
时间:2019-05-14 11:05:01下载本文作者:会员上传




They all believed that he had a slim chance of success 2.我不知道她为何总带有一种闷闷不乐的神情。I don’t know why she has an air of sadness all the time


It was after all the students had taken their seats that the president of the students’ union proceeded to announce the camping itinerary.4.胃是人体至关重要的器官,请善待之。

The stomach is a vital organ of the human body;please take good care of it.5.他认为总经理如此重视那些日常琐事是荒唐的。

He considered it ridiculous for the general manager to attach so much importance to those routine trifles.6.她的研究涉及到多种语言和文化,富有挑战性

Her study, which ranged over many languages and cultures, was full of challenge.7.根据安排,全体工作人员轮流值晚班。

As is scheduled, all the members of the staff take turns to do late duty.8.想到要远离父母独立生活,她深感不安。

She was greatly upset at the thought of leaving her parents and living on her own in a remote area.9.对于她是否胜任这项工作我们不甚担心,我们担心的是她的健康问题。We do not worry so much about her qualifications for the job as about her health.10.想到要作一次环球航海旅行,他为之激动不已。

He was greatly excited about the prospect of having a cruise around the world.第二单元


When looking at some children’s toys I played with during my childhood, I can’t help but wonder why I liked them so much then.2.一些官员指出:给银行高管发巨额奖金显示有必要实施某些金融改革

Some officials point out that the lavish bonuses to bank executives show the need for certain financial reforms.3.会长简单地陈述了马上要做的事,即选出一个秘书和财务管理人

The president of the society briefly stated the business in hand, namely to choose a secretary and treasurer.4.与其因此发火,我们还不如想想该怎么办。

Instead of getting all riled up about this, we should try to figure out what to do.5.要是你爱上一个已经有男朋友的女孩又会怎样呢?你会告诉她你喜欢她吗?

What if you fall in love with a girl who is already attached with a boy friend? Will you tell her that you like her? 7.为了我们的所有孩子,请大家记住这一点,在选举日投出你明智的一票。

For the sake of all of our children, please keep this in mind and vote sensibly on election day.8.上个月我们减少了外出吃饭的次数,因此节省了一大笔开销。

Last month we cut back on the amount we were eating out, so we saved a lot of money.9.之前我从未想过去尝试让“脸谱(Facebook)”成为联系老朋友的一个途径,但是我试了一下,就和多年前的一些老朋友取得了联系。

It never occurred to me to try Facebook as a way of connecting with old friends, but I tried it and got in touch with some friends from years ago.10.一位驻伊拉克的美军高级司令官宣布,伊拉克军队准备在美军撤走其战斗部队后接管安全工作。

A top U.S.military commander in Iraq declares that Iraqi forces are ready to take over security operations when the U.S.withdraws its combat troops.第三单元


No one who has heard about her misfortune will not feel deep sympathy for her.2.他提出这个问题是出于好奇心,而非出于求知欲

He asked the question out of mere curiosity rather than out of any genuine desire for knowledge.3.这位年轻学者专心致志地开发新型的电脑翻译软件,他深信在不久的将来自己会成名。This young scholar devoted all his attention to the development of a new type of computer translation software in the full conviction that he would make a name for himself in the near future.4.别把它当作一回事,我刚才所说的并非指你

Don’t take it seriously.What I’ve just said is not meant for you.5.这扇门这么低,那个高个子进屋时无法挺直身子,只能低头猫腰进入。

It was such a low doorway that the tall man had to bend his head rather than keep upright when entering the room.6.我们的班长两个星期前突发高烧,此后一直卧床不起。

Our monitor was suddenly down with a high fever two weeks ago and has been keeping to his bed since then.7.令人难以置信的是他在两年内竟然把这些普通的女孩子训练成了世界一流的长跑运动员。It’s unbelievable that he made world-class long distance runners out of these ordinary girls within two years.8.他们竭力说服她放弃诉讼,但都无济于事。

They tried their best to talk her into giving up the lawsuit, but in vain.9.那些过着富裕生活的农民从未想过要迁居到大都市去生活。

It never occurred to those comfortably off farmers that they would move to a metropolitan city.第四单元


It was clear that the teacher had taken great pains to show the students how to do the experiment.2.我想校长对这位年轻的求职者存有偏见。

I am afraid the headmaster has some prejudice against the young applicant.3.直到你告诉我后我才知道他所遭遇到的一切。

I had heard nothing of what had happened to him until you told me.4.这两位警察非常勇敢,他们作好了冒被走私者开枪射击的危险的准备

The two policemen were so brave that they were ready to run the risk of being shot at by the smugglers.5.对于一周内会有三个星期日的说法,我永远不会信服。

I will never be convinced of the statement that three Sundays may occur in a week.6.大多数与会代表坚决反对在市区兴建大型游乐场的计划。

Most of the representatives at the meeting firmly opposed the plan of constructing an amusement park in the urban area of the city.7.教授结束讲话时,大厅里突然间爆发出一阵雷鸣般的掌声。

Thunderous applause erupted and rocked the hall as the professor closed his speech.8.“我宁愿你独立工作,从失败中寻找新的方法,也不要你墨守成规,毫无建树,”导师对他说。“I would rather you work on your own to find a new solution from your failures than follow the convention without any new discovery, “ the supervisor said to him.9.我们宁为玉碎,也不为瓦全。

We would rather die than live in disgrace.10.这座城市为庆祝首座世界级大桥的落成举行了摩托车游行活动。The town inaugurated its first world-class bridge with a motorcycle parade.第五单元


Mrs.Smith took it for granted that a woman was supposed to do cooking in the kitchen and would never allow anyone in the family to take her place.2.他不受人们的欢迎,主要是因为他往往在别人最需要他助一臂之力时逃之夭夭。

The major reason for his unpopularity was that he would flee away when his help was most needed.3.万一出现紧急情况,将用直升飞机把抢救队送至事故现场。

The helicopters will be used to send the rescue party to the scene of disaster in case of an emergency.4.至于日趋严重的空气污染问题,我们必须清醒地认识到这是全人类共同面临的一种威胁。As for the increasing air pollution, we must be clearly aware that it threatens all human beings.5.这本地方杂志创刊不到一年,发行量已达到50万册之多。

This local magazine which made its first appearance less than a year ago, has already reached a circulation of 500,000.6.她发现没人来车站接她时,感到一阵心寒。

Her heart chilled when she found that nobody had come to the station to meet her.7.这些测试的结果表明,你很有音乐天赋。

The results of these tests clearly show that you have an aptitude for music.8.他们夜以继日地在实验室工作了整整一个月,不料却发现他们在做根本无法做成的事。They worked day and night in the laboratory for a whole month only to find that they were attempting the impossible.9.一项重要实验做到一半时电话铃响了。他对持续不停的铃声置之不理,心想要是有重要的事他迟早总会知道的。

The telephone rang in the middle of his important experiment.He ignored the persistent ringing, thinking that any important message would reach him sooner or later.10.要是你数学考试再不及格,真是活该。这学期的数学课你缺课次数太多了

It serves you right if you fail your maths test again.You’ve cut too many maths classes this semester.第六单元


Seeing the enemy planes approaching, they dashed off to look for a shelter from the bombs.2.我理解她为何夜以继日地努力工作:她极其渴望在这个领域里取得成功

I understand why she is working so hard day and night, for she has a great desire for success in this field.3.吉姆埋头玩电脑游戏,一点都没有听到母亲的叫唤声。

Jim was so engrossed in his computer games that he did not hear his mother call.4.除夕夜,全镇的姑娘和小伙子都在尽情地唱歌跳舞

On New Year’s Eve, all the boys and girls of the town sang and danced to their hearts’ content.5.那银行家死后,人们发现他竟是债务重重

The banker was found to have run up huge debts when he died.6.听到只有自己一人考试不及格时,他灰心丧气极了

He was dismayed to hear that he was the only one who had failed the examination.7.图书馆管理员看见那人把书藏在大衣里走出阅览室

The librarian saw the man tuck away the book in his overcoat and walk out of the reading-room.8.在纽约的大街上,你可以看到各种各样的人,他们有着不同的肤色,来自不同的阶层。In the streets of New York you can see a great variety of people with different skin colors and from all walks of life.9.过于纵容孩子的父母会把孩子宠坏。

Over-indulgent parents may spoil their children.10.带上伞或雨衣,以免下雨着凉。

Take along an umbrella or a raincoat in case it rains and you may catch cold.第七单元


The fledgling news reporter’s successful interview with the Hollywood movie star was telecast.2.“有志者,事竟成,没有秘诀可言。”杰克伯博士说。

“Where there is a will, there is a way.There is no mystery to it,” Dr.Jacob said.3.李教授以一段幽默故事结束了讲课

Prof.Li wound up his lecture with a humorous story.4.组委会主席说:“不论怎样,运动会都将如期举行。”

The chairman of the organizing committee declared, “In any event, the sports meet will be held as scheduled.”


Although there is nothing spectacular in its physical appearance, our university has an excellent teaching faculty.6.中央政府对洪灾地区可能爆发的疾病流行深表关切。

The central government of the country expressed its deep concern over a possible epidemic of diseases in the flood-stricken areas.7.当《泰坦尼克号》两名男女主角出现在舞台上时,观众们顿时一片欢腾。

The audience came alive when the leading actor and actress of the Titanic appeared on the stage.8.输了球的主队不自找原因,却把失败归咎于裁判

The host team that lost the match put the blame on the referee rather than on themselves.9.我的报告中列举了几种实施方案,至于选择哪一种方案得由董事会决定。

My report includes several implementation plans.It lies with the board of directors to decide which one to use.10.被告律师着手调查每种可能导致三人被害的原因

The attorney of the defendant set about looking into every possible cause of the killing that involved the death of three people.第八单元


It is plain that some shop assistants find it difficult to remain polite when faced with rude customers.2.作者紧紧围绕主题,而且很注意不将离题的东西加进去。

The writer keeps strictly to his subject, and is careful enough not to introduce anything irrelevant to the subject.3.如果你认为某一个计划不能给我们带来什么结果,那么实施这个计划是没有意义的。It’s meaningless to carry out a plan which you think will not lead us anywhere.4.他力求解释清楚爆炸的原因,但讲了整整一个小时后,人们还是不知所云

He tried hard to explain the cause of the explosion;but after talking for an hour, he still got nowhere.5.中国的文明史可以追溯到公元前三千年。

The history of Chinese civilization can be traced back to 3000 B.C.6.这么多的年轻人守候在窗外,为抢救这孩子的生命而随时准备为他输血,这使我深为感动。I was deeply touched that so many young people were waiting outside ready to have their blood transfused to the child in the hope of saving his life.7.上星期下了一场大雪,接连好几天都很潮湿。

The heavy snowfall last week was followed by a succession of wet days.8.虽然他极力解释他的计划,他们仍然对这计划的可行性持怀疑态度。

Even though he tried his best to explain his plan, they were sceptical of its feasibility.9.校方对这些学生进行了惩处,因为他们在课堂上侮辱那个年轻的代课教师。

The school authorities punished the students, because they insulted that young substitute teacher in class.10.她说话的声音明显带着一丝嫉妒。

She spoke with an obvious note of jealousy in her voice.第九单元


The rainy season has set in very early this year.2.银行被抢劫后,该地区的警察立即出动搜捕罪犯。

The policemen of the district set out in search of the criminal immediately after the bank was robbed.3.当他赶到长途汽车站时,最后一班车已在10分钟前开走了。

He reached the long-distance bus station only to find the last bus of the day had left ten minutes before.4.如果你阅读时每当遇到一个新词就查词典,你的阅读速度就不可能提高。You are unlikely to improve your reading speed if you look every new word up in a dictionary while reading.5.住在深山里的村民第一次看到电影时笑得合不拢嘴。

When the villagers living in the depth of the mountains saw the film for the first time, they laughed from ear to ear.6.人人都说他长得酷似其父。

Everyone said that he was the living image of his father.7.船遇到了暴风雨,更糟的是船底出现了一个大洞

The ship was in the grip of the storm.To make matters worse, there was a big hole in the bottom of the ship.8.她疲惫不堪的部分原因是旅途辛劳,部分原因是天气炎热。

She was exhausted, partly because of the tiring journey and partly because of the heat.9.你要的书目前没有货,但已在定购中。

The books you want are not in stock, but they are on order.10.我已数次听他说要确保你免受伤害。

I have heard him speak on several occasions that he would make sure you would come to no harm.第十单元


The fledgling news reporter’s successful interview with the Hollywood movie star was telecast.2.“有志者,事竟成,没有秘诀可言。”杰克伯博士说。

“Where there is a will, there is a way.There is no mystery to it,” Dr.Jacob said.3.李教授以一段幽默故事结束了讲课

Prof.Li wound up his lecture with a humorous story.4.组委会主席说:“不论怎样,运动会都将如期举行。”

The chairman of the organizing committee declared, “In any event, the sports meet will be held as scheduled。”


Although there is nothing spectacular in its physical appearance, our university has an excellent teaching faculty.6.中央政府对洪灾地区可能爆发的疾病流行深表关切。

The central government of the country expressed its deep concern over a possible epidemic of diseases in the flood-stricken areas.7.当《泰坦尼克号》两名男女主角出现在舞台上时,观众们顿时一片欢腾。

The audience came alive when the leading actor and actress of the Titanic appeared on the stage.8.输了球的主队不自找原因,却把失败归咎于裁判。

The host team that lost the match put the blame on the referee rather than on themselves.9.我的报告中列举了几种实施方案,至于选择哪一种方案得由董事会决定。

My report includes several implementation plans.It lies with the board of directors to decide which one to use.10.被告律师着手调查每种可能导致三人被害的原因

The attorney of the defendant set about looking into every possible cause of the killing that involved the death of three people.




1.A 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.D






(6)多山,大海阻隔;缺少大河平原;产粮不足,无法供养更多人生存。(7)D 7.(1)B(2)伯里克利的论述充分肯定了雅典民主政治有利于调动城邦公民的积极性和创造性,有利于推动社会经济发展和文化进步的积极意义。然而,却没有指出它毕竟只是城邦公民内部的民主,而且只有成年男性公民才真正享有民主权利,妇女、外邦人和奴隶则都被排斥在外的局限性。有一定的片面性。




1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.D






9.(1)A(2)C(3)D(4)参考思路:俄狄浦斯逃脱不了体现命运的太阳神“神示”的罗网。俄狄 浦斯并不是有意杀父娶母,本人非但没有罪,反而是一个为民除害的英雄、受人爱戴的君王。俄狄浦斯智慧超群,热爱城邦,大公无私。在命运面前,他不是俯首帖耳或苦苦哀求,而是奋起抗争,设法逃离“神示”的预言。对于这样一个为人民、为国家做了无数好事的英雄所遭受的厄运,剧作家深感愤慨,发出了对神的正义性的怀疑,控诉命运的不公和残




1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A

二、拓展练习: 5.(1)B(2)人身自由,但不属于罗马氏族成员,没有氏族权利,无权分得公地,不能参加人民大会,租佃贵族的土地,有的因借债而沦为奴隶。(3)A(4)平民在经济和军事事务中所起的作用越来越大。罗马的工商业多由平民经营,税收的很大一部分也来自平民。一切与罗马有关的战争,无论是自卫战,还是对外扩张都离不开平民的参与。(5)B(6)成果:打破贵族特权,百人队大会成为最高权力机构;打破氏族部落的血缘纽带,以地域部落代替原来的三个血缘部落。局限:按照财产多少决定百人队的数字,以及在百人队会议进行表决时,每个百人队只有一票的规定使第一级的富有者还可操纵绝对多数。(7)C(8)土地少,加上连年出征,负债严重。债权人可以任意把债务人拘禁起来,强迫他们以劳动偿还债务,有的甚至把他们卖往海外。





1.A 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.D
















第三篇:英语综合练习册八年级下册 答案

英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit 1 答案 Vocabulary A 1-6 serious , illness , organize , friendship , pay , community , B 1-6 express , in need , lonely , in order to , offered , raised my spirits Grammar A1 2-8 fail to stop , agree to let , tried to solve , wish to have , know....to get , remember to send , wanted to take A2 1-8 to park , leave , to read , to join , to pass , to buy , clean , to carry A3 2 b We use chopsticks to pick up food 3 d We use a dictionary to look up new words 4 c We use cotton to make cloth 5 a We use a knife to cut things 6 f We use paint to make pictrues B 2-9 wanted to do , played...to bring , taught...to dance , help raise loves to dance , started to sing , hopes to become , want to continue Listening A 1-8 Home,5000 , 3000 , 56 , member , 21 , 19 , 4(请忽略)B 1-8 sick people , save their lives , safe , short time , test , the hospital , someone in need , find C 1 Because the Spring Bud Project helped her go toschool when she was a little girl 2 She teaches 100 students 3 She teaches them to read and write 4 She teaches them how to raise animals and make clothes 5 Because in this way , they will get a job more easily in the future Reading A 1-7 Rainbow School , South-East Asia , 2000 people , 30 stands , the game and the food stands , school rock band and guest musicians , over 4500 B 1-6 FFTTTF 1 The young volunteers acted as “grandsons” and “granddaughters” to the people at the Home for the elderly.2 The young volunteers planted some trees in the community garden in March 6 The young volunteers held a charity food fair in November to help those in need C 1 Because there aren't enough organs for transplants 2 It took place in 1954 3 Because their hearts are no longer strong enough to keep sending blood around the body 4 They will live for fifteen years or more 5 You can get one at your local hopital.Writing Omit Integration A 1-10 New Youk , sixteen , kind ,teacher , her experiences , popular film , small country , six , had no food , book , his country B 1 They don't eat any food at all , and they can only drink water , tea and clear fruit juice 2 Because they wanted to raise money for UN projects to help the poor in Africa 3 Many farmers in Africa haven't been able to grow food , and people are going hungry and even dying 4 The students themseelves organized the fast 5 She might fast for forty-eight hours 6 Omit C 1-8 cadbb dac 英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit 2 答案 Vocabulary A 1-6 dfcabe B 1-6 make a good impression on , nod , shake , towards , expression , accept Grammar A1 2 c Driving fast is dangerous and can cause accident

b Owning a business is a big responsibility 4 a Playing sports daily keeps you fit f Parking cars is a problem for drivers in big cities

d Going to bed late is not good for your health A2 1-6 Flying , Climbing , smiling , Opening , Moving , Nodding B1 1-6 spending , staying , writing , swimming , fishing , playing B2 2 I am afraid of taking the exam on friday

Kitty is interested in learning Spanish

Ben apologized for being late for class again C 1-7 using , Learning , Understanding , watching , switching/turning , turning , stopping , recording ,moving , operating Listening A 1-6 TTFFTT B 1-8 1-6 TTFFTT B 1-8 traffic lights , busy corners , an accident , out , gestures ,left hand , direction , patient C 1 Hunans are just like any other kind of animal.Animals show their feelings with their faces and bodies.We can tell whether someone is happy,angry,nervous or proud.they will stand very tall and put their noses into the air.Both touch each other's hands.because we can learn a lot about ourselves.Reading A 1-8 hold your head up , nervous or afraid , greeting , look at you , the local people , walking slowly , looking lost , people around you B a-d 4 , 1, 2, 3 C 1-8 in the eye , sit up straight , turned towards , a cold fish , strange , laze way , hold your arms , legs Writing A 1-8 14 October , Dear , remind , badminton match , meet you , 10:a.m , remember , Regards B omit Integration A 1-9 comfortable , smart tie , in the eye , sigh , stand up straight , natural smile , too long , get boring, cross B 1 Ninety per cent of people in the world are right-handed they do better at sports where people use their hands Because parents used to punish left handed children until they began using their right hands like other children They look down upon them or thought them strange Many products are only for right handed people.C 1-8 adcba cbd 英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit3答案 Vocabulary A 1-6 set off , ready , reach , attract , all the time , simple , B 1-6 tools , lovely , characters , luck , Although , requires Grammar A1 2 a Fast trains are found in China,France and Japan.3 e English is spoken in many counties 4 c The claass is divided into two groups 5 b Mount Fuji in Japan is covered in snow for most of the year A2 2 Two thieves are caught by a bank customer.3 Our city is visited by the guests.4 Two small villages are cut off by a flood.5 A 10,000 prize is won by a taxi driver.6 Higher bus fares are not allowed by the government.7 Valuable stoned are stolen by an English woman 8 Sunhill Road is repared by workers A3 2 too many books were put on it 3 it was not switched on 4 it was not cooked properly 5 they were not cleaned after the night market closed 6 it was not cut to his size A4 2 Will they be cleaned soon , they will be cleaned 3 Will it be emptied this morning;it won't be emptied 4 Will it be done this afternoon;it will be done 5 Will it be filled up soon;it will be filled up B1 2 Are the animals fed by the children? 3 the letters are delivered by the postman every day 4 the chair was broken by James 5 A new bridge will be built by the workers B2 1-6 will be completed , will not finished , was broken , was flooded , will be used , are broken Listening A 1-7 invented , square , dragons , wood , size , paint , difficult B 1-7 FTFTFFT C 1 It means “work” or “skill”.2 Because we want to warm the teapot 3 Because this washes the tea leaves,and warms the tea cups 4 We should empty the hot water from the tea cups 5 They should enjoy the lovely smell of the tea first Speaking omit Reading A 1-7 his hands , his oven , three , almost an hour , rise , 40 minutes , in time , warm fresh bread B 1 Because it is a great way to learn to control their bodies,protect themselves and keep healthy 2 He tries to move like he is floating through the air 3 It is a useful way to protcet oneself 4 Because he thinks it is beautiful 5 Because it helps her develop a strong and healthy body C a-g 3641725 Writing omit Integration A 1 We can see it on TV or in theatres 2 People in crosstalk tell a story while they just tell jokes in American comedy shows 3 It started during the Ming Dynasty,up to 400 years ago 4 They sometimes sing operas 5 No,sometimes there are a group of people and sometimes there is just one man alone B 1 They are more than two thousand years old 2 Buildings are usually not seen 3 Because everything is painted in great detail 4 Because the painter is trying to get across the impression of the scene with just a few brush strokers 5 Most gongbi style painters were professionals, while ink-wash painters often painted as a hobby C 1-8 cadbc daa 英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit4答案 Vocabulary A 1-6 recorder , pleasant,appear,match,play against,life jacket B 1-6 basic,decide on,separately,detailed,program,thought Grammar A1 2 Must the work be done at once

Some trees can be planted to make our school greener

Rubbish shouldn't be thrown on the ground

the second point needn't be siscussed at this meeting

the sketch maybe drawn in pencil A2 1-6 should be swept,can be brought,may be given , must be hung,must be cheked , can be seen B 3 In class Three, the floor hasn't been repaired In Class Four ,the new blackboard has been fixed to the wall

In Class Five, the new lock to the door hsan't been changed In Class Six,the old windows have been taken away.The new windows haven't beeb put in In Class Seven , the old furniture been taken out.The new furture hasn't been put in In the teachers' room,the new computers have beeb put on the desks In the library,the books haven't beeb put in order

in the playground, new trees and flowers have beeb planted C 1-10 have beeb caught , is shut , is completed , Weren't...told , has been given , should be warned , has been told, has been wasted , should be improved , should be repaired Listening A a-d 4321 1-6 half,half , price , twelve , dinosaurs , enoughB1 1-8 trains , railway, bells , animals , planes, fish , sea , strong B2 c Reading A 1-4 abac B omit c 1-6 1901 , Oswald the Rabbit , a mouse in Disney's office, cartoon with sound , star , provided the voice Integration A a-g 4512673 B f, Comic books first became popular in the United State in the 1940s and 1950s 3 T T F ,Watchmen has appeared on time magazine's list of the best 100 books F , Graphic novels are written for adults c 1-8 cbaaa bdc

英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit5答案 V a 1-6 population,central , curel,close to , face,weighed, b 1-6 at birth,weigh,danger,adult,on its own,wild G a1 2 It is impossible for her to see the dentist at 3;30

It is difficult for her to complete her English homework in haff an hour It is important for her to swim often It is convenient for him to pick up his car It is necessary for her to take medicine three tims a day It is ok for them to stay at beach for several hours a2 2 diffucult for me to cook

important for him to have possible for us to repair impossible for you to come convenient for us to do easy for me to be ok for him to arrive fine for him to start B 2-7 Omit C 2-7 omit D 2-9 omit Listening A 1-10 bamboo , kilograms , spend , own , difficult , protect , wild , 1600 , danger , important B 1-8 yellow,black,4000,forests,hunt,live,food,danger C 1 Because they have short front legs and very strong back legs 2 They eat grass and other small plants 3 They look like small bears 4 They spend most of the time in trees and move very slowly 5 they live on the northern coast of Australia Reading A1 They are all products of rainforest,and come from different kinds of rainforest plants

2-5 omit B 1-6 omit Writing omit Integration A 1 He became interested in snakes at the age of eleven 2-5 omit B 1-2 TT 3 Many kinds of birds migrate because of the change of the length of the day

4-5 TT Afew animals use the earth's magnetic field to find their way C 1-8 bcbac daa 英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit6答案 V a 1-6 badefc b 1-6 responsibility , caused , attention , cute , care for , responded G a1 2 First,put the birds safety in another cahe

then,close the door securely

Next , clean the empty cage very carefully

Finally,put the birds back in the clean cage

Make sure you close the door really tightly

Get up early to give the dogs some water and food

Be carefull because dogs can bite suddenly

Feed the dogs safely A2 1-8 patiently , hard , beautiful badly,late , well , fast , quickly , incorrectly B1 2-5 better the best.fast the fastest.harder the hardest.worse the worest B2 3-8 more confidently , the most confidently,better , the best , more clever , the most clever C 1-7 well,faster than , the worst, more quickly than , farther , more carefully , carelessly Listening A 1-10 cute , responsibility, care , faithfully , happiness , hair , noisy , bark , attack , spaces B 1-10 FTTTT FTFFT C Omit speaking omit Reading A 1-5 omit B 1-10 Pet , invisible,no , visible,lays,beautiful,happy,looking,friends sold C 1-2 TT 3 F omit 4F omit 5 T Writing

I love dogs and they always bring us a lot of fun

small we live in a small flat,and there is not much room for a large dog

my bedroom

There is a space there for a bed for him,and plenty of roomfor him to run around

walk and feed him every day,and to brush him and wash him mum INTEGRATION a 1 Snowy is a white cat No,he doesn't.Because they sometimes scratch you 3 His black and white dog 4 No,Some of them sleep allday 5 Because to him,fish are not interesting.They do nothing all day 6 Fish don't scratch your legs like cats and they don't bite like dogs B1 Her mother died and she was found and taken care of by George and Joy 2 They had to either set Elsa free or send her to a zoo 3 Because they believe that Elsa was born free,and deserved to live free and not in a zoo 4 They looked for Elsa everywhere 5 They saw Elsa come to visit them with her three little cubs 6 It was made into a book and a film C 1-8 cbbca add 英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit 7答案 V A 1-6 received , Keep quiet , wonder , refused , explain , pleased B 1-6 unknown , creatures , discovered , damaged , as soon as possible , in fear G A1 2 b Patrick moved to Singapore as he got a good job there

c Cindy bought a new pair of running shoes because her old one were worn out

f Sylvia had to take her driving test again since she failed it the first time a As Mr Wang didn't pay his bill , his phone was cut off

d Because Tommy forgot to save the file,he had to type his report a second time

h Since Oliver and Keven wanted to get more exercise,they decided to join the sports club

e As Karen's new coputer didn't work well , she took it back to the shop A2 2-5 baed

Since;enjoys meeting people and is good with numbers;apply for the job of shop assistant apply for the job of assistant zookeeper because he enjoys working outdoors and likes anlmals 4 apply for the job of waiter since he has a lot of energy and can work quickly As;is very shy and prefer to work alone;apply for the job of mailroom helper B 2 because of her illness because of last night's storm because of a car accident because of its high price because of his broken leg C 1 as/since because the batteries were used up because of a bad cold because of her carelessness as/since/because she has to take piano lessons as/since/because he has been there before as/since/because I knew no one there Listening A 1-10 midnight , mentioned , explore , alien , frightened , bushes , fear , refused, spread , marks B 1-8 pushed down , alien spaceship , the late 1970s , forms , cartoon characters , 1991 , have fun , companies C 1 Yes , they did 2 The Invisible Man 3 A scientist builds a time machine and travels to the future 4 New medicines are more useful 5 He would use it to go to the future and buy new medicines Reading A a-f 512634 B 1-8 the forest,lend it to his bedroom,a plnet faraway,good friends,lock E.and the family up,the flying bicycle,E.T.'s magic finger , the actor C 1 He wrote about people going to the Moon Because many of his books were about the new promise of science He wrote about travel in space,through the air and under the water His works encouraged a larged number of scientists to invent new machines like those in his book they got their ideas from Verne's books Writing when I saw a spaceship land.The door opened , and I saw two aliens very friendly.they asked me to go with them and show them around the town we took off.We flew over the town,and I showed them the buildings and my home got out of their spaceship and I said goodbye.Then they colesd the door and flew away scared and wanted to run away.However,after my trip in their spaceship,I was no longer afraid of them.They were very friendly.Now,I want to learn more about their world Integration A 1 It is called Is There Anyone out There It was reported in 1878 in the USA 3 Most come from the USA Because they wanted to get into the newspaper 5 They have been popular since the 1930s and 1940s They are living all around us B 1-4 dbca C 1-8 aaadb cad 英语综合练习册八年级下册Unit 8答案 V A 1-6 apology,wide , shape , recently , satisfy,in a second, B 1-6 prepare,technology,relax,electronic,mix,while G A1 1-10 was playing,wre...having , was making , was examining,were playing,were listening,was travelling,were working A2 2 They were watching TV

He was reading the newspaper

She was telling the robot to cook dinner

She was playing computer games

He was listening to music and dancing A3 2 While Liz was drinking tea,she was writing a letter

While Liz was watching TV,she was eating sandwich

While Liz was sitting in a taxi,she was reading a book

While Liz was listening to the radio,she was making a shopping list

While Liz was looking at a cookery book,she was cutting vegetables A4 2 some students were playing football,others were running around the track 3 Cindy was washing the outside of the car,Wendy was cleaning the inside of the car 4 they were singing,Mary was dancing 5 The men were digging the holes, the women were planting trees 6 Susie and Roy were fishing , I was swimming with Karl 7 My mother was looking for meat in the supermarket , I was getting a bag of rice 8 She was paying the cashier, I was putting the food in the bags B 1-9 was walking,were acting,watched,were fighting,arrived , were watching , were making , left , were watching Listening A 1-10 Internet,shape , cafe , smart , energy , connected , hydrogen , mixed , electricity , driven B 1-7 the moon,glass house,better hospital care , have holidays , faster , planes , protect the environment C 1 You can shop from your home 2 You can get the best price by looking on different websites 3 Because the Internet never closes 4 You can't check things before you buy them 5 It is difficult to return things and get your money back.Reading A 1T

F;The EO robot only had a pair of legs and feet

F;The P1 was much too heavy to be a help around the house

4-5 TT B 1 They find the train old,slow, and not very comfortable they find the train fast and quite comfortable More than 500 kilometres an hour Yes,Because they run on electricity It opened on January 2001 and it connected to the Pudong International Airport to an underground station They went to the airport by taxi or by bus C 1-9 a bookshop or library,the Internet , 50000 , 2 million , any space, easy to read ,e-dictionaries or e-encyclopaedias , friendly , cheaper Writing B Omit Integration A 1 Because he thinks it is good for her to spend more time with her friends Her robot flies her there Because there are many flying cars He examines her to see if she needs to go to the doctor he is connected to the internet B 1 F;Many people live in capsule hotels because they are cheap F;The Osaka Capsule Hotel was popular among businessmen when it opened T F;You can send and receive amails in the lounge in the hotel F;Snacks and drinks can be bought from vending machines on each floor of the hotel C 1-8 cdbaa aa


Key and Tapescript for Wordbook(2)

Unit1 Part 1


Exercise Ⅰ.1.misprint 2.mislead


4.Misuse 5.had misjudged

6.have mispronounced

7.misfortune 8.misspelling 9.courageous 10.glorious 11.mountainous 12.spacious Ⅱ.1.head straight for 2.have a meal without paying 3.be passed from person to person 4.stay far away 5.cause trouble for sb.6.be south of Beijing 7.hear one’s flight announced 8.sound similar 9.result in highways being closed 10.wonder what in the world has happened 11.please be on time 12.feel like crying Ⅲ.1.G 2.I 3.A 4.H 5.D 6.E 7.F 8.B 9.C 10.J Ⅳ.1.uncommon 2.in 3.flying 4.Most 5.serious 6.English 7.like 8.or 9.that 10.can’t 11.especially 12.as Ⅴ.Passage 1 1—5 CADBA Passage 2 1—5 DBDBD Ⅵ.1.not perfect 2.after tomorrow 3.they 4.different meanings 5.small differences Part Ⅱ Ⅱ.1—5 BDDDD 6—10 ACBCA 11—15 BADBC 16—20 CCDAB 21.misunderstanding



24.flights 25.playing



28.leaving 29.doing 30.was sleeping Ⅲ.1—5 CBCAB 6.(S)(W)7.(L)(U)8.(I)(C)9.(F)(H)10.(O)(J)Ⅳ.1.事情正如教授所预见的那样。



4.泰德不知道为什么警察局要他去,但他昨天还是去了。5.寻夹克衫 5月12日,我不慎在操场丢失一件绿色、领口有拉链的夹克衫。拾到者请把夹克衫还给失主克鲁奇。地址:九号宿舍楼203房间。非常感谢。Ⅴ.NOTICE All professors and associate professors are requested to meet in the college conference room on Tuesday, March 18, at 2:00 p.m.to discuss issues concerning academic exchanges.Unit 2 Part Ⅰ Text Exercise Ⅰ





5.brotherly 6.lovely 7.bloody Ⅱ

1.swarm into the long sleeper train 2.shut the window in my face

3.a terrible blow to my dignity

4.cut sb.short sharply 5.turn one’s back on sb.6.a state not to be described 7.look around helplessly 8.be of service to sb.9.be entirely at sb.’s disposal 10.turn sth.inside out Ⅲ

1.D 2.J 3.G 4.A 5.H 6.K 7.B 8.E 9.C 10.F 11.I Ⅳ

1.to 2.platform 3.swarming 4.if 5.sharply 6.face 7.blow


9.short 10.bother 11.on 12.treated 13.described

Passage 1 1—5 BDDCD Passage 2 6—10 CADBD Ⅵ

1.an invitation 2.the 2nd floor 3.another famous writer 4.beaming 5.the writer’s explanation Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO Ⅱ

1—5 ADADB 6—10 BACBC 11—15 DDBCC 16—20 CADBA 21.had lived 22.will be turned 23.to be invited 24.sleeper 25.Having been 26.foolish 27.less 28.helplessly 29.luxurious 30.impatient Ⅲ

1.1963 2.$1.8 billion 3.color cosmetics 4.men’s skin care 5.1-800-MARY KAY/1-800-768-9269.6.weapons 7.Benjamin Franklin 8.2,000 million 9.365 10.one’s closed car Ⅳ 1.他突然插进一则粗俗不堪的笑话,使当时的庄严气氛丧失殆尽。2.他在遗嘱中安排了自己死后的财产处理问题。3.这些旅客是和一些商人一起来的。4.他毫不费力地帮他妹妹解出了这道数学题。5.定婚启事


Dear Mr.John Smith, We are sorry we can not immediately send you the catalogue and price list for which you asked in your letter of March 10.Supplies are expected from the printers in two weeks and as soon as we receive them, we will send you a copy.Yours faithfully, Mary Wang Unit 3 Part Ⅰ Text Exercises Ⅰ.1.reasonable 2.fashionable 3.comfortable 4.countable 5.changeable 6.eatable 7.payable 8.manageable Ⅱ.1.approach„step by step 2.set short-term goals 3.with the end in mind 4.reac h one’s goals 5.build up one’s confidence 6.concentrate on the next step 7.try as hard as you can 8.get down on oneself Ⅲ

1.I 2.E 3.J 4.F 5.B 6.H 7.A 8.D 9.G 10.C Ⅳ

1.to 2.whose 3.If 4.then 5.perfect 6.on 7.Otherwise 8.Where 9.success 10.hard 11.mean 12.failure Ⅴ

Passage Ⅰ 1—5 CBDAA Passage Ⅱ 6—10 BCDAD Ⅵ

1.share certain things 2.realistic goals 3.to be successful/to succeed 4.failure and defeat 5.less informed than Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO Ⅱ

1—5 BDCAB 6—10 DACDC 11—15 DABCB 16—20 ADABC 21.stands 22.academic 23.be phone 24.professional 25.have been 26.fewer 27.reasonable 28.willing 29.productive 30.Reading Ⅲ

1—5 CCBAD 6.a company 7.a(written)record 8.ensure 9.Receive 10.Date Ⅳ


你收到我的申请材料了吗?我是三星期前通过航空寄出的。我很担心。你们什么时候开始审议申请材料并作出决定呢?多谢你们的帮助。Ⅴ.Dear Mr.Johnson, Mr.John Green, our General Manager, would like to come and see you at about 2:00 p.m.on June 3 to discuss about the opening of a sample room with you.If not, what time would you suggest? Yours sincerely, Mary Wang Unit 4 Part Ⅰ Exercises Ⅰ

1.width 2.warmth 3.length 4.depth 5.strength 6.psychologists 7.scientist’s 8.biologist 9.chemist 10.tourists 11.journalist 12.physicist Ⅱ

1.Christmas Eve 2.tell the truth 3.hearty laughter 4.fake one’s emotions 5.seize the opportunity 6.abuse the environment 7.pollute water and air 8.weapons of mass destruction 9.dwell on things of the past 10.listen closely 11.an animal rights activist 12.expendable commodities 13.make a snide comment 14.a hint of laughter 15.on behalf of Ⅲ

1.H 2.J 3.E 4.G 5.L 6.D 7.B 8.F 9.A 10.K 11.I 12.C Ⅳ

1.not 2.fake 3.served 4.opportunity 5.what 6.abuse 7.breathe 8.weapons 9.against 10.species Ⅴ

Passage Ⅰ 1—5 DCBCA Passage Ⅱ 6—10 BACBC Ⅵ

1.make analogies 2.3 3.an analogy 4.over 7000 5.quickly Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETOC Ⅱ

1—5 BACAD 6—10 BCDDA 11—15 CCABB 16—20 DCDAB 21.honesty 22.laughter 23.pollution 24.was being operated 25.enables 26.learning 27.being discussed 28.occasional 29.having made 30.likes Ⅲ.1—5 ADABC 6.Liyuan Theatre of Qianmen Hotel 7.all schools 8.attached display hall 9.booking office 10.October 10-15 Ⅳ.1.老板进来时他假装在看一份重要的文件。


5.统计结果显示,英国男人每天有4小时41分钟的空闲时间,比(英国)女人多20分钟。Ⅴ.Dear Sir, I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your University next fall as a PH.D.candidate in physics.I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog of your university, and also a set of application forms for admissions.Thank you for your kind assistance.Sincerely yours, John Smith

Test Yourself(for unit 1—4)Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure Section A 1.manageable 2.misled 3.depth 4.spacious 5.tourists Section B 1.challenged 2.dwell on 3.embarrassed 4.recognize 5.searching 6.otherwise 7.described 8.vacant 9.turned 10.comment Section C 1.until the rain stopped 2.would notice the difference between the two notes 3.I don’t think he will/I don’t think so 4.too low to be heard clearly 5.have brought two more bottles of water 6.Why do you suppose/think 7.must have misunderstood him 8.That’s how pride leads one to failure 9.Thy may have left home already 10.much work to be finished in one day Part Ⅲ Reading 1—5 CBBCC 6—10 BBADA Part Ⅳ Cloze 1.need 2.pollute 3.weapons 4.particulary 5.for 6.on 7.nor 8.present 9.plan 10.freedom Part Ⅴ Translation 1.Misunderstanding the signal as “traffic jam”, he immediately pulled over, checked his map, and then headed for the airport by another load.2.They should be ashamed to have kept the tent completely at their own disposal while their companions were looking helplessly for somewhere to sleep.3.He did more than just visualize himself as an excellent professional player.He was also building up his skills step by step and achieving more and more.4.I believe that your mental strength will enable you to approach the illness with a positive attitude and eventually come through these hard times.5.On behalf of the innocent animals, the writer argued that human beings have abused the creatures so cruelly that a great number of species on earth have been exterminated.Unit 5 Part Ⅰ Text Exercise Ⅰ.1.enlarged 2.enrich 3.enables 4.endear 5.ensure 6.leadingship 7.ownership 8.friendship 9.scholarship 10.partnership 11.membership Ⅱ.1.appreciate the depth of sb.’s love 2.as well as 3.present sb.with sth./present sth.to sb.4.take out sth.5.a stack of envelopes 6.make good use of 7.keep one’s distance from sb./sth.8.stare at 9.enrich one’s life 10.as for 11.be worth Ⅲ.1.L 2.C 3.G 4.A 5.O 6.M 7.B 8.N 9.F 10.P 11.I 12.H 13.D 14.E 15.K 16.J Ⅳ.1.While 2.ends 3.store 4.at 5.served 6.soul 7.how 8.truly 9.when 10.shown 11.from 12.enrich Ⅴ.Passage Ⅰ 1—5 CBADA Passage Ⅱ 1—5 BCDCB Ⅵ.1.peering through/looking in 2.pair of shoes 3.a half dozen 4.the boy’s feet 5.God’s wife Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO Ⅱ.1—5 CBCDD 6—10 ABDAC 11—15 BCACB 16—20 CDADD 21.depths 22.engagement 23.will be sent 24.priceless 25.studying 26.mistrust 27.misfortune 28.reading 29.wants 30.respected Ⅲ.1—5 BCADB 6.(Channel 39,21:30)(Channel 5,13:45)7.(Channel 38,21:08)(Channel 5,10:48)8.(Channel 8,12:00)(Channel 20,19:15)9.(Channel 5,13:00)(Channel 38,18:25)10.(Channel 8,19:55)(Channel 39,19:00)Ⅳ.1.我认为儿童对现代图画往往比任何人都更有鉴赏力。2.市长把银杯授予了获胜者。3.我弟弟刚告诉我他和安订婚了。4.战斗发生在该城近郊。

5.在航空旅行比较普及之前,英国人举家度假时几乎总是去某个海边旅游胜地。Ⅴ.Dear Sir, Have you received my application and the supporting materials? I sent them via airmail three weeks ago.Could you let me know when you are going to review the application materials and make you decision? Your help will be greatly appreciated.Sincerely yours, John Smith Unit 6 Part Ⅰ Text Exercises Ⅰ.1.socializing 2.publicized 3.specializes 4.standardize 5.visualize 6.criticized 7.industrialize 8.modernized 9.popularizing 10.nationalized 11.victimized 12.realized.Ⅱ.1.play the character of Ronald McDonald 2.cover most of Arizona and a portion of Southern California 3.one of the standard events 4.visit as many of the community hospitals as possible 5.make a difference to sb.6.experience some “down time” 7.place restrictions on sb.8.hospital personnel 9.deal with the issue immediately 10.transfer germs from one patient to another 11.break the rules 12.on one’s way home 13.tend to the medical equipment 14.do/play a few simple magic tricks 15.grant sb.’s request Ⅲ.1.F 2.A 3.E 4.J 5.C 6.B 7.K 8.I 9.G 10.L 11.D 12.H.Ⅳ.1.First 2.frighten 3.deal with 4.physically 5.transferring 6.why 7.didn’t 8.communication 9.spoken 10.impossible.Ⅴ.Passage 1 1—4 BACD Passage 2 1—4 CCAD Ⅵ.1.attend school/go to school 2.winner/power lifter;over come obstacles/pursue dreams 3.handed it back/give it back;someday/one day;himself 4.died/passed away 5.champion Part Ⅱ Exercises for PRETCO Ⅱ.1—5 BCDDA 6—10 BAABB 11—15 DDAAB 16—20 BDDDC 21.being built 22.had learned 23.emotionally 24.have been waiting 25.running 26.restriction 27.Having been shown 28.dismissal 29.regardless 30.unhappiness Ⅲ.1—5 ADBCB 6.majored in engineering 7.an assistant teacher and lab technician 8.Master of Science 9.the Massachusetts of Technology 10.an application from and some related information Ⅳ.1.我盼望今年暑假见到你。


5.虽然世界上很多国家在一年中不同的时间里庆祝他们自己的母亲 节,但诸如美国、澳大利亚等国家都在5月的第二个星期日庆祝母亲节。Ⅴ.Dear Sir, I’m sorry to bother you, but I really need your help.I hear two people have received offers from your department.Have you already begun to offer admissions to promising applicants? I am writing to ask whether you have made any decision on my file.Thank you for your attention.Sincerely yours, Tom Green Unit 7 Part Ⅰ Text Exercises Ⅰ.1.cruelty 2.equality 3.nationality 4.loyalty 5.certainty 6.stupidity 7.reality 8.personality 9.morality 10.modesty Ⅱ.1.take me out 2.a nice guy 3.not that complicated 4.another alternative 5.date you 6.make things simple 7.create excuses 8.know where you stand 9.give it to you straight 10.stop hassling me 11.get more of what you want 12.on a social visit Ⅲ.1.E 2.H 3.G 4.B 5.C 6.I 7.D 8.F 9.A 10.J Ⅳ.1.that 2.but 3.solution 4.say 5.of 6.trash 7.lengths 8.it 9.idiot 10.telling Ⅴ.Passage 1 1—5 BABCD Passage 2 1—5 BCCAD Ⅵ.1.was fond of 2.cutting anything 3.had cut away 4.told the truth 5.not being afraid Part Ⅱ Exercise for PRETOC Ⅱ.1—5 CCDAD 6—10 AAABA 11—15 BBBDC 16—20 DDCAC 21.solution 22.Having lived 23.proposal(s)24.fascinating 25.charm 26.smoking 27.to do 28.tactful 29.are having 30.angrier Ⅲ.1.the Connecticut River 2.insurance offices 3.English 4.Polish 5.art exhibitions 6.(O)(G)7.(K)(F)8.(M)(A)9.(J)(N)10.(C)(I)Ⅳ.1.这个城镇既干净又安静,自有大城市里找不到的那种魅力。2.我们的计划确实成功了,那真是个好主意。


5.我们都知道学英语很难。要掌握它,即使不用几十年,也至少要得花几年时间。Ⅴ.Dear Nichole, Thank you very much for telling me this good news.Your department is famous all over the world.I feel so honored to be admitted by your department.Thank you again for your help during my application process.Sincerely yours, Mary Brown Unit 8 Part Ⅰ Text Exercises Ⅰ.1.departure 2.closure 3.mixture 4.procedures 5.expenditure 6.pleasure 7.pressure 8.Exposure 1.crowded 2.spirited 3.detailed 4.honeyed 5.prejudiced 6.experienced 7.cultured 8.skilled 9.famed 10.gifted Ⅱ.1.at a very fast pace 2.the dawn of the 21 st century 3.may will be true 4.the top 10 greatest scientists of the 20 th century 5.give a detailed picture of 6.an understanding of how the human brain works 7.die of cancer 8.reverse a process 9.push students to study harder 10.stop talking about theories 11.study with certainty 12.coal,oil,nuclear energy, and so on Ⅲ.1.F 2.E 3.A 4.J 5.H 6.B 7.G 8.C 9.D 10.I Ⅳ.1.Since 2.known 3.which 4.started 5.past 6.detailed 7.of 8.beginning 9.couple 10.data 11.understanding 12.at Ⅴ.Passage 1 1—5 BABDA Passage 2 1—5 BCABC Ⅵ.1.see 2.a film 3.a camera 4.behind 5.(wounded)soldiers Part Ⅱ Exercises PRETCO Ⅱ.1—5 DCDBC 6—10 AAAAC 11—15 DCABB 16—20 CCABB 21.dramatically 22.evolution 23.behave 24.spending 25.Supported 26.incurable 27.Having put 28.explosion 29.have passed 30.to serve Ⅲ.1—5 BCADD 6.select your car 7.Contact Information Form 8.confirm your selection 9.confirmed 10.Customer Care representative Ⅳ.1.母亲用钱很谨慎,只花自己收入很小的一部分。2.被追猎的狮和象被称为大猎物。


5.现今大多数美国人不用为衣食操心,但是每当驾车者经过加油站时,有一个问题总会浮上心头,那就是汽油涨价。Ⅴ.FINANICIAL GUARANTEE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, This is a letter to indicate that I have the financial capability to support my daughter, Miss Mary Smith, during her stay in Australia to study for a master’s degree in physics.I am willing to give her my full financial support, which will include her tuition fees, living costs and travel expenses to and from Australia.she will be guaranteed $20,000 per year.The money will be sent to her by bank draft.Sincerely yours John smith Test Yourself(for Unit 5-8)Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure Section A 1.socialize 2.safety 3.detailed 4.failures 5.ensure Section B 1.connected 2.predicting 3.died of 4.make use of 5.issues 6.standard 7.grave 8.transfer 9.solution 10.forever Section C 1.which personally I doubt very much 2.As he had been in prison several times 3.As the police were entering the building from the front door 4.but that I’m greatly disappointed by you 5.I would have come home sooner 6.While I understand that you are busy at the moment 7.While she is a sweet girl 8.the two sides should meet again the following day 9.so have all these other people 10.so’s Bob Part Ⅲ Reading 1—5 DBACA 6—10 BADCB Part Ⅳ Cloze 1.precious 2.away 3.valuable 4.respect 5.share 6.right 7.to 8.distance 9.friendships 10.core Part Ⅴ Translation 1.I’d like to present this precious gift to Mr.President, which I hope will help develop the friendship between the people of our two countries.2.She realized the job involved taking risks and was much more dangerous than she had imagined.3.Advances in science bring bad as well as good effects on human beings.4.He is looking forward to living in another city.Meanwhile, he’s worried he may not be able to make new friends there.5.While the problem was solved shortly after the meeting, the boss was still angry at not being informed of it by the manager.TEST YOURSELF(for PRETCO—Level B)Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure 16—20 ACBDC 21—25 DCAAB 26.radiation 27.keeps 28.description 29.has joined 30.partially/partly 31.pleased 32.freedom 33.shaking 34.to drive 35.enriching Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension 36—40 BCABA 41—45DACAB 46.wood 47.railroad 48.careful management 49.Forever Forests 50.Forest For Us 51.(F)(Q)52.(E)(S)53.(U)(B)54.(H)(T)55.(R)(C)56.work glove samples 57.work gloves/sample products 58.didn’t know/couldn’t tell the difference between them 59.any further news 60.his first order Part Ⅳ Translation—English into Chinese 61.事情的结果正如教授所预见的那样。62.他们让那对新婚夫妇随意使用那所避暑别墅。63.他们究竟会不会成为未来的奥运冠军,只有让时间来回答。64.除了其布景的感染力外,他使用摄影机的技巧有时也显示出不可思议的效果。65.亲爱的约翰逊先生:


约翰·史密斯敬上 Part Ⅴ Writing Dear Professor Smith, I was admitted to the hospital on June 9, 2004 because of acute appendicitis.My doctor has suggested an immediate operation.It is expected that I will be well in about 10 days and discharged on June 19, 2004.I am writing this note to ask for sick leave for the coming two weeks.Thank you.Sincerely, JackHopkins1




Unit One Part I





Part II

1.He feels inferior in language to his girl friends.2.It was not until he was 40 that he could afford to buy his own house.3.Before Spring Festival they are going to have their house painted.4.Constancy makes success a certainty.5.The good character is of extreme importance to our future work.Unit Two

Part I

1‐20 CBADD




Part II

1.We should put ourselves in others shoes in all situation.2.The house survived the storm.3.My students frequently raise the topic of friendship.4.Two days ago I went to see him, only to learn that he had gone abroad a week before.5.It had never occurred to the old man that he could get a painting by Master Fan Zeng.Unit Three Part I

1‐20 ABABC




1.It is not so difficult to learn the course on line.2.As to the reading books, the teacher promised to give us a list for reference.3.He was lying flat on the bed, with his eyes staring into the ceiling.4.Note that body language apply not only to the interviewer but also to the interviewee.5.She is an outstanding artist, with(a pair of)big and expressive eyes.Unit Four Part I

1‐20 ABCDA




1.It is a space travel to remember for ever.2.Sports and games are also very useful for character building.3.What is learned in books cannot leave the same impression on the students as what is learned through practice.4.He takes great delight in travelling around the world.5.He went to the factory to solve the technical problems in person.Unit Five Part I 1‐20 BCABD




Part II 作文(略)

Unit Six

1‐20 DAACC



ADBAC Unit Seven

Part I


2.而且,汽车易于使友谊(保持)疏远,(从而)有助于邻里关系 的淡化和远离家去享受悠闲/安逸的活动。

3.汽车(它)使农户(他们)能够经常去到城里办业务和寻开心/找 快乐,也可以送孩子们到远处的学校(去上学)。


Part II

1‐10 ABCDA






Unit Eight

Part I


CC 8.consumer awareness 9.it is handled with caution

10.to allocate/distribute/spend/use their money

Part II

1‐10 DCBAC


11‐20 BCABC




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