
时间:2019-05-14 14:20:09下载本文作者:会员上传



道歉信“三步曲” :





I am writing this letter to apologize to you for …

2.I would like to express my deepest apology for not being able to …

3.Please accept my sincere apology for …

4.I must beg your forgiveness for … **提出补救措施的常用句式:

1.Would you mind if I change the appointment time?

2.Would it be convenient for you…? 3.In order to avoid … happening again, I would… **再次道歉的常用句式:

1.Once again,I am sorry for any convenience caused.2.Please accept my apology.I do hope you will understand me and excuse me for my carelessness.3.Please accept my sincere apologies for this unhappy experience.4.I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies.例:Dear Peter, I’m very sorry that I didn't attend your birthday party last Sunday.It was nice of you to invite me to your party.I should have come and celebrated the precious moment with you, but the monthly test is around the corner, so I was so busy preparing for the test that I forgot the appointment.I hope you understand my situation and forgive me.Is it possible for you and me to have a private meeting after the test? I do long for a pleasant chat with you.Once again, please accept my sincere apology.Yours

Li Hua

感谢信 感谢信“三步曲” :



1)I am writing this letter to thank you for …

2)I am writing to express my sincere thanks for

3)I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt

(adj.衷心的)thanks to you for…

4)With deepest gratitude I write you this letter for …



1)It was nice/kind/thoughtful(adj.考虑周到的)of you to..2)Thank you very much for your kind hospitality(n.好客, 热情招待)and the honor you showed me during my visit…

3)It was your kind help that …(强调句型)

4)If it had not been for your(help/guidance/ assistance), I wouldn’t have(won the prize)

(虚拟语气)But for/Without …


1)Thanks again for your generous help.2)Please accept my sincere thanks for your help, which I will never forget.3)Please do not hesitate to let me know if there is anything I could do to pay you back.例:假设你是李华,交换生Tracy刚刚结束在你们学校 的学习生活,已经返回英国。作为班长,请你根据以下内容用英语写一分感谢信,感谢她一学期以来 带给大家的美好回忆: 1.怀念与她相处的快乐时光; 2.感谢她对大家英语学习的帮助和为班级捐赠的英文书籍; 3.欢迎她有机会再来中国 Dear Tracy,How about your life back in Britain? I’m writing this letter to express our thanks to you on behalf of the class.We enjoyed the great time when you stayed here.During last term, you helped us a lot in our English so we made great progress with English study.What’s more, all our classmates are very thankful to you for donating English books, which are surely very helpful in our study.We miss you and wish you a happy life in the UK.Thank you for your kindness again and we are looking forward to your visiting China again.Yours

Li Hua


投诉信“三步曲” : 1.写信目的2.投诉内容3.希望对方做何反应

**开头常用句式:1)I am writing to complain somthing toyou.2)I am sorry but I have to say...**最后一段常用句式:I would appreciate some kind of compensation[ˌkɒmpənˈseɪʃ(ə)n] 赔偿


Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about to you.I booked a room in your hotel on Line.Several days ago I stayed at your hotel for a few days ,but it turn out to be a disappointment and I still have vivid memories of the place.Generally I enjoyed it very much ,but I wasn’t satisfied with your service and facilities.I’m sorry to say that the service was poor,my room was not very clean and was never clean while I was there.The food in the hotel was not really up to the standard.I constantly had problems with the pumping ,too.Cold water often came out of the hot water tap, and I could not always flush the toilet.I would appreciate some kind of compensation.Yours sincerely,Li Hua

第二篇:最美家庭 王慧芬










第三篇:婚礼策划 徐慧

班级:会展经济与管理2班学号:090144102姓名:徐 慧















由于新娘不是初婚,不想有太多的宾客参与,就两家最近亲的亲人和朋友来参与。晚宴形式:家庭式聚会用餐 主题:每天给你一个幸福的理由,直到世界末日。

































































——这么高,我怕„„ ——有我在!


































推荐信Recommendation Directions: Suppose you have been a private tutor of Mr.Wang’s daughter for two years.But now you are going to graduate and so you recommend your friend Lily who is a sophomore to take the place of your.Write a letter to Mr.Wngin about 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter,using Li Ming instead.Dear Mr.Wang, I am very sorry to tell you that I am going to graduate this June and cannot go on with my job as a tutor of your daughter.It has really been a pleasant experience to teach your daughter English as she is such a lovely and smart girl.Here I take great pleasure in recommending to you my friend Lily who is a sophomore majoring in English in my university.She is particularly willing to take the part-time job of an English tutor when she knows about your daughter.Lily is an excellent student.Especially her spoken English is both fluent and proficient, which can positively influence the person speaking with her.Moreover, as a lively, cheerful and easy going girl, she is good at communicating with others.Therefore, I am confident that she is highly competent for the job and will help your daughter make further progress in English.•

Sincerely yours, •

Li Ming 备忘录Memo

Directions:Suppose you are the secrectary of the Personnel Department of a company and are organizing a farewell party for a colleague who is going to retire.Write memo in about 100 words to inform your colleagues of the meeting.Don’t use your own name,using “Li Ming”instead.TO: All employees of the Personnel Department FROM: Li Ming, secretary of the Personnel Department SUBJECT: Farewell Party for Liu Gang DATE: Dec.27, 2005 Our colleague Liu Gang is going to retire next month.His retiring is really a pity to us all as he is such an amiable man who is always ready to help others, such an honest man who has won trust and respect from around him, and such a humorous man who can often add pleasure to our work.We have decided to hold a farewell party for him.We are going to use the assembly room of our department for the party.I have organized several programs for entertainment, but they are not enough.So if anyone is willing to give performances, please let me know as soon as possible.Besides, our general manager and manager will be present, too.All the colleagues of the Personnel Department are invited to attend the party which is scheduled on November 4, next Friday and will begin at 7 o’clock in the evening.By the way, all suggestions on the party are welcome.布告、通知Notice

Directions: Write a notice in about 100 words to inform the students and English teachers of a lecture on Austrilian studies.NOTICE

We are very honored to invite Prof.Richard Gilbert from Sydney University to give us a lecture on Sino-Australian relationship in the new millennium.Prof.Gilbert graduated from Australian National University in 1979 and has been teaching Australian studies for more than 20 years.He has become a leading expert in this field and has published several books and numerous papers on such topics as Australian economy, education and foreign policy.His humorous and thought provoking speech will surely benefit all the audience.The lecture will be given at Yifu Auditorium from 7 to 9 o’clock next Thursday evening.All the teachers and students are welcome to attend this lecture.•

English Department •

August 27, 2009

短信Note • Direction:Suppose you and two of your friends have decided to go on a self-tour to Hangzhou and you want to invite another friend Cathy to join you.Write a note in about 100 words to her.Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using Li Ming instead.• Dear Cathy, •

We have planned a self tour to Hangzhou next Saturday.I wonder if you would like to join us, Sherry, Alice and me.• You know, spring is the season when the scenery around West Lake is the most beautiful and it is very convenient for us to go there for it takes only two hour’s and a half by train or by coach.We are going by the 8∶20 train of Saturday morning and returning on Sunday evening.If you agree to go with us, we plan to • book two rooms in the Youth Hostel which cost only 50 yuan a night and from which it’s only 20 minutes’ walk to West Lake.•

I’m sure we will have a very good time and find the tour rewarding.•

Yours, •

Li Ming • • • •

• 投诉信A Complaint Letter Directions: 请以Benjamin Smith 的名义投诉半年前购买的数码相机,1.投诉半年前购买的数码相机 2.相机出现的问题 3.希望对方解决问题

You should write about 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address.(10 points Dear Sir or Madam, •

• • • • • • •

• • • •

I’m writing to complain about a digital camera I bought six months ago.In April of 2008, I bought a digital camera, the latest super mode, at ABC Store.I had used it only five weeks when the screen broke.It happened that the camera was in a case, which is in perfect condition, and the camera was well padded.I sent it in for repairs under warranty and was told that it was a manufacturing defect.They also suggested that I take it back to ABC.ABC accepted the machine and replaced it.Now, four months later, the new camera has broke again.I took it back to ABC.However, they rejected your digital camera, but they suggested that I write to you for further instructions as to what steps to take.Anything you do to help me on this matter will be highly appreciated.Look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Benjamin Smith

感谢信Thank-you Letter Directions: You learned that Ms.Wang was helping you dealing with office matters during your sick leave.Write a letter of appreciation to her to express your thanks.Your letter should include:

1)you heard of what Wang did,2)the reason for your thanks,3)the favor you’d like to offer.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address.(10 points)

Dear Ms.Wang,I appreciate so much your taking care of my office duties while I was away for illness.I heard that you had helped to complete those business reports which I left behind and keep all my desk files in good order.Your helping hand removed my anxiety about those unfinished reports back in the office and is making my hospitalization easy.The doctor said this morning that I am recovering fast, which I know owes a lot to your kindness.To express our thanks for your concern, my husband and I invite you to be our guest at our home next weekend.Yours,Lin Mei Mei


2008.1 道歉信

• Part A Directions:You have just come back from canada and found a music CD in your

luggege that you forget to return to Bob,you landlord there.Write him a letter to • 1)make an apology, and • 2)suggest a solution.• You should write about 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address.(10 points)• Dear Bob, •

I’ve just come back home and when unpacked my luggage, I’ve found the music CD borrowed from you a month ago.I’m really sorry for forgetting to return the CD to you.• To solve the problem, I’d like to send this CD to you by Express Mail Service.Probably it will reach you a week later.In fact, it’s really kind of you to have given me a lot of help during my stay in Canada.To show my appreciation, I’ll give you a CD of Chineses folk music as a gift.•

Again, please excuse me for my long delaying in returning the CD.I hope you’ll like the gift delivered to you.•

Yous sincerely, •

Li Ming

• Part B:Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should 1)describe the drawing briefly, 2)explain its intended meaning, and then 3)give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)

Here is a picture.你一条腿,我一条腿;你我一起,走南闯北。

As is seen from the picture, two handicapped men are holding each other’s shoulder to run quite fast with their crutches left behind them.When they are alone, they have to rely on the crutch.While(However,)supporting each other, they are able to continue their journey.As what is said in the picture, “Helping each other, we can journey north and south.”

In fact, the picture tells us The importance of cooperation.Human beings are social beings.No one can exist alone in the society.If you want to play a game, you have to play or work with others.You can’t play single-handed and win.You have to cooperate with your playmates who will make social ladder for you to climb to the top.For a football team or volleyball team, cooperation is always important.Without cooperation, it is impossible for a team to win even if all members are wonderful players individually.From cooperation we get mutual help and understanding.With cooperation the world is progressing at peace and in harmony.• 修改稿: • • • • • • • • • • In the picture presented to us, two handicapped men who have only one leg left respectively are working together to run quite fast with their crutches left behinde them.Obviously when they are separate, they have to rely on the crutch to walk.However, when supporting each other, they are able to continue their journey quite smoothly and easily.As what is said in the picture, “Helping each other, we can travel extensively.” •

In fact, the picture reminds us of the importance of cooperation and without it, the society we live in can not go smoothly.Human beings are social beings.So no one can exist alone in the society.If you want to play a game, you have to play or work with others • and you can not play singler-handed and win.What you have to do is to cooperate with your playmates who may pave the way for your success.For a football team or volleyball team, cooperation is aleways put in the first place because without teamwork, it is impossible for a team to win even if all members are wonderful players individually.•

In conclusion, we get mutual help and understanding from cooperation, with which the world is able to progress at peace and in harmony.• Correction:

• 1.For, without temwork, the team will not win the game even all his members are wonderful plays.(For→ Because)• 2.If you want to win, you have to work with others,(加which)is very important.• 3.The picture tells us that don’t give up when you confront difficulties.(The picture is a reminder to us that we should not give up when we confront difficulties.)




• • • • • • • • Part A

Directions: Write a letter to your university library, making suggestions for improving its service.You should write about 100 words on ANSHER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address.(10 points)To whom it may concern,As a senior student of the university, I am writing the letter to make some suggestions for improving the service of our university library.On the whole, I think our library functions pretty well,but its service is far from being perfect.Firstly, it is quite convenient to arrange an inquire desk at the circulation hall, which enables the studens to ask questions whenever necessary.Then, with the help of a professional librarian, students can go through the procedures more efficiently.In addition, it wold be most helpful if the students have access to the latest issues of foreign magazines.Lastly, you’d better maintain strict order at the reading room.I frequently founddd myself disturbed by certain students chatting and smoking there.•

It is my sincere hope that you will take my advice into consideration and I hold that it will benefit both the students and the univerity as well.• Correction: • 1.I suggest that we should buy more new books which were wrote recently.(I suggest that the library should buy more new and recently-published books.)

2.I find some place needed to improve.(I find plenty of areas that will need improvement.)

3.The library should have more desks and chairs for students to tead and write.(The library should be equipped with more desks and chairs for reading and writing.)• • • • • • Part B Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should 1)describe the drawing briefly, 2)explain its intended meaning, and then 3)support your view with an example/examples.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)• Sampe 1

This cartoon gives a picture of a football game with the two people face each other.One people is going to kick the ball while the other is trying to catch the ball.But both people is afraid of the other one because they consider they themselves are much smaller.•

It is clearly that both of them in the pictures don’t have enough confidience and if you have little confidence, how can you maintain your goal in life? Confidence is very important.Nowadays, our society is full of challenges and competition.Without confidence, people can get nothing and only those who have self-confidence may succeed finally.•

Confidence can be shown in the performance of many people.Take Liuxiang as an example.He is a confident person and it functions well on his performance.On the contrary, some sportsmen do well in everyday training, but when facing other people they became nervous for they lack of self-confidence.This results their failure in their performance.So I think confidence plays an important role in people’s success.Sample 2 This cartoon depicts a picture of a football game with two players facing each other.One player is going to kick the ball while the goal keeper is standing in front of a goal, ready to protect it.But both parties are losing their confidence.The striker magnifies the goal-keeper in his mind so that chances of shooting in are slim.Likewise, the goal-keeper minimizes his own image as if he couldn’t defend the goal successfully.Obviously, both of the players in the picture don’t have enough confidence and if you have little confidence, how can you achieve your goal in life? The purpose of the picture is to emphasize the importance of self-confidence in our daily life.Confidence is very important in building a career.The belief of what one can achieve and succeed often spells/brings/ cause the difference between success and failure.On account of the fast pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, imposing tremendous pressure on all individuals.The past few years have witnessed great increase in the difficulty of examinations and employment.Thus we must maintain powerful self-confidence and optimism in the face of challenges so as to survive and succeed.confidence can be shown in the performance of many people.Take Kobe as an example.It is because of his self-confidence that he never shrinks(退缩)in front of other experienced players and works wonders again and again.On the contrary, some athletes do well in everyday training, but when facing other people they fail to present the best of themselvew for the lack of self-confidence.As the saying goes, confidence is the first step to success!Only by building strong self-cofidence can we move closer to our dreams.•



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