公用建筑面积的分摊方法:多层住宅需要先求出整幢房屋和共有建筑面积分摊系数,再按幢内的各套内建筑面积比例分摊。多功能综合楼须先求出整幢房屋和幢内不同功能区的共有建筑面积分摊系数,再按幢内各功能区内建筑面积比例分摊。居住区公共建筑用地指居住区内有明确界限的公共建筑用地。如托幼、学校等均按实际使用界限计算,沿路时应算到路边。无明显界限的公共 建筑,则按实际占用地计算,有时也按定额计算。
用益权亦称“用益物权”。指对他人的物品有 使用和收益权利。如租借他人的房屋,有使 用该房屋权利。用益权包括典权、永佃权、地上权、地役权等。
diversity and abundance of life on Earth丰富度和多样性 Kofi Annan科菲-安南
Jim Leape 吉姆-李普
Director General of WWF-International世界自然基金会全球总干事 Carter Roberts 卡特-罗伯茨 social worker 社会工作者 bottling company 装瓶厂 water conservation 水资源保护 water challenge 水资源挑战
environmental sustainability 环境可持续发展能力 sustainable harvesting plan 可持续采伐计划 product portfolio 产品组合
enlightened self-interest 开明的自利
strategic vision 战略构想
UN Global Compact 联合国全球契约 environmental priorities 环境优先 Kyoto Protocol 《京都议定书》 HFC 氢氟化碳
rain water harvesting 蓄集雨水 water availability 水资源可利用量 rivers and streams 河流与溪流 water cycle 水循环
climate protection 气候保护 water sustainable 水资源可持续利用 NGOs 非政府组织
the most endangered 最濒危物种
personal specification 个人能力描述 job criteria 工作标准 job match 职位匹配 best practice 最优实践 work requirements 工作要求 performance standard 绩效标准 political affiliation 政治面貌 employment practice 雇用实践 mental disability 智力残疾 medical condition 体格状况 racial slur 种族蔑称
discriminatory practices 歧视性的做法 work site 工作场地
disciplinary action纪律处分
accredited journalist n.特派记者 advertisement n.广告 . advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务
attribution n.消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n.小道消息 backgrounding n.新闻背景
Bad news travels quickly.坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt.“开天窗” body n.新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅)box n.花边新闻 brief n.简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n.署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画
censor vt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查 chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家
continued story 连载故事;连载小说 contributing editor 特约编辑
contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿 contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事)correspondence column读者来信专栏 correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 cover vt.采访;采写
covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片)crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图 vt.删减(字数)cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间
dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻)digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 editor's notes 编者按 exclusive n.独家新闻 expose n.揭丑新闻;新闻曝光 extra n.号外
eye-account n.目击记;记者见闻 faxed photo 传真照片 feature n.特写;专稿 feedback n.信息反馈 file n.发送消息;发稿 filler n.补白
First Amendment(美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出版自由等)five “W's” of news 新闻五要素 flag n.报头;报名
folo(=follow-up)n.连续报道 Fourth Estate 第四等级(新闻界的别称)freedom of the Press 新闻自由 free-lancer n.自由撰稿人 full position 醒目位置
Good news comes on crutches.好事不出门。grapevine n.小道消息 gutter n.中缝 hard news 硬新闻;纯消息 headline n.新闻标题;内容提要 hearsay n.小道消息 highlights n.要闻 hot news 热点新闻 human interest 人情味 in-depth reporting 深度报道 insert n.& vt.插补段落;插稿 interpretative reporting 解释性报道 invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私(权)inverted pyramid 倒金字塔(写作结构)investigative reporting 调查性报道 journalism n.新闻业;新闻学
Journalism is literature in a hurry 新闻是急就文学. journalist n.新闻记者 kill vt.退弃(稿件);枪毙(稿件)layout n.版面编排;版面设计 lead n.导语 libel n.诽谤(罪)makeup n.版面设计
man of the year 年度新闻人物,年度风云人物 mass communication 大众传播(学)mass media 大众传播媒介 master head n.报头;报名 media n.媒介,媒体
Mere report is not enough to go upon.仅是传闻不足为凭. morgue n.报刊资料室 news agency 通讯社 news clue 新闻线索
news peg 新闻线索,新闻电头 newsprint n.新闻纸 news value 新闻价值
No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息;不闻凶讯便是吉。nose for news 新闻敏感 obituary n.讣告 objectivity n.客观性 off the record 不宜公开报道 opinion poll 民意浏验 periodical n.期刊 pipeline n.匿名消息来源
popular paper 大众化报纸;通俗报纸 press n.报界;新闻界
press conference 新闻发布会;记者招待台 press law 新闻法
press release 新闻公告;新闻简报 PR man 公关先生
profile n.人物专访;人物特写 proofreader n.校对员 pseudo event 假新闻
quality paper 高级报纸;严肃报纸 quarterly n.季刊 readability n.可读性 reader's interest 读者兴越 reject vt.退弃(稿件)remuneration n.稿费;稿酬 reporter n.记者
rewrite vt.改写(稿件),改稿 round-up n.综合消息 scandal n.丑闻
scoop vt.“抢”(新闻)n.独家新闻 sensational a.耸人听闻的;具有轰动效应的 sex scandal 桃色新闻 sidebar n.花絮新闻 slant n.主观报道;片面报道 slink ink “爬格子” soft news 软新闻
source n.新闻来源;消息灵通人士 spike vt.退弃(稿件);“枪毙”(稿件)stone vt.拼版
story n.消息;稿件;文章 stringer n.特约记者;通讯员 subhead n.小标题;副标题 supplement n.号外;副刊;增刊 suspended interest 悬念 thumbnail n.“豆腐干”(文章)timeliness n.时效性;时新性 tip n.内幕新闻;秘密消息 trim n.删改(稿件)update n.更新(新闻内容),增强(时效性)watchdog n.&vt.舆论监督 weekly n.周报
wire service n.通讯社
按揭贷款 mortgage loan 按揭购房 to buy a house on mortgage;to mortgage a house 房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate 安居工程 Comfortable Housing Project 板楼,板式楼 slab-type apartment building 搬迁户 a relocated unit or household 拆迁补偿费 compensation for demolition 拆迁费用 removal expense 城镇住房公积金 urban housing provident fund 低价住房 low-cost housing 二手房 second-hand house 房产估价师 realestate evaluator 房产证 property ownership certificate 房屋置换 buy or exchange houses 炒房者realestate speculator 房改 housing system reform 房管 realestate management 房权证 property right certificate 房产市场 realestate market 房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate 福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system 个人购房贷款 individual housing loan 公房商品化 commercialization of public housing
集资房 houses built with funds collected by the buyers 居民住房建设 residential construction 人均住房per-capital housing 现房 complete dapartment(or flat)期房 forward delivery housing 商品房 commercial residential building
商品房空置 the vacancy problem in commercial housing 政策性住房 policy-related house, policy-based house 住房补贴 rental allowance;housing allowance
住房分配货币化进程 capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation land efficiency 土地效益, projecting parameter 规划参数 government assignment 政府划拨 tract 大片土地
prerequisitioned land 预征土地
planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证 property trust 物业信托
equity 权益
mortgage lender 抵押放贷者
vacancy 空房
discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型
expectation 期望值
letting 出租
equity reversion 权益回收
entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家
coliseum 大体育场,大剧院
arena 室内运动场
amenities 便利设施
condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权
tenement 分租合住的经济公寓
community 社区
downzone 降低区划规模
housing residences住宅 property 物业,资产
interest 产权
open market value 公开市场价值
leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产)
on a residual basis 剩余法
cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等)
floor area 建筑面积
title document 契约文书
plaza 购物中心
land use certificate 土地使用证
commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼
land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用)
Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同
plot ratio 容积率
site coverage 建筑密度
land use term 土地使用期
project approval 项目许可
strata-title 分层所有权
public utilities 公共设施
urban planning 城市规划
state-owned land 国有土地
the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局
infrastructure 基础设施
普通高等学校 Regular Institutions of Higher Education 普通中等学校 Secondary Schools
中等专业学校 Specialized Secondary Schools 中等技术学校 Technical Secondary Schools 中等师范学校 Teacher Secondary Schools 普通中学 Regular Secondary Schools 高 中 Senior Secondary Schools 初 中 Junior Secondary Schools 职业中学 Vocational Secondary Schools 小 学 Primary Schools 幼儿园 Kindergartens 特殊教育 Special Schools 结业证书 Certificate of Completion 毕业证书 Certificate of Graduation
肄业证书 Certificate of Completion/Incompletion/ Attendance/Study
教育学院 College/Institute of Education 中学 Middle[Secondary] School
师范学校 Normal School[upper secondary level] 师范专科学校 Normal Specialised Postsecondary College 师范大学 Normal[Teachers] University 公正书 Notarial Certificate
专科学校 Postsecondary Specialised College 广播电视大学 Radio and Television University 中等专科学校 Secondary Specialised School 自学考试 Self-Study Examination
技工学校 Skilled Workers[Training] School 业余大学 Spare-Time University 职工大学 Staff and Workers University 大学 University(regular,degree-granting)职业大学 Vocational University
继续教育学院Institute of Continuing Education
国际成人教育协会(ICAE:InternationalCouncil for Adult Education).成人教育Adult Education 高等专科学校,各地有不同翻译。比如,洛阳工业高等专科学校 Luoyang Technology College江西省高等专科学校 Jiangxi Province High Training School
第二篇:清明节 英语介绍及词汇
The Qingming Festival
Key Words 1.清明节 the Qingming Festival 2.24 节气
the 24 seasonal division points 3.春耕播种
spring plowing and sowing 4.祭祖
to offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors 5.扫墓
to sweep the tombs(of the deceased)6.寒食节
the Hanshi / Cold Food Festival 7.公墓
public cemeteries 8.在墓碑前祭拜
to bow before the memorial tablet 9.焚香 to burn incense 10.烧纸钱 to burn paper money 11.春游的习俗 the custom of Spring outings 12.放风筝
to fly kites(kite flying)13.一串小灯笼 a string of little lanterns 14.植树,树苗 to plan trees, saplings 15.植树节 the Arbor Day 16.秋千 a swing 17.踏青 stepping the green 18.孝顺
(to practice)filial piety 19.健身 body-building 20.拔河 tug of war 21.斗鸡 rooster-fighting
The Qingming Festival
The Qingming Festival is one of the 24 seasonal division points in China, falling on April 4-6 each year.After the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increases.It is the high time for spring plowing and sowing.But the Qingming Festival is not only a seasonal point to guide farm work;it is more a festival of commemoration.The Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness.This is the most important day of sacrifice.Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the deceased.Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.The Hanshi(Cold Food)Festival was usually one day before the Qingming Festival.As our ancestors often extended the day to the Qingming, they were later combined.On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices.Traffic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely jammed.The customs have been greatly simplified today.After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and favorites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers, people also enjoy hope of Spring on this day.The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines brightly, the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively.Since ancient times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings.At this time tourists are everywhere.People love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival.Kite flying is actually not limited to the Qingming Festival.Its uniqueness lies in that people fly kites not during the day, but also at night.A string of little lanterns tied onto the kite or the thread look like shining stars, and therefore, are called “god's lanterns.”
The Qingming Festival is also a time to plant trees, for the survival rate of saplings is high and trees grow fast later.In the past, the Qingming Festival was called “Arbor Day”.But since 1979, “Arbor Day” was settled as March 12 according to the Gregorian calendar.Qingming Festival Activities
Swing is a kind of game utensils.Swinging is a sport that the player swings back and forth with a tread plate hung on a frame by long ropes.The origin of swing can be traced back to some 100,000 years ago.Climbing trees or crossing streams is the most primitive embryonic form of swinging.Later in the Spring and Autumn Period(770 BC to 476 years ago), the swing consisting of a tread plated hung on the frame by ropes was introduced into the Central Plains area.Since the Han dynasty(206 BC to 220 AD), swinging had gradually became a folk activity performed at the Tomb Sweeping Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival and other festivals until present day.Swinging can be categorized into the single swing, double swing, standing swing and sitting swing.Each village has its own master swinging player and sometimes competitions are held.The one swinging highest with the most beautiful movements will receive praise from neighbors.Swinging days are often good opportunities for young men and women to encounter and interact.Swing, as the folk traditional sport with a history of several thousand years still maintains its vitality nowadays.Kite-flying
The custom of kite-flying prevails during the Tomb Sweeping Day(around April 5th).The bamboo crossbow of the kite vibrates with a buzz as it rises aloft on the power of its tail.Big kites can be as broad as about three metres square with a tail of six to ten metres.Most kites have a rectangular shape.The rest are patterned as crabs, centipedes, butterflies and dragonflies, or Chinese characters such as “fortune” or “longevity”.All kites are constructed with fine craftsmanship.When flown in the evening, they have lights attached to their tails and some have as many as three to five lights strung together.Stepping-the-green
“Stepping-the-green” refers to the spring-outgoing people talk about now.Qingming is in early March when it begins to turn warm, and everything is blooming.So it is just a good time to go out for a walk.And so Qingming is not just a blue time for remembrance, but also a green time for fun.Tomb-sweeping
Tomb-sweeping is the main observance of the Qingming Festival.Tomb-sweeping is the concrete expression of practicing filial piety, which has been emphasizing by the Chinese people since ancient times.Therefore, the Qingming Festival has been an important day for the Chinese since early times.Tomb-sweeping activities are usually done two days before Qingming or the ten days after.On the day of tomb sweeping, the descendants would clear the wild grass around the ancestor's tomb, clean the dust, and then present the food and fresh flowers.Tomb Sweeping Day, also called “Cold Food Day”, is the most important day for people to offer sacrifice to ancestors.It started from the Zhou Dynasty, with a history of over 2500 years.Qingming is one of the 24 solar terms in China, indicating the coming of late spring, thus the best plowing and growing time, while “Cold Food Day” is a day when folks sweep the ancestors' tombs and eat cold food.Qingming was adjacent to Cold Food Day, so later on they gradually became one festival, and thus “Cold Food” became another name for Qingming, and dusting the tomb and eating cold food turned into the customs of Qing Ming.Qing Ming has evolved into a culture-rich and meaning-deep remembrance day.Since people with weak constitutions might get hurt by eating cold raw food on Qingming, when the weather is still cold, various activities were invented for body-building, like stepping-the-green outgoing, swing, Chinese football(蹴鞠cù jū), polo, willow-planting, tug-of-war, and rooster-fighting, etc.明是我国的二十四节气之一。由于二十四节气比较客观地反映了一年四季气温、降雨、物候等方面的变化,所以古代劳动人民用它安排农事活动。但是,清明作为节日,与纯粹的节气又有所不同。节气是我国物候变化、时令顺序的标志,而节日则包含着一定的风俗活动和某种纪念意义。因此,这个节日中既有祭扫新坟生别死离的悲酸泪,又有踏青游玩的欢笑声,是一个富有特色的节日。
都是练习题和真题里反复出现的高频词,好好背下来啦—— in advance 事先;提前 on purpose 故意
adjust to(使)适应于,把...调节到 apply for 申请,请求
assign to 指派,选派 attempt at 企图,努力
attribute to 把...归因于,归咎于 belong to属于
benefit from 受益,获益 burst out + V-ing 爆发,突然发作 catch up with 赶上
combine with 结合,联合,化合
concentrate on 集中,专心 cope with 对付,应付 count on 倚靠,指望
deal with 处理,论述,涉及
dedicate to 奉献,把...用在 depend on/upon 依靠,信赖,取决于 differ from 不同
engage in 使从事于,使忙于
equip with 装备,配备
exchange for 交换,调换,兑换
figure out 计算出;领会到 find out 查明,发现
focus on(使)聚焦,(使)集中 hear of/about 听到
hear from 收到...的(来信)can/could not help +V-ing 禁不住,忍不住 hinder from 阻止,妨碍 involve in 卷入,陷入;牵涉,包含
leave behind 留下,忘记带 major in 主修,专攻
object to 反对,不赞成 persist in 坚持不懈,执意;持续
plunge into 纵身投入,跳入;猛冲; point out 指出
remind sb.of sth.使想起 remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事
resort to 求助;诉诸于,采取,凭借 respond to 响应,回答 result in 导致,结果是 select from 挑选,选择
separate from(使)分离;(使)分开 settle down 定居;解决,调停
share with 分与,分派,分配,分享,共用 specialize in 擅长于,专门研究,专攻 suffer from 忍受,遭受;使痛苦,患病; switch off 切断,(用开关)关掉 switch on 接通,(用开关)开起 affect v.影响,传染,感动 effort n.努力 effect n.结果,影响
effective adj.有效的;卓有成效 apply v.申请
application n.申请书 applicant n.申请人 aware adj.意识到的,知道的
unaware adj.没有意识到的(反义词)appreciate v.欣赏,感谢,正确评价 appreciation n.欣赏,感谢
benefit n.益处,好处 v.有益于,受益 campus n.(大学)校园
candidate n.候选人,报考者,申请者 capable adj.有能力的,能干的 career n.职业,生涯,经历 case n.案例,情况,事实,病例
challenge n.挑战,艰巨任务 v.挑战,要求试 common adj.共同的 character n.性格
chase v./n.追逐,追求,寻觅 contract v.收缩,缩小 n.合同,契约 cheat v./n.欺骗,作弊,骗子,欺骗行为 check v./n.检查,核对 n.支票 circumstance n.情况,形势,境遇 complain v.抱怨,申诉 complaint n.抱怨,申诉,疾病
compete v.竞争,比赛 competition n.比赛,竞争
competitive adj.竞争激烈的;充满竞争的
convenient adj.方便的,舒适的 convenience n.便利,方便,公共厕所
create v.创造,产生 credit n.信贷,信任 v.信任
crisis n.危机,决定性时刻,转折点(pl.crises)critical adj.决定性的,批判的,危急的 criticize/-ise v.批评,评论,指责 cultivate v.栽培,培养,耕作 culture n.文化,教养 curiosity n.好奇心 custom n.习惯,风俗 customer n.顾客
direction n.方向,方位 disappear v.不见,消失 disaster n.灾难,大祸 discourage v.使气馁,阻碍 emotion n.情感,激情,情绪
emphasis v./n.强调,重点
encourage v.鼓励,激励
enforce v.实施,生效,强迫,执行,加强 enlarge v.扩大,扩展,详述 ensure v.保证,担保,确定 enable v.是能够,使有能力 enrich v.使丰富 强烈建议:
备考期间,这些词组,不是你应该会背的,而是应该熟练应用的,so take some time and try to use them!be absent from...缺席,不在 be absorbed in全神贯注于……近: be lost in; be concentrated on; be focused on
take...into account(=consideration)把……考虑进去 ahead of time提前
confess to a crime承认罪行 have confidence in对……有信心 be confident of有信心 confidential机密的take...into consideration(=take...into account)考虑到,把……考虑进去 considerate(=thoughtful of the needs)体贴的,考虑他人需要的,considerable相当大的,值得考虑的contrast...with...把……与……相对(对照)in contrast to/with和……形成对比 by contrast对比之下
take sth.under control(被)控制住 out of control无法控制
be convenient to/for对……方便
cope with(=deal with,try to find a solution to)应付,处理 at all costs不惜任何代价 at the cost of以……为代价
emerge from(=appear,become known)出现,暴露(问题,意见等)end up with以……而结束
engage in或be engaged in忙于,从事 be equipped with装备有,装有
except for(=apart from)除……以外 be good for对……有好处;对……有作用
be good at擅长于; be good to对……好
take...for granted(=assume to be true)把……认为理所当然的 be in the habit of习惯于
get(fall)into the habit of养成了……的习惯 live from hand to mouth勉强度日,现挣现吃 at heart(=in reality)内心里,实际上 in one's heart(of hearts)内心深处,事实上 by heart(=by memory)熟记,背(诵)with all one's heart全心全意地,真心实意
be ignorant of(=lacking knowledge)对……不了解,不知道 make(leave)an impression on sb.=give sb.an impression给……留下印象 make the most(use)of充分利用 gift talent by nature天生的,生来 in nature本质上 natural
name after用……的名字命名 none other than不是别人,正是…… nothing but只有,不过……而已
it occurs to sb.that...某人想到……
all at once(=suddenly,now)立即,马上 once in a while(=occasionally)偶尔 in order井井有条,处于良好状态;
out of order(=in bad condition)出毛病,发生故障
participate in(=take part in)参加 be patient with对……耐心
perform on the piano(=play the piano)演奏钢琴 persist in坚持,固执
in person亲自,当面
come to the point谈主要问题
there is no point in doing sth.没必要做某事 point at(=indicate,direct attention)指着 point out(=indicate,show)指出,指明 popular with/among大众所喜爱的,拥戴
resort to诉诸于……,求助于……
resort to force诉诸于武力
respond to对……反应,响应,对(药)有效 in response to(=as an answer to)回答,反应
be responsible for对……负责,是造成……原因 result in(=cause)导致 with the result that其结果是 in return(for)作为报答;以报答(for)get rid of摆脱,去掉,除去 be in the right正确的;
in the wrong错误的
give rise to(=lead to)引起,导致
at the risk of(=with danger of)冒……的风险
for the sake of(=for the good or advantage of)为了……起见 be satisfied with满意 on a large scale大规模地
on schedule 按时,准时
ahead of schedule提前;in advance预先; behind schedule落后于计划进度,晚于规定时间
in search of寻找;
in honor of为了表示对……敬意; in memory of为了纪念……; in pursuit of追求……;
on behalf of代表……的利益; in favor of赞成……; in season 旺季
in secret秘密地; in private私下
share sth.with与……分享,分担,分摊,共用 be sorry about/for懊悔的,后悔的,难过的 specialize in专门研究,专攻 in spite of(=despite)尽管
stick to粘着,坚持
stick to one's friend忠于朋友
stick at(=continue to work hard at)继续勤奋地致力于……; stick at one's books勤奋读书
be strict with对……严格要求 be/go on strike罢工
suffer from患……病;受……苦痛 be suitable for(=fit)适合……的 be surprised at对……惊奇; take...by surprise使……惊奇; to one's surprise使某人惊奇 in good taste大方,得体;(反意)in bad taste小家子气
in terms of(=with regard to;respectively)按照,根据,在……方面 think of(=have the idea of)想到;(=consider)考虑;(=remember)想起 on second thoughts经再三考虑之后 at the thought of一想到……
for the time being(=temporarily)暂时 in time(for)及时 on time准时 at no time无论何时也不…… in on time(=very quickly)立即,马上 at times(=occasionally)间或,时常
at all times(=always)始终,总是 be in use(=be used)被使用;
be out of use(=be on longer used)不再被使用
be used to+V-ing习惯于 used to+动词原形(过去常常做)
in vain(=uselessly)徒劳
be in the way(=obstructive)碍事,阻碍 by way of(=by going through)经由,取道 by the way(=in addition)顺带地(转移话题)in no way无论怎样也不…… in a way从某种程度上说
against one's will违心地,违背意愿地 in a word总之; in other words换言之; have a word with sb.谈一谈; have words with sb.争吵; hav the last word有决定权
1解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle2损害: Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize3给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford4培养::Develop, cultivate, foster5优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength6 缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness7 使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle8 重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative9 认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced10 保护:Protect, conserve, preserve11确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge12 有害的: Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental13 要求 :Request, demand, needs, requisition14 消除 :Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away15 导致: Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate16 因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this17 增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to18降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to,slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to19保持稳定:Level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out20 急剧地:Dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply,substantially,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly,strikingly,radically,remarkably,vastly,noticeably21平稳地:Steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,mildly22 宣称:Allege, assert, declare, claim23 发生:Happen, occur, take place24 原因:Reason, factor, cause25 发展:Development, advance, progress26 有益的:Useful, helpful,beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous27 影响:Influence, impact, effect28明显的:Clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent, crystal-clear29占:Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose30与…相比:Compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to31对比而言:By contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary=,conversely32展示:Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe33 大约:Approximately,almost,about,around,nearly,roughly34波动:Fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation35事实上:Practically,in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,in effect,in fact,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that36换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle.Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that....随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes.然而,对于此类问题,人们持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法)
As society develops, people are attaching much importance to....随着社会的发展,人们开始关注............People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting求职的过程中,人们慢慢意识到面试的重要性。
As to whether it is worthwhile....., there is a long-running controversial debate.It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.关于是否值得___________的问题,一直以来争论不休。当然,不同的人对此可能持不同的观点。
In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma.在都市的发展中,我们往往会陷入困境。
Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that....最近,这种现象引起了人们的广泛关注,有人开始担心______。
The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.人类进入了一个历史的崭新的阶段,经济全球化、都市化的速度不断加快,随之给我们带来了很多问题。
......plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?“_______显得非常重要而成为当今世界所关注的最大的问题,这是无可厚非的。不过,问题是:”我们该如何抉择?“ Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges, 现在我们正在进入一个充满机会和挑战的新时代。People from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case.不同行业的人对同一种问题的解释不尽相同。The controversial issue is often brought into public focus.People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue.这中极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关注。不同的人对此问题的看法也不尽相同。When asked..., some people think.....while some prefer...说到______,有人认为________,而另一些人则认为__________。
Just as the saying goes: ”so many people, so many minds“.It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person.俗话说,”“。不同的人对此有不同的看法是可以理解的。
To this issue, different people come up with various attitudes.对于这个问题,不同的人持不同的观点。There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying that...万事万物都有其两面性,所以,勿庸置疑,____________。
When it comes to..., most people believe
that..., but other people regard...as....提到_________问题,很多人认为_________,不过,一些人则认为______是____.When faced with...., quite a few people claim that...., but other people think as...提到_________问题,仅少数人认为________,但另一些人则认____。There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of....There who criticize...argue that...., they believe that...,but people who favor.., on the other hand, argue that...目前,__问题争议较大。批判___的人认为__,他们认为____,不过,另一方面,赞同___的人则认为___。
Some people are of the opinion that..有些人认为_____________。
Many people claim that...很多人认为_____________。
A majority of 绝大多数A large number of 很多人
Some people contend that...has proved to bring many advantages(disadvantages)
Those who argue for...say that...economic development of the cities.觉得_____的人认为,______ 城市的经济发展。
Some people advocate that....有些人在坚持认为_________。
They hold that...他们认为_________。
People, who advocate that..., have their sound reasons(grounds)
Those who have already benefited from practicing it sing high praise of it.那些从中受益的人对此大家褒奖。
Those who strongly approve of...have cogent reasons for it.强烈认同_______的人有很多原因。
Many people would claim that...有人会认为___________。
People who support...give some or all of the following reasons.那些支持_________观点的人列出了如下原因:________。
But others hold the view that...但是,另外一些人则认为_______。
观点的用词:Attitude, opinion, 与其搭配的动词以及词组:Take, have, come up with,set forth, put forward等。
But on the other hand, there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate that..,.不过,另一方面,也有少部分人坚持认为______。But people who are..., on the other hand , maintain that...不过,另一方面,__的人认为___。However, there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case.然而,很多人对此有不同的看法。
问题用词:Issue, phenomenon,后接介词, on, over等。
However, some others argue that...然而,另一些人则认为_________。
However, there are also some others who contend that...然而,也有人认为______。
But other people set forth completely totally different argument concerning this case.不过,对于此,另一些人则持完全不同的观点。
Some people examine this issue from another angle.有的人用另一角度来看这一问题。
On the other hand, there are also many opponents who strongly...另一方面,也有很多反对的人,他们认为_____________。
According to my personality and fondness, I would prefer...rather than..根据我的个性以及兴趣,我选择_______而不会选择__________。
Personally, I side with the latter(former)opinion..就我个人而言,我支持后者(前者)________。
Personally, I am in favor of the former point of view.就我个人而言,我较同意前一种看法。
To my point of view 我认为
To my mind, the advantages far overweigh the drawbacks(disadvantages, shortcomings)我认为,优点胜过缺点。
For my part, I stand on side of the latter opinion that..就我而言,我较赞同后一种观点__。
As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to be on the side of the latter view.在我看来,我较同意后一种观点。
After a thorough consideration, for my
part, I am in favor of the latter view that...经过深思熟虑,我较支持后一种看法,亦即_____。
If asked to make a decision, I would prefer...如果真的需要作出选择,我宁愿____。
问题的常用词:question, problem, issue
Recently, the issue of......has been brought into public focus.近来,_______的问题引起了社会的广泛关注。
Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in people’s attitude towards some traditional practice.现在我们进入了一个充满机遇和创新的崭新时代,很多人对某些传统的看法也发生了很大改变。
Recently the issue of whether or not...has been in the limelight and has aroused wide concern in the public.近来,是否_______的问题已经非常明确而且引起了社会的广泛关注。
The issue whether it is good or not to....has aroused a heated discussion all over the country.______的利与弊已在全国范围内引起热烈的讨论。
At present, some people think....while others claim...Both sides have their merits.目前,一些人认为_____而另一些人则认为_______。其实,两种观点都其可取之处。
People rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue.对于这种极具争议的话题,我们很难作出绝对的回答。
People from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case.不同行业的人对同一种问题的解释不尽相同。
The controversial issue is often brought into public focus.People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue.这中极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关注。不同的人对此问题的看法也不尽相同。
When asked..., some people think.....while some prefer..说到______,有人认为________,而另一些人则认为__________。
Just as the saying goes: ”so many people, so many minds“.It is quite understandable that views on this issue vary from person to person俗话说,”"。不同的人对此有不同的看法是可以理解的。
To this issue, different people come up with various attitudes 对于这个问题,不同的人持不同的观点。
There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying that..万事万物都有其两面性,所以,勿庸置疑,________。
When it comes to..., most people believe that..., but other people regard...as....提到______问题,很多人认为______,不过,一些人则认为______是____.When faced with...quite a few people claim that...., but other people think as...提到__问题,仅少数人认为__,但另一些人则认为___。
There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of....There who criticize...argue that...., they believe that...,but people who favor.., on the other hand, argue that..目前,_______问题争议较大。批判____的人认为_______,他们认为_______,不过,另一方面,赞同_____的人则认为______。
Some people contend that...has proved to bring many advantages(disadvantages)有些人认为________有很多有利之处(不利之处)。
Those who argue for...say that...economic development of the cities.觉得_____的人认为,______ 城市的经济发展。
Some people advocate that....有些人在坚持认为_______。
They hold that...他们认为______。
People, who advocate that..., have their sound reasons(grounds)
Those who have already benefited from practicing it sing high praise of it.那些从中受益的人对此大家褒奖。
Those who strongly approve of...have cogent reasons for it.强烈认同____的人有很多原因。
Many people would claim that...有人会认为__。
People who support...give some or all of the following reasons.那些支持______观点的人列出了如下原因:____。
But others hold the view that...但是,另外一些人则认为_______。
观点的用词:Attitude, opinion, 与其搭配的动词以及词组:Take, have, come up with,set
forth, put forward等。
But on the other hand, there are also quite a few people who strongly advocate that..,.不过,另一方面,也有少部分人坚持认为_______。
But people who are..., on the other hand , maintain that...过,另一方面,__的人认为_____。
However, there are a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this case.然而,很多人对此有不同的看法。
问题用词:Issue, phenomenon,后接介词, on, over等。
However, some others argue that...然而,另一些人则认为_________。
However, there are also some others who contend that...然而,也有人认为___。
But other people set forth completely totally different argument concerning this case.不过,对于此,另一些人则持完全不同的观点。
Some people examine this issue from another angle.有的人用另一角度来看这一问题。
On the other hand, there are also many opponents who strongly...另一方面,也有很多反对的人,他们认为_____________。
According to my personality and fondness, I would prefer...rather than...根据我的个性以及兴趣,我选择_______而不会选择_______。
Personally, I side with the latter(former)opinion...就我个人而言,我支持后者(前者)___________。
Personally, I am in favor of the former point of view.就我个人而言,我较同意前一种看法。
To my point of view 我认为
To my mind, the advantages far overweigh the drawbacks(disadvantages, shortcomings)我认为,优点胜过缺点。
For my part, I stand on side of the latter opinion that..就我而言,我较赞同后一种观点__。
As far as I am concerned, I am inclined to be on the side of the latter view.在我看来,我较同意后一种观点。
After a thorough consideration, for my part, I am in favor of the latter view that...经过深思熟虑,我较支持后一种看法,亦即_______
半日制学校 half-day school;double shift school
初中 junior high school;junior middle school
附小 university elementary school附中 university secondary school分校 branch school
附小 university elementary school附中 attached middle school高等小学 higher primary school
高中 secondary school;senior high school高中职业班 senior high school vocational classes
子弟学校 school for children of employees公立学校 common school;provided school;public school;publically funded school
国立学校 national school;nationally funded school
寄宿学校 boarding school
教会学校 mission school;missionary school津贴学校 subsidized school免费公立学校 common school免费学校 free school
女子寄宿学校 [America] woman's boarding school
平民学校 common school慈善学校 charity school
电机制造学校 electrical machinery school电器制造学校 electrical appliances manufacturing school
电气工业学校 electrical engineering school电视学校 television school
二年制专科学校 two-year junior college工业学校 technical school;school of technology
工艺学校 polytechnic school
公立音乐学校 public conservatory
广播学校 radio school;radio broadcasting school
航空工业学校 aeronautical engineering school
护理学校 nurses' training school;nursing school
化学工业学校 chemical engineering school机械制造学校 machine building school技工学校 industrial school
建筑工程学校 building engineering school军事学校 military school
理工科专科学校 institute of technology美术工业学校 school for applied art
美术学校 fine arts school;school of fine arts财经学院 institute of finance and economics船舶学院 shipping institute大学 university;college
地质学院 geological institute
电视广播大学 television and radio broadcasting university
电影学院 cinema college;cinema institute二年制专科学院 junior college
法律学院 institute of law;college of law法学院 institute of law;college of law纺织工学院 textile engineering institute纺织机械学院 textile machinery college非传统式大学 antiversity
钢铁学院 iron and steel engineering institute高等学校 institutions of higher learning工程学院 engineering institute工学院 college of engineering工艺大学 polytechnic university
工艺美术学院 institute of arts and crafts公路学院 highway institute
广播学院 radio institute;radio broadcasting institute
安息日学校 Sabbath school;Sunday school半工半读学校 part-work and part-study school
补习学校 make-up school;supplementary school
残障学校 cripple school;school for the physically disabled成人学校 adult school
成人夜校 night school for adults辅导学校 tutorial school妇孺学校 dame school贵族学校 exclusive school
函授学校 correspondence school教区学校 parochial school
教学点 teaching school
流动学校 ambulatory school聋哑学校 school for deaf-mutes露天学校 open-air school盲人学校 school for the blind
盲哑学校 blind & mute school;blind and dumb school
社团学校 corporation school水上流动学校 waterborne school
水上学校 shipboard school;world campus afloat
保留学籍 to retain one's status as a student笔试 written test;written examination
毕业典礼 graduation;graduation ceremony;commencement
毕业分配 job assignment on graduation毕业鉴定 graduation appraisal毕业考 graduation examination毕业论文 thesis;dissertation毕业设计 graduation project毕业实习graduation field work
毕业证书 diploma;graduation certificate表扬 to praise;to commend
表扬好人好事 to praise good people and good deeds
表扬信 commendatory letter病假 sick leave
补考 make-up examination;[America] make-up test
补课 to make up a missed lesson;to make up for missed classes
补习supplementary education不对题 impertinence;irrelevance不及格 failure;to fail测验 quiz
安全图钉 pushpin笔记本 notebook
笔架 penholder;pen rack笔盘 pen tray笔筒 pen case
裁纸刀 paper knife打洞机 puncher打印台 stamp pad大头针 pin
雕刻刀 graver订书机 stapler钉书针 staple鹅毛笔 quill
粉蜡笔 soft crayon;pastel钢笔 pen
钢笔座 pen stand黑板 blackboard画笔 paintbrush
画图铅笔 drawing pen回纹针 clip
班导师 teacher in charge of a class常务董事 standing director创办人 founder
大专院校校长 president;chancellor;director [college or university]
代课教员 substitute teacher代理校长 acting president董事 director督学 supervisor辅导员 supervisor
副教授 associate professor副校长 vice president顾问 adviser
合格教员 certificated teacher监考员 proctor
兼职教授 part-time professor;part-time teacher
讲师 instructor;lecturer
讲座教授 professional lecturer交换教授 exchange professor教授 professor
教务长 dean of studies班长 class monitor
半工半读生 part-time student半公费生 demy
教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来Gear education to the needs of modernization, the world and the future
爱国主义教育 education in patriotism
国际主义教育 education in internationalism集体主义教育 education in collectivism共产主义教育 education in communism共产主义道德品质 communist ethics
政治思想教育 political and ideological education
“Five Love”: love the motherland, the people, labor, and science and take good care of public property.教书育人 to educate the person as well as impart book knowledge
to cultivate the ability to analyze and solve concrete problems independently启发学生独立思考的能力
to help develop the ability of the students to think things out for themselves培养学生自学能力
to foster the students' ability to study on their own
发挥学生主动性、创造性 to give scope to the students' initiative and creativeness
自学成才 to become educated through independent study
启发式 elicitation method(of teaching);Heuristic method
填鸭式教学法 cramming/forced-feeding method of teaching
普及教育 universal education
义务教育 compulsory education;Free education
学前教育 preschool education初等教育 elementary education中等教育 secondary education高等教育 higher/tertiary education普遍教育 general education成人教育 adult education
职业技术教育 vocational and technical education
国家教育委员会 State Education Commission
高等学校 institution of higher education综合性大学 comprehensive university文科大学 university of liberal arts文科院校 colleges of art
理工科大学 college/university of science and engineering
师范大学 normal university;Teachers' university
师范学院 teachers' college
工业大学 polytechnic university工业学院 engineering institute农业大学 agricultural university农学院 agricultural college医科大学 medical university医学院 medical college/school
中医院 institute of traditional Chinese medicine
音乐学院 conservatory of music美术学院 academy of fine arts体育学院 physical culture institute分校 branch school重点学校 key school
业余学校 spare-time school
业余职工大学 spare-time college for staff and workers
电视广播大学 television and radio broadcasting university
函授学院 correspondence school
教师进修学校 teachers' college for vocational studies
成人夜校 night school for adults
业余艺术/体育学校 amateur arts/athletic school
半工半读学校 part-work and part-study school
中等专业学校 secondary specialized school;Polytechnic school
中等技术学校 secondary technical school;Technical secondary school职业学校 vocational school附中 attached middle school
在职进修班 in-service training course进修班 class for advanced studies短训班 short-term training course专修科 special(training)course文凭 diplomas and certificates
考研热 the craze for graduate school study应试教育 the examination-oriented education义务教育 compulsory education
复合型人才 interdisciplinary talents文化底蕴 the rich cultural deposits大学生创业 the university students’ innovative undertakings扩招 expand enrollment被授予学
位 be granted a an official certificate from高分低能 good scores but low qualities片面追求升学
率 place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a higher level退学 drop out of the school
形成淘汰制度 frame an elimination system教书育
人 impart knowledge and educate people因材施
教 teach students according to their aptitude德才兼
备 possess political integrity and professional ability品学兼
优 be a students of fine qualities and fine scholar
质 improve the health and psychological quality
变 adjust to the social changes quickly满足社会的急
需 meet the urgent need of the society保护知识产
权 protect the intellectual property才疏学
浅 be wanting in ability and shallow in knowledge
明 make efforts to seek cultural and ideological progress
减轻负担 reduce the heavy burdens更加有意义和丰富的生
活 a more vigorous, colorful and dynamic博导 Ph.D.supervisor;doctoral advisor博士生 Ph.D candidate掺水文凭 diploma obtained by using unfair or unlawful means
育 adult secondary vocational and technical education
校 secondary specialized(technical)school for adults成人高
考 the national higher education exams for self-taught adults成人中等专科学
校 secondary specialized /technical school for adults大学生创
业 university students' innovative undertaking大专生 junior college student大专文凭 associate degree
贷学金(助学贷款)student loan德才兼
备 have both political integrity and ability;people who possess both political integrityand professional ability
第二学位 second Bachelor's degree点名册 roll book
电大 college courses broadcast on television电子词典 electronic dictionary定向招
生 enroll students who are pre-assigned to specific posts or areas
定向生 targeted-area student高材生 top student公务员 civil servant
归国留学生 returned students
函授大学 correspondence university计划内招生planned enrollment教工teachers and staff交流学者exchange scholar教书育人
impart knowledge and educate people教务处 dean's office
教学法pedagogy;teaching method教研室teaching and research division教育部社政司
Social Science Research and Ideological Work Department of the Ministry of Education教育乱收费
unauthorized collection of fees by educational institutions
教育质量quality of education借读生transient student
机读形式machine-readable form进修班class for further studies军训
military training(intended for high school and college students)考研
take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools
考研热the craze for graduate school
课件(教师多媒体教学演示片)courseware课间操exercise between classes客座教授guest professor老三
届 junior and senior high school graduates of 1966~1968;school leavers of 1966~1968老年学校 school for the aged两院院
士 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering留学咨询 consulting on the study abroad录取通知
书 letter of admission / acceptance letter论文答辩(thesis)oral defense录取分数线 entry score
模拟测试 mock test;simulated exam评职 professional evaluation
普通高等教育 regular higher education普通高
校 regular institutions of higher learning强化班 intensive training class人才市场 the personnel market三好学生
merit student;three good student(good in study, attitude and health)
Universidad;college students' athletics meet双向选择two-way selection(referring to employer and employee choosing each other in a job market)
双学位double degree;two Bachelor's degrees思想道德教育
ideological and moral education
特困 exceptional poverty;special difficulty同等学
力 have the same educational level(as the regular graduate or student of certainacademic qualification)文科 liberal arts现代远程教育
modern distance education/ learning校园数字化campus digitalization校园歌曲campus song校园文化campus culture校训school motto
新新人类New Human Being;X Generation性教育sex education巡回报告touring report学分 credit;academic credit学分制academic credit system学科带头人
pace-setter in scientific research;academic leader
education with record of formal schooling学前教育preschool education学生处students' affairs division
学生减负alleviate the burden on students学时credit hours
学术报告academic report学术讲座academic forum
学位制academic degree system学年academic year
学生处students' affairs office义务教育compulsory education因材施教
teach students according to their aptitude应届毕业生this year's graduates在职博士生on-job doctorate在职研究生 on-job postgraduates