U1The Bazaar
1)The one I am thinking....losing itself in the shadowy distance.(此时此刻显现在我脑海中的这个中东集市,其入口处是一座古老的砖石结构的哥特式拱门。你首先要穿过一个赤日耀眼、灼热逼人的大型露天广场,然后走进一个凉爽、幽暗的洞穴。这市场一直向前延伸,一眼望不到尽头,消失在远处的阴影里。)
2>The machine is operated by one man.....and theoccasional grunts and sighs of the camels(这套装臵是由一个人操作的。他先将亚麻籽浆铲入一只大石缸里,继而动作利索地爬上令人头晕目眩的高处系牢缆索,然后全身使劲压在一根用树干做成的粗大的横梁上,带动缆索的滑轮装臵运转。古木大梁压得嘎吱作响,缆索开始绷紧,接着便见一滴滴的油沿着一条石槽流入一只废旧汽油桶里。随着大梁越压越低,缆索越绷越紧,大梁的嘎吱声,石磙的辘辘声,以及骆驼不时发出的咕噜咕噜的呼吸声和叹息声响成一片,榨出的油也很快地由涓滴细流变成了一股晶莹发亮、奔腾不止的洪流。)
1)And secondly,.....Was I not at the scene of the crime?(其次,则是因为我当时心情沉重,喉咙哽噎,忧思万缕,几乎顾不上去管那日本铁路官员说些什么。踏上这块土地,呼吸着广岛的空气,对我来说这行动本身已是一套令人激动的经历,其意义远远超过我以往所进行的任何一次旅行或采访活动。难道我不就是在犯罪现场吗?)
2)Quite unexpectedly,.....had lingered on to die in slow agony.(出人意料的是,刚到广岛车站时袭扰着我的那种异样的忧伤情绪竟在这时重新袭上心头,我的心情又难受起来,因为我又一次意识到自己臵身于曾遭受第一颗原子弹轰击的现场。这儿曾有成千上万的生命顷刻之间即遭毁灭,还有成千上万的人在痛苦的煎熬中慢慢死去。)
3)There are two different schools of thought...at the point of impact(在这个以牡蛎闻名的城市里有两种截然不同的意见,一种主张保存原子弹爆炸留下的痕迹,另一种则主张销毁一切痕迹,甚至要拆除立于爆炸中心的纪念碑。)
5)Each day that I escape death......I have the opportunity to improve my character每当我从死神那儿挣脱出来的那一天,每当病痛将我从尘世烦恼中解放出来的那一天,我都要叠一只新的小纸鸟,加到原有的纸鸟群里去。我就这样看着这些纸鸟,庆幸病痛给自己带来的好运。因为正是我的病痛使我有了怡养性情的机会。
U3Ships in the Desert
1)But the most significant change.....the global atmosphere is still picking up speed迄今为止,地球大气层最重要的变化始于上世纪初的工业命,变化速度自那以后逐渐加快。工业意味着先是煤、后是石油消耗。我们燃烧了大量的煤和石油——导致大气层二氧化碳含的增加,这就使更多的热量得以留存在大气层中,从而使地球的候逐渐变暖。离南极极点不到一百码远,在雪上飞机降落的冰铺道上风处,科学家们一日数次地测量大气,以便绘制图表记录下无情的变化。雪上飞机在冰铺跑道上降落后,引擎仍得保持运聋以防金属部件冻住而无法发动。在我访问期间,我观看了一位科家绘出那天的测量结果,把图表上一条斜度很大的上升的线再上推进。他告诉我——在这地球的尽头——很容易看清全球大层的巨大变化的速度仍在加快。
2)However, a new class of environmental......a new threat to their survival然而,新的一类环境问题确实影响全球生态系统,而这些威胁基本上是战略性的。过去四十年中大气层氯的含量增加了百分之六百,这不仅发生在那些生产与此直接相关的氟里昂的国家,而且发生在所有国家的上空,还同样发生在南极上空、北极上空和太平洋上空——从地球表面一直到天空深处。氯含量的增加破坏了地球调节太阳通过大气层射到地面的紫外线辐射量的全球程序。如果我们让氯含量继续增加,那么紫外线辐射量也将增加——终有一天会威胁到所有的动植物的生存。
3)The strategic nature of the threat now.....involve new ways of thinking about the relationship it self当前人类文明对全球环境的威胁的战略实质以及全球环境的变化对人类文明的威胁的战略实质向我们提出了一系列相似的挑战,同时也使我们产生了一些自欺欺人的期望。有的人认为,有了某种崭新的终极技术——不管是核能还是基因工程——就可以解决这个问题。还有的人则认为,只有大大减少我们对技术的依赖才能改善人类的生存环境——这种看法充其量是一种简单化的看法。真正的解决办法要从重新设计以及最终弥合文明与地球间的关系中去寻找。要完成这一点,只有通过重新仔细估量导致这种关系在较近时期内发生的剧烈变化的所有各种因素才行。改变我们与地球的关系的途径当然会涉及到新技术的发明和应用,但关键的变化将与对这种关系本身的新的思路有关。U4Everyday Use
1)In real life I am a large.......keep up with my quick witty tongue在现实生活中,我是一个身材粗壮、大骨架的妇女,粗糙的双手就好比干男人活的。冬天睡觉时,我套着绒布睡衣,;白天干活时便穿着一件罩衫。我能像男人一样毫不心慈手软地宰杀一头猪,并把它收拾干净。我身上的脂肪使我在严冬也不会觉得寒冷。我能一整天都呆在户外干活,敲碎冰块,然后打水洗衣服。从刚宰杀的猪身上取下来还冒着热气的猪肝,在明火上烤几分钟我就吃。有一年冬天,我拿一把铁锤击倒了一头公牛犊,锤子恰好砸在它两眼之间的大脑上。天黑之前,我就已经把牛肉挂起来晾着了。但是,这一切当然都不会出现在电视上。(电视上的)我是我女儿希望的那副模样;体重掉了100磅,皮肤像入锅前的大麦饼那样光滑柔嫩,头发在耀眼的灯下闪着光泽。不仅如此,我还,妙语连珠,就连卡森也望尘莫及.2)But that is mistake.....Hesitation was no part of her nature可惜,这一切都不过是白日梦,我还没清醒之前就已经意识到了。谁认识一个叫约翰逊的伶牙俐齿的家伙?谁能想象我竟然敢直视一个陌生的白人?和他们讲话时,我似乎总是有种紧张不安,随时准备溜走,头也总是扭到一边,眼睛尽可能不看他们。不过,伊迪可不这样。对任何人都无所畏惧。犹豫不决可不是她的个性。
3)I used to think she hated Maggie,....we seemed about to understand过去,我一直以为,她也很讨厌麦琪。但那是在我和教堂筹钱送她到奥古斯塔上学之前的事啦。那时,她会经常给我们读点东西,可是她丝毫没有同情心,常用这种方式把别人的文字.谎话,习惯以及生活方式强加于我俩的身上。我和麦琪别无选择,只能坐在那,表现的无所知的样子,任由她的声音凌驾于我们之上。伊迪向我们灌输了一大堆编造出来的东西和一些我们无需掌握的知识。她一脸严肃,强迫我们听她读书,等我们刚有点似懂非懂的时候,她却把我们晾在一边。简直把我俩看成了傻瓜一样。
4)I never had an education myself.....unless you try to milk them the wrong way我没有受过教育。我念完小学二年级时,学校就被关闭了。不要问我原因:1927年时的有色人种提问题可不像现在这么多。麦琪有时也给我读点东西。虽然她看不太清,但性情温和的她仍然结结巴巴地读着。她明白自己并不聪明。正如美貌与金钱一样,(上帝也没有)给她机敏。她即将嫁给约翰,托马斯(他拥有一张诚实的面孔和长了一口苔藓的牙齿)。麦琪嫁给他之后,我就没事可做了,我也许会坐在 家里随口哼上几句赞美诗,尽管我唱的不好,还总是跑调。我倒是更在行干男人的活。过去我一直喜欢挤牛奶,直到1949年时我的肋骨被牛角给顶伤了,就再也不怎么喜欢挤奶了。其实,母牛生性安静,动作迟缓,除非你挤奶时,动作不对,否则她是不会伤人的。
U5speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R
3)He wishes to destroy theRussian.....suffer the penalty of his crimes.他之所以想摧毁俄国,乃是因为他期望着一旦这一行动顺利得手,他便可以将其陆、空军主力从东线调回,投入对英伦三岛的进攻。他清楚地知道,他必须征服英国,否则,他将因其犯下的种种罪行而受到惩罚。
4)He hopes that he may once again repeat......of the Western Hemisphere to his will and to his system.毫无疑问,他期望这一切能在冬季到来之前全部完成,期望在美国的海空军来不及插手干预之前即能征服大不列颠。他期望能以空前的规模再度重演他长期以来赖以发迹的将敌手各个击破的故伎,然后便可以腾出场地来演出最后的一幕——将整个西半球臵于他的控制和统治之下。他知道,如果做不到这一点,他的全部战果都将化为泡影。
1)I’ll tell you,....They think they got their little secret tucked away,and so they have---except like now“告诉你吧,公爵——我在这个城市和这个旅馆呆的时间都很久了。到处都有我的朋友。我时常为他们帮忙,他们也同样帮我的忙,比如说告诉我哪儿发生了些什么事儿,住在这个旅馆的人们做了些什么事情,凡是有点儿出格的,那就很少能瞒得过我。他们多半都不知道我会知道,而且也不认识我。他们以为自己的那些小秘密被隐瞒住了——也的确有瞒住的时候——可是这一回却瞒不住了。”
2)Well now,there’s no call for being hasty.......No,sir, you wouldn’t like it at all“依我说呢,这事也不用着急。”他那刺耳的尖嗓音此时带着一种沉思的声调。“事已至此,急也无益,再急也不能让那小孩和她的母亲复生。况且,到了警察局.他们用来处臵你的办法,公爵,你是不会喜欢的。真的,阁下,你绝不会喜欢的。”
3)The Duchess of Croydon kept firm,tight.....A thought occurred to her.克罗伊敦公爵夫人极力控制自己那如脱缰野马般的思绪。她知道保持自己头脑的冷静和理智是至关重要的。方才那最后几分钟的谈话似乎变得非常随便,仿佛他们所讨论的只是一些无关紧要的家常琐事,而不是人命关天的大事。她有意要使谈话照这样进行。她意识到,唱主角的责任又一次地落到了自己的肩上。此时此刻,在她与这个存心恶毒的肥佬之间的激烈交锋中,她的丈夫只当了一名紧张而被动的旁观者。没关系,既然躲不过,就只好去面对它了。要紧的是对各种可能发生的意外变故预作考虑。她突然想出了一个主意。
U9Mark Twain
2)Tom’s mischievous daring,ingenuity.....as is the Declaration of Independence.这部描写汤姆的顽皮、勇敢、机智以及他对贝琪?莎切尔的天真纯洁的感情的故事几乎像《独立宣言》一样成了今天美国学校里的必读书本。
3)Mark Twain suggested that....on the shelf occationally and renew our edges马克?吐温认为,美国人的理想中缺少了一种成分。他说:“我们只消偶尔地躺下来好好放松休息一下,保持锋棱利角,我们将有可能成为一个多么朝气蓬勃的民族,一个多么富有思想的民族啊!”4)在《神秘的陌生人》中,他指出人类应该抛弃宗教幻想,依靠自己而不是上帝的力量去创造一个更加美好的世界。
5)They vanish from a world where they ere of.....and forget them forever.他们从世界上消失了,在这个世界上他们无足轻重,无所成就;甚至他们的存在本身就是个错误,是个失败,是种愚蠢。这个世界上也没有留下丝毫能表明他们存在过的痕迹。这个世界赠给他们的只是一日的哀伤和永久的遗忘。”
1、And secondly, because I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind that had little to do with anything a Nippon railways official might say.其次,则是因为我当时心情沉重,喉咙哽噎,忧思万缕,几乎顾不上去管那日本铁路官员说些什么。
2、The very act of stepping on this soil, in breathing this air of Hiroshima, was for me a far greater adventure than any trip or any reportorial assignment I'd previously taken.Was I not at the scene of the crime? 踏上这块土地,呼吸着广岛的空气,对我来说这行动本身已是一套令人激动的经历,其意义远远超过我以往所进行的任何一次旅行或采访活动。难道我不就是在犯罪现场吗?
3、The tall buildings of the martyred city flashed by as we lurched from side to side in response to the driver's sharp twists of the wheel.出租车穿过广岛市区狭窄的街巷全速奔驰,我们的身子随着司机手中方向盘的一次次急转而前俯后仰,东倒西歪。与此同时,这座曾惨遭劫难的城市的高楼大厦则一座座地从我们身边飞掠而过。
4、Quite unexpectedly, the strange emotion which had overwhelmed me at the station returned, and I was again crushed by the thought that I now stood on the site of the first atomic bombardment, where thousands upon thousands of people had been slainin one second, where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die in slow agony.出人意料的是,刚到广岛车站时袭扰着我的那种异样的忧伤情绪竟在这时重新袭上心头,我的心情又难受起来,因为我又一次意识到自己置身于曾遭受第一颗原子弹轰击的现场。这儿曾有成千上万的生命顷刻之间即遭毁灭,还有成千上万的人在痛苦的煎熬中慢慢死去。
5、Seldom has a city gained such world renown, and I am proud and happy to welcome you to Hiroshima, a town known throughout the world for its---oysters“.难得有个城市像广岛这样闻名遐迩。我既高兴而又自豪地欢迎诸位来到广岛。令广岛如此举世闻名的乃是它的——牡蛎。
6、There are two different schools of thought in this city of oysters, one that would like to preserve traces of the bomb, and the other that would like to get rid of everything, even the monument that was erected at the point of impact.我之所以对您讲起这些,是因为我已差不多步入老年了。在这个以牡蛎闻名的城市里有两种截然不同的意见,一种主张保存原子弹爆炸留下的痕迹,另一种则主张销毁一切痕迹,甚至要拆除立于爆炸中心的纪念碑。
7、”If you write about this city, do not forget to say that it is the gayest city in Japan, even if many of the town's people still bear hidden wounds, and burns.“ “假如您要描写这座城市的话,千万别忘记告诉人们这是日本最快乐的城市,尽管这里的市民许多人身上还带着暗伤和明显的灼伤。”
8、But later my hair began to fall out, and my belly turned to water.但到后来,我的头发开始脱落,腹内开始出水
1、The fundamentalists adhered to a literal interpretation of the Old Testament.The modernists, on the other hand, accepted the theory advanced by Charles Darwin--that all animal life, including monkeys and men, had evolved from a common ancestor.原教旨主义者坚持严格按照字面意义去理解《旧约全书》,而现代主义者则接受查尔斯•达尔文的进化论——认为一切动物,包括猿和人,都是由同一个祖先进化而来的。
2、During one such argument, Rappelyea said that nobody could teach biology without teaching evolution.有一次辩论中,拉普利亚说,任何人要讲授生物学,就不能不讲进化论。
3、People from the surrounding hills, mostly fundamentalists, arrived to cheer Bryan against the ” infidel outsiders“ 附近一带的山区居民,其中多半是原教旨主义者,也纷纷赶到镇上来为布莱恩呐喊助威,打击那些“外来的异教徒”。
4、He is here because ignorance and bigotryare , and it is a mighty strong combination.” “我也知道他为什么会被带上法庭。那是因为愚昧和偏见还很猖獗,而且这两者又结合在一起,形成一股强大的势力。”
5、“The Bible,” he thundered in his sonorous organ tones, “ is not going to be driven out of this court by experts who come hundreds of miles to testify that they can reconcile evolution, with its ancestors in the jungle, with man made by God in His image and put here for His purpose as par t of a divine plan.” “《圣经》,”他用洪亮的嗓音大喊大叫道,“是不会被那些千里迢迢赶来作证的学者专家们赶出这个法庭的。这些专家们来到这里的目的是想证明主张人类祖先来自丛林的进化论和上帝按照天机,依其形象创造人类并安排到这个世界上来的看法,是并行不悖的。”
6、The truth does not need Mr.Bryan.The truth is eternal, immortal and needs no human agency to support it!“ “真理从来都是胜利者——我们并不害怕这一点。真理不需要布莱恩先生。真理是永存的、不朽的,而且并不需要依靠人的力量去维护它!”
7、But although Malone had won the oratorical duel with Bryan, the judge ruled against permitting the scientists to testify for the defence.然而,尽管马隆在同布莱恩进行的这场舌战中取得了胜利,法官还是决定不许在座的科学家们为辩方作证。
8、“ I am examining you on your tool ideas that no intelligent Christian on earth believes.” “我只是在考验你的那些愚蠢的想法,世界上没有哪个有知识的基督徒会相信你的那些想法。”
9、Dudley Field Malone called my conviction a “victorious defeat.” 达德雷•费尔德•马隆称这次庭审结果对我来说是一次“胜利的败仗”。
10、The oratorial storm that Clarence Darrow and Dudley Field Malone blew up in the little court in Dayton swept like a fresh wind through the schools and legislative offices of the United States, bringing in its wake a new climate of intellectual and academic freedom that has grown with the passing years.由克拉伦斯•达罗和达德雷•费尔德•马隆在戴顿镇的小小法庭上掀起的那些辩论风暴犹如一股清风吹遍了美国的学校和立法机关,随之而来的是日渐增长的思想自由和学术自由的新气象。第八单元
1、The rocks looked more like an ancient ruin than the building blocks of a new school.这些石头看上去更像是古老的废墟而不是新学校的建筑石板。
2、The previous winter ,before leaving Korphe, Mortenson had driven tent pegs into the frozen soil and tied red and blue braised nylon cord to them, marking out a floor plan of five rooms he imagined for the school.前一个冬天,当摩顿森离开科尔飞村时,他把固定帐篷用的木桩打进冻土,并系上红蓝两色编织的尼龙绳,来标记他心中有五间房子的学校的范围。
3、Korphe’s mosque had adapted to a changing environment over the centuries 科尔飞的清真寺在过去的几个世纪里根据环境的变化而变化,如同挤在寺里的人们一样随着时间改变了他们的信仰。
4、With Motenson ,he measured out the correct length ,dipped the twine in a mixture of calcium and lime ,then used the village’s time--tested method to mark the dimensions of a construction site.他和摩顿森一起测量了确切的长度,把绳子浸在钙和石灰的混合液里,然后用村子里经过时间考验的土办法标出了工地的长宽范围。
5、Haji Ali and Twaha pulled the core taut and whipped it against the ground ,leaving white lines on the packed earth where the walls of the foundation facing Korph K2.哈吉•阿里和儿子塔瓦哈把绳子拉得紧绷绷的,然后朝地面上用力的弹了一下,在夯实的地面上留下白色的线条,那些线条就是将来学校的墙壁竖立起来的地方。
6、When the trench was done, Haji Ali nodded toward two large stones that had been carved for this purpose, and six men lifted them, shuffled agonizingly toward the trench, and lowered them into the corner of foundation facing Korphe K2.当沟挖好时,哈吉•阿里冲两块切割好了的大石头点点头,这时,六个男人抬起石头,艰难地移动着步子朝挖好的沟移动,然后将石头慢慢放到面向乔戈里峰的科尔飞村的地基角落处。
7、“It was so big that it was dragging Twaha, who was doing his best just to hold on as the animal led him to its own execution.“公羊太大了,以、以致于即使塔瓦哈用尽最大的力气,也是公羊拽着他往前走,一步步接近公羊的屠宰者。”
8、“watching this scene straight out of the Bible stories I’d learned in Sunday school, I thought how much the different faiths had in common, how you could trace so many of their traditions back to the same root.“目睹这个和我在主日学校学到的《圣经》故事一模一样的场面,我不禁想到不同的信仰之间有着如此多的相似之处,并且,人们可以将其传统追溯到同一个根源。”
9、After the last bone had been beaten and the last strip of marrow sucked dry, Mortenson joined a group of men who built a fire by what would one day soon, he hoped, become the courtyard of a completed school.在最后一块骨头被敲碎、最后一条骨髓被吸干后,摩顿森加入到一群男人中,他们点燃了一堆篝火,那里正是他期望的不久将竣工的学校的院子。
10、A thousand feet below, Korphe, green with ripening barely fields, looked small and vulnerable ,a life raft on a sea of stone.在他们脚下一千英尺之处,即将成熟的大麦田将科尔飞染成一片翠绿色。它看上去如此渺小和脆弱,就像在一片石头海洋中漂泊的一叶小小的救生筏。
11、“Long after all those rams are dead and eaten this time this school will still stand;“那些公羊很快就会被吃光,但这个学校将会长久地屹立着。”
12、“I realized that everything ,all the difficulties i’d gone through ,from the time I’d promised to build the school, through the long struggle to complete it, was nothing compared to the sacrifices he was prepared to make for his people.”
1、I can observe her without her knowing, and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures, whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or turns with a remark to one of her neighbours or takes a cigarette from her case with those slender fingers.我可以观察她而不让她发觉,这使我觉得开心,因为我可以像看电影一样地欣赏她优雅的动作,不论是举杯送到唇边,还是扭头与邻座交谈,抑或是用她那纤细的手指从烟盒中夹取香烟的动作
2、I ventured to say something of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.当我不揣冒昧地将这话对她讲时,她对我这种笨拙的恭维报以开心的大笑,还说我最好不再写什么政坛人物的述评文章而改行专写时装评论算了。
3、Doubtless some instinct impels me gluttonously to cram these the last weeks of my life with the gentler things I never had time for, releasing some suppressed inclination which in fact was always laten.这无疑是自己受某种本能的驱使,要贪婪地用一些过去无暇享受的赏心乐事来填补自己生命中的最后几周,释放那些在过去虽受到压抑但一直潜伏在自己心中的欲望。
4、Geographically I did not care and scarcely know where I am.There are no signposts in the sea.我不知道也不想知道自己身处何方。茫茫大海无路标
5、at all but only the lazy satin of blue, marbled at the edge where the passage of our ship has disturbed it.倘是在白天,我们凭栏远眺大海,只见海面上时而翻卷起白色的浪花,时而平静得宛若一幅微微飘动起伏着的蓝色缎面,完全见不到翻起的浪花,只有我们的轮船驶过之处才泛起一道道如大理石般的波纹。
6、What I like best are the stern cliffs, with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring 我最喜爱的是岸边的那些悬崖峭壁及其背后的那高耸云端、神秘莫测的峰峦叠嶂,那山峰只有最英勇无畏的人才能够攀登上去
7、So do I let my imagination play over the recesses of Laura's Character, so austere in the foreground but nurturing what treasures of tenderness, like delicate flowers, for the discovery of the venturesome.我也这样地让自己的想象力尽情地探索劳拉性格深处的秘密。她的性情表面上严肃冷峻,但她内心里却蕴育着丰富温柔的情感,宛如娇嫩的花朵,等待着勇士去发现。
8、His woman meets him;they are young, and their skins of a golden-brown;she takes his catch from him.In their plaited hut there is nothing but health and love.他的女人马上出门迎接他。他们都很年轻,皮肤是金褐色的。她从他手中接过捕捞的鱼,他们那间茅草编成的棚屋里充满着健康和爱。
9、Laura and I amuse ourselves by watching for the green flash which comes at the instant the sun disappears below the line of the.horizon.劳拉和我还有一种白娱的方法,就是等着观看太阳从地平线上消失的那一瞬间产生的一道绿色的闪光。
10、In the ship's library stands a large globe whose function so far as I am concerned is to reveal the proportion of ocean to the landmasses of the troubled would;the Pacific alone dwarfs all the continents put together.船上的图书室里放着一架巨大的地球仪,照我看来,它的作用就是展示海洋与动荡不安的世界上的陆地之间的比例,仅一个太平洋就比所有的大陆加在一起还要大
11、I have been exhilarated by two days of storm, but above all I love these long purposeless days in which I shed all that I have ever been.两天的暴风雨使我欣喜万分,但我首先喜欢的还是这漫长的无所事事的日子,在这些日子里,我抛弃了旧我,脱胎换骨,获得了新生。
1)There is not a soul in the hall.The meeting must have been put off.
2)The book looks very much like a box.(The book looks much the same as a box.)
3)Sichuan dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect.It is sometimes difficult to tell one from the other.4)The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in the battle.5)He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about.6)What he did had nothing to do with her.7)She couldn't fall asleep as her daughter's illness was very much on her mind.8)I have had the matter on my mind for a long time.9)He loves such gatherings at which he rubs shoulders with young people and exchange opinions with them on various subjects.10)It was only after a few minutes that his words sank in.11)The soil smells of fresh grass.12)Could you spare me a few minutes? 13)Could you spare me a ticket?
14)That elderly grey-haired man is a coppersmith by trade.第7单元
1)A big fire burned to the ground more than 300 homes in the slum neighborhood.2)If you are upright and not afraid of losing anything, you will be able to look anyone in the eye.3)This blouse doesn't match the color or the style of the skirt.4)Let's talk about the matter over a cup of coffee.5)He couldn't imagine why people were opposed to his suggestions.6)Stepping off from the car, the official was confronted by two terrorists.7)As long as we stick to these principles, we will surely be successful.8)She was shocked at the news, but before long she recomposed herself.9)It is very difficult to trace the origin of the allusion.第8单元
1.When he was saved from the river, he was more dead than alive.2.In my previous visit, there was no school, but now one stands on the mountain.3.As he came to himself, he opened his eyes, trying to figure out what had happened and why he was lying there.4.At the exhibition there were many novel electronic products that attracted the attention of visitors.5.People were keen on taking pictures of the many exotic flowers and plants in the greenhouse.6.This writer came from a large, prominent family whose genealogy stretches back fifteen generations.7.Before killing an animal, the indigenous ethnic people usually hold rituals to request permission from their God.8.The fact that the villagers are poor doesn’t mean they are ignorant or stupid.9.The volunteers made concerted efforts and got the project off the ground.10.The climber felt so dizzy that he could hardly stand up, as much from over exhaustion as from starvation.第13单元
P4 5 The tendency to ignore the Negro's contribution to American life and to strip him of his personhood, is as old as the earliest history hooks and as contemporary as the morning's newspaper.To upset this cultural homicide, the Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood.Any movement for the Negro's freedom that overlooks this necessity is only waiting to be buried.As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free.Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery.No Lincolnian Emancipation Proclamation or Johnsonian Civil Rights Bill can totally bring this kind of freedom.The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own Emancipation Proclamation.And, with a spirit straining toward true self-esteem, the Negro must boldly throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and say to himself and to the world, “I am somebody.I am a person.I am a man with dignity and honor.I have a rich and noble history.How painful and exploited that history has been.Yes, I was a slave through my foreparents and I am not ashamed of that.I'm ashamed of the people who were so sinful to make me a slave.” Yes, we must stand up and say, “I'm black and I'm beautiful,” and this self-affirmation is the black man's need, made compelling by the white man's crimes against him.译:远如最早的史书所述,近如《每日晨报》所刊,忽视黑人对美国的贡献并且剥夺人格的趋势由来已久。为了推翻这种文化灭杀,黑人必须奋起肯定自己高贵的人格。如果忽视这一点,任何为黑人争取自由的运动都将彻底失败。灵魂被奴役,肉体就永远不会解放。心灵的自由,即坚定的自尊,是战胜肉体奴役漫漫长夜的最强有力武器。林肯的《解放宣言》和约翰逊的《人权法案》都不能彻底带来这种自由。黑人惟有心灵深处的解放,并用笔墨签署自己的《解放的宣言》才会得到解放。黑人惟有竭尽全力以自尊自重的精神勇敢地抛弃自我否定的枷锁,对自己、对世界说,“我非等闲之辈。我是人。我是有尊严、有荣誉的人。即便那是一段非常痛苦的受剥削的历史,我也有厚重且高尚的历史。是的,我从祖先那里继承了奴隶的身份,但我并不为此感到耻辱。使我感到耻辱的是那些罪孽深重、使我成为奴隶的人。”是的,我们必须昂首挺胸地说,“我是黑人,我因黑而美。”黑人恰恰需要这种自我肯定。白人对黑人所犯下的罪行迫使我们自我肯定。
P5 8 It was this misinterpretation that caused Nietzsche, who was a philosopher of the will to power, to reject the Christian concept of love.It was this same misinterpretation which induced Christian theologians to reject the Nietzschean philosophy of the will to power in the name of the Christian idea of love.Now, we've got to get this thing right.What is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.And this is what we must see as we move on.What has happened is that we have had it wrong and confused in our own country, and this has led Negro Americans in the past to seek their goals through power devoid of love and conscience.译:正是这种误解导致了研究权力的哲学家尼采拒绝基督教教义的爱。又是同样的误解使基督教神学家以基督的爱的名义排斥尼采有关权力的哲学。现在,我们必须纠正这种误解。我们应该认识到没有爱的权力会导致失控和滥用;而没有权力的爱则导致善感和无力。最佳的权力是实现平等的仁爱,最理想的平等是纠正任何阻碍仁爱实现的权力。我们继续前进时必须认识到这一点。事实表明,我们国家一直对此持有误解和模糊的认识。这导致了美国黑人过去试图通过没有爱和良知的权力去达到自己目标。
P7 19 And so I say to you today that I still stand by nonviolence.And I am still convinced that it is the most potent weapon available to the Negro in his struggle for justice in this country.And the other thing is that I am concerned about a better world.I'm concerned about justice.I'm concerned about brotherhood.I'm concerned about truth.And when one is concerned about these, he can never advocate violence.For through violence you may murder a murderer but you can't murder.Through violence you may murder a liar but you can't establish truth.Through violence you may murder a hater, but you can't murder hate.Darkness cannot put out darkness.Only light can do that.译:因此,我今天想告诉你们我仍然坚持非暴力原则。我仍然坚信它是黑人在这个国家为公平而斗争的最有效的武器。另外,一个更加美好的世界、公正、兄弟情谊、真理都与我直接相关。一个人有此关注,他就绝不会崇尚暴力,因为暴力可能消灭一个凶手,但却不能消灭谋杀;暴力可能消除一个骗子,但却不能缔造真理;暴力可能除掉一个仇人,但却不能灭绝仇恨。黑暗不能驱除黑暗,只有光明才能驱除黑暗。
P55 3 What could be easier than to write articles and to buy Persian cats with;the profits? But wait a moment.Articles have to be about something.Mine, I seem to remember, was about a novel by a famous man.And while I was writing this review, I discovered that if I were going to review books I
should need to do battle with a certain phantom.And the phantom was a woman, and when I came to know her better I called her after the heroine of a famous poem.The Angel in the House.It was she who used to come between me and my paper when I was writing reviews.It was she who bothered me and wasted my time and so tormented me that at last I killed her.You who come of a younger and happier generation may not have heard of her-you may not know what I mean by The Angel in the House.I will describe her as shortly as I can.She was intensely sympathetic.She was immensely charming.She was utterly unselfish.She excelled in the difficult arts of family life.She sacrificed herself daily.If there was chicken, she took the leg;if there was a draught she sat in it-in short she was so consitituted that she never had a mind or a wish of her own, but preferred to sympathize always with the minds and wishes of others.Above all-I need not say it-she was pure.Her purity was supposed to be her chief beauty-her blushes, her great grace.In those days-the last of Queen Victoria-every house had its Angel.And when I came to write I encountered her with the very first words.The shadow of her wings fell on my page;I heard the rustling of her skirts in the room.Directly, that is to say, I took my pen in my hand to review that novel by a famous man, she slipped behind me and whispered: “My dear, you are a young woman.You are writing about a book that has been written by a man.Be sympathetic;be tender;flatter;deceive;use all the arts and wiles of our sex.Never let anybody guess that you have a mind of your own.Above all, be pure.” And she made as if to guide my pen.I now record the one act for which I take some credit to myself, though the credit rightly belongs to some excellent ancestors of mine who left me a certain sum of money-shall we say five hundred pounds a year?-so that it was not necessary for me to depend solely on charm for my living.I turned upon her and caught her by the throat.I did my best to kill her.My excuse if I were to be had up at a court of law, would be that I acted in self-defence.Had I not killed her she would have killed me.She would have plucked the heart out of my writing.For as I found directly I put pen to paper, you cannot review even a novel without having a mind of your own, without expressing what you think to be the truth about human relations, morality, sex.And all these questions, according to the Angel of the House cannot be dealt with freely and openly by women;they must charm, they must conciliate, they must-to put it bluntly-tell lies if they are to succeed.Thus, whenever I felt the shadow of her wing or the radiance of her halo upon my page, I took up the inkpot and flung it at her.She died hard.Her fictitious nature was of great assistance to her.It is far harder to kill a phantom than a reality.She was always creeping back when I thought I had despatched her.Though I flatter myself that I killed her in the end, the struggle was severe;it took much time that had better have been spent upon learning Greek grammar;or in roaming the world in search of adventures.But it was a real experience;it was an experience that was bound to befall all women writers at that time.Killing the Angel in the House was part of the occupation of a woman writer.译:有什么能比写文章并用其报酬来买波斯猫更容易的事呢?但是,请等一下。文章要有内容。我记得那篇文章评论了一个男性名人的一部小说。写这篇评论时,我发现,如果我要是想写书评,我需要与某个鬼影抗争。这个鬼影就是女人。当我进一步了解她后,我就用“家里的天使”来称呼她。这是一首名诗中女人的名字。我写评论时,就是她总出现在我和我的文章之间。她不停地困扰我,浪费我的时间,折磨我,所以,最终我杀死了她。你们年轻快乐的一代或许没听说过她,可能不知道我所说的“家里的天使”是什么意思。我将尽可能简短地描述一下。她极富同情心,极有魅力,毫不自私,擅长家务,天天自我牺牲。如果家里吃鸡,她只吃鸡腿;如果家里有穿堂风,她坐在风口。她就是这样一个人,从来没有想到过自己的想法与期望,总是喜欢按照别人的想法和期待来做出牺牲。总之,我不必说她是纯洁的。她的纯洁应该被看作是她主要的动人之处;她常常脸红,举止优雅。在维多利亚时代后期,每个家庭都有个天使。每当我开始写作,她总会在我刚刚写出几个字时就遇到她。她翅膀的影子映在我的纸上;我在房间里能听到她裙子沙沙作响。当我提笔要为一个名人的小说写书评时,她就溜到我身后轻声对我说:“亲爱的,你是一个年轻女子。你所评的这本书是男人写的。你要有同情心,要温柔、要奉承、要欺骗,用尽女人所有小把戏。永远别让别人知道你有自己的思想。最重要的是,要纯洁。”她似乎在控制我的笔。我还记得一件事,我觉得自己比较成功的一件事。其实功劳应该归于我优秀的前辈,他们给我留下了一大笔遗产,例如一年500磅的进项。我因此不必仅仅依靠女人的魅力去谋生。我发起进攻,掐住她喉咙。我尽全力杀死了她。如果把我诉上法庭,那么我的辩词将是正当防卫。如果我不杀死刀子,她就会杀死我。她会泯灭我写作的灵魂。因为我发现,在提笔之时,如果没有自己的思想,不能表达关于人与人的关系、道德及性的真理,我连对一部小说的评论也写不出来。按照“家里的天使”的规矩,女人不可以自由、公开地讨论这些问题。女人只能展示魅力,女人让步。直率地说。要想成功,她们必须说谎。所以,每当在我的纸上感到她翅膀的影子或是光晕,我就会拿起墨水瓶,向她砸去。杀死她很难。虚幻的本质给了她极大的帮助。杀死现实中人的人易,杀死鬼影难。我认为已经将她杀死,可她却总是悄然而至。我因最终铲除了她而感到欣慰,但铲除的斗争过程却十分激烈,耗时很多,都不如把这些时间花在学习希腊语法或是周游世界去冒险好了。可这都是真实的经历;这种经历注定会发生在所有女作家身上。杀死“家里的天使”是女作家职业的份内之事。
1.我是七月10日星期三早上出发的。(start out)I started out on the morning of Wednesday the 10th ,July.2.给我送来了她去世的消息。
The news of his death was brought to me.3.我对于我们应该帮助他这一点毫不怀疑。(I had not the slightest doubt that)I had not the slightest doubt that we should help him.4.在这个场合我不知该说什么。
I don’t know what to say on this occasion.5.全部准备好了,只剩下沏茶这项工作了。(there only remain the task of)
Everything is ready, there only remain the task of making tea.6.我叫人通知说今晚有个会议。7.总统将于今晚9时发表演说。8.不久他回来了。9.他从北京匆匆赶来。
1.But, like thousands of others in the coastal communities, john was reluctant to abandon his home unless the family--his wife, Janis, and their seven children, aged 3 to 11--was clearly endangered.但约翰就像沿海村落中其他成千上万的人一样,不愿舍弃家园,要他下决心弃家外逃,除非等到他的一家人------妻子詹妮丝以及他们那七个年龄从三岁到十一岁的孩子一一眼看着就要灾祸临头。
2.The French doors in an upstairs room blew in with an explosive sound, and the group heard gun-like reports as other upstairs windows disintegrated.楼上一个房问的法兰西式两用门砰地一声被风吹开了。楼下的人还听到楼上其他玻璃窗破碎时发出的劈劈啪啪的响声。
3.Frightened, breathless and wet, the group settled on the stairs, which were protected by two interior walls.于是大家都跑到靠两堵内墙保护的楼梯上歇着。个个吓得要命,气喘吁吁,浑身湿透。
4.Everyone knew there was no escape;they would live or die in the house.谁都明白现在已是无路可逃.死活都只好留在崖子里了。
5.A moment later, the hurricane, in one mighty swipe, lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air.不一会儿,?阵强风掠过,将整个屋顶卷入空中,抛向40英尺以外。
6.In its concentrated breadth of some 70 miles it shot out winds of nearly 200 m.p.h.and raised tides as high as 30 feet.在飓风中心纵横约70英里的范围内,其风速接近每小时200英里,掀起的浪头高达30英尺。
7.Strips of clothing festooned the standing trees, and blown down power lines coiled like black spaghetti over the roads.尚未被风刮倒的树上结彩似地挂满被撕成布条的衣服,吹断的电线像黑色的实心面一样盘成一圈一圈地散在路面上。
8.It could have been depressing, but it wasn’t: each salvaged item represented a little victory over the wrath of the storm.这事原本是让人感到痛苦压抑的,但实际上确并非如此。在残骸中找到的每一件侥幸保存下来的物品都显现了对这场狂暴的飓风战斗的一个小小的胜利。
1.And secondly, because I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on my mind that had little to do with anything a Nippon railways official might say.其次,则是因为我当时心情沉重,喉咙哽噎,忧思万缕,几乎顾不上去管那日本铁路官员说些什么。
2.The very act of stepping on this soil, in breathing this air of Hiroshima, was for me a far greater adventure than any trip or any reportorial assignment I'd previously taken.Was I not at the scene of the crime? 踏上这块土地,呼吸着广岛的空气,对我来说这行动本身已是一套令人激动的经历,其意义远远超过我以往所进行的任何一次旅行或采访活动。难道我不就是在犯罪现场吗? 3.The tall buildings of the martyred city flashed by as we lurched from side to side in response to the driver's sharp twists of the wheel.这座曾惨遭劫难的城市的一座座高楼大厦从我们身边飞掠而过,而我的身子也随着司机手中方向盘的一次次急转而前俯后仰,东倒西歪。
4.Quite unexpectedly, the strange emotion which had overwhelmed me at the station returned, and I was again crushed by the thought that I now stood on the site of the first atomic bombardment, where thousands upon thousands of people had been slain in one second, where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die in slow agony.出人意料的是,刚到广岛车站时袭扰着我的那种异样的忧伤情绪竟在这时重新袭上心头,我的心情又难受起来,因为我又一次意识到自己置身于曾遭受第一颗原子弹轰击的现场。这儿曾有成千上万的生命顷刻之间即遭毁灭,还有成千上万的人在痛苦的煎熬中慢慢死去。
5.Seldom has a city gained such world renown, and I am proud and happy to welcome you to Hiroshima, a town known throughout the world for its---oysters“.难得有个城市像广岛这样闻名遐迩。我既高兴而又自豪地欢迎诸位来到广岛。令广岛如此举世闻名的乃是它的——牡蛎。
6.There are two different schools of thought in this city of oysters, one that would like to preserve traces of the bomb, and the other that would like to get rid of everything, even the monument that was erected at the point of impact.在这个以牡蛎闻名的城市里有两种截然不同的意见,一种主张保存原子弹爆炸留下的痕迹,另一种则主张销毁一切痕迹,甚至要拆除立于爆炸中心的纪念碑。7.If you write about this city, do not forget to say that it is the gayest city in Japan, even it many of the town's people still bear hidden wounds, and burns.假如您要描写这座城市的话,千万别忘记告诉人们这是日本最快乐的城市,尽管这里的市民许多人身上还带着暗伤和明显的灼伤。
8.But later my hair began to fall out, and my belly turned to water.但到后来,我的头发开始脱落,腹部开始出现积水。
1.The house detective's piggy eyes surveyed her sardonically from his gross jowled face.探长那双夹在面部隆起的肉堆中的猪眼睛轻蔑地将她上下打量了一番。2.Even the self-assurance of Ogilvie flickered for an instant.就连确信自己胜券在握的奥格尔维也愣了一下。3.What you accuse us of is true.你对我们的指控属实
4.Wearily, in a gesture of surrender, the Duchess of Croydon sank back into her chair.克罗伊敦公爵夫人疲乏地做了一个认输的手势后,颓然坐回到椅子上。The house detective took his time, leisurely putting a cloud of blue cigar smoke, his eyes sardonically on the Duchess as if challenging her objection..探长要紧不慢,悠然自得地喷吐出一团青色的雪茄烟雾,同时还把那一双眼睛带着嘲弄意味地瞟向公爵夫人,仿佛有意要逗她表示反感似的。6.I oblige them;they do the same for me.7.我时常为他们帮忙,他们也同样帮我的忙
7.If the work were done discreetly we could pay well.如果能把车子悄悄修理一下,我们愿意付高额报酬。
8.her husband now a tense but passive spectator of the exchange between the evil tat man and herself.她的丈夫只不过是一个蜷缩在后、紧张又毫无主意的旁观者。9.The important thing was to consider all eventualities.要紧的是对各种可能发生的意外变故预作考虑。We would achieve nothing by paying you, except possibly a few days' respite.我们即使付钱给你也得不到什么好处,顶多也只是拖延几天时间罢了。
第四课 E-C 1.原教旨主义者坚持严格按照字面意义去理解《旧约全书》,而现代主义者则接受查尔斯?达尔文的进化论——认为一切动物,包括猿和人,都是由同一个祖先进化而来的。
4.“我也知道他为什么会被带上法庭。那是因为愚昧和偏见还很猖獗,而且这两者又结合在一起,形成一股强大的势力。” 5.“《圣经》,”他用洪亮的嗓音大喊大叫道,“是不会被那些千里迢迢赶来作证的学者专家们赶出这个法庭的。这些专家们来到这里的目的是想证明主张人类祖先来自丛林的进化论和上帝按照天机,依其形象创造人类并安排到这个世界上来的看法,是并行不悖的。”
1.They lean this way and that, hanging on to their bases precariously.大部分房屋都是那样东倒西歪,摇摇欲坠地固定在地基上。
2.But nowhere on this earth, at home or abroad, have I seen anything to compare to the villages that huddle aloha the line of the Pennsylvania from the Pittsburgh yards to Greensburg.然而,在世界上的任何一个地方,无论国内国外,我从未见到过任何东西可以与那些拥挤在宾夕法尼亚铁路从匹兹堡调车场到格林斯堡路段沿线的村庄相比。3.One cannot imagine mere human beings concocting such dreadful things, and one can scarcely imagine human beings bearing life in them.人们无法想象单凭人的力量如何能造出如此可怕的东西来,也很难想象居然还有人类栖居其中并在那里生儿育女,繁殖人类。It is incredible that mere ignorance should have achieved such masterpieces of horror.如果说单凭愚昧无知就能造就这样令人毛骨悚然的杰作,那是无法让人信服的。5.It is impossible to put down the wallpaper that defaces the average American home of the lower middle class to mere inadvertence, or to the obscene humor of the manufacturers.那些把一般美国中下层家庭的住宅打扮得像丑八怪的糊墙纸决不能归咎于选购者的疏忽大意,也不能归咎于制造商的鄙俗的幽默感。
6.Such ghastly designs, it must be obvious, give a genuine delight to a certain type of mind.那些糊墙纸上的丑陋图案显然真正能使具有某种心理的人觉得赏心悦目。
7.After painfully designing and erecting it, they made it perfect in their own sight by putting a completely impossible penthouse painted a staring yellow, on top of it.在费尽心血,辛辛苦苦地设计并建成那个运动场之后,又想进一步美化完善它,于是便在建筑平项上加造一间极不协调的小棚屋,并涂上鲜艳夺目的黄色油漆。8.The effect is that of a fat woman with a black eye.It is that of a Presbyterian grinning.But they like it.这样造成的效果是使该建筑看起来就像一个肥胖的女人面上带着一只被打肿发青的眼圈,也可以说像一位长老会牧师面上突然露出勉强的笑容的模样。但他们喜欢的就是这种模样。
9.Out of the melting pot emerges a race which hates beauty as it hates truth.从美国这个大熔炉中产生出了一个新的种族,他们像仇视真理一样地仇视美。10.The etiology of this madness deserves a great deal more study than it has got.这种变态心理的产生根源值得进行更多的研究,它的背后一定隐藏着某些原因。
1.The man who became Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens and he ranged across the nation for more than a third of his life, digesting the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer.马克?吐温原名塞缪尔?朗赫恩?克莱门斯,他一生之中有超过三分之一的时间浪迹美国各地,体验着美国的新生活,尔后便以作家和演说家的身分将他所感受到的这一切介绍给全世界。
2.All would resurface in his books, together with the colorful language that he soaked up with a memory that seemed phonographic.所有这一切,连同他那像留声机般准确可靠的记忆所吸收的丰富多彩的语言,后来都有机会在他的作品中得以再现。
3.Steamboat decks teemed not only with the main current of pioneering humanity, but its flotsam of hustlers, gamblers, and thugs as well.蒸汽船的甲板上不仅挤满了富有开拓精神的人们,而且也载着一些娼妓、赌棍和歹徒等社会渣滓。
4.From them all Mark Twain gained a keen perception of the human race, of the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are.从所有这些形形色色的人身上,马克?吐温敏锐地认识了人类,认识了人们的言与行之间的差距。
5.His descriptions of the rough-country settlers there ring familiarly in modern world accustomed to trend setting on the West Coast.他对那儿的拓荒者们的描写使西海岸地区富有创新精神的现代人倍感亲切。6.Casually he debunked revered artists and art treasures, and took unholy verbal shots at the Holy Land.他信口开河地对一些受人景仰的艺术家和艺术珍品加以鄙薄,甚至对宗教圣地也敢于以亵渎性的言辞加以侮蔑。
7.The widder eats by a bell;she goes to bed by a bell;she gits up by a bell – everything's so awful reg'lar a body can't stand it.” 那寡妇家吃饭要听钟声,睡觉要听钟声,起床也要听钟声,什么事情都得规规矩矩,简直叫人受不了。
8.His raft flight down the Mississippi with a runaway slave presents a moving panorama for exploration of American society.他同一个逃跑出来的奴隶一起乘坐木筏沿着密西西比河顺流而下的漂流航程展现了一幅幅揭示美国社会生活全貌的生动画面。
9.they vanish from a world where they were of no consequence;where they achieved nothing;where they were a mistake and a failure and a foolishness;where they have left no sign that they had existed – a world which will lament them a day and for-get them forever.”
1.I will wait for her in the yard that Maggie and I made so clean and wavy yester day afternoon.我就在这院子里等待她的到来,我和麦琪昨天下午就已经把院子打扫得干干净净了,地面上还清晰地留着扫帚扫出的波浪形痕迹。
2.When the hard clay is swept clean as a floor and the fine sand around the edges lined with tiny, irregular grooves, anyone can come and sit and look up into the elm tree and wait for the breezes that never come inside the house.当院子的泥土地面被打扫得如地板般的干净,院长四周角落的细沙上被扫出了不规则的细纹时,谁都可以都来小坐一会儿,抬头看看院中的榆树,并等待着享受从来不曾吹进屋内的和风。
3.She has been like this, chin on chest, eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house to the ground.自从那场大火把房子烧毁后,她就成了这副模样,走路慢吞吞的,下颚紧贴着胸口,眼睛老是盯着地面。4.Sometimes I can still hear the flames and feel Maggie's arms sticking to me, her hair smoking and her dress falling off her in little black papery flakes.有时我似乎还能听见燃烧的火焰发出的劈啪声,隐约感觉到紧紧抓住我的麦琪的双手,她的头发冒着烟,她的衣服被烧成黑灰、一片片掉落的情景。
5.There are no real windows, just some holes cut in the sides, like the portholes in a ship, but not round and not square, with rawhide holding the shutter s up on the outside.房子没有真正意义上的窗户就只在侧面的墙上挖了好几个洞,有点类似船上的舷窗,但不是圆的,也不是方的。
6.She never takes a shot without making sure the house is included.在每拍一张照片前,她都是认真选好镜头,以确保每张照片都能把屋子照进去。7.You didn't even have to look close to see where hands pushing the dasher up and down to make butter had left a kind of sink in the wood.不用将眼睛凑近去细看也可以看出搅乳棒把柄上由于长年累月握着搅动而留下的凹陷的握痕
8.And one teeny faded blue piece, about the size of a penny matchbox, that was from Great Grandpa Ezra's uniform that he wore in the Civil War.还有一小块褪了色的兰布片,大小只相当于一个小火柴盒,那是从依兹拉曾祖父在南北战争时穿的军服上拆下来的。
1.Where there should have been gentle blue-green waves lapping against the side of the ship, there was nothing but hot dry sand – as far as I could see in all directions.极目四顾,原先那种湛蓝色海涛轻拍船舷的景象已不复存在,取而代之的是茫茫的一片干燥灼热的沙漠。
2.After it crashed through the ice, took on its new passengers, and resubmerged, I talked with scientists who were trying to measure more accurately the thickness of the polar ice cap, which many believe is thinning as a re-suit of global warming.潜艇破冰上来,载上新的乘客后又潜了下去。我也就开始同那些正设法以高的精确度测量极地冰帽厚度的科学家们进行交谈。许多人认北极冰帽由于地球气候的转暖而正在变薄。
3.Now, I wanted to see the pole it-self, and some eight hours after we met the submarine, we were crashing through that ice, surfacing, and then I was standing in an eerily beautiful snowscape, windswept and sparkling white, with the horizon defined by little hummocks, or “pressure ridges ” of ice that are pushed up like tiny mountain ranges when separate sheets collide.我们登上潜艇约八个小时后,潜艇冲破冰层浮上面。于是,我便置身于一片神奇瑰丽的冰雪世界中。雪原上寒风劲扫,银光闪耀,其边缘则是一道由连绵起伏的小冰丘或由冰席相撞、相互挤压而形成小型山脉的冰层“压脊”勾勒出的地平线。4.As it happens, some of the most disturbing images of environmental destruction can be found exactly halfway between the North and South poles – precisely at the equator in Brazil – where billowing clouds of smoke regularly black-en the sky above the immense but now threatened Amazon rain forest.凑巧的是,破坏生态环境的一些最典型的、最令人担忧的事例刚好都发生在南北极正中间的地方——巴西境内的赤道带上——那儿滚滚浓烟时常弥漫着辽阔但现又面临着破坏的亚马孙热带雨林的上空。
5.This “noctilucent cloud” occasionally appears when the earth is first cloaked in the evening dark-ness;shimmering above us with a translucent whiteness, these clouds seem quite unnatural.这种“夜光云团”偶尔出现于夜幕开始笼罩大地的时候,它呈半透明的白色,在高空中闪烁发光,看起来颇不像自然之物。
6.In the process, we are once again adding to the threat of global warming, because methane has been one of the fastest-growing green-house gases, and is third only to carbon dioxide and water vapor in total volume, changing the chemistry of the upper atmosphere.我们的这种行为更进一步地增加了地球变暖的危险,因为甲烷是一种形成速度极快韵温室效应气体,它在大气中的总含量仅次于二氧化碳和水蒸气,使高空大气层的化学成分都发生了变化。
7.There are “local” skirmishes, “regional” battles, and “strategic” conflicts.他们经常将冲突根据其发生范围的大小分为三级,即“局部性冲突”,“地区性战斗”,及“战略性对抗”。
8.The concentration of carbon dioxide and other heat-absorbing molecules has increased by almost 25 percent since World War II, posing a worldwide threat to the earth's ability to regulate the amount of heat from the sun retained in the atmosphere.自第二次世界大战以来,大气层中二氧化碳和其他一些吸热物质分子的含量已增加了近百分之二十五,这便对地球自身具有的调节太阳热量在大气层中存留量的能力构成了世界性的威胁。
9.While no single discovery has had the kind of effect on our relationship to the earth that unclear weapons have had on our relationship to warfare, it is nevertheless true that taken together, they have completely transformed our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for sustenance--making the consequences, of unrestrained exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the consequences of unrestrained nuclear war.尽管任何一项新发现对人类与地球之间的关系所造成的影响都无法同核武器对人类与战争的关系所造成的影响相比,但这些科学发现结合在一起,却是千真万确地使人类所积累的开发利用地球资源以求生存的能力发生了根本性的变化——在这样的条件下,如果人类不加节制地随意开发利用地球资源,其后果就会同随意发动核战争一样不堪设想。
10.Global warming, ozone depletion, the loss of living species, deforestation--they all have a common cause: the new relationship between human civilization and the earth's natural balance.地球气候的转暖、臭氧层的破坏、物种的消亡、森林的毁坏——这些现象有一个共同的原因:人类文明与地球生态平衡的关系的变化。