
时间:2019-05-14 03:43:41下载本文作者:会员上传




1.Paris is the capital and largest city of France,the River Seine.A.situated on

B.situating in

C.situated in

D.situating on 2.The city is also famous

its restaurants,cafes and theatres.A.for



D.of 3.Athens is known

the birthplace of western civilisation




D.of 4.Their work

other writers ever since.A.has influenced



D.has influence 5.The report shows that we are making

but that we need to make greater efforts.A.some progresses

B.some progress

C.a progress

D.progress 6.By the time he was twelve years old ,he

a chemistry lab of his own.A.had been set up

B.had set up C.have been set up

D.have set up 7.It was the

and the most dangerous situation I've ever been in.A.most frightened

B.most frightening C.more frightened

D.more frightening 8.Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years

“desertification".A.as a result

B.as a result of

C.as result of

D.as a result of it 9.Mencius was a thinker

teachings were very similar to those of Confucius..A.whose



D.that 10.Three quarters of China's energy is produced

burning coal.A.by



D.for 11.Bob got a higher income because he had made great contributions ____ the company.A.for



D.on 12.I’m sorry to tell you I’ll be unable to join you.Please ____ my name from the list.A.remove B.remain


D.remember 13.From our ____ on the top of the hill, we can have a better view of the whole city.A.warning B.condition


D.position 14.John is smart, polite, and hardworking.___, I think he is one of the best students in our class.A.In conclusion B.In terms of

C.On average

D.In all 15.The weather turned out to be very good, ____ was more than we could expect.A.what



D.it 16.This is the museum ____ the exhibition was held.A.where


C.on which

D.the one 17.____ more than 80% of children in developing countries go to primary school, about 115 million children are not being educated.A.When



D.Unless 18.The number of people invited ____ fifty, but a number of them ____ absent for different reasons.A.were;was


C.was;were D.were;were 19.Confucius is the philosopher ____ influence has been the greatest.A.which



D.when 20.This is the day ____ we visited Hong Kong.A.by which

B.by that


D.on which 21.His new book ____ next month.A.will be published

B.is publishing

C.is being published D.has been published 22.The things talked about in this report ____ over a year ago.A.had taken place

B.took place

C.have taken place

D.were taken place 23.We were surprised ____ the temple still in its original condition.A.finding

B.to find


D.to be found 24.Tom was disappointed that most of the guests ____ when he ____ at the party.A.left;had arrived


C.had left;had arrived

D.had left;arrived

25.When she woke up, she found that her house ____ by the thunderstorm.A.was destroyed


C.had been destroyed

D.had destroyed

二、完形填空(共20分;20小题, 每题1分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从26—45各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A high school history teacher once told us, “If you make one close fried in school, you will be most fortunate.A true friend is someone who stays with you for life.” 26 teaches that he is right.Good friendship is just not easily 27.It is possible that we simply do not stay in one place long enough for a true friendship to 28.However, there can be 29 disagreement in the need for each of us to think carefully about what kind of friendship we want.To most of us, 30 are considered very important, but we need to make it clear in our minds what kind of friendship we want.Are they to be close or 31 at arm’s length? Do we want to 32 ourselves or do we want to walk on surface? For some people, many friendships on the surface are 33 enough and that’s all right.But at some point we need to make sure that our 34 are the same as our friends’ expectations.The sharing of 35 experiences including our tears as well as our dark dreams is the surest way to 36 friendships.But it must be undertaken(进行)slowly and 37 only if there are signs of interest and action 38.What are some of the 39 of friendship? The greatest is the attraction to expect too much too soon.Deep relationships 40 time.Another “major difficulty” is the selfishness to think one “ 41 ” the other, including his time and attention.42 , friendships require actions in return.In other words, you must give as 43 as you take.Finally, there is a question of taking care of.Unless you spend 44 time together, talking on the phone, writing letters, doing things together, friendships will die 45.26.A.Knowledge



D.Experience 27.A.understood



D.made 28.A.design



D.appear 29.A.no



D.some 30.A.lives



D.classmates 31.A.taken



D.kept 32.A.own



D.suffer 33.A.tha



D.so 34.A.expectations



D.ideas 35.A.good



D.personal 36.A.prove



D.deepen 37.A.carried though

B.carried out

C.carried on

D.carried away 38.A.by turns

B.in return

C.in turn

D.in answer 39.A.difficulties



D.advantages 40.A.cost



D.waste 41.A.loves



D.possesses 42.A. differently



D.Regretfully 43.A.many







D.valuable 45.A.of






阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、和D项中,选出最佳选项。A Nick Petrels is a doctor in Montreal.He works 60 hours a week.He takes care of 159 patients a week in the hospital and at his office.He’s been a doctor for ten years.Dr.Petrels gives his patients good medical advice.But he doesn’t just tell his patients what to do.He also sings to them on television!Dr.Petrels has his own TV show.The show is in Italian, English and French.The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives medical advice.He explains a medical problem or disease in simple language.After that, he sings another song.Dr.Petrels produces and performs in his own show every week.The program is very popular with his patients and with people who enjoy his singing.His dream is to perform(表演)in Las Vegas.His favorite songs are love songs, and he has a compact disk of love songs that he wrote.Dr.Petrels says, “I always loved to sing.All my problems are gone when I sing.” But when Dr.Petrels was young, his father didn’t want him to be a singer, so he went to medical school.Some people tell Dr.Petrels he can help people more as a doctor.But Dr.Petrels says he helps people when he sings, too.“I like to make people smile.Sometimes it’s difficult to make a sick person smile.Medicine and entertainment(娱乐)both try to do the same thing.They try to make people feel good.”

46.Dr.Petrels works 60 hours a week, because he _______.A.gives his patients medical advice

B.takes care of 159 patients a week C.sings on television

D.has his own TV show

47.Dr.Petrels _______, so he is called a singing doctor.A.also sings to his patients on TV

B.always loved to sing

C.is popular with his patients

D.has been a doctor for ten years 48.In his TV show, Dr.Petrel _______.A.sings and gives medical advice

B.sings about different diseases C.starts to explain diseases with a song

D.sings love songs he wrote 49.Dr.Petrels’ show is popular _______.A.in Las Vegas.B.at medical school

C.with people who like his singing

D.with patients in Montreal

50.Dr.Petrels says he likes to _______.A.help people sing

B.make people feel better C.do the same thing

D.make difficult people smile B

Living in a modern society has its advantages and disadvantages.One disadvantage is that you often have to live closer to other people than you would like to.Sometimes, your neighbors make noise that you are not comfortable with.The best way to solve this problem is to talk with your neighbor first.You should be very polite and ask your neighbor if he knows how thin the walls of your homes are.This way doesn’t criticize(批评)his behavior;it simply points out that he may not realize how far his sound travels.Tell him that you know that sometimes you make noise as well, but that you do your best to keep it down.Often this will solve the problem right away, but sometimes the neighbor may become angry.If your neighbor becomes angry with you, there are some more steps you can take.You might write a letter to the neighborhood committee.Make sure you write down the source of the noise and the time in the letter.They will review the situation and decide whether your neighbor is out of line.Some noise is considered to be reasonable, even if it bothers you.So you may prepare a good pair of earplugs(耳塞).Even if your neighbor makes too much noise, you don’t have to live your life in discomfort.It’s always a good idea to be friendly with your neighbors.You may clean the rubbish in front of his door.He’s sure to appreciate behavior like this and be more open to your suggestions about noise level.51.What is the first step to deal with the noisy neighbor? A.To buy a good pair of earplugs.B.To offer suggestions to the neighbor.C.To ask the neighborhood committee for help.D.To tell the neighbor how bad his behavior is.52.The underlined word “reasonable” in the third paragraph probably means “____”.A.terrible



D.unpleasant 53.What should be written in the letter to the neighborhood committee? A.How to punish your noisy neighbor.B.Where and when the noise appears.C.How to make the noise less in the neighborhood.D.What problems the noise causes to your life.54.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about? A.You should control your noise as well.B.You can live comfortably even if there is noise.C.Your neighbor may be more friendly than you think.D.You should build good relationship with your neighbor.55.The author wrote this passage to tell us ____.A.why we should get on well with neighbors B.how to relax ourselves in a modern society C.how to become known among neighbors D.what we should do with our noisy neighbor

C If you do not use your arm or your legs for some time, they become weak;when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again.Everybody knows that.Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way.When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it.When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong.If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault(过错).But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame(受责备), and few of us know that it is just his own fault.Have you ever found that some people can’t read or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things;they cannot write down in a little notebook.They have to remember days, names, songs and stories;so their memory is the whole time being exercised.So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: Practice remembering.56.The main reason for one’s poor memory is that _______.A.his memory is not often used

B.he does not use his name or legs for some time C.his father or mother may have a poor memory D.he can’t read or write

57.If you do not use your arms or legs for some time _______.A.you can’t use them any more B.they will become stronger C.they will become neither stronger nor weaker

D.they become weak and won’t become strong until you use them again 58.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Don’t learn how to read and write if you want to have a better memory.B.Your memory, like your arms or legs, becomes weak if you don’t give it enough chance for practice.C.Your memory works in the same way as your arms or legs.D.A good memory comes from more practice.59.Some people can’t read or write, but they usually have better memories, because _______.A.they have save much trouble B.they have saved much time to remember things C.they have to use their memories all the time D.they can’t write everything in a little notebook 60.Which is the best title for this passage? A.Don’t Stop Using Your Arms or Legs B.How to Have a Good Memory C.Strong Arms and Good Memories D.Learn From the People 第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。

A. The person works in a hospital emergency room.His/her job is to assist doctors to rescue patients who are seriously ill.B. The person likes sports activities the most.For him/her, having sports activities is very interesting.C. The person works for himself/herself at home.He/She writes for others.D. The person doesn’t like other things such as gardening.But he/she really likes music, especially classical music.E. The person likes collecting all kinds of things, such as baseball cards and stamps.F. Many people may like collecting things, such as collecting cards or stamps.But he/she likes reading very much.请匹配个人和相关的信息

61.Mary: I never used to like stamp collecting.I read almost everything I can: books, magazines, newspapers.I go to the public library about twice a week.If you’d like to send me something, maybe books are my favorite.62.Tom: My wife says I should take up gardening.We have a big garden and she loves working in it.But the truth is, it bores me.My friends and my wife think I’m really boring, because I’m always listening to music.I go to concerts all the time.I love Mozart and all that classical staff.63.Mike: I don’t really like video games and that sort of things.I prefer being outdoors, hiking or playing sports.I always go out with my family playing baseball and stuff all the time.I think most sports are pretty interesting.64.Lisa: I’m a free writer, and a lot of people think my job is easier because I don’t have to go to the office everyday.And I don’t have to deal with office politics.But, you know, my job is very hard.I have to be very organized and much disciplined.And pretty self-motivated.And when I have a problem, there is no one around to help me.65.Victor: My life is very stressful.In my working place, everyone is in a hurry and under tremendous pressure.The doctors are demanding, and there is always too much to do to save a dying patient.四、书面表达(满分15分)

假如你是中学生李华,给在英国的笔友Tom写信,告诉他你们学校为了丰富学生的学校生活而开展的俱乐部活动情况。主要内容如下: 1.新建立了读书、音乐、篮球俱乐部;2.你加入了其中一个俱乐部,并告诉他你加入的理由(至少两个);3.盼望收到他的回信,了解他的学校生活情况。注意:字数不少于100字。

第二篇:2014-10-15 电大英语考试答案


一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)得分:96 V

1.He kept himself ______ as straight as a young soldier on guard.A.all time the B.the all time C.all the time D.time the all 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 2.Their son dreamed that he could succeed _______ they had failed.A.when B.while C.where D.that 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 3.It is important to choose a ______system of education.A.valuable B.meaningful C.fitted D.proper 正确答案:D 满分:2 分 得分:2 4.Her hands are rough, because they did washing for the family and cleaning for the department stores_______.A.all year round B.all the year round C.the all year round D.the all round year 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 5.She has worked ______that body and face for more than sixty years.A.for B.on C.to D.with 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 6.It was always on at the same time every day _______ Saturday and Sunday.A.except for B.besides C.except that D.except 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 7.He made up his _______ to go in and buy the tallest hat in the shop.A.heart B.mind C.head D.decision 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 8.They put me in mind of _______ good things I might have bought with the rest of the money.A.that B.which C.what D.whichever 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 9.Everyone likes a person _______ good manners.A.in B.with C.to D.for 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 10.He is unable to go to work _______ the fall from his bike.A.as a result B.as a matter C.as a result of D.as a matter of 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 11.We are even told _______ is our duty to clean the classroom.A.that B.it C.who D.whom 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 12.Good manners really mean to be kind and helpful to others, especially those _______than ourselves.A.older or weaker B.elder or weaker C.older and weak D.old and weaker 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 13.The porter helped Mark Twain a lot, so he gave him _______he usually paid for a porter.A.as twice more as B.twice as much as C.twice as many as D.as twice much as 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 14.It was very funny.The words stood _______ , and didn’t move as they _______ on a TV.A.still…do B.quietly…did C.still…did D.quietly…do

正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 15.And while I am going to school I want a wife _______ my children.A.looking after B.to look after C.looking about D.to look about 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 16._______ you like it or not, you’ll have to do it.A.Whether B.If C.Though D.Although 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 17.If no one cleaned our streets and _______the rubbish away from our houses, we should get diseases in our towns.A.carry B.brought C.move D.took 正确答案:D 满分:2 分 得分:2 18.She had carried home her babies who were _______ sleepy to walk.A.too B.to C.so D.such 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 19.If he, by accident, knocks someone, or _______ their way, he say “ Excuse me” or “I’m sorry”.A.gets on B.gets in C.gets by D.gets to 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 20.My first job ______for four years, my second for ten, my third for seven.A.took B.lasted C.take D.spent 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 21._______their degrees, they refuse to do what they think is “low” work.A.As a result of B.As a result C.As a matter D.As a matter of fact 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 22.Education is entirely _______cost in that school.A.free about B.free for C.free of D.free with 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 23.Her eyes have shone with pride, _______ tears of bitterness and burned from lack of sleep.A.filling with B.to fill with C.having filled with D.filled with 正确答案:D 满分:2 分 得分:2 24.When I saw another _______ for being famous, I thought he paid too dear for his whistle.A.full of love B.in love C.being love D.loved 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 25.And he does not sit down _______ the other person does.A.until B.if C.what D.when 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 26.I _______ you at once when I saw you.A.recognized B.know of C.realized D.knew 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 27.When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he ______ his turn.A.made B.took C.takes D.makes 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 28.The travelers were not aware _______ the danger ahead.A.with B.of C.for D.to 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 29.His father died _______ drink.A.in B.of C.as D.for 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 30.We should remember ________ we learned Chinese when we were children.A.as B.how C.if D.when 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 31.A good command of English depends upon ________ practice.A.a lot of B.a great deal C.a number of D.a good many 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 32.The pride of his color was in his ________.A.voice B.sound C.loud D.quiet 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 33.I planned ______ the night train to New York and go on a journey with a friend.A.to get B.taking C.having D.to take 正确答案:D 满分:2 分 得分:2 34.Think of ________ a small child does when he begins to learn his mother tongue.A.that B.if C.what D.which 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 35.I am _______ of money at the moment.Could you lend me some?

A.short B.long C.need D.wanting 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 36.The lines in her face have been earned one _______.A.at one time B.for one time C.at a time D.for a time 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 37.No matter _______ he says, I do not believe him.A.whether B.if C.what D.when 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 38.Have you ever _______ anyone who thought of becoming great by wearing fine clothes?

A.heard of B.heard C.listened D.listened to 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 39.He _______ his hat on the side of his head like an Englishman and hurried back.A.take B.wore C.dressed D.made up 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 40._______ you like it or not, you’ll have to do it.A.Whether B.If C.Though D.Although 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 41.The pupils laughed and shouted _______ they played ball games in the schoolyard or _______ the stadium.A.when…at B.that…in C.as…on D.while…in

正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 42.In fact, to work with one’s hands is thought to be dirty and ______ in such countries.A.ashamed B.shameful C.shame D.shameless 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 43.They have for ________ thought, by free education for all, they can solve all the problems of society.A.some time B.sometime C.some times D.sometimes 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 44.These examples will tell you _______ a polite man should do and what he shouldn’t

A.what B.that C.who D.where 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2 45.His mother’s life had been so hard that she had finally _______.A.became mad B.goes mad C.gone mad D.gone to mad 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 46.And practice needs great effort and _______ much time.A.gets B.spends C.takes D.pays 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 47.What was the use of having such high heels, when people seemed to _______ a blind eye to them.A.give B.turn C.make D.take 正确答案:B 满分:2 分 得分:2 48.In wanting nothing, he _______ nothing.A.need B.need for C.lacks D.lack 正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 49.You may answer the question_____ in English _____ in Chinese.A.both…or B.either…and C.either… or D.both…nor

正确答案:C 满分:2 分 得分:2 50.Her legs got _______while teaching her daughter to ride a two wheeler.A.beat up B.beat down C.beat D.beat over 正确答案:A 满分:2 分 得分:2


一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)得分:100 V

1.We students have our own odds and ends.Take time _______.A.as instance B.for instance C.in example D.to example 满分:2 分 得分:2 2..She will see to _______ that my personal things are kept in their proper places.A.when B.which C.it D.where 满分:2 分 得分:2 3.“Niggers are dirty,” he said.“_______ mud,” said I.“And I am not as dirty as you, yet.”

A.It is B.That is C.So is D.Nor is 满分:2 分 得分:2 4.The white man didn’t want to _______ the same table _______ the famous black writer.A.share… with B.shared… for C.shared… with D.share… by

满分:2 分 得分:2 5.It is an exciting experience just _______ down a New York street.A.walking B.being going C.to walk D.to be going 满分:2 分 得分:2 6.I found a place, _______ myself, and reached for the menu.A.sat B.seated C.sits D.seats 满分:2 分 得分:2 7.The Dutch paid the local Indians some cloth, diamond-like stones_______ about 24 dollars.A.worth B.worthy C.being worth D.being worthy 满分:2 分 得分:2 8.There had been a number of walls ________ brick and stone alone the northern border.A.build in B.built C.building D.built of 满分:2 分 得分:2 9.He often ________ ideas and even “stole” most of his clothes from others.A.borrowed B.lent C.borrow D.lend 满分:2 分 得分:2 10.He was paid _______ the rate of 6 dollars a day.A.in B.with C.on D.at 满分:2 分 得分:2 11.His father _______ shout at his mother, ________ couldn’t do anything to change the conditions.A.used to… which B.was used to…whom C.used to…who D.was used to… that

满分:2 分 得分:2 12.I am so grateful to you _______ clearing this up.A.on B.up C.for D.with 满分:2 分 得分:2 13.I should have gone to the opera yesterday.It was very good.I wish I _____ yesterday off.A.have had B.had C.have D.had had 满分:2 分 得分:2 14.The ring has been passed _______ in my family from mother to daughter.A.on B.off C.out D.Over 满分:2 分 得分:2 15.On the quiet waters ________ a dark outline of the Statue of Liberty under the pale moonlight.A.are cast B.is cast C.were cast D.being cast 满分:2 分 得分:2 16.The more often a fish is nearly caught, _______ it will be to interest it next time.A.less difficult B.the more difficult C.the difficult D.more difficult 满分:2 分 得分:2 17.She will not _______ when I talk about the things that interest me and my friends.A.get on B.inserts C.speak at D.cut in 满分:2 分 得分:2 18.They were always looking for a house just a little better ________ the place we were living _______.A.more as…in B.than…on C.as…on D.than…in 满分:2 分 得分:2 19.As I sat into my seat and leaned back, the woman beside me seemed ________ and jumped up from her seat.A.frightening B.frightened C.being frightened D.to frighten 满分:2 分 得分:2 20.The Great Wall ran _______ high mountains and deep valleys.A.of B.up C.over D.to 满分:2 分 得分:2 21.The tall buildings ____of streets in New York make one feel as though he were walking through a deep valley.A.at both sides B.on either sides C.at both side D.on either side 满分:2 分 得分:2 22.I was ashamed of the place we _______ , so I managed four years without having a friend visit my house.A.lived in B.where lived C.lived D.which lived 满分:2 分 得分:2 23.The child _______ cold if he had put on more clothes.A.were to catch B.should catch C.wouldn’t have caught D.caught 满分:2 分 得分:2 24.The man ________ at the other side of the table rose.A.to sit B.to seat C.sitting D.seating 满分:2 分 得分:2 25.It is reported that the fish can _______the difference between colors.A.tell B.make C.say D.talk 满分:2 分 得分:2 26.In the very early days, China ________ and ruled by many kings.A.divided B.was divided C.is divided D.divides 满分:2 分 得分:2 27.About two hundred years _______ Christ the whole land was united under an emperor.A.ago B.later C.before D.since 满分:2 分 得分:2 28.The emperor combined these walls into one _______ wall.A.continue B.continuous C.connection D.connected 满分:2 分 得分:2 29.I think Daddy knew it himself, but he had to _______ his anger somewhere.A.let off B.let over C.let in D.let out 满分:2 分 得分:2 30.If the story ended there, one could say that the fish _______ itself by change.A.had freed B.has freed C.were freed D.was freed 满分:2 分 得分:2 31.She must arrange to lose time _______, but not to lose her jo##

A.for work B.at work C.in work D.on work 满分:2 分 得分:2 32.The Chinese family came to include _______ children and their parents _______ their uncles and aunts..A.not only…but B.both…and C.either…or D.neither…nor

满分:2 分 得分:2 33.Nancy isn’t here.It’s my fault.I forgot all about _______ her.A.to telephone B.to telephone to C.telephoning 满分:2 分 得分:2 34.This story did not happen during the Depression;this was ________ and early 70’s.A.in late 60 B.in the late 60 C.in the late 60’s D.in late 60’s

满分:2 分 得分:2 35.The beggar was asking at every door _________ a few cents to buy something to eat.A.in B.to C.for D.out of 满分:2 分 得分:2 36.That story you have just told _______ me of the experience I once had..A.recalls B.reminds C.remembers D.reviews 满分:2 分 得分:2 37.Who is responsible _______ the education of the children?.A.to B.on C.at D.for 满分:2 分 得分:2 38.Remember the chances to read or think _______ come now and again during the day.A.that B.when C.who D.where 满分:2 分 得分:2 39.He had grown up among the poor in London’s East End and experienced _______ poverty.A.many B.a few C.a number D.great 满分:2 分 得分:2 40.They made dishes, bowls, pots, plates and other objects of art ______ very fine earth.A.of B.from C.in D.by 满分:2 分 得分:2 41.And while I am going to school I want a wife _______ my children.A.looking after B.to look after C.looking about D.to look about 满分:2 分 得分:2 42.There is no way to escape _____ the work.A.to do B.doing C.to have done D.having done 满分:2 分 得分:2 43.I am thankful none of us children ever ________ our parents _______the poor living conditions.A.blamed… for B.blamed…on C.blamed… to D.blamed…at.满分:2 分 得分:2 44.The faster we get this assignment done, _______ we can go out and play.A.soon B.sooner C.that soon D.the sooner 满分:2 分 得分:2 45.He had grown up _______ the poor in London’s East End and experienced great poverty.A.in B.between C.among D.over 满分:2 分 得分:2 46.I am trying to ___________ smoking.A.giving up B.give in C.giving out D.give up 满分:2 分 得分:2 47.His face was covered with the dust which _______ out of the ceiling during the night.A.has fallen B.had fallen C.was falling D.were falling 满分:2 分 得分:2 48.The sharp hearing of a fish _______ by two scientists.A.have been proved B.have proved C.has proved D.has been proved 满分:2 分 得分:2 49.The beggar kept wandering why the rich men with so much money were never________.A.satisfied B.satisfying C.satisfy D.satisfaction 满分:2 分 得分:2 50.His mother’s life had been so hard ________ she had finally gone mad.A.so that B.though C.when D.that 满分:2 分 得分:2


一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)得分:100 V

1.The new comers brought _______ not only different ways of life, but also with something else.A.in them B.with C.with them D.in 满分:2 分 得分:2 2.It was not ______ 1972 that Charlie was welcome back to the U.S.A to receive the award of an Oscar.A.until B.that C.when D.unless 满分:2 分 得分:2 3.The last inch of space was filled, yet people kept on pushing _______ in along the walls of the store.A.them B.yourself C.ourselves D.themselves 满分:2 分 得分:2 4.Her school was a room _______ her bedroom.A.next to B.close upon C.besides D.nearby 满分:2 分 得分:2 5.I watched him from the _______ of my eye.A.side B.corner C.light D.outside 满分:2 分 得分:2 6.It was important for me _______ the tickets.A.having B.being having C.to have D.to having had 满分:2 分 得分:2 7.He spent the whole morning _______ for the coming exam.

A.to preparing B.having prepared C.preparing D.being prepared 满分:2 分 得分:2 8.There are plenty of eggs in the basket.Take _______ as you like.A.as much B.as more C.as little D.as many 满分:2 分 得分:2 9.We laughed and cheered, ________ our victory over the white in the fight.A.celebrated B.celebration C.celebrating D.having celebrated 满分:2 分 得分:2 10.In 1911 a penniless young man left England _______ America.A.to B.for C.at D.over 满分:2 分 得分:2 11.He kept the bag closed _______ his sister couldn’t see the modest gift he had bought for her.A.that B.as so C.so that D.so as 满分:2 分 得分:2 12.Margie _______ her diary almost every day.A.kept B.go on C.keep D.had 满分:2 分 得分:2 13.He put his hands in the worn-out jeans and took out _______ pennies.A.a handful of B.the hand of C.a hand of D.the handful of 满分:2 分 得分:2 14.We live in the country, and go hunting and camping quite _______ times.A.a great deal B.a number of C.a lot D.a lots 满分:2 分 得分:2 15.Louis keeps _______ the blows to him.A.fight B.raining C.beating D.box 满分:2 分 得分:2 16.The car _______ when the driver was making a sharp turn.

A.turned down B.turned up C.turned off D.turned over 满分:2 分 得分:2 17.Then, with the cheers of the kingdom, the two,_______ walked into a new worl##

A.hand to hand B.hand in hand C.hand with hand D.hand for hand 满分:2 分 得分:2 18.His favorite saying was “Do not do to others _______ you would not have them to do to you.A.what B.who C.which D.that 满分:2 分 得分:2 19.So the young people are encouraged to ________ such companies _______ a perfect match.A.pay…for B.paid…for C.pay…to D.paid…to

满分:2 分 得分:2 20.All the guest around the king’s daughter _______ their breath.A.held B.stopped C.caught D.pause 满分:2 分 得分:2 21.The poor and unemployed _______ to move from their villages and leave f or America.A.were forced B.was forced C.were force D.forced 满分:2 分 得分:2 22.He dropped the pennies _______ the two dimes I had hidden in my hand.A.out with B.in C.in with D.with 满分:2 分 得分:2 23.His future was uncertain, but he didn’t believe it could be worse _______ his past.A.than B.for C.as D.like 满分:2 分 得分:2 24.Actually, the busier he is, _______ he feels.A.happier B.the happy C.the happier D.happier more 满分:2 分 得分:2 25.He came into the room and found her, the sleeping beauty, ________ on the floor.A.to lie B.to lying C.lay D.lying 满分:2 分 得分:2 26.Many stories are told _______ the fishes that get away.A.in B.of C.on D.for 满分:2 分 得分:2 27.Such a company collects _______ information about such man or woman.A.a great number of B.a great many C.a great deal D.a great deal of 满分:2 分 得分:2 28.When people _______ for a bus, or in a post office, he takes his turn.A.are waiting B.wait C.waited D.were waiting 满分:2 分 得分:2 29.My sisters and brothers asked me _______ I had paid for the whistle.A.how much B.how many C.how was D.however 满分:2 分 得分:2 30.Now certain companies can help a young person _______ the right husband or wife.A.in search B.on search C.in search of D.on search of 满分:2 分 得分:2 31.Their son dreamed that he could succeed _______ they had failed.A.when B.while C.where D.what 满分:2 分 得分:2 32.He was poor but _______ being rich.A.dream of B.dreamed about C.dream about D.dreamed of 满分:2 分 得分:2 33.I’m ashamed of _______ I did.A.which B.that C.as D.what 满分:2 分 得分:2 34.I found a railway official and asked him if I could get a place _______in a sleeping-car.A.where B.when C.somewhere D.somewhat 满分:2 分 得分:2 35.She didn’t like her picture book _______ , so she threw it away.A.not more B.no longer C.any longer D.no more 满分:2 分 得分:2 36..I managed those four years _______ ever having a friend visit my house.A.with B.within C.without D.of.满分:2 分 得分:2 37.Edison did not allow his odd moments to slip by while he_______ his living by tapping out messages.A.earned B.obtained C.was earning D.was obtaining

A.earned B.obtained C.was earning D.was obtaining 满分:2 分 得分:2 38.The King cried, “I command that all spindles in my kingdom _______ burned!”

A.are to be B.will be C.be D.shall be 满分:2 分 得分:2 39.That evening I looked for gifts _______ just fulfilling a duty.A.instead that B.instead of C.instead D.instead with 满分:2 分 得分:2 40.We grew _______ as the fight was coming to an end.A.having uneasy B.be uneasy C.to uneasy D.uneasy 满分:2 分 得分:2 41.He kept himself all the time as straight as a young soldier ________.A.on guard B.in guard C.with guard D.for guard 满分:2 分 得分:2 42.If someone had the fine things all above his fortune, he would have_______ debt.A.involved B.running into C.involving D.run into 满分:2 分 得分:2 43.The king’s daughter saw an old blind woman ______ a stick around between her hands.A.to turn B.turning C.being turning D.turned 满分:2 分 得分:2 44.We divided them _______ groups according to race, religion and social background.A.to B.in C.for D.into 满分:2 分 得分:2 45.They learned the same things, so they could help _______their homework and talk about it.A.one another with B.one other with C.one another for D.each other for 满分:2 分 得分:2 46.The soap bubble liquid bottle _______ fifty-seven cents and he had only forty cents.A.spent B.paid C.cost D.is worth 满分:2 分 得分:2 47.The USA ______ a great advanced country without the labor of the newcomers.A.could become B.can become C.couldn’t have become D.couldn’t become

满分:2 分 得分:2 48.In short, the sufferings of mankind are largely _______ their putting a false value on things.A.due to B.because C.but D.at 满分:2 分 得分:2 49.As soon as the ship docks,the passengers _______ to land.

A.were allowed B.allowed C.will allow D.will be allowed 满分:2 分 得分:2 50.I regretted _______ taken a bath and dressed in my Sunday best.A.having not B.not have C.have not D.not having 满分:2 分 得分:2


中央广播电视大学2008--2009学第二学期Franc0:N0,I look like my dad,but he’S “开放专科”期末考试英语I(2)试题 very calm.I am more romantic.What about 第一部分交际用语(共计l0分,每小题2分)you?Polly:People say I look like my 1—5题:阅读下面的小对话。判断答语是否恰当。mum.We’ve got the same nose,恰当的选A{Right)。不恰当的选B{Wrong)。unfortunately.But I'mnot like her in 1.Is there a bank near here?.一Yes.I saw other ways.She’S shy whereas l’m much him this morning.A.RightB.Wrong more sociable—I lovebeing with my2.一What does he look like?——He is tall and friends and meeting new people,but’she thin.A.RightB.Wrong hates it.I’m more like mydad,I3.一Where did you go for your holiday?一Two think.What about you,Mary? years a90.A.RightB.Wrong.Mary:I'm fl natural optimist,j ust like 4.一What are you going to do this evening?ml my dad.He is never pessimistic.I always went there with some friends. thinkthat everything will work out wellA.RightB.Wrong in the end and SO does he.I’ve got the 5.一How can I book a cheap hotel? samesense of humour as my mum.We both一If l were you,I’d phone a travel agent. laugh at stupid things.I suppose I lookA.RightB.Wrong a bitlike my grandmother.We’ve got the A.What’S your nameB.How old are you

C.Are you married

3.一Do you like your job? A.I’m a nurseB.Yes.I find it very interestingC.They are very nice 4.——1 went to a fashion show last night.

A.Who took away my bookB.Why not C.What was it like


一Yes.What time is it on Friday? A.Are you coming to the meeting on Friday B.When will the meeting starl

C.What are you going to do this Friday 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分。每小题2分)

6—25题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三never told her we were late because of Mike.Now,years later,I play tennis with Mike.I usually drive him to the tennis club.I go to his flat and he opens the door and says,“I’m sorry.I’m a bit late today.”The onlyreason he wasn’t late for his own wedding is tl3at we lied to him about the time!As boys we spent a lot of time out exploring on our bikes.We went walking andfishin9.I didn’t like fishing because I couldn’t swim.Probably the funniest thing we did was when we stole a bottle of whiskey from my Dad.We cycled about 5 miles away to drinkit in one of our favourite places.When we finished drinking it,we couldn’t cycle back—it was a long,slow walk.I’m sure we looked awful.We still d0,when we come back from thepub on Friday nights.Nothing’S changed 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分。每小题2分)same smile,and we both have very dark 6—25题:阅读下面的句子。hair. 6.A:——you watch television last night?31.Franc0’SiS tall and thin.B:N0,I didn't.(A.DoB.DidC.Can)A.mumB.dadC.daughter7.1 went to see a film yesterday.The film32.Franc0’S dad iSWas——great.(A.reallyB.veryC.t00)A.quick-temperedB.romantic C.calm8.A:----is at the door?33.Polly’S mum is——and——meetingB:It must he our new neighbour,Mrs Jones. new people.(A.WhatB.WhichC Who)A.sociable;loveS B.shy;hatesC.shy; 9.Heanswer my phone call yesterday. lovesA.doesn’tB.didn’tC.wasn’t 34.Mary is a(M——,just like her dad. 10.She———0ur car to go to BristolA.optimistB.pessimist C.artist yesterday.(A.borrowedB.returnedC.1ent)。35.Mary has the same——like her 11.1 was watching TV————the telephone grandmother.rang.(A.whileB.whenC.since)A.eyesB.noseC.smile

12.They finished————一tennis at seven. 36—40题:阅读下列短文。并根据短文内容A.to playB.playingC.on playing 判断其后的句子是正确(Ri咖t).还是错误13.It was——cold to go for a walk.(w啪g)。

A.veryB.tOOC.enoughWhen I leave university in July,I 14.The young girl————————fluent don’t want to get a job

French.(A.saysB.speaksC.talks)straightaway.I’ve workedhard for 315.went shoppin9——I needed a new pair of years,and now I need a long holiday.I’11 shoes.(A.althoughB.becauseC.SO)have to work for the rest of my life.SOnow 16.I have no idea who stole his is a good time to take a break. wallet.It——anyone.(A.could have beenI’d like to travel around the world B.should have beenC.must have been)for fl few months.I’ve already bought 17.——stole my purse when l was on the train. a ticket to goand visit my relatives in(A.AnyoneB SomeoneC.Something)New Zealand.I leave on August l4“.I plan 18.The computer doesn’t work.You should get to work there for flwhile.On the way back it(A·to repairB.repairingC repaired)from there I hope to visit an old friend 19·A-Which of these newspapers have you read? of mine in America。and lwant to go to B:I,we read——them. Canada flS well.I might stop in some otherA.bothB.both ofC.any of places。t00.I haven’t decided yet.When 20·I can’t arrive before 6.00.I’11 try to I finish travellin9,1 will have to get be there6.30. fl job.I studied economics atA.untilB.tillC by BristolUniversity,and my father works in 21·——a problem with the laptop yesterday,a bank,SO l’11 probably work there at but it wasn't very serious. first.I’m notlooking forward to that,A.It wasB.There wasC.There iS but l want to buy a house one day,SO l’11 22.I——smoke before,but I do nOW. have to earn somemoneY. A.didn’t use to B.used t0 C.am used to 36.1 want to get a job as soon as possible. 23.It was raining andwe wenth;)me.A.RightB.WrongA.thatB.becauseC.SO 37.I’11 first go to New Zealand.’ 24.Kunming is——the southwest of China.A.RightB.WrongA.onB.in.C.to 38.I have relatives in America. 25.She is very patient the children.She neverA.RightB-Wrong shouts at them. 39.I’11 probably work in a bank.。A.inB.withC onA.RightB.Wrong‘ 第三部分句型变换(共计l5分.每小题3分)40.I’11 earn some money to travel around 26—30题:根据括号里的提示或利用括号里的词语the world.A.RightB.Wrong 改写下列旬子第五部分翻译(共计l5分.每小题3分)26.He didn’t run fast.He didn’t catch the 41—45题:英译汉。将下列英文句子翻译成bus.(用enough„t0改写句子),中文。He didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus.41.She borrowed the book and gave it back 27.He stole the laptop.(改为被动语态)on Monday.她借了那本书,后来星期一把书The laptop was stolen(by him). 还了。

28.That cinema is very nice.The tickets are 42.One of the biggest sporting events in quite expensive.(用but将两句连成一句)the world is the Olympic Games.奥运会That cinema is very nice but the tickets are 是世界上规模最大的体育赛事之一。quite expensive. 43.I’ve got the same sense of humour as 29.“Can you phone me later,Susan?”said my mum.我和我妈妈一样,有幽默感。David.(用ask,t0改写句子)44.Sandy is wearing a lon9,black,silk David asked Susan to phone him later. dress.桑迪穿了条黑色的长丝裙。30·Jack is responsible for all the 45.He used tO play basketball every trainin9.(用What针对all the trainin9提问)Sunday.他以前每个周日都打篮球。What is Jack responsible for? 试卷代号:2205 第四部分阅读理解(共计20分.每小题2分)中央广播电视大学2007--2008学第一学31—35题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C兰个选项中期“开放专科“期末考试英语工(2)试题 选出一个正确答案。第一部分交际用语(共计l0分,每小题2Polly:Franc0,who do you take after in 分)your family? 1--5题:阅读下面的小对话。Franc0:Definitely my mother.We’re both quite 1.——Would you like to go to the cinema moody and impatient.We used to argue alot when this evening? l was growing up,because A.1’m fine,thank youB.Yas,I am she’Squick—tempered.Als0.we’re both C.Yes,that’S a good idea talland thin.Polly:Do you look like her as 2.一—------------—? well7.一Yes。I am.

个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选really.Oh,and I still can’t swim. 项。

26.Mike now lives in

6.The book was rather expensive,but I A.a village in ScotlandB.London bought it—----—. C.a village near London

A.any wayB.anywayC.even though 27.got up late every morning. 7.He failedall his efforts. A.MikeB.Mike’S mumC.I A.in spite ofB.even ifC.although 28.25 years later,Mike

8.Mary won the first place in the A.is early in doing everything competition.Her father was very B.still is late as in the past pleased——————一her. C.is never late again

A.withB.atC.for 29.As boys both of US liked

9.They named the

A.fishing B.riding bicyclesC.swimming island———————its 30.We walked 5 miles back home because we discoverer.(A.inB.toC.after)A.were tiredB.enj oyed walking C.were 10.I’m going tO buy a book for my drunk

son.Have you seen——? 31—35题:阅读下列短文。并根据短文内容判断其A.anything interestingB.interesting 后的句子是否正确(Right)、错误(Wrong)。somethingC.interesting anything 还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(Doesn’t say)。(共11.A:Have you typed the letter for me? 计l0分。每小题2分)


The day was like any other day in his life.TomA.Yes,I haveB.Yes,I doC.Yes。walked past the shop on the streetcorner.He I’ve done

stopped to look at the front row of shoes,and 12.I’ve always enjoyed—------—. he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes heA.swimB.swimmingC.to swim wanted very much was still there.Looking down,13.A:—-—my glasses?

he felt sorry for himself.He really wanted toB:Yes,I saw them on your bed. have them for his birthday.-

A.Do you seeB.Would you see He sadly walked away and thought how to tell c.Have y„een

his mother about it.He knew she wouldgive him 14.Mr Smith has——gone out to meet an anything he liked if she could.But he also knew old friend.

very well she had little money.Hedecided notA.justB.onceC.yet

to go home at once,as he looked worried and his 15.A concert will be held here——4 mother would notice it.So he went tO the park pm——Tuesday.、and sat on the grass.Then he saw a boy in a wheelA.on„atB.in„inC.at...on chair.He noticed that the boy moved the wheel 16.Nice weather,—----—?

with his hands.Tom looked at him carefully andA.doesn’t itB.isn’t itwas surprised to see the boy had no feet.He C.hasn’t it

looked at his own feet.“It’S much better to 17.I had a sandwich before I played be without shoes than without feet,”he

tennis,—----—I’m very hungry now. thought.There was no reason for him to feel soA.butB.andC.SO

sorfy and sad.He went away and smiled,thinking 18.The girl is wearing a————coat. he was happier.

A.baggy longB.10ng baggyC.baggy 31.Tom passed the shop by bus.


A.Right.B.Wrong. C.Doesn’t say.

19.A:Which jacket do you like? 32.Tom stopped in front of the shop to look atB:The blue——0ver there. the shoes he liked.


A.Right.B.Wrong,C.Doesn’t say.

20.A car hit her when she was 33.The pair of shoes was too expensive for Tom walking——the road.

and his mother.


A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesn’t say.

21.A:I haven’t eaten all day. 34.The boy sitting in the wheel chair had noB:Yoube very hungry. legs.

A.shouldB.have toC.must

A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesn’t say.

22.We used tobicycles to go to work. 35·Tom went home to tell his mother about whatA.rideB.riding had happened.

23.He loved to———————basketball A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesn’t say. when he was young.



36—40题:汉译英。根据括号内的提示将下列句子24.My brother told me—————一his 补充完整。并将答案写在答题纸上。

trip to Scotland.

36.You’ll be here tomorrow,--------A.onB.withC.about.-----—?(是不是)won’t you

25.A:----------s at the door?

37·A:—------------—(吃点儿东西好吗)B:It must be our new neighbour,Mrs before we watch the film? Jones.(A.WhoB.WhatC.Which)B:Sounds great.I know a very nice restaurant 第三部分阅读理解(共计20分)

close to the cinema.

26--30题:阅读下列短文。从A、B、C三个Shall we have something to eat


38·Peler,you need to-------—.(该理发了)When I first knew Mike,we lived in have your hair cut

a small village in Scotland.It was very 39.Mary said that—-----------------—.(她different from Mike’s life in London 想去买本书)she wanted to buy a book

now.We went to school together on our 40·You can wear—---------—(或者是T恤衫,bicycles.Every morningI went to his 或者是衬衫)to the party. house and knocked on the door.Every either a T—shirt or a shirt

morning Mike’S mum said,41--45题:英译汉。将下列英文句子翻译成中文,“I’m sorry.He’S a bit late this 并将答案写在答题纸上。41.Polly(波莉)is morning”,and SO I had to wait.Each day worried about her lack of experience we were late for school。and I remember 波莉担心自己缺乏经验。the teacher got very annoyed with US.I

42.The hotel is surrounded by fields and woods.

about her lack of experience in some areas.饭店四周田野树林环绕。

26.Polly has decided to 43.The flat was in a bit of mess. A.ask for a higher salaryB.give up her job 房间里有点乱。C.take a long holiday 44.Both of the boys are good at singing 27.”Paid holidays“ means 两个男孩都擅长唱歌。A.she gets no salary during her holidays 45.They enj oyed themselves at the party, B.she has to pay for her own holidays 他们在晚会上玩得很开心。C.she still gets salary when she is on


28.Her friends 放专科”期末考试英语I(2)试题

第一部分交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)1—5A.offered her a job B.agreed with her 题:阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选C.don't want her to resign

29.She has experience of 出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写A.bankingB.shoppingC.sales 出所选的字母符号。30.She's worried about her 1.--Hello, Xiaoyan.How Was the party? A.lack of experienceB.salaryC.present A.I’m fine, thank youB.It was Friday bossC.Hi, Jack.We had a great time 31—35题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容2.--?--Two years ago, 判断其后的句子是否正确(R屯ht)、错误A.Where did you go B.Do you like Japan(Wrong),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息 C.When did you visit Japan(Doesn’tsay)。(共计10分,每小题2分)3.--Can I help you?Mr Spinney has got a great love for puppets A.Nice to see youB.Yes, please(木偶).He is now over sixty.He C.Not at all

startedworking with puppets when he was only 4.--What do you usually do at weekends?

eight years old.In the late sixties, he was luckyA.I play football with a group of friends

enough to have a chance to work on SesameB.It's lovely.Thank you

C.I started learning tennis when I was 6 Street(芝麻等), a very famous American

5.--Ivydale Guesthouse.Can I help you? television show forA.Salad, please children.Today, Sesame Street is shown onB.Yes, please.I'd like to make a reservation television in more than eighty countries.C.I'll go there myself Spinney plays the part of the man inside an 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分)eight-foot yellow chicken called Big Bird.6—25题:阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三Spinney likes his job very much and he

thinks it's his duty to play his part well and 个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,givechildren lots'of fun.He doesn't want 6.Itable tennis quite well, but I haven't children to know that Big Bird is in fact a man, had time to play since the New Year.so he tries to be very careful.Once, however, a A.will playB.playC.have played child saw him when he was getting out of his7.Sheanswer my phone call yesterday.costume(演出服装).She looked at him andA.doesn'tB.didn'tC.wasn't then said, ”Mummy!Does Big Bird know he's8.He is a good friend ofget a man inside him?“ A.oursB.ourC.our's 31.Mr Spinney is an actor.9.They named the islandits discoverer.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesn't say.A.inB.toC.after 32.He started making puppets when he was10.A.Thank you for lending me your dictionary.eight.B.You're welcome.Butcould you to me morrow? A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say.A.give it backB.give back itC.get back

11.Tomorrow is my mother's birthday.I want to buy33.Sesame Street is popular in America andother countries.for her.A.anything specialB.something specialA.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesn't say.34.Mr Spinney has got a lot of money playing C.special something the part of Big Bird.12.It's a long way to get there.This iswe A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesn't say.started so early.35.The child knows that Big Bird is actually A.whatB.howC.why played by an actor.13.I That,fire is dangerous.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesn't say.A.To stopB.StoppingC.Stop 第四部分翻译(共计30分)14.I love travelling.Imost places in the


A.have gone toB.have been toC.went to 列句子补充完整,并将答案写在答题纸上。(共15.If Iyou, I would buy a house at the 计15分,每题3分)seaside.36.She's your girlfriend, A.wereB.wasC.am(是不是)16.A.I haven' t eaten all day.37.A-Would you like to order now?B: You be very hungry.B.I'd like a salad, please / Salad,A.shouldB.mustC.have to please(我要份沙拉。)17.I'm going to a flat near the company I'm working 38.Peter, you need tohave your hair at.(该理发了)A.hireB.borrowC.rent 39.A: It's very cool outside.Shall we take a 18.of the boys came to the party.They were ill.walk?A.EitherB.AllC.Neither B:(我宁19.I'm going to have the washing machine

愿)listen to some music at home.A.to repairB.repairedC.repair

20.Ann didn't buy for herself.40.A: Where is Richard?

A.somethingB.nothingC.anythingB: He is over there.He's wearing a

21.Have you asked John tickets to Beijing? green shirt.(他穿着一件绿色的衬衫)A.forB.toC.in41—45题:英译汉。将下列英文句子翻译22.I jogging every morning in the park.成中文,并将答案写在答题纸上。(共计15A.goB.doC.play 分,每题3分)23.That's a perfect picture!41.He got on well with his sister.A.veryB.muchC.really 他和他的姐/妹相处得很好。24.I've been in Londonlast Friday.42.He used to play basketball every Sunday.A.sinceB.forC.till 他以前每个星期天都打篮球。25.David' s computer yesterday.43.She would buy a large house if she won the A.stealsB.stoleC.was stolen lottery.如果中了彩票,她会去买一个大房子。第三部分阅读理解(共计20分)44.That box is too heavy for her to carry home.26—30题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项那个盒子太重了,她抬不回家。中选出一个正确答案,Last week Polly decided to give up her job.She is fed 45.One of the biggest sporting events in the

world is the Olympic Games.up with it, she finds it boring and

she wants to change her career.Her employers, ”Lucky 世界上最大的体育赛事之一就是奥运会。Shops", are not too bad.They give

her quite good benefits, such as free lunches and paid

holidays, but she does not get on with

her boss.Her salary is quite good, but, because she is

not happy, she wants to look for

something else.Last Saturday she talked about it with

David and Xiaoyan.They agreed with

her.They said she should i'esign and try another career,so she took action.She looked at

advertisements in the paper and picked out three jobs

that looked interesting.She had to

write out her CV to apply for a job, and she did that on

Wednesday evening.Xiaoyan helped

her with it.She has a lot of experience of selling and

good business training but is worried



1、(C)-Flash影片帧频率最大可以设置到多少? A.99fps B.100fps


D.150fps 2、(B)-对于在网络上播放的动画,最合适的帧频率是多少? A.24fps B.12fps


D.16fps 3、(D)-在IE浏览器中,是通过哪种技术来播放Flash电影(swf格式的文件)? A.Dll B.Com



4、(B)-在FLASH时间轴上,选取连续的多帧或选取不连续的多帧时,分别需要按下什么键后,再使用鼠标进行选取: A.【SHIFT】、【ALT】



5、(A)-编辑位图图像时,修改的是: A.像素 B.曲线



6、(A)-以下各种关于图形元件的叙述,正确的是: A.图形元件可重复使用 B.图形元件不可重复使用 C.可以在图形元件中使用声音 D.可以在图形元件中使用交互式控件

7、(D)-以下关于使用元件的优点的叙述,不正确的是: A.使用元件可以使电影的编辑更加简单化 B.使用元件可以使发布文件的大小显著地缩减 C.使用元件可以使电影的播放速度加快 D.使用电影可以使动画更加的漂亮

8、(B)-以下关于逐帧动画和补间动画的说法正确的是: B.前者必须记录各帧的完整记录,而后者不用 9、(A)-计算机显示器所用的三原色指的是: A.RGB(红色、绿色、蓝色)

B.CMY(青色、洋红、黄色)C.CMYK(青色、洋红、黄色、黑)D.HSB(色泽、饱和度、亮度)10、(C)-在使用直线工具绘制直线时。若同时按住什么键,则可以画出水平方向,垂直方向,45°角和135°角等特殊角度的直线。 A.【ALT】 B.【CTRL】



11、(C)-在FLASH中,如果要对字符设置形状补间,必须按什么键将字符打散? A.【CTRL+J】 B.【CTRL+O】 C.【CTRL+B】 D.【CTRL+S】 12、(C)-FLASH现在属于哪家公司? A.MacroMedia B.Sun


D.MicroSoft 13、(D)-关于矢量图形和位图图像,下面说法正确的是: A.位图图像通过图形的轮廓及内部区域的形状和颜色信息来描述图形对象 B.矢量图形比位图图像优越


D.矢量图形具有放大仍然保持清晰的特性,但位图图像却不具备这样的特性 14、(A)-在Flash中,帧频率表示: A.每秒钟显示的帧数


B.每帧显示的秒数 D.动画的总时长

15、(B)-Flash是一款什么软件? A.文字编辑排版 C.三维动画创作

B.交互式矢量动画编辑软件 D.平面图像处理

16、(A)-Flash作品之所以在Internet上广为流传是因为采用了什么技术? A.矢量图形和流式播放


B.音乐、动画、声效、交互 D.多任务

17、(D)-下列关于矢量图的叙述不正确的是: A.矢量图是使用数学运算的方式显示各种形状对象 B.矢量图中改变对象的大小,不会影响图片质量

C.Flash动画之所以小巧玲珑与其大量使用矢量图形是分不开的 D.矢量图文件在真实感上与位图不分上下 18、(D)-下列有关位图(点阵图)的说法不正确的是


B.将位图放大后,会看到马赛克方格,边缘出现锯齿 C.位图尺寸愈大,使用的像素越多,相应的文件也愈大

D.位图的优点是放大后不失真,缺点是不容易表现图片的颜色和光线效果 19、(C)-下列关于工作区、舞台的说法不正确的是


B.影片生成发布后,观众看到的内容只局限于舞台上的内容 C.工作区和舞台上内容,影片发布后均可见 D.工作区是指舞台周围的区域



B.元件从元件库拖到工作区就成了实例,实例可以复制、缩放等各种操作 C.对实例的操作,元件库中的元件会同步变更 D.对元件的修改,舞台上的实例会同步变更。


A.FLASH中的动作只有两种类型:帧动作、对象动作 B.帧动作不能实现交互

C.帧动作面板和对象面板均由动作列表区,脚本程序区,命令参数区构成 D.帧动作可以设置在动画的任意一帧上



B.有内容的关键帧为实心圆圈,没有内容的关键帧为空心圆圈 C.普通帧在时间轴上用方块表示



24、(B)-FLASH源文件和影片文件的扩展名分别为: A.*.FLA、*.FLV C.*.FLV、*.SWF

B.*.FLA、*.SWF D.*.DOC、*.GIF 25、(D)-下面的代码中,控制当前影片剪辑元件跳转到“S1”帧标签处开始播放的代码是: A.gotoAndPlay(“S1”);



1、(AB)-在FLASH中,要绘制基本的几何形状,可以使用的绘图工具是: A.『直线』 B.『椭圆』



2、(AB)-矢量图形用来描述图像的是: A.直线 B.曲线



3、(ABCD)-除了在采样率和压缩比方面找到最佳契合点之外,以下方法也可以更有效地使用音效而使文件保持较小: A.更精确地设置声音的开始时间点和结束时间点,使无声区域不被保存。 B.尽量多地使用相同的声音文件。

C.使用循环的方法可提取声音的主要部分并重复播放。 D.设置为MP3的压缩格式。



B.通过剪切和粘贴将对象从一个地方移动到另外一个地方 C.使用方向键移动


5、(ABC)-分离操作会对被分离的对象造成以下后果: A.切断元件的实例和元件之间的关系 B.如果分离的是动画元件,则只保留当前帧 C.将位图图像转换为矢量图形对象 D.将位图图像转换为矢量图形

6、(BC)-哪些类型动画的制作只需给出动画序列中的起始帧和终结帧,中间的过渡帧可通过Flash自动生成。 A.逐帧动画 B.形状补间



7、(AC)-Flash中,帧的类型有: A.关键帧 B.空白帧


D.空白关键帧 8、(ACD)-在时间轴列表中,有许多标记图符代表着不同的意义,下列说法正确的是。










4、()-在其他工具被激活时,按CTRL键即可暂时切换到『选择工具』。 5、(错)-要选中所有连接的线条,可用『选择工具』单击线条的某一段。6、()-选中两个图形对象后,使用对齐面板中的『匹配宽度』按钮,可使两个图形对象的变得一样宽。



9、(错)-Flash中的图层可以被复制,图层中的帧也可以被复制。 10、(错)-Flash脚本代码不区分大小写。


1、动作脚本可以添加在关键帧,也可以添加在影片剪辑和按钮实例上。 2、Flash8.0使用的动作脚本的版本是ActionScript2.0。 3、Flash中三种元件分别是: 影片剪辑、图形和按钮。 4、打开〖缩放和旋转〗对话框的快捷键是: 【CTRL+ALT+S】。 5、打开对齐工具栏的方法是: 『窗口菜单』->『对齐』菜单命令。

6、保存当前文件的快捷键是: 【CTRL+S】。


3、FLASH的动作脚本主要分为两种,它们有什么区别,主要用于什么情况。 动作脚本分为:帧脚本和对象脚本











3、gotoAndPlay(),跳转到指定帧或指定的帧标签处播放。gotoAndPlay(<帧编号>), gotoAndPlay(“<帧标签>”)



5、on函数主要用于影片剪辑或按钮捕获用户事件,格式如下: on(<要捕获的事件代码>){<当事件被捕获时后要执行的代码



Ⅰ.Phonetics(10 points)


In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A, B, C and D.Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1.A.mark B.warm C.ward D.war

2.A.three B.those C.thank D.theatre

3.A.wind B.kind C.find D.mind

4.A.plant B.craft C.grasp D.at

5.A.now B.knowledge C.bow D.allow

6.A.says B.plays C.stays D.days

7.A.leave B.scream C.head D.lead

8.A.resemble B.resist C.resolve D.respect

9.A.fault B.daughter C.cause D.laugh

10.A.crew B.new C.few D.dew

Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure(40 points)


There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.11.Which is ______ country, the United States or Canada?

A.a larger B.larger C.the larger D.the largest

12.The silk feels ________.A.soft B.softly C.softness D.softy

13.Two nuclear power stations _______ in the past ten years.A.are built B.have been built C.would be built D.are building

14.They kept on ______ till they got to the foot of the hill.A.to run B.running C.runing D.run

15.There is much work to do, _______?

A.isn’t it B.is there C.isn’t there D.is it

16._______ as he is, he can’t understand the English film.A.A student of English B.Though a student of English

C.Student of English D.Being a student of English

17.The old in the country _______ taken good care of.A.have B.has C.is D.are

18.Not a single mistake _______ in the test.A.he made B.did he make C.he has made D.made he

19.______ my surprise, I got a high grade in this test.A.For B.To C.To be D.On

20.She never agree _______ you, did she?

A.to B.with C.in D.at 21.Would you mind _______ a photo of you?

A.me take B.to take C.my taking D.me to take

22.The lady treats the boy well as if he ______ her own son.A.is B.was C.were D.would be

23._______ round the city, we were impressed by the city’s new look.A.Taken B.Taking C.To be taken D.Being taken

24.He had a pain _______ his back.A.on B.with C.in D.onto

25.The city _______ I was born is on the new railway line.A.which B.that C.on which D.where

26.I had _______ that I would always remember it.A.so a good experience B.such a good experience

C.so good an experience D.such good an experience

27.______ give us help is welcome.A.Who ever B.Whoever C.No matter who D.Those who

28.After running for nearly half an hour, I was ________.A.out of place B.out of control C.out of breath D.out of practice

29.The mother told the little boy to do all the things _______.A.on himself B.on his own C.to himself D.by own

30.You had better _______ a jacket, because it is cold outside.A.take on B.to take on C.put on D.to put on

31.If you will do that, please take me into ________.A.think B.thinking C.thought D.account

32.My pen has _______ ink.A.run out of B.a few C.run away D.no little

33.There are, of course, bad teachers as well as ________.A.good one B.some good C.good ones D.those good

34.“______ haste, the less speed” is good advice he often gives us.A.More B.The more C.The morer D.Morer

35.You do look _______.You are not at all like a person who has been ill in bed for years.A.good B.well C.sad D.disappointed

36.Some people like to eat apples.But some prefer bananas _______ apples.A.to B.for C.with D.against

37.I _______ here two years ago.A.moved to B.have moved C.have moved to D.moved

38.He is _______ strong a man ________ he can lift ten stones like this one.A.such…so B.so…that C.such a …that D.so a …for

39.It _______ they who lent me the television.A.was B.is C.were D.are

40.A famous Canadian doctor expressed the value of hobbies by saying, “______ man is really happy without a hobby.”

A.Not B.Without C.No D.None 41.Television broadcasts are ________ to an area that is within sight of the sending station of its relay.A.prohibited B.bounded C.limited D.restricted

42.Many things ________ impossible in the past are common today.A.to consider B.being considered C.considering D.considered

43.My parents wanted _______ me.A.make a scientist B.to make a scientist

C.make a scientist of D.to make a scientist of

44.He has a bad habit of ________ others when they are speaking.A.involving B.investigating C.interfering D.interrupting

45.I like that new watch very much, but I can’t ________it.A.cost B.offer C.pay D.spend

46.Tom arrived at the office and discovered that he had _______ his door key.A.lent B.borrowed C.lost D.no

47.The beautiful scene left a deep _______ on the foreign visitors.A.thought B.idea C.thinking D.impression

48.The room is a little small;_______ it is so hot.A.in addition B.in addition to C.additional D.adding

49.I wish I ______ her address yesterday.A.know B.had known C.would known D.knew

50.It ______ yesterday.The ground is still wet now.A.must have rained B.was raining C.rained D.had rained

Ⅲ.Cloze(20 points)


For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Insure means to protect _51_ a loss of money.Most people can budget their money so that their income will cover expected expenses _52_ food, clothing, housing, and public services.But, there is no way to know _53_ who will suffer a crisis(危机)such as a serious illness, fire, flood, or a car accident.Such crises usually _54_ great expense.Even if people could predict crises, it would be hard to save enough money to _55_ the expenses.Insurance is a system _56_ a company collects money from many individuals and then pays certain expenses whenever one of those insured individuals is faced with a certain crisis.An insurance policy _57_ how much the insurance costs and how much the company will pay when a policy holder is faced with a certain crisis.There are many different kinds of insurance, _58_ hospital, motor-car and fire.Insurance can be rather expensive but most people buy insurance of some kind.Insurance is something _59_ people buy and hope they will _60_ need.51.A.for B.from C.against D.with

52.A.such as B.for example C.that D.the same as

53.A.predict B.ahead C.in advance D.earlier

54.A.result from B.make C.take D.result in

55.A.cover B.pay back C.fill D.make full

56.A.that B.by which C.what D.where

57.A.said B.agree C.make sure D.states

58.A.include B.including C.as well as D.also

59.A.which B.that C.as D.like

60.A.never B.ever C.sometimes D.often Ⅳ.Reading Comprehension(60 points)


There are four reading passages in this part Each passage is followed by five questions.For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D.Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage One

Researchers have found that REM(rapid eye movement)sleep is important to human beings.This type of sleep generally occurs four or five times during one night of sleep lasting five minutes to forty minutes for each occurrence.The deeper a person’s sleep becomes, the longer the periods of rapid eye movement.There are physical charges in the body to show that a person has changed from NREM(non-rapid eye movement)to REM sleep.Breathing becomes faster, the heart rate increases, and, as the name implies, the eyes begin to move quickly.Accompanying these physical changes in the body is a very important characteristic of REM sleep.It is during REM sleep that a person dreams.61.According to the passage, how often does REM sleep occur in one night?

A.Once B.Twice C.Four of five times D.Forty times

62.The word “deeper” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

A.heavier.B.louder.C.stronger.D.happier.63.Which of the following shows that a person is NOT dreaming in his sleep?

A.His eyes begin to move.B.His breathing becomes faster.C.His heart rate increases.D.His eyes stop moving.64.The subject of this passage is ________.A.why people sleep B.the human need for REM sleep

C.the characteristic of REM sleep D.physical changes in the human body

65.Which of the following is the best title of the article?

A.REM Sleep B.Two Types of Sleep C.Sleepers D.What Happens to Sleepers

Passage Two

The Mother Goose Stories, so well known to children all over the word, are commonly said to have been written by a little old woman for her grandchildren.According to some people, she lived in Boston, and her real name was Elizabeth Vergoose.Her son-in-law, a printer named Thomas Fleet, was supposed to have published the famous stories and poems for small children in 1719.However, no copy of this book has ever been found, and most scholars doubt the truth of this story—and doubt, moreover, that Mother Goose was ever a real person.They point out that the name is a direct translation of the French “Mere I’ Oye.” In 1697 the Frenchman Charles Perrault published the first book in which this name was used.The collection contains eight tales, including “Sleeping Beauty,” “Cinderella,” and “Puss in Boots.” But Perrault did not originate these stories;they were already quite popular in his day, and he only collected them.66.What is suppssed to have happened in 1719?

Elizabeth Vergoose wrote the first Mother Goose Stories.Thomas Fleet published the Mother Goose Stories.The Mother Goose Stories were translated into French.Charles Perrault published the first Mother Goose Stories.67.Most scholars consider Mother Goose to be _________.A.a real person B.a book written by a little old woman

C.a collection by Elizabeth Vergoose D.a translation from French

68.When Perrault published the first book in 1679, _______.no story of the book had been known to people

some stories of the book were already well known

few people were interested in the stories of the book

stories like “Sleeping Beauty” and “Cinderella” became popular

69.The name used in the first book published in 1679 is supposed to have been _______.A.Mother Goose B.Mere I’ Oye C.Elizabeth Vergoose D.Charles Perrault

70.On the basis of this passage, what may be concluded about the real origin of stories “Sleeping Beauty” and “Cinderella”?

They were invented by Elizabeth Vergoose.They were invented by Thomas Fleet.They were invented by Charles Perrault.Their writers are unknown.Passage Three

Banks are not ordinarily prepared to pay out all accounts;they rely on depositors(储户)not to demand payment all at the same time.If depositors should come to fear that a bank is not safe, that it cannot pay off all its depositors, then that fear might cause all the depositors to appear on the same day.If they did, the bank could not pay all accounts.However, if they did not all appear at once, then there would always be enough money to pay those who wanted their money when they wanted it.Mrs.Elsie Vaught has told us of a terrifying bank run that she experienced.One day in December of 1925 several banks failed to open in a city where Mrs.Vaught lived.The other banks expected a run the next day, and so the officers of the bank in which Mrs Vaught worked as a teller had enough money on hand to pay off their depositors.The officers simply told the tellers to pay on demand.The next morning a crowd gathered in the bank and on the sidewalk outside.The length of the line made many think that the bank could not possibly pay off everyone.People began to push and then to fight for places near the tellers’ windows, The power of the panic atmosphere was such that two tellers, though they knew that the bank was quite all right and could pay all depositors, drew their own money from the bank.Mrs Vaught says that she had difficulty keeping herself from doing the same.71.A bank run happens when _______.a bank is closed for one or more days

too many depositors try to draw out their money at one time

there is not enough money to pay all its depositors at one time

tellers of a bank take their own money from the bank

72.The tellers in Mrs.Vaught’s bank were told to ________.explain why they could not pay out all accounts

pay out accounts as requested

make the depositors believe that the bank was stand

pay out money as slowly as possible

73.The main cause of a bank run is _______.A.loss of confidence B.lack of money

C.crowds of people D.inexperienced tellers

74.Which of the following did Mrs.Vaught say?

She know that the bank was not sound.She feared that too many depositors drawing their money would close the bank.She was not able to draw out her money.She was tempted to draw out her money.75.According to the passage, the actions of the depositors of Mrs.Vaught’s bank were affected mainly by the _______.ease with which they could get their money

confidence that Mrs.Vaught showed

failure of several other banks to open

confidence shown by other depositors of the bank

Passage Four

One of the greatest problems for those settlers in Nebraska in the last quarter of the previous century was fuel.Little of the state was forested when the first settlers arrived and it is probable that by 1880, only about one-third of the originally forested area remained, down to a mere 1 percent of the state’s 77,000 square miles.With wood and coal out of the question, and with fuel needed year-round for cooking, and during the harsh winter months for heating, some solution had to be found.Somewhat improbably, the buffalo provided the answer.Buffalo chips(干粪块)were found to burn evenly, hotly, and cleanly, with little smoke and interestingly, no odor, Soon, collecting them became a way of life for the settlers’ children who would pick them up on their way to and from school, or take part in competitions designed to counteract their natural reluctance.Even a young man, seeking to impress the girl he wanted to marry, would arrive with a large bag of chips rather than with a box of candy or a bunch of flowers.76.What is the main topic of this passage?

The solution to the Nebraska settlers’ fuel problem.Life in Nebraska in the late ninteenth century.The imporance of the American buffalo.Deforestation in Nebraska in the late nineteenth century.77.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

Nebraska was not a densely-forested state even before the settlers arrived.The children enjoyed collecting the buffalo chips.The children spent a lot of time collecting the chips.Buffalo chips were satisfactory as a fuel.78.The passage implies that buffalo chips were needed _______.A.in greater amounts in summer B.in greater amounts in winter

C.only in summer D.only in winter

79.Which of the following does the author not express surprise at?

The children needed competitions to them.The buffalo chips gave off no smell.Buffalo chips were the answer to the settlers’ fuel problem.Young men took bags of buffalo chips to their girl friends.80.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Early Settlers B.One Use of the Buffalo Chips

C.Nebraska’s Problems D.How Young Men Express Their Love for Girls

Ⅴ.Writing(20 points)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 20 minutes to write a letter of about 80 words according to the following situation.你叫李平,是英语系学生会主席。写一封信给王教授,请他做一个有关中国历史的报告。注意信中要包括目的、时间、日期和地点。参考答案


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C

8.D 9.D 10.A

Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure

11.C 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.D

18.B 19.B 20.B 21.C 22.C 23.A 24.C

25.D 26.B 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.C 31.D

32.A 33.C 34.B 35.B 36.A 37.D 38.B

39.A 40.C 41.C 42.D 43.D 44.D 45.B

46.C 47.D 48.A 49.B 50.A


51.C 52.A 53.D 54.C 55.A 56.B 57.D

58.B 59.B 60.D

Ⅳ.Reading Comprehension

61.C 62.A 63.C 64.D 65.A 66.B 67.D

68.B 69.B 70.D 71.B 72.B 73.B 74.D

75.C 76.A 77.B 78.B 79.A 80.B


May 19,2002

Dear Professor Wang:

On behalf of the Student Union of the English Department, I am writing to invite you to give a lecture on Chinese history.We have planned to have such a lecture at 2:30 p• m.in Lecture Hall 419, on May 25.Looking forward to your lecture.Inform us in advance if you can not come.Sincerely yours,Li Ping

转自学易网 www.xiexiebang.com 转自学易网 www.xiexiebang.com



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