
时间:2019-05-14 18:39:55下载本文作者:会员上传





PS 我建议大家仔细体会文章介绍的几个句型,熟悉作者列出的替代词和衔接词组,对于基础欠佳的朋友可以背几个给出的模板。我相信,每个认真看完这篇贴的人,这次六级作文都能考上100分。

pps 有一些排版没编辑好,粗体和下划线没显示出来,今天有点事,明天再来编辑。


当批卷老师已经大致决定一篇文章的分数段时候,她靠什么来决定最后给出的分数呢?比如,8-10分是一个分数段,11-13分也是一个分数段。那到底最后给出是8分还是10分,或者是11分还是13分到底是取决于什么呢?根据Global Scoring的原则,这是取决于批卷老师所看到她能认为写得精彩句子的个数。而本章所讨论的内容,就是我总结出的比较简单而又实用的所谓“闪光点”。

我在看到一篇六级作文的题目后,首先是分析其类型,然后就是考虑如何把闪光点应用到该篇文章里以及如何根据围绕这些闪光点来“编造”这篇文章。这里有个小诀窍。你可以在考试时候故意把你的字体写小点,等到写你认为比较精彩的句子时候再恢复原大小。这样就会使批卷老师更容易发现你所写的精彩之处。当然,这是需要练习的,而且对你写字的漂亮与否有很高要求。如果你本身写字就不甚雅观,那还是别采取这种方法了吧,那会让你的文章看起来更乱的。OK,让我们进入正题。所谓的五大闪光点,其实估计每个“真正”经历过高考英语的人都会很熟悉。它们其实就是我们高中所学的比较复杂的语法。说复杂,指的是我们当时做Multiple Choice时候可能会觉的挺头疼的问题。当然,想真正运用自如的把它们应该到写作中也是很难而且需要下苦功夫的。我们在这里只是在它们中每个找一个或者几个简单好记而又适用范围比较广的应用例子。这其实是一种不怎么可取的方法,不过作为短时间提高写作的捷径,还是有点价值的。下面让我们来看看五大闪光点都有哪些:


A: If I were „„, I would + 动词原形 意思是如果我是„„,我会„„.B: It is high time that + 一般过去时 意思是 „„已经刻不容缓了。这两个句型基本每篇文章都能用到,而且基本都在最后一段。

2.强调句型。强调句型相对来说比结构比较单一。主要就是两种:对人强调的who和对物强调的that。为了让句子更加精彩,我加入了个插入语:more than anyone/anything else.A: It is/was „„, more than anyone else, who„„ 对人的强调

B: It is/was „„, more than anything else, that/which „„ 对物的强调 3.倒装结构。这里我们只使用程度副词放在句首时候引起倒装这种情况。而且,我们一般只用only。我推荐的是以下两个句子结构:

A: Only in this way/under successful control/special circumstances/after careful considerations can we„„.只有„„我们才能„„ B: Not only + 倒装,but +主语+also 不但„„而且„„


A: Just as the proverb/idiom/slang goes: “„„.”, it is „„ 最简单的引入谚语结构 B: An inspiring/A warning proverb/idiom/slang echoing in my mind goes as: “„„.”,and it indicates that„„/so is 这个使用时候注意分清楚是正面谚语还是反面谚语,正面用inspiring,反面用warning。而且不要把不定冠词用错了。后面有一个常用英语谚语表,是我从一本托福作文书上复印下来的,有空看看,记下来几个,将来肯定能用到。


主语(最好动名词)is regarded/considered/viewed as a essential/ignorable/wise宾语(可以是complement, turning point, decision等等), which is of vital importance/significance.怎样把以上这些闪光点应用到实际的作文题目中去?现在让我举几个例子来解释一下: Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled“Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? ”You should write at Least 120 words following the outline given below :






As far as I am concerned, I strongly object to the issue.It is university campus tourism, more than anything else, that has an inevitably negative impact on the students’ daily studies and lives.Therefore, if I were the government decision maker, I would set regulations to stop any tourist from paying a visit to the university campus as quickly as I can.或者,你认为双方观点都不太对,想中庸一下,可以这样写:

For my part, both sides are lop-sided.A warning proverb echoing in my mind goes as: “Fire is a good servant but had a bad master”, and so is university campus tourism.Only under successful control can we minimize the negative impacts and maximize positive impacts.As a result, it is high time that government made relevant regulations to make this newly developing industry more standardized.另一个例子。

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a company declining a job offer.You should write at Least 150 words following the outline given below:




I do appreciate your giving me this priceless opportunity to show my talents.Choosing the right career is regarded as a turning point in one’s life, which is of vital importance.As far as I am concerned, I firmly assure that it is the job offered by you that fits me best.However, I have been admitted by a famous foreign university recently, and the discipline that I was enrolled makes me very excited.Consequently, I was involved in a dilemma as to whether I should choose shark’s fin or bear’s paw.After long-time careful considerations, I am ultimately determined to decline your job offer.It is the further developing foreground, more than anything else, that forces me to make such a hard decision.Not only can I learn advanced professional knowledge there, but I am also able to improve my oral English.其实关于这些闪光点的应用例子还有很多。但具体怎么在文中使用还是经过很多练习才能掌握的。一个能熟练使用以上结构的人,可以在看到题目一分钟之内就想出如何在文中体现出这些结构。但是,有一个是非常重要的前提,那就是一定要正确的使用!所以嘛,我建议“有幸”读到本“文”的XDJM们平常一定要多练习练习,哪怕就像我上面那样写某篇文章的一小段就可以,关键是尽量尝试把这些结构中的两个或者更多应用到一起去,并通过衔接词和有效的过渡来使得文章更通顺。


四级作文和六级作文在要求上有什么区别?或者说,大学作文和高中作文在要求上有什么区别?除了对字数的要求更多了,体裁上略有变化之外,就是对文中所出现的词汇的丰富度有着不同的要求。按照教学大纲的要求,那些我们天天背的单词是需要知道怎么在文章中使用的。四级作文就要使用四级的词汇,六级作文就要使用六级的词汇。当然,这对很多学生来讲是有点难度的。因为他们对那些他们背起来都饶口的单词的用法那是相当陌生的。还有一点很重要的就是,如果一个单词在文章中出现很多次,应该想办法用不同的方式来表达出来以显示词汇的丰富程度。比如表示“能够”这个含义,我们可以用can, be able to, be capable of, not beyond one’s ability/ capability, be qualified to等等。这就是英语中所谓的word variety,通过意思相同或者相近的词或短语的交替使用来使文章的用辞丰富多彩。

那么,我们在一篇六级作文中应该用到多少六级词汇的?在我看来,有5-10个就足够足够。而且,用到的词汇在词性上应该有些变化。也就是说,最好有名词,有动词,也有形容词或者副词。名词好说,知道单复数可数不可数就可以了。形容词和副词只要别用的太离谱就好。可是动词的用法就比叫讲究了。首先,你得知道一个动词是否及物,如果不及物还得知道应该和什么介词搭配。而且用动词时候还要考虑时态变化和主谓一致。这些确实比较麻烦。所以,我们要提前准备一些可以相互替换的各种类型词汇好用来熟练的使用在六级作文中。其实,很多时候记忆一些据有相近意思的词不是很困难的。比如表示“考虑”这个意思,你能想出几种说?think about? consider? 这些都是些高中的词汇。所以,这些都不能成为文章中的亮点。作为一个大学生,最起码得知道个take something into consideration吧?再多知道点,把consideration换account,也是一个意思。此外相同意思的还有allow for,make allowances for。如果有一篇需要表达很多次“考虑”这个意思的文章,而你又恰当的使用了以上几个不同的短语,那绝对是文章的一个得分点。下面这些是我总结的一些可以替换使用的单词。注意,其实近意词其实在含义上还是有微小差别的。而区分这些词在高级英语写作称为Word Choice。不过在六级中,没必要分那么细,最重要的是在作文中正确展示出六级词汇。


Think-Believe-Assume-Assure-Assert 引导从句-Adhere to接名词 Say-Claim-Allege 引导从句

Motivate-Agitate(Agitate for sth, Agitate sb)-Propel Release-Alleviate Refer to-Mention-Allude to Obey-Abide by-Comply with-Conform to-Defer to Suddenly-Abruptly Give up-Abstain Stop myself from doing-Abstain from-Refrain from Attract-Allure-Appeal to(物做主语)Kind-Amiable Pay attention to-Attach importance to Ambitious-Enterprising(表示有进取心,传说中的五星级词汇)Teenagers-Adolescent(注意一般做形容词用)Modify-Amend Enough-Sufficient-Ample Surprise-Appall(做动词讲)

Assessment(assess)-Appraisal(appraise)Understand-Comprehend-Apprehend Talent-Aptitude Kind-hearted-Ardent A series of-An array of Pride-Arrogant-Complacent-Lofty Date back to-Ascend to Attribute to-Ascribe to-Accredit to Appearance-Advent Harmful-Adverse-Disastrous Long for-Thirsty for-Aspire after-Pant for-Strive for-yearn for Confidence-Self-Assurance Various-Diverse-Assorted Enlarge-Amplify-Augment-Magnify Waiter-Attendant Absorb-Assimilate Reliable-Authentic-Credible Make good use of-Avail oneself of Wild-Barren-Desolate Hardly-Barely Justified-Neutral-Unbiased-Impartial In advance-beforehand Be aware of-Beware of Strange-Bizarre Drink-Beverage(做名词讲)In despair-Bleak Straightforward-Blunt Fight with-Brawl with-Tangle with Disobedience to-Breach of Lively-Brisk Frangible-Brittle Look over-Brower Through-Flick Through Threaten-Bully Adversity-Calamity Warning-Caution(做名词讲时候)Loss-Casualty Prove-Notify-Certify Treasure-Cherish Clearness-Clarity Consistent-Coherent Close-Adjacent Cooperation with –Collaboration with Funny-Comical Begin with-Commence with Ordinary-Commonplace Chaos-Commotion Public-Communal Tight-Compact Qualification-Competence According-Uniform-Concerted-Conform Think up-Come up with-Conceive of-Formulate Believe-Confide in Insist on-Persist of Surefooted-Conscientious Continuous-Consecutive-Incessant Discuss-Confer on Award-Confer Secret-Private-Confidential Conclusion-Consensus Enhance-Consolidate Obvious-Apparent-Conspicuous Restrict-Constrain Shorten-Constrict-Curtail Infective-Contagious Look down upon somebody-Hold somebody in Contempt-Despise Satisfied-Content-Contented Debate-Contention Agree with-Consent to Change-Transformation-Conversion(名词形式)Related-Relevant-Correlated Fallen-Corrupt Polite-Courteous Proof-Certification-Credentials Accustomed-Customary Cheat-Deceive Determined-Decisive Weakness-Deficiency-Drawback Lack of-In default of Rejection-Denial Use up-Deplete Go against-Oppose-Object to-Deplore-Dissent from Deprive of-Oust of Assign-Designate-Dispense Embarrassment-Dilemma Hardworking-Diligent Revel-Disclose Replace-Displace Depression-Dismay-Despair Spread-Disseminate Variety-Diversity Strict-Drastic Awful-Dreadful Boring-Dull-Dreary-Monotonous Doubtful-Dubious-Suspicious Promote-Elevate Persuasive-Convincing-Eloquent Outstanding-Excellent-Eminent-Exceptional-Fabulous-Gorgeous Effort-Endeavor Attractive-Enchanting Bearably-Endurably Dynamic-Energetic Seek for-Enlist Justice-Equity Respect-Esteem Forever-Permanent-Eternal Politeness-Etiquette Recall-Evoke Be good at-Do well in-Excel in Profession-Expertise Kick out-Expel Expense-Expenditure(多指政府)Release from-Exempt from Implement-Execute Luxury-Extravagant Crazy-Fanatic Ineffective-Feeble Cruel-Merciless-Ferocious-Relentless-Ruthless Loyalty-Faithfulness-Adherence-Fidelity Limited-Finite Drive Crazy-Go bananas-Flip out Major-Prior-Foremost Predict-Foresee Adopt-Foster Take a risk-Take a gamble Fail--Come to grief Complaint-Grumble Union-Guild Up to now-Hitherto Important-Significant-Vital-Imperative-Momentous Incalculable-Innumberable Concentrated-Intent Tolerant-Lenient Profitable-Lucrative Control-Manipulate Remember-Memorize Aggressive-Militant Careful-Meticulous A lot of-A multitude of Omit-Neglect However-Nonetheless Famous-Well-known-Notable Block-Obstruct Suitable-Fitful-Optimum Come from-Originate from Adapt to-Orient to Decoration-Ornament Previous-Preceding Prevent-Preclude Take charge of-Preside over Possibility-Probability Mastership-Proficiency Mutual-Reciprocal Dependable-Reliable Abolish-Revoke Lure-Seduce Gregarious-Sociable Ease-Soothe Wide-Spacious Completely-Entirely-Absolutely-Stark Excessive-Superfluous Exhausting-Tiresome Brand-Trademark Temporary-Transient Exceed-Transcend Peaceful-Tranquil Agreeable-Unanimous Healthy-Wholesome 现在举个单词替换的例子。把10页我修改的过的文章再加入些六级词汇重新修改下。黑体字部分为替换部分。

Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? Many advocates firmly hold it inignorable to add a test of spoken without any doubt since the traditional English examinations don’t seem to accurately appraise the true level of one’s English skill.Under such an English education system that attaches little importance to oral practice, it is commonplace to see students with good marks in the exam are not able to speak English even a little bit.In addition, with China’s entrance into WTO, the candidates who are capable of speaking English fluently will be needed and valued more and more popularly.However, people rarely reach an absolute consensus in such a controversial issue.People who dissent from adding a test of spoken English argue English is not the only discipline in the university, and what ought to be given superiority to are those professional knowledge.Adding a test of spoken English may aggravate the burden of college students and thus curtail their time for studying other subjects.As far as I am concerned, I unquestionably consent to the former viewpoint.Oral English is of vital importance for us since one cannot expect to take a piece of paper along with him in order to communicate with foreigners.Not only can a test of spoken English call on the university students to spend more time studying oral English, but it is also able to challenge one as a qualified learner.As a result, just as the proverb goes “Practice makes perfect”, I am planning to do more oral exercises to prepare for that probable change.It is high time that we realized the significance of oral English, isn’t?



一个外国人和一个中国人写的文章,抛开语法应用和单词运用不谈,最大的区别是什么?答案是对衔接词的使用。衔接词,在英语里称为Transition Words。注意,衔接词和连接词(连词)不同。连词在英文里是Conjunctive Words,主要是表示连接复句的。一般来说,连词一般都是衔接词,而衔接词不都是连词。衔接词主要是指句子和句子间表明逻辑关系的词。当然,也不是所有的句子间都需要衔接词来完成过渡的。但一篇好的文章,尤其是议论文,大量的使用衔接词是必不可少的。不光是句子间,段与段之间也需要衔接词。比如,在议论文中,我们经常用到First, Foremost, Secondly, In addition, Moreover, What’s more, Besides, However, Nevertheless, Finally, Last but not least等都是衔接词。下面是个简单的小例子:

It is 11 pm right now.I don’t have enough money to buy my supper.I feel very hungry.It makes me lack of energy.I decide to stop my work and go to bed.I cannot get into sleep.I am too hungry.是不是读起来很不舒服?这就是缺少了衔接词的后果。现在加上些衔接词,再感觉下: It is 11 pm right now.Since I don’t have enough money to buy my supper, I feel very hungry.In addition, it makes lack of energy.As a result, I decide to stop my work and go to bed.However, I cannot get into sleep because I am too hungry 这样是不是就感觉流畅多了?这就是衔接词的作用,让文章的意思表达的更加清晰,有逻辑性。一般来说,根据表达句与句(段与段,一小部分)之间的关系不同,衔接词有七种:(斜体表示常用)表示时间和频率:Generally, In general, soon after, when, while, on the while, usually, rarely, frequently, in most cases, as a rule, at times, meanwhile, as soon as, until, as, just as, at the moment, whenever 表示附加,层进和比较:Additionally, As well as, Just as, again, Along with, Likewise, Also, In the same manner, Further, In the same way, Similarly, In addition to, Besides, And, Moreover, Not only„but also, First/Firstly, To begin with, Second/Secondly, To start with, Third/Thirdly, What’s more, In addition, Furthermore, In the first place, Still, Last but not least, In the end, Foremost, Lastly, In the same way, Equally, Differently, Finally 表示转折和让步:Although, Instead, Rather than, But, Nevertheless, Though, However, One the one hand, On the other hand, Otherwise, Despite, In spite of, Instead of, Yet, Rather, Whereas, In contrast, Alternatively, Even so, After all, All the same, Naturally, Admittedly, Frankly speaking, To tell you the truth, Nonetheless 表示因果和结论:All in all, In Consequence, In brief, As a result, In conclusion, Hence, Therefore, Because, Since, In sum, In Summary, To summarize, In short, In a nutshell, To sum up, For, Consequently, Accordingly, For this reason 表示强调和细节:Of course, Indeed, Above all, Most importantly, In fact, Actually, As a matter of fact, Really, In truth, Especially, , In particular, In detail 表示解释和阐述:In other words, Personally, As far as I am concerned, In my opinion 表示建议和举例:For example, For instance, With this in mind, For this purpose, 当然,这些并不能完成包括所有的衔接词。但是,对于六级作文说,这些已经足够了。至于具体如何使用这些衔接词,这需要反复的练习和巩固。熟练而正确的使用衔接词会使文章感觉更流畅,在英文里称为Coherence。而且,衔接词和别的词一样,要注意换着使用。比如,用过Because后下面的就可以改用Since或者For,当然也可以用As a result和Therefore等等。再比如,阐述一个论点的许多支持论据,可以用的就更多了,比如In addition, Moreover, Furthermore, What’s more, Besides等等。而表示转折也可以用However, but和Nevertheless来交替使用。现在让我们把本章开头的那段话用别的衔接词再重新构造一下,如下:

It is 11 pm right now.I feel very hungry because I don’t have enough money to buy my supper.Moreover, it makes me lack of energy.Therefore, I decide to stop my work and go to bed, but I cannot get into sleep, for I am too hungry.大家可不要小看衔接词哦。这些貌似很简单的词汇也是六级作文重要的闪光点。英语老师们99%都是英语专业毕业的,而衔接词用法是英语专业在写作中必修课之一。而在非英语专业里,衔接词却没有被给予足够视。而这也是为什么那么多大学生的英语作文惨不忍睹的原因之一。如果你能用好这些衔接词,就能greatly impress批卷老师,从而得到让人满意的分数。记住,跟别人不同,才能让批卷老师心甘情愿的给你高分。


议论文是六级作文的一个重要组成部分。一般来说,六级的议论文会给你如下的结构: 有些人认为„„.另外一些人认为„„.(一般跟前面的人看法相反)我的观点是„„


先说关于1部分的。很多时候,作文会给你一些句子让你翻译或者直接用在文章里。比如10页那个作文的“Is a test of spoken English necessary?” 所以在使用模板前,要先仔细阅读下题目,别上来不管三七二十一就开始动笔。在没有指定首句的情况下,可以采用一下模板:

Recently, there has aroused a controversial/heated debate/contention as to/over whether __________.Those people who approve of/are in favor of/support/pronounce for the practice/viewpoint/issue of _____(The advocates)firmly/undoubtedly hold/believe/assure that _________ since/because ___________.What’s more, they also claim/allege that ___________.In addition, they further state that ______________.(if needed)关于2部分。首先,从1部分到2部分最好有一个转折。这个衔接其实从整篇文章的角度上看对内容的阐述是没有什么重要作用的。但是,我们可以提前准备这句话,把前面所涉及到的各种闪光点加到这句话中来达到形成得分点的目的。

However, people can rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue./ However, just as the proverbs goes: “So many people, so many minds”, it is quite understandable that people from different back grounds put different interpretations on the same issue./However, just as the proverb goes: “Every coin has its two sides”, _____is no exception.这是我比较喜欢又比较好记的三种转折方式。注意,controversial这个词如果在1部分里使用了就不要在这里用了。任何时候都要考虑单词替换。然后下面是2部分剩下的。People who strongly oppose/object to/challenge against/pronounce against ______(The opponents)assert/declare that _________________.Actually, they think/believe that _____________.Moreover, ____________.Furthermore, ____________.(if needed)第3部分主要是提出自己的观点。这里有大概两种情况,一种是你同意其中的一方的观点,另外一种是你认为双方说的都有道理但都有失偏颇。首先来看第一种情况: As far as I am concerned/With taking all perspectives into considerations/accounts/With making all viewpoints for allowances/Through carefully weighing in my mind, I unquestionably/undoubtedly agree with/side with/prefer/am inclined to take sides with the former(latter)point of view/issue/viewpoint.____________________________________.注意如果使用系动词应该是I am + adverb + 后面成份。接下来看第二种情况:

As far as I am concerned, both sides are lop-sided.(At first thought, the two ideas seem to be reasonable and attractive, but carefully weighing in mind, I can barely consent to them because both of them are lacking of logical/careful/extensive/broad considerations/thoughts/advisement.)____________________________________.但是,第二种情况一般很少用到。貌似是在自找麻烦„„


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic “Reading Selectively Or Extensively?” You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:




Recently, there has aroused a controversial contention over whether one should read selectively or extensively.Those people who approve of the issue of selective reading firmly assure that it is wiser to read selectively since one’s energy is rather limited.What’s more, they also allege that some books are useless, and one should not spend any time reading them.In addition, they further state that one should always attach great importance to reading books correlated to his or her professional field in order to make him or her more competent.However, just as the proverbs goes: “So many people, so many minds”, it is quite understandable that people from different back grounds put different interpretations on the same issue.People who strongly pronounce against reading selectively assert that one should always read extensively.Actually, the opponents believe that reading extensively will broaden one’s vision and lead him or her to a much wider way of thinking.Moreover, they insist that it is reading extensively that helps one become more and more mature.Through carefully weighing in my mind, I am unquestionable inclined to take sides with the latter point of view.Reading extensively is of vial importance on one’s way to grow up.Not only does reading extensively help with absorbing a diversity of knowledge, but it also enables one to function efficiently on an interdisciplinary team.If I were one of those advocates for reading selectively, I would be fairly shameful since I had put forward a wrong issue.下划线表示用到了五大闪光点,黑体字表示是六级要求掌握的单词或者短语。虽然写的比较多,但其实如果掌握这些模板和技巧,在30分钟内写出这样一篇文章是绝对没有问题的。不过从近年的考试出题趋势看,这种正反类型的考题似乎已经不受欢迎了。尽管如此,谁也不能保证以后就再也不出这种类型的作文。所以,还是应该看看相关的模板来练习下的。


六级的记叙文大致可以分两种,一种是阐述型,一种是记叙型。从大的方向上讲,阐述型和记叙型都可以理解为在翻译题目要求内容基础上扩充内容来完成一篇文章。而细分起来,一般阐述型会包含些解释和强调的内容,而记叙型则没有该要求。从目前的趋势看,纯粹的记叙型作文已经很少了(好像只有03年的四级作文是)。但是,从另一方面讲,书信也可以算做纯记叙型的作文。这章我们主要讨论的是如何写好阐述型作文。阐述型作文自从1998年第一次出现后一直是考试的一个热点,而且根据这几次考试的出题规律来看这次考的可能性还不小。For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled “On Piracy” of no less than 150 words.You may base your writing on the following outline:




当看到作文题目后,从三段论的角度上考虑,我们脑子里首先应该有这么一个大致的提纲: Phenomenon Description Causes and Effects How should we do? 然后,再考虑五大闪光点应该如何应用到作文中。首先,在最后一段可以用It is high time that 这个虚拟来表示强调吧,而最后一句也可以用一个only放在句首的倒装来表示强调。其次,在讨论危害时候可以用到not only„but also来表示层进吧。当然强调句型也可以用来进一步强调其危害性之大。而谚语和非限定定语从句的使用就比较不固定了,基本是有了灵感就往上拽。总而言之,五大闪光点的应用是需要些想像力的„„


Currently, piracy is becoming unimaginably visible in China.Any product, like tape, CD and hi-tech device can be copied, not to mention book.Shortly after a newly-published book hits the shelves, people will unsurprisingly find its pirated counterparts in the stores.The reasons for the phenomenon, which are obvious to all, can be listed as follows: First and foremost, the price of the products that are pirated is too high that most people cannot afford it.In addition, the price of the pirated products is much lower and, in some cases, the pirated product doesn’t necessarily mean low quality.Last not least, some officials give top priority to economy.They will tolerate, or even encourage, anything so long it can bring them financial income.However, the pirated products really do much harm.Not only do they infringe intellectual property rights, but they also offend against the rules of the market.It is piracy, more than anything else, that make companies investing in invention inevitably run bankruptcy.If the situation stays as it was or ever deteriorates, our society will stop where it is.No advance.No progress.As far as I am concerned, it’s high time that the government called on everyone to start the battle against piracy.Just as the proverb goes: “Every little makes a nickel”, if citizens’ consciousness to resist pirated products get higher, the amount of pirated products will be greatly reduced.Besides, law should be strictly carried out to ban piracy from spreading any further.Only in this way can we put an end to piracy and create a healthy environment for both customers and producers.其实阐述性文章是没有所谓的模板的,因为谁不知道到底会考哪方面的内容。所以,我们要提高对其文章结构性的认知以及写作侧重点的掌握。这就需要对前面几部分内容,比如五大闪光点,单词替换和句子衔接更加熟悉。








称呼一般是Dear XXX, 的形式开头。如果知道对方的名字或者职务,可以直接写上。如果题目中没有给出任何信息(一般不常见)可以说Dear Sir/Madam, 或者To who it may concern,。

开头的寒暄句根据书信的内容会有不同,不过结尾的寒暄句基本都是一样的,我一般都喜欢写Best wishes to you and your family.。落款也是固定的Sincerely yours, 和名字。至于写谁的名字,如果题目中给出写信人的具体名字,就署名一下好了。如果没给,也不要用自己的名字,随便编一个就好。还是用我在第二章提到的例子,通过以上五部分把前面的部分补全:(老规矩)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a company declining a job offer.You should write at Least 150 words following the outline given below:



3.希望予以谅解,并表达对公司的良好祝愿 To whom it may concern, Thank you for offering me this great chance to work as an Internet Engineer.I do appreciate your giving me this priceless opportunity to show my talents.Choosing the right career is regarded as a turning point in one’s life, which is of vital importance.As far as I am concerned, I firmly assure that it is the job offered by you that fits me best.However, I have been admitted by a famous foreign university recently, and the discipline that I was enrolled makes me very excited.Consequently, I was involved in a dilemma as to whether I should choose shark’s fin or bear’s paw.After long-time careful considerations, I am ultimately determined to decline your job offer.It is the further developing foreground, more than anything else, that forces me to make such a hard decision.Not only can I learn advanced professional knowledge there, but I am also able to improve my oral English.I must say sorry to you since I have betrayed your expectations one me.I wish that you can accept my apology.What’s more, I do hope that everything goes well in your company.Best wishes to you and your family.Sincerely yours, Jack 书信写作一般来说还是比较简单的。除了注意书信格式以外,基本上就是在题目要求的翻译基础上再带点感情的记叙文了。不过,近两年书信体裁考的次数不少,还是应该引起足够的重视的。





3、说明影响或者提出解决办法 由此我们可以看出,其实除了1的说明图表外,2,3其实就是阐述型记叙文。现在让我们通过一个例子来看如何描述图表。

For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic People below Poverty Line.1、下图所示为1978年,1985年1997年中国贫困线以下人口的变化情况,请先描述其变化。




As the bar chart/table/graph shows/indicates, there is a/an sharp/amazing/unimaginable/astronomical increase/rise(decrease/reduction/decline)in the number of ________.描述完图表的大概趋势后,就要对具体数据进行描述了。由于99%的图表都是数据随时间变化图,所以对数据描述也可以用相关模板完成。

As early as___, _____________.Then great changes have take place due to_________.___years later, ___________.From then now, the society has also undergone a major transformation.Arriving in the year ____, ______________.当然,如果时间相隔的比较短,中间的两句话可以略微修改下。

注意描述变化相关用词的变化和替换。增加:rise, increase, mount up, go up 下降:reduce, decrease, drop, fall, decline等等。表示上升或者下降程度的形容词有sharp, amazing, incredible, unprecedented, unimaginable, astronomical, tremendous, enormous, gigantic, stupendous, striking, whacking, prodigious, egregious等等。现在我们可以根据以上模板来完上面题目的第一段。(老规矩)As the bar chart shows, there is a tremendous decline in the number of people below poverty line in China during the years of 1978 to 1997.As early as 1978, the number of people below poverty line in China is nearly 250 million.Then great changes have taken place due to the policy of reform and opening.Eight years later, the number had been strikingly reduced to less than 150 million.From then now, the society has also undergone a major transformation.Arriving in the year 1997, the number incredibly dropped to about 25 million.除了第一段外,这篇文章基本就和第六章所讨论的阐述型记叙文写作没多大区别了。现在把剩下两段补全:

There are several factors contributing to the sharp decrease of the below-poverty population.First and foremost, the reform and opening following 1978 enabled the peasants to become much better off.In addition, with the development of Chinese economy, that policy also improved city dwellers' living standards prodigiously.Furthermore, the high-tech introduced made it possible for the country's economy as a whole to take off.All these result in the stupendous fall of the Chinese population below the poverty line.However, a further reduction in the number of poverty-stricken people is faced with some serious problems.Nowadays, quite few employees have been laid off.What’s more, university graduates also realize that it difficult to find a job to earn a living.Not only is the effect of unemployment discouraging, but it is also challenging.As a result, it is high time that government officers made some regulations to solve the problem.掌握如何去高质量的完成一篇图表写作的是很有必要的。还是那句话,除了描述图表外,图表写作跟阐述性记叙文没啥太大的区别。而阐述性记叙文那可是写作考试的重点。所以,图表写作完全可以作为我们复习阐述性记叙文写作的一个补充。




1.缺少标题;相对于作文长短来说标题太大,应该根据文章的主要内容缩小标题;标题的大小写不规范.作文的标题中的首尾单词的第一个字母要大写,另外,中间出现的单词中,除冠词,连词(and, or, but, nor, for),短的介词和不定式的to要小写外,其它词要大写:

my first visit to the palace museum

the people without a country

rules to abide by

dickens and david copperfield

what can the artist do in the world of today?

what reform means to china

the myth of a “negro literature”

the English-speaking people in Quebec

My First Visit to the Palace Museum The People Without a Country

Rules to Abide By

Dickens and David Copperfield

What Can the Artist Do in the World of Today?

What Reform Means to China

The Myth of a “Negro Literature”

The English-Speaking People in Quebec










7.文章的开头是非常重要的,这是文章的引子。作为读者, 会从开头段传递出来的信息来对下文的内容有一个合理期待, 如果与期待不符, 会让读者觉得文章写作很不紧凑。



以校园内或社会上的某种现象或趋势作为文章的引子来开篇 1)With the steady growth in the country’s economy as well as the people’s living standards, ….2)With the rapid improvement in …/ growing awareness of …, more and more …/ sth…

(e.g.With the considerable improvement in building industry, more and more structures are being erected to set the people’s minds at ease.)

3)Recently, sth./the problem of …has been brought to popular attention/ has become the focus of public concern.(e.g.Recently, the problem of unemployment has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the agenda as the first matter.)

4)One of the universal issues we are faced with/ that cause increasing concern is that …

(e.g.One of the universal issues that draw(cause)growing concern is whether it is wise of man to have invented the automobile.)

5)In the past few years, there has been a boom/sharp growth/decline in…

(e.g.In the past ten years, there has been a sharp decline in the number of species.)

6)Nowadays, more/most important/dangerous for our society is …

(e.g.Nowadays, most dangerous for our society is the tendency to take advantage of each other in political circles.)


1)To prevent this phenomenon/trend from worsening/running wide/To guide the matter/situation to the best advantage, it is necessary/important to …

2)In the face of …some people take the position that …/some people come to believe that …, to which I can’t attach/add my consent.In the face of …people retain/take/show/assume different attitudes/positions/standpoints.3)But many people feel puzzled about/ perplexed at…

2 图表常用开篇语

1)As can be seen form the table above, some changes in …have taken place over the period from… to ….(e.g.As can be seen form the table above, some changes in people’s diet have taken place over the period from 1986 to 1990.)

2)According to the information given in the table/graph, we can find that…

3)As can be seen from the table/graph/figure, there is a marked increase/decline/favorable(an unfavorable)change in …

 4)As we can see from the table/graph/figure above, drastic/considerable/great changes have taken place in …over the period of time form … to…


1)To get a sense of how …we must turn first to causes for it.2)This is a(n)favorable/unfavorable/unhealthy/

essential/marked/grateful change/tendency/

situation, but factors/causes/reasons for it are not hard to find.3)The progress/improvement/change(s)in …is(are)really tremendous/remarkable/marvelous, so it is necessary to understand what has caused it(them).


e.g.As modern cities have been brought into rapid development, more and more of vegetation is going out of urban life.Trees are being pulled down to make room for high-rise office buildings, and industrial pollution makes it harder for the rest of greenery to survive among the forest of apartment structures.This is a situation worth improving, as vegetation is as essential to health as fresh air to life in big cities. 1)The current situation of …, if approached from the opposite angle, reveals that…

(e.g.The current situation of our reforms in political structure, if approached from the opposite angle, reveals that much of the achievement is far from satisfactory.For example, …)


1)This situation/phenomenon/trend/tendency is rather distressing/ disturbing/depressing/heart-rending, for the opposite of it is just in line with our wishes/just what is to be expected.2)This is what we are unwilling to see, so some way must be found

out to …

3)Fortunately, however, more and more people come/begin to realize that…

4)Unfortunately, things have worsened/come/developed to the point where…


Everyone would agree that, although our age entirely overshadows all previous ages in means of obtaining knowledge, reading still takes its leading role in all senses.But agreement ceases as soon as they attempt to determine how to read more profitably, upon which views vary from person to person.1)To sb.’s mind/In sb.’s eye(s), sth.seems/means…

2)No one would deny that…

Or: Everyone would agree that…


1)If we take a further/closer look at this problem/matter, however, more secrets/grounds/chances/ways will be found out for … 2)If you push the analysis/study/

argument/comparison/exposure further, you will see that…

5.让步法:先承认其好的一面,再转而讨论其不好的一面。1)The birth/invention of …has made an enormous/essential difference to …But it does not mean that…

(e.g.The birth of the computer has made a radical difference to the human progress.But it does not mean that this wonder does no threat to our society.)

2)Sth.has changed the way of our society develops,….But its bright side should not keep us from following closely its dark side.3)No/Little doubt that… But…

(e.g.Little doubt that the traditional schooling has contributed much to our social development.… But some grave defects in it begin to stand out against the modern times.)

 6.设问法:如题就是一问题,可用此方法

Title: On Youth

What does “youth” mean?.....1)What is the best definition for …?

2)How/Why does sth.affect our life?


1)Suppose/Imagine that …/Let’s suppose/assume/imagine(that)…

(e.g.Suppose, by any chance, you heartily disagree with anything that is going on about you, you are less likely to stay on the good side of people around you.)

2)We often find ourselves caught/involved in a dilemma whether…

(e.g.We often find ourselves caught in a dilemma whether we should reach for the bear’s paw or for the shark’s fin/whether to reach for…)


1)In that case, however, I prefer to … rather than…

2)When exposed to/subject to the same conditions/challenge/choice, however, different people tend to behave in different ways.8)引言法:引用名言,不可用直接引语,可自己造名言,只要能说得通。

1)One of the great sociologists/psychologists once said that(e.g.One of the great sociologists once said that society affects human character as vitally as the clothes one wears, the food one eats and the friends one involves himself with.)


1)If this is true/the case, what accounts for such an issue:

2)His voice arouses echoes among people of insight, who have come up with some practical measures.



﹢Technology helps to

the increase/enhance/promote

efficiency in people’s study and work, making our/their activities more economical and less time-consuming.﹣The youngsters are more likely to/tend to/ incline to be overly dependent on technology, even getting addicted to it.﹣Technology could make/render city-dwellers slaves to high

technology, alienating people from one another.﹣Technology deprives the citizens of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life.素材二:Mind, soul

﹢enable the students to grasp their subjects better, helping them to broaden their horizons.﹢relax their bodies and ease the minds.﹣The citizens are more likely to be monotonous and un-motivating.﹣The youngsters might even suffer from mental diseases/illnesses, such as depression.素材三:Society

﹢promote the development of society

﹢keep the society safe and stable ﹣increase the already high crime rate


﹣The proliferation of non-biodegradable rubbish(such as disposable plastic bags)poses a

threat to environment and humanity.how We should not develop economy at the expense of environment.素材五:Employment, competition ﹢create more job opportunities

﹢enable the students to find jobs more easily

﹣The competition in modern society is increasingly fierce, which alienates the city-dwellers from one another and makes them cold and cruel.素材六:Culture globalization ﹢It is manifest that globalization can bring numerous benefits to human.﹢promote/enhance the cultural communication and interaction between people from different countries/ethnic minority.﹣create tension and conflicts between…


﹣Youngsters today tend to be

money-oriented and are likely to fall prey to materialism and egoism.﹣It is wrong to equate happiness with making more money and living in a spacious house.





第一句:There is no consensus of opinions among people as to+需论述问题.第二句:Some people are of the view that +观点1, while others take an opposite stand, firmly believing that +观点2.第二段四句:

第一句:Those people who maintain that+正方观点 believe that +正方理由1.第二句:They also claim that + 正方理由2.第三句:Nevertheless, the other people who contend that +反方观点 argue that +反方理由1.第四句:They also point out that +反方理由2.第三段写四句:

第一句:As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight.第二句:For one thing, 本人理由1.第三句: For another,+本人理由2.第四句:When all the factors are examined, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that+你所支持的理由.图表作文


第一句:As is shown in the graph above, we can see clearly that great changes have taken place in … from…to…

第二句:The first … years saw…

第三句:The last … years witnessed …


第一句:What has caused this problem? It seems to me that there are … reasons.第二句:Firstly, … 第三句:Secondly,… 第四句:Finally,…


第一句:How to solve the problem has become a hot issue among many people.第二句:For one thing, … 第三句:For another, …

第四句:Only in this way can we successfully solve the problem.现象作文


第一句:In recent years, there has been…

第二句:How to solve the problem has become a hot issue among many people.第二段只写四句:

第一句:What has caused this problem? It seems to me that there are … reasons.第二句:Firstly, … 第三句:Secondly,… 第四句:Finally,…


第一句:How to solve the problem has become a hot issue among many people.第二句:For one thing, … 第三句:For another, …

第四句:Only in this way can we successfully solve the problem.书信作文


第一句:I am writing this letter today to … 第二句:My name is … and I am … 第二段按照题目要求写: 第三段只写三句:

第一句:I sincerely hope you can take my letter seriously.第二句:Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.第三句:Thanks a lot for your time and consideration.谚语作文


第一句:A famous saying goes that “谚语”(引号必须保留).第二句:Simple as the saying is, its meaning is profound and thought-provoking.第三句:It means +谚语的含义.第二段举例写:

第一句:Examples can be easily found to make a case for this proverb.第二句:Let’s take … for instance.第三句:议论

第四句:Another illustration of this is… 第五句:议论

第三段三句: 第一句:Bringing what has been discussed into a conclusion, we may say that+谚语.第二句:自己对谚语的认识

第三句:In a word, we should truly understand the profound meaning of the proverb and take the right actions in our life and work in the future.连词:



For one thing,…For another,…Finally,…

In the first place,…In the second place,…Finally,… On one hand,…On the other hand,… First of all,…In addition,…Consequently,To begin with,… what’s more, …last but not the least,…… For one thing, ….For another, ….表达本人观点:

in my eyes;I firmly think;personally, I think; As far as I am concerned;according to me,总结:

in a word… in conclusion… to sum up …

It is high time that we put considerable emphasis on…

Taking into account all these factors, we may safely reach the conclusion that…

作文常用词汇 1.校园生活类:


application form 申请表

assignment 作业



course arrangement 课程安排

credit 学分

dean 导师

enrolmentregister for 注册

oral examination 口试

graduate school 研究生院

letter of recommendation 推荐信

participation 出勤

postgraduate 研究生

president 校长

required coursecompulsory course 必修课

optional course 选修课

scoremark 分数

school of Arts and Sciences 文理学院

take an examinationsit an examination 参加考试

undergraduate 本科生 2)大学生活类

cafeteria 自助小餐厅

call slip 索书单

campus 校园

club 学生俱乐部

current account 现金帐户

current issues 本期刊物

back issues 过期刊物

catalogue 目录

deposit money in a bank 存钱

dining hall 食堂

dormitory 宿舍

lecture hall 阶梯教室

library card 借书卡

overdue and pay a fine 过期罚款


shopping mallcentre 购物中心

society 学生社团

student union 学生会

withdrawdraw cash 取钱 2.交通旅游类


crash 撞车

amber light 黄灯

cross road 十字路

drive without license 无证驾驶

excessive speed 超速

green light 绿灯

traffic jam 交通拥挤

narrow road 窄路

red light 红灯

parking place 停车场

speed limit 速度限制

traffic light 红绿灯

traffic police 交通警察

traffic regulation 交通规则

zebra stripes 斑马线 2)旅游类词汇

check-in 登记入住

check-out 结帐离开(退房)

holiday resort 度假区

one-way ticket 单程机票

place of sightseeing 游览胜地

room service 客房服务

round-trip ticket 来回机票

sightseeing tour 观光旅游

star-rated hotel 星级饭店

tour group 旅游团队

tour guide 导游

travel service 旅行社

vacation tour 度假旅游

tourist attraction 旅游胜地


bid for the Olympic Games 申办奥运会

birth control 计划生育

brain drain 人才外流

bubble economy 泡沫经济

care for senior citizens 关心老年人

comprehensive national power 综合国力

compulsory education 义务教育

computer crime 电脑犯罪

divorce 离婚

dropout student 失学儿童

economic globalizationeconomic integration 经济全球化

education for all-round development 素质教育

exam-oriented education 应试教育

intellectual property rights 知识产权

juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪

knowledge-based economy 知识经济

laid-off worker 下岗职工

migrant worker 民工

net friend 网友

net citizen 网民

off line 下线

online love affair 网恋

people orientedpeople foremost 以人为本

pioneering spirit 首创精神

preserve the ecological environment 保护生态环境

prime time 黄金时段

puppy love 早恋

rate of unemployment 失业率

rural population 乡村人口

self-protection awareness 自我保护意识

self-service ticketing 无人售票

shopping online 网上购物

single parent family 单亲家庭

surf the Internet 网上冲浪

sustainable development 可持续发展

team spirit 团队精神

reduce study load 学生减负

university students’ innovative undertaking 大学生创业

virtual net 虚拟网络

win-win situation 双赢局面

chain debts 三角债

assistant president 总裁助理

eliminate illiteracy 扫盲

excusive agency 专卖店

New Human Being 新新人类

online trading platform 网上交易平台

cost of livingincome maintenance 生活费用

advance with times 与时俱进

A well-paid job 待遇丰厚的工作

翻译: 节日篇

元旦New Year's Day

情人节Valentine's Day

国际妇女节International Women' Day

植树节Tree Planting Day

愚人节April Fools' Day

国际劳动日International Labor Day

中国青年节 Chinese Youth Day

国际儿童节International Children's Day

中国共产党成立纪念日 Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China

中国人民解放军建军节Army Day

中华人民共和国国庆节National Day

中国教师节Teacher's Day


母亲节Mother's Day

农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival)

农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival)

农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival)

农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day)

农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)

农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)

农历腊月初八腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival)

春联 Spring Festival couplets

年画 New Year pictures


除夕 the eve of the lunar New Year

守岁 stay up late on the New Year’s Eve

放爆竹 let off firecrackers

拜年 pay a New Year visit

团圆饭 family reunion dinner

敬酒 propose a toast

红包 red packets(cash wrapped up in red paper)

舞狮 lion dance

舞龙 dragon dance

灯笼 lantern

灯谜 riddles written on lanterns

灯会 exhibit of lanterns

禁忌 taboo

压岁钱 gift money;money given to children as a lunar new year gift

祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors

元宵 rice dumpling

踩高跷 stilt walking

扭秧歌 yangge dance

扫墓 sweep graves of one’s ancestors or loved ones

赛龙舟 dragon-boat racing

粽子zongzi(sticky rice dumpling wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves)

月饼 moon cake

赏月 appreciate the glorious full moon

赏菊 admire the beauty of chrysanthemum

登高 climb mountain


小康社会 a well-to-do society

人民生活 people’s livelihood

生活水平living standards

生活质量 quality of life

住房条件 housing conditions

文化程度 educational level

就业率 employment rate

人均收入 average income per capita

年平均工资 average annual pay

奖金 bonus

生活费用 cost of living

消费价格指数 consumer price index

环境污染指数 environment pollution index

衣食住行 food, clothing, sheltering and means of traveling

购买力 purchasing power

贫困家庭 the needy family

贫困地区 poverty-stricken region

下岗 be laid off

小康 relative affluence

安居乐业 live a good life

共同富裕 shared prosperity

社会保险 social insurance

助学金 grant-in-aid

赈灾救济金 disaster relief funds

人口 population

人口分布 population distribution

流动人口 transient population

城市人口 urban population

农业人口 agriculture population

出生率 birth rate

自然增长率 natural growth rate

负增长率 negative growth rate

普查 census

户口册 household register

计划生育 family planning/planned parenthood

优生优育 ensure good prenatal and postnatal care

自治区 autonomous region

民族 ethnic groups

少数民族 ethnic minorities/ minority peoples

中国共产党 Communist Party of China


孔子 Confucius

孟子 Mencius

老子 Lao Zi

儒学 Confucian School

论语 Analects of Confucius

发明纸和瓷器 invented paper and porcelain

发明火药 invention of gunpowder

发明印刷术 block printing was invented

科举制 Imperial Examination for recruiting civil servants

丝绸之路 Silk Route

长征 Long March

解放战争 War of Liberation

改革开放 reform and opening up

黄河 Yellow River

长江 Yangtze River

珠江 Pearl River

太湖 Lake Tai

鄱阳湖 Lake Poyang

洞庭湖 Lake Dongting

青藏高原 Tibet Plateau

东北平原 Northeast China Plain

华北平原 North China Plain

长江中下游平原 Plain of Middle and Lower Reaches of Changjiang River

南沙群岛 Nansha Island


宏观经济 macro economy

社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy

知识经济 knowledge economy

网络经济 Internet-based economy

经济规律 law of economy

大规模生产 mass production

生产力 productive forces

生产关系 relations of production

公有制 public ownership

私有制 private ownership

国有企业 state-owned enterprises(SOEs)

私营企业 private business

民营企业 privately-run business

中小企业 small and medium enterprises(SMEs)

连锁企业 franchise / chain business

国民生产总值 Gross National Product(GNP)

国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product(GDP)

实际增长率 growth rate in real terms

年均增长率 average growth rate per annum

可持续增长 sustainable growth

经济效益 economic returns

投资回报率 rate of return on investment

衰退 recession

宏观调控 macro control

提高经济效益 enhance economic performance

扭亏为盈 turn a loss-making business into a profitable one

优化经济结构 optimize economic structure

扩大内需 expand domestic demand

国计民生 national interest and people’s livelihood

经济特区 special economic zones

“十二五规划“ the 12th Five-Year Plan for National and Economic and Social Development

风险投资 venture investment 经济繁荣 economic boom 发达国家 developed countries 不发达国家 underdeveloped countries 发展中国家 developing countries 经济交流 economic exchange 跨国公司 multinational corporation 利用外资 utilization of foreign capital 知识产权 intellectual property rights 版权 copyright 专利patent 商标 trademark 互通有无 mutual exchange of needed products 法治 rule of law平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 电子商务 e-business 信用卡 credit card 信息时代 information age 科教兴国 rejuvenate the country through science and education 研究开发 research and development 高新技术 innovative and high technology 创新 innovation 尖端科技 state-of-the-art technology 普及率 popularizing rate 交通篇

航班号 flight number

头等舱 first class

商务舱 business class

经济舱 economy class

登机牌 boarding card

口岸 customs port

客船 passenger liner

慢车 stopping train

普快 express

直快 through express

直达列车 through train

特快 special express

高速火车 high-speed train

卧铺车厢 sleeping coach

中铺 middle berth

下铺 lower berth

出发站 departure station

中转站 transfer station

终点站 terminus 到达站 destination 站台 platform 地铁 subway 加速 speed up 减速 slow down 超车 overtaking 倒车 backing 刹车 brake 高速公路 highway 十字路 crossroads 酒后驾驶 driving under the influence of alcohol 疲劳驾驶 fatigue driving 教育篇

素质教育 education for all-round development

应试教育 exam-oriented education system

义务教育 compulsory education

初等教育 elementary education

中等教育 secondary education

高等教育 higher education

职业教育 vocational education

学院 college/institute/school

普通高校 regular institution of higher learning

重点大学 key university

211工程 211Project

减轻学生负担 reduce burden for students

基础课 basic course

专业课 course within one’s major

必修课 required course

选修课 elective course

学分制 credit system

入学考试 entrance examination

入学资格 admission qualification

择优录取 merit-based enrollment

中考 middle examination

高考 higher examination

报名 application/sign up

毕业设计 diploma-winning design/ graduation project

毕业论文 graduation thesis

毕业证书 graduation certificate

同学 schoolmate/classmate

校友 alumni 文化篇

京剧 Peking opera

昆曲 Kunqu oper

中国画 traditional Chinese painting

人物 portrait

山水 landscape

花鸟 flower and bird

草虫 grass and insect

泼墨 paint-splashing style

写意 impressionistic style

工笔 elaborate style

毛笔 writing brush

书法 calligraphic art

书法家 calligraphic artist

楷体 formal script/regular script

行书 running script

宋体 Song-dynasty script

工艺品 handwork/handicrafts

手工艺品 articles of handcraft art

文物 cultural relics/antiques

国宝 national treasure

人民大会堂 Great Hall of the People

故宫博物馆 Imperial Palace Museum

长城 Great Wall

外滩 the Bund

华山 Huashan Mountain

黄山 Yellow Mountain

滇池 Dianchi Lake

洱海 Erhai lake

孔庙 Temple of Confucius

故居 Former Residence

庐山 Lushan Mountain

少林寺 Shaolin Temple

长江三峡 Three Gorges along the Changjiang

黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Waterfalls

敦煌莫高窟 Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

大兴安岭 Greater Xing’an Mountains

小兴安岭 Lesser Xing’an Mountains

天池 Heaven’s Pool

布达拉宫 Potala Palace

日月潭 Lake Sun Moon

发源地 the birthplace

煮 poach/boiled

蒸 steamed

火锅 chafing dish 煲;炖;焖 stewed 煎 pan-fried 炒 stir-fried 炸 deep-fried 烘 baked 熏 smoked 泡辣菜 pickled hot vegetables 北京烤鸭 roast Beijing duck 炒饭 stir-fried rice 油条 deep fried twisted dough stick 饺子 jiaozi 汤圆 tangyuan 馄饨 hundun 烧麦 shaomai 月饼 moon cake 烧饼 sesame seed cake 小笼包 steamed dumpling with pork 红茶 black tea 绿茶 green tea 花茶 jasmine tea 茶道 sado/ tea ceremony 功夫茶 Gongfu tea 陈酒 old wine/aged wine 烧酒 arrack









10.Studying Abroad: Hardships and Rewards









Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Celebration of Western Festivals.You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1.现在国内有不少人喜欢过西方的某些节日



The Celebration of Western Festivals

No one can have failed to notice the fact that an increasing number of Chinese are fond of celebrating some Western festivals today.For instance, on Valentine's Day, many people give flowers or chocolate to the one they love.Another case in point is Christmas.It seems that people around the country now love to celebrate the festival.A number of factors account for the phenomenon mentioned above, but the following might be the critical ones.In the first place, due to the policy of reform and opening-up, Chinese people tend to know more about Western culture and be influenced by it.Secondly, some businessmen wish to make money by encouraging people to celebrate those Western festivals.Last but not least, as traditional Chinese festival lose their attraction, many people tend to find joy in Western festivals.Though we need not criticize people celebrating Western festivals, nor can we stop them, we have to beware of the danger behind it.While enjoying the atmosphere brought by those Western customs, we might well lose our own tradition and identity.其他容易犯的错误










1)There are more and more students like to use the computer.more and more可换为 an increasing number of

like 改为 liking / like 前加 who / there are 去掉

2)There are still many problems should be noted and resolved.2.简单句叠置

I like chatting on line very much, I go to the net bar almost every weekend.逗号后面加 and/so

If/Since/Now that winter has come, will spring be far behind.逗号改为句号或分号



4)My favorite sports are swimming、jogging、mountaineering andplaying table tennis.5)The best English film in my eyes is《Forrest Gump》.用引号表示一部作品


As is known to all that computers play an important role in many fields of our life.4. 句子成分缺失

If work hard, we will surely be successful.work 前面加主语 we/work 改为 working

5. 语序错误

1)Why college students spend more and more time on the computer?

why 后面加助动词 do

more and more改为 an increasing amount of

2)I often wonder where have they got their money.What makes you think so?




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