1、Here is a great irony of 21st century global health.(A)While hundreds of millions of people lack adequate food as a result of economic inequities, political corruption or warfare, hundreds of millions more are overweight to the point of increased risk for diet-related chronic diseases.Obesity is a worldwide phenomenon, affecting children as well as adults and forcing all but the poorest countries to divert scarce resources away from food security to take care of people with preventable heart disease and diabetes().放入短文B处
2、First aid is emergency care for a victim of sudden illness or injury until more skillful medical treatment is available,(A)First aid may save a life or improve certain vital signs including pulse, temperature, an unobstructed airway and breathing.First-aid measures depend upon a victim's needs and provider's level of knowledge and skill().放入短文B处
3、A widely heralded but still
experimental cancer-fighting, compound may be used someday to prevent two other major killers of Americans: heart disease and stroke.(A)How can a drug that is apparently effective against tumors also reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke?().放入短文B处
4、Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them and a child rarely dislikes food unless it is badly cooked.(A)Never ask a child whether he likes or dislikes a food and never discuss likes and dislikes in front of him or allow anybody else to do so().放入短文B处
5、Faces, like fingerprints, are unique.(A)Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? We can tell people apart not only by how they look but also by how they behave().放入短文C处
6、A European study has revealed that 100% fruit and vegetable juices are as effective as their $hole fruit vegetable counterparts in reducing risk factors related to certain diseases.(A)As a result, they determined that the positive impact fruits and Vegetables offer come not from just the fiber but also from antioxidants which are present in both juice and the whole fruits and vegetables().放入短文B处
7、It is interesting to notice the fact that people from different walks of life are working together in search of a better view across the industrialized world and beyond.(A)Through therapeutic cloning, scientists would create embryos to harvest stem cells, which may hold the key to treating a wide range of disease().放入短文C处
8、Can electricity cause cancer? A growing band of
scientists and journalists has pointed to studies that seem to link exposure to electromagnetic fields with increased risk of leukemia and other malignancies(悲性肿瘤).(A)
If there is a caner risk, it is a small one().放入短文D处
9、As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behaviors, such as poor eating habits, smoking and failure to exercise.(A)
Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat very nutritious foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally().放入短文B处
10、In the summer, millions of Americans will offer up their bodies to the sun rays.A tan indicates health and beauty, and most sun worshippers will sacrifice a lot to achieve it, including themselves.(A)
With each hour, the sun's ultraviolet(UV)radiation produces irreversible damage, hastening the development of unsightly wrinkles().放入短文A处
11、Most sore throats are caused by the infection which treatment with antibiotics cannot cure.(A)But with simple remedies the patient normally gets better in 4 0r 5 days.Tonsillitis,however, usually starts with a sore throat which causes pain on swallowing().放入短文C处
12、The Chinese have used a method called acupuncture to perform operations for about 4,000 years without putting the patient to sleep.(A)
But to be skillful requires greater time().放入短文C处
13、Eating potatoes is not only good for bowel health, but also for the whole immune system, especially wen they come in the fo,rm.of a potato salad or eaten cold.(A)
White blood cells are produced as a result of inflammation or disease, generally when the body is challenged().放入短文B处
14、Scientists have developed a slimming drug that successfully suppresses appetite and results in a dramatic loss of weight without any apparent ill effects.(A)The drug interferes with appetite control and prevents the build up of fatty issue().放入短文A处
15、What we know of prenatal development(产前发育)makes all this attempt made by a mother to mold the character of her unborn child by studying poetry, art or mathematics during
There is no connection between their nervous system().放入短文B处
16、Medical researchers keep looking for less invasive ways to perform operations.(A)Some researchers see a future in NOTES。NOTES is short for Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery().放入短文B处
17、The human nose is an underrated tool.(A)Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, but this is largely because unlike animals, we stand upright.(B)In fact, though, we are extremely sensitive to smells, even if we do not generally realize it().放入短文C处
18、In families with two working parents, fathers may have more impact on a child's language development than mothers, a new study suggests.(A)The scientists measure the total utterances of the parents, the number of different words they used, the complexity of their sentences and other aspects of their speech().放入短文C处
19、A bookless life is an incomplete life.(A)Books influence the depth and breadth of life.(B)They meet the natural desire for freedom, for expression, for creativity and beauty of life.Learners, therefore, must have books, and the right type of book, for the satisfaction of their need().放入短文A处 20、Not all memories are sweet.Some people spend all their lives trying to forget bad experiences.(A)Now American researchers think they are close to developing a pill, which will help people forget these bad memories.(B)Violence and traffic accidents can leave people with terrible physical A处
21、There is no question that the old style of air pollution could kill people:(A)Scientists have now conducted a number of laboratory experiments in which volunteers are exposed to ozone inside a steel chamber for a few hours().放入短文C处
22、Keeping a diary is bad for your health, say UK psychologists.(A)They-found that people who regularly keep diaries suffer from headaches, These findings challenge the assumption that people find it easier to get over a trauma even if they write about it().放入短文B处
23、Though they are an extensive supplier of vitamin, minerals and high-quality protein, eggs also contain a high level of blood cholesterol, one of the major causes of heart disease.(A)This knowledge has caused egg sales to drop in recent years, which in turn has brought about the development of several alternatives to eating regular egg().放入短文B处
24、Skin cancer is by far the most common cancer in the and emotional
scars Oftentheyrelivetheseexperiencesinnightmares().放入短文
US.About l million people will be diagnosed with the disease each year.(A)
Mehuioma is particular harmful because it can occur at a young age and the tumor is hard to distinguish from ordinary brown mole().放入短文D处
词汇与语法 Ahd/Ib Aht/f Alm/m-g Atc/has b Att/if Aui/c-t Awt//t Dyl/o Ebw/w-e Ehb/g-f Emb/h-s Eta/b Fto/e Hgf/d Hgfm/t Hia/t-s Hmf/w Hmt/none Hwt/r-f Iba/ib Icw/m-t Ihr/mhb Iia/t-t Iin/f Ish/w Ist/po-r Itf/a-e Iti/se Itw/h-s Iwt/t Jcy/w Jjn/t-e Jsa/e Jwp/f Lah/di Mca/mu Mdw/n-much-e Mot/l-g Mri/o Msa/b-d Nop/w-e Nsh/t-n Owi/r Rtm/t-t Sch/a Sit/g-f Smt/d Ssa/u Sut/s-did Tap/e-e Taw/i Tbi/f-big-s Tbw/a-r Tdi/i Tfa/to Tgo/a Tgow/b-d Thr/b Tht/e Til/s Tin/t Tmp/l-o Tof/a-ge Too/s-g Trd/a-t Tsh/u Tso/a Ttb/p Tto/s Ttt/i Twi/o Tww/b Wah/a-d Whs/se Whw/r-f Wiw/b Wth/m Wtw/b Wyp/p-n Ydt/wha
语句排序 Aftih/41325 Attie/21534 Bmhsi/53214 Drrtd/14352 Fbtit/14253 Hhaait/354162 Ianwi/52314 Iomatt/465213 Isibai/451236 Ittbpt/324615 Ittts/34215 Matsti/326451 Mwmia/14253 Nttam/15423 Piiss/13254 Saaotm/315246 Srotsf/461523 Ssftw/32541 Taatb/41325 Taiettv/2315764 Taittt/265134 Tasafas/2431756 Tiafw/451632 Titeae/635124 Toiis/21543 Tsmwt/53142 Ttwhi/43251 Tutmm/24513 Wettv/32514 Yooof/21543
Adata*tdi/tnp/r/tit/t-s Aphe*i/to/b/hst/h Btin*m/tmd/tl/hm/i-e Dyes*t/b/te/o/o Hftv*i/s/v/at/bt I1957*i/e/w/tvhg/n Mehm*d-y/ta/tt/i/i Miss*t-d/s/v/tfvp/ti Nodh*t-need-s/s/w/t/i Oaie*a-c-d/y/a/t-e/l-n Rbwb*tw/tawi/iiu/l/w Satu*tb/do/m/to/tw Stih*ntyait/epilrl/tc/t/a Tiar*e-e/r/tw/ts/o Toya*b-art-y/t-d/n/s/p Twms*s/s/hn/mte/hc Wchd*ns/ata/w/t/t-may-s Wiqh*cfttk/tak/ah/i-t/t-r
Ftet/t,d-p,d,l-e,on,c,d,o,r-m,o Iatr/du,l,cu,da,l,c,w,l,b,i-l Mpis/r,h,n,f,e-y,w-s,o,s,a,d Nert/g,l-y,c-ta-t,f,t,d-y,t-t,b,v-e-y,b Titm/w,c-g,r,o,o,s,of,o-r,a,b-o-e Toa/h,w,w-t,so,c-s,u,a,b,s-d,b Urmh/a,a,i-e,b,b,c,h,i,s-n,m Whso/t,u,h,w,p,ap-e,k,f,u,i
Afty;att,t/hmt,5/woi,n/wit,a-p/wwt,n Ammd.如果-大于利 Airr;wdt,t-r/wis,tr/wit,tstt/wcb,m/wit,d
Atin.尽管并没有 Anss;wot,tt/wdv,b-r/wwt,ttwa/wds,t-t/wcw,sw Awah.从我们的 Atar;att-e,s/att-r,a-e/wia,b-n/wot,h/wit,i Dimf.对药品的依赖 Atop;wap,b-k/att,n/wot,d/wds,rts/wdd,r
Drot.不要口渴了 Csie;wdt,a-r/wot,iisbi/wit,p-s/wot,t-Q/wcw,d-d Fcwi.有关感染 Dsin;wit,e/wot,l/wtp,thst/wtm,t-y/wto,p Gphb.为了-苦心
Dtsl;wcw,d-s/wot,h/itu,bo/iwc,id/wmb,tsa Hsrt.这种运动足以使
Egsd;wot,h/wdt,g/ip2,mias-y/atp,m/wit,s Iawa.在澳-人口老年化-法律 Gfah;hmc,19/att,f/wdt,t-d-d/wot,g/wit,p Ibar.例如-只要-一样的 Iaaa;wdt,m/wal,wit/wwm,btsu/win,h/wda,tc Icdh.这样一来 Itfm;wdt,pw/wmb,t-s/wot,s/wdt,bt-r/wot,w Iian引起
Jnaa;wot,i-t/att,iws/ip2,bua/att,m/wcb,hmhr Iioi只有在特殊情况下 Moat;wdt,tt/woi,ic/wdt,t-e/wot,m/wdp,iid Iitu他把无法彻底 Mste;wit,h-d/wcb,a/wot,a/att,m/wot,a-n Ithb如果-增强 Njsd;wit,t-s/wot,scswd/wot,m/wcb,a/wwt,r-r Msai肌肉帮你 Oa15;wit,p-e/wdy,h-k/wot,s/atg,s/wit,tm Nsti无须-即使
Ootm;wit,tf/wdt,e/att,t-t/wcb,i-p-s/woo,i Oalm在另一个层面上-痛苦 Pial;win,b-s/wot,a/hld,seven/wot,pa/wsf,d Ooim贵一些-开支 Pido;wtm,d-s/wdt,d-y/hdt,i-d/wot,p/wtm,ts Ootm年龄是决定
Owdt一位妇女-医疗机构 Swhn;whs,b-s/wds,b-e/wdt,iwq/wot,tb/wcw,swg Pwhd限制-不齐
Tfwe;wit,f/wot,d/hhs,bot/wan,t-s/wdt,ca Smvd有如此多-以致 Wfwd;wot,a-y/wit,e/att,tf/wdt,a/wmi,d Swhn清楚
Tnhs一这样-免费医疗 完成句子
Tpoe循证-决策 Aoha;oda,tc/pwu,8/fpt,hpu/tnr,be/tbt,n Tppr人们发现 Atss;atr,s-e/wys,s/tfo,tr/dit,s/tmi,s Trar呼吸-控制的 Dwho;tas,tat/tat,s/att,tcp/icb,as/aot,h Twus避免-释放 Dyfg;iap,h-g/mlt,u/iow,gu/yaa,ht/tfs,d Wlia我们生活-香烟 Esmm;wnf,c/bc,e/its,m/bhm,p/tbt,bgfm Wmlt我们-而随着新的 Fvwa;egc,25/prw,aes/tsw,at/att,ief/itp,ro Goah;tly,83/ftw,t/ndg,h/twl,w/wii,n Haky;mg,r/owh,dtr/iyi,yh/ib,n/tnd,f-s-s Ians;ata,r/ftp,o/att,as/wti,w/tas,in
It19;tro,wk/tsos,w/tsos,hm/ssa,y/att,m 汉译英 Jsya;att,atf/ftp,m/tnm,tbs/twt,n/spf,tcs 毕竟Aacet Mdan;tfa,g/eod,da/agl,t/twd,l-n/tpw,twu 不管花W-r-t Oaca;aco,twc/att,t/tab,o/tpm,ww/ftp,b 但不幸Uew Pfit;ita,rp/ttt,e/tas,e/att,l/aef,r
对于那些F-y Pnbt;att,cb/sad,c-s/pwa,au/pel,t/wac,w-y
国民保健T-e Rmai;tfo,p-20-h-y/iwb,t-g/att,m/tso,sh/tmt,tcb 喉咙S-y b-s Rutm;att,ka/atta,iact/kua,fot/ttm,ta/tms,c 患者偶尔Tpad Stbo;tpi,ph/tio,c/att,awort/gcb,tr/tso,p 鸡蛋Tpe
集束性C-s w-for2-s Tsdp;dst,hl/dmb,wif/otp,m/tgr,jah/sst,m 她这种状况H-r Twhc;atp,b/wcl,m/tup,tl-e/oap,lt/tir,t-s 经常锻炼T-t Twho;att,dr/iso,p/soh,att/tsw,moi/tfs,h 立法者L-s Wapf;asd,ap/baa,tr/ags,r/abw,s/tad,g 例如F-d-y Wcft;ffm,ww/tsp,b/atc,tf/twt,p/tms,t-n 铅中毒Lpitp 如果你对Iycaa 如果腰I 适量A
所有活细胞A-Tfsqitsoof 我们会Wwtoar 一般来说I-i-b-s 医生将Dwbatc 医生认为Dbthl 医生通常Dtt 在世界I-t-g
1.Hurricane Betsy haddemolishedhis former home.destroy
2.She carried on alone for a few bars;then her voice trailed away.变弱 fade away
3.Thev did not delve into each other's lives.Investigate
4.The Norman lords of course turned up their noses at it.Look down onpan
5.The torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans, tempered by war.trained
6.Together let us eradicate disease!Root out
7.Here was a scene so dreadful kideous, so intolerable bleak and forlorn.terrible
8.I award this championship only after laborious research and incessant prayer.endless
9.One cannot imagine mere human beings concocting such dreadful things.Trump up
10.Memories of the deliciously illicit thrill of the first visit to a speakeasy.illegal
11.The end of the decade forced the revelers to sober up.Wake up
12.They seem altogether out of scale in England.Out of proportion
l3.I will announce what the future of the English hangs upon, keeping clear of econoratcs.excluding
14.Where is this “Good life” in sweating your guts out...?Spending a lot of efforts
15.The stubbornly divided minority, only agreeing in being myopic and entirely self interested.Short sight
16.The Sun Also Rises was written by_
A)Dos Passosg)T.S.laiot
C)Ernest HemingwayD)William Faulkner
17.The following descriptions about the Cold War are correct except.A)It was the period of protracted conflict and competition between the United
States and the Soviet Union and their allies.B)It lasted from the late 1940s until the late 1980s.C)During the time there were repeated crises that threatened to escalate into world war.D)The rivalry between the two superpowers was played out only in military coalitions.18.Among the following American presidents, ___had a Catholic religious background.A)Dwight David EisenhowerB)John Fitzgerald KenndyC)Franklin Delano Roosevelt.D)Abraham Lincoln
19.Ingo is a fictional character in William Shakespeare’s _____
A)OthelloB)King LearC)HamletD)Macbeth
20.Among the following American cities, ___ bears the nickname “the Big Apple”.A)Los AnglesB)ChicagoC)PhiladelphiaD)New York
21.The Norman conquest of England was the invasion of the Kingdom of England by William the Conqueror(Duke of Normandy).In the year of ____ at the Battle of Hastings the English King was defeated and England was conquered by the Normans.A)1406B)1066C)1604D)1266
22.In 1770, James Cook sailed along and mapped the east coast of Australia which he named Now South Wales and claimed for Britain.The expedition’s discoveris provided impetus for the establishment of a(n)_____ there.A)port of transshipmentB)enclaveC)penal colonyD)cassal state
23.The British House of Commons, a part of British Parliament, is a(n)____ assembly.A)legislativeB)executiveC)juridicalD)military
24.U.S.Independence Day, _____, has been celebrated to commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1766.A)June 4B)July 4C)July 14D January 20
25.Which of the following is not an American publication? ____.A)The Atlantic Monthly(magazine)B)The Guardian(newspaper)C)Fortune(magezine)
26.New York was never Mecca to me.A)simileB)metonymyC)personificationD)euphemism
27.As it is they are like a hippopotamus blundering in and out of a pet’s tea party.A)antithesisB)ironyC)metaphorD)simile
28.The country was blind and deaf to everything save the glint and ring of the dollar.A)PersonificationB)ridiculeC)synecdocheD)sarcasm
29.It is incredible that mere ignorance should have achieved such masterpieces of horror.A)simileB)metonymyC)irony and sarcasmD)synecdoche
30.If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.A} alliterationB)antithesisC)simileD)personification
31.The glow of the conversation burst into flame.A)metaphorB)sarcasmC)paradoxD)antithesis
32.America has shown us too many desperately worried executives dropping into early graves.A)ironyB)oxymoronC)transferred epithetD)ridicule
33.Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah to “undo the heavy burdens...(and)let the oppressed go free“
A)assonanceB)consonanceC)alliterationD)biblical quotation
34.Belinda smiled.and all the world was gay.A)parallelismB)repetition.C)hyperboleD)climax
35.Both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind’s final war.A)oxymoronB)transferred epithetC)synecdocheD)personification
36.In both these roles it ratifies more than it creates.In both these roles of banking and communications headquarters, new York creates very few things but approves many things started by people on other parts of the country.37.We were both searching for our separate identities.We were all trying to find our own special individualities
38.To put cars and motorways before houses seems to Englishness a communal imbecility.To regard cars and motorways as more important than houses seem to Englishness a public stupidity
39.They wanted to get into the fun before the whole thing turned belly up.The young man wanted to take part in the glorious adventure before the whole war ended
40.The country itself is not uncomely, despite the grime of the endless mills.The country itself is a pleasant to look at, despite the sooty dirt spread by the innumerable mills in this region.五 省略
Section A
56.全世界公民,不要问美国能为你们做什么,而应问我们一起能为人类的自由做些什么。My fellow citizens of the world ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.57.让我们双方探究达成共识的问题,而不要在引起分歧的问题上虚耗心力。
Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which devide us
The new ruling class had built a cultural barrier against the saxon peasant by building their French against peasants’ own language
We can prop it up with our heads and shoulders
The slightest mention of the decade brings nostalgic recollections to the middle-aged
Section B
61.To make your first encounter a positive one, start with a firm handshake.If the interrliewer doesn't initiate the gesture, offer your hand first.Whenever you have a choice of seats, select a chair beside his or her desk, as opposed to one across from it.That way there are no barriers between the two of you and the effect is somewhat less confrontational.If you must sit facing the desk, shift your chair slightly as you sit down, or angle your body in the chair so you're not directly in front of your interviewer.七
Henry David Thoreau wrote, ”Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after."
Directions: In a well thought out essay, examine the accuracy of this ophorism(格言)in modern society.Concentrate on examples from your observations, reading, and experiences to develop your ideas
You are asked to write an essay of about 250 words on relevant topic(you should suggest a proper title of the essay).Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammat and appropriacy.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
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