Good evening, class!Nice to meet you again!At the beginning of the class, I want to say something about your homework of last week.Among your compositions, one student’s work impressed me most.It belongs to Hu ke.So, class, do you know why his work impressed me so deeply? Just have a guess …
Yes, I hear some students say maybe the story is very interesting and excellent.And some say the handwriting is perfect.And there is a great progress in the work.Yes, these can be part of the reason.But not exactly.Ok, Hu ke, can you explain this for your classmates? …
Well, my class, you see even Hu ke himself has no idea of the reason.For him, it is kind of surprise!He explains he even didn’t finish the composition.Yes, we know, maybe Hu ke is not so good at English to writing a complete composition.It’s beyond his current ability.But I believe he can make it in the near future.Ok, Hu ke, can you tell us what else you have written in your work? Just tell the truth, please!…
Yeah, he told us he wrote a short message to apologize for his failure to hand in a complete writing.I think Hu ke is honest, and takes the assignment seriously.It’s a good attitude!Also, he shows his respect to his teacher.So I’m very happy!
Boys and girls, remember, no matter your English is good or bad, you all can lay a good impression in your teacher’s mind.The key is you should take a good attitude.And then, you may be successful.Just as the name of a best seller goes, “Attitude decides everything”.Certainly, you should also be honest and show respect to others.If you can do these, I think you can impress others deeply and make a good impression in others’ mind.Just now, we have talked that through your work, you can make a good impression!That means we even don’t need meet in person.Then, how to make a good impression when we meet? This is what we are going to learn today.Unit 4 “how to make a good impression” Before coming to the text, I’d like you to do an activity in pairs.Find a partner and discuss with him/her what factors may affect your impression on others.Or what should we do in order to impress others? Try to think out as many factors and ways as you can.Write them down on a piece of paper.To save the time, just write the key words and phrases.Remember: Don’t speak your answers loudly otherwise your neighbors may know.Also, I have prepared a small gift for the students who have the most ways.As to the instructions, are you clear now? Yes!Great!My class, use your mind and hand.3 minutes for you!
Ok, time is up!How many ways do you have? 5, 6,8, any more? No So, which pair? Oh, they are Han xiaolei and Li Mei.Ok, I’d like one of you to read your answers out!Yeah, appearance, confidence, honesty, smile, attitude, humor, a proper speed of speech, look at the person you are talking to.Yes, congratulations, after class, Han xiaolei and Li Mei come to me for your gift.So class, what else have you thought out? Speak them out, please!Polite… modest…kind…thoughtful..Great!All these are important in order to impress others.In the activity, we have thought about how to make a good impression.Then will the author of the text think alike?
Please listen to a short passage carefully and prepare to answer some questions.Listen to the tape
People judge other people within the first seven seconds of meeting them.You can have a positive effect on other people through using your eyes, face, and body in unspoken communication.What you say needs to match what you do.When you enter a room full of people, you can look at them and smile.You have the power to have a good effect on others because you are the only one who can be you.The key is to be your best by being relaxed and thinking of others instead of yourself.After the first listening, I think you may get the main idea of the passage.Now, we’ll listen it once again for detail information.After this listening, you are going to find the answers to the following questions.1.How long does it take us to judge the people we meet? 2.What is one way you can have a positive effect on other people? 3.What is the key to being the best person you can be? Now, listen carefully!(Ask students to answer)Who gets the answers? ….Please,….yes, correct!What about Q2? Yeah, I think you get the right answer!Q3!Perfect!I’m so happy you get all answers right!Now, we’ll move to the text.Class, open your books to Page..Read it aloud.if you come across some words, you can chose to guess or refer to the word list.While reading, I hope you can find the answers to the 2 Qs on the slide. How many tips did the author offer in the passage as to how to make a good impression?(4) What are they?(the italicized part of the passage)
Now, 10 minutes for you!
Class!Stop, please!How many tips does the author give us? 4,5 and even more Then what are they? Yes, Li qian please!Yeah, the first one: you are the message, No.2: be yourself, No.3:use your eyes, the last one: lighten up Completely right!Thanks, sit down please.By the sentence “You are the message”, the author means that our eyes, face, body and appearance actually transmit something to others.By looking at your eyes, we may know you are happy or not.Through your body movements, we can know you are nervous or at ease.All in all, you yourself are the message.Now, we are going to learn this text in detail.Zhang Hui, can you read the first paragraph for us?
Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them.Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions, ranging from comfort to fear.…
Well, what a sweet voice and also you have a standard pronunciation.Thank you!
In paragraph 1, the author shows us people always tend to judge others within a few seconds.“Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them.” Here, pay attention to “make up one’s mind about somebody”.It means to form the judgment of others.While make up one’s mind to do sth means decide to do sth.So, how to translate it?
Yes,”对某人评价或者判断”,so this sentence can be translated as “研究表明:我们对他人的评价,不用通过言语交流,在刚见面的前七秒钟就形成了。” Consciously…do you know the word? Yes ,有意识的,so this sentence means 无论我们是有意识的还是无意识的,我们内心的真实感受通过眼神,面部表情,形体动作,以及态度流露出来,进而引起一系列的反应,可能给人舒适感也可能让人害怕等等。
….following is the passage reading and words-explanation.By reading the text, we know that the author offers us some tips.For each tip, an interesting experience of his is cited to support his point.Here, I want to suggest you using the imagination when it comes to a real situation.Think about what will the scene be like?
Let’s take paragraph 12 and 13 as an example.Let’s read it together.Lighten up.Once in a staff meeting, one of the most powerful chairmen in the entertainment industry became very angry over tiny problems, scolded each worker and enjoyed making them fear him.When he got to me, he shouted, “And you, Ailes, what are you doing?”
I said, “Do you mean now, this evening or for the rest of my life?” There was a moment of silence.Then the chairman threw back his head and roared with laughter.Others laughed too.Humor broke the stress of a very uncomfortable scene.Imagining that the chairman scolded his workers one by one, and all workers lay their head lowly.It is so quite.When the turn comes to the author, the chairmen shouted to the author: “And you, Ailes, what are you doing?”.At that time, the author offers a humorous answer.“do you mean now, this evening or for the rest of my life” then the chairmen throw back his head with laughter.Humor broke the stress.Just focus on the changing expressions on their faces, especially the chairman.You see he became angry and scolded and shouted, then was silent for a while and finally threw back his head and laughed.Is this story interesting, and good enough to tell us how to relax? Yes.The bell is going to ring.Let’s call it a day.Here is the assignment/homework Read through the text carefully.Find what we should do to impress others.Write them down in imperative sentences.Class, See you Friday.
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