China is Australia’s Land of Opportunity
On January 31, 2014, the Chinese ambassador to Australia MA Zhaoxu published in The Australian Financial Review a signed article with the title of ―China is Australia‘s land of opportunity‖.The full text is as follows:
Last week China released economic data for 2013, which shows GDP grew by 7.7 per cent, a mid-to-high growth rate in global terms.More than 13 million new urban jobs were created, more than in any previous year.Total imports approached $US2 trillion.Overseas direct investment by Chinese enterprises exceeded $US90 billion.Given the lingering international financial crisis, the unrecovered world economy and China‘s effort of economic restructuring, such a ―score report‖ is a hard-won achievement.Moreover, with uncertainties in the global economy and unusual sensitivities of the international market to macro-policy developments in major economies, China‘s stable fiscal and monetary policies as well as reasonable liquidity have sent a clear signal of stability to international market expectations.This is an act of responsibility by China in the interest of the world economy.The figures also mean an upgrading of China‘s economic growth and show that huge opportunities may arise for the global and the Australian economy.China‘s service sector accounted for 46.1 per cent of the country‘s GDP in 2013, up from 44.6 per cent in 2012, outperforming the industrial sector for the first time.The service sector has become a new growth engine, setting economic growth on a healthier, long-term trajectory.China-Australia co-operation in the service sector is moving forward fast.China has been Australia‘s largest export market for service products for three years in a row.Our two-way trade in services reached $8.5 billion and Australia exported $6.7 billion worth of service products to China in 2012-2013.China is Australia‘s largest source of international students, second-largest source of inbound tourists as well as the fastest-growing inbound tourism market.Far-sighted Australian enterprises have been capitalising on opportunities provided by the new momentum.ANZ won approval for a sub-branch in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone last November.Andrew Whitford, Westpac‘s head of Greater China, said Australian companies should establish themselves in the new zone as there are ―enormous opportunities‖.In 2013, the GDP of central and western parts of China was 44 per cent of China‘s total, up by 0.2 per cent on the previous year.The per capita net income of rural residents grew by 9.3 per cent in real terms, 2.3 per cent higher than that of urban residents.The income gap between urban and rural residents shrank from 3.10 in 2012 to 3.03.This trend for four consecutive years is a sign that regional development disparity has been easing, unleashing huge market potential for the vast hinterland areas.Australian enterprises have been increasingly active in the development of central and western China, which will help Australia gain a head start in China‘s economic restructuring.Despite a softening of its economy, with 2013 growth the same as 2012, China still has robust demand for Australian energy and resources.China‘s economic aggregate is now on a much larger base than before, with a GDP of US$9.18 trillion, the second largest economy for four years running.A larger, better-quality and more stable Chinese economy will bring even more opportunities to the world.The urbanisation rate rose by 1.16 per cent to 53.73 per cent in 2013 which shows China still has a large demand for infrastructure building.China‘s outbound trade and investment will continue to expand with outbound investment expected to reach $US500 billion over five years.This is good news to Australian businesses in energy, resources and agriculture.This year is going to be vital to world economic recovery.It will also be an important year for upgrading China-Australia economic ties.Both nations should work together to seize new opportunities and fully tap co-operation potential.澳大利亚经济的新机遇
新公布的数据也释放出中国经济增长结构优化,以及这种转变对世界和澳大利亚经济带来巨大机遇的积极信息。根据中国国家统计局的数据,第三产业占中国GDP比重从2012年的44.6%上升为2013年46.1%,首次超过以工业、采矿业、建筑业为代表的第二产业。中国的经济已由过去依靠制造业的“单轮驱动”发展到如今制造业、服务业双增长的“双轮驱动”,服务业正成为中国经济长期持续健康发展与优化升级的新引擎和新动力。中澳服务业合作正处于快速发展时期。中国已连续3年成为澳最大的服务产品出口市场。2012-2013财年双边服务贸易近85.3亿澳元,其中,澳对华出口66.6亿澳元。中国已成为澳大利亚最大的留学生来源国、第二大海外游客来源国,也是增长最快的旅客市场。一些有战略眼光的澳大利亚企业已经敏锐捕捉到了商机。澳新银行在去年11月正式登陆上海自贸区。西太银行(Westpac)大中华区总裁魏安德(Andrew Whitford)认为,澳洲企业应当考虑将进驻上海新自贸区作为与中国投资者产生联系的一种方式。
Secretary-General’s Message Calling for the Observance of the Olympic Truce for the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, Russian Federation, 7-23 February & 7-16
March 2014
New York, 31 January 2014
On the eve of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, I join the International Olympic Committee in calling on all those engaged in armed hostilities around the world to lay down their weapons and observe the Olympic Truce.The participants in the Sochi Games may carry the flags of many nations, but they come together under the shared banner of equality, fair play, mutual respect and non-discrimination.I encourage all those involved in the games—Governments, groups, organizations and individuals—to uphold and defend these core Olympic ideals.In calling for this year‘s Truce, my thoughts are with the people of Syria, the Central African Republic, South Sudan and all others suffering from senseless violence, including the families who lost loved ones in the recent bombings that took place in Volgograd, not far from Sochi.I call on all combatants everywhere to respect the Olympic Truce, which has been adopted by all 193 United Nations Member States.Overcoming conflict is a constant struggle—but we must persist in doing our utmost to win adherence to it.The Olympic Truce is rooted in the hope that if people and nations can put aside their differences for one day, they can build on that to establish more lasting cease-fires and find paths towards durable peace, prosperity and human rights.For these next few weeks, may the torch of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi remind us what is possible when nations unite.呼吁在冬季奥运会和残奥会期间遵守奥林匹克休战致辞
Statement by Secretary Kerry on 2014 Lunar New Year
January 31, 2014
On behalf of President Obama and the American people, I am delighted to extend best wishes to the many people around the world who celebrate the arrival of the Lunar New Year on January 31.In this festive time, we should all take a moment to pause and reflect on the shared humanity that ties us together – not just here in America, but around the world.As a Pacific nation, the United States is deeply committed to strengthening our partnerships throughout the Asia-Pacific.That‘s why President Obama recently announced the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative.That‘s why we‘re investing in the Fulbright Program.And that‘s why we‘re deepening our economic cooperation, improving regional security, and advancing mutual understanding across cultures, faiths, and nations.As millions around the world welcome the Year of the Horse, the United States sends heartfelt wishes for good health and prosperity.May the New Year bring ever greater cooperation in pursuit of our common goals.国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)2014阴历新年声明
作为一个太平洋国家,美国高度承诺加强我们在整个亚太地区的伙伴关系。正是因为如此,欧巴马总统不久前宣布了“东南亚青年领袖行动计划”(Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative)。正是因为如此,我们正为富布赖特项目(Fulbright Program)投入资源。正是因为如此,我们正在深化我们的经济合作,加强地区安全,促进与各种文化、信仰和国家的相互理解。
值此全世界各地千百万人迎来马年(Year of the Horse)之际,美国衷心祝愿诸位身体健康,兴旺发达。愿新的一年为我们实现共同目标促成更大程度的合作。
Secretary-General’s Message on International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital
Mutilation February 2014
As Secretary-General of the United Nations, I hold high the banner of empowering women and girls, promoting their health and defending their rights.The International Day of Zero-Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation is an opportunity to confront this persistent problem – and to find hope in initiatives proving that it can end.We should strive to preserve the best in any culture, and leave harm behind.There is no developmental, religious or health reason to cut or mutilate any girl or woman.Although some would argue that this is a ‗tradition,‘ we must recall that slavery, socalled honour killings and other inhumane practices have been defended with the same weak argument.Just because a harmful practice has long existed does not justify its continuation.All ‗traditions‘ that demean, dehumanize and injure are human rights violations that must be actively opposed until they are ended.FGM causes grave harm to individuals.The immediate and long-term health consequences include constant pain, infections, incontinence and sometimes deadly complications in pregnancy and childbirth.The practice is declining in almost all countries but it is still frighteningly widespread.Although firm statistics are difficult to obtain, it is estimated that more than 125 million girls and women alive today have been cut in 29 countries in Africa and the Middle East, where FGM is most prevalent and data exist.If current trends continue, some 86 million young girls worldwide are likely to experience some form of the practice by 2030.Asia, Europe, North America and other regions are not spared and must be equally vigilant in addressing the problem.Fortunately there are positive signs of progress in our global push to end this harmful practice.Girls themselves instinctively understand the dangers of being cut, and many mothers who have seen or experienced the trauma want to shield their daughters from suffering.It is encouraging that an increasing number of communities are coming together and agreeing publically to end FGM and ensure a better life for their girls.Recently, Uganda, Kenya and Guinea-Bissau adopted laws to end FGM.In Ethiopia, those responsible have been arrested, tried and penalized, with full media coverage further raising public awareness.The United Nations and our partners are engaged in valuable, culturally sensitive activities that aim to stop FGM without scolding or shame.In Sudan, we are seeing social change from a campaign called ―Saleema,‖ the Arabic word that implies complete, intact, whole and untouched.One father moved by the effort who decided to leave his daughters uncut explained simply, ―A girl is born Saleema, so leave her Saleema.‖ Hundreds of communities have embraced this initiative, expressing their support through songs, poetry and clothes in the campaign‘s trademark bright colours.Other countries are emulating Saleema or coming up with solutions tailored to their local needs, such as Kenya, where Meru community elders have prohibited FGM and vow to impose a fine on anyone who conducts or abets the practice
In addition to prevention, the United Nations is working with partners to help those who have been affected by FGM.Pioneering medical advances now allow doctors to repair women‘s bodies and restore their health.I recall the words of one physician working in Burkina Faso who described ―the relief that overwhelms women‖ following the surgery, which she said is 100 per cent effective.The many women who lack the resources needed to travel to the right facilities and the programmes that offer proper treatment deserve generous support.The General Assembly‘s landmark resolution proclaiming this commemorative Day was sponsored by every country in Africa and embraced by the entire membership of the United Nations.This breakthrough shows the great value of the United Nations in rising as one to defend universal human rights.Now our challenge is to give real meaning to this Day by using it to generate public support, trigger legal and practical advances, and help girls and women at risk of or affected by FGM.The effect on individuals will be profound, sparing them pain and spurring their success.The benefits will reverberate across society as these girls and women thrive and contribute to a better future for all.残割女性生殖器零容忍国际日致辞
这个做法正在几乎所有国家逐渐减少,但仍令人非常不安地普遍存在。虽然难以获得确凿的统计数字,但据估计,在盛行残割女性生殖器而且可以得到数据的29个非洲和中东国家,当今生活着1.25亿以上受过残割的女童和妇女。如果当前的趋势继续下去,到2030年,世界各地很可能又有大约8 600万年幼的女童遭受某种形式的残割。亚洲、欧洲、北美和其他地区也未幸免,必须同样保持警惕,解决这个问题。
China is Australia’s Land of Opportunity On January 31, 2014, the Chinese ambassador to Australia MA Zhaoxu published in The Australian Financial Review a signed article with the title of ―China is Australia‘s land of opportunity‖.The full text is as follows:
Last week China released economic data for 2013, which shows GDP grew by 7.7 per cent, a mid-to-high growth rate in global terms.More than 13 million new urban jobs were created, more than in any previous year.Total imports approached $US2 trillion.Overseas direct investment by Chinese enterprises exceeded $US90 billion.Given the lingering international financial crisis, the unrecovered world economy and China‘s effort of economic restructuring, such a ―score report‖ is a hard-won achievement.Moreover, with uncertainties in the global economy and unusual sensitivities of the international market to macro-policy developments in major economies, China‘s stable fiscal and monetary policies as well as reasonable liquidity have sent a clear signal of stability to international market expectations.This is an act of responsibility by China in the interest of the world economy.The figures also mean an upgrading of China‘s economic growth and show that huge opportunities may arise for the global and the Australian economy.China‘s service sector accounted for 46.1 per cent of the country‘s GDP in 2013, up from 44.6 per cent in 2012, outperforming the industrial sector for the first time.The service sector has become a new growth engine, setting economic growth on a healthier, long-term trajectory.China-Australia co-operation in the service sector is moving forward fast.China has been Australia‘s largest export market for service products for three years in a row.Our two-way trade in services reached $8.5 billion and Australia exported $6.7 billion worth of service products to China in 2012-2013.China is Australia‘s largest source of international students, second-largest source of inbound tourists as well as the fastest-growing inbound tourism market.Far-sighted Australian enterprises have been capitalising on opportunities provided by the new momentum.ANZ won approval for a sub-branch in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone last November.Andrew Whitford, Westpac‘s head of Greater China, said Australian companies should establish themselves in the new zone as there are ―enormous opportunities‖.In 2013, the GDP of central and western parts of China was 44 per cent of China‘s total, up by 0.2 per cent on the previous year.The per capita net income of rural residents grew by 9.3 per cent in real terms, 2.3 per cent higher than that of urban residents.The income gap between urban and rural residents shrank from 3.10 in 2012 to 3.03.This trend for four consecutive years is a sign that regional development disparity has been easing, unleashing huge market potential for the vast hinterland areas.Australian enterprises have been increasingly active in the development of central and western China, which will help Australia gain a head start in China‘s economic restructuring.Despite a softening of its economy, with 2013 growth the same as 2012, China still has robust demand for Australian energy and resources.China‘s economic aggregate is now on a much larger base than before, with a GDP of US$9.18 trillion, the second largest economy for four years running.A larger, better-quality and more stable Chinese economy will bring even more opportunities to the world.The urbanisation rate rose by 1.16 per cent to 53.73 per cent in 2013 which shows China still has a large demand for infrastructure building.China‘s outbound trade and investment will continue to expand with outbound investment expected to reach $US500 billion over five years.This is good news to Australian businesses in energy, resources and agriculture.This year is going to be vital to world economic recovery.It will also be an important year for upgrading China-Australia economic ties.Both nations should work together to seize new opportunities and fully tap co-operation potential.澳大利亚经济的新机遇
新公布的数据也释放出中国经济增长结构优化,以及这种转变对世界和澳大利亚经济带来巨大机遇的积极信息。根据中国国家统计局的数据,第三产业占中国GDP比重从2012年的44.6%上升为2013年46.1%,首次超过以工业、采矿业、建筑业为代表的第二产业。中国的经济已由过去依靠制造业的“单轮驱动”发展到如今制造业、服务业双增长的“双轮驱动”,服务业正成为中国经济长期持续健康发展与优化升级的新引擎和新动力。中澳服务业合作正处于快速发展时期。中国已连续3年成为澳最大的服务产品出口市场。2012-2013财年双边服务贸易近85.3亿澳元,其中,澳对华出口66.6亿澳元。中国已成为澳大利亚最大的留学生来源国、第二大海外游客来源国,也是增长最快的旅客市场。一些有战略眼光的澳大利亚企业已经敏锐捕捉到了商机。澳新银行在去年11月正式登陆上海自贸区。西太银行(Westpac)大中华区总裁魏安德(Andrew Whitford)认为,澳洲企业应当考虑将进驻上海新自贸区作为与中国投资者产生联系的一种方式。
Remembering the Past, Safeguarding the Future
By John Kerry
―It was so terrible.It was hard for the mind to absorb it.‖ Those were the words of U.S.Master Sergeant Marvin Josephs as he entered Buchenwald on April 12, 1945, along with military chaplain Rabbi Herschel Schachter.Decades later, Josephs still remembered vividly the words ―You‘re free‖ reverberating from Rabbi Schachter‘s bullhorn.He remembered seeing the crematoria and the house of the commandant and his notorious wife, Ilse Koch, the ―Beast of Buchenwald.‖ Above all, he remembered the survivors—emaciated and tortured—coming forward at the sound of the rabbi‘s bullhorn.The scenes of liberated prisoners were so overwhelming that Gen.Dwight D.Eisenhower ordered every man in the U.S.4th Armored Division to walk the grounds of Buchenwald.Josephs immediately understood why: ―He didn‘t want people to ever deny what happened.‖
Nearly 70 years after World War Two ended, 70 years after the world‘s collective horror at the Holocaust, anti-Semitism remains a global menace.It is not enough to remember the millions of innocent lives lost in one of the darkest chapters in all of world history.We must reaffirm our vow never to forget the evil that comes from bigotry and intolerance and turn that commitment into action.Many of us in the United States have personal and family connections to this difficult history —and to the cause of action now.My brother‘s interest in our family‘s genealogy took him back to the Czech Republic just months ago to learn more about the history of ancestors we had never even heard about until the last decade, stories of a great uncle Otto and his sister Jenni who perished in the Holocaust.I‘ll never forget, on my first trip to Berlin as Secretary of State, meeting with a group of young Germans.They told me something I never knew about the city where I‘d spent time growing up in the aftermath of World War Two.Throughout the city, they‘ve placed ―stumbling stones‖ to mark where Jews were murdered in the streets and other victims of the Holocaust.Every day, passers-by remember what happened—and equally important—they never forget or deny it.Holocaust Remembrance Day calls us to condemn anti-Semitism in every form—whether it‘s the disturbing rise of xenophobic and anti-Semitic parties in Europe or the uptick of violence against Jewish people anywhere in the world.The EU‘s Agency for Fundamental Rights 2013 Report on Anti-Semitism underscores the stakes.One third of those surveyed experienced some form of anti-Semitic harassment over the past five years, with 26 percent enduring verbal assault or harassment over the past year alone— just because they were Jewish.What‘s more, 4 percent reported physical violence and 23 percent said they avoid Jewish events or sites because they don‘t feel safe.Of course, the numbers don‘t tell the full story.In Italy, police are tracking down the culprit who sent pig heads last week to Rome‘s Grand Synagogue, the Israeli Embassy, and a museum sponsoring a Holocaust exhibit.In Romania, a government-owned television channel aired a profoundly anti-Semitic Christmas song, which claimed that Jews are only good ―in the chimney as smoke.‖
If these acts of hate don‘t hit you in the gut, I don‘t know what will.If this isn‘t a call to action, I don‘t know what is.We need to be forceful about what is right and what is wrong.But we also need to work to recognize our common humanity in others, and to start the conversations that will help others recognize ours.That‘s why the Obama Administration has launched the Atrocities Prevention Board.That‘s why we‘re working hand in glove with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum‘s Center for the Prevention of Genocide so that we can detect and highlight this global scourge.And that‘s why, last year, Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Ira Forman and President Obama‘s Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Rashad Hussain joined an historic interfaith visit to the concentration camps at Dachau and Auschwitz-Birkenau.The United States is committed to having the difficult conversations across cultures and religions that can actually change people‘s opinions.Pope Francis calls it ―the dialogue of life,‖ and we reaffirm today that there are indeed millions of lives that depend on it.We—each of us—have a responsibility to stand up and affirm human dignity.In an interconnected world, anti-Semitism that goes unanswered anywhere is a threat to people everywhere.That is a collective challenge we all face in the 21st century.记住历史,保卫未来
1945年4月12日,美军军士长(Master Sergeant)马文·约瑟夫斯(Marvin Josephs)与随军牧师赫歇尔·沙克特(Herschel Schachter)拉比走进布痕瓦尔德(Buchenwald)时说:“太可怕了。令人难以置信。”
历经数十载后,约瑟夫斯依然清楚地记得从沙克特拉比的扩音器中传出的“你们自由了”这句余音不绝的话语。他记得当时看到的焚尸房以及那里的指挥官和他外号“布痕瓦尔德的野兽”(Beast of Buchenwald)的臭名昭著的妻子伊尔斯·科赫(Ilse Koch)的住房。他记得最清楚的则是那些幸存者——瘦骨嶙峋、备受折磨——听到拉比的喊话后走上前来。
解放囚犯的场面极如此震撼人心,使得德怀特·艾森豪威尔(Dwight D.Eisenhower)将军命令美军第4装甲师(4th Armored Division)的每一个人在布痕瓦尔德集中营里走一遭。约瑟夫斯立刻领会了他的用意:“他不想让人们有朝一日否认所发生的一切。”
第二次世界大战(World War Two)结束近70年后,在全世界一同经历了大屠杀的恐怖的70年之后,反犹太主义(anti-Semitism)依然是一项全球性威胁。仅仅缅怀在整个世界历史上最黑暗的一个时期中丧生的数百万无辜生命是不够的。我们必须重申我们的誓言——永远不忘偏执和不宽容所造成的邪恶,并将这个承诺化为行动。
国际大屠杀纪念日(International Holocaust Remembrance Day)敦促我们谴责各种形式的反犹太主义——不论是欧洲的仇外和反犹太党派令人不安的抬头,还是世界任何地方针对犹太人的暴力的升级。
欧盟(EU)基本权利局(Agency for Fundamental Rights)发布的《2013年反犹太主义报告》(2013 Report on Anti-Semitism)突显了种种风险。接受调查的人中有三分之一在过去五年中经历过某种形式的反犹太人的骚扰,单在过去一年里就有26%的人遭受过言语攻击或骚扰——仅仅因为他们是犹太人。
在意大利,警方正在追查上周把猪头送至位于罗马的犹太会堂(Grand Synagogue)、以色列大使馆(Israeli Embassy)以及举办大屠杀展览的一家博物馆的罪犯。
正因为如此,欧巴马政府(Obama Administration)发起了防止暴行委员会(Atrocities Prevention Board)。正因为如此,我们正在与美国大屠杀遇难者纪念馆(United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)防止种族灭绝中心(Center for the Prevention of Genocide)密切合作,以便能够发现并曝光这一全球性祸患。
也正因为如此,去年,监控及打击反犹太主义活动特使(Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism)艾拉·福曼(Ira Forman)与欧巴马总统派驻伊斯兰合作组织的特使(Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation)拉沙德·侯赛因(Rashad Hussain)参加了不同宗教团体一同对达豪(Dachau)和奥斯威辛-比克瑙(Auschwitz-Birkenau)集中营进行的具有历史意义的跨宗教访问。
美国致力于进行能真正改变人们观念的跨文化和跨宗教的艰难对话。教皇弗朗西斯(Pope Francis)将其称为“生命对话”(dialogue of life)。我们今天重申,确实有数百万的生命有赖于此。
Secretary-General’s Message on International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the
Victims of the Holocaust January 2013
Every year on the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, we commemorate the victims of the Holocaust.We recall the suffering of millions of innocent people, and highlight the perils of anti-Semitism and hatred of any kind.This year we focus on journeys through the Holocaust – and I recall a recent journey of my own.Last November, I walked through the infamous ―arbeit macht frei‖ gate at Auschwitz-Birkenau.I will never forget my visit.I saw the horrific remnants of the machinery of genocide, as well as moving images of European Jewish life in the 1930s--weddings, family meals, rituals, other scenes of simple daily life--all extinguished through systematic murder unique in human history.I saw the barracks where Jews, Roma, Sinti, homosexuals, dissidents, prisoners of war and persons with disabilities spent their final days in the most brutal conditions.The United Nations was founded to prevent any such horror from happening again.Yet tragedies from Cambodia to Rwanda to Srebrenica show that the poison of genocide still flows.We must be ever vigilant against bigotry, extremist ideologies, communal tensions and discrimination against minorities.And we must teach our children well.The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme has developed effective educational materials and strong partnerships that help convey these lessons to students around the world.Standing near the crematorium at Auschwitz, I felt deeply saddened by all that had happened within.But I was also inspired by all those who liberated the death camps for all humanity.Let us join forces today on a shared journey to a world of equality and dignity for all.缅怀大屠杀受难者国际纪念日致辞
Statement to Geneva Conference on Syria
Foreign Secretary William Hague January 2014
Thank you very much Secretary General.We meet today with the urgent task of implementing the Geneva communiqué agreed 18 months ago, as a roadmap to end the conflict in Syria.At that time, 15,000 people had been killed and there were 87,000 registered Syrian refugees in the region.These numbers seemed appallingly high at the time.But the failure to implement the Geneva communiqué has meant that at least 110,000 other innocent people have now died, and 2.3 million more people have had to flee as refugees – including a staggering one million children.These facts should be seared into our consciences.They are a devastating reminder of the human cost of this war, and they give overriding urgency to the task before us.For we can be absolutely certain that if this peace process fails, then thousands more innocent Syrians will pay the price.I urge both Syrian delegations to approach these negotiations in that spirit—recognising that the entire future of Syria is at stake.And the Syrian government bears a particular responsibility for this crisis and can do the most to end it.I call on them to commit themselves to the aim of a mutually agreed settlement;and to stop actions on the ground which undermine the negotiations.At a time of relentless attacks on their homes and their families, the National Coalition have agreed to participate in this Conference, which was not an easy decision for President al-Jarba and the National Coalition leadership and I commend them for taking this step and for endorsing today the Geneva Communiqué as their basis of our work.They have our full support in doing that.And we should be absolutely clear that the Syrian conflict did not begin with terrorism.This began with ordinary people calling for greater political and economic freedom, who were met with brute force and oppression rather than the offer of peaceful change.And there must be accountability for the appalling crimes committed in this conflict, including those reported by distinguished jurists this week.And it was because of that repression that those protests escalated into a mass uprising and civil war, and it is this instability that has created a foothold for extremists.But they are in a tiny minority compared to the millions of Syrians who have taken no part in this conflict and who want and deserve lives of dignity, and safety, and freedom.The only way to end the bloodshed and to deal with extremist threats, is to reach an inclusive political settlement that takes into account the needs and aspirations of all Syria‘s communities with a Syrian-led political process, leading to a transition enabling the Syrian people independently and democratically to determine their future.All of us who have endorsed the Geneva Communiqué know what the goal is: a transitional governing body in Syria with full executive powers, formed by mutual consent, which means no one included without the agreement of the others, including a President who has destroyed his own legitimacy.And we know what the steps are that are needed to reach that goal, including a firm timetable for a Syria-led transition for a future for Syria that is genuinely democratic and pluralistic;and ceasefire agreements enabling immediate and full humanitarian access.We have provided £500 million pounds in aid as the United Kingdom and pledged £100m more but aid must be able to reach the people who need it most.The deliberate obstruction of humanitarian aid is utterly unacceptable and a flagrant disregard of the UN Security Council presidential statement of last October.The UN estimates that 2.5 million people inside Syria are currently receiving no or extremely limited assistance, including 250,000 people trapped in besieged or hard-to-access areas.Urgent efforts are required to improvement this situation.The transition in Syria should also include full participation for women, as set out in the Geneva communiqué.As the United Kingdom we would have liked to see a formal role for Syrian women‘s groups and civil society at this meeting.But I welcome the Secretary General‘s and Mr Brahimi‘s strong support for the inclusion of women in both delegations.There can be no lasting settlement in Syria that does not involve Syria‘s women at every stage of the process and as the UK we will work to achieve their full participation in this process.These talks are only the start of a process, so will require commitment and courage, but I urge both sides to remain at the negotiating table.And to them I say, this is your opportunity to put an end to the devastation of your country.Now is the time to choose to save a generation of Syrian children from violence and trauma;to end the sieges being laid to ancient towns and cities;to begin to repair the rich fabric of Syrian society;and to spare millions of refugees the prospect of years of exile, homelessness and deprivation.We have no illusions about how difficult and challenging this process is likely to be but we should all do everything possible to help the people of Syria achieve peace.在日内瓦会议上就叙利亚问题的讲话
New Development in China, New Opportunities for the World
--Speech by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2014 January 2014, Davos, Switzerland
Dr.Joseph Nye, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,Good afternoon.It gives me great pleasure to discuss with you what China‘s development means to the world.China has always been the focus of attention at the World Economic Forum(WEF), and more so this year with China unveiling a new round of comprehensive reform 35 years after the launch of its reform program.This will not only herald a new era for China‘s development but also have extensive and positive impacts on the world.The day before yesterday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang sent a special message to this year‘s WEF annual meeting which you can find on the WEF website.It gives a comprehensive and authoritative explanation of the current state, reform and prospect of the Chinese economy.In his message, Premier Li pointed out that the sustained and sound development of the Chinese economy would offer new opportunities and inject new impetus to development of the world.China‘s new round of reform will take place in political, economic, cultural, social and ecological dimensions.More than 300 major reform measures have been announced, covering over 60 fields under 15 categories.The reform is unprecedented in terms of its scope, depth and difficulty.I guess the questions you want to ask the most are: Will this round of reform be a great success just like the previous one? What will the reform bring to the world?
Here, I want to tell you in clear terms that China has every confidence in the success of its reform.Our confidence comes from the fine tradition of constant self-improvement and the splendid civilization of the Chinese nation over 5,000 years.The Chinese nation has gone through many hardships and sufferings, but it has always emerged stronger.An important reason is that our nation has the fortitude to reform and improve itself.The Chinese people, at all times, have the courage, will and ability to carry out reform.Our confidence comes from the right path China has chosen.In the past 65 years since the founding of the People‘s Republic of China, we have explored tirelessly and eventually found a development path that is suited to China‘s conditions and supported by the entire Chinese nation.It is a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Our practice has proven and will continue to prove that as long as we remain steadfastly committed to this path, China will remain dynamic and acquire the driving force for development.Our confidence comes from the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC).The fact that the CPC is a ruling party with 86 million members represents our unique strength and most important resource.As long as the 86 million party members work in unison, they will generate an unrivalled force of positive energy that will enable us to surmount whatever difficulties and challenges in the reform process.Our confidence comes from the solid foundation China has laid and the rich experience it has gained.Since the start of reform and opening-up, China has progressed from poverty to prosperity.We used to ―cross the river by feeling our way from one stone to another‖.Today, we have the support of a comprehensive system of theories and policies.We know very well where our problems exist, and more importantly, we know how to have them resolved.Our confidence comes from China‘s huge development space and potential.China is a big country with 1.3 billion people and an area of 9.6 million square kilometers.It thus has broad space for development whose great potential is yet to be tapped.At present, the gaps between urban and rural areas and between the central and western and the eastern regions in China remain wide.This is a major challenge China faces, but more importantly, it also spells hope for China‘s future development.As reform deepens in China, waves of enormous demand will be unleashed, propelling China‘s strong momentum of economic growth.Our confidence comes from China‘s win-win strategy of opening-up.The most successful experience of China‘s reform is that it is always carried out in parallel with China‘s opening-up.Through reform, we have increased China‘s openness, which, in turn, has promoted China‘s reform.Our reform will bring more benefits to the world, as China continues to draw impetus to its reform from the world.Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,China, a major country with a population of 1.3 billion, is moving fast toward modernization.This is an extraordinary historic process unfolding before our eyes and the greatest contribution of the Chinese nation to human progress.We are not just responsible for our own country and people, but also ready to honor our due obligations to the world.The new round of reform in China serves both the interests of the Chinese people and the need of countries of the world.We will speed up the shift of the growth model, intensify efforts to upgrade and improve the quality and efficiency of growth, get beyond the ―middle income trap‖ and achieve sustainable development.An increasingly prosperous China that is committed to deepening reform means the following to the world:
--China will provide the world‘s development with more ―Chinese opportunities‖.First, market opportunities.Despite the lack of effective global demand, the potential of the Chinese market is still growing.Last year, the Chinese people bought 21 million cars, more than a quarter of global car sales.China‘s annual imports are approaching US$2 trillion.And China is expected to import over US$10 trillion of goods in the next five years.Second, investment opportunities.Despite financial constraints facing the real economy in the world, Chinese businesses are becoming a major source of international investment and financing.Last year, China‘s non-financial outbound direct investment topped US$90 billion.In its new round of reform, China will encourage businesses and individuals to invest abroad and enter a new stage of overseas investment.Third, growth opportunities.Despite the sluggish world economy, the Chinese economy, with a size of over US$9 trillion, remained one of the fastest-growing economies among the G20 last year with a growth rate of 7.7%.Moreover, the growth was achieved in the course of accelerated structural adjustment and therefore it was growth in real terms.Estimates show that as long as China continues to grow at 7%, it will contribute to the growth of the world economy by one percentage point more each year.This is certainly great news to the world economy, given that the new round of reform will maintain China‘s mid-to-high growth rate for a fairly long time to come.Fourth, cooperation opportunities.Against the backdrop of tortuous global governance reform, the new round of reform in China will serve to safeguard the open world economy and the free trade regime.It will facilitate the healthy development of economic globalization and economic policy coordination among different countries.--China will contribute more of the ―Chinese power‖ to world peace.First, China will remain committed to the path of peaceful development, and will encourage other countries to jointly uphold peaceful development.Peaceful development is the only choice we can make in an era of globalization, and it represents the direction of development and progress of mankind.Second, China will undertake more international obligations.China will seek and uphold justice and equality in international and regional affairs, and play an even more active and productive role in resolving hotspot issues.China will develop itself through upholding world peace and will promote world peace through its own development.Third, China will continue to handle disagreements and differences through equal-footed consultations.Under the prerequisite that the nation's fundamental interests are safeguarded, we are ready to show our utmost sincerity and patience and remain committed to resolving differences through dialogue.Fourth, China will work with other countries to safeguard human conscience and international justice.Past aggressors must never be allowed to reverse the history of aggression;past powers must never be allowed to once again embark on the evil path of expansion;and fascist or militarist ideas must never be allowed to revive, not in whatever form.Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends,Last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping outlined the vision of the Chinese dream, which is to achieve the great renewal of the Chinese nation.The new round of reform launched in China serves just as the right path that will lead us to this goal.The steady process of attaining the Chinese dream will not only benefit China;it will benefit the world at large.As President Xi Jinping pointed out, the Chinese dream of national renewal is about the pursuit of happiness by every Chinese, and it has much in common with the dream of the people in other countries.China is an important member of the international community.While striving to realize its own dream, China will work with other countries in the world and make its due contribution to the development and progress of mankind.Thank you.中国新发展 世界新机遇
Report to the Executive Board at its 134th Session
Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland January 2014
Madam chairperson, distinguished members of the Executive Board, colleagues in the UN system and sister agencies, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,I wish you all a happy and healthy 2014.I will be brief.This session of the Executive Board has 67 items on its agenda, with 17 resolutions.This is by far the highest number of items ever scheduled for a non-budget year.We will all need to use our time with discipline and efficiency.We have a crowded agenda and a crowded room, with a record-breaking number of registered participants.The heavy agenda for this session shows the diversity of your concerns and also some measure of confidence that WHO is the right agency to address those concerns.I interpret the large number of participants as an indication of the high level of interest in global health.Both are good, but outstrip the capacity of the Secretariat to prepare for this session and serve it well.And there are other, more serious problems.A lean, effective, and flexible WHO must be strategic and highly selective in the work it undertakes.I would rather see outstanding performance in a limited number of high-impact areas than a full menu approach that dilutes our energy and resources.This is an easy trap to fall into, and it is dangerous.If this happens, WHO will have a lot to say, but little to show, especially in terms of health outcomes in your countries.Keep in mind: one reason for the success of the Millennium Development Goals was their limited number.Keep in mind: the Twelfth General Programme of Work, which you approved last May, includes just six leadership priorities.Part of the problem stems from the simple fact that the determinants of health have become broader and much more complex in a world where not only countries, but also policy spheres are closely interconnected.We are all aware that some new challenges, especially those driven by the globalization of unhealthy lifestyles, can only be addressed through collaboration with multiple sectors, including some industries.But WHO and its Member States must resist the temptation to cover every issue in the vast domain of public health.Please help us stick to those high-impact areas where we can get and measure results.Doing so becomes all the more important as the international community transitions to the post-2015 era.The demands on WHO and ministries of health will only grow as noncommunicable diseases increase, populations age, cities become more crowded, and the climate changes.Public expectations for health care are rising and costs are soaring.Some new medicines and medical devices are unaffordable, even for the wealthiest countries in the world.Last year‘s G8 summit on dementia, organized by the United Kingdom, made it clear that some major and very costly health problems have virtually no effective interventions for their prevention, early detection, or cure.WHO will need to perform extremely well in order to steer countries through these challenges.Ladies and gentlemen,In recent years, the Health Assembly has approved a number of global strategies and action plans for addressing specific diseases or needs.This is good.All have clearly defined objectives, targets, and indicators, and this helps ensure that countries and their partners align activities in a tightly focused and coordinated way.As we all know, the large number of health initiatives and actors has led to fragmentation, duplication of efforts, high transaction costs, and heavy reporting and monitoring requirements for countries.All of these global strategies and plans set out highly ambitious goals.This is also good, as it helps maintain the momentum for better health.But it has a downside.Like the many partnerships and health initiatives, these strategies and plans impose a heavy burden on health system capacities and carry heavy expectations for monitoring and reporting.Last year, the Regional Committees discussed their capacity to implement the recently approved Global monitoring framework and targets for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases.In one region, not one single country was routinely producing the data needed to monitor some of the indicators.We should be ambitious with these strategies and plans, but also pragmatic and realistic.As we have learned since the start of this century, sustainable health improvements depend on a well-functioning health system.We must build the capacities of countries, not overburden them.I welcome the attention our governing bodies have given to the strengthening of health systems.Initiatives such as the International Health Partnership Plus are especially important as they help build capacity and self-reliance, which is the foundation for true country ownership.We have much work to do.According to our latest estimates, only 81 of our 194 Member States regularly submit useable death registration data.Of these 81 countries, only 34 submit data of high quality.The need for stronger systems for regulatory control and enforcement runs like a common thread through many of your documents, whether concerning antimicrobial resistance, the mandatory notification of diseases, or access to opioid analgesics for palliative care.For medicines, only around 20% of our Member States have a well-functioning regulatory authority, 50% have variable regulatory quality, and 30% have virtually no or only very limited capacity.Worldwide, an estimated 2.7 billion people live in countries with no safety net to cover health care costs.In such a situation, how can health work as a poverty-reduction strategy, especially as the costly burden of NCDs shifts to the developing world?
When I think about these statistics, I also think about people, the many millions of people being left behind in our highly unequal world.I thank Member States and partner agencies for their strong commitment to universal health coverage.In my view, this is one of the most positive and powerful trends in global health.Ladies and gentlemen,The world again faces simultaneous humanitarian crises.This time there are four: in the Syrian Arab Republic, the Philippines, the Central African Republic, and South Sudan.These crises are testing WHO‘s emergency performance in a highly visible way.Given the challenges, I believe we are doing well.Vigilance is our watchword as we continue to monitor sporadic cases of MERS coronavirus, and H7N9 and other avian influenza viruses, including North America‘s first case of H5N1 reported earlier this month.Nothing can be predicted with certainty, but on present evidence, none of these viruses shows a potential to spread widely or cause an explosive outbreak.Nonetheless, this situation reinforces the importance of building the core capacities of the International Health Regulations to detect cases, report, and respond.As I said, WHO must be strategic and highly selective in responding to these and many other challenges.This is one central purpose of WHO reform.Let me summarize a few achievements as the reform process continues to mature.Two financing dialogues have now been held with frank and open discussions.These discussions have included the identification of areas where resources can be used more efficiently and recommendations for some novel remedial actions that can help save money.A new web portal to support the programme budget offers open access to data on monies coming into the Organization, where those monies go, and what they are expected to deliver.The web portal was welcomed as a major contribution to transparency.Further financing reforms aim to strengthen coordinated resource mobilization at all levels of the Organization.Human resource reforms, including streamlined recruitment and selection processes, are being aligned with programmatic needs, staff needs for learning and development and, of course, fiscal realities.Ladies and gentlemen,Let me conclude by illustrating what I mean by outstanding performance in high-impact areas.To date, WHO has prequalified more than 400 medical products, including 62 last year.Thanks to these and other efforts, WHO estimates that 97% of the global vaccine supply is currently of assured quality.Worldwide, 65% of babies are immunized using WHO pre-qualified vaccines.Last year, the ―Lancet‖ published the largest study to date, coordinated by WHO, on severe complications and ―near misses‖ in pregnancy.The study concluded that having life-saving interventions available in health facilities will not reduce maternal mortality in the absence of overall improvements in the quality of maternal care and emergency services.This tells us clearly that we must focus more sharply on improving the quality of care.The WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist, which is now undergoing trials in more than 100 hospitals, can help move us in this direction.This is a simple checklist, but evidence to date suggests it can have a major impact on the quality of care for mothers and their babies.The accountability framework, developed to support the Every Woman, Every Child strategy, has given us a new model for results-driven structuring and monitoring of development work.The framework incorporates the safeguard of rigorous independent monitoring, another important innovation.As we are seeing, getting and using better information can set off a chain of events, with improved health outcomes as the end result.We have seen this most dramatically in Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world, where the availability of high-quality data was instrumental in reducing child mortality by a stunning 43%.In fact, I think we have enough evidence to conclude that any country, no matter how poor, can improve health if it really wants to.In December of last year, the WHO certification commission that oversees the eradication of guinea worm disease declared that four African countries are now free from this disease.Nigeria is one of them.When the eradication initiative was launched, Nigeria was the epicentre of this disease, with more than 650 000 cases reported each year.Going from that number to zero is a major achievement that must be praised.Those who follow the African media will know how much certification means to Nigeria and its President, who has expressed his commitment to do the same for polio.Nigeria‘s certification also has some lessons.Surveillance for cases and the investigation of rumours were done hand-in-hand with polio immunization teams.This is the kind of joined-up effort that makes the most effective use of our human and financial resources, which will always be limited, and has a dramatic and measurable impact.For polio eradication, India, which has not seen a case for three years, is another shining example.This achievement sets the stage to certify all of South-East Asia polio-free very soon.There are many more examples, but I promised to be brief.Thank you.在执委会第134届会议上的报告
瑞士 日内瓦
对于药品而言,只有约20%的会员国建立了运转良好的监管当局,50% 的会员国监管质量参差不齐,还有30%几乎没有或者只有非常有限的监管能力。
迄今,世卫组织已经对400余种医疗产品进行了资格预审,包括去年的 62种产品。根据世卫组织估计,这些努力和其它工作使全球疫苗供应的 97%是质量有保证的。全世界65%的婴儿接种的是用经世卫组织资格预审的疫苗。
事实上,我想我们有足够证据表明,无论一个国家有多穷,只要它真正 想改善卫生,它就可以做到。
正是这种携手使我们能够最有效地使用总是非常有限的人力和财政资 源,并产生巨大的可衡量影响。
今天,由中国机电产品进出口商会和英中贸易协会组织的中英经贸合作研讨会在这里隆重开幕。在此,我谨代表中华人民共和国商务部表示衷心的祝 贺!今天,中英两国政府和工商界的人士聚集在这里,围绕“新挑战、新机遇”这一主题,深入探讨应对危机、共谋发展的重大举措,具有十分重要的现实意义。在此,我预祝研讨会取得成功!
毋庸置疑,这场国际金融危机,使世界经济陷入上世纪大萧条以来最困难的境地。作为一个外向度较高的发展中国家,中国的经济发展,特别是对外 贸易投资也受到了较大的冲击。从2008年11月份开始,中国进出口贸易连续三个月出现负增长,吸收外商直接投资出现了明显下滑趋势。我们也注意到,英国 经济增长和就业也遭受了严重打击。双边贸易也受到负面影响,今年1月,中英双边贸易额同比下降21.6%,下降幅度之大、速度之快是罕见的。
当前,为应对危机和挑战,世界各国纷纷出台了应对措施,这对提振信心、缓解危机起到了重要作用。但在危机面前,仅仅依靠单个国家的努力远远 不够,因为在经济全球化趋势下,当今的世界经济舞台已经形成了“你中有我,我中有你”的局面。世界经济发展的历史早已证明,在危机面前,封闭与保护没有出 路,开放与合作才是正途。此次我率领中国贸易投资促进团访英,就是落实温家宝总理本月初“信心之旅”的一次重要后续活动,充分表明了中国政府在困难形势 下,以实际行动反对贸易保护主义的态度与决心。
新挑战中往往蕴含着新的机遇。对于中英两国来说,危机将促使我们延伸和拓宽互利合作的内涵。目前,中国各级政府和部门,正在积极落实保持经 济稳定增长的各项举措。伴随大规模民生工程、基础设施和生态环境等领域的建设,包括英资企业在内的数十万家在华外资企业将分享这些新的商机。我在中国各地 调研过程中,感受到许多中国企业特别是民营企业,对欧优势技术和装备的采购具有浓厚的兴趣。作为中国在欧盟中的第三大贸易伙伴和累计第一大对华投资国,中 英两国在生物、信息、环保、低碳经济、能源科技、新材料、医药卫生等领域,拥有巨大的合作潜力。中国还是世界服务贸易和高档消费品增长最快的市场。这意味 着英国大量知名品牌产品以及金融、分销、设计、咨询等服务业企业,会有更多机会参与中国市场的竞争。当然,也会有越来越多的中国企业具备与英国企业合作的 实力。我们鼓励中英双方企业在各个领域扩大交流和深化合作,共同分享宝贵的发展机遇。
尽管当前我们遇到了严峻的挑战,但以科技进步和生产要素全球配置为基础的经济全球化趋势不会逆转,各国经济相互联系和依赖的程度仍将继续加 强。英国是自由贸易思想的发源地,亚当?斯密的理论影响了200多年来的国际贸易实践。选择在这里作为我们此次贸易投资促进团的最后一站,赋予了此次活动 更加特殊的意义。我们一路走过来,无论是老朋友还是新伙伴,无论是签订合同或者仅仅是洽谈意向,大家都进行了坦诚而深入的沟通,取得了许多有形和无形的丰 硕成果。更为重要的是,我们向外界传递了秉持开放心态、携手合作、共渡难关的诚意和信心。我们坚信,未来商机无限,春天终将来临。
视译(Sight Interpreting)|何为视译?
视译(sight interpreting)是指同传译员拿着讲话人的发言稿,边听发言、边看原稿、边进行同声传译。视译也被称为“有稿同传”(Simultaneous Interpreting with Text)
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在练习时,第一步可以找一些有译文的发言稿,边听发言录音,边做‘‘同声传读”。逐 渐过渡到脱离译稿只看原文进行口译。视译时可以用很短时间对原文通读一次,了解发言的主要内容并对语言、专业难点做“译前准备”。
Swiss 'JetMan' makes Grand Canyon flight A Swiss adventurer has finally made a “historic” jetpack-powered flight above the Grand Canyon, organizers claimed Tuesday, days after he canceled a bid saying he had not trained enough.Yves Rossy, dubbed “JetMan,” completed the eight-minute flight at the weekend, his support team said in a press release four days after Friday's failed attempt, which journalists had been invited to watch.Pictures and videos released by organizers showed him being dropped from a helicopter and then soaring above the world-famous landmark, his jet-pack wing strapped to his back, before deploying a parachute to land on the canyon floor.He flew at speeds of up to 190 mph(304 kilometers an hour), skimming the rockscape just 200 feet(65 meters)above the rim of the canyon, the statement said.“My first flight in the US is sure to be one of the most memorable experiences in my life, not only for the sheer beauty of the Grand Canyon but the honor to fly in sacred Native American lands,” Rossy was quoted as saying.“Thank you Mother Nature and the Hualapai Tribe for making my lifelong dreams come true,” he said according to the press release, referring to the Native American tribe over whose territory he made the flight.On Friday the 51-year-old--who has previously flown across the English Channel between Britain and France and over the Swiss Alps--invited media to a remote spot on the Grand Canyon's western end to watch his flight.But at the last minute he announced he had only just been given formal Federation Aviation Authority(FAA)approval to fly, and had therefore not had enough time to train.On Tuesday Rossy's organizers stressed that the FAA delay had prevented him from flying last Friday, adding that he had made the successful flight over the weekend, without announcing it to journalists who attended Friday's attempt.“It was his date with destiny, and ultimately the uniquely complex certification process could not prevent(Rossy)from making his historic flight through Grand Canyon West this past weekend.” 组织者本周二称,瑞士探险家伊夫•罗西身背喷气动力翼,成功飞越美国科罗拉多大峡谷。几天前,罗西曾因热身时间不够,取消了原定飞行计划。伊夫•罗西的支持团队发表声明称,绰号“火箭人”的伊夫•罗西上周末完成了这次历时8分钟的飞行。上周五,他未能完成首次试飞,当时有媒体到场。据公布的图片和视频展示,伊夫•罗西身背喷气动力翼跳出直升机机舱,之后飞越世界著名的科罗拉多大峡谷,随后打开降落伞降落到谷底。
Six planets align in May but no doomsday is foreseen A planetary alignment is a rare spectacular event that has always been a topic of great interest and speculations.Some predict the end of the world, others see the start of a new golden era.This May the world will witness the alignment of six planets, with May 11 being the best out of all.Every morning in May the naked eye will be able to spot Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, and with a small telescope one can see Uranus and Neptune.30 minutes before sunrise, the morning sky will show all the planets aligned across the sun’s path, except Saturn.The planets line up was expected on December 21, 2012, that’s when fortune tellers predicted the end of the world and scientists awaited a spectacular show in the sky.However modern equipments and tools have showed that in 2012 no alignment will occur.Instead, a visible alignment will be seen throughout the entire month of May.For the past two months Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune were not visible because of their location behind the sun, but starting May all planets started to line up above the rising sun.The best morning for the largest and tightest conjunction of planets this century is May 11th.That's when the two brightest planets in our own solar system, Venus and Jupiter, will almost unite.Uranus and Neptune will be shining green but will need a good binocular to be seen.“The very closest grouping will come Tuesday, May 10, when Venus, Jupiter and Mercury will be in a very close-knit triangle, with Mars to the left and below the triangle.Then on Wednesday May, 11, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury will be in a very straight line”, said David L.DeBruyn.On May 13th, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will form a “bright celestial triangle”, and on May 20th, a new triangle will form.The show will end on May 30th, when the moon will join the four planets, and five “heavenly lights” will be seen at once in the morning sky.Planetary conjunctions are rare events, therefore people who have the chance to enjoy the changing alignment of the planets every day in May, should not waste the chance.No worries, it doesn't mean that the world is ending.Interesting is how the doomsayers' predictions never seem to come true.行星连成一线这种罕见奇观一直是人们关注和争相猜测的焦点。有人认为这预示着世界末日,有人则认为这预示着一个新的黄金时代的到来。今年五月世界将目睹“六星连珠”的奇观,5月11日是观看这一景观的最佳日期。
Royal wedding: Europe cries 'copycat Kate' over wedding dress The Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding dress is certain to inspire a raft of imitations but in mainland Europe there have been claims that the gown was itself copied from another recent royal weddingThe Duchess’s Alexander McQueen dress, designed by Sarah Burton, bears a striking resemblance to the outfit worn by the actress Isabella Orsini when she married Belgian Prince Edouard de Ligne two years ago.Ms Orsini’s dress was designed by Gerald Watelet, the Belgian designer.Newspapers and magazines across Europe have dubbed the Duchess “copycat Kate” due to the similarity between her dress and that of Ms Orsini, who is the goddaughter of Silvio Berlusconi.Both dresses have a v-neck line with a lace bodice that was both long sleeved and high-necked.Both women are pretty slim brunettes who complemented their gowns with a tiara that held their veil in place.Ms Orsini, 36, told the Italian magazine Novella 2000: “As soon as the Duchess of Cambridge went out to go to church, I thought her dress was a copy of mine.It means Kate Middleton has good taste.”
The wedding of Prince Edouard and his bride was a far more low-key affair however with only a few hundred people turning out onto the streets to watch them.It is thought that up to 2 billion people watched the royal wedding when it took place last month on television and online.Both bridal gowns pay homage to an earlier dress worn by Grace Kelly on her wedding day to Prince Rainer of Monaco in 1956.Fevered speculation over the identity of Miss Middleton's dress designer finally ended with confirmation that Sarah Burton, creative director of Alexander McQueen, had won the coveted commission.The ivory satin dress had a nipped in waist, 9ft train and long-sleeved bodice of handmade lace by the Royal School of Needlework, based at Hampton Court Palace.The team of workers had to wash their hands every 30 minutes to keep the lace and threads pristine, and the needles were renewed every three hours to ensure they remained sharp and clean.The lace design incorporated rose, thistle, daffodil and shamrock — the emblems of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.French Chantilly lace, combined with English Cluny lace, was the only fabric from foreign shores.The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are currently on honeymoon in the Seychelles where they are staying on a private island.英国新王妃剑桥公爵夫人的婚纱势必引发一阵模仿潮。但欧洲大陆的一些媒体指出这款婚纱本身就抄袭了最近另一场皇室婚礼的婚纱。
36岁的奥尔西尼接受意大利杂志《Novella 2000》采访时说:“剑桥公爵夫人去教堂前一亮相,我就觉得她的婚纱抄袭了我的。这说明凯特•米德尔顿很有品位。”
Need a holiday? Welcome to rip-off Britain Britain is crammed with overpriced restaurants, plagued by expensive hotels and let down by overrated tourist attractions, according to the latest edition of the Lonely Planet Guide.In a warts and all review of the country as a holiday destination the well-known travel bible concludes it “has had its day” especially for cash-strapped natives.“If you're on a tight budget, there's no getting away from it--Britain ain't cheap,” said lead author David Else who dispatched contributors to every corner of the land in search of good deals, but found few.While some places are deemed to be “fantastic” finds and the country was still “one of the most fascinating places in the world to explore” many destinations simply didn't cut it.“Public transport, admission fees, restaurants and hotel rooms all tend to be expensive compared with their equivalents in many other European countries,” Else said.“Unfortunately at a time when everyone is in desperate need of a great value summer getaway some of Britain's tourism industry just doesn't deliver,” he added.The picture was particularly bleak for Britons hoping to forget the government's austerity-driven budget cuts, underlying inflationary pressures and a battered pound.The guide says some good value deals can be found if families do their homework, but many may, in the end, regret opting for a “staycation.” London was singled as being particularly over-priced when it came to dining out.“You're often better spending five pounds on a top-notch curry in Birmingham(central England)or a homemade steak-and-ale pie in a country pub in Devon(southwest England)than forking out 30 pounds in a restaurant for a 'modern European' concoction that tastes like it came from a can.” Overseas visitors, however, are undoubtedly the winners, flocking to the island in the last couple of years to take advantage of the weak pound.Must-sees included Canterbury in the southeast which “tops the charts” when it comes to English cathedral cities, the city of Cambridge whose leafy green meadows “give it a far more tranquil appeal” than its rival Oxford, Glasgow a “byword for chic” and London with “endless reserves of cool”.Less flattering reviews were saved for the county of Surrey, close to London, “made up of uninspiring towns and dull, sprawling suburbs,” while the city of Cardiff in Wales was slated as “a prodigious boozing town.” 根据《孤独星球指南》的最新版本,英国到处是高价饭馆和昂贵的酒店,英国旅游景点的价值也被高估了。
瑞士:协助自杀禁令遭拒 仍是“自杀天堂”
Zurich voters reject ban on “suicide tourism” Voters in Zurich overwhemingly rejected on Sunday proposed bans on assisted suicide and “suicide tourism”--foreigners traveling to Switzerland to receive help ending their lives.Only 15.5 percent of voters in the local referendum backed a ban on assisted suicide, while nearly 22 percent supported a ban on suicide tourism, final results showed.About 200 people commit assisted suicide each year in Zurich.Assisted suicide has been allowed in Switzerland since 1941 if performed by a non-physician who has no vested interest in the death.Euthanasia, or “mercy killing,” is legal only in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the US state of Oregon.Many terminally ill foreigners--particularly from Germany, France and Britain--travel to Switzerland to commit suicide, taking advantage of the Swiss rules which are among the world's most liberal.But a rise in the number of foreigners seeking to end their lives in Switzerland, and a study showing that more and more people seeking assisted suicides in the country do not suffer from a terminal illness, have provoked heated debate.The Swiss Evangelical People's Party, which had supported the bans, said it regretted the outcome but was pleased it had prompted so much discussion.“We now need to make sure that assisted suicide isn't just extended without limit and also that suicide tourism with foreigners is critically monitored,” it said in a statement.The Swiss government has said it is looking to change the law on assisted suicide to make sure it was used only as a last resort by the terminally ill, and to limit “suicide tourism.” Right-to-die group Exit has agreed rules to govern assisted suicide with prosecutors in Zurich in the hope they might eventually form the basis of national regulation.Foreigners are not explicitly excluded under the new rules, but a Swiss doctor who prescribes the deadly anesthetic must have met the person twice over a period of time to be sure of their wishes.上周日,苏黎世选民以压倒性多数投票否决了禁止协助自杀和“自杀旅游”的议案。不少外国游客前往瑞士“自杀旅游”,寻求帮助结束生命。
Tweeting celebrities risk boring fans – survey Celebrities who bombard fans with Twitter updates are likely to have shorter careers than those who maintain an aura of mystique, according to a survey.Easy access to stars through social networking websites has made them less appealing and increases the likelihood of followers getting bored, music consumer research by publishers Bauer Media said.“In this social media age, it's all too easy to follow your musical icons on a minute-by-minute basis.There's a consensus within the industry that this ease of access is leading to artists losing appeal more quickly,” the report said.The music industry is starting to consider restricting access to certain types of artists in an attempt to boost their staying power in popular culture and lengthen their careers, it added.Although younger fans surveyed said they were thrilled by the idea of 24-hour access to their favourite stars, older respondents said their interest was tempered by a hankering for the days when stars were “more special.” “Meeting bands isn't about waiting for 10 hours outside a gig these days--you can buy a day out with your favourite band.But separation can be good--knowing too much can kill off rock stars,” said Nichola Browne, former editor of music magazine Kerrang!Many celebrities have embraced Twitter as a way of communicating day-to-day musings as well promotional material with fans.Tweets on US singer Katy Perry's page include: “What does it mean when you see the number 33 all the time? For instance, I've seen it over 7 times today.” While US actress Demi Moore, one of Twitter's most prolific celebrity users with over 3.5 million followers, wrote on Friday: “Kind of digging soft curls with a side part.A good change from straight with a middle part?” 根据一项调查,频繁更新Twitter、让粉丝随时知道动态的名人有可能比那些保持神秘感的名人的艺术生涯短。
鲍尔传媒出版集团开展的音乐消费者调查称,能够轻易地通过社交网站接触到明星降低了明星的吸引力,并会使粉丝们更容易对明星感到厌倦。报告称,“在社会媒体时代下,想了解你的音乐偶像每分钟的动态太容易了。业内一致认为,让粉丝能够轻易地接触艺人,会让艺人更快地失去吸引力。” 报告还称,音乐产业开始考虑限制粉丝们和某些类型的艺人的接触,从而让艺人在流行文化中的生命力更持久,延长他们的艺术生涯。
这是美国歌星凯蒂•佩瑞在自己的Twitter页面上发布的信息:“如果你总是看到数字33,这意味着什么呢?要知道,我今天已经不止7次看到这一数字了。” 美国女演员黛米•摩尔是Twitter最多产的名人用户之一,拥有350多万粉丝。她上周五在Twitter上写道:“有点想弄个带卷的偏分头。也许比中分的直发要好?”
Heaven is a fairy tale, says physicist Hawking Heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said in an interview published on Monday.Hawking, 69, was expected to die within a few years of being diagnosed with degenerative motor neurone disease at the age of 21, but became one of the world's most famous scientists with the publication of his 1988 book “A Brief History of Time.” “I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years.I'm not afraid of death, but I'm in no hurry to die.I have so much I want to do first,” he told the Guardian newspaper.“I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail.There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers;that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.” When asked how we should live he said: “We should seek the greatest value of our action.” Hawking gave the interview ahead of the Google Zeitgeist meeting in London where he will join speakers including British finance minister George Osborne and Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz.Addressing the question “Why are we here?” he will argue tiny quantum fluctuations in the very early universe sowed the seeds of human life.The former Cambridge University Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, a post once also held by Isaac Newton, has a history of drawing criticism for his comments on religion.His 2010 book “The Grand Design” provoked a backlash among religious leaders, including chief rabbi Lord Sacks, for arguing there was no need for a divine force to explain the creation of the universe.As a result of his incurable illness Hawking can only speak through a voice synthesizer and is almost completely paralyzed.He sparked serious concerns in 2009 when he was hospitalized after falling seriously ill following a lecture tour in the United States but has since returned to Cambridge University as a director of research.英国著名理论物理学家史蒂芬•霍金在本周一刊登的一次采访中称,天堂是“为害怕黑暗的人编造的童话”。
当被问及我们应如何生活时他说:“我们应寻求自身的最大价值。” 霍金参加在伦敦举行的谷歌排行榜会议前接受了此次采访。将在此次会议上发言的还有英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本、诺贝尔奖经济学奖获得者约瑟夫•斯蒂格利茨等人。