
时间:2019-05-14 10:43:52下载本文作者:会员上传


Abstract: With a focus on the intake tower of the Yanshan Reservoir, this paper discusses the method of modeling in the 3D CAD software SolidWorks and the interface processing between SolidWorks and the ANSYS code, which decreases the difficulty in modeling complicated models in ANSYS.In view of the function of the birth-death element and secondary development with APDL(ANSYS parametric design language), a simulation analysis of the temperature field and thermal stress during the construction period of the intake tower was conveniently conducted.The results show that the temperature rise is about 29.934 □ over 3 or 4 days.The temperature differences between any two points are less than 24 □.The thermal stress increases with the temperature difference and reaches its maximum of 1.68 MPa at the interface between two concrete layers.Key words: SolidWorks;ANSYS;APDL;birth-death element;temperature field;thermal stress 1 Introduction Mass concrete is widely used in civil and hydraulic engineering nowadays, and its thermal stress increasingly attracts attention during design and construction.It is necessary to analyze the temperature field and thermal stress of important mass concrete structures with both routine methods and the finite element method(FEM).Some researchers have done a large amount of simulation analyses using FEM software(Tatro 1985;Barrett et al.1992;Kawaguchi and Nakane 1996;Zhu and Xu 2001;Zhu 2006), but difficulties in these methods remain.There are two main difficulties:(1)Most mass concrete structures are complex and difficult to model with FEM software.(2)Complete simulation is difficult with FEM software because of the complex construction processes and boundary conditions of concrete.The structure of the intake tower of the Yanshan Reservoir is complex.It is 34.5 m high and there is a square pressure tunnel at the bottom, the side length of which is 6 m.The intake tower was modeled in the 3D CAD software SolidWorks and imported into ANSYS with an interface tool.Then, using the APDL program, analysis of the temperature field and thermal stress during construction was conducted.2 Modeling in SolidWorks and interface processing between SolidWorks and ANSYS 2.1 Modeling in SolidWorks SolidWorks is a CAD/CAE/CAM/PDM desktop system, and the first 3D mechanical CAD software in Windows developed by the SolidWorks company.It provides product-level automated design tools(Liu and Ren 2005).The outside structure of the intake tower is simple but the internal structure is relatively complex.Therefore, the process of modeling is undertaken from the inside to the outside.The integrated and internal models of the intake tower are shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2.图片 Fig.1 Integrated model Fig.2 Cross section 2.2 Interface processing between SolidWorks and ANSYS ANSYS is a type of large universal finite element software that has a powerful ability to calculate and analyze aspects of structure, thermal properties, fluid, electromagnetics, acoustics and so on.In addition, the interface of ANSYS can be used to import the CAD model conveniently(Zhang 2005), which greatly reduces the difficulties of dealing with complex models.The interface tools are given in Table 1.Table 1 CAD software packages and preferred interface tools 图表1

After modeling in SolidWorks, it is necessary to save the model as a type of Parasolid(*.x_t)so as to import it into ANSYS correctly.Then, in ANSYS, the importing of the model is completed with the command “PARAIN, Name, Extension, Path, Entity, FMT, Scale” or the choice of “FileDImportDPARA...” in the GUI interface.There are two means of importing: selecting or not selecting “Allow Defeaturing”,the differences of which are shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4.图片 Fig.3 Importing with defeaturing Fig.4 Importing without defeaturing 3 Analysis of temperature field of intake tower The temperature analysis of the intake tower during the construction period involves aspects of the temperature field and thermal stress.The calculation must deal with the problems of simulation of layered construction, dynamic boundary conditions, hydration heat, dynamic elasticity modulus, autogenous volume deformation of concrete and thermal creep stress, which are difficult to simulate directly in ANSYS.APDL is a scripting language based on the style of parametric variables.It is used to reduce a large amount of repetitive work in analysis(Gong and Xie 2004).This study carried out a simulation analysis of the temperature field considering nearly all conditions of construction, using the birth-death element and programming with APDL.3.1 Solving temperature field principle 3.1.1 Unsteady temperature field analysis The temperature of concrete changes during the construction period due to the effect of hydration heat of cement.This problem can be expressed as a heat conduction problem with internal heat sources in the area.The unsteady temperature field T(x, y, z,D)is written as(Zhu 1999): 公式1

where □ is the thermal conductivity of concrete, c is the specific heat of concrete, □ is the density of concrete, □ is the adiabatic temperature rise of concrete, and □ is the age of concrete.In the 3D unsteady temperature field analysis, the functional form I e(T)is 公式2 where □R is a subfield of unit e;□0 is the area on surface D , which is only in boundary units;c

□ □ □

□;□ is the exothermic coefficient;the thermal diffusivity c □ □ □ □;and is

the air temperature.a T

3.1.2 Initial conditions and boundary conditions of concrete The initial conditions are the distribution laws of the initial transient temperature of internal concrete.The calculated initial temperature of concrete is 10 □.The index formula of hydration heat of cement is 公式3 where t is the pouring time.The conversion between Q and □ is 公式4 The boundary conditions involve the laws of interaction between concrete and the surrounding medium.When concrete is exposed to the air, the boundary condition is 公式5 where n is the normal direction.Both and a T □ are constants or variables(Ashida and Tauchert 1998;Lin and Cheng 1997).During the maintenance period, the insulation materials of concrete are steel formworks and straws, and the exothermic coefficient of the outer surface is reduced as equivalent processing.The exothermic coefficients of the steel formwork and the straw are 45 kJ/(m2h+0)and 10 kJ/(m2h+0),respectively.Based on the local temperature during construction, the following formula can be fitted according to the temperature variation curve: 公式6

3.2 Analysis of temperature field in ANSYS The simulation scheme of layered construction, which is based on the real construction scheme, is shown in Table 2.The pouring days in Table 2 are all the total days of construction for each layer.A layer is not poured until the former layer is poured.图表2

The feature points are selected in every layer above the base plate.The maximum temperatures and the temperature curves are given in Table 3 and Fig.5, respectively.Table 3 Coordinates and maximum temperature of feature points 图表3 图片5 Fig.5 Maximum temperature curves Fig.5 shows that the maximum temperature of each layer occurs on the 3rd or 4th day after pouring, and then the temperature decreases with time, which is consistent with related literature(Lin and Cheng 1997;Luna and Wu 2000;Wu and Luna 2001).In Fig.5, the numbers of feature points from 2 to 8 are corresponding to their maximum temperature curves from Nodetemp 2 to Nodetemp 8, and the curve of Nodetemp 9 is the air temperature curve.Feature point 8, the maximum temperature of which is 29.934 □ , occurring on the 206th day of the total construction period, shows the maximum temperature rise during the construction period.Feature point 4, the coordinates of which are(16.4, 16.0, 5.0), shows the maximum temperature difference of 23.5340.4 Analysis of thermal stress of intake tower Expansion or contraction of the structure occurs during heating and cooling.If the expansion or contraction of different parts is inconsistent, then thermal stress occurs.The indirect method was adopted in this study: the temperature of nodes was first obtained in analysis of the temperature field, and then applied to the structure as a body load.4.1 Selection of calculating parameters The parameters of concrete are given in Table 4.The elasticity modulus is 公式7 Table 4 Parameters of concrete 图表4 The creep effect must be considered in analysis of temperature stress.The creep degree of concrete is influenced by the cement type, water-cement ratio and admixture.The formula of the creep degree is 公式8 Considering the creep degree, the formula of the elasticity modulus is adjusted to be 公式9

4.2 Analysis of thermal stress in ANSYS As in analysis of the temperature field, feature points were selected in each layer above the base plate, and their coordinates were the same as those in the temperature field analysis.The maximum thermal stress of each point is shown in Table 5.Feature point 9, the coordinates of which are(17.4, 10.8, 8.0), is the point with the maximum thermal stress.Table 5 Maximum thermal stress of feature points 图表5

The thermal stress curves of feature points are shown in Fig.6.图片6

Fig.6 Maximum stress curves In Fig.6, the numbers of feature points from 2 to 9 are corresponding to their maximum stress curves from S1_2 to S1_9, and the S1_10 curve is the ultimate tensile stress of concrete.The formula of concrete’s ultimate tensile stress is 公式10 The figures and table show that the maximum thermal stress of the intake tower is 1.68 MPa, occurring on the 90th day of the construction period, which is the end of the third layer maintenance period and the beginning of the pouring of the fourth layer.It is known that the thermal stress increases with the temperature difference.Feature point 9 is located at the interface between the third layer and the fourth layer.Thus, it is postulated that the maximum thermal stress is caused by the instantaneous temperature difference between two layers in the pouring period.In Fig.6, the S1_10 curve shows the ultimate tensile stress curve of concrete.It is known that the maximum thermal stress of each point in the intake tower during the construction period is less than the ultimate tensile stress of concrete.5 Conclusions ⑴ The problem of the interface between SolidWorks and ANSYS is resolved in this study, realizing an effective combination of the advantages of both SolidWorks and ANSYS and providing a basis for analysis in ANSYS.(2)Using a birth-death element and considering layered construction, dynamic boundary conditions, hydration heat, the dynamic elasticity modulus, autogenous volume deformation and creep of concrete, the temperature field and thermal stress during the construction period are conveniently obtained due to the virtues of secondary development with APDL.(3)The analysis of temperature shows that the temperature of concrete rises rapidly in the early stage of construction, reaches a maximum value of 29.934 □ on the 3rd or 4th day after pouring, drops thereafter, and is consistent with air temperature after about 30 days.The thermal stress increases with the temperature difference, and the occurrence time of the maximum thermal stress is consistent with that of the maximum temperature difference.The maximum thermal stress occurs at the interface of new and old layers and is caused by the instantaneous temperature difference, the value of which is 1.68 MPa.(4)The maximum thermal stress is less than the ultimate tensile stress of concrete, which illustrates that the curing measures in construction are effective.Meanwhile, in view of the fact that the maximum thermal stress occurs at the interface of new and old layers, more attention should be paid to it, especially when there is a long interval of time between the pouring of different layers.References Ashida, F., and Tauchert, T.R.1998.An inverse problem for determination of transient surface temperature from piezoelectric sensor measurement.Journal of Applied Mechanics, 65(2), 367-373.[doi:10.1115/1.2789064] Barrett, P.R., Foadian, H., James, R.J., and Rashid, Y.R.1992.Thermal-structural analysis methods for RCC dams.Proceedings of the Conference of Roller Concrete III, 407-422.San Diego: ASCE.Gong, S.G., and Xie, G.L.2004.Commands and Parametric Programming in ANSYS.Beijing: China Machine Press.(in Chinese)Kawaguchi, T., and Nakane, S.1996.Investigations on determining thermal stress in massive concrete structures.ACI Materials Journal, 93(1), 96-101.Lin, J.Y., and Cheng, T.F.1997.Numerical estimation of thermal conductivity from boundary temperature measurements.Numerical Heat Transfer, 32(2), 187-203.[doi:10.1080/***87] Liu, L.J., and Ren, J.P.2005.Application of the secondary development in SolidWorks.Mechanical Management and Development,(1), 74-75.(in Chinese)Luna, R., and Wu, Y.2000.Simulation of temperature and stress fields during RCC dam construction.Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 126(5), 381-388.[doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(2000)126:5(381)] Tatro, S.B.and Schrader, E.K.1985.Thermal consideration for roller compacted concrete.ACI Structural Journal, 82(2), 119-128.Wu, Y., and Luna, R.2001.Numerical implementation of temperature and creep in mass concrete.Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 37(2), 97-106.[doi:10.1016/S0168-874X(00)00022-6] Zhang, J.2005.Interface design between AutoCAD and ANSYS.Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics, 26(2), 257-262.(in Chinese)Zhu, B.F.1999.Thermal Stresses and Temperature Control of Mass Concrete.Beijing: China Electric Power Press.(in Chinese)Zhu, B.F., and Xu, P.2001.Methods for stress analysis simulating the construction process of high concrete dams.Dam Engineering, 6(4), 243-260.Zhu, B.F.2006.Current situation and prospect of temperature control and cracking prevention technology for concrete dam.Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 37(12), 1424-1432.(in Chinese)

















2.2 影响SO3浓度的过程因素



表4 富氧燃烧条件下影响熔炉中SO2浓度的因素















酸露点热量传递的控制灰分的化学成分,SO3/SO2的转化,H2SO4的转化 飞灰中Na,K,Ca,Mg倾向于形成硫酸盐从而减少SO2的浓度。在飞灰中硫的捕获率依赖于数量,微粒粒径,金属氧化物在灰分中的形成和分布。更高浓度的水分和灰分使燃料/O2的比值更小。S的生成物H2S和COS在还原气氛中间断的形成,焦炭的燃尽影响影响整个燃料中硫元素的转化。碳的燃尽,火焰的温度,传递给锅炉的辐射热。通过燃烧器的烟气流体积的改变,稀释/SO2的循环。通过燃烧器的气体流体积发生改变,SO2稀释 在烟气酸露点下运行的热量交换单元将会导致H2SO4的沉













印刷数字化的这三个方面是我的观点。那么方正在这三个方面已经做了或者实现了什么呢? 方正在生产流程的数字化的实现是包含一下产品在内的,包括方正FIT页面布局软件,Wenhe 拼版软件,EagleProof,EagleDot 数码打样,语言文体库,RIP,打印控制器,ElecRoc 工作流程和CTP,EasiPrint 数码印刷系统和SuperLine 防伪系统。同时在印刷内容数字化中,方正有多媒体内容系统和数字化资产管理印刷系统。我们在数字化管理上也有RIP和分配系统。对于数字化印刷,方正已经做了很多贡献。






接下来我想分享一下数字化工作流程的所有应用趋势。CTP和工作流程组成CTP系统。CTP的安装不仅仅是对设备的购买,而是拥有工作流程软件,程序,制版和系统设备。基于JDF/JDF的工作流程能够连接印前到印刷到印后,它已经成为CTP系统的核心。我想在这儿提到的是:方正的ElecRoc 工作流程系统和CTP 应用技术是被特别设计的,符合中国(和亚洲)的印刷企业。对于工作流程来说,网点,色彩管理,字体语言库,捕捉和油墨控制是最重要的组成部分。正在应用的是胶印和数码印刷合成的集成工作流程。在印刷企业里,对于公司的管理,紧密结合ERP系统的数字化工作流程将变成基本的平台。










第五篇:毕业论文 英文文献翻译

_______ 学 院


原文名称: “Goldilocks” Liberalization: The Uneven Path Toward Interest Rate Reform in China








Shih and Victor



尽管推行这种市场化,但金融体系的基本逻辑任然保持了一样。在存款方面,存款利率上下限的去除主要是象征性的,因为银行没有理由去不必要地降低利率,使其低于他们的竞争对手所提供的利率。因此,很少数的银行利用市场化的优势来给出低于存款基准利率的利率(2006年绿色)。关于贷款利率市场化,央行的理由是,它将使银行“根据客户不同风险的状况给予不同的贷款和利率”(2005年中国人民银行货币政策研究小组)。虽然这听起来像一个显著的效率增益,但这是发出了现实的信号,即银行继续提供廉价融资,给予有更低的官僚风险状况的国家资助项目和国有企业。在此期间,通过存款利率上限和贷款利率的下限,银行之间的“毁灭性竞争”仍然受到严格的限制。因此,银行仍然不能通过提供更高的存款利率互相竞争。同样,银行无法通过提供给借款者更低的利率来相互竞争,因为银行能提供的最低利率为基准利率的90%。中国人民银行的一份报告显示,整个国有银行全部贷款的27%,被设臵于法定最低利率,这表明银行将会通过给出法定最低利率来竞争(中国人民银行货币政策的研究团队 2005)。为了给中国人民银行信贷,促使城市商业银行和农村信用社贷款利率的市场化,通过提供更多高利率的贷款给在私营部门的高风险的的借款人,提供融资给原先被冻结的正规银行系统分部(中国人民银行货币政策的研究团队 2005)。


除贷款利率的上限,银行通过贷款赚更多的钱。因此,当中央要求银行于2008年11月为4万亿人民币经济刺激方案提供融资,银行以极大的热情回应。导致2009年中国的贷款向上急速膨胀,比上年增长了惊人的30%。中国人民银行在2009年原本设臵信贷配额是5万亿人民币向上一点点。到今年年底,银行已经做出了历史上最大量的新增贷款,总额近10万亿人民币(潘克赫斯特,郑,和王 2009)。银行持有的存款利率低于基准利率而贷款利率高于基准利率,实际上可收获可观的利润,即使在经济衰退期间(汉2009)。因此,贷款利率上界的自由化得益于所有有关的政治人物。高层的技术专家保留为最大的反周期投资驱动凑集资金的能力,这在中国的历史上是相对容易的。银行仍然防止“毁灭性竞争”,并继续享有稳健的贷款利率传导。由于银行为经济刺激计划提供资金的意愿,财政部不需要发行很多的债务,从而限制财政赤字的规模。虽然一些大型国有企业由于释放出的贷款利率可能付出更高的借贷成本,银行急于提供大量的融资额给他们,使他们向其他实体转贷资金而赚取利润。随着世界逐步摆脱经济危机,由于前两年的快速信贷扩张,通货膨胀的压力在中国建立的非常迅速。2011年初,通货膨胀调转进入危险的境况。然而中国领导人在危机模式下,利率进一步自由化的任何谈话被搁臵。另一位金发的时刻必须在下一轮利率自由化之前提出,使其可以被理解。






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