工程管理英语小论文 (原创+老外教授批改优秀)

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第一篇:工程管理英语小论文 (原创+老外教授批改优秀)

Table of Contents 1.Introduction.......................................................................................................1 2.Methodology.....................................................................................................2 3.Literature Review and Critical Analysis...........................................................4

3.1.The Development of Leadership Style..................................................4 3.2.Project Success Factors..........................................................................8 3.3.Link of Leadership Style and Project Success.......................................9 4.Discussion.......................................................................................................11 5.Conclusion......................................................................................................12 6.Reference........................................................................................................14

1.Introduction Up to now, there are many theories of leadership style are available, like emotional intelligence, contingency, competency and so on.All of them claim that appropriate leadership style can benefit project success.This study aims to find the hidden correlation between leadership style and project success.Three aspects of literatures were reviewed including leadership style, project success factors and the match of leadership type and project type.From the literature review, it was interesting to find that leadership was rarely considered by the critical success factors of the project.Turner and Muller(2005)contemplated that probably the project manager’s neglect themselves or leadership is not covered in research.However, other reviews show that the effect of manager is critical to the project.By studying the mold built by Yang(2011), it is learnt that leadership influence the project success through teamwork.While some of the fifteen leadership competencies(Dulewicz and Higgs, 2003)are directly related to project success factors.So it is concluded that, in a certain project type, appropriate leadership can improve project success in two ways, both teamwork and direct impact.A simple system dynamic model was designed to show the relationships within project management.However, there were no researches done to prove this conclusion.Further study is needed.2.Methodology The aim of the study is to find thatwhether the project success is influenced by leadership style.To realize it, three objectives were set:  To review literature of leadership style  To review literature related to project success factors and the their link with leadership style  To review literature about how leadership style influence project success. To find the correlation between leadership style and project success based literature review.The main search techniques are Google scholar and Web of Science.The cross search facility provided by McClay Library was tried as well.Key words, project manager, leadership style, project success, competency school etc., or their combinations were applied to search useful literature.Firstly, the literature review of this topic written by Turner and Muller(2008)was read to learn the background information and find related articles in the reference in this paper.Secondly, articles related to leadership style were found are reviewed.The leadership as the core of the review, deep review was required, so very specific articles where there was only one leadership system were studied.The gathered valuable information was compared and tabulated.The same degree of review was also applied to relation part.While for success factors, only general knowledge was extracted from literatures.After finishing the review, the information was analyzed to work out the link

between leadership skills and good performance of skills.The sources of literature are listed in Table 1.Table 1 Summary of literatures Source International Journal of Project Management Project Management Journal Journal of Organizational Change Management Book

Number 4 3 1 10

3.Literature Review and Critical Analysis In this part, literature related to leadership style, project success and relationship between them are reviewed.And based on the review, analysis of the literature was made where it is valuable.Finally, personal view points were concluded from the literature review and analysis.3.1.The Development of Leadership Style In the past years, leadership has been explained in various ways, while the core concepts of all the definitions concerning the communication between project leaders and their subordinates(DuBrin 2004;Koontz and Weihrich, 1990).And leadership style is the term describing how the leader manages the project.By now, Turner and Muller(2005)summarized six groups of leadership theories, which have been tabulated in Table 2 as well as their corresponding relationship with project type.Before 1940s, people considered that leadership was owned by some certain people who were born to be leaders.This attitude was changed by the behavioral or styles theory.This theory identified six parameters to assess the leadership including(Turner and Muller 2005): concern on people, production, authority, participation of the decision-making for the team, decision-taking and the flexibility against rules.The leadership of this theory listed in Table 2 is identified based on the last three parameters(Turner 1999).The following theory, contingency, its most significant contribution is the inception of concern for different circumstances, indicating the correlation of project type and

Table 2 Summary of the development of leadership Theory Trait Time 1930s-1940s

Main Idea

Outstanding leaders are born with same traits.Leadership Style Not defined Laissez-fair Democratic Autocratic Bureaucratic Directive Supportive Participative Achievement-oriented Transational Transformational Laissez-faire Visionary Coaching Affiliative Democratic Pacesetting Commanding Engaging Involving Coal-oriented

Relationship with project type

Not defined Behavioral or styles 1940s – 1960s The leadership skills can be learned Not defined Contingency 1960s

The effectiveness of certain leadership varies in

different situations

The leadership should be selected according to environmental and subordinate factors.Different leadership styles have different impact on followers in terms of responsibility, momentum,and stress The first four types are suitable for certain project type, while the last two are

toxic.Different leadership can improve the performance of project if the appropriate styles have been selected.Visionary or Charismatic 1980s – 1990s

The leadership styles are defined according the

concern of process and relationships.Emotional Intelligence Late 1990s

Leader’s emotional intelligence can influence the performance of subordinates more than intellect.Competency 2000s

This is the combination of all the theories, including traits, personal characteristics and

essential skills as a leader.leadershipskill had been under consideration.One theory of contingency school, the path-goal theory(House 1971)even had introduced the environmental and subordinate factors to help select appropriate leadership styles.The visionary or charismatic school was concluded by studying leaders who successfully managed their companies through change.It can be found in Table 2 three leaderships have been identified.The transactional style manages a simple exchange of good performance of followers for the rewards from the leader(Wang et al., 2005).While when the project is out of plan, actions will be taken by the leader.Different from transactional style, the transformational leaders prefer to make use of his charisma to influence their subordinates.The latest theories are the emotional intelligence school and competence school.For emotional intelligence, this theorydistinguishesleaders by how they apply their emotional skills, rather than intellect, to deal with situations.Nineteen related components are identified and categorized into four factors(Goleman et al., 2002): 1.Personal competencies  Self-awareness  Self-management 2.Social competencies  Social awareness  Relationship management The six leadership styles identified are listed in Table 2 alongside their relationship with project type.The last two types are considered as toxic because

they have dissonance effect on followers(Goleman et al., 2002).The competency school absorbs all characteristics of former theories with a group of fifteen leadership competences(Table 2).This large group of competencies can be concluded into three main groups: Emotional competencies;Managerial competencies;Intellectual competencies.With various combinations of competencies, different leadership styles can be achieved to meet the requirement of certain types of project.Since the competencies listed here are available to be learned, so the competency school also prove the accuracy of behavioral or style school theory.Although, through competencies theory, leadership styles such as transactional and transformational can be made, three types of original leadership stylesare proposed by Dulewicz and Higgs(2003), which is known as Goal Oriented, Involving and Engaging.Their correlation with every competency is shown in Table 3.Table 3 Fifteen Leadership competencies in three groups Emotional Competencies Motivation Conscientiousness Sensitivity Influence Self-awareness Emotional Resilience Intuitiveness Source: Dulewicz and Higgs(2003)

Managerial Competencies Managing Resources Engaging communication Developing Empowering Achieving

Intellectual Competencies Strategic perspective Vision and imagination

Critical analysis and judgment

Table 3 clearlyillustrates the development of leadership style from the identification of how leadership skills are obtained to the superior competency theory and also compares the link between leadership style and project type at different stages.3.2.Project Success Factors To find the relationships, how to make a project successful is reviewed.Morris and Pinto(2007)defined successful project as below: “If the project meets the technical performance specifications and/or mission to be performed and if there is a high level of satisfaction concerning the project outcome among key people in the parent organization, key people on the project team and key users or clientele of the project effort.”

It is prevalent to apply critical success factors to assess the success of project.The 10 factors(Baker et al., 1988)listed in Table 4, are the most acceptable design.Table 4 Project success factor Project Mission Schedule And Plans Personnel Client Acceptance Communication

Top Management Support Client Consultation Technical Tasks

Monitoring And Feedback


However, the leadership is not clearly mentioned here.It is not a coincidence.In the history of success factors, manger’s leadership is present rarely.Andersen et al.(1987)proposed a list including project pitfalls, various cautions for project managers, within which leadership is mentioned only one time in the suggestion managerial competence is the standard for project manager selection.The second presence of leadership is in a list of failure factors made by Morris(1988).In the context of life cycle, he claimed that poor leadership is a failure factor during inception, construction and close-out except execution.Despite that some researchers reported that there is a close link between manager’s skill and the success of project, but they never treated manager as the critical factor(Lee-Kolley and Loong, 2003).One strategy designed by Turner(1999)for

improving the implantation of projects identifies a “seven forces” concept, one force of which is people.The people concept here is explained as the human and many other related things, such as leadership.However, it is still not obvious.3.3.Link of Leadership Style and Project Success From the review of project success, it is surprising that the leadership style is not one of the critical success factors, To explain this, Tunrner and Muller(2005)claimed it may be the project managers asked in the studies of ignore the effect of themselves or the impact of the project leader is not measured in these studies.However, it is concluded by various articles that the selection of leadership influences the performance of project(Crawford et al., 2005;Dulewicz and Higgs, 2003).What is more, In Table 5, some research work examining the relationship has been summarized, which obviously implies that there are some certain relationships between leadership and project success.Especially the third study providing that some of the success factors are related to leaderships.Table 5 Studies on the relationship between leadership style and project success Research work Yang et al(2011)

Leadership style Transactional Transformational



leadership is suitable for project manager.Appropriate leadership can improve project performance Identification

competencies related in the context of project manager.Methodology

Online questionnaire and quantitative analysis Interview, questionnaire and data analysis Leadership Dimensions Questionnaire Muller and Turner Goal-oriented(2007)Involving Engaging Geoghegan and Goal-oriented Dulewicz(2008)Involving Engaging

To find the mechanism how project success is influenced by leadership style, the nature of leadership is reviewed.Then it is found that leadership is mainly two main concepts, the communication with followers and the direct management of

project.So a reasonable cause for the disappearance of leadership in the list of critical success factors is that the project performance is influenced more by teamwork than direct management.The leadership likely impacts project through teamwork.Shamir et al(2000)reported that a good leadership can improve the teamwork.This view is supported by other authors who consider appropriate leadership is a positive factor of teamwork related to communication, collaboration and cohesiveness(Bass, 1990;Yammarino et al., 1998).In Yang’s study, a research model(Fig.1)was built to demonstrate the relationship among leadership, teamwork, project success, project type.Fig.1.Research Model

When the research is conducted, different combinations of project type and leadership style are studied.The performance of teamwork and project results is correlated to these combinations, which reflect the impact from leadership.As expected, his results indicate that teamwork can be improved by appropriate leadership style in a certain circumstance, namely the project type.Further, the performance of project can benefit from the improved teamwork.Now the hidden relationship has been emerged.A similar model was produced by Muller and Turner(2007).In his research, the leadership style is regarded as independent variables.Project success is the dependent variables and project type is

conceptualized as moderating variables.But in his model, teamwork is not considered.Hence, this model is not able to reflect the relationship totally.Geoghegan and Dulewicz(2008)reproduce the category of competencies into two large groups, usability(make project go smooth)and project delivery.Furthermore, the original 15 factors are reduced to 10 most significant competencies, which are listed in Table 6.This table provides an idea of the direct relationship between leadership and project success.Table 6 New competencies

Usability Project delivery Managing resources Managing resources Empowering Self-awareness Empowering

Developing Motivation

Critical analysis Influencing Sensitivity

4.Discussion Although project is not a critical factor for project success, the description and analysis above effectively prove that leadership style do influence the project performance.Most critical success factors are influenced or even controlled by project manager, such as project mission, personnel, communication with team members etc.Both the two models described above are not perfect.Since impact from leadership is exerted on teamwork and project success at the same time.From Table 6, it can be observed that some competencies are related to success factors directly, such as the competency of critical analysis to the factor oftroubleshooting.So the direct impact from leadership cannot be neglected.Based on these two models and information gathered from literature review, a system

dynamic model was built by the author to illustrate the relationship between leadership style and project success.Fig.2.Simple system dynamic model of project management

This model clearly demonstrates the relationships within a simple project system.An unfamiliar project type is negative to the teamwork.Then this effect can reduce teamwork’s positive contribution to achieving success.The project type also can negatively affect project success directly.However, if an appropriate leadership style is selected, the negative effect from the project type will be weakened by





corresponding competencies.With such a model, it is then possible to study both the direct and indirect degree of impact from leadership.The results of the comparison of these two impacts can offer an idea for the design of new critical project success factors.5.Conclusion The literature review of three aspects knowledge reflects that leadership is critical to project success.Although leadership or manager is rarely included in the project success factors, it influences the performance of project through variouspatterns, like the collaboration of teamwork, management of source, communication with both followers and clients.Generally, these patterns can be grouped into two ways:

direct way and indirect way.According to the mechanism in Fig.2., the two ways are described as below: 1.Direct: Appropriate leadership can benefit project success with corresponding competencies.2.Indirect: Appropriate leadership improves teamwork, which can help achieve successful project.The two patterns namely are the links of leadership style and project success.In addition, the project type need special care, the positive influence from leadership to project success depends on whether appropriate leadership style has been selected according to project type.Further studies are required to prove the view point.6.Reference Andersen, E.S., Grude, K.V., Haug, T., & Turner, J.R.(1987).Goal directed project management, London: Kogan Page/Coopers & Lybrand.Baker, B.N., Murphey, P.C., & Fisher, D.(1988).Factors affecting project success.In D.I.Cleland & W.R.King(Eds.), Project Management Handbook(2nd ed.).New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.Bass, B.M., Avolio, B.J., 1990.Transformational Leadership Development: Manual for the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire.Consulting Psycholo-gists Press, California.Crawford, L.H., Hobbs, J.B., Turner, J.B.(2005).Project categorization system: aligning capability with strategy for better results.Upper Darby(PA): Project Management Insitute.Dionne, S.D., Yammarino, F.J., Atwater, L.E., 2004.Transformational leadership and team performance.Journal of Organizational Change Management 17(2), 177–193.DuBrin, A.J., 2004.Leadership Research Findings, Practice, and Skills, 4th ed.Houghlon Mifflin Company, Indianaphlis.Dulewicz, V., & Higgs, M.J.(2003).Design of a new instrument to assess leadership dimensions and styles.Henley Working Paper Series HWP 0311.Henley-on-Thames, UK: Henley Management College.Geoghegan, L., &Dulewicz, V.(2008).Do project managers' leadership competencies contribute to project success Project management journal,39(4), 58–67.Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R.E., McKee, A.(2002)The new leaders.Harvard Business School Press.Cambridge(MA).House, R.J.(1971).A path-goal theory of leader effec-tiveness.Administrative Science Quarterly, September, 321-338.Morris, P.W.G.(1988).Managing project interfaces.In D.I.Cleland, & W.R.King(Eds.), Project Management Handbook(2nd ed.).New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.Muller, R., & Turner, J.(2007).Matching the project manager’s leadership style to project type.International Journal of Project Management, 25(1), 21–32.Peter Morris, Jeffrey K.Pinto., 2007.The Wiley Guide to Project, Program, and Portfolio Managemen.Wiley and Sons, New Jersey.Shamir, B., Brainin, E., Zakay, E., Popper, M., 2000.Perceived combat readiness as collective efficacy: individual-and group-level analysis.Military Psychology 12(2), 105–119.Turner, J.R.(1999).The handbook of project-based man-agement: Improving the processes for achieving strategic objec-tives.London: McGraw-Hill.Turner, J.(2005).The project manager's leadership style as a success factor on projects: A literature review.Project management journal.Wang, E., Chou, H.W., Jiang, J.,(2005).The impacts of charismatic leadership style on team cohesiveness and overall performance during ERP implementation.International Journal of Project Management 23(3),173–180.Yang, L.-R., Huang, C.-F., & Wu, K.-S.(2011).The association among project manager's leadership style, teamwork and project success.IPMA, 29(3), 258–267.


姓名:余娇文 学号:2011111400 班级:旅游管理本科111班



关键词:工程管理 酒店经营管理 酒店服务
















[1]杜学,李琦.酒店工程管理[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2004.[2]旅游饭店星级的划分与评定[M].中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 14308-2010.[3] 黄崎.现代酒店工程原理与实务[M].中国旅游出版社,2012.[4] 刘永棣.酒店工程管理[M].北京:中国旅游出版社,2001.



生活在国外,你是不是常常不知道怎么和别人寒暄?除了How are you,你还会别的吗?别人在跟你打招呼之后,除了Fine, thank you, and you,你还会别的吗?下面给大家详细列举了几乎所有常见的打招呼的方式,跟老外聊天不再尴尬!

寒暄方式1:How are you? 如何回应:

Very well, thanks.(这才是最正确的回答,如果别人用how..发问,正确的语法应该是用副词来回应的。不过大家渐渐不太重视这个问题,就延伸出许多其他的回答。还可以说一句And you?)

Fine.(如果你只想简单回应,不想继续聊天)Not bad.(比Fine更友好一点的回应,如果想同样问候别人,可以加一句How about yourself?)

Fine, thanks.(比较正式的回应,一般是对不太熟悉的人说的)Pretty good.(这就是随便的一种回答)

Great!How are you doing?(这就是很明显的想要将谈话继续下去的一种回答方式。)

I'm hanging in there.(意思是说你今天过得很不好,或者你还可以说A tough day!)

I've been better.(一个负面的回答常常表示你想继续话题,并告诉别人你的sad story。)寒暄方式2…How's it going? 如何回应:

你也可以用How are you的那些回答来回应这个问题。另外一些回答方式:

It's going well.(友好、有礼貌的回复)

寒暄方式3 …What's up?/ What's happening?(Informal)如何回应:

这个问题其实就是在问 “What's going on?/What's happening in your life?” 如果你不想跟对方深入聊下去,可以简单回复。

What's up(What's up其实是不用回答的,有时候人们就同样一句what's up来回应)Nothing.(一种比较没礼貌的说法,但可以在你生气的时候使用)

Not a lot.(常见回复)

Nothing much.(最常见的回复)

Oh, just the usual.(如果没什么特别的事情发生,这么说也不错。)

Just the same old same old.(通过这个表达你觉得每天生活挺无聊的。)

Oh gosh, all kinds of stuff!(如果你的生活很忙很充实,每天都过得很新鲜,可以这样回答。)Been busy.Can't complain.(相当于not bad)

一些其他的问候语: How’s everything? What's going on? How've you been? What have you been up to? How are things? What's new? Good to see you!这些问候语的回复与How are you, What’s up都相似。

英语口语妙句 当别人在你旁边罗嗦个没完,你烦透了,说“you are so boring”.(你真烦!)。“shut up!”(闭嘴!)自然没错,可人家受得了吗?不如来一句“oh, come on.give me a break!”(帮帮忙,让我歇歇吧!)这多地道、多幽默。要想说人“气色好”。“you look fine!”当然不错,可如果你说“you're in the pink!”就妙得多了,实际上,在英语口语中,表示颜色的词用起来非常形象生动。“他精力充沛”美国人说:“he is bouncy.”而不说“he is energetic ”,牢记一些日常对话中的活句式是你一把必备的钥匙。

如:久仰,“I get mind of you ”比“I heard a lot about you”轻松得多。

代问他人好当然能用“please remember me to your sister.” 或“please give my best wishes to your father ”不过,若是很好的朋友,何不说,“please give my love to Jim.”

在中国可不能随便说“我想你”,然而,当和西方人分手时说“I will miss you ”要比说“good-bye”或“see you soon”有趣得多,不妨一试。

有人开会迟到了,你若对他说 “you are late.”,听起来象是废话,若说“did you get lost ?”,则更能让他歉然。

别人征求你的意见,问能否开窗户等,你要说“you can do that.”就有点土了,用一句“do you have the time? ”实际上,问他人的姓名,地址都可以这么用:“may I have you name?”要比“what's your name ? ”礼貌得多,不过警察例外。

别人问你不愿公开的问题,切勿用“it's my secret ,don't ask such a personal question.”回答,一来显得你没有个性,二来也让对方尴尬。你可以说“I would rather not say.”(还是别说了吧!)。

有时候,你想说什么,可说是想不起来,你可以说“well …” “let me see” “just a moment” 或 “it's on the tip of my tongue.”等,相比之下,最后一个句型是最地道的。

交谈时,你可能会转换话题,不要只说“by the way ”,实际上,“to change the subject” “before I forget” “while I remember” “mind you ”都是既地道有受欢迎的表达。

遇到你不懂的问题时可别不懂装懂,“I know”可能是中国人用得最多,而美国人最不能接受的一句话。当一美国教师向你解释某个问题时,你如果连说两遍“I know”,我敢保证,他不会再跟你说什么了。用“I got it ”就顺耳得多,要是不懂就说“I'm not clear about it.”不过如果你会说“It's past my understanding”或“it's beyond me.”你的教师定会惊讶不已的。










































【摘 要】跟着水管体系体例改革的全面完成,事、企治理体系体例的彻底分开,本文就经济发展在单位经济治理中的作用,笔者予以浅析。





















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