such as the APEC, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, ASEAN Plus One, ASEAN Plus Three, China-Japan-ROK Cooperation and East Asia Summit, in an effort to build an architecture of Asia-Pacific cooperation that is more open, inclusive, mutually beneficial and complementary.In East Asia, which is China's immediate neighborhood, we will continue to support ASEAN centrality in regional cooperation, work actively with ASEAN to push forward the negotiations for an upgraded China-ASEAN FTA and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP), and endeavor to fulfill the vision for an East Asia economic community by 2020.Before I conclude, let me say one more thing.As China continues to contribute to world peace and development, we hope the international community will also make the effort to learn more about China, and understand and support my country.China's peaceful development is a process of and modernization among 1.3 billion people.Seldom can we see such an inspiring and splendid endeavor in the history of human progress.The growth of China has been accompanied by the extension of its national interests beyond its neighborhood.This is a trend of history that is both natural and unstoppable.This process brings to the region and the world, first and foremost, opportunities for cooperation and dividends of development.Even so, due to conventional thinking, some friends tend to worry that China might repeat the path of previous major powers and put the development space of others under constraint.Let me reaffirm here that as a participant of and contributor to the global and regional order, a growing China would only mean greater strength for peace and more positive energy in the world.We are determined to break the so-called law of history that draws a simplistic equation between power and attempts to seek hegemony.We will unswervingly go down a new path of sharing peace and development with all other countries.As President Xi Jinping has emphasized, China is committed to working with all countries to foster a new type ofinternational relations featuring win-win cooperation.This is an objective and vision we are dedicated to achieve.President Xi's important proposition builds on the purposes of the UN Charter and is fully consistent with the trend of progress of human society.We look forward to joining hands with all countries to embark on a new journey that will lead us to the successful attainment of this vision.Thank you all.
第五篇:王毅外长在联合国可持续发展高级别政治论坛上的发言 中英对照
Sustainable Development—The Road to AchieveChinese Dream and Human Progress
Remarks at the Leaders Dialogue of the UnitedNations High-level Political Forum onSustainable Development 中华人民共和国外交部长 王毅
H.E.Wang Yi, Foreign Minister of the People’sRepublic of China 2013年9月24日下午,美国纽约 New York, 24 September 2013 主席女士,各位同事,女士们,先生们,Ms.Chair, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, 首先,我代表中国政府,对可持续发展高级别政治论坛正式启动表示祝贺。论坛是联合国可持续发展领域工作的核心机制,我们相信并期待着论坛发挥积极作用。
Let me begin by extending congratulations, on behalf of the Chinese government, on the officialinauguration of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.This forum is thecore mechanism in the UN endeavor to promote sustainable development.We are confident thatit will play a positive role.主席女士,Ms.Chair, 可持续发展的概念由1992年联合国环境和发展大会正式提出,但对中国人来讲并不陌生。天人合一,不能涸泽而渔等理念,是中国优秀传统文化的一部分,并传承至今。
The concept of sustainable development was formally introduced at the UN Conference onEnvironment and Development in 1992.Yet the idea had never been new to the Chinese people.Concepts of harmony between man and nature and not to drain the pond to catch the fish havealways been part of the fine traditional Chinese culture and today they are as appealing as ever.中国政府将可持续发展作为基本国策,强调不能再走先污染、后治理的老路,为子孙后代负责,为国际社会负责。我们正积极落实以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观,既发展经济,也保护好环境,维护人民的根本和长远利益。
Sustainable development is a basic state policy of China.The Chinese government makes it clear that we cannot repeat the old way of “pollution first, treatment afterwards” and that we must be responsible for our future generations and the international community.We are now actively implementing a scientific outlook on development that puts people first and promotes comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development.We will grow the economy and, at the same time, protect the environment to safeguard the fundamental and long-term interests of the people.当前中国的新能源和可再生能源投资已经位居全球第一,森林覆盖率在新世纪的头十年内提高了3.8%,森林面积增加了36.51万平方公里。
China is now the world’s largest investor in new and renewable energies.In the first decade of the new century, we increased forest coverage in China by 3.8% or 365,100 square kilometers.将节能减排作为经济结构调整的切入点,列入官员考绩的重要项目。颁布《可再生能源法》、《节约能源法》等法律法规,环保法规体系初具规模。We have identified energy-saving and emission-reduction as a focal point in adjusting our economic structure and an important yardstick in evaluating the performance of our government officials.With the promulgation of laws and regulations such as the Law on Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Law, China now has a fairly well-established legal framework for environmental protection.2006至2010年期间,通过节能和提高能效累计节约6.3亿吨标准煤,相当于减少排放二氧化碳14.6亿吨。2011至2015年期间,力争将单位GDP能耗降低16%、单位GDP二氧化碳排放降低17%。
From 2006 to 2010, we cut energy consumption by 630 million tons of standard coal equivalent through energy saving and energy efficiency improvement, which equals 1.46 billion tons less ofCO2 emission.Now we are fighting for the goal of reducing energy consumption and CO2emission per unit of GDP by 16% and 17% respectively between 2011 and 2015.本月公布的《大气污染防治行动计划》,要求到2017年非化石能源消费比重提高到13%,煤炭占能源消费总量的比重降到65%以下。
This month, we have just unveiled an action plan on air pollution prevention and control, which requires us to raise the share of non-fossil fuel consumption to 13% of the total energy consumption, and decrease that of coal to less than 65% by 2017.以中国国情和发展状况,走可持续发展之路面临诸多困难和阵痛,但我们迎难而进,将之作为实现中国梦的必由之路,取得阶段性成果。
Given China’s national conditions and development level, we will face many difficulties and pains on the way to sustainable development.But we are determined to fight this uphill battle and stick to this path as it is the only road to realize the Chinese dream.Our efforts will pay off as we move forward.举一个例子。库布其沙漠是中国第七大沙漠,以前是沙进人退,当地居民日夜与风沙相伴。后来,他们转变思路,变沙为宝,用柳条绿化荒地,用沙粒制造建材,治沙与发展齐头并进。目前当地直接绿化面积已达5000多平方公里,年降雨量由过去的70毫米增加到300多毫米,野生动物也在沙漠中重新出现。这正是环境和发展的双赢。
Let me give you an example.In Kubuqi, the seventh largest desert in China, sand used to encroach on human habitat and local people were threatened by wind and sand day and night.Then, they changed their line of thinking and decided to make something out of the sand.They began to plant a special kind of willow on the barren land and make construction materials from sand, thus tackling the sand problem and growing the economy at the same time.Now more than 5,000 square kilometers of their land have turned green, annual precipitation has increased from 70 mm to over 300 mm and wildlife have returned.This is a win-win scenario between the environment and economic development.