
时间:2019-05-14 00:47:53下载本文作者:会员上传



accounting 会计

accounting cost 会计成本

accounting profit 会计利润

adverse selection 逆向选择

allocation 配置

allocation of resources 资源配置

allocative efficiency 配置效率

antitrust legislation 反托拉斯法

arc elasticity 弧弹性

Arrow's impossibility theorem 阿罗不可能定理

Assumption 假设

asymetric information 非对称性信息


average cost平均成本

average cost pricing平均成本定价法

average fixed cost平均固定成本

average product of capital 资本平均产量

average product of labour 劳动平均产量

average revenue平均收益

average total cost平均总成本

average variable cost平均可变成本


barriers to entry 进入壁垒

base year 基年

bilateral monopoly 双边垄断

benefit 收益

black market 黑市

bliss point 极乐点

boundary point 边界点

break even point 收支相抵点

budget 预算

budget constraint 预算约束

budget line 预算线

budget set 预算集


capital 资本

capital stock 资本存量

capital output ratio 资本产出比率

capitalism 资本主义

cardinal utility theory 基数效用论

cartel 卡特尔

ceteris puribus assumption “其他条件不变”的假设 ceteris puribus demand curve 其他因素不变的需求曲线

Chamberlin model 张伯伦模型

change in demand 需求变化

change in quantity demanded 需求量变化

change in quantity supplied 供给量变化

change in supply 供给变化

choice 选择

closed set 闭集

Coase theorem 科斯定理

Cobb—Douglas production function 柯布--道格拉斯生产函数

cobweb model 蛛网模型

collective bargaining 集体协议工资

collusion 合谋

command economy 指令经济

commodity 商品

commodity combination 商品组合

commodity market 商品市场

commodity space 商品空间

common property 公用财产

comparative static analysis 比较静态分析

compensated budget line 补偿预算线

compensated demand function 补偿需求函数 compensation principles 补偿原则

compensating variation in income 收入补偿变量

competition 竞争

competitive market 竞争性市场

complement goods 互补品

complete information 完全信息

completeness 完备性

condition for efficiency in exchange 交换的最优条件

condition for efficiency in production 生产的最优条件

concave 凹

concave function 凹函数

concave preference 凹偏好

consistence 一致性

constant cost industry 成本不变产业

constant returns to scale 规模报酬不变

constraints 约束

consumer 消费者

consumer behavior 消费者行为

consumer choice 消费者选择

consumer equilibrium 消费者均衡

consumer optimization 消费者优化

consumer preference 消费者偏好 consumer surplus 消费者剩余

consumer theory 消费者理论

consumption 消费

consumption bundle 消费束

consumption combination 消费组合

consumption possibility curve 消费可能曲线

consumption possibility frontier 消费可能性前沿

consumption set 消费集

consumption space 消费空间

continuity 连续性

continuous function 连续函数

contract curve 契约曲线

convex 凸

convex function 凸函数

convex preference 凸偏好

convex set 凸集

corporatlon 公司

cost 成本

cost benefit analysis 成本收益分

cost function 成本函数

cost minimization 成本极小化

Cournot equilihrium 古诺均衡 Cournot model 古诺模型

Cross—price elasticity 交叉价格弹性 D

dead—weights loss 重负损失

decreasing cost industry 成本递减产业

decreasing returns to scale 规模报酬递减

deduction 演绎法

demand 需求

demand curve 需求曲线

demand elasticity 需求弹性

demand function 需求函数

demand price 需求价格

demand schedule 需求表

depreciation 折旧

derivative 导数

derive demand 派生需求

difference equation 差分方程

differential equation 微分方程

differentiated good 差异商品

differentiated oligoply 差异寡头

diminishing marginal substitution 边际替代率递减

diminishing marginal return 收益递减 diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减

direct approach 直接法

direct taxes 直接税

discounting 贴税、折扣

diseconomies of scale 规模不经济

disequilibrium 非均衡

distribution 分配

division of labour 劳动分工

distribution theory of marginal productivity 边际生产率分配论

duoupoly 双头垄断、双寡

duality 对偶

durable goods 耐用品

dynamic analysis 动态分析

dynamic models 动态模型


Economic agents 经济行为者

economic cost 经济成本

economic efficiency 经济效率

economic goods 经济物品

economic man 经济人

economic mode 经济模型

economic profit 经济利润 economic region of production 生产的经济区域

economic regulation 经济调节

economic rent 经济租金

exchange 交换

economics 经济学

exchange efficiency 交换效率

economy 经济

exchange contract curve 交换契约曲线

economy of scale 规模经济

Edgeworth box diagram 埃奇沃思图

exclusion 排斥性、排他性

Edgeworth contract curve 埃奇沃思契约线

Edgeworth model 埃奇沃思模型

efficiency 效率,效益

efficiency parameter 效率参数

elasticity 弹性

elasticity of substitution 替代弹性

endogenous variable 内生变量

endowment 禀赋

endowment of resources 资源禀赋

Engel curve 恩格尔曲线

entrepreneur 企业家 entrepreneurship 企业家才能

entry barriers 进入壁垒

entry/exit decision 进出决策

envolope curve 包络线

equilibrium 均衡

equilibrium condition 均衡条件

equilibrium price 均衡价格

equilibrium quantity 均衡产量

eqity 公平

equivalent variation in income 收入等价变量

excess—capacity theorem 过度生产能力定理

excess supply 过度供给

exchange 交换

exchange contract curve 交换契约曲线

exclusion 排斥性、排他性

exclusion principle 排他性原则

existence 存在性

existence of general equilibrium 总体均衡的存在性

exogenous variables 外生变量

expansion paths 扩展径

expectation 期望

expected utility 期望效用 expected value 期望值

expenditure 支出

explicit cost 显性成本

external benefit 外部收益

external cost 外部成本

external economy 外部经济

external diseconomy 外部不经济

externalities 外部性


Factor 要素

factor demand 要素需求

factor market 要素市场

factors of production 生产要素

factor substitution 要素替代

factor supply 要素供给

fallacy of composition 合成谬误

final goods 最终产品

firm 企业

firms’demand curve for labor 企业劳动需求曲线

firm supply curve 企业供给曲线

first-degree price discrimination 第一级价格歧视

first—order condition 一阶条件 fixed costs 固定成本

fixed input 固定投入

fixed proportions production function 固定比例的生产函数

flow 流量

fluctuation 波动

for whom to produce 为谁生产

free entry 自由进入

free goods 自由品,免费品

free mobility of resources 资源自由流动

free rider 搭便车,免费搭车

function 函数

future value 未来值


game theory 对策论、博弈论

general equilibrium 总体均衡

general goods 一般商品

Giffen goods 吉芬晶 收入补偿需求曲线

Giffen's Paradox 吉芬之谜

Gini coefficient 吉尼系数

goldenrule 黄金规则

goods 货物

government failure 政府失败 government regulation 政府调控

grand utility possibility curve 总效用可能曲线

grand utility possibility frontier 总效用可能前沿


heterogeneous product 异质产品

Hicks—kaldor welfare criterion 希克斯一卡尔多福利标准

homogeneity 齐次性

homogeneous demand function 齐次需求函数

homogeneous product 同质产品

homogeneous production function 齐次生产函数

horizontal summation 水平和

household 家庭

how to produce 如何生产

human capital 人力资本

hypothesis 假说


identity 恒等式

imperfect competion 不完全竞争

implicitcost 隐性成本

income 收入

income compensated demand curve

income constraint 收入约束 income consumption curve 收入消费曲线

income distribution 收入分配

income effect 收入效应

income elasticity of demand 需求收入弹性

increasing cost industry 成本递增产业

increasing returns to scale 规模报酬递增

inefficiency 缺乏效率

index number 指数

indifference 无差异

indifference curve 无差异曲线

indifference map 无差异族

indifference relation 无差异关系

indifference set 无差异集

indirect approach 间接法

individual analysis 个量分析

individual demand curve 个人需求曲线

individual demand function 个人需求函数

induced variable 引致变量

induction 归纳法

industry 产业

industry equilibrium 产业均衡

industry supply curve 产业供给曲线 inelastic 缺乏弹性的

inferior goods 劣品

inflection point 拐点

information 信息

information cost 信息成本

initial condition 初始条件

initial endowment 初始禀赋

innovation 创新

input 投入

input—output 投入—产出

institution 制度

institutional economics 制度经济学

insurance 保险

intercept 截距

interest 利息

interest rate 利息率

intermediate goods 中间产品

internatization of externalities 外部性内部化

invention 发明

inverse demand function 逆需求函数

investment 投资

invisible hand 看不见的手 isocost line 等成本线,isoprofit curve 等利润曲线

isoquant curve 等产量曲线

isoquant map 等产量族


kinded—demand curve 弯折的需求曲线


labour 劳动

labour demand 劳动需求

labour supply 劳动供给

labour theory of value 劳动价值论

labour unions 工会

laissez faire 自由放任

Lagrangian function 拉格朗日函数

Lagrangian multiplier 拉格朗乘数,land 土地

law 法则

law of demand and supply 供需法

law of diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减法则

law of diminishing marginal rate of substitution 边际替代率递减法则

law of diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution 边际技术替代率

law of increasing cost 成本递增法则 law of one price 单一价格法则

leader—follower model 领导者--跟随者模型

least—cost combination of inputs 最低成本的投入组合

leisure 闲暇

Leontief production function 列昂节夫生产函数

licenses 许可证

linear demand function 线性需求函数

linear homogeneity 线性齐次性

linear homogeneous production function 线性齐次生产函数

long run长期

long run average cost 长期平均成本

long run equilibrium 长期均衡

long run industry supply curve 长期产业供给曲线

long run marginal cost 长期边际成本

long run total cost 长期总成本

Lorenz curve 洛伦兹曲线

loss minimization 损失极小化

1ump sum tax 一次性征税

luxury 奢侈品 M

macroeconomics 宏观经济学

marginal 边际的 marginal benefit 边际收益

marginal cost 边际成本

marginal cost pricing 边际成本定价

marginal cost of factor 边际要素成本

marginal period 市场期

marginal physical productivity 实际实物生产率

marginal product 边际产量

marginal product of capital 资本的边际产量

marginal product of 1abour 劳动的边际产量

marginal productivity 边际生产率

marginal rate of substitution 边替代率

marginal rate of transformation 边际转换率

marginal returns 边际回报

marginal revenue 边际收益

marginal revenue product 边际收益产品

marginal revolution 边际革命

marginal social benefit 社会边际收益

marginal social cost 社会边际成本

marginal utility 边际效用

marginal value products 边际价值产品

market 市场

market clearance 市场结清,市场洗清 market demand 市场需求

market economy 市场经济

market equilibrium 市场均衡

market failure 市场失败

market mechanism 市场机制

market structure 市场结构

market separation 市场分割

market regulation 市场调节

market share 市场份额

markup pricing 加减定价法

Marshallian demand function 马歇尔需求函数

maximization 极大化

microeconomics 微观经济学

minimum wage 最低工资

misallocation of resources 资源误置

mixed economy 混合经济

model 模型

money 货币

monopolistic competition 垄断竞争

monopolistic exploitation 垄断剥削

monopoly 垄断,卖方垄断

monopoly equilibrium 垄断均衡 monopoly pricing 垄断定价

monopoly regulation 垄断调控

monopoly rents 垄断租金

monopsony 买方垄断


Nash equilibrium 纳什均衡

Natural monopoly 自然垄断

Natural resources 自然资源

Necessary condition 必要条件

necessities 必需品

net demand 净需求

nonconvex preference 非凸性偏好

nonconvexity 非凸性

nonexclusion 非排斥性

nonlinear pricing 非线性定价

nonrivalry 非对抗性

nonprice competition 非价格竞争

nonsatiation 非饱和性

non--zero—sum game 非零和对策

normal goods 正常品

normal profit 正常利润

normative economics 规范经济学 O

objective function 目标函数

oligopoly 寡头垄断

oligopoly market 寡头市场

oligopoly model 寡头模型

opportunity cost 机会成本

optimal choice 最佳选择

optimal consumption bundle 消费束

perfect elasticity 完全有弹性

optimal resource allocation 最佳资源配置

optimal scale 最佳规模

optimal solution 最优解

optimization 优化

ordering of optimization(social)preference(社会)偏好排序

ordinal utility 序数效用

ordinary goods 一般品

output 产量、产出

output elasticity 产出弹性

output maximization 产出极大化


parameter 参数

Pareto criterion 帕累托标准 Pareto efficiency 帕累托效率

Pareto improvement 帕累托改进

Pareto optimality 帕累托优化

Pareto set 帕累托集

partial derivative 偏导数

partial equilibrium 局部均衡

patent 专利

pay off matrix 收益矩阵、支付矩阵

perceived demand curve 感觉到的需求曲线

perfect competition 完全竞争

perfect complement 完全互补品

perfect monopoly 完全垄断

perfect price discrimination 完全价格歧视

perfect substitution 完全替代品

perfect inelasticity 完全无弹性

perfectly elastic 完全有弹性

perfectly inelastic 完全无弹性

plant size 工厂规模

point elasticity 点弹性

positive economics 实证经济学

post Hoc Fallacy 后此谬误

prediction 预测 preference 偏好

preference relation 偏好关系

present value 现值

price 价格

price adjustment model 价格调整模型

price ceiling 最高限价

price consumption curve 价格费曲线

price control 价格管制

price difference 价格差别

price discrimination 价格歧视

price elasticity of demand 需求价格弹性

price elasticity of supply 供给价格弹性

price floor 最低限价

price maker 价格制定者

price rigidity 价格刚性

price seeker 价格搜求者

price taker 价格接受者

price tax 从价税

private benefit 私人收益

principal—agent issues 委托--代理问题

private cost 私人成本

private goods 私人用品 private property 私人财产

producer equilibrium 生产者均衡

producer theory 生产者理论

product 产品

product transformation curve 产品转换曲线

product differentiation 产品差异

product group 产品集团

production 生产

production contract curve 生产契约曲线

production efficiency 生产效率

production function 生产函数

production possibility curve 生产可能性曲线

productivity 生产率

productivity of capital 资本生产率

productivity of labor 劳动生产率

profit 利润

profit function 利润函数

profit maximization 利润极大化

property rights 产权

property rights economics 产权经济学

proposition 定理

proportional demand curve 成比例的需求曲线 public benefits 公共收益

public choice 公共选择

public goods 公共商品

pure competition 纯粹竞争

rivalry 对抗性、竞争

pure exchange 纯交换

pure monopoly 纯粹垄断


quantity—adjustment model 数量调整模型

quantity tax 从量税

quasi—rent 准租金


rate of product transformation 产品转换率

rationality 理性

reaction function 反应函数

regulation 调节,调控

relative price 相对价格

rent 租金

rent control 规模报酬

rent seeking 寻租

rent seeking economics 寻租经济学

resource 资源 resource allocation 资源配置

returns 报酬、回报

returns to scale 规模报酬

revealed preference 显示性偏好

revenue 收益

revenue curve 收益曲线

revenue function 收益函数

revenue maximization 收益极大化

ridge line 脊线

risk 风险


satiation 饱和,满足

saving 储蓄

scarcity 稀缺性

law of scarcity 稀缺法则

second—degree price discrimination 二级价格歧视

second derivative--阶导数

second—order condition 二阶条件

service 劳务

set 集

shadow prices 影子价格

short—run 短期

short—run cost curve 短期成本曲线

short—run equilibrium 短期均衡

short—run supply curve 短期供给曲线

shut down decision 关闭决策

shortage 短缺

shut down point 关闭点

single price monopoly 单一定价垄断

slope 斜率

social benefit 社会收益

social cost 社会成本

social indifference curve 社会无差异曲线

social preference 社会偏好

social security 社会保障

social welfare function 社会福利函数

socialism 社会主义

solution 解

space 空间

stability 稳定性

stable equilibrium 稳定的均衡

Stackelberg model 斯塔克尔贝格模型

static analysis 静态分析

stock 存量

stock market 股票市场

strategy 策略

subsidy 津贴

substitutes 替代品

substitution effect 替代效应

substitution parameter 替代参数

sufficient condition 充分条件

supply 供给

supply curve 供给曲线

supply function 供给函数

supply schedule 供给表

Sweezy model 斯威齐模型

symmetry 对称性

symmetry of information 信息对称


tangency 相切

taste 兴致

technical efficiency 技术效率

technological constraints 技术约束

technological progress 技术进步

technology 技术

third—degree price discrimination 第三级价格歧视

total cost 总成本

total effect 总效应

total expenditure 总支出

total fixed cost 总固定成本

total product 总产量

total revenue 总收益

total utility 总效用

total variable cost 总可变成本

traditional economy 传统经济

transitivity 传递性

transaction cost 交易费用


uncertainty 不确定性

uniqueness 唯一性

unit elasticity 单位弹性

unstable equilibrium 不稳定均衡

utility 效用

utility function 效用函数

utility index 效用指数

utility maximization 效用极大化

utility possibility curve 效用可能性曲线

utility possibility frontier 效用可能性前沿


Value 价值

value judge 价值判断

value of marginal product 边际产量价值

variable cost 可变成本

variable input 可变投入

variables 变量

vector 向量

visible hand 看得见的手

vulgur economics 庸俗经济学


wage 工资

wage rate 工资率

Walras general equilibrium 瓦尔拉斯总体均衡

Walras's law 瓦尔拉斯法则

Wants 需要

Welfare criterion 福利标准

Welfare economics 福利经学

Welfare loss triangle 福利损失三角形

welfare maximization 福利极大化 Z

zero cost 零成本

zero elasticity 零弹性

zero homogeneity 零阶齐次性

zero economic profit 零利润

回答:2010-02-16 22:16


IPCC:the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 政府间气候变化小组: three Working Groups reports: 三个工作小组报告 Synthesis report 综合报告 Glaciers 冰川

Precipitation 降雨

Abnormal weather tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean regions 热带、亚热带和地中海地区 cyclones 气旋,龙卷风

meteorological terms 气象词汇 submergence 淹没

coral reefs 珊瑚礁, tundra 永冻土,boreal forest 北部森林 inertia 惯性

mitigation 减缓

the Arctic region 北极地区 the Antarctic region 南极地区 ice cap 冰帽 ice sheet 冰原

mass-balance of glacier 冰川的物料平衡/量 ripple effect 波纹效应 chain effect 连锁反应 low-carbon economy 低碳经济 assessment 评估

vulnerable areas concentration, carbon dioxide 二氧化碳浓度 ppm carbon dioxide equivalent 二氧化碳当量 North Hemisphere 北半球

water scarcity, food security, epidemic 缺水、缺食、流行病 scenario 情况,情景

social check & balance 社会制约与平衡

legislation , jurisdiction and executive 立法、司法和行政 mega-delta 大三角地区,巨型三角洲地区 adapt to, adaptation frequency and severity 频率和严重性 polar areas 北极地区

on the verge of extinction 灭绝 Immune: 免疫

Reduction of emissions 减排 Interim target 中期目标 Renewable energy: 可再生能源 Geothermal:地热能

Ratify 批准

KP Kyoto Protocol 京都议定书

Carbon emissions and Efficiency benchmark:碳排放能效对标 Deforestation:滥砍滥伐

Clean coal technology 清洁煤炭技术 National capacity 国力

Rigorous 严格的

Common but differentiated responsibility:共同但有差别的责任 Coal-fired Power Plants(station)火力发电厂 Bring that „.to fruition 取得成效 Inaction:不作为

Mandatory cap: 强制性的 Forest cover 森林覆盖率

Interconnected Carbon market Deploy low-emission technology 利用低排放技术 Verifiable 可认证的 Ministerial-level 部长级 The Sign is clear 这一点很清楚 media friends 媒体的朋友: glossy paper 铜版纸 call upon 号召

water conservation benefits节水的好处

industrial water reuse and recycling工业中水利用 pollution fines 污染罚款

urban water conservation城市节水 water saving fixtures节水装置

regional economy 地区经济

diversification in port operation 港口经营多元化

perform our duties and fulfill our obligations 责任和义务 a well-known regional event of the industry 地区行业盛会 initiating ports 发起港 forest coverage森林覆盖率 global warming全球变暖 principal element主要因素 toxic emission 废气排放

ignite the sparks of understanding 迸发出心灵的火花 建立合作桥梁build the bridge for cooperation 内容翔实substantial in content 能源大省major province of energy 日程紧凑tight in schedule 严重缺水城市a city of severe water shortage 有关单位units concerned 与„比有差距compared with ,there is still some way to go 预祝„圆满成功wish a complete success 开源与节流并重broaden sources of income &reduce expenditure 对外贸易港口seaport for foreign trade 国内生产总值National Gross Products 欢聚一堂merrily gather 活跃的经济带vigorous economic region 基础雄厚solid foundation 留下最美好的印象may you have a most pleasant impression 盛世the grand occasion 祝愿在停留愉快wish a pleasant stay 综合性商港comprehensive commercial seaport 春意盎然spring is very much in the air 把„列为重要内容place as the priority 不放松工作never neglect the work 节约用水 water conservation 对„表示衷心祝贺extend our sincere congratulations on 节约用水先进城市model city of water conservation 使„取得预期效果attain the results expected 授予„光荣称号 confer honorable awards on 为„而奋斗strive for 从大局出发proceed from the whole situation 财政政策financial policy 共同繁荣common prosperity 贸易投资自由化trade and investment liberalization 日新月异progress with each passing day 知识经济knowledge economy

环保:Environmental protection 1.保护和改善生活和生态环境 protect and improve the living environment and theecological environment 2.保护珍贵动植物 protect rare animals and plants 3.普及环保知识 popularize environmental protection knowledge 4.增强环境意识 enhance the awareness of the importance of(raise the consciousness about)environmental protection 5.改善生态环境 improve the eco-environment 6.加强生态建设 improve the eco-construction 7.防治污染 prevent and control pollution 8.加强水土保持 reinforce the conservation of water and soil 9.加强城市绿化 strengthen the greening of the city 10.提高环境管理水平raise the environmental management level 11.享受国家一级保护 enjoy first-class protection of the State 12.加强环境保护 strengthen environmental protection 13.保持生态平衡 keep ecological balance 14.创造良好的生态环境 create a pleasant ecological environment 15.采用环保技术 adopt environmental protection technique 16.开展保护野生动物 advocate to educate the public the protection of wild animals 17.开展绿色活动 advocate green activities 18.为大量野生动植物提供栖息地 provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants 19.为人类提供水和食物 supply water and food for human beings 20.非常注重保护森林 pay great attention to the conservation of forest 21.产生巨大的水文效应 produce great hydrological effects 22.引发一系列的问题 result in a series of problems 23.帮助减缓全球变暖速度 help slow down the pace of global warming 24.保留为自然耕地 reserve as natural farmland  25.提高居民的环保和生态意识 improve residents’ environmental and ecological awareness 26.进一步加快环保规划 further speed up environmental protection plans 27.完善城市基础设施建设 perfect the construction of urban infrastructure 28.促进城市可持续发展 promote the sustainable development of the city 29.符合举办奥运会的要求 meet the requirements of hosting the Olympic Games 30.扩建管道网络 expand the pipe network 31.淘汰或改造燃煤锅炉 eliminate or convert coal-burning boilers 32.禁止露天焚烧 prohibit burning out in the open 33.发展太阳能 develop solar energy 34.提高清洁能源的比重 increase the supply of clean energy resources 35.减少机动车辆 reduce the number of vehicles 36.使用清洁能源 burn clean fuel 37.实行严格的机动车排放标准 implement strict vehicle emission standards 38.关闭化工厂 close chemical plants 39.减少浪费 reduce waste 40.加大污染治理力度 strengthen pollution control 41.治理沙地和水土流失问题 tackle the problems of sand and soil erosion 42.加强珍稀野生动植物的保护工作 protect rare wild animals and plants 43.崇尚绿色生活方式 pursue a “green” life 44.使用再生纸 use recycle paper 45.参加环保运动 take part in environmental protection activities 46.坚持门前三包制度 adhere to “the three responsibilities in the gate area’ 47.参加城市重建 participate in the reconstruction of the city 48.注重节约资源 attach importance to saving resources 49.采用新的开采方法 apply new exploitation methods 50.削减污物排放 decrease the disposal of pollutants

biodegradable packaging 可降解包装

throwaway 可丢弃的 disposable 可丢弃的 discourage v.不鼓励


non-renewable 不可再生的

fossil fuels矿石燃料: natural gas, coal, petroleum

limited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源

alternative energy替代能源

replace=substitute v.取代

(wind power, hydropower水电 solar(lunar)power太阳能 nuclear power核能

radioactivity n.辐射性

use up, deplete, exhaust v.用光,耗尽

conserve v.节省,节约

consume less v.少消耗



damage natural habitat 破坏自然栖息地

rare breed稀有物种

endangered species濒危物种

extinct adj.灭绝(die out, disappear动词)

animal rights activist动物权益保护者

natural reserve(giant panda大熊猫)自然保护区

protect wild life保护野生动物

disastrous灾难性的, devastation破坏

have disastrous effect on„对„„有灾难性的影响






carbon dioxide二氧化碳

acid rain酸雨(erode腐蚀)

greenhouse effect温室效应(worsening, deteriorate, deterioration恶化)

global warming全球变暖

ecological system=ecosystem生态系统

green belt绿化带, sand storm沙尘暴,(filter v.过滤)

arouse people's awareness/consciousness of environmental protection提高公众的环保意识


21世纪议程:Agenda 21 世界环境日(6月5日):World Environment Day(June 5th each year)世界环境日主题:World Environment Day Themes 冰川消融,后果堪忧!(2007年)Melting Ice–a Hot Topic!莫使旱地变荒漠!(2006年)Deserts and Desertification–Don't Desert Drylands!营造绿色城市,呵护地球家园!(2005年)Green Cities – Plan for the Planet!海洋存亡,匹夫有责!(2004年)Wanted!Seas and Oceans – Dead or Alive!水——二十亿人生命之所系!(2003年)WaterTime to Act!拯救地球就是拯救未来!(1999年)Our EarthJust Save It!为了地球上的生命-拯救我们的海洋!(1998年)For Life on EarthDevelopment Without Destruction 为了儿童和未来--没有破坏的发展

1980 A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without Destruction 新的十年,新的挑战--没有破坏的发展

1981 Ground Water;Toxic Chemicals in Human Food Chains and Environmental Economics 保护地下水和人类的食物链,防治有毒化学品污染

1982 Ten Years After Stockholm(Renewal of Environmental Concerns)斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议十周年--提高环境意识

1983 Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and Energy 管理和处置有害废弃物,防治酸雨破坏和提高能源利用率 1984 Desertification 沙漠化

1985 Youth: Population and the Environment青年、人口、环境 1986 A Tree for Peace 环境与和平

1987 Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof 环境与居住 1988 When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last 保护环境、持续发展、公众参与

1989 Global Warming;Global Warning警惕全球变暖 1990 Children and the Environment儿童与环境

1991 Climate Change.Need for Global Partnership气候变化--需要全球合作 1992 Only One Earth, Care and Share只有一个地球--一齐关心,共同分享 1993 Poverty and the EnvironmentSave Our Seas 为了地球上的生命--拯救我们的海洋 1999 Our EarthJust Save It!拯救地球就是拯救未来 2000 2000 The Environment Millennium行动起来吧!

2001 Connect with the World Wide Web of life世间万物 生命之网 2002 Give Earth a Chance 让地球充满生机

2003 WaterDead or Alive? 海洋存亡 匹夫有责 2005 Green Cities-Plan for the Planet!营造绿色城市,呵护地球家园

中国主题:人人参与 创建绿色家园

联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会)United Nations Conference on Environment and Development(UNCED)环发大会首脑会议 Summit Session of UNCED 联合国环境规划署 United Nations Environment Programs(UNEP)国际生物多样性日 International Biodiversity Day(29 December)世界水日 World Water Day(22 March)世界气象日 World Meteorological Day(23 March)世界海洋日 World Oceans Day(8 June)人与生物圈方案 Man and Biosphere(MAB)Programme(UNESCO)中国21世纪议程 China's Agenda 21 中国生物多样性保护行动计划 China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan 中国跨世纪绿色工程规划 China Trans-Century Green Project Plan 生物多样性公约 Convention on Biological Diversity 防治荒漠化国际公约 Convention to Combat Desertification 气候变化框架公约 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 国家环境保护总局 State Environmental Protection Administration(SEPA)坚持环境保护基本国策 adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection 污染者负担的政策 “the-polluters-pay” policy 强化环境管理的政策 policy of tightening up environmental management 环保执法检查 environmental protection law enforcement inspection 限期治理 undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time 生态示范区 eco-demonstration region;environment-friendly region 国家级生态示范区(珠海)Nationally Designated Eco-Demonstration Region 国家级园林城市 Nationally Designated Garden City 工业固体废物 industrial solid wastes 白色污染 white pollution(by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)可降解一次性塑料袋 throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags 放射性废料积存 accumulation of radioactive waste 有机污染物 organic pollutants 三废综合利用 multipurpose use of three types of wastes(waste water, waste gas, solid waste)

城市垃圾无害化处理率 decontamination rate of urban refuse 垃圾填埋场 refuse landfill 垃圾焚化厂 refuse incinerator 防止过度利用森林 protect forests from overexploitation 森林砍伐率 deforestation rate 水土流失 water and soil erosion 土壤盐碱化 soil alkalization 生态农业 environment-friendly agriculture;eco-agriculture 水资源保护区 water resource conservation zone 海水淡化 sea water desalinization 造林工程 afforestation project 绿化面积 afforested areas;greening space 森林覆盖率 forest coverage 防风林 wind breaks 防沙林 sand breaks 速生林 fast-growing trees 降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource degradation 开发可再生资源 develop renewable resources 环保产品 environment-friendly products 自然保护区 nature reserve 野生动植物 wild fauna and flora 保护生存环境 conserve natural habitats 濒危野生动物 endangered wildlife 珍稀濒危物种繁育基地 rare and endangered species breeding center 美化环境 landscaping design for environmental purposes 环境恶化 environmental degradation 温饱型农业 subsistence agriculture 空气污染浓度 air pollution concentration 酸雨、越境空气污染 acid rain and transboundary air pollution 工业粉尘排放 industrial dust discharge 烟尘排放 soot emissions 矿物燃料(煤、石油、天然气)fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas 清洁能源 clean energy 汽车尾气排放 motor vehicle exhaust 尾气净化器 exhaust purifier 无铅汽油 lead-free gasoline 天然气汽车 gas-fueled vehicles 电动汽车 cell-driven vehicles;battery cars 小排量汽车 small-displacement(engine)vehicles 温室效应 greenhouse effect 工业废水处理率 treatment rate of industrial effluents 城市污水处理率 treatment rate of domestic sewage 集中处理厂 centralized treatment plant



專有名詞解說﹕APQP(Advanced Product Quality Planning)先期產品品質規劃 PPAP(Production Part Approval Process)生產性零件承認程序

DMAIC(Define , Measur, Analyze, Improve, Control)定義, 衡量, 分析, 改善, 管制

FMEA(Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)失效模式效應分析

GR&R(Gauge repeatability & reproducibility)儀器再現性及再生性

MSA(Measurement Systems Analysis)量測系統分析

ANOVA(Analysis of Variance)變異數分析

AV(Appraisers Variation)檢驗變異

DPMO(Defects Per Million Opportunities)每百萬個機會的缺點數

PPM(Parts Per Million)每百萬不良率

DPU(Defects Per Unit)單位缺點數

DOE(Design of Experiment)實驗設計

DR(Design Review)設計審查

DVT(Design Verification Testing)設計驗證

CTQ(Critical to Quality)關鍵品質特性

CORREL(Correlation Coefficient)相關係數

KPIV(Key Process Input Variables)關鍵輸入變數

KPOV(Key Process Output Variables)關鍵輸出變數


AV(Appraisers Cariation)檢驗員變異

EV(Equipment Variation)儀器系統變異

Cpk(Process Capability)製程能力

Ca(Process Capability of Accuracy)製程能力準確度

Cp(Process Capability of Precision)製程能力精密度

Pp, Ppk(Process Performance Index)製程績效指數

STSEV(Standard Deviation)標準差

SFC(Shop Floor Control)現場監控

SOP(Standard Operation Control)標準作業程序

SPC(StatisticalProcess Control)統計製程管制

SQC(Statistical Quality Control)統計品質管制

RPN(Risk Priority Number)風險優先數

RTY(Rolled Throughout Yield)直通率

FTY(First Time Yield)初檢通過率

4M1E 人, 機, 料, 法, 環


Liner shipping 班轮运输,定期租船 Liner schedule 船期表 Transport service运输服务 Tariff 运价本

Tramp shipping 不定期船 Charter party 租船合同 General cargo vessel 杂货船

Roll on / roff off ship:Ro / Ro ship 滚装船 Refrigerated ship 冷藏船 Multi-propose shi p 多用途船 Dry bulk carrier 干散货船 Full container ship 全集装箱船 Coal carrier 运煤船

Bulk grain carrier 散粮船 Ore carrier 矿石船 Tanker 油轮

Liquified gas carrier 液化气船

Liquified natural gas carrier:LNG carrier 液化天然气船

Liquified petroleum gas carrier:LPG carrier 液化石油气船

Chemical tanker 液体化学品船 Packed cargo 包装货物

Unpacked cargo 或non-packed cargo 裸装货物 Unitized cargo 成组化货物

Containerized cargo 集装箱货物 General cargo 普通货物 Special cargo 特殊货物 Clean cargo 清洁货物 Fine cargo 精细货物

Fragile cargo 易碎品 Liquid cargo 液体货物 Rough cargo 粗劣货物 Smelly cargo 气味货物 Dangerous cargo 危险货物 Reefer cargo 冷藏货物 Perishable cargo 易腐货物 Valuable cargo 贵重货物

Livestock and plants 活的动植物

Bulky and lengthy cargo, heavy cargo 长大,笨重货物

M/T,metric ton 公吨

S.F,stowage factor 货物积载因素

TEU,twenty---foot equivalent unit 20ft集装箱 Dry cargo container 干货集装箱 Bulk container 散装集装箱

RF, reefer container 冷藏集装箱

OT, open---topo container 敞顶集装箱 Plat form based container 框架集装箱 Pen container 牲畜集装箱

TK, tank container 罐式集装箱 Car container 汽车集装箱 Chilled cargo 冷却货物 Frozen cargo 冷冻货物 Break bulk cargo 散件货物

FCL: full container(cargo)load 整箱货 LCL: Less Than Container Load 拼箱货 Ship’s rail or hook /tackle 船边或吊钩 CY:container yard 集装箱堆场

Empty container 空箱 Loaded container 重箱

CFS:container freight station 集装箱货运站 Door to door 门到门 Door to CY 门到场 Door to tackle 门到钩 CY to door 场到门 CY to CY 场到场 CY to CFS 场到站 CY to tackle 场到钩 CFS to door 站到门 CFS to CY 站到场 CFS to CFS 站到站 CFS to tackle 站到钩 tackle to door 钩到门 tackle to CY 钩到场 tackle to CFS 钩到站 tackle to tackle 钩到钩

Container lease agreement 租箱合同 ETC :early termination clause 提前终止条款 D.P.P:damage protection plan 损害修理条款 Ocean common carrier 远洋公共承运人

Non-vessel operating(common)carrier 无船承运人 Ocean freight forwarder 远洋货运代理人 S.C:service contact 服务合同 Shipper 托运人

liner schedule班轮船期表 Canvassion 揽货 Booking 订舱

Rail to rail 船舷至船舷 Tackle to tackle 钩至钩 Home booking 卸货地订舱 Buyer’s nominated cargo 指定货 mislanded 误卸 Overlanded 溢卸 Shortlanded 短卸 Cargo tracer 货物查询单 Duly endorsed Optional cargo 选港货 Port of discharge 卸货港 B/N: booking note 托运单 S/O: shipping order 装货单 M/R: mate’receipt 收货单 Closing date 装货单日 Chief mate 船上大副 Remark批注

Foul receipt 不清洁收货单

Clean receipt 清洁收货单 Loading list 装货清单 Additional cargo list 加载清单 Cancelled cargo list 取消载货清单 M/F: manifest 载货清单 Freight manifest 载货运费清单 Stowage plan 积载图

Dangerous cargo safe stowage certificate 危险货物安全装载书

Heavy and lengthy cargo list 重大件清单 Space report 剩余舱位报告

Stowage survey report 积载检验报告 Boat note 过驳清单

Overlanded & shortlanded cargo list 货物溢段单 Broken & damaged cargo list 货物残损单 D/O: delivery order 提货单,亦称小提单 Non-negotiable 禁止流通 D/R: dock receipt 场站收据 Shipping order 装货单

EIR:equipment interchange receipt 设备交接单 CLP: container load plan 集装箱装箱单 VOCC 远洋公共承运人 GRI 综合费率 Ocean B/L 海运提单

House B/L 仓至仓提单 MASTER B/L

NVOCC:Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船承运人 Consolidated cargo 集拼货物

AMS:automated manifest system 自动舱单系统 B/L: bill of lading 提单

Evidence of the contract of carriage 海上货物运输合同的证明

Receipt for the goods shipped 装船收据 Shipment contract 装运合同 Conclusive evidence 绝对证据 Document of title 物权凭证 Long form B/L 全式提单 Short form B/L简式提单

On board B/L,shipped B/L 已装船提单 Received for shipment B/L收货待运提单 Straight B/L 记名提单

Open B/L;blank B/L;bearer B/L 不记名提单 Order B/L 指示提单 To order 凭指示

To the order of ** 凭某人指示 Clean B/L清洁提单

Unclean B/L or foul B/L 不清洁提单 Direct B/L 直达提单

Transhipment B/L or through B/L 转船提单 Combined transport B/L;intermodal transport B/L;multimodal transport B/L多式联运 Liner B/L 班轮提单

P&I Club :protection and indemnity 保赔协会 NVOCC B/L 无船承运人所签发提单 Advanced B/L 预借提单 Anti-date B/L倒签提单 Post-date B/L 顺签提单 on deck B/L 舱面货提单 omnibus B/L 并提单 separate B/L 分提单 switch B/L交换提单 memo B/L 交接提单 stale B/L 过期提单 name of the vessel 船名 name of the carrier 承运人名称 name of the shipper 托运人名称 name of the consignee 收货人名称 name of the notified party 通知人名称 port of loading装货港 port of discharge卸货港 port of transhipment


description of goods 货物名称 marks &NO.标志

number of package or container 包装件数 gross weight 重量 measurement体积

payment of freight 运费的支付 place and date of issue 提单的签发日期 number of original B(s)/L 地点和份数 place of receipt 接收货物的地点 place of delivery 交付货物的地点 paramount clause 首要条款 definition 定义条款

carrier’s responsibility 承运人责任条款 limit of liability 承运人的赔偿责任限制条款 period of responsibility 承运人期间条款 deck cargo 舱面货

live animals and plants 活动物 dangerous goods危险货物 refrigerated goods冷藏货 timber木材 iron and steel 钢铁

heavy lifts and awkward cargo 重大件 sailing date 船舶开航之日 preliminary evidence 初步证据

Special drawing right :SDR特别提款权

sea way bill :SWB海运单 freigth rate 运价 freigth 运费 tariff 运价本

scale of commodity classification 商品分级表 scale of rates 等级费率表

commodity freigth rate tariff 商品运价表 base port 基本港口 basic freigth基本运费

basic freigth rate 基本运价

surcharge or additional附加运费

bunker adjustment factor,BAF;or bunker surcharge,BS燃油附加费

emergency bunker surcharge,EBS应急燃油附加费 currency adjustment factor;CAF货币贬值附加费 port additional港口附加费

port congestion surcharge港口拥挤附加费 transshipment additional转船附加费 long length additional超长附加费 heavy lift additional超重附加费 direct additional直航附加费 optional surcharge 选港附加费 cozening fee 洗舱附加费

alteration of discharging port additional变更卸货港附加费

deviation surcharge绕航附加费

peak season surcharge,PSS旺季附加费

additional for excess of liability超额责任附加费 war risk surcharge,WRS战争险附加费 general rate increase,GRI整体费率上调

time charter,period charter定期租船 chartering process;chartering process租船程destination delivery charges,DDC目的地交货费

equipment reposition charge,ERC空调调运费 terminal handling charge ,THC码头作业费 original receving charge,ORC原产地接货费 freigth basis计费标准

FT(freight ton ,)或;W/M(weight/measurement)运费吨

minimum rate/minimum freight起码运费 box rate 包厢费率

freigtht all kinds,FAK均一费率 all in freigtht包干费 all in rate,A.I.R全包价

carriage of goods by chartering租船运输 tramp shipping 不定期船运输 charterer 船舶承租人 shipowner船东 Ship broker航运经纪人 chartering broker 租船经纪人

the Owner's broker船舶出租人经纪人 the Charter's broker船舶承租人经纪人 both partiess'broker双方当事人经纪人 warranty clause 保证条款

intermediate clause,in nominate clause中间性条款

the more or less clause,MOL数量增减条款 preliminary voyage预备航次

voyage charter,trip chaster航次租船 bareboat charter,demise charter光船租船 contract of affreightment,COA包运租船 time charter on trip basis,TCT航次期租 single trip or single voyage charter单航次租船

return trip or return voyage charter往返航次租船

consecutive single voyage charter连续单航次租船

consecutive return voyage charter连续往返航次租船

customary quick despatch,CQD习惯尽速装卸 escalation clause自动递增条款

lease purchase光船租购

quantity contract/volume contract包运租船合同,运量合同 daily charter日租租船

order /inquiry/enquiry询盘 general inquiry一般询盘 special inquiry特别询盘 offer发盘

absolute offer绝对发盘" conditional firm offer条件发盘 counter offer还盘 acceptance受盘

conclusion of charter party 签约 Condition Clause条件条款 name of vessel船名 named vessel指定船名 substitute vessel代替船舶 nationality of vessel船籍 classification of vessel船级 tonnage of vessel船舶吨位


专业领域翻译词汇示例>>冶金翻译专业词汇 lographic etchant 金相腐蚀液

metallographic examination 金相研宄 metallographic microscope 金相显微镜 metallographic microscopy 金相显微学 metallostatics 金属静力学

metallothermics 金属热还原法



shaft furnace竖炉

refining furnace精炼炉

reverberatory furnace反射炉

hearth furnace床式反射炉

firebrick lining耐火砖衬

metallographic test 金相检验

metallographist 金相学家

metalloid 类金属

metalloscope 金属显微镜

metalloscopy 金属显微检查

hard steel硬钢

cast steel坩埚钢,铸钢

stainless steel不锈钢

electric steel电工钢,电炉钢 high-speed steel高速钢

moulded steel铸钢

refractory steel热强钢,耐热钢 alloy steel合金钢


tilting mixer可倾式混铁炉


heat exchanger热交换器

gas purifier煤气净化器

turbocompressor涡轮压缩机 burner烧嘴









charging, loading装料,炉料 fusion, melting, smelting熔炼

remelting再熔化,重熔 refining精炼


to cast出铁


midland ross process 米德兰德 罗斯法 midrex process 米德雷斯直接炼铁法 mig welding 金属惰性气体电弧焊 mild steel sheet 低碳钢薄板

mill approach table 轧机前的辊道 mill hardening 轧制余热淬火 mill housing 轧机机架

mill layout 轧机布置

mill opening 轧辊开度

mill pack 叠轧板材

mill pinion 齿轮辊mill scalecoking plant 炼焦厂

electrometallurgy 电冶金学

powder metallurgy粉末冶金学 blast furnace鼓风炉

tilting mixer 可倾式混铁炉 regenerator 蓄热室

heat exchanger 热交换器

gas purifier煤气净化器




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